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» Almond bush planting. Three-lobed almonds: planting and care. When almonds bloom: flowering and color in the photo

Almond bush planting. Three-lobed almonds: planting and care. When almonds bloom: flowering and color in the photo

Almond (Prunus dulcis) is a shrub crop belonging to the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) in the genus Plum. The plant looks very impressive and decorative, so it is often grown by domestic gardeners. personal plots.

How different types and varieties of almonds look and bloom

The Rose family includes several species that have petiolate and lanceolate leaves with a long-pointed apical part. Single flowers have white or light pink petals, numerous stamens and a single pistil. A medium-sized flower with a faint almond scent.

Flowering occurs before foliage blooms. Both mountain wild and cultivated flowering shrub looks very attractive. The fruit, which many perceive as a nut, is a dry and velvety-pubescent oval single drupe with a leathery and fleshy green pericarp.

How to plant almonds with a stone (video)

The “Pink Foam” variety is grown in central Russia and the Moscow region as ornamental plant, which can serve as a very beautiful living decor for any garden and personal plot. Such a plant is cultivated quite often and purely for practical purposes. The presence of a superficial root system helps strengthen soils on slopes, which helps prevent landslides.

Аmygdalus georgiсa Desf. - a shrub about a meter high, with large leaves. Blooms in large, bright pink flowers in May, and the fruits ripen around September. By winter, the shoots become lignified well, so Frost resistance is sufficient for cultivation in many regions.

A compact shrub plant or small tree with a terry and spreading crown shape. The height does not exceed three meters. A special feature is the presence of regular, lanceolate, dark green foliage with serrated edges.

In April, large double flowers appear, pink in color. The fruits are rounded drupes. For the growth and development of a light-loving and frost-resistant plant, exceptionally well-drained, fertile soils are needed.

Steppe almond (low, bean)

Amygdalus nana L. - bean, or steppe almond. This low growing shrub with erect branches and a loose, slightly branching crown. The shoots are covered with reddish-gray bark. The foliage is lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Flowers pink or light pink. Bobovnik blooms in late April or early May, but is characterized by weak fruiting. It is recommended to plant in clumps on the edges of parks and forested areas. and for the purpose of turfing slopes.

Common bitter and sweet almond (A.communis L.) is a small tree or branched shrub with dark brown or almost black bark on the trunk and grayish-brown or reddish-brown shoots. The foliage is lanceolate, narrowly elliptical, with a pointed apical part and a wedge-shaped base.

The plant is characterized by long petioles. The leaves are alternate, collected in bunches on short branches. The edges of the leaves are serrate-toothed. The flowers are large in size, single type, represented by snow-white or light pink petals, as well as numerous stamens. Flowering in March or April even before the leaves bloom. The fruits ripen in June or July.

Ledebourian almond (A. ledebouriana Schlecht.) is a shrub no more than one and a half meters high, with a spreading, transparent and loose crown. The shoots are covered with reddish-gray bark. The foliage is narrow-lanceolate. Pink colored flowers.

The homeland of this species of shrub is the territory of the Western Tien Shan. This is a dwarf crop with a crown up to 80 cm in diameter and a height of the above-ground part of no more than a meter. Fruiting occurs in the sixth year. The formed fruits are reddish in color and covered with a thick, velvety peel.

This variety was bred by specialist breeders of the State Nikitsky botanical garden as a result of work on crossing the almond variety “Nikitsky-62” with the variety “Nikitsky-1”. They belong to mid-early ripening varieties. Varietal characteristics include a stable dormant period and late flowering. The plant belongs to the category of medium-sized. Forms a dense and spherical, well-leafed crown. It is extremely rarely affected by pests or diseases.

Decorative almonds in landscape design

Most often, bean grass is used in the decoration of homestead areas. This plant can be used not only in single, but also in group plantings. Decorative crops look very impressive and original against the backdrop of lawns and various conifers. Very good result gives the design of rocky gardens in oriental style with almonds. Quite often, crops are planted to stabilize slopes that are susceptible to shedding or sliding.

A characteristic feature of the culture is the fairly rapid death of all aging shoots, as well as their replacement by those formed in large quantities root suckers. The result of this species feature is the formation of powerful and fairly wide clumps, even around separately grown bushes.

