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» When is the last date for planting pepper seedlings? The best time to sow pepper seedlings. Preparing for planting in the ground

When is the last date for planting pepper seedlings? The best time to sow pepper seedlings. Preparing for planting in the ground

There are many components involved in the future pepper harvest. This includes the quality of the seeds, the timing of sowing, the time of planting on ridges or in a greenhouse, caring for seedlings, and weather conditions. But it all starts with seedlings. The success of all country activities for growing pepper depends 70% on the quality of seedlings. There are two types of pepper seedlings - successful and unsuccessful. The first one is better, because it is from it that, with proper care, strong, hardy plants will grow that will give maximum yield.

Peppers can also be grown from seeds, under the summer sunshine. But in our climate it is preferable to grow this vegetable as seedlings. Best time for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings - the end of February. The seeds must be prepared for sowing.

Preparatory stages - table.

Preparatory stageActions
Germination testFirst, a dozen seeds need to be kept in a cloth soaked in water for 2-3 days at room temperature +25° C. During this time, the seeds should be kept in a moist, but not wet, environment. This event is necessary to check germination. If more than half of the seeds hatch and sprout, germination is considered normal
DisinfectionBefore sowing, the seeds must be disinfected. Disinfection is carried out in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and dry
Stimulating growthThis procedure will help all the seeds to sprout together and give the sprouts the strength to “hold out” until the first feeding. Soaking is carried out in a 0.01% solution of the biostimulator Epin for 12 hours

How to grow pepper seedlings

In principle, any deep dish will do. Ideal for home grown pepper seedlings - small individual containers for sowing and pots measuring 12x12 centimeters for subsequent transfer of grown seedlings.

When transferring into large containers, it is worth carrying out the picking procedure - pinch the main root. Picking not only has a very positive effect on the further growth and development of transplanted plants, but also performs a utilitarian function. 80% of plants, especially young seedlings, are moved to a new pot with a damaged central root. No matter how hard gardeners try to do everything carefully and gently, the central root is usually much longer than the entire root mass and it is difficult to maintain its integrity. Experts have noticed that even if the central root is damaged during transplantation, the plant continues to grow and actively gain leaf mass, and then bloom and bear fruit abundantly. Experiments on pinching the main root confirmed the theory - this has a very positive effect on the growth and development of all transplanted plants. Even if you don't pick, do a pick, especially if the plants initially grow in separate, spacious pots.

Advice! If you immediately sow pepper seeds in large containers and do not intend to replant, picking can be done by sticking a wooden stick or something similar into the ground next to the roots. By inserting the stick at an angle and at a shallow depth, you will trim the main root and the goal will be achieved.

The best soil for pepper seedlings

It is best to prepare the soil at home. No store-bought composition will be perfect - it will still have to be supplemented and adapted for each specific plant. But today not all soil producers can boast of the absence of harmful waste and cleanliness.

You can easily prepare the substrate for pepper seedlings yourself. Take humus, garden soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. The soil should be loose and light. You can add one teaspoon of ash to one seedling container of soil. No fertilizers are applied to the ground for sowing seeds.

How to plant pepper seeds

The seeds are planted in pots with soil to a depth of 1 cm. After sowing, everything is covered with film/glass and placed in a warm place (+25…30°C). After a couple of days, watering begins, which should be carried out regularly for two weeks. The result will not take long to arrive: within two weeks you will notice shoots.

With the emergence of seedlings, move the crops to the brightest place in the house with a temperature no higher than +17° C. Water moderately so that water does not collect in the pan. If the soil is too wet, the seedlings will develop blackleg or root rot and die. To prevent the seedlings from growing one-sided, rotate the container with the seedlings relative to the light source.

How to care for seedlings

Good seedlings need care. Pepper is not the most fastidious plant, but it cannot be done without watering, fertilizing and loosening. Pepper loves to “drink” warm water (+25...30°C), which promotes harmonious and rapid growth. Complex fertilizers or Kemira are suitable for feeding. The first time you should feed it is on the fourteenth day after germination. Then - every 2-3 weeks, immediately after watering.

Alternative fertilizers

Many summer residents prefer organic fertilizers. If you don’t want to buy “chemicals,” we can recommend the following homemade fertilizers for peppers.

  1. Tea and coffee. Used tea leaves from any type of tea, as well as grounds from drunk coffee, will make the soil much lighter and airier. The main advantage of this type of fertilizer is that it can reduce the reaction of alkaline soil to neutral. The use of “infusion” fertilizers is strictly prohibited if your pot serves as a home not only for the plant itself, but also for soil midges. Adding tea leaves or grounds to the soil guarantees a sharp increase in the number of insects.

  2. Eggshell. This is a good source of calcium, which peppers need. Ground shells have an important and useful property - they can reduce the acidity of the soil, and, as you know, pepper acidic soils does not love. This fertilizer should be applied very carefully, not forgetting the traditional Russian sense of proportion. Soil oversaturated with shells can not only slow down the growth of seedlings, but even kill them. This fertilizer can only be recommended for mature plants, since it can be truly destructive for young and tender seedlings.

  3. Orange peels. An infusion based on orange or tangerine peel (dried or fresh) is used for prevention spider mite. It is prepared similarly to an infusion of onion peels (which can also be used as a fertilizer). An arbitrary number of crusts (the more, the better) is poured with boiling water. The resulting “compote” is infused for half a day and filtered. This product can become a truly effective protection against pests. Plus, it has an aromatherapy effect: the smell of orange will linger in the room for a long time.

The main advantage of all the listed fertilizers and fillers is, of course, their easy availability: each of the components can be found in almost any kitchen. But you should remember that they will not become a panacea for your seedlings and will not be able to replace truly fertile and nutritious soil with their presence. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the seedlings at least twice during cultivation in the room with traditional store-bought fertilizer.

Light mode

Pepper is a heat- and light-loving plant, and this should not be forgotten when growing its seedlings in an apartment. Try to avoid sudden temperature changes, excessively high temperatures, and overcooling of plants. IN winter time You can’t do without additional lighting, and in the spring additional light will not be superfluous - pepper loves the sun very much. A sufficient amount of light is perhaps the main condition for its successful development.

What to grow

It is best to choose varieties: “Krepysh”, “Yarik”, “Watercolor”, “Dwarf”, “Etude”, “Ermak”, “Kolobok”, “Karat”. These are low-growing and early-ripening varieties that are ideal for ripening in the middle zone.

In addition to time-tested varieties, you can also try new products: “Salut”, “Lilac Cone”, “Golden Malyutka” and others.

All of the above growing rules are also relevant for hot peppers. To provide your family with a year's supply of this spicy product, you only need one or two plants. Ripe fruits of hot pepper varieties are cut and dried. Unripe ones ripen remarkably after cutting. Optimal varieties of hot peppers for growing through seedlings: “Fiery Maiden”, “Goldfinger”, “Coral”, “Subtle Light”, “Magister” and others.

Advice! Do not grow hot and sweet peppers in the same or even adjacent beds. They will cross-pollinate, and the whole pepper will turn out bitter.

