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» What is the best blanket for newborns? How to choose a baby blanket for warmth? Standard sizes of blankets for a crib

What is the best blanket for newborns? How to choose a baby blanket for warmth? Standard sizes of blankets for a crib

You can talk a lot about what kind of blanket to choose for a newborn toddler. Despite the huge number of versions, there is still no consensus on this matter. Of course, it’s not a matter of a huge number of opinions and proposals. There are just a few things to consider when choosing a blanket for your baby: important nuances, which we will tell you about in this article.

Do I need to wear it in winter or what time of year should I buy a blanket?

First of all, it is worth determining whether a blanket is needed depending on what time of year the baby is expected to be born. Of course, the blanket that a child needs in winter will be very different from those options that are suitable in other seasons. If a child is born in spring or autumn, then you can buy him a blanket that will be both warm and light. In the summer, you are unlikely to need a blanket, but if the child is cool, you can use a diaper or terry towel, which will perfectly replace a blanket.

Why does a newborn need a blanket?

There are several answers to this question. First of all, a newborn may need a blanket for discharge from the hospital. If you pick up your child from the maternity hospital in the summer, then you can pay more attention to appearance blankets like the day of discharge is a real holiday for both mother and child. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a garment that will only be used once. This is precisely the reason why, as a rule, an envelope is bought for newborns when they are discharged. There is no doubt that envelopes can be used in the future, for example, for walks with a child.

The next option would be a walking blanket. When choosing such a blanket, you should again pay attention to the weather and time of year in which it will be used. If a child was born in winter, then, of course, you should give preference to an envelope that will fully protect the child from the cold. For spring or autumn time A blanket or a special knitted blanket for small children is suitable.

And the third option for using a blanket is a blanket that is suitable for a baby sleeping in a crib. Probably, even inexperienced parents know that the blanket you use for walks is not at all advisable to use at home. What kind of blanket to cover your child at home will completely depend on the temperature. Of course, many parents don’t need a blanket at all, because children constantly open up in their sleep. Therefore, it is better to dress the baby warmly and cover him with a diaper.

Filling for a newborn's blanket: what to choose

For a blanket that you will use for walking, it is better to choose down or wool filling. This is especially important if walks will be carried out in winter. Of course, such a blanket will be useful to you in the future. Such a blanket can be laid on the floor when the child is playing or placed in a stroller or sleigh in winter, which is also very convenient and will protect the child from the cold. Of course, despite everything positive traits Such blankets have one big drawback. U small child There may be an allergic reaction to natural materials. If you choose a blanket for home use, then it’s quite possible to get by with padding polyester.

Baby blanket size

Most often you can find blanket sizes of 120x90 cm. But quite often parents prefer to use baby blankets with dimensions of 110x140 cm. When you choose a blanket, you should compare the size of the blanket with the size of the crib, stroller and duvet cover. Of course, the choice is yours, but for the rest, we’ll give you one more piece of advice: don’t use your old blankets, no matter how good they look. Over the years, a variety of fungal infections and other microorganisms could have settled there. Always buy new blankets for your little ones!

Every loving parent wants to provide their child with the best, so before buying any item for their child, they try to find out everything about it. Which blanket to choose for a newborn? – The question is quite serious, because such a thing should not only warm the baby, but also be safe and comfortable. This article will tell you about all the main nuances of choosing this bedding item.

Which blanket is best for a newborn's crib?

First of all, parents should consider one important fact- the time of year when the child was born. Depending on this, the choice of blanket will differ:

  • If it is cold autumn or winter, then the following options are more suitable for the baby: cotton, down, wool or fur blankets.
  • If it is a warm spring or summer, then it is better to purchase a thin blanket made of fleece or flannel. A beautiful woolen blanket will also come in handy.

At the same time, young parents should understand that when buying a blanket for the summer, they will also have to buy a second one for the winter, and vice versa. Therefore, you should not delay your purchase; it is better to buy the necessary set of blankets right away.

How to choose a baby blanket? Primary requirements

A newborn does not have its own immunity, so similar products increased demands are made. The baby's first blanket must have the following list of qualities.


Bedding for babies should only be made from breathable materials. Even a not very active child can wrap his head in a blanket while sleeping, so for safety reasons the product must be well-ventilated.


In the first days and months of a child’s life, it is very difficult to predict which materials may cause an allergic reaction. For this reason, the blanket should be made from environmentally friendly pure materials, do not attract dust mites and do not create mold and mildew favorable conditions for development.

Hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity

The baby's body, unlike the adult body, is not able to adapt to temperature environment. To prevent a newborn from sweating in his sleep, from freezing or overheating, his blanket must have the ability to quickly absorb skin fumes and remove them outside, while remaining dry.

