Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Who are the executives of the organization? What professions are classified as employees and specialists?

Who are the executives of the organization? What professions are classified as employees and specialists?

Employees are a category of hired workers engaged primarily in non-physical labor and receiving earnings (or income) in the form of a salary (i.e., a fixed salary). The concept of employees, used to denote a wide range of professions and occupations that vary greatly in social status, does not have a precise and generally accepted definition.

Employees are divided into a number of large professional groups: engineering and technical workers (E&T), sales workers (salespeople and others), office workers, administrative and managerial workers economic enterprises, government agencies And public organizations(managerial employees), employed representatives of the intelligentsia (teachers, medical workers, etc.).

The profession of employees in their modern understanding arises, on the one hand, as a result of the process of division of social labor, on the other hand, as a result of the gradual transfer by capitalists of management functions belonging to them, as owners, to hired workers. The development of transport, communications, trade and credit also contributes to a huge increase in the number of employees. The process of industrialization and urbanization creates the preconditions and at the same time the objective need to expand the education system, medical care, and the growth of the service sector, thereby causing more and more wide application labor of employees in these occupations. Finally, the most important factor The increase in the number of employees under capitalism is the growth of the bureaucratic apparatus of the bourgeois state, the development of state-monopoly capitalism and militarism. In the USA, for example, from 1870 to 1960 the number of employees increased 21 times and their share in the self-employed population increased from 6.6% to 34%.

In the mid-19th century, when the number of employees was small, they generally occupied a relatively privileged position in relation to other layers of workers. Any employee, compared to a skilled worker, was better educated, led a petty-bourgeois or bourgeois lifestyle, was in constant personal contact with an entrepreneur, could count on promotion. As capitalism develops, the category of employees becomes more and more numerous, but at the same time less and less homogeneous. The number of lower-level employees—clerical and sales workers—is growing especially rapidly, and among them the proportion of women is growing. The bulk of the employees are gradually losing their privileged position, increasingly turning into partial workers; the top of the employees, on the contrary, is moving closer, and in part directly merging with the bourgeoisie.

Marxism sees in the employees of capitalist society a conglomerate of various socio-economic groups, which either belong to antagonistic classes opposing each other, or occupy an intermediate position in relation to them. 1) Workers predominantly of mental labor engaged directly in material production - engineers, craftsmen, technicians, technologists, laboratory assistants, etc. - form component"total worker". Differing from other workers in the nature of work and qualifications, partly in level wages, they do not differ from them in their objective class position (see Working class); 2) Office and commercial employees who perform circulation functions in the process of capitalist reproduction represent a special group of hired workers. Unlike industrial workers, they do not create value and surplus value, but in other respects “... a commercial worker is exactly the same wage worker as any other.” 3) Small employees employed in non-productive spheres (managerial staff of concerns, trusts and banks, public administration, personal services) belong to the semi-proletarian intermediate layer, immediately adjacent to the group named above. 4) Teachers, medical, scientific and other similar hired mental workers constitute a special social group, socially heterogeneous. The majority of teachers, medical workers and a significant part of scientists are in the public service. At the same time, the labor of many representatives of intelligent professions is directly subordinated to private capital and is a direct object of capitalist exploitation. The development of capitalism increasingly reduces white-collar workers from the intelligentsia to the position of hired workers. 5) Leading employees of capitalist enterprises and the state apparatus (government officials, officers, police, judges, etc.) for the most part form the upper intermediate layer, gravitating towards or directly adjacent to the bourgeoisie. Some of the most highly qualified specialists, lawyers, journalists, and the top clergy also join here. 6) The top administrators of monopolies - directors, chairmen and members of boards, etc., as well as senior officials, i.e. groups that are sometimes classified as employees, in fact, by their origin, social connections, property status, income belong to to the bourgeoisie, partly to the monopoly bourgeoisie.

