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» Which indoor flower is a symbol of love. Signs: flowers for home well-being

Which indoor flower is a symbol of love. Signs: flowers for home well-being

Growing indoor plants allows you not only to decorate and enliven the interior, but also to influence one or another area of ​​life. Among the great variety of home flowers, there are those that bring prosperity, prosperity, fidelity and love to the house. These include Aichrizon, Anthurium, Spathiphyllum, Oxalis, Hoya, Myrtle, Calathea. In the course of observations of many generations, the unique properties of the so-called flowers of love were revealed.

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    Blooming aichrizon

    Aichrizon became popular relatively recently. This is a typical representative of the Crassulaceae family, which does not require frequent spraying, a humid microclimate and special care. It is enough to place the plant on a bright windowsill and water it as the top layer of soil in the pot dries, and the flower will thank you with active growth.

    Popular rumor ascribes to aichrizon the ability to bring love and happiness to the family, which is why it is often called the tree of love. Indeed, the lush bush of aichrizon is shaped very much like a small tree, strewn with fleshy heart-shaped leaves.

    Aichrizon can be given to anyone, be it a friend, colleague or relative. Such a gift would be a good one for newlyweds or newlyweds starting their life together in new apartment: Together with the tree of love, mutual understanding and well-being of the family will grow.

    Flowering aichrizona is considered a good omen. But, from a botanical point of view, the appearance of many fluffy yellow flowers means the death of the plant is approaching. During flowering, the tree of love is almost completely exposed, losing most of its leaves and strength for further existence. But there is a way out of the situation: at the beginning of flowering, you need to cut and root several cuttings. But if you do this after flowering, it is unlikely that you will be able to save the flower.



    Woman's happiness– this is what amateur gardeners often call spathiphyllum. This elegant plant with graceful semi-drooping leaves and slender peduncles proudly rising above the green mass will become worthy decorative element in any room. The main thing in caring for a flower is to ensure high air humidity. This is easy to do if you spray the green bush daily or put an electric humidifier in the room.

    According to popular belief, spathiphyllum feels good in those homes where spouses live in peace and harmony. In such an environment, it blooms with light yellow “cobs” shrouded in a white blanket. The shape of the inflorescence can hardly be called attractive, but general form flowering bush makes a lasting impression and provides aesthetic pleasure.

    The appearance of spathiphyllum in the house is favorable for both unmarried women and married couples:

    • lonely girls will definitely find constant companion life;
    • childless spouses dreaming of a child will have their cherished wish come true;
    • couples who have lost their former passion will revive their former feelings;
    • large families will be able to establish peace and tranquility.

    It is believed that if spathiphyllum does not bloom for a long time or the leaves turn yellow, then there is misunderstanding and discord in the family. If adverse symptoms occur, attention should be paid Special attention indoor plants and work on your relationship with your significant other.



    In contrast to spathiphyllum, anthurium is called “male happiness”: proximity to the plant ensures success for single men with the fair half of the population, and gives married men peace, well-being and family harmony. A blooming anthurium cannot fail to attract attention, because its inflorescences-cobs, wrapped in a red, pink or white petal-bedspread in the shape of a heart, look simply gorgeous. Such a gift will be useful not only for male representatives, but also for single ladies: it has been noticed that upon receiving blooming anthurium as a gift, the woman will soon meet her betrothed.

    A prerequisite for anthurium to “earn” is to receive it as a gift. This sign applies to all flowers of love. Although you can try to buy a plant yourself and care for it with love, and then the Universe will send the missing link in the chain of personal happiness.

    But not everyone can take care of anthurium, because the flower needs warmth, high humidity, absence of drafts and careful watering. It is the dry air and the bay that become common cause death of the plant. In addition, like most representatives of the Araceae family, anthurium is poisonous: its tissues contain milky sap, which, if it gets on the mucous membranes, can cause irritation, and if accidentally swallowed, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, it must be placed so that the dangerous leaves cannot be reached by the hands of foolish children or the fangs of pets.

    In many literary sources, to achieve family harmony, it is recommended to plant two different flowers– spathiphyllum and anthurium. This combination will look great. But we must not forget that these two plants need individual care, and planting them in a common container will certainly lead to the death of both male and female happiness.


    The second name for oxalis is oxalis. The lobes of its compound leaves are heart-shaped, and their overall appearance resembles clover leaves. There are several varieties of wood sorrel with different colors of flowers and leaves. Specimens with purple or two-color butterfly leaves look impressive. Small buds of white, pink or yellow color give sorrel a special charm.

