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» Which pendulum mechanism is best for a baby crib. Let's start assembling the crib. Cradlecots with a pendulum mechanism

Which pendulum mechanism is best for a baby crib. Let's start assembling the crib. Cradlecots with a pendulum mechanism


  • which crib is better?

Preparing for the birth of a long-awaited child, the family is trying to understand how to choose the best and healthiest things for the baby. Since at first the newborn sleeps most of the day, young mothers are puzzled by the question: what kind of crib does the baby need. To make up their minds, women read reviews from experienced mothers, where they can see purely personal opinions about what is good and what is bad.

Market modern goods and services are so great that buyers sometimes get lost among the abundance. Cribs are divided into several types: simple bed, with, with longitudinal, cradle, transforming bed, rocking chair. The most common models are pendulum beds and regular cribs. Each of them has a number of specific advantages.

Pendulum bed

For a woman carrying a baby under her heart, it will not be a discovery that a child within 9 months gets used to constant shaking and motion sickness. He is able to relax and fall asleep in such an environment, while feeling peace and tranquility. After birth, using a pendulum crib will help you easily adapt to a new place to sleep. Light motion sickness will allow him to feel the same comfort of intrauterine life. When the baby grows a little and learns to stand up, the crib mechanism should be fixed to avoid injuries.

Speaking about the disadvantages, it is worth noting first of all that the cost of these is much higher. In addition, many children, getting used to falling asleep during motion sickness, being at a more conscious age, simply cannot fall asleep on their own.

Often the mother prefers to put the baby next to her, since this leaves more time for sleep. For such mothers, there are new types of cribs - with attachment to an adult bed.

Regular bed

Many of today's young parents grew up in a time when you could only really buy a regular crib. The most important advantage can be considered its stability and overall strength of the frame. A child under 3 years old will sleep quite comfortably in such a bed. Another advantage is the relatively low price, accessible to families with low incomes. Using a regular bed, he gets used to falling asleep on his own, which is extremely important for his development. Of course, at first it will be more difficult for the baby to adapt to the new world, but the rocking, so familiar to him, will gradually fade into the background.

It is better not to buy a crib through online stores as you should inspect the future in person sleeping area your child for the absence of any defects during production.

Only a mother, like no one else, knows what is best for her child. Whatever crib you choose, the main thing is that it is made of natural wood, well sanded and not covered with a layer of varnish. Safety comes first, so you should purchase a crib after thoroughly inspecting it and reading the documents indicating the quality of the product.

Cribs with a pendulum make life much easier for parents. However, the argument for the convenience of putting a baby in a bed with such a mechanism is often crossed out by myths about the dangers of such furniture. To choose a bed with a pendulum, you need to take into account the features of products of this type.

Cribs with pendulum mechanism- the most functional children's furniture, which can be supplemented with a linen drawer and drop-down sides. There are also transformable beds with cradles, options with or without wheels. And finally, furniture with a universal, longitudinal or transverse mechanism.

The obvious benefits of cribs with a pendulum

Depending on the design of the mechanism, the crib can be rocked longitudinally or transversely. Universal solutions allow movement both transversely and longitudinally. But, as a rule, they are more expensive than other cribs.

The pendulum mechanism allows you to rock in the crib, and not in your arms. This method is good for those who had two babies at once or a heavy child. However, cribs with pendulums have opponents who claim that the baby does not need to get used to this method of laying down. This is true, but it is necessary to take into account that all children are different and it is impossible to calculate in advance the situation with the possibility of a son or daughter falling asleep on their own.

The presence of a pendulum is especially convenient if the child often wakes up. In this case, there is no need to take him out of bed for the baby to fall asleep again. Just rock the crib. Moreover, longitudinal motion sickness in a crib is considered a more physiological solution.

