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» Sowing cabbage for seedlings in a year. When to plant cabbage for seedlings at home. When to sow seeds: optimal sowing time

Sowing cabbage for seedlings in a year. When to plant cabbage for seedlings at home. When to sow seeds: optimal sowing time

Cabbage occupies not the last place on suburban area every gardener. This is due to the fact that the vegetable is suitable not only for making vitamin salads, but is also used in many other dishes. To grow strong seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and recommendations for planting, caring for and growing cabbage seedlings at home.

Basic rules for planting cabbage for seedlings: how to sow at home

In order for the seedlings to turn out strong and healthy, it is necessary to sow accordingly, and first properly prepare the seeds, containers and soil, and of course it is very important to choose optimal timing. Only strict adherence to the recommendations will help to avoid serious mistakes that can negatively affect the growth and development of cabbage seedlings in the future.

When to sow seeds: optimal sowing time

Note! The site already has a detailed article about, including auspicious days for planting in 2019 lunar calendar .

Seed preparation before sowing: pre-sowingtreatment

Before planting cabbage seeds, it is necessary to prepare them. This procedure is intended for seed collected independently, and for purchased. This requires initially conducting a visual selection, sifting out all damaged specimens, as well as those that are significantly larger or smaller than the bulk.

Then it is recommended to process (pickling) cabbage seeds from pathogens that may persist on the outer shell. To do this, they must first be soaked in warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 40-50 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Can be held disinfection using the drug.

For stimulation of growth processes and increase in percentage of germination it is recommended to soak with a solution "Epin"(according to instructions) or "Zircon"(according to instructions). After that, the seeds must be immediately planted in the ground.

And even better germinate cabbage seeds on cotton pads. In 2-4 days, the seeds will hatch, and it will be possible to plant them in the ground.

Important! If, upon purchase, cabbage seeds are dyed in different colors(it is more correct to call them coated, granulated or glazed), this indicates that the manufacturer has already taken care of them in advance and spent a full seedbed preparation. Therefore, no action is required with them. Landing should be done dry.

Video: soaking cabbage seeds

What soil to plant

Important! For planting, you can not take the soil from the site where cruciferous crops (rutabaga, turnip, radish, horseradish) grew, as they have common diseases.

Sowing cabbage seeds must be carried out in a light and nutritious substrate, which will enable the plants to fully develop. The best option may be to buy ready-made soil for cabbage seedlings, where the soil composition is completely balanced and has a neutral acidity level in the range of 6.5-7 pH.

Also necessary soil for planting cabbage, you can cook it yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

Important! Should not be applied to the ground nitrogen fertilizers and humus, as this can lead to excessive growth of the above-ground part and further lodging of seedlings.

In addition, it is recommended to disinfect the substrate from pathogens of fungal diseases before planting cabbage. To do this, a few days before sowing, it is necessary to shed the soil with a working solution of the drug (according to the instructions) or a rich pink infusion of potassium permanganate.

And then it is desirable to sift the substrate and carefully loosen it in order to increase its air and moisture permeability.

landing tanks

For planting cabbage for seedlings, you can use wooden or plastic boxes and pallets, but there are also other containers that you should pay attention to. To understand their advantages and disadvantages, you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Important! The most important thing is that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the landing container.

  • Containers made of wood or plastic. This type of container has been used for planting seeds for a very long time due to its ease of use. wooden structures can be completely built independently, without extra costs. They are suitable for both sowing and picking seedlings in the future. The disadvantage of containers is that it can be damaged during transplantation. root system. It is also impossible to get one plant without affecting the neighboring one. In addition, these structures are quite heavy.
  • Plastic cups. They are also very popular with gardeners due to their low cost and reusable use. In addition, sowing in such containers allows you to extract plants without damaging the roots, which reduces stress during transplantation. But this type of container has a number of disadvantages. The cups do not have drainage holes, so you need to make them yourself, and you also need to purchase additional trays to water the plants. In addition to all this, they do not have stability and need additional devices when transporting seedlings to their summer cottage.

