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» Original ideas for designing a children's room for a girl. Children's room for a girl: stylish design, modern design and the best solutions for children (150 photos) Design options for a children's room for a girl

Original ideas for designing a children's room for a girl. Children's room for a girl: stylish design, modern design and the best solutions for children (150 photos) Design options for a children's room for a girl

Children grow quickly, and each age has its advantages. An older child is more picky about everything related to his environment. This is especially true for girls. How to decorate a children's room for a girl is a hot topic in a family where a little princess is growing up. The room should correspond to her character, hobbies, favorite activities, and age.

The size of the room does not play a special role, but it must be bright and warm. Each age group has features of arranging a nursery. Let's take a closer look at the children's room for an 8-9 year old girl. This is a preparatory period before adolescence, so the opinion of the little housewife is taken into account.

Start planning

There must be a clear division working area, recreation areas. The workplace is given Special attention. Color solution rooms for a growing child can be completely different: white, light green, lavender, soft pink.

The choice of wallpaper color, furniture, and possible layout must be discussed with the girl herself. It’s more pleasant for the child to take part in the process of creating a personal corner, and it’s easier for parents to choose something specific.

Wall decoration and lighting

8-9 years is a serious age. You need to forget about wallpaper with bears and bright flowers. Experts have found that light, neutral wall coverings (this could be wallpaper or paint) are suitable for better perception. If you have a small room, choosing light shades will visually expand the space. If it is cloudy outside, the room remains bright. It is not forbidden to hang various pictures on the walls.

The window should not be covered with heavy curtains, drapes or filled with furniture. Instead of curtains, light curtains and Roman blinds in soft and pleasant shades are used.

Lighting plays a big role. There is no possibility to place workplace, a place to relax near a window? Ensure there is sufficient artificial lighting.

There are several sources of artificial lighting:

  • Lamp above the bed;
  • Lamp on the desktop, directly above the table;
  • Several lamps in the closet (if you have one).

Game of colors

Parents need to forget forever about the stereotype that girls love pink. At this age, calm tones will have a good effect on mental development and general condition: pale green, baked milk, soft blue and similar colors.

Decorating one wall with a different color or photo wallpaper is becoming relevant. And even though 9 years is a serious age, girls still play with toys. This emphasis allows you to highlight the recreation area.

By participating in the process, the girl will be able to feel more mature and responsible for making decisions.

Furniture for a children's room

In the video: a family made renovations in the nursery, take a look, it will come in handy! :)

Furniture for the nursery, where the girl will rest and work, should, first of all, be functional, comfortable, and please the owner herself. The main place is occupied by the closet, since the young lady has enough wardrobe items. It is advisable to separate school uniform and everyday things. Various shelves required drawers, where books and toys will be placed. It is important to separate school supplies and toys.

The physical development of a girl plays an important role. If the size of the room allows, there is a gym or wall bars in it. This solution will allow you to alternate between physical activity and mental work. To save space, you can put a sofa instead of a bed. When the child is awake, he is folded, but at night he turns into sleeping area. Experts advise positioning the bed or sofa so that the door is visible. They claim that this way the child feels more comfortable and can see everyone who comes in.

Particular attention is paid school furniture. This must be comfortable table small sizes. This should also be a backrest, a shelf above the table. Advice on choosing school furniture: the table should have an adjustable tabletop and correspond to the height of the child, the chair should be chosen so that the feet are completely on the floor and the backrest is easily adjustable, shelves attached to the wall will significantly save room space. Interior elements for a girl’s nursery include mirrors, various ottomans for get-togethers with friends, and various decorative items that decorate the room.

Here are photos of pieces of furniture that may be in the nursery.

Girl's room design styles

Despite the large number of styles for decorating a nursery, we will focus on the most common ones.


Both the girl and her parents will like this style. The design contains only smooth lines, no corners. It can be either bright (which is still undesirable) or calm, with colors blending into each other. Looking at the interior as a whole, we can say that here every thing is in its place, nothing superfluous. The furniture is convenient and comfortable, and the combination of natural shapes, textures and colors has a positive effect on the child himself. The photo shows how harmoniously the Art Nouveau style blends into the nursery.


The word itself speaks for itself! This design of the room suggests its impressive size and only pastel shades. The furniture is made from natural materials and is therefore quite bulky; the chandelier is decorated with crystal; It is possible to have heavy multi-layer curtains.

