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» Clematis: green cuttings. Clematis propagation

Clematis: green cuttings. Clematis propagation

Amateur and professional gardeners Special attention pay attention to such an important process as propagation of clematis by cuttings. It is this method that makes it possible to obtain several more copies of your favorite plant variety. The process is quite easy and fast, if you take into account some important points and advice. When cuttings are successful, beautiful young clematis grow.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings at different times of the year

Obtaining new clematis bushes can be done all year round: spring and autumn, winter and summer.

Cuttings of clematis in autumn

At autumn pruning clematis, well-ripened and long shoots (about a meter in length) are selected. They need to be twisted into a ring and buried in loose, moist soil (about 10 centimeters). This part of the soil will form a crust after some time. Once this happens, cover the clematis with a layer of foliage.

By the end of summer, a young clematis bush will grow. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature regime so that the plant is well accepted.

Winter cuttings of clematis

Winter cuttings are characterized by the use of woody branches. This is necessary in order to increase the chance of survival of cuttings in cold weather. winter period when sunlight contains fewer nutrients.

The cutting should be small (less than twenty centimeters) so that it is convenient to make a small greenhouse for it. This will provide the young plant with warmth and moderate humidity.

Cuttings are less likely to be accepted and require more care.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in spring

To get cuttings, you need to cut off a shoot at least 70 centimeters long from the bush. The upper part of the branch is not needed, since this is the immature part of the shoot; the buds in the axils of the leaves are not laid here.

It is best to take cuttings from the middle part that do not have large green shoots.

When cutting cuttings, about 7 centimeters are left. After this, the cuttings are placed in a solution of heteroauxin or root for half an hour. This stimulates the emergence of the root system. This makes propagation of clematis by cuttings more effective.

The soil can be loosened and humus added to make the soil fertile and soft. A groove is created and water is spilled. After the water has been partially absorbed, the hole is partially filled with earth. Cuttings are inserted there up to the very shoots.

How to properly trim clematis cuttings:

  1. Use a sharp knife. can crush and damage delicate, thin branches. A sharp knife will not spoil the cuttings.
  2. Cut at a 45 degree angle. You need to cut the shoot obliquely, ideally at an angle of 45 degrees. This type of pruning increases the area where roots appear.
  3. Back off 1.5 centimeters. To successfully cut cuttings, you need to retreat 1.2 - 2 centimeters from the node.

Cuttings are well accepted from both old and young bushes.

How clematis propagates by cuttings in summer

Propagation of this plant is very simple. There is no need to use additional materials.

When cuttings, you should cut off half or a third of the leaf, since it is in the summer that clematis has large leaves that bloom.

A video about cutting clematis in the summer will tell you many important points that are worth listening to and seeing with your own eyes. The video contains many tips on proper plant care. There are especially many nuances during summer period. You need to make sure that the cuttings do not dry out, like the soil in which they are located.

Cuttings are going well. TO next season young and beautiful clematis grow.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in water

This method follows a similar principle.

There are several things to consider important factors that prevent possible mistakes(rotting of cuttings):

  1. Clean container. It is very important that the container in which the cuttings will grow is perfectly clean. This main mistake, after which the cuttings deteriorate and rot.
  2. High quality cut. An even and neat cut is the key to a well-developed root system. A bad cut can ruin the plant.

A sharp tool is used for work.

If you are interested in the question of how to grow clematis from cuttings, then there is one piece of practical advice.

When rooting, plants release a liquid that contains natural rooting substances. If the gardener has grown cuttings in water before, then the liquid from previous cuttings is good to add to new plants. This reduces the time for the formation of callus and the first root grooves.

As soon as root grooves have appeared, the plant can be transplanted into the ground, or you can wait until a full-fledged root grows.

The cuttings are transplanted into a small container, which needs to be covered with something on top to create an airtight package. You can take a bottle, cut it into two parts, plant a cutting in one of them, and make small cuts from the bottom on the second (thanks to this, you can combine the bottles with each other). This is how clematis is propagated by cuttings in water.

A small depression is made in the ground (there is no need to stick the cutting into the ground immediately, so as not to damage the callus), where the clematis is then placed.

It is advisable to keep the plant at a temperature of 22° C, since at lower temperatures the roots either do not grow at all or grow slowly.

Reproduction of clematis by layering

Among gardeners, a favorite way to increase the number of plants is to propagate clematis by layering. Unlike cuttings, this method gives 100% results and requires less effort.

