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» How their human bodies are defined. Subtle human bodies, their shape and structure. Solar and Galactic bodies

How their human bodies are defined. Subtle human bodies, their shape and structure. Solar and Galactic bodies

Let's start our acquaintance with the structure of the human energy body. But before that, let us accept the following as an axiom. The energy body is an integral part of a person. Each person. Good and evil. Materialist and esoteric. Atheist and believer. Educated and ignorant. You may not believe in it, but it will not disappear from it. It has its own anatomy and features of functioning.

Consider the structure of the energy body, focusing on the use of this knowledge for practical purposes.

The energy body consists of the following units: the physical body and 6 "thin" bodies, energy centers, energy channels.

Thin human bodies. The human energy body has a layered structure, since all 7 bodies are like a nesting doll. Each new, higher layer of energy has a more subtle organization, its own characteristics and its own “site of responsibility”. Every body can be developed. Each of these bodies can be controlled. All seven bodies are connected to each other. They are all one and the connection between them is inseparable.

Physical body. This body is the carrier of all other, "subtle" bodies. There is no living person - there are no all other bodies. Subtle bodies are “strung” on the physical body. It is on this body - on a person who lives, thinks, feels, creates - that everything that all higher energy fields carry in themselves is manifested. The physical body is the summing up result of the activity of all subtle bodies. A person is healthy or sick, smart or stupid, happy or unhappy, cruel or kind - all this is a consequence and result of the organization of subtle bodies.

ethereal body. This is a thin layer of energy, 1-5 cm thick from the surface of the skin, in special cases - up to 10-15 cm, which a person radiates as a biological object. This layer was fixed by the Kirlian spouses, named as the “Kirlian effect”. The radiation and vibrations of the cells, organs and tissues of the body create their own field. This field is felt as a fairly elastic layer, which can be felt and distinguished by almost everyone. The layer of the etheric body is defined and "felt" in the form of light warm vibrations near the surface of the body. In places of accumulation of the energy of the disease - like cold depressions and bumps in the even surface of the layer.

This body is inhabited by the energy of disease, alien pathogenic energy, which harms health. Contact work with a patient involves finding similar foci and concentrating the energy of a specialist healer in the area of ​​these foci.

Seeing him is also easy enough, with basic astral vision skills. This is very similar to the visible vibrations of the air around hot objects on a hot day. The etheric body dissolves on the 9th day after the death of a person.

astral body. It's "aura". The next layer that follows the etheric body. In size, it can protrude beyond the surface of the body by several tens of centimeters, in special cases - more than a meter. Here lives a plexus of different types of energy. It is this layer that is involved in the energy exchange between people and the environment. The layer is heterogeneous in color and depends on the level of health, emotional state, tone, and the presence of other people's energies. We have also learned to photograph the aura.

In this layer, such energy-informational entities as spoilage, evil eye, love spell “live”. Settled entities are “planted” here. This layer needs to be pierced by the energy vampire in order to establish a connection with the victim. Energy and psychoenergetic blocks live in the astral body. This is where the chakras come into play. When working with negative influences, specialists work with the astral body, feeling and "pulling out" alien energy.

At the level of the astral body, work is underway with the human phantom. The astral body is in contact with the energy-informational entities of the astral world - spirits. Yogis after a long workout can show the focus of presence in two places at the same time. This they achieve by isolating their astral counterpart and colossally densifying their astral field. As a result, the phantom becomes dense and visible to ordinary vision. The astral body dissolves (dies) on the 40th day after the death of a person.

mental body. Part of the general information field of the Earth and the Universe. The mental body can extend beyond the physical body by several meters. Thoughts, accumulated baggage of knowledge and memories live here. The programs of zombies and manipulation of consciousness also live here.

How often I noticed that a person's character, behavior, type of thinking changed under the influence of destructive programs, especially love spells. After that, I concluded, and I am not the only one who thinks so, that the thought process is carried out not in the limited space of the cranium, but somewhere outside. in the mental body. And that this body can be influenced - "clean" or "dirt" it, inspire your thoughts and programs.

