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» The difference between remontant strawberries and regular strawberries. Repairing strawberries: care in the fall. How to care for remontant strawberries

The difference between remontant strawberries and regular strawberries. Repairing strawberries: care in the fall. How to care for remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberries are popularly called large-fruited garden strawberries that bear fruit for a long time. Large-fruited varieties are also often called “Victoria” after the variety of the same name, imported from England in the 19th century. But in order not to mislead the average person, in this article we will call this variety of strawberries with large fruits “strawberries”. Let's figure out how to properly plant remontant strawberries, and what are the features of growing and caring for this crop.

Remontant strawberries: what does it mean?

Remontability is the ability of plants to flower and bear fruit twice or three times per season. The term comes from the French word "remontant", which means "re-blooming". And although repeated fruiting of remontant strawberry varieties produces fruits that are much smaller in size than during the first harvest, they have gained high popularity among gardeners. Firstly, repeated harvests are pleasant for children, and secondly, fragrant berries are always needed in autumn preparations.

The growth pattern and frost resistance of remontant strawberry bushes is no different from ordinary varieties: their leaves also overwinter under the snow, and the flower stalks are frostbitten during light frosts (at - 1 degree). The only difference is the extended period of fruit bud formation, which in summer time It passes quickly enough and allows you to get a second harvest in August-September.

There are also small-fruited so-called whiskerless garden strawberries, which bear fruit almost without interruption, and the bushes do not have whiskers and can withstand sparse partial shade. But now we won’t dwell on it, because we want to understand what it means to grow large-fruited remontant strawberry V open ground.

Remontant strawberries: cultivation and care in open ground

Unlike barless strawberries, large-fruited strawberries with a remontant type of fruiting are very demanding on lighting. In shaded areas, the berries will not be able to fill and will be small and sour. Culture comes from southern countries, and where there are winter thaws with subsequent winter frosts Without snow, strawberries may die, so in snowless winters they need shelter. It is better to trim unripe berries and inflorescences in the fall after frosts so as not to delay nutrients to myself.

When grown in open ground, it is also alternated with other crops, leaving it to grow in one bed for 4 years. Before planting, the bed is well filled with organic matter, or rich soil is used after pumpkin crops. The soil must be breathable, with deep groundwater no closer than 60 cm from the surface. The planting pattern in a regular bed is two- and three-line, but there are also wide five-line plantings.

To control weeds, the bed is covered with black non-woven material, and seedlings are planted in cross-shaped cuts made directly in the agrofibre. If you do not walk on the covered bed, the film will last all 4 years, until the planting of a new plantation.

To reduce the heating of the fabric in summer, a small layer of straw or sawdust is placed on top of it. Water the beds directly over the agrofibre - water seeps in well, and the fabric prevents evaporation. Growing and caring for remontant strawberries on agrofibre significantly reduces labor costs - there is no need for careful weeding, and time for watering is saved: you can water less often.

Remontant strawberries are planted and hanging planters, wall cone structures, barrels and multi-tiered pyramid beds. It is especially convenient to grow ampelous varieties in pyramids, but they are appropriate if there is drip irrigation, otherwise they will dry out. In waterlogged areas, Victoria is grown in high beds raised above the ground by 15-20 cm. The width for ease of processing is 80-100 cm. In such beds, 2 rows of seedlings are usually planted at a distance of 40-50 cm.

If the seedlings were purchased from hand and have an open root system, the roots are inspected and damage is removed. Then they are dipped in a clay-earth mash and the plants are planted flush with the ground - the root collar cannot be deepened, this will lead to rotting of the seedlings and rapid death.

Planting holes are prepared to the depth of the roots; when planting, the roots are never twisted or crumpled into a spiral. If the soil is poor, add compost and wood ash to the hole. After planting, the soil around the plant is mulched with compost or dried straw or grass.

Caring for remontant strawberries is slightly different from the usual methods when caring for ordinary garden strawberries. If you want to receive large berries autumn harvest, then remove the June stalks and whiskers. Then by the end of the season you will receive large, marketable berries.

In another case, only the stalks are removed in order to obtain healthy rosettes on the stolons. They are rooted in separate pots placed around the perimeter of the bed. The mustache is directed in the desired direction and pinned with brackets. Water the pots with a watering can with a divider in the evening.

