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» Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for the year

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for the year

Previously, the key to any gardener was the so-called lunar planting calendar. It was compiled annually, in the form of a table, where the positions of the moon were recorded and recommendations were given on which day was favorable for landing work and which was not. Having a gardener’s lunar sowing calendar and not using it for its intended purpose is blunder, both for professionals and beginners. After all, he is the one who reveals the secret big harvest and rules for caring for plants. By putting the calendar's recommendations into practice, you will be able to provide your garden with extra fertility, and your garden neighbors will be jealous.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar, what is the essence

There are many secrets to a “worthy” harvest, but none of them compares with the lunar planting table. Scientists have been interested in the phases of the moon and its influence on the world around us for many centuries. The moon can also influence human body, it is she who makes us energetic, or vice versa, weak. The situation is exactly the same with plants. The moon influences them too. The experience of scientists has not bypassed gardening, and today any modern man able to recognize the phases of the moon. Such knowledge makes our life much easier.

We invite you to take note of the lunar sowing calendar, or even save it and print it:

Lunar plant calendar for 2015, how it depends on the constellations

The sowing calendar itself consists solely of numbers and months, as well as types of fruit crops: which day would be better suited to prepare the soil and seeds, what day is the best time to apply fertilizers and fertilizing, when to hill up plants, when to loosen, when to prune, plant, water, etc. The time for all these things will be prompted not only by lunar phases, but also the constellations of the zodiac themselves. For example, if the moon is in Aries, Leo, Aquarius or Virgo, in this case, landing is strictly prohibited. If you resist this rule, you will probably lose your harvest. The constellations Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius or Capricorn give some chances of success, they are equal to 50%. Those. the chances of getting a good harvest and the chances of getting nothing at all, in equally are the same...think about whether you want to take that risk? The constellations of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are the most fruitful. Planting at this time will give you an incredibly large and tasty harvest. Let's talk in more detail...

  1. Constellation Leo. During this period, planting or replanting plants is prohibited. But, nevertheless, it is possible to care for plants during this period. Thus, weeding, fertilizing, pruning and other manipulations are allowed.
  2. Constellation Aries. A wonderful period for harvesting or weeding the land. But it’s better not to land.
  3. Constellation Aquarius. Also not an important period for planting or replanting. If you come to harvest a vegetable crop, then only according to the waning of the moon. But the fruits of berries, seeds or healing herbs- according to the waxing moon.
  4. Virgo constellation. Great time to take care ornamental plants, as well as flowers. In addition, you can care for the plant and fight pests or weeds.
  5. Constellation Gemini. Here important point: planting is carried out only for loaches ( climbing plants). You can also plant leguminous plants, grains. You can fight pests on this day. Harvesting should be done only during the waning moon.
  6. Constellation Taurus. A favorable time for planting flowers and vegetables, but not seeds, only the bulbous type. You can plant shrubs or trees.
  7. Constellation Capricorn. If you plant grains or root crops during this period, they will be incredibly resilient plants. They are not afraid of diseases, bad weather, or pests. The harvest you get from such plants will be stored for a long time.
  8. Constellation Libra. One of the main constellations that will give a rich harvest. Whatever work you do at this time will only bring top scores. You can do absolutely everything: cultivate the soil, care for plants, fight pests or crop diseases. But! You can't plant! During the waxing moon, it is best to collect fruits or medicinal herbs.
  9. Constellation Pisces. Those crops that have been planted must be closely monitored and given proper care. If you decide to harvest at this time, then you must take into account that it will not be stored for too long. But you can think ahead and make preparations from these products for the winter.
  10. Constellation Cancer. You can plant any plants, a very favorable day. Caring for flowers will be productive. The harvest you decide to harvest will not be stored for too long. If you decide to preserve it, do it when the moon is waning.
  11. Constellation Scorpio. This is a good time to combat plant destroyers - weeds and pests. The harvested crop will be stored for a long time. It is also a good time to replant plants and give crops proper care. Preparations can be done at the time of the waning of the moon.

As you can see, the waning moon - best time for preparations and preservation. Many gardeners great experience They already know for certain that the transplant should be done in the fall or spring, this time is the most favorable.

Moon phases are not at all difficult to understand; don't think that you will look at the moon in the sky to determine its phase. No. All you need to do is look at the calendar and find desired date, she will tell you how to preserve and increase your harvest.

