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» What books to read to develop intelligence? How to develop clear speech: basic techniques and exercises

What books to read to develop intelligence? How to develop clear speech: basic techniques and exercises

At school, everyone was forced to read certain literature, citing the fact that reading is useful for developing personality, increasing intelligence, and enriching vocabulary. Many remember with a shudder the books that they had to read and retell, write texts on them and philosophize on the topic: “What did the author want to tell us by using the color red in his novel?”

Adults and teachers are 100% right. Reading develops thinking, helps train the brain, and improves intellectual abilities. By reading, we not only replenish our own vocabulary, but also develop imagination, creativity, and gain new information. We absorb the wisdom of words, try to understand the meaning embedded in the text.

Today, a huge amount of literature is freely available. We, unlike our ancestors, are lucky, because we don’t need to go to the library and choose the most from the meager assortment. best option. We have a huge selection of books for every taste. But not all of them are useful. Reading love and lyrical novels, mediocre fantasy and detective stories, cheap pseudoscientific brochures are unlikely to fill our heads with anything useful.

Why is it so important to read

Reading implies active work brain, which is associated with the interpretation of symbols and the creation of images. There are several types of reading, depending on the final goal, the complexity of the information presented and the reader’s understanding. People read to gain new information (cognition) or for entertainment.

Sometimes the complexity of the text is higher than a person’s erudition and intelligence, and he has to make an effort to understand the meanings that the author has put into the work. Such literature requires more active mental activity from a person. Not everyone can read and understand, because you need to not only remember the information, but also let it pass through you, relate it to your experience, and mentally draw a picture.

There are two types of readers: those who find this activity easy and enjoy the process, and those who must make a huge effort to complete at least one chapter. But everyone can develop the skill of reading; it’s worth trying a little and finding that “first” book that interests you will become the lever that will make you fall in love with reading.

All the “great books” were written for beginners. It is worth learning from those who are superior to the majority in their intellectual development, has extensive experience in accessible form transfers his knowledge. The only way that will help you master and understand a “complex” book is to read a lot, using your intellectual potential, moving from simpler to more complex.

Constantly reading something simple is not an option for a person who wants to improve. You can study on your own or with the help of a mentor who will help you understand, push you to understand and explain what we are not yet able to comprehend. The teacher only facilitates the process of understanding, presents knowledge in a simpler, processed form.

There are two types of books for developing the mind:

  1. Various anthologies, textbooks - retellings of other people's thoughts and ideas. This is passive consumption of information, which is not capable of truly teaching one to think independently.
  2. Classic – contains untreated original idea, which fills the brain with new information, shares experience and knowledge. These are not always old works; such literature exists at all times. Reading books like this makes a person think independently, be able to evaluate and identify what is useful. It disciplines, raises self-esteem, and activates thinking.

Literature for the development of intellectual abilities

You need to be able to choose those books that will help increase and develop intelligence. Escape from reality with fiction It’s very simple, but you also need to read those works that can give you something useful, teach you something new.

Books that will help you improve yourself come in different genres:

  • scientific and popular science books;
  • philosophical literature;
  • poetry;
  • fiction;
  • historical works.

In each of these genres there are both useful, “smart” books, and pseudo-useful ones, reading which will not enrich us with virtually anything, although we can learn something from any literature. If a volume has a beautiful cover and a clever thought is quoted, this does not put it in the category of extremely useful. So what books should you read to develop your intelligence?

Scientific and popular science works

There is no need to assume that these can only be reference books and boring works that are filled with incomprehensible complex terms, formulas, with a huge number of numbers. The right works will be able to explain to us the nature of certain phenomena in a fairly simple and understandable form. They will help you understand the world, human nature, plunge into the world of another culture, experience art or learn Interesting Facts from the biography of outstanding personalities.

Reading such books can develop the mind, imagination, and cultivate thinking. List of the best representatives:

  • Stephen Hawking " Short story time", "The world in a nutshell";
  • Michio Kaku "Hyperspace" and "Physics of the Impossible";
  • Nick Lane "Oxygen" The molecule that changed the world";
  • Frank Wilczek “The Beauty of Physics. Understanding the structure of nature";
  • Carl Zimmer "Microcosm"
  • Stephen Fry "The Book of Common Errors";
  • Yuval Harari "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity";
  • Frans De Waal "Are we smart enough to judge the intelligence of animals?"