There is an ironic question: "Which place do you think?". Mental place...

A thought is born in a person, it is born precisely by the mental body. Or inspired through the mental body. You can “feel” the aura, but thoughts… You can feel them, you can even see them, but for this you should try very, very hard. Thoughts in potential are thought forms that are filled with energy, begin to build their energy-information matrix, and come to life. Remember the expression "What I was afraid of happened." The energy of emotion, in this case fear, brought the thought-form to life. This body is the realm of logic, thoughts and reflections.

The mental body also dissolves (dies) on the 40th day after the death of a person.

Karmic body or "body of fate". It hardly has clearly fixed and measurable contours. It bears the name “the body of fate”, because it is in this body, which is difficult to feel and observe, that a person carries through time and rebirth what is written in the family. This is exactly where it is written.

In this body, information about ourselves is accumulated during life in order to create our new “I” in the next life on the basis of our past life, the past “I”.

The Buddha said, "Everything we are is created by our thoughts." Our destiny is created by our actions, thoughts, emotions and is embodied in a new round of life after death and rebirth. The karmic body and bodies of higher levels are inherited from us from past lives. It is already with us from birth.

After our death, Someone sums up our life, and decides how we should live on. This is the program of our life, which is carried by the karmic body. And everything that will manifest itself later as a cause will be “recorded” in this body. This body gives impulses to the lower subtle bodies of a person, controlling them, and a person lives according to his destiny. Or learns to interact with his "body of destiny" and changes the course of his life.

Birth curses, the causes of karmic diseases live here. Here there are distortions of fate and violations of the normal course of events, which are the result of damage.

In order to enter the karmic body of a person, save him and his family from the curse, eliminate karmic diseases, influence his fate, you yourself need to have access to the higher fields of the Universe, to the space where the consciousness of a person originates, his soul and karma.

When working with events, you need to work not with the person himself, but with the field of events, with the karmic body. A person can be just a pawn played by forces that are stronger than the will of the person himself. It is worth referring to the very source of causes - to the karmic body.

Intuitive body or "buddhic body". Remember what I said about how the mental body is the realm of logic, thoughts and reflections? But the intuitive body is the realm of the extraconscious, the intuitive. It is a body of insights, sudden ideas, discoveries. It is here that the concepts of Good and Evil live. It is this body that forms our value system, our unconscious self. Here the transfer of the Divine Self to the level of the human Self is carried out. Chakra Sahaasrara is the transition in the energy body from the level of human energies to the level of Divine energies.

Intuitive body... The so-called insights occur when a person enters into resonance with the information field of the Universe and gets access to information directly, without reflection, distortion, hesitation. The American "sleeping" seer Edgar Cayce called this field of the Universe the "Akasha Chronicles". Casey himself gained access to information about people and about the future in a dream, turning off the distorting field of his consciousness, leaving a kind of "bridge" to the universal information base.

The intuitive body hides the phenomenon of prophecy, divination and clairvoyance. It is into this body that a person enters in altered states of consciousness. Here there is a contact with egregores. Religious ecstasy and meditative trance is a manifestation of a person's immersion in this body and higher bodies.

Atmic body. The highest body in the general structure of energy bodies. A part of a person, like a drop dissolved in the ocean of a single World Soul, God, the Absolute. It is part of God in man, and part of man in God. The level of the soul is the level of the atmic body. Nirvana, which many rave about and dream about, is the state of complete merging of one's soul with the infinite and unknowable absolute. At this level, the very essence of man, the idea of ​​man, his soul is born.

Understanding this, one can find the answer to the question “Is the soul mortal?”. The soul is immortal while the Absolute is immortal. That is, the soul of a single person was, is and always will be immortal. The applied side of work with the atmic body consists in prayer practice. In the Orthodox tradition, they pray for the soul, and not just for a person. And it is right. All other bodies can be reached more easily. You can work with the soul only by turning to God.