The above classification is, of course, conditional. Within each group, as well as between groups, there are transitional steps that obscure the boundary lines. However, it is obvious that employees do not form a stratum that could be given an unambiguous social characteristic. Social-class heterogeneity is directly manifested in the unequal working and living conditions of different groups of employees. The labor of office and trade workers, as a result of growing mechanization, automation and capitalist “rationalization,” is becoming more and more similar in its conditions and character to the labor of industrial workers. The length of working time for the bulk of employees was in the past significantly less than that of workers; now it is approximately the same for both, and sometimes even longer for the former than for the latter (especially in trade and transport). Over the past few decades, the wage gap between white-collar workers and blue-collar workers has largely been eliminated (as a result of the rapid growth in the number of white-collar workers, the spread of female labor in these professions, the depreciation of old qualifications, the deterioration of the position of white-collar workers in the labor market, etc.). Many groups of white-collar workers earn even less than semi-skilled workers. The income of the top management, on the contrary, has increased enormously. For modern capitalism, the presence of a permanent reserve army of employees is as characteristic as the presence of a reserve army of manual workers (in the USA in June 1958, the unemployed were: among office workers - 5.5%, sales employees - 4.7%, specialists - 2, 5%).

These changes in the socio-economic status of employees are not always reflected in their consciousness, which is usually saturated with petty-bourgeois views and professional prejudices. It is typical for employees, in particular, to have the idea of ​​superiority over manual workers, which is explained, in particular, by the specifics of the work of employees, a certain separation between them and the workers (the former work in other rooms and sometimes at different hours than the latter), partly by the preservation of direct contact with owners or managers.

Entrepreneurs, for their part, use the most sophisticated means to maintain existing differences in the psychology of employees and workers (preaching “natural solidarity” between employees and capitalists, benefits in relation to social security and insurance, organizing separate canteens, etc.) . The listed factors create relatively favorable soil for the influence of petty-bourgeois and bourgeois ideology among employees. Ideologically and politically backward layers of employees often find themselves at the mercy of conservative and reactionary forces.

However, as the position of employees changes, the influence of factors inhibiting the development of their consciousness weakens. According to national surveys, about half of office and sales workers identify as working class. Shifts in the consciousness of employees are reflected in their development professional organization, which originated at the end of the 19th century. and received significant development since the 40s. 20th century

Communist parties see employees as a close ally of the industrial working class, resolutely defend their vital demands and strive to attract them to active struggle against capitalist exploitation. The history of the labor movement in capitalist countries testifies to the increasing involvement of employees in common struggle the working class and all working people. After World War II, strikes by employees, including joint strikes of workers and employees on the scale of a region, industry, and country, became commonplace (especially in France, Italy, Japan, Belgium, India, Argentina). The broad masses of employees react sharply not only to economic and social, but also to political demands, becoming an increasingly significant factor in the democratic anti-monopoly movement unfolding under the leadership of the vanguard of the working class in the countries of imperialism.

All categories of personnel are important, because everyone knows the fact that personnel decides everything. Personnel are the main resource of any organization. The quality of services and products that the company supplies to the market depends on the work of its employees. To avoid costs, it is important to understand what the composition and number of personnel of the organization should be. These indicators are determined depending on the volume of consumer demand. The right approach to personnel selection provides the company with high competitiveness.

Main categories of personnel and their characteristics

According to the All-Russian Classifier of Professions and Positions, all enterprise personnel are divided into two main categories. Classification of personnel by categories:

  • workers' professions;
  • employee positions.

Working professions are not popular enough, especially among young people, but they still remain very common. Representatives included in this group are mainly divided into the following types of workers:

  1. support staff. This division of the above personnel classification includes those who service production (driver, cleaner, secretary, etc.).
  2. main personnel - those who are directly involved in the production process (turner, seamstress, etc.).

Officials are also divided into types:

  • managers (director, chief specialists, etc.);
  • technical performers (secretaries, forwarders, etc.);
  • specialists (engineers, lawyers, economists, etc.).

Additionally, there is a classifier of positions and professions, that is, both workers and employees are divided into different types personnel.
Worker classification:

  • types of production and work (wool production or well drilling);
  • tariff categories (1-8);
  • qualification classes (1-3);
  • forms and systems of remuneration (simple, piecework, bonus);
  • working conditions (normal, difficult and harmful);
  • degree of labor mechanization (manual, automatic);
  • derivative professions (senior, assistant).