    According to popular belief, a short bush of fragile-looking oxalis can change the situation in the family for the better:

    • prevent quarrels and conflicts;
    • solve problems in your personal life;
    • cure fatigue and depression;
    • give good luck and luck;
    • find family happiness for those who are lonely.

    Therefore, in many countries around the world it is customary to give sorrel as a gift for various celebrations and housewarmings. Caring for the flower is simple: it needs regular watering, constant diffused light and a period of rest in winter. Even a beginner can provide these easily fulfilled conditions.


    Hoya Kerry with Valentine leaves

    One of the most controversial plants, which is simultaneously credited with both positive and negative effects on married life. According to some beliefs, this flowering vine with fragrant umbrella flowers can “drive” a husband out of the family, push him to cheat, or cause alcohol addiction. However, people have such a negative opinion towards all vines, ivy and hanging plants.

    Wax ivy, as hoya is commonly called, is the patron of lovers, a symbol of fidelity and tenderness. Many experts even advise placing a flower in the bedroom. One of the varieties, Hoya Kerry, has dense leaves in the shape of a heart, and this cannot be a bad sign. The only contraindication for growing vines in the house is if someone in the household is allergic to pollen or the rich aroma of flowers opening in the evenings.

    Otherwise, Hoya will not bring much trouble; it should be placed in a well-lit place, watered with settled water, occasionally sprayed and fed. At favorable conditions In the 3-4th year of life, the plant will bloom with many umbrella inflorescences of white or pink color.

    The flowering of hoya directly depends not only on its age, but also on the volume of the pot: a cramped pot is an excellent incentive for the appearance of fragrant “stars”.


    myrtle tree

    Myrtle is another plant that brings happiness and love to the home. The ancient Romans considered it a symbol of chastity, fidelity and mutual affection. It is not easy to grow such a talisman at home. It needs moderate temperatures, a period of rest in winter, plenty of fresh air, soft water for irrigation and protection from direct sun rays.

    In houses where myrtle grows, residents experience double benefits: in addition to establishing family relationships, the shrub helps neutralize pathogenic bacteria and fungi floating in the room, and is also medicinal raw materials for various infusions and decoctions.

    Despite the fact that myrtle is a symbol of marital happiness, it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom: its presence is fraught with headaches, which can be provoked by the essential oils secreted by the plant.


    One of the varieties of calathea

    Calathea is purchased for its love of showy leaves: there are many species and varieties with a variety of patterns and color combinations. But not everyone knows that the presence of calathea in the family can give spouses calmness and peace. Thanks to its unique property of absorbing waves of aggression, the plant puts household members in a positive mood and helps to find right decisions in conflict situations.

    Eastern sages have long valued calathea for its ability to attract wealth to the family and fight negative energy. To enhance positive effect It is recommended to place a flower pot in the south-eastern or eastern part of the house.


    The listed indoor plants are proven “talismans” for attracting happiness and prosperity. In order for flowers to exude positive energy, they need to be looked after: like all living beings, they will reward with active growth and flowering only in response to constant care and attentive care. It is not necessary to start several at once useful plants, it’s enough to start with one or two of the most unpretentious ones. And maybe they are the ones who will bring happiness and love.

Beautiful representatives of the flora - indoor plants - have accompanied man in his life for many centuries. Everyday life. They not only decorate his home with lush greenery and delight him with their blooms, but are also amulets of love and prosperity. It is worth finding out which house flowers are useful to keep in your home, and what they give to the owners in exchange for caring care.

What indoor plants bring happiness?

There are many folk beliefs about the benefits of indoor plants. Can this be explained with scientific point vision? Botany - the science of plant organisms - states that beneficial features home flowers lie in their chemical composition. Phytoncides are bioactive substances released by plants that can purify the air of a home from impurities of heavy metals, microbes and viruses. In the process of life, green human pets produce oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the health of those around them.

Many representatives of the flora not only have excellent decorative qualities, but also exhibit healing properties. Some houseplants contain essential oils. Released from the surface of leaves and flowers, these substances fill the room subtle aroma, which has anti-stress activity. Cacti, on the contrary, absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation home appliances, protecting the human body.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the positive influence of plants on their emotional condition. Practical application flora for aesthetic improvement of premises and personal plots engaged in phytodesign and floristry. Feng Shui is the teaching of how to direct, balance and harmonize energy for the benefit of a person. Using the concept of these teachings, pots of house flowers can be placed in a room in such a way that the physical and emotional health of family members can be greatly improved.