Planting in a greenhouse and soil

Low temperatures can damage fragile plants, so it is better to wait until the end of May to plant them in the ground. If you are going to grow peppers in a greenhouse, you can plant them in early May, but if you are uncertain about the consistency of May temperatures in your region, it is better to insulate the peppers, protecting them from unexpected frosts.

If you have conscientiously taken care of your green pets, then by the end of August they will thank you with ripe fruits.

Video - Sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

Planting a particular plant in the garden should begin with planning. This is due to the fact that obtaining a good harvest depends not only on ensuring optimal conditions for growing crops, but also on the correctly chosen planting period. This also applies to such a useful garden crop as pepper. More information about when to sow pepper seedlings in February will be discussed in this article.

The waxing Moon phase is considered the most suitable and necessary phase for gardeners, because it is recommended to plant crops growing above ground level on these days. Let us immediately note that sowing seeds can begin as early as February. Only maintaining the optimal temperature in combination with regular irrigation will allow you to get plump and strong sprouts.

The most suitable days in February for sowing peppers include:

  • The 14th of February– for sowing varieties of sweet pepper;
  • February 16– for sowing sweet and bitter peppers;
  • February 23– for sowing sweet peppers. This date is considered the most favorable for obtaining a rich pepper harvest in 2-3 months.

It is believed that the most unfavorable time period for this crop is February 17-22. During this period, the waning moon phase begins. At a minimum, you will waste your time and effort, so it is recommended to wait the right time for sowing seeds. Moreover, this is only a few days, so you better be patient.

To choose the right variety, you must first decide on the desired result and what you want to grow. If your goal is large pepper fruits with tender and thick flesh, then varieties such as “California Miracle”, “Winnie the Pooh” and others are suitable for this. If you are growing peppers for canning, then it is better to sow “Topolin” or “Merchant”.

On a note! Always read the information on the seed packaging and pay attention to the expiration date. It is advisable to choose the freshest possible, otherwise the seedlings, despite proper care, will grow weak and frail.

To check quality seed material you need to pour the seeds with a warm saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt per 200 g of water). After mixing thoroughly, wait 5-7 minutes: if the seeds float to the surface, they are unsuitable for planting. Leave only the sunken pepper seeds.

Growing pepper seedlings

This process is a little reminiscent of planting and caring for tomatoes, because these crops have one common feature - they belong to the Solanaceae family. The plant does not require special care, so even a novice gardener can cope with cultivation. Of course, there are still certain nuances in this matter that need to be taken into account. We are talking about preparing seeds and soil, proper watering, transplanting into open ground, and so on. Let's consider each stage separately.

Seed preparation

Having decided on the type of pepper, place the seeds on a piece of paper for inspection. Any damaged or insufficiently large seeds should be removed. For sowing, leave only high-quality, full-weight material. Then treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent fungal diseases. Of course, store-bought preparations can also be used instead of potassium permanganate, but experienced summer residents prefer this old, proven method.

After you disinfect the seeds in the solution, you need to soak the material for a day in warm water, after spreading them in gauze and folding them in half. Gauze is required so that after soaking the seeds can be collected without problems. Otherwise, you will have to fish them out one at a time with tweezers.

Soil preparation

After leaving the seeds in water for germination, you can begin preparing the soil mixture for seedlings. You don’t have to worry and buy a ready-made mixture in the store, mixing it with a small amount of washed and sifted sand.

But you can use your own soil mixture. To do this, mix washed sand with peat in equal proportions. Don't forget to also add some humus. The resulting mixture must be sifted and calcined in a double boiler or oven for 40 minutes. This will disinfect the soil and protect future seedlings from weeds and various diseases.


This process is actually simple and is not much different from sowing other garden plants. But at the same time, you should follow the clear instructions presented below.

Table. Sowing pepper seeds with boiling water.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Fill the container soil mixture. At the same time, fill it approximately 80%. Be sure to make small holes in the bottom of the container.

Place the pepper seeds in your palm for convenience. If you decide to sow the seeds directly from the pack without pre-soaking, then you will not need to collect them from the gauze with tweezers. Simply open the package and pour the contents into your hand.

Distribute all the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil and lightly compact them with your fingers or palm. Since this instruction describes a method for planting pepper seedlings with boiling water, there is no need to cover the seeds with a layer of soil.

Carefully pour boiling water over the seeds, being careful not to miss a single section. You can water directly from the kettle. Do not pour too much boiling water so that the soil does not become waterlogged.

Close the container tightly with the lid. If you don't have it, use cling film. Cover immediately after watering with boiling water. After this, you will see steam emanating from the ground. Move the container to a warm place.

After 5-6 days you will be able to see the first shoots of pepper. Sprinkle them with a small amount of soil, and after 1.5 weeks the seedlings will be ready for transplanting.


The recommended temperature regime that must be observed before germination is +25-27°C. After 4 days from the moment of sowing, the soil should be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle. As noted earlier, after about 6 days the first shoots will appear. When they appear, the container must be moved to a cooler place, first removing the lid or polyethylene. Now the temperature needs to be lowered to +22-24°C.

For the seeding container, you need to find the brightest place in the house, and the seedlings should be regularly rotated relative to the light source. As a rule, you need to rotate the container at least 2 times a week. Use .

Important! Protect seedlings of young peppers from drafts, as they have a negative effect on the plant.

After 20-27 days from the moment of germination, real leaves should grow. During this period, watering should be carried out no more than once a week, and the first watering should be carried out only a week after the sprouts appear. The soil should be kept fairly moist during the growing process, so water the plants regularly. To do this, use warm water (not lower than +25°C). Otherwise, you risk exposing the plant to blackleg infection. Experienced gardeners recommend watering seedlings with settled water, but this is not necessary.


For those who don’t know, seedling picking is the process of planting seedlings in individual containers or other containers. This accelerates the growth of the root system, which is associated with the appearance of adventitious and lateral roots. You need to start picking when the plant is at the 2-leaf stage. Thus, it will be much easier to replant the plants, because they are already quite large compared to the cotyledon leaf phase. But just as in the case of sowing, picking is carried out taking into account certain features.

Approximately 2-3 hours before the start of the process, the plants must be watered abundantly, because picking from dry soil is highly not recommended. After waiting for the excess water to drain from the containers, you can begin. For picking, plastic cups are most often used, but instead of them you can also use peat cups - they will cost an order of magnitude more, but the benefits from them are much greater.

Pour some of the soil mixture you used to sow the seeds into each cup. Sprinkle the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and make small holes in the middle of the container to suit the size of the root system of the seedlings. When picking, try not to damage the plants, so seedlings must be picked up by the “ears”. After placing the pepper in the prepared hole, carefully sprinkle it with soil and lightly compact the soil. The root collar should be buried 5 mm into the ground. Water each seedling with water, holding it gently with your fingers. After all the liquid has been absorbed, you can add a little soil.

