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» Heating the house with solid fuel. Solid fuel heating. What is solid fuel

Heating the house with solid fuel. Solid fuel heating. What is solid fuel

If the gas main is very far from your home, and electricity is expensive for you, then you can use solid fuel heating. When you choose the most affordable fuel for yourself, you will be provided with warmth in cold times.

Choosing fuel

The determining factor in the functioning of solid fuel heating is the type of fuel with which it will heat the house. It can be fossil - this includes coal, peat, oil shale - and renewable - in the form of firewood. The system selects indicators for each type of fuel - the rate of heat generation, air volume, heat resistance of the walls of the grate and the boiler.

When you choose a fuel that will use solid fuel heating for a private home, it is better to give preference to hydrocarbons that have maximum heat transfer: coal - anthracite, firewood - oak or birch. Note that even despite its high cost, such fuel will heat your home better, because there will be more heat from combustion, fewer pauses will be required between loads, less ash will be required, a smaller storage bin will be required, and the chimney will be less clogged.

Choosing a boiler

Once you have decided on the fuel that will be used for solid fuel heating of a country house, you should choose a boiler. Conditionally boilers for solid type fuels can be divided into the following groups:

  1. classic;
  2. automatic;
  3. pyrolysis;
  4. long burning.

Classic boilers

Classic boilers imply the following operating principle: solid fuel burns in a flame to create warmth, as is the case with a regular fire. Combustion is optimized by a special grate to supply combustion air from below. And the amount of this air is regulated by the settings of the scraper and the supply of air mass to the combustion chamber manually. Fuel is loaded through the top door, and ash is removed and combustion is regulated through the bottom door. The boiler heat exchanger can be made of steel or cast iron. Advantages of classic boilers: the ability to operate on 2 types of fuel (minimum), often it is also possible to install a gas or liquid fuel burner, independence from energy. Among the disadvantages: frequent loading of fuel is required, a place for storing fuel and a separate room for the boiler room are also needed.

Pyrolysis boilers

Pyrolysis boilers use gases from fuel decomposition for combustion. This is due to the effect of high temperature with insufficient air. The structure of the boiler includes two chambers, which are separated by grates: the lower one for loading and the combustion chamber.

The combustion process here is as follows: fuel is added and ignited, the combustion chamber door is closed. In the upper chamber, a boost fan is activated, which serves to mix the smoldering air of the lower chamber with clean air. The mixture begins to ignite and directs the fire to the fuel through ceramic nozzles. Without access to oxygen, the fuel is burned - this is how pyrolysis occurs, that is, the decomposition and gasification of the fuel. So, the process will continue until the fuel is completely burned. This is how solid fuel heating occurs. Advantages of pyrolysis boilers: high efficiency(up to 90%), fuel burns on one load for up to 10 hours, requirements for the chimney are reduced, high level environmental friendliness Flaws: high price, dependence on energy, unstable combustion with an incomplete load, very high requirements for dry firewood, etc.

Automatic boilers

Automatic boilers - processes such as fuel loading and ash removal are automated here. Boilers of this type have a bunker automatic feeding fuel – conveyor or auger. For stable combustion, the fuel must be uniform in composition and size. The advantages of such boilers: high efficiency (up to 85%), operating time, limited capacity of the bunker designed for automatic supply, and fuel homogeneity provide the ability to fine-tune the combustion process. Among the disadvantages: high price, dependence on energy, the need for a separate room, a separate fireproof ash receptacle, as well as qualified maintenance.

Long burning boilers

Another type of boiler that is used to heat a country house with solid fuel is long-burning boilers. Here, long-lasting combustion is maintained using special techniques. Such combustion can be ensured by two systems: the Canadian Buleryan boiler system and the Baltic Stropuva boiler system. Buleryan is a two-chamber wood-burning stove, which is divided horizontally. Smoldering takes place below, the gases go to the upper chamber, where they are mixed with secondary air through a nozzle, after which the fuel is burned. Stropuva is a high barrel up to 3 m high, filled with firewood and covered with a movable lid with a chimney. First, the wood is set on fire, after which it burns sparingly, heating the coolant along the jacket of the barrel; the air supply is regulated automatically.