Employee positions are classified according to the following criteria:

  • category of positions (manager, specialist);
  • derivative positions (chief, junior, second, district);
  • qualification class (first, third, highest).

Of course, few people delve into such a concept as classification of enterprise personnel. And, perhaps, this is the first time you have heard about the existence of the All-Russian Classifier of Professions and Positions.

What influences category membership?

For most people, personnel categories depend on educational level. Therefore one of important criteria for the employer is the presence of a certain education of the employee. Simultaneously important indicator is having experience in a specific area. Of course, there are positions that can be filled without having any work experience or education. Regardless of the employee’s classification, all categories of employees work in accordance with labor laws. At the same time, both management employees and workers have the same rights and responsibilities prescribed in the labor code.

We discussed various groups of personnel. Now it is important to consider the organizational structure of the enterprise.
Of course, it is important to understand that enterprise structures are completely different. For example, the structure of a company engaged in production metal doors, will be significantly different from a retail store selling children's goods.

How to manage different categories of personnel?

There are several main types of organizational structures for managing an organization:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • linear - functional;
  • divisional;
  • matrix

Each of the presented structures represents a clear system with its own rules.

Linear organizational management structure

With linear management, there is a clear distinction - who carries out whose instructions and is responsible for what. To achieve a certain result, the manager gives a specific assignment to a specific employee. In turn, this employee transfers specific instructions to other employees, that is, he assigns one task to one, another task to another, and so on. But in the end there should be one overall result. Thus, each performer is responsible for performing work on a specific assignment from a specific superior employee.

With such a structure, there is a high risk that if somewhere someone executes an order incorrectly, the result will not be the same. There is a very high responsibility for the correctness of the task. If someone suddenly gets sick, it will be difficult to immediately replace him without damaging the production process. The biggest disadvantage of such a system is that if suddenly there is a need to make adjustments, you won’t have to count on efficiency. This structure is convenient to use in small organizations.

Functional and linearly functional organizational structure of management

The implementation of individual tasks is assigned to a separate unit specializing in a separate type of activity. The headquarters, consisting of line and functional managers, coordinates orders and transfers them to the performers. This structure allows functional managers to relieve themselves of part of the burden. The line manager, on the contrary, is busier, since he has to take part in the interaction of functional managers with executive departments. At the same time, performers carry out instructions from both the line manager and the functional one, which leads to difficulties in mutual agreement, that is, instructions may diverge, for example, in terms of priority. There is a decrease in responsibility and the risk of delays in obtaining the final result. There are also difficulties in coordinating activities, and it is impossible to quickly resolve issues that arise during the execution of work.

With this system, the main figure is the head of the department.

The line manager gives instructions to the functional manager, and he, through his assistants, distributes instructions among the performers. With this organizational structure of personnel management, responsibility for the results of the work of each unit increases, which entails a weakening of the relationship between these units. As a result, it is difficult to understand whether the organization's work will be completed correctly and on time.

Divisional and matrix management structure

With this management structure, the decisive role is given to the heads of the unit. The head of the unit bears full responsibility for the performance of the work for which the unit is responsible. At the same time, functional managers also report to the head of the production unit.
A project manager and responsible executives in each department are also appointed. The line manager assigns a specific project to each project manager. The project manager establishes who and in what time frame must complete this or that work that will lead to the completion of the task set by the line manager regarding a specific project.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of organizational management structures, but all of them are not perfect. Therefore, organizations are forced to develop their structures by improving existing structures that will most beneficially contribute to development. The larger the organization, the more complex the structure and the more it needs to be constantly refined.

The advantages of this or that structure are necessarily the ability to quickly make decisions and make changes in the progress of work. It is important that you can clearly trace the area of ​​responsibility of each employee.
You can clearly see the complexity using the example of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. Just think about the whole scale of activity, how many people of different categories are involved so that we can receive quality medical care. Of course, changes will be constantly made to the work of the ministry, which is what we are seeing. New diseases, new treatment methods, new specialties appear. Take the composition of specialists working in clinics in 1980 and now, of course, we will notice that there are more of them.

