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» Linden or aspen for a bath, which is better? We choose what is best for a bathhouse: aspen, alder or linden. How to cover the steam room? Which lining for a bath is better and cheaper?

Linden or aspen for a bath, which is better? We choose what is best for a bathhouse: aspen, alder or linden. How to cover the steam room? Which lining for a bath is better and cheaper?

There is no better, softer and warmer shelf that never burns the body and exudes a subtle honey aroma. Linden wood almost does not warp and cracks very little in difficult operating conditions of the steam room. Its most valuable quality is slight drying, or, in scientific terms, resistance to loss of volume. There is no better bathhouse than one made from linden, and there is no better container for honey than a linden barrel
This is a living material that is sensitive to changes in qualitative composition of the steam-air environment of the steam room. Clean and fresh, soft and fragrant, linden wood readily accumulates aromas related to its nature bath brooms and herbal infusions served on the stove. At the same time, linden improves the microclimate of the steam room, neutralizing the odors of pathogenic substances, from which our nature is freed here. Even in the old days, infusions from linden wood were sprayed to disinfect rooms in which infectious patients were located, and powder charcoal It was used to treat wounds, dysentery and burns.
Linden wood is soft and pliable, but at the same time strong and resistant, thin-layered and finely porous. Its pores are filled with air, and this causes its low thermal conductivity even when it is moistened during the operation of the steam room and when filling hot water lime utensils and dishes. .Being a good heat insulator, linden wood heats up little and slowly
Excerpts from the book by Dobrovolsky G.B.

Aspen is right there.
Aspen belongs to the willow family and the poplar genus. Its wood is light, soft, coreless, straight-grained and elastic. It has a satin-white color, sometimes with a slight bluish or greenish tint, and is easily painted and polished. It easily absorbs water and just as easily releases it (an important advantage for the walls of a steam room). Living aspen wood, which easily accepts and releases water, is an excellent material for both a barrel and the walls of steam rooms. Due to swelling, the aspen slabs on the walls and ceiling of the steam room, like the rivets of an aspen barrel, close together; these structures self-seal during their operation and serve people faithfully for a long time. At the same time, the ability of aspen to react sensitively to environmental humidity (“aspen does not burn without kerosene”) leads to gentle regulation of humidity in the steam room atmosphere, which causes a special feeling of comfort. It is especially good to apply hot infusions of those plants that lose their aroma when applied to the hot stones of the stove on the aspen walls of the steam room. They linger on the walls, and the wood gradually gives them back, forming that exceptional steam-air environment that is inherent in the Russian bathhouse.

During construction bath buildings The most commonly used wood is linden or pine. This is due to excellent technical characteristics specified building materials. However, the following question naturally arises: “Which bathhouse is better - linden or pine?” Let's try to find the answer together.

Pine (photo), as a building material, is highly valued by bathhouse attendants for its softness and fairly low density, making it easy to process. Along with this, pine tolerates humidity quite calmly, which is a definite plus, because the atmosphere bath rooms almost constantly filled with hot and humid air.

Pine is highly valued for its characteristic pattern, which is created by clearly visible annual rings.

However, this wood has one very serious drawback - under the influence of a high-temperature environment, it abundantly releases resin, which, in turn, emits a rather strong odor. Moreover, if it comes into contact with the skin, these secretions can cause burns.

Linden has the same positive qualities, which are inherent in pine. Moreover, it is not capable of releasing resin, which makes it absolutely safe in use. Thus, the advantage of linden for a bath becomes clear.

In this article we invite you to take a closer look at linden building materials. You will be provided with the characteristics of the specified wood, as well as instructions for choosing linden products.

Characteristics of building materials

The pros and cons of a linden bath are determined, of course, by the operational and technical characteristics of the material used in construction.


