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» What trees should be planted at the gate of the house. Donor trees and biovampire trees. Signs of European peoples

What trees should be planted at the gate of the house. Donor trees and biovampire trees. Signs of European peoples

The beauty and comfort around the house are created by the trees growing around it. I want to not only admire these green spaces, but also receive positive energy from them. Centuries of life experience suggests that not every tree can be grown near the house.

Trees that should not grow near your home

The reasons that prevent certain types of trees from being planted near houses may be objective or related to folk superstitions and signs.

Objective reasons

Relying on common sense and safety precautions, we can conclude that trees that reach significant heights and have developed roots should not be planted near buildings. Do not plant near residential buildings the following types trees:

  • Poplars. They stand up well negative energy, but the highly developed roots of these trees can affect the foundation and harm the building. This tree also has a hollow trunk, which in a strong gust of wind can break, fall and cause an accident or damage to a car parked close to the house. And poplar fluff during tree flowering can cause allergies.

    The powerful root system of poplar can damage the foundation of a house

  • Walnut. It has an extensive and powerful root system that can destroy the foundation of a house. Fruit falling from a tree can damage the roof. Crows, who love to feast on nuts, throw them down to break them to extract the fruits. In this case, nuts can fall into nearby buildings and cars. Such trees grow up to 16–20 m in height, creating shade with their crown, so nothing grows under them.

    Walnut fruits can fall on the roof of a house or nearby cars and cause them harm.

  • Pine. Despite the positive energy, a tree must be planted under certain conditions, so that the pine does not shade or destroy the bushes and trees growing next to it.

    The pine tree creates a shadow around itself, preventing other crops from growing

According to folk signs About trees planted near a house, the crown of the tree creates its own special aura, and people used to believe that a person’s fate depended on which tree grows near the house.

Signs, superstitions

There are signs that tell you which trees should not be planted in the yard, among them:

  • Oak. It has powerful energy and symbolizes longevity. However, this tree weakens people with poor health even more, drawing vitality out of them. There is a belief that planting an oak tree near a house will cause the death of the head of the family.

    Oak draws vital energy from people living in the house and having poor health

  • Willow. She is called the weeping one. It is believed that people who plant this tree with drooping branches near their home will shed many tears.

    People who plant a willow tree near their home will shed a lot of tears.

  • Birch. If you believe in omens, then inside this elegant tree can live evil spirits, then women who have birch trees growing near their houses will develop diseases of the genital organs and infertility. For those who want to admire it beautiful tree, it is better to plant it at the gate, behind the fence. Thanks to its protective properties, birch will protect your home from evil forces. Perhaps the recommendation to plant a tree behind a fence is due to the powerful structure of the roots, extracting moisture from the ground, which does not allow other plants to survive near the birch.

    It is better to plant a birch tree outside the fence of your house so that this tree protects your home from evil spirits

  • Willow. She has a negative aura. A person who plants it near his home will face a quick death. It is strictly forbidden for her to be imprisoned in connection with the appearance of a child in the family, since he will be unhappy.

    Willow has a negative aura

  • Aspen. It will cause a state of fatigue and apathy in the person next to it, which is due to the negative energy of this tree.

    A man next to an aspen tree feels tired and apathetic

  • There is a belief that this tree takes energy and drives men out of the house. According to another sign, spruce protects household members from quarrels, and it takes energy only in the summer, while in winter the tree gives it away.

    Spruce drives men out of the house

  • Thuja. Planted near the house, it will not allow the girl living in it to find a husband. Another sign says that the smell of thuja drives away evil spirits from the house.

    Thuja does not allow the girls living in the house to get married

  • Elm. Its powerful energy reserve can only be transferred to strong-willed people. Suitable for those homes where strong-willed men live. The proximity of insecure, cowardly men to him is contraindicated. Elm takes energy from single women living in the house next to it.

    An elm planted near a house has a negative impact on insecure men living in it.

Trees with positive energy: maple, viburnum and rowan, planted next to the house, will attract health, financial well-being, and good luck.

Taking into account the above objective reasons, signs and superstitions regarding trees that should not be planted near the house, preference should be given to plants that are not only beautiful, but also less dangerous.

Nowadays, summer residents use the most modern tools and enthusiastically order seeds from world-famous breeders. But why, when we take cuttings from a bush from someone, do we try to “give a coin”? Sometimes it is difficult to guess where these strange beliefs and prejudices come from. Let's try to put them together and explain them with scientific point vision.