Arguments against pendulum mechanisms

Cribs with pendulums of any type are quite expensive - their price is traditionally higher than that of standard children's beds. You also need to take into account that furniture with a pendulum mechanism will be useful to the family only in the first months of the baby’s development. As soon as the baby can roll over onto his side and sit up on his own, there is a risk of the crib tipping over. For this purpose, the mechanism has the possibility of blocking. After locking the pendulum, the crib turns into a regular bed.

Opponents of cribs with pendulums believe that rocking a baby to sleep negatively affects the baby’s vestibular system. However, in contrast, we can say that rocking a child in this case is harmful even in your arms. In addition, gentle rocking is a natural state for the baby, to which he got used to in the womb.

Finally, people who co-sleep with their babies are against beds with pendulum mechanisms. But in any case, parents can decide for themselves, remembering that cribs with pendulums are safe. Of course, if you purchase products famous manufacturer, created from environmentally friendly pure materials.


  • which crib is better?

Choosing a “dowry” for a child is always pleasant and exciting, but there is also a huge responsibility in this matter. When buying things for newborns, you need to pay close attention to all the little details, this is especially important when choosing a crib for a baby.

Before deciding on a crib for a newborn, parents should understand that the main criteria should be comfort, safety and ergonomics. This is what you should be guided by when choosing a model to purchase.

What is important when choosing a crib

First of all, the crib must be safe. Experts have many requirements for the materials from which children's things are made, and the most important of them is. The tree meets this requirement perfectly. This is, one might say, a “living” and real eco-material. It is good if the surface of the wooden crib is simply carefully sanded and not covered with toxic paints and varnishes.

Of course, cribs made of polypropylene or plastic are often much more beautiful, since these materials provide designers with many more options. But if you decide to choose such a product, you must definitely ask for a certificate confirming the harmlessness of the material.

Cradles made of wicker or rattan may seem cozy and can captivate with their style. But such an acquisition is impractical - you can use a wicker crib until the child is about six months old. As soon as the baby learns to stand up, holding onto a support, wicker structures may not be spacious or stable enough for him.

When choosing cribs, you must definitely mention sanitary standards. The width of the rods should not be more than 6-7 cm, so that a curious child cannot stick his head between them. The bottom should have at least two levels of height that can be adjusted so that the older baby does not fall out of the crib. The crib should not have sharp corners and gaps that would be wider than a centimeter, or small parts that a child could unscrew and put in his mouth.

Comfort and ergonomics

The crib must be comfortable and the sleeping space must be sufficient for the baby. Standard – 120 cm in length and 60 cm in width. In order for a child's fragile spine to form correctly, a mattress is of great importance. It should be made from natural fabrics, not too soft, but not too hard. Coconut flakes are perfect as a filler - the material has remarkable property absorb not only moisture, but also odors.

When choosing great importance There is also a way to lay the baby down. If you don’t want to be separated from your baby at night, it’s better to buy a crib so that its side panel can be completely removed. It can be placed next to the parents’ bed - it’s convenient for mom as well.

If your baby falls asleep best when rocked to sleep, a crib will do the job just fine. For example, it could be a rocking chair, a cradle, or a more complex pendulum structure.

Regarding ergonomics, the choice should be made depending on the preferences of the parents. A baby needs a lot of things: from a changing table to a toy box. Some of the cribs successfully combine several pieces of furniture necessary for the baby. Despite the fact that such cribs are not mobile, they greatly save space in the nursery and the family budget.

Video on the topic

On the list of things that need to be purchased for the birth of a baby, a crib very often takes pride of place first. This is not surprising, because in the first months the child sleeps up to 18 hours a day, and even by the age of three, nature allocates more time for the baby to sleep than to be awake. However, a child’s sleep is fragile, and a properly selected crib will help ensure healthy sleep for the child and strong nerves for the parents.

A newborn spends most of its life in a lying position. Therefore, choosing a safe and comfortable crib for your baby is of great importance. and enjoy deserved popularity. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Which crib is better: a pendulum or a rocker? Which one should you buy? What does a transverse pendulum mean in a crib? These difficult questions worry parents before purchasing a bed for their unborn baby.