For effective management The organization needs to understand that at different times there are different periods in the development of the organization. Either we can observe the greatest leap in development, then a slower one, or a period of stagnation may occur. It is during times of increased demand that we must not forget to review the organization’s management structure. Otherwise, there will be a possibility of missing something, then the organization will begin to lose its established competitiveness, and there will be a decline in demand.

To help managers, you can invite specialists to develop management structures for organizations. The main thing is that such a decision is timely. Now there are companies on the market that have extensive experience in this matter. Determining all the pros and cons of the existing management structure in an organization in a short period of time is their main task. As a result of their work they will offer possible options improvements to structures.

The analysis performed does not yet provide answers to the questions posed. Therefore, let's turn to OKPDTR. It consists of two sections: professions of workers and positions of employees. The second section of OKPDTR (positions of employees) was developed on the basis of the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions, Qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees, current regulations and other regulatory documents on issues of remuneration, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The category of employees in OKPDTR is represented by: 1) managers; 2) specialists; 3) other employees. But referring to this document also does not allow you to get answers to the questions posed. Therefore, we will try to find them in the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions (UNDS), approved back in 1967 by the USSR State Committee for Labor (Resolution No. 443 dated 09.09.1967).

5. categories of personnel


  • Chief designer of the project
  • Chief Project Engineer. The chief architect of the project
  • Chief landscape architect of the project
  • Head of the design department
  • Head of the department (bureau) for registration of design materials
  • Head of the drawing and copying bureau
  • Head (leader) of a brigade (group)
  • Chief specialist in the main department (architectural and planning workshop)
  • Lead designer
  • Design engineer
  • Architect
  • Landscape architect
  • Design technician
  • Designer draftsman

Personnel categories

OKPDTR) and the Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Other Employees. Since qualifications mean both a profession and a specialty, according to the existing tradition, the number of employees performing a labor function according to a certain qualification includes only persons who have undergone training to obtain the corresponding profession. In other words, workers are included in this category of workers, and the name of their professions is determined based on the mentioned OKPDTR and the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (corresponding issue). The number of workers performing a labor function for a certain position can logically include: persons who have a diploma conferring a corresponding specialty, as well as persons who do not have a professional education or have a specific profession.

What category of workers are security guards of private security agencies?

B" and "C"? The first and primary sign of a civil servant is that he acts in the exercise of his official powers - on behalf of the state and on its behalf - he gives orders, ensures their execution, detains a person, etc. Often these actions of the employee are not directly proclaimed each time on behalf of the state, often on behalf of the body or organization in which the employee is a member, but, ultimately, behind the actions of the civil servant there is the state, which provides his work and, if necessary, protects it with those at the disposal of the state means. The next characteristic of a civil servant is that each of them holds a public position established by the state.

IT workers are... abbreviation decoding, list of positions

Naturally, we are not talking about an exhaustive list of persons related to technical and managerial personnel. Based on the foregoing, we can come to the conclusion that the distribution of workers by categories of personnel should be carried out in accordance with OKPDTR and UNDS. As for the term “administrative and managerial personnel "(AUP), then it was used during the period of organizing and conducting a one-time accounting of the number and distribution of persons working in positions held as of September 15, 1990 (directive letter of the State Statistics Committee of the RSFSR dated July 17, 1990 No. 6-7-107). In order to implement this accounting, on 06/03/1988 the USSR State Labor Committee, the USSR State Statistics Committee and the USSR Ministry of Finance approved the Nomenclature of positions for management personnel of enterprises, institutions and organizations for the development of accounting forms for this personnel. Currently, the Russian State Statistics Committee does not use this Nomenclature.

An accountant is a worker or employee

They can be paid from saved wages. Can the salaries of engineers change? Decisions to change official salaries, either upward or downward, are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of employees at a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or 5 years. If the results of such certification are unsatisfactory, it is possible to either cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, or complete liberation employee from his position.

On labor standardization for engineers Task competent organization labor of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure of the management apparatus, optimize the use of working time and reduce costs involves rationing.
Duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor, recreation room, dormitory, etc.)

