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» New blocks for construction. What blocks to build a house from. Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks

New blocks for construction. What blocks to build a house from. Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks

At the stage of construction of structures, various building blocks. They are a worthy alternative to stone and brick. Implementation innovative technologies in construction allows you to increase the speed of construction of buildings and improve their performance characteristics. Numerous types of building blocks allow you to select optimal materials for structures of various sizes.

Building blocks - what are they?

Modern blocks for construction are made in the form rectangular parallelepiped. The dimensions of the elements are much larger than standard bricks.

Types of blocks for construction differ in a number of parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • designs;
  • the type of filler used;
  • purpose;
  • manufacturing technologies;
  • masonry features;
  • technical parameters.
When choosing blocks, you should focus on the specific purpose of the building or structure being constructed

Advantages of most types of blocks for construction compared to bricks:

  • minimum construction period;
  • reduction in labor requirements;
  • reduced loads on the base;
  • improved thermal insulation properties;
  • no need for finishing coating.

Building blocks: types and characteristics

Considering what types of blocks there are for construction, the first criterion for dividing into groups is the nature of the origin of the material:

  • artificial. Production is carried out by mixing mixtures. They are convenient due to the possibility of receiving various sizes, the mixture is poured into the desired shapes, after hardening the blocks are ready for use;
  • natural. For production, technologies of polishing natural materials are used, usually based on various types of stone. They are intended for finishing work.

The cheapest type of blocks for construction is artificial, which includes:

  • concrete;
  • a mixture of expanded clay and concrete;
  • blocks with polystyrene and concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • foam concrete.

The correct choice of building materials for thermal insulation properties will avoid additional costs for insulation

Building blocks vary in purpose and are used for:

  • laying the foundation;
  • erection of walls;
  • thermal insulation of the room.

Based on their design, the following types of blocks are distinguished:

  • full-bodied. They are integral and do not have voids, which is why they have greater weight and increased strength. They are used to build walls and form foundations. Dimensions of such blocks: width - 30-60 cm, length - 88, 118, 238 cm and height - 28, 58 cm;
  • hollow. They are distinguished by the presence of several air pockets; they are less durable, but lightweight and have increased thermal parameters. Dimensions: width – 40-60 cm, length – 238 cm, height – 58 cm;
  • smooth. Applicable for decorative covering, since they have a perfectly smooth surface, they do not require finishing work;
  • corrugated. Manufactured with one or more rough surfaces. They are always used for the construction of load-bearing structures and further processing. The main advantage is better adhesion to plaster.

Modern blocks for construction include various fillers.

Almost all include a certain amount of Portland cement and sand, and additionally add:

Building blocks are a good alternative to other materials for constructing buildings
  • clay;
  • slaked lime;
  • expanded clay granules;
  • slags of various origins;
  • wood shavings or sawdust;
  • inclusions of granite;
  • polystyrene crumbs.

When considering what types of blocks there are for building walls, you can get confused if you don’t know the basic selection parameters.

When planning construction, blocks for construction with the following characteristics are selected:

  • strength. Indicates the resistance of the material to compressive loads without damage;
  • level of thermal conductivity. As the indicator decreases, the amount of heat retained indoors increases;
  • frost resistance. The indicator is a reflection of the number of freezing and thawing cycles while maintaining the original structure of the material;
  • density. Strength changes depending on the level of density. Denser varieties are highly durable and are used for the construction of walls in highly loaded buildings, but lead to an increase in thermal conductivity;
  • water absorption coefficient. Reflects the ability to absorb moisture. Species with a high coefficient require additional cladding.

Building blocks come in different types

Expanded clay concrete blocks

The technical standard for the production of expanded clay concrete type building blocks is GOST 6133-99. The standard stipulates that the group includes heavy, light and fine-grained concrete, which is always made hollow. Wall thickness with outside not less than 2 cm, and weight not more than 31 kg.

Expanded clay concrete elements are used for the following construction purposes:

  • creating partitions;
  • masonry walls in low-rise buildings;
  • construction of soundproof partitions;
  • organization of natural ventilation;
  • formation of foundations of wooden log houses.

For construction, 2 types of blocks are used:

  • facial It has one (side) or two (side and end) facial planes;
  • private There are no decorative surfaces.

According to the place of masonry, the elements are divided into corner, ligament and row. The assortment includes blocks with sizes:

  • width: 7-49.5 cm;
  • length: 12-45 cm;
  • height: 19 and 24 cm.

The material has a strength of 400-1800 kg/m3.

Expanded clay concrete is a block made by vibrocompression, which contains: cement, sand, expanded clay, water

Polystyrene concrete blocks

The production of polystyrene concrete is standardized in GOST 51263-99. According to the standard, polystyrene concrete building elements made from sand, cement and water always include polystyrene foam granules.

The main areas of application of expanded polystyrene:

  • installation of load-bearing walls;
  • creation of enclosing, frame buildings;
  • insulation of the house.

The foundation, facade, roof and insulation of the house are formed from polystyrene concrete; the blocks are characterized by good heat transfer and ease of installation. In terms of thermal conductivity, the foam block is similar to polystyrene concrete elements, but is significantly inferior to them in strength. The density of the material ranges from 150-600 kg/m3.

Most often used for the construction of buildings of any size that require thermal insulation.

Sold as:

  • slabs: 60x30x9-20 cm;
  • wall blocks: 60x30x20-25 cm;
  • elements for partitions: 60x30x8-12 cm.

Building blocks made of polystyrene concrete are lightweight concrete using cement binder and foamed polystyrene as filler.

Gas silicate building blocks: types and properties

When choosing aerated concrete and gas silicate elements, they prefer blocks for small objects and walls or slabs for floors. At the legislative level it is standardized by GOST 31360-2007. Gas silicate elements are made from unreinforced cellular concrete. Designed for the construction of partitions and walls.

Manufacturing technology implies the possibility of producing blocks with blind and through holes, and grip pockets. Manufacturers produce U-shapes in limited editions.

Production is carried out using two methods:

  • autoclave method. To dry the material, the influence of steam is used; it is fed under high pressure. The result is high strength characteristics and resistance to shrinkage during the drying process;
  • non-autoclave method. Hardening is carried out in natural conditions. Characterized by significant shrinkage during the hardening process. It is used less often in buildings due to reduced strength, but is cheaper.

You can find out which gas silicate block is by the batch marking. During the masonry process, installation of a vapor barrier film is not required if the air humidity does not exceed 75%. The blocks have standard dimensions: 62.5x50x50 cm. The slabs are made in sizes: 150x100x60 cm.

Aerated concrete blocks are connected using a special glue, this is facilitated by their ideal geometric shape with an error tolerance of no more than 2 mm

The material is valued thanks to technical specifications:

  • arithmetic mean density – up to D700;
  • compression force to deformation – from B1.5;
  • thermal conductivity level: 0.08-0.1 W/m;
  • shrinkage during the hardening process and vapor permeability - corresponds to GOST 31359;
  • frost resistance: for external walls F25, for other tasks F15.

The weight of one block starts from 17 kg and reaches 40 kg.

Foam concrete blocks

Manufacturers are guided by GOST 21520-89. The material is divided according to density, there are 3 main types:

  • structural. They are used for the construction of structures with high load-bearing capacity (foundation, load-bearing walls, plinth). The group includes grades D1000-D1200 with a density of 1-1.2 t/m3;
  • thermal insulation. Used in the process of creating an insulation layer. The category includes: D300-D500 with a density of 150-400 kg/m3;
  • structural and thermal insulation. They combine the qualities of the previous groups and are used during the construction of load-bearing walls of low buildings and partitions. This type includes materials marked: D500-D900 and a density of 500-900 kg/m3.

The difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete is that the former hardens under natural atmospheric conditions, otherwise the characteristics of building materials are similar

Foam concrete blocks have high level frost resistance and optimal strength. Thermal insulation characteristics are due to the porosity of the material, sometimes savings on heating payments reach 50-70%. Foam concrete allows you to create a high-quality, warm and reliable building capable of serving for 100 years or more.

Types of reinforced concrete wall blocks

The most common concrete products are reinforced concrete. When considering what building blocks for walls there are, you cannot miss the most known variant construction. Reinforced concrete, like other types of wall blocks, has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include high strength and durability, while the disadvantages are low thermal insulation ability and high weight.

The following are made from reinforced concrete:

  • elements for forming the foundation;
  • blocks with technological holes for laying communications;
  • hollow elements.

The material is produced in wide range sizes:

  • length: from 880 to 2380 mm;
  • width: from 300 to 600 mm;
  • height: from 280 to 580 mm.

When using them, better performance is possible in comparison with traditional blocks

Characteristics of reinforced concrete panels:

  • high strength;
  • minimum amount of mortar for masonry;
  • effective noise absorption;
  • moisture resistance;
  • immunity to temperature changes.

The disadvantages include:

  • low thermal insulation ability;
  • large weight and dimensions, which makes transportation and installation difficult;
  • high cost of construction.

What types of tongue-and-groove blocks are there?

The growing demand for tongue-and-groove blocks is due to the low weight of the elements. Gypsum is added to the composition, which does not affect the operational and technical parameters.

Main characteristics:

  • low weight;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • correct shape and size;
  • ease of installation.

Modern plaster tongue-and-groove slabs Depending on the degree of moisture absorption, they are divided into ordinary and moisture-resistant

With a clean, smooth surface and perfect appearance, finishing tongue-and-groove elements are not required.

Designed for interior work, is usually produced using 2 methods:

  • standard. It has a pure, white color;
  • moisture resistant. Made with green color.

The dimensions of the blocks are fixed: 66.7x50x8 cm. A standard pallet can accommodate 30 elements at a time, each weighing up to 29 kg. The volume of the pallet with blocks is 0.8 m3. From one pallet it is possible to build a partition with an area of ​​10 m2.

Building blocks – which ones are better?

It is impossible to definitively answer which building blocks are better, because the choice is influenced by many factors:

  • region of residence;
  • specifics of use;
  • technical properties of the material;
  • required strength;
  • construction budget.

Based on specific goals, comparison of materials and estimated cost, the choice of the preferred material for construction can be made.

It is impossible to say definitively which type of blocks is better; justification and specific requirements for the planned construction are necessary.

Experts advise:

  • correctly calculate the amount of material to reduce the cost of constructing a structure. A smaller quantity will lead to the need for re-purchase, and a larger quantity will result in useless ballast. It is important to take into account all the parameters of the formula, this should be done taking into account the margin, destruction, defects, size of seams, etc.;
  • When choosing aerated concrete and foam blocks, it is important to lay it correctly, since reinforcing aerated concrete blocks is a mandatory measure to increase the strength of the structure. for an amateur it is hardly noticeable, but before determining a specific type it is worth finding out about the differences;
  • you can prepare them at home, they are almost as good as industrial materials and are suitable for building residential premises;
  • To preserve heat in the room, it is better to choose. will help you save on additional insulation and payments for energy resources;
  • The choice of material is influenced by the area of ​​use: load-bearing structure or partition. Blocks for partitions must provide sound insulation, but are not designed to withstand heavy loads; hollow options are suitable. Load-bearing walls are made exclusively from solid elements.

Clear prioritization and understanding of the differences between materials will help you make the right, solid choice. The priority should be in terms of economy, thermal insulation or strength. Each material is good, but in its own way.

The house should be comfortable, reliable and warm. Probably everyone will agree with this. It would also preferably be inexpensive and built quickly. Oddly enough, but such options exist. One of them is building blocks. It’s not for nothing that more and more of them are appearing. But which blocks are best for building a house? Let's try to figure it out. First, determine your key positions and consider all materials based on them.

How to choose the best building material for your home

In order for the built house to please you, you will have to choose the material for its construction yourself. Why? Yes, because there is no perfect building block. They all have pros and cons. You just need to choose an option so that the “cons” are compensated for or are not so important, and the “pros” are used to the fullest. And the construction conditions are different. Some people live in a fairly warm climate, while others live in the north. And everyone has their own “best” home. So even two neighbors can build from different materials, but each of them will sincerely believe that his option is better.

Which blocks are best for building a house? Sturdy, durable and warm

People usually think about a house made from building blocks because it is faster than using traditional building materials. Speed ​​speed, but quality characteristics no less important. And to choose them correctly, here's what you need to know.

As you can see, the list is considerable, but this information is necessary. Without them, there is no point in deciding which blocks are best for building a house. You simply won't have any criteria to choose from.

Types of blocks

Block construction is attractive because it requires little construction time. Much less than when using the same brick. But what types of blocks are there for building a house, how do they differ, what are their advantages and disadvantages. Here is the list block materials for the construction of external and interior walls.

Lightweight concrete blocks for external and internal walls

Lightweight concrete comes in two types. One uses low weight aggregate, which reduces the weight of the building stone or block. In the second, the weight is reduced due to porosity - the cement foams and hardens in this state. In both cases, the weight of the building material becomes significantly lower, and the thermal and sound insulation characteristics are higher.

The characteristics will show which blocks are better for building a house

Aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete is a cement-sand mixture to which dry reagents are added to form foam. When water is added, the reagents react with cement laitance and active foaming begins. After increasing the volume, the solution is laid out in molds and allowed to mature. As a result, aerated concrete consists of thin concrete shells that contain air. That is, the block turns out to be light and warm, vapor permeable. He is not afraid of water, but he “pulls” it solidly. So you need good waterproofing of the foundation and you shouldn’t delay the finishing.

Which blocks are best for building a house? Consider the foam block

Advantages and disadvantages

With fairly large dimensions (length 600 mm, height 200 mm, width - from 150 mm to 400 mm), the standard block weighs little. The exact weight depends on the brand, but medium density you can work alone. For example, let’s say that the weight of an M400 wall block with a thickness of 200 mm is about 13 kg, and a wall block with a thickness of 250 mm is about 17 kg.

Which gas block is best for building a house? Autoclaved aerated concrete

There are two technologies for the production of aerated concrete blocks. One by one, the solution is laid out into molds of a given size and then used. The second method is to make large blocks, and then cut them into smaller ones. The peculiarity of the second technology is that it allows you to maintain dimensions with high accuracy. This makes it possible to use not a masonry mortar made of cement and sand, but a special glue. It can be laid in a very thin layer - literally a couple of millimeters. For what? Yes, because the solution and the same glue have thermal insulation characteristics much worse than aerated concrete. And thin seams reduce heat loss. But glue is expensive, so this increases the cost of construction. But you can save on insulation.