Types of rocking beds

Baby cots are usually made standard sizes: length 1.2 meters, width 0.6 m (120x60cm) or 1.4 m long (140x60cm), 0.7 m wide (70cm).

The beds can be equipped with an additional chest of drawers, shelves, drawers, and a changing table. Some models can be equipped with wheels for comfortable movement around the room.

There are cribs in which you can rock a baby. There are 2 main types of rocking cribs:

  • rocking beds on skids (on runners);
  • cribs with a pendulum mechanism.

Which is better: a pendulum crib or a rocking chair??

Both serve common goal- they help calm the baby before bed. In ancient times, hanging cradles were used for this purpose. Their gentle rocking lulled the child to sleep.

Modern baby rocking cribs are also needed to soothe a newborn. Moreover, their moving mechanism is designed in such a way that even the baby’s own movements lead to swaying. Let's try to find out how a rocking bed is similar and different from a pendulum.

Material of manufacture

Modern furniture makers make rocking chairs and cribs for newborns with a pendulum from different materials.

Children's beds can be made:

  • made of wicker - they do not support much weight, so they are intended for the smallest;
  • made of wood - the most popular material among young parents, environmentally friendly, can be unpainted or coated with harmless paint;
  • made of metal - cribs are durable and functional;
  • made of plastic - the advantages are light weight, easy washing, variety of colors and relatively low cost.

If there are cases of allergic diseases in the family, it is better to choose a crib from natural material. A good option There will be a wooden rocking bed. You can find a baby crib on sale even from Ivory with a pendulum. This is not only safe, but also a very beautiful model with elegant finishing.

Types of pendulum mechanisms

In cribs with a pendulum, only the sleeping area is movable. The legs always remain motionless. This is possible due to the use of a special swing mechanism for a crib - a pendulum.

Rocking mechanisms for cribs are available in 3 types:

  • with longitudinal movement;
  • with transverse movement;
  • universal pendulum.

Different types of cribs with a pendulum are different. The longitudinal and transverse movement of the crib is a fairly common type of mechanism. Another question often arises: a universal pendulum in a crib - what is it? This means that the mechanism is designed in such a way that, depending on the needs, the direction of motion sickness can be changed.

When a crib for newborns has a longitudinal pendulum, this imitates motion sickness in the arms of an adult, and cribs with a transverse swing pendulum imitate motion sickness in a cradle. A crib with a universal pendulum is convenient because the direction of movement can be changed. Therefore, it can be moved to any place in the apartment, and the baby does not get used to monotonous motion sickness.

It is convenient when the bed is equipped with wheels. A pendulum bed on wheels can be easily moved from one place in the room to another.

Transformer with pendulum

Transformable cribs are available without a pendulum and with a pendulum. There are several possibilities for transformation:

  • changing the direction of motion sickness;
  • increasing or decreasing the sleeping space;
  • changing the depth of the berth.

The depth of the bed varies according to the age of the child. At 6 months, sometimes earlier, the baby learns to sit. At this time, the depth of the crib should be increased so that the baby cannot fall out of the crib. To do this, simply lower the bed, as provided for by the design of the bed.

Children's bed with pendulum and chest of drawers especially convenient. In this case, lengthening the bed is achieved by dismantling the built-in chest of drawers and shelves. In this case, the crib with a pendulum can be used even when the baby grows up. The swing mechanism, of course, should be turned off.

Transformable crib with changing table and pendulum subsequently transforms into computer desk or to a training location. The shelves and chest of drawers are used to store school supplies.

Transformers with a pendulum significantly save space in the apartment and family budget. They can be used for many years, using the capabilities inherent in the design.

Rocking beds

Baby cot without pendulum also used for rocking if it is a rocking bed. Unlike cribs with a pendulum, it swings with the whole body. To do this, wide skids are installed on them. The amplitude of the swing can be different depending on the degree of their roundness. In some models, it is possible to subsequently change the runners to wheels.