  • Clerk
  • Collector
  • Calculator
  • Cashier
  • Codifier
  • Commandant
  • Traveling salesman
  • Copyist
  • Croupier
  • Typist
  • Contractor
  • Traffic control and loading and unloading operator
  • Dispatch operator
  • Elevator dispatch operator
  • Secretary-typist
  • Secretary of a blind specialist
  • Head Secretary
  • Secretary-stenographer
  • Statistician
  • Stenographer
  • Timekeeper
  • Taxi driver
  • Accountant
  • Timekeeper
  • Draftsman
  • Forwarder
  • Freight Forwarder

Section II.
A worker in a non-industrial group. Just like a technician, for example. the name they came up with is a security guard, an ordinary watchman. It means a worker. Natural employee Federal civil servants of the federal federal Programmer is always treated as a specialist, and if he occupies the position of a civil servant, he is also an employee.. An employee and a specialist are completely different concepts.

Employee is a term referring purely to public service, and specialist refers to the qualifications of an employee. Everyone who receives a higher education diploma receives a specialist diploma. To specialists... to specialists, according to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook, the Mayor is not formally a civil servant.

In most cities, this is a local government official. And in a city - a subject of the federation - Moscow, St. Petersburg - an official of the subject.

An accountant is an employee or worker


Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in such industries as industry and construction. Who exactly can we, without the risk of making a mistake, rank in the mentioned category? If you focus on the old Model list positions, based on Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we're talking about about managers (except for those appointed to positions by higher authorities), chief (senior) specialists of various titles, heads of offices, production facilities, farms, services, branches, sites, bureaus, inspections, departments and divisions, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops , storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, chambers and cash desks. Who else is included in this category? And who else belongs to the IT workers? The list of them is quite long.

Thus, in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, the category of “managers” includes the following positions: 1) managers: storage room, archive, pass office, copying and duplicating office, photo laboratory, housekeeping, expedition, office, typing bureau, warehouse; 2) site foreman (including senior); 3) heads: department, section (shift), workshop; 4) chief specialist; 5) head of the organization. To the category " technical executive» include: duty officer of the pass office, copier, clerk, timekeeper, accountant, forwarder, agent, clerk, secretary, secretary-typist, accountant, draftsman, cashier (including senior), typist, freight forwarder, collector (including senior), secretary-stenographer, statistician, others. The emphasis on these two categories is not accidental.

UNDS specialists are classified into one of several different groups. The first group is those who are employed in jobs related to agriculture or forestry, animal husbandry, and fish farming. The second is workers in the economic or engineering sectors.

Specialists of the third group work in the field international relations. The fourth group is workers in the fields of art, culture, science, education, and healthcare. The fifth is a legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Technical performers are workers whose task is to record, control, prepare necessary documentation and its design, as well as economic maintenance. Thus, the concept of engineering and technical development has become morally obsolete, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant. It has been replaced these days by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).

And rather belong to the category - involved personnel Employee. A worker is a person who, in the process of his work, produces the final product of production or is directly involved in this production. The employee, on duty, ensures the operation of this production. (Accounting, management, security) The exceptions are engineering workers and specialists in one or another field. In the category of loafers, there is little work, not dusty, but the truth is that the salary is not great.

In short, work is for quitters! How to interpret... He fulfills his direct responsibilities under the contract with the private security company, and the private security company itself mentions additional things in the contract with the object... But that’s all, this is through additional agreements and additional conditions, if there are clauses in the contract with a third party that are not discussed in the contract with the employee of the private security company .

  • engineers;
  • economists;
  • accountants;
  • standardizers;
  • legal advisers;
  • administrators;
  • sociologists, etc.

Help The main categories of personnel, which are classified as employees, prepare the necessary documentation, carry out accounting, control and economic maintenance of the organization. These workers include:

  1. clerks;
  2. accountants;
  3. agents;
  4. secretaries;
  5. stenographers;
  6. draftsmen.

Personnel by category of workers is divided into those who are directly involved in the production of material assets, transportation of passengers, repairs, and provision of services. Security guards, couriers, cloakroom attendants, and cleaners also belong to the category of workers.