Stephen Hawking is an outstanding scientist and physicist. His books are the clearest example that science can be simple and understandable. He explains and teaches in accessible language the history of our Universe, tells how it was formed, how stars are born and die. In his books you can find answers to all questions regarding Space, the secrets of the planets, and the origins of humanity.

Philosophical literature

In ancient times, philosophy was fundamental science, which taught to understand human nature. Philosophers were considered the most intelligent and enlightened respected people.

Today, philosophy has lost its leadership position, because technology is coming to the fore. But the world is not inhabited by robots, so such books are still relevant and in demand. They help us understand the needs and desires of other people, teach us to direct our energy in the right direction. With their help, you can understand how to promote your idea, manage your time correctly, and learn to understand and predict people’s behavior.

The best books on the development of intelligence are:

  • Elizabeth Gilbert "Big Magic";
  • Ray Bradbury "Zen in Writing";
  • John Milton's Paradise Lost;
  • Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged;
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich”;
  • Brian Tracy "Achieving the Maximum";
  • Franz Kafka "The Trial";
  • Friedrich Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra";
  • Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception. Heaven and Hell";
  • VP of the USSR “Fundamentals of Sociology”;
  • Elias Canetti "Mass and Power".

In addition to classical philosophy, religious works also live here. These include the Bible and the Koran, which can teach a lot if the reader is attentive and thoughtful.


Many people cannot understand the value of poetry, because they consider it literature for leisure, a frivolous genre that cannot give anything useful. Reading poetry gives a feeling of awe, respect for the work of others, which evokes admiration for the power of the word.

Poetry develops eloquence and teaches you to feel the rhythm of words. It helps to open up your feelings, to feel the beauty of nature or a person. Such books help develop intelligence and vocabulary.

List of the best books:

  • everything that came from the pen of Alexander Pushkin, and it is better in the original, rather than uncensored versions;
  • Basho Matsuo "Hoku";
  • Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy;
  • Anna Akhmatova “I learned to live simply and wisely”;
  • Mikhail Lermontov “Prayer”;
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky “I Love”;
  • Omar Khayyam "Garden of Love";
  • Friedrich Nietzsche's Songs of Zarathustra;
  • Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven";
  • Arthur Rimbaud "The Drunken Ship";
  • William Wordsworth "The Magic House".


You should not neglect such works, considering what is written a fairy tale and fiction. These are the words of a narrow-minded person who is completely devoid of imagination. Great novels sometimes contain more truth than historical works. With their help, the reader can get acquainted with new reality, discover another world, improve yourself. Such literature helps to broaden one’s horizons and enrich one’s vocabulary, because most often such works contain a lot of philosophical thoughts and are based on real events.

“Quality” books are written in “tasty” language and are a pleasure to read. They help enrich vocabulary, teach how to formulate thoughts correctly, and improve speech and imagination. Foreign fiction books help develop intelligence if you read them in the original. This makes it possible to quickly remember unfamiliar words and improve your language proficiency. Do not ignore domestic classics.

Fiction books for developing intelligence and vocabulary:

  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez "One Hundred Years of Solitude";
  • Nora Gal “The Living and the Dead Word”;
  • Herman Melville "Moby Dick, or the White Whale";
  • John Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath";
  • Mariam Petrosyan “The House in Which...”;
  • Jerome D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye;
  • Jane Austen "Emma"
  • Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird;
  • Thomas Mann "The Magic Mountain".

There is a huge amount of fiction that will help make the mind more flexible and receptive, and also help to become spiritually enriched. If you don’t like the classics that you were forced to read at school and university, you can pay attention to new authors: Judith McNaught, Tom McCarthy, Laura Hillenbrand, Sebastian Barry.

Historical works

These are not just boring books with a bunch of dates that you were so tired of back in school. Historical books can be incredibly interesting and educational. They help us understand the past, tell incredible stories from people's lives, help us understand why it happened this way and not otherwise. You need to know history in order to better understand our present and predict the future. Such books promote awareness of life, help to reveal the past, evaluate what has been done and never repeat the mistakes of others.

How to increase your vocabulary. Unfortunately, nowadays many people have difficulty expressing their own thoughts. Such problems may also be associated with an insufficient vocabulary, although you should not immediately hang such labels on yourself. It often happens that people can write large-scale colorful text, but are not able to express basic thoughts during live communication.

Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that people tend to simplify everything, replace words with gestures, interjections, repeat typical turns of speech, and a lack of communication is also added here. A person who does not know how to clearly express everything he wants to say creates a negative impression on those around him. positive opinion About Me. The easiest way to develop your speech is to read good literary works. We offer you several manuals that include techniques that help you develop speech correctly.

Books for the development of speech and vocabulary

1. Natalya Rom “I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques"

The book describes how to structure your speech correctly. Pleasant and understandable speech can always convince the listener of anything. Monotonous intonations and poorly legible words are usually not perceived. Natalya Rom in her book tells how to properly attract the attention of your interlocutor, describes various techniques speech. This book is suitable for those who want their speech to be perceived with pleasure, and it will also help make your voice yours. best assistant in achieving any goals.

2. Radislav Gandapas “Kama Sutra for the speaker”

It is not by chance that the book bears such a loud title. The author chose it based on the fact that any pleasure always ends in success. And also, according to the writer, during a speech, a kind of connection arises between the speaker and the listeners, and in this case the speaker needs to dominate. This theory is repeatedly proven in the pages of the book. This work answers a number of questions that a novice speaker may have: how to overcome worries, how to structure your speech correctly, gain and maintain attentiveness, how will gestures and contact with the audience affect our speech?
The book is indispensable for those who constantly need to speak in front of an audience.

3. Elena Lapteva " Tutorial on speech development. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for speech development"

This book contains on its pages a huge number of different tongue twisters and other equally important information: descriptions correct pronunciation tongue twisters, explanation difficult words, which may not be clear. The work will be useful not so much for teachers and speech therapists, but for the students themselves. The book makes it possible to improve your speech without any help.

4. How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere by Larry King

5. I. B. Golub, D. E. Rosenthal “Secrets of good speech”

Several generations of language workers, and even ordinary schoolchildren, have grown up on the textbooks of these two legendary authors. In their book they tell you how to make your speech correct and how to avoid mistakes. The work is written in simple and accessible language, so anyone can use this book, regardless of how old they are or how prepared they are in this area. In an easy and relaxed manner, the writers tell you how to structure your speech competently and beautifully, how to master the art of oratory, and all this is accompanied by literary examples.

6. Victoria Volodina “Album on speech development”

The book will become an indispensable tool for teaching children aged 3-6 years. It is easiest for children to teach how to structure their speech correctly. A number of exercises have been developed for this purpose. The book also presents several specially designed tests that will help determine the level of development of a child’s speech and the number of words in his vocabulary. All the techniques listed in the book were developed by experienced speech therapists, which makes it easy to identify the presence of speech disorders and help eliminate them. The manual also includes many colorful pictures, so it will be very interesting for kids during classes.

7. Svetlana Plotnikova “Development of a child’s vocabulary: a textbook”

The book describes possible speech defects in children and ways to eliminate these speech defects. Also presented are the features of speech development of certain age groups and descriptions of their possible vocabulary. Most often, this textbook is used by students of a pedagogical university, but it will also be useful for parents who want to develop their child’s skills in constructing their speech correctly.

8. Tatyana Kulikovskaya “Expanding the vocabulary of children 2-4 years old”

The author of the book is an experienced speech therapist. The manual was created specifically for parents who intend to teach their child how to structure their speech correctly. The teaching method begins with simple onomatopoeic sounds, most often “conversations” of animals. Gradually the exercises become more difficult. Such classes take about 10 minutes a day. The manual will be especially useful for classes with children who have already been identified with any speech disorders. The author helps kids learn new words and understand new concepts.

9. L. N. Smirnova, S. N. Ovchinnikov, I. V. Pisareva “The baby begins to talk. Development of a child’s speech from birth to four years”

The manual is written by experienced specialists in order to point you in the right direction. speech development child. All exercises are presented in the form of a game. Advice for parents is offered for each task. In addition, this book will be useful for speech therapists and kindergarten workers.

10. Olga Gromova “No beeps”

The book series, developed specifically for little ones, includes several books of this kind. Parents will be able to talk to their baby, show him fascinating pictures, and thereby attract the child to communicate. Children take part with interest various games, which helps them master not only new words, but also objects and phenomena.

