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» The best companions for hydrangeas. Hydrangeas in landscape design What to combine with hydrangeas

The best companions for hydrangeas. Hydrangeas in landscape design What to combine with hydrangeas

This ornamental shrub will become a luxurious decoration of any area. Hydrangeas are widely used in landscape design due to the variety of colors, ease of care and propagation, the ability to grow in shaded areas and long-lasting lush flowering. With its help, you can create a variety of compositions, including vertical plantings, mixborders and free-standing solitaires. It itself is an amazingly beautiful bush, but in combination with other plants it does not detract from their dignity, but complements the overall composition. The plant blooms for a long time, 2 - 3 months, starting in August (some varieties from July). And when the multicolored summer flowers are no longer there, beautiful hydrangeas become favorites of the garden. And tree-like and paniculate species Look great with dried flowers too.

Growing hydrangeas is not particularly difficult.

Common types of hydrangea

There are about 80 species of this garden plant, but not all can grow in the temperate climate of Russia. There are 4 most common types:

  • paniculata;
  • tree-like;
  • large-leaved;
  • petiole.

Paniculata hydrangea begins its flowering in white and ends in pink.

Paniculate hydrangea got its name because of the shape of the inflorescences - pyramidal panicles. It blooms white and ends in rich pink. In September, one bush may have inflorescences different shades. Mature plant reaches 2 meters in height and the same in width. Therefore, when designing the planting of a paniculate variety, you need to take into account that it needs space. Hydrangea tolerates partial shade well, unlike many other lush flowering bushes. Therefore, it will decorate shady places in the garden. It is quite frost-resistant. Even if it freezes, it will quickly recover and will definitely bloom this year. The main thing in caring for a plant is timely watering, because even if the soil dries out for a short time, the flowers and leaves will droop.

Tree view - compact tall bush, reaching a height of 2 m, characterized by unpretentiousness and durability. Inflorescences round shape can have white, cream and soft pink color. It grows well in partial shade, is moisture-loving and can be used in single and group plantings.

Petiolate hydrangea is a vine with many aerial roots. IN optimal conditions When grown, it reaches a height of 10 meters or more. The plant should be planted in partial shade. The place must be protected from the wind. Petiole varieties are used for landscaping walls, fences, and terraces. If there is no support, the plant is used as a ground cover.

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Large-leaved species

Large leaf hydrangea differs in a variety of colors.

Large-leaved hydrangea is distinguished by such a variety of shades that it will appeal to any gardener creating plant color compositions. White, purple, pink, blue, lilac, it can “solo” in landscape design or organically combine with other plants.

Large-leaved varieties are not resistant to frost, so before frost sets in, the plant must be carefully covered or moved to the basement, where the temperature will not drop below zero. Insufficient winter hardiness is due to the fact that flower buds are tied at the ends of last year's shoots. During cold weather, the shoots freeze and the bush does not bloom. According to gardeners, she is more afraid spring frosts. At -5 in the fall the buds do not suffer, but at -5 in the spring they die. True, breeders are working towards giving the plant frost-resistant qualities, in particular, the ability to bloom on the shoots of the current year. This is how the Endless Summer series appeared with flowering on the shoots of the previous and current year, which lasted as long as possible: it begins in June and ends in October.

Shelters for bushes are made in dry weather in late October - early November. One way is to bend the stems to the soil, pin them with hooks or arcs, and cover the bush with covering material and cover it with compost soil or a 10-20 cm layer of peat. Flower buds are located on the tops of the shoots, so they need to be insulated especially carefully. Before bending, do not forget to lay spruce branches or non-woven covering material under the branches. Finally, a sheet of slate or iron is placed on top of the peat layer to keep the bush dry and ventilated.

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Use in garden design

Hydrangea is popular due to its lush and rich blooms.

Create hedge It is possible to plant tree-like varieties along the perimeter of the site. Thus, you can cover up the unsightly appearance of the fence and create a backdrop for the flower beds. For a mixborder you can use hydrangea, barberry and perennial herbs. They will “keep the composition in good shape” even when most of the perennials have faded. Moreover, the combinations can be monochrome and color. Paniculates are used for the background tall varieties, for the front - large-leaved, low-growing. This flower bed can be placed along the path or in a shaded place. Hydrangea looks very organic as an undergrowth in a coniferous forest with green juniper or blue spruce trees. And in the gloomy autumn, when almost all the colors have been erased, hydrangea, shaded by evergreen needles, will still bloom on your site - both beautifully and joyfully.