In order to preserve the decorative appeal of curtains for a long time, shoots that are more than seven to eight years old must be periodically removed. The most good feedback Gardeners in the central zone of our country have now received varieties such as “Anyuta”, “White Sail”, “Dream”, “Pink Fog” And "Pink flamingo".

How to grow decorative almonds (video)

Features of planting almonds in the garden

Almonds are light-loving, drought-resistant and heat-tolerant, as well as relatively winter-hardy crops, so they grow best in elevated areas. At proper care And correct location, even seedlings like this garden culture able to withstand frosts down to 23-25°C. However, frosts in the spring can be destructive for flowers, and to reduce the risk of damage to flower buds, The crop should not be planted in lowlands and areas with stagnant cold air masses.

It is recommended to plant annual seedlings in spring or autumn. Planting pits must be located according to the 7x5m or 7x4m pattern. When planting, it is very necessary to slightly deepen the grafting site. Absolutely all varieties and types of almonds require cross-pollination, therefore the main variety alternates with a number of pollinators.

Caring for almonds in open ground

Growing such a shrub on garden territory or a summer cottage will not require much labor from the gardener, but some effort will still be required to obtain a harvest.

Feeding and watering

The soil in the area around the plants must be kept under black fallow throughout the entire growing season, as well as regularly loosened. Irrigation measures are carried out as necessary. In late autumn, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers in the form of manure, compost and bird droppings, as well as phosphorus-potassium complexes. Any nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied only until June.

Technology and timing of pruning

Directly after planting in the spring, annual seedlings need to be shortened at a height of 80-120 cm, which will allow you to form a trunk 60-80 cm high and a crown 30-40 cm high. The branches are cut out on the trunk “into a ring”, and in the crown area they are shortened by a pair of eyes. It is necessary to leave three or four skeletal branches of the first order.

In about four years, if the pruning technology is followed, it is possible to form a cup-shaped crown. Subsequently, sanitary and maintenance or thinning pruning is carried out.

Frost protection

In winters that are too harsh or with little snow, the plant may freeze. flower buds or tips of shoots. In preparation for winter, the apical part of the shoots is pinched, which speeds up their lignification. Young seedlings need to be covered winter period straw, dry leaves or non-woven material to a height of 10-15 cm from the ground level.

It is important to ensure that snow mass There was no damping off of the root collar. Mature plant, as a rule, winters well even without the use of shelter.

Disease prevention and pest protection

The leaf roller needs to be combated with 0.15-0.3% chlorophos. You can protect the plant from the plum moth by spraying it three times with karbofos or chlorophos.. The plum bark beetle can be destroyed with a lime-clay solution with the addition of wood glue or bustylate. Disease prevention is carried out Bordeaux mixture or colloidal aqueous suspension of sulfur.

How to trim almonds (video)

Almond is the closest relative garden plum, but is much more often used in decorative design local area or country landscape. A blooming crop with beautiful fragrant flowers, reminiscent of peach, and its low maintenance requirements allow even inexperienced gardeners to grow it.

Many have seen how in the spring almonds are covered with delicate pink and white flowers, a shrub whose planting and care does not cause much trouble for gardeners. This wonderful low deciduous plant can transform any garden with its abundant flowering and decorate even the most unsightly corner. Most of its varieties are light-loving, frost-resistant, perfectly tolerant of drought and infertile soils. It grows wild in the south, in the middle zones of Siberia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, both individually and in small groups. In cities and summer cottages The bush is an excellent honey plant, a valuable hedge that can last up to 130 years.


Almonds are ornamental shrub, which can be easily grown by a novice gardener. Some of its varieties are standard, having lanceolate leathery foliage with jagged ends and straight thin branches creating a spherical crown shape. Almond flowering often begins 5 years after planting. Together with the pink fragrant flowers densely enveloping the branches, the leaves open in April-May. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, attracting bees. Its fruits are inedible nuts covered with a shell.


IN wildlife decorative almonds are propagated by seeds. Cultivated varietal shrubs are propagated by the vegetative method - budding, division, stump shoots, cuttings, layering, and seeds.

Kidney grafting

Budding is carried out in July-August. Decorative almonds are grafted onto plums, cherry plums, and apricots.

  • choose a strong one-year-old seedling with a root neck thickness of at least 1 cm and a well-developed bud;
  • a T-shaped cut is made on the rootstock 10 cm above the root collar;
  • A vegetative bud cut with the heel from a bush of the required variety is inserted into it.

