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» Design a newspaper with interesting facts about hares. Interesting facts about hares. Sea hare seal

Design a newspaper with interesting facts about hares. Interesting facts about hares. Sea hare seal

Previously, hares were classified in the order of rodents, but recently they were allocated to a separate order of lagomorphs.

2. Lagomorphs - a order of mammals, in which there are only 2 families and 66 species. These include pikas, rabbits and hares.

3. Hares are the most common among them, there are 48 species.

4. Hares are among those animals that can be found everywhere except Antarctica and Australia. They can live in forests, meadows, deserts, tundra and swamps.

5. Despite the fact that rabbits and hares are closely related animals, they do not interbreed.

6. Hares are larger than rabbits. Their body length is approximately 60 centimeters. Their legs are also longer than rabbits.

7. When a hare feels good, he begins to purr like a cat, making a characteristic sound with the help of his teeth. He also begins to “dance” by jumping and turning 180° in the air. Anyone who has a pet rabbit has probably seen this more than once.

8. Modern historians are inclined to believe that hares were the third, after dogs and livestock, to be domesticated by ancient man. Delicious meat, warm fur and simple conditions content is the perfect combination for primitive people. And now rabbits are the third most popular pet.

9. Like rodents, the front teeth of lagomorphs wear down and grow throughout their lives. But they differ from rodents in the number of gnawing teeth and their structure.

10. Hares dig holes 3 meters deep for themselves to live in, not everyone has heard. The hare’s home is a real “multi-room apartment” with several entrances and exits, special rooms for sleeping, food, small bunnies, etc.

11. Due to their fertility, hares naturally cluster into related social groups. Such communities in scientific world called hare colonies.

12. It is especially interesting to observe the life of the colony when, at dusk, hundreds of hares run out of their holes and go in search of food.

13. Families of hares live only on their own territory and never run into someone else’s territory, even in times of danger.

14. In a hurry, a hare can roll down the hill, curling up into a ball.

15. The largest hare that ever ran on Earth lived on the island of Menorca about 12 million years ago and, judging by fossil remains, weighed about 15 kilograms.

16. Hares must move actively for at least 4 hours a day, otherwise they bone will be susceptible to osteoporosis-like disease. Therefore, if you decide to have a rabbit, provide it with the opportunity to run and jump at least in a squirrel wheel.

17. The length of the paws of hares is different. The left and right pairs differ from each other by several centimeters. Because of this, hares constantly meander, following their own trail.

18. Despite their relatively small brains, hares are very smart and agile. That is why they are very clever at hiding from dangers. These are unusually fast and dexterous animals, capable of confusing their tracks, escaping from numerous enemies. Many of them change the color of their fur depending on the season and are able to hide so as not to get caught in the teeth of their pursuer.

19. During the breeding season - in March, hares become crazy and stop being careful. In England, it is not for nothing that when describing the extravagant behavior of people, they compare it with the behavior of the “March hare”.

20. Hares begin breeding at the age of one year.

21. In warm climates, a hare can bear up to five litters per year. She gives birth to an average of 8, but sometimes up to 20 cubs at a time.

22. Bunnies are born already wearing a fur coat, sighted and fully formed.

23. When a hare has offspring, she tries to protect her brood with natural cunning. After some time, the hare does not return to her cubs only because predators do not find a trail to her cubs by smell. The hare simply confuses her tracks with strangers in order to disorient the predator. But as long as the hare has milk, she will feed all the other strangers on her way. This is such a hare mutual assistance.

24. Many people are sure that hares are white in winter and gray in summer. But there are also species that do not change color. They live on warm continents where winters are mild with temperatures above 0 C.

25. Hares live almost half as long as female hares.

26. Hares communicate with each other by means of “drum rolls” with their paws. Moreover, they probably know in which place the sound will be most audible.

27. The visual system of hares is designed in such a way that they see absolutely everything around them, with the exception of what is located in front of their muzzle and behind their tail. Each hare's eye can rotate freely within an entire hemisphere, providing the hare with a 360° view. So you won’t be able to sneak up on a hare from behind. But their vision is not very sharp, so hares become easy prey for rapidly moving predators.