It is necessary to bury aspen stakes in the corners of the site

This superstition comes not only from biblical legends that aspen is the cursed tree on which Judas hanged himself. Even during pagan times, aspen branches were stuck into fences or into the walls of buildings where cattle were kept. Aspen leaves have very thin petioles, so they tremble at the slightest wind, as if they are “afraid” of something. In addition, aspen grows very quickly, the trunk does not have time to increase its power, and strong wind this tree is swaying and rapidly losing leaves. Our ancestors believed that the evil force would also be wary of aspen branches and would not penetrate the territory. Now from evil force They have obviously excluded witches and other evil spirits, but they have not stopped being afraid of thieves and the evil eye, so some stick aspen stakes in the corners of the site and at each gate post and gate.

Photo Mishal

You should plant rowan near the porch

I am not a fan of planting any tree close to the house, because I don’t like to do extra work - sweeping fallen leaves from the floor of the veranda in the fall or faded flower petals in the spring. But some friends argue that it is urgent to plant rowan trees at the very entrance in order to ward off evil spirits.

The solution to this superstition is simple. It turns out that since pagan times, the Slavs, Scandinavians and Celts believed that this tree protected from witchcraft and wars, and crosses made from its twigs would help against the evil eye. The underside of the rowan berry looks like a star, one of the ancient pagan symbols of protection.

Photo Nadya

Spruce cannot be planted on the property

We don’t have a winter pass to the dacha, but we really want to celebrate the New Year in our home and decorate our own Christmas tree in the yard!

Photo ***sale***

But there is also a bad omen for spruce. It is believed that spruce is a sign of bad things: loneliness, death, and as soon as it grows higher than the house, the one who planted it dies. Of course, this is all superstition. They are connected with the fact that in the old days the heating in the houses was stove, the houses themselves were one-story, and the spruce, growing, could partially cover with its powerful branches chimney. Nowadays, such signs are no longer needed. The only thing that is bad about spruce is that it is really tall, and you need to choose one for it so that it does not shade the garden area and neighboring plots. In addition, spruce needles acidify the soil, so spruce should be planted away from flower beds and beds.

Photo Black Chernushka

It is imperative to plant viburnum on the site

The Slavs considered viburnum a protector tree female happiness, and legends of the 13th-15th centuries associate viburnum berries with drops of the blood of girls who heroically saved their villages from Horde raids. Many legends and songs have been written about viburnum and girlish love Therefore, this tree is perceived as a talisman of the family hearth and marital love.

Photo Nadya

You can’t cut down your own fruit trees at the dacha

It is believed that to cut down an old fruit tree you need to hire someone, rather than uproot it yourself. This prejudice also takes its roots from pagan traditions. It so happened historically that the life of the Slavs was connected with trees, which is why many beliefs about trees are firmly rooted in our consciousness. It was believed that a fruit tree is a kind of “double” of a person. At the birth of children, it was customary to plant his “own” apple, pear, or other fruit tree.

Photo of pear BabaTanya

Photo of apple tree bagheera123

To attract good spirits, you can plant a birch tree on your plot

With this belief, everything is clear - the birch has always been considered the most “Russian” tree, light and native. Even today, many, walking through the forest, hug a birch tree and talk to it in a moment of sadness.
But at the dacha, planting birch trees is only possible if the plot area is large. The roots of the birch tree spread out wide, and it is impossible to grow other crops near it, not only because of the shade, but also because the birch tree draws all the moisture from the ground.
MNBer writes: “We mentally draw a circle around the birch tree according to the projection of its crown. We don’t plant anything in this circle, it won’t grow, only grass (well, also lilies of the valley, but they will still crawl from the trunk, the neighbors have a stunted periwinkle). You can arrange pots, stumps, carts, all sorts of beauty, the birch tree has scattered shadow, everything will grow in the pots. And behind the projection of the crown, you can start planting either annuals or flowers with a powerful root system.”

You can’t rest under the elderberry, otherwise you might get sick

This belief should be observed, and it is due to the fact that unripe berries black elderberry are poisonous, and red (brush) and grassy elderberry are poisonous in fact. If the berries are accidentally ingested, the victim must be taken to the hospital.

Photo E.N.