If curtains are present, they should not be drawn, otherwise light will not penetrate the room.

In a word, when you are in a nursery made in classic style, you feel like a princess.

High tech

Modern parents are increasingly choosing this style. This is high technology design combined with clean lines. Glass, plastic shelves, gray or metallic colors, a variety of electronics. Oddly enough, girls will love this corner. Below is a photo original design nursery for a 9 year old lady.


A children's room in this style is the ultimate dream. Minimum furniture, maximum space. All furniture is functional and compact. Color scheme – quiet, calm tones, neutral shades, no color spots. A good solution for quiet and calm girls 8-9 years old.

It all depends on the area

The dimensions of the room play a very important role. After all, a child’s imagination can run wild, but how can all this be realized if the room is small? It's another matter if the room is spacious. Let's consider options for both cases.

Design small room easy for a girl. The principle of minimalism is used or the furniture is placed on the walls (literally!). Minimalism involves multifunctional furniture. In other words, a sofa easily turns into a table and vice versa, a closet is built into the wall and the like. You may get the impression that there is no furniture at all.

IN small room you can hang all the cabinets and shelves on the walls, and the furniture should be without doors so as not to be taken away and so on small space. There will be no wardrobe in such an interior or it will be built into the wall.

Color scheme and lighting for small rooms:

  1. Pastel shades;
  2. A striped wall (this solution will visually expand the room, it will appear wider and taller);
  3. Lighting (there should be as much of it as possible);
  4. Ceiling (color only white, otherwise the room will seem low).

With the impressive size of the room, you don’t have to skimp on furniture and color design. In a large room, you can separate a play area and a study area, which is important for 9-year-old girls.

You can make a mini-wardrobe. Place a screen, a decorative mannequin, a dressing table, a chest of drawers with a mirror. In general, help the girl imagine herself as a young lady.

Arranging a nursery is a responsible process. And if the child is a girl, then he becomes even more interesting. After all, in addition to functionality and safety, the room should also be beautiful. We invite you to choose furniture for the girl’s room together.

For a newborn

Decorate the newborn's room in soft, pastel colors. The minimum amount of furniture is enough: a cradle, a small chest of drawers and a changing table. Modern manufacturers They often combine the last two items into one, which is very convenient. For mom, buy a rocking chair where she can relax with her baby in her arms. The main thing is that the nursery is warm and sunny.

As your baby grows up, she will have new needs, and the room should undergo changes to accommodate them.

2-3 years

At this age, the child actively explores the world, he wants to explore and taste everything. The baby has no time to sit still when there are so many interesting things around. At this stage, the main task of parents is to make the room as safe and comfortable as possible. And since her owner is a little girl, she is also beautiful.

The most popular shades for girls are still pink. But it is a mistake to think that only this color will suit her. Any pastel colors will look no worse, or even better.

Make a few bright accents, but don't overdo it. An abundance of bright colors will overstimulate the child, and it will be more difficult to calm him down. Use peach, yellow, gold colors.

Decoration Materials must be environmentally friendly.

At this age, the children's room is conventionally divided into 4 zones: for sleeping, working, playing and storing things. It is important to teach your baby to put things and toys in Right place. Place a small table in the work area where she can do creative work.

Make sure there is good lighting and place a night light next to the crib. Paint the ceiling plain white. Decorate the walls, especially in the play area. Use self-adhesive stickers with bright designs and your favorite characters, or decorate the corner yourself.

For flooring, use carpet made from natural fibers. Unfortunately, it is not affordable for everyone. More budget option there will be a light laminate. Place a cozy rug on top that makes it comfortable to sit and play on.

6-7 years

When thinking about the design of a room for a girl, practicality and functionality come first. Let her choose color scheme.

Zoning becomes even clearer. At this age, a girl goes to school, and a desk always appears in the room. Have extra drawers and shelves to store school supplies. Choose furniture taking into account the girl's tastes.

A table that is too strict will discourage you from learning, and a table that is too frivolous will not create the right mood. The workplace should be well lit. The table and chair must have height adjustment mechanisms in order to last for many more years.

It is better to place the table near the window, where there is the most natural light. Set up a games area: place Dollhouse, boxes for toys, a set of miniature furniture for my daughter and her friends.

The nursery becomes more and more individual: the child develops interests and hobbies that are reflected in the room. Support her hobbies, create an atmosphere that encourages her to do what she loves.