100-200 ml cups will be enough.

  • Not so long ago, a type of landing tank appeared. Often sold at the same time with a pallet and a lid, which makes it easier for the gardener. It is a separate cell connected into a single whole, which allows you to plant plants immediately separately. They have drainage holes and are easily cut with scissors if necessary. When transplanting, the root system is not damaged. The disadvantage is that they break easily and are inconvenient during further transportation of seedlings.

  • Peat tablets. The best option for growing seedlings, allowing you to grow strong seedlings with a well-developed root system. For planting, it is necessary to soak the tablets for 7 minutes in water until completely swollen. They are nutritious compressed peat, placed in a special shell, which completely dissolves when planted in the ground. This allows you to land in the ground without damaging the root. The disadvantage is the high price and the need for frequent watering, as the moisture from the substrate evaporates quickly. Transportation will require additional equipment.

By the way! Cabbage can be sown for seedlings and in banks For more information about this method, see the following video:

What scheme to follow when landing

Planting should be carried out taking into account the fact that plants will need free space in the future for full development. Therefore, you should not thicken the crops too much.

Advice! It makes sense to sow thicker only in order to leave the strongest sprouts later. And they need not be pulled out, but cut off with scissors.

If you are going to dive, then you need to place the seeds in a common container at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other and with a row spacing of 3-4 cm.

And if you plant the seeds in a common container at a distance of 5-10 cm in a checkerboard pattern, then seedlings can be grown without picking.

Of course, it is ideal to sow immediately in separate containers, so as not to carry out a pick in the future, because cabbage does not really like it, especially cauliflower.

Important! The thickening of crops is the cause of weak and elongated seedlings of cabbage, and can also cause the development of various diseases.

Video: we prepare seeds and sow cabbage for seedlings

Immediate fit

When planting cabbage seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to consistently perform actions. This will help prevent serious blunders that can negatively affect the plants in the future.

Step-by-step instruction sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings:

  • Pour the prepared substrate into the planting containers (2/3).
  • Water it abundantly and wait until the water is completely absorbed and the soil settles.
  • Make rows 1 cm deep and spread the seeds.
  • Sprinkle with earth on top.
  • Moisten the top of the substrate with a spray bottle.
  • Cover with a transparent lid or film to keep the moisture inside.
  • Put the containers on the window and ensure the temperature of the content is up to + 18 ... + 22 degrees (less for white cabbage, more for color).

Video: a proven method of sowing cabbage for seedlings (white cabbage)

Note! Serious differences in sowing and growing various kinds there is no cabbage, but there are some small nuances, especially cauliflower (it is more thermophilic).

You might want to watch the following videos:

Video: especially growing and sowing Beijing cabbage for seedlings

Video: sowing and growing cauliflower seedlings - the subtleties of the process

Features of further care and cultivation of seedlings of cabbage

To grow healthy seedlings cabbage at home, you need to create optimal conditions. Otherwise, the seedlings will have an unsightly pale appearance.

Temperature regime

Remember! Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant. The only exception is cauliflower: it needs more room conditions, but it does not tolerate too high temperatures.

As soon as the cabbage seedlings hatch and friendly shoots appear, the temperature of the content must be set in this range ( recommended for white cabbage and other types of cabbage, except for cauliflower ): during the day - + 14-18 degrees, and at night - + 8-12 degrees. This mode will help to restrain the excessive growth of the above-ground part (prevent it from stretching) and will allow you to build up the root system.

Therefore, it is advisable to take containers with seedlings to a balcony or loggia. Or, if you only have a window sill, then slightly open the windows, setting them to the winter ventilation mode.

In general, as a rule, trays with cabbage seedlings are placed in a greenhouse.

And here is the seedling cauliflower does not tolerate low temperatures, so for her successful cultivation the temperature both during the day and at night should be 4-6 degrees higher, i.e. during the day - + 18-22 degrees, at night - + 14-18 degrees.