You can't kill frogs, otherwise there will be a flood

The frog may well get run over by the lawnmower, no matter what you do. But some are beginning to worry that soon there will be a heavy downpour because of this, and the entire harvest will simply be destroyed. This prejudice comes from the old idea that those who drowned as a result of the Flood were turned into frogs, and, of course, they cannot be killed, otherwise punishment will come.

Photo Orchid mist

If you are given a seedling or cutting, you must give a yellow coin

There is a superstition that if you give away for free planting material- any bulbs, layerings or sprouts, then everything will grow for the person you are gifting, but for you it will be lost. Accurate scientific explanation, why is it necessary to give a yellow coin, and not paper bill or a silver coin, no. More likely, yellow coins are associated with copper money, which, unlike silver, were changeable, the smallest, which it was not a pity to symbolically give for seedlings.

Stolen plants will grow better

Diametrically opposite to the previous one is the prejudice that it is better to steal a plant than to pay for it. Sometimes they even jokingly say: “Turn your back, and I’ll steal from you.” This is due to the fact that when buying, we can sometimes create too ideal conditions for the existence of a sprout, and this is not always useful. And if you accidentally pinch off a twig while passing by, and then just stick it into the ground, then it will take root more easily. But most likely, if what is stolen does not take root, we simply forget about this cutting, and thus the statistics on the survival of purchased and stolen plants are erased.

Before sowing, you must say “I will give to the land, and the land will give to me.”

If such auto-training calms you down, it’s quite possible to pronounce these words, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It is necessary to sow seedlings and make preparations on “women’s days”

Many adhere to the rule of sowing on the days of the week, which are nouns female- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. This tradition is due to the fact that the feminine principle has been associated with fertility since ancient times. There is no other scientific explanation for this sign, so, of course, you can sow on any day.

When the Moon is waxing, you need to sow what is growing above the ground, and vice versa

What dacha signs and superstitions do you know? Do you use them? Share in the comments to the article!

By purchasing land plot and when drawing up a plan for your future home, you definitely need to think about the placement of trees and shrubs, which are always planted first. This is explained not only by the size of the plants, but also by the relatively long period of growth before full flowering or fruiting. Of course, plant all decorative and fruit trees on summer cottage impossible due to the limited territory, so you have to choose.

And when deciding which trees to plant on a site, you need to focus on two principles:

  • growing conditions: demanding or unpretentious species;
  • main purpose, or place in the garden landscape (garden, hedge, single landing).

If we talk about fruit trees, apple trees require the simplest care (especially if you purchase a locally selected seedling that is resistant to common diseases and pests). Of course, unpretentious varieties do not have high taste, but they will not cause any trouble. But if you want to surprise your neighbors with something exotic, then you should think about planting yellow plum, actinidia, walnut or peach.

The same principle applies to ornamental trees and shrubs. For example, for a hedge you can use wild grapes, honeysuckle or drooping lilac, with minimal requirements for soil and climatic conditions, or you can decorate the area with juniper, barberry or hawthorn, which require a little more attention.

If you decide to plant a tree in your dacha, be sure to check the depth groundwater. Many trees, both fruit and ornamental, die as soon as their roots reach water. Such trees include the pear, which has a deeply penetrating root system. At first, the young seedling grows actively and pleases the owner, perhaps you will even be able to taste the first fruits, but then the tree begins to wither and dry up. Inexperienced gardeners complain about illness or poor-quality planting material and again buy and plant pear seedlings.

In order for tree plantings to truly become durable, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of each species for growing conditions.

Review of fruit trees and their features

Many people, having a summer cottage, want to plant fruit trees in the garden. For good fruiting they need high level lighting, fertilizing, watering, pruning and preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

Planting several varieties with the same ripening period has a beneficial effect on yield. To save space on the site, it is better to choose varieties with a compact crown shape on dwarf rootstocks. Below is a brief description of main fruit crops according to the most significant parameters.