  1. As a cladding, linden is good because it does not release resin at all, so you don’t have to worry about the presence of various impurities in the hot air of the steam room. This determines the high safety of using linden for internal lining bath rooms.
  2. Linden wood can breathe, which has a positive effect on the entire structure as a whole. Indeed, in this case, the building material retains its natural qualities for quite a long time. This means that linden can be used not only for interior decoration, but also for the construction of all kinds of buildings, as well as as a building material for the construction of walls and roofs.
  3. The fact that linden wood is excellent for constructing a bathhouse is evidenced by its pliability to various types of processing. Consequently, all preparatory manipulations, along with subsequent installation, can easily be done with your own hands.
  4. Linden in a bathhouse, when heated, can fill the atmosphere of a steam room with an amazing smell. Moreover, hot air does not deprive linden wood of its healing and performance qualities.


However, linden also has disadvantages.

  1. The most important thing is that it is not durable. In order to extend the service life of this building material, interior spaces The baths must be ventilated after each use of the steam room. This will make it possible to avoid the rapid occurrence of rotting processes.
  2. By the way, it will be said that linden begins to rot from the inside, which quite often does not allow us to detect the problem in time and promptly replace the element that has begun to deteriorate.
  3. Separately, it is necessary to say about the cost of linden wood. This indicator depends on the method of procurement of building materials. If drying was carried out artificially, the price of linden products will be slightly higher than in the case of a natural occurrence of this process.

A little about construction


Advice! When choosing linden timber for building a bathhouse, you must carefully ensure that the surface of these elements is clean. That is, the presence of cracks, chips and other unwanted inclusions should be completely excluded. In addition, the color of the product should be evenly distributed over its entire surface.

Before installing the timber, the foundation must be insulated, and special slats must be laid on top of the thermal insulation, which will prevent the beams from touching the base, and will also ensure ventilation of the building material.

As for fixing this row, this manipulation is not required for two reasons:

  1. The weight of the structure will reliably fix the lower crown without corresponding elements.
  2. If such a need arises, loose beams will be easier to remove.

Once the bottom bars are in place and perfectly aligned using special tools, you can begin laying the second row. Here you can no longer do without fastening elements, which are metal pins or wooden dowels.

To carry out the installation operation, holes are made at the ends of each beam through which the building material is placed on the fasteners. It is important that these perforations exactly match the size of the pins.

Between the crowns it is necessary to lay thermal insulation layer, in order to further protect the structure from the influence of various negative factors related to the environment.

A linden bathhouse has one feature that distinguishes it qualitatively from its sisters, built using other types of wood. We are talking about two upper crowns, which are usually not fixed until the structure shrinks.

This happens because the upper beams, after the bath shrinks, must be dismantled in order to lay ceilings. In the case of linden, everything is different, since a linden structure is not subject to such a phenomenon as shrinkage. It is for this reason that the upper crowns are fixed immediately, after which the roof is installed.


Before installing the lining, you need to build a frame. To do this, guide bars are nailed to the wall, between which additional slats are attached.

Then thermal and waterproofing is laid. Lining is sewn on top of these elements (photo).

Advice! The direction of fastening the cladding should be foreseen in advance, since the method of installation of the guide bars, which are always installed perpendicular to the lining boards, depends on this.


It is not without reason that they say that in such a matter as a bathhouse there are no trifles. But indeed, when building a Russian bathhouse, the question often arises: what is better aspen or linden for a bathhouse? After all, real craftsmen often use both aspen and linden when decorating steam rooms, building beds and making bath accessories.

The history of the Russian bathhouse, that Finnish sauna based on beneficial influence steam and temperature on the human body. Bath procedures become integral part history of many nations, where they were given special place– cleansing the body and getting rid of illnesses. It is not for nothing that the Russian bathhouse was one of the most important attributes of the life of the Slavs. But is it only thanks to steam and high temperature that a bathhouse has such miraculous properties? Of course not, steam and temperature can be present in a room made of concrete and brick, but there will be no effect in such a steam room. So, only natural materials capable of donating their properties for the benefit of man. And here linden and aspen have a special role.

Features of aspen

The use of aspen as a construction and finishing material has a special place in the construction of a bathhouse. Wood having such an interesting White color with light brown stains is excellent for arranging both external walls and interior decoration baths The aspen cut has a pure white color, which has no analogues among deciduous and coniferous species. The wood itself lends itself well to processing. Thanks to its relatively low density, it is easy to give it any shape. But that's only part beneficial properties aspen. The fact is that, unlike coniferous species, wood contains a very small amount of resins and oils, which makes it possible to use wood for finishing the most critical premises - steam rooms and relaxation rooms. Second important property This is the improvement over time in the strength of the wood. While other types of wood, under the influence of moisture and temperature, begin to lose color, strength, and undergo warping and rotting, aspen, on the contrary, acquires durability and strength. When finishing a steam room, after just a couple of years of use it can compete in hardness with such hard wood as oak.

