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» Wood-burning stoves for the home are made of cast iron. Cast iron stove for heating a house: types, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages. How to install a cast iron stove in a wooden house with your own hands

Wood-burning stoves for the home are made of cast iron. Cast iron stove for heating a house: types, principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages. How to install a cast iron stove in a wooden house with your own hands

Many city residents spend on their suburban areas not only summer, but also most of spring and autumn, when the nights are still or already cold. This raises a problem efficient heating country house. Many gardening associations do not have gas supply, and heating the building with electricity is a challenge. quite expensive“pleasure”, which is why summer residents often opt for solid fuel stoves.

However, it is not possible to build a full-fledged brick oven in every country house simply due to insufficient free space in the premises. An important reason for the reluctance to build brick kilns is also the troublesomeness of their maintenance, as well as the lack of funds, since building such a structure is not so cheap. Therefore, cast iron often becomes the best option, especially since today there are convenient and compact heating units on sale that have excellent characteristics and design solutions.

It is also important that despite relatively small size cast iron stoves, some of them have specifications, designed for heating sufficiently large areas. Therefore, the heating problem can be solved for both a small and a fairly large country house.

It would be useful to compare cast iron stoves with steel heating devices and with combined options. All of them are no less in demand, and such a comparison will help to better determine the choice of the optimal model.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal wood-burning stoves - in comparison

As you know, you can find on sale not only cast iron, but also steel, as well as combined stoves, that is, made of steel, but with individual structural parts made of cast iron. Therefore, a few words need to be said about steel heating devices in order to know their advantages and disadvantages and understand how they differ from each other.

Stainless steel ovens

The features of stainless steel stoves include the following:

  • Units from of stainless steel, unlike cast iron, they warm up much faster, which allows us to hope for a shorter period of receipt comfortable temperature in the premises of the house. However, the heat capacity of such devices is small, they retain heat poorly, and after the fuel fill burns out, the heating effect is quickly lost. Therefore, manufacturers often provide external finishing ceramic material. In addition, double walls with an air or other thermal insulation layer are used. If it does not have such a finish, then the owners often cover it with brick themselves.
  • Steel furnaces long burning are quite economical, since they do not consume a large number of fuel.
  • Stainless steel products are more resistant to corrosion processes, since, unlike black steel, it does not react with oxygen when heated, which makes its service life longer. However, the welds of such steel furnaces are still susceptible to oxidation, since alloying additives evaporate during welding.
  • The disadvantage of units made of this material is their instability to very high temperatures. In case of severe overheating by open fire, deformation of the walls of the combustion chamber cannot be ruled out. To avoid such a reaction of the material, the firebox must have a lining, that is, the firebox is lined with heat-resistant fireclay plates or bricks.

Furnace lining is the key to their increased durability

The most vulnerable place of any furnace is the fuel chamber, in which the walls are exposed to direct exposure to open flame and the highest possible temperatures. In order to reduce these negative influences to a minimum and achieve long-term operation of the device, it is carried out, which is described in detail in a separate publication on our portal.

  • Compared to cast iron, steel stoves have less complex design. They are not so massive, which greatly facilitates the processes of transporting and installing the heating device.
  • Steel is easy to process, so many summer residents make their own stoves. Fortunately, there are quite enough drawings for their manufacture on the Internet.
  • The service life of a well-made stainless steel stove is estimated at approximately 20 years.

Furnaces made of heat-resistant black steel

Black heat-resistant steel is a more ductile and durable material than cast iron. However, heating devices made from it still have numerous disadvantages.

The characteristic features of such stoves made of this material include:

  • Products made of black steel have lower heat transfer. They take a long time to heat up and do not retain heat well, so they cool down quickly. In this regard, heat the stove to maintain indoors desired temperature will have to more often.
  • Experts talk about the fragility of products made from this material, determining their service life at 5 ÷ 7 years. The fact is that in the structure of low-carbon steel, when heated, the process of its oxidation is activated, which leads to fairly rapid burning of surfaces. You can extend the service life of the unit by lining the firebox with fireclay bricks or plates.
  • This material is also distinguished by the instability of welds to high temperatures and corrosion. With frequent high-amplitude Under thermal influence (and in a furnace without this, there is no way) these processes often lead to the appearance of cracks or ruptures.
  • The surfaces of these furnaces require additional treatment with compounds that protect them from overheating.
  • The only significant advantage is that the price for stoves made of black steel is much lower than for products made of stainless steel or cast iron. In addition, the availability of the material and the ease of its processing prompt home craftsmen in most cases to make homemade stoves from black steel.

Prices for cast iron stoves

cast iron stove

Cast iron stoves

Due to Since this article is devoted specifically to cast iron stoves, we should talk about them in more detail. Cast iron stove models are considered the best choice, which is why they are especially in demand among consumers. However, this material also has its positive and negative features, which you should know about in advance.

The advantages of these heating devices include their following characteristics:

  • Cast iron is attractive mainly because it has a clearly high heat capacity. The material, however, does not heat up so quickly, but the walls of the furnace remain heated and actively participate in the process of heating the room for much longer.
  • If the power of a cast iron stove for a specific area of ​​the house is selected correctly, heating device is able to fully and fairly quickly heat the air in the room.
  • A cast iron heating device is economical in fuel consumption, since one fill is enough for the stove to give off heat for 6–12 hours. In this case, you do not have to wait for the firewood to burn out before closing the chimney to preserve heat, as is usually done in brick stoves. Long-burning units are able to retain heat in the house, without the risk of reverse thrust, that is, smoke in the rooms.
  • The efficiency of such a unit is 80÷82% - this is much more than that of brick or steel stoves.
  • Products made from this material are highly resistant to elevated temperatures, as they have a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Thanks to this quality, the material is practically not deformed.
  • Cast iron does not oxidize due to high temperatures, so the walls of the fuel chamber do not burn out.
  • Parts for cast iron heating devices are made by casting, so they do not have welds, which are always the weak points of any other metal stoves.
  • Cast iron is resistant to corrosion, and therefore does not require special protective coatings. Such products are painted heat-resistant paint or varnish mainly for the purpose of giving them a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Modern cast iron stoves differ exquisite design, which allows them to be used in interiors decorated in different styles. Manufacturers install beautiful doors on their products, decorated with figured casting and heat-resistant glass, which allows the unit to be used as an original fireplace.
  • The service life of such furnaces, made of gray cast iron and having a wall thickness of 10 mm, is at least 30–35 years, and in practice it can be even more impressive.
  • The relatively compact dimensions of cast iron stoves allow them to be installed even in small spaces.

The disadvantages of cast iron heating devices include the following features:

  • The most important disadvantage of any cast iron products is the lack of ductility and pronounced fragility, since the material has increased content carbon. Therefore, cast iron cannot withstand sudden temperature changes. From them, as well as from sharp accentuated impacts, for example, during careless transportation of the stove, it can crack. And at the same time, it will be impossible to restore a cast iron part, for example, by welding.
  • The cast iron stove has a pronounced massiveness. The weight of even small devices can be 180÷200 kg, which complicates their transportation and installation. To install such a unit, it is often necessary to equip a reliable, solid foundation, sometimes even resorting to pouring a small one.
  • If the stove will be used not only in the relatively warm months of the year, but also in winter, the chimney pipe will have to be insulated. This must be done to avoid sudden temperature changes for heated gases, as a result of which condensation will form on the pipe walls, reducing draft in the firebox. This can lead to backdraft and smoke.
  • Characterized by a very high price for cast iron heating devices, which does not allow everyone to purchase them for installation in a country house.

All the shortcomings of these stoves are compensated by a long service life, high efficiency, high-quality and long-term heating of rooms and savings on fuel.

Combined stove options

As can be seen from the descriptions presented above, each option has not only its “pros”, but also “cons”. That is why manufacturers have assembled in some models positive traits different materials.

Yes, most widespread“tandem” is stainless steel and cast iron. The stove body is made of stainless steel, and the firebox for it is made of cast iron. If the stove model includes a hob, then it is also most often cast iron. Thus, brittle cast iron is protected by the steel walls of the body, and itself prevents overheating and deformation of the steel from direct exposure to flame.

It should be noted that the combined versions of the stoves combine all best qualities two materials, since they are in their places in the structure, where the risk of damage is minimal. In addition, such units have a lower cost compared to cast iron stoves, lighter weight, but approximately the same efficiency.

Cast iron stove design

General concepts about the design of metal furnaces

In the first part of the article, options for different stoves were given - to compare them characteristic features. Below we will talk only about cast iron appliances. Modern factory-made cast iron stoves most often operate on the long-burning principle, since it is the best option for efficiency and fuel economy.

Cast iron heating stoves can be made in the form of a fireplace, and some models are equipped with a water circuit, and are perfect for a fairly large country house. For small houses, an ordinary stove is suitable, since direct thermal radiation emanating from its walls, fire door and stove, if provided in the design, will be quite sufficient to heat it.

Wood used as fuel must have a moisture content not exceeding 20%. It is desirable that the logs have the same length, then their combustion and smoldering will occur evenly, giving excellent heat transfer. Damp wood will reduce the efficiency of the stove and will also contribute to an increase in soot deposits in the chimney.

Firewood prices

In addition to firewood in logs, fuel briquettes and coal can be used to fire cast iron stoves. If you plan to heat the stove with coal, then it is worth purchasing the brown variety, since it is less energy-intensive and will not overheat the walls of the stove. This is especially important for combined type furnaces, that is, made from a combination of steel and cast iron parts.

What should you consider when choosing and installing a cast iron stove?

Before moving on to the consideration of various models of cast iron stoves, a few words should be said about their installation and preparation for it.

Installing the stove in the place chosen for it is not difficult at all. The only difficulty can be the heavy weight of the device. In addition, before installing a cast iron unit, it is necessary to prepare a site for it, equipped in accordance with fire safety rules. So, preparation for the purchase and installation of the unit consists of the following stages of work:

  • The first step, based on the size of the room, is to determine what thermal power must have a stove. Usually comes from common standard 1 kW per 10 m². However, if country house will also be used in winter period, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that will influence the choice of device power. These include the quality of insulation of walls, floors and ceilings of the house, the number and material of windows, winter temperatures in the region and other nuances.

Perhaps the calculator below will help many with such calculations.

For people who visit their summer cottages not only in summer, but also in winter time, the presence of a heating device in the house is very important. Cook food, dry clothes and, finally, simply heat your home - for all this it is not at all necessary to buy expensive equipment and install a complex heating system. You can get by with purchasing an inexpensive wood-burning stove, which can be installed easily even by a non-specialist. A cast iron fireplace stove for a summer cottage is perfect for this purpose.

Long burning stoves - description

What qualities should a country heating system have? wood burning appliance?

  • Since a country house requires only periodic heating, the fireplace stove must withstand long breaks in operation, as well as quickly heat up and have high heat output.
  • It is also desirable that the device can operate for a long time on one kindling and retain heat for a long time.
  • It is recommended to choose a fireplace stove for your dacha that runs not only on wood, but also uses other types of fuel. This is explained by the fact that summer cottage It is not always possible to find high-quality dry wood for kindling.
  • It is better to purchase combined models that have not only a heating surface, but also a hob.
  • Designs with a built-in water circuit are very convenient, allowing you to heat water for washing dishes, taking a shower, and also for heating neighboring rooms.
  • A wood heater should be compact, convenient and easy to use.

Modern cast iron heating devices for summer cottages are mostly meet these requirements.

Characteristics of cast iron fireplace stoves

Dampness and high humidity inevitably present in unheated rooms, they negatively affect all objects made of ordinary metal, which leads to their rapid wear. Cast iron, due to its resistance to condensation and corrosion, is distinguished wear resistance and durability.

Condensation that occurs on the walls of the fuel chamber and in the chimney pipe during the kindling and rapid heating of the stove in winter mixes with volatile substances in the smoke and settles on the metal surfaces of the device, which leads to their destruction. A cast-iron fuel chamber, unlike a steel one, can easily withstand such exposure and the only difficulty lies in cleaning the cast-iron surface from the deposits that form.

If we talk about quickly warming up the heating device and the air in the room, then cast iron stoves are slightly inferior to steel stoves: the thick walls of the stove heat up slowly. But this may also be an advantage of cast iron stoves - once heated, the device cools down for a very long time, that is, it is able to give off heat for a long time after the end of the fire, unlike a steel stove.

Household cast iron stoves for the home have enough presentable appearance and quite compact. Many models have additional equipment that increases their functionality: water tanks and hobs.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron fireplace stoves

Cast iron wood stoves have enough a wide range of advantages and benefits, which is what made them so popular.

Disadvantages of cast iron fireplace stoves:

Furnace design

Most models have a simple design and consist of three parts:

  • A combustion chamber equipped with a cast iron or transparent fire-resistant glass door.
  • Below, under the fuel compartment, there is an ash chamber, where, after burning wood, combustion residual products (ash, ash, unburned fuel elements) enter.
  • Chimney occupying the structure wood stoves not the last place.

Thanks to the grate built into the firebox, residual combustion products fall into the ash pan naturally. The air flow required for combustion is regulated by opening/closing the ash door. Many models of cast iron stoves for summer cottages are additionally equipped hob for cooking and heating food. There are models equipped with additional pins or grates that prevent coals or firewood from accidentally falling out when the door is opened.

Appearance and installation of cast iron fireplace stoves

Installation stages cast iron stoves for summer cottages:

The operating principle of a long-burning fireplace stove

The operating principle of wood-burning stoves made of cast iron, despite some differences in their modifications, is the same. Some models equipped with a transparent combustion door, which allows you not only to heat the room, but also when sitting in comfortable chair watch the play of flames in the firebox. Home ovens that use the convection heating method in their operation can additionally be equipped with hobs for cooking. The third type of heating devices for summer cottages, known as Buleryan stoves, is a well-improved potbelly stove.

Undoubtedly, heating a stove 1-2 times a day is much more convenient than every 3-4 hours, therefore, in order to ensure long-term combustion of fuel in the stove, stove specialists, having slightly changed the design of the device, began to introduce a design that uses in their work pyrolysis combustion principle.

The essence of the process is that after burning wood in the combustion chamber, using a special damper that limits the supply of oxygen, it is transferred to smoldering mode. Due to this, the wood emits a mixture of flammable gases, which, together with the smoke, rise under the arch of the main chamber or into the second compartment of the firebox. Hot secondary air flows in the same direction, passing through a channel along the hot wall of the combustion chamber. Gas, in contact with air under the influence of high temperatures, easily ignites and gives off additional heat to the room.

Thus, long-burning stoves and fireplaces for the home capable of working up to 6 hours without human intervention. However, for this it is necessary to observe one very important condition: the wood must be dry (permissible humidity - no more than 25%), otherwise pyrolysis gas will be produced in very small quantities, which is not enough for the afterburning process to occur. Considering that it is quite difficult to find completely dry firewood outside the city, some doubts arise about the usefulness and efficiency of such a design, nevertheless, cast iron heating devices are widely used in country cottages and country houses, due to the duration of its operating cycle.


Cost of installing a cast iron heating device for a home varies from 10,000 RUR to 30,000 RUR, depending on the modification of the furnace. For example, the cost of installing a regular cast iron fireplace stove will be slightly different from the cost of installing a fireplace stove made of the same material.

Wood-burning cast iron stoves for a summer residence are a very successful intermediate solution between an expensive solid fuel boiler and an equally expensive brick stove. In addition, a modern heating device made of cast iron, coupled with a combustion door made of fireproof glass, looks quite impressive and fits perfectly into any interior.

Pechnik (Moscow)

A cast iron fireplace stove is a profitable and optimal solution for both large country house, so small dacha, requiring periodic heating. The main advantage of such a heating unit is its efficiency and affordable cost, compared to brick analogues or electric models with imitation flame. In this article you will learn about how to properly operate cast iron fireplaces, everything about their varieties, and you will also be able to choose a purchased model using the current rating.

Design features

Like all other varieties heating installations, cast iron fireplace stoves have a number of their own characteristic differences and features:

Design features

Detailed description

Housing and combustion chamber

The cast iron fireplace is distinguished by its durability and high quality. As a rule, this structural element has a standard rectangular or square shape. However, in some cases it can be more complex.

Cast iron fireplaces and stoves must be equipped with a combustion chamber, which is made of metal or cast iron. For creating additional protection its internal contents, the manufacturer can use refractory bricks or ceramic tiles.

Grate and ash pan

A cast iron fireplace must be equipped with a grate. This element is a grate on which prepared logs are placed.

A cast iron fireplace stove also has such a characteristic element as an ash pan, in which all combustion and decay products (soot, ash) accumulate. The ash pan is usually represented by a small drawer, which is equipped with a retractable mechanism for ease of use and cleaning.

Cast iron fireplace stoves cannot operate without a pre-installed and installed chimney. The chimney pipe must be led outside. For this purpose, the output is carried out both through the internal floors of the house and through the walls, then along outside the buildings.

For proper and safe operation, cast iron stoves and fireplaces with a chimney must be completely sealed, and all joints and connections are treated with a special sealant.

You can also simply hide the chimney in the wall ceilings. This will allow the heating unit to look miniature and at the same time save space in a small room.

Advice: if you want to make such a stove with your own hands or are just choosing suitable option, we recommend that you pay attention to models whose combustion chamber is lined with brick inside, as it can withstand high temperatures up to 700-1000 degrees and their sudden changes. In addition, over time, such coating can be easily replaced.

Important: the combustion chamber itself can also have either a closed or completely open structure. Open ones are characterized by low efficiency and do not create the required level of safety during operation, which is why in most cases they are used in decorative structures. Cast iron stoves and fireplaces with closed type, more efficient, have high efficiency, heat up quickly and are usually equipped with various doors and screens.

The most convenient to use, care and from an aesthetic point of view is hardened clear glass!

It is interesting to know: despite the fact that cast iron fireplace stoves do not have special automated controls, it is possible to control and set the intensity of the flame burning in the hearth. For this purpose, a special damper is provided, which is additionally supplied with the ash pan.

Cast iron fireplace stoves are distinguished not only by their durability and good tolerance of high temperatures. They are able to accumulate accumulated and generated heat, releasing and distributing it throughout the premises even after the end of the fire.

Classification of cast iron stoves

First of all, cast iron stoves and fireplaces for the home are classified based on the place and method of their installation and placement:

  • Wall. They have small dimensions and do not take up much space during installation;
  • Built-in and suspended. Such fireboxes look original and stylish in any interior;
  • Angular. Favorable viewing angle of the flame burning in the hearth, as well as simultaneous saving of free space;
  • Ostrovnoye. The most massive models have high power and can be placed on any site that is most convenient and advantageous from your point of view.

Important: when choosing cast iron stoves and fireplaces, pay Special attention their functionality. Such devices can perform exclusively a heating function. Some hearths are intended only for cooking and are wood-burning analogues and prototypes of kitchen stoves. The best stoves advantageously combine these two functions at once, but the price for them will be an order of magnitude higher.

Interesting to know: also, cast iron fireplaces and stoves, despite working with solid fuel, can operate on coal, wood or purchased pellets. It is equally important when purchasing to pay attention to the power of the heating unit, which must correspond to the total area of ​​all rooms in the house. When reviewing product specifications, do not confuse rated power with maximum power.

Basic operating rules

Cast iron fireplaces for the home require careful selection of not only functionality and design, but also compliance with basic operating rules:

  1. Despite its high strength, durability and good tolerance to high temperatures, cast iron products are prone to destruction and deformation in the event of a sudden change temperature regime. Therefore, such models are absolutely not suitable for installation in houses that require periodic heating, for example in a country house;
  2. Cast iron fireplaces for the home, as a rule, require the use of a certain type of solid fuel. Therefore, models operating on pellets will quickly become unusable if simple firewood is used instead;
  3. Any dirt, rust and corrosion that forms on the surface of the installation must be promptly eliminated, as they gradually destroy the walls of the product;
  1. The chimney must have a strictly vertical location, with a minimum number of horizontal sections - this will ensure uninterrupted and full operation of the traction mechanism. In this case, the length of all sections will be at least 5-6 meters;
  2. A cast iron fireplace stove will be more efficient if its door remains sealed and closed during the heating process. The quality of the logs plays an equally important role. Before application and use, they are completely and well dried, split into elements of the required and identical sizes.

Important: in order to ensure quality and uninterrupted operation, a cast iron stove fireplace with or without a stove must be inspected by a specialist at least twice a year. And they are not used for the firebox conifers wood, as they smoke heavily and emit a large amount of soot and soot.

Carrying out installation work

Cast iron fireplace stove with hob, as well as the most simple models has similar and sufficient easy installation, which does not require certain knowledge, skills, professional and expensive equipment or tools.

Installation and assembly instructions:

  • Installation and selection of location, room, is carried out according to the location of the chimney itself, if it is already installed in the house;
  • The chimney pipe is vertical. This element can be made of oven refractory bricks or assembled from sandwich pipes made of stainless steel;
  • A cast iron insert in the fireplace can be included in the initial kit or purchased separately;
  • Regardless of the quality and materials of the floor covering, before installing the fireplace on it, a small podium or pedestal is laid out from any heat-resistant coating;

If there are special fastenings, the model must be fixed

  • When equipping a fireplace with a portal, the materials used for making the frame and used for cladding must also be characterized by high strength, environmental friendliness and fire resistance. At the same time, the style of the product must be in harmony and intersect with the interior of the room chosen for installation;
  • The chimney pipe is fixed at your choice in the back or top of the hearth;
  • If there are fixing elements, the installation is given stability by securing them in the required manner.

Interesting to know: if you want to assemble such a fireplace at home, you will definitely need to master cast iron casting for fireplaces. This will open up wider possibilities for you and will subsequently allow you to make even the smallest parts, elements and decor from this material with your own hands.

You can learn more about the process of installing and selecting such a stove by watching the video in this article.

Five best models

Not knowing how to tax cast iron fireplace and make it yourself, we recommend purchasing a ready-made version. The following rating will help you with this:

  1. Ambra. The model is manufactured by the brand of Polish origin “Eurocom”. Its service life is on average about ten years, with a power of 7 kW. The cast iron surface is plated with platinum for added protection, and the design is retro in style, with lots of beautiful and graceful patterns and swirls. The model is capable of heating a house whose total area of ​​all rooms reaches 60-70 square meters. Top part The design is equipped with a hob, on which, if necessary, you can cook food and heat water. The door is equipped with transparent tempered glass, which is equipped with a self-cleaning mechanism. The model has a light weight and optimal dimensions: 840x48x360 millimeters (height, width, depth). The price of a fireplace varies from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles;

  1. Legend. Fireplace from Russian manufacturer and the Vesuvius brand, is specifically intended for installation and use both in bathhouses and in adjacent premises. Suitable for rooms with a total area of ​​up to 30 cubic meters, with a power of 30 kW. In the upper part there is a special grid into which special stones are poured. The combustion chamber is equipped with large transparent tempered glass, which is capable of periodically cleaning itself from various types of contaminants. High quality and the durability of the product is achieved due to the presence of thick walls - 1.2 centimeters. The installation dimensions are: 76x65x83 centimeters (height, width and depth). You can buy such a stove for an average of 30,000 rubles;

  1. Furnace unit "If" from the manufacturer "Konig Feuer". The unit is equipped with a convenient and practical hob with one large burner. The device is made in the Empire style and has miniature overall dimensions in terms of height, width and depth (77x70x40 cm). The maximum efficiency when using this model can reach about 70-80 percent in economical operating mode. Due to the large and capacious combustion chamber, fairly large and long bars are suitable for use and combustion. The power is 14 kW, which allows you to heat the house with total area up to 280 cubic meters. An elegant and miniature door made of cast iron and tempered glass. The cost of such a fireplace is about 48,000-55,000 rubles;

  1. Bavaria. This stove is produced by one of the most popular Russian companies, Ecofireplace. The device has a high power of 9 kW and high efficiency. This heating unit is enough for use in a house with a footage of up to 90 square meters. Suitable for installation in rooms of any size due to its miniature overall dimensions: 750x560x400 millimeters. The design is equipped with a convenient hob and is capable of operating in economical mode. In order to increase efficiency and efficiency, the sides of the unit are finished with ceramics with an imitation marble surface. average price for Bavaria is 18,000 rubles;

  1. Marseilles. The model is manufactured by the well-known and popular Russian company Meta. It is based on high quality and durable French cast iron. The power of the product is 14 kW, which contributes to the rapid and uniform heating of rooms with a total footage of up to 140 square meters. Models are available in various sizes and has a rectangular elongated shape. The fireplace body is painted with black protective paint, and the combustion chamber is equipped with heat-resistant transparent panoramic glass. The fastest heating and highest efficiency are achieved due to the ability to place the fuel in a vertical position. You can buy such a stove for 50,000 rubles.

To visually familiarize yourself with the presented models, we also recommend viewing the presented photos.

A cast iron fireplace stove is a profitable and more affordable alternative to brick structures that are quite bulky and difficult to implement. In addition, the installation of such models is very simple and does not require experience or knowledge in this field. In order to buy or get acquainted with these and many other fireplaces in more detail, we also recommend going to the corresponding catalog of our online store and placing an order at any convenient time!

Cast iron stove- an excellent solution for solving heating problems, be it a private house or dacha. Modern production allows you to produce not only functional, but also very impressive devices that will fit into any interior and quickly heat a room of up to 150 m 2.

Cast iron has long been used as a material for the manufacture of heating devices for high strength indicators, heat resistance and heat transfer. The disadvantages of this alloy include the fact that it is quite heavy, for example, compared to steel, and does not tolerate sudden changes well temperatures (if a jet hits the hot cast iron cold water, it may burst).


Based on your requirements, you can choose purchase:

  • heating stove designed for heating a room and maintaining heat for a long time;
  • Cooking and heating equipped with a cooking zone;
  • Stove-fireplace.

Heating stove quickly will warm the room And will keep you warm for a long time - this is its main and most important function, although she looks very attractive.

A stove with a built-in hob, and sometimes also with an oven will give Not only warm but also delicious dinner.

Fireplace will complement the interior premises and will create an unforgettable atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

External design and components

Form And configuration may be different:

  • Rectangular;
  • Square;
  • Oval and so on.

Colors and design too varies. Beautiful appearance does not exclude high functionality device that includes:

  1. Heating panel with door;
  2. Grate for combustion products to fall out and ash;
  3. Ash pan(classic with a door or retractable, allowing you to remove ash right at the time of use);
  4. Chimney.

Attention! Typically portable stoves involve the use of pellet and briquettes, but if you want to heat with wood, you can purchase a model with a deep firebox.

Features of the design of cast iron stoves

It is also important mobility this kind heating equipment, it is easy to transport and move, some models are equipped with handles for convenience.

Heat dissipation such a device is enough high, the most promising in terms of this indicator are where it is recycled and solid fuel, And gas, which is formed when there is a very low supply of oxygen to the firebox.

If there is a lack of oxygen, wood does not burn, but smoldering, and the gas released during this process is disposed of in another chamber provided by the device. In this case, one load of raw materials will be enough to 5-6 hours.

The combustion intensity in portable stoves is regulated by a special device - gate and, as in brick ovens, an ash pan door.

Cooking and heating furnaces- a more complex mechanism that can combine several functions. Yes, you can Vacation home heat, cook dinner, and dry fruit for the winter.

Such devices include one or more burners, less often the oven. The efficiency of such a furnace is quite high and can reach 80% .

Stoves and fireplaces They are distinguished by the presence of a fire-resistant glass door or direct access to the fire, which further enhances the feeling of warmth and comfort in the house.

Principle of operation

Today, a wide range of furnace equipment is based on three principles work:

  1. Standard ovens– the device is mounted in the chimney, can be equipped with a hob or without it. Ignition occurs in the firebox, the burning speed is regulated gate or damper door. The fire is maintained by throwing solid raw materials, the heat is retained for some time after the end of this process, due to the good thermal conductivity of cast iron. These the models are simple both in design and operation.
  2. Furnaces with water circuit- a more complex modification, which has two rows of walls between which water is poured. Such a device may well be used How boiler and heat not just one separate room, but the whole house. An additional advantage is the constant access to hot water.
  3. Stoves with long burning effect, which were already mentioned earlier. This device allows maximum use fuel economically, maintain a stable room temperature and is characterized by a very high efficiency index ( 80-85% ).

Important! Modern cast iron stoves can operate on either solid, liquid or gaseous fuel. For these purposes, the firebox is equipped with special devices.

Compared to classic brick kilns, cast iron devices get hot faster, are standing cheaper, but their heat transfer is lower.


The positive qualities of these heating devices quite a lot, here relate:

  • Compactness. Despite the rather thick walls, the dimensions of the cast product are quite small and it can fit into any room;
  • Appearance. Progress does not stand still and currently products are cast in any configuration with a variable range of artistic design. Such a device will become not only a heating device, but also a worthy piece of furniture;
  • High efficiency And efficiency during operation;
  • Minimal preparation for installation– a foundation is not required, near the chimney it is only necessary to cover the floor with non-combustible material, for example, lay this area with tiles, cover it with a sheet of tin, and so on;
  • Fast room heating area up to 150 m2;
  • Ability to regulate combustion intensity fuel using a special device. A modification with a slow burning effect allows you to heat rooms at night.


Cons such devices have absolutely A little, and they can rather be called operating features, here relate:

  1. For proper operation devices a tall chimney is required;
  2. If cold water comes into contact with the housing cast iron may crack;
  3. For cast iron extremely high humidity negatively affects, which may result in the appearance of rust.

Cast iron products are sufficient heavy, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Thus, the thick walls of the oven make it quite heavy, which makes transportation a little more difficult. At the same time, it is the thickness of the walls that allows for a longer keep warm in the house.

Thus, a cast iron portable stove - great alternative cumbersome and complex. She easy to install and further use, fits perfectly into any interior. Model, color and configuration can be completely different.

The heat transfer of cast iron is somewhat less than that of brick, but much higher than, for example, that of steel. For a dacha or a country house, this is generally perfect option - it will take very little time for a cold room to be filled with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

In the next video photo selection of cast iron stoves suitable for heating a home:

The best way to heat a private home is to install a long-burning stove-fireplace. For many years, this type of equipment has been in demand in many countries around the world. It allows not only to maintain in residential premises optimal temperature for a comfortable stay, but also to originally complement the interior of the fireplace room or living room.

Among wide variety models, it is cast iron wood-burning stoves that are considered an excellent alternative central heating. They are also able to operate on wood waste, which makes them even more profitable and economical. With the help of such equipment you can effectively heat a residential building, cottage or cottage. In addition, solid fuel models can also be found in the heat supply of garages, production workshops, warehouses and garages.

Fireplace stove for the home and its advantages

A long-burning wood-burning stove-fireplace, regardless of the model and manufacturer, is in great demand among domestic consumers. And I’m not surprised, because she has many unique advantages:

  • high efficiency - slow combustion of fuel reduces its consumption;
  • fast and efficient heating premises;
  • excellent heat resistance;
  • safety of use subject to operating rules;
  • ease of installation and scheduled maintenance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • long service life.

Wood-burning stove-fireplace: accommodation options

There are several ways to install long-burning heating equipment in a house:

  1. Corner location. The wood-burning stove-fireplace is mounted diagonally in the room with the possibility of fan installation upholstered furniture- armchairs or ottomans.
  2. Wall location. The most common installation option. However, it is worth considering the correct ratio of the size of the stove to the area of ​​the room: for a large living room or fireplace room, a large heating device would be ideal, respectively, for a small room it is better to opt for a small stove.
  3. Embedding in a niche. This is a rather complex and labor-intensive method of installing a fireplace, so it can only be carried out using initial stage home planning.
  4. Central location. Fireplace stoves installed in the middle of the room look very unusual and original. Their installation would be appropriate in spacious rooms with good insulation.

Steel or cast iron fireplace stoves for the home: rules for choosing

Today it is not difficult to buy a fireplace stove in Moscow. However, before you go in search of the ideal heating equipment, you need to set your priorities and carefully consider what you want this device to look like.

The main parameters taken into account when choosing this heating equipment are:

  • technical dimensions;
  • price policy;
  • design execution;
  • functionality;
  • safety;
  • durability.

Also on domestic market models of stove-fireplaces are presented, which differ in heated volume, firebox material, design features and power. Modern manufacturers of solid fuel equipment offer various types of devices:

  • with vertical tab;
  • with horizontal tab;
  • direct action
  • with secondary air flow (injection).

For a wood-burning stove-fireplace for a home, the price may depend on the material of manufacture, functionality and external design. Today you can buy heating equipment of this type, taking into account the chosen style direction interior of the room.

Separately, I would like to note the heating and cooking cast iron stoves and fireplaces for wood-burning homes. Such equipment makes it possible not only to effectively heat the house, but also to prepare food. Installations of this type are simply irreplaceable in country house or a cottage where there is no gas.

Where to buy a wood-burning stove for a home?

The KaminDom online store is a well-known online portal specializing in the sale of heating equipment. The catalog presents wood-burning stoves-fireplaces for summer cottages from famous manufacturers in the widest range.

Why should you buy a stove from us?

  • certified product quality;
  • original design solutions;
  • excellent view of the fire;
  • high percentage of equipment efficiency;
  • professional installation;
  • pleasant price offers;
  • Fast shipping.

You can always clarify the terms of purchase by contacting our managers by phone listed on the website. We are also always glad to see you in our store in Moscow. Our prices for steel and cast iron fireplace stoves are quite reasonable and worthy.