The book contains many bright pictures that are easy for children to understand. All texts are presented in an easy and simple manner, which encourages children to learn to pronounce new words. The manual also contains many tips for parents that will help teach their child to communicate using gestures and words.

There comes a time when the thought clearly flashes through your head: “Not enough!” Few words are known to support small talk or polemics on pseudo-scientific topics. You go to the good old Internet to fix this annoying nuisance. We will help and tell you about books for developing speech and vocabulary. Stock up on Glycine D3 to remember more, and run to the bookstore or electronic library.

“Alive as life” Korney Chukovsky

This is not about Moidodyr. This is about the language - beautiful, pure, native. This is exactly how the honorary academician saw him. Despite the fact that the writer was unusually kind and created stories for the little ones, he flew into a frenzy when he heard distorted Russian speech. Rumor has it that the opponent could get hit hard for using foreign words and stamps.

Chukovsky in his book “Alive as Life” talks about history of language and its transformation. He recommends not resisting this phenomenon, but at the same time he vehemently despises foreignness in written texts and oral conversations. Korney explains that foreignness is not the usual borrowed words like algebra, rails, serious, naive. Foreign language is something that cannot be remade in the Russian way and does not live in harmony with speech. For example, at one time people Soviet Union used the word “freeshtick”. Now hardly anyone knows about its meaning, but citizens used it to replace the original “breakfast.”

"The Oddities of Our Language" by Nigel Brown

Interesting, you say. We asked for books to develop speech and vocabulary in adults, and you offer some Englishman. This is true. The text indeed came from the pen of a foreign writer, however, this does not matter. The author considers the ideas of borrowing words from different languages and draws a strong parallel between English and Russian words. You'll be surprised how similar the languages ​​are. And they are similar thanks to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who created everything that we have in speech. Diagnosis, sex, horoscope, theater, melodrama, bacteria, history - do you think this is our native? But no, the Greeks are to blame for everything.

“The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown”, Maxim Krongauz

There are still many scientists on Russian soil who are ardently worried about the development of native language. Maxim Krongauz, drew public attention to the impoverishment of the Russian language, clearly demonstrated how quickly the vocabulary of each next generation is shrinking. The author has covered many aspects within one book, so you have unique opportunity to know:

  • where did the word come from;
  • where it is used;
  • how it has changed over the years;
  • Do Russian people need this word?

The book is written simply and vividly. Lots of humor and examples. For every question asked in your mind, you will find the answer in the next line. The publication was planned as a cheat sheet for students, so you will not find any artistry there.

“Russian with a dictionary” Irina Levontina

An amazing book from a linguist has excited the minds of thousands of people. Despite the sounding title, the book talks not so much about the formation of the Russian language, but about changing consciousness people because of its simplification. Lots of humor and personal observations. Subtle sarcasm is not immediately recognized, but when you manage to taste it, your worldview changes. The narration is competent: in the process you will learn a lot of new things and unconsciously practice your speech.

“Speak beautifully and confidently. Voice and Speech Staging” by Evgeniy Shestakov

The book is worth reading if you are embarrassed to talk about difficult things in public. If the answers are limited to banal “yes” or “no”. In interesting and lively language, the author tells how to put on a voice and speak beautifully. In the book a bunch of for adults, who will help make speech pleasant and the timbre of the voice exciting.

Where to find exercises for speech development

The answer to the question is unexpected, but banal. Buy some training Unified State Exam tests in Russian and feel like a schoolboy. Solve 1 test per week to learn more about spelling, grammar and punctuation. Well, so as not to get bogged down in the wilds difficult tasks, stock up on Glycine D3. Dissolve one tablet in water and drink a pleasant citrus-flavored drink. This will invigorate you and allow you to focus on the task: after the first dose, your personal effectiveness will increase. Happy learning!

The question is often asked: how to increase vocabulary? How to increase your vocabulary? What's the matter? Why do the words end?

Below the text will detail what needs to be done to increase your vocabulary of words.

First, the background, and then - how to increase your vocabulary of spoken words

How to increase your vocabulary?

They brought a high school girl to me so that I could teach her to perform well. Her parents insisted that I teach her individually and not in a group, paying the cost of the expensive tuition.

The girl's vocabulary (spoken) was almost zero.

But there were “Uh...” “Like...”, “In general...”, “You understand...”, “In short...”. She used these words easily and naturally: “Listen to the joke...”, “I’ll tell you right now...”.

I take out a collection of proverbs. I choose the shortest one. Please retell it in your own words.

And here I had a culture shock.

The girl remembered all the words until the middle of the parable. And she shot them out with a machine gun. One to one to the text. Then she faltered and forgot a word. And she reached out to the leaf to peek.

I take the leaf: “Now - in my own words.”

She was never able to fully tell the simplest parable from the collection. Didn't have a vocabulary? (She had a vocabulary, because she had just read these words.)

What book should I read to increase my vocabulary?

I give you the following parable. The task is the same: retell it in your own words. But there was more to the parable. “ RAM“The girls were overloaded. She couldn't tell until halfway through. She fell silent. So I was able to find the right words to finish my story.

And it became clear what we would have to work with first. Not with gestures or pauses. How to teach a high school girl to speak in your own words, but not remember words from the text.


Enrich not so much your vocabulary as your “spoken vocabulary.”

By the way, it should be noted that the girl is not stupid, she studied well at school.

For the experiment, he gave the task to write a parable, which she read, but could not tell. The student completed the task quickly, in a few minutes. And she wrote it almost verbatim. Means - problem with speaking.(The problem is not with speech, and not with vocabulary, the problem is with SPOKEN SPEECH)

We started working. After hundreds of parables... my student began to retell any parables with ease. And other, even complex, texts. She began to philosophize easily on “free topics.” The words “Eh...”, “Like...” were no longer needed to express oneself. They disappeared.

Time has passed. The girl went to college and sent me thank you letter that here she is the best speaker at seminars.

Now let's move on to our topic:

How to increase your vocabulary?

They even ask me, what books should I read to increase my vocabulary?

First. Please note that we ourselves use a small set of words. To convey and explain information in everyday life to us no need for many words. And so we ourselves We don’t say all the words.

And besides, we don’t talk all combinations of words.

We make do with a small set of phrases, necessary for everyday communication.

Of which, most of it falls on non-verbal speech (gestures, facial expressions, intonation).

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How to expand your vocabulary. Second.

To enrich the set of phrases, you need to speak them (but here it’s not necessary out loud, you can writing, maybe in thoughts, internal dialogue).


That is, talk often. Remember often. Use it.

One of the ways to improve the quality of speech is written speech ( this is not the only way)

That is: write letters, chat, answer questions, explain something, prove something. And so on. This way you can expand your vocabulary.

It is useful to develop written language. But don’t retell it, but come up with your own thoughts. It tests and develops vocabulary well.

And the more new, unfamiliar topics (and words) there are for written communication, the better!

At the same time, it is useful to write beautifully and, most importantly, write colloquially .

Just as you say.

Think and immediately write. Right along the line of thought.

This is how I do it now.

And this is not just my opinion, this is the opinion of many experts.

Everything that you come up with and write down in this way is your ready-made thoughts, ready-made phrases.

This expands our ability to find the right words. This skill will be transferred to ordinary speech, because the process is the same.

But when you write, no one is pushing you, you can really look for the right word for a while without worrying. And in written speech, no matter how, you cannot replace a word with a gesture or facial expression.

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Written speech is no substitute for spoken language!

Once again, to remember forever:


Our lexicon small and needs to be increased - talking!

Even if you are not a speaker. And you are not going to become a speaker. Necessary develop conversational speech!

Useful to retell interesting stories, found on the Internet. But there are a lot of them there. And you don’t have to look for super unusual news. The most suitable for training different stories that caught your eye and made you feel better.

Here's a video, a good example:

Yes. It's useful to read books!

Why? In addition to reading books, in fact, nothing replenish your vocabulary. The speech of the people who surround us is very, very poor in new words. Much poorer than a well-written text in a book.

Movies also do not have a wide variety of words, especially Hollywood ones, which are translated into Russian only as a passive word.

To use new words – it’s useful to use them first read from book. But this is not enough. They must be used in colloquial speech. Use! So that the words read become colloquial words. Rich speech is diversity words used.

It is important to transfer words from passive to active!

The words read are just passive stock words

All this applies to both adults and children. Here is a girl's speech with a parable.

A good effective practical exercise on how to increase your vocabulary.

Tell your friends about the movie you watched (or book you read). Detailed, with emotions.

If you did it easily, and you talked about the film for more than 20 minutes, it means you have a vocabulary. If you were able to say only in general terms, using the words from the commercial, then you need to learn to speak out loud. You don't have to become a speaker to do this.

It's best to start with descriptions of movies or books you've read.

Set yourself a task - to retell every movie you watch out loud to your friends, in detail, with emotions... So that it is a wonderful story, and not a statement of facts and a listing of scenes from the film. This The best way create, replenish, and develop vocabulary.

Retell the books, and not just the impressions, but the entire plot.

Video example of a book retelling

What else is useful?

No matter how much you would like to start telling everything as soon as possible, it is useful to learn to speak without garbage words.
It’s better to take care of this right away than to relearn it later.

The habit of using junk words instead useful words could turn into a problem.

  • And subscribe to our YouTube channel. There are many interesting videos there.


Gestures are also speech. Nonverbal speech. Gestures also need to be learned, just like speaking.

And it's useful to watch the video:

So what book should you read to increase your vocabulary?

Every person who graduated high school I've already read everything possible words in textbooks. Several times. And do you think these students use all the words they read? No. They use only those words that they have begun to use in their speech. So review books more often than you read them. And you can take almost any book. Every good book uses more than 3 thousand unique words. Is this not enough?

I have made several good collections for retelling, you will find there good stories and wonderful parables:

And in order to perform well, read these books:


To have a rich vocabulary of words.

1. It is not enough to read the words - you need to use them. Translate “words read” in “words used in speech”. Speak these words in your speech and in your internal dialogue.

2. Write letters, articles using new words. Build passive vocabulary by reading books.

3. Do your homework. Speak out your speeches out loud before performances. Before important conversations.

4. Tell and retell parables, stories, news, books to your friends. Tell me about the book you read or watched movie. This way you will increase your active vocabulary.

5. And, of course, it is necessary to master the techniques of delivering a prepared speech, and techniques impromptu performances(not just read about it, but also master it)


I wish you success!

Dear reader! I am pleased that you have visited my website and are reading the pages of my book. This book is constantly updated and updated with new pages. Read on. Come again! 🙂

Among modern literature it's difficult to find something you need. Especially if a person needs speech. However, there are authors who conscientiously approached the writing of such works. Thanks to them, a person can learn to speak well.

If a person is just trying to improve in this direction, then he needs to start with something simple. For this you need fiction books that help develop speech. If a person is not interested in reading classical literature, then it is not scary. The first time is hard for everyone. Philologists recommend starting with something simple, for example, stories in a newspaper. After which you can proceed to more serious works:

  • "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. This writer was a genius of the written word. In his novels, the setting is always described to the smallest detail, and the dialogue makes you empathize with the characters. Many people recommend his works as books that develop adult speech. This also applies to Anna Karenina. Thanks to the excellent plot, reading will be not only useful, but also interesting.
  • "Crime and Punishment", Fyodor Dostoevsky. This book is famous for its content which can teach a person a lot. In addition, it is written in a good style and contains a lot beautiful words, which are deposited in the reader’s head.
  • “At the Bottom”, Maxim Gorky. The novels of this writer are famous for their special form. After reading his books, a person will learn to competently build a dialogue and respond to people’s provocations. After all, there were enough such situations in Gorky’s works. The novel “At the Bottom” also improves vocabulary well.

The works of the classics will be an excellent start for a beginner. These books, which develop speech and vocabulary, provide the basis for further learning and improvement. The most important thing is to learn to read them.

Works of Chekhov

This writer is a master of his craft. Many modern authors are inspired by his works. Chekhov's phrase: “Brevity is the sister of talent” is known to almost all residents of the CIS countries. His works are useful for developing speech for those people who say too many unnecessary words. Chekhov wrote beautifully, briefly and to the point, without using unnecessary phrases. If a person is wondering what books develop speech, then he needs to turn to this writer. You can start with the very first works, because from the very beginning of his work Anton Pavlovich wrote competently.

Full development of vocabulary

In order to increase the number and variety of words in a conversation, it is not enough to read classical literature. Indeed, in such works there are very rarely new words that will be useful to the reader. Then what books develop speech? First of all - dictionaries. It is advisable to learn at least 10 words a day. To do this, you need to open any page, find an unknown word and read its meaning. This needs to be repeated several times until the person remembers all the information. Books you should pay attention to:

  • « Dictionary" and "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" by Vladimir Dahl.
  • “Handbook of Linguist Terms”, compiled by Rosenthal, Telenkova.
  • “Encyclopedia of popular words and expressions”, Vadim Serov.

