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» Master class on how to make a wooden chandelier with your own hands of a simple and complex design. Wooden sconces DIY wooden lamps from scraps

Master class on how to make a wooden chandelier with your own hands of a simple and complex design. Wooden sconces DIY wooden lamps from scraps

In the design of private houses, wood is most often associated with antiquity. Therefore, lamps made of wood have an ancient appearance. The most popular designs are chandeliers in the shape of a cart wheel.

Diagram of a wooden table lamp.

How to make a lamp with your own hands from wood?

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden structures

A design of this type has the following advantages:

  • if you place candles evenly, the design will give equal illumination to all elements of the room;
  • the knitting needles will practically not create any obstacles to the light.

Modern stylizations have the same advantages, but today lamps are used instead of wax candles and splinters. In most cases, such designs are made in the form of a candle.

Wood structures have the following advantages:

Diagram of a round wooden lamp: 1 - segments for the rim, 2 - turned spoke, 3 - hub.

  1. The material is environmentally friendly. Not only will he not highlight harmful substances, but will also saturate the air with aromatic resins, which make people’s breathing easier.
  2. Wood can be easily processed. If for the production of plastic or metal structure will be needed special tools, then you can make your own wooden lamps using a minimal set of accessories.

Disadvantages of wooden structures:

  1. Wood is a flammable material. Place elements from of this material Not recommended near incandescent lamps. If the contact in the lamp socket burns out, the structure may catch fire.
  2. Wooden ceiling lights are susceptible to attacks by beetles, fungus and other pests. Suffer least from rot and pests conifers trees. For deciduous trees it is recommended to use antiseptics, which can reduce the flammability of the material.
  3. Wood is a hygroscopic material. It absorbs moisture from the air, as a result of which, during the drying process, the material can change volume, shape or crack. In order for the structure to serve for a long time, it will need to be provided with constant temperature and humidity.

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Nuances to consider when making wooden structures

In the process of constructing wooden lamps, the following nuances must be taken into account:

Scheme for assembling a lamp from wooden rings.

  1. The structures must be of such a shape that all heating elements are removed from fixtures made of wood. The lamps should face up, since only in this case the rising air flow will not cause deformation of the wood.
  2. Rules fire safety It is prohibited to place wooden chandeliers under flammable elements.
  3. A wood lamp is great for a bedroom or living room. IN kitchen area or the bathroom, where there is enough a large number of pair, such structures are not allowed.

In the event of a phase short circuit, you can easily get an electric shock.

Making a lamp in the shape of a coffee service

To make a lamp with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following elements:

LED wooden lamp diagram.

  1. Dry board made of any type of wood. You can use either ordinary pine or birch, or ash. Oak, which does not need to be painted or varnished, is also suitable.
  2. Several translucent coffee cups and saucers to go with them.
  3. Several cartridges for a small base with fasteners for them.
  4. Required number of light bulbs. IN in this case It is recommended to use LED elements.
  5. A small number of rubber gaskets. Their number will depend on the method of securing the cartridges.
  6. Two-core copper wire of small cross-section and short length. It is best to use a wire with a cross-section of 0.75 mm.
  7. A thin chain or twisted cord. These elements will be used to secure the product to the ceiling structure.
  8. Required number of screws with rings. The lamp will be suspended using these elements.
  9. Electric drill.
  10. Drill bits for working with wood and tiles.
  11. Pliers.
  12. Screwdriver or screwdriver.

The manufacturing process of the structure is as follows:

  1. The planed board is processed sandpaper(first - coarse, after that - fine).
  2. Next, you will need to drill several holes in the places where you plan to place the cartridges.
  3. If noble types of wood are used, then further processing of the material will not be necessary. If other types of wood are used, the material must be coated with stain, then dried and varnished in several layers. In the open air, the nitro varnish will dry for several hours, so this process will not take much time.

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  1. At the next stage, you will need to drill holes in the coffee cups and saucers, but it is very important not to damage them. In this case, you only need to use a drill for working with glass and tiles. Great efforts are not allowed. You need to drill at a low speed, and during the process you need to make sure that there are no distortions. If you press too hard on the electric drill, the bowl or saucer may break.
  2. Wires must be attached to all existing sockets. On at this stage they should not be fastened to each other.
  3. The entire structure is screwed together into a single unit. If the cartridges will use platforms with holes for fasteners, then they need to be pulled to the board through the holes in the saucers or cups. If there is a threaded pipe and a nut at the end of the cartridge, then they must be passed through the cups, saucers and board. Rubber gaskets must be installed between metal and glass elements. You can make such a device yourself from an unused inner tube from a bicycle or car.
  4. You will need to screw screws with rings into the back of the board.
  5. The cartridges are connected in parallel. There is no need to leave twists that are wrapped with electrical tape. Care must be taken to make even that part of the lamp that no one can see. To fasten the wires you will need to use a block.
  6. The block must be fixed on the back of the board using any method: a small amount adhesive mixture or screws. In it you need to clamp a piece of wire that will be connected to the wiring.
  7. On the back side, chains or cords are attached to the rings. The second end of these elements is fixed to a hook in the ceiling. The wire must be routed through one of the circuits. Finally, you need to install the light bulbs.

Plywood lace design

Original designer lamps made of wood. Homemade lamps made of wood photo.

If you like to do everything with your own hands, we recommend to your attention a selection of the most original wooden lamps made by designers. But to make such lamps you don’t have to be a designer at all, just look at these photos, show a little imagination and you will succeed.

Wood unique material, has been used for home improvement since the times of our ancestors, wood has positive energy, it is absolutely environmentally friendly pure material. In this article we will look at the most original options making lamps from wood.

Ceiling lamps made of wood.

Original hanging chandeliers wood lamps.

Homemade chandelier flower garden.

Chandelier ball, made of rope. To make such a chandelier, an inflated balloon, which is wrapped with rope, then the rope is covered with glue, when the glue dries, the ball is blown away and the result is a structure from which you can make a pendant lamp.

Lamp from a pallet. Wooden pallet sawn into pieces which are used to make lamps.

Original solution.

A lamp made from ordinary kitchen graters.

Wicker lamps. Here a basket is woven from a thin vine and hung from the ceiling.

Table lamps made of wood.

Night light made of wood.

Overall dimensions of the lamp, mm: 337x559x419 (width x depth x height)

Form the base

Free forms of base parts give good opportunity practice constructing contours using the method of enlarging on a scale grid, since these details should first of all look expressive, and the accuracy of the dimensions in this case is not too important.

1. Enlarge all templates to the specified sizes. From 19 mm material, cut two blanks for base A and one bracket B. From 10 mm planks, make two blanks for racks C. Fasten the blanks of the base and racks in pairs with double-sided tape.

2. Using spray adhesive, attach the paper templates to the blanks. Use an awl to mark the center of a 6mm hole on one of the C posts. Then cut the pieces along the outline, leaving a small allowance on the outside, and sand to the line. Save the 19mm scrap to make spacer D shown in fig. 1.

3. Now remove the templates, separate and sand the parts. Planing or grinding Align the edges of the halves of base A that will be glued together. Mill out lamella nests in both edges and glue the base, squeezing the parts with your hands for several minutes until the glue begins to set; then carefully place the adhesive on flat surface for drying. Once the glue is completely dry, sand parts A, B and C with 220-grit sandpaper.

Note. When grinding pillars C, maintain the previously marked center of the hole. If necessary, deepen the hole with an awl.

4. Take the scrap saved for spacer D and transfer the contours of the pillars C onto it (photo A). Then mark the height according to the dimensions shown in the figure. 1. File the spacer to its height and sand the top and bottom edges. Apply glue between the lines on both sides of the spacer (photo B) and clamp the part between the posts, aligning it with the marked contour lines.

Note. When gluing the posts, make sure that the intended center of the hole is located on the outside of the glue.

Once the glue has dried, saw off the protruding parts and sand the spacer flush with the edges of the posts.

5. Place a piece of double-sided tape on the bottom edge of the C/D adhesive and attach it to the base A (photo C). Do the same with bracket B, aligning it with the center of the hole in the posts (photo D). Then drill and countersink pilot holes through the base and secure the B/C/D assembly with screws as shown.

6. Drill a 6mm hole through the posts and bracket at the marked point (photo E) and glue a wooden dowel into the hole. When the glue has dried, cut off the protruding ends of the dowel and sand it flush with the surfaces of the C posts.

Remove the screws from the base, separate the bracket with the posts and remove the tape. Then re-attach the assembly to the base with screws, adding a little glue.

Make a wooden lampshade

We made the lampshade using two devices: a compass (for band saw) and milling (described in the “Tip of the Master”).

1. Using a compass, mark a center and a circle with a diameter of 158 mm on a 6 mm board. Drill a 3mm hole in the center, cut out a disc and sand the edges. Mill an annular groove on the underside of disk E,.

2. For shell F, saw off a 1 mm thick strip from the edge of the workpiece measuring 25x32x485 mm.

Note. Install an anti-splinter insert into the table of the sawing machine and saw off a strip with outside to avoid dangerous kickback.

Sand the strip and cut it to final length.

3. Mark the overlap line of the ends of the strip. Then glue the shell F (photos F and G). Once the glue has dried, carefully sand the outside of the piece to make the overlapped edge invisible. Glue the shell to disk E (photo H) and leave to dry.

4. Countersink the hole with inside disk E and attach the lampshade with a screw to bracket B. Apply any finishing coating. (We sprayed semi-matte nitro varnish three times from an aerosol can.)

Compact LED luminaire with magnetic base is easy to install and provides easy access to replace batteries. Secure the mounting plate with small button head screws. Then simply insert the batteries and turn on the lamp to make the world a little brighter.

DIY wooden table lamp - drawings

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Since ancient times, people have valued what was created by nature. In the old days, almost all household items were made from wood. And this is no coincidence. More environmentally friendly and safe material difficult to find. And the natural beauty of the unique texture amazes with its exquisite outlines. That is why modern design interior design is incomplete without this valuable material. Wood can be used not only for decorating a room or for making furniture. Wooden ones look unique, original and inimitable lighting, especially if it's homemade lamps made of wood. Often such an element in the interior is used to emphasize a certain style. Therefore, the configurations can be very diverse.

Simplicity and sophistication. Driftwood chandelier

Making a lamp out of wood with your own hands is not that difficult. Moreover, some products do not even require a special type of wood. You can even use driftwood found in the forest. Moreover, each of them has a unique shape, each of its curves is perfect, since it is a creation of nature itself. Now the main thing is not to spoil its natural beauty during processing. A lamp made of wood (driftwood) will become not only a source of light, but also a wonderful ceiling decoration.

Manufacturing technology

Preparatory work consists of cleaning the driftwood from bark and unsuitable wood, as well as thoroughly drying it. Then the driftwood is thoroughly sanded using sandpaper. Based on the type of lamp, the necessary components are purchased. It should be remembered that wood is highly flammable, so a lamp made of wood requires the use of energy-saving lamps. LED ones are also suitable.

Holes for wiring should be drilled in special places. On the side of the branches that will be located closer to the ceiling, you can use a narrow blade to make grooves for the wire. After laying the wire, all holes must be filled. At the ends of the driftwood, sockets are installed on which lamps and shades are attached. The driftwood is attached with chains to the ceiling. All wooden elements must be varnished. Ceiling lamp ready made of wood.

Japanese style. Desk lamp

Table lamps can be an excellent interior decoration. Wood is the best choice for making such a miracle. So that work does not bring unnecessary hassle, you should prepare all materials and tools in advance. To make it, you will need a processed piece of board, square (preferably the wood is the same), light veneer, wooden tenons, PVA glue, and a drill with a disk attachment. For such a lamp, a lamp with a small base is used. Electrical components also require a cartridge and a wire.

Manufacturing process

Table lamp It is very easy to make from wood with your own hands, especially if you have the appropriate skills.

First you need to drill holes in the corners of the wooden plank. To do this, measure one and a half centimeters from each edge and outline the squares on which the vertical bars will be installed. Marks are made for holes in the center of each square. If the tenons are made by hand, then their size should be adjusted to the diameter of the drill. Otherwise, the drill should be selected according to the size of the dowels. There is no need to drill holes all the way through. Up to half the thickness will be enough. It is also necessary to drill holes in the bars and glue spikes there. In the center of the base board you need to make a large hole for the cartridge. If difficulties arise, you can simply drill a hole for the wire. Shallow cuts should be made between the holes on the base for the veneer. You also need a deep enough channel for the wire. The wire cord must be secured in the cut. A table lamp made of wood, created with your own hands, is almost ready. The last step left is assembly. The bars are glued to the stand, the cut veneer plates are inserted into the cuts. The original wooden lamp is ready.

Lamp made of wood and coffee service

Making so original lamp is done quite simply. To do this you need to take suitable sizes a board made of valuable wood, pre-treated with stain and varnished. You will also need three coffee cups and saucers with holes in the bottoms (can be drilled to enhance decorative effect It is best to use thin glass cups. The wires connected to the sockets are passed through the holes in the lampshades (saucers and cups) and attached to the board. All wires are brought out to the part of the board that will be hidden, connected to each other and to the main wire. This design can be mounted on the wall or hung on the ceiling with chains or a twisted cord. Option c is more modern. But with the help of such a lamp you can create the effect of antiquity. To do this, you can use clay pots instead of cups and saucers, and sand the board itself with sandpaper. This wooden lamp will fit perfectly into your kitchen design. country house.

Original arrow lamp

Dimensions are selected individually based on the characteristics of the interior. It looks quite impressive when the arrow lamp occupies the entire wall vertically. One such device is enough to illuminate the entire room.

When making such a miracle you will need imagination. The most simple solution will take a long board for the base of the arrow and several small strips for the point and fletching. All parts must first be fastened together with glue. For reliability, you can additionally connect them with wooden plates and screws. It is best to use an outdoor garland as a lighting element. Based on its size in wooden structure You should drill holes and insert light bulbs there. On back side It is necessary to secure the wires well with tape and glue. It will not look very neat, but all this will be hidden when installing the lamp.

With a little imagination, you can make such original lamps from wood. Photos may give some ideas.

Plank lamp

Each carpenter ends up with a lot of valuable wood scraps, which are usually difficult to find a use for, but there is no need to rush to throw them away either. You can make an unusual one from them. Moreover, for this design you won’t even need nails, but a lamp like this will come out of wood. The photo cannot even convey all its beauty and effectiveness.

To make it you will need seventeen identical sized boards. Multi-colored and different textured boards look more impressive. Each plank must be given a wedge shape. To attach the blades to the base you will need wooden pins. A hole is made in the base into which a cartridge with a wire is placed. The design is extremely simple to manufacture, but it looks amazing in any interior.

Log floor lamp

A real masterpiece of LED lighting technology is quite easy to make with your own hands. Create original LED lamp can be done using an ordinary log, the dimensions of which depend solely on the idea.

To make a lamp you will need wood glue, a transparent tube, varnish wooden products, LED Strip Light, brush, hammer, saw and drill.

Manufacturing sequence

A well-cleaned and dried log must be cut into uniform rings of approximately 5 cm. A hole should be made in the center of each ring, corresponding in diameter to the tube with LEDs. It should fit tightly there. Holes are made in the lower and upper rings to cover half the thickness of the log. A small hole is made in the base for the wire. Each ring is varnished. Then a tube with diodes is inserted into the holes of each of the rings.

To make the interior modern apartment or in a country house in an original, interesting and effective way, you can make lamps from wood with your own hands. Photos of the most unusual specimens made from branches, clothespins and others wooden elements is given below. There are simply a huge number of options.

In order to create wooden lamps with your own hands, you need to use your imagination. Floor lamps made from clothespins are simple, cheap and original. For such a lamp you need a frame made of metal rods and wooden clothespins. Its external outline depends on the bending of the frame.

A chic chandelier made of branches will transform any room. It's very easy to do it yourself. Thin branches of some trees do not even need to be treated. The wire is drawn from the main source, wrapping around each branch, and approaches the lighting socket.

Having imagination and certain skills, you can make your own wooden lamps with your own hands. The photos given in the article are only a small part of what you can come up with. Moreover, wood is the most environmentally friendly material.