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» Schisandra chinensis, cultivation and care. Lemongrass Chinese. Medicinal properties, planting and reproduction

Schisandra chinensis, cultivation and care. Lemongrass Chinese. Medicinal properties, planting and reproduction

Once it was a wild liana, but gardeners quickly appreciated it and began to grow it as a fruit plant.

Schisandra chinensis is a representative of the ancient subtropical flora preserved in the Far East, Sakhalin and Kuril Islands in the wild. In nature, the length of the vine is from 2 to 14 m. Its shoots wrap around the support with their top in a clockwise direction.

Lemongrass has three types of escapes:

  • vegetative, up to 1.5 m long;
  • vegetative-generative, up to 0.5 m long (with flowers, and then with fruits at their base);
  • generative, 1–5 cm long - for fruiting.

The rudiments of flowers are formed in the axils of the covering scales of mixed buds. Lemongrass bears fruit on the growth of the current year.

Single or double

Lemongrass can be monoecious (staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant). And it can also be dioecious, bearing only staminate or only pistillate flowers. Studies have shown that male plants are most common (35–40%), producing only staminate flowers annually. But still, plants with an unstable ratio of staminate and pistillate flowers predominate. In some years, they form only staminate, and in others - both staminate and pistillate flowers.

In vines with an unstable type of fruiting, the appearance of certain flowers and, consequently, the yield depends on external conditions, primarily on temperature, nutrition and soil moisture. In the garden, it is better to plant monoecious vines, which produce a crop annually and do not require planting a pollinator plant.

Flowers and fruits

Schisandra flowers are 1.3–1.8 cm in diameter, creamy white, with a delicate pleasant aroma. Male flowers are slightly smaller than female ones, with white stamens fused along their entire length, so that only yellowish anthers remain free. After flowering, the male flowers fall off along with the peduncle. In female flowers, the pistil is greenish, consisting of numerous carpels. Pollinate lemongrass small beetles and Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, bumblebees, etc.).

By late spring frosts lemongrass is unstable. Lianas bloom around May 25-31. Male flowers bloom 1-2 days earlier than female ones. Plants bloom for one to two weeks.

The fruit is a juicy leaflet, it resembles a cylindrical raceme 2–16 cm long and contains (in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone) from 2–4 to 15–25 red berries. The mass of the brush reaches 7–15 g. Each berry contains 1–2 seeds. In 1 g - up to 40-60 seeds. They grow unevenly.

The fruits ripen in mid-September. Brushes can hang on vines until leaf fall (until the first half of October). During the period of full fruiting, up to 2.5 kg of fruits are obtained from one 15–20-year-old plant. In the conditions of the Leningrad region and to the north, lemongrass gives abundant harvests every 2-3 years. This frequency of fruiting is primarily due to the influence of weather on the formation of flowers (in July-August).

Planting, growing on a trellis, care

The best landing time for middle lane RF - end of April - beginning of May.

For planting, choose a well-lit (within 6-8 hours) and protected from the cold place. Warmth and sun contribute to the laying of a significant number of fruit-bearing shoots. After planting, the plants are shaded for 2-3 weeks.

It is best to grow lemongrass on a trellis about 2 m high. When planting plants at a distance of 1 m from each other, they close in the 3rd–4th year, forming a solid wall.

Schizandra rhizome of stem origin. It has many dormant buds. Awakening, they form a shoot. The depth of the roots is from 5 to 15 cm, i.e. they are in the surface loose and fertile layer soil. Lemongrass prefers well-drained, light, neutral to slightly acidic soils. It does not tolerate overdrying, so the root space of the vines is mulched every year.

On heavy soils landing pits it is recommended to add 10–12 kg of sand per pit (60 x 60 cm and up to 50 cm deep). A drainage layer of gravel, crushed stone and coarse sand is laid at the bottom of the pit. As a nutrient soil during planting, 15–20 kg of rotted compost, composed of leaf humus with horse manure. Organics are applied 2-3 times per season and watered. At the end of April, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied annually. In early September, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is given with simultaneous shallow loosening of the soil. At the same time, lemongrass is a frost-resistant plant, in very coldy only the tops of annual growths freeze slightly.

Prune lemongrass in summer or autumn. spring pruning causes the "weeping" of the shoots and their withering.

To prevent lemongrass from becoming infected with fungal diseases, it is necessary to carefully remove the fallen leaves from under the plants, and at the end of April, spray the vines with Bordeaux liquid.


The easiest way to propagate lemongrass is vegetatively - green cuttings, layering, shoots. The tops of young shoots are cut into cuttings in early July. The bases of the cuttings are immersed in a solution of heteroauxin for 12–24 hours. Then they are planted in a nursery with a large river sand under film.

Layers of lemongrass are obtained from strong annual vines formed from rhizome shoots.

In April, before the buds open, they are laid on loose soil, pinned and sprinkled with soil mixed with humus or peat (layer 10–15 cm thick). The top of the laid shoot is tied to a trellis. The roots of the layers appear on the 4-5th month. Within 2–3 years, an independent, well-developed root system is formed. Layers are separated from the mother plant and planted on permanent place. Schizandra rhizomatous offspring are separated from mother plants in April - early May. To do this, dig out 2–4 branches of overgrowth growing nearby, but far enough from an adult plant. The offspring are immediately planted in a permanent place. Their roots cannot stand even short-term drying. Within a month, planted offspring are regularly watered and shaded from direct sun rays.

Schisandra chinensis is a liana up to 15 m long. This is one of 14 types of lemongrass, which naturally grows in the Far East of Russia.

Did you know? Even the ancient Chinese and Tibetan doctors knew everything about healing properties magnolia vine and used it along with ginseng.

All parts of this plant contain biologically active substances, have tonic, stimulating qualities and are used to prepare healing drinks, decoctions, tinctures with a pleasant lemon flavor. Thanks to useful properties and decorative Chinese magnolia vine, many are interested in the rules for growing and caring for it.

How to properly care for Chinese lemongrass, the rules for watering a plant

Let's talk about how to grow Chinese lemongrass in your country house. The basis for success in growing Schisandra chinensis is the choice of a site for planting. Lemongrass does not tolerate drafts, is shade-tolerant, but bears fruit well in good light. Therefore, it is necessary to plant a vine on the east or west side of the building, but the lower part of the plant must be shaded low bushes or flowers.

This plant needs nutritious and permeable soil. It does not tolerate stagnant water, but is picky about humidity, so on hot days it is necessary to spray the plant and water it regularly, mulching the soil with dry earth or foliage after each watering. About 60 liters are used for one watering of an adult plant. warm water. Also, the soil under lemongrass should be fluffed to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Important!Schisandra chinensis can be either dioecious or monoecious. In dioecious plants, the ratio of female and male flowers may vary depending on natural conditions, therefore, for a guaranteed harvest, it is necessary to plant heterosexual monoecious plants nearby.

How to feed Schisandra chinensis

Caring for Chinese lemongrass also consists in proper feeding. Fertilizers should be applied in the form of mulch, while watering and weeding the soil.

When do you need plant nutrition?

In the first years of life, lemongrass can be fertilized with leaf compost or humus. Mineral fertilizers can only be applied in the third year after planting.

How to feed a plant

From mineral fertilizers for lemongrass are suitable saltpeter, nitrophoska, potassium sulfate, superphosphate. From organic humus, dry bird droppings, compost, wood ash.

Feeding scheme

fertilize lemongrass mineral fertilizers can be three times during the growing season. The first time should be fertilized in April before bud break at the rate of 40 g of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen per 1 sq.m. The second time - during the growth of the ovary, 15 g of potassium and phosphorus and 20 g of nitrogen. And the last time - in the fall after harvesting with 30 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. But it is better to apply organic fertilizers every 3 weeks during the growing season.

How to prune lemongrass

Pruning lemongrass is necessary not only to form a crown, but also to increase the yield. In the summer, during the period of strong branching, lemongrass should be thinned out, cutting off the shoots by 10-12 buds. In the fall, when the foliage falls, you must also remove excess shoots, cut off all dried branches and old unproductive vines. It is optimal if 5-6 young vines remain in the bush. In the spring, it is not recommended to prune lemongrass, so as not to cause excessive loss of juice. It is also necessary to remove up to half of the root offspring located the most distant from the plant. Root offspring are cut below ground level, and this can be done both in autumn and spring.

Important!In order to avoid a strong violation of the root system and the death of lemongrass, you can not remove all root offspring

Lemongrass transplant

Let's talk now about how to transplant lemongrass. If lemongrass is grown from seeds and has been sown densely, then the seedlings must be planted when the third leaf appears. At the place of sowing, seedlings can grow for 2-3 years, then transplant them to a permanent place. Plants grown from cuttings are optimally ready for transplanting also in the third year, when the root system becomes well developed. It is better to transplant lemongrass seedlings in the fall - from mid-September to October, when the heat subsides. Before winter, seedlings will take root and in early spring will begin to grow rapidly. But in early spring, in April, lemongrass can also be transplanted.