Advantages of aerated concreteDisadvantages of aerated concrete blocks
Precise geometry, which speeds up laying and allows the use of special glue in a very thin layer to improve the thermal properties of the wall.Glue is expensive, this increases the cost of construction
Easy to process. Can be cut with a hacksawReinforcement is required to increase the strength of walls
Vapor conductive materialExterior finishing should also be vapor permeable
Absorbs moisture, reacts poorly to freezing/defrosting (few cycles)Requires good foundation waterproofing and exterior finishing
Large blockDoes not tolerate bending loads, requires a stable, reliable foundation, not suitable for areas with seismic activity
There may be problems hanging heavy objects on walls
Made from environmentally friendly substances

Aerated concrete is easy to process, it can even be sawed hand saw or make grooves with a metal strip. On the other hand, it is not so dense that you can hang heavy things on the walls without special fasteners.

Of course, it was not without its drawbacks. The blocks are fragile and do not withstand bending loads. That is, it is better not to build a house from aerated concrete blocks on a pile or columnar foundation. Only a deep slab or tape. Second point: in order for the walls to be stronger, in every third or fourth row steel reinforcement. Door and window openings are also reinforced, an armored belt is made for installation roofing structure. This significantly affects the cost of construction, and the cost of fittings must also be included in the estimate.

Types and varieties of gas blocks

Aerated concrete blocks can be autoclaved or conventionally cured. For the construction of external walls, it is better to use an autoclave, as it has more stable characteristics. Such blocks are more expensive and they are better.

Aerated concrete can be made not only from cement and sand. Part of the cement is replaced with another binder. As a result, we get blocks made of another lightweight cellular concrete:

  • lime + cement - silicate concrete;
  • ground blast furnace slag + cement - slag-gas concrete;
  • ash + cement + lime = ash concrete.

Types of building blocks: aerated block allows you to quickly build warm house

Of all the listed blocks, for building houses permanent residence silicate concrete blocks are used. They differ from ordinary aerated concrete in color. Aerated concrete has grey colour, silicate concrete - white. What does adding lime do? Reduced price with a slight reduction in characteristics. But there is one rather significant disadvantage: lime corrodes steel. In order for the reinforced belts to remain intact, they are laid in a layer of CFRP or polymer reinforcement is used.

Foam blocks for house construction

At first glance, foam blocks are very similar to aerated concrete. The difference is that ready-made foam is added to the mixture of concrete and sand, rather than a dry reagent. The mixture is kneaded, placed in molds and left to dry. Actually, that's all. Very simple. This is the drawback. You can make foam concrete in the garage. But we cannot talk about any stability of parameters. And the material itself is not bad.

Foam concrete blocks are a good material for building a house. But only the quality is hard to track

Advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

The thermal characteristics of foam concrete are among the best. Slightly worse than aerated concrete. Which means that foam concrete walls should be thicker. Is it good or bad? More wall thickness, more weight, more load on the foundation. This means an increase in the size of the foundation and the cost of it, although the material for the walls itself is cheaper. But there is no clear answer that it will be cheaper. We have to count.

Foam concrete blocks for building a house are a good choice. Provided that they are made strictly according to technology

The poorer thermal conductivity of aerated concrete is due to the fact that the walls of air bubbles are thicker. That is, there is less air in the same volume. This has two more “consequences” - higher material strength and greater weight. Higher strength is good. You can already screw self-tapping screws into walls made of foam blocks, and special fasteners generally hold up with a bang.

Advantages of foam blocks for building a houseDisadvantages of foam concrete blocks
Low density combined with high strengthDue to the simplicity of production, you can run into handicraft material of low quality
Has good thermal insulation propertiesCannot withstand bending loads, requires a stable foundation
Light weight, which means not too expensive foundationDifferent pore sizes give heterogeneous characteristics
The surface of the block is rough, which improves adhesion to plaster compositionsWider seam between blocks (up to 20 mm), which increases heat loss
Vapor permeable wallRequires a special approach to the choice of finishes
Large block sizes speed up construction
Environmentally friendly

More weight is not so good. This again means an increase in the size of the foundation and the need to have a helper for independent construction. Although if you compare it with the thickness of a brick wall, it is half as much. So the material is economical.

There is another consequence of thicker cement walls - it is more difficult to process. It can’t be compared with brick, of course, but it’s not too easy either.

The advantages of the material include its good soundproofing characteristics, non-flammability, and environmental safety. The material conducts steam, but not to the same extent as aerated concrete. But its frost resistance is higher. It absorbs moisture even better, so it also needs finishing.

Standard sized blocks cost relatively little. This is the cheapest of block materials

In addition, foam concrete does not have such an ideal geometry. The difference in size can be significant. This means that the masonry is laid only with mortar and the seam is made thick enough to compensate for the difference in the sizes of the blocks. Thick seams reduce the thermal resistance of the wall as a whole.

If we generalize, this is the picture we get. Inexpensive material, but you need to be sure of the quality. The walls are erected quickly, the house turns out to be “quiet” and warm, the screws hold the walls in place. It is not advisable to leave it without a roof for the winter. Finishing is needed, but not immediately after construction.

Polystyrene concrete blocks

Polystyrene concrete is cement to which polystyrene granules have been added, additives to improve workability. The mixture is mixed, water is added, and poured into molds until it hardens. With this technology, you cannot expect ideal geometry, but the material is easy to process. You can cut with a hand saw. And this despite the fact that the strength and stability of shape are high, the amount of shrinkage is minimal, and the weight is small (even less than that of aerated concrete of the same strength).

What types of blocks are there for building a house on a budget? Polystyrene concrete - warm and inexpensive

Polystyrene concrete blocks are quite large (15-30 per cubic meter), so construction goes quickly. Place it on a regular solution, you can use glue. It comes in a thinner layer, although it costs more. The disadvantage is typical for all blocks made of lightweight concrete - reinforcement is required to increase strength. Some manufacturers may place reinforcement in the blocks themselves. These are used for laying load-bearing walls. Jumpers are produced separately for installation over window and door openings. They definitely contain reinforcement inside. Due to its solidity, such a jumper works no worse than the corners that are used as an alternative.

Advantages of polystyrene concrete blocksCons of polystyrene concrete building blocks
Lightweight, durable, denseThe technology is not ideal, the properties depend on compliance with the proportions and technology
Easy to process, large blocks, laying goes quicklyReinforcement is required, which requires time and money
Does not burn, does not support combustionIn the affected area it crumbles
Very good thermal conductivity and sound insulation characteristicsSpecial fasteners are required to secure something in the walls.
Good frost resistanceContains artificial ingredients
Vapor permeability on par with woodRequires exterior finishing
Low moisture absorption
Good sound insulation characteristics

The vapor permeability of polystyrene concrete blocks is average. Level with wood. Thermal conductivity is quite decent. For structural blocks with strength D400 - 0.15 -0.20 W/m°C. We are pleased with the good frost resistance indicators of about 50-70 cycles for a material of the same strength grade. Compared to 20-25 foam concrete, this is already quite good.

To decide which blocks are best for building a house, we study the characteristics and properties

Disadvantages and features

The downside is that a house made of polystyrene concrete block requires cladding. Not for technical reasons, but for aesthetic reasons due to its unattractive appearance. What’s good is that it will easily survive a couple of winters without cladding, as it has good frost resistance. What type of cladding? The best solution is a ventilated facade, but plaster is also possible. But the usual one doesn’t stick well to cement. Required with special polymer additives, and they are expensive. Good news the fact is that the consumption will be small - the wall will be quite flat. In addition, you can do without rough plaster. Fill the net, and along it decorative plaster. But it is difficult to say how reliable this type of finishing will be. They do this, but there are no reviews.