Culture Average life expectancy, years Average tree height, m Required power supply area, m Preferred soils Permissible depth of groundwater, m
Apple tree from 20 to 50 from 3 to 7 3x2 or 6x4 slightly acidic from 1 to 3
Pear 25 5 5x4 any 2
Cherry 25 from 2 to 5 4x3 neutral 2
Cherries 60 from 3 to 8 4x4 or 8x4 neutral 1,5
Plum 20 5 4x3 neutral 1,5
Cherry plum 20 2,5 3x3 neutral 1
Apricot 40-60 from 5 to 10 5x6 slightly alkaline 2-2,5
Kalina 40 2,5 2x2 slightly acidic 1
Irga 50 2,5 3x2 neutral 1,5
Honeysuckle 20 1,5 2x1 any 1,5
Sea ​​buckthorn 15 from 3 to 5 2x2 neutral 1
Rowan 25 7 5x3 slightly acidic 2
Hazel 60 5 4x4 slightly alkaline 3

When choosing a fruit tree for a summer cottage, not only taste preferences, but also the climate zone play a big role. For example, chokeberry is recommended for the northern regions, as are honeysuckle and sea buckthorn, brought to central Russia from Siberia.

Heat-loving cherry plums, plums, cherries and cherries are excellent in the southern regions. However, selection does not stand still and many crops adapt well to atypical regions thanks to their stable rootstock. An excellent example of this is the Manchurian apricot and Siberian apricot, which are suitable for growing in Siberia and Far East. And although such apricot has a specific, unattractive taste, it is quite successful in processing.

Manchurian apricot - mature tree

For rational use plot, you can use grafting, which allows you to have several interesting varieties on one adult tree.

Overview of ornamental trees and shrubs

Decorative trees not only have an aesthetic function, but are often planted for shade near the gazebo, to protect against dust from the road, and to create a living border along the fence. Features of care depend on the type of plant and growing area.

There are trees that are undesirable to plant on a private plot because of aggressive growth or because of folk superstitions. Let's look at the most popular ones in private landscape design ornamental trees and shrubs in terms of care features and possible use.

Norway maple Globosum

Culture Short description Usage Note
Small-leaved linden Tree up to 30 m high with a neat oval crown, high frost resistance, does not tolerate drought, the crown lends itself well to shaping A shady tree with a pleasant fragrance during the flowering period, it is a honey plant, can be used for a hedge or planting along a fence, it holds dust well from the road According to old sayings, the linden tree near the house protects against all diseases and illnesses. young tree does not bloom, the first flowering is observed only in the 20-30th year of life, linden blossom is used in folk medicine
Norway maple Tree up to 6 m high with a compact spherical crown, does not require frequent pruning, grows on any soil Good for creating shade near the house or above artificial pond, often planted along a fence or road Used in folk medicine and cooking
Bird cherry A tree from 4 to 10 m high, known for its snow-white racemose inflorescences with a bright aroma, undemanding to growing conditions Due to the spreading wide crown, it is often planted singly at the edge of the plot or in alleys in a large garden. It should not be planted close to the house, as its roots will destroy the foundation; produces edible fruits with medicinal properties
Poplar white (silver) A fast-growing tree up to 30 m high with a spreading crown, has light bark and silver leaves, light-loving, salt-tolerant, tolerates drought and waterlogging, frost-resistant Used in single or group plantings. For urban landscaping, pyramidal poplar is more often used, which does not form fluff, but has a large height. It is not advisable to plant close to the house due to the aggressive root system; it cleans the air well of dust and harmful substances
Catalpa A heat-loving tree 10-15 m high with a high spherical crown and an elegant, even trunk, the inflorescences are large, white, after flowering long pods are formed, giving additional decorativeness, does not tolerate pruning Single plantings near the gazebo or near the house, during the flowering period it emits a very pleasant aroma, grows relatively slowly, may freeze in the Moscow region People call it the “pasta tree”
Lilac profusely blooming unpretentious shrub height from 3 to 6 m, the color of fragrant inflorescences is white or lilac different shades, requires moderate pruning Some varieties do not tolerate urban pollution, so it is not advisable to plant them near the road. Lilacs are ideal for hedges Popularly considered a protector family well-being and a source of inspiration for creative people
Barberry A thorny shrub from 1 to 4 m high, with varied leaf colors (burgundy, yellow, green, purple), unpretentious in care Used to create an impassable wall from dense thorny branches Used in folk medicine, recommended for planting near home
Willow A tree with drooping shoots, grows quickly, is easy to prune, tolerates significant waterlogging Planting near water bodies or on waterlogged soils, hedges A symbol of sadness and sadness, in the old days it was considered bad omen plant a willow under the window

The list can go on for a long time, especially if we cover all the varieties and varieties. Breeders successfully cope with the task of “satisfying the needs of every gardener.”