28. Hare ears provide audibility in the frequency range 360 ​​- 42,000 Hz (in humans 64 - 23,000 Hz) at extremely low intensity sound pressure. Each ear of a hare can rotate independently, like a locator, “tuning in” to the source of noise. In nature, the only people who hear better than hares are the bats, rats and field mice. In addition, bunny ears also help remove excess heat.

29. The growth of teeth in hares never stops. When hares eat, they make up to 3-4 chewing movements per second. Therefore, their teeth quickly wear out and wear out. If it were not for their constant growth, then toothless hares would simply die of hunger after 2-3 months of their lives.

30. Hares have a lot of “enemies”, ranging from foxes, wolves and bears, ending with owls and falcons.

31. The saying “For every hare there are 100 hunters” is not an exaggeration. In all countries of the world, people are not averse to eating the meat of these animals. Only the colossal speed of reproduction saves them from complete extinction.

32. Hares are unusually fertile. It happens that female hares manage to become pregnant again before giving birth to their first batch of hares.

33. Hares feed at night. During the day, they hide in the grass or under the paws of spruce trees, having previously confused their tracks. Before hiding, the hare returns back on its own trail and jumps on long distance so that the predator cannot trace the direction of its running.

34. Caught hares often die from heart failure as a result of a state of shock.

35. Browns, unlike hare, although they lighten up in winter, do not become completely white. Whites in the southern regions, where there is no snow, do not change their color, but in the north they always remain white.

36. In folklore, the hare is usually depicted as a wise, hardworking, honest, but sometimes cowardly animal, which is opposed by cunning and unprincipled predators.

37. The first Christians used the image of a hare as a symbol of repentance. They often called sinful people who had embarked on the path of correction as hares.

38. The names of two natural “enemies”, the hare and the wolf, differ in Latin by only one letter. The Latin word for hare is lepus, and for wolf is lupus.

39. Hares run fast. Their speed can reach 50 km/h. It is not so easy for numerous enemies to catch up with them. On top of that, they can brake sharply and change direction easily, which slows down the pursuer.

40. When it rains, hares press their ears to prevent water from flowing into them. It's only worth it cold water get into the ears - the hare is guaranteed to get a severe cold.

Japanese tree hare

41. Climbing hares have sharp curved claws and can climb trees. In Russia they live in the Ussuri taiga.

42. Common sorrel, which is popularly called “rabbit cabbage,” got its name for a reason. As it turned out, this plant contains a kind of antibiotic that cures some hare diseases.

White Hare

43. In winter, the fur on the belly of hares lengthens by a couple of millimeters so that the animal does not freeze its tummy. Hairs also grow around the nose, protecting it from frost.

44. Hares eat their excrement. Hares do this not out of hunger and not because they are stupid. It's all about their design digestive system. They simply need to digest part of their food in two stages. In nature, a similar mechanism is present in many animals.

45. Hare Island, which is located in St. Petersburg, according to legend, received its name in honor of a hare that escaped from a flood. He allegedly jumped into the boot of Peter I, which saved his life.

46. ​​In the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region, there is a Zaitsev museum.

47 The average life expectancy of lagomorphs is 8-9 years. But in captivity they lived to be 13-14 years old.

48. Hares have sharp claws; when protected with their hind legs, they can tear the stomach of an enemy. Female hares protect their young if they are attacked by a small bird, such as a crow.

Hare Rusak

49. Hares are not easy to tame. But when they are brought up with other animals from childhood, they easily adopt their habits.

50. There is a documented case where a hare, raised by a domestic dog, adopted a number of habits from it, he even rushed at other dogs and bit them.

Hares live all over the globe. Hares are hunted all over the world. Sometimes people are surprised that these animals are not yet extinct. There are many hares only because they reproduce very quickly.

The image of a hare is cute, good-natured and cowardly. Hares are not at all cowardly and good-natured. In fact, this animal is capable of flying into a rage and bravely defending its life. In defense, the hare can tear the stomach and chest of a predator with its claws. There are known cases when predators died after such self-defense.

There is a documented case where a hare, raised by a domestic dog, adopted a number of habits from it, he even rushed at other dogs and bit them.

Hares are not vegetarians at all. They eat not only cabbage, but also meat! In the North, partridge catchers know well that if you do not remove the prey from the snare, the hare will quickly eat it.

Although the hare is often called cross-eyed, it does not have any strabismus. Strabismus was attributed to hares by hunters who noticed that the hare always meanders and returns to its tracks. In fact, the reason for this behavior is the asymmetry in the development of the right and left paws of hares.

The hare, like the lion, is a territorial animal. He “has no right” to violate someone else’s territory, so he only runs away within the boundaries of his “living space.”

In the summer heat, hares' ears help them escape from overheating. They actively remove heat from the body. When it rains, hares fold their ears so that water does not get into them and they do not catch a cold.

Hares' teeth grow throughout their lives. They wear off when the hares chew food, but they never stop growing.

In winter, the fur on the belly of hares lengthens by a couple of millimeters so that the animal does not freeze its tummy. Hairs also grow around the nose, protecting it from frost.

To communicate between relatives, hares use their “drum roll”, which they beat with their paws. Just like elephants, animals stomp their feet on the ground, warning other animals that the territory is occupied.

Hares can spring on their legs for several kilometers in a row at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, while making unimaginable turns. You can say that they have real springs in their paws.

Ten interesting facts about these cutest creatures...

1) Hares live all over the globe. Everywhere they are the object of hunting, but the saying “For one hare there are 10 hunters” is not an exaggeration. Hares have not become extinct only because they are very fertile.

2) Hares are not at all cowardly and good-natured. They are rather angry and restless. In defense, the hare can tear the stomach and chest of a predator with its claws. There are known cases when predators died after such self-defense.

3) There is a documented case where a hare, raised by a domestic dog, adopted a number of habits from it, he even rushed at other dogs and bit them.

4) Hares are not vegetarians at all. They eat not only cabbage, but also meat! In the North, partridge catchers know well that if you do not remove the prey from the snare, the hare will quickly eat it.

5) The “drum roll” that hares and rabbits beat with their paws is their means of communication. They stomp their feet on the ground in the same way.

6) Although the hare is often called oblique, it does not have any strabismus. Strabismus was attributed to hares by hunters who noticed that the hare always meanders and returns to its tracks. In fact, the reason for this behavior is the asymmetry in the development of the right and left paws of hares.

7) The hare is, like the hare, a territorial animal. He “has no right” to violate someone else’s territory, so he only runs away within the boundaries of his “living space.”

8) Grandfather Mazai’s work is not so pleasant. Hares are afraid of boats, so they must first be caught with a net, and only then taken to a safe place.

9) The island on which it stands Peter-Pavel's Fortress in St. Petersburg, called Zayachiy. According to legend, one hare saved himself from the flood by jumping into the boot of Peter I. In 2003, the sculpture “The Bunny Saved from the Flood” was installed near the Peter and Paul Fortress.

10) Lenin, about whose kindness every Soviet October child knew, once in Shushenskoye during the flood of the Yenisei he came across an island with hares and killed every single one of the hares.

via Anna Romanova's Hot Ten.

Hares are perhaps the most common animals in our country. Despite the fact that they are a favorite trophy of many hunters, their numbers are practically unchanged, since due to their fertility, these animals reproduce very actively.

There are about 30 species in total; all types of hares differ somewhat in external features and habits.


If you take general description hare (mammal, hare family), then it should be noted that all species have similar features:

  • long ears;
  • underdeveloped collarbones;
  • long and strong hind legs;
  • short fluffy tail.

Females are larger than males, the size of animals ranges from 25 to 74 cm, and weight reaches 10 kg.

Thanks to its long hind legs, this animal is able to run fast and jump. The running speed of a brown hare, for example, can reach 70 km/h.