Paniculate varieties can be dwarf (up to 50 cm), medium and tall (up to 3 m). They tolerate pruning well, so they allow you to form various shapes: from spherical to standard trees. The combination of a paniculate plant with phlox (white and pink) or with white lilac looks great. It looks beautiful in a group planting on a mowed lawn. Even one bush can decorate the lawn and attract attention. You just need to dream a little and put the plan into action.

Large-leaved plants can be planted in containers that are installed near the house or along the terrace, where the ground is covered with a layer of concrete or tiles. Watering in in this case will be more frequent, and the plants will have to be fed periodically. But the effect of mobile flower beds is worth it. And for the winter, the plants in the same containers will be moved to warm rooms.

Provided that a person has never grown plants before, it is impossible to pass by a blooming hydrangea. Lush, colorful inflorescences attract numerous glances from passers-by, giving a wonderful mood. Using hydrangea you can decorate any alpine slide or a small front garden. Garden and paniculate varieties hydrangeas. Selection has made it possible to develop new types of hydrangeas that have taken root in the flower beds of our country. In the garden next to the hydrangea, you can plant various flowers and shrubs to create a specific landscape composition.

Curvy and bright inflorescences are able to attract the attention of a passerby who had not paid any attention to the flowerbeds before. For gardeners, hydrangea can become the pride of a collection or a lush flower bed. The bush is able to bloom until late autumn, which makes planting even more attractive. Tree and paniculate hydrangeas are considered the most unpretentious. They tolerate frost well and do not require much sun. They look impressive when growing alone or in a flower bed.

Paniculata hydrangea feels good in partial shade; the inflorescences are snow-white in color and begin to bloom in mid-summer. By autumn, the flowers will turn pinkish or bright pink. Tree hydrangea is no less popular. Also belongs to the category of unpretentious. The color of the inflorescences is white. A varied combination of varieties and plants will help make the front garden a gardener’s pride.

Growing hydrangea

When planting a young seedling that was grown from a rooted cutting, flowering in the first year of life should be excluded. Young inflorescences can be plucked, thereby giving the root system the opportunity to grow and gain strength before the first winter. In this case, the flower buds will be more complete in the case.


Drip irrigation is preferable for hydrangeas, since the plant is a vessel with water accumulated inside. In a week big bush consumes 20 liters of water, settled or filtered, but not running. It is preferable to use rainwater. The tree trunk circle is regularly mulched to avoid drying out of the upper fertile layer. For this purpose, the remains of tree bark, pine needles, and peat are used.


During the period of active flowering, dried and faded inflorescences should be actively removed, which will make it possible to extend the life of other flowers. Sanitary pruning carried out with the onset of spring (before the start of sap flow). Three-year-old branches and those that are frozen are pruned. After the buds have begun to bloom, the branches on which the buds have not bloomed are pruned again. In order to make the bush more magnificent, you should trim the shoots beyond the fifth bud. To completely rejuvenate an adult hydrangea bush, all branches except a small stump are pruned. A lush crown will appear on its own immediately after the onset of spring.


For active and abundant flowering, fertilizers (manure or humus) dissolved in water are applied under the bush three times a month. Excess mineral fertilizers can lead to the inability of the bush to survive frosts. Ash should not be used as a fertilizer.

Hydrangea varieties

There are several dozen varieties of hydrangeas, and it is almost impossible to name the exact number, since there are more varieties every year. The bushes are decorated with corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, which are located at the tips of the shoots. Along the edges there are sterile flowers, while fruit-bearing ones are located in the center. It is worth noting that there are several varieties in which all the inflorescences are fruit-bearing, forming fancy balls. The color of the flowers is varied. There are buds of blue, violet, red, light blue, pink and white. The variety of shades can please every gardener and passerby who stops to look at the blooming hydrangea.

The foliage of the plant is also attractive. If you follow the basic rules for caring for shrubs, the foliage will be bright, juicy and large. The attractive spring appearance of the plant leads to various experiments breeders who are continuously working to increase the duration of flowering and increased resistance to harsh Russian winters.