Pests and diseases

Most often, peppers suffer from thrips (small insects that attack plant leaves). Even if you grow seedlings at home, this does not protect them from pest attacks. To combat thrips, you need to prepare an infusion of tobacco, which you later spray the seedlings with from a spray bottle. Among all the home remedies for cleaning pepper, this one is considered the most effective. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 5 liters of water into 500 g of tobacco and cook the product over low heat for 20-30 minutes. If you have few plants, you can reduce the amount of ingredients. Leave for 12 hours, after which the infusion should be filtered through several layers of gauze and mixed with a small amount of laundry soap. The prepared product is quite poisonous, so it should be handled with care.

On a note! If you don’t like traditional recipes for pest control, you can buy ready-made ones in the store. The most common are “Inta-vir”, “Zircon”, “Zaslon” and others. The same applies to various pepper diseases, such as blackleg, mosaic disease, leaf mold, bronzing and late blight. To prevent these ailments, you need to regularly loosen the soil, as well as treat the plants with special preparations.

Planting pepper seedlings

When 12-17 leaves or single buds appear on the seedlings, you can begin planting in open ground. The recommended age of seedlings for planting is 50-60 days, and the height of the plant should be more than 20 cm.

If you missed the deadline for planting seedlings in the soil, then the plants will most likely get sick very often. The first ovaries, flowers and leaves on them will gradually fall off, so you need to carefully monitor the development of the peppers. In rare cases, seedlings may stop blooming after transplanting. This phenomenon is explained by a change in habitat, as a result of which the plant devotes all its energy to the development of the root part. Before planting, you need to remove the first flowers on the plant, since the number of formed ovaries may be insufficient. When planting, be careful not to damage the plant. Even minor cuts on the stems or roots can lead to the development of many diseases.

Video - When to plant pepper seedlings

Pepper is one of those crops that is grown only seedling method. Planting seeds is an important condition for obtaining healthy pepper seedlings. To select the right seeds, it is necessary to take into account the climate, growing conditions, and taste preferences. High yields are influenced by the correct timing of seed planting. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the time required for seed germination, the duration of the growing season, the approximate timing of planting plants in a permanent place, and the period of the first frost. Timely inspection of plants and fruits for the presence of diseases and pests of seedlings is of great importance. If necessary, measures must be taken immediately, as otherwise the plant may die.

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    Criterias of choice

    When choosing pepper seeds, you must not forget about the main criteria, which include the following points:

    • Varieties and hybrids of vegetables are selected according to their climatic zone. If in the southern latitudes almost all varieties can be grown, then in the northern regions it is better to give preference to those subspecies of vegetables that ripen quickly, and the harvest takes place within 15–16 weeks from the moment the first shoots appear.
    • Varieties are purchased that are suitable specifically for growing seedlings. Pepper seeds are not sown in open ground.
    • If there are no conditions for growing seedlings, then ready-made plants are purchased.
    • When buying seedlings, you need to decide what type of pepper is needed: sweet bell pepper or hot one. The material must be resistant to pests, diseases and poor weather conditions.
    • If you plan to collect your own seeds in the future, then choose varieties rather than hybrids.
    • You can choose seeds by appearance fruits There are many different shapes and colors of the vegetable.
    • If you plan to grow only a few plants, then it would be preferable to purchase ready-made plants. This will help save time and money.
    • Seeds are purchased only in special stores. When purchasing material, you should ask to see a quality certificate for the selected varieties and hybrids.

    The best pepper varieties for different regions:


    Quite often, gardeners, when buying seeds, make mistakes that do not allow them to ultimately obtain the expected result. When purchasing planting material, you should not do the following:

    • Make a choice in favor of bright packages with seeds. Usually the photo shows a fruit that actually looks completely different.
    • Buy hybrids if you plan to collect your own seeds. They are indicated on the packaging with the F1 icon. Hybrids do not produce offspring.
    • Be afraid of coated seeds. Pelleting is a treatment with fertilizers to benefit seedlings.
    • Buy exotic types of peppers. Each variety has its own requirements regarding climatic conditions, so plants that are intended to be grown in a different region may simply not grow.
    • Buy a lot of planting material. Seeds have a limited shelf life, so if they are stored for too long, they may lose their quality.

    Sowing dates

    Pepper is a crop that is grown only using seedlings. If the seeds are thrown directly into the ground, the first shoots will begin to appear 20 days later than with the seedling method. Moreover, most plants may simply not survive. Therefore, it is very important to correctly calculate the timing when you need to sow pepper seedlings. To do this, the subspecies of the plant, the time of seed germination, the duration of the growing season, and the approximate timing of planting in a greenhouse or soil are taken into account. The time of the first frost and the climatic features of the region where the vegetable is grown are important.

    In order to determine the time of planting, you need to select the date of planting in a permanent place, subtract the duration of the growing season, which is usually indicated on the seed packaging. From the resulting date, you must subtract the time it takes for the seeds to germinate. The result will be an approximate sowing date.

    You should not rush to sow seeds for seedlings. In January and early February, sowing takes place in professional greenhouses. If home seedlings plant very early, it will be necessary to frequently replant it into large containers, the number of pickings will increase, which will further injure the root system of the plants.

    The growing season of pepper is 90–150 days, and seedlings are planted at the age of 60–80 days. Respectively, optimal time planting period is from February 20th to March 10th. A more accurate date can be calculated if you know the characteristics of the variety.

    According to the lunar calendar

    For some gardeners, an important condition for determining the timing of sowing seeds is the lunar calendar. Favorable days sowing pepper for seedlings in March: 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 22, 23, 24; in April – 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 26, 27.

    It is equally important to know on what days you can do work in the garden. The following days are considered unfavorable for all types of gardening work:

    Soil preparation

    Pepper seedlings need nutritious, light and loose soil. You can buy it in a special store or make it yourself. There are several options for preparing soil mixtures:

    • Humus (2 parts) and turf soil (1 part).
    • The same amount of peat and humus.
    • Humus (3 parts) and turf soil (2 parts).
    • Nutritious peat soil(2 parts) and turf soil (1 part).
    • Peat (4 parts), turf soil (2 parts), humus (1 part), rotted sawdust (1 part).

    If purchased soil is used for planting, you need to add chalk or dolomite flour based on 2 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of substrate. Another suitable option would be to mix the soil with the same amount of garden soil.

    Regardless of what kind of soil is used, it must be disinfected.

    For this purpose, the soil is watered with a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate. The earth is frozen and thawed several times, steamed or heated in the oven at a temperature of 90 degrees.

    Seed preparation

    Preparing for planting seeds includes several activities. First of all, the seeds must be disinfected. They need to be inspected, all damaged ones removed, soaked for half an hour in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, rinsed running water.After this, the seeds are kept in one of the following solutions:

    • Nitrophoska or wood ash - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. The duration of soaking is 24 hours.
    • Liquid sodium humate or "Ideal" fertilizer. The seeds must be kept for one day at a solution temperature of 25–28 degrees.
    • The drug "Azotifit" (5–10 ml) per 500 ml of water. Soaking time is 2 hours.