The influence of the moon on plants

Scientists have long noticed the fact that the influence of the moon affects plants depending on its phases. For example, the moon is waxing - the plant begins to grow, and when the moon is waning or on a new moon - root system plants become stronger. That is why it was thought out that planting or replanting should not be done during the new moon and full moon. Landing is possible only at the moment of decreasing or increasing. Root crops should be planted when the moon is waning, and fruits and leafy plants– when it increases.

It is worth considering the moment lunar eclipse. Then any manipulations in the garden are prohibited. The same rules apply to a solar eclipse.
Gardener's lunar planting calendar, table:

Lunar calendar for January 2015

The beginning of January promises us almost daily holidays, and the lunar cycle is just beginning. Therefore, the first half of January should be spent resting from gardening and preparing for gardening. In the second half of the month we begin preparatory work.

— we fight insect pests in the storage facility;

- prepare plant cuttings for grafting, then plant;

— water and fertilize indoor flowers and plants;

— we prepare the land in which you will later plant seedlings of the crop;

- clean up the greenhouse;

- check all trees and bushes for garden plot, remove any remaining dry leaves;

- if there are diseased plants in the garden, then they need to be removed by the roots.

It bears repeating that gardening work cannot be carried out. Spend this period planning and preparing for the gardening season. Purchase seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, distribute planting material.

February according to the lunar calendar

This month you can already plant, for example, greens such as dill, onion sets or watercress. Flowers can also be planted. In addition, eggplant, pepper, and strawberry seedlings are sown. At the same time, we should continue to care for the tuberous plants, we do grafting, and also provide reliable protection from insect pests.

At this time, the greenhouses are put in order, cleaned for the new season, and disinfected.

March according to the lunar calendar 2015

The seedlings that you planted in February should be fed and the soil loosened. Also, the first shoots that appear can be thinned out, and those that are very weak or diseased can be removed. Planted crops must be watered.

In greenhouses, everything needs to be prepared for spring sowing.

April according to the gardener's lunar calendar

Until the buds on the trees open, you need to have time to plant fruit trees and shrubs, as well as berries. We also prepare the trees; they need to have their trunks whitewashed; if treatment is required, then it needs to be done.

The soil on the site should be dug up this month and compost should be laid. We plant cabbage, both white and cauliflower. You can plant tomatoes, varieties that will be under cover, early varieties cucumbers, legumes, greens.

You can plant parsley, spinach, garlic, beets, celery, radish, coriander, any medicinal herbs, etc.

May according to the lunar calendar

At this time, all operations to protect plants from possible temperature changes should be carried out. We remove weeds from the soil, fertilize, and water. We plant plants that are typical for May planting - these can be salad greens, spinach, parsnips, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, sorrel. In addition, do not forget to plant berries, you can still do so.

We carry out cuttings, remove shoots in the form of tendrils from strawberry bushes, remove plants that are sick or died. We prune fertile plants.

Gardener's lunar calendar: July-October 2015

All these months they carry out standard work: watering, weeding, thinning, loosening, fighting weeds and harmful insects. Many plants have already given their harvest, so it needs to be harvested periodically. We preserve and dry fruits as needed, but lunar calendar.

U melon culture you need to pinch the lashes.

This period is considered a good time to plant new trees or fruit bushes. You can also lay a lawn.

After harvesting, including garlic, onions and other root vegetables, grafting can be carried out.

Where possible, we clean the beds, dig them up again, burn all the garbage, branches and fallen leaves. We are landscaping the garden.

Gardener's lunar calendar for November and December 2015

We are preparing for the winter with all our might. There’s no need to worry too much, it’s enough to do everything according to the rules and according to the calendar. Consider the characteristics of your soil, climate, agricultural requirements, and precipitation. In this case, you will get a rich harvest next year.
If you still doubt the veracity of the lunar calendar, we advise you to quickly discard them. Such tables are compiled annually by scientists and astrologers; each date has been subjected to careful research and study.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden for 2015

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2015 - caring for tomatoes, re-seeding

June 2015

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the beds, garden strawberries is present both in the garden section and in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view works related to it in the “garden” section of the calendar.