The size of a polystyrene concrete building block is length from 60 cm, width from 20 cm, height from 20 cm. They can be twice as thick/higher

As a summary. If you want to quickly and inexpensively build a warm house, then polystyrene blocks can be considered the best for building such a house. With one remark - you have nothing against the use of polystyrene, and the need to think about fastening to the walls does not bother you too much. After all, you will have to install windows and doors somehow.

Expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete blocks have been known for a long time. Expanded clay is added to the mixture of sand and cement, the whole thing is mixed, then water is added. The technology for concrete is standard, but with its own characteristics. Expanded clay is baked clay and this type of material is hygroscopic. Therefore, more water is required to mix the solution.

In the last century, block construction of houses was carried out mainly from expanded clay concrete blocks

In addition, expanded clay does not coat the solution very well, so longer kneading is required. In production conditions, the problem of the required level of strength is solved in two ways: processing in an autoclave or vibrocompression. Without such processing, the material is obtained with lower strength characteristics. And since the technology is simple, often “production” is opened in the garage, and the blocks are simply knocked out of the molds and dried. Moreover, like standard concrete, expanded clay concrete gains strength in 28 days. But it requires space to store it, so it may be sold earlier. If you know about this, you can put it to “ripening” at home. If you don’t know and put it in the masonry right away, it may fall apart. How to distinguish? Yes for the price. Factory ones are more expensive. But if you need blocks to build a house, then buying handmade ones is dangerous.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of expanded clay concrete blocks are similar to those listed above: light weight, large size, good thermal insulation characteristics compared to brick. But solid expanded clay concrete has lower thermal conductivity than all the materials described above. But it is much stronger. This allows you to make slotted blocks, and they are used for laying external walls. In this form, we obtain thermal insulation at approximately the same level. In addition, the voids reduce weight, which is good.

Expanded clay concrete construction blocks have average thermal efficiency characteristics

Among other advantages. Expanded clay concrete walls do not require additional reinforcement, which allows masonry to be done faster. Blocks can better withstand bending loads, so the requirements for foundations are not so stringent. Buildings made of expanded clay blocks can also be built on a pile or columnar foundation.

The disadvantages of expanded clay concrete blocks are quite serious. The first and main thing is that water absorption is high (at the same level as aerated concrete), so exterior finishing is desirable immediately. You should not leave it to spend the winter without a roof, as it will accumulate moisture significantly and shorten its service life. There is no ideal geometry, but cement-based plasters apply very well and hold securely.

Advantages of expanded clay concrete blocks for building a houseDisadvantages of expanded clay concrete blocks
Simple technology, natural materialsThere is a high chance of getting low-quality products
High strength with low weightInsufficient thermal insulation for the use of solid blocks
Good thermal characteristicsStrongly absorbs moisture, needs exterior finishing and protection of interior walls from steam
Average frost resistance for vibration-pressed ones (about 35 cycles) and high for autoclaved ones (up to 80 or 100 cycles)Deviations in sizes
Good adhesion to cement-based plaster
Does not burn and does not support combustion

And yet, even if slotted expanded clay concrete blocks are used, most of the territory requires additional external insulation. Due to its hygroscopicity, this material is not recommended for the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity. That is, for the construction of a bathhouse or partitions in a bathroom, it is better to look for another material. And in a private house, in order to avoid eternal dampness, a vapor barrier is laid from the inside. And to regulate the humidity in the room, you need good ventilation.

Even if slotted blocks are used, the wall must be thick

What conclusions can be drawn? Previously, before the advent of cellular concrete, expanded clay concrete was considered the lightest and warmest material for building a house. Today it is clearly inferior in these indicators to foam-gas-polystyrene-concrete blocks and has significant disadvantages. Therefore, it is gradually being forced out of the market.

Cinder blocks

As the name implies, the backfill in slag concrete is slag. In theory, blast furnace slag is used, which is formed during the smelting of ore and covers the metal. It has a porous structure and does not conduct heat well. That is why it was used to produce cheap blocks for housing construction. But in the days of the USSR, when materials were driven throughout the vastness, one could hope that in regions where there were no steelmaking plants, you would actually get a cinder block. Today there is little hope for this - delivery is expensive, which makes the production of such material unprofitable.

Comparison of lightweight concrete blocks using different technologies and with different aggregates

So what do we have? No slag in the cinder block. It is replaced with crushed stone, expanded clay, broken glass, brick fight. That is, they also use “slag”, in the sense of waste, but not blast furnace. As a result, the characteristics are unpredictable, thermal conductivity is low, and durability depends on your luck.

Even if you compare the characteristics of slag concrete blocks with blast furnace slag aggregate, they are not impressive. It should also be added that its moisture absorption is very high - more than twice as high as that of foam and aerated concrete. And this is with lower thermal conductivity in the dry state. So it becomes clear that this block cannot be called the best, and it is far from the cheapest. Blast furnace slag costs a lot. This material is now clearly inferior in many respects. Recent years Twenty people remember him “out of old memory.”

Ceramic block or porous warm ceramics

This porous ceramic block is produced using the same technology as bricks and from the same materials. The whole difference is that the “body” of the material is not solid, but consists of voids and ceramic bridges. This structure is effective: for central Russia, a wall made of porous ceramics should be 50 cm. The same thickness of a wall made of aerated concrete is also needed. And additional insulation is not required with such a thickness. That is, the wall will be single-layer, which is much better than multi-layer. And the finishing can be made from facing bricks or clinker. Ceramics will “make friends” with ceramics without any problems. But not everything is so rosy.

Hollow blocks for ceramic walls could be considered the best option, if not for the high percentage of damage and difficulties with fastening

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic blocks

The main advantages were listed - good thermal characteristics and low (compared to ordinary or even hollow brick) weight. But ceramics are fragile things. And thin partitions break and break easily. When transporting, you can get about 10% of the battle. In addition, cutting a ceramic block is not so easy. A saw won't help here. Other, more serious equipment is required. Another disadvantage is that special fasteners are required, since only this can be held in thin walls.

Advantages of ceramic blocksDisadvantages of hollow ceramic blocks
Good thermal insulation propertiesBrittle material that chips and breaks easily
High level of sound insulationRequired special tool for cutting blocks
Average water absorptionRequires special fasteners
Steam conductivityThe blocks are not as big compared to lightweight concrete
Good frost resistanceNon-ideal geometry, high cost for polished ones that have stable dimensions
High strength
The presence of a corrugated surface, which increases the thermal resistance of the masonry.
High heat absorption. It works as a large heat accumulator, but this is bad for building periodic heating houses.

Other advantages are the same as bricks: natural ceramics, average water absorption, frost resistance from 30 to 80 cycles, good sound insulation properties - up to 55 dB, which is a very good indicator. In addition, there is such a thing as heat capacity. It shows how much heat the material can accumulate. The more heat it “accepts” into itself, the longer it will take to release it later. For homes with permanent residence, materials with high heat capacity are more comfortable. And for ceramics it is quite big. Such a wall is a kind of heat accumulator. This is good for a permanent home, but bad for a dacha that is visited only occasionally in winter. Warming up takes a lot of fuel and time. So this building block is not the best for dachas or baths.

It is also worth adding that today the cost of a cube of porous ceramic block and the cost of autoclaved aerated concrete are almost the same. In some places, aerated concrete is even more expensive. But the sizes of aerated concrete blocks are larger, glue consumption and time consumption are less. You can argue about the time, since for ceramics the presence of armored belts is not necessary, but it will not be superfluous either. And you can’t argue with the size of the blocks. And with geometric precision. No, there are polished ceramic blocks that are adjusted to fit. They can be installed with a minimal layer of adhesive. But such blocks are much more expensive. Nevertheless, looking at all the facts, it is worth saying that we all know ceramics. So, all other things being equal, it makes more sense to choose it.