Esoterics studies the influence of flora on humans from an energetic point of view. She divides all indoor flowers into plants:

  • "Warriors". Representatives of the group have strong yang (male) energy and activate the nervous system of their household. Because of this, it is undesirable to place flowers such as pineapple, palm, and cactus in bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • "Nannies." They remove negativity, have a calming effect, and fill a person with strength: aloe, camellia, begonia.
  • "Cleaners" Neutralize the effect of geopathogenic areas of the house, restore the positive mood of family members: vines, ivy, ferns.

Plants of love and happiness

For many people, love and happiness are associated with cozy home, well-being, mutual understanding with family and friends. Indoor plants bring a warm atmosphere to the house. The aesthetic appearance of green crops and the ability to cleanse the surrounding space help housewives to fill their homes with tenderness and warmth. Orchids are a symbol of luxury and perfection.

Feng Shui experts say that orchids growing in a person’s home will bring him love and prosperity. People dedicate enthusiastic poems to these unique flowers, full of grace. The long-term flowering of these plants brings a festive atmosphere to the house. It is appropriate to keep orchids in the living room and office because they have active energy. In their presence, a person wants to act, to realize his plans.

Those who want to fill their home with a warm atmosphere, in addition to orchids, need to purchase:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • hibiscus;
  • hoyu.

Plants of luck and prosperity

Good luck charms are oxalis (oxalis) and akalifa. They save family relationships. Divorce of spouses is a rare case if sorrel is kept at home. Its leaves are very similar to clover. According to popular belief, a four-leaf clover brings good luck. This is probably why “four-leaf” varieties of oxalis are so popular. The leaf blades of this flower look like butterflies. Amazing property Oxalis is the ability to join leaves at sunset. It seems that the plant falls asleep in the evening.

Indoor plants of good luck and happiness accumulate the energy of joy, and when their owners are sad, they fill the house with positivity. Pessimists feel better next to Akalifa. Even when the green pet is not blooming, it is able to improve the mood of people nearby. Women in the presence of Akalifa become more feminine, and men gain courage. This is how the magical property of this child of flora manifests itself - the ability to harmonize space.

For a family idyll

Only some indoor flowers are classified by people as “bringing happiness.” Folk wisdom piece by piece collected information about their influence on the well-being, luck and love of family members. Indoor plants for happiness in the home.

  • chlorophytum;
  • calathea;
  • Usambara violet (Saintpaulia);
  • myrtle;
  • geranium;
  • pelargonium.

Women should know that calathea - the beauty of the Amazon forests - brings peace and tranquility to the house. Demanding on living conditions, especially on the level of air humidity. Anyone who manages to “tame” this child of nature will be fully rewarded, because calathea brings joy, mutual understanding, and love to the house. This flower is called “prayer flower” because in the evening it lifts up and folds its leaves. According to legends, calathea prays for happiness and prosperity in the house.

Myrtle, Saintpaulia, pelargonium are symbols of a strong family. Myrtle is a domestic tree whose name contains the word “peace”. In ancient times, it was an attribute of Venus, the goddess of love. Planting myrtle is recommended for those who have not yet found their family happiness or newlyweds dreaming of their first child. Pelargonium has a positive effect on family members born under the zodiac signs of Aries, Virgo, Libra. It will help its owners cope with hot temper, fussiness, tearfulness, and sudden mood swings.

For prosperity and wealth

In their quest to be rich, people often surround themselves with all sorts of talismans to remind them of their goal. Some indoor flowers symbolize wealth and well-being:

  • Crassula - money tree;
  • bamboo;
  • zamioculcas – dollar tree;
  • cactus.

They not only bring financial success, but also give clues about the future financial situation. There is a belief: if the tree of luck begins to lose leaves or dry out, you should expect financial losses. That is why people take special care of these beautiful representatives of the flora in their homes and offices. It is known that the fat woman is very sensitive to negative energy. She begins to get sick and wither in a zone of constant strife, and therefore can serve as an indicator of the emotional situation of the family and team.

10 indoor plants that bring happiness

Flowers are amazing creatures of nature. They are capable of inducing a feeling of happiness in the person admiring them. The most popular indoor crops in different countries world are:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • Dracaena Sandera;
  • violets;
  • hoya;
  • hibiscus;
  • geranium;
  • cacti;
  • Crassula;
  • chlorophytum.