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, the first harvest is harvested: radishes and early green crops; by the end of the month, strawberries ripen, and early cucumbers appear.
In the middle of the month, potatoes are hilled. Supports are placed under climbing plants. Cucumber seedlings should be thinned out. It is not recommended to loosen cucumber beds, since the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface, so quite frequent weeding is necessary. Special attention in June, you should pay attention to the formation of tomato stems and regularly carry out pinching tall varieties- otherwise you may miss a significant number of tomatoes.
In June, you can re-sow dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the garden, activities for caring for vegetables and strawberries

from 01 June 2015 00:00 (Mon)
to 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)
Favorable days for watering and fertilizing with mullein infusion vegetable crops. Sowing legumes (beans, peas, beans) and green crops ( different varieties lettuce, dill, etc.). Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film cover or for seedlings (depending on weather conditions). Planting seedlings white cabbage . Sowing in a seedbed late varieties cauliflower for autumn consumption. It is possible to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash in open ground under cover. Rooting strawberry rosettes, which will be required to update the plantation. Loosening and mulching the soil, composting.
We still maintain a blog "Dacha and Garden", entry only from the lunar calendar
from 01 June 2015 19:18 (Mon)

to 03 June 2015 21:22 (Wed)

FULL MOON Prohibited days for working with plants. Not favorable days
for pickling. (You should not salt cucumbers, for example, during the full moon.) Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 02, 2015 19:19 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month - until June 01, 2015 21:39 Moon in Scorpio, then in Sagittarius
from 03 June 2015 21:22 (Wed)

to 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius Residents can take advantage of this period Far East
and Eastern Siberia.

Plowing, digging, loosening and mulching the soil. Sowing root crops (carrots, root parsley), in greenhouses and hotbeds, sow radishes, daikon, summer radish, turnips. It is possible to plant onions on turnips, spring garlic and potatoes. Beans and beans planted together with potatoes enrich the soil with nitrogen and repel the Colorado potato beetle. It is effective to spray heat-loving crops with growth stimulants.
June 3 (23.05 old style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)

"Olen's day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on Olen, then autumn will be stormy"
from 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu)

to 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radishes for winter storage, second sowing of turnips. Raking soil from onion bulbs, hilling leeks. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Feeding tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage.

There is no need to wait for favorable days to plant tomatoes. Tomatoes begin to grow no earlier than two weeks after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place, but then, the sooner you remove the stepson, the better - the plant will not waste its energy in vain...
from 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat)
to 08 June 2015 11:16 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants. Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants. Mulching the soil with humus, rotted sawdust, compost, weed control.
from 08 June 2015 11:16 (Mon)
to 10 June 2015 14:14 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Carrying out watering and fertilizing organic fertilizers vegetable crops with an increased dose nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for re-sowing green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops.
from June 10, 2015 14:14 (Wed)
to 12 June 2015 17:16 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. Growing tomatoes. A favorable time for loosening, mulching, weed and pest control. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling early landings potatoes. Thinning of seedlings. Making compost.
from 12 June 2015 17:16 (Fri)
to 14 June 2015 20:51 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and applying organic fertilizers to root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. The beds with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting kohlrabi seedlings summer terms consumption. It is possible to re-sow radishes and turnips for winter storage. Thinning carrot and beet crops. Growing tomatoes. A favorable period for pest control. A favorable period for laying compost heaps.
from June 14, 2015 20:51 (Sun)
to June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds.
Pruning tomatoes and peppers, forming vines of cucumbers, pinching lashes of pumpkins and melons. Removing yellowed leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Removing unnecessary strawberry whiskers.
from June 16, 2015 04:08 (Tue)

to June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thu)

It is not recommended to plant or replant anything. Any household work, working with soil, composting is possible.
from June 18, 2015 06:00 (Thu)
to June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable days for pinching and pinching vegetables. It is favorable to water and fertilize heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potassium fertilizers in rainy, cold weather. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops with growth and development stimulants. Good period for pickling
from June 19, 2015 09:22 (Fri)
to 21 June 2015 19:59 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
(from June 21 to June 23 - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling cucumbers)
from June 21, 2015 19:59 (Sun)
to June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. A good time for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.