To prevent accidental tipping, a lock is attached to the slide. It prevents the range of motion from becoming too large.

When the child grows up and rocking before bed is no longer required, the runners are replaced with wheels or simply removed.


Rocking cots and cots with a cross-swing pendulum should not be installed close to the wall, otherwise there will be no room for free movement.

It is better to locate them close to the parents' resting place. Then you can take advantage of the main advantage of such cribs: the ability to rock the baby right where he sleeps. This is especially convenient at night, when parents can soothe the baby with rocking without getting out of bed. Cribs for newborns with a transverse pendulum are easily set in motion and retain the inertia of movement for a long time.

Assembly Features

Assembling a crib with a pendulum is quite difficult. Special attention should be addressed to the pendulum mechanism.

After collecting the back and side walls, the bed is secured. Then the movable front wall is inserted into the grooves. The pendulum uses bearing mechanisms. Fasteners will be inserted into the holes. They must match. After installing the clamps, the screws must be closed with plugs.

Assembling a rocking crib for children is easier. It is enough just to place the assembled body on wide skids.

The fastening of wheels to rocking cots must be reliable so that when a grown-up child moves, the body does not warp due to a broken wheel.

Assembling a transforming crib with a chest of drawers and a pendulum is much more difficult. It is better to contact a specialist for assembly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both the rocking chair and the pendulum have their advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantages of a rocking bed:

  • when rocking, it can move along the floor;
  • not stable enough; the child’s own movements may cause the child to tip over;
  • the sled can damage the floor when rocking;
  • the movement when swinging is uneven;
  • cannot be used in conjunction with built-in shelves or a chest of drawers.

Cribs with a pendulum have their disadvantages:

  • they have a fairly high cost;
  • they break more often.

Which crib should you choose?

A crib with longitudinal rocking has movements that are more familiar to a child, simulating rocking in the arms of an adult. She swings longer by inertia, her movements are smoother. It doesn't require much effort to swing. If necessary, the swing mechanism can simply be turned off.

At the moment, it is not clear whether a crib with longitudinal swing has any disadvantages. Parents usually highly appreciate such products.

A transforming bed with a longitudinal pendulum can be combined with built-in shelves, a chest of drawers or a changing table. This increases the ease of use. But the cost of such a bed is much higher than that of a simple rocking chair.

A common disadvantage of conventional rocking beds or those with a pendulum is that with prolonged use, the child gets used to falling asleep with motion sickness. It is quite difficult to wean him off this.

Which baby crib is better - a rocking chair or a pendulum - can be fully understood only after experience of use. When choosing, you should compare all the pros and cons.

Child safety comes first

When choosing a rocking bed or pendulum, you should first of all take care of its safety. Each bed must be certified. The seller, upon request, must provide documents confirming its safety.

A safe bed must meet the following requirements:

  • materials must be suitable for use by children;
  • there should be no sharp corners or untreated surfaces;
  • connections between parts must be reliable and, if possible, hidden;
  • there should be no small parts that a child can detach and swallow;
  • must be resistant to tipping.

When using a rocking bed, you should stop using the rocking function in time. To do this, the crib with a pendulum must have reliable latches. In a conventional rocking chair, the runners are simply removed.

Cribs with a rocking mechanism are quite comfortable. They make it easier for the child to go to bed. Which crib to choose: a pendulum or a rocking chair? This is decided by the parents. The main criterion when purchasing should be safety for the baby. The most popular model is a baby crib made of natural wood with a pendulum. It is chosen by most young fathers and mothers.

This article is about how I developed a crib rocker with a pendulum mechanism.
If you are interested, welcome to cat.

This story began more than three years ago, when my wife and I were preparing for the birth of our son. Among other things, I became concerned about buying a crib and began to research the market on this topic. It turned out that they are currently on sale the following types cots:

  • Just a crib, standing up. The legs are usually equipped with wheels.
  • Rocking bed with an arched runner.
  • A crib with a pendulum swing mechanism.
Pendulum mechanisms can be longitudinal (the crib swings along the long side, as in the title picture), transverse (the crib swings along the short side) or universal. In the latter case, the same crib can be assembled either way.