To plant lemongrass, first prepare a hole 40 cm deep and 50-60 cm wide, on the bottom of which be sure to lay drainage - expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick. fill the hole better with a mixture sod land, leaf compost and humus, taken in equal parts. To make the soil more nutritious, you can add a little wood ash and superphosphate.

When planting, make sure that the root neck of the seedling remains at ground level. Young seedlings take root easily, and before transplanting an adult lemongrass, weigh the pros and cons and, in addition to preparing a new place, try to dig it out with a clod of earth, because lemongrass cannot stand drying roots. After transplantation, the plants are watered abundantly and shaded for 2-3 weeks.

How to build supports for lemongrass

Support for Schisandra chinensis is necessary condition for getting good harvest and beautiful view. Without support, such a vine will grow in a bush, the branches will be deprived of good lighting, and female flowers will not form on them.

Important!The best support for lemongrass is a trellis, which must be installed immediately after planting.

The trellis must be deepened into the ground at least 0.5 m so that it can support the weight of the plant. It is recommended to install a trellis 2.5 m high and 3 m wide, the wire is stretched at a distance of about 30 cm, the first level is 0.5 m from the ground. In the first two years after planting, lemongrass must be tied up, then it will curl around the support itself. Schisandra can very beautifully wrap around a gazebo or building wall; for this, instead of a trellis, install inclined ladders with an emphasis on the structure. Lemongrass is also used as a hedge.

Schisandra chinensis: how to harvest and store the crop

Lemongrass is harvested in autumn at the end of September - October, cutting off the clusters with a whole sharp knife so as not to damage the vines. Do not pick berries in metal or galvanized dishes, because they will oxidize in it - it is better to use baskets, boxes or enameled containers. The harvested crop must be processed within 24 hours, because the berries deteriorate very quickly.

For storage, lemongrass berries are recommended to be dried. For drying, the berries can be dried under a canopy for 3 days, then sorted and dried in an oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Dried berries are stored in a dry, ventilated area for several years.

Schisandra chinensis wonderfully decorates the garden and has, thanks to which lemongrass helps a person to maintain health and maintain vigor. Therefore, many gardeners seek to purchase seeds or planting material lemongrass to grow in your garden.

Schisandra chinensis(Schisandra chinensis) is a woody deciduous vine with a long stem reaching to favorable conditions 8-12 m. When grown in culture, all valuable properties wild lemongrass.

This is useful and beautiful plant It is characterized by high winter hardiness, which makes it possible to cultivate Chinese magnolia vine even in the northern regions. However, at the same time, the drought resistance of the liana is low, which dictates the need for regular watering of lemongrass during the period. It is important to remember that young plants (1-2-year-old seedlings) are especially affected by a lack of moisture.

Lemongrass, like other vines, can be propagated different ways: seeds, layering, root shoots and dividing the bush.
Let's consider these methods of reproduction with all the nuances related to sowing and breeding exactly Schisandra chinensis.

Propagation of Schisandra chinensis by seeds

Schisandra chinensis seeds are harvested from ripe berries.
I squeeze the berry juice, and wash the seeds extracted from the berries several times. Then I dry the seeds until they reach flowability.

Schisandra chinensis seeds prepared in this way are best sown in the fall immediately after harvest. I sow them in beds, to a depth of 2-3 cm. And then, during a natural winter, then friendly shoots appear in May (the germination rate of full-fledged seeds of Schisandra chinensis reaches 85 percent).

You can sow Chinese magnolia vine in the spring, but for spring sowing, the seeds must first be prepared in two stages.
First, they are allowed to ripen for a month, for which they are kept in wet sand at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. And then the swollen seeds are exposed for 30 days (at a temperature of 0-5 degrees), and they are also kept in wet sand.

In the first half of summer, it is necessary to water the growing seedlings of Schisandra chinensis daily (preferably in the evening), and then after 3-4 days, depending on weather conditions. You can not overdry the bed with seedlings, but you should not overmoisten the soil!

Upon reaching the age of 2-3 years, Schisandra chinensis seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Propagation of Schisandra chinensis by layering

Schisandra chinensis is propagated by layering in the spring, before bud break.