Woman's happiness

Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum) was brought to Eurasia from Central America; it is demanding of heat and moisture, because the natural habitat of this representative of the flora is marshy areas. Its elliptical bract white with a yellow inflorescence in the form of a spadix, it looks like a delicate, exquisite flower. The second name of this plant is “female happiness.” It reproduces by dividing the bush and does not like drafts. It blooms annually for about one and a half months.

Exists beautiful legend, which says that the goddess of love Aphrodite filled the snow-white spathiphyllum flower with the happiness and bliss that overwhelmed her when she fell in love with Ares. The daughter of Zeus ordered the earthly woman to take care of the magic flower, and the reward for this was female happiness. Spathiphyllum should be kept out of direct sunlight. It is better to keep the talisman of happiness on the windowsills of the eastern and western windows. He likes moderate but regular watering. The acceptable air temperature for the normal functioning of a flower is 15-20 degrees Celsius.

It is customary to give spathiphyllum as a gift unmarried girls. It is believed that it will speed up marriage and bring the birth of a child, making marriage happy. For married women, the talisman of happiness helps to create a cozy nest with a peaceful atmosphere, trust, and mutual understanding between family members. They say that the magical power of this child of flora unfolds to its fullest if he grows up surrounded by the sincere love of his mistress.

Male happiness

Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium) is an evergreen perennial. The name translated from Greek consists of the words “flower” and “tail”. Grows in the forests of Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina. Almost blooms all year round. Anthurium has a leathery bract structure. Breeders have developed new varieties of this crop with pink, orange, purple, almost black bracts, but the red cover of the inflorescence is considered classic. Popularly this ornamental plant called “male happiness” - a symbol of strength and masculinity.

The legend about the origin of anthurium tells how a young beauty refused to marry the leader of a neighboring tribe. Having become furious, he attacked her native village and took the girl by force. In honor of the wedding, a festive fire was lit. The rebellious girl threw herself at him, not wanting to fall to the powerful ruler. As soon as she touched the flames, the gods watching this turned her into a magnificent red flower, and the site of the tragedy into an impenetrable forest.

It is believed that anthurium puts a man in a positive mood, helps him solve problems without unnecessary emotions, makes his mind clear and his consciousness pure. Anthurium is recommended to be placed next to spathiphyllum. They look very impressive in the contrast of their unusual colors. There is a belief that if a husband takes care of “male happiness” and a wife takes care of “female happiness,” the house will be full of love and harmony.

Bamboo of happiness

Dracaena Sanderiana (lat. Dracaena sanderiana) is very unusual. Outwardly, it resembles bamboo stems, which is why it received the second name “bamboo of happiness.” IN ancient China There was a tradition of giving bamboo for holidays as a symbol of wealth. Due to the fact that this plant cannot be stored cut for a long time, about 150 years ago the Dracaena Sandera took pride of place as a talisman, which has since brought prosperity to the house.

The unusual spiral-shaped stem of dracaena is obtained artificially by one-sided lighting of the flower or twisting it with wire. It is not difficult to care for him. This type of dracaena feels great in a vase with distilled or melt water with the addition of special fertilizers. You only need to immerse the flower in liquid 1-2 cm. You will have to change the water every 2 weeks. You can grow Sandera in hydrogel and regular soil.

At home, the flower reaches 1 m in height, but grows slowly. It is necessary to constantly remove young shoots and leaves from the main stem of dracaena to maintain its similarity to bamboo. In nature, this evergreen crop reaches two meters in height, has an erect stem and lanceolate leaves. The Chinese believe: the more stalks of Sandera there are in the house, the more positive they bring to their owner. A composition of 20 dracaena sprouts is called the “tower of love” in China.


A houseplant of love and happiness, the violet (Latin: Víola) is valued for its amazing flowers. To date, more than seven hundred species of this plant are known. There are several legends about the origin of violets. One of them tells that while bathing, the goddess of love Aphrodite noticed several men spying on her. Aphrodite demanded from Zeus the death of the unfortunates for this offense. The god of thunder and lightning turned them into violets, the flowers of which resemble curious eyes.

Violets bring stability and happiness. They clear the space of negativity, level out the energy of the home, and help quickly resolve conflicts between husband and wife. Uzambara violet, especially with white flowers, protects household members from nervous stress and has a beneficial effect on children. This talisman of happiness can serve as an indicator of the psychological situation in the family. If you take care of the plant, but it still gets sick and withers, it means too much negative energy contains a dwelling.