Interesting! Does cauliflower really exist? different colors, but it got its name not because of this, but because we eat exactly the flowers (tightly pressed buds) of this plant, and not the leaves.


Cabbage is a photophilous crop, so any slight dimming can lead to the death of seedlings. For the full growth of cabbage seedlings, daylight hours should be within 12-15 hours.

Planting containers with seedlings should be placed on the southern windowsill, or at least in the southwest or southeast. And in the evening or morning hours, if possible, provide backlighting phytolamps.

Watering and humidity

Watering cabbage planted on seedlings should be carried out as the topsoil dries up, avoiding overflow, as well as drying out of the roots. In this case, water should not fall on the leaves.

Note! Cabbage seedlings are strictly forbidden to water cold water, only warm or at least room temperature. Optimal water for irrigation - it is rain or melt water. Will go for watering cabbage and ordinary running water, passed through the filter and settled for 24-48 hours at home at room temperature.

top dressing

In order for cabbage seedlings to be strong and healthy, fertilizers must be applied. This will help her to develop more actively and fully.

However, if you initially prepared nutrient soil (with humus or compost), then in principle no additional top dressing is required. Of course, if appearance plants will not require otherwise.

Cabbage seedlings are fed in the following order:

  • at the stage of appearance of 2 cotyledon leaves (7-10 days after germination);
  • 10-14 days after the first (in the phase of 2 true leaves);
  • 10-14 days before landing in open ground.

By the way! If you grow with a pick, then the first top dressing should be done 7-14 days after it has been carried out.

First feeding You can do yeast infusion. Dissolve 10 grams of dry yeast in 1 liter of water, add 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, let it brew for 4-6 hours and pour under the root.

The second top dressing should contain lots of nitrogen. Let's say you can pour herbal infusion (for example, from nettle) or use mineral fertilizers(for example, ammonium nitrate or urea).

You also don’t want to bother, then it is recommended to use cabbage seedlings to feed complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions. For example, nitroammophoska (16% each). Or prepare such top dressing from various fertilizers, for example, taking 3-4 g of urea, 3-4 g and 2-3 g of potassium sulfate per 1 liter.

Video: how to care for cabbage shoots

Picking seedlings of cabbage

The picking procedure involves planting plants in separate and more spacious containers.

A pick of cabbage seedlings is needed only if the seeds were sown in one common container and the seedlings began to run out of space. In general, cabbage does not like picking very much, because. the procedure causes severe stress for the root system of the plant.

When to carry out picking cabbage? The main condition is the appearance of 2 true leaves in the seedlings.

When picking, cabbage seedlings should be deepened to the first pair of cotyledon leaves in order to form a strong root system.

Immediately after picking, for a couple of days, it is recommended to transfer seedlings to more warm room with air temperature +18..+22 degrees. This will make it easier for seedlings to get used to (more precisely, to recover) and take root in new conditions.

Video: how to dive seedlings of cabbage

About picking cabbage when growing seedlings in a greenhouse see the following video:

Problems in growing cabbage seedlings

Sometimes the most harmless mistakes in caring for seedlings lead to the appearance of diseases: overflow, lack of lighting, elevated temperature. The most common problems when growing cabbage are:

  • Cabbage seedlings turn yellow. There may be several reasons. So, the leaves may turn yellow due to deficiencies in the soil of elements such as phosphorus (then the leaves turn yellow on the underside and may acquire a red-violet hue), potassium (the tips of the leaves turn yellow), iron (they turn yellow throughout the base). Yellowness can also appear from excessive nutrition - an overdose of fertilizers. To correct such situations, the earth should be shed with water or completely transplanted into new soil.