    For more long-term preservation nutrients after soaking, the seeds must be treated with a Liposal solution. For 100 ml of water, you need to use 1 ml of the product, after which the material must be thoroughly dried for one hour.

    The next stage is germination. This requires a low capacity. You can use a plate, saucer, or jar lid. At the bottom of the container you need to lay out gauze, cotton wool, filter paper, a piece of cotton fabric, well moistened with water or ash solution at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

    Another preparation method is to harden the seeds. This process is necessary in order to increase germination and resistance to poor conditions. To do this, place the material on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2 days. After this, it must be taken out and left for 24 hours in a warm place at a temperature of 18 degrees. After which the seeds are again placed in the refrigerator. After 2 days they need to be taken out and planted immediately.

    The seeds should be carefully scattered over the surface of the container and covered with plastic wrap on top. They should be at a temperature of 25–30 degrees. Drying of seeds should be avoided. To do this, they need to be moistened periodically. You can start sowing when some of them have already sprouted and others have swelled. On average, this process takes up to 2 weeks.


    The containers are filled with soil, which must be well moistened with clean water or a pink solution of manganese. When planting seeds in a seedling box, make grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 3 cm from one another. If separate containers are used as containers, then 2 holes 1 cm deep must be made in the soil, into which one seed must be planted.

    After which the seeds should be sprinkled with a soil mixture with sand in equal parts. The layer thickness is 1.5 cm. The soil should be slightly compacted.

    The seeds must be watered carefully so that they do not wash onto the surface of the soil. Plants need regular spraying with a spray bottle.

    Label the bags with the name of the variety. To prevent moisture evaporation, crops are placed in bags, a greenhouse or covered with cling film at a temperature within 25 degrees. You can place containers on the battery by first laying plywood or a board on it.

    Growing seedlings

    When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to remove the film and transfer the plants to a bright windowsill. During the first week, the seedlings should be at a daytime temperature of 13–16 degrees, and at night - from 8 to 10 degrees (for this you can open the window slightly). Next you need to raise the temperature again to 27 degrees.

    Seedling care includes proper watering plants. It is not recommended to moisten the soil in the first days. You need to water the seedlings generously once a week. Water should be poured at the root, trying to avoid getting it on the shoots.

    After the first 2–4 true leaves appear on the plants, you need to pick them into separate containers. This will help reduce the risk of seedlings being damaged by root rot. When picking, you need to grab the plants by the “ears” so as not to damage the stem.

    The hole should be of sufficient size so that the roots can fit freely into it without bending. The root system is sprinkled with soil and slightly compacted. The root collar can be buried no more than 0.5 cm.

    2 weeks after picking, the first feeding is carried out. For this purpose, the following composition is used: for 10 liters of water, 5 g of urea and 30 g of superphosphate.

    The second feeding is carried out 4 days before planting the seedlings. For 10 liters of water you need 50 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate. The top layer of the container must be loosened from time to time.

    Preparing for planting in the ground

    The height of seedlings ready for planting in a permanent place is 20–30 cm. Each plant should have 7-8 true leaves. Planting is carried out after 50-70 days at an average daily temperature of 16–17 degrees. Before this, seedlings should be prepared. For this purpose, the plants are hardened two weeks before planting. On the first day, you can open the window for 1 hour, increasing the time to 7-8 hours. The day before planting, the peppers should be taken out onto the veranda and left overnight.

    It is necessary to prepare not only the plants themselves, but also the soil, especially if the site has clay soil. It is necessary to add peat and humus to the soil, dig it well and level it. There should be about 50 cm between the holes. Row spacing is located at a distance of 60 cm. The depth of the hole should be such that the root collar is flush with the soil surface. Fertilizer based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be added to each hole.

    Carefully remove the plant from the pot and place it in the hole. Next, it is filled halfway with earth. Abundant watering should be carried out (a third of a bucket per 1 hole). After the water has been absorbed, fill the hole loose soil. Plantings need to be mulched with peat. If necessary, the seedlings are tied to a support. After this, you need to put labels with the name of the variety. At temperatures below 13 degrees, plants should be covered with non-woven material.

    Pest and disease control

    The pepper harvest may be significantly smaller due to the harmful effects of seedling pests. The table shows methods that can be used to protect plants:



    Effect on the plant

    Fighting methods

    The stems and axils of the leaves of the seedlings are covered with sweet streaks

    The larvae feed on the juices of young plant shoots. The seedlings wither, flowering and fruit formation stop

    Spray plants with insecticides. For this purpose, an infusion of tobacco ash is suitable, which is generously sprayed onto the seedlings. Treatment must be carried out before the ovaries appear.

    The reverse side of the leaves and stems is covered with cobwebs

    With severe damage, the plant withers, grows slowly or stops growing. Seedlings may die

    For preventive purposes, crops should be sprayed from time to time. warm water, ventilate the greenhouse, remove the film from the plantings. Affected plants must be washed with an aqueous solution liquid soap, which is mixed with onion or garlic juice. This type of treatment is allowed at all stages of seedling life.

    Slugs spread during warm and humid weather

    They eat the greenery of seedlings, weaken the plants, and contribute to the rotting of stems and fruits

    It is important to ensure timely removal of weeds and maximum soil cleansing. To repel pests, parsley is planted in the same bed as the pepper. Near the beds with peppers, small grooves should be dug, which should be regularly sprinkled with ash.

    More common in open ground than in greenhouses

    Insects are collected manually and bushes are shaken. You can plant bush beans nearby. It will help repel pests. An effective remedy the fight is an infusion of celandine

    The plant is affected at the seedling stage

    The lower part of the stem becomes thin and dark

    The cause is acidification of the soil as a result of heavy watering, low temperature and heavy soil. Frequently loosening the soil around plants. Watering is carried out next to the stem, and not under the root. You can dry the soil using wood ash. If the plant is affected, then it must be sprayed with a solution of an antibacterial drug, for example, “Zaslon”

    Dark spots on vegetables

    Black spots gradually begin to appear on the fruits, which eventually spread throughout the entire plant or pepper.

    For cultivation, it is better to use hybrids that are resistant to this disease. It is recommended to regularly treat plants with a preparation such as "Barrier"

    Brown spots with a musty smell. The disease is typical for greenhouses with low temperatures and high humidity.

    At temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius, gray rot first spreads to the fruits and then to the above-ground parts of the plants.

    Remove affected areas of the vegetable and destroy them immediately. The plant is treated with any antifungal drug. The best option is to use "Barrier"

    Dark spots with a rotten smell on leaves and fruits

    The disease is typical for greenhouses. The upper parts of plants are most often affected, which contributes to its rapid spread.