Violets need a warm, well-lit place without direct sunlight. The room air temperature should be 18-23°C, the soil should be moderately moist. You can't let water get on the leaves, as this will cause them to become covered. brown spots. Since violet leaf blades are covered with villi, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves of dust with a soft brush.

The symbol of family happiness is hoya (lat. Hóya) - wax ivy. This indoor plant can transform negative energy. The flower helps a person to calm down anger, relax, and switch his attention to the positive aspects of life. This plant is recommended for those couples whose feelings have begun to fade over time. It is believed that the presence of hoya in the bedroom improves the sex life of spouses.

The plant is very unpretentious, but requires a certain level of air humidity. On hot days summer days Hoya needs to be sprayed with water. Watering should be moderate. Ivy is replanted once a year in the spring until the plant reaches five years of age. Then – once every 3 years. The inflorescences have a very specific smell, which not all people like. It is better to move the blooming hoya from the bedroom to the living room during flowering so that the rich aroma does not interfere with rest.


The homeland of the beautifully flowering hibiscus tree (lat. Hibiscus) is the islands Pacific Ocean. It is grown in temperate climates as a houseplant. Polynesian women often decorate their hair with red hibiscus flowers, and in India they are an attribute of wedding wreaths, symbolizing love. The Chinese rose (as the plant is often called) ignites the passion of lovers and strengthens their affection for each other for a long time.

The spreading crown of hibiscus must be properly formed by constantly trimming the tops of the stem and branches. Comfortable temperature for Chinese rose– 23-25°C. It grows quickly in well-lit, draft-free areas. At insufficient lighting blooms sparingly. The soil should be light but fertile. It has long flowering. Requires feeding from time to time mineral fertilizers.


Geranium (lat. Geranium) has firmly established itself in human homes. This beauty with delicate inflorescences has more than 400 species. An indoor flower is often a companion for elderly couples who have lived a difficult but happy life. Such a union is not accidental, because geranium is a green “doctor”: it helps a person relax after working day, its phytoncides protect hosts from viruses.

Increasingly, geranium is purchased by newlyweds, because it is a “fire extinguisher” of outbursts of emotions that are so characteristic of spouses who are beginning to live together. The indoor flower has a specific smell, so it is better to keep it away from the bedroom. Geranium is not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be safely placed on the windowsills of southern windows. Requires special care in winter. At this time, it is worth reducing watering to a minimum and ensuring the air temperature is + 10°C, then in the new growing season the geranium will delight the owners with abundant flowering.

Every married couple will benefit from the green “cleaner” cactus (lat. Cactaceae). This indoor flower not only absorbs harmful radiation from computers and televisions, but also, according to popular belief, is a “guardian” against thieves and misfortunes. A photo of the aura of plants, the so-called Krillian effect, shows that representatives of the flora are capable of feelings. The cactus becomes very attached to its owner and is even able to extinguish the impulses of passion of a person in love.

In order for a person to have money, it is necessary to acquire a symbol of wealth and prosperity - a fat woman (lat. Crássula). If you plant a “money tree” in a red pot and place it in a zone of well-being according to Feng Shui, you can enhance the magical effect of the flower. Plectranthus (lat. Plectranthus) is considered a great “friend” of the Crassula. By placing their pots next to each other, you can attract financial luck and career success. " Money Tree"is a succulent, loves moderate watering, and winter time requires significant restriction of moisture.

“Family happiness” is called chlorophytum (lat. Chlorophytum). This representative flora It is completely unpretentious, but requires attention, like any living organism. If you often wash its leaves, spray it and replant it in time, a calm, happy life will be ensured for the owners of the flower. Chlorophytum cleanses the air well in the home, takes care of peace and the well-being of the family in exchange for sincere love and care.


I have a close friend who has been unlucky in love for five years now. I learned that there are special indoor flowers that can attract love to their owners. I went shopping and bought a gorgeous Spathiphyllum for my friend.

The most amazing thing is that a month later my friend met her loved one, who proposed to her two months later! In this article I will tell you which indoor flowers bring love and happiness to their owners.

In order to enhance the effect of the flower of love, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Water it regularly and feed it periodically.
  • Tell him tender words, for example, how handsome and beloved he is.
  • Don’t forget to wipe the dust off its leaves with a soft, damp cloth once a month.
  • To attract love, the flower pot should be located in the southeast of the room.
  • For an enhanced effect, the indoor plant should be given as a gift from a loved one.