Trees that are undesirable in a garden plot according to ancient legends

Before planting a tree in front of your house, you can turn to the experience of our ancestors. At first glance, all signs are based on superstitions, but they often have a logical grain.

It is not recommended to plant an oak tree on a summer cottage, which has strong energy and influences the head of the family. Birch as a protective shield should only grow behind a fence. Walnuts should not be planted near the house, as their roots can eventually destroy the foundation. Willow, willow and aspen, the messengers of sorrow and death, are undesirable on the site.

If there are brides in the family, then it is also better to wait to plant thuja. It is recommended to plant poplar outside the site, away from the house.

Overview of coniferous ornamental trees

Evergreen and fairly unpretentious conifers serve as an indispensable element of any garden design.

For small areas of summer cottages, Arizona fir with gray-blue needles (height up to 2 m) and balsam fir (dwarf variety) are suitable. For those who want to grow a big tree, Korean fir (up to 15 m) is suitable.

Korean fir Silberlock

Dwarf varieties reaching a height of up to 3 m include Atlas cedar and Himalayan cedar. Among the large trees, Siberian cedar (cedar pine) enjoys well-deserved popularity. It grows slowly, but reaches very impressive sizes.

Siberian cedar (cedar pine)

Larch and spruce are often decorated country houses with a large area personal plot. There are varieties of standard larch with a height of no more than 2.5 m with a spherical or weeping crown. Varieties of weeping larch look very impressive: European dwarf variety Repens up to 1.5 m high with branches almost creeping along the ground and Japanese variety Pendula up to 7 m high with delicate green-blue needles.

Japanese larch Pendula

Dwarf forms of spruce can reach a height of 2 - 2.5 m, which, with slow growth, becomes acceptable in areas of any size. There are many varieties of dwarf spruce with different colored needles and different crown shapes. Looks most beautiful and original blue spruce, effectively standing out among the rest of the vegetation.

Blue spruce Hoopsie

From coniferous shrubs having different shapes crowns, yew and juniper can be noted. In the landscape design of private plots, dwarf species of juniper with different colored needles (from dark green to silver-blue) up to 8 m in height are used.

Timing of tree planting and purchase of seedlings

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when is the best time to plant trees. It depends on the weather conditions and a specific culture. Optimal time Late autumn is the time for planting fruit trees from the pome group, and for heat-loving stone fruit crops it is better to plant in early spring. The preferred age of seedlings is 2 years, but for vigorous crops (pear, cherry) it is better to use annual seedlings. Negative side annual seedlings have an unformed crown, but they suffer less pain when transplanted and take root faster.

Most ornamental crops are planted in spring. Moreover, the strict limits “before bud break” apply only to seedlings with an open root system. Planting material with a closed root system (in pots or bags) is suitable for planting throughout the spring and even in summer, but it is more expensive.

When purchasing seedlings at specialized exhibitions and fairs, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • in what form they are sold: seedlings with exposed and dried roots have little chance of taking root on the site; good material packed in bags with a small lump of damp earth;
  • condition of the root system: roots should be smooth (without thickening), elastic and without signs of peeling;
  • crown condition: the buds should be swollen, but not bloomed;
  • trunk height: for 2-year-old fruit seedlings about 50 cm;

It is recommended to buy planting material from nurseries that exist in each region. Only there can you be sure of the quality of the seedlings and choose plants adapted for a specific zone. Varieties of fruit trees for the Moscow region and throughout middle zone Russia is grown in the Michurinsky fruit nursery.

Just as each person has his own aura, trees have different energetic properties. Some heal, others give peace of mind, others, on the contrary, take away the last strength and make the worst memories come to life, awaken base passions in a person. Their abilities are especially noticeable during constant and long-term stay next to the plant. And if it also grows near a private house, the influence of the tree’s energy on the residents increases significantly. It is important to know which trees are worth having on your property, and which are better to admire in the forest or in the park.

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Folk signs about trees: to believe or not?

For many centuries, people have analyzed events and tried to connect them with certain actions or phenomena. Sometimes such conclusions turned out to be correct, and many of them were confirmed modern science.Most often, the beneficial or negative effects of certain trees on health are explained by:

  • Phytoncides and other bactericidal substances released from leaves or wood. They are able to fight pathogenic microorganisms and destroy viruses.
  • The presence of phytohormones, which are inhaled with odor and can trigger certain biochemical processes in the human body.
  • The presence of toxic compounds in any part of the tree. With constant contact with the plant, the owner of the house regularly receives a minimum dose of poison, which accumulates in the internal organs.