Features of working with solid fuel boilers

Heating a private house with solid fuel has a cyclical nature, which is due to the need to carry out a certain sequence: thus, fuel is added, it is ignited, it burns. Of course, such a cycling process negatively affects the durability of the heat exchanger. Temperature changes are also observed in the rooms.

To solve this issue, heat accumulators are used - thermally insulated containers of 500-1000 liters. When the boiler burns, heat accumulates, energy is released when heat transfer decreases, and the boiler goes out. Thus, heating the house with solid fuel begins to work stably and the temperature evens out.

When you choose the power of a boiler that will use solid fuel to heat your dacha, you should focus on the common method: for 10 sq.m of housing - 1 kW.

But in in this case the power needs to be increased to 40%, since the quality of the fuel is unstable, the condition of the chimney will also affect the heat production.

When installing heating using solid fuel, the parameters of the chimney must clearly meet the requirements. It is also necessary to ensure that it is possible to clean the chimney and inspect it, because the soot that appears can ignite spontaneously and cause a fire.

Today, solid fuel heating of a private home is the most reliable and simplest way to heat residential premises. The design of water heating systems includes boilers, which are the main heat generators, batteries and pipelines. The thermal energy transmitter in such systems is a liquid medium, either antifreeze or water constantly circulating through the pipeline. Operating heating of the boiler can occur from natural gas, coal, kerosene, firewood or other inexpensive and accessible fuel.

Modern water heating systems for a country house can be made in two types; these are systems that have in their design natural circulation thermal carrier (gravitational system) and systems with forced circulation coolant liquid. In the first system, liquid circulation occurs due to different densities between cold and already heated water. The operational advantages of this heating system are its autonomy (no dependence on electricity) and structural simplicity.

Heating system with forced circulation of coolant

As for systems with forced circulation, its efficiency depends on the circulation pump, which ensures the circulation of the coolant. In this drainage system excess water, which is formed when heated, an expansion tank is installed. Forming a closed circuit, forced heating systems eliminate the evaporation of the coolant, which indicates their reliability and safety. Other advantages of this system include the following:

  • less use of pipes in heating structure;
  • small volume of coolant in the heating system;
  • use of all types heating batteries;
  • possibility of using antifreeze;
  • temperature balance adjustment using special taps;
  • the possibility of using pipes with a smaller working cross-section than in systems with natural circulation.

If we talk about the advantages of water heating of apartments or a private house, we should note the following: economic benefits, safety of use and reliability, energy independence, smooth distribution of heat throughout the entire house, ease of operation and much more.

Modern types of water heating systems

Statistics say that about 90 percent of private country houses heated using water heating systems. And this is not surprising, such a system is simple, reliable, effective and cost-effective. It is worth noting its technological diversity, the most popular of which include:

  • baseboard water heating;
  • "warm floor" system;
  • heating using radiators (radiator).

Heating radiators can be steel, bimetallic, cast iron, aluminum and are a common feature in the interior of almost any house or apartment. The advantages of this heating method are simplicity, high heat transfer and even heating of the entire house.

In its functionality, baseboard heating resembles both radiator and “warm floor” systems. Mounted at the baseboard level around the perimeter of the rooms. It is distinguished by uniform heating of the floor and walls, and therefore good heating of the room as a whole. The system is reliable and stands out for its aesthetic appeal.

Warm floors in solid fuel heating are known for a high degree of correct thermal output: below there is more warm air, cool rushes upward. The system is reliable, invisible and safe during operation. Requires some fiddling with proper installation.

Contact the specialists - Mosvodostroy is:

Own staff We do not have seasonal workers. Our masters with great experience work

100% quality guarantee We do it conscientiously and provide a guarantee for all types of work

Quality materials We use only tested and certified materials

We carry out all work on a turnkey basis We will independently resolve all issues related to heating in your home.

Advantages of solid fuel heating

100% quality guarantee

Easy setup and maintenance

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house

Environmental friendliness

Independence from the timing of the heating season

Solid fuel heating in a private house

Solid fuel heating, perhaps the oldest way to provide heat in the house. However, despite the fact that many thousands of years ago people used fires and hearths (which are also essentially solid fuel heating), modern systems are environmentally friendly, easy to use and are not inferior to gas heating or electric systems that appeared much later.