A twig is taken, part of which is buried in the ground (attached with a hairpin or other fastening so that it does not fly away).

This method is good because the mother branch will feed the bush until it becomes strong enough to become independent. Receives all necessary offspring from the mother useful material, microelements. But this does not mean that the bush itself does not need to be fertilized. It needs the same care as its brothers: sufficient watering and good feeding.

Propagation of clematis by green cuttings has several important features. This method is considered quite simple. Even a novice gardener can handle it, but despite this experienced gardeners They also prefer to propagate clematis from cuttings.

This method has a number of advantages:

  1. Cost-effective. Using cuttings, you can grow a new plant completely free of charge. If you see a beautiful clematis from a neighbor or friend, you can ask him for a cutting. Then you can grow exactly the same plant in your own home. At the same time saving both time and money.
  2. Quantity and quality. Taking cuttings good varieties, you will grow a plant identical to those from which the fence was taken. At proper cultivation cuttings, you can grow a whole garden without buying a single bush or flower.

When thinking about landscaping your property, first of all, you want to acquire flowering plants. It would also be nice if the flowering period was several months, but ideally that’s all warm time of the year. These plants include clematis.

It blooms all spring, autumn and summer. If the summer months are particularly hot, clematis can rest in midsummer. As soon as the heat subsides, its flowers will again fill your garden with fragrance. The color range of this plant is very diverse. And care comes down to feeding, moderate watering and shelter for the winter. This ornamental shrub will not cause much trouble, but in return will delight you with delicate and beautiful inflorescences.

How to propagate clematis?

This ornamental plant can be propagated by everyone by known methods. The only difference is the amount of time and available materials. Therefore, when considering the question of how to propagate clematis, you need to start from the presence of this ornamental shrub on your site. If you already have clematis, you can propagate by layering or cuttings. Another option is dividing the bush. And if you don’t have these plants, you will need to purchase them or collect seeds. Before you start planting, you need to choose a place for clematis. Although this flower is unpretentious, it still has its own preferences. You need to choose a place for it that is windless and moderately sunny. You can plant clematis next to taller plants that will create moderate shade.

We propagate clematis by cuttings

The answer to the question of whether clematis can be propagated by cuttings is positive. Moreover, such a method as cuttings makes it possible to obtain a large number of seedlings. The cutting process can be done at any time of the year, except autumn. Let's consider the question of how to propagate clematis by cuttings in more detail. You can use both lignified and green cuttings. Propagation by green cuttings differs from propagation by lignified cuttings in the time of cutting. The process itself is not fundamentally different from cuttings from other shrubs. The cutting should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and there should be 2 nodes on it. And you need to take it from the middle of the shoot. It will be better for the plant if the cutting process is carried out in the fall.

To achieve a better effect, before propagating clematis by cuttings, you can acquire growth stimulants. They are sold in specialized stores. When propagating clematis by cuttings, you must adhere to certain rules. temperature regime. The temperature can vary from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. The following phenomena are detrimental to cuttings: high humidity, drying out and overheating. You should also avoid direct sunlight. By propagating clematis by cuttings, you will ultimately receive seedlings that have a strong root system. This is an undeniable advantage cuttings before other methods of propagation.

We propagate clematis by layering

Now let's figure out how to propagate clematis by layering. The first step is to prepare the grooves, the depth of which should be 10 centimeters. The further process is very simple. Young shoots should be placed in these grooves. They should have 6 knots.

All that remains is to cover the shoot with earth. The soil can be additionally nourished or mulched. The top of the shoot should look out from under the ground. It is advisable to tie it to wooden stick. In order for the cuttings to take root, it is necessary to water in a timely manner. The earth should not dry out. Then, as the tops grow, the process is repeated. And in the spring you can separate young clematis from the mother bush and replant it in a place prepared for them.

We propagate clematis by seeds

This is perhaps the most troublesome way to get clematis. From seeds, a plant may not turn out the same as its parent. If you buy clematis seeds, then there is no need to do anything with them. You can start sowing immediately. If you collect seeds, then you need to select only large samples. There are 2 sowing options: in pots or open ground. Let's look at both.