Light weight and soft

The baby's skin is very delicate, so in order not to injure it, the blanket should not be dense, heavy or hard. In this case, it is better to choose a blanket for a newborn that will be pleasant to the touch and does not put pressure on the child with its weight.

Easy to care for

To maintain the hygiene of products that surround the baby, they should be washed and washed regularly. This also applies to blankets, so it would be better if this item could be washed in washing machine.

Which blanket is best for a newborn in winter?

Let's consider best options children's blankets that can warm a baby during the cold season.


This material is used as a filler for blankets for people of all ages.


  • It is characterized by lightness, good air permeability, and excellent warmth.
  • It is recommended to use such a blanket in rooms where the air temperature does not exceed +16-18 degrees.

Important! If the temperature in the room is higher than specified, then there is a possibility of the baby overheating.


  • This filler is susceptible to infection by feather mites, the waste products of which can cause severe allergies in the child.
  • A product with down requires periodic drying, as it absorbs moisture well.

Cotton wool or natural cotton

Natural cotton and cotton wool are another popular filler for blankets intended for newborns.


  • Cotton is a hypoallergenic material, so you should not be afraid of any problems associated with the baby’s reaction to the filler.
  • Such a blanket can provide excellent warmth without allowing the child to overheat.


  • The fairly noticeable weight of the blanket can create some discomfort for the baby.
  • Over time, cotton wool may form into separate lumps. Such bedding will ultimately be uncomfortable, lose its thermal properties, and over time become unsuitable for use.
  • Cotton is able to absorb moisture well, so this product also requires periodic drying.


Wool products can be of two options: in the form of a quilt and in the form of a blanket. When choosing a blanket for a newborn from this material, preference should be given to a quilted wool product.


  • This blanket is light in weight, so it will be comfortable for the baby.
  • Wool retains heat very well, so parents should not worry that the baby will freeze under it at night.
  • A child can use this product for about 8 years, or even more. Throughout this period, the blanket will not lose its thermal characteristics and beautiful appearance.
  • The baby will not sweat under such a blanket, as it is hygroscopic and evaporates moisture well.
  • Wool has good breathability.


A significant disadvantage of wool products is the allergenicity of the material.

Important! If after the first night a child spends under such a blanket, he develops a rash or other manifestations of allergies, then the woolen product cannot be used in the future.


Many parents refuse to buy synthetic products, preferring only natural things for their baby. However, in cases where a newborn suddenly develops an allergy to a filler, for example, down or wool, a synthetic blanket will be an ideal substitute.


  • A product with synthetic filler is quite easy to care for. This item can be easily washed in an automatic machine.
  • The blanket is light in weight, so the child will be comfortable under it in this regard.


  • Synthetics do not allow heat to pass through, so it can be quite hot for a baby to sleep covered in them.


This blanket is ideal for a newborn, however, it also has its drawback, which is very significant for many parents. However, first things first.


  • The bamboo blanket is thin, pleasant to the touch (silky), and perfectly maintains a comfortable temperature for the baby’s body.
  • The service life of such a product is quite long, it is durable and reliable.
  • Hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which is very important for the sensitive body of a baby.


  • There is only one drawback - high price blankets Not all parents will be able to purchase such a product for their child without significantly emptying their wallet.

Which blanket to choose for a newborn's crib in the summer?

A summer blanket should be breathable, light, soft and easy to care for. The most popular options for such products are the following.

Flannelette blanket

Products made from yarn are well known to our grandmothers, as our mothers and fathers were wrapped in them. It's not surprising that they retained their popularity until today, because their advantages are undeniable.


  • The flannelette blanket is soft to the touch, light in weight, and can quickly take the shape of a child’s body, providing the baby with comfort while sleeping.
  • The product allows air to pass through perfectly, so the baby will not have prickly heat or diaper rash.
  • It is hypoallergenic.
  • Under such a blanket you will be warm even on the coolest summer or spring evening.
  • The product does not require special care conditions, so it can be easily washed by children. washing powder or regular laundry soap.
  • The appearance of a product can be very diverse. You can choose colors for both girls and boys.
  • The durability of the flannelette blanket and its affordable price- important pluses to the benefits of this product option for a newborn’s bed.


If one of important criteria If young parents choose a blanket for a newborn because the material is natural, they can choose a blanket made of calico.


  • Light in weight.
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials, and therefore safe for the baby’s sensitive body.
  • It is characterized by low creasing, so it retains beautiful view even during intensive use.
  • Durability. A calico blanket can retain its original pattern for several years.


This material is a synthetic knitted fabric. It has become an integral part of our lives, as it is practical. Regarding the choice of a fleece blanket for a baby, there are pros and cons.