Solid fuel heating of a private house today is a simple, convenient and budget way to provide comfortable temperature regardless of the thermometer outside the window. Modern options for solid fuel boilers are suitable for any home, given the significant range of models with different set functions and performance, everyone will find the optimal solution for themselves.

Modern solid fuel boilers allow you to provide not only heat in the house, but also the supply hot water if there is an uninterrupted water supply, in this case it is recommended to install a double-circuit boiler. The possibilities of this type of heating are significant - with its help you can easily heat a house of up to 500 m2 with radiators or a heated floor system. By and large, solid fuel heating is one of the most versatile; in addition, it can be easily optimized to suit the needs of a particular home.

If we talk about the main characteristics of solid fuel heating, we cannot fail to mention its installation - on the one hand, it is quite accessible and does not take much time, on the other hand, it should only be carried out by professionals, otherwise the risk of fire hazard increases sharply, emergency situations and reducing system efficiency.

Solid fuel heating system

Modern solid fuel heating systems include many different components that are responsible both for directly providing heat and for the safety and automation of processes. Among the components of the heating system are:

  • solid fuel boiler with a heat exchange element;
  • thermostat;
  • cold reverse protection;
  • system emergency safety, which is triggered when the pressure is exceeded;
  • protection of automation from voltage surges and power outages;
  • chimney;
  • expansion tank;
  • hydraulic separating element, which is necessary for mixing the return and circulating the coolant;
  • collector (in multi-circuit systems);
  • circulation pump;
  • internal piping that provides heat supply through the main line;
  • coolant (distilled water, steam or a mixture of liquid and antifreeze);
  • heating radiators.

Modern solid fuel heating systems are easy to use and can be easily adjusted by anyone. In addition, thanks to a significant amount of automation and a modern protection system, such systems can be placed in country house, of course, following the manufacturer's recommendations and rules fire safety.

Pros and cons of solid fuel heating

Solid fuel heating, like any other system, has a number of advantages and some disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing a heat supply system. Note that the price of a solid fuel heating system significantly affects the number of advantages and disadvantages - many of the problems that users previously encountered have been solved in more expensive and modern models (for example, by choosing a model with automatic loading, you can think much less often about the need to load fuel).

The undoubted advantages of solid fuel heating:

  • environmental friendliness - the fuel burns almost completely, and ash and soot do not harm the environment and are quite easily disposed of;
  • simple maintenance – modern models It is enough to clean the ash regularly, the rest of the maintenance is carried out 1-2 times a year and it is also quite simple;
  • simple installation by specialists, which will not take much time, which means owners will not have to wait long;
  • compliance with safety standards;
  • affordable fuel costs.

As for the disadvantages of solid fuel heating, some of them are due to the operating cycle of the boiler and the system as a whole, while other disadvantages appear only in case of improper use or gross violations of operating rules.

The objective disadvantages of a solid fuel heating system are:

  • the need to constantly replenish fuel reserves in the chamber (this problem is partially solved by boilers with automatic loading and long-burning boilers, however, even in the most modern models, you will have to manually replenish the fuel supply at least once every 5 days);
  • the possibility of combustion products entering the air of residential premises during loading of the fuel chamber;
  • the need to maintain appropriate temperature regime– when the temperature decreases in the system, the formation of resinous compounds is possible;
  • the need for system maintenance, in particular chimney cleaning, which will have to be trusted to professionals.

Solid fuel, gas or electric heating?

What type of heating to choose - solid fuel, electric or gas - is something every owner of a country house thinks about. Considering the significant range of heating systems on the market, this is not surprising. What to pay attention to when choosing:

  • basic cost (estimate provided by the company for the installation of a turnkey system);
  • cost-effectiveness during operation (monthly heating costs and the price of heat in the house for the season);
  • safety;
  • the possibility of continuous operation (which is important for solid fuel boilers with frequent absences of owners and, accordingly, the impossibility of loading, as well as for gas and electric boilers that use main resources when there is a likelihood of a power outage);
  • ease of maintenance;
  • possible difficulties in operation;
  • Ease of use.