The most popular plants in our country
1 "Weems Red"A characteristic feature of the variety is the fact that during the season the color of the inflorescences changes three times. From June the flowers are white, then turn pink, and with the onset of autumn they become red and burgundy.
2 "White Lady"Vaguely reminiscent of jasmine inflorescences. On high bush snow-white flowers resemble flying butterflies
3 "Great Star"The petals of representatives of the variety are large, and are collected in small propellers that rise above the small ones. The bush grows up to 2 meters
4 "Diamont Rouge"The height of the bush reaches 1.8 m, the inflorescences have red petals.
5 "Vanilla Fraze"Outwardly they resemble strawberry ice cream cones that grow on a 2-meter bush. "Sunday Fres" is a smaller copy of the variety.
6 "Phantom".The height of hydrangea of ​​this variety reaches 2.5 m in height. The crown is spreading, so growing will require a lot of free space. At first the panicles are creamy, but towards autumn they turn pink.
7 "Pinky Winky"The height of the bush is 1.8 m; the openwork inflorescences have large flowers, which over time acquire a pinkish or purple color.
8 "Limelight"The height of the plant is 1.5 m, and a smaller copy of the “Little Lime” variety reaches a height of 1 m. Initially, the panicles are greenish, but by autumn they acquire a pinkish color.
9 "Grandiflora".Feels great in old gardens. All inflorescences are styrile.

Neighbors for hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are in demand and loved by many. Shrubs are used for landscaping and decoration not only in urban areas, but also in private gardens. Gardeners prefer to use hydrangeas due to their stable flowering, unusual color and bright foliage. It is possible to plant both individual hydrangea bushes and a huge flower bed consisting of similar multi-colored splendor. The ability to create unusual and stylish combinations speaks in favor of hydrangeas. They come in a variety of colors that can be combined if desired.

They are also used to create lush and eye-catching flower beds, gradually displacing the practical and previously applicable trends in planting plants exclusively in groups. At proper care even one bush will help set the right atmosphere in a small but neat flower bed. With the help of shrubs you can create hedges, but subsequent care of the green hedge requires free time and regular care. Hydrangeas are often used when landscaping areas near lawns, undergrowth, edges, and hedges. The ability to combine with low-growing trees, shrubs and conifers has made hydrangea in demand in this area.

Hydrangeas will also become a decoration for a plot or garden when arranging shrubs with other skeletal plants and giants. You should not be afraid of small plants whose flowering period does not coincide with hydrangea. The plant combines with herbaceous flora. Perennials are often planted in close proximity to hydrangeas. A skillful combination of shrubs and other plants will help cope with the following primary tasks:

  • giving individuality to the site, garden and flower bed;
  • emphasize the style of the flowerbed;
  • decorate the area at the beginning of summer;
  • use of texture and texture contrasts;
  • help create the front row or frame of a flower arrangement;
  • are able to dilute a boring environment with bright and rich colors.

Hydrangeas appear special with blue, purple, pink, lime, cream and white blooms that are adorned with vibrant, rich green foliage. In terms of texture, light inflorescences are unique and cannot be compared. It is difficult to choose such a wonderful partner among herbaceous partners for the garden, given the leafy shrubs and dark branches of pine needles. Hydrangea leaves are also diverse. There are such foliage colors as dark emerald, bright, glossy. Also, the leaves can be pubescent, variegated, purple, bronze, golden and silver. The leaves also differ in size, structure, and shape.

With the help of unusual varieties of hydrangeas you can play on contrast and nuances herbaceous plants. This will help give the garden a different color scheme, visual effects, thematic design, and optical illusions. Watercolor, pastel, clean, bright and dazzling herbaceous partners can become partners for plants. The shrub is a somewhat English, intelligent and prim look that will always be relevant in the garden. The plant will fit into a flowerbed decorated in an antique style, or more modern gardens, the design of which adhered to country or classic style registration

She is able to bring her own flavor and a little sophistication, diluting boring flower beds with plants that bloom at different times. Hydrangea will fit organically into any space, regardless of the lighting of the existing area. The bush will not block other plants, and the flowering will be a decoration for the garden until the first cold weather. It is not customary to use hydrangeas in English gardens and this is the only exception to the possible rules. For expressiveness, several plants should be used at the same time, as hydrangea loves partnership.