  • At the seedlings of cabbage leaves curly. As a rule, this occurs due to the bright sun on the window and from waterlogging of the soil, combined with the dryness of the air in the room. With good humidity and moderate temperature, curly hair should go away. You can additionally feed with humic fertilizers, for example, Gumi, Potassium Humate, etc.
  • Cabbage seedlings are rotting. As a rule, rotting is caused due to the appearance of seedlings black leg. In the affected seedling, the lower part of the stem first darkens and rots, then a constriction forms in this place, the plant dies and lies down. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to first disinfect the soil. If this was not done or the disease still appeared, then it is worth removing all infected seedlings, and shedding the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate (3-4 g per 10 liters of water), after which the seedlings should not be watered for a week.

  • Cabbage seedlings are stretched. The main reasons are insufficient daylight hours and incorrect temperature conditions. But seedlings can stretch even in good light, if the planting density is too high, which is why not all plants have enough light. Naturally, without the recommended temperature regime normal development seedlings are not to be expected.

  • Other diseases. In addition to the black leg, seedlings can be affected phomosis (dry rot), clubroot and many other very dangerous and destructive diseases.

To prevent the occurrence of these problems and diseases of seedlings, it is enough to follow all the recommendations for processing seeds and soil before planting, as well as to properly care for plantings.

Video: prevention and treatment of cabbage seedling diseases

Terms of planting seedlings of cabbage in open ground and greenhouse

Advice! 10-14 weeks before planting cabbage in open ground, seedlings should harden- first, just open the window in the room for a couple of hours, and then take it out to the greenhouse for 3-4 hours. In the last days before planting in the garden, containers can be left directly in the garden (if the weather allows).

Planting cabbage seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse should be carried out when the seedlings have 3-6 true leaves. Cabbage can survive small frosts, so you should not wait until they pass, but plant as soon as it warms up to plus values.

Video: planting cabbage seedlings in open ground

Video: growing secrets strong seedlings cabbage

In contact with

auspicious days for sowing cabbage according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for sowing seedlings and in the ground: February 2, 11–16, February 20–21; 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31 March; 1, 8–9, 12–13, 19–21 April; 9–11, 16–20 May; 6–7, June 20–21.

Cabbage is one of the most popular garden crops that can be grown almost everywhere, except for the desert and the Far North. Most often, cabbage is grown seedling way, especially early varieties white cabbage, but some types and varieties can be sown directly into the ground.

Sowing dates different types cabbage for seedlings and in the ground for middle lane Russia and Moscow region:

  • white and red cabbage- for hybrids and early varieties - March 10-25, for medium and late varieties - April 10-30;
  • broccoli- can be sown from mid-March to the end of May, with an interval of 10-20 days;
  • cauliflower- mid-March - end of May, with an interval of 10-20 days;
  • Brussels sprouts– from mid to late April;
  • kohlrabi cabbage– from March 10–20 to the end of June, with an interval of 10–20 days;
  • savoy cabbage- for early-ripening varieties - from March 10 to 30, mid-ripening - from March 15 to April 15, late-ripening - from April 1 to 15.

In the Urals and Siberia the timing of sowing cabbage for seedlings is slightly shifted: for early varieties white cabbage- April 10-15, and for medium and late varieties - the end of April.

South of Russia and Ukraine the dates for sowing cabbage, on the contrary, are shifted to February: it is possible to sow early varieties of cabbage in early February, and ready seedlings of cabbage are planted in the ground as early as April.

Sowing cauliflower seedlings

Early cauliflower can be sown already in the middle - the end of March. Cauliflower for obtaining permanent production can be sown in several stages:

  • 1st stage: for early cauliflower - mid - end of March;
  • 2nd stage: end of March - mid-April;
  • 3rd stage: end of April - mid-May;
  • 4th stage: end of May - mid June.

The age of cabbage seedlings from sowing seeds to planting in open ground should be:

  • for white and red cabbage: hybrids and early varieties - 45-55 days, mid-ripening - 35-45 days, late-ripening - 30-35 days;
  • for the broccoli– 35–45 days;
  • for brussels and color cabbage– 45–50 days;
  • for kohlrabi cabbage– 30–35 days;
  • for Savoyard cabbage– 35–50 days.