When choosing modern heating systems, users usually pay attention only to prices (with many looking only at the base price, without taking into account the costs during operation of the system), as well as ease of use and the ability to continuously operate. This is logical in principle, because everything modern options heating systems are quite safe when used correctly (otherwise they would not appear on the market), and maintenance can always be entrusted to specialists.

Basic system cost may vary significantly not only depending on the type of heating resource chosen (gas, electricity or solid fuel), but also on the modification individual elements systems. So, depending on the boiler, a solid fuel system can differ in price several times. The best option when choosing a base cost, contact a multidisciplinary company that will calculate several heating options that meet your wishes - this is how you can find out the objective cost. Our clients have noticed that companies that deal only, for example, with gas heating, calculate the estimates for it correctly, but calculate the figures for other heat sources inflated, which creates the appearance of benefits from the system that the company is selling. This doesn't mean that gas heating is not beneficial for your home, but it is difficult to consider such miscalculations objective.

The efficiency of the heating system operation is calculated depending on the required amount of resources and their price to provide heat, taking into account the area of ​​the house and its thermal insulation (wall thickness, size of windows and double-glazed windows that are installed, as well as others design features building). All other things being equal, in the same building the most profitable is modern solid fuel heating system(taking into account the cost and consumption per season of electricity, gas or solid fuel).

Heating a house using wood and other solid fuels

When choosing a solid fuel heating system, you should pay attention to which fuel is suitable for the boiler (some units easily operate on several types of fuel, but there are models that require a specific type of fuel). Wherein different kinds fuels are capable of producing different quantities heat and costs for the heating season will differ.

We have calculated the cost of heating a country house using the most popular types of solid fuel so that you can choose the best option:

  • Firewood– about 20,000 rubles per season (to obtain 1 kW of heat you need about 5 kg of firewood, per season - at least 4.5 tons, which, taking into account the average mass of m3, will be about 7 m3 per season (currently the cost of 1 m3 is 2,500 rubles )).
  • Pellets– up to 77,000 rubles (with continuous operation of the boiler, about 1.69 tons/month is required at a price of 7,000 rubles/ton; if the heating season lasts 7 months, we get 77,000 rubles per season).
  • Briquettes or Eurowood– from 20,000 to 45,000 rubles per season ( average consumption per season varies from 3 to 7 tons at a price of 6,000 rubles/ton).
  • Coal– 18,000 rubles per season (to obtain 1 kW you need about 3 kg of coal, per season you will have to spend about 3 tons at a price of 6,000 rubles/ton).

We provided average figures, because the parameters of the system itself and the quality of the fuel affect its consumption. In particular, the most controversial option in this calculation is firewood, because the amount of heat received may differ depending on the type of wood and the moisture content of the firewood. In addition, we should not forget that the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solid fuel heating also depends on the efficiency of the boiler itself - the higher it is, the less fuel is needed to produce a certain amount of heat and the lower the fuel consumption for the season.

Possible difficulties when using solid fuel heating

For high-quality and long-term operation of the solid fuel heating system, protection from the following factors should be provided:

  • Freezing of the coolant - everyone who has lived in multi-storey buildings with centralized heating knows that if you do not “drain the water from the system”, then the pipes burst in frost. This is due to the expansion of water when it freezes. To prevent freezing of the coolant in private homes, modern antifreeze is used, which must be changed every 5 years. IN Lately Quite often, propylene glycol antifreezes have begun to be used, which do not cause metal corrosion and, if leaked, do not harm the environment (unlike ethylene glycol antifreezes).
  • The appearance of resinous deposits and condensation, which can damage the boiler. This can happen during a cold return flow of the coolant, and to prevent this situation, three-way thermostatic valves are used, which prevent a decrease in temperature due to the flow of hot water from the additional pipe.
  • Reduced efficiency and clogging of the chimney due to wet fuel. This can only be solved by using fuel of normal humidity.
  • Overheating of the boiler during a power outage with further discharge of antifreeze from the system. To prevent such difficulties, an IBL is installed that maintains the operation of the automation and circulation pumps in normal mode.