10-12 years

At this age, the little princess turns into a teenager. Her character is undergoing changes, she wants independence, and she definitely needs a corner where she can be her own mistress. Going against your daughter at this age will only spoil the relationship. Take a step forward, give her free rein in the design of your territory - of course, within reasonable limits.

Look at photos of girls' rooms together and choose a style that suits everyone. Only after this go to the store for materials and furniture. Take your daughter with you, show that you respect and value her opinion.

Let her “try on” the model she likes. The chair and table should be comfortable and suitable in height, the bed should be spacious enough. The closet should match her height so that there are no difficulties with the upper shelves.

Let the girl choose the color scheme, or at least find a compromise together.

From 14 years old

A teenage girl's room is similar to an adult girl's room. She will want to express herself, and the room will become a reflection of her hobbies and interests. It’s better, of course, to do a full renovation and update the furniture to something more adult. At this age, she is no longer interested in toys, so the play area can be freed up. Modern teenagers Can’t imagine life without electronics, so you’ll have to splurge on some equipment.

Fashionable interior styles for girls today are called eco-style, hi-tech, minimalism. Now it is even more important not to go against your daughter, not to impose your vision. At this age, a teenager is very easy to offend. Let her use her imagination, just give her recommendations on the sly.

Main elements of the room:

  • Transformable bed or sofa;
  • Spacious closet ( the best option– wardrobe with mirrored doors);
  • Desk and comfortable chair;
  • Electronics: computer, TV, acoustic system or something else;
  • Curtains, lamps, soft pouf.

Room for two girls

The task for parents becomes twice as difficult, especially if the sisters have a big difference in age and hobbies. In the interior, everyone’s opinion has to be taken into account, and girls have to look for a compromise with each other.

The area of ​​the nursery plays a huge role. In order to save space, it is often purchased bunk bed. The eldest will sleep on the second floor, the youngest - below.

When arranging a nursery, functionality comes first. Take a look at a transforming table or a wardrobe bed. Buy furnishings made to order specifically for your room. When choosing folding furniture, consider the age of the children: it will not be easy for a little girl to cope with the mechanism, and it is also unsafe.

Shelves and drawers for books and toys will have to be purchased by both, and there can be one workplace bigger size. This way, girls can study together, improving both the quality of their studies and their relationships. This also applies to the closet: one large one is enough.

Photo of a children's room for a girl

Design points to pay attention to:

  • First of all, you should consider the age of the child. Since the girl’s preferences will change over time, it is best to choose a minimalist but flexible interior design from birth to make it easier to bring something new into it.
  • Complete safety is important for a child's bedroom. Indoors excluded sharp corners, unstable furniture and hazardous materials.
  • The space should be simple and comfortable. A child needs space, so you shouldn’t clutter the nursery with unnecessary accessories and original things.
  • It is necessary to correctly highlight functional areas indoors and ensure the child’s free access to necessary objects such as books or toys.
  • IN color design Instead of saturated shades, it is better to give preference to pastel and delicate colors, which can be diluted with colorful accent details.

Design options for different ages

Photo examples of real interiors.

Room for a newborn

The baby needs a personal furnished room. A comfortable space has a positive impact on the active growth and developing qualities of a newborn girl.

The photo shows the design of a children's room for a newborn baby.

Examples of children's rooms for girls from 3 to 5 years old

This age requires neutral decoration, interesting toys and decor. You should choose lightweight furniture elements with a streamlined shape. Designs should not have small parts.

A room for a girl from 3 to 5 years old is divided into four parts. There is a sleeping segment, an area for creative activities and games.

IN play area It’s better to lay a warm, soft, easy-to-clean bed flooring and complement the space with interactive sets such as a kitchenette, hospital and supermarket. The place where the girl plays should not be cluttered with unnecessary items.

The children's bedroom is equipped with good lighting; a night light is installed next to the sleeping bed. The ceiling surface can be whitewashed, and the wall surfaces can be decorated with self-adhesive stickers or painting.

The photo shows an option for decorating a girl’s bedroom in Norwegian style.

Ideas for a girl's room from 6 to 8 years old

At the age of 6, certain preferences are formed, so the nursery becomes more individual. To support your child’s interests and hobbies, you need to create an inviting atmosphere.

So, as at the age of 7, a child becomes a schoolchild, a clear zoning is used for the room and a segment is arranged with a desk and shelves with educational and fiction literature.

The photo shows the interior of a bedroom for a girl aged 8 years.