This very cute and unusual shrub plant is popularly called the tree of love. And for good reason, since it is often given to newlyweds for strong and long-lasting love.

For an unmarried girl who will carefully look after the aichrison, it will help increase her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, and then her personal life is not far off. For a housewarming party for peaceful and happy life It is aichrizon that is given as a gift.

It is rarely taller than 30 centimeters, and from a distance it resembles a small tree. It has small, fleshy, fluffy leaves. At proper care yellow flowers bloom on it, reminiscent of the sun.

Occasionally the petals are red. It loves humidity very much, so it needs to be frequently sprayed and watered, but only with warm water.


It is considered a talisman for family people, as it quite effectively cleanses the aura in the house. If you give a single woman red geranium, she will very quickly meet her love. And with pink petals they give it to a married couple for their well-being and peace of mind.

People suffering from insomnia should keep one pot of this plant in their bedroom as it promotes sound and healthy sleep.

In ancient times, girls carried a bag of dried geranium petals in their pocket to attract the attention of the guy they liked.

It has been noticed that in a house where geranium grows there are no scandals, peace always reigns. And geranium gives infertile couples a long-awaited child.

It is very easy to care for her. Even with little care it will bloom magnificently. Every summer it is better to put it on open balcony, if possible, since she loves fresh air. Some people specifically grow them to decorate their own balconies.

Only on the hottest days does this plant need to be protected from the scorching rays of the sun. It is not advisable to display it in dark places, as the plant will stretch in search of light, thereby losing its decorative effect. It is watered about once a week. It is not necessary to spray, as water may cause unsightly spots on the leaves.


This flower is usually found in the bedroom as it enhances physical attraction between spouses and strengthens their love. Thanks to its subtle and unobtrusive aroma, the relationship between husband and wife becomes tender and trusting, and there are almost no quarrels in such a family.

Therefore, it is recommended to give it to a married couple between whom the passion has almost disappeared. If you give it to a single woman, then within six months she will definitely meet her future husband. And hibiscus will give self-confidence to a girl who lacks self-confidence, as it creates an energetic aura around itself.

This is a fairly heat-loving plant that can withstand heat up to +35 o C, but does not tolerate coolness very well, so it must be protected from drafts. In summer it is watered and sprayed more often than in winter, and once a year it is fed with mineral fertilizers, except nitrogen.

Loves sunlight, so for him ideal place there will be a window sill. Every year it should be transplanted into a larger pot, as it grows quite quickly and does not like being cramped. If you do not properly care for it and hide it in a dark room, then in a short period it will shed all its foliage and inflorescences.


This a flower will do not everyone, so you need to take into account the character of the person to whom you plan to give an orchid. This strong flower will make a weak-willed and melancholic person even weaker and more vulnerable. But he will help strong and optimistic people achieve everything in life and successfully overcome obstacles.

Due to its energetic aura, it is not recommended to place the orchid in the bedroom, as insomnia is guaranteed. It is believed that if a girl who is in a difficult relationship with a loved one is given a pink orchid, then her relationship with this man will improve.

She is quite difficult to care for. It is quite difficult for her to tolerate a change of place, so it is not recommended to move her around the apartment. The orchid loves well-lit places, but not direct sunlight.

In addition, its roots are also light-loving, so the most ideal option There will be a transparent plastic pot for it with drainage holes, then it will bloom for a long time. And the pot must be smooth so that the roots feel comfortable in it.

It is watered only when the top part of the soil is completely dry. Once every six months it is fed with special mineral fertilizers.


This indoor flower with large green leaves and white flowers is deservedly called “Women’s Happiness”, since it really helps its owner find love. But for this it is not enough to simply buy a plant and place it in the apartment.

You need to carefully look after it, regularly water it, spray it, feed it, talk affectionately, periodically loosen the soil, make sure it doesn’t get sick. Spathiphyllum can grow even in partial shade, but loves humidity. Every two years it is advisable to replant it in new land. But this should be done only in the spring and not during the flowering period.

It would be ideal if the spathiphyllum is given by your best friend or mother, then its love magic will increase significantly. And it is believed that if you give it to a childless family, they will soon have a child.

Spathiphyllum will the best gift for the twenty-year wedding anniversary, as it revives the former passion and love of the married couple, and establishes their mutual respect for each other. If placed in the bedroom, it will protect a married couple from infidelity.

After he helps his owner find love, he cannot be given to other people, otherwise he will take the love with him.

Usambara violet

It can be found in almost every apartment. And for good reason, since it is considered a symbol of eternal and pure love. In addition, it fits perfectly into any interior, adding coziness to it. Thanks to the huge palette of colors, you can choose a violet so that it fits perfectly into the design of your home.

The violet looks like a very nice little bush with fleshy, slightly fluffy leaves, in the center of which small flowers almost always bloom.

She loves light and hates watering cold water from the tap. The water must be settled and room temperature. And you should always water at the root, otherwise drops of water can spoil the delicate leaves.

If you care for it properly, replant it every three years, then it will not only attract the love of its owner, but will also protect her from family conflicts and financial problems. Unfortunately, if you quarrel often around her, she will wither, despite careful care, since she is very sensitive to negative atmosphere.


You can’t even say that such an inconspicuous plant, which from the outside resembles ordinary grass, can bring love and family harmony to its owner. According to him appearance determine how happy a family is. If chlorophytum looks healthy and very lush and grows quickly, then harmony and happiness reign in the family.

Childless families can have a child within a year if this wonderful flower is transplanted into a pot with any child's drawing and placed in the bedroom.

In addition to the above, chlorophytum also purifies the air from pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Its effectiveness can be increased several times just by adding a little crushed activated carbon to the soil. Thanks to this plant, you can forget about air purifiers.

It is very easy to care for, you just need to water it on time and spray it periodically. It should be placed in a well-lit place.


If you give a chrysanthemum growing in a pot to a lonely girl, she will soon meet her soulmate. And for a married couple, this magical flower will help preserve love, strengthen mutual trust, while simultaneously eliminating quarrels over trifles.

For a person who lacks self-confidence, chrysanthemum will help get rid of complexes and give peace of mind. This does not apply to a cut bouquet of chrysanthemum, since it has a completely different aura.

It is not advisable to place it in direct sunlight, as the inflorescences will quickly fade, losing their beauty. But in the twilight they will not even bloom. The most best place for chrysanthemums there will be a well-ventilated balcony. This is, of course, only in summer season, and in winter an ordinary window sill is enough.

It is watered when upper layer If the soil dries out, it is highly recommended to spray it, as it loves moist air. If necessary, you can place a container of water nearby.

Greetings to everyone in my Village!!

Winter has been going on for a very long time, don’t you think?! And the constant white and gray landscape outside the window creates a dull mood.

What if you diversify your window and put it on the windowsill? indoor flowers? What are the best flowers to grow at home? After all, it is known that live plants can not only decorate our homes, but also influence health, relationships and even well-being in family!

What flowers will bring happiness to your home?

Usambara violet, or Saintpaulia

Violet. A very beautiful and at the same time capricious flower - a symbol of eternal love! They say that violet helps maintain peace in the family. These charming gentle flowers love careful care. They cannot tolerate hard water. They love the sun, but are afraid of direct rays. And yet this flower is very popular.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

If hibiscus appears in the house, expect passionate love, she will definitely come! Flowers this plant, incredibly beautiful and large, reminiscent of butterflies. Hibiscus needs warmth and a lot of light, because it comes from the tropics.


Guardian of peace and love considered myrtle. If this flower is in the house, your marriage will be successful, and in the current situation family it will definitely bring happiness. It is no coincidence that in some countries this is a plant They give it to newlyweds or decorate the bride’s outfit with twigs and flowers. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”. If you rub a myrtle sprig with your fingers, you will feel a pleasant aroma essential oils. Today, myrtle oil is used in cosmetology as a component of preparations for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. And homemade myrtle disinfects the room, filling the house with a unique aroma and freshness.


People call this flower tree of love, fidelity and prosperity. Aichrizon has original fluffy leaves, they are shaped like hearts. Bright yellow flowers, like numerous lanterns, will decorate your windowsill and give joy even just from contemplating it! This is a succulent plant. With proper care it can grow up to 30 cm in height.


Very beautiful and unpretentious, calathea is a symbol of domestic happiness, although many people grow it just for the sake of it beautiful leaves. This is a plant grows well in the shade. But he can’t stand it if you put it in the corner of the room (it’s impossible to imagine your happiness in the corner).


Oxalis helps solve problems in personal life. As children we called this flower just sorrel or hare cabbage. The juice of oxalis leaves contains oxalic acid, and they have a sour taste. The leaves of this plant can be added to salads! Tinctures are made from oxalis flowers, which are effective for diseases of the liver and stomach.

Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness

This perennial native to distant South American forests. But it is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray the spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil. And then:

unmarried women they will soon find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where women’s happiness grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

They also say that spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

Anthurium, or Male happiness

"Fire Tongue" or "male happiness". A very capricious flower, but very beautiful. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and requires frequent spraying because it has a weakness for high humidity(especially during growth). And also be careful this flower poisonous! But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love!

Other names for this flower: “Champagne splash” or “ family happiness" This flower very good for family happiness: it is easy to care for, and it grows well and blooms beautifully. Only in summer you need to water it more. With chlorophytum yours family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

Crassula or Crassula

Money Tree. Everyone knows that this plant is bought to keep money in the house. Our advice: for a special effect, plant this flower into a red pot, and put a few large coins at the bottom.

Keep in mind that if the Crassula will be predominant small leaves, then the change will jingle in your pocket, and if the bills are large, the bills will crunch. If the fat woman doesn’t help you get rich in any way, get her a friend - plectranthus and get a shovel ready ;).

Plectranthus, or indoor mint

In our country this plant is known as spur flower. This is amazingly cute plant provides the whole family with mental health. Long-lasting aroma of plectranthus will relieve insomnia and dark thoughts! It is very good to grow plectranthus as a ground cover to camouflage the edges of a pot.


Cacti are real guard for your home. All plants with thorns have always been credited with the ability to protect the home from evil spirits. But the cactus is not only a watchman, it is also the keeper of calm and peace in your home. It should be placed as close to the door or on the window sills as possible. By the way, how to make a cactus bloom, read

Plant flowers. Look after them. And they will not only be a green decoration for your home, but will also bring prosperity and happiness to your home.

Communicate with flowers as with friends! During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from “negativity.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with them in the morning. Before watering the flower, “walk” over the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them.

They also say that if a flower, despite your care and attention, has dried up, it means that it has warded off illness or trouble from you.

Peace and prosperity to your home!

In contact with

A positive aura in any home is impossible without the use of house plants. Since ancient times, various flowers have always been present in houses, which guarded the hearth, driving away evil spirits.

Energy of house plants

Not all flowers are capable of carrying something more than just aesthetic beauty. We will tell you how to attract love into your home, maintain health and increase your chances of financial success. Flowers have different energies and different compatibility, so sometimes you can’t put plants with different energy structures next to each other.

The human aura and the aura of a plant are incredibly similar. If you have good mood, then you glow and radiate kindness, positivity, joy and give smiles to everyone. Otherwise, the situation is exactly the opposite - you take away everything positive from the world, emptying it. If you do not take care of a plant or flower, it will begin to absorb positive energy, leaving the house empty and lifeless. In such a house, there are usually quarrels, or someone is sick.

Any flower can bring a large or small amount of happiness to your home, but it will only do this with proper care. Love him, keep him in good condition - then he will repay you with positive energy that will fill you with self-confidence.

It is worth noting that by “using” a plant you will not achieve good results. Buy flowers solely for pleasure and mutual friendship, and not for success in your personal life or wealth. Scientists have proven that plants love music, so play your favorite songs more often so that the plants hear it too. Become friends by giving your attention to each other.

Which flowers to choose

To attract love: rose, violet, spathiphyllum. They should grow in your bedroom and nowhere else. This is a strict rule, since love comes from the place where a person is most often. The bedroom is the place of sleep, the marital bed, so one of these flowers should grow there.

To attract money: geranium, orchid, fern, lilac. It is better to place such flowers where you keep money or work, that is, not at home. By placing one of these flowers at home, you risk neutralizing the effect of another plant. You can also put not a real flower, but replace it with an image, for example, have a desktop wallpaper with a bouquet of lilacs or fantastic fern flowers.

For good luck: Oxalis, Ruelia, Echeveria. You can place these flowers anywhere. Take good care of them and never expose them to stress, cold or dryness.

Choose and place flowers correctly. One of the flowers described above for the home can become a great gift to your loved one. Our life is positive and negative energy, their symbiosis, interaction and eternal war. Try to maintain balance with the right actions. It is better not to place flowers of money next to flowers of love or at the head of the bed. Also, flowers of love at work will bring office affairs, not joy.

We wish you good luck, love and wealth, and that your plants bring you only positive emotions. They are all our blessings. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2016 00:30

Each name has a unique energy. It is this aura that determines your luck, abilities, and also...

Plants have powerful energy that can have a positive effect on people. That's why some types of flowers...