It is also impossible not to mention the risk of fires that arise from improper installation or violation of recommendations for boiler room equipment. We have already said that the installation of a solid fuel heating system should only be carried out by specialists who have experience and thoroughly know all the rules and regulations.

Solid fuel heating for a country house - price and guarantees

Efficient and safe operation solid fuel heating systems All clients of the Mosvodostroy company can boast. Our specialists will not only correctly install the boiler and other system elements, but will also help you choose an economical and safe system.

We have repeatedly encountered the need to fix or install new system heating “from scratch” after unskilled work, you should not skimp on the heating system, because boiler failure is a minor nuisance compared to a fire. However, this minor nuisance results in significant expenses, so as they say in one famous city“We are not so rich as to pay twice for a low-quality product,” or rather for low-quality work (we are not even talking about uncertified boilers).

Anyone who wants to install a solid fuel heating system in a country house should first of all pay attention to the qualifications of the craftsmen and the contract provided by the company. You have every right study the contract before signing, and also inquire about the experience and qualifications of the craftsmen. If the contract is not provided or guarantees are not specified in it, but only your payment obligations, it is better not to cooperate with such a company.

A solid fuel heating system is installed once and for many years - work with professionals and your home will be warm and safe. To calculate an estimate, select equipment, or to familiarize yourself with the terms of the contract that we offer to our clients, call our manager or leave a request on the website.

Water and steam solid fuel heating

Many people are surprised when they hear about “water solid fuel heating”, because the word “solid fuel” itself implies that the fuel is solid - so what does water have to do with it? Water or steam heating is a direct indication of the coolant in the system, that is, this data is needed to understand what is inside the distribution of pipes and radiators or heated floors. After installing the heating system, the coolant is poured into it - water or various mixtures. Some systems also circulate heated steam. When choosing a heating system, you should pay attention to the coolant, however, water heating still occupies a leading position due to its availability and good heat transfer.


They are equipped with two combustion chambers, in one of which the process of pyrolysis occurs without access of oxygen, resulting in the release of not only heat, but also gas, which burns in the upper chamber and provides additional heat. The boiler operating time after one fuel load is up to 10-12 hours. The combustion temperature in such units is lower, which contributes to a longer service life of the chimney.


They can work autonomously for up to 5 days, and are often equipped with modern automation with GSM signal support. They operate only on pellets and with an uninterrupted supply of fuel, for which they are equipped with a screw conveyor. Such boilers are volatile, which should be taken into account when choosing them. The combustion process takes place in a special bowl which is heated by a retort, torch or fireplace type burner.

Long burning boilers

They can operate on sawdust or firewood, however, modern models can also be fueled with coal or mixtures of coal, firewood and peat (depending on the characteristics of the unit). The burning time of one load of firewood for such boilers ranges from 12 hours to 2 days, which is due to the special design of the chamber in which combustion occurs from top to bottom with slow smoldering of the fuel. A single load is about 50 kg of fuel, and such boilers can run on wood different sizes, briquettes, peat, coal and wood chips.

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Today we will talk about creating a heating system using a solid fuel boiler, its main features, features, disadvantages and of course the overwhelming advantages. I advise you to read the entire article if you are interested in this topic.

Heating a private house using a solid fuel boiler requires much more attention than all others, the diagrams and installation itself are much more complicated, and the consequences of implementation are not quality installation much more dangerous. Such boilers are in demand in the absence of natural gas or a main line running not far from the house. Today we will talk to you about how to make heating in your country cottage, and a solid fuel boiler will help us with this.

One of the most important differences between boilers with a closed combustion chamber for a private home, and specifically solid fuel boilers, is, of course, the fuel and what type of fuel it is, with which they generate heat, it can be peat, coal, or firewood. But special fuel briquettes are considered one of the best. They are characterized by a large emission of heat, and as a result, a large energy intensity of the product itself.