June 21 (08.06 art. style) - Fyodor Letniy (Stratilat)
“If there is heavy dew on Stratilata, the summer, even if it is dry, will produce a good harvest.”

from June 24, 2015 08:41 (Wed)
to 26 June 2015 20:56 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, grains, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables.
from June 26, 2015 20:56 (Fri)
to June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Pinching vegetables and other crops is strictly prohibited. Watering and loosening the soil are favorable. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Harvesting early lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Foliar feeding tomatoes and cucumbers.
from June 29, 2015 06:21 (Mon)
to June 30, 2015 19:10 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Harvesting early vegetables and herbs and processing them. Berry picking remontant strawberries for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. Application of inorganic fertilizers, hilling. Disease and pest control.

"The sun is quieter on Tikhon" - Amazing fact, causing people to be amazed at the observation - at this time the Earth is in the aphelion zone of its orbit and really slows down its movement around the Sun, one would think that this is a coincidence associated with rhyming, but the next day - “Manuel” and again the statement:"The sun stagnates on Manuel." Nowadays, the date of the Earth's passage through the aphelion point is July 4, but 250-300 years ago the Earth passed aphelion at the end of June!

from June 30, 2015 19:10 (Tue)
to June 30, 2015 23:59 (Tue) onwards

to 03 June 2015 21:22 (Wed)

It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. Unfavorable days for salting. (You should not pickle, for example, cucumbers during the full moon.) Any household work or working with the soil is allowed.
07/02/2015 05:19 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, Zodiac signs Lunar calendar 2015- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

June :
Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show what December will be like, and December will show June.
Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.
June is summer for the heat, and sun for winter.

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it is compiled Weather forecast(for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine local time Lunar calendar events in Kaliningrad need to be subtracted -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Those who garden professional level, spend a lot of time in their garden or garden.

It often happens that a person invests a large number of efforts, but in the end the harvest turns out to be poor.

This can happen if the gardener neglects the lunar calendar.

Thanks to gardener's lunar calendar for 2015, you can find out which days are most suitable for sowing a particular crop or plant.

A gardener, of course, has the right to refuse to use such a calendar, but today almost all summer residents and gardeners use such a calendar.

If used in 2015 moon calendar, then the chances of a rich harvest will increase quite significantly.

Sowing lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for 2015 consists only of the numbers of months and different cultures.

On one day you can prepare the soil, on another day you can water it, on the third day you can plant this or that crop, and so on.

Not only the phases in which the Moon is located are taken into account, but also what zodiac signs it is located in.

The most fertile signs are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. The most infertile are Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aries. Such days can completely deprive a gardener or summer resident of his harvest.

What does the lunar calendar recommend for summer residents and gardeners?

  • After the new moon, the first and second days will be the ideal period to sow greens and water the plantings. At this time, the Moon is in Pisces.
  • On days 3 and 4, you can plant plants such as garlic, beans, onions or tomatoes. The Moon is in Aries during this period.
  • From days 5 to 7 you can work on indoor plants; gardeners can plant blueberries, cabbage, onions, peppers, parsley, spinach, cucumbers and dill. The Moon is in Taurus.
  • On the 8th and 9th day of the waxing Moon, she is in Gemini. This period is good for sowing peas, beans and lentils.
  • From 10 to 12 days the Moon will be in Cancer. These days are the best time to plant flowers such as chrysanthemums, marigolds and petunias. In greenhouses you can sow plants such as melon, pumpkin, onions, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, dill, cabbage and blueberries. The Moon is in Cancer at this time.
  • On the 13th and 14th days, when the Moon is in Leo, you can sow indoor plants.
  • On the 15th day the full moon occurs. On this day, it is better to refuse any work in the garden plot or vegetable garden.
  • On days 16 and 17, you can replant indoor plants. You can start sowing street flowers. Moon in Virgo.
  • On the 18th and 19th days, the Moon is in Libra, so you can sow flowers.
  • On days 20 and 21, it is recommended to plant plants such as onions, herbs, radishes and radishes. The Moon is in Scorpio these days.
  • On the 22nd and 23rd days the Moon is in Sagittarius, so you can sow garlic or onions.
  • Days 24, 25 and 26 are considered successful for sowing potatoes or onions. The Moon is in Capricorn these days.
  • On the 27th and 28th days the Moon is in a sign such as Aquarius, during this period it is better to refuse any land work.

How can the Moon influence the development of cultures?

When the Moon grows, crops grow along with it, those that are above the earth. Root plants, on the contrary, develop when the Moon begins to wane. During the new moon or full moon, crops will not grow. You cannot plant anything on days when there is an eclipse of the moon.