Lightweight blocks for construction made from porous ceramics have good characteristics, but may have cracks, which do not contradict GOST. Some manufacturers change this material without problems. Others don't consider it a marriage

Everything is so, but there is one problem. Ceramic block is a type of brick. And according to GOST, non-through cracks are allowed in brick if they do not affect the strength. This is true for solid brick. Availability small cracks on one side it is not considered a defect and does not affect the quality of the masonry in any way. But if there is a crack in one of the faces of the ceramic block, it will obviously not be as strong. Second. When one of the faces is broken, it diverges and the sides are no longer parallel. It is hardly worth using such a block in masonry, although technically this is not a defect.

Pressed cement blocks from sand concrete (besser blocks)

Another type of hollow building blocks is made from sand concrete. Solid ones are also made using the same technology, but they have low thermal efficiency. But the wall is practically a monolith, it is difficult to break through it, and its load-bearing capacity is high. But in order for such a house to be warm, it will have very thick walls, which will increase the cost of the foundation.

Therefore, a combined construction is considered the best option. In the sense that the wall is laid from a solid and hollow vibro-pressed block. The outer layer is solid, the inner layer has voids. Thus, the strength of the wall and its load-bearing capacity are high, and the thermal characteristics are excellent. It is also worth saying that the technology allows one of the sides of the block to be made “front”, with a smooth surface or a “ragged stone” look. Sand-cement vibrating blocks are good because you can add dye to them. Everything looks quite decent, and in terms of price, such stones with a “front” side cost only a little more. Just need special forms, but the technology does not change.

Which blocks are best for building a house? If strong walls are a priority, then vibropressed ones are beyond competition

The process of forming vibrocompressed blocks is as follows: a mixture of cement and sand is diluted with water. The solution is poured into molds, which are then processed on a vibrocompression table. That is, the solution is simultaneously subjected to vibration and pressure. This gives it increased strength and allows you to make the walls thin and the voids large. All this makes it possible to reduce weight and also improve thermal performance. This technology has been used in America for a long time. From such a building block they build budget houses. It's called a Besser block.

Advantages and disadvantages of vibrocompressed blocks

The main advantage of this technology is vibration processing with simultaneous pressure. concrete stone It turns out very durable and homogeneous. There are no voids, inhomogeneities, the characteristics and properties are stable, the walls are even and smooth. This processing also makes it possible to control the dimensions. Of all the blocks that are poured into molds, this one has the best geometry.

Sand concrete blocks: main characteristics of solid ones

Further on the properties: high frost resistance - from 50 cycles (up to 300), strength - M100 or higher. The thermal conductivity of hollow blocks is 0.9 W/m²C, which is significantly lower than required, so either the wall must be thick or it needs to be insulated. It absorbs moisture, but in small quantities, and is not afraid of getting wet. There is no data on the thermal conductivity of a solid block. You have to understand that they are extremely disappointing.

When constructing walls from hollow vibroblocks, reinforcement is recommended. Moreover, they do both vertical and horizontal. For the vertical, rods are used, which would be good to connect with outlets from the foundation. And horizontal reinforcement - metal grid. This is not a requirement, but it does make for stronger walls.

Which blocks are best for building a house? In beauty - these

Among the “pure” disadvantages are the rather large weight and small size of the stone. This is when compared with blocks made of lightweight concrete. Accordingly, a foundation for a large weight requires a more powerful one, which leads to an increase in its costs.

The price is quite reasonable, since the components are affordable, and the vibrating table is not such an expensive piece of equipment that it would raise the cost significantly. In general, quite decent option. But no matter how you describe the advantages, cement remains cement. And houses are rarely built from this material. But they often build fences or use them as facing stone. By the way, it is often called a “fence” block or Besser.

Heat block

The heat block is made based on vibration pressing technology. This is a multi-layer structure, in the middle of which there is polystyrene, and on the sides there is a cement-sand vibro-pressed composition. Moreover, one side is the front side, painted in mass and, as a rule, textured, and the second is a solid building stone that carries the load. To increase reliability, the structure is fastened with reinforcing rods.

Perhaps the most energy efficient option. It's just not very popular yet

That is, a heat block is a “three in one” material. The wall and its thermal insulation and finishing are erected immediately. The idea is very interesting and tempting. But, as usual, the new product raises concerns - how will such a pie behave over time? How reliable are such walls? In general, people are in no hurry yet, although these blocks are better for quickly building a house.

Here the characteristics are not so difficult to find. Apparently, because thermal conductivity pleases

Today in private and low-rise construction A variety of blocks are often used. This building material has a number of important advantages, which makes it very attractive to many people.

But before choosing suitable blocks for building a house, which ones are best suited in a particular case, you need to understand their main advantages and disadvantages.

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Reasons for the popularity of building blocks

One of the main advantages of building blocks is their small size and weight. Thanks to this, you can build a residential building, garage or farmstead without the use of heavy equipment. In addition, the market offers big choice blocks made from various raw materials. It can be aerated concrete, foam concrete, ceramics, expanded clay concrete, clay and many others.

Interesting fact! Most varieties of building blocks do not contain biological materials, due to which they successfully resist fungus and rot even in high humidity.

Each of these materials has unique properties, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for each specific case. Unfortunately, there are no universal blocks that have only advantages and no disadvantages.

One type has excellent thermal insulation properties and low weight, but due to its low strength it cannot be used in multi-story construction. The other is more durable, but requires additional thermal insulation.

Therefore, when deciding which blocks are best to build a house from, you should carefully study different variants, learn more about their pros and cons.

Types of building blocks

All types of blocks for building a house have certain advantages. However, each has its drawbacks. It is even more important to know about them than about the advantages. To begin with, we list in the table the main properties of the most common block materials.

It is precisely because of this variety of parameters that it is often difficult to select a material suitable for a particular construction site. You need to study the characteristics of all types of building materials to decide which one is the best choice. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Aerated concrete blocks

In the production of aerated concrete blocks, concrete is used that has been expanded by supplying a binder gas. To do this, a special chemical reagent is added to Portland cement - usually aluminum powder.

When water is added, an active reaction begins, saturating the concrete with gas. Thanks to this, the frozen material has a large number of large pores, reducing the density of the blocks.

This made it possible to significantly change the characteristics of concrete. Blocks have a number of important advantages. One of them is light weight. For example, a standard aerated concrete block for walls measuring 250x300x600 mm can replace 22 bricks. However, its weight is only 30 kg, while the mass of bricks reaches 100 kg. Low weight simplifies the installation process, and also allows you to make do with a lighter and cheaper foundation.

Also, low density significantly improves the heat and sound insulation properties of the material. It conducts sound 10 times worse than brickwork. And construction from aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to reduce heating costs by about a quarter, and in some cases by a third.

It is important that the size of the aerated block for building a house can be different. There are products with dimensions from 100×300×600 mm to 400×300×600 mm.

Prices for aerated concrete blocks

aerated concrete blocks

Foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete vaguely resembles aerated concrete. The main raw material for production is concrete. However, the composition does not contain gas-forming additives. Instead, the concrete is expanded using a special foam generator. Otherwise their properties are similar.

The size can vary significantly - from 10x30x60 to 25x30x60 cm. Many people have a question: which foam block to choose for building a house? It depends on the number of storeys of the building. In each specific case, serious calculations must be made to determine which material will be the best choice.

The thermal conductivity of foam concrete is extremely low - it is 0.2–0.4 W/m×°C. Thanks to this, the house will always be warm. This allows you to significantly reduce heating costs.

Important! Builders value foam concrete for its ease of processing. The blocks can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw to obtain the material the right size and shapes.

Unfortunately, there is also a drawback - low strength. Foam concrete can withstand a load of no more than 50 kg/cm2. So if you need wall blocks for the external walls of a two-story or higher house, it is worth considering other options.

Prices for foam concrete blocks

foam concrete blocks

Ceramic blocks

In the production of ceramic blocks, the same clay is used that serves as the raw material for ordinary red bricks. She mixes with sawdust, after which the mixture is shaped and sent to the kiln for firing.

As a result of exposure high temperature the sawdust burns, and the clay acquires high strength and durability. In place of the sawdust, pores remain, due to which the density of the finished products decreases. Along with it, thermal conductivity and weight are reduced.

The thermal conductivity of ceramic blocks is extremely low - only 0.8–0.18 W/m×°C. So if you are looking for warm blocks to build a cozy home, these could be your best choice. It is important that the strength of the material is quite high - depending on the version, it is 25–100 kg/cm2. This is ensured by the high strength of the clay. You can build a two- or three-story cottage that is guaranteed to last for many decades.

Standard size - 380×248×238 mm. The material is considered a good compromise: it allows you to quickly build large objects, but at the same time it is easy to work with.

Arbolite blocks

This is a special material that contains not only concrete, but also sawdust. Therefore their use is almost similar wooden blocks for building a house. Large sawdust is mixed with cement, acting as a filler. The large amount of wood minimizes thermal conductivity - it is only 0.1–0.14 W/m×°C. In addition, weight is reduced significantly finished products- 500–700 kg/m3.

Extremely low thermal conductivity makes wood concrete a good choice both for the construction of a building (its strength allows the construction of new buildings of one, two, and in some cases three floors), and for insulating existing ones - brick and concrete. Excellent sound insulation properties ensure silence and comfort in the constructed houses.

In other words, wood concrete retains most of the advantages of natural wood. But unlike it, it does not shrink - immediately after the completion of construction of the house, you can begin renovations and celebrate a housewarming party.

Sizes also vary. If the length and width of finished products are always 500 and 200 mm, respectively, then the thickness can vary between 150–300 mm.

Expanded clay concrete blocks

If we compare these cement blocks for walls with other building materials, they can be placed between brick and aerated concrete. On the one hand, they can boast of high strength and excellent frost resistance (50–150 kg/cm2 and 50 cycles, respectively).

On the other hand, they have a very low density - 700–1500 kg/m3. The thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks can be found in the table - only 0.15–0.45 W/m×°C. Therefore, they can be safely called a good choice for construction.

The manufacturing process is quite simple. B prepared cement mortar coarse expanded clay sand or expanded clay gravel is added, the fraction of which is 5–10 mm. When sand is added, the material becomes more durable, but has worse thermal insulation properties. Conversely, blocks made using gravel provide warmth and comfort in the house, but their strength is much lower.

Several block options are available:

  • wall dimensions 188×190×390 mm;
  • partition measuring 188×90×390 mm.

Dolomite blocks have similar properties. Only instead of filler, they use not light porous expanded clay, but a more durable material - dolomite. Because of this, finished products receive increased strength, but their thermal insulation qualities are significantly deteriorated.

Hollow brick

It resembles ordinary red brick used in building construction. The only difference is the shape in which the clay is placed for molding - it has special pins, thanks to which ready material acquires holes. Their number, shape and size may vary.

The larger the volume occupied by the voids, the lighter the brick will be. Accordingly, its thermal insulation properties improve - this indicator can vary between 0.5–0.55 W/m×°C.

Of course, as thermal insulation improves, sound conductivity decreases, which is also a plus for the building material. But strength suffers from this - it is 75–250 kg/cm2. And yet this is quite enough for the construction of luxurious two- and three-story houses.

In addition, the material looks very attractive, which is additional advantage. Therefore, today it is in great demand. The dimensions are standard, like those of ordinary bricks:

  • single - 250×120×65 mm;
  • one-and-a-half - 250×120×88 mm;
  • double - 250×120×138 mm.

Prices for hollow bricks

hollow brick

You need to choose the appropriate option based on the requirements for the material at a particular site.

Comparison of blocks for building walls

All the building materials described above can be used in the construction of walls. However, they have different characteristics: frost resistance, strength, thermal conductivity. Therefore it is necessary to calculate optimal thickness walls for a particular region, the maximum possible height of the building, as well as the need to use additional external finishing and provide moisture insulation for the walls.

But there are a number of important features here. Let's say you need to build a house in central Russia, known for its rather harsh winters.

If you have chosen a lightweight porous material with good thermal insulation properties, but with low strength (for example, aerated concrete or wood concrete), then you will have to build fairly thick walls.

This will provide high-quality heat and sound insulation to the finished building, which means you will not have to overpay for a large amount of fuel burned to heat the premises.

In addition, the large thickness of the walls allows the load from the roof and ceilings to be evenly distributed over a large area. This means that even a not very durable material is guaranteed to last for many decades. In addition, the low weight of the material allows you not to spend extra money on equipping a powerful foundation.

A different technique will have to be followed if you choose hollow clay bricks. It has high strength, significant weight and low thermal insulation qualities. But it makes no sense to build a wall from it twice as thick as from foam concrete.

This will dramatically increase the cost of construction, and the pressure from the structure will be very large - an expensive foundation will be needed. Therefore, it makes sense to limit ourselves to relatively thin walls: the high strength of brick allows this to be done. To reduce heat loss, you need to use a suitable thermal insulation material.

With this approach, you can build a cozy, durable and attractive house with minimal costs funds and time.

Type of foundation and shrinkage of building blocks

The choice of foundation is extremely important for any building. The reliability and durability of the building largely depends on it. Today, several types of foundation are actively used:

  • Monolithic (also known as slab). It is suitable for the largest and therefore heaviest houses. It is a slab that lies under the entire house. Big square ensures uniform load on the ground. The downside is the high price and significant installation time.
  • Tape. It lies under load-bearing walls and partitions. It can be monolithic (from reinforced concrete) or prefabricated (from ready-made reinforced concrete products). Suitable for the construction of medium-weight buildings on dense soils. It has a relatively low cost, and when using reinforced concrete products it can be erected in a matter of days. The disadvantage is the inability to use on weak and highly heaving soils.
  • Pile. This is the fastest option to construct. Piles are screwed into the soil and connected by a grillage - this serves as the foundation for the house. Ideal for weak and marshy soils. However, to perform this you will have to turn to professionals - you will need special equipment and materials, which increases the cost.

Immediately after the foundation has gained sufficient strength, construction can begin. But there is no need to rush into repairs. After all, some types of blocks give a certain shrinkage. Usually it is not large - no more than 2%. However, this may lead to skew doorways and the appearance of small cracks in the plaster. This indicator varies for different blocks:

  • aerated concrete - 0.5–1.5%,
  • foam concrete - 0.6–1.2%,
  • ceramics - 0%,
  • wood concrete - 0.5–1%,
  • expanded clay concrete - 0%,
  • hollow brick - 0%.

Therefore, after building a house from foam concrete, wood concrete or aerated concrete, it makes sense to wait several months, so as not to spend a lot of money on eliminating the consequences of shrinkage.

When to reinforce the foundation

All the building materials mentioned above perform relatively well in compression - some are worse, others are better. However, they all work poorly in bending and stretching. Even relatively small loads lead to cracks. To prevent this from happening, the foundation must be strong and reliable. Do not allow movement or damage to the base - this will lead to the destruction of the walls.

Therefore, it is very important to use reinforcement when creating a foundation. Reinforced concrete can withstand even significant loads of compression, tension and bending without harm. This means that nothing will threaten the walls built from building blocks.

Estimated speed of construction

The speed of construction largely depends on the size of the brick. Suppose you decide to give preference to gas silicate blocks. Therefore, the dimensions gas silicate block for building a house will have a serious impact on the time spent constructing the walls.

Everything is simple here. Let's compare two types of blocks: 600×250×300 mm and 600×250×150 mm. With the same length and width, they differ in height by a factor of two.

Therefore, to build a wall 3 m high, you will need 30 rows of the first blocks or 60 second ones. Of course, in the first case, construction will take less time. Another advantage of the first blocks will be the smaller number of seams - they have a high density and act as a cold bridge through which heat is lost in winter.

Using large blocks is not always possible. But in cases where this is permissible, this approach can be called absolutely correct.

Exterior decoration of the building

The exterior decoration of block buildings should be taken very seriously. On the one hand, aerated concrete or wood concrete does not look very attractive, but a layer of paint or plaster will make the house more elegant. On the other hand, and even more important, some materials need reliable protection from moisture. Hollow and ceramic bricks perfectly resist moisture - a small number of pores increases frost resistance and reduces water absorption.

But foam concrete, gas silicate, wood concrete and expanded clay concrete need a good finish that will close the pores and protect the material from precipitation and high humidity. So it is better to use just such blocks for building a house with cladding.

Useful video: choosing material for building a house

Now you know all the important properties of building blocks, understand their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it will be much easier for you to decide which one will be the best choice for building your dream home.

Building blocks are types of structural elements that are manufactured at the factory. Their goal is the construction of suburban or multi-story buildings. In addition to houses, these blocks can be used to build foundations, various partitions and almost any other buildings.

This one was originally used only as a replacement for brick. However, now the scope of their use has increased significantly. This is because new types of building blocks are emerging that are easy to work with. They can be cut into any desired shapes or slots can be made for electrical wiring. The main component of the block is concrete. Products come in different sizes - from the smallest to the larger. Whatever their external dimensions, the quality always remains at a high level.

Many people probably don’t even know what types of concrete building blocks there are. In fact, there are many more of them than might seem at first glance. So, the types of blocks:

  • Arbolite.
  • Expanded clay concrete.
  • Sawdust concrete.
  • Cinder blocks.
  • Foam concrete.
  • Gas silicate.
  • Polystyrene concrete.
  • Sand concrete.

Areas of application

Since different kinds building blocks were first used in construction, they became increasingly popular, and today they are a material that is used in many fields.

In monolithic construction, they are used to install internal and external structures. When constructing low-rise buildings from blocks, installations are erected that serve as the main wall element. Also, these materials are among the best for the construction of various industrial premises.

Building blocks: types, sizes, price

Each type has its own properties. These are strength, frost resistance, weight, thermal conductivity, wall subsidence time, shrinkage, water absorption and cost. Also different types building blocks have different compositions. For example, they consist of cement, sand and a foaming agent. Gas silicate ones are made without cement at all. It contains only sand, foaming agent and astringent silicate material.

Price policy

The cost of blocks, accordingly, is also different. For example, one cubic meter of aerated concrete product will cost an average of 3,600 rubles. An expanded clay element measuring 390x190x188 mm will cost about 37 rubles per piece. The larger the dimensions, the higher the price. A cheaper option is cinder block. Its price ranges from 22 to 37 rubles. But you can find it more expensive. One foam block will cost an average of 100-115 rubles.

Price fluctuations in the construction market are quite noticeable. This is because the cost is affected not only by the type and quality of the block. Much depends on the brand and authority of the manufacturer.

Basic dimensions of blocks for external walls

  • Length: 400, 600, 900, 1000, 1200, 1300, 1500, 1800, 2100, 3300 mm.
  • Height: 300, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 1600, 2200, 2500, 2700, 2800, 3000, 3300, 3900 mm.
  • Thickness: 200-600 mm.

For interior walls

  • Length: 400, 900-3300 mm.
  • Height: 300-600, 1100, 2100, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3300 mm.
  • Thickness: 160, 200, 250, 300 mm.

We have already figured out what building blocks are. But how to choose the right type?

Advantages and disadvantages

Different blocks are used in construction. What to choose so that the building lasts reliably for a very long time? Let's consider each type of block separately.

Expanded clay concrete has a higher level of strength and frost resistance compared to others. These advantages ensure long service life and reliability of the design. Due to the absence of shrinkage, in the future you will not have to deal with such problems as cracks and changes in the geometry of the walls. The advantages also include affordable price. The disadvantage is the relatively uneven surface.

Foam block. Its installation is much easier due to the most ideal (of all options) geometry and relatively low weight. The frost resistance of this block is low, therefore, for a greater margin of safety and prolongation of service life, it is necessary to properly insulate and insulate the structure. Also, the disadvantages include high cost, favorable environment for fungal formations and inconvenient fasteners.

Gas silicate block. First, let's look at what its advantages are. Of all other types this material has the lightest weight and ideal geometry. The blocks can be mounted with glue.

Now the disadvantages. The material has a low level of strength and frost resistance. As a result, it can only be used in dry and warm rooms. Over time, cracks form due to shrinkage.

These blocks are used in the construction of one-story and multi-storey buildings. They are also used to build country houses, utility buildings and garages. This building material is completely safe for human health, since only harmless substances are used in production.

The worst types are slag and sawdust blocks. Their advantages lie only in the low cost of the material. There are many more disadvantages. These building materials are short-lived because they have a low level of frost resistance.

Advantages of blocks over alternative building materials

  • It takes about 5 times less time to build from blocks than to build a brick structure.
  • The consumption of mortar is reduced.
  • Due to the lighter weight of the blocks, laying out the foundation is much cheaper.
  • This material provides a high level of heat and noise insulation in the finished building. Also, the building will last much longer.
  • Their density is much lower than even the density of brick. This helps keep the house warm and reduces heating costs.

Building blocks - types and characteristics

Gas silicate and foam concrete elements are often used in construction. The biggest advantage of these interchangeable blocks is their porous structure. These are also perfectly smooth materials of the same size. They are used as insulation, as well as for laying walls and various partitions with wooden floors. The number of floors when using these materials is not at all limited. The differences lie only in production technology.

These blocks are universal. With their help, external and internal, load-bearing and non-load-bearing wall structures are erected. They serve as the basis for partitions and lintels in the house.

In second place in use are expanded clay and sand-cement, which consist of sand, cement and other additives and are very durable. Therefore, they are often used for the construction of foundations and ground floors. However, such a block is cold. And this does not allow the construction of residential buildings from it.

The composition of expanded clay concrete blocks includes: cement, sand, expanded clay and other additives. Production consists of two stages. First, vibration compaction occurs. Then the resulting material is steamed. The filler is baked clay granules, which significantly reduce weight and increase strength. Good thermal and sound insulation properties allow the blocks to be used to build walls and partitions even in rooms with high moisture levels.

Sawdust concrete elements are also produced using the technology of expanded clay blocks. The main difference is that instead of clay, wood sawdust and other wood waste are used.

Cinder blocks are also produced using this technology. However, the composition includes, accordingly, blast furnace slag.

There are different building blocks, types, the characteristics of which also differ significantly, so the material should be selected very carefully, taking into account all the pros and cons of each type.


Before the various types of modern blocks were introduced, only concrete ones were used. Today they are somewhat inferior to newer analogues, as they have a low level of thermal insulation. However, despite the fallen demand, they are often used for the construction of foundations and utility buildings.

Today, the building materials market is unusually wide; you can choose the right building blocks without any effort. The main thing is to know what to buy, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences if you choose the wrong material.

So, we found out what types of building blocks they have, their characteristics, how they differ, what advantages and disadvantages they have. As you can see, each of these types differs not only in cost, but also in technical characteristics. The main thing is to choose exactly the option that will best suit your goals.

The construction of industrial buildings or housing begins with the main question of which blocks are best to use to build a house.

If previously only brick was available, now we have a wide selection of building materials.

And depending on the purpose of the building and the time of its use, the appropriate material is selected.

Types of building blocks

All types of blocks have many positive characteristics. This made it possible, in most cases, to replace traditional brick and wood. They differ from each other not only in composition, but also in structure. The main types of blocks used most often:

  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • cinder blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • wood concrete

Let's take a closer look at each of these types, how they are similar and how they differ from each other.

Aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete refers to cellular concrete. A distinctive feature is ease of processing. Its shape can be easily changed using drilling or planing tools, which expands the possibilities of using them on different stages construction.

The porous structure is achieved by foaming the raw materials: cement, quartz sand and special aluminum powder to form gases.

An environmentally friendly building material with high hydro- and heat resistance. It is not susceptible to fungi and corrosion, which ensures the durability of buildings.

It is important to know: The thermal insulation properties of aerated concrete blocks decrease with increasing density.

Aerated concrete blocks have different densities. The scope of their application depends on this. Stones with a lower density are used as insulation between walls. Denser material is used for the construction of load-bearing structures.

Foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete, like aerated concrete, is produced with or without an autoclave. The strength of the material depends on this. It also belongs to the cellular species and has a porous structure. The main advantages of foam block:

  • Retains heat well. Thermal conductivity is three times less than that of brick.
  • The block is light in weight. This makes it easier to transport and also does not require a very heavy foundation during construction.
  • Quite durable material. You can build buildings up to three floors high.
  • High fire-resistant properties. Withstands exposure to open flame for up to four hours.
  • Frost-resistant. The porous structure provides space for moisture to expand inside when freezing, so at sub-zero temperatures, destruction of the structure does not occur.
  • Ecologically pure material. For foaming, a synthetic or protein foaming agent that does not contain harmful gases is used.
  • Suitable for monolithic construction.

note: when producing foam concrete blocks, you must add water strictly according to the scheme and give it 28 days to dry, otherwise it will shrink up to 3 mm per meter of wall.

In addition to its advantages, the material also has its disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  • May shrink a lot if not dried enough.
  • It is fragile and breaks easily at corners, so you need to work with it carefully.
  • It is impossible to screw a screw into such walls in the usual way. For foam concrete, special dowels are used.

Cinder blocks

Cinder block is a common name for building stones made from concrete. It is used in the construction of internal and external walls, as well as when laying the foundation. The very durable material is very popular among builders.

Technological parameters depend on the composition of the stone. If you add pebbles, crushed stone, and sand during its manufacture, you will get a very heavy, durable material. It can withstand heavy loads and is used for the construction of load-bearing walls.

Remember: This durable cinder block has high thermal conductivity, so the walls require additional insulation.

By adding slag, a lighter stone is obtained. The larger the size of the slag pebbles, the lighter the material and the lower its thermal conductivity, and vice versa.

For the construction of a residential building, it is better to use cinder blocks, to which simple sawdust was added during manufacturing. They will protect it from drafts, increase the fire safety of the building and are at the same time environmentally friendly. The main thing is not to forget to plaster the outside walls to protect the blocks from rain.

Expanded clay concrete

A durable and lightweight building material is prepared on the basis of expanded clay and is called expanded clay concrete. Clay, which is used as a raw material, undergoes special heat treatment.

As a result, air chambers appear inside, and the raw material melts outside. The material has high thermal insulation properties and can withstand heavy mechanical loads.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are used for the construction of residential buildings. The walls are warm, durable, and highly sound insulated.

The strength of the blocks directly depends on the density of the concrete. Suitable for work in any climate zones. Used for making blocks, as well as for monolithic filling of walls.


A building material based on wood chips cement bound high grade and hardener. Suitable for the construction of two - three-story houses. Thanks to low thermal conductivity, high sound insulation and air exchange, houses are warm and quiet.

The main advantages of wood concrete:

  • consists of environmentally clean products;
  • are not affected by mold and fungi;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • allows air to pass through well, absorbs and releases water;
  • high heat capacity, which allows you to quickly heat the room in cold weather;
  • under the influence of open fire, wood concrete, unlike wood, does not burn, but only chars;
  • easy to process with a hacksaw, holds a driven nail or screw well;
  • lightweight material, which makes it easier to work with and does not require a reinforced foundation during construction.

Wood concrete is a material that does not break under impact loads or bend.

What is the best material to build a house from?

Before you start building a house, you need to carefully study all the pros and cons of the building material, and then make a final decision. After all right choice affects not only the strength of the house, how long it will stand, but also its cost.

If a house is being built for permanent residence, then the first place should be materials that provide high heat and sound insulation, strength and durability of the building.


This indicator reflects the ability of the material to withstand compressive loads. It depends on the brand of the block. The higher the value, the stronger it is. For example, material grade M100 will begin to deteriorate at a load of more than 100 kg/cm2. Of the block materials, expanded clay concrete is the most durable.


The weight of the block and its load on the base depend on it. The main walls are best built from stone with a value above 750 kg/m3. It should be taken into account that the higher the density index, the more heat the material transmits. This means that the need to insulate the walls further increases.

Thermal conductivity

How quickly heat leaves a room through the walls can be seen by the thermal conductivity coefficient. The lower the indicator, the warmer the room will be in winter. This means that the cost of thermal insulation will be lower. The warmest gas and foam blocks.

Frost resistance

Based on this indicator, we see how many cycles of complete freezing and defrosting the building material can withstand before the block begins to collapse. It can be considered relative, because not a single block freezes completely during operation. The average acceptable level is 35 cycles. Most of the selected materials correspond to this indicator.


This important indicator shows how the material behaves during operation. High degree of shrinkage in foam and gas blocks. This is due to the strong porosity of the material. Arbolite has a low shrinkage coefficient, provided the right technology production.

Water absorption

This is the property of stones to absorb moisture that gets on them. The porous structure of materials is the result of high performance in all types. This means that the outside of the wall must be additionally finished to protect the blocks from moisture.


To determine which building material will be cheaper to use, you need to calculate the costs at all stages of construction. A cheaper block does not mean lower construction costs. An approximate comparison of the cost of the material and their main properties is shown in the table:

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which blocks are best to use for building a house. First of all, you should feel comfortable in the constructed home. Whether it will be made of wooden beams, brick or concrete blocks is up to you.

The main thing is, before you finally make your choice, carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of each material. Then the atmosphere in the house will delight you for many years.

What is the best way to build a house, what blocks to use for this, see the following video: