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» Why does a spider web appear on a plum tree? The best remedy for spider mites. Stone yellow sawfly

Why does a spider web appear on a plum tree? The best remedy for spider mites. Stone yellow sawfly

The most common pest in the garden and summer cottage is aphids. It affects plants, shrubs and trees. Plum is a favorite fruit tree for green (plum) and white aphids. During education large quantity colonies of pests, you can not only lose the entire harvest, but also the tree can completely die, since the aphids drink all the “juices” from the plant. Usually, the tree becomes covered with aphids after flowering. On plum trees, it attacks young shoots and leaves. Aphids on plums - how to fight what to process? We invite you to find out the answers to these questions from the article.

Aphids on plums - how to fight?

You can determine whether there are aphids on a plum if the following signs are present:

  • Young leaves begin to curl, the fruits appear wrinkled or deformed.
  • Newly emerging shoots stop growing and dry out.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow and become covered with a sticky and shiny coating due to the toxic substance secreted by aphids.

The sugary coating that covers the tree is also dangerous because it attracts ants. What to do to eliminate aphids? In order to prevent the occurrence of pests it is necessary:

  1. Early spring and late autumn remove from the tree all bark and dried branches that have peeled off the trunk. Damaged areas should be whitened with lime solution. This will help destroy existing accumulations of eggs and larvae, and prevent the formation of new ones.
  2. You should ensure that the soil does not dry out and mulch it.
  3. Remove weeds regularly and keep the area around the plum clean.
  4. Not far from the trees, you can plant parsley, dill, cilantro, which will repel insects with their smell.
  5. As soon as curled leaves appear, they should be removed immediately.

Folk remedies for fighting aphids on plums

To combat aphids, both traditional and chemical methods are used. The most popular folk remedies are:

  • Garlic infusion, which is prepared from 100 grams of garlic cloves (they can be replaced garlic arrows) and 5 liters of water. Leave for two days, add water to a volume of 10 liters and spray the trees.
  • A tobacco solution prepared in a proportion of three parts water and one part tobacco. It needs to brew for three days, and then treat the plantings with an odorous liquid. Tobacco will help get rid of not only aphids, but also caterpillars and copperheads.
  • Spraying with an infusion of herbs such as celandine (1 kg of herb per 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours), wormwood (0.5 buckets of fresh chopped herbs, add to full volume and leave for 24 hours, then boil for 30 minutes) helps well.

Before spraying, you must add 40 grams of grated laundry soap or up to 25 grams to any solution. washing powder. This will help the liquid stick better to the leaves, which is important when fighting aphids. In case of processing fruit trees chemical methods, you must follow the instructions. Treatment is carried out in the evening or morning, in the absence of wind, at least one month before the harvest ripens.

Treating plums against aphids

To destroy pests use:

  • "Inta-Vir", it cannot be used during the period of flowering and fruit set. Helps get rid of not only aphids, but also ants.
  • "BI - 58" One treatment is enough for the entire season. The drug is absorbed into the leaves on which the aphids feed, causing its death.
  • "Kinmiks". This product can be used several times a season, but each time you need to prepare a fresh solution. The duration of action of the drug is up to 3 weeks.

Now you know what to do when aphids appear on a plum: how to fight, what to process. The most important thing in the fight against aphids is not to miss the time when they appear. To do this, you need to inspect the plantings as often as possible and process them in a timely manner. Sometimes, when aphids first appear, it is enough to direct a powerful stream of water from a hose onto the tree, which will wash away the insects.

See also video:

Fighting aphids on plums

The scutellum of an adult female is hemispherical, smooth, shiny, dark brown, 3-3.5 mm long. In gardens it harms plums, apricots, and cherries.

When trees are severely damaged, it causes branches to dry out and sharply reduces fruiting. In the forests he lives on thorns. Overwinters as a second instar larva. At the end of April - beginning of May, a sharp difference is noticeable between the larvae of females and males. The male larvae elongate and are soon covered with a white glassy sheath, under which further transformation of the males occurs. The female larvae acquire a hemispherical shape. Males and adult females appear in May.

The period of egg laying by females lasts from June to the end of August. Throughout her life, the female lays 450-500 eggs, several eggs daily, from which larvae immediately hatch. They crawl out from under the female’s shield and, crawling a relatively short distance, stick to the branches, populating mainly young shoots. By autumn, the larvae enter the second instar, where they overwinter. Larvae of the first and second instars are able to move short distances. With the transition to the third instar in the spring, they already lose the ability to move and remain until the end of their lives in the places where they attached themselves.

The plum scale insect lays eggs continuously for three months, which is significantly different from the acacia scale insect, which lays all eggs at once in a short period of time.

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Distributed everywhere in middle lane Russia. The insect is pale green in color, with waxy, bluish-white fluff.

The eggs overwinter on the bark of young shoots, near the buds. While moving the scales apart fruit buds In plums, larvae hatch, which feed on the tops of the buds, and later move to the underside of young leaves and young shoots, where after a couple of days they transform into founding females and give rise to a colony of aphids. A rapid increase in the number of plum aphids occurs at the end of flowering. Colonies of aphids feeding on the pages cause their discoloration.

Damaged shoots wither and dry out. The flower stalks on which aphids feed are glued together by their secretions, the ovaries and buds dry out, the fruits become ugly and rot. In summer, some of the aphids fledge, fly to the reeds and reproduce in that place.

IN autumn time The aphids return to the plum tree, where they lay eggs that overwinter. During the summer, up to 10 generations of aphids begin.

Control measures

1. In the spring, when larvae appear and buds open on the leaves, spray the trees with 0.1% decis (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water), or 0.1% actara, or spark (1 pill per 10 liters of water).

2. When the leaves bloom, treat the trees with infusions of onions, dandelions, garlic, yarrow,

burdock, chamomile, wormwood, potato tops, celandine or ash.

3. Systematically cut basal shoots, on which aphids feed in summer.

4. Destroy weeds (in particular, bedstraw) in the garden.


Distributed everywhere in central Russia.

The adult insect (up to 5 mm in size) is shiny black in color, with pairs and yellow 2 legs of transparent wings with brown veins. The larva is curved, greenish-white or orange-yellow, with pairs of legs and a brown head.

Looks like a yellow plum sawfly larva.

The larvae overwinter in a dense cocoon in the ground at a depth of up to 10 cm. They pupate in the spring. Adult sawflies emerge from the ground 5-6 days before the plum blossoms, and at the beginning of flowering they begin to lay eggs. Females make an incision in the calyx of a bud or flower and place an egg in it. So, one female populates 20-30 buds. The larvae emerge from the eggs during the formation of fruit ovaries. They eat the pulp of the fruit and then damage the seeds.

The fruits are contaminated both by weeping excrement and as a result of damage by the apple sawfly. The larvae move from one fruit to the second and during the development period (20-30 days) they can damage 4-6 fruits. Having completed feeding, the larvae go into the ground, where they overwinter.

The pest begins in one generation.

Enormous damage is observed in wet, insulated years. Fruits damaged by larvae fall off in late May - early June.

Plum diseases - how to cure a fruit tree and avoid crop loss?

If the pest population is high in the garden, up to 95% of the plums may fall off.

Fallen fruits have a round entrance hole, and are filled with dark dust and brown secretions with a characteristic bug smell.

Control measures

1. Before flowering and immediately after it, spray the tree crowns with Intavir or Iskra (1 pill per 10 liters of water).

2. As they ripen, shake off damaged fruits, collect and destroy them along with the larvae in them.

In autumn, dig up the ground under the treetops.

fight and types of sawfly with it

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Plum stupa (Eurytoma schreineri)

Pest type: Pests of fruit crops

Row: Hymenoptera - Hymenoptera

Family: eurytomids - Eurytomidae

The zone of high harmfulness is the Forest-steppe and northern Steppe of Russia. Damages plums, cherry plums, apricots, cherries, cherries, and sloe.

The body of an adult fatty leg is slender, black, with a convex chest, the abdomen is oval, shiny, on a stalk, the eyes are black; wings transparent, with one longitudinal vein; tibiae and tarsi yellowish; the female is 5-6 mm long, the male is 4-5 mm long. The egg is up to 0.6 mm in size, glassy, ​​cloudy, oval, with a small process at the anterior end and a long stalk. The larva of younger instars is white, legless, oblong, slightly bent; older ones are barrel-shaped, milky white, up to 6 mm long. The pupa is 5 mm, at first milky white, before the adult emerges it is black.

The larvae, which have completed feeding, overwinter inside the stone. In spring, when the average daily air temperature reaches 11-12 °C, the larvae pupate.

The pupation period is extended and lasts about a month. The pupa develops in 13-16 days. The adult emerges through a round hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm gnawed out in the bone. Gnawing a hole lasts from 3 to 6 days. The insect cannot come out of dried seeds. The plum beetle's flight usually begins 5-6 days after the end of plum flowering. Mating occurs shortly after emergence. The lifespan of an imago is 6-8 days. They are active at air temperatures of 16-18 °C. Egg laying begins 3-4 days after departure. The female pierces the ovary of the fetus with her ovipositor and places one egg inside the unhardened stone. Fertility - 30-40 eggs.

Embryonic development is completed in 16-20 days. The revived larva is initially located near the wall of the stone and later bites into the core. Over the course of 25-30 days, the kernel is completely or almost completely eaten by the larva and turns into a loose, powdery mass. Mass shedding of damaged fruits begins at the end of June and reaches a maximum in the first half of July.