    The development of this disease is promoted by a high level of potassium and nitrogen in the fertilizers used. The correct watering regime and regular ventilation will help to cope with rot. The cause of the disease is excess potassium


    In order to prevent plant diseases, you need to follow simple rules:

    • Change annually in the greenhouse top part soil.
    • After a few years, it is necessary to change the place for growing peppers in the garden. Eggplants, tomatoes and other nightshade crops are bad predecessors.
    • Plant hybrids, as they are more resistant to viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • At the end of the season, all greenhouses and greenhouses must be completely disinfected. When growing peppers in year-round greenhouses, sanitary treatment should be carried out twice a year.
    • Seeds for seedlings must be degreased using an aqueous solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide.
    • Do not plant weak or pest-infected plants in open ground.
    • When planting plants in open ground, do not plant the plants too densely. It is necessary to maintain constant cleanliness between the rows and prevent the appearance of weeds.
    • To prevent the spread of fungal diseases, plants must be sprayed with preparations that contain copper.
    • Once a week you need to carefully examine the fruits, stems, and leaves. Constant monitoring of the growth and formation of ovaries is necessary. Urgent treatment measures should be taken at the first signs of illness. Otherwise, the plant may die.

    If you properly care for your crops, you can delight yourself and your family with tasty, fresh and useful fruits pepper

Before the start of the new vegetable season, the question of when to sow peppers comes to the fore for gardeners. Peppers and eggplants are crops that are quite finicky at the stage of sowing seeds, demanding in terms of watering and choice of location. At the same time, they are little susceptible to diseases and are responsive to proper care.

If you create favorable conditions for sowing seeds and further growth, the harvest will be abundant.

Why do some crops need to be grown only through seedlings?

Nightshades, peppers, and eggplants are vegetable crops with a long growing season. They need from 90 to 180 days for successful development and biological maturity, and weather conditions do not allow them to be sown in open ground in early spring in most regions of Russia, because these crops are very heat-loving.

Long growing season, slow development in the first month and thermophilicity are the main factors forcing the use of technology seedling cultivation. Both eggplant and pepper respond gratefully to this method. Sowing seeds for seedlings, when to sow hot and sweet peppers, and when to sow eggplants - this is worth paying attention to Special attention, planning garden work for the spring-summer period. This is especially important if you plan to get the first ripe fruits as early as possible and extend the fruiting period for several months.

Subsequent planting of seedlings is carried out in the ground, if weather conditions permit, in greenhouses, hotbeds, under high shelters that allow preserving optimal temperature, lighting and humidity.

Is the sowing time for sweet and bitter pepper seeds different?

The taste of pepper led to the division of this vegetable crop into two groups:

  • sweet;
  • spicy.

The second name for the sweet variety is bell pepper. This vegetable is valued not only for its richness of taste and specific aroma, but also for containing a whole complex of vitamins, microelements and compounds necessary for the human body.

The period when to sow bell pepper for seedlings is determined by the period necessary for the vegetable to reach technical and biological maturity. When fresh, the ripe vegetable is used for preparing salads and vegetable vitamin cuttings. It is stewed, pickled, fermented, stuffed with vegetables, cereals, and meat.

Hot peppers are called bitter or spicy. It has a pungent taste, which is due to the presence of the alkaloid capsaicin and is used as a hot seasoning for dishes. Hot peppers can be grown in an apartment on a windowsill for all year round. If you plan to grow this type of pepper in open ground, then the question arises when to sow hot pepper seedlings.

Despite such a clear difference in the taste qualities of hot and sweet peppers, the technology for growing them, determining the timing of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the ground for both varieties are exactly the same.

How to calculate sowing dates?

Peppers and eggplants should be sown for seedlings when a decision has been made about where exactly the crops will be grown. This is due to the fact that the seed sowing date is counted in reverse side from the moment of planting seedlings:

  • for pepper that will be grown in open ground - 60-80 days;
  • for growing in a greenhouse - 43-46 days.

Another 10 days should be added to these periods, during which shoots will appear. In addition, it should be borne in mind that seed germination time can take up to 2-4 weeks.

There is no universal advice on which month to sow pepper seedlings. In each specific case, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region and the varietal characteristics of the crop. It is important to remember the main thing: planting in open ground can only be done at stable positive night temperatures of 15-17 degrees and the absence of frost. Lowering the temperature even to 13 o C will cause stress in an unhardened young plant and slow down its development.

In central Russia, warm weather arrives in mid-May - which means that seedlings can be planted under this period. open sky or in greenhouses. Having made simple calculations, subtracting 70-90 days in the opposite direction (taking into account the time of emergence of hatched sprouts), we will see that in this case the time for sowing seeds is mid-March or the last ten days of February. The grown plants planted in the ground will give the first harvest in mid-June.

If you sow the seeds later, in April, this will shorten the period of active fruiting.

If you sow earlier, then the seedlings developing in a warm room will not have enough lighting; you need to think about an alternative light source. There are varieties of pepper that are less demanding on lighting.

Please note that this is generalized information that requires adjustments in each climate zone. So, in the southern regions, the date for sowing pepper may be shifted by two weeks - to the beginning of February.

Sowing pepper seeds: Siberia makes adjustments

Breeders have developed varieties that are not so demanding on lighting, have early and average term ripening and are suitable for cultivation in colder regions where the weather places special demands on the cultivation of heat-loving crops.

In harsh climatic conditions, it is necessary to calculate the sowing time so that the ripening period of the heat-loving crop in open ground falls in July and early August - the warmest months of the Siberian summer. By the time of transplantation to a permanent place, the seedlings should be strong, healthy, and not overgrown.

A number of questions arise from this: when to sow pepper seedlings in Siberia and the Urals, how to provide the grown plants with the necessary lighting, heat, and watering. For Siberian regions, two main conditions must be met:

  • sow seeds after February 20;
  • select varieties most suitable for growing in conditions short summer.

Modern covering materials that can protect peppers from unexpected cold snaps become reliable assistants at the stage of transplanting young plants into open ground.

How to choose the right pepper variety

The best guide to help determine when to sow sweet pepper seedlings is the variety of this crop. All varieties are divided into three groups:

  1. Early, with a seedling ripening period of 100-120 days. Seedlings of these varieties are transplanted into open ground at the age of 50-60 days, the seeds are sown in mid-March.
  2. Mid-season, with a seedling ripening period of 120-135 days. Seedlings of these varieties are transplanted into open ground at the age of 60 days, the seeds are sown in the third ten days of February.
  3. Late, with a seedling ripening period of 136-150 days. Seedlings of these varieties are transplanted into open ground at the age of 60-75 days, the seeds are sown in early February.

The use of purchased seeds allows you to obtain disease-resistant vegetables of various shapes and colors, as well as with excellent taste.

Siberian pepper: the best varieties

In the conditions of Siberia, not only the question of when to sow pepper comes to the fore, but also which varieties are better. You should choose from hybrid zoned varieties suitable for growing in short summer conditions, resistant to low air temperatures, and at the same time having high yields. Let's look at several varieties.

Siberian prince. Cone-shaped large red fruits reach full ripeness 114 days after seed germination. The variety is an early ripening variety, intended for open ground and greenhouses. Productivity - up to 4 kg per m 2.

Siberian format. Mid-season variety with thick-walled red cube-shaped fruits. The weight of each fruit can reach 450 g. Productivity is up to 3.5 kg per m 2.

Siberian felt boots. This high-yielding variety is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. Full technical ripeness occurs after 120 days. The fruits weigh 170 g and reach a length of 13-14 cm.

Siberian bonus. Thick-walled, cube-shaped fruits weighing up to 100 g ripen on low bushes. The yield is average. The variety is mid-season.

East market. The bright red fruits are prism-shaped and weigh up to 160 g. The yield is average. The bushes are compact: no more than 70 cm in height. The variety is mid-season.

Tusk. The bushes reach a height of 1.4 m. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, thick walls and bright red in color. Their weight is 150 g. The yield of this early ripening variety is high.

How to choose seeds

An important component of successful cultivation is not only the correct choice of when to sow pepper, but also a responsible attitude to the choice of seeds. When purchasing them, you need to pay attention to two factors:

  • variety;
  • quality control.

The choice of variety is determined not only by preferences regarding the shape, size and color of the fruit, ripening time and yield, but also, first of all, by the climatic conditions of the region where this vegetable crop will be grown.

The need for quality control is determined by the shelf life of seeds. The period of potential activity of pepper seeds does not exceed three years. This is the maximum shelf life for seeds. Seeds have the best germination in the year of collection.

If the seeds you purchased or collected yourself are more than two years old, you should select them and pre-sow a test batch before sowing bell peppers for seedlings. This way the seeds will be checked for germination.

Seed culling is carried out in a 3-4% saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt / 1 liter of water). The prepared solution is poured into a low, wide container, and seeds are poured into the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all seeds that float to the surface of the solution are collected and discarded. The solution is carefully drained from the container through a sieve, in which potentially active seeds will remain. They need to be washed and then dried at room temperature.

Treatment of seeds before sowing: disinfection

One of the elements included in the system of how to properly sow peppers is pre-sowing treatment, which accelerates the emergence of sprouts and ensures health and strength in future plants.

Purchased seeds do not require disinfection, since such treatment is usually carried out by manufacturers to prevent loss. seed material. If there are doubts about the quality of such pre-treatment, you can disinfect the seeds in one of the following ways:

  • fungicides (“Fitosporin-m”, “Vitaros”) in accordance with the instructions placed on the package with the disinfectant;
  • potassium permanganate (you need to make a pink solution).

In both the first and second cases, you need to prepare a solution, put a bag of seeds in it and soak in the solution for the required time, usually 30 minutes.

Such disinfection treatment helps protect future seedlings from various diseases, including fungal ones.

Seed treatment before sowing: hardening

The next stage is seed hardening, which is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Disinfected seeds should be placed in warm water and left in a warm place until they swell. After this, the swollen seeds should be left at a temperature of 1-2 o C for 36 hours.
  2. For 12 hours, every 2 hours there should be a change in temperature: 25 o C / 3-4 o C. For the next 12 hours, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 25 o C, the next 12 hours - at a temperature of 3-4 o C. In total The entire hardening process takes 36 hours.

Any of the hardening methods has a positive effect on the growth rate of plants and their resistance to unfavorable weather conditions and increasing productivity.

Seed treatment before sowing: stimulation

By the time it is better to sow pepper for seedlings, it is recommended to stimulate the seeds to germinate, accelerating the process of the appearance of the first shoots. If you place the seeds in a medium containing a large number of microelements, the seed hatching time will be significantly reduced.

To stimulate the emergence of seedlings, soaking technology is used

The biostimulant “Energen”, whipped egg, aloe juice, ash solution.

For soaking, you can alternate any two stimulants, taking into account that the total time the seeds are in the warm stimulant should not exceed eight hours.

The ash solution is prepared as follows: wood ash (50 g) should be poured with hot water and allowed to brew for two days with occasional stirring. This solution contains about 30 different microelements, is stored for a long time and can later be used for the first feeding of the first shoots of seedlings.

The seeds are placed on cotton pads, soft cloth or thick soft toilet paper moistened with warm water or a stimulating solution. Seeds are laid out on a prepared damp base and covered with the same material: a cotton pad, cloth, toilet paper. The resulting “sandwich” is placed on a tray in a warm place (25 o C). Important condition: the material in which the seeds are placed should not dry out for a minute. To avoid this, you can lightly cover the resulting “seed den” with film, providing access to fresh air.

Stimulation is carried out two days before sowing the seeds. After the procedure, the seeds are not washed.

It is important not only to determine when to sow peppers, but also to properly prepare the soil. Heavy, dense soil is contraindicated for the delicate and thin sucking threads of the young root system: it is difficult to extract nutrients from it, and moisture retained during watering can cause the formation of a “black leg” and putrefactive processes. The prepared soil should ensure rapid germination of hatched seeds and trouble-free development of emerging sprouts.

If ready-made soil intended for seedlings is used, thoroughly washed sand is added to it: 0.5 parts sand / 3 parts ready-made soil.

You can prepare the land yourself. There are several different compositions components:

  • peat - 2 parts + earth - 1 part + sand - 1 part;
  • forest turf + soil from the garden + compost + sand (1 part each);
  • lowland peat (1 part) + humus (1 part) + potassium sulfate and superphosphate;
  • compost (1 part) + sand or perlite (1 part) turf (2 parts);
  • sawdust and sand mixed equally (1 part) + turf (3 parts);

Adding ash (1 cup per 10 kg of soil composition) helps clean the soil and enrich it with microelements.

When the time comes to sow sweet peppers for seedlings, the soil should already be ready. Distinctive features of land suitable for sowing pepper seeds are:

  • looseness, lightness, porosity, providing access to the roots of water and air;
  • content of life-giving microflora and organic matter;
  • proportional ratio of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc;
  • water permeability, preventing the appearance of surface crust;
  • neutral acidity indicator.

At first, you can replace the soil with sawdust, which must first be scalded with boiling water. Sawdust is convenient because the thin roots will push the substrate apart and not grow into it. This method is very convenient for further picking of seedlings: there will be no breakage of roots, which weakens the young plant and takes away energy and strength for restoration. You can add sand, coconut substrate, and peat to the sawdust.

The prepared soil composition is poured into seedling containers, spilled with a pale pink manganese solution, and ash and fertilizer are added.

Preparing containers for sowing

When the time has come to sow pepper seedlings, you need to prepare the appropriate containers. It can be:

  • individual containers, from which seedlings are subsequently transplanted into containers of larger volume by transshipment;
  • a common sowing box from which the seedlings will be transplanted using the picking method in the phase of 3 true leaves.

In the second case, there is a danger of damaging the roots of the seedlings when picking. This can lead to a shift in the fruiting period to a later date and a decrease in yield.

The most important conditions for such containers:

  • good drainage;
  • sufficient depth and volume;
  • dense light-proof walls.

The best option for containers for sowing pepper seeds are individual containers, plastic cups and bags, peat or coconut tablets, reusable cassettes, comfortable and fashionable diapers, snails (rolled up 15 cm high laminate backing).