There are also cradles - a small cradle that is convenient to place next to you when you are doing something and the baby is awake.

There are also playpen beds, Chinese ones. There are also transformable beds, with a chest of drawers and a changing table attached to them at the end, and there are also options with a pendulum. And there are many more exotic things.

But I was in the mood for a traditional crib, standard sizes, made of birch or beech, with a pendulum swing mechanism. Well, as a “progressive person with advanced views,” I immediately thought that I couldn’t rock this crib with my hands. Surely, I thought, swing mechanisms have been invented a long time ago, you just need to go to the store and buy them.

However, to my surprise, I discovered that there was no ready-made device for sale. But there are tips. For example, tie a rope with one end to your leg and the other to the bed, and, swinging your leg, rock the bed. You can even sit at the computer. Or you can tie a string to the CD-ROM table and write a program that will open and close the table at some frequency. You can also use the wiper drive from old Zhiguli cars. To keep it quiet, place it in the next room, and lead a rope from this room to the nursery through a system of holes, pulleys and blocks. There are even more radical tips - don’t download at all. Because, probably, it is harmful and in general in Sparta, for example, children were not pumped, and everyone was happy with everything.

In addition to the advice, several patents were discovered, but no devices based on them are produced. There was one manufacturer that seemed to be, I probably would have even bought their device then. But at that time it was no longer possible - as far as I understood, production, if it existed, they curtailed.

So the idea came to me to develop my own device for rocking the crib.

I analyzed all the patents and other materials found on the Internet that could help me. We also had to disassemble the children's Chinese electric swing to see what was inside.

The requirements for the device gradually emerged:

  • Silence. This means there should be no motors, gears, or gearboxes. You can, of course, add sound insulation, but it’s better to do without all this from the beginning.
  • Opportunity remote control. And this, in turn, means the device’s ability to rock the crib from a state of rest.
  • Easy to install on the crib. And, as a result, the possibility of installation, if not on all, then at least on the majority of commercially available cribs.
Reflecting on the design of the device, I noted several main points for myself. Firstly, the swing device must adapt to the frequency of the crib’s own vibrations, pushing it at strictly defined, necessary moments in time, just like a person standing on the ground rocks a swing. In addition, the connection between the crib and the drive should not be rigid; it must be done so that the swinging crib can be stopped by hand at any time without damaging the drive and the hand. The crib should swing itself, and the drive will only compensate for the energy dissipated as a result of friction. This in turn will determine the low power consumed by the device.

Remember, at one time “tabletop” games were popular perpetual motion machines"? There is a coil in the stand, and a magnet in the swinging part. It is enough to pump the “engine”, and it will swing until its batteries run out.

The principle of operation of the device is simple - a magnet, flying over a coil, induces an EMF in it, which changes sign at the moment when the magnet begins to move away from the coil. It was on this same principle that I decided to create my own device. Important point– I decided to use the same drive coil as a sensor (and not, for example, another coil, an optocoupler or a Hall sensor). In other words, the microcontroller (and the design is assembled, of course, on it) first “listens” to the EMF in the coil, and then at the right time connects the same coil to the power source.

Going from an idea to a finished device, I had to solve many issues. ATtiny24 was suitable as a microcontroller. The magnet chosen was neodymium, in the form of a washer, with a diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 8 mm. A separate story with the coil - its parameters had to be carefully selected, using both some theory and several prototype coils c different sizes, wire diameters and number of turns. Core geometry and materials also varied. Of course, I wanted to make the magnetic system as closed as possible; ideally, the magnet should move with minimal gaps between the poles of the core. In this case, the highest efficiency of the device would be achieved (and therefore the minimum amount of copper in the winding). However, for the sake of simplicity of design high efficiency had to sacrifice. One of the coil options (not final) is shown in the photograph.

In order for the swing mechanism to move the crib, a certain displacement of the coil relative to the magnet in the equilibrium position was provided.

The remote control was performed using a ready-made Chinese remote control with four buttons (start, stop, more, less) and a receiver for it. The following remote control is currently used:

The program for the microcontroller provided six swing speeds (essentially, the length of the pushing pulse changes). For the sixth speed, the algorithm is somewhat more complicated - it uses a series of short pulses with checking the polarity of the induced EMF in pauses between them. This allows you to achieve maximum swing energy.

Over the course of these three years, the program is improved as new ideas arise. For example, an algorithm for dynamically changing the length of pulses depending on the period of rocking the crib was tested (and is now used). An algorithm was also created for a smooth increase and smooth decrease of the current in the drive coil, which determines the complete, absolute silence of the device. Without this improvement, the device still produced some sound during operation, similar to the ticking of a clock. There is also the idea of ​​​​creating a PI controller with feedback on the swing amplitude, but the problem of determining this amplitude using the existing “sensor” has not yet been solved.

A ready-made Gainta case was chosen as the body of the device; after some time it acquired a beautiful laser-engraved picture.

Power supply - ready, 12 V, 2 A.

A few more photos of the device:

Custom fasteners are cut using laser cutting and powder coated.

We used our rocking device for about a year, my wife was very pleased. And then the child refused to rock to sleep in the crib, and the device turned out to be irrelevant for us.

And then it turned out that such devices can be sold. But that is another story.

If you like this article, I can tell you:
- about how I received a patent for a utility model, and how it turned out to be practically useless in a real-life case of violation of my patent rights;
- about how I began to mass-produce and sell swinging devices, but have not yet become rich;
- about how the device has a new control panel with a screen from the Nokia 1202, as well as additional functions.

Even before the most important event happens in the family - the birth of an endlessly beloved and dear baby, the first concern of parents is arranging the children's room. Already at this stage, the main task of future mothers and fathers is to purchase a cozy and high-quality crib. Modern market children's products offers many options for organizing a sleeping place for newborns; a children's bed with a pendulum is in considerable demand among parents.

Crib with a pendulum swing mechanism - advantages and features

At first glance, a pendulum bed is very similar to a traditional crib; the key difference is the presence of a special device that creates oscillatory movements. The legs of the crib remain motionless, only the berth rocks, maintaining a horizontal position.

The pendulum mechanism imitates motion sickness in mother's arms, the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep. Thus, a bed with a pendulum mechanism
simultaneously performs the function of a sleeping place and a cradle.

A crib with a pendulum mechanism is characterized by a long service life and can be used as a sleeping place from the very birth of the child until he reaches 3-5 years of age.

TO positive qualities pendulum beds also include:

  • smooth ride;
  • silent operation of the pendulum;
  • presence of a movement blocker.

Parents can fully appreciate the benefits of the pendulum system at night. To calm a cranky baby, a mother does not need to jump to her feet at night; it is enough to simply touch the crib located next to the parents with her hand, thereby starting the pendulum.

Design and types of pendulum mechanisms for cribs

The structural elements of the pendulum are bushings, hinges, and a pendulum bar. There are models of cribs on the market with three types of pendulum mechanisms:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • universal.

The mechanisms differ in the swing trajectory. The longitudinal system creates oscillations of the bed from the head to the legs (back and forth), the transverse pendulum swings the crib in the right-left direction, the universal pendulum mechanism can make both longitudinal and transverse movements. Depending on the model, the vibration amplitude of the sleeping place ranges from 5 to 15 cm.

According to doctors, best choice is a pendulum bed for newborns with longitudinal swing, oscillations in the back and forth direction are closest to human physiology. Oscillations along the body maintain normal intracranial pressure in the baby.

According to the method of swing, manual and automatic pendulum beds are distinguished.

A pendulum bed with a manual mechanism is activated by pushing the human hand. The oscillations of the sleeping place continue for about 10 minutes.

IN electric models To create oscillatory movements, a drive unit is used along with the pendulum mechanism. The drive mechanism is a miniature electric motor equipped with electronics. The power source for the electric drive is the electrical network. The drive unit is mounted on the stationary part of the crib.

The pendulum mechanism can be controlled remotely using a remote control. IN selected models a microphone is built into the drive unit; the bed with automatic electronic rocking is activated when the baby cries. After receiving a voice command, the electric drive starts the pendulum. The rocking cycle lasts for 10-15 minutes and the sleeping time stops automatically after the specified time has elapsed; if necessary, the movement of the crib can be stopped manually.

General rules for choosing cribs

For many mothers and fathers, the decisive factor when buying children's furniture is visual appeal However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. The main selection criteria are the convenience and safety of the little man. There are many things to consider when choosing a crib, including:

  • material of manufacture;
  • baby protection elements;
  • features of the sleeping place arrangement.

Shapes, materials and sizes of frames

One of the main structural elements The crib is a frame. Today, furniture manufacturers offer a huge selection of cribs for newborns, the range includes traditional models rectangular shape and somewhat non-standard products with a round or oval frame.

The strength and durability of a crib directly depends on the material used. In the production of furniture for small children they use natural wood, MDF, plastic, laminated chipboard, metal.

Of course, for a baby it is better to choose a crib made of natural material. Furniture with wooden frame looks expensive and presentable, is characterized by a long service life and the ability to “breathe”. In the segment of wooden children's furniture today you can find quite affordable models, including budget options include products made from pine, spruce and birch. More durable, expensive cribs are made from hard trees - beech, ash, oak. Wooden cribs differ from each other and stylistic design. The market offers classic models made from unpainted wood and wooden cribs coated with paint and varnish, decorated with printed images.

Plastic frames are easy to maintain; the weight of a plastic crib is much less than its wooden counterpart. The affordable cost of plastic furniture also attracts buyers.

Before buying a crib for a baby, do not hesitate to ask the seller for quality certificates for materials. Unscrupulous manufacturers may use low-quality materials that are harmful to children in order to reduce the cost of furniture. To cover the structural elements of the children's bed, non-toxic, safe, water-based paints should be used.

Metal frames are famous for their strength and long service life. However, metal cribs are not widely used due to the “coldness” of the material.

The standard dimensions of a domestically produced baby crib are 120x60 cm. In imported products, the width and length of the sleeping bed are increased by 5 centimeters and amount to 125x65 cm.

Sides - types and rules of choice

One more important element are the sides of the crib, the main purpose of the design is to protect the baby from falling. The sides can be:

  • stationary and removable;
  • blind rack or combined (two solid sidewalls, two rack).

Most often, furniture manufacturers make the side walls of the sleeping bed in the form of a lattice structure; the side walls consist of a frame and cross bars installed at a certain distance. The crossbars can be made in the form of a round rod or be represented by wide slats.

When choosing a sleeping place for a baby, it is important to take into account two main requirements for enclosing structures:

  • the distance between the vertical slats of the side parts should not exceed 5-6 cm;
  • The height of the sides should be at least 60-65 cm, measurements are taken from the mattress to the edge of the side.

Additional protection for the baby will be provided by special silicone pads on the edges of the side and soft removable sides fixed around the perimeter of the crib. Elements of protection are especially relevant when the baby begins to actively move and during the period of teething. Silicone pads will not only protect the child’s gums from damage, but also maintain the integrity of the tree.

Some models of cribs are equipped with a front folding side. The folding sidewall allows you to move the child's bed close to the parent's bed; when the child grows up, he will be able to independently climb into his sleeping place. Unlike cribs equipped with runners to adjust the height of the side, in folding structures piano hinges are used. If necessary, the side can be folded down to outside, in the raised state it is fixed using latches.

Sleeping place - types and arrangement of bases

The base for a baby crib mattress can have a solid covered or slatted bottom. A solid bottom is considered more durable, and the cost of cribs with a solid base is lower than their slatted counterparts. A significant drawback is design features, the solid base has no gaps or holes, and therefore there is no air circulation between the mattress and the bottom. The mattress does not dry well and can quickly become unusable.

The slatted bottom consists of transverse strips fixed to the frame. The lattice design does not retain moisture inside the mattress and provides intense air circulation. The slatted base helps to properly distribute the load on the baby’s fragile spine.

Additional equipment for children's beds with a pendulum

Today, multifunctional furniture is valued, which allows you to optimize space as much as possible. Modern cribs for newborns can be combined with storage systems, a changing table, etc. Storage systems presented drawers and drawers located at the bottom of the crib or on the sides of the bed.

How to assemble a bed with a pendulum with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

You can assemble a bed with a pendulum yourself.
At the first stage of work, you should prepare necessary equipment, unpack the crib, carefully read the assembly instructions, check the presence of all structural elements and fasteners.

It is better to assemble the crib at the place of its use.

Work equipment includes the following tools:

  • reversible key;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver

Work order:

  • the rear fixed wall of the crib is placed upward on the floor inside, using screws, mount the side parts;
  • install the base under the mattress, placing it in the provided grooves and securing it with screws;
  • the front movable part of the crib is inserted into the guide grooves located on the side parts, using screws the free edge of the base under the mattress is fixed to the front wall;
  • start assembling the pendulum:
  • assemble the supports with pendulums, connecting four components to each other;
  • hinges are secured to the pendulum bars using washers and bolts;
  • Using nuts, secure the hinges to the base of the pendulum device. The nuts are seated on the washers without tightening them all the way;
  • The body of the children's bed is installed on the support with pendulums, the structure is fastened by installing bolts to the legs, and the side part is fixed with screws;
  • If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
    P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

Future parents, of course, first purchase a crib for their baby. It has been used for many generations, so this calming option is considered proven and recommended by many people. Due to the large assortment and varieties of mechanisms, the question arises - which device is better? To solve this problem, you first need to understand the work process itself. You need to know how the product works and what advantages you will encounter. This will be discussed in this article.

How does the pendulum mechanism work?

The answer is quite simple: you need to start the movement of the crib with one touch. It is best to do this on your own, then your hand will get much less tired. This type of product is the most advanced. The surface itself remains horizontal. The sides, in turn, must be movable and unrestricted in order for the structure to operate in full swing. The amplitude is usually from 6 to 15 centimeters. In addition, the child himself is able to rock the structure for a while. This occurs due to its movements across the entire area of ​​the crib.

ATTENTION! It is advisable to remember that it is not recommended to limit the space that surrounds the device, otherwise the second one will lose its functionality.

The direction can come from two driving forces: either transverse or longitudinal. The type itself is chosen by users according to their personal preferences. We will focus on the first of them and try to understand its features.

What is a transverse pendulum in a crib?

It is considered a traditional way to calm babies, as it repeats the movements that are inherent in a standard cradle, as well as a classic cradle, rocking chair on runners. In addition, the actions can be compared to natural rocking - in the arms, which can practically replace the presence of the mother.

This design is intended for children over three months of age who have just learned to roll over from one side to the other. Motion sickness occurs starting from the left side to the right or vice versa. Even a child is able to operate his sleeping place without any difficulties. This can happen in cases where during a dream the baby involuntarily worries and begins to toss and turn. Thus, a smooth and barely noticeable movement is quietly carried out, which calms him down and allows him to continue the dreaming process. And you don’t have to worry about it and take part.

REFERENCE! Moreover, if you place the device in a perpendicular position to the parent’s bed, then the mother will only need to extend her hand to activate the device and continue sleeping.

Advantages of cribs with a transverse pendulum

One can be amazed at how huge the list of advantages of a device with this mechanism is. It includes the following elements:

Remember that even if some shortcomings arise, they can be eliminated without much difficulty. But, since they are practically not inherent in the transverse mechanism, you are unlikely to encounter such a situation - their detection.