The graft is wrapped in film, which is removed after a month and a half. The established bud actively grows starting in the spring of next year. The resulting shoot is formed into a shrub or tree, which is transplanted to the chosen location.


An easy way to reproduce further cultivation almonds The overgrown shrub is divided into the required number of parts and planted.

Propagation by stump shoots

After pruning the plant, a lot of young growth appears. When its roots become stronger by next year, the shoots are removed from the mother bush.


They are harvested in the summer, planted as seedlings. To do this, select cuttings with 2-3 nodes. When planting, only one node is left above the ground. Plants will not be able to survive the first winter without insulation. The cuttings are covered with dry leaves, sawdust, and straw.

By layering

The shoots are taken to the side, bent, fixed, and covered with earth. After a year, roots appear on the cuttings. After they are strengthened, the cuttings are cut off from the mother bush.


They are planted in the fall in a hole 8 cm deep. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seeds undergo 4-month stratification and are buried 6 cm into the soil.


Decorative almonds are unpretentious in terms of planting and care, but it should be noted that they are light-loving and cannot tolerate shadows or drafts. You need to choose a site for planting on the south side of the garden in a sunny or slightly shaded place. They imprison him late autumn or in the spring, when it comes warm weather and the risk of frost during the growing season will pass.

The shrub grows poorly in acidic, saline, marshy soils. The area allocated for planting is cleared, removing weeds. When planting one individual, you should not count on fruits. The plant is cross-pollinated. If a summer resident wants to see decorative round fruits on almonds, he needs to plant at least two bushes at a short distance.

A hole is dug 30 cm deep. Drainage is poured into the bottom - a mixture of sand and crushed stone. The roots of a one-year-old seedling are carefully laid out in a circle and sprinkled with earth. Before planting, the roots can be dipped into a clay mash. The soil is enriched with compost, sand and leaf soil. Tree trunk circle water with a bucket of water. When the soil settles, install a support so that the few roots of the plant can gain a foothold. Mulching is carried out with dried soil or peat. In this case, you need to avoid getting mulch on the tree trunk.


Planting and care includes watering, loosening, fertilizing, pruning decorative almonds.

Water it as needed to prevent the soil from drying out. During flowering, soil moisture must be monitored especially carefully. Lack of moisture leads to rapid flowering. A bucket of water when watering a bush is enough. If the soil is too wet, there is a risk of root rotting. After this, the soil is loosened and weeds are cleared.

Top dressing

In the spring, the tree trunk area is flavored with organic matter - mullein, ammonium nitrate, urea. In the fall, potassium sulfide with double superphosphate is added based on square meter 20 g each.


Decorative almonds, like all plants, require spring sanitary pruning immediately after flowering when planted and cared for. Sick, dry branches that thicken the crown are removed. The cut areas are treated with garden varnish. Shaping haircut is carried out if necessary. Branches that interfere with each other are cut off, choosing the one that is most advantageously located in the crown. In the second year, the young seedling is reduced to a height of 1.2 m. Over the course of 4 years, a bowl-shaped crown is formed. Then the bush is thinned out.

Preparing for winter

In August, the apical nodes of the plant are cut off to speed up lignification. This helps the bush survive frosts without the shoots freezing. Young seedlings are covered with dry leaves, and adult plants can do without insulation.


The almond bush is susceptible to various diseases.

  • Gray rot. To save, all affected branches are removed and burned after flowering. The plant is then treated with fungicides.
  • Curly foliage. Diseased leaves are torn off and burned, and healthy leaves are treated with Bordeaux mixture.
  • Rust. Almonds are sprayed with sulfur powder.
  • Moniliosis. Every 2-3 weeks the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture.


The shrub can be overcome by aphids, plum beetle, leaf roller, spider mite. All of them are destroyed by insecticides. For prevention, you can use chemicals that will protect you in advance. garden plot from pest attacks.


Common almond

Doesn't have a special decorative value. Divided into sweet and bitter almonds. Sweet nuts are used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. Bitter contains poisonous hydrocyanic acid and is not suitable for consumption. Grows up to 3-8 m. A heat-loving tree with reddish branches resembles a cherry. After pink or red flowering it becomes covered with oblong foliage.

Georgian almonds

It bears fruit from the age of seven. Frost-resistant, growing up to 1 m. Blooms in bright large pink color. Produces bristly fruits surrounded by leaves. Loves slopes, edges, hollows.

Ledebour almond

The plant has large, long, dark green leaves. Buinoe pink bloom begins earlier than other types and lasts almost 3 weeks. Fruits from the age of 10 years. Grown mainly in Altai.

In the wild it is found in the lowlands of Siberia and Asia. Gray erect branches form a spherical crown, abundantly strewn with narrow leathery foliage. It appears at the same time as the pink flowers. Blooms for 1-2 weeks. Undemanding to soil, frost-resistant, light-loving plant. It tolerates any pruning well. Propagated by layering, seeds, grafting. Grown as cultivated plant in the middle zone in white-flowered form and Gessler form with large pink flowers. Its famous varieties include:

  • White sail - almond strewn with small white flowers;
  • Anyuta - with bright rich pink flowers;
  • Dream - tender Pink colour;
  • Mediator - created by Michurin, with a pale pink color. Possesses high frost resistance.

Almond Petunnikova

In the wild it grows on slopes with rocky soil, forming impenetrable meter thickets. Straight shoots are strewn with short branches of light fawn color. After flowering, long leaves with pointed tips appear. A frost-resistant plant that can easily tolerate drought, it pleases the eye when flowering and during fruiting.

A bush with a spreading crown, covered with fruitful dark gray shoots and foliage appearing on the branches in bunches. The flowers are dark pink, sometimes red, and grow in pairs. Flowering occurs from the beginning of May and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Several varietal species of Louiseania have been developed:

  • Plena is a wide spreading two-meter shrub with double pink flowers. After ten days of flowering, the branches are covered with dark leaves.
  • Kyiv. Bush or tree reaching 3 m. Pink flowers subtle aroma attract honey bees for a week.

Three-lobed almonds have a lot of hybrids and varieties that differ radically not only in the type of flowers, but also in the duration of the flowering period:

  • Svitlana is a variety bred by Ukrainian breeders with light flowers;
  • Tanyusha is a densely flowering almond. Shrub with double curled petals;
  • Ruslana is a hybrid with simple pale pink flowers that turn white towards the end of flowering;
  • Snows of Uimura - soft pink terry color, acquiring a creamy tint towards the end;
  • Hybrid No. 3 – soft pink flowers growing on long peduncles. When blooming, almonds look like sakura.

A huge number of people from all over the world come to Japan to see the amazing cherry blossoms. But there is one more beautiful thing fairy plant, blooming in spring and exuding an amazing, dizzying aroma. This is almond. In fact, almonds and sakura (serrate cherry) are quite close “relatives”, and they represent the plum genus.

From our article you can learn some interesting information related to this amazing plant: where you can see almond blossoms, when they bloom, etc.


The homeland of almonds is Asia (Middle and Front) and the Mediterranean. This culture arose many centuries ago BC.

Today, the most numerous almond plantings are found in the Mediterranean regions, the USA (California), China, Central Asia, Western Tien Shan, Kopetdag, the Caucasus and Crimea. Tajikistan even has a beautiful “city of almonds” - Kanibadam. This plant is also grown in some areas and South Moravia.

Types of almonds in Russia

Before we look at the flowering almond itself (description below), let’s decide which varieties grow in Russia. There are mainly 3 types of this plant grown here:

  • common almonds;
  • bean, steppe;
  • three-lobed.

The last two types are forms that do not produce edible fruits, but are decorative. They grow in areas middle zone Russia. Their flowers open until the leaves fully bloom, almost on bare branches. They are very beautiful, ranging from white to deep pink in color, and have a wonderful strong aroma that attracts many bees.

The fruits are common almonds and tree almonds. The first type is a large plant that can reach a height of up to 5 meters.

Blooming almond: photo, description

In spring, almond orchards are strewn with delicate, almost airy flowers. There are also flowers decorated in the middle with bright purple veins. They bloom, as noted above, on almost bare branches. It feels like the trees are covered with an airy whitish-pink blanket. All the air on long distances around is filled with the most delicate pleasant aroma of blooming almonds.

This has amazing, eye-catching beauty flowering plant. Such splendor attracts many people to admire the extraordinary colors of awakening nature. Blooming almonds are a real miracle!

Vincent Van Gogh on Almond Blossoms

Van Gogh (Dutch artist), who had a rather sad fate, can be said to have earned great respect from people, clients and colleagues throughout his short life, although he remained not entirely in demand until the end of his days. Only after his death did he earn real fame and recognition throughout the world as an impressionist, although he himself more than once rejected this direction.

The painting entitled “Blossoming Almond Branches” is one of his last works. It was painted in 1890 after the birth of the artist’s nephew (the son of his brother Theo). The blossoming almond tree depicted in the magnificent painting represents a symbol that carries a certain connotation. Almonds bloom early and, probably, according to the author himself, they mean the beginning of a new life.

The peculiarity and remarkableness of this painting is that it was made in a style not typical of the artist. Yes and color scheme limited. The turquoise sky looks bright and carefree, and not a single cloud darkens the surprisingly bright spring day. The blooming almond tree in his painting is a harbinger of the warmth and joy of life.


Absolutely all almond varieties are self-sterile. To get fruits, you also need to plant a pollinator tree variety. You can propagate almonds with seedlings, seeds, or even simply graft a plum or cherry plum onto a sloe. However, in order to successfully grow varietal almonds, it is best for the garden to purchase a seedling from a nursery and do not forget that a pollinator variety must also be selected for the selected variety.

This plant is unpretentious to the soil, but it is advisable to choose the most illuminated place and protected from the wind. It is worth planting this magnificent tree so that you can always see almond blossoms of indescribable beauty in spring.

Planting and care

It should be noted that the distance from one tree to another should be approximately 5-7 meters. It all depends on the type of plant. In preparation landing pit measuring 60 by 60 cm. Its bottom is mulched with a mixture consisting of leaf soil, humus and sand. The seedling is placed at the bottom of the hole, filled in, and the earth is compacted. If necessary, the plant can be tied to a peg, also installed in the hole, before adding soil. The seedling is carefully watered with a bucket of water.

The first fruiting occurs at 3-5 years. Almonds should be pruned annually and fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. The age of the plant can reach up to 100-130 years, and maximum productivity occurs at 18-20 years of age.

Almonds of Russia

Brought to Russia a long time ago. In Krymsky, work has been carried out on the selection of winter-hardy varieties for several decades. Despite the fact that these plants tolerate very coldy(up to -25 degrees), early spring flowering in the presence of still severe frosts destroys leaves and flowers.

Frost-resistant varieties:

Varieties from the southern regions:

  • Rims.
  • Fragrant.
  • Yalta.
  • Almond Petunnikova.

Brittle almond varieties:

  • Dream.
  • Pink fog.
  • Anyuta.


The almond blossoms are magnificent. A photo of him or a painting with such an image will decorate any interior of the room and give it freshness and comfort. Any species that takes root in the garden will become a real decoration and will bring you indescribable delight with its wonderful flowering. And this season (early spring) is a celebration of the birth of life!

Many have seen how in the spring almonds are covered with delicate pink and white flowers, a shrub whose planting and care does not cause much trouble for gardeners. This wonderful low deciduous plant can transform any garden with its abundant flowering and decorate even the most unsightly corner. Most of its varieties are light-loving, frost-resistant, perfectly tolerant of drought and infertile soils. It grows wild in the south, in the middle zones of Siberia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Ukraine, both individually and in small groups. In cities and summer cottages, the shrub is an excellent honey plant, a valuable hedge that can last up to 130 years.

Planting almonds

Soil quality. Rocky, sandy, well-drained soils work best. Loams and clayey soil must be limed to improve air permeability. Almonds feel good on rocky decorative hills.

The light-loving shrub should be placed so that it is not shaded for more than a few hours a day.

Plants that are sheltered from cold winds develop well. The best choice– the southern side of the slope or a place closed from the north by buildings, a fence, but open to sunlight from South.

If water stagnates, the almond root may die. Therefore, places subject to prolonged accumulation of moisture are not suitable for planting.

Almonds are a demanding crop for pollination. The amount of the future harvest directly depends on this. The proximity to beehives will be an additional advantage when choosing a location. Early flowering will provide prudent owners with aromatic spring honey.

How to plant almonds

Well-formed annual seedlings are transferred to permanent place in autumn, in early spring. Planting pattern 7x5.7x4. The pits are prepared in advance and brought in increased rate fertilizers containing phosphorus. This helps them settle in. The depth and width of the hole is about 60 cm. Half is filled with organic fertilizers, compost, sand, and lime. The roots are carefully placed on the mound fertile land, formed in the landing hole. Exposing the roots is unacceptable. You need to pay attention to this when purchasing ready-made seedlings. The larger the earthen lump around them, the more reliable the survival rate. A slight deepening of the vaccination site is allowed. A support is installed near each seedling. Varieties are selected taking into account local climate conditions. Usually their number consists of three types. It is better to plant in the fall. If this is done in the spring, then after planting annual seedlings they are shortened to a height of up to a meter. This is how the tree trunk is formed. All the lower branches on it are cut out using the ring method. The branches left in the crown area are shortened by three or two eyes. Of the new shoots, 3.4 are left, making them the main skeletal trunks. Over the course of four years, the formation of the crown is done according to the type of bowl. Remove competitive stems that thicken the crown of the branch. Old trees respond well to rejuvenating pruning. Dry, diseased tree stems are removed annually.

Feature almond trees is the ability to quickly grow a crown. Knowing the variety of the plant planted, you need to take this into account so that many extra branches do not grow. For example, vigorous plants of the Texas and Languedoc varieties are formed on the basis of five leading stems. On low-growing species, for example, varieties Primorsky, Yaltinsky, Drake, using pruning, a bowl shape is created on three or five stems.

Growing almonds in the garden

Features of growing almonds - it grows even on rocky, slate, light clay, light sandy soils, but prefers deep, fertile, permeable soils. Almonds are undemanding to soil. But does not tolerate heavy clays or high standing groundwater, saline areas.
In garden plots it is easy to increase soil fertility by applying organic fertilizers under deep digging. IN natural conditions almonds are propagated by seeds. To maintain grade it is used vegetative propagation- budding. The rootstock is obtained from the seeds of the bitter seed variety of almond. Seeds are sown before winter to a depth of 8-10 cm. Already in July, with proper care, seedlings at the root collar reach 1 cm in diameter and are suitable for budding.

Two days before budding, the soil is well watered - after abundant watering, the bark peels off better. At the base, the stock of the rootstock is wiped from top to bottom with a piece of damp cloth, after which budding is performed. For budding, well-developed straight shoots with clearly formed eyes are selected.

On poor soils with weak seedling growth, fertilize mineral fertilizers, but better rotted manure at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. meter. In a home garden, it is advisable to plant at least 2-3 plants for cross-pollination.

In the first year of planting, plants especially need careful care: watering, loosening the soil. Watch the plant - it will tell you what it needs.

If the soil on your site is very heavy, you can use peach, cherry plum, and plum seedlings as a rootstock. In 3-4 years you will already have a harvest.

Almond trimming

Almonds must be pruned regularly, removing dry and diseased branches. Decorative pruning It doesn't harm the plant either. It is usually carried out after flowering, cutting off annual shoots in order to form the crown of the tree.

How almond blossoms

Nutmeg tree - almond - can be compared to an elegant figure beautiful girl, who froze waiting for something. Almonds are distinguished by a touching, exquisite beauty, which artists have reflected more than once on their canvases. Initially, almonds sprouted in Asia Minor, Tien Shan, Iran, and the Balkan Peninsula, but the beauty of this shrub did not leave people indifferent; travelers brought thin branches from distant shores, and the seedlings took root. In Russia, similar shrubs can be found in the Crimea, the southern regions of the Urals and in the Danube regions. It should be noted that the Russians really fell in love with the almond bush; they began to actively use it in landscape design to create magical flowering gardens.

Almond is a small tree, rather a shrub, with a powerful root system, capable of reaching 5 meters. It grows up to 10 meters high. Of course there are various varieties of this shrub, differing in height, shape and abundance of flowering.

Growing almonds from seed

Almonds can be grown from the seed, but in this case the biological and commercial characteristics of the almond may be lost. In order to germinate the almond seed as best as possible, it should first be soaked in a strengthening solution and planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other in a pre-prepared, well-dug place in late autumn or early winter to a depth of 10-15 cm. two seeds each, in this case a stronger seedling is left after germination. The seeds can be planted in early spring, but before that, from the end of January - beginning of February, they need to be stratified (germinated in conditions similar to natural wintering) in the sand. The process lasts up to one and a half months at temperatures from zero to ten degrees above zero.

When the seedlings reach 10-15 cm, the roots of the plant at the same depth must be cut with a shovel, after which they should be watered abundantly.

Budding of seedlings is carried out at the end of summer in the area of ​​the root collar, after which the budding plant is budded. Annual seedlings need to be transplanted, otherwise they will not form a crown.

Almond grafting

Rootstocks of any species of this plant are suitable for grafting, but it is recommended to take those that are highly frost-resistant. Almonds grow well on cherry plum, bird cherry, sloe or plum rootstocks. A scion suitable for grafting must be straight, have developed stems with eyes that must be fully formed. All foliage should be removed from the cuttings using pruning shears, leaving only short petioles of a centimeter in length.

If the grafting was carried out in the spring, then after half a month the petiole from the bud, which should still be green, should fall off on its own, and the budding tape should be slightly loosened. If the vaccination was carried out in August, then the tape should not be removed until the next month. autumn period, in this case, in late autumn it is necessary to cover the grafted seedling with soil (the grafting site must be covered with soil). With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the soil so that the root collar is free, and the fixing tape is also removed.

Propagation of almonds by cuttings

Root almond cuttings in fertile soil– a peat substrate is used, which must be mixed with sand to create looseness, allowing the resulting root system to breathe. The cuttings are immersed in the substrate up to the top bud - one bud must remain on the surface - in a vertical position. Almond cuttings will gradually develop, so by winter they will still be vulnerable from the time they are planted. They need to be insulated. Having survived the first winter, the almonds will further withstand the cold well and will not need significant protection during the winter. You can insulate it with straw or leaves, covering the propagation material by twenty centimeters. Alternatively, you can use lutrasil.

Almonds will grow if they are fed regularly - this required condition in almond propagation by cuttings. The ideal time for fertilization is spring. You can feed the cuttings with saltpeter, superphosphate, and manure. Last option from fertilizers can compact soil mixture, so it needs to be included in small quantities. Good development also provide direct Sun rays. Options for developing almonds in partial shade are also available. After the first weeks of planting, the almonds are mulched in the soil, but the root collar is not covered, otherwise the tree will stop growing.

A year after planting, in the second spring, the almonds are trimmed a little - symbolic, sanitary pruning, - to activate its growth. As soon as the almonds fade, more extensive, rejuvenating pruning is carried out. Pay attention to this advice - it will help you maintain strength in caring for almonds in the future and will get rid of most of the problems that you may encounter if you do not follow it.

I really like to eat almonds. I also like to add it to baked goods and decorate cakes with it. You can always find it in stores, but I didn’t even think about how it grows, much less blooms, until I saw it with my own eyes. Now I’ll tell you about it.

Almonds - what are they?

In general, almond is a bush, very branched, up to 4–6 meters high. And the fruits are those same nuts that everyone loves; they are covered with a leathery pericarp, which dries out when the fruit ripens. The nuts are extracted from this dried shell. Almonds grow mainly in Asia, in the Mediterranean, where they have grown since ancient times. Now it is successfully grown in large quantities in the USA, in the state of California.

almond blossom

Almonds begin to bloom in early spring. Soft pink, fluffy flowers bloom very densely on bare branches. Looking at the tree, you might think that someone threw a fluffy, airy, pink blanket over it. And what a scent is in the air! Simply marvelous! During flowering, many people come to almond orchards to admire, rejoice at the coming spring, and take pictures against the backdrop of blooming almonds. By the way, its flowering is similar to cherry blossoms. The beauty of almond blossoms is sung in songs, depicted in artists’ paintings, and all photographers in the world capture this beauty in their works.

Uses of almonds

The nuts of this plant are extremely healthy; they are rich in proteins, B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and potassium. Almonds are used:

  • In cooking, probably everyone knows praline sweets, macaroons, almond milk and much more that can be listed. In Chinese and Indonesian cuisine it is added to main dishes.
  • In medicine, almond oil is widely used for bronchitis, pneumonia, flatulence, as a laxative, etc. And activated carbon is made from the shell.
  • The cosmetics industry also uses almond oil, adding it to creams, lotions, and emulsions. And bitter varieties of almonds, because of their bright, rich aroma, are used in perfumery.

These almonds are so interesting and healthy.