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» Spraying trees after flowering. Spraying at the stage of bud break and bud protrusion. Treating trees with copper sulfate in spring

Spraying trees after flowering. Spraying at the stage of bud break and bud protrusion. Treating trees with copper sulfate in spring

It is at this time that work can be done to preserve the harvest and increase it. How to treat trees and shrubs in early spring? Every gardener asks himself this question. Everyone wants their work not to be in vain, but to be rewarded good harvest fruits and berries. Therefore, a number of measures should be taken to protect garden plantings.

The benefits of spraying

If you do not spray trees and shrubs, the garden will soon be affected by diseases and pests. This reduces productivity and slows down the appearance of fruits and berries. Before treating trees and shrubs in early spring, you need to decide on the methods for this activity. Spraying is carried out several times per season. It helps get rid of caterpillars, aphids, flower beetles, silkworms, powdery mildew, scab and other diseases and pests. Process everything and

Spraying time

Typically, garden plantings are treated three times during spring and summer. The effect of the solution lasts about two weeks. This is exactly what the minimum break between spraying should be. Treatment should be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting. It is generally not advisable to use chemicals after the ovary has appeared. Therefore, before treating trees and shrubs in early spring against diseases and pests, carefully read the instructions for the product. Shrubs are sprayed much less frequently. When berries appear on them, processing can be stopped altogether. To carry out this procedure, it is better to choose dry and windless weather.

Spraying stages

The first stage of processing occurs in the earliest spring. At this time, pests that have successfully survived the cold period are destroyed. Next comes the time of the second treatment. It is carried out after the leaves appear. Thus, gardeners get rid of awakening insects. At the same time, prevention of various diseases to which garden plants are susceptible is carried out. The plants are sprayed a third time after flowering. At this moment you can neutralize spider mite and codling moth.

Preparatory work

Before treating trees and shrubs in early spring, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work. First, you need to go around your property and remove old fruits and existing pest nests. Old branches of plantings should be cut off. They are the ones good place for wintering and breeding of pests and diseases. We take the branches outside the garden and burn them. For shrubs, use a hot shower. To do this, water is heated to 70 degrees and poured onto the plants. This method helps get rid of many pests and their larvae that overwinter on bushes. This procedure must be carried out before the juices begin to flow, so as not to harm the plants. How to treat trees and shrubs in early spring without chemicals? Many experienced gardeners advise spraying garden plants with a solution. This is approximately 150 grams of salt per 10 liters of water. A few days before the first spraying, trees and shrubs should be dug up. We also cut off unnecessary shoots and branches.

First processing period

How to treat trees and shrubs against pests in early spring? The first treatment is carried out to prevent the formation of scab. Even before the buds swell, trees are treated with Fundazol or Skvor. There are many other products with similar composition. Before the procedure, the crown is thinned out and the trunk is covered with a layer of lime. When the buds begin to swell, another treatment is carried out, which disinfects the tree from the gall mite. For this you can use the drug "Neoron". Among the safer means is urea solution. 500 grams of the product are dissolved in 10 liters of water. This solution also has a beneficial effect on the quality of the soil, spreading throughout the season.

We continue early processing

Before treating trees and shrubs in early spring, you should carefully inspect them to identify any danger. Many drugs have a specific effect on a specific pest or disease. Therefore, it would be more advisable to use exactly the necessary components. When the first leaves begin to bloom, you need to carry out prevention against caterpillars that damage plant leaves. For this purpose, the drugs “Kinmiks” and “Fury” are used. For powdery mildew (as well as for repeated scab prevention), you can use “Fundazol” and “Skvor”.

We fight weeds

As you know, weeds are not good neighbors for They must be constantly fought, preventing them from growing and blooming. A good remedy This is what Roundup or similar drugs are for. Processing must be carried out with extreme caution. The tree trunk or shrub must be covered with any material that will prevent toxic substances from entering the cultivated plant. Then spray Roundup on the weeds. The protection can be removed from the tree after a day. remember, that weeds- This the best place for the breeding of pests.