These animals molt twice a year, in autumn and spring. The onset and timing of molting are related to external conditions. Molting begins when the length of daylight changes, and its duration is determined by air temperature.

Spring molting in most species begins in late winter - early spring and lasts on average 75-80 days. The animal begins to shed from the head to the lower extremities.

Autumn molting, on the contrary, begins from the back of the body and moves to the head. It usually begins in September, and molting ends by the end of November. Winter fur grows thicker and more lush, it protects the animal from the cold.


There are four common species in Russia: the Manchurian hare, the sandstone hare, the white hare and the brown hare. Let's look at them in more detail.


This species has much in common with the wild rabbit, but it is still difficult to confuse them, since the Manchurian hare looks somewhat different.

This is a small animal no more than 55 cm long and weighing up to 2.5 kg. The length of the ears is about 8 cm. The fur is hard and thick, brownish-ochre in color. The belly and sides are lighter than the body; there are several dark stripes on the back.

The habitat of this species is Far East, Korean Peninsula and Northeast China. In cold weather, this species experiences seasonal migration over short distances, during which animals move to places where there is less snow.

In nature, the species is not very widespread and has no commercial significance.


This species is also called tolai or talai. Compared to the Russians, it is quite small. Length 40-55 cm, weight up to 2.5 kg. But the tail and ears are longer: the length of the tail reaches 11.5 cm, the ears - up to 12 cm. Narrow paws are not adapted to move on snow. In summer, this species has grayish-buff fur, white on the throat and belly, and always remains dark on the rest of the body. The molting period largely depends on the habitat and weather conditions.

Tolai chooses flat areas, deserts and semi-deserts for life, but sometimes climbs high into the mountains. IN Central Asia it can be found at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. Often this hare lives in a hole abandoned by another animal; it rarely digs holes itself.

Tolai leads a sedentary life and migrates only in case of severe deterioration in weather conditions or when there is an acute lack of food.

This species reproduces less frequently than others - 1-2 times a year, but since it is not hunted often, a decrease in numbers is not observed.

Tolay is widespread in Central Asia. It is also found in Transbaikalia, Mongolia, Southern Siberia and some provinces of China. In Russia, tolai lives in Altai, in Astrakhan region, in Buryatia and in the Chui steppe.


Description of the hare: this is a fairly large representative of the hare family. How much does a hare weigh? The average weight of a white hare is 2-3 kg, and can reach up to 4.5 kg. Body length is from 45 to 70 cm, ears - 8-10 cm, tail - 5-10 cm. This species has wide paws. Thanks to its feet covered with thick hair, the hare moves easily even on loose snow in winter. The color depends on the time of year. In summer, the skin is gray - dark or with a reddish tint, with brown spots. The head is darker than the body, the belly is white. In winter, the white hare's skin becomes clean white. She sheds twice a year, in autumn and spring.

Where does the white hare live? In Russia, the white hare inhabits most of the territory from western Transbaikalia and the upper Don to the tundra. Also large populations of this species live in China, Japan, Mongolia, South America and in Northern Europe.

For life they choose small forests, located near bodies of water, farmland and open spaces, places rich herbaceous plants, berries. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, occupying an area of ​​3 to 30 hectares, migrating only in case of severe bad weather and lack of food supply. Long-distance and mass migrations of the hare are observed only in the tundra zone, where the snow cover in winter is so high that the hare’s food (low-growing plants) becomes inaccessible.

They breed 2-3 times a year, and there are up to 11 hares in a litter. Lifespan of a hare wildlife from 7 to 17 years.


The brown hare is larger than the hare. With a body length of 57-68 cm, it weighs from 4 to 7 kg. The length of the ears is 9-14 cm, the tail of the hare is 7-14 cm. The hare has longer and narrower paws than the hare.

This hare in summer gray with an ocher, brownish or reddish tint. In winter, a gray hare living in middle lane, practically does not change its color, only becomes a little lighter. Animals inhabiting the northern regions become almost white, leaving only a dark stripe on the back.

Where does the brown hare live? In Russia, Russians inhabit the entire European part, region of the Ural Mountains, in Southern Siberia, Khabarovsk Territory and territories near Kazakhstan, in Transcaucasia in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Brown hare populations also inhabit Europe, the USA, Canada, Asia Minor and Asia Minor.

What does the hare eat? Since it is a herbivore, its diet consists of green parts of plants: clover, dandelion, mouse peas, yarrow, and cereals.

The brown hare is a steppe hare; it chooses open spaces to live; it rarely lives in forest areas and in the mountains. The animals lead a sedentary life, occupying an area of ​​30 to 50 hectares. Seasonal migrations occur only among Russians living in mountainous areas. The brown hare descends from the mountains in winter, and climbs back to higher ground in summer.

They reproduce depending on the habitat and weather conditions, from 1 to 5 times a year. There are 1 to 9 hares in a litter. How many years does a hare live? The average life expectancy of a hare is 6-7 years.


Hares are distributed almost everywhere. Their populations are numerous and inhabit all continents. Antarctica is the only place on earth where these animals do not live.

Lifestyle and habits

This long-eared animal leads a twilight-nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, the animal rests on ditches. True, in places where there is a high number of obliques, the habits of the hare change and, often, it is active during the day.

Unlike rabbits, the scythe does not dig deep holes. A hare hole is a small depression in the ground, under bushes or tree roots. These animals choose their beds depending on the terrain and weather conditions. In warm, clear weather, they can roost almost anywhere if there is at least a small shelter nearby. In winter, finding places to lie down is not a problem at all, since hares sleep right in the snow.

The oblique runs very fast, while running it often makes long jumps and can suddenly change direction. This method of movement helps the animal escape from the predators pursuing it. Eared cunning creatures are excellent at confusing their tracks. At the slightest threat, the animal freezes motionless until it considers that nothing threatens it anymore.

Many people wonder if hares can swim. Although they do not like water and try to stay away from it, they swim well.


The diet of the oblique is very varied. What a hare eats depends on the season, weather conditions and habitat.

In summer

In summer, this herbivorous animal eats more than 500 species of plants, preferring their green parts. Also loves to eat melons, vegetables and fruits. Animals often get out into the fields and raid vegetable gardens and orchards. In autumn, their diet includes more and more solid food. Withered grass, roots and branches of bushes become their main food.

in winter

What do hares eat in winter, when there is no greenery?

The thicker the layer of snow, the harder it is for the long-eared animal to obtain food. High level snow can hide almost everything that hares eat in winter. Animals escape from hunger by moving closer to populated areas. They are helped out in harsh winters by haystacks, frozen berries on bushes, and fallen fruits that the animals dig out from under the snow.

Tree bark makes up the majority of the diet during the cold season. Usually the scythe selects soft trees: aspen, birch, willow and others.

in spring

In spring, the diet becomes significantly more varied due to buds, young shoots and fresh grass. To make up for the deficit nutrients, the long-eared eats pebbles, earth and even animal bones.


The weather conditions directly determine when the hares begin mating. IN warm winters the rut can begin in January, and after frosty winters - in early March.

Communicate in mating season These animals tap a certain rhythm with their front paws on the ground. Males compete for the attention of females, engaging in spectacular fights.

Young individuals are ready for reproduction at the age of one year. Most species produce offspring several to five times a year, with an average of 2-5 cubs per litter. Despite the fact that the rabbits are born developed and sighted, for the first days they practically do not move, hiding in a hole.

The female leaves the brood almost immediately after giving birth and only occasionally returns to feed the cubs. Since females have offspring at the same time, any hare that comes across hungry cubs will definitely feed them. This behavior is easy to explain. Baby hares have no smell, unlike adults, and the less often the female is near them, the less chance the cubs have of becoming prey to a predator.


Hare hunting is popular in our country. This animal is an object of fur trade and sport hunting. IN large quantities These animals are hunted for their fur and tasty, nutritious meat.

Hunting begins in October before snowfall and lasts throughout the winter. There are many ways of hunting: by tracking, in blinds, in powder, with dogs and “in the wild”.

The scythe has many enemies in nature besides hunters. It is hunted by birds of prey, wolves, lynxes, coyotes and foxes. High fertility helps these animals maintain their numbers.


The brown hare is a very common animal. You can meet him on any continent globe except Antarctica. He is known for his caution, ability to quickly escape from pursuit and deftly confuse his tracks.


He is close-up view in the genus of hares. The body length is about 70 centimeters, and it weighs from 4 to 6 kilograms. In summer, the hare's color is gray-brown. In winter, the coat becomes lighter in color and a warm undercoat grows underneath.

A distinctive feature of the hare is its long ears. During extreme heat, the ears save the animal from overheating - their inner surface not covered with hair, helps remove excess heat from the body.

When sheltering from the rain, the animal lowers its ears, trying to press them to its head so that water does not get inside. The ears save the hare from danger by acting as locators - they are able to detect the slightest rustle and sounds of an approaching predator.


The ubiquitous hare lives almost throughout Europe, southwest Asia, North Africa, South America, and some states North America and in Australia. Hares prefer open spaces:

  • steppes,
  • forest-steppe,
  • fields,
  • meadows and forest edges.

In winter, they try to move closer to where people live, where it is easier to get food.


They live alone for most of the year, and only briefly unite into families during the breeding season. The hare is nocturnal. With the onset of darkness, he goes out to look for food, and during the day he rests, trying not to catch the eye of forest predators.

Rusaki is so well camouflaged that it is difficult to notice him, even when in close proximity to him. He does not like permanent holes; he always looks for a new place to rest. In summer it sleeps in shallow holes surrounded by bushes or tall grass, finds empty badger or fox holes, and sometimes just rests under a bush.

In winter, the long-eared animal makes a hole for itself right in the snow, in a place protected from the wind. Hares are cautious and quiet animals. They make any sounds only in exceptional cases. When in danger, they squeak loudly and shrilly.

Rusaks can notify each other about the appearance of an enemy by drumming their paws on dry ground. With this in an unusual way, reminiscent of Morse code, they manage to hide from predators.


Brown hares are herbivores. In summer they eat field plants, and they eat not only the stems and leaves, but sometimes also the roots. If there is one nearby settlements, the hares run into the gardens and happily feast on carrots and cabbage. In winter, animals feed on seeds, vegetable remains and winter crops, digging them out from under the snow.

They also feed on the bark of trees and shrubs. They can cause serious harm to gardeners, as they love to nibble on young apple trees. Russians gnaw bark not only out of hunger. Hares constantly grow teeth throughout their lives, so sometimes they need to be shortened by grinding them down. hard surface trees.


The breeding season of the brown hare lasts from early spring to late autumn. Pregnancy lasts for a female brown hare for five to six weeks. During the season, one hare gives birth to 2–4 litters, with 3–6 cubs in each.

The first days after birth, the mother brings food to the rabbits. Around the second week from birth, small animals begin to eat grass, and within a few days after this they gain independence. The average life expectancy of hare is 5 – 6 years.


The hare has plenty of enemies:

  • wolves,
  • lynx;
  • dogs;
  • owls;
  • The best protection against them is successful camouflage and fast run. Thanks to its protective gray-brown color, the hare can hide even in white snow - in the middle of a field it will look like a stump or a hummock dusted with snow.

    Hares are often saved by their speed: during a chase, they cover up to 70 kilometers in an hour. Brown hares can swim and are able to swim across the river to escape persecution.

  1. In Russians folk tales the hare is called oblique, although the animal does not suffer from strabismus. He received this nickname due to his ability to loop while running. Slanting tracks help him escape from pursuit.
  2. Rusak is not as cowardly as they say. He is quite capable of taking care of himself. Among the hares there are brave souls who successfully fight off attacking eagles with their hind legs.
  3. Once upon a time, a small hare lived for a long time with a domestic dog, which taught its “adopted child” to rush at other people’s dogs.