We all have 7 bodies. Let's briefly review (or relearn) about each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but this is not so. BODY PHYSICAL- this is just a space suit of a true person, which consists of subtle bodies. Our eyes are designed to see only dense material objects. But if we begin to develop spiritually, then more perfect parts of the brain and the vision of subtle objects will open. And in our world there are people who see the subtle plans of the surrounding life.

ethereal body is the matrix of the physical body, but in a subtle, spiritual-material form. If the organs of the etheric body are healthy, then they are automatically healthy in the dense body as well. And the etheric body will be healthy when the mental and astral bodies create healthy and clean organs in it through pure thoughts and good desires.

To the "seeing" the etheric body appears greyish-violet; short pale bluish rays emanate from it in all directions, the so-called AURA of health. If these rays are perpendicular to the surface of the body, the person is healthy; in the sick, they fall down and are confused, especially in that area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that is sick. It is these short rays, which are a manifestation of vitality, that repel illness from a person.

Some sources put the Etheric body in the explanations after the Mental one - the fourth one - explaining this by the fact that in terms of vibrations that exist in a modern person with his expanded consciousness, it surpasses both previous ones.

astral body- the body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are completely controlled by our highly spiritual bodies, then the need for an astral body will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped man is a cloudy, ill-defined mass of astral matter of a lower type, which is capable of responding to animal desires. Its color is dull - brown, muddy red and dirty green tones. Various passions appear in them as heavy waves; so, sexual passion causes a wave of cloudy carmine color. And a rush of anger - a red lightning with a bluish tinge.

The astral body of a moderately developed person is larger in size and has a luminous appearance. And the manifestation of higher emotions evokes in him a wonderful play of colors. Its outlines are clear, it takes on a resemblance to its owner. And the "wheels" of the chakras in it are already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person, on the other hand, consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is a beautiful sight in terms of radiance and color. Unprecedented shades appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the "wheels" indicates the activity of the higher centers; the absence of gross particles makes him unable to respond to the vibrations of low desires, and they rush past without being attracted or touching him.

Thinking or MENTAL BODY given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has a higher vibration than the astral body, and when it is fully turned on, the astral body does not participate in the joint work. The mental body is an expression of the Personality, but the Synthesis of incarnation is preserved in the higher, immortal nature of man.
It develops by clearing thoughts and expanding consciousness.

In a highly developed person, it is a beautiful sight of rapidly pulsating delicate and bright shades of light.
People engaged in mental and mental activity rarely plunge into that atmosphere of feelings and desires that are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal Triad of the human soul has the names Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise activity - will - wisdom).

CAUSAL BODY(manas) stores the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We were from different worlds, were men and women, rich and poor, kings and beggars ...
All of us had our memory erased for a while so as not to cause harm in our current existence. All people who have contact with us have had it in previous lives, and the memory of previous relationships can only hurt.

ATMIC BODY stores all the information about our present life - from the day of birth to the present day. It does not disappear with the death of the physical body, but is present with us until we learn and understand all the lessons destined for us.

BODY OF BUDDHI is the most important. It summarizes the entire experience of our soul, which has accumulated over the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the sphere of the Spirit (Atma-Buddhi) there is complete Unity, which says that we are all one in origin, one in the way of our evolution and one in the common goal of our being. The only difference between us is that some started their journey earlier and others later. Some went faster, others slower.

The recognition of the universal Brotherhood and the desire to realize it in earthly life is the strongest impetus for the development of the Higher nature of man.

Material taken from esoteric literature

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated with 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it, she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the environment for a comfortable existence
  • A tool for acquiring life experience through various lessons of Fate and working off karmic debts
  • A tool for fulfilling the program of the soul, its vocation and purpose in the current incarnation
  • Biological organism responsible for existence, life functions and basic needs

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is nourished by the energy of the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

etheric body

The first subtle body of man is ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Keeper and conductor of prana - the life force
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps to resist diseases at the energy level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, loses vigor
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revitalize the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society.
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

astral body

The astral or emotional body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything related to the emotional state of a person: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions
  • Provides a connection between the Ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to respond to external circumstances with certain emotions
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity.