The date of sowing cabbage is easy to calculate. It takes 8-10 days from sowing to seedlings of white cabbage seeds. Another 45–55 days pass from germination to planting cabbage seedlings in the ground. If you do not have the opportunity to keep seedlings of cabbage on a glazed loggia or in a greenhouse at a temperature of +15 ... + 17 ° C, then you will have to grow seedlings at more high temperature in room conditions. Then postpone the sowing of early cabbage for 2 weeks, at the beginning of April.

With an increase in daylight hours, cabbage seedlings stretch and turn yellow less, even with an excess of heat, you are more likely to get good seedlings. Seedlings ready for planting should have a well-developed root system and at least 4-5 true leaves.

Auspicious days for sowing cabbage according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener in 2016

  • in February - 11-12, conditionally favorable - 2, 13-16, 20-21;
  • in March - 9-10, 13, conditionally favorable - 4, 9-16, 20-22, 30-31;
  • in April - 1, 8-9, 12-13, conditionally favorable - 19-21;
  • in May - 9-11, conditionally favorable - 16-20;
  • in June - 6-7, conditionally favorable - 20-21.
  • leaf species cabbages can be sown at the same time and on February 22, 27–29; 3 and 25 March.

When to plant seedlings of cabbage in the ground

The best predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, potatoes, onions, garlic. It is preferable to plant cabbage after carrots, beans and other legumes, but these crops are usually grown without organic fertilizers, so the soil needs to be filled with organic matter. You can not grow cabbage after radish, radish, arugula and other cruciferous. It is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. 20 days after planting, the plants need to be spudded and fed. You can use mineral fertilizers for vegetables for feeding, but cabbage prefers organic ones: infusion of mullein, nettle or liquid organomineral complexes with humates.

Auspicious days for caring for cabbage seedlings according to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar 2016

  • P cabbage olive : 14–15, 23 and 24, with caution on March 9; 10–11 and 19–21 April; 1–2, 7–8, 16–18, 29–30 May;
  • 4–5, 13–14, 25–26 June.
  • introduction of complex top dressing for seedlings of cabbage: March 1–4, 6, 28–31; April 1, 6, 24–30; May 3–5, 22–26, May 31; 4–5, 23–24, 27–28 June.
  • top dressing with dry fertilizer cabbage seedlings: March 14–15; April 10–11; May 7–8.
  • treatments against pests and diseases of cabbage: 2–4, 11–13, 18–19, 28–31 March; 1, 6, 8-9, 14-16, 24-28 April; 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25 May; 1–5, 8–9, 27–30 June.

Sowing cabbage in open ground according to the lunar sowing calendar

If necessary, cabbage can be sown directly into the ground. True, this is possible only for early varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage.
If at the beginning of April the bed is covered with a film, then by mid-April the soil will warm up enough to sow cabbage under the film. And from May you can sow in open ground.
Chinese cabbage and kohlrabi are sown until the end of July.

Folk omens and the secrets of the Lunar sowing calendar

An interesting point: in addition to the Lunar calendar, our ancestors also took into account the days of the week! According to their observations, one should not plant and sow on Fridays, it is undesirable on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, you should refrain from picking cabbage and planting seedlings in open ground.

When to sow (plant) cabbage seeds for seedlings in 2017: early cabbage sow in the first week of March, middle and late - in the middle of spring. More agricultural technicians recommend considering moon phase. So, seeds do not germinate well on a waning moon, but well on a growing one. What else needs to be done in order for noble seedlings to rise?

How to prepare cabbage seeds

Seed bags are sorted out, small and inconspicuous-looking seeds are sifted out. Good stuff- These are large and medium cabbage seeds. Then the selected seeds are dipped in a 3% salt solution. Then one part of the seeds will sink to the bottom, and the other part will remain floating on the surface of the water. This means that it is necessary to collect and dry those seeds that have sunk, as they are complete. The remaining seeds are poured along with salt water.