Young shoots of lemongrass are removed from the supports, bent down, fixed with pegs to the soil and then sprinkled with earth. The top of the shoot is left free. Until autumn, a well-developed root system forms at the layer.

Schisandra chinensis cuttings are separated from the mother plant a year after they are laid and then planted in a permanent place.

Careful care of lemongrass in the first years of life allows you to grow strong, beautiful, abundantly fruiting plants.

Growing Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis grows well in mass cultivation and bears fruit when placed on a support in the form of a trellis 2-3 m high (spacing between rows - 3 m, in rows - 1 m).

In the landing holes measuring 30x30 cm, I bring humus and mix it with the ground. Before planting Schisandra chinensis seedlings, in order to prevent the small roots from drying out, they should be lowered into a clay solution.

In the first three years of plant life, it is important to obtain the maximum growth of stems and bring them to the trellis. To do this, on young plants, you need to choose 2-3 well-developed shoots and tie them vertically on a trellis.

Schisandra chinensis is also pruned in autumn, but it is better to do it in early spring before bud break.
In adult vines, old and dry shoots are removed.

When caring for plants, they loosen the soil and destroy weeds. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the root system of lemongrass is located superficially.
To provide plants nutrients after 2-3 years, 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost are added per 1 sq.m of lemongrass planting area.

Flowering and fruiting Schisandra chinensis

Flowering and fruiting of Schisandra chinensis begins at 5-6 years of age, but sometimes it happens even earlier.

The vine usually bears fruit annually, but complications may occur. The fact is that lemongrass has several generative forms: monoecious (both male and female forms are formed on them). female flowers) and dioecious - purely male forms with stamen flowers and purely female forms with royal flowers. Moreover, on the same vines in different years either male or female, or both, flowers can be formed. It depends on many factors - weather conditions, soil moisture, nutrition. Therefore, in order to have an annual and bountiful harvest lemongrass berries, you need to plant several plants in the garden at the same time.

Schisandra chinensis blooms in mid-May. The flowers of the liana are fragrant, pollinated by insects. After pollination, the receptacle elongates and takes the form of a bunch, on which there are from 15 to 40 red hard-skinned berries, each of which contains two yellow kidney-shaped seeds.

Schisandra chinensis berries ripen in early September. They are very juicy, have a characteristic taste and aroma. If you rub all parts of the vine (berries, leaves, stems, roots) with your hand, the aroma of lemon will spread. Hence the name of this plant.

Using lemongrass chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is used in horticulture as an ornamental, nutritious and.

Schisandra berries are harvested when fully ripe. From fresh berries squeeze the juice and use it to obtain syrups, fruit drinks, marmalade.

Dry lemongrass berries (along with clusters) in well-ventilated places, but not in the sun. You can dry them in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for 3 hours. Properly dried Schisandra chinensis berries are dark red in color and wrinkled in skin.

Leaves and young shoots of lemongrass are harvested in August, crushed and dried, stirring, under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area, protected from direct sunlight. At the same time, no more than 20 percent of the total number of leaves should be collected so as not to weaken the plant.
The resulting dry mixture of lemongrass leaves and shoots is used to brew tonic tea.
famous traveler and researcher Far East VC. Arseniev said that guides in the taiga always drank tea from lemongrass leaves.

Seeds, roots, stems, leaves, bark of lemongrass contain a valuable medicinal substance - schizandrin, which stimulates (but does not deplete) and strengthens the central nervous system, stimulates the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a person, increases mental and physical potential, improves appetite, relieves fatigue, improves vision.

Grow Chinese magnolia vine in your garden for pleasure and benefit!

Miroslav Stepanovich Gumenyuk (Vinnitsa, Ukraine)

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Lemongrass is propagated by seeds, horizontal and arcuate layering, root offspring and less often by green cuttings.

Reproduction of lemongrass seeds.

The seed method of propagating lemongrass is the most common and economical. Plants grown from seeds are more durable than vegetative offspring and tolerate transplanting better.

Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so it is necessary to sow them freshly harvested.

Seeds are sown on ridges in autumn, laid out in grooves at a distance of 10 cm from each other (the distance between rows is 20-30 cm), covered with earth to a depth of 3 cm, watered and mulched with humus with a layer of at least 3 cm. For winter, crops are covered with a leaf, sawdust or other insulating material. In the spring, the shelter is removed. Seedlings that have reached a height of 10-12 cm are dived into the area for growing or thinned out.