Diseases and pests of cherries and plums: photos and methods of control

The larvae, having finished feeding, remain inside the stone until the spring of next year. A significant part of the larvae (up to 50%) enters diapause and overwinters a second time (for a small number of individuals, a third overwintering is possible).

Protective measures. Collection and destruction of fallen fruits. Autumn processing soil in the inter-rows and near-trunk circles (adult insects cannot emerge from the seeds, which are located in the soil at a depth of 6-10 cm). When seed infestation exceeds 10%, 6-7 days after the end of plum flowering, during the mass summer of the plum, spray the trees with insecticides.

Photo gallery (click to enlarge):

Who among us doesn’t like to eat juicy, aromatic and tasty plums? This fruit is one of the most favorite for many gardeners; it makes excellent preserves and jams. But to collect bountiful harvest, it is important to create favorable conditions for the growth of a tree, to notice in time the danger, the occurrence of diseases and decisively fight them. And since growing and plum care in spring– this is a must, let’s consider the whole process step by step.

Caring for plums in spring: what not to forget?

Plum requires special attention already since spring. It is one of the first trees to begin to bloom, so it is important not to miss a single stage.

  • Stripping a tree. Root system It is recommended to cover any tree, especially if country cottage area is located in a place where winter is frequent very coldy. As soon as the frosts disappear, the “coats” can be removed from the tree.
  • Now is the time to prune your plum tree. To do this you will need pruning shears and attentiveness. It is necessary to clean the tree from old, frozen and pest-damaged branches. The main rule when pruning is to do it before the tree awakens.

  • Whitewash.

  • Fertilizer. Like all other plants, plums need adequate nutrition after a long winter hunger. It is recommended to refrain from organic fertilizers and use only mineral ones. They will saturate the tree with nitrogen and all important minerals much faster and more efficiently.

  • Watering. Abundant watering is important for plums, so you need to ensure regular irrigation. But it is important not to overdo it, especially before harvesting, because excessive humidity will make the fruits watery and unsweetened.

As for care, it is simple and even novice gardeners can do it. The plum tree is not picky and does not require undue attention, but it is a target for many pests that want to feast on its plants, fruits and bark system. How to prevent pest attacks and protect a tree from diseases?

Can the entire web, or rather its creators, pose a danger to trees and shrubs in a summer cottage?

To answer this question, we need to figure out who creates webs on plants and for what purposes.

So who is capable of creating a web in the garden?

A close relative of the spider in the class of arachnids, the mite, can entangle plants.

More precisely, its variety is the spider mite.

Fighting spider mites

This insect itself is very small, less than 1 mm in length. The mite creates a web in the form of transparent cloudy films with big amount small black dots are eggs.
It does not pose a danger to humans, as it feeds on plant sap. But for your garden, spider mites are a very nasty pest that can cause drying out like individual parts trees and shrubs, as well as entire plants. It poses the greatest danger to ornamental and fruit species.

It entangles the branches of trees and bushes with its web, lays eggs in it, from which young offspring then hatch. The young growth is absorbed into the plant, taking all the juices from it, leading to drying out. On branches affected by spider mites, the leaves quickly dry out and curl outward.


In the garden, other web creators may appear on plants - various needle- and leaf-eating insects belonging to the order Lepidoptera. These are butterflies whose caterpillars secrete spider threads to create cocoons. Most often in the garden you can find corydalis, moths, cocoon moths, moths, moths, moths and some other species.

The web created by caterpillars looks like a white powdery film or cotton wool, through which its creators themselves can be seen.

Spider cocoons can be individual or contain colonies of caterpillars, as, for example, in the ermine moth, which in the 90s of the last century destroyed a huge amount of bird cherry in the Moscow region. All the forests that had this tree in their undergrowth stood in a web, since the caterpillars entangled not only the bird cherry, but also nearby species.

Affected leaves are usually curled inward and entangled in cobwebs. When they are deployed, a caterpillar can be discovered. If you see such cobweb formations on garden plants, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to destroy insects and cobwebs.

How to get rid of cobwebs

There are two ways to get rid of pests:

  • For example, manually collect cocoons with caterpillars and cut off the affected leaves with scissors or garden pruners. Then the cocoons and leaves must be burned to prevent the caterpillars from crawling away and attacking the plants again. But this method control of spider pests is applicable only if the lesions are of a single local nature.
  • If the entire plant or most of it is affected, then without chemical treatment not enough. To do this, it is necessary to treat the crop with an aqueous solution of insecticidal drugs, such as Aktara, Confidor, Decis pro, Actellik and others. Spraying should be carried out 3 - 4 times with an interval of 4 - 5 days.

Spider webs are not harmful to plants

In the garden you can often see weaves of thin transparent threads. This is a web. It happens different sizes, colors - from transparent to white, with various inclusions. Its threads can create intricate patterns. It is not surprising that this phenomenon causes some concern for plants.

Most often we associate the web with the founder of its name - the spider. There are many species of spiders in the world, but only one jumping spider feeds on the green parts of tropical acacia trees. Other similar insects are entirely predators and consume insects or small animals. Therefore, the web, and the spider itself, which weaves it on plants, serve exclusively for catching insects or reproduction - they pose absolutely no danger to our trees and shrubs. Quite the contrary: spiders in in this case act as protectors of our gardens, catching pests in their nets. And since spiders and their webs do not harm plants, then there is no practical point in destroying them. But if you still find it unpleasant to see spider webs in the garden, then just gently brush them off with a broom so as not to harm the plants or break the branches.

Identifying the webs on a plant created by spiders is quite simple. It is an openwork weave of strong transparent threads. This structure distinguishes it from the webs produced by other creatures.

Caterpillars on drains cause a lot of problems. They damage ripening fruits and suck nutritious juices from the leaves. The ubiquitous leaf roller dominates on plum trees over other insect species. You can learn how to deal with caterpillars on plums from the proposed material, which describes the signs of the pest and how to influence it.

Reticulated leaf roller Adoxophyes orana F. R. (syn. A. reticulana Hb.. Cacoecia reticulana Hb.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 22 mm in females and 15 mm in males. The color of the forewings is yellow to light brown, with wavy broken transverse lines. The hind wings are light gray, slightly darker at the base.

The adult caterpillar is 18-22 mm long, dark green, with a small brown head and a greenish-brown thoracic shield. The pupa is greenish-brown, with a dark back, with 2 rows of scutes on the back, and 8 hooks at the end of the abdomen. Eggs in piles of 60-90 pieces covered with a shield yellow color. The female's fertility is up to 180 eggs. Third instar caterpillars overwinter in cracks in the bark, at the base of the buds, under dry leaves attached to the branch by a cobweb. In spring, caterpillars damage the buds, and then the rosettes of leaves and flowers, tightening them with cobwebs. At the end of the apple tree flowering, the caterpillars finish feeding and pupate in the folded leaves. After 10-15 days, the butterflies emerge, are nocturnal, fly for 20-30 days, and after fertilization, the females lay eggs. The hatched caterpillars feed for 30-35 days, damaging fruits and leaves, pupate in July and after 12-14 days the second generation appears. The net leaf roller is widespread everywhere, damaging all pome and stone fruit crops, as well as raspberries, roses, and birch.

Control measures. Before fighting the leaf roller on a plum tree, fruit trees are sprayed before flowering, in the bud release phase, and immediately after flowering with fufanon or kemifos.

Flat leaf roller Acleris rhom bana Den. et Schiff. (syn. Peronea contami-nana Hb., Acalla contaminana Hubn.) - a butterfly with a wingspan of 16-18 mm, brownish-red color. The caterpillars are 14 mm long, yellowish-green, with a brown head and two brown spots on the occipital shield. Butterflies overwinter in crevices of bark and under fallen leaves. In spring, eggs are laid at the base of the buds. The hatched caterpillars feed first on the buds and then on the young leaves, skeletonizing and gnawing out leaf tissue. Two generations of the pest develop. The leaf roller damages many fruit trees and berry bushes, mainly from the Rosaceae family. In some years, when in large numbers, it causes great damage to gardens.

Control measures. Spraying gardens when buds open and immediately after flowering with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos).

Look at these plum pests and the fight against them in the photo, which shows the signs of the insect and methods of destruction:

Pollinated aphids: treating plums for pests in spring

Plum aphid pollinated Hyaloplerus agindinis F. (syn. N. pruni Geoff) - a small sucking pest 2-3 mm long, pale green in color, covered with a bluish-white fluff of wax-like secretions. The eggs overwinter at the base of the buds, so it is advisable to treat plums for pests in the spring, when the larvae hatch. They feed on the juice of opening buds, and later on young leaves and growing shoots. The pest develops up to 10 generations; the aphid causes the greatest damage in June-July, when its numbers increase and all shoots with leaves are covered with aphids. The leaves do not curl, but remain small, underdeveloped, covered with larval skins, sooty fungi and gradually dry out. There are many ants on the branches that feed on the sweet secretions of aphids and for this staunchly protect the colonies from insect predators. When there are a large number of aphids, undigested juice drips from the trees, everything becomes covered with a black film of mycelium with spores, the trees lose their decorative appearance, and the fruits lose their marketable quality.

Plum control and treatment measures against pests consist of preventive spraying of trees in the spring, during bud break or immediately after flowering, with the drug fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos). When there is a large number of pests in summer time They carry out treatments with the same drugs, and also use Actellik, Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Inta-Vir, taking into account the waiting times for the drugs.

See what these plum pests look like in the photos demonstrating their characteristic features:

Roseate leafhopper: how to treat plums against pests after flowering

Rose leafhopper Typhlocyba rosae L. (syn. Edwardsiana rosae L.) - a small sucking insect of pale yellow or yellowish color, 3-3.5 mm long, 0.7 mm wide. Cicadas jump well and have two pairs of wings, which fold like a roof when at rest. The larvae are white, yellowish, with three pairs of legs and a pointed abdomen.

Before treating a plum tree for pests, you need to know that the eggs overwinter on the branches at the base of the buds; in the spring, mobile larvae hatch and suck the juice from the underside of the young leaves. The feeding and development of the larvae lasts two months - May and June. At the beginning of July, the larvae develop the rudiments of wings, and they turn into nymphs, and after ten days they become adult leafhoppers.

Before treating a plum after flowering for pests, you need to understand that when there is a large number of pests, numerous whitish-yellow dots and spots of necrosis appear on the damaged leaves, the leaves become marbled in color, and white larval skins remain on the underside of the leaf blades. This requires the destruction of plant debris. The leafhopper damages many fruit trees, berries and ornamental shrubs, especially from the Rosaceae family.

Control measures the same as against pollinated plum aphids.

False scale: how to spray a plum after flowering against pests

Acacia false scale Parthenolecanium corni Bouche. - a small sucking insect with pronounced sexual dimorphism. The female is convex, round-oval, red-brown in color with dark transverse stripes. Its length is 3-6.5 mm, width 2-5 mm.

Leads a sedentary lifestyle, attached to the bark of branches. The male has thin body 1.4-1.6 mm long, covered with a white coating. Vagabond larvae are oval, with three pairs of legs and antennae, first pale yellow, then red-brown. Older larvae overwinter; in the spring they move to young shoots, attach themselves, become convex, and their legs and antennae atrophy.

Females feed for 30-35 days and increase in size three times. The male larvae turn first into nymphs and then into small mosquitoes.

Before spraying a plum after flowering against pests, you need to know that the flight of males occurs in June. After fertilization, the surface of the female’s back becomes denser, a false shield is formed, under which she lays eggs, 1500-2800 eggs each. After a month, the larvae hatch, crawl away, stick to the leaves and petioles, and in September return to the branches where they overwinter.

When the pest population is large, branches and entire bushes gradually dry out. The false scale insect is polyphagous, found everywhere and causes great harm in orchards, especially berry bushes.

Control measures. Pruning and burning dried branches. Spraying trees and shrubs immediately after flowering with one of the following preparations: Fitoverm, Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik, Inta-Vir. If there is a large number of wandering larvae, spraying is repeated at the end of August - September, taking into account the waiting time for each drug.

Black sawfly: protecting plums from pests

Black plum sawfly Hoplocampa minuta Christ. (syn. H. fulvicornis Kl.) - a black, shiny insect 4-5 mm long, with yellow legs and two pairs of transparent membranous wings. The larva is greenish-white, with a brown head, and has twenty legs. The larvae overwinter in a dense cocoon in the soil at a depth of 10 cm, and pupate there in the spring. A few days before plum blossoms, adult insects emerge, and at the end of flowering, females lay eggs with their ovipositor, one at a time, in a cut in the calyx of a bud or flower. The female's fertility is 20-30 eggs. During the formation of the ovaries, the larvae hatch and bite into the fruit, damaging the pulp and then the seed of the fruit. Damaged fruits fall off. The feeding and development of the larva lasts 21-28 days, during which time it damages 4-6 fruits and then goes into the soil, where it overwinters. In large numbers, the sawfly can damage up to 95% of the fruits and almost completely destroy the crop.

Measures to control and protect plums against pests include spraying trees 5-6 days before flowering with fufanon or kemifos. Immediately after flowering ends, spraying should be repeated with the same preparations.

Spraying plums against other pests

Plum moth one color Tischeria gaunacella Dup . - small butterfly with narrow long wings. The caterpillar is green with a dark brown head and feeds on the leaf parenchyma, making a mine. Mines on the upper side of the leaf at the edge, large, spot-shaped, folded. The edge of the sheet bends upward, and sometimes completely covers the mine. The caterpillar pupates in a wide white cocoon in the middle of the mine. Two generations of the pest develop over the course of a year, the first causing harm in June, the second in September-October.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of fruit trees before flowering and immediately after flowering with fufanon or kemifos.

Upper thorn moth Stigmelk I plagicolella Stt. - a very small butterfly with a wingspan of up to 5 mm. The wings are thin, narrow, lanceolate, framed by a fringe of long shiny hairs. The head is covered with dense hairs, the first antennal segment is widened. The caterpillar is pale amber-yellow, shiny, with a reddish-brown head, and feeds on the leaf parenchyma, making a mine on the upper side of the leaf. The mine is initially snake-like, begins with a thin, slightly sinuous passage with a black line of excrement, and then immediately expands into a large spot, where the excrement is located in the middle. Harmful in June-September.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of trees immediately after flowering with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kemifos, actellik, kinmiks, spark, Inta-Vir.

Fruit moth Lithocolletis blancardella F. - a small butterfly with a wingspan of 8-10 mm. The wings are narrow, with a delicate fringe, the pattern of the front wings is complex and multi-colored. The caterpillars are small, yellow-green in color, live and feed inside the parenchyma, forming mines. The mines are oval, in the form of a brown film, located on the underside of the leaf; there can be 10 or more of them on one leaf. The tissues damaged by the caterpillar dry out, the leaf becomes deformed and falls prematurely. The pest causes great damage to fruit trees, forest species and berry bushes, especially in hot and dry summers, when its numbers increase significantly.

Control measures. Spraying gardens immediately after flowering with fufanon or its analogues (kemifos, karbofos).

Moth bicolor Cidaria bicolorata Hufn. - a night butterfly with a wingspan of 20-25 mm. The forewings are white, with a small brown spot at the base, and a very large brown spot at the anterior edge; There is a brownish or grayish border along the anterior edge of the front and hind wings. Caterpillars have only two pairs of abdominal legs, and therefore they move by bending double, as if measuring the surface with a span, which is why they got their name. The bicolor moth flies in July-August, the caterpillars damage deciduous trees and shrubs, and are found sporadically.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of trees before flowering and immediately after it with Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik, Iskra, Inta-Vir also reduces the number of moths in the garden.

Scoop Gamma Autographa gamma L. - a butterfly with a wingspan of 40-48 mm. The forewings are grayish-brown with a silvery-white spot in the shape of the Greek letter Y. The hind wings are grayish-yellow with a wide brown stripe along the outer edge. Caterpillars are up to 40 mm long, have three pairs of abdominal legs, and have a brownish-green head. The body color is greenish-yellow or green, there are white sinuous lines along the back, and wide pale yellow stripes on the sides, there are small spines with hairs, sessile on tall warts. The pupa is dark brown, 15-20 mm long, located inside an oval translucent cobwebby cocoon. Basically two generations of the pest develop. The flight of butterflies of the first generation occurs in June - early July, of the second generation - in August-September. Younger caterpillars skeletonize leaves, older ones eat leaves from the edges or eat holes, damaging buds and petals. When moving, the caterpillars bend in a loop-like manner. The caterpillars feed for 16-24 days, after which they pupate in a cobwebby cocoon on the leaves and shoots of the plants on which they previously fed.

The pupal stage lasts 7-13 days, after which a new generation of butterflies emerge. The development cycle of one generation is 26-44 days. The last generation of caterpillars pupate in the soil, where the pupa overwinters. The gamma armyworm is a polyphagous pest and feeds on more than 90 species of plants of various families, eating young leaves and shoots with buds.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of single caterpillars. In case of large numbers, spraying is carried out with one of the drugs: Fufanon, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Actellik, Iskra, Inta-Vir, taking into account the waiting time for the drugs.

Birch marshmallow, or birch tail Zephyrus betulae L. (syn. Thecla betulae L.) , is a small wide-winged butterfly of brown color with a wingspan of 30-33 mm. Body length 14-15 mm. The female has one large orange spot, the male has a barely noticeable grayish-yellowish spot with a black border. The hind wings have two yellow-red protrusions. The underside is brownish-yellow with a brownish transverse stripe bounded at the back by a white border. The caterpillar is green, thick, narrowed at the edges, 16-18 mm long, 6-7 mm thick, with a small brownish head. There is a longitudinal double yellow stripe on the back, and transverse yellowish-white lines on the sides. The flight of butterflies is observed in July-August, the feeding of caterpillars occurs in May-June. Damages all stone fruit crops, especially plums and sloe, and is sometimes found on bird cherry, birch, rowan and hazel. Distributed everywhere, but in small quantity and does not cause much harm.

Control measures. Preventive spraying of fruit trees before flowering and immediately after it with one of the preparations: fufanon, kemifos, actellik, kinmiks, spark, Inta-Vir also reduces the number of birch zephyr caterpillars.

Corner cover with white Polygonia c-album L . - a butterfly with a wingspan of 50-52 mm. The upper side of the wings is yellow-brown with dark brown spots and a brown border; the lower part is dark, gray-brown, on the hind wings with a white pattern in the form of the letter c. The wings are deeply serrated. The caterpillar is large, with large spines. The first half of the caterpillar's body is red and yellow, the back half is white, with red stripes on the sides. The pupa is reddish-gray, with gold and silver spots, hanging upside down on branches, plank walls and fences. The flight of butterflies is observed from March to October, the caterpillars feed in June - July, roughly eating the leaves of plants. More often found on currants, gooseberries, hops, and elms.