It is also important that aspen is not subject to rotting; on the contrary, it has antiseptic properties; it was not for nothing that the Slavs used aspen as one of the attributes of the fight against evil spirits. The water in wells made from aspen logs differs not only in taste, but also in its bacterial composition. It does not spoil for a long time, and bacteria do not multiply in it.

Since ancient times, several technologies have been used to process aspen, one of which provided specific drying of the wood, after which aspen could be used for the construction of walls; in this regard, it was not inferior in quality to spruce and pine.

It is worth saying that aspen is cheaper compared to linden, and this cheapness makes it the main competitor of linden as the main material when building a bathhouse.

Features and characteristics of linden

In Slavic mythology, linden was credited with miraculous properties as a healing tree that could relieve many diseases, give strength and protect against illnesses. According to many healers, linden has the ability to take away negative energy, next to her there is a feeling of lightness and calm. Of course, with such characteristics, linden has become one of the most necessary materials for the construction of a bathhouse.

Like aspen, linden has a beautiful natural white color. But at the same time, unlike aspen, it is dominated by warm colors, you can feel the warmth and lively energy in her. Another factor that has contributed to the popularity of linden in the construction of baths and saunas is the softness of the wood. Indeed, linden has very soft and pliable wood. It is very easy to work with, it cuts well, and is easy to plan. Sculptors prefer to work with linden as one of the most convenient materials.

Well, as for the bathhouse, it is worth mentioning that the royal bathhouse is the name of a log house in which only the lower crown, standing on a stone foundation, is made of bog oak, and all other logs are necessarily linden. The whole point here is that linden, unlike white aspen, has no odor; nevertheless, the smell of aspen with its characteristic bitterness is felt for quite a long time, while linden is completely devoid of this smell.

True, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of linden. Unlike aspen, linden wood can have many flaws, because in addition to healing properties near a tree, often becomes a habitat for birds. The tree has many knots and is often attacked by pests.

Comparative characteristics and selection of materials for finishing the bath

Knowing General characteristics material, before ordering the material, you should carefully compare linden and aspen as the main material for the log house and for the interior decoration of the steam room.

For a log bathhouse

For a real Russian bath and Finnish sauna, a log house is ideal option building structures. Wooden frame not only has high constructive qualities, but also provides best preservation heat. Wood warms up faster, retains heat longer and is not subject to deformation due to temperature changes. Wooden log house responds more easily to external factors such as humidity and temperature fluctuations.

However, when choosing a material, it should be taken into account that when building a bathhouse from logs, the frame will shrink, and this will require additional costs for insulation. Today, for the construction of baths, they are mainly used ready-made kits materials that have undergone pre-processing. Rounded logs or beams are used for the bathhouse. Linden or aspen in the form of pure, solid timber or solid wood is rarely used today. Basically it is laminated timber, made from natural wood. Wood manufacturing and processing technology today allows manufacturers to talk about a 25 and even 50 year guarantee of the integrity of the material.

But when it comes to a log house made of solid wood worth remembering:

  • Aspen for a log house is taken at an age of 50-70 years, while linden must be at least 100 years old;
  • Aspen does not require lengthy and expensive processing, while linden requires careful selection, removal of affected knots, and additional antiseptic treatment;
  • An aspen log house can be erected entirely; the tree is not afraid of moisture, and is more durable for outdoor use.
  • When building a log house, linden necessarily needs reliable waterproofing (that is why the lower crown of a linden bathhouse is built from oak);
  • An aspen log house will cost 25-30% less than a linden log house, due to the low cost of the material.

For finishing the steam room

When the question of finishing a steam room and making beds arises, the situation here is somewhat different. When comparing aspen and linden, you need to remember that lining is mainly used for finishing. A board with a selected groove on one side and a tenon for such a groove on the other. The thickness of the lining, the length of the planks, and the width play a secondary role here and are mentioned mainly when calculating parameters at the project development stage. But consumer qualities need to be compared in more detail.

Pleasant white color of wood, good structure, absence of knots and low price often become decisive when choosing aspen lining. Indeed, professionals advise purchasing aspen lining for finishing a steam room. This is optimal both for a steam room with intensive use and for a room in which people steam from time to time. Over time, wood acquires increased strength, which also has an excellent effect on the performance of the material. But as for the shortcomings, here it is worth remembering the specific smell of the material; of course, it will go away over time, but at first the bitter aroma will be clearly audible.

The structure of linden lining is much nicer than that of aspen. Lightness and warm shade The wood itself makes this material a favorite for finishing a steam room. Linden wood has low thermal conductivity; the steam room warms up faster and retains heat. The wood itself is devoid of any odor and therefore is excellent for finishing a steam room. At the same time, it is worth remembering that linden, unlike aspen, quickly loses its natural color and becomes darker. This is noticeable in the steam room, where an oak broom is used - tannins with steam eat into the fibers and change the color to deep brown.

On the other hand, linden lining is practically not subject to warping; it retains its original shape for a long time. During repeated heating and cooling cycles of the room, linden does not swell, which means fasteners, nails, and screws will remain in place.

When finishing a steam room, it is not recommended to use linden lining to the very bottom; unlike aspen, linden is susceptible to rotting, especially if the steam room is constantly saturated with steam. Therefore, during construction, it is recommended to tile 10-15 cm from the floor, and cover everything higher with clapboard.

For the dressing room and rest room

To decorate the dressing room and rest room, the lining is selected taking into account the fact that the temperature in the room will be significantly lower than in the steam room. Many even install pine lining in these rooms. Perhaps there is a reason for this, because pine has an interesting structure, and in terms of cost it is one of the most available materials. But if we're talking about about an individual bath, then professionals advise not to consider any other materials other than aspen or linden.

Firstly, the costs of decorating the dressing room and rest room are not so large as to save. Secondly, the atmosphere of both the dressing room and the resting place is just as important for well-being as the atmosphere of the steam room. Thirdly, from a technical point of view, it is not rational to use other types of wood for finishing.

Why is it not rational to use other types of wood for finishing the dressing room? Everything is very simple. This room often houses a shower, bucket-waterfall, pool or plunge pool. splashes of water, and increased dampness at lower air temperatures contribute to the rapid development of fungal infections of the tree. And if pine with varnish or other special coating will last only a year or two, then for aspen lining a period of 10 years is not terrible. This will be especially visible near the entrance to the steam room, where the wood will begin to deteriorate most quickly.

For the relaxation room, where time will be spent between visits to the steam room, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions. And for this, the lining for a bath should be natural, without paint or varnish, the wood should be enveloped in the smell of wood, and not exude the smell of paint.

Tree - best material for a bath. Linden, cedar, alder, and birch perfectly retain heat and create a healthy microclimate. However, not all wood is suitable: pine, for example, contains too many resins, and apple wood retains heat less well. But the pros and cons of aspen baths provide it with the highest popularity.

Larch bathhouse

When choosing a material for a bathhouse, you need to take into account not only the heat capacity of wood, but also other characteristics. Unlike a residential building, the wood here is exposed to intense exposure to steam, water and temperature fluctuations, because the building is heated only during bathing. Not every material can withstand such a load.

An excellent option for a bathhouse is larch. The tree belongs to the coniferous family, that is, it contains quite a large number of resin. High resin content ensures amazing resistance of larch to rot, fungi, and water.

If the products are made of pine, it is necessary to varnish and protect them from moisture. Larch does not need this. On the contrary, over time it only becomes stronger than oak.

The advantages of wood are not limited to unique resistance to decay. Accordingly, a larch bathhouse will have the following features:

  • strength - the density of larch is only slightly less than that of oak, a structure made from this tree will last a long time, as it is not subject to mechanical damage;
  • resistance to rain, snow and heat ensures the longevity of the bath;
  • larch lining includes a small number of knots, and this means not only aesthetics, but also greater strength of the boards and logs themselves;
  • the wood has a beautiful texture and is very attractive;
  • a log bathhouse made of larch does not require any protective measures; there is no need for periodic treatment with antiseptics, insect repellents, or stains;
  • lining from of this material has the same advantages as logs.

There are also disadvantages to a bathhouse made of larch:

  • it is at least 2 times more expensive than pine;
  • wood is processed with some difficulty, so the bathhouse itself will also cost more.

Comment! Larch floors are still used in European castles. Its age reaches 300–400 years.

Aspen bathhouse: pros and cons

If larch is used both as the main material and as a finishing material for the steam room, then with aspen the situation is different. This tree is very specific and not cheap. Moreover, the cost is determined not by high qualities, but by the features of the workpiece.

Aspen grows in wetlands, which causes the inside of the trunk to rot. You can only harvest aspen tops up to 4–5 m in length. The rest of the tree is unusable and is simply thrown away. In addition, aspen harvesting is only possible from March to May, while aspen is relatively easy to process. This “seasonality” makes the collection and supply of material a very expensive endeavor.

And yet, this is the material that people often prefer to linden and alder. In fact, the disadvantages of aspen turn into advantages when it comes to the steam room:

  • aspen - hardwood, boards or lining from it do not emit resin, which is a valuable quality for a sauna;
  • wood does not heat up as much as many other species, this eliminates the possibility of burns;
  • out of 3 trunks, only one turns out to be suitable for construction, but it is extremely resistant to moisture and does not rot;
  • wet aspen is easy to process; when dried, it shrinks greatly, but at the same time the tree acquires exceptional strength.

An aspen bathhouse lasts for decades, and over time it only becomes stronger.

Important! Aspen wood is very wet and shrinks greatly when dried. However, once it dries, it becomes rock hard.

Linden or aspen for a bath: which is better?

It's really difficult to choose between these two materials. Linden is traditionally considered the best tree for a bath and well deserved. However, aspen, despite its external ugliness, poses serious competition to it.

Linden wood is soft, it is easy to process, and accordingly, the construction of a bathhouse requires less costs. If dried logs were used, the building does not shrink and can be used immediately after completion of construction.

Aspen, on the contrary, is processed with great difficulty. Since a bathhouse requires well-dried material, this makes construction an expensive and time-consuming task.

The softness of linden is also its disadvantage - the tree is short-lived, but dry aspen acquires the hardness of stone and lasts an exceptionally long time. Linden does not need to be processed for aesthetic purposes; even an unsanded log looks great, not like lining. To give aspen aesthetic appearance, you should trim the bark from the log, sand it and plan it. In addition, repeated grinding will be required - the latter is performed 3 years from the date of laying. Otherwise, instead of a silver-white bath, you get a gray, unsightly one with dark spots.

Linden is not resistant to rotting and fungal attack. The bathhouse requires periodic treatment with special preparations. Aspen is not susceptible to rot or fungi. The only treatment that may be needed is for wasps. For some reason, the latter really love this tree.

The cost of linden is higher than that of aspen, so it is really difficult to choose.

Important! A log house for a bathhouse made of aspen and linden, as confirmed by reviews from builders, does not require additional finishing of the steam room. Both breeds are certainly suitable for sauna lining.

How to distinguish linden from aspen

Lining made from linden and aspen is very easy to confuse. It is not so easy to distinguish wood.

First of all, pay attention to the color. The wood of linden lining is very light, but still has a coffee tint. Against its background, the aspen is almost snowy white.

Linden boards have a characteristic sweet aroma. The smell of aspen is bitter, more reminiscent of birch sap. Aspen lining is rarely truly smooth, since this wood is difficult to process, but linden is smooth and silky;

Knots in aspen lining are more common. They are darker and clearly visible. In category B, even falling knots are possible here.

To distinguish linden boards from aspen boards, you need to not only inspect them, but also try them by touch.

What is better in a steam room: aspen or linden

The choice between linden and aspen lining is even more difficult. The materials have a number of common properties that are very useful for saunas and steam rooms:

  • both linden and aspen do not heat up as much as other types of wood;
  • shelves and walls finished with clapboard remain pleasant to the touch and do not burn;
  • the wood of both species releases aromatic oils that are beneficial to health;
  • the lining looks equally aesthetically pleasing;
  • Both linden and aspen tolerate steam well.

There are also differences between linden and aspen:

  • the smell of linden wood is deservedly considered the most pleasant, while that of aspen is bitter and not everyone likes it;
  • linden darkens over time, aspen practically does not change color;
  • linden lining is susceptible to fungus, the finishing must be treated, but aspen does not have this drawback;
  • linden costs almost 2 times more than aspen lining, but linden wood contains far fewer knots and stains and looks more beautiful.

For a steam room, linden or aspen linings are equally good. The choice determines the taste of the owner.

Cedar for a bath

Noble cedar tree belongs to the elite category. The material has exceptional qualities, not only functional, but also medicinal.

Cedar wood is impregnated with unusual resinous substances. They call it gum, emphasizing its special qualities. It has an antibacterial effect not only on the wood itself, but also on environment. When heated, the substances begin to evaporate, disinfecting the room and relieving a person of a wide variety of diseases, so cedar is ideal for a steam room.

Important! In Siberia, a bathhouse decorated with cedar clapboard is recommended for those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system. The tree can even cure bronchial asthma.

Log bathhouse made of cedar

Cedar – the best option for a bath. The qualities of wood provide the log house with durability, beauty, and convenience:

  • cedar has the lowest thermal conductivity compared to others coniferous species, the cedar bathhouse is warm even in the bitterest frosts;
  • the wood is resinous, provides excellent antiseptic properties, therefore, it does not rot, is not susceptible to fungus, and even insects are not able to damage it;
  • cedar resins are healing, cedar finishing provides an excellent antibacterial effect and natural air ionization;
  • cedar is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. A cedar bathhouse is very durable and will last at least half a century;
  • both the logs and the lining are very beautiful and do not need any processing: the natural color and texture are beyond praise.

There is only one drawback to cedar wood or lining - high cost.

Cedar lining for a bathhouse

Cedar lining for a bathhouse has all the advantages of a log. This material is ideal for a steam room, although it is not as effective as aspen:

  • gum resin evaporates, but does not release when heated, so cedar lining does not burn and does not leave resinous stains;
  • cedar lining guarantees an excellent healing effect;
  • the specific fibrous structure of the wood ensures the absence of cracks and chips even at the ends;
  • the lining is very beautiful: the colors are even, muted, the knots are small, the panels are smooth and delicate to the touch;
  • the material is not afraid of moisture, steam, mold, or rotting, so it does not need any processing.

Important! Over time, cedar lining darkens, or rather, acquires a brownish tint.

Cedar bath: photo

Cedar – excellent construction material and allows you to implement any projects - from a traditional Russian bathhouse to a complex hotel complex.

Finishing with paired cedar lining is no less impressive and beautiful and is suitable for any style.

Alder for a bath

Another traditional material– gray and black alder for the bathhouse. The wood of these species has a very unusual porous structure. This feature makes alder lining suitable option for the bath:

  • gray and black alder practically does not shrink. Due to the high porosity, moisture evaporates very quickly, this quality makes the lining extremely suitable solution for the steam room;
  • the wood is soft, easy to process at any stage, so the construction of an alder bathhouse will not require large expenses;
  • sauna lining made of alder does not warp or deform even after several decades;
  • wonderfully beautiful shades - from fiery to brick, give the building real beauty;
  • In the dressing room, it is recommended to open the lining with wax to emphasize the color and texture.

However, judging by the reviews, alder for baths also has serious disadvantages.

  1. Wood is not very resistant to water. On the one hand, in the steam room moisture evaporates from the pores, and this is a plus. However, at low temperatures it stagnates in the pores and causes rotting. Log house with outside requires periodic processing.
  2. Over time, the alder darkens almost to black.
  3. The cost of the lining is quite significant. The fact is that alder wood includes many knots. To get rid of them, a very thick layer of wood is cut from the trunk. In this case, the whips are short, and the material is expensive.
  4. The alder bathhouse needs insulation: there are too many joints.

Alder baths are built in mid-latitudes, where there is no need to insulate it.


The pros and cons of a bathhouse made of aspen, linden or cedar make both options optimal. With different durability and resistance to rotting, both materials provide heat retention, ease of use and aesthetics. Other options turn out to be either too expensive or have serious drawbacks.

What material can be used for a steam room so that the high temperature does not affect the quality and appearance boards? Having worked in the field of construction and wood finishing for a long time, we know how this or that type of wood behaves in operation, what material will be environmentally friendly and most durable.

So, finishing the bathhouse with clapboard, which option from the ones presented below is suitable for internal lining premises with high temperature?

Important condition for lining a bathhouse with clapboard - no resins, the ability of the material to withstand both sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. And of course, the natural beauty of the panels is very important here - texture and high performance characteristics.

Photo 1. Linden steam room

Photo 2. Arrangement of the regiment


Very beautiful in its texture, it contains few resins, due to which it practically does not heat up.

The disadvantage of this material is that aspen quickly loses its natural beauty and begins to look dirty-gray, its service life is not short, but, unfortunately, its appearance, after a couple of years, will force you to cover the room with another lining for the steam room.

Photo 3. Bathhouse made of aspen wood

Photo 4. Health cabinet

Photo 5. Harvia stove


Cladding with linden eurolining for a bathhouse is a pleasant and rewarding job. From time immemorial, the properties of this wonderful material have been known - low thermal conductivity (due to the absence of resins), light, healing aroma (lasts for the first six months), beautiful white linden color. Choosing such lining for your bathhouse is an excellent option.

By the way, very frequently asked question Which is lighter in weight, linden or cedar?

Linden lining weighs less than cedar, but not by much. If a cube of linden weighs 400 kg, then a cube of cedar weighs 420 kg.

Photo 6. Linden sauna, "Extra" grade

Photo 7. Linden lining in the steam room

Photo 8. Linden lining

Of the minuses can be emphasized high cost high grade“EXTRA” (in grades “A” and “B” - this tree does not look beautiful due to frequent black knots) and the fact that it is almost impossible to find a calm profile in the market, and eurolining has gone out of fashion, although it has higher performance properties.


Cedar lining for a steam room is perhaps the most attractive option for every zealous owner. Who hasn’t heard about the wonderful properties of this Siberian giant? Its wonderful aroma (when finishing with steam paneling, the smell will be revealed with each kindling), its healing phytoncides, which, entering the air from the heat of the stove, will penetrate every cell of the body, providing a medical effect, increasing your immunity and mood.

Yes, the cedar bathhouse is an invention of the strong, healthy inhabitants of Siberia; for the inhabitant of the metropolis it will be a source of health and longevity.

Photo 9. Steam room lined with cedar lining, grade AB

Photo 10. Cedar lining on the sauna ceiling

Photo 11. Bath grate

Of the minuses cedar lining for a sauna can be noted only one - the knottyness of the board. Unfortunately, nature decreed that the fragrant resin of cedar is located precisely in the knot area and high-grade panels have practically no odor, although they retain other properties: they do not heat up, do not grind, such lining lasts a long time in the bathhouse, acquiring over time reddish shades and an interesting contrast between hard and soft layers of wood.

Do I need to cover the panels in the sauna and relaxation room with oil wax?

I would also like to tell you: no matter what kind of clapboard you choose to cover your steam room Necessarily need to process it special means . This is done not only so that it lasts longer, but also so that green splashes from the broom can be easily washed off the walls and shelves using a simple rag or sponge. Admit it, it’s not very pleasant to invite guests to a sloppily splashed bathhouse.

Important indicator the quality of this product is the absence of oils. It's better if you use wax in pure form(For example, Hartwachs from the GNature company), because the oil not only yellows the wood, but also, penetrating into the upper layers, deprives the surface of its low thermal conductivity properties.

Photo 12. GNature wax for saunas

Online store "LesoBirzha" is engaged in implementation environmentally friendly materials for a bathhouse, including lining and waxes, you will also find with us lining for a rest room, shower room, home, for a balcony and other premises, and also receive competent advice from our specialists.