It should be remembered that seedlings do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Seedlings do not tolerate even short-term drying of the soil, so regular watering is needed, every 3-4 days, weeding and loosening the soil, feeding seedlings in the second half of summer with a weak solution of bird droppings (1:40) 2-3 times. Two-year-old seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction of lemongrass by root offspring.

In the first years, the seedling grows weakly, but in the subsequent years it grows rapidly, rushing up and gives many basal offspring.

Root offspring for planting are separated and dug out in the fall, when the leaves fall (end of September - first half of October).

For planting, it is necessary to take the most developed offspring, at least 8-10 mm thick at the base with a compact root system 15-20 cm long, with a thick lobe.

Propagation of lemongrass by green cuttings.

Schisandra propagates by cuttings worse than by seeds and layering. The percentage of rooted cuttings is low (40-50%).

Green cuttings - cuttings of non-lignified shoots from mid-June to mid-August.

For cuttings, mixed shoots are used. They are formed from buds on growths of the previous year, reach a length of 50–80 cm, curl and end with a blunt apex. These shoots are both supporting and fruiting (the crop is concentrated at the base of the shoots). This is the most suitable material for any kind of cuttings.

The shoots are cut into cuttings 10-15 cm long. When cutting the cuttings, the lower cut is made oblique 5 mm below the bud, the upper cut is straight 3 mm above the bud. Remove the lower leaves.

Before planting, for better rooting, the lower ends of the cuttings are immersed in a solution of a rooting agent (growth stimulator) for 6-12 hours. Then the cuttings, washed in clean water planted in cold greenhouses.

Cold greenhouses for green cuttings are prepared in advance. On a dug up clean layer of earth in greenhouses, before planting the cuttings, coarse sifted well-washed sand is poured with a layer of 7-10 cm.

Cuttings cut and planted in greenhouses before mid-summer, by the end of summer will have a developed root system and they can be transplanted for growing to a separate site.

It is necessary to plant cuttings obliquely almost close, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Between the greenhouse film and the cuttings there should be a free space 15-20 cm high. After planting, the cuttings are carefully and plentifully watered from a watering can with a very fine strainer. It is very important that the water does not flow in a continuous stream, but splashes. After watering, the greenhouse is covered with a film.

The main care for the cuttings is regular watering (at first it is important that the air in the greenhouses is warm and humid) and airing the greenhouses when the temperature in them rises above 25 °.

Three to four weeks after planting, cuttings in greenhouses take root. Next, the film is slightly opened during the day, when the cuttings undergo some hardening, the greenhouse is left open for the night. 7-10 days after the rooting of the cuttings, the film is removed altogether.

Three week old cuttings proper care form a good root system.

In September, rooted green cuttings are dug up and planted in open ground for growing.

As soon as the bushes take root after transplanting for growing, they are liquidly fertilized with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (30 g ammonium nitrate per bucket of water) or slurry diluted with water 6-8 times.

During the entire period of rearing, loosening of the soil and weeding of weeds are carried out, and in dry weather, the soil is watered abundantly.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the fall of the 2nd - in the spring of the 3rd year of life.

Reproduction of lemongrass by dividing the bush.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is used mainly when transplanting bushes from an old site to a new location. Divide the bush into parts that carry both stems and roots.

To do this, the bushes (in the spring before the buds swell or in the fall a month before the onset of frost) dig up, cut out all the old branches, leaving the young, vigorous, shake off the soil from the roots and cut the bush with a pruner (or an ax) into several parts, depending on its size. When dividing a bush, it is necessary to ensure that each new part of the plant has a well-developed root system and a healthy aerial part (1-2 shoots). Each part should have good, young, strongly developed roots, the old rhizomes are removed, and the remaining ones are trimmed.

Propagation of lemongrass by horizontal and arcuate layering.

Layering is best done in early spring, as soon as the soil allows. The soil under the bushes intended for layering should be loose.

Shallow grooves are made from the base of the creeper, into which young shoots removed from the support are bent and pinned. The tops of the latter are slightly pinched.

When 10-12-centimeter young green shoots develop from the buds of the allotted branches, they are sprinkled up to half with moist fertile soil or humus. When the shoots grow another 10-15 cm, the powder is repeated.

Rooted cuttings can be separated and transplanted to a permanent place next spring.