You can also care for remontant strawberries in the usual way without rationing the harvest. Then the berries of the second harvest will be smaller, but not so much that the children will not like them - believe me, they are quite happy with such a harvest. As you can see, the method of caring for remontant strawberries directly depends on the purpose of its cultivation.

In the simplified method of care (without standardization), in addition to chopping the fruits, there is one more disadvantage - depletion and rapid death of the uterine bushes. By the third year, the rosettes wither and die and need to be replaced. And if you leave tendrils for propagation from bushes where you harvested crops 2-3 times a season, then gradually your elite variety will degrade. Therefore, to renew the plantation, mark the strongest bushes with the typical size of berries for the variety and, having cut off all the stalks from it, leave one stolon, and take only the first 2 rosettes from it.

Remontant strawberries: the best varieties

Now on sale big choice of all kinds of strawberries, you can find seedlings with a closed root system, Frigo and seeds. If you plant the seeds in March, then by autumn you are guaranteed to receive your first harvest - we grew ours without arbor and ampelous ones, at that time there was no such freedom with seedlings. Below in the table we present varieties of remontant strawberries with photographs and brief description:

Varieties of remontant strawberries (photo) Description

Sashenka F1

Semi-spreadingbush up to 30 cm tall. Resistant to diseases. Fruiting extends from spring to late autumn. The berries are large and dense

Cesan F1

Bushes 25-30 cm high. Resistant to diseases. The berries are dense and tasty. Forms a mustache that immediately begins to bear fruit

Queen Elizabeth

The bushes are powerful. Resistant to diseases and pests. Fruiting occurs in waves during the season, three times a season.

Fresco F1

The bush is 25-30cm high and has few whiskers. Resistant to diseases, strawberry mite

San Andreas F1

Stableto drought and disease, tolerates temperature changes. The pulp is softer than the original Albion variety (children like it better)

Florian F1

Compact bush. The berries are sweet, aromatic with dense pulp

Sarian F1

Stable to diseases and adverse weather conditions. The berries are juicy, dense, with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. Fruiting before frost on the main bushes and on the tendrils

That's probably all I wanted to tell you about today. large-fruited varieties such strawberries. As you can see, she can be provided different conditions and care depending on goals. Very good in the garden remontant strawberry– although growing and caring for it differ from the methods of growing conventional varieties, you can adapt to its character.

To give an accurate definition, you need to understand the meaning of the word remontant, meaning repeated fruiting. An interesting fact is that this term applies not only to flora, but also to pets.

In remontant strawberries, depending on the variety, the fruit of the berries can be different sizes. The key point is the ability for this species to bear fruit several times during the season. It is this fact that distinguishes this species from other relatives.

Features of remontant strawberries

Although strawberries are equated to wild strawberries, and agricultural cultivation technology has many similarities, there are still key distinguishing factors.

Remontant strawberries are distinguished by excellent productivity, and this feature differs from the time of fruit laying in the bushes. The formation of inflorescences in a simple strawberry occurs at the end of the summer and beginning of the autumn cycle. Remontant strawberry able to set inflorescences during long and neutral daylight hours.

Tip: If you want to pick berries every season, it is recommended to plant not only regular strawberries, but also remontant ones.

The remontant strawberry DSD bears its first harvest in July, and the second already falls in August-September. It is worth noting that the autumn harvest is much more productive, amounting to a percentage equivalent of more than half of the total yield. But please note that the bushes are under a lot of stress; after harvesting the fruits, some of them die.

Remontant strawberries tend to form on both mother and young bushes, which are formed by rooting runners. It should be noted that in a mulched bed, rooting will not occur by itself. To do this, you need to punch holes in the film for the shoots.

One more distinctive feature The size of the berries is considered. Depending on the variety, the weight of the berry can be from 20–75 grams, and in some cases even 100 grams.

Features of cultivation

To grow this type strawberries, the following points must be taken into account:

This species is not intended for long-term fruiting. A maximum of several years for DSD varieties, and four seasons for NSD.

Don’t be sorry to donate your harvest. If you remove spring flower stalks, you can not only increase the quantity of the next harvest, but also harvest it much faster.

The autumn harvest will have to be sacrificed in order to have tendrils for reproduction.