Sowing seeds

If all the nuances of preliminary preparation have been observed, it remains to clarify how to sow sweet peppers correctly.

Planting containers are filled with prepared soil, lightly compacted, and moistened. On the top layer of soil, 3 hatched seeds are placed in individual cups - in such a way that subsequently only one of them, the strongest and healthiest, is left, and the other two are removed.

In a common planting box, the hatched seeds are laid out on the surface of the ground according to the pattern: 5 cm x 5 cm.

After spreading the seeds over the surface of the soil, sprinkle them with a loose layer of soil 1.5 cm thick and lightly compact them.

Containers with sown seeds are placed in a warm place (25 o C), covered with a double layer of newspaper, which can provide air access but prevent moisture evaporation.

After emergence of seedlings, you need to transfer the seedlings to less warm room(20 o C), at night the temperature should be reduced by several degrees (to 15-17 o C). The total daily illumination of seedlings should be 10-12 hours. Direct exposure to sunlight should be excluded. Watering should be regular, but not excessive.

At the age of 1 month, when pepper is sown as seedlings, young seedlings have:

  • 1 pair of cotyledon leaves + 3-4 pairs of true leaves;
  • bright green succulent stem;
  • height from 4 to 6 cm.

After 55-90 days, the seedlings are transferred to beds, which can be pre-treated with epin. The most suitable moment for planting in the ground is the appearance of the first flower. Seedlings are planted according to a 50 cm x 50 cm pattern.

A windless place with fertile soil is the ideal option, which pepper prefers. Seedlings, cultivation, when to sow - all these features are important. Following the basic rules will help healthy plants bring a rich harvest.

At the dacha or in their personal plot, most gardeners plant not only potatoes and tomatoes. The topic of growing pepper seedlings and the time of planting is considered relevant. And it doesn’t matter whether the pepper is hot or sweet, the essence does not change due to identical agricultural technology and a slight difference in varieties. A rich pepper harvest can only be achieved if grown through seedlings. It is characterized by a long period of fruit ripening, therefore, in order to remove good harvest, it’s worth worrying about the future in winter.

So, let's look at the question of when to plant peppers from the very beginning. I would like to say a little about the seeds themselves. When purchasing them, you should pay attention to the packaging time and shelf life. If the seeds are up to two years old, you can be sure of their germination; their older age is not welcome - you risk being left without pepper at all.

A few words about culture

Pepper has been cultivated in warm countries since time immemorial and enjoys well-deserved love among both amateur gardeners and chefs. Taking into account that in central Russia not all varieties have time to ripen, many are interested in which variety is best suited to our climatic conditions and when to plant peppers. Let’s make a reservation right away - experienced gardeners try to plant early and ultra-early varieties of sweet and bitter peppers. Here are just a few of them:

Rafaela F1 - early pepper, belongs to the early ripening hybrids. Cone-shaped fruits with high taste. As they ripen, the fruits gradually change color from dark green to rich red. This pepper variety is ideal for canning and eating raw.

Lungi F1 is also considered a high-yielding sweet pepper hybrid. The cone-shaped fruit is up to 5 mm thick. Resistant to diseases and unfavorable growing conditions.

Ami is a variety that has gained particular popularity in the south of Russia. low growing plant bears large cone-shaped fruits. The variety is characterized by high yield and excellent taste.

You can also grow several varieties of early hot pepper. Each of them is distinguished by high yield, elongated fruit shape up to 12 cm in length. Due to its specific taste, each of the offered varieties - Hekgel, For Mother-in-Law or Fiery Volcano - is used for making sauces, home canning, hot paprika, and so on.

Timing of sowing seeds

After purchasing the treasured seeds, a natural question arises: “When to sow pepper for seedlings?” The forcing period can take from 5 to 30, sometimes more, days. The older the seeds, the longer this time. The normal period for germination of fresh seeds is 2-3 weeks. Reasoning on the topic of when to sow early pepper for seedlings should be based on the timing of its planting in the ground. Unlike tomatoes, which perfectly tolerate relocation to a permanent location, peppers are best planted after the first flower in the first fork. As a rule, this happens 2-2.5 months from the moment the seeds germinate. If we look at the dates, then the pepper seeds that sprouted from March 1 to March 15 can be planted in the ground from May 10, and the seeds will be sown from February 20 to March 5. Its germination rate and future harvest will depend on how correctly the choice of planting material is made. are characterized by a long period of germination, this is evidenced by the special structure of the seed of the crop, which means that it is proposed to carry out artificial activation.

The front can be treated with a growth stimulator, which will lead to friendly shoots. Most vegetable gardeners with many years of experience recommend removing the central flower on the plant, formed from the first branch, to obtain a large harvest.

Planting seeds

It is worth understanding that if you want to grow pepper seedlings, which will subsequently give a good harvest, you need to make the right choice of container for planting seeds. It is best carried out in small cups or special cassettes, but a box or low pot will negatively affect growth. It is worth remembering that peppers do not really like picks. Planting it in a large group in a common bowl and then plucking it up will lead to a delay in the development of the seedlings by about a week or two. Therefore, it is best to plant pepper seeds in small containers.

The soil mixture should be prepared several days before planting. The soil must be warmed up to room temperature. You can also mix the substrate yourself, for which you will need the following components in equal parts: lowland peat, manure humus and turf soil.

Where to identify seedlings

Everyone strives to use their greenhouse to its full potential. But in order to get a return from such plantings, you still need to listen to the advice of experts and not break the rules developed over many years of practice: when to sow peppers, how to place seedlings. As a rule, peppers are grown in greenhouses, tunnels, greenhouses or on open beds. But the best option, of course, remains a greenhouse.

Before you start planting seedlings, they need to be hardened off. This must be done in order to accustom the plant to the sun, wind, daily temperature fluctuations, in general, to fresh air. Hardening begins several weeks before planting a heat-loving crop such as pepper. What is the best preparation method? Graduality is important here. The seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, outside. You can even simply open the window, increasing the ventilation time every day. But it is worth considering that the temperature outside must be at least +13, otherwise the seedlings may freeze.

In the absence of a greenhouse, the planting of pepper seeds must be scheduled for the month of February, so that by the time of transplanting the seedlings will be about 100 days old. It is not recommended to pamper your seedlings with excessive watering, as this can lead to a disease popularly called blackleg. But you should not allow the soil to dry out.

Feeding seedlings

During the period of growing seedlings, it will need to be fed a couple of times. Proper seedlings will need to receive their first fertilizing two weeks after the first shoots appear. The second is carried out a few days before planting the plants in the ground. The composition of the nutrient mixture includes: urea - 5 g, superphosphates - 30 g, potassium fertilizers - 10 g (per 10 liters of water). A good top dressing is obtained from a mixture of wood ash and nettle infusion in a ratio of 1:10. It is also worth remembering that potassium chloride is contraindicated for pepper.

Landing place

Pepper is a heat-loving vegetable crop, which means it needs a sunny, warm place, protected from the wind. The plant is also very demanding on soil, therefore, strong seedlings are required. The soil must be fertile, retain moisture well and allow air to pass through. The best predecessors of pepper are carrots, onions, and legumes(except beans). You should not plant peppers in beds after eggplants, tomatoes, or potatoes. The first couple of weeks after planting, the plants grow very slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to help them by loosening the soil. This improves the supply of oxygen to the pepper root system.

Proper watering of peppers

Pepper prefers frequent but moderate watering with warm water. After each, the ground must be fluffed up, remembering that root system the crop is very close to the surface. Therefore, the procedure is carried out very carefully, trying not to damage the roots of the plant.

The watering rate before the formation of ovaries is 30-35 liters per 1 m2, during the fruiting period - 40-45 liters. Watering stops 20 days before the last harvest.

Advantages of hot and sweet peppers

Mass beneficial properties Capsicum peppers have hot, which would be a sin not to mention. Oddly enough, it is popular not only for preparing individual dishes or canning, but also as a hair strengthening agent, as well as a warming agent for colds and inflammatory diseases.

It's best to start with a gentle method. To do this, the hot tincture is diluted with kefir or vegetable oil with the addition of vitamins A and E. The mask has a stimulating effect on the hair without drying out the scalp. You can prepare the tincture yourself, or you can purchase it in pharmacies. For self-cooking You will need finely chopped hot peppers (2 pcs.), which must be filled with 150 ml of alcohol and hidden in a dark place for 7 days. After this, the solution is ready for use. Apply it to the scalp, diluting with water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of extract per 10 tbsp. l. water.

Now about the sweet pepper. Thanks to the presence of rutin and a record amount of ascorbic acid, it strengthens capillaries and supplies the body with vitamin C. Eating ripe fruits will normalize the secretion of gastric juice, improve digestion and appetite. Pepper contains trace elements such as zinc and cobalt, which regulate the production of your own melanin.

Pepper for open ground

When to sow pepper seedlings for open ground? Around the same time frame as for greenhouses, but in the southern regions of our country they shift by about 3 weeks to the beginning of the calendar year. Such varieties of sweet pepper seeds as Denis, Arsenal, Slastena, Hercules or Novocherkassky have established themselves as species that produce excellent harvest. They are very often grown by amateur gardeners. You can also select other varieties of sweet peppers, which, through the efforts of professionals and amateurs, were bred for cultivation in the middle zone in open ground.

Among the varieties of bitter pepper, I would like to highlight such pepper for open ground as Astrakhan modifications 147 and 628, Ukrainian bitter or Elephant trunk modification 304.

The agricultural technology of bitter and sweet peppers is in many ways similar to the cultivation of tomatoes. But peppers, as it turns out, are much more sensitive to temperature changes and the effects of cold air flows. This means that you should choose varieties of bitter and sweet peppers for growing in open ground with great regard to the weather and climate calendar of a certain area.

Also, when planning to plant seedlings in the ground, you need to carefully select a location for peppers. To protect plants from the wind, they try to plant them along a fence, hedge, and so on. Due to the crop's ability to cross-pollinate, we sow pepper seeds at a considerable distance from each other. This will give the plants the space they need to develop.

Planting pepper seeds in the soil should be accompanied by the addition of organic fertilizer. By receiving regular feeding from complex fertilizers, the plant develops a powerful root system.

Planting pepper seeds

Pepper is a rather capricious crop: the germination rate of the seeds quickly decreases, and since they have a rather dense shell, most likely there will be few sprouts, or it may happen that there will be none at all. A completely logical conclusion follows from this: planting pepper seeds must be prepared in advance. How to do it?

Immediately before planting peppers, it is recommended to carefully select seeds for planting. To do this, you need to make a solution of table salt (30 g per 1 liter of water). The seeds are immersed in it for no more than 10 minutes. Full seeds will sink to the bottom of the container, while hollow or weak ones will float. The floating seeds can be collected and thrown away without regret, since they will definitely not be of any use. Drain the solution, rinse the remaining seeds at the bottom with clean water and spread out to dry completely.

The next step that must be taken before planting peppers is called dressing. With its help, you can disinfect seeds and prevent plant diseases. To do this, sort the planting material by size and make a 1% manganese solution (1 g per 1 l). Place the selected seeds into the solution and leave there for no more than 15 minutes. After this, rinse again with water and let them dry.

In order to give the plants health, it is recommended to treat them with microelements a couple of days before sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. To do this, make small bags out of gauze and place the seeds prepared for planting in them. Immerse in a solution with microelements (Ideal or Elin fertilizers) and leave for 12-14 hours. After this, the seeds must be removed and dried. It is worth noting that there is no need to rinse them after this procedure.

In addition to chemical fertilizers, seeds can be treated folk remedies. For example, take 2 g of wood ash per 1 liter of water (the mixture should sit for 24 hours with frequent stirring). Then the seeds are placed in gauze bags and dipped in the nutrient mixture for 3 hours. After this, rinse everything and dry it.

If you want to get guaranteed germination, the seeds can be germinated in advance. To do this, place pepper seeds disinfected in potassium permanganate on gauze, wrap and place in a shallow plate, lightly moisten. Place in a warm place. Within a day you can see small roots hatching. Sprouted seeds can be planted in the substrate.

There is another method that is considered more effective - bubbling, which involves treating planting material in oxygen-saturated water. This method of processing pepper seeds allows you to speed up the emergence of seedlings. This method is good 1-2 weeks before planting seedlings.

To do this, it is recommended to prepare a three-liter jar and fill it two-thirds with water at a temperature of 20 o C. Lower the jar to the bottom and turn on the compressor. After bubbles appear, place the seeds in a jar for a day. After that, take it out and dry it.

And the last method used when processing seeds is hardening. With its help, plants will be able to safely endure the vagaries of nature. After spending necessary disinfection, it is recommended to soak the pepper seeds in warm water and leave them to swell. Then immediately place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then let them dry. You can start sowing pepper seeds for seedlings.

How to grow peppers

If you buy seedlings to grow peppers, then you should pay attention to the stem of the plant - the leaves on a strong stem should be dark green. Only if these conditions are met can we say that it is correct seedlings pepper It is worth abandoning the one that has flowers or fruits. This is a guarantee that there will be no harvest. In dry weather, the plant requires abundant watering. Otherwise, due to the lack of moisture, the fruit may taste bitter, and the pulp will be thin and dry. Pepper loves warm soil, which means it is best to plant it in soil heated to +15 degrees. Pallor of greenery and slow growth of fruits may indicate a lack of proper nutrition. You can feed the plants with mullein or compost tea.

Recently, gardening has been influenced by fashion. This is evidenced by the rapid rise or fall in popularity of a particular variety. Most amateur vegetable growers try to plant their own material, which was obtained from the seeds of the previous harvest, but sometimes disappointment comes from the second generation of a new variety. Many seed varieties appearing on the market are first-generation hybrids, which produce a wide range of genetic traits the following year. Stable traits are usually provided by time-tested varieties.