  • A fleece blanket is almost weightless.
  • The material is hypoallergenic.
  • A fleece blanket does not require special care, is easy to wash and dry quickly, and does not undergo biological degradation over time.


  • The material accumulates dust quite quickly, which can cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose a baby blanket based on warmth?

Very few modern parents know that the warmth of any blanket is indicated on its packaging. This is done using dots. Let's figure out what exactly the row of dots on the packaging means?

  • 5 points. This mark indicates the most high level the warmth of the blanket.
  • 4 points. Simple comfortable warm blankets have this designation.
  • 3 points. A blanket designed for spring or autumn.
  • 2 points. Lightweight blanket with standard warmth.
  • 1 point. This blanket is only suitable for the warm summer season.

Important! To buy a truly safe item for your baby, ask the seller for a quality certificate. It must be for any product sold in the store. If there is none, then it is better to refuse to purchase this item.

Standard sizes of crib blankets

The basic rule for parents regarding choosing a blanket for a baby crib is based on the size sleeping place:

  • If the crib itself is small, and you buy a large blanket, then the child will be uncomfortable - the blanket will constantly disturb him, disrupting the baby’s sleep, and often the body’s thermoregulation.
  • A small blanket is also not an option, since often the blanket rolls down to one side, or the child’s head ends up under the blanket during sleep, then most of the body is simply not covered.
  • The best blanket for a newborn's crib is a model with Velcro, snaps or ties, so the baby will not be able to throw it off at night.

Important! A large blanket can be tucked under the mattress, thus protecting your baby from the cold. A child in such an “envelope” must feel comfortable, and not pinned to the bed.

  • For small cribs, the ideal blanket would be a product with dimensions of 80x90 cm. It will also be convenient to use in a stroller while walking.
  • Standard sizes blankets are 110x140 cm and 100x135 cm.

Important! As the child grows up, you will need to buy a new blanket, taking into account his growth and changes in the size of the sleeping place.

Popular manufacturers

Below are the most popular and reliable manufacturers of bedding for the smallest children. Thanks to this rating, you can easily figure out among all the textile variety which blanket is best to choose for a newborn:

  • Fleece Factory. This brand produces a wide variety of models for the winter season: blankets made of alpaca wool, sheep wool or camel down.
  • Natures. The products of this factory are different big amount various collections. The manufacturer uses wool, silk, down, bamboo or eucalyptus fiber as a filler for blankets. All of them are of high quality.
  • Magic Wool. The company produces rugs and blankets from natural camel or sheep wool.
  • MuzaNoche. Known for its BabySilk collection, the products of which are based on natural silk.
  • Primavelle. The brand's products are represented by a wide variety of materials at different prices.
  • TAS. The blankets from this factory are made from synthetic filling. They differ in quality and variety of colors.
  • If you want the best for your child, be sure to study the characteristics of the filler before purchasing.
  • Give preference to well-known and reliable manufacturers.
  • In the store, be sure to examine the product from all sides to determine its level of softness, presence or absence unpleasant odor, the presence of any defects.

A newborn needs a blanket. A blanket is necessary to maintain the correct temperature.

The optimal temperature in the baby's room should be in the range from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. The exception is premature babies: for them the optimal temperature range is 23-25 ​​degrees.

Depending on the temperature in the room, which blanket is better to choose:

It should also be taken into account individual characteristics child. For some kids optimal temperature room is 18-19 degrees, while other children may freeze in such conditions.

It is necessary to take into account the humidity and atmospheric pressure of the room - with different humidity, the same temperature is felt differently.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing, you need to consider several parameters:

  1. Crib sizes: A blanket that is too large will clump, producing uneven warmth and not retaining heat properly. It will have to be tucked, and the baby may get entangled in it. If you choose a blanket that is too small, you will not be able to cover your baby completely, and he will be cold.
  2. The material from which the blanket is made.
  3. The blanket must withstand frequent washing and dry within a short time. It is advisable to choose blankets that are machine washable.
  4. The blanket should not smell of any foreign “chemical” odors.

Lenght and width

A blanket for a newborn should correspond in size to the parameters of the crib. The most common sizes are 100x135 or 110x140 cm.

For a very small child, you can choose a blanket measuring 60x120 cm. However, do not forget to purchase a larger blanket as the baby grows.

Ideal when the blanket is slightly more sizes mattress so that you can tuck it in - then the child will not get tangled in the blanket and will not unravel.

There are also models with Velcro, zippers or laces. Such blankets are fixed while the baby sleeps, so the child will not throw off such a blanket.

Season criteria

When choosing a blanket, you need to consider the time of year. In stores you can find blankets designed for all seasons: summer, winter, demi-season and all-season.

Blankets for the cold season should be warm, and lighter ones for the warm season; thin blankets are also suitable for the warm season. Just don’t forget about artificially created conditions. For example, turning on the air conditioner in the summer. In this case, you should use a warmer blanket.

Other requirements

In addition to those already mentioned, a number of other requirements are imposed on blankets for newborns:

  • Hypoallergenic. The material should not be an allergen or contribute to their accumulation. Since it is difficult to know which material can cause an allergy in a child.

    You should carefully monitor the slightest changes in the baby’s well-being. It is advisable that the blanket be marked “Hypoallergenic”.

  • Thermal conductivity. The blanket should provide the optimal temperature for the child, eliminating the possibility of overheating or hypothermia.
  • Hygroscopicity. The blanket should absorb excess moisture, while easily releasing it into external environment. The child should not sweat under the blanket. The accumulation of excess moisture promotes the growth of microorganisms, which can lead to infection of the child.
  • Breathability. The blanket should easily allow air to pass through, so that if the blanket is covered with the head, the child does not experience breathing problems. Blankets made from natural materials are the most breathable.

Types of materials and fillers


Wool blankets are made from natural camel, goat, and merino wool; the most common are blankets made from sheep wool. These blankets are very warm and absorb moisture well.

Based on the manufacturing technique, these blankets are divided into knitted, woven or quilted. Knitted blankets are quite light, they easily allow air to pass through and are suitable for the warm season.

A mother can knit such a blanket herself for her baby during pregnancy. Woven blankets are the densest, but this is also a disadvantage, since such blankets are quite heavy.

Quilts are a special fabric cover stitched evenly over the entire surface and filled with wool.

For such blankets, hand washing is preferable; they take quite a long time to dry. Wool itself is an allergen In addition, wool blankets accumulate dust and dust mites.


Duvets are made from bird down. Unlike wool, they are very light, however, warm and very hygroscopic. They also allow air to pass through well.

Washing down comforters is very difficult, as the down gets stuck in clumps. They often harbor down mites, which can cause allergies. This blanket should only be used in the cold season, if the room temperature does not exceed 18 degrees.


These blankets are filled with environmentally friendly natural cotton wool. It retains heat perfectly and absorbs moisture. Cotton blankets for babies are not an allergen.

Disadvantages: such blankets are quite heavy, the cotton wool clumps and takes a long time to dry.


Synthetic blankets - the cheapest and most popular blankets nowadays. The composition of the fillers may vary, depending on the main purpose of the blanket. They are lightweight, retain heat well, do not cause allergies, and withstand frequent washing (including in the washing machine).

Disadvantages: do not absorb moisture well.


During warm seasons, a thin flannelette blanket is perfect for a child. This natural fabric retains heat perfectly, provides air exchange and absorbs excess moisture.

The advantage is that it can withstand frequent washing. During very hot weather, you can cover your baby with a regular cotton sheet to avoid overheating.


Bamboo blankets are very lightweight. Bamboo retains heat well and absorbs moisture. Bamboo fiber is a hypoallergenic material. It is very easy to care for, can withstand machine washing and dries fairly quickly.

Disadvantages: rather high price.


Fleece blankets are an excellent choice for the warm season. They are very light, hypoallergenic, conduct air well, are easy to wash and dry very quickly.


Blanket size Child's age For what purposes is it suitable? Suitable cot sizes.
80x80 cm (or its variants 85x85, 90x90 cm). Newborn. Perfect for wrapping a baby when leaving the hospital, as well as for swaddling in a stroller. Not very convenient for use in cribs.
60x90 cm. Up to 6-8 months. This blanket is suitable for very young children who have not yet learned to roll over. 120x60 centimeters.
90x120 cm. Up to 3 years. Suitable for completely covering children from six months to 3 years old. However, for very young children such a blanket will be too large. 140x70 centimeters.

What size do you need?

To do this, measure the dimensions of the baby's crib. Ideally the blanket should be the same length as the bed, and in width - exceed by 10-20 cm.

Rating of the 3 best models

Fleece Factory

The manufacturer offers a variety of accessories made from natural camel and sheep wool. These blankets are perfect for spring or fall.

Ingredients: 100% New Zealand sheep or camel hair , density 650 g/m2. Dimensions 100x140 cm.

Price fluctuates around 2,000 rubles.


Czech production. Offers a wide range of blankets made from natural (down, wool) and synthetic materials. The manufacturer has blankets for all seasons. For the cold season perfect choice there will be a blanket from the “Down Cloud” collection. Fabric – natural cotton with antibacterial treatment. Filling: elite white goose down. Dimensions – 100x150 cm.

Price: 7235 rub.

Boom Baby

Lightweight and inexpensive blankets from Boom Baby Made from natural breathable material Bamboo-hollcon, fabric – microfiber (microsilk). Blanket size 140x110 cm.

Price set including pillow RUB 1,889.

How often to wash, what exactly, should you iron, etc. In order for the product to last a long time and not cause any harm to the baby, it is necessary to properly care for it.

Here are some tips for caring for your blanket:

  1. Shake your blanket every day to prevent dust and dust mites from accumulating in the blanket fibers.
  2. It is necessary to change bed linen at least once every 7 days.
  3. The blanket itself must be washed at least once a month, or more often as it gets dirty.
  4. The blanket must be washed according to the conditions indicated on the tag.
  5. For washing, it is better to use special hypoallergenic products designed for washing children's clothes. Avoid products containing fragrances - a strong smell can disturb your baby's sleep or even cause allergies.
  6. After washing, it is recommended to iron the dried blanket (if the material of the blanket can withstand ironing).

Useful video

You can learn more tips on choosing a blanket from the video:


A small child and everything connected with him requires a lot of attention. It is necessary to provide the baby with the maximum comfortable conditions for its healthy growth and development. Deep sleep- a guarantee of health, so the choice of bedding must be approached with special care.

Infants spend most of their time sleeping; they grow and develop during sleep. Therefore, it is so important to create comfortable and cozy conditions for the baby in the crib. A blanket for a newborn is exactly that sleeping item that is as close as possible to the baby’s body. The choice of this children's bedding must be correct, careful and prudent. Which blanket is best for a newborn? Let us help you figure it out!

Which blanket is better for a newborn in a crib or stroller?

Which blanket to choose for a newborn? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on what functions it will perform and its size, what time of year it will be used and what qualities it will have. In the production of blankets for newborns they use different types fillers and fabrics for covers. They differ in weight, dimensions, design and shape, degree of moisture and air permeability, cost, manufacturer and nature of care. Like any personalized item, a blanket should fit your child perfectly.

Transformable blankets have become widespread. Their main advantage is their versatility. They are convenient, high quality and comfortable, easy to care for and easy to use. At correct selection size and filler material, this The best decision for a baby for a walk in a stroller. A blanket for a newborn in a crib should be selected taking into account the temperature in the room.

Types of blankets for newborns and which one is better to choose

A small child should feel dry, comfortable, cozy and warm under a blanket. Therefore, when making a choice in favor of one product or another, it is necessary to be guided by seasonality. The cold season of the year requires warmth and protection. Great option for autumn - this is a fleece, knitted, wadded and flannelette blanket, and for winter - wool, down, fur or padding polyester. During the warm season, it is allowed to use products with excellent hygroscopicity, in which moisture quickly evaporates, the child’s body breathes and remains comfortable. The best options would be natural lightweight blankets - jacquard, flannel, cotton, bamboo, wool, fleece and flannelette, which do not cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Types of children's blankets and their characteristics:

  • Made from wool. They are made from natural sheep, camel, merino or goat wool, which is stitched in a thick fabric cover. This way the wool will lie evenly and will not bunch up during use or washing. Knitting is another option for making a wool blanket. A knitted blanket fully performs its functions, while looking original and impressive, and is equally suitable for the street and at home. A wool blanket for newborns has only one drawback - it is highly allergenic, so it is absolutely not suitable for children with allergies.

  • Fleece. Lightweight, comfortable and convenient, never causes thermal discomfort in the child. The disadvantage of a fleece blanket is that it collects dust, which can be a source of childhood allergies. This problem is easily solved by frequent washing, because a fleece blanket for newborns is instantly washed and dries quickly.

  • Downy. They are produced using the down of birds - geese or swans. A fabric cover with down of different volumes is sewn and quilted. Duvets are lightweight, environmentally friendly and airy, retain heat well and do not delay evaporation. The duvet is a classic! It will be an excellent assistant when walking fresh air in early spring, autumn and even winter. The main disadvantage of down is that it requires careful care. When washing, the fluff clumps into clumps, the product becomes deformed, and after that a long drying period is required; special dry cleaning is acceptable here.

  • Cotton wool. Cotton wadding is a popular and sought-after filler for making blankets for newborns. They absorb moisture remarkably well and warm well, they are environmentally friendly and do not require special care. The disadvantage is that they are heavy; when wet, the blanket becomes deformed and takes a long time to dry. Widely used for walking - travels in a stroller or sled.

Smart and bright option– a patchwork quilt, made to order or with your own hands.

  • Flannelette blanket. This is an option that has been tested by time and generations. Its base is cotton, so you don’t have to carefully care for it or take a long time to dry it. Newborn children feel comfortable and warm under such protection, and parents are absolutely confident in its quality and naturalness. The main advantages include affordability, functionality, durability and reliability.

  • Bamboo. Bamboo, as a filler, is intended for the production of demi-season and summer children's blankets. Plant-based bamboo fiber is environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and lightweight, with minimal care it lasts a long time and reliably, maintains the optimal temperature for the baby’s body and maintains moisture balance. The only significant drawback is its high cost, which is fully compensated by its impeccable quality.

  • Made from calico. These lightweight baby blankets are soft and pleasant to the touch, durable, natural and practical, they always retain their attractive appearance and will keep you warm on cool summer days.

  • Synthetic. The variety of artificial fillers is quite wide: holofiber and synthetic winterizer, ecofiber, Thinsulate and Comforel, silicone fiber and swan down substitute. These are soft, light and gentle baby blankets, with an affordable price and high quality, excellent heat retention and easy to care for. One big disadvantage of a synthetic blanket is its low hygroscopicity - moisture is retained under it and the child runs the risk of sleeping wet at night.

  • Knitted. Such blanket models are convenient for walking and visiting; they are light, comfortable and attractive in appearance. They are knitted from synthetic and natural yarn, they withstand repeated washing and drying, are not afraid of the cold and last a long time.

An envelope blanket is ideal for releasing a baby from the hospital. There are many modifications of envelopes for any occasion: woolen, fur and fleece, knitted, satin and embroidered, fabric, silk, velor and jacquard, with a lock, rivets and buttons, factory-made and self made. In addition to its elegant appearance and beauty, such a blanket should be of high quality and comfortable.

Basic criteria for choosing a blanket for newborns

Newborns do not have the function of thermoregulation, so they cannot independently control and change their body temperature. Immediately after birth, the baby does not yet have its own immunity. All this forces parents to place high demands on the quality of blankets for babies.

  • Hypoallergenic. Today, more and more children are suffering from allergic reactions. It is difficult to guess what substance can cause an allergy in a small child. Therefore, the blanket should be made only from natural, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials.
  • Thermal conductivity. A newborn blanket should retain heat to Small child I didn’t freeze or sweat under it.
  • Hygroscopicity. This is the ability to absorb moisture and remove it outside, while it itself must be dry. Even the minimal presence of moisture can create favorable conditions for the development of fungi and bacteria, which is extremely undesirable for newborns.
  • Breathability. The level of activity of children also affects the choice of bedding for them. The blanket must allow air to pass through well, so as not to lead to tragic consequences if the baby suddenly finds himself completely under it while sleeping.

Natural fillers and fabrics have increased breathability; synthetics block air exchange.

A baby blanket must be selected taking into account many requirements. Right at the counter, you should unwrap the product and take a good look at it, smell it and taste it by touch. You should ask the seller about the reputation of the manufacturer and the availability of a quality certificate for the blanket. Hygienic criteria for baby products are strict. Machine washable is a universal method of achieving perfect cleanliness of things. It is advisable to choose blankets that are machine washable.

Requirements for children's blankets

A newborn's blanket must match the size of the sleeping area. The standard sizes of baby crib sets are 100×135 and 110×140. A blanket or blanket, the size of which does not exceed 90x90, is suitable for a baby's crib. A large blanket can be tucked under the mattress to protect the baby from the cold. There are models with Velcro, snaps, buttons and ties for the best fit and warmth retention.

As you age, the blanket will need to be replaced, so it should be purchased only when needed.

What to look for

  • Seasonality – spring, summer, autumn, winter, off-season.
  • Filling material and cover fabric.
  • Compliance with quality standards.
  • Dimensions standard and non-standard.
  • Appearance of the blanket: color scheme, texture, shape, additional elements and manufacturing method.
  • Manufacturer name and price level.
  • Care - washing and features.

  • A baby blanket is, first of all, comfortable for the baby. Therefore, it should not have elements that prevent the baby from retaining its shape for a long time after swaddling and not falling apart.
  • The blanket is the health of the newborn. Therefore, it must correspond to the climate, be made of natural materials, do not deform and wash well, do not fade and dry quickly.
  • The warmth level of a baby blanket is determined using dots on the packaging (from 1 to 5); the more dots, the warmer the product.
  • Ease of care for the blanket is the key to the baby’s cleanliness and peace of mind for his parents. Wool needs to be hand washed at 30° and gently dried. Down types of blankets and pillows require the use dry cleaning. A bamboo blanket for a newborn in a crib must be ventilated in the open air from time to time in order to remove excess moisture from it. The flannelette blanket for newborns is made of 100% cotton, it is convenient to use, and retains its impeccable appearance and original quality for a long time. Cotton products are easy to wash, dry instantly and can be ironed; they can be vacuumed to remove dust.

Important nuances of choosing a blanket

  • For a memorable moment - discharge from the maternity hospital. Important here visual appeal and beauty. For summer it could be a light envelope with ruffles and bows, and for winter it could be a transformable jumpsuit made of sheep wool or fur.
  • Outside for daily walks. Here you should choose an option for two seasons - for warmth and for cold weather. On winter period time in the stroller, a transformable blanket is ideal for reliable protection baby from wind and frost. For spring and summer, a good option would be a blanket - lightweight or fleece, knitted by machine, knitted or crocheted, patchwork or whole-cut.
  • Choose a blanket for a newborn with extreme caution. Overheating for a small child's body is as undesirable as hypothermia. You should keep control temperature regime during the waking and sleeping processes of children.

A new, completely unfamiliar environment awaits the newborn at home. The main task of parents is to competently arrange the child’s living space. Care and favorable environmental conditions will allow the little person to grow healthy, strong and strong!

Every loving parent wants to provide their child with the best, so before you buy any item for your child, you need to know everything about it thoroughly. Which blanket to choose for a newborn? The question is quite serious, because such a thing should not only warm the baby, but also be safe and comfortable. This article will tell you about all the main nuances of choosing this bed textile.

Which blanket is best for a newborn's crib?

First of all, parents must take into account one important fact - the time of year when the child was born. Depending on this, the choice will be different blankets:

  • If it is cold autumn or winter, then the following options are suitable for the child: cotton, down, wool or fur blankets.
  • If it is a warm spring or summer, then it is better to buy a blanket made of thin fleece or flannel. A nice wool blanket will also come in handy.

At the same time, young parents should understand that when buying a blanket for the summer, they will also have to buy a second one for the winter, and vice versa. Therefore, do not delay your purchase, it is better to buy necessary set blankets right away.

How to choose a baby blanket? Primary requirements

A newborn does not have its own immunity, so increased demands are placed on such products. The first blanket for a baby must have the following qualities.

  • Breathability. Bedding for babies should only be made from breathable materials. Even a less active child can wrap a blanket around himself while sleeping, so for safety reasons the product must be well breathable.
  • Hypoallergenic. In the first days and months of a child's life, it is very difficult to predict which materials may cause allergic reactions. For this reason, the blanket should be made from environmentally friendly materials; it should not attract dust, mites and create favorable conditions for the development of fungi and mold.
  • Hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. The child's body, unlike an adult's human body, unable to adapt to ambient temperature. To prevent a newborn from sweating during sleep, from freezing or overheating, his blanket should have the ability to absorb evaporation from the skin as quickly as possible and remove it outside, while remaining dry.
  • Light weight and soft. The baby's skin is very sensitive, so it should not be damaged by the dense, strong and rough material of the blanket. In this case, it is better to choose a blanket for a newborn that will be pleasant to the touch and that will not put pressure on the baby.
  • Easy to care for. To maintain the hygiene of products that surround the child, they should be washed and washed regularly. This applies to blankets, so it's best if the item is machine washable.

Which blanket is best for a newborn in winter?

Let's consider the best options for children's blankets that can warm a child during the cold season.

Pooh. This material is used as blanket filler for people of all ages.


  1. It is characterized by lightness, good breathability, and remarkably warms.
  2. It is recommended to use such a blanket in rooms where the air temperature does not exceed +16-+18 degrees.

Important! If the room temperature is higher than specified, there is a possibility of the baby overheating.


  1. This filler is susceptible to infection by feather mites, the activity of which can provoke severe allergies in a child.
  2. A product with down requires periodic drying, as it absorbs moisture well.


Another popular filling for blankets for newborns is natural cotton and cotton wool.


  1. Cotton is a hypoallergenic material, so there is no need to worry about any problems associated with the child's reaction to the filling.
  2. This blanket is capable of excellent heat retention, preventing the child from overheating.


  1. The fairly noticeable weight of the blanket can create some discomfort for the baby.
  2. Over time, the batting may clump. Such blankets will end up being uncomfortable - they will lose their thermal properties and eventually become unusable.
  3. Cotton is good at absorbing moisture, so this product also requires periodic drying.


Woolen products can be of two options: in the form of a blanket and in the form of a bedspread. When choosing a blanket for a newborn from this material, you should give preference to a quilted wool product.


  1. This blanket is light weight, so it will be comfortable for the child.
  2. Wool keeps warm very well, so parents should not worry that the baby will freeze at night.
  3. A child can use this product for about 8 years or even more. Throughout this period, the blanket will not lose its thermal characteristics and beautiful appearance.
  4. Under such a blanket, the baby will not sweat, since the material is hygroscopic and evaporates moisture well.
  5. The wool blanket has good breathability.


  1. A significant disadvantage of wool products is the allergic nature of the material.

Important! If after the first night a child spends under such a blanket, he develops a rash or other manifestations of allergies, then the woolen product cannot be used in the future.


Many parents refuse to purchase synthetic products, preferring only natural materials for their baby. However, in cases where a newborn suddenly develops an allergy to filling, such as down or wool, a synthetic blanket is an ideal replacement.


  1. Products with synthetic filler are quite easy to care for. This item can be washed in a washing machine.
  2. The weight of the blanket is light, so the child will be comfortable under it in this regard.


  1. Synthetics do not allow heat to pass through, so it can be quite hot for a baby to sleep wrapped in such a blanket.


This blanket is perfect for a newborn, but it also has its downside, which is very important for many parents.


  1. The bamboo blanket is thin, pleasant to the touch (silky), and perfectly maintains a temperature that is comfortable for the baby’s body.
  2. The service life of such a product is quite long, the blanket is durable and reliable.
  3. The blanket is hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which is very important for the baby’s sensitive body.


  • The only drawback is the high cost of the blanket. Not all parents will be able to buy such a product for their child without significantly emptying their wallet.

Which blanket to choose for a newborn's crib in the summer?

A summer blanket should be breathable, light, soft and easy to care for. The most popular options for such products are the following.


Products made from yarn are well known to our grandmothers, as they wrapped our mothers and fathers in the material. It is not surprising that the material has retained its popularity to this day, because its merits are undeniable.


  • The blanket is soft, light in weight, and can quickly take the shape of a child's body, providing comfort while sleeping.
  • The product allows air to pass through perfectly, so the baby does not sweat and does not develop diaper rash.
  • The flannel blanket is hypoallergenic.
  • Under such a blanket you will be warm even on the coolest summer or spring evenings.
  • The product does not require special care, so it can be easily washed with baby laundry detergent or regular laundry soap.
  • The appearance of the product can vary greatly. You can choose colors for girls and boys.
  • The durability of the flannelette blanket and its affordable price are the main advantages of this version of the product for bedding for a newborn.


If one of the important criteria for choosing blankets for newborns is natural material, then you can safely give preference to a blanket made of calico.


  • Ease,
  • This blanket is made from environmentally friendly materials, so it is safe for the baby’s sensitive body.
  • It has a low degree of creasing, so it retains its beautiful appearance even during intensive use.
  • Strength. A calico blanket can retain its original pattern for several years.


This material is a synthetic knitted fabric. She has become a part of our lives because she is practical. When it comes to choosing a fleece blanket for your baby, there are pros and cons.


  • The fleece blanket is almost weightless.
  • The material is hypoallergenic.
  • A fleece blanket does not require special care, is easy to wash and dry quickly, and does not undergo biological degradation over time.


  • The material quickly accumulates dust, which can cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose a baby blanket for warmth?

Very few modern parents know that thermal characteristics of any blanket are indicated on its packaging. This is done using dots. Let's see what exactly does the number of dots on the package mean?

  • 5 points. This label indicates the highest level of warmth of the blanket.
  • 4 points. Simple, comfortable, warm blankets have this designation.
  • 3 points. A blanket designed for spring or autumn.
  • 2 points. Lightweight blanket for standard home temperatures.
  • 1 point. This blanket is only suitable for the warm summer season.

Important! To buy a truly safe product for your baby, ask the seller for a quality certificate. It must be on any product sold in the store. If there is no certificate, then it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

Standard sizes of blankets for a crib

The basic rule for parents when choosing a blanket for a crib is to base it on the size of the bed:

  • If the crib itself is small and you buy a large blanket, the child will be uncomfortable: the blanket will disturb the baby, disrupting the baby’s sleep, and often the body’s thermoregulation.
  • A small blanket is also not an option, as it often rolls to one side. In addition, the child's head may be wrapped up during sleep, then most of the body will simply remain uncovered.
  • The best blanket for a newborn's crib is a model with Velcro, buttons, or snaps that your baby won't be able to kick off at night.

Important! A large blanket can be placed under the mattress to protect your baby from the cold. The child will definitely feel comfortable in this “envelope”.

  • A product measuring 80x90 cm is ideal for small cribs. It is convenient for use in a stroller while walking.

Standard blanket sizes are 110x140 cm and 100x135 cm.

Important! As your child gets older, you will need to buy a new blanket to accommodate his growth and changes in bed size.

If you want the best for your child, be sure to study the characteristics of the filler before purchasing.

Give preference to well-known and reliable manufacturers.

In the store, be sure to examine the product from all sides to determine its level of softness, the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor, and the presence of any defects.

Choosing a good blanket for your baby is not so difficult, you just need to know the basics important points, which will affect the baby’s warmth and comfort. Having studied useful recommendations From the article, you can easily buy the desired version of the product, which will comply not only with the standards for the use of children's items, but also with your family budget.