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

mental body

The mental essence contains all the thoughts and conscious processes that occur in the brain. It is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. All that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body perishes on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic
  • Creation of thoughts
  • The repository of all information that penetrates the consciousness of a person from his very birth
  • A repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that each person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for the connection of emotions, feelings with memory and mind
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and needs, to benefit himself and others
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “disabled”, a person literally turns into an animal without a mind.
  • Controls all thought processes
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born together with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that have remained from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of the Higher Forces to “educate” a person, make him go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn how to work on your beliefs, control emotions and train awareness (control of thoughts).

Intuitive Body

The intuitive or buddhic body is the personification of the spiritual principle of man. It is by “turning on” the soul at this level that one can achieve a high degree of awareness and enlightenment.

This is a body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person must live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to perform the task needed in this place.

Watch a video about human subtle bodies:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the "composition" of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. "There is nothing but God, and God is in everything." A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the whole vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the Higher Mind
  2. Solar - the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth, depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth
  3. Galactic - the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy)

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: a certain energy is inherent in these entities. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions to the full and radiates the right vibrations.

The experience of the physical body is available to an ordinary person, the experience of the subtle body is available to an ordinary yogi, the enlightened yogi gains the experience of the Divine. God is one in everything and everything resides in him, so the physical body of a person, of which there are many, but for a simplified understanding, we conditionally divide them into 7-9 subtle bodies.

1. Physical body serves as an adaptation to existence in the conditions of a given planet and habitat. It serves as a tool and means of acquiring life experience, for performing the necessary actions in space when a person fulfills his personal, earthly and cosmic program on the physical plane. Physical the human body is a biological organism, which is the totality of all its constituent organs with different functions. These functions enable the soul to express itself on the physical plane, as part of a larger organism. The physical body is nourished by nine dominant chakras.

2. etheric body is the carrier and conductor of the vital force (Prana). Vital tone, endurance, resistance of the physical body to infections are determined by the energy level of the etheric body. Hunger, thirst, satiety, drowsiness, fatigue, cheerfulness are the influence and manifestation of the energies of the etheric body.

The etheric body has one main purpose: to revitalize and energize the physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. This is a bundle of energy flows, lines of power and Light. Cosmic forces flow along these energy lines, just as blood flows through veins and arteries. Such a constant individual - human, planetary and solar - circulation of vital forces through the etheric bodies of forms is the basis of all manifested life and an expression of the essential indissolubility of universal life. The etheric body completely repeats the physical, sometimes it is called the etheric double of a person. It is believed that the etheric body also dies on the 9th day after the death of a person.

3. astral body. The area of ​​vibrations of this body is convincingly manifested in the energies of passions, emotions, desires. The astral or desire body (sometimes also called the emotional body) is the result of the interaction between desire and the central self, the result of which is manifested as emotion. The right hemisphere coordinates the activity of the emotional body of a person, forming the energy of the emotional body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the left half of the body. the astral body dies only on the 40th day. In the occult this is called the second death.

In the etheric and astral bodies, according to the ancient and modern spirit-seers, ninety percent of the causes and ill health of a person are hidden.

4. Mental body- this is the body of thoughts, logic and knowledge of a person in the process. There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms. Heraclitus told us that “the power of thinking is outside the body”, that is, that thinking is by no means based on the physiological functions of the protein bodily organization, although, as an information process that takes place in the body, it is associated with a function. The direct material structure, the functioning of which generates thought as an informational image, is the field formation of the biosystem. Complex thin bodies not only provides all the work of the body at the physiological and mental levels, not only serves as a repository of information, but is also a tool for thinking. The brain is a reading device that allows you to draw information from the human biofield system and the information field of the Universe. It only reflects the development of a mental act that takes place in a different dimensional area: the brain does not think, because the mental process is taken out of this organ. Remember!!! The brain is not an organ of thought, feelings, consciousness and memory, but it is that which links consciousness, feelings, thoughts and memory with real life, makes it listen to real needs and makes them capable of useful action.

The brain has nothing to do with consciousness. He perceives information from the sphere of consciousness and forms it into a sequence of influences on the nerve centers, and they - on the muscles of one or another organ of the physical body. What we today call instinct is the basic set of functions of the human brain. The sphere of consciousness carries out all the intellectual and emotional processes in the human being. and decision-making are carried out outside our brain, outside our physical body, they are carried out in a different dimension - in the sphere of consciousness, and work out only the consequence of the thinking process - its result.

The human brain is a control system of the physical body and a channel of communication between the physical body and the human consciousness.

The left hemisphere coordinates the activity of the human mental body, forming the energy of the human mental body from the energy of the etheric body based on the interaction of the energy meridians of the right half of the body. This body perishes after the death of a person on the 90th day.

Reviewed three subtle human bodies along with the physical body belong to our material world, are born and die together with man.

5. Causal body or causal (karmic) . This is the body of our actions, ideas and perceptions, it is expressed in our intellect. It is this body that is our own “caretaker”, which is engaged in the “education” of a person in accordance with the requirements of the Higher powers.

Since the causal body is located in close proximity to the body of emotions and the body of knowledge, it has full possibility, beliefs and real actions. And, noticing violations, take measures to correct our erroneous emotions or beliefs. The emotional (astral) and mental bodies, interacting with each other, form the energy of the next body - the causal or causal body.

6. Buddhic body or intuitive - the spiritual principle or the body of consciousness (soul), which expresses itself in the insight of a person.

This intuitive energy body concentrates the higher unconscious processes. It is also called the "body of values" of a person, a body that is the result of the interaction of the astral-mental body of a person with the astral-mental body of the area. It is not for nothing that many nations have a belief that a person must live and die where he was born. The buddhic body and the energy of the locality prescribe to a person the fulfillment of a certain task that is necessary for the given locality.

7. Atmanic body - the body of ideals, the divine principle, the spark of God or the body of the Spirit.

The Earth, due to its role in the solar system, the asymmetry of the structure, global climatic and tectonic processes, also has its own astral-mental charge. The interaction of this charge with the astral-mental field of a person forms the 7th body based on the interaction of all channels and extrameridial points.

This body provides communication with the Higher Mind, receives from it the information necessary for a person and transfers the necessary information there.

8. Solar body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the solar system. It is most fully studied by astrology and it is astrological patterns, with the exception of the influence of stars and constellations, that determine the interaction of human energy with planets. It is the planets, their influence at birth, their location in the sky, that form the energy of the eighth body, as well as the energy potentials of the corresponding human organs.

9. galactic body is formed due to the interaction of the astral-mental field of a person with the astral-mental field of the Galaxy.

The eighth and ninth bodies have the highest structure of subtle bodies and human fields.

As already mentioned, matter manifests itself in a person in energies of various vibration ranges: from a more “gross”, visible physical body to more “subtle” and completely “refined” vibrations of the invisible higher Triad of a person.

Each of the bodies has its own reserve of power - energy of a certain quality and level of "density", "subtlety" of vibrations. A person must be able to keep the physical and subtle bodies in harmony, in unity and purity. All subtle bodies permeate the physical body just as water soaks a sponge. Possessing their own reserve of strength (energy), they can function independently of the physical body and are not mechanically connected with it.

The average person does not function well subtle bodies only for the reason that we do not feed them properly. Eating only rough food, we litter and ruin all our bodies. Nutrition with subtle energies contributes to the growth of the functioning of not only subtle bodies, but the whole person as a whole. To achieve success on the path of spiritual growth, it is very important to eat only that food, which is the totality of human bodies.

A warning to all: and remember that the intangible world of thought controls and governs the physical world.