Sowing in open ground

This ornamental shrub can be sown both in autumn and spring. Before sowing, you need to stock up on a certain amount of sand. Because the seeds will need to be sprinkled with it. If you decide to sow clematis in the spring, then you first need to keep the seeds for 3 months at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. Such measures will accelerate the germination and germination of the plant. Seeds are poured onto the surface of the earth, and a layer of sand is sprinkled on top. It is desirable that the air temperature during seed germination be from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Sowing in pots

If sowing is done in pots or special boxes, then you need the soil to be half sand. Pour soil into the container, then seeds, sprinkle with sand. The temperature should be, as when planting in open ground, from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

After the seeds have been planted, timely watering must be ensured. If planted in open ground, weeding will also be required. If all the conditions have been met, then sprouts will soon appear, which need a lot of light, humidity and a certain thermal regime. At the same time, straight lines should not fall on them. Sun rays.

After the first leaves appear, clematis needs to be pruned. And after the bush begins to produce shoots, they need to be pinched. It should be remembered that if there are several clematis, then the distance between them should be at least 20 centimeters. If planting and care have been carried out properly, you will receive an ornamental shrub with a strong root system and a luxurious crown.

To prevent the root system of clematis from suffering in winter, the plant must be planted in a trench, the depth of which is on average 6 centimeters. The shoots in front of the shelter are cut so that 2-3 nodes remain. Although the characteristics of the clematis type play a big role here - there are varieties that are not pruned.

Reproduction of clematis by dividing the bush

Before considering the question of how to propagate clematis by dividing the bush, you need to make a reservation that this can only be done with a plant that is at least 3 years old. Due to the large dimensions of the ornamental shrub, this method cannot be called very convenient. Although it makes it possible to get an already formed healthy bush. It is advisable to do this in the fall, and as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the root system. Can be divided into several parts. The main thing is to remember that each resulting plant must have at least 4 shoots.

Advantages and disadvantages of clematis propagation methods

We looked at several ways to propagate this ornamental shrub. You can get clematis from seeds by cuttings, dividing the bush or layering. The simplest and most reliable is propagation by layering and dividing the bush. In second place you can put cuttings of shrubs, but getting a plant from seeds is quite a troublesome task. Although if we talk about efficiency, cuttings should still be put in first place. When growing a shrub from seeds, you may not get what you expected. Which is also difficult to attribute to the advantages of this method.

How to properly propagate clematis was described above. However, I would like to emphasize that you can get a strong plant only by adhering to the temperature regime and care rules.


We figured out how to propagate clematis. I would like to say a few words about caring for this wonderful plant. In order for it to feel comfortable, it is necessary to loosen the soil and feed the bushes. They don't like clematis acidic soil and cannot tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, watering should be moderate, but the presence of peat or manure can destroy ornamental shrubs. You also need to remember about the fertilizers that clematis need. After all, in order to bloom, a plant needs a lot of strength.

In parallel with planting, it is necessary to take care of the supports, since clematis are shrubby vines. Before propagating clematis, it is necessary to build arches. These ornamental shrubs can perfectly act as a hedge or decorate the walls of a house. However, in the second case, you should remember that you need to leave at least 40 centimeters of free space between the wall of the house and the clematis. And between the bushes themselves, if there are several of them, you need to leave at least 30 centimeters free space. You also need to make sure that the clematis will not be exposed to water running off the roofs.

Well, a few words about how clematis endures winter. It refers to frost-resistant plants. If all planting rules are followed, then the root system is not afraid of frost. But the Achilles heel of the plant is the root collar. It is on this that they are located flower buds, which will put out vines in the spring. To protect it from frost, after pruning, clematis is covered with ash and sand and covered with spruce branches. For most varieties, such a covering is sufficient, and owners of capricious clematis can additionally build a roof from scrap materials. Boards, plywood or slate are suitable for this. But you shouldn’t cover it before frost sets in. When the temperature drops, clematis not only feels great, but also gets healthier, as the plant hardens and diseases freeze out.

IN Lately clematis (Clematis) has become the most popular in landscape design. The most unsightly area is radically transformed when this unusually beautiful vine is covered with marvelous flowers. But we’ll look at how to propagate clematis correctly below in our article.

A little about the wonderful flower Clematis

At first glance, clematis captivates with the abundance of large flowers of various colors, eclipsing even exotic representatives of the flora with its beauty. However, without proper care you will not get exceptional beauty from it. But in gratitude for your attention and care, clematis will delight you with amazingly beautiful and luxurious flowers.

The method of propagation by seeds is practically not used, since varietal clematis rarely produce seeds. In addition, during seed propagation, all signs of the mother plant are lost.

Obtaining new clematis by dividing the bush is an unproductive method, since its use leads to a halt in the growth of the donor plant. Propagation is most successful by cuttings (“green” or lignified) and layering.