Control measures. Spraying plants before flowering and immediately after flowering with one of the preparations: fufanon, kemifos, kinmiks, actellik, spark, Inta-Vir. If the pest population is large, spraying is repeated in the summer, taking into account the waiting time for the preparations, or immediately after picking the berries.

Redtail, or garden woolly foot Dasychira pudibunda L ., is a large butterfly of yellowish-gray or grayish color, with a wingspan of 35-60 mm.

Females are larger than males, on the front yellowish-gray wings with brown pollination there are 2-3 wavy transverse dark stripes, the hind wings are grayish with a blurry dark transverse stripe and dark spot at the forefront. The color of males is ashy or dark gray. The caterpillars are 35-50 mm long, covered with dense hairs, the color is lemon yellow, sometimes pink, gray or dark brown, and there are four tassels of the same color on the back. At the end of the body, a tail of pink-red or crimson color is formed from long hairs. Black velvety stripes are visible between the tassels on the back. The pupa is 12-15 mm long, dark brown with reddish hairs. The eggs are light gray with a bluish tint. Pupae overwinter in cobweb cocoons between fallen leaves fastened with cobwebs, on branches and under loose bark.

In May-June, butterflies fly out and feed on nectar at dusk and at night. After fertilization, females lay eggs in groups (from 10 to 100) on tree branches. Soon caterpillars hatch, covered with long hairs, thanks to which they are carried by the wind to neighboring trees and shrubs. The caterpillars feed from June to September and damage all deciduous trees and shrubs, fruit and berry fields. ornamental plants meet all the time.

Control measures. Collecting and burning fallen leaves in early spring, collection and destruction of single caterpillars. In case of large numbers, spraying is carried out with one of the following drugs: fufanon, kemifos, actellik, kinmiks, spark, Inta-Vir.

Wood corrosive Zeuzera pyrina L . - a large moth with a wingspan of up to 70 mm. The female's abdomen is thick, with an ovipositor at the end. The male is smaller in size, with feathery antennae. There are 6 round dark green spots on the back. The eggs are small, yellow, oblong in shape. The caterpillar is 60 mm long and 7 mm wide, pale yellow, with a black head and black dots along the body. The wings are white, with numerous oval blue-green spots. Butterflies fly from July to September, laying eggs on branches and trunks of trees near the buds or in crevices of the bark. Each female lays up to 1000 eggs. The hatching caterpillars bite into the bark and feed on wood for two years, making large winding passages in the trunks. Then the caterpillars pupate and after the butterflies fly out, empty pupae remain in the bark of the trees. Butterflies cause great damage to deciduous trees, shrubs, and especially apple orchards, causing massive death of trees.

Control measures. Spraying trees and shrubs with a large number of flying butterflies with one of the following preparations: fufanon, kemifos, decis, actellik, kinmiks, spark, Inta-Vir. The caterpillars are baited in the passages with a 1% solution of fufanon or its analogues. The drug solution is injected into the hole made by the caterpillar, wets the caterpillar and kills it.

Spider mites are polyphagous pests that damage plants both in open and closed ground. It feeds and reproduces on the underside of leaves, under a canopy of thin cobwebs, along which it moves and hides.

During mass reproduction spider mite the web stretches between plants growing nearby, which can be completely covered with it, and a moving mass of pest bodies accumulates at the tips of shoots and leaves. At the same time, round dark brown or black excrement is noticeable in feeding areas.

First, all leaves are damaged, then the bulk of the mites move to the upper tier and damage the young upper leaves of plants, some flowers or fruits.

The body size of spider mites depends on gender: females are 0.4-0.6 mm long, males - 0.3-0.45 mm. The color in summer is greenish-yellow; in wintering females in autumn or early spring it is reddish or orange-yellow.

In open ground, spider mites appear in the second half of June and go to winter in early August. They overwinter under plant debris, in crevices of buildings, greenhouses, in mats and even in the surface layer of soil at a depth of 30-60 mm.

For spider mites, the optimal temperature is +25...+30ºС and relative humidity 35-55%. Under these conditions, full development takes place in 7.5-9 days. Therefore, in closed ground, spider mites can develop year-round, producing from 12 to 20 generations per year.

Spider mites are spread passively by humans and animals, by air currents on the web, and actively by their own movement. Oviposition remains viable for up to 5 years. Lives everywhere except Antarctica.

Damage from spider mites

Larvae and adult mites pierce the leaf membrane and suck out the contents of the cells. The damaged leaf loses nutrients, the amount of chlorophyll decreases - the process of photosynthesis is suspended, moisture evaporation from breaks in the epidermis increases - the water balance. During the feeding process, mites secrete enzymes that disrupt the metabolism in the leaf and cause cell death.

Damage from spider mites

The massive development of mites causes the formation of light spots in plants, similar to pin pricks (clearly visible from the upper side of the leaf or, even better, in the light), then marbled in color: pale yellow, red or silver spots (primarily along the central vein) , discoloration, cobwebs, drying or falling of leaves, flowers, ovaries, fruits, possible death of the entire plant. The plant becomes more susceptible to pathogens carried by the same spider mite (spores of the causative agent of gray rot and viruses). Leaf discoloration is often mistaken for a sign of soil depletion or some disease.

Risk group

Spider mites affect almost all plants except aquatic ones. The most serious damage is observed in the following species.

Agricultural plants: watermelon, eggplant, melon, onion, cassava, cucumber, pepper, rhubarb, beets, celery, soybeans, tomato, pumpkin, beans, cotton, hops, spinach and others.

Fruits and berries: quince, grapes, cherries, pears, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, chokeberries, plums, currants, mulberries, apple trees and others.

Ornamental trees and shrubs: bean, horse chestnut, juniper, robinia pseudoacacia, boxwood, mock orange and others.

Ornamental plants of indoor and open ground: abutilon, ageratum, aquilegia, aster, brugmansia, verbena, carnation, heliotrope, dahlia, gerbera, gladiolus, hydrangea, delphinium, dracaena, jasmine, cacti, calla, camellias, coleus, ivy, lilies, lupine, poppy, mallow, fern , different kinds palm trees, rhododendron (azalea), roses, salvia, rubber ficus, freesia, fuchsia, chrysanthemum, cyperus, citrus fruits, schefflera and others.

Spider mites on a houseplant

Various weeds - nettle, bindweed and others.


Timely and sufficient nutrition of plants with fertilizers and watering.
Destruction of weeds around and inside greenhouses, greenhouses, beds.
Deep autumn digging of the soil and destruction of post-harvest residues.
Folk remedies for spider mites

Wash the leaves with warm water and laundry soap or dishwashing detergent (for indoor plants). It is necessary not only to wash and treat the plants themselves, but also the window sill on which they stood, as well as the saucers and pots.
Infusion onions. Finely chop 15–20 g of onion, add 1 liter of water, stir and leave for 5–7 hours, after covering with a lid.
Dandelion infusion. 20 g of dandelion roots pour into 1 liter warm water, leave for 1 – 2 hours.
Garlic infusion. 150 - 170 g of garlic are pounded in a mortar or passed through a garlic press, add 1 liter of water, mix and leave in a dark place for 5 days, covered with a lid. To prepare a working solution, 5 - 6 ml of the resulting garlic concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water.
Less commonly used are also decoctions of cyclamen tubers and infusions of yarrow, datura vulgaris, potato tops, pyrethrum, horse sorrel, etc.
Medical alcohol. Only plants with hard leaves are treated with it. They are rubbed with a cotton swab slightly moistened with alcohol. The alcohol should be applied in a very thin layer so that it can evaporate quickly without causing burns.
Treating an orchid with medical alcohol against spider mites

Before starting to treat plants, you should conduct a test on one of the leaves.

Biological means of controlling spider mites

Use of a natural predator (only in closed ground) – the phytoseiulus bug. When the first foci of the pest appear, the bug is released at the rate of 10 - 60 individuals of the predator per 1 infected plant.
Spraying during the growing season biological drugs Akarin (2 ml/l of water) and Bitoxibacillin (80 - 100 g/10 l of water) during the growing season against each generation of the pest with an interval of 15 - 17 days. With the drug Fitoverm (10 ml per 10 liters of water) - with an interval of 7 – 10 to 14 – 20 days, depending on the age and size of the plant crown.
Bitoxibacillin destroys not only spider mites, but also predatory mites. This impact is long-term. In addition, it can cause allergies upon contact with treated plants.

Measures to actively combat spider mites

During the growing season, spraying plants with the following preparations: Actellik, Altyn, Antiklesch, Break, Vertimek, Danadim, Desant, Ditox, Evrodim, Karate Zeon, Karbofot, Kemifos, Kinfos, colloidal sulfur, Kungfu, Lambda-S, Novaktion, Omite, Sensei, Tagore , Terradim, Tiovit Jet, Fufanon.

Kidney damaged by spider mites

The vast majority of acaricidal drugs have contact and intestinal action, but some (for example, Actellik) also have a fumigant effect.

When using contact acaricides, more frequent re-applications are required. If there is a delay in spraying, the females have time to lay eggs and restore their numbers.

Treatments of any type should be carried out immediately after detection of spider mite settlements. The mite's web has a water-repellent property. The later the treatment is carried out, the more difficult it will be to achieve positive results even with high doses of the drug.

To avoid addiction, do not treat plants with the same preparation several times.

Before the first use, any drug must be tested on one plant. If the plant’s condition has not worsened within 24 hours, the drug can be used on all protected plants of this species.

Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read the label and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules.