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» Unique and stylish do-it-yourself kitchen facades. Do-it-yourself kitchen facades: DIY methods Original do-it-yourself kitchen facades

Unique and stylish do-it-yourself kitchen facades. Do-it-yourself kitchen facades: DIY methods Original do-it-yourself kitchen facades

The history of furniture made from MDF (from the English MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard) dates back to the 60s of the last century, when the technology for manufacturing fiberboard began to be actively used in the USA medium density. And although in the furniture production of post-Soviet countries this material began to be used only 30 years later, this did not prevent it from quickly gaining popularity and seriously competing with chipboard and natural wood. Modern technical means allow us to produce facades from MDF in any shape and color palette, but more important aspect are the unique properties of the material, thanks to which the furniture is able to withstand severe external loads, which is especially important for the kitchen.

Various waste from the woodworking industry is used to make MDF. First, they are processed into fine sawdust, which is subsequently compressed under the influence of high temperature. As binder a special resin is used that causes minimal formaldehyde emissions, which puts this material on par with ordinary wood in terms of environmental friendliness.

Compared to particle board, MDF has a denser structure

The main advantage of MDF over chipboard and natural wood is that the material is less dependent on the level of humidity in the room. It is known that chipboard loses its shape and strength upon short contact with water. Wood dries out over time, as a result of which cracks may appear on the furniture, which are not always visible under varnish, but are clearly visible under regular paint. In turn, medium-density fiberboard is less susceptible to such deformation processes, therefore it is more often used for the manufacture of kitchen facades.

Please note! The ability of MDF to resist moisture is determined by its density. On average, the density of such material from different manufacturers is 700 kg/m³. If it exceeds 1000 kg/m³, then the slab can easily withstand high humidity in the room without additional use moisture-resistant impregnations.

Despite its strength, MDF belongs to soft materials and is very easy to process, which is why furniture makers and designers love to work with it. Having at hand milling machine, it becomes possible to produce almost any profile. If the kitchen design involves the presence of semicircular elements, using a press you can bend the sheet to the required shape.

Professional production of kitchen MDF facades

The process of manufacturing furniture facades using specialized equipment includes several technological stages:

  • cutting the sheet;
  • surface milling;
  • external finishing.

Cutting sheet material

MDF sheets used in furniture production are initially large in format, so they are subject to additional cutting. Sawing of material according to specified dimensions is carried out on format-cutting machines, which can make cuts at any angle. The cutting depth in such machines reaches 21 cm, allowing cutting of several sheets at once, which is very convenient in case of mass production.

To make a façade from MDF with a uniform coating, it is necessary to completely eliminate the presence of micro-chips and other defects that may appear after hand sawing. Modern format-cutting machines, thanks to special discs, allow you to immediately achieve an ideal result, so the end surface does not require serious processing. Before gluing the edge, the end of the facade is only subjected to final sanding to remove wood dust after cutting.

Sawing sheet material on a cutting machine

Surface milling

If the kitchen design assumes the presence of smooth facades, then there is no need to mill the outer plane. However, very often customers demand that furniture be made with original decorative elements, why surface treatment is performed cutting tool on milling equipment.

Important! The quality of milling must be very high. Otherwise, after application decorative covering there is a high probability of manifestation and intensification of all milling defects.

For the manufacture of decorative facades made from MDF, as a rule, special templates are used, according to which the cutter cuts out the required contour on the surface of the slab. Advanced enterprises use CNC machines for such purposes, allowing them to create absolutely any design in a matter of minutes.

CNC milling of MDF

External finishing with polymer film

Facade finishing is the most important stage in production kitchen furniture, since the service life of the product largely depends on the quality of the external coating. MDF can be coated with enamel or polymer film. If it is quite possible to paint a facade at home (this technology will be discussed below), then covering the prepared part with PVC film is only possible in a workshop with special equipment - a thermal vacuum press.

Finishing the facade with polymer film is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The ends and outer plane of the part are covered with a layer of glue.
  2. The facades are evenly laid out on the table of a thermal vacuum press.
  3. A polymer film is placed on top suitable color.
  4. Falls onto the table protective cover, insulating parts and film from external environment.
  5. The heating of the working space is turned on while air is pumped out to create the necessary vacuum.
  6. Under the influence of high temperature and negative pressure, the film softens and tightly envelops each part.
  7. At the end of the cycle, the parts are cooled, after which the excess film is cut off along the contour.

Production of MDF facades using a thermal vacuum press

How to make kitchen facades at home

If you have the desire and technical capabilities, you can make MDF kitchen facades yourself. To do this you will need:

  • MDF board;
  • Circular Saw;
  • sandpaper of different grits (P180-240, P320-400);
  • scotch-brite;
  • wood filler;
  • insulating soil;
  • polyurethane primer;
  • acrylic enamel;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Cutting MDF boards

To make kitchen facades, you should first purchase MDF board. Typically, furniture makers use sheets with a thickness of 16 mm or 19 mm - this is quite enough to create reliable kitchen furniture. Of course, you can purchase a sheet and bigger size, however, this does not make much sense, unless such a thickness is needed to implement some design idea.

When purchasing MDF from furniture makers, you can immediately cut it taking into account required sizes. average price such a service costs 40-50 rubles. per meter of cutting. If every penny counts, you can do this work yourself, for which you will need a circular saw.

To simplify the work, it is better to first divide the slab into several smaller fragments, from which you can then cut out parts for future kitchen facades. Despite the fact that MDF is less susceptible to destruction than chipboard, you should be very careful during the cutting process to prevent micro-chips or at least reduce their presence to a minimum.

To produce kitchen fronts without distortion, the saw must be moved using a guide structure

Surface painting

Film cladding, which is performed in a factory, is considered by many to be more resistant to mechanical damage and aggressive cleaning agents. In fact, modern paint coatings are also able to withstand severe loads typical of the kitchen, and do not lose their properties over time.

In order for the coating to have a uniform structure and adhere reliably to the MDF, painting must be done according to the following instructions:

  1. Sand the surface of the part with P180-240 sandpaper to remove the gloss and create the necessary abrasive.
  2. Apply filler and let it dry (drying time: 4 hours).
  3. Sand the surface with sandpaper P
  4. Apply an insulating primer (consumption – 90 g/m², drying – 6 hours).
  5. Remove the abrasive with P320-400 sandpaper.
  6. Apply polyurethane primer (consumption – 150 g/m², drying – 10 hours).
  7. Prepare the surface for painting using P 320-400 sandpaper and Scotch Brite.
  8. Apply acrylic enamel (consumption – 200 g/m², drying – 10 hours).
  9. Open the façade with acrylic varnish (consumption – 150 g/m², drying – 6 hours).

Advice! Apply primers and paints and varnishes It is best to use a spray bottle or use special containers with sprayers for this.

The production of painted MDF kitchen facades must be carried out in a clean and dust-free room

Do-it-yourself technology for making curved facades

Sometimes kitchen design involves making bent structures, which are made at furniture factories using a molding press. To make a bent MDF facade with your own hands, you need to use the following technology:

  1. Take a 9 mm thick MDF sheet and cut two blanks from it - one for outside facade, the other for the interior. Since the radius is larger on the outside, the outer piece needs to be slightly longer.
  1. Make a template for forming a semicircular facade. For this purpose, any design with a suitable bend radius can be used.
  1. Apply markings with inside blanks for cuts that will allow you to bend the sheet. Cuts must be made only at the bend, the distance between them is 5 mm. The circular saw should be adjusted so that the cutting depth is 7-8 mm.
  1. Make a paste of medium consistency from a mixture of sawdust and wood glue to fill the cuts. You need to rub in the paste with a spatula, moving it along the cut from the center to the edge to eliminate air pockets.
  1. After filling all the cuts with adhesive paste, install the inner blank on the template.

Curved kitchen facades always look stylish and original

To Work with MDF is simpler than with chipboard, since this material does not crumble during the cutting and milling process. However, make your own beautiful furniture not so easy. Without the appropriate skills and experience, the product can be damaged, causing the expected savings to turn into a loss. Therefore, ordering kitchen fronts from professionals may ultimately turn out to be more profitable not only aesthetically, but also financially.

In many ways, our mood and desire to return home depend on the interior of our home. You can talk about this for a long time, citing links to research by various scientists and designers, but this is already clear.

But far fewer people think that a beautiful, spacious and well-furnished kitchen can make gatherings with family or friends simply unforgettable. Unfortunately, you often have to deal with a situation where chaos reigns in the kitchen, and some furniture not only looks alien, but also interferes with the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to buy a set of solid wood, but making facades for them is quite possible. At the same time, you will not only save a lot of money, but also add a unique personality to the interior of your home.

What can they be made from?

  • Solid wood.
  • Types of particle boards.
  • Glass.
  • Aluminum alloys.
  • Types of plastic.


Chipboard and similar materials allow you to become the owner of a modern and beautiful kitchen, spending the least amount of money on it. Today there is a very ambiguous attitude towards these slabs. However, if you don’t have money for solid wood kitchen facades, you still don’t have much choice.

But it's not that bad. Modern industry produces hundreds of varieties of chipboards protected from environmental influences decorative films And laminated coating. Note! Buy fibreboards only from reputable manufacturers, as counterfeits can be very dangerous to your health. In addition, cheap varieties are not suitable for use in conditions of high humidity, literally falling apart in just a couple of years.


All solid wood kitchen facades look most noble and expensive. They are durable, easy to repair and restore. In addition, such facades are completely safe from an environmental point of view; craftsmen can apply exquisite carvings to them.

The disadvantage is that you need to have a good understanding of the type of wood used. Cheap types of wood not only do not have a beautiful structure that would look ideal under varnish, but also do not have the required durability.


When planning to update your kitchen facade with your own hands, pay attention to aluminum and aluminum alloys. This material is virtually eternal, holds its shape perfectly, and does not rot. Aluminum doesn't care high humidity air. IN last years Some designers even decided to create kitchens entirely made of this wonderful silver metal. Of course, such an interior will fit organically into your home only if you are a lover of Hi-Tech style.


By the way, if we talk about this method of decorating kitchens, then glass will inevitably come to mind. It will look especially great if you complement it with solid wood facades for the kitchen. The combination of wood, glass and steel will always look modern.

The main advantage of glass is that it is not afraid of humidity, acids and alkalis, it is easy to wipe off burnt fat without leaving any marks on the material.

Just don’t forget about its fragility. Be sure to paste internal surfaces glass facades with a reinforcing film that will reliably hold the fragments in the event of an accident. However, an excellent solution would be to make them from plexiglass, which is much easier to process and completely safe to handle.

Let's talk about how to make the simplest ones from solid wood. Since making kitchen facades from metal or glass is a rather complicated process, we would not recommend beginners to do this.

Making paneled doors

First you need to find or buy a 1.8 cm thick board (from which the frame will be made) and plywood at least 6 mm thick. From it we will make the panel itself. If desired, you can replace plywood with glass, aluminum or plastic. If the plywood is not too High Quality, it is quite acceptable to cover it with decorative films.

Purchase in advance all the necessary equipment for work: electric jigsaw, for grooves for hinges, drill, plane.

Principles of sizing calculations

  • The height of the doors (as well as the side posts) must be 3 mm less than the height of the opening.
  • The width of the racks and crossbars can be taken at your discretion, but they must be the same.
  • The width of the doors should also be 3 mm smaller size opening. If you plan to make two doors, then subtract 1.5 mm from each.
  • Find out the required length of the crossbars. To do this, take the width of the door, subtract the width of the racks multiplied by two. Add 2 cm to the resulting value.
  • The width of the panel is equal to the length of its crossbars, taking into account the addition of 1.5 mm to these dimensions.
  • We determine the height as follows: take twice the width of the crossbars, and then subtract this figure from the height of the doors. Add 2 cm to the resulting value.

Manufacturing of blanks

Making kitchen facades with your own hands, Special attention always pay attention to correct production blanks It often happens that one missed detail or inaccuracy in measurements forces you to subsequently completely redo a finished kitchen cabinet.

So. First, from the above-mentioned 18 mm thick board, you should cut out a couple of racks and a couple of crossbars for the frame. Make grooves in them 10 mm deep and 6 mm wide. We recommend using a special saw blade. Before trying it on your workpiece, check the actual cutting depth on some scrap wood. It happens that the adjustments of the tools are somewhat inconsistent with the actual results.

Using the same saw blade, make the required grooves in your particular case. Taking plywood, plastic or aluminum, make a panel according to the measurements that we gave above. After this, you can begin cutting out the tenons on the door crossbars. Spike width - 6 mm, length - 10 mm. A groove disc is ideal for sawing them out.

Processing of structural elements

All parts are carefully polished. Having secured the racks to the panel, and fitted the crossbars on top and bottom, try to completely assemble the entire structure. If all the structural elements fit together with some effort, then you did everything right.

In cases where the connection requires too much effort, it is necessary to slightly modify the structure with sandpaper. In general, if you want to make kitchen facades with your own hands, get ready for long and thoughtful work with sandpaper.

Reassemble the door. Repeat until all parts begin to fit tightly and accurately to each other. Do not overdo it, because if you grind off too much, you will have to grind the damaged part again.

Only after all the structural elements begin to fit together perfectly, lubricate the spikes with glue and assemble everything clean. Excess glue must be quickly and carefully removed with a damp cloth.

Leave the door alone for at least a couple of days. When the glue is completely dry, the joints are carefully sanded. After this, the facades can be varnished or painted. Finally, attach to finished door fittings and install them in their rightful place.

Please note that (this is very easy to do with your own hands) should only be done using environmentally friendly compounds. After all, in the kitchen you will be dealing with food, so there is certainly no need for extra chemicals in food!

A little about the sizes of facades

Of course, the subtitle looks pretty stupid. What sizes can we talk about when we are making a kitchen for own apartment? It would seem that here you can show your imagination without fear of any restrictions!

Alas, this opinion is not true in all cases. Arbitrary facades for which you adjust to the characteristics of your premises are good, but are you ready to pay a lot of money for built-in equipment that will have to be ordered according to the same measurements?

Below we have provided standard measurements that guide kitchen furniture manufacturers. Focusing on them, you can adjust your creation to generally accepted requirements. After all, there’s certainly no such thing as too much money!

So if you're interested standard sizes kitchen facades, then the height of the lower base is calculated using the following formula: 713+4+28+100=845. All measurements are given in millimeters.

The 4 mm measurement is the distance between the front and the tabletop. The size of 28 mm is the thickness of the tabletop itself, and 100 mm is the distance from the floor to the box. As you might guess, all the above values ​​are valid for fronts with a size within 713 mm.

The height of the upper base is calculated using a different formula: 900+2=902 (mm). In this case, the 2mm size means gaps at the bottom and top of the front. Accordingly, its height is 900 mm.

Of course, the standard dimensions of kitchen facades are quite fair for the width of these modules. For example, if the height of the lower front is 713 mm, then its width is calculated as follows: (296x2)+6=598 mm. In this case, a distance of 6 mm is the width of the gaps for two doors. The width of each is 296 mm.

I think the general meaning is clear. If you have the opportunity to adjust all sizes to generally accepted requirements, it is better to do so. You will save a lot of your time and money later.

A little about colors and care

Having dealt with measurements and other technical information, we can talk about something more beautiful. We will talk about what colors are best to paint the kitchen. Of course, this is a purely individual matter, but designers still have some generally accepted recommendations.

Professionals say that the color of kitchen facades should not be too light. However, this is understandable, because no one wants to scrub stains after every cooking. But you shouldn’t get carried away with too dark colors. You won’t even notice how the pretty façade will be covered with a thick layer of burnt fat, which will be very, very difficult to wipe off.

What can we say about the required care? The most difficult thing is maintaining facades made of chipboard and other particle boards in order. Since they have an unpleasant habit of swelling from high humidity air and contact with liquids, wipe them dry in case of any contamination. Launder greasy spots you need a soft flannel cloth soaked in a saturated soap solution.

Glass and metal are much more unpretentious in this regard. In their case, you can use hard sponges or even metal brushes. However, it is better not to bring the situation to the point of the need to use them. These kitchen fronts (reviews of which are positive) are especially in demand in restaurants, where the level of daily contamination from food residues and burnt fat is very high.

So we learned how and from what you can make a beautiful and functional kitchen.

Today, facades are made of wood quite often. They are able to provide the kitchen with an excellent appearance. In addition, facades made of this material radiate warmth and comfort and give the kitchen a certain charm.

Paneled facades are assembled from several elements wooden blanks according to the scheme.

Facades from natural wood They are also good because they can be easily made with your own hands.

The facade is the main component of the kitchen. Therefore, for its manufacture you need to choose only high-quality material. Most suitable material is natural wood.

You should know that the cost of solid wood of elite species is much higher than that of most artificial materials, which are used for kitchen facades. However, despite this, wooden facades are in great demand.

Today you can find two types of similar designs:

  1. Elements for the kitchen made of solid wood. All components in in this case are made from natural wood that undergoes special treatment. This type also includes various carved facades, in which figured carvings are applied to the base of a solid board.
  2. Veneered elements are slabs of budget materials which are covered with veneer. Veneer is a thin plate of natural wood of elite species. Such structures are much cheaper than solid wood facades.

Solid wood structures can be divided into:

  • solid - structures that consist of one element;
  • paneled - facades that are assembled from several components.

Wood selection

Such structures can be made from wood of various coniferous and deciduous species. In most cases the following wood is used:

  • pine;
  • cherry;
  • alder.

The choice of wood will depend not only general form kitchen facade and cost, but also the complexity of manufacturing this element. For example, pine structures can be made by almost any beginning builder who has worked with wood at least once. wooden structures. However, oak facades require some specific skills and professional tools, since this material is highly durable.

The most affordable are pine structures. Expensive species include cedar or wenge. The appearance of such kitchen designs corresponds to the cost.

Wooden blanks from which elements for the kitchen are made will need to be dried thoroughly. After drying and adjusting to the required dimensions, the parts need to be processed antiseptics, which can prevent rotting and damage to manufactured structures.

Kitchen facades made of pine and other species industrial production You will need to coat it with a protective varnish, which helps protect the material from moisture. If you make kitchen facades with your own hands, then you need to take care of protection from moisture yourself.

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Made from natural wood

For a prefabricated facade you will need the following elements:

  1. Panel. Internal shield, the outer parts of which are processed with a figured cutter. The processed part of the shield is called a figurine cutter.
  2. Strapping. Frame from wooden planks, on the inside of which a groove is made into which the panel is installed. In this case, milling is called moulding.

A façade of this type can cope perfectly with temperature deformations. The design is made as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to make strapping elements from boards of the required sizes.
  2. Next, using a milling machine with a special molding cutter, you will need to process the internal elements of the strapping. In this case, a groove is selected for mounting the panel and a recess is formed - a groove.
  3. Next, a panel blank is inserted into the milling device and processed around the perimeter with a figurine cutter.
  4. Structural elements are assembled. In this case, it is recommended to use an adhesive mixture for wooden parts and fastening elements.
  5. The strapping angles are checked. To level the position of the panel, you can strike with a mallet.
  6. After the adhesive mixture has dried, you need to carry out the final treatment. façade design. The façade will need to be sanded with sandpaper and then treated with protective agents.
  7. After the varnish has completely dried, you can begin to install the facade on the kitchen modules.

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Installation of facade elements

A kitchen with facade elements made of natural wood can be assembled as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to determine in which places in the box it is best to attach the hinges. It is important to do this before attaching the hinges to the facade, otherwise there is a risk that the hinge will rest against the shelf.
  2. Next, you will need to drill holes in the façade elements for attaching the hinges. In most cases, holes are made with a diameter of 3.5 cm, but it is recommended to measure the size of the loop.
  3. The loop is installed in the hole made and fixed on the facade.
  4. The facade element and the box are installed, after which a loop is attached to the latter. It must be adjusted so that the facade is placed level and can be easily opened or closed.

Important components depend on the facade of the furniture: appearance, functionality and cost of the entire product. The area of ​​the parts of the external front side of cabinet furniture, relative to the entire product, is small. But despite this, the production of furniture facades requires a lot of time and effort. This front side design, every flaw will be evident.

In order to independently make a furniture facade that does not differ in quality from the factory product, you need to purchase the necessary tools in advance:

  • Boards from which frames will be cut - it is important to select elements with a smooth surface, without knots or chips;
  • Sheets of plywood, plastic or glass, no more than 6 mm thick - they are needed to create a panel - important element decor;
  • Metal ruler with 30-40 cm markings;
  • Pencil;
  • Electric jigsaw with a set of wood files;
  • Roulette;
  • Wood glue;
  • Brush for glue work;
  • Discs for cutting boards, it is convenient to use a milling cutter.

To maintain order while working, prepare a bucket of water and a rag.

Manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process of furniture facades is complex. You can create neat and suitable doors on your own if you strictly follow the steps of work.

Carrying out calculations

First stage technological process– calculations. The dimensions of future doors are easy to make: just use a tape measure to check the parameters doorways. For the calculations to be correct, it is necessary to clarify the details:

  • The size of the facade should differ from the height of the opening by 3 mm in a smaller direction. If this point is not observed, the finished doors will not close and open freely;
  • The parameters for the width of racks and crossbars do not have specific standards. However, their dimensions on one piece of furniture should be the same;
  • The difference in the width of the product and the doorway should be 3 mm. If you need to make 2 doors, then you need to make the following calculations: divide the width of the opening in half and subtract 1.5 mm;
  • The length of the crossbar is calculated according to the following scheme: the sum of the width of the two racks is subtracted from the width of the facade and 2 cm is added;
  • The dimensions of the panels are determined as follows: width - 2 cm greater than the crossbar, height - width multiplied by 2, minus the height of the door and plus 2 cm.

Having dealt with the calculations, you can begin to select materials.

What materials are best?

The furniture facade is responsible for aesthetics and functionality. Therefore, much attention is paid to doors on cabinets and furniture. What material to use as a basis, what to make the panel from, how to decorate it and other questions are asked by the craftsmen at the first stages of work. Everyone decides for themselves what to choose.

The most common materials for making furniture facades with your own hands:

  • Plastic;
  • Aluminum;
  • Glass;
  • Wood.

Each material attracts with its advantages and repels with its disadvantages. The color of wood changes under the influence of the sun, but glass is not affected sun rays. A glass door can break from an impact, but wood retains its strength for a long time. It is difficult to work with certain materials at home, so only professionals use them.

The easiest way is to make a furniture facade with your own hands from wood. When using carpentry tools, the material becomes pliable. Less pliable materials - plastic, glass - are used for finishing facades.


Sawing elements

On the base (board or plastic), the parameters for the location of the crossbars and racks are noted. Then the parts are cut out. Columns are made in double quantities. After this, special notches need to be cut out on the crossbars, through which they will be attached to each other. Upon completion, each part must be carefully sanded.

To ensure that the panels are securely in place, you need to cut special grooves. Using prepared disks, it is necessary to cut holes, the width of which should be 5 mm and the depth -10 mm. Before cutting the grooves, you need to check the disc for functionality on waste material, so as not to spoil the quality workpieces.

Having in hand finished parts, you can start assembling. The process consists of two steps:

  1. The posts are inserted into the cuts on the panel;
  2. Crossbars are fixed along the top and bottom.

All design details must fit together perfectly. If inconsistencies appear during assembly, they must be eliminated using sandpaper.

Making the markings

Sawing the material

Grinding the surface

Cutting the grooves

Making recesses

Connecting the elements

Clean with sandpaper


The decoration of facades depends on the desires and capabilities of the person. Most often, three options are used in the manufacture of facades.

Material Description
Solid wood This option is considered classic and is used for finishing furniture of any type (kitchen, bedroom, living room). Usually it is chosen when the furniture must correspond to one of the expensive styles - Empire, Baroque, classicism. To reduce the price of the facade, you can make the base from MDF and close the front part solid wood. Such doors will look good on furniture in a classic or modern style.
Painted MDF Smooth and bright facades are most often used in the creation of kitchen sets and wardrobes. Glossy panels will look equally good in modern style or futuristic design.

They cannot be classified as cheap options, but they are no different in practicality: the smallest stains immediately become noticeable, chips and scratches form with minor impacts. If you want to have original and bright furniture, then this option fits better Total.

Frame facades made of aluminum profiles Aluminum is used as the frame. To fill the space, plates made of MDF, glass or plastic are installed. The option is not the cheapest, but very practical.

The advantage of such facades is their neat appearance and durability. It’s easy to keep such facades clean: just wipe them from time to time damp cloth with detergent. Furniture is usually decorated in this way. different styles. For minimalism, it will be enough to make inserts from glass or transparent plastic. The same option will fit into the loft style. Glass is used for kitchen units and façade decoration. For modernism, brightly colored plastic is more suitable.

There are other, less popular types of facade finishing. Not all of them will fit into a regular interior, so they are considered non-standard. A combination of different materials when creating a furniture facade is a choice of originals. This includes various variations with MDF, which is taken as a basis. Glass and plastic are used as a supplement. Often the facade consists entirely of wood material, and decorative film is used as protection and decoration.

Solid wood


Varnishing and painting

Before painting, you need to prepare all materials. It is recommended to paint facades with a brush. If you plan to use a spray can or spray gun in the process of decorating furniture, then you need to cover nearby objects with film in advance so as not to stain them with paint.

The coloring workflow consists of several stages:

  1. Cleaning the surface from dust and small debris;
  2. Degreasing with an alcohol solution;
  3. Putty. This stage is not always necessary, but only if there are chips and irregularities on the facade;
  4. Primer. Each material uses its own version of grout. It can be applied with a brush or aerosol. To increase efficiency, you need to apply at least two layers;
  5. Applying paint. To ensure that there are no gaps left on the surface, apply 2-3 layers.

Painted surfaces will look more impressive if they are covered with glisal. The composition must be diluted with water according to the instructions and applied to the facade with a clean brush. . For a mirror shine and extended service life, painted doors are coated with several layers of varnish. Before applying, you need to wait time for the paint to dry.

To obtain glossy facades, acrylic varnish is used. It is applied in two cases: after painting and instead of paint. If you plan to leave the natural color of the base material for the facade, then it must be varnished. It is usually used for wooden surfaces. Varnish improves the appearance of furniture, increases strength and extends service life.

Before varnishing, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer to the surface of the facade. After that, the unevenness is covered with putty. When the surface is dry, you need to sand it with emery cloth. After which a layer of primer is applied again. The last step is to apply varnish with a brush to the joints of the facade and the main part. To obtain a mirror surface, you need to coat it with several layers of varnish. At least 5 hours must pass before each coating.

Cleaning the coating

Apply primer

Seal cracks with putty

Degrease with alcohol

Painting the surface

Creating beautiful inserts

When making furniture facades, you can use your imagination and create a unique design. There are several options on how to make facades beautiful and unusual.

  • Combination - With You can make an insert into the furniture façade from any material. By combining two dissimilar materials, you can get a unique style. It is important to understand that unusual materials on the facades should be at least slightly in harmony with the decor of the room. Most often they combine wood and textiles, plastic and aluminum, leather and glass. Bamboo and rattan inserts look very unusual, but look beautiful;
  • Drawings – original way furniture facade decoration. It is suitable if the insert on the door is glass or plastic. You can draw by different means, but most often used acrylic paints. With their help you can draw anything you want. For accuracy, you can use a stencil. After complete drying, the surface with the pattern can be washed with water and detergents. Making furniture facades has become very popular, so new methods of decoration are being created. The sandblasted image is one of the latter. It is difficult to create something like this at home, because the process requires special equipment. As a result, a neat matte pattern appears on the mirror surface. If you lack the desire and ability to draw, then you can stick a self-adhesive film over the glossy surface. You can also use ready-made stickers for furniture;
  • Stained glass and mosaics - do-it-yourself furniture facades that use glass as inserts look very beautiful and expensive. With imagination and patience, you can create original design. This will require several multi-colored sheets glass, glue gun and glass cutter. In the process, it is necessary to cut the glass into pieces so that when sticking to the facade there are no gaps between them. And if you try really hard, you can create a small picture like a mosaic from small parts on the surface of the facade.

By showing imagination, perseverance and accuracy, you can independently create furniture that will look more beautiful than models from magazines. The main thing is to think through the project well and select everything necessary materials by color and texture.

Do kitchen facade you can do it yourself not only to save money, but also to give your kitchen an unusual and unique appearance. If it seems to you that only seasoned professionals can make a facade and for you it will all remain only in plans and dreams, then this article will convince you. Anyone can make kitchen facades with their own hands, as long as they have a clear plan, materials and the necessary tools.

Is it worth making kitchen fronts with your own hands?

Of course, there will be skeptics who will say - why do it yourself when the stores are literally filled with a variety of cuisines.

But there are always several serious reasons for working with your own hands:

  • You do not need specific tools; for the kitchen façade, an ordinary household set of tools is enough.
  • By updating the façade of your kitchen cabinets, you will enliven the interior and do it with little effort, because the internal parts kitchen set no need to change.
  • The necessary materials and accessories are sold in regular hardware stores.
  • By taking on the work yourself, you can both save money and do exactly what you want, and not what is offered in stores.

If you think that you won’t be able to, then you are mistaken - anyone can make a kitchen façade.

Necessary materials

IN hardware store You can not only order materials, but also order them to be cut to size, resulting in already cut material, almost ready for assembly.

For kitchen facades the following is used:

  • Glass– strong glass is used for facades; it is difficult to break, but possible. Glass is often used in combination with other materials, such as MDF.
  • Tree– looks luxurious, but is expensive. At the same time, he is also afraid of moisture, odors and sunlight.
  • Wood boardsbest option, the panels are lightweight and have varied design. MDF and chipboard are afraid of contact with water, and during operation they can become deformed due to high temperatures.
  • Plastic- a very easily soiled type of material, but practical in all other respects. Cheap, easy to install, easy to maintain and lasts a long time.

Step-by-step instruction

By following our instructions, even without work experience, you can make such a kitchen facade with your own hands that no one will distinguish it from factory production.

  1. For the frame, we will need to order a board with a thickness of 1.8 cm. For the panel, we will need glass or plywood with a thickness of 0.6 cm.
  2. Everything needs to be measured carefully.
  3. If you decide to cut it yourself, and not order cutting in a store, then we begin cutting, according to the measurements from the previous stage. To select grooves you can use special tool, or a regular saw blade. Spiers need to be cut out on the crossbars.
  4. We polish the resulting parts.
  5. Assemble one door and test it. If everything fits tightly, just great. If something does not fit in, or, on the contrary, is loose, correct it and then proceed to the final assembly of parts.
  6. For final assembly it is necessary to glue the parts. To do this, the edges of the panels, grooves and tenons are smeared with glue and everything is assembled together. Any glue that comes out must be wiped off immediately.
  7. Once you have assembled one door, set it aside and move on to the next one. Then, leave all the resulting doors until completely dry. How long it will take, see the instructions for the glue you used and the situation.
  8. When the glue has dried, inspect the parts and sand them again if necessary.
  9. If you choose wood, be sure to treat it with a special compound.
  10. Install hinges in the doors and hang them on your kitchen unit.

This completes the stages of creating a new