Many trees have been slandered by popular rumor for no apparent reason.

Before cutting down a tree, considering it an omen of trouble, you should remember:

  • that from the moment of planting until the time it is able to reproduce, decades pass;
  • that it is trees that produce the oxygen so necessary for humanity;
  • that every plant is an important participant in the ecosystem; it provides shelter and food for many birds and insects that will die due to lack of food supply or lack of a place where they can build a nest or hide from bad weather.

Only if there is complete confidence that the source of negativity is this particular plant, does it make sense to approach it with a saw or an ax.

Plants with positive energy

If not useful, then certainly neutral in relation to humans, all fruit trees are. Besides them, there are other plants that are ready to help at any time and in any situation.

Tree Impact on human life and well-being
LarchAnyone who plants this tree near his home will never suffer from depression and neurosis; he will be unaware of causeless fears and vain anxieties. Larch also helps to fight doubts and make the right decisions in difficult situations. Its energy is aimed at creating comfort in the house and harmonizing relations between its inhabitants
CherryThis tree is suitable for those who dream of a large family, because it is a symbol of fertility. For the same reason, the owner of a cherry tree can always boast excellent harvest vegetables, fruits and berries. In addition, cherries attract wealth to the house. And in order for the magical potential to be fully revealed, you should plant it near the place where barbecue or other dishes are often prepared over an open fire. If you throw a few dry cherry twigs into the fire every time, material benefits will arrive even faster
AcaciaIt can cure infertility in both men and women. To do this you need to warm time spend several hours every day sitting under a tree and thinking about something good. Acacia is the best friend of people who are constantly stressed or saddened by something; it helps them relax, get distracted and cheer up.
RowanFor those with strong intuition, this plant helps develop extrasensory abilities, and in children it reveals a talent for fine arts and red literature. This tree will be useful for hot-tempered and overly frank people; it will teach them to control their feelings. Rowan helps unmarried girls establish contact with the opposite sex, and restores youth to older women. You need to plant it under the window
SpruceIt's fluffy evergreen undeservedly gained fame as a vampire. Part of the reason for its occurrence was the ability of spruce trees to accumulate solar energy in the summer. However, in winter they give it to people, making up for the shortage vitality and having a beneficial effect on health. No wonder on New Year It is the Christmas tree that is brought into the house. In the yard it is worth choosing a place for it away from buildings with a foundation, since the roots of this tree have enormous destructive power
Apple treeShe is the patroness of young girls, so from ancient times to this day an apple tree has been planted when a daughter is born in a family. It is recommended to place it near the window of the room in which the youngest woman in the family lives. This way the apple tree will be able to fulfill all its functions - to give the ward beauty and charm, self-confidence, mutual love and a happy marriage
Rose hipContributes to the well-being of the family in every possible way. Smoothes sharp corners in the relationship between spouses. Our ancestors also noticed that a husband and wife who planted rose hips near their home never quarrel, but love passion between them remains until old age
KalinaIt is recommended to plant it near the house if someone in the family suffers from frequent viral or respiratory diseases. The energy of this bush allows a person to more easily endure illness and quickly return to an active life. In addition, viburnum has a positive effect on nervous system, protects from the evil eye and makes sure that the owners live in fidelity and harmony
JuniperThis plant is the most strong amulet from evil spirits. If it grows next to a house, its residents are not afraid of damage, love spells, or black magic. Otherworldly forces never appear where there is at least one juniper bush. The only condition for energy to be distributed and work correctly is that it must be located at the central entrance to the home
MapleNeutralizes everything that could harm the residents of a private house in the yard of which it grows: anger and envy of strangers, witchcraft, negative energy in geopathogenic zones. Red maple is also responsible for longevity and love; and the ordinary one helps out those who find themselves in difficult financial situations
Bird cherryPatronizes young people, warning them against base passions and giving them sincere, bright feelings. Helps you find your happiness, make right choice, if a person is at a crossroads in life. Heals emotional wounds for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one or separation from them
PineShe gets along well with creative people - her aura fuels writers, musicians and artists, giving them the opportunity to create brilliant works. Pine will be happy to advise the right decision in a difficult situation and will give confidence in the future. By planting it on your site, in exchange for care, a person receives peace, stability and lack of stress
ElmSuitable only for those houses where strong-willed, strong-willed men live. Elm will provide them with a powerful energy charge that can be used for the successful implementation of any endeavor. It is not recommended to plant this tree near buildings where only women live - it will create energy interference. For cowardly, insecure, weak-willed men, proximity to an elm tree is strictly contraindicated
ChestnutIt is able to completely relieve a person from worries and worries, cleanse his soul and body of bad vibrations, relieve fatigue and headache. This is where its functions end, because chestnut is a very selfish tree and is not ready to share its energy or do something for the benefit of a person. But he won't harm anyone either.