How to sow cabbage seeds for seedlings

What is done for planting and growing seedlings:

  • For planting selected seeds, seedling boxes are prepared, which are filled with a mixture of black soil and compost.
  • Cabbage seeds are placed in deep furrows, maintaining a distance of several centimeters. At the same time, furrows are shed warm water.
  • Next, the seeds are covered with dry soil, gently compacting it.
  • Then the boxes are covered with polyethylene and placed in a dry and warm place.
  • Seedlings are watered exclusively with warm water.
  • After the cabbage rises, the film is removed.

How to dive cabbage

In order for the roots and stems of seedlings to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to plant them. This is done by placing each sprout in a separate plastic cup when the seedlings have leaves. The main thing in the process of planting is to cut the bottom of the root system. This procedure will ensure the branching of the roots. This will give the cabbage the opportunity to collect nutrients With larger area when planted in open ground. It is also important to gently press the seedlings into the soil with a garden pike to the level of the first leaves.

The time for sowing seeds of various seedlings is approaching. The beloved cauliflower is no exception. After all, this vegetable surpasses many cultures in its usefulness. But before you start growing this plant, you should get a little familiar with its requirements for yourself.

For example, as you know, there are many types of this culture. There are early varieties, there are late ones, and so on. Therefore, the harvest depends on when the seeds are sown. When to plant cauliflower for seedlings in 2016 in the Moscow region or another region largely depends on the climate there. After all, often in places with warm weather conditions sowing starts much earlier.

Many people, especially those who are planting seedlings for the first time, are interested in when to plant cauliflower for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar. So, early-ripening varieties of cabbage begin to be sown from mid-March. Of course, it is necessary to know that a new moon or a full moon is considered bad times for landing. Experienced gardeners they always try to sow on the growing moon, because then the seeds germinate well and quickly, and the seedlings are strong.

The beginning of April is considered a favorable time for planting medium-ripe varieties of cauliflower. Planted towards the end of April late varieties. But for the ripening of good seedlings, it is not enough to pick up only auspicious date. It is necessary to choose the right variety and give it to seedlings good care.

When or when to plant cauliflower for seedlings in 2016 and how to properly care for them worries many gardeners, since only with proper care can be grown good harvest. So, this culture can be divided into three main varieties, namely:

- early;

- medium - ripe;

- late.

So, first you need to choose the right seeds. Therefore, you should pay attention to the climate of the region and that it is suitable for growing this crop. Next, focus on possible diseases plants. When buying seeds in a store, consider the expiration date of the crop and the number of seeds.

Then, when planting seeds, it is necessary to carry out their processing. To do this, it is best to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which is able to disinfect the culture and strengthen its resistance to certain diseases. In this solution, the seeds should be kept for at least half an hour.

Then the seeds are ready for sowing. Take any containers that can be plastic, wooden, and so on. Fertilized soil is poured there, which also needs to be shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, grooves of the required size and length are made and the treated seeds are sown. If the seeds are germinated, so much the better, because they will germinate faster.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to heavily sprinkle the sown seeds with earth. Because in the end they just might die. Just as carefully as possible, watering should be carried out so as not to wash the seeds to the surface. It is best to water with settled warm water.

After the seedlings have sprouted and given a few leaves, it must be pruned. Do this to improve plant growth. Indeed, in the box, the sprouts become crowded, the roots huddle together. Do not let the seedlings outgrow, because it will be much more difficult to dive later, as the root system will intertwine, and it will be much more difficult to separate the sprouts.

Currently, the last day of the year, 31 December, is a working day unless it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

In 2019, December 31 falls on a Tuesday, and therefore, 17 hours before the New Year 2020, Russians will go to their jobs together.

With regard to the working hours on December 31, 2019, since the day precedes the holiday, in law working time shortened by 1 hour"from the end". Those. the working day starts as usual, and ends an hour earlier.