5. categories of personnel

According to the UNDS, managers are classified depending on the object of management: - heads of organizations (in their legal concept, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation); - heads of services and departments in organizations. Managers also include their deputies. Specialists are classified depending on the nature of the functions they perform or the field of activity: - specialists engaged in engineering, technical and economic work; - specialists those engaged in agricultural, zootechnical, fish farming and reforestation work; - specialists engaged in medical care, public education, as well as workers in science, art and culture; - specialists engaged in international relations; - specialists in legal services. As can be seen, the number of specialists included workers engaged in both economic and engineering work.

Categories of organization personnel


The first group includes employees who are directly employed production process or servicing equipment that affects effective work enterprises. The second group, which refers to the auxiliary group, includes personnel included in the company structure. Such employees are on the balance sheet of the main business entity, but are not directly involved in production processes.

Help What categories of personnel are considered auxiliary?
  1. employees of kindergartens and nurseries maintained on the balance sheet of the organization;
  2. employees of departmental housing and communal services, clinics, educational institutions.

The classification of such personnel is taken into account when calculating wages and when agreeing on the main indicators of labor production activities.

What categories are the personnel divided into?

How to successfully select an organization's personnel of the right category Ksenia Gorbunova, Director of Recruitment and Business Development at SQ-Team recommends Nowadays, only large companies most often hire employees for “growth” During the crisis, the labor market has changed, and there are more candidates per vacancy than before. Employers can find an almost “ready” employee who will immediately get involved in work. This is better than taking on a person in whom you still need to invest a lot.
“Growth” jobs are often hired in large companies, where a training process has been built and there is a kind of conveyor belt. If an employee does not live up to expectations and leaves the company, this will not affect the business in any way. At the same time, companies are ready to turn a blind eye to the candidate’s lack of soft skills (social skills), which can be quickly improved through training, but not hard skills (professional skills).

What categories of personnel and their management structures exist?

Public relations specialistTechnician Computer (information and computing) center technicianDesign technicianLaboratory technicianInformation security technicianInventory technician of buildings and structuresTool technicianMetrology technicianAdjustment and testing technicianPlanning technicianStandardization technicianLabor technicianProgramming technicianProcess technician Commodity expertPhysiologistArtistConstruction artist (designer)Chief engineerEconomistEconomist computing (information and computing) center Economist for accounting and analysis of economic activity Economist for contractual and claims work Economist for material and technical supply Economist for planning Economist for sales Economist for labor Economist for financial work ExpertExpert of road facilitiesExpert in industrial safety of lifting structuresLegal consultant 3.

Administrative staff - what is it? personnel classification


In reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of individual sectors of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production sectors), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees. From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees. ConsultantPlus: note. By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 367, on January 1, 1996, the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and tariff categories OK 016-94.

When distributing workers by personnel categories in statistical reporting on labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR), approved by the USSR State Standard 08.27.86 N 016.

Personnel categories

At the beginning of the interview, let the candidate read the text, and at the end ask questions. This will help you find out how the applicant assimilates new information. Say that the text contains important or interesting information related to his possible future job. In a word, make sure that the applicant reads the text carefully.
A little later, under any pretext, take away the text. And towards the end of the meeting, gently ask if the candidate has any questions about what he read? Or find out if he would be interested in doing the work described in the text. Ask a few questions and gently, so that it does not look like an exam, encourage the applicant to give detailed answers. You will understand whether he understood the text well and whether he is able to quickly assimilate new information.