Existing restrictions

When choosing partners for a plant such as hydrangea, one should also take into account the existing restrictions that are associated with the characteristics of the species. Shrubs belong to the category of moisture-loving plants that prefer slightly acidic and acidic soil. It is preferable to choose dimly lit areas and light partial shade. Such conditions are not suitable for every plant, including perennial ones. When choosing partners, you should also take into account the fact that each species has certain varieties, each of which prefers different conditions. First of all, gardeners use evergreen ferns as neighbors for hydrangeas, which complement each other.

You should also not ignore hostas, whose leaves are large, but have a unique pattern, and will look advantageous even against the backdrop of larger hydrangeas. The original and variegated color allows you to dilute the front garden with a variegated and unusual color, emphasizing the advantages of the neighbors. Plants that prefer moist soil - ground covers and other low-growing crops - can be used as a frame. These include ivies and periwinkles. Pachysandra apex will also fit into the resulting ensemble.

Soft cuff is considered a favorite among perennial and low-growing crops. Framed with colorful foliage, helping to enhance the existing arrangement. The inflorescences resemble clouds, and the bushes themselves grow lush, framed by bright greenery. They help eliminate such a factor as heaviness, which is characteristic of hydrangeas. Melissa and mint are also low-maintenance plants that will grow among hydrangea bushes. An unexpected, but no less attractive neighbor is bergenia. Able to enhance the noble qualities of hydrangeas thanks to delicate flowers and large, wide leaves. In this way, late flowering is compensated.

The proximity to cereal crops will undoubtedly decorate the overall picture. Among the spreading hydrangeas, falaris, miscanthus, millet, hakonechloa and Co. will look interesting. An unusual ensemble will attract numerous glances from passersby and sow the desire to recreate something similar in your own front garden. White-flowered partners deserve special attention. Among these, attention should be paid to phloxes, physiostegia, anemones, and astilbes. Each species will thrive in partial shade. They need additional protection from sharp gusts of wind. You should not limit yourself only to species that are characterized by the presence of white inflorescences.

Brighter colors are welcome, however big picture may turn out to be too bright and unusual, for which you should prepare in advance. In some cases, contrast is beneficial. Examples include daffodils, primroses, hellebores, wormwood, daylilies, and iris. Aconite can enhance the natural blue of hydrangea. Volzhanka, buzulniki, crocuses, and Rogers will also be excellent partners.


For those who are just planning to decorate the garden with several hydrangea bushes, you should take a little break from choosing varieties, since first you should draw out a detailed plan of what will grow in the allocated area. It is possible to replant hydrangeas over time, but the process is complex and painstaking. Large plants remain, but smaller ones are put on the plan. Each plant should be signed, which will allow you to create the most detailed list possible. Separate places are being prepared for new products. Some species may not fit into the resulting ensemble at all. Help make your choice easier ready-made compositions, which can be placed both among massive flower beds and near coniferous trees.

A little more information about where and how to plant hydrangea is in the video:

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Designers love to use hydrangea to decorate their gardens. This a real find at . Lush flowering until late autumn it decorates the garden and delights the soul. And what is important, it does not require special care or scrupulous attitude if the plant variety is selected according to climatic conditions. Hydrangea is divided into many species and has a huge number of varieties.

Hydrangea blooms until late autumn and pleases the eye and soul.

When designing the design of a site, you can create a wide variety of compositions and pictures from these plants, from vertical background plantings to free-standing tapeworm plants.

Hydrangea in landscape design combines perfectly with other plants, without in any way detracting from their dignity, but competently complementing the overall picture.

Popular types of hydrangea

Hydrangea paniculata is not afraid of shade, but it should be watered thoroughly.