NSD strawberries have an interesting nuance. Considering that fruiting occurs throughout the season, the strawberry bushes will soon become old. And already in the new year, instead of large fruits, the harvest consists of small berries. To avoid the above consequences, “NSD” varieties should be grown according to this scheme:

Seedlings begin to be planted on newly prepared beds from the beginning of July until September inclusive. But for good seedling survival, it is best to plant it before the end of August, and then next season you will enjoy an excellent harvest.

After all the bushes are planted, do not regret sacrificing flowers. They must be cut periodically before the first snow. It is precisely such actions that will ensure an abundant harvest at an earlier date.

Depending on climatic conditions Depending on your region and variety, strawberries can be enjoyed from May until frost.

Starting from July to September, we plant seedlings again. For these purposes, shoots from the mother bushes are taken, or seedlings can be grown using seeds.

After the fruiting season is over, it is necessary to remove the bushes from the beds. Typically this happens in autumn period before the onset of severe frosts.

The bed must be covered with mulch, for which organic materials are suitable, for example: leaves, weeds, sawdust, hay and the like.

Tip: Do not leave the beds bare after removing the strawberry bushes; the soil must be covered. Since green manure will not have time to grow before frost, the best option– mulching the soil.

Planting and care

About how to produce correct landing remontant strawberries, we described in detail a little higher. But still, some nuances should be mentioned.

During planting, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the selected varieties and not save space. Strawberries require fairly fertile soil and good lighting. Bushes should be planted at a distance of 40–50 cm, while the distance between the beds is recommended to be maintained at least 60 cm.

To ensure proper care that can increase productivity, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Loosen the soil in the beds and carry out mulching.
  2. When growing NSD varieties, the beds need to be watered abundantly and often so that the bushes gain strength for new fruiting.
  3. Strawberry bushes must be provided not only with fertilizing, but also with protection from pests and diseases.
  4. It is necessary to weed the beds and remove reddening leaves from the bushes. If you decide to leave the mustache for future growing of berries, then when planting you need to take this nuance into account and provide enough space.

Propagation of remontant strawberries

Growing from seeds is a rather painstaking method, but with this method the strawberry bushes will be completely healthy.


It is best to transplant in early September. Thus, the young bushes will take root better, and next season you will get a full harvest.

Several strong tendrils are plucked off from large bushes and transplanted to a new area. After the transplant is done, all flower stalks on the bushes must be treated until the first frost.

Strawberry varieties

Remontant strawberries have been developed in several varieties that form mustaches, as well as those without. The latter has some advantages, for example: it saves time and space, since there is no need to cut off the mustache. But at the same time, these varieties do not tolerate heat and drought quite well, which must be taken into account when choosing.

We present to your attention the most common varieties of remontant strawberries not only in our country, but throughout the world.


The berries of this variety have an oblong-round shape, weighing approximately 40-60 grams. The color of the berries is dark red with a beautiful shine. Albion is unique in that it bears fruit almost continuously, and the peak harvests occur in May, July, August, and September.


  • The harvest is easy to transport without damaging the berries;
  • Average resistance to frost;
  • Increased resistance to drought, disease and temperature changes;
  • Productive yield.

Queen Elizabeth

With proper care, the yield of one bush can reach up to 1.5 kg. Ripe berries have a rich dark crimson color and fragrant, juicy, tasty pulp. The weight of berries can vary from 50-100 grams. Visually, the strawberry bushes of this variety look quite powerful and have a small number of whiskers.


  • Given the good density of the berries, the safety of the harvest and its transportation is carried out without complications;
  • Constant fruiting;
  • Excellent resistance to frost;
  • Increased resistance to diseases and pests;
  • High yield ratio.


The ripening of this variety of strawberries can occur on mother bushes or on rosettes. The shape of the berries is oval-rhombic, weighing up to 50 grams. The color is deep red. The berries have a strawberry flavor. The pulp has a fairly dense structure.


  • Easy care;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Abundant harvest.

On French the word "remontant" means "to rise again" or "to bloom again." Remontant varieties of berries are distinguished by their ability to bloom and delight with fruits throughout the season. This property is inherent in raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries and even citrus crops. Gardeners are in particular demand for remontant strawberries, which bear fruit twice during the growing season. And here they are easy to understand: who doesn’t like a double harvest of their favorite berry?

Strawberries of this variety differ from others in that already after the first fruiting, buds are laid and new berries are formed, which will become the next full-fledged harvest. But nothing happens for nothing. Due to fertility, remontant strawberries require more high requirements in self-care, to the quality of the soil and watering, which needs to be done more often, unlike ordinary garden strawberries. However, if you calculate the average number of berries per bush, then remontant strawberries are inferior to more traditional garden ones.