Coniferous trees often fall out of favor because of their thorn-like needles, which folk beliefs, literally tear a person’s fate to shreds. This sign is not confirmed in any esoteric teaching.

The fern, although not a tree, often becomes the cause of disputes between experts folk superstitions and experienced bioenergetics specialists. The first consider him an energy vampire and attribute to him the ability to bring illness to the owners of the farmstead. The latter claim that this plant protects against evil spirits, fights negative emotions(which means there will be no quarrels or misunderstandings in the house), brings good luck in financial matters.

What trees are best not to plant on the site?

Some trees are said to be the most dangerous for humans. Among them there are those who, under certain conditions, can do a good job, and those who are not conducive to close communication under any circumstances.

Tree Reason for ban
OakThis tree is an energy donor and its aura is so strong that with constant contact with it, a person’s own biofield is destroyed. Oak tends to share its power only with healthy and strong people, increasing their capabilities; he literally strangles the weak and sick. As an exception, you can plant it near the house where a war veteran lives, however, after the death of the owner of the house, the oak tree will have to be cut down
BirchPopular rumor claims that spirits live in the crown of this tree. It is impossible to predict how they will treat the owners of the house. Birch itself protects people from nightmares and helps patients heal and relieves depression. But to avoid any misfortune, it should be planted outside the gate. You can communicate with a birch tree while sitting on a bench installed near its trunk.
PoplarIndifferent to people and their problems; accumulates negativity within himself and sometimes splashes it out on those who are constantly nearby. It is also impossible to grow poplar near the house because of its high allergenicity. During flowering, fluff is carried by the wind for many kilometers and can cause harm to human health.
ThujaThe Slavs have a sign that if you plant thuja near the house unmarried girl, she will forever remain lonely. Representatives of other peoples and cultures also do not really like this tree, considering it a symbol of grief and sadness. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, thuja branches are used as a means to expel evil spirits. Which superstition to prefer, everyone decides for himself
Willow, willow, aspenThere is an opinion that planting one of these trees means inviting death. The worst option is to plant a willow near the house in honor of the birth of a girl. She will be very sick as a child, and as an adult she will have a high chance of drowning or dying in another accident.

Trees have a negative effect on humans only with constant and prolonged contact. Therefore, any of these plants can be planted in the country if the owners rarely come there.

Anna Vinogradova reveals the secrets of plants used in landscape design.

Today, scientists know more than 70 varieties of junipers. In each of the regions and in different countries The name of the plant sounds a little different, but they all have the same Latin name - Juniperuc sabina. Evergreen juniper grows mainly in the northern hemisphere of the planet. It has a pronounced aroma, for which many appreciate it. It grows in the form of a bush or small trees. Thanks to your decorative properties juniper is increasingly used in landscaping and creating landscape design.

In many countries there are beliefs, legends and omens about this plant. Whether to believe them or not, everyone decides for themselves, since sometimes they can be very contradictory. Today we will tell you about the most interesting and common “legends”. In ancient times, our ancestors attributed protective powers to juniper. He protected from evil spirits and black magic, slander and damage.

The indigenous people of America, the Indians, considered juniper to be healing, giving strength and energy. Moreover, healing was achieved even if one simply breathed air in the thickets of the plant for a long time. The person who fell ill was sent to a juniper grove, where the plant, with the help of its aroma, expelled from the member of the tribe the evil spirits that led to the disease, and the Indian was healed.