With sufficient square meters In a girl’s nursery, it is appropriate to organize a place to relax with a soft, stylish pouf or hammock.

Options for a girl’s bedroom from 9 to 11 years old

The children's room also implies the presence of a study area with a table equipped with shelves, drawers and other additional elements.

The compact and cozy crib is replaced with a spacious sleeping bed, folding sofa or sofa. In the children's room there is a wardrobe that matches the girl's height.

Open shelving and hanging structures are suitable as storage systems.

The photo shows a children's bedroom for a 9-year-old girl with a place for relaxation, study and creative activities.

It is appropriate to decorate the room with collages, various fashionable posters and paintings, and decorate the bed with bright pillows.

At the age of 9, girls are interested in fairy-tale princesses. Interesting solution- decorate the sleeping area with a canopy made of translucent lace fabric.

Teen room design

Feels like an adult bedroom. The interior fully reflects the hobbies, preferences and self-expression of a teenage girl.

Thematic design of the nursery

Cartoon heroines can contribute to the design of a children's room for a girl. The Little Mermaid will inspire the interior in green or blue colors, the beauty from the fairy tale Aladdin will introduce oriental motifs into the decor, and Cinderella will turn the bedroom into a magical palace.

The photo shows a themed design of a children's room for a girl in the style of Disney princesses.

You can liven up the interior of a child's bedroom for a girl thanks to the theme of forest characters. The room is decorated in natural colors, natural wooden furniture is installed, and the walls are covered with photo wallpaper with a landscape. The floor will complement well carpet covering grassy shade.

Color selection

Young beauties are more susceptible, so a certain shade solution will affect the child’s behavioral mood. In the design it is permissible to use both bright and pastel colors.

The most common option is to decorate the bedroom in muted pink tones, combined with a white palette. This way you can add a gentle romantic mood to your design.

The photo shows purple and chocolate colors with rich details in the interior design of a children's bedroom.

Green shades of mint, olive or light green accents will fit perfectly into the decor. Natural colors will have a positive effect on the child’s psyche, refresh and harmonize the interior of the room.

It is better to replace saturated yellow colors with bleached tones or apply different combinations. Amber can be complemented with aquamarine, and golden with herbal. Yellow in combination with vanilla will fill the atmosphere with additional light.

The photo shows a children's room for a girl in provencal style, finished in beige color.

Delicate caramel, nut or beige palette is an excellent solution for the classic direction or Provence style. Noble colors will give the children's room a special background, which will be organically complemented by natural furniture.

Decorative design

To organize the main lighting, spotlights or a chandelier are installed in the room, which is not only functional lighting device, but also the decoration of the room. The light source can be stylized as a cloud, sun, heart, etc.

Bedside sconces or night lights with a soft and dim glow are suitable for illumination. Interesting idea for a children's room for a girl - install switches with adjustable brightness of the light flux.

The photo shows an example of decorating a classic bedroom for a girl.

Curtains made from thick fabric, which will protect the room from sunlight. You can add curtains made of light tulle, organza or cotton to the curtains.

To make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible, select different decor and textile elements. It is appropriate to decorate the bed with a lace bedspread and pillows with patterns; decorate the walls with paintings, dream catchers or paper origami. Thanks to such cute details, a girl's children's bedroom will be filled with charm.

The photo shows the lighting design of a children's room for twins in the interior of the apartment.

With the help of a canopy, you can turn a modest nursery into a chic palace room of a real princess. A printed carpet, which in tandem with other textiles will add a unique flavor to the bedroom, will help to add cheerful notes to the interior.

Selection and arrangement of furniture

The main item is the sleeping bed. In a large room you can install big bed, and for a small-sized nursery, choose a loft model with a first level equipped with a closet, a study desk or a sofa. It is advisable to place a place to sleep at a distance from the entrance.

It is appropriate to furnish a room for a little girl with a small table for drawing, modeling or holding tea ceremonies with toys. For children school age installation required functional desk with a chair. The bedroom may also have a dressing table with a mirror.

To create a compact study area, a place next to the window is suitable. A narrow desk with cabinets will become a harmonious continuation of the window sill. In such a working segment there will always be bright natural light.

The photo shows the interior teenage room with a double bed and a wardrobe.

For clothes, school supplies and gadgets, choose storage systems such as compact cabinets or racks.

Toys can be hidden in a chest of drawers or in special baskets and drawers. In addition, there is a huge variety of original and decorative containers in the form of hanging tunnels, chests or ottomans, stylized as animals.

An unusual interior item for relaxation and games will be hanging chair or wicker swing.

Photo in the interior of a girl's room

If the children's room is small, it is preferable to use complex multifunctional furniture and structures with several levels. This will make it convenient to move around and free up an area for games.

A laconic modern style that does not imply elaborate details will help hide some of the shortcomings of a small-sized children's room for a girl. The bedroom is decorated in a light color palette, mirrors are installed, and the windows are decorated light curtains which will provide good penetration Sveta.

The cheerful and cozy design of a children's room for a girl will bring positive emotions to parents and provide comfortable conditions so that the child actively develops.

Children grow very quickly, their interests and needs are constantly changing. To arrange the interior of a children's room for a girl, you need to take into account her character, age and favorite activities. Of course, and about financial side The question should not be forgotten. Let's look at the photo interesting options renovation of a room for a girl.

What design should I make for a girl's room?

Every age period The development of a girl has its own characteristics, when she is very small, in principle, a separate room is not really needed, it is enough to buy a comfortable one and put a changing pad. But after a year, or even earlier, It’s better to give the baby her place in the house.

The size of the room does not matter, it all depends on total area houses or apartments. But the room must be WARM and SUNNY. Next I will give recommendations on choosing a design for girls of different age groups.

For a girl 2-3 years old

Children under 3 years of age are the most interesting. The child quickly learns new actions, actively explores the outside world and begins to talk. They have a lot to do, and any failure is acutely experienced, even if they simply couldn’t put their favorite toy back in its place. Therefore, the task of the parents of the little princess is to make the room as comfortable as possible and always beautiful. The girl should easily get and put away her toys, sit on a chair herself, climb stairs, and so on. We'll talk about furniture a little later, but for now I'll try to help you choose an interior for your baby.

Any mother strives to make the room for her beloved daughter the most beautiful. Most often pink and purple colors. But these are not the only colors in the world that are suitable for a baby. You can take any color from pastel shades as a basis, and use more as accents. rich shades. Or choose peach, gold, yellow or the versatile olive color.

The main thing that the color scheme in the baby's room was not too bright, otherwise it will be difficult to calm her down before bed. Finishing materials should be chosen that are environmentally friendly, be it wallpaper or paint. A nursery for a 2-3 year old girl needs to be zoned so that the baby understands where to put her things and where to put away her toys. It is advisable to illuminate each zone. Hang a night light above the bed, and in the play area bright lighting. If the child has his own table in the room, then you need to hang a lamp above this area. It will be more convenient to draw scribbles.

It is better to paint the ceiling in the room White color , or order a hanging canvas. The child will not pay attention to it, but due to the white color there will be more light in the baby’s room. It’s not a sin to decorate the playing area. Self-adhesive stickers with your favorite cartoon characters are perfect for this (any other fun and colorful drawings are also suitable), or you can make patterns using paint and a stencil. A little girl will definitely love this.

You can lay a carpet made of natural fibers on the floor in a children's bedroom; it is easy to clean and made entirely from natural ingredients. The only drawback is that this flooring is not cheap. Laminate looks good in a child's room, it's better to choose bright hues. You can put a small rug on top of it, on which the child will sit warmly and play comfortably.

For a girl 6-7 years old

Only one the right way decorate a room for a 6-7 year old girl, all children at this age are different. They have one thing in common: school starts at the age of 6-7! Therefore, the design of the room should already support this focus - it is imperative to install a full-fledged one in the room, drawers for storing stationery items, notebooks, copybooks and others educational materials. We still keep toys, but only our favorite ones.

A girl needs to be taught to do something she loves; this could be drawing, modeling, or studying foreign language. The baby should like a hobby, and for this it is simply necessary to create an atmosphere of happiness, kindness and joy in the room!!!

It is better to leave the choice of color to the girl; she herself will decide what she likes. And, based on this, you can select furniture, curtains and accessories. The design of a nursery for a first-grader girl should be more practical, the furniture should be functional, and the room should be well lit.

It is only the parents’ task to delimit the space into zones. The girl will need a new and comfortable bed, next to which you need to hang a lamp. It is better to place the desk by the window, combining daylight with artificial. And set up a play area together with the child: if your daughter likes to play with dolls, make a house for them, put several shelves for toys or a box so that she can put them away herself. The play corner will need additional lighting and installation beautiful furniture(armchair or small sofa). Her new girlfriends will probably come to see her daughter, so not only the hostess, but also her guests should feel comfortable.

For girls 10-12 years old

Teenage girls are independent in everything; they definitely need a secluded corner in which only they can control. From the age of 10, a girl’s age is called transitional; the body actively produces hormones and prepares for growing up. Therefore, character, often in this and more late period, becomes “not sugar”. Parents, of course, are obliged to control their daughter, but they also need to leave her some freedom. Often teenage girls begin to put forward their conditions to their parents; they may not like their room, but they themselves want to take part in its design. Under no circumstances should this be prevented.

A distinctive feature of apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings is the small size of the rooms. Setting up a nursery in such a house is no more difficult than making one. main feature design of a nursery in a small room is an abundance of light (we need to install a lot of lamps and lamps) and the use of light shades in the interior of the nursery.

Typically, rooms in Khrushchev buildings are narrow and long; the window and door in them are often located opposite each other. But the doorway can always be moved if the layout requires it. But the location of the window can be considered successful. The only thing is that you will have to work hard to make the room visually wider. You can use the following techniques:

  1. Cover the wall near the window with wallpaper in horizontal stripes, preferably narrow, then the height will not be lost much.
  2. You can make a niche on a long wall and install additional lighting in it, and put it opposite narrow wardrobe with a mirror, or just hang a mirror, at least a small one.
  3. There should be many light sources, and this will greatly simplify zoning. Ceiling lamps do not have to be small; you can buy rotating lamps that will clearly delimit the room.
  4. In a small room you can use wallpaper with abstraction or photo wallpaper with perspective; they should also be pasted on long wall, but on the contrary put some kind of mirror surface, or just bright lamps.

The floors in the room can be made darker in contrast than the main color of the interior. Or light, then the room will become more airy and spacious. In general, for small rooms it is good to use white. At the same time, through decor and textiles, you can diversify the interior and make it child-friendly. Various mirror photo frames, bright stickers with children's drawings in the play area, beautiful curtains and furniture - all this will create a childish atmosphere in the room, while the design will be complete and the room will become more spacious.

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A teenage girl’s room is such a multifunctional space that it can be called a mini-apartment. After all, there should be:

  • Place to sleep;
  • Relaxation/reading/get-together area with friends;
  • Study corner with library and storage space for school items. It is desirable that it be adapted for creative activities: sewing, drawing, etc.;
  • Spacious wardrobe with mirror;
  • If possible, a dressing table;
  • Upon request and subject to availability of space, a sports complex for exercises, gymnastics, etc.

With all this, a teenage girl’s room should not only be comfortable and beautiful, but also personalized and... able to easily adapt to the changing mood of the owner. In this material you will find step by step guide, a selection of 60 photo ideas and tips that will help you create the perfect interior for a girl from 13 to 17 years old.

Step 1. Compose the interior color scheme

The first step is to decide on the color scheme of the future interior, decide what color the walls, curtains, textiles, furniture and accessories will be. In this matter it is advisable to take into account:

  • The taste and personal preferences of the girl - you can give complete freedom of choice or find a general solution, the main thing is that it is thoughtful and balanced. The best way to decide on colors and their combinations is to look large quantity photos of interiors.

– On the one hand, when, if not in adolescence, decide on bold experiments? On the other hand, the tastes of young girls are often fickle, so the desire of parents to come to a compromise is quite justified. If the primary color chosen by your daughter seems very risky to you, then use it as an accent, for example, by painting only one wall with it, as shown in the right photo.

  • Desired interior style. IN classic interiors neutral and pastel shades, while modern ones can use bright accents and contrasts.
  • Room illumination level. If there is little light in the room, then the interior should be decorated mainly in light and warm shades(white, beige, cream, coral, lilac). In a bedroom with windows facing south and southwest, cool shades will look more harmonious: blue, turquoise, blue, green.

  • Room dimensions. In a small bedroom, the walls should be decorated in a light shade, and best of all, white.

An example of a bedroom interior for a girl 16-17 years old

Do you want the interior to be able to easily change according to your mood and not get boring for a long time? Decorate the walls with a white, beige or light gray shade, select mostly white furniture, and choose everything else (textiles and decor) in the desired colors. Thus, to change the room, you only need to change the curtains, pillows, bed linen, rug, posters, lamp shades and other small things.

Step 2. Choose a style

Here is a list of styles that, in our opinion, can be great in the design of a teenage girl’s room:

  • Classic - it’s pleasant to relax, study, and receive guests. A properly designed interior will not get boring for a long time; it will always be cozy and beautiful.

  • Parisian style is sophisticated and casual, traditional and modern at the same time. The style presupposes the presence of contrasts, bright accents and an abundance of art objects (paintings, posters, figurines, etc.).

  • Chinoiserie - the style involves an abundance of floral prints, beautiful textiles, furniture, elegant items and a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye. In general, everything that is needed for a girl 13-17 years old.

  • Scandinavian style– this minimalistic but cute style is well suited for small rooms, as well as when you need to decorate the interior on a budget and quickly. After all, you can buy everything you need at Ikea, and you can find something at the dacha. Soviet pieces of furniture (for example, a Viennese chair) will fit in with a bang.

In this modern room living teenage girl 14 years old

  • – classic furniture, elegant lamps, geometric prints, contrasts, decorative mirrors and shiny accessories will appeal to most girls.

  • — Classic, but not pretentious furniture, neutral colors, checks, floral and floral prints, natural textiles with ruffles, lace - that’s why this style will fit perfectly into a girl’s bedroom.

  • Shabby chic – shabby classic furniture, roses on wallpaper and textiles, pastel colors, ruffles and lace – is simply created for a young girl’s room.

Step 3. Arranging the sleeping area

Teenage girls not only sleep on the bed, but also lie down watching movies, reading, chatting on the phone, and confiding in secrets with their guest friends. Therefore, the sleeping area in a girl's bedroom should be super-comfortable and super-beautiful. Perhaps this is the part of the room that should be emphasized.

A canopy or canopy will help not only decorate the sleeping area, but also make it more private. It is especially necessary in a room that...

Step 4. Set up the work area

Ideal location desk- at the window, so that it is on the right if the girl is left-handed and on the left if she is right-handed. There should be a lamp and an organizer for office supplies on the table, and under it there should be a cabinet where everything you need will be stored. The cabinet can be replaced wall shelf or a nearby rack. Remember that the main thing in arranging a workplace is its convenience and suitability for growth.

And here are examples of jobs for two teenage girls.

When planning a teenage girl's room, don't forget to allocate space for creativity.

Step 5. Set up a recreation area

It’s good if in a young girl’s room, in addition to the bed, there is also a place for relaxing, reading books and gatherings with friends. An armchair, a compact sofa or just an ottoman will be an excellent choice.

Below is an example of a modern room design for a 16-year-old teenage girl with a recreation area (Designer Daria Ukhlinova).

We present other ideas for decorating and arranging a recreation area in the following selection of photos.

Step 6. Organize your wardrobe

Ideally, you should use both a chest of drawers and a wardrobe to store clothes.

The chest of drawers is convenient not only for storing T-shirts and socks. It can replace both a bedside table and a dressing table

If the room is small, then furniture should be chosen with a reduced depth (38-45 cm). By the way, it is not only more compact, but also much more convenient.

  • The rods in the closet should be hung at a comfortable height - at eye level.
  • There should be a full-length mirror in the dressing room area.

If there is enough space in the room, place a dressing table next to the wardrobe or by the window.

A clever solution: a table with a folding table top with a mirror on the back can serve as both a work and a toilet

The idea of ​​a compact dressing table for teenage girls 14-17 years old

Step 7: Adding the finishing touches

Decor is the most important component of comfort. How to decorate a girl's room?

  • Lamps must correspond, first of all, to the style of the interior. Most often, girls like forged chandeliers with flowers, “crystal” candelabra chandeliers with candles and umbrellas, cascades and “pears”.

  • Win-win styles of curtains - and classic ones (from one or two canvases).
  • Woolen or nylon will not only decorate the interior, but will also allow the girl to do various things while lying on the floor.

A young girl’s room must be not only elegant, but also personalized. The following ideas will help reflect the tastes, character and interests of the owner of the room:

  • Create an achievement corner where certificates, medals and cups will be stored. And let the trophy count count bad omen, you can and should store them beautifully.
  • Photographs, paintings of classics, posters of your favorite films and simply cute pictures should definitely decorate the walls and shelves.

  • All girls from 12 to 17 years old love to design boards on which they attach everything their heart desires - from lesson schedules to memorable tickets. You can buy such a board, or you can make it yourself from plywood or cork.
  • Decorate the room with interior letters or words, for example, the name of the owner.