To make heating with such a boiler, we need to figure out how to connect it, look at the diagrams, and also look at the wiring itself. This is the most important part of re-selecting the heating boiler data and additional devices. One of the main rules during the operation of solid fuel heating boilers is, of course, fire safety. For example, the solid fuel boiler itself and all its fuel should be as far away from each other as possible, ideally in completely different and distant rooms, so that in the event of a fire, its prevention is faster. And here correct installation such a boiler plays an even more significant and important role

The basic rules for creating this heating system and designing it in a private house will be the use of completely non-combustible materials directly when starting up and installing the boiler on the floor. After all, the floor of your house, due to the impact, is very high temperatures may ignite or begin to smolder, leading to a terrible ending.

One of the most important dangers during operation of a solid fuel boiler, which provides you water heating may cause sudden heating of the water inside your boiler; for this purpose, there is a special device, which controls the oxygen level of fuel combustion. Most often they use the most simple system valves that are connected to the thermometer.

The most important rule is to familiarize yourself with the equipment and its accompanying literature immediately before installing the boiler.

How much does it cost?

  • Economy equipment + installation Gas boiler (Buderus) Pipe - polypropylene (Kalde) Cranes and spare parts fittings Installation work Order now
  • Standard equipment + installation Gas boiler (Vaillant) Voltage regulator Steel radiators(Kermi) Pipe - polypropylene (Kalde) Cranes and spare parts fittings Warm water floors Installation work Order now
  • Premium equipment + installation Gas boiler (Wolf) Boiler room automation Voltage regulator Steel radiators (Kermi) Boiler pipe - copper Cranes and spare parts fittings Installation work Order now
  • Economy equipment + installation Gas boiler (Buderus) Sectional radiators (Rommer) Pipe - polypropylene (Kalde) Cranes and spare parts fittings Installation work Order now
  • Standard equipment + installation Gas boiler (Vaillant) Voltage regulator Steel radiators (Kermi) Pipe - polypropylene (Kalde) Cranes and spare parts fittings Warm water floors Installation work Order now
  • Premium equipment + installation Gas boiler (Wolf) Boiler room automation Voltage regulator Steel radiators (Kermi) Pipe - cross-linked polyethylene (TECE) Boiler pipe - copper Cranes and spare parts fittings Installation work Order now

Such heating boilers can only be installed in specially designated places; of course, there are also small boilers that contain a hob for the kitchen; if you have such a solid fuel boiler, then you need to think through and install everything necessary in the immediate vicinity of it.

The first stage, of course, will be the development and further choice schemes for heat supply in a private house. Since the installation instructions for work depend directly on the type of wiring of your pipes. You will have to devote quite a bit of time to create correct scheme connecting the boiler to the system.

The most popular is open system it is the most common in houses, this can be explained by the fact that in a closed type system it is the security group that monitors and gives readings, and this system stabilizes it expansion tank. But if the temperature rises, and the devices do not have time to do anything, the pipe will rupture.

If you want to make a convenient, beautiful and easy wiring system at home, we can recommend you a two-pipe system.

Let's talk about the advantages of this system.

Of course, the first will be the possibility of uniform distribution of all thermal energy to all radiators. Each radiator will have its own coolant flow. Another advantage is the connection of additional heating devices. Since when calculating the circuit for a given boiler, all additional loads on the system are considered.

Of course, such a heating system also has its drawbacks. One of them can be considered a large number of coolant volume. Due to the large diameter of the pipes. Therefore, when installing solid fuel systems in a private cottage, priority always falls on a closed installation scheme. Closed systems have now become more stable and require much less fuel, its costs tend to be minimal. And this, in turn, will result in a decrease in the volume of coolant.

What do clients say about us?

What do we need to install the system, solid fuel heating?

Of course, we will talk to you about the list of equipment required when purchasing such a boiler to create heating in a private cottage. One of the important equipment is, of course, the circulation pump; it helps the coolant move much faster through our system. No less important point counts correct installation safety and membrane groups expansion tank, they are needed to stabilize the pressure in the system and to prevent emergency situations. Sensors must also be installed in your system to monitor pressure and temperature.

Let's talk about the second type of solid fuel boilers for solid fuel equipment. These are boilers air heating, they differ not only in design, but also in the coolant that is in the system. To monitor the air flow in these boilers, special pipes are used that form air circulation. Such boilers are used to heat small spaces. Of course, this method has many disadvantages, but there is one definite plus: to install it, you don’t need to come up with a diagram; you just need to choose a place from which the warm air will disperse evenly. To organize such heating, you do not need to buy any radiators or pipes; you will be surprised, but all you need is a stove!