In Germany, Juniperuc sabina was considered sacred, worshiped and protected. When approaching the plant, people took off their hats, afraid of accidentally touching or damaging the juniper. The Germans believed that even the smallest twig being broken promised bad luck. And if you suddenly break a large branch, a disaster will occur, especially if the act is intentional. The Bavarians made paddles from the plant for stirring butter. This oil was considered magical; many different properties were attributed to it.

At the same time, other peoples of Europe believed that juniper protected and helped travelers. Therefore, when people went on the road, they took at least a small twig with them and attached it to their hair or wove it into it. It was possible to remove the unique decoration only after reaching the destination.

In Greece, during the time of the emperors, the scent of juniper was believed to repel snakes. Also researched and successfully used medicinal properties plants. For example, Avicenna believed good remedy for quick healing of problematic wounds - honey mixed with crushed berries. Later healing properties Juniper began to be used in France and other European countries during epidemics of plague, smallpox and other infectious diseases. Hospitals and houses were fumigated with juniper smoke, purifying the air.

Juniper has also spread throughout Russia. Our ancestors used it for medicinal purposes and also as a spice. Juniper is relatively unpretentious, so it grew well in the European part of the country. It was often used to make bath brooms, the aroma of the plant helped make the process of staying in the steam room not only pleasant, but also very useful. In Russia there are many beliefs about the plant. In the vastness of the country, there are specimens that grew up in conditions that are practically unsuitable for life, for example, in loose sand. They say about such junipers that they are under the protection of unearthly forces unknown to people. One of the names of the plant in the Russian Federation is mozheelka. Since the country is large, each region has its own customs and traditions. In some of them, juniper branches mark the funeral path from the house of the deceased to the cemetery. Perhaps this is why a sign appeared that if a plant is planted near a house, the owner will soon die. At the same time, there are many houses where moss has been adorned for many years and everyone is alive and well.

It is not known for certain who and when was the first to say that if you cut down a juniper, you will die, just as the prerequisites for such a statement are unclear. But G. Wales has a phrase: “If you cut down a juniper, then after that you will not live even a year.” In some regions, people firmly believe in what is written above, so when you arrive there, you will hear quite a few stories about tragedies in different families.

It is now known that juniper is one of the necessary ingredients to create “pure fire”. First, by friction of two wooden surfaces they made flames against each other, then threw parts of the plant into it. Herds of animals were driven through the juniper smoke. During periods of epidemics, “clean fire” had a healing effect on the infected and served as a preventive measure for healthy animals. It served as a kind of antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Perhaps that is why the senseless damage to the plant should have been punished by higher powers.

Healers believe that juniper has a greater effect on objects than on living organisms. Therefore, to cleanse rooms of negative energy, it is recommended to periodically fumigate them with smoke from burning twigs and pine needles. Even if you don’t believe in curses and love spells, the aroma will invigorate you and help you cope with depression and bad mood. In addition, doctors have found that the effect of fumigation with juniper is equivalent to the quartz procedure for disinfection and purification of air from pathogenic bacteria. Juniper fruits also have expectorant, choleretic, antimicrobial and diuretic properties, improve digestion, and so on. However, the Landscape Design Workshop "Gardens from Vinogradova" does not recommend self-medication. The fruits of not all plant varieties are safe; some of them are poisonous. To treat joint diseases, pine baths are used.

In Hungary and Italy, juniper is grown to produce edible fruits used as a seasoning for meat, cabbage and other dishes. Some craftsmen use vodka and “cone-berries” to make something similar to gin. Fruit harvesting begins in the fall and continues until winter, until the snow hides the plant. The berries are then dried at a temperature of about 30 degrees to preserve their aroma. If you add juniper when smoking products, its smoke will improve the taste of the product and extend its shelf life.

Nowadays, juniper is a wonderful fragrant decoration for cottages and other landscaped areas. At proper care it is growing well . The landscape design workshop "Gardens from Vinogradova" offers you its services for beautifying your site. We create beautiful compositions using different varieties junipers. Alpine coaster, rock gardens and multi-tiered flower beds designed by us will not only delight you, but also purify the air. Saturating it with light pleasant aromas.

Our company employs professionals, which allows us to create unique projects landscape design. The landscape design workshop "Gardens from Vinogradova" regularly trains staff in all necessary areas. Our managers know how to care for plants and create the best possible conditions for them. favorable conditions growth. Contact us today and tomorrow you will enjoy beautiful garden near your house.