Orthodox gardeners already check greenhouses in February, put their equipment in order, trample snow around fruit trees to protect them from mice, whiten tree trunks during the thaw or wrap them in craft paper, and also sow root celery.

At the same time, heterodoxians are concerned about keeping the flowers until April. They are worried that the lily bulbs in the refrigerator will not become moldy, and that pink stumps will not quickly appear on the balcony. We will talk separately about how to preserve planting material, but here we will shed balm on the souls of old-school gardeners: inspections, sowing, purchasing fertilizers...

Works in February:

  • inventory audit;
  • purchase of fertilizers and pesticides;
  • rodent control in the garden;
  • storage of dahlias, gladioli and other crops;
  • cuttings of dahlias;
  • cuttings of chrysanthemums;
  • seed audit;
  • first sowing of annuals.

From February 1 to February 20, celery root seeds are sown on seedlings at a depth of 0.5 cm. Varieties: Yudinka, Root Gribovsky, Apple. 35 days after germination, they are planted (planted) in cups measuring 8 x 8 cm. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of 16-17 °C.

From February 10 to February 25 - sowing pepper and eggplant seeds for seedlings. Tall hybrids of peppers and eggplants are sown earlier - from February 1 to February 15. Pepper varieties: TSHA-25, TSHA-78, Health, Medal, Winnie the Pooh, Californian Miracle, Funtik, Gift of Moldova, etc. Eggplant varieties: Bulgarian, Early Dwarf, Delicatessen, Long Violet, Diamond and Vikar.

From February 10 to 25, tall and medium-sized tomatoes (120-180 cm) are also sown as seedlings for film and glazed greenhouses. Hybrids: Blagovest, Kostroma, Verlioka, Red Arrow, Anastasia, Druzhok, Rusich, Swift, Yarilo, Sage, etc.

From February 1 to February 28 - they continue to sow cucumbers for the home garden, and plant onions on feathers in boxes.

From February 20 - they begin to sow parsley, celery, basil, and chard on the windowsill.

date and time Moon Gardening
From 01 February 2015 00:00
to 02 February 2015 20:41
Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer It is possible to sow any seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of tomatoes, eggplants, tall varieties of peppers for glass greenhouses, and parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on a windowsill. Possible time for soaking and planting potato seeds and celery root seedlings. A good time for liquid fertilizing of indoor flowers and forcing greens, as well as for pest control indoor plants. On fruit trees collect and destroy nests of wintering pests. Pickling cabbage, canning winter apples and vegetables, making juice and wine.
February 1 (19.01 style) - Macarius. "A clear sunny Macarius day - early spring."
From 02 February 2015 20:41
to 03 February 2015 17:00
Waxing Moon in Leo It is an unfavorable time for sowing seeds and replanting all plants except climbing annual and perennial flowers; planting and replanting climbing indoor perennials is also favorable. If necessary, control pests of indoor plants. Control of snow level under stone fruit crops.
ATTENTION! There comes a rather long period without favorable days for sowing seedlings of plants, the purpose of growing which is “tops” - above-ground fruits.
February 2 (18.01 style) - Efimy. “The sun is at noon on Efimiya - there will be early spring.”
From 03 February 2015 17:00
to 05 February 2015 19:11
Full moon Prohibited days for working with plants. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, pest control products. Preparing soil for growing seedlings and containers for laying out soil for sowing.
February 04, 2015 02:09 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (middle of the lunar month, Moon in the signs of the Zodiac: until February 05, 2015 08:46 - in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo).
From 05 February 2015 19:11
to 07 February 2015 21:43
Waning Moon in Virgo It is possible to plant root crops of parsley and beets for forcing - it is better not to sow anything for seedlings these days. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, seeds. It is not recommended to engage in salting and canning.
February 6 (24.01 senior style) - Ksenia (Aksinya Spring Pointer).
“Aksinya is clear - spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.”
From 07 February 2015 21:43
to February 10, 2015 10:05
Waning Moon in Libra Planting root crops of parsley and beets for forcing, sowing seedlings of root celery and leeks. Preparing the soil for growing seedlings. Spraying flower seedlings and remontant strawberries with growth stimulants.
February 10 (28.01 old style) - Ephraim the Syrian. (Ephraim's day).
“Ephraim brought the wind - don’t expect good oats” (Towards a damp and cold year).
“The wind has rushed towards Ephraim - the summer will be damp and cold.”
From February 10, 2015 10:05
to 12 February 2015 19:46
Waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio Watering and fertilizing seedlings of vegetable crops and flowers with organic fertilizers. Sowing root celery. Sowing potatoes from seeds to seedlings. You can do anti-aging pruning of plants, but it is not recommended to propagate plants by cuttings and layering.
From February 12, 2015 19:46
to 15 February 2015 1:24
to 04 June 2015 03:50 (Thu) Pest control. Spraying fertilizer for indoor and greenhouse plants. You can sow wheat for sprouts. Snow retention work on strawberry plantations.
February 14 (01.02 art. style) - Tryphon (Trifon Perezimnik).
"On Tryphon the stars in spring long way are building."
From February 15, 2015 1:24
to 17 February 2015 3:13
to 06 June 2015 08:02 (Sat) Sowing potato seeds, celery root and leeks for seedlings. Sowing nigella onion seeds for seedlings to obtain bulbs in one year. Picking Shabot carnation seedlings. It is possible to transplant, pick and fertilize seedlings. Pruning of trees and shrubs. Favorable days for soaking cuttings cultivated grapes for subsequent rooting.
February 15 (02.02 Old Style) - Candlemas. “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring. On Candlemas there will be snow - there will be rain in the spring.”
February 16 - the beginning of Maslenitsa (the beginning of Maslenitsa week).
From February 17, 2015 3:13
to 18 February 2015 7:03
Waning Moon in Aquarius An extremely unfavorable time for planting and sowing, as well as watering indoor plants and forcing herbs. It is good to thin out and pinch out the seedlings. Spraying against pests. Preparing the soil for seedlings. Destruction of snow crust with a pitchfork, trampling snow between beds, under young trees to disrupt mouse passages.
February 17 (05.02 art style) - Nikola (Nikola Studeny).
"We'll get a mountain of snow on Studeny Nikola."
From February 18, 2015 7:03
to February 20, 2015 8:00
New moon
(Supermoon - Moon on minimum distance from the earth)
It is not recommended to carry out any work with plants according to the lunar calendar. Preparation soil soils and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin out seedlings of seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil. Purchase of seeds, fertilizers, stimulants, protective equipment from pests and diseases.
February 19, 2015 02:47 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month, zodiac signs - until February 19, 2015 02:46 Moon in the sign of Aquarius, then in the sign of Pisces.
From February 20, 2015 8:00
to February 21, 2015 2:13
Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces Watering and fertilizing mineral fertilizers seedlings and indoor plants. It is possible to soak and sow seeds of indeterminate tomatoes, tall varieties of peppers, eggplants, leaf and petiole celery, and parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in a window with additional lighting. Planting leafy and leafy vegetables for forcing. Sowing remontant strawberries. Sowing seedlings of flowers that take more than 12 weeks from the moment of planting to the beginning of flowering (with mandatory additional lighting). Sowing perennials that require preliminary stratification of seeds (delphinium, hellebore, roses, primroses, corydalis, sleep grass, eryngium, etc.). It is possible to prepare and soak cuttings of cultivated grapes for subsequent stratification. Carrying out winter vaccinations.
From February 21, 2015 2:13
to 23 February 2015 3:28
Waxing Moon in Aries It is possible to sow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window (but the next sign, Taurus, is more favorable to this). Sprouting grain crops to obtain vitamin-rich sprouts. Loosening the soil, as well as thinning out seedlings. It is possible to plant annual flowers for seedlings (ever-blooming begonia, Chabot carnation, tree heliotrope, zonal pelargonium, sparkling sage) and perennials (primrose, sunflower, edelweiss). Preparation of cuttings for spring grafting.
February 23 (10.02 style) - Prokhor. “Winter also groaned at Prokhor.”
From February 23, 2015 3:28
to 25 February 2015 7:54
Waxing Moon in Taurus Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. Soaking and sowing seeds of tall indeterminate tomatoes, tall varieties of peppers, eggplants, leaf and petiole celery, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in the window. Sowing seeds of annual flowers (lobelia, petunia, verbena, snapdragon, impatience, annual aster). Sowing green and spice plants. Sowing watercress seeds on the windowsill and forcing onions, chives, onions on the pen. Picking remontant strawberries and flower seedlings. Carrying out winter vaccinations.
February 24 (11.02 style) - Vlasiy. “Vlasiev day is a cow holiday (at this time cows begin to calve).”
From February 25, 2015 7:54
to 27 February 2015 15:49
Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini Conducting dry fertilizing, planting, dividing and replanting plants. Planting climbing strawberries flower plants and annual flowers with a long development period before flowering. Picking seedlings is possible. Grafting of fruit crops (from February 25 to February 28 - according to Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the Moon, the most favorable days of the month for pickling).
From February 27, 2015 15:49
to 28 February 2015 23:59
Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer Unfavorable time for pruning trees and shrubs. Watering and fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers. A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of tomatoes, eggplants, tall varieties of peppers for glass greenhouses, and parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on a windowsill. Sowing seedlings of stalked celery and leeks. Possible time for soaking and planting potato seeds and celery root seedlings. Sowing green and spicy plants. It is possible to sow annual and perennial flowers and remontant strawberries. Carrying out winter vaccinations. Pickling cabbage, canning winter apples and vegetables, making juice and wine
February 28 (15.02 old style) - Onisim Zimobor. "On Onesima, winter and spring are fighting."

Sayings about February:
  • February will add three hours in the afternoon.
  • The wind is blowing, but there is no frost - there will be a snowstorm.
  • The moon seemed to turn red at night - expect wind, heat and snow tomorrow.
To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Gardener's lunar calendar for 2015, dates of planting and sowing seeds.

Types of work and crops, favorable days for planting and sowing











Adding organ. fertilizers

1,18-20, 20-24, 26-28

3-5, 21-23, 26-28, 31

10-14, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

20-22, 24-27, 29-31

1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25

16-18, 21-23, 25-28

Adding minerals.


9-12, 14-16, 18-20

8-11, 13-15, 17, 18

10-14, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

1-3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30

1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25

1-3, 10-12, 19-23, 24-26, 28-30

16-18, 21-23, 25-28


Cultivation, hilling, loosening

1, 2, 19, 22, 26, 28

3, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 31

2, 3, 18-27, 29, 30

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

11-14, 16-21, 23-25

Adding compost

1-3, 20, 21, 26-31

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

Pruning branches and shoots

Spraying, pest control.

2, 18-22, 24-27, 29-30

3-5, 7-12, 24-29

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

13-15, 18-20, 23-29

Intensive watering

3-6, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 31

5-7, 10-12, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

7-9, 15-17, 24-27, 29-31

3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30

1-3, 10-12, 19-22, 24-26


8-11, 13-15, 21-23

5-7, 10-12, 18-20

Planting, transplanting, picking.

1-3, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-29

5-7, 10-12, 16, 17, 22-24

full moon

1-4, 6-8, 15-18, 20-23, 26, 28-30

full moon

Weeding, thinning of seedlings

7-9, 15-17, 24-27, 29-31

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

13-15, 18-20, 23-27

Procurement of seeds

4-7, 9-12, 14-16, 22-24

3-5, 7-10, 12-14, 30-31

4-6, 8-10, 13-15, 18-20


8, 9, 20, 27, 30


9,10, 12, 23, 26

Beans and peas



4, 9, 10, 13, 27, 29


1, 9, 11, 26, 29

Bow on feather

5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 18, 22, 28, 30

7, 9, 13, 14, 16


2-4, 7-10, 22, 30


7, 8, 11, 22, 23


Pertushka root

10-12, 23, 25, 29

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 23, 30

4, 9-11, 13, 22, 28, 29

Pertushka leaf

1, 9, 10, 23, 24

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22


2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22

9-11, 22, 28, 29

Winter radish

Summer radish

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22, 23

4, 9-11, 22, 28, 29


7-12, 22, 23, 29, 30

9-11, 22, 28, 29


Celery root

4, 7-9, 12, 22, 24

Leaf celery

2, 3, 7-12, 29, 30

4, 9-11, 13, 28, 29




1, 11, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31

2, 3, 7, 10-12, 22, 30

9-11, 22, 28, 29



Bulb onions

2, 3, 5, 7-12, 22

3, 4, 19

Gardener's calendar for February 2015

This month, onion sets, dill, watercress, and flower crops are already being sown indoors. Peppers, strawberries and eggplants are sown for seedlings. Tuberous plants continue to be grafted and protected from pests. Disinfect and clean vegetable stores, greenhouses, etc...

What to plant according to the lunar calendar in March 2015

They feed and illuminate the seedlings planted in the greenhouse last month and loosen the soil. You can already thin out the seedlings and remove diseased or weak sprouts. They continue to feed and water crops planted indoors. Spring seedlings are being prepared for sowing. Sow peppers, onions, cabbage and tomatoes for seedlings. They exterminate ground pests in greenhouses and treat plants.

April 2015 - lunar sowing calendar

Before the buds bloom, fruit and berry gardens are planted. Tree trunks are treated: they are whitened, cracks and sunburns are treated. Remove debris from the area and dig up the soil. Lay compost. Sort stored vegetables. Sow white cabbage seedlings and cauliflower, tomatoes for film covering, early cucumbers, greens and beans. Garlic, onions, turnips, radishes, potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, dill, lettuce, spinach, parsley, celery, cumin, coriander and medicinal herbs are sown in open or closed ground.

Calendar for May 2015

Plants are protected from possible frosts. Weeds are pulled, all crops are watered and fed. Sowing continues (the above are joined by leafy greens, spinach, sorrel, mustard, parsnips, squash, pumpkins, and zucchini). Cuttings. Berry trees are being planted. Strawberry tendrils, diseased plants, and weeds are removed. Passes sanitary pruning berry and fruit plants.

Gardener's sowing calendar 2015 from June to October

Weed, water, thin out and loosen in open ground shoots. Plants are fed and pests are removed. Ripe berries and fruits are collected and then canned, dried, and prepared for the winter and for wine. Pinch off the lashes of watermelon, melon and pumpkin. They plant lawns and trees. Onions, root vegetables and winter garlic are collected. Then - harvesting the ripened vegetables. They get vaccinated. They clear the area, dig it up, and burn the garbage. We are preparing vegetables for storage and landscaping the area.

November and December 2015 - what to plant according to the lunar calendar

Preparing the garden for winter. According to the lunar calendar for 2015, we see that it is better to prepare for the season of planting plants and seeds in advance. However, while adhering to these recommendations, do not forget about the importance proper care for garden crops. Compliance with basic agrotechnical requirements, taking into account the unique climatic background of your region, including soil, precipitation, and so on - the result will be what was originally desired - a rich harvest. There is no point in even doubting the data of the 2015 lunar calendar, because a whole “army” of astrologers and scientists worked on its creation, checking each number through numerous studies. The result of their work is based on earthly laws (knowledge about the change of lunar phases and the influence of zodiac signs is also included), taking into account every feature of the next year.

In the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 2015, various events have a certain effect on planting, replanting or caring for plants. By choosing favorable days for work in the garden and garden, you will maintain your positive strength and mood, rid the plants of all dangers, and find harmony with your garden and garden. Gardener's lunar calendar for 2015, dates of planting and sowing seeds.

What is the lunar sowing calendar and how is it compiled

The lunar sowing calendar is a calendar compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon. The lunar calendar is compiled according to the months of the year. This is very convenient for vegetable garden lovers. You can print out such a lunar calendar and use it as a reminder when working in the garden. According to the lunar calendar, the summer resident will determine the best time for: preparing seeds for sowing, cultivating the soil, planting or replanting all crops, preparing and applying fertilizers, pruning ornamental and fruit crops.

How does the moon affect the planting and growth of plants?

It just so happens in nature that during the period when the moon is waxing, plants grow upward, that is, on the surface, and during the new moon and waning moon, plants strengthen their roots. Hence the simple conclusion: it is not recommended to plant or replant anything during the full or new moon; root crops (radish, beets, potatoes, carrots and others) are planted during the waning moon, and all leafy and fruit crops(pepper, dill, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, parsley and others) - when growing. Also, you should not start any work in the garden and in the garden in general on lunar and solar eclipses. In the lunar sowing calendar for 2015, which will be provided to all interested gardeners further, all lunar phases and zodiac signs are taken into account. He will be an excellent assistant in achieving the goal of obtaining good harvest without unnecessary expenditure of effort and time. Every minute will be spent with maximum benefit and will result in the highest results.