If you wish, prepare a task, the essence of which is that the candidate must do something according to the model.
Positions of other employees (technical performers) Agent Commercial agent Purchasing agent Real estate agent Supply agent Advertising agent Insurance agent Trading agent Archivist Assistant fund inspector Duty pass office Duty officer (for issuing certificates, hall, hotel floor, rest room, dormitory, etc.) Clerk Cash collector Calculator Cashier Codifier Commandant travel salesmanCopierCroupierTypistContractorOperator of traffic control room and loading and unloadingOperator of control room servicesElevator dispatch service operatorSecretary-typistSecretary of a blind specialistSecretary of the managerSecretary-stenographerStatisticianStenographerTimekeeperTaximanAccountantTimekeeperDraftsmanForwarderFreight forwarder Section II.
The analysis performed does not yet provide answers to the questions posed. Therefore, let's turn to OKPDTR. It consists of two sections: professions of workers and positions of employees. The second section of the OKPDTR (positions of employees) was developed on the basis of the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions, the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, current regulations and other regulations on remuneration issues with taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The category of employees in OKPDTR is represented by: 1) managers; 2) specialists; 3) other employees. But referring to this document also does not allow you to get answers to the questions posed. Therefore, we will try to find them in the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions (UNDS), approved back in 1967 by the USSR State Committee for Labor (Resolution No. 443 dated 09.09.1967).

What category of personnel does the secretary belong to?

But technologists, designers, agronomists, mechanics, teachers, doctors and other workers who are directly involved in the activities of a business entity cannot be classified as administrative personnel. Categories For more complete assimilation this concept it is necessary to consider its main categories. Thus, administrative personnel are not only top-level managers, but also lower-level managers.
Sometimes this term can have a broader meaning. For example, administrative and economic personnel consists of direct administrative and management workers, line and production personnel. This category should also include estimators, designers, employees of the housing and communal services sector and laboratories.
Thus, in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, the category of “managers” includes the following positions: 1) managers: storage room, archive, pass office, copying and duplicating office, photo laboratory, housekeeping, expedition, office, typing bureau, warehouse; 2) site foreman (including the senior); 3) heads: department, section (shift), workshop; 4) chief specialist; 5) head of the organization. The category “technical executive” includes: pass office duty officer, copier, contractor, timekeeper, accountant, forwarder, agent, clerk, secretary, secretary-typist, accountant, draftsman, cashier (including senior), typist, freight forwarder, collector (including senior), secretary-stenographer, statistician, others. The emphasis on these two categories is not accidental.

What category of employees does the secretary belong to?

InterpretationTranslation  PERSONNEL CATEGORIES classification of employees based on the functions they perform. Hired workers are divided into two groups: workers and employees. The group of employees includes the following categories: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees.

When distributing workers according to K.p. are guided by the All-Russian Classification of Worker Professions and Clerk Positions. The classifier consists of two sections: a list of professions of workers and a list of positions of employees - managers, specialists and employees. Workers include persons performing the functions of primarily physical labor, directly involved in the process of creating material assets, maintaining machines and mechanisms in working order, production premises etc.

A paradoxical situation has formed in the labor markets of individual countries: people no longer want to earn a living with their minds, since “manual” professions are paid better and do not require so much emotional investment. That is why it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between workers and employees. This will help you choose work to your liking, which will be suitable not only in terms of payment, but also in other respects.


Employees– non-manual workers employed in such segments of the economy as public administration (officials, top management), industry (designers, engineers, planners, secondary personnel), education (teachers, graduate students), service sector (tour manager, IT- specialist), trade. This social group is related by such common features as the need for specialized (most often higher) education, the absence of heavy workloads, and the need to use a creative approach in solving assigned problems.

Workers– owners labor resources employed in the manufacturing sector of the economy and engaged in manual labor. These include both the traditional “working class” and assembly line production employees, drivers, and builders. Workers do not own the means of production and most often receive wages on a piece-rate basis.


So, the characteristics of the work of social groups differ significantly. Starting with the fact that employees most often work “from 9 to 6,” and workers work around the clock, but in shifts. The locations of social groups differ significantly. For a worker, this is a machine, a construction site, a workshop where he creates a real product that can be counted and measured by physical means. For employees, their place of work is a cabinet in an office or a desk. There he creates a “mental” product that can be calculated speculatively.

Conclusions website

  1. Qualification. In most cases, workers need a secondary specialized education, while employees need a higher education.
  2. Means of production. Workers use “manual” labor tools, employees use “intellectual” ones.
  3. Product of labor. A worker produces real quantifiable objects, an employee provides services.
  4. Prestige. The work of an employee is considered more honorable than that of a worker.
  5. Features of the working day. Employees, as a rule, work from 9 am to 6 pm, production workers work around the clock in shifts.