Hydrangea paniculata is the most common species for the middle climatic zone with. Its inflorescences are large in the form of a pyramidal panicle. The color scheme varies according to flowering time from white to rich pink. By September, one bush may have inflorescences of different shades, this looks very interesting and entertaining. The bush grows up to two meters in width and height. When planting, this must be taken into account and the plant must be given the necessary space. Popular varieties— Angels blush, Bombshell, Dharuma, Dolly, Grandiflora and others. Hydrangea paniculata tolerates partial shade remarkably well, which is a big advantage, since few are lush flowering plants have this ability, and there are a lot of shady areas in the garden, and you also want to decorate them. For hydrangea, timely watering is important; it does not tolerate even short-term drying out of the soil; the leaves and inflorescences immediately droop.

Tree hydrangea is a compact shrub that is also not afraid of shade.

Tree hydrangea grows up to two meters in height, but it is a compact shrub and is perfect for. Common varieties in our region are Hayes Starburts, Annabel, Gradiflora and others. Inflorescences are white, cream and beige colour thyroid shape. It tolerates wintering well in our conditions. Can grow just like paniculata hydrangea, in partial shade, looks good both in group plantings and in single plantings. More demanding on moisture and fertile soil conditions.

Like paniculata, large-leaved hydrangea has many varieties with a wide variety of flowering tones - white, pink, blue, lilac, purple. This factor cannot be overlooked when you are doing landscaping. Thanks to so many colors of large-leaved hydrangea, you can create interesting compositions, combine them with other plants, competently and tastefully. The disadvantage of this type of hydrangea is its poor frost resistance, so it must be carefully covered for the winter or transferred to a basement with above-zero temperatures until spring. Most famous varieties— Nikko blue, Hamburg, Compacta, Red Baron and others.

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Beautiful garden design using hydrangea

Hydrangea is an excellent ornamental plant that blooms for a long time and is tolerant of shaded areas and is also easy to propagate.

Hydrangea in landscape design is a real decoration. Its long-term flowering and tolerance for shaded areas, ease of care and ease of propagation make this plant indispensable when planning a design. Tree varieties of hydrangea are perfect for creating a hedge around the perimeter of the garden, covering the unsightly appearance of the fence. They can also serve as a background for a flower garden with other plants or be a separate composition in the form of single plantings. A mixed border with hydrangea, barberry, and perennial herbaceous plants will make a wonderful composition along the path or in a shady corner of the garden. Hydrangea will look good next to evergreen blue spruce trees or juniper. Late autumn, when all the summer flowers have already faded, evergreen needles in combination with blooming hydrangea They will delight you even on a cloudy day.

Paniculate hydrangea has many varieties. You can choose low dwarf plants up to 80 cm in height, or you can plant tall trees, depending on the design planning idea. This species tolerates pruning well: bushes and trees can be formed into a certain shape. For example, give the bush a spherical shape or create a standard tree. Looks great as an accent in the overall composition. Ideally combined with phloxes with white and pink inflorescences. Another combination option is paniculate hydrangea and white lilac. This species looks good on an evenly trimmed lawn in group plantings and in single specimens. A creative approach and rich imagination will find many more applications in design for this culture.

Refined and luxurious, hydrangea can decorate any landscape. These shrubs, which have many species, are colored different colors and having an unpretentious disposition, they are loved by gardeners. That is why when choosing plants for your site, garden hydrangea deserves the closest attention.

Hydrangeas are indispensable for decorative purposes: they are beautiful, varied in the shape of the inflorescences and have a very wide palette of colors, and the wide carved leaves are pleasing to the eye. It is also worth noting the interesting texture of the bark, abundant flowering and most importantly - unpretentiousness. A real dream, not a plant! And this is exactly what “Dream House” advises its readers to pay attention to today. If you are looking for plants to decorate your front garden or garden plot, hydrangea will be indispensable.

Garden hydrangea

With proper care, hydrangea flowering can last from July until the very beginning of autumn. Closer to August, you can observe an exceptional spectacle: on the branches of this plant, buds simultaneously swell, inflorescences bloom and the seed heads of the fruits show off. With the arrival of cold weather, the luxurious leaves of hydrangea flash reddish bronze.

Garden flower hydrangea photo

Hydrangea: description and characteristics of the plant

The genus of hydrangea has more than a hundred different species, but they all have characteristics. The leaves of this plant are large, oval, even somewhat ovoid in shape with pointed or wavy edges.

Many inflorescences are lush clusters, most often formed into a spherical shape. But there are also inflorescences in the form of an umbrella, panicle, ball or cone. Inflorescences can reach about 10-25cm in diameter depending on the variety.

Hydrangea flowers can be any shade of pink, white, blue or lilac. In this case, it is possible to combine a palette of two colors on one inflorescence, which looks very picturesque. The color of the inflorescences strongly depends on the soil: hydrangea blooms pink inflorescences on alkaline soils, and blue ones on acidic soils. You can also change the color of a flower artificially by enriching the soil with the necessary elements.

The mysterious homeland of Hortense

Refined, loving warmth and garden hydrangea water came to us from the mysterious land of the rising sun. This plant originally had its distribution area in Southern Japan, China and was found both in the Himalayas and on both American continents. Hydrangea was brought from Japan to France at the end of the 19th century, and since 1970 this plant has been cultivated and widely used in landscape design. Having given hydrangea flowers, people, those who know the language flowers could express indifference, inflexibility and lack of feelings to the recipient. However, there is another interpretation - “yours forever.”

The Greek name for the plant is hydrangia, which combines the meanings of two words: water and vessel. The name is justified by the flower’s increased love for moisture and the specific shape of the seed pod.

Do not underestimate the role of hydrangea in landscape design; with skillful use of its advantages, it can become the queen of any landscape.

More often garden compositions with hydrangea are placed in separate groups, which may even contain plants belonging to different species. However, mature, thoroughly grown hydrangea bushes look great alone. The best place for solo growth of hydrangea will be entrance area, space near the house or open lawn.

IN natural garden Natural type garden hydrangeas are planted in the first or second row of shrubs, while in mixed compositions the flower is given the foreground.

It is worth mentioning that hydrangeas can feel great in tubs, flowerpots and containers. In this case, they can be taken into the house or transferred to the terrace.

Another landscaping technique used with hydrangeas is the organization of an unshaped hedge. Such a fence can reach a width of about 1.5 meters and separate individual areas of the garden.

Hydrangeas in landscape design

Hydrangea flowers photo

Hydrangea in a pot

Garden compositions with hydrangea

Types of garden hydrangeas

Various varieties of hydrangea in the landscape

Often, when talking about hydrangea, we mean a certain variety of it - Hydrángeamacrophylla, or otherwise - large-leaved garden hydrangea. If we consider hydrangeas more broadly, then this family includes more than a hundred different species of this flower. There are even climbing and upright, evergreen and deciduous, tree-like and dwarf, heat-loving and frost-resistant varieties.

To organize a “plot” in the garden wildlife» Petiolate and oak-leaved hydrangeas are suitable, as well as liana-shaped and paniculate types.

Paniculata and tree hydrangea ideal for gardens with a romantic theme in the spirit of a Russian or English home garden.

Large-leaved hydrangea is appropriate in any stylistic decision, and in solemn palace ensemble, and in the natural landscape of a village garden. For different compositions you should choose different varieties.

Hydrangea care: from planting to flowering

All recommendations indicating how to care for hydrangea come down to just two actions: fertilizing and pruning the plant. It is this kind of care that is quite sufficient for the beautiful hydrangea to please you with a healthy look and beautiful flowers. But before you start caring for your garden hydrangea, it would be a good idea to plant it.


The propagation process of hydrangea occurs either through green cuttings or by dividing the bush. In spring and summer, you can use non-flowering green tips of shoots; during the cold period, woody cuttings will also work.

Do not forget that hydrangea also has seeds: species plants can be sown in an unheated greenhouse in the spring.


Hydrangea, planting and caring for which is very easy, still requires attention. In mid-latitudes it is better to plant this heat-loving plant in the spring, and in more southern regions in both spring and autumn. Leave about a meter between plants.

The soil

It is better to grow hydrangea in the garden on moisture-permeable, structural soils, loamy and flavored with organic matter. The choice of soil is best given to neutral or acidic options. Despite the beautiful pink color, alkaline soils above pH7 are unfavorable for plants, hydrangea begins to experience iron deficiency and becomes ill. Using iron, alum, sulfur or aluminum sulfate, you can play with the color of the plant, achieving a variety of colors: pink, blue, two-colored inflorescences, or even bushes with flowers of both colors.


To eliminate misunderstandings, it is immediately worth noting: garden hydrangea Don't cut at the root! By pruning, to which all varieties of plants respond well, we mean precisely the rejuvenation of shoots.

In mild climates, the procedure for removing old inflorescences should be done not in the fall, but in early spring. It is necessary that pruning of hydrangeas in the spring occurs before the active growing season begins.

First, frozen shoots are cut back to a healthy part of the wood, and weak or excess shoots are completely removed. Annual shoots should be trimmed, leaving about 3-5 buds on them. Old inflorescences are removed down to the first pair of healthy and strong buds.


Those who already have hydrangea in their country house know: this plant needs reliable shelter during cold weather. The flower will survive this period better if the soil is moist in the fall. Hydrangea is very sensitive to any frost, so already in early October it is worth taking care of the shelter.


Hydrangea loves water and needs at least two buckets of water per week. In rainy weather or when using mulch, one watering per month is sufficient.

Hydrangea garden planting and care

How to care for hydrangea

With good and careful care, garden hydrangea will delight your eye with its luxurious splendor for many years!

If you have at least one large-leaved hydrangea plant in your garden, then it is definitely different from the others. Large-leaved hydrangea is noticeably different from others garden plants and gorgeous pink, purple and blue inflorescences, and beautiful foliage.

* The color of hydrangea can be manipulated by changing the pH level of the soil: acidic soil the flowers will be blue, in a more neutral one - pink. If you acidify the soil on only one side of the bush, then the bush will have both pink and blue inflorescences.

1. Hydrangeas have one very positive quality- their flowering practically never ends throughout the season, so growing it in the front garden would be a good idea.

2. Hydrangeas have many varieties with different color scheme flowers and bush size. Therefore, you can grow a variety suitable for your climate zone. By the way, hydrangea has a very dense foliage, so it will be an ideal plant as a green screen from the prying eyes of people passing by.

3. Hydrangeas planted near walls and fences create the illusion of increased space. And it will look incredibly beautiful and fabulous!

4. If your climate does not allow you to grow hydrangeas in open ground, that is, special potted varieties that grow well in a small space. For the winter, they can be brought indoors to protect them from frost, since a drop in temperature below zero is detrimental to hydrangeas.

5. Hydrangeas will hide ugly and boring appearance your home or garden. It will also look great as a “fence” along outbuildings.

6. Beautiful hydrangeas in containers will look great on a small patio, terrace or balcony. They can be planted not in simple ceramic or plastic pots, but their fabulous beauty can be highlighted with decorative containers made from, for example, fireclay, or homemade containers made from cement. If desired and necessary, such containers with blooming hydrangea can be placed in any corner of the garden.

7. Blooming hydrangeas look great along sidewalks and garden paths. Especially if the flowers are not the same color, but different.

8. Hydrangea prefers Sun rays only in the first half of the day. In the second half, it is advisable to find it in openwork shade or partial shade. In addition, the soil underneath should not dry out. Therefore, hydrangea will feel great in the garden or near ponds.

9. It would seem that hydrangea is difficult to grow in hanging baskets, but for true lovers of this wonderful shrub nothing is impossible. It looks very charming in hanging baskets, reminiscent of a colorful chandelier.

10. In addition to large-leaved ones, there are other types of hydrangeas that can be combined in plantings. And then your garden or garden will definitely become unique.

11. Hydrangeas can be planted in the most advantageous and visible places for people passing by, so that your area will attract attention.

12. A beautiful front garden begins with hydrangeas, but if you plant them along the perimeter of an emerald lawn, then not only you, but also all your friends and acquaintances will appreciate this approach, especially if you plant plants and flowers next to them that are suitable for hydrangeas in growing conditions.

13. If you have a patio, then hydrangea is just the right shrub to make it uniquely charming and cute. And if you plant other flowers in addition to hydrangeas, then you yourself will receive aesthetic pleasure every day while being there. However, keep in mind that direct scorching sun is not entirely suitable conditions for hydrangea.

14. Grow hydrangea in room conditions even on the windowsill - nothing is impossible! And how beautiful it looks!

15. If you are a supporter Japanese landscape with their stone gardens made of pebbles and stones, then hydrangea will fit quite harmoniously into such a landscape.

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