Final stage

The final treatment of shrubs and trees is carried out after flowering. But this does not mean that the fight against pests and diseases is over. These are the main points of spraying, but it is advisable to carry out the procedure much more often. After flowering, the codling moth, aphid and leaf roller are activated. Here, the drug "Fury" is considered an excellent treatment tool. It is better to spray twice, with an interval of 20 days. Additionally, you can use the drugs "Skvor" or "Fundazol". If a tree trunk is damaged by black cancer, then it must be treated with a 1% solution and covered with garden varnish. Further treatment of trees is carried out as necessary or for prevention, but at intervals of two weeks. For small rodents you can use the drug "Zernotsin-U".

Shrub processing

Spraying shrubs has its own characteristics. It is carried out much less frequently. For treatment, almost the same preparations are used as for spraying trees. For powdery mildew, gray rot and fusarium wilt, you can take Fundazol. It also works well against fungi on gooseberries and raspberries. Before the buds appear, the shrubs are treated with Topaz. This remedy will help get rid of special type powdery mildew. During the swelling of the buds, “Clinmixol” and “Phosbecid” are used, which prevent the appearance of leaf rollers, sawflies and gall midges. After the ovary appears, re-treatment with Topaz is carried out. Against slugs, you can use Metaldehyde granules, which are scattered between plantings.

Processing berry bushes It is better to finish during the ripening period of the fruits or a month before they are harvested. After harvesting, the plants should be treated again with any remedy against pests and diseases.

Folk remedies

There are many remedies that gardeners have come up with and tested in action. Traditional methods treatments are distinguished by their minimal harmfulness to the future harvest. But the effect of their use is not so small. Tomato leaves, namely their infusion, help well in the fight against caterpillars and leaf rollers. Two kilograms of foliage are poured into 5 liters hot water. After 5 hours, the infusion is boiled and filtered. After this, the product is ready for use. The spraying procedure must be repeated after a week.

Many gardeners are wondering: how to treat trees and shrubs against aphids in early spring? Along with ticks, this is a very common pest. To combat them, use a decoction of potato leaves. To do this, part of the tops is mixed with two parts of water. After 5 hours, put the mixture on water bath for 40 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and cooled.

Bordeaux mixture is something that can be used to treat trees and shrubs in early spring before flowering. This is the most popular and proven method of struggle. It can also be used in subsequent spraying periods.

Very often, mosses and lichens form on the bark of trees. This is an excellent breeding ground for pests and diseases. Many novice gardeners are interested in how to treat trees and shrubs in early spring to remove moss? It is simply removed from the surface of the bark using burlap or other hard material. This is done before spraying so that the surface of the trunk is completely treated. Further appearance of moss must be controlled.

By carrying out the entire treatment complex, you can extend the life of trees and shrubs and achieve a good harvest.

Treatment of trees should be carried out in early spring, then when the fruits have formed. In the summer, when pest activity is at its peak outside, and of course, after you have harvested the entire crop and the leaves have fallen.

This procedure was carried out year after year and gardeners formed their own spraying calendar, in which you can see when and with what means it is worth spraying the trees. Summer residents experimented for many years and, based on the information collected from different gardeners, a certain sequence was established.

And in March, gardeners most often fight microorganisms, and in April they protect the buds of fruit trees from fungal diseases. Then, already in March, all your strength can be devoted to protecting against other diseases and pests. But this should be done only when all the trees have already bloomed.

How to spray

Many beginners believe that the treatment is a very easy procedure and only requires a special solution and a pump for spraying trees. And they are wrong. Here full list tools you will need:

  • piston type pump or specialized compressor;
  • gauze bandage, which needs to be made multi-layered or take a respiratory mask;
  • latex gloves;
  • preparations for spraying;
  • protective glasses.

Before you begin the procedure of spraying fruit trees, you need to carefully inspect the entire tree. If during inspection you find lichen and moss, then you should carefully remove it with a metal brush. Inspect the spraying apparatus in advance. For example, its hose may be short in order to process the upper branches. Therefore, it needs to be extended or a stepladder installed in advance. It is necessary to process trees completely, not only in easily accessible places, since partial processing will not give you any result.

As for the spraying agent, it must be uniform. If it is poorly mixed with water and poured into the apparatus, then one part of the plants can be treated with water, and the second active substance which will lead to the death of the entire tree. Therefore, during the procedure you need to periodically shake the solution.

Here is the sequence of the procedure:

  • put on equipment: eye mask and respiratory mask;
  • Apply the product you need according to schedule evenly onto the branches, leaves and post. The tip of the device should be kept at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from the object. This way the solution will fall like dew and fill all hard-to-reach places;
  • the drug must be placed on the back side of each leaf;
  • After the procedure is completed, carefully and thoroughly rinse the device with all its parts. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

It is recommended to treat not only one tree, but nearby plants too. This way you will create the maximum effectiveness of a particular drug in the garden. This is especially true for the procedure for exterminating insects, because they can move to another tree and harm it.

Copper sulfate

Now you should find out everything about the preparations with which you are going to treat the trees. One of them is copper sulfate. Trees are sprayed with this preparation twice during the entire summer season. The first time is in early spring, before the first buds appear on the trees. This is done so that the solution does not harm young leaves. And the second time is used if there are wounds on the tree that require disinfection.

Most often, the drug is used for spraying pear, apple and plum trees in the first month of spring and at the end of October. Copper sulfate protects plums from:

  • moniliosis;
  • curliness;
  • coccycosis;
  • Clusterosporosis.

As for how to dilute copper sulfate and how much it is needed for one tree. The answer is very simple. If there is a tree growing in your garden that is not yet 6 years old, then you only need 2 liters of solution per seedling. For more mature plant which brings you excellent harvest fruit, you need to use 10 liters.

It needs to be diluted away from people and animals, and so that it does not end up in various water supplies or bodies of water. For trees, 50-100 grams are enough, which need to be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spraying is best done in the morning or evening, when the weather outside is calm and the temperature is from +5 to +30 degrees.


As a first step in caring for fruit trees such as apple, plum and pear, they should be sprayed with urea a week after flowering or for wintering. Such treatment will have an additional effect that will save the future harvest. When the tree is first treated, in addition to destroying all pests, you also slow down the rate at which the tree wakes up from its hibernation for several weeks. This will help protect the sensitive plum blossom from early frosts.

Just like copper sulfate, it is diluted in 10 liters of water, while only 50 grams of the product itself is needed. Orchard Spray a week after flowering to protect it from copperhead, aphids, and caterpillars.

IN autumn period, when half of the foliage has already fallen off, the trees should be treated with a solution of a higher concentration, but it should be less than 500 grams per 10 liters.

You can spray it not only on the branches and trunk, but also on the ground, this way you will also fertilize the plants. If you hurry and do this procedure earlier than expected, the leaves will get burned and fall off faster. And the fruit trees won't get enough of everyone nutrients which they need for wintering.


Iron sulfate, like copper sulfate, is sprayed twice a year: in spring and autumn. When trees are treated with this product, they get double action. On the one hand, trees receive iron in a certain form, which helps it with respiration. And on the other hand, is effective drug which will protect against pests. Most often, trees such as apple, pear, and plum suffer from iron deficiency. This can be seen in the quantity and quality of the harvest.

It happens that the garden consists of old fruit trees, so you need to spray the product not only in March, but also at the end of autumn. This will help in the fight against:

  • deprive;
  • moss;
  • cytosporosis;
  • black cancer;
  • semtosporosis;
  • cytosprorosis.

And thereby automatically increase your harvest and the growth of the plant itself.


For spraying fruit trees, Preparation-30 is used in early spring or late autumn. The concentration should be 200 grams per 10 liters of water. With this treatment you will get rid of whiteflies, aphids, moths, leaf rollers, red and brown fruit mites, and larvae. Many argue that this drug achieves results not through poisoning, but through the film that is obtained after spraying. She doesn't break water balance and gas exchange. This creates a terrible environment for pests to live in, and they die. But despite its effectiveness, drug -30 is recommended not to be used more than once every 3 years.

Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is used in the fight against diseases. Most often this applies to apple, pear and quince. At the beginning of spring, this liquid is used with a concentration of 300-400 grams per 10 liters. And during the growing season you only need 100 grams per 10 liters. Bordeaux mixture has increased resistance to humid environments. It is best to use it when the buds on the trees open and in late autumn, before frost.

The mixture itself consists of copper sulfate and lime. When working with it, only wooden, glass and clay containers are used. During processing, it is best to isolate all animals and people around. It must be used when there is high dew, when precipitation is possible.

Growing fruit crops inevitably associated with the use of various technologies to protect against pests and obtain maximum yield. Among all necessary procedures Particular attention should be paid to spring spraying of trees. Why spray trees in the spring, what solutions can be used safely, and how to properly spray trees and shrubs, our article will tell you.

Timing - when it is necessary to start spraying fruit trees. Algorithm of actions

The procedure for treating fruit trees must begin immediately after the snow melts and the air temperature warms up to +5 degrees Celsius. It is at this time that pests begin to wake up from hibernation and actively attack plants. If this deadline is missed, the harvest may be seriously damaged.

Ideal conditions for spraying: sunny day in early March. In order to carry out this procedure as efficiently and safely as possible, you should take care and prepare everything necessary in advance.

Preparing the tree involves careful inspection and pruning of dry branches. At the same time, you can begin work on crown formation and remove excess. Be sure to also inspect the tree trunk. Free it from lichen, dry bark and dirt. Damage to the trunk must be especially carefully examined and “treated.” After treatment with antibacterial compounds, you can use a proven remedy - garden varnish, which helps quickly heal abrasions and acts as a protective barrier.

Fallen leaves must also be removed from the area. For the most part, pests and larvae overwintered there. It is also better not to use the leaf mixture for compost, but simply burn it in a separate container. By the way, the resulting ash can be successfully used for feeding and treating plants against pests and diseases.

When and how to prune fruit trees is indicated.

The first spraying is carried out during the formation of buds, the second time it is repeated during the formation of buds, and this is about a month later. For both stages it is necessary to choose different compositions. Prepare the solution immediately before use. It is not recommended to store the resulting mixture, since too many aggressive compounds are formed in it, and the benefits will be questionable.

Spray solution options:

  1. Carbamide (urea) is best used 5 – 6 days after flowering. For greater effectiveness, it is advisable to add to the composition a small amount of copper sulfate.
  2. Iron sulfate is used at an early stage of spraying. It not only helps to get rid of insects and harmful microorganisms, but also provides additional fertilizing with iron, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of the crop.
  3. Copper sulfate, in turn, is great for getting rid of common diseases, and is especially useful for plum trees.
  4. Diluted diesel fuel. Spraying is highly effective garden crops diluted diesel fuel. It must be carried out very carefully and strictly in early spring. If the deadlines have been missed, it is better to use less aggressive substances.
  5. Special purchased drugs differ to varying degrees efficiency and greater aggressiveness, therefore it is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. In particular, it is necessary to apply a protective layer to the tree trunk no more than once every three years, otherwise the plant will suffer more harm than good.
  6. Bordeaux mixture is a proven remedy for a wide variety of pests, which also actively affects insect larvae.

The product prevents the spread of major fruit diseases.

List of fruit trees and shrubs for garden plot presented .

This procedure algorithm is most suitable for spring treatment of plants. To do this not only effectively, but also safely for others and the future harvest, you must follow the basic safety rules when working with aggressive and toxic substances.

A description of the Iput cherry variety is presented.

How to perform the procedure correctly. Good drugs

The above mixtures are already sold from ready-made instructions on application, but it would be useful to repeat the basic requirements. These mixtures are relatively safe for plants and humans, but they will not save you from severe pest infestations.

If the situation is dire, you can try potent medications that can be applied immediately after harvest. In particularly severe cases, the only solution may be to cut down trees and plant a new garden.

Urea solution For a standard portion, 10 liters of water, 700 grams of urea and 50 - 80 grams of copper sulfate. This is not only a good “shake-up” for pests, but also an analogue nitrogen fertilizer

. It has long been noted that after treatment with urea, the flowering period of fruit trees shifts slightly and occurs a week and a half later.

This reduces the risk of late frosts during the opening of delicate buds.

Bordeaux mixture

Most often, peach, apricot and plum varieties are treated with a urea solution.

The package contains 200 grams of quicklime and 100 grams of copper sulfate (at a concentration of 3%). This amount is for 10 liters of water. It would be optimal to add a little laundry soap whipped into foam to the resulting solution. This component will provide persistent adhesive properties, so rain after treating the trees will not immediately wash away all the substances and reduce the efforts to nothing.

Iron sulfate solution Here the concentration of the main ingredient will depend on the age of the tree. If we're talking about

For young thin-skinned plants, it is necessary to dilute 50 grams of dry vitriol per 10 liters of water. For mature trees that have already acquired thick bark, the content of iron sulfate can be doubled.

Do not mix iron sulfate with lime in any form. For such a tandem, only copper sulfate is suitable. low growing tomatoes For open ground without stepson it will help to understand.

Copper sulfate solution

Usually you can find a special granular mixture on sale. They are also diluted with 100 grams per bucket of water (10 liters). Distinctive feature preparing the solution will gradually dissolve the granules. To do this, it is advisable to first take a small amount of hot water, in which the granules will dissolve faster. After stirring you need to add cold water to the required volume.

How to spray trees:

  1. It is optimal to use special sprayers that will ensure the most convenient and uniform distribution of the solution.
  2. When working, you must use personal protective equipment.
  3. After treatment, it is undesirable to stay near trees at least during the day. You should close the windows of nearby buildings, and also do not use plants growing nearby for food, for example, greens.
  4. The tree or bush should be sprayed as evenly and abundantly as possible. It is very difficult to clarify approximate consumption rates, because many factors influence this.
  5. It is also necessary to cultivate the soil under the plant.

The procedure must be carried out in sunny weather and it is advisable to make sure that there is no rain in the coming days, which will devalue the treatment carried out. During spraying, people or animals should not be in the immediate vicinity. Possible plantings and water sources should be protected.

Basic Rules successful implementation procedures:

  1. Preliminary preparation and pruning of trees.
  2. Compliance optimal timing performing the procedure. The first stage is during the formation of buds, the second about a month later, when the buds form.
  3. It is necessary to use only a freshly prepared portion of the mixture, otherwise there is a high risk of burning the young shoots.
  4. Compliance with safety rules is mandatory, as is the use of personal protective equipment: overalls, gloves and a protective mask.


This video will tell you how to spray trees in the spring.

The garden is gradually waking up after a long winter hibernation, and the buds are about to begin to bloom. Now, in the spring, fruit trees and shrubs especially need the protection and attention of the gardener. How to treat trees and shrubs in early spring, how to help our favorite “growing plants” to cure diseases, protect from pests and unfavorable climatic conditions, we figure it out together with the experienced gardeners of our portal, who have accumulated volumes of gardening over the years useful material about this theme.

In this article we will look at:

  1. How to prepare a spring garden spray at home;
  2. Calendar of garden treatments in early spring in spring. When to carry out the first treatment;
  3. How to cook Bordeaux mixture;
  4. How to cope with fungal diseases;

From a member of our portal Eleni three grandchildren, so his family gives great importance the safety of fruits and berries, and “no chemicals” are used at all. The question of what to spray fruit trees and shrubs with in the spring does not arise in this family: treating the garden against diseases and pests is done only with safe home remedies.

Home remedies for spraying fruit trees and shrubs:

  1. Garlic infusion;
  2. Infusion onion peel.
    Green soap is added to these infusions for better adhesion.

An infusion of onion peels is made as follows: 350 grams of onion peels are poured with two liters of water, brought to a boil and cooled. The resulting solution is diluted in 10 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of green soap (sold in garden stores).

Garlic infusion recipe: 300 grams of whole, unpeeled garlic heads are passed through a meat grinder and filled with water. The mixture is infused for a day, stirring from time to time, 2 tablespoons of green soap are added, and diluted in 10 liters of water.

Also popular is the treatment of currant and gooseberry bushes with boiling water (not hot water, but precisely boiling water, from a just boiled kettle), which is carried out even before the buds open. Try starting treatments with this - surprisingly, boiling water turns out to be no less effective than special substances.


This is an old method of destroying the clutches of bud mites and the beginnings of powdery mildew.

How can we help our beloved “growing plants”, how can we treat them in order to cure diseases, protect them from pests and unfavorable climatic conditions? Let's see what experienced gardeners on our portal are doing.

  1. How to prepare a spring garden spray at home.
  2. Treatment calendar fruit plants in the spring.
  3. How to prepare Bordeaux mixture.
  4. How to deal with fungal plants.
  5. Why you can’t refuse spring garden treatments.

Treatment with home remedies

From a member of our portal Eleni He has three grandchildren, so his family attaches great importance to the safety of fruits and berries, and “no chemicals” are used at all. In early spring, he sprays all his garden bushes and trees with infusions of garlic and onion peels, to which he adds green soap for better adhesion.

An infusion of onion peels is made as follows: 350 grams of onion peels are poured with two liters of water, brought to a boil and cooled. The resulting solution is diluted with 10 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of green soap (sold in garden stores).

Garlic infusion recipe: 300 grams of whole, unpeeled garlic heads are passed through a meat grinder and filled with water. The mixture is infused for a day, stirring from time to time, adding 2 tablespoons of green soap.

Both of these infusions are used for spring spraying of all fruit crops.

Also popular is the treatment of currant and gooseberry bushes with boiling water (not hot water, but just boiling water from a just boiled kettle), which is carried out even before the buds open.

Hearing that tree spraying is beneficial and knowing exactly when to spray trees are two different things. If spraying of fruit trees in the spring occurs untimely, then at best you will not get the desired result, and at worst you will be left without a harvest at all. Trees are processed not only when the fruits have already formed, but also in late autumn, when the leaves have fallen, and in early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed.

Based on the experience of many gardeners, a conditional plant processing calendar was created. It takes into account both the drugs that should be used in a certain period and the time of the procedure. Is it possible to spray trees during flowering? This is the most actual question all new gardeners. In most cases, you will find one categorical answer: no, this should not be done under any circumstances. But let's try to sort everything out in order.

Garden treatment in spring

The first work with fruit trees is planned for early spring. Experienced gardeners It is advised to start fighting pests as soon as the snow melts and the air warms up to +5ºС. This usually happens closer to mid-March, when the buds are just beginning to form. The first thing to do is clean it with a brush. On the same day, make the necessary solution and treat the plants. Special attention Pay attention to cracks in the bark where harmful microorganisms could overwinter.

The next treatment takes place in April and is aimed at protecting the buds of apple, plum and pear trees from fungal diseases and the stag beetle. But you need to protect it from possible diseases and other pests, but this is done after flowering. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering seems to be clear. This should be done before or after flowering. Although there is one "but". In order to increase the yield, you need to attract more bees and other insects to the fruit trees. Therefore, pears and plums are sprayed with honey solution precisely during flowering. It is prepared at the rate of 100 g of honey per 10 liters of water. This will attract a huge number of insects, abundant pollination will occur, which always guarantees a good harvest.

So there is one positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to spray trees during flowering. But you should not limit yourself to spring treatment, since autumn spraying of fruit plants is also of great importance.

Tree treatment in autumn

Closing the season and preparing the garden for wintering occurs between October and November. This should be done when the foliage has already fallen, especially if you are using chemicals. Before treating trees older than 6 years, it is advisable to remove old bark and lichens so that various pests and pathogens do not overwinter under them. This is done using a metal brush. After such cleaning, you can begin the first spraying with a fresh solution. You can do the second spraying after the first frost, when the weeds and all fallen leaves have been removed.

Preparations used to treat trees

Domestic gardeners most often use the following means:

Copper sulfate - protects plants from moniliosis, curl, scab, coccycosis and phyllosticosis. Processing is carried out in the first half of March and at the end of October.

Iron sulfate - supplies plants with the necessary iron and effectively protects them from pests. Treatment occurs twice a year, when the garden has not yet had time to green up and when it is already preparing for winter.

Urea (carbamide) - destroys pest larvae and slows down the rate of awakening of the plum after wintering (for 1-2 weeks), which protects its color from spring frosts. Treatment occurs last before winter and in spring after flowering.

- “Preparation 30” - it rids plants of leaf rollers, whiteflies, aphids, mites, moths, scale insects and copperheads that have overwintered in the bark. Treatment also occurs in late autumn, although this product is also used in summer period. Gardeners advise using it no more than once every 3 years.

Now you have an idea of ​​whether trees can be sprayed during flowering, and also when is the best time to do it. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of your garden, and it will delight you with a bountiful harvest for decades.