Clematis: propagation by green cuttings

Clematis is propagated by “green” cuttings in late spring and early summer. The shoots used for cuttings are taken from a 3-4 year old bush. They are cut off almost completely, leaving only two or three nodes with two or three buds. You cannot cut off more than a third of all shoots, otherwise you can weaken the mother plant

Cuttings with 1-2 nodes are taken from the middle part of a strong shoot without buds. The upper cut is made at a right (90 degrees) angle, 2 cm above the node, the lower cut is cut at an oblique (45 degrees) angle. To reduce evaporation from leaves sheet plate cut to half size.

The cuttings are rooted in containers filled with peat-sand soil disinfected in a steam bath. To obtain high-quality seedlings, before planting, cuttings are treated with growth stimulants. The most effective is the use of NAA solution. 12 g of alpha-naphthylacetic acid is diluted in a liter of water.

Propagation of clematis by green cuttings on video

The cuttings are kept in the solution for 15-16 hours. Good results were also obtained from using a solution of sodium humate (a teaspoon per liter of water) or succinic acid(a teaspoon per liter of water). All cuttings are planted in the ground so that the node is buried approximately 5 mm. Roots will form from it in the future.

The process of root formation optimal temperature 18-22C lasts up to two months. For the rooting process to be successful, high (85-90%) humidity is required. To do this, the cuttings are provided with a transparent dome, ventilating and spraying the future plants daily warm water from a spray bottle.

Propagation of clematis by woody cuttings

Clematis can be propagated by woody cuttings as well as by “green” cuttings. Only in this case, the propagation material is cut at the end of the growing season (autumn). Cuttings are planted in a greenhouse in November or in early spring.

Reproduction by layering

Propagating clematis by layering is not difficult. However, the process itself, although it does not require much labor, takes much more time.

To obtain layering, clematis bushes must be covered with earth mixed with humus until the second or third pair of leaves. To prevent the soil from crumbling, you can use folding container cylinders.

Within a year or two, adventitious roots will grow on each shoot. Shoots with roots are carefully disconnected from the mother bush, the top is cut off to two or three nodes, then planted on a prepared permanent place.

Another more attractive way in terms of productivity is method of propagation by horizontal layering. But to use this method you need to have more free space. To do this, the shoot is placed in a prepared groove so that the top comes out, and covered with soil. The work is usually carried out after the growing season (late August-early September).

In the spring, new shoots will appear from the awakened buds, which must be covered twice with humus over the summer. After a year, the shoots are dug up and divided into several parts. In this way, you can get more than 10 full-fledged seedlings, without injuring the mother bush at all.

Popular varieties of clematis that are grown in our area are usually hybrid. Therefore the only suitable option Their reproduction is vegetative. Very often, plant owners root cuttings. This can be done not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn. Flower growers give step-by-step recommendations with photos and videos on how to properly cut clematis.

How to take cuttings correctly

Whatever time you choose to propagate clematis, start the procedure by obtaining cuttings. As mother plants, florists advise using healthy, well-developed and well-groomed specimens no more than 5 years old:

Attention! Short roots form most quickly side shoots, which clematis released after severe pruning. They contain greatest number substances useful for rooting.

When preparing cuttings, cut off no more than 1/3 of the shoots. This is important so that the mother plant continues to live and develop normally. After the procedure, feed the flower mineral fertilizer. For example, Kemira-universal.

To strengthen the cutting, soak it in Kornevin solution before planting. The drug is prepared according to the instructions. An alternative for soaking is a solution of succinic acid. Dilute 2 g of powder in half a liter of water and soak the cuttings for about 10 hours. If time is short, a cut of the cutting can simply be treated with dry Kornevin.

Proper soil preparation for rooting cuttings

One of key conditions survival rate of clematis shoots - loose and light soil with a high level of moisture absorption. For example, soil made of 2/3 plant humus and 1/3 river sand meets this requirement. In this case, your main task in the process of growing a flower is to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out.

Attention! Alternative materials for planting cuttings are also very popular: perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber.

For ground rooting of clematis, ordinary plastic glasses are often used:

  • make holes in them for drainage;
  • pour the substrate;
  • moisturize generously;
  • deepen the cutting so that the internode is half in the ground.

If planting in a large container or on a plot, dig a hole in the ground. Fill it with a nutrient substrate, cover it with a 3 cm layer of sand on top. Deepening the cuttings occurs according to the same principle.

With both planting methods, the cutting will require a moist environment at the first stage of rooting. For this:

  • build a greenhouse;
  • spray the plant with water at least 2 times a day;
  • irrigate the cuttings with zircon solution once a week;
  • after 2 weeks, begin to ventilate the plant by opening the film or glass for 15 minutes. per day;
  • remove the greenhouse after shoots appear.

Advice. Irrigation with sodium humate 2 times a month has a good effect on a young plant.

An alternative method of rooting clematis cuttings - in bottles - is considered even simpler and more effective. Suitable for this procedure plastic containers. Cut off the top of the bottle. Root the cuttings into the stable lower part, as in the case of cups. After this, put the top of the bottle in place and wrap it with tape. You will get a mini-greenhouse.

Take the bottles out into the garden and bury them down to the level of the soil inside. The plant needs light to form roots, but direct rays and overheating are contraindicated. It is best to choose partial shade. To ventilate the plant (after 2 weeks), simply unscrew the plug for 20 minutes. After strong shoots have formed, remove the top of the bottle and make drainage holes in the bottom.

Features of clematis cuttings at different times of the year

Some flower growers call best time for cuttings of clematis May, others - late June and early July. In fact, focus on the developmental phase of the flower first. Optimal time- the beginning of budding or a period of intensive growth. At this time, the green mass of clematis is filled with juice, which is a stimulant for flower growth.

Spring, summer and autumn reproduction differ slightly:

  1. In the spring to receive planting material It is not cutting that is used, but breaking out. Carry out the procedure carefully.
  2. In June, when clematis begins to bloom, the shoots are cut off. Leave at least a couple of developed buds on each stump.
  3. In summer, cuttings are rooted in spacious pots, containers or directly in the flower garden. You can first place the shoots in water to take root. In spring, it is better to plant them in small containers indoors.
  4. In autumn, clematis is propagated in September. For this purpose, a flowering vine is used. Rooting is carried out exclusively in closed ground.

The most important thing when rooting a cutting is its proper preparation, as well as temperature. It is optimal to keep it in a greenhouse at about +25°C. At proper care the new plant will take root in about 1-1.5 months.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings: video

The magnificent extravaganza of large clematis flowers rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Even the most unattractive buildings, entwined with plants, are transformed. To decorate other corners of your own garden with clematis, it is not necessary to buy young seedlings. Take advantage of one of the most effective ways propagation of clematis by cuttings.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in autumn - preparation of material

For autumn breeding Clematis cuttings do not use young green shoots, but slightly lignified ones. Of course, such cuttings take root and take root much worse, since with the arrival of autumn the plant enters a period of dormancy. However, with proper care, your event will most likely end successfully.

To propagate clematis in the fall, use the middle part of a long woody shoot. It is cut into cuttings about ten centimeters long. It is important that each segment consists of one internode with leaves on the sides and developed buds. Moreover, the cuttings are cut in such a way that the distance under the internode is two to three centimeters, and above it – one to one and a half centimeters. The cut must be made at an angle, large leaves It is recommended to shorten the cuttings by half.

Propagation of clematis by layering in autumn - soil preparation

Selection suitable soil will allow you to grow new plants with maximum success. Light, non-greasy soil with good breathable properties is suitable for clematis. It is important that the substrate retains moisture well, which is necessary for the formation of the root system.

A mixture of one part humus or peat and two parts sand is perfect for this purpose. Vermiculite or coconut fiber tablets can be used as soil.

Planting clematis cuttings in the ground

For cuttings use small pots or plastic cups. Each container is filled with prepared soil and then watered. The cuttings are then inserted into the soil with the long end cut off at an angle so that the internode is half in the ground. It is at this point that small roots will form.

Clematis cuttings in spring and autumn

By the way, to speed up root formation before planting, the cuttings can be left for several hours in a solution of “Kornevin”, “Heteroauxin” or “KornyaSuper” or simply dipped into the powder at the end. Containers with cuttings are placed in a warm place (about +25 degrees) or covered with film. To provide high level humidity, the cuttings are sprayed with a spray bottle up to two to three times a day. As a rule, rooting occurs within a month to a month and a half. For the winter, young plants are placed in a cellar or basement.

Clematis: summer rooting of green cuttings

Large-flowered clematis in bloom is a Miracle from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Huge clematis flowers have some kind of attractive power...
These gorgeous clematis were demonstrated at one of the flower exhibitions in Chelsea.

The demand of Russian flower growers for large-flowered clematis is varied. different varieties very big. But our assortment and offer of clematis sellers is still small. Therefore, prices for clematis seedlings are high; and beautiful new varieties are, naturally, very expensive. And not every gardener can afford these prices.

Unfortunately, there is now a trend towards further growth prices due to the rise in demand for clematis seedlings, since the past abnormal winter caused enormous damage to these plants in our gardens.
By the way, at the same time I would like to note: do not rush to dig up supposedly frozen clematis bushes, since sprouts from at least a few surviving roots can germinate even after two years!

In such a situation, vegetative propagation of clematis is especially important.
For example, if in the summer you can take at least a small green shoot from a clematis vine you like and root the cuttings, then young plants will soon develop from them - your own Miracle, which will one day bloom!

There are many ways vegetative propagation clematis, including:
— vaccination;
- rooting cuttings.

Some experts prefer grafting, rightly noting that clematis cuttings do not always root successfully (if you have cutting skills, about 60-90%).
In addition, in the summer, at the very height of growth and at the beginning of flowering, it is very unfortunate to cut into cuttings a strong growing shoot of clematis, which is about to give long-awaited wonderful flowers...

Cutting period and rooting conditions for clematis cuttings

If there is a greenhouse and successfully overwintered mother large-flowered clematis in pots, cuttings of awakened vertical lignified shoots are made in early spring.

Later, clematis cuttings take root most successfully in the shoot budding phase, when they contain the maximum amount of their own biostimulants.

For clematis varieties that bloom on last year's shoots (provided they are successfully preserved in winter), cuttings can begin at the end of May before flowering, and also after flowering - until the end of June-beginning of July.

In summer (June-July), green clematis cuttings are usually rooted in cuttings - in pots, boxes or directly in open ground garden
If necessary, you can first carry out summer rooting of prepared clematis cuttings at home, in water.

And at the end of summer (August), and even in September, high-quality green cuttings can also be cut and rooted from actively flowering clematis vines (but their rooting during this period should only take place in closed ground).

Thus, harvesting and rooting cuttings in spring and summer from new growing shoots from properly pruned and fertilized mother clematis can last for a fairly long period.

Clematis propagation

At the same time, more than a third of the total number of shoots should not be cut off from each bush to ensure its further normal growth.

It is better to take cuttings from young strong clematis plants (2-3 year old seedlings), which have the greatest growth energy compared to older specimens.

Important: the uppermost, soft part of the clematis shoot with buds, up to the first or second true leaf, is not suitable for green cuttings.
The most preferable for cutting cuttings is the middle part of the shoot, in the nodes of which developed vegetative buds are visible.

So, from the middle part of a strong shoot of clematis, cuttings are cut with one node having two buds in the axils of a pair of leaves. Wherein top part The cutting above the node for ease of planting is usually 2-3 cm.

It is better to make the lower oblique cut of the cutting under the node at a distance of 3-5 cm. As practice has shown, it is undesirable to leave the lower internode longer, since in this case the sub-bud part of the cutting may break when transplanting the seedling to a permanent place.

The leaves on the clematis cuttings evaporate a lot of moisture, so one leaf is cut off completely (only part of its petiole is left next to the bud, so as not to damage it when cutting the leaf). The second leaf of the cutting is shortened by half.

Immediately after cutting, clematis cuttings are ready for rooting. For faster and more reliable rooting of cuttings, you can pre-treat them with a growth stimulator.

Conditions for rooting clematis cuttings in water

For convenience, several prepared clematis cuttings can be tied into a bundle, but in such a way that their lower ends are at the same level.

For water rooting of clematis cuttings, it is better to take a brown pharmaceutical container. If you don’t have a dark container, you can use a regular glass jar, after wrapping it in thick, light-proof paper.
It is advisable to dial a clean rainwater and put pieces of charcoal into it.

Important: you need to pour just enough water into the bottle so that only the tips of the cuttings touch it, without getting the nodes with buds wet.
In the future, as its level decreases, it is necessary to regularly and timely add water to the original volume.

Place the bottle with cuttings in a large plastic bottle, not completely cut across, with the lid screwed on. This creates the necessary greenhouse effect for rooted plants, slowing down the evaporation of water and accelerating the formation of roots.

Clematis cuttings should be in a warm, bright place (preferably +22...25 degrees, but not higher than +30 degrees), protected from direct sunlight. In such conditions, they take root in water for about two months.
After about 4 weeks, a root growth (callus) forms on the cut ends of the cuttings, from which the rudiments of the main mass of the roots of the future seedling soon appear.
When the length of the formed young roots reaches 3 cm, it is time to plant the rooted clematis cuttings in individual pots.

Also, be sure to place pots with young clematis for rooting in a common greenhouse (under glass or film) to ensure high air humidity. Then the process of rooting cuttings in the substrate will go faster, and most importantly, dormant buds in the nodes will be preserved. Otherwise, when insufficient humidity air, the vegetative buds will dry out, and then the rooted cuttings will die.

Conditions for rooting clematis cuttings in the substrate

Harvested clematis cuttings can be immediately planted for rooting in a loose fertile substrate:
- individually (for example, in large transparent cups with drainage holes made at the bottom);
- together into a common cutting, but in this case it will be impossible to control the process of root formation in each cutting.

When using a cutting box to root clematis cuttings, it is filled with a layer of drainage and then with substrate.
The bottom layer of the substrate (about 25 cm) should consist of mature compost or humus. Perlite or washed coarse is used as the top layer (about 5 cm). river sand, or a mixture of sand and high peat in equal parts.
The soil of the cuttings is carefully leveled, easily compacted, and moistened abundantly.

Clematis cuttings are planted in the substrate using a peg so that the upper part of the node of each cutting with buds is on the surface of the soil, but at the same time the base of the node has close contact with the substrate. In this case, when correct landing In cuttings, the root system grows not only from the callus, but also from the subbud zone of the node, and in some cases also from the internode tissue.

After planting the cuttings, very careful watering is done.
For rooting clematis cuttings, high air humidity is provided using film or glass, while ensuring timely watering and regular spraying of plants.

Maintenance and wintering of large-flowered clematis cuttings

Clematis cuttings planted for rooting in the substrate acquire developed roots in about 1.5-2 months.
The hardening time is coming - it’s time to accustom the plants to fresh air by regularly ventilating the greenhouse, opening it more often and for a longer time every day. After two weeks, clematis, accustomed to fresh air, can be opened completely.
Now, similarly and gradually, it is necessary to accustom the cuttings to direct sunlight.

A peculiarity of different varieties of large-flowered clematis seedlings grown from cuttings is that they behave differently in the process of growing roots.
The best option: when vegetative buds do not wake up during rooting of cuttings. And then hardened young clematis seedlings with dormant buds usually overwinter successfully and produce strong shoots in the spring.
It’s worse when the vegetative buds of rooted cuttings begin to grow in the fall - after all, winter is ahead, and new shoots will definitely not have time to ripen. Such “hurried” cuttings overwinter much worse, and the plants that survive in the spring awaken late. Therefore, it is dangerous to leave sprouted cuttings in open ground. For such tender young clematis it is necessary to provide more favorable and reliable conditions wintering (for example, in a cellar or in a garden trench).

Ungerminated cuttings that have successfully taken root in a greenhouse can be left for the winter at the rooting site, carefully covering the young clematis in the fall so that the substrate does not freeze deeply in winter.
However, in regions with harsh winters, it is safer to dig up rooted cuttings of clematis, sort them by root size, dig the seedlings into containers and place them for the winter in a frost-free, cold place.

After a favorable winter, clematis cuttings planted in the spring with good roots begin to grow, quickly forming a strong root system and strong shoots.

It is better to plant cuttings with a weaker root system for growing in a special bed, providing them with careful care. Such plants can be planted in a permanent place in the next gardening season.

For clematis cuttings rooted in early spring from awakened woody shoots, there are other planting features - this is the topic of another article.

Elena Yurievna Ziborova Floriculture: Pleasure and Benefit

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The process of budding in clematis is a signal for vegetative propagation.

However, before you start cuttings, feed the plant.

Why is this method of propagation called “green cuttings”? Yes, because the cuttings are cut directly from the growing vine. In this case, only the middle part of the shoot (before the flowers) is taken. The shoot is cut into cuttings with one or two nodes. The upper cut of the cutting is made at a distance of 2-3 cm from the node, the bottom cut is made oblique at a distance of 1-2 cm.

The lower sections of the cuttings are treated with “root”.

Loose soil with sand and perlite are suitable as a substrate for cuttings. Important condition- the substrate must be sterile. The cutting is placed in a layer of coarse sand, which is poured on top of the substrate to a height of 4-5 cm.

The cuttings must be planted at an angle so that the buds are flush with the soil or buried. If the cutting has one node, remove one leaf or shorten both leaves by half to reduce moisture evaporation. The cuttings are planted so that the leaves do not touch each other or the ground, otherwise the leaves will turn black and the cuttings will die.

Caring for cuttings

To root green planted cuttings, a number of conditions must be met. Cuttings need spraying 3-5 times a day. Air humidity should be 85-95%. Green cuttings are afraid of direct rays of the sun, so they need to be shaded. They need weeding and ventilation. The air temperature should be between 22-25°C, but not higher than 30°C.

Rooting of cuttings usually lasts 1-2 months (it all depends on the variety). TO sunlight they are taught gradually. With the onset of autumn, the frames or film are removed. If all these conditions are met, the percentage of rooted cuttings is usually 60-90%.

Rooted cuttings overwinter in open ground, but they must be carefully covered. In the spring, 1-2 shoots will appear from the overwintered buds, and the plants can be planted.

In addition, clematis can be propagated by layering, dividing the bush and seeds.

The most reliable way is to propagate clematis layering.

Its essence lies in the fact that the clematis shoot is completely buried in the ground and during the summer a young bush grows from each internode.

It is most convenient to do this in early spring. When, after wintering, you lift and tie clematis to supports, choose a good shoot that has not been broken over the winter.

4 ways to propagate clematis in the fall at home

Place it in the prepared groove (groove depth 7-8 cm). The shoot will bend and puff up, so it will have to be pressed to the ground with some kind of hooks.

If you are breeding clematis and you need a lot of seedlings, then bury not one, but 2 or 5 shoots, but do not bury the ends of them: they should look out of the ground at least 20 cm. You should not fall asleep right away either. Let them lie in the furrows until the young shoots grow 10 - 15 cm. Then cover them with humus or soft earth.

In the future, pinch the shoots and mulch everything around. Of course, the ground here should be moist throughout the summer. That's all. All that remains is to wait until next spring and plant the cuttings. It is better not to do this in the fall; let them overwinter in conjunction with the mother plant, and cover them with leaves or pine needles for the winter. As you can see, propagation of clematis in this way is available to everyone.,

How to grow clematis from cuttings

Growing seedlings from cuttings is the main method I use for summer breeding clematis from the beginning of June to mid-August, but not later, so that the clematis cuttings have time to take root before the autumn frosts.

I cut cuttings from the middle part of a lignified, well-developed shoot. I do not use the lower part with poorly developed buds and the upper unripe part. You cannot cut the entire bush into cuttings; it is advisable to use no more than 1/3 of it. The cutting should have one node with two well-developed vegetative buds. The length of the cutting from below under the node is 7-8 cm, from above above the node 1.5-2 cm. I cut the leaves of the cuttings in half.

If you need to root a small amount of cuttings, then you can build a small greenhouse. For this in the box required sizes, the bottom of which is covered with film, pour a layer of loose soil about 20 cm and plant the cuttings there so that the cutting node is in contact with the ground.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings and layering

For better rooting, it is advisable to dip the lower ends of the cuttings in Kornevin powder before planting. Water the planted cuttings well, then cover the top of the box with plastic wrap. The necessary microclimate is created under the film for rooting of cuttings. This box must be placed in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight, but has sufficient light. Otherwise, the cuttings may burn or not take root at all.

You can do it differently - plant the cuttings not in a box, but directly in the ground in loose soil somewhere in a secluded corner of the garden, where direct sunlight does not reach (not in the sun), water well and cover with film.

Now it will be necessary to ensure that the soil in the cuttings does not dry out, and also to periodically ventilate to avoid rotting of the cuttings. Personally, instead of ventilating, I make several holes in the film with a knife; this is usually enough for automatic ventilation. Temperature for rooting 20-30 degrees.

The cuttings do not root at the same time; depending on the variety, the process may take 2-3 months. As the cuttings take root, they need to be accustomed to the outside air, gradually opening the film for a while, and then removing it completely.

Rooted seedlings can stand outside in a shaded place until autumn. They must not be exposed to frost, otherwise they may die. With the onset of cold weather (around the end of October), you need to place boxes with clematis seedlings in the cellar, where they are stored until spring at a temperature of +1+2*C. In the spring they are taken out of the cellar and planted in the ground.

If clematis cuttings were planted directly in the ground for rooting, then they need to be well covered for the winter, and better in autumn dig up and store in the cellar until spring, and plant in the spring.

I wish you success.

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