You should not think that if installing a boiler is so easy, then there are no pitfalls; you will also have to maintain all fire safety measures when operating the boiler.

The time has come to talk about solid fuel stoves; in their design they are not very different from solid fuel boilers, but they have their own characteristics that are worth talking about separately. The first difference is not big sizes stoves, they are not intended for heating large premises and have a power of only 8 or 10 kW, but you can turn a blind eye to this by looking at the cost of these furnaces. Stoves based on a solid fuel boiler can be installed directly in the kitchen itself and do not have a separate boiler room for them; they also contain hob for kitchen. To install these furnaces, it is necessary to use special sheet steel, which must be more than 3 mm thick. Stoves can be heated with the same fuel as boilers. Many owners use the residual product (ash) as fertilizer on their plots. Because of this, briquettes are very popular; they also contain a lot of useful minerals and their components.

After reading this article, you just have to choose what is considered more promising and desirable for you. And you can go to the store to buy a new boiler or solid fuel stove for your home. After purchasing, I advise you to contact specialists to connect and install your boiler. Correct installation is considered one of the important components of success and long-term high-quality operation of the boiler. And of course, to extend the life of your boiler, it will need your sensitive and timely care.

Almost all last century Our homes were heated by electricity and burning natural gas. IN modern conditions life, electricity has risen sharply in price, and to " gas pipe“It is not always technically possible to connect. That is why heating a house with a solid fuel boiler, which produces thermal energy by burning organic matter: firewood, peat, waste from the woodworking industry, has become especially relevant these days. .

On modern market climate control equipment there is a huge range of heating equipment, with different functionality, power, equipment and safety systems. In this publication we will try to figure out how to choose a solid fuel boiler for a private home, which will reduce heating costs during the heating season.

Basic criteria for choosing equipment

So, what should a good solid fuel heat generator be like? It is not possible to answer this question for several reasons.

  • Various operating conditions.
  • Accessibility to various types fuel.
  • The budget that the owner is willing to allocate for heating system Houses.
  • Personal time.

And these are just the main factors that may vary depending on the capabilities and requirements of the potential consumer. There are basic selection criteria that are important for any solid fuel owner, namely:

  • Availability and cost of a particular type of fuel in a particular region.
  • Price heating installation, services for its installation and connection to the heating system.
  • Ease of use of the heat generator.
  • Cost-effectiveness of the device.
  • Reliability and security system.

Important! The availability and cost of fuel cannot be underestimated. Only after deciding on this position can you begin to allocate a certain amount to purchase a solid fuel boiler for your home and create a reliable heating system.

In addition, before choosing and purchasing a boiler, you should determine how much time will need to be spent on servicing the boiler unit of a particular model. The specifics of operating solid fuel boiler plants are associated with the need to regularly load the fuel chamber, clean the ash pan, and prepare and store fuel. Only after deciding on this point can you proceed to choosing the type of heating device.

Types of solid fuel boiler plants

The Russian market of climate control equipment offers domestic consumers the following types solid fuel boilers for a private home:

  • Classic direct combustion boilers.
  • Long-term boiler installations.
  • Gas generator equipment.
  • Boilers operating on pellets.
  • Multi-fuel (combined) heating equipment.

Each of the above types of solid fuel boilers for heating a private home has its own advantages and disadvantages. To complete the picture, let's look at each type in more detail.

Direct combustion boilers

In boiler installations of classical design there is normal process combustion of fuel, the heat released from which is consumed by the device to heat the coolant circulating through the water jacket (heat exchanger). Direct combustion boilers have a fairly simple design, so they are (usually) inexpensive, easy to maintain, and not demanding on fuel quality. As a rule, installations of this design are energy-independent, which makes their use quite justified as the main source of heat in suburban real estate.

The main disadvantage of models of this design is the short interval between fuel loadings, which is 2-4 hours and varies depending on the type of fuel and the volume of the loading chamber. The efficiency of such boiler equipment, as a rule, does not exceed 75%.

If you approach the choice of a heat generator from a budget perspective, then such solid fuel boilers for a private home may be the best choice.

Gas generating units

The operating principle of these devices is to burn pyrolysis gas released by temperature and lack of oxygen by any organic matter, including solid fuel. Pyrolysis boiler systems differ from direct combustion boilers in the design of the combustion chamber, which is divided into two parts by a horizontal partition. In the primary chamber, the fuel smolders with the release of flammable gas, and in the secondary fuel chamber, the gas is burned. More to the point in simple language, That pyrolysis boilers receive thermal energy from two energy sources; directly during smoldering of fuel and during combustion of released gas. Thanks to this feature of gas-generating boiler equipment, the efficiency (85 - 90%) and fuel burning time (up to 12 hours) significantly increase.

Pyrolysis heating equipment has enough complex design, requires fuel of a strictly defined quality (humidity no more than 25%) and is energy-dependent (the operation of fans, smoke exhausters and automation requires electricity). In addition, such devices are quite expensive and are (usually) large in size, which affects the size of the boiler room for a solid fuel boiler. Pyrolysis plants brands VERNER and ATMOS found wide application in the homes of our compatriots.

Long-lasting boilers

Feature of this equipment is that only the top layer of biomaterial is burned in the fuel chamber. Combustion (smoldering) occurs like a candle, from top to bottom, and not like in traditional boiler units, from bottom to top. This design allows for the most economical fuel consumption (the interval between fillings is 30-72 hours) and does not require connection to the electrical network. Efficiency reaches 90%. In addition, with equal efficiency, long-burning boilers have a significantly lower cost than pyrolysis analogues.

Such equipment has one significant drawback: such equipment does not allow additional loading of the fuel chamber. In other words: the fuel supply has burned out, the boiler is stopped, cleaned and only after that is it ready for new loading and ignition.

Boiler installations of lower horizontal combustion became a solution to the problem of additional loading.

Combustion in such installations occurs in the area of ​​the grate. Hot gases, under the influence of natural draft, are transferred into the space of the heat exchanger, which is located outside the fuel chamber. The interval between fillings of such devices is less than that of similar boilers with top smoldering (12-24 hours), but there are several tangible advantages:

  • The installation can operate continuously (possibility of additional loading without stopping the device).
  • Consumes fuel with humidity up to 50%.
  • Easy maintenance and operation.
  • High efficiency.

In addition, long-term bottom-burning boilers are usually equipped with additional backup heating elements to prevent the heating system from defrosting during winter cold when the boiler is stopped. Heating frame house Bottom combustion solid fuel boiler is the most popular among domestic consumers.

Pellet boilers

Pellets are wood pellets. In other words, pressed wood waste, which is consumed by the heat generator as it is burned. As a rule, the volume of the pellet boiler hopper is sufficient for battery life heating systems from 1 to 6 days with an efficiency of up to 85%. Based on practicality and efficiency, a pellet boiler is the best choice for heating a private house. From a budget point of view, this is one of the most expensive types of boiler equipment.

In addition, when purchasing a pellet boiler, you should solve the problem of storing pellets. They cannot be stored outside, as they will have high humidity. For storage in the house you need to allocate enough large space with a good ventilation system.

Connection diagram

There are two types of heating systems (HS): closed and open. Let's consider the working diagram of heating a house with a solid fuel boiler and the safety group of the boiler installation in a closed heating system.

The figure shows a diagram of connecting a solid fuel tank to a closed CO, which includes:

  1. Security group.
  2. A container for cooling the coolant in case of overheating. This element is necessary in case of interruption of water supply to plumbing system. Its piping unit includes a 3 float valve; 4 – thermal valve; 7 – heat exchanger, which provides protection against overheating of the coolant.

In addition, the number 5 in the diagram indicates the expansion tank group closed type. 6 – coolant circulation circuit.

Advice: When connecting a solid fuel boiler to a closed heating system, it is prohibited to equip radiators with devices that limit heating ( thermostatic valves etc.) The whole point is that these devices can reduce the consumption of thermal energy at the moment when intense fuel combustion occurs. This may cause overheating of the coolant and/or tripping of the boiler protection. This does not apply to systems equipped with a buffer capacity.