But as practice shows, gardeners have an irresistible desire to harvest strawberries out of season, so they are ready to lovingly care for remontant strawberries. Growing this variety can provide the owner with a harvest of strawberries from mid-spring to late autumn.

Remontant strawberries, when compared with garden ones, have weaker foliage and smaller berries.

The reason for this is the overload of the harvest, because the plant is subject to serious stress, yielding crops twice a season. Judging by observations, the first batch of fruits produced turns out to be much less productive than the next. Typically the ratio is between 30 and 70%, with 30% being the first harvest.

It also happens that some bushes of this strawberry die after the first batch of harvest. At best conditions A remontant strawberry bush can last 3 years.

In order for the second harvest to be as rich as possible, it is necessary to be able to properly limit the initial one. For these purposes, flower stalks are pruned.

How to plant remontant strawberries

People who are attracted to growing remontant strawberries should know that planting and care are carried out in a certain way.

As usual, the first step is to choose the variety you want. This can only be done by sampling the berries, so you should grow several at once, and then make the final choice.

For planting remontant strawberries, the most suitable soil is the one used for growing vegetable crops. To prepare such soil, you need to add 750 ml of water to 1 kg of soil mixture, and then mix thoroughly (there should be no lumps), then its moisture content will be 70-80%.

The next step is to fill a dense container (10-15 cm in diameter) with pre-prepared soil, leaving about 3 cm of space on top.

Strawberry seeds are scattered on top, then they should be sprinkled with dry soil and sprinkled with water from a spray bottle. In order for as many sprouts as possible to appear, the seeds must be exposed to sunlight.

The containers must be covered with a transparent polyethylene film on top and placed in a warm place. At the end of 3 weeks, the first shoots will appear; they require periodic watering.

It is customary to plant seedlings of remontant strawberries on beds that have been cleared of weeds in advance, loosened and fertilized in early May. This is done as follows: a hole is dug in the garden bed, it is watered with water, the roots are sprinkled with a special preparation and planted in the hole. The soil near the seedlings should be well compacted.

Caring for blooming strawberries

Growing remontant strawberries involves performing some simple steps. For example, a gardener must know when to prune and how to care for remontant strawberries. But in order to provide the roots with much-needed air exchange, you should constantly loosen the soil near the bushes. You need to add soil periodically to keep the roots from becoming exposed. This variety of strawberries needs to be watered not only with a watering can, but also with a ladle.

When the bushes bloom, they must be fertilized with minerals intended for strawberries and an infusion of bird droppings.

It is recommended to constantly weed. If berries are found lying on the ground, they must be lifted using a special wire support. Regular cutting of the tendrils helps to increase the size of the berries.

If aphids are found on strawberries, they are fought with a special solution, the ingredients of which are several cloves of garlic and 3 liters of water. This solution needs to be infused for a week, after which the bushes are treated with a spray bottle.

To get rid of unnecessary attention to your wasp berries, cups of sweet compote are placed around.

When planting in the fall, tearing off the first-order tendrils from the bushes is highly not recommended. Instead, they should be rooted in disposable plastic cups filled with soil. The cups are collected at the end of the season, then they are separated from the mother plant and planted in the garden. The distance between the bushes should be about 20 cm. They need to be watered very little. Remontant strawberries should survive the first frosts, after which all leaves from the bushes are cut off, and the bushes themselves are covered with something non-woven.

Remontant strawberry is in demand among many gardeners, because every lover of sweet and sour berries wants to harvest several times a season. For those who don't know remontant strawberry what does it mean?

Repairability is literally translated from French as “re-blooming”. The essence of this phenomenon is that a strawberry bush can produce several harvests in one season. Some varieties of raspberries, citrus fruits and strawberries have the same properties.

Distinctive properties of remontant strawberries

Strawberries of this type differ from other options in that as soon as the first fruits are collected, the next generation of berries immediately begins to form. Considering the quality that strawberries produce a double harvest, they require more and more frequent watering, and additional fertilization is also necessary in the soil.

This type of berry also has a drawback. In general, for the entire season the bush gives less harvest than if you get it from an ordinary garden strawberry bush. But this does not prevent lovers of strawberry berries from growing such bushes, because although the harvest will be smaller, you can get berries not only during the season, but also in the following months (from mid-spring to the last autumn months). Growing remontant strawberries allows you to prolong this pleasure.

It is also worth considering that the first harvest will be only 30% of the total harvest for the entire fruiting period. Experts recommend cutting off the first inflorescences so that the second harvest is larger and tastier, then it will not be inferior in taste to the best varieties. And if the bush reaches its last year and tendrils are required, then, on the contrary, you need to cut off the flowers of the second generation.

One more distinctive feature there will be fragility of the bush. It can only grow for 3 years. This is due to the fact that the bush is constantly working for wear and tear. No matter how good and profitable remontant strawberries, cultivation and care it requires a lot of work and attention.

Varieties of remontant strawberries

In demand remontant strawberries, varieties which can be of both foreign and domestic design. The most common variety is Mitse Nova. The berries are firm and aromatic. If suspended structures are used, it is better to choose suspended varieties. Scientists have developed a variety of remontant strawberries, the berries of which are light red in color and taste more like pineapple. This variety is called White Dream. Berries from the Arapahoe variety have a sour taste. For those who forget about watering, the Irma variety can tolerate the heat and still produce large, strong bushes. The Lyubava variety copes well with frost.

Remontant strawberry. Video:

Strawberry care

A genetically pure variety can only be if remontant strawberry seedlings grown from seeds. The humidity in the soil should be at least 70% when planting. Seeds need to be planted in a small container (diameter 15-20 cm). Seeds should be scattered on the ground and not covered. This is the only way sprouts will appear (as in the wild). The pot is covered with film for 3 weeks.

The sprouts are transplanted into open ground in May. Holes are made where the plants are transplanted. After the soil is watered, you need to carefully compact the soil around the bush. To ensure that the roots receive enough air, it is necessary to loosen the soil frequently. Also, too much oxygen can interfere. The roots should always be closed, so new soil is added occasionally. At the flowering stage, it is necessary to apply fertilizer; if the berries fall to the ground, they need to be tied up.

To prevent pests from interfering, you need to add a couple of heads of garlic and 3 liters of water. After a week they need to spray the leaves.

There are other pests in remontant strawberries: and also

The bushes must withstand the first frosts, and then all the leaves are cut off.

If you fulfill all the conditions, you can easily receive all summer and autumn good harvest strawberries

How to plant strawberries video:

Remontant strawberries are increasingly found in the garden beds of amateur gardeners, but not everyone knows about their characteristics and grows them just like regular ones. Today I want to talk about what you should pay attention to when growing remontant strawberries and how they differ from regular strawberries.

If you read the previous article, you know that on my website I still call berries this way: small-fruited berries are strawberries, and large-fruited berries are strawberries. That is, the way everyone is used to separating them, and not the way they are classified in gardening farms (they call these berries garden strawberries, but they are only divided into small-fruited and large-fruited). Further in the text I will write about remontant strawberries, meaning large-fruited remontant garden strawberries.

The agricultural technology for growing remontant strawberries is similar to strawberries, because in fact they are very close relatives. However, remontant strawberries have some features that must be taken into account when growing and caring for them.

You probably know that strawberries ( garden strawberries) is divided into regular, which bears fruit only once a year, and remontant, which can produce 2 or more harvests per season. All this depends on when they can be laid fruit buds at the plant. Ordinary strawberries form such buds only during short daylight hours (late summer - early autumn). But remontant strawberries can lay flower buds for the next harvest either during long daylight hours (abbreviated as DSD) or during neutral daylight hours (abbreviated as NSD). Accordingly, you may come across terms such as strawberries of the DSD varieties and strawberries of the NSD varieties.

For strawberry lovers, in addition to regular strawberries, I advise you to also have a remontant one with neutral daylight hours in your garden. This will practically eliminate the “berryless” season. And if you also select a garden bed, which I wrote about in the last article, then you will generally provide a paradise for strawberry lovers for the entire warm season (right up to frost).

Features of remontant strawberries

Remontant strawberries of long daylight hours produce two harvests of berries: the first in July, the second in August-September. Moreover, the second harvest is more abundant, it makes up 60-90% of the total harvest (depending on the age of the plants). Unfortunately, not all bushes are able to withstand such a load; many of them die after harvesting.

In remontant strawberries, berries are formed not only on mother plants, but also on young plants formed as a result of rooting of the runners at the beginning of the season. But if your bed is mulched with film, then the rooting of the tendrils will not happen, unless you help the plant by punching a new hole and pushing the shoot there.

It is no coincidence that remontant strawberries are called large-fruited. U different varieties the weight of the berries varies from 20 to 75 g, and individual specimens reach up to 100 g.

Growing remontant strawberries has its own nuances. First of all:

  • tune in to an accelerated cycle: 2-3 years for DSD strawberries and 1 year for NSD varieties. This crop cannot grow and bear fruit for years.
  • learn to sacrifice crops. Removing spring flower stalks allows you to increase the second harvest of berries and get it a little earlier. If you need whiskers for propagation, you will have to sacrifice the fall harvest.

Strawberry varieties NSD have one interesting feature. Thanks to the constant “birth” of new flowers and berries throughout the season (from summer to frost), such remontant strawberries age very quickly. Because of this, next year you will get small berries from large-fruited strawberries. To prevent this from happening, it is best to adhere to the following algorithm for growing NSD strawberry varieties:

  1. From July to September, plant seedlings of this strawberry in a new bed. It’s even better from July to the end of August, because in this case it will better take root in the new place, and then next season you will enjoy a good harvest.
  2. After planting, you will have to sacrifice all the flowers on these bushes. That is, you should pick off all the flowers until the bushes are covered with snow. This is what will provide you with a good earlier harvest of remontant strawberries of the NSD varieties.
  3. Enjoy your favorite from May-June (depending on the variety of strawberries and the arrival of heat in your region) until frost.
  4. In July-August (maximum in September), repeat step 1. To do this, take shoots from the mother bushes for seedlings or grow seedlings from seeds. I think it’s better to take a mustache so as not to fool around with the seeds.
  5. After the fruiting season ends in the same year, remove the strawberry bushes from the garden bed. This is usually done in the fall before established frosts.
  6. Ensure the bed is covered with mulch. Hay, straw, sawdust, mowed weeds (preferably without seeds, of course), and dry leaves are suitable.

Yes, since you are switching to organic methods of growing plants, there is an important thing you need to know. NEVER LEAVE YOUR BEDS BARE! You can cover the ground for the winter either (they must grow before snow-frost) or the soil. After harvesting the strawberry bushes, you will no longer have time to grow green manure, so you will have to cover them with mulch.

Planting and care

You can read about how to properly plant remontant strawberries in the previous article. When planting, do not forget to take into account varietal characteristics and do not save space. Choose well-lit areas for strawberries with fertile soil and keep the distance: between bushes - 40-50 cm (or 20-25 cm in traditional farming), and between rows about 60 cm. Well, you remember that you need to plant on. Plant garlic between two rows of strawberries, which will help protect the beauty from slugs.

How to care for remontant strawberries is also described in more detail in the same article about remontant strawberries. Both planting and caring for strawberries and strawberries are the same. Well, you can also watch the video that you will find at the end of the article about. And although it mainly talks about ordinary strawberries, most of the information is also relevant for remontant varieties. Or you can watch this video, since it is newer and reveals even more useful interesting things about garden strawberries (strawberries):

Let me remind you that proper care includes:

  • loosening and mulching the soil (after the mulch is laid, loosening will no longer be necessary);
  • frequent and abundant watering. This is especially true for NSD varieties, because they need to draw strength from somewhere for new berries;
  • feeding and protection from diseases and pests;
  • weeding, removal of tendrils and reddening leaves. For varieties with neutral daylight hours, you can leave the mustache. They will also grow berries. Just in this case, keep in mind that you need to leave a little more space to take into account the future mustache. But this method does not guarantee much bigger harvest than with the same mustache removal. So think about it. Would it be better to remove the mustache? As an experiment, you can plant some of the strawberries taking into account the colonization of the garden by mustaches, and some taking into account their removal. Watch it for one or two seasons and you will be able to decide what is more acceptable for you.

When to prune remontant strawberries? As for DSD varieties, there are conflicting opinions. As a rule, pruning of leaves is carried out immediately after the first harvest. To avoid damaging the growing point, it is enough to cut off only the leaf blades. This must be done using scissors or pruners. But there is also an opinion that you should not trim the leaves of strawberries, as the plants lose some of their strength and become weak. I still prefer not to trim the leaves unless absolutely necessary.