Thanks to such books, a person will increase his vocabulary by 300 or more words in a month. It is important to do this every day, to repeat the material you have already studied.

Brain and speech development

Popular science literature - interesting solution. After all, these are books that develop intelligence and speech. The reader kills two birds with one stone if he chooses this option. Such works include:

  • Yuval Noah Harari, A Brief History of Humankind. This book will be useful for all people. After all, it touches on the development and formation of the species Homo sapiens. The author briefly told the history of man, from the time of his first appearance to the present. In addition to developing intelligence, the reader will be able to improve his vocabulary. Also, such a book not only teaches you to speak beautifully, but also makes it possible to refer to it in disputes.
  • Books by Richard Dawkins: “The Selfish Gene” “An Ancestor’s Tale.” After reading these works, a person’s worldview can change significantly. Dawkins shows life from a completely different side, to which most residents of the CIS countries are not accustomed. However, in modern world his opinion is considered authoritative, because there are about 400 studies behind his books. The reader will also be able to expand his vocabulary, since Dawkins not only understands science, but also speaks competently.

Thanks to such books, a person will learn to think differently, often in better side. He will be able to understand many of the processes that occur on planet Earth, and in addition, will significantly expand his vocabulary.

Reading literature on psychology

A person can develop a skill oral speech not only through the works of classics, because among psychotherapists there are excellent writers. They share their experiences and guide you on the right paths in life. Books that develop speech and knowledge about people:

  • Eric Bern. "Games People Play". This psychologist is a very competent writer. To correctly understand the expressions he uses, you can use a special dictionary of terms or the Internet. Each word must be written down in a notebook and its meaning must be repeated sometimes. "Games People Play" helps us understand the nature of human relationships and conflicts. In addition, Eric Berne talks well about ordinary everyday problems that people face.
  • Robert Glover, Stop Being a Nice Guy. This book is more suitable for men, but women should also read it. It describes a common problem among males where they try to please everyone but fail. Robert Glover tells the reason why these guys appear. He describes what needs to be done to achieve what you want and not upset yourself and others. In addition, the book has a good style that allows you to develop speech.

Thanks to these works, a person will learn to understand himself and other people. They don't have complex terms, because they were written for ordinary people. They are also bestsellers with big amount positive feedback.

Reading poetry

Since ancient times, people have used this direction in art to develop their oral and written speech. After all, poetry can improve a person’s speaking and thinking skills. The reader will learn to express himself well, choose the right words, and his reaction speed will increase. In addition, reading works of this genre will help develop memory.

Poetry is also useful for people who want to improve their diction. To do this, you need to learn poems by heart. The poetry of Alexander Pushkin, William Shakespeare, Anna Akhmatova, and Joseph Brodsky is ideal for this purpose.

Philosophy and speech development

People always wondered about the meaning of life and the characteristics of their environment. Thanks to philosophy, a person can make many discoveries and learn new views on his existence. It often happens that the reader’s worldview completely changes. In addition, philosophers are excellent writers. Reading their books develops a person’s thinking, charisma, and speech. The best authors of this direction are Kant, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Plato, Schopenhauer.

Special books

You can effectively develop speech with the help of literature that is intended for this. However, a person will not be able to have fun with such books. You will need to apply the acquired knowledge in life, teach and take notes new material. Special attention It is necessary to devote attention to practical exercises, otherwise it will not be possible to develop speech. You should read “I want to speak beautifully. Speech Techniques" by Natalia Rom and Larry King's book "How to Talk to Anyone."

Speech development in children

The abilities of almost every child can be improved. There are special books that develop speech in children and help adults train their children to speak correctly. However, this must be done responsibly and take into account the age of the student. If he is from one to three years old, then you need to use the “ New baby" They contain a large number of pictures and repeated words. Such books cannot be underestimated, because they were compiled by professionals in their field. The child will love having such interesting and simple literature read to him.

If the baby has already learned to speak, then it is necessary to move on to more serious books. The most important thing is that they are very interesting and small in volume. Bookstores sell special literature that copes well with this task. Often these are fairy tales and short stories.