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» We equip the cottage. How to equip a country house inside? Interesting and simple ideas. Preparatory work and planning

We equip the cottage. How to equip a country house inside? Interesting and simple ideas. Preparatory work and planning

Arranging a cottage with your own hands is a whole range of works that allows you not only to provide an attractive appearance country house and adjoining territory, but also simplifies the use of suburban real estate. Let's see how to arrange country cottage area with your own hands, what to pay attention to from the very first steps.

Useful ideas about arranging a dacha with your own hands (photo guide)

When arranging a summer cottage with your own hands, it is very reasonable to combine functional elements with decorative design. This will not only not violate the basic idea of ​​​​buying a summer residence, but will also improve the mood of the summer resident. Rationally located beds, paths, flower beds, and the house itself will greatly facilitate the care of the entire household.

Walkways and driveways

The absence of improved access roads, fences and footpaths in the local area significantly impairs the usability of the dacha, and the suburban real estate itself loses its attractiveness. Access roads can be improved by making such a road with gravel backfill or by laying asphalt.

Paths directly on the backyard can be paved concrete tiles or polished stones. There are many special materials for paving footpaths. In each case, the homeowner chooses one or another material, depending on his financial capabilities.

Hedges and fences

The next stage of work is the arrangement of the reservoir. It is believed that such decorative pools and ponds can increase the humidity in the area, which reduces possible temperature fluctuations and improves the microclimate. There are currently special shapes from plastic for decorative pools, and the purchase of all necessary equipment does not differ in complexity. All this allows you to independently equip a full-fledged decorative reservoir on your personal plot without resorting to professionals.

decorative pond can be a great addition to the landscape design of the site. These are small reservoirs in their volume, having decoration. In such reservoirs, you can keep various ornamental fish or simply make an original waterfall. Today, in specialized stores, it is possible to choose ready-made decorative garden ponds, the installation of which directly on the backyard is not difficult.

Setting up a green lawn

Breaking down the lawn on the backyard of a country house is one of the milestones arrangement of the territory. In the recent past, when fruits and vegetables were grown in the country, there could be no talk of any lawns and lawns. Today, with the growth of well-being, we begin to consider the dacha, first of all, as an opportunity have a great holiday Outdoors.

Emerald green lawn will create the necessary atmosphere on the plot and emphasize its attractive appearance. The lawn beautifully frames the main perspectives of garden design, flower beds stand out clearly against its background. Yes, and fruits that have fallen on the grass do not get dirty.

It should be said that there are numerous technologies for arranging a lawn in the country. It is possible to use ready-made rolled lawns, however they have high cost, differ in complexity in installation and subsequent operation. Most homeowners independently prepare the base and subsequently sow the area with varietal grass. Such preparation of the territory involves the removal of sod, leveling the earth and backfilling the fertile soil layer. You will also need to regularly water the grass and remove emerging weeds. Despite the apparent complexity, every homeowner can equip such a lawn.

Arrangement of beds in the country

It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged cottage without beds. On such beds you can grow fresh vegetables and fruits, which are immediately eaten by your household. If you are completely new, then take a look at our tips on where to start your garden at this address, you will surely find something useful.

They try to locate the beds in the immediate vicinity of the fence, which will simultaneously provide an attractive landscape design, and the site will not lose functionality at all. We can recommend immediately not to waste time on bookmarking all the planned organic beds, stretching this "pleasure" over the years. For example, in the first year, lay two, and then increase their number. This will allow you to get excellent harvest even with small area dedicated to vegetables and fruits.

Landscaping is a complex, time-consuming and lengthy process. It is necessary to properly plan the course of such work and subsequently act according to the plan. All this will simplify such work, and the homeowner will be able to properly start arranging the cottage with his own hands, ensuring ease of use and an attractive appearance of the backyard territory.

Before the owners, acquiring land for a summer residence, a lot of tasks arise, the main of which is the improvement of a summer cottage. Just building a house or a temporary hut on it is not enough, because the dacha is traditionally considered the best place for recreation (active or not) in nature, and it should be comfortable. In the process of arranging the backyard territory, there are no trifles, and in order for your dacha to become truly comfortable and beautiful, you need to pay attention to everything: from fences and paths to lawns and flower beds.

Cozy backyard with your own hands. Where to begin?

Every backyard needs improvement.

Landscaping a summer residence should begin with cleaning the territory. The yard should be cleared of last year's foliage, various debris, uproot stumps, remove large stones and other similar objects.

Then you can proceed directly to the improvement. To equip a personal plot with your own hands in as soon as possible and at the same time achieve harmonious combination of all elements of landscape design, it is necessary to act consistently. This will help you draw up a plan for future work.

Preparatory work and planning

Given the importance of planning, the first task is to draw up a project of work. To do this, you will need to complete a drawing with the existing buildings and trees marked on it, as well as the marked boundaries of the site.

Then you should decide if you want to clean something. If the territory already has fruit trees, then it is better to save them, since it will take a lot of time to grow new ones.

The remaining free places can be filled with garden paths, flower beds, gazebos and everything that you would like to see in your country house. Usually at their summer cottage they place:

  1. Recreation area. There are awnings, etc.
  2. . If you have children, it would be wise to take care of their leisure time in the country by installing a sandbox, swing or slide.
  3. Territory for economic needs. This part of the cottage is reserved for buildings such as, (if it is not provided for in the house), a fertilizer storage.
  4. Garden. It is recommended to place it on the north side of the site to provide the plants with the maximum amount of sunlight.
  5. Garden. Almost any place, not too shaded and not swampy, is suitable for it.

It is important to correctly identify functional areas

These zones can be called basic, although optional. Still, a lot depends on the size of the site and the personal preferences of the owners. A vegetable garden is more important to someone, and someone just wants to enjoy the rest surrounded by neat lawns.

Whatever you prefer, the fact that the cottage should be well-groomed is beyond doubt. An important role in this is played by the arrangement of a decent fence for the site.

Site fencing: choose the right one

What fence is better to choose for a summer residence? The most reliable and presentable will be a fence made of stone or brick, as well as forged. However, these options are quite expensive and, if you do not plan to spend a lot, you can get by with a wooden palisade or.

True, in the case of wattle fence, the reliability of protecting your site from unwanted intrusions is very doubtful. Therefore, such a fence is recommended to be additionally strengthened with a chain-link mesh.

Reliable fence from corrugated board and brickwork

The mesh itself, fixed between the supports, can also serve as a fence, and to make it look more attractive and hide the site from prying eyes, you can plant shrubs, climbing plants or flowers along it. At the fence, hawthorn, barberry, thuja, juniper, lilac, and from curly - girlish grapes, sweet peas and others will look appropriate.

Garden paths and paths

- a mandatory attribute of any site. To make your movement around the cottage more convenient, and its general appearance to be harmonious, you should take care of arranging paths that unite all functional areas. It is better if they are all done in the same style.


The easiest way to make sand paths. To do this, you need to mark their contours with a rope, remove soil about 20 cm deep from the surface of the future path, fill it up, pour water over it and compact the gravel. Then comes another layer of gravel, finer, and, finally, a layer of sand, preferably with stone chips. Such a mixture today can be easily purchased at the store, its shades are very different, so the path will be not only practical, but also beautiful.

The laid sandy path is carefully compacted and framed with a brick or concrete curb. The recommended height of such a fence is 5 cm above the level of the track. Flowers or shrubs are usually planted on the sides. They visually highlight the path and at the same time strengthen the ground near it.

Path of sand


Laying concrete walkway do it yourself

You can also make concrete paths. This material is more durable, moreover, if you use ready-made concrete blocks, subsequently it will be possible to change the direction of the paths by simply shifting the plates.

However, the fill concrete mortar gives you more options to create unusual shapes and smooth curves. You will have to work hard for this, but the result is worth it. The base of the path is prepared similarly to the sandy one and the formwork is mounted on the sides (it is recommended to soak it in water in advance so that the solution does not stick).

Note! Laying a reinforcing mesh under concrete greatly reduces the risk of cracking garden paths and increases their service life.

Then you should prepare the solution in the proportion - 1 part of cement, 2 sand and 4 gravel, put it in the prepared form and level it. After the concrete has set a little, you can apply patterns imitating stone to its surface.

concrete walkway

In addition to sand and concrete, stones or stones can also be used for paths. brickwork. The basis for them is prepared similarly to the previous options, but installation is much more laborious. In order for the stones to lie well, they will need to be hewn and laid out on cement mortar manually, which, as you understand, is a very painstaking task.

Recreation and games area

It is unlikely that the improvement of the summer cottage can be called complete without the presence of comfortable conditions for recreation and a place specially designed for this.

Place to rest

It is best to equip this area in the garden or on the lawn. It can consist of several benches and a table (the easiest option), as well as a gazebo, a full-fledged dining place, a barbecue and other attributes necessary for cultural recreation.

If you plan to place a brazier on the site or, pay attention to its distance from housing and wooden buildings. For fire safety purposes, it should not be too close to them, but placing it close to the neighboring area is also undesirable.

Cozy gazebo with barbecue

A significant role for a comfortable pastime in the country is played by all kinds of awnings and gazebos, which will shelter from the bright sun in the summer, and also will not allow the sudden rain to spoil your vacation. In addition, a gazebo entwined with grapes or flowers will undoubtedly decorate the backyard area. It is usually located in the center of the garden, by the pool (if one is planned) or by the playground.


Take care of a place for children's games

Those who have small children or grandchildren should arrange a safe place for them in the country. play area. It is recommended to place it closer to the house or in another well-visible place in order to be able to look after the children. If there is a pool or on the site, then the playground should not be too close to it, and the reservoir itself, as potentially dangerous place must be enclosed with a dense fence.

The area under the playing area should be flat, without sharp slopes. Too shaded place should not be chosen, but too much sun will not bring benefits. To provide moderate shade, it is better to stretch an awning or install a canopy.

As for horizontal bars, slides, swings and other equipment for games, the main requirement here is safety. It is necessary to make sure that everything is securely fixed, as well as to remove stones, sharp pegs and other objects from the territory of the site that can cause injury.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage: choose plants

After the site is delimited into the main zones, it's time to revive and decorate it with green spaces. In order for your lawns and flower beds to please the eye, you must follow all the rules for landscaping a summer cottage.

First of all, you should assess the climate, the location of the cottage, as well as the composition of the soil. It is possible that for the growth of some plants it will be necessary to additionally fertilize the land, and some may not take root at all if climatic conditions too harsh.

Determining with specific types plantings, consider also the degree of shading. After all, it is known that not all plants tolerate constant shade or sun well. The humidity of the earth is also of considerable importance - its level should be sufficient, but not excessive. It is very difficult to grow anything in a wetland, and in this case, it will be necessary to first drain the soil and select moisture-resistant plants.

Shrubs and lawn: which require less maintenance?

Of the green spaces for summer cottages, shrubs and lawns, famous for their unpretentiousness, are excellent. A well-groomed lawn always looks win-win both on its own and as a backdrop for other landscape design elements. You can buy already grown lawn in rolls, which greatly simplifies the process of gardening, or, if desired, sow and grow it yourself.

Lawns and shrubs at their summer cottage

If you decide to purchase ready-made lawns, be sure to pay attention to the type of grass. Since, depending on it, they can be shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, trampling-resistant, athletic, etc. To determine which species suits you best, it makes sense to consult with the owners of nearby sites who already have practical experience in this matter.