Autumn care and preparation for winter

Autumn care and preparation of remontant strawberries for winter are carried out in the same way as for small-fruited remontant strawberries. Well, you’ve already read about how to care for remontant strawberries of the NSD variety.

When growing remontant strawberries of the DSD variety in open ground, unfortunately, not all berries from the second harvest have time to ripen. Due to the onset of frost, part of the harvest is lost, and the plants themselves simply do not have time to prepare for wintering. To prevent freezing, plants are covered with straw or dry leaves.

Therefore, especially in the northern regions, it is practiced to grow remontant varieties of strawberries in protected ground (under a film cover). Such cultivation is justified and gives good results: the first harvest is received earlier than usual, the second harvest is saved, and the plant has time to prepare for winter.

Propagation of remontant strawberries

How to propagate remontant strawberries? Similar to strawberries.

To preserve valuable varietal characteristics, remontant strawberries are propagated mainly by mustaches. If the variety produces a small number of tendrils, then propagation by seeds and/or division of the bush is used.

Of course, growing remontant strawberries from seeds is a very painstaking task, but it has one big advantage: in this way you will get absolutely healthy young bushes.

Varieties of remontant strawberries

Both among the remontant strawberries and among the remontant strawberries, varieties that form mustaches and those without mustaches have been bred.

Repairing mustacheless strawberries have several advantages: it saves space and time, since there is no need to trim the mustache. However, such varieties have reduced drought and heat resistance, which is their significant drawback.

I present to you the best varieties remontant strawberries of domestic and world selection.

Albion remontant strawberry
Powerful bushes with non-drooping peduncles. The berries are dark red with a glossy sheen, very large. The weight of the berries is 40-60 g. The shape of the berries is oblong-round.

Features of the variety: high yield, very resistant to temperature changes, drought and diseases, average frost resistance, has no equal in transportability.

Albion is a unique variety of continuous fruiting. Unlike other varieties, it has several fruiting peaks (late May, early July, late August, mid-September).

Strawberry remontant Queen Elizabeth
Powerful bushes with few tendrils. Peduncles are strong, located under the leaves. The berries are dark crimson in color with juicy pulp, large, weighing up to 50 g, individual ones - up to 100 g. When fully ripe, the berries are fragrant and especially tasty. One bush of this variety at good care produces up to 1.5 kg of berries.

Features of the variety: high yield, resistance to diseases and pests, good frost resistance. The variety bears fruit without pauses. The very dense pulp of the berries contributes to good preservation of the crop and excellent transportability.

Variety Lyubava
The bushes are not large. The harvest ripens both on mother bushes and on rosettes. The berries are red, weighing up to 35g. The shape of the berries is oval-rhombic. The pulp is dense, dark red in color. Berries have delicate aroma wild strawberry and dessert taste.

Features of the variety: high yield, resistance to diseases and pests, high winter hardiness. The variety is characterized by smooth ripening and good preservation of berries on plants.

Variety Selva
The main advantage of the variety: high productivity potential. The variety is characterized abundant flowering and fruiting on the mustache. The berries are red, very large, reaching 50-75 g, and have a regular conical shape. Quite aromatic and sweet.

Features of the variety: high-yielding, winter-hardy variety, demanding on watering, little susceptible to diseases.

Disadvantages of the variety: with poor watering and care, the berries become very small.

Strawberry remontant Vima Rina
Semi-spreading bush with light green leaves and a small amount mustache Peduncles of the same height as the leaves. The berries are quite large, weighing up to 45 g, and transportable. The shape of the berries is round-cone-shaped. The pulp is red, tender, and tastes sweet and sour.

Features of the variety: resistance to drought, diseases and pests, has excellent taste. The heat resistance of the variety is above average.

Remontant strawberry Mahern
The bush is loose, medium-sized. Medium-sized red berries. The pulp is whitish-pink with medium density, tastes sweet and sour. Ripe berries are especially fragrant and hold well on the bushes. Plants of this variety grow well and bear fruit in partial shade.

Features of the variety: high yield and good taste of berries.
Disadvantages of the variety: as the berries ripen, they become very small.

Remontant strawberries are a crop that is becoming increasingly common. The reason for this is its abundant, long-term and continuous fruiting, observed under one condition: compliance with the agricultural technology for growing remontant strawberries. In the article I tried to tell you about all the features of caring for such strawberries. If you have any questions, ask. Have a good harvest!

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