Working hours December 31, 2019 in law:
* 1 hour less than usual.

For example, at 40-hour (and five-day) working week with the start of work at 9:00, the duration of the working day on December 31, 2019 will decrease by 1 hour and will be 7 hours instead of eight. The working day will end not as usual at 18:00, but at 17:00.

What time does the working day really end on the eve of the New Year 2020:

It was not in vain that when we wrote about the reduced working day, we added the phrase "according to the law" above. After all, the law prescribes a general case when people go home 1 hour earlier on the eve of the holiday in order to better prepare for the celebration, but usually this celebration takes place in the middle of the next day.

But before the New Year, people sit down for festive table already at 21 or 22 pm (and sometimes even earlier if the family has small children who need to be put to bed). And if you strictly follow the letter of the law, only 4-5 hours remain from the end of the working day until the start of the celebration!

Therefore, most employers let employees go home early on December 31, without waiting for the official end of the working day - immediately after the festive office lunch. The same should be expected on December 31, 2019.

That is, usually before the New Year (including December 31, 2019) the working day ends:
* Immediately after dinner.

The Christmas post is quite long - it lasts 40 days.

Winter fast begins November 28 and its date is always constant. On November 27, the church celebrates St. Apostle Philip, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ mentioned in the Gospel. The next day, November 28, believers begin to fast. Therefore, the post was given another name - Filippov post. It ends January 6, Christmas Eve.

The Advent fast was established in the ancient times of early Christianity, and until the XII century it lasted 7 days. Since 1166, at the behest of the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke, it became forty days.

In 2019, the Advent or Philippov fast will begin on Thursday 28 November 2019, but will end January 6, 2020 on Monday, on the eve of Christmas.

Diet during the winter fast 2019-2020:

Already from Wednesday 27 November(always a fast day) Christians are ordered to give up meat and dairy food, exercise abstinence in intimate life, not attend entertainment events, but pay attention spiritual development and charity. Philip's fast is not strict and almost all days it is allowed to cook food on vegetable oil, and on Saturdays and Sundays, and on many weekdays you can eat fish.

The following days are highlighted when fasting becomes stricter and food should be taken without oil: this December 9, 25 and 27, 2019.

Last week before Christmas from 1 to 6 January 2020 you need to eat modestly and without frills, but vegetable oil is allowed.

Many are interested how to mark New Year without violating the canons of fasting? Let's comfort December 31, 2019 a variety of fish is allowed, and the festive table, with a certain imagination and diligence of the hostess, will look worthy.

Let us once again recall the dates of the Christmas (Philippov) Lent in 2019:

  • Beginning of the post - November 28, 2019;
  • The end of the post is January 6, 2020 (Christmas Eve).
  • Duration - 40 days.

Recall that in the first meeting Russia - San Marino, which took place in June in Saransk, the Russians won the biggest victory in recent football history - 9:0. So in the upcoming game, the fans may well count on another major and “dry” victory of their favorite team. And our players, if they set a new record, will be able to rehabilitate themselves for the second defeat suffered by the Belgian team three days earlier.

The game will take place on Tuesday 19 November 2019 at the opponent's home arena - stadium "San Marino"(also called Serravalle Olympic Stadium) with a capacity of only about 7,000 people. Note that this is a very good capacity for the main arena of the state, if its population is 33 thousand people.

What time will the football match San Marino - Russia start:

The start of the game is scheduled for 20:45 local time. According to Moscow time, this corresponds to 22:45.

That is:

  • The match San Marino - Russia on November 16, 2019 will start at 22:45 Moscow time.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the meeting San Marino - Russia 11/19/2019:

According to information posted on the official website of UEFA, in live will show the game of national teams "First channel, as well as TV channel "Match Premier".

Both on Channel One and Match Premier, a live broadcast from the stadium is scheduled for 22:35 Moscow time on November 19, 2019.