Choice ornamental shrubs, usually planted along fences, paths or in combination with, is also wide. The most popular are forsythia, Japanese rhododendron, dwarf spruce, jasmine, weigela and, of course, lilac. As a rule, such shrubs are unpretentious in care, and with the right place for planting and periodic trimming of extra branches, they will delight you for more than one year.

flower beds

The finishing touch that adds a bright note to general view suburban area, there will be flower beds. Almost any place can be allocated for them, since there are enough varieties of flowers, among which there are resistant to heat, moisture, and shading. To make the flower bed look well-groomed, it is worth protecting it with a small vine fence or overlaying it with a stone, and correct selection and the arrangement of plants with different flowering periods will allow you to enjoy their beauty all summer long.

Flower bed will add bright colors

Beautiful personal plots (photo)

As you can see, it is quite possible to decorate and ennoble the cottage with your own hands, although this will require considerable effort and a serious approach to business. But the result of such efforts will undoubtedly please you. And, in order to be inspired to implement your dacha improvement project, we bring to your attention beautiful personal plots, photos of which are given below.

The time has passed when summer residents tried to use every piece of land for growing vegetables, berries, and fruits. Now the owners of suburban areas are striving to ennoble their estates and turn them into a lovely recreation area. How to equip a cottage with your own hands with a minimum of costs, turning it into a wonderful vacation spot? This is an interesting and very exciting activity.

How beautiful to equip the cottage?

So you have purchased Vacation home with a plot. Where to start its improvement?

  • First you need to get rid of unnecessary shrubs, trash and everything else that does not suit you.
  • You should outline the location of future alpine slides, a pond, a stream, a veranda, gazebos, paths - everything that you want to see on your territory.
  • To create a stream, its reliability must be arranged with a slope.
  • You should decide on a style of garden landscape that is suitable for the appearance of the house, taking into account the size land plot. Experts believe that it is much more difficult to create a design for a small area.

All plans for improvement must be commensurate with their financial capabilities.

Site fencing

It is worth starting with the fence of the territory. The fence can be made capital of concrete, brick, wood, metal profile. Hedges from (forsythia, spirea, barberry and other plants) look original. These beautiful hedges perform a protective function, forming a dense wall of shoots, foliage and flowers.

Looks impressive instead of a gate alive decorative arch from climbing plants. It is important for such an arch to make a strong support from metal structure. Plants for a beautiful neat arch require careful and timely pruning and good care.

rest zone


Designers recommend installing a veranda or gazebo on the territory, the style of which is in harmony with the house and other buildings in the garden. In addition to the comfort from the gazebo in the country, it will still be great place rest on hot days. If there are small children in the house, then the gazebo can be arranged in the form fairy house, and around put sculptures of characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

Can be used instead of the traditional wooden building make a green gazebo planted with flexible trees: birch, maple, willow, linden. Don't forget to leave room for the entrance. Around the site at a distance of about a meter, you need to plant trees or climbing shrubs: lemongrass, girlish grapes, honeysuckle, hydrangea, actinidia or climbing plants: hops, sweet peas, ornamental beans. Of course, such an original gazebo requires special care: regular trimming of bushes, cleaning of dry leaves, direction of growing shoots.

garden paths

Beautifully executed paths can significantly change the look of the territory. They divide the site into zones, ennoble the cottage. They can be made from decorative paving slabs, gravel, concrete slabs, flat stones, wood, stone chips, mosaics, and even laid out from wooden cuts. It all depends on the imagination of the owners and their financial well-being.

Flower beds and flower beds

A village hut with a front garden looks completely new. It is enough to plant ordinary unpretentious flowers in the front garden that do not require special care: chamomile, primrose, marigolds, calendula, cosmea. It is better to choose perennial flowers with openwork beautiful leaves. Not very attractive buildings will help disguise climbing plants: parthenocissus, clematis, honeysuckle. For these vines, a reliable, strong support is needed.

Plants in a flower bed or flower garden that are well-chosen according to color and timing of flowering look beautiful on the site. These can be made up of annual and perennial flowers, as well as ornamental grasses, grasses and shrubs.

It looks interesting lawn with a border as a border of flowers or a flower bed of flowers of different heights and flowering shrubs located in the middle of the lawn.

For device original flower garden various household items and obsolete items will do. For these purposes, you can use any means of transportation (bicycle, cart, car, scooter), dishes (buckets, tanks, pots, watering cans, bath), shoes. Old dishes can be restored by decorating them with mosaics, pebbles, decoupage, braiding with a vine or a tourniquet.

Alpine slides are very popular with gardeners. Of course for beautiful slide you need to adjust the terrain of the place, choose the right stones, and then pick up the right plants.

decorative arches

If you arrange an arch with a flowering climbing plant on the garden path, then such a structure will decorate the garden and be a pleasant invitation to the recreation area. By installing several of these arches, you will get a shady corner for relaxation, where it is pleasant to relax on a hot day.

So we figured it out, turning it into beautiful garden. Outbuildings can be masked with tall or climbing shrubs. The landscape of the garden can be supplemented with a small pond or pond, made of stones.

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I invite you to the group on for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Having bought or inherited a dacha, each owner thinks about how to equip a summer cottage. There are a lot of answers to this question. Some publications advise to pay attention when landscaping Special attention on garden design. This will allow you to decide on a recreation area, place it in cozy place. Country forums recommend taking out parking for a car outside the site - this allows you to free up additional space.

We plan the design of the cottage

When planning how to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands, you must decide on the location of all areas: recreation, garden, car parking, gazebos, outbuildings. This must be done in advance, since your comfort depends on where and what will be located in the country. Imagine visually what a flower bed, garden or gazebo will look like. The layout can be designed on paper. Well, if you do not have enough experience and you do not know how to create a design for a summer cottage, you can turn to specialists for help.

A beautiful garden is the pride of the owner

As practice shows, the garden in summer cottages is small. The best option would be to be located in landscape style. To visually expand the boundaries of the site, it is recommended to plant shrubs, create rounded lawns, winding paths.

Remember that in small areas there should not be high and bulk trees. If you still have such one, it is advisable to give its crown its original shape. You can use pruning for this.

The design of the suburban area can be done as in classical style, as well as in any other. Choose trees to your taste: plant birch, linden or maple. If you want to have a garden fruit plants, it is better to choose dwarf varieties. You will make room for lawns, and under the crowns of the tree you can always place a bench to rest.

Landscape design work

Landscape design plays a special role in creating the design of a country residence. Firstly, it is beautiful, fashionable and comfortable, and secondly, if you put in a little effort, your imagination and finances, the result will be amazing.

Landscaping work should begin with planning and sketching the picture you want to bring to life. There can be only your individual vision or just copying the option you like.

When sketching on paper, do not forget to take into account the existing buildings and landings. It is also worth keeping in mind the area where your site is located. For example, if you live near a forest, then the landscape design should be in the style of the forest.

Do not forget about the vegetation on the site. If you like fruit trees, then by adding several types of wild ones, you will only add originality to the design. Plant linden, raspberry, blackberry, walnut. These trees will both bear fruit and decorate the site.

Flowerbeds, pond - additional design elements

Equipping a summer cottage with your own hands, do not forget about the flower beds. Experts recommend planting flowers that are unpretentious in care and are undersized.

If you have enough land, then your own small pond will only make it more comfortable. Near the pond you can soak up the coolness on the bench, talk with friends or just relax yourself in the shade of the trees.

When deciding how to equip a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that the main thing in design is simplicity, elegance and modesty.

The garden looks original, made in Japanese style. Everything in it is in harmony with each other, looks natural and compact. A feature of this garden is the presence of architectural structures small size, while flower beds, paths and lawns should only be of the correct shape.

Flowerbeds in the style of the four seasons look very original.

Swing in the country: selection rules

In order for the cottage to be not only a place of work, but also a place of rest, you need to place a swing on the site. The best option swing sofas are considered, they are suitable not only for the entertainment of children, but also for the comfortable rest of adults.

To choose the right swing for a summer residence, you need to understand their types and the principle of operation. They are stationary, folding and folding, small-sized and designed for a large number of seats.

In stores, you can offer three options:

  • Economy swing. Their cost is up to 200 USD. e. The frame is made of metal pipes With polymer coated. Here it is worth paying special attention to the upholstery. In products of Russian or Belarusian manufacturers it is made of their cotton fabric, which quickly becomes unusable. But you can always buy a new case, they are on sale. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the presence of limiters or clamps. This is necessary for those owners who like to relax on a swing with coffee or another drink. When giving preference to Polish manufacturers, you should remember that their swings have a minimum load capacity and non-folding seats.
  • Comfort products. Price category- up to 500 c.u. e. You will receive products from a Chinese or Swedish manufacturer. You may be offered wooden version swing - they are reliable; options from metal and fabric, which is of artificial origin.
  • Luxury swing. As a rule, the price for them is from 1500 USD. e. They have a long warranty period, are highly comfortable and reliable.

Gazebo for a summer residence - which one to give preference to?

There are a lot of options for arranging and building a gazebo. You can already order ready-made version from the material you like or build it yourself.

If you love originality and the chosen design allows you to harmoniously fit the conversation into your summer cottage, then the best option will be a forged building. It will be necessarily individual, as you yourself will be able to think over the type of elements.

Looks good gazebo for summer cottages made of wood. You can also buy it ready-made or build it yourself. Suitable for this construction material from pine.

The building itself can be decorated climbing plants, which will help to harmoniously fit it into the existing design. The main thing that you should remember: the gazebo for giving should be spacious and comfortable for hanging out.

Toilet at their summer cottage - one of the most basic outbuildings

Thinking about how to equip a summer cottage, pay special attention to the toilet. You don't have to spend a lot of money to create it. Today, ready-made toilet blocks - dry closets are available on the market. You can also order a ready-made wooden structure.

If you decide to build a toilet for a summer residence on your own, you will need the following materials: slate, sheet metal, corrugated board, wooden plank, plywood, fiberboard.

Waste disposal issue

Before starting construction, you must decide on the issue of waste disposal. There are several options:

  • Dig a cesspool and place a plastic or metal container in it. This method has a minimum of advantages, but there are a lot of disadvantages. Where to take out the filled vessel? Who will do this work?
  • Cesspool pit. After full filling, the toilet will have to be transferred to a new place, and the pit will be covered with bleach and buried. This method is suitable for those who have large plots of land.
  • Dry closet with special liquid. Waste products decompose under the influence of this liquid, and they can be thrown into the ground.

When you decide on the type cesspool, you can proceed to the construction of the toilet. Optimal distance to a residential building is considered 12 meters. Do not put a toilet on the border with neighbors, they also have unpleasant smells from your premises. Do not forget that this structure should be at a distance of 25-30 meters from the water well.

How to equip a summer cottage, each owner decides independently. Consult with your loved ones, and a solution will certainly be found in the issue of placing all buildings, gardens, lawns and decorative flower beds. Creating coziness and comfort in your summer cottage, do not be afraid of your fantasies. The main thing is that you feel good in this place. If you set a goal to create the most best site you will definitely get it.

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands is a process that can safely be called continuous. Every year, when we come outside the city, we find many objects that deserve our close attention: here we need to fix a rickety fence, here we need to lay a path, and here it would be nice to equip a flower bed.

And although a whole encyclopedia may not be enough to describe every detail of this process, below we will try to collect a number of the most useful advice. By following them, you can streamline your work and significantly increase their efficiency. So there is still time to relax!

Dividing the cottage into zones

Before you equip a summer cottage, you need to conditionally divide its area into functional zones. Of course, it is desirable to do this even at the design stage, but to restore order in the country, which is actively exploited, this will also not be superfluous.

Experts identify three main areas:

  • Residential, including a house and adjacent territory. Here, communications (water, electricity, sewerage), paths and access roads, as well as the features of the building itself, are priority. The main factors that you should pay attention to will be comfort and safety.
  • Recreational - everything related to recreation (active and not so). Perhaps, examples of arranging a summer cottage here will be the most diverse, ranging from terraces and lawns to exercise equipment under open sky, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  • Gardening. This can include both a front garden with flowers and an alpine slide in front of the house, and a greenhouse with outbuildings for inventory. However, the main part of this zone is, of course, the garden and beds, which can be considered integral part almost every cottage.

When we equip a summer cottage with our own hands, we should visually separate these zones from each other, arranging them so that they do not intersect. In this case, our stay outside the city will turn out to be much more comfortable, since we can easily switch from one type of activity to another, and at the same time we will not interfere with each other.

Adjoining territory

We will try to limit ourselves to only the most important ones, and start with those that directly relate to the area near the house:

  • One of key points, which you should pay attention to, will be the arrangement of the entrance to the summer cottage. For this purpose, either a gravel platform is usually equipped (layer thickness from 50 cm, fraction 25-35 mm), or monolithic slab concrete/asphalt. The price of the second option is much higher, but concrete pavement much easier to keep clean.

An important element of the entrance area is a drainage ditch, which ensures the removal of rainwater.

  • The area in front of the house is usually connected to all other objects on the site through paths.. The arrangement of the paths of the suburban area with their own hands can take place according to a variety of schemes. The cheapest option is gravel filling, but if your financial capabilities allow it, then you can lay out all the paths paving slabs on a sand cushion or a concrete monolithic base.

  • Also in the local area stands from the rain. It can only close small plot in front of the porch, or it can cover the entire area, including a car parking space. Typically, such canopies are mounted on steel supports, and translucent polycarbonate is used as a coating.
  • An important factor providing comfort will be the lighting of the local area.. Naturally, this requires a stable power supply, and renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help here: even if the electrics are turned off, you will not be left without light.

Rest zone

If you do not know where to start planning a recreational site, then we recommend that you think about creating:

  • For this purpose, we allocate a small area that will not be shaded by either the house or tall trees. If necessary, we bring fertile soil to the site, carefully level it and sow it with lawn grasses.

Lawn grasses are resistant to trampling, but they must be cut regularly.

  • It can also be broken in such a plot alpine slide. We lay out its base from natural stone: limestone is best, granite or quartzite is somewhat worse. We fill the gaps between the stones with fertile soil, in which we plant plants.
  • Finally, if you have a large area empty, then you can make a pond on it. Of course, you will have to work hard to dig and concrete the bowl itself, because today special plastic containers which are installed flush with the ground.


When deciding how to equip a small summer cottage, many of us focus on exactly the part where vegetables and fruits can be grown.

This approach can be considered quite rational, but here it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations:

  • First, the beds must be placed in such a way that there is enough light for them. That is why trees are usually planted in the immediate vicinity of the country house, and the garden is planted at a distance - so it will not be shaded throughout the day.

This does not apply shade-loving plants: for them, the site is usually assigned either next to the garden, or generally under the crowns of trees.

  • Especially carefully you need to choose a place to install greenhouses. In addition to enough sun rays this area should be protected from the wind, especially in the spring.
  • The beds themselves should be separated from the paths with boards made of boards or plastic shields: this way the black earth will not be lost, and we will put much less dirt into the recreation area and into the house.

  • To ensure sufficiently abundant watering during the dry season, it is worth considering such an option as arranging a well in a summer cottage. Despite all the labor costs associated with this event, it can be considered justified: in this way we will not only provide ourselves with high-quality water for drinking and irrigation, but also insure against water supply shutdowns, which usually occur at the most inopportune moment.
  • Well, if growing vegetables is a serious enough hobby for you, then it’s worth equipping your own in the garden. pumping station. Such an installation will make it possible to both water the beds with a hose and mount an economical, but effective system drip irrigation.


Options for arranging a summer cottage, as well as recommendations for the implementation of certain works, can be listed endlessly. The main thing here is to understand what exactly we want from our dacha, plan the work and begin the systematic implementation of our project. It may take more than one year, but if we are guided by tips like those set out in the video in this article, then we will definitely succeed.