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» Why does rust appear on garlic leaves? Garlic rust - remove plants or leave until harvest. Folk remedies against viral diseases

Why does rust appear on garlic leaves? Garlic rust - remove plants or leave until harvest. Folk remedies against viral diseases

A hot and humid summer after a long, cold spring brings gardeners not only the joy of long-awaited warmth, but also problems with fungal diseases of crops that actively spread in such conditions. Therefore, garlic rust is a common occurrence, but what to do if you find suspicious spots on the leaves of the crop? Let's find out...

Garlic rust is caused by a pathogenic fungus Puccinia allii, which, in addition to garlic, attacks most others vegetable crops- greens, legumes, does not spare fruit and berry bushes, flowers and fruit trees.

Fungus spores spread with the wind, so the disease is easily transmitted from diseased plants to healthy ones.

It is not difficult to recognize garlic rust. The leaves become covered with yellow-orange pustules, after which they begin to dry out.

What should the gardener do in this case?

If the disease appears at the beginning of the season, then you can lose the entire harvest, since due to the drying of the tops, the developing bulb does not receive nutrients, therefore, its quality and size will be far from the desired result.

Measures to save garlic from rust at the beginning of the season include complete pruning of infected foliage, spraying the bed with Bordeaux mixture, to which starch paste is added as a natural adjuvant - so that the composition stays on the plants longer. Then to alleviate stress and promptly supply garlic plants nutrients To quickly form the “correct” bulbs, spray the garlic. Only those plants that have turned brown and look completely unviable should be removed.

In the event that the disease is activated in the middle of the season, it is enough to trim diseased leaves and combine Folirus treatment, which supports the plant’s immunity, with the methods of “ traditional medicine"(for example, wipe the affected parts of the plant with a saline solution - a glass of salt in a bucket of water).

Here's what Linda, a specialist in organic farming from America, host of the blog “Betty's Garden”.

“I had garlic that was so infested with rust that I had to cut off almost all of its leaves. All that was left was a healthy green stem that stood alone for the next three weeks until harvest. As a result, I got a quite tasty medium-sized onion.

Above is a comparison of a healthy head of garlic with a bulb from that plant infected with rust. You see that the head from a diseased plant is smaller, but this garlic is safe for consumption.”

Measures to prevent garlic rust include the following:

  • Maintaining crop rotation. Do not plant garlic in the same place from year to year, make a three-year interval, and use mustard as a green manure, which heals the soil.
  • You should not have onion and garlic beds nearby. These cultures become infected from each other very quickly.
  • Monitor your garlic bed once a week. Remove any leaves that are yellowed or showing signs of disease immediately.
  • Plan your beds for sunny side. Do not thicken the plantings. Avoid watering your plants late in the day, and especially avoid getting water on the leaves unless they have a chance to dry until the evening. A month before harvesting, stop watering completely.

When growing garlic, everyone should be aware that they may be exposed to a variety of diseases and pests. In order to get rid of them or prevent their occurrence, preventive and protective-destructive measures should be applied in a timely manner. It is worth noting that this plant can be exposed to diseases not only during the growing season, but also during improper storage at home.

Garlic diseases and measures to combat them

So, before you start planting garlic, you should know what diseases affect this plant. Most of them negatively affect its growth. Some diseases are very dangerous, so untimely disposal of them can lead to the death of the plant. It follows from this that garlic diseases should be eliminated by the gardener as quickly as possible.

One of the most dangerous ailments for this plant is rust. It is a fungal disease that has the ability to attack the stems and leaves of garlic. The symptoms of this disease can be varied. This is due to the fact that they depend on what kind of fungus has infected the plant. This could be Puccinia porri Wint., P. allii Rud. or Melampsora allii-populina Kleb. As for the first two pathogens, their main signs are the appearance of spots on the leaves of the plant light color. Over time they become brown and light brown. The latter fungus, in turn, provokes the formation of yellow oval and round dots with red-orange pads on the leaves and stems of garlic. Rust negatively affects the condition of the leaves and stems of the plant. Moreover, the main reasons for its occurrence are considered to be the following:

  • presence of excess moisture (this could be dew or irrigation)
  • too much heat air

The danger of rust lies in the fact that this fungal disease has the ability to be transferred to healthy plants by the wind. In order to eliminate it, you should use for spraying a 0.4% suspension of 80% zineb or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture with adhesives (skim milk or paste in an amount of 0.25%). For prevention, in turn, the gardener needs to treat garlic against diseases. To do this, it is enough to use a formaldehyde solution in a percentage ratio of 1: 250. Dip garlic into this liquid. After removal from this solution, place the cloves under a tarp and dry for about 2 hours. During this time, they will not only become dry, but also ventilate after chemical treatment.

Treatment of garlic against diseases

Every owner should know about garlic diseases and measures to combat them. land plot. Another very unpleasant and quite common ailment is bacteriosis. The first signs of this disease appear during plant storage. Sores or stripes form on the surface of the cloves, extending upward from the bottom. Over time, the clove becomes yellow. As a rule, this disease occurs when garlic is stored improperly. This plant can become infected with bacteriosis if an unripe or poorly dried head is located next to it. The main measure to combat bacteriosis is the use of cloves exclusively from dry and healthy heads. Before you start planting garlic, it should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Another very unpleasant and Fusarium is a dangerous disease for garlic . This fungus, as a rule, appears during the growing season of the plant. If it is not dealt with in a timely manner, the bulb itself softens and the garlic completely dies. This disease very often develops at elevated air temperatures or excessive humidity. The danger of this fungal disease is that after death, the garlic bulbs become mummified and are transmitted to other plants. In order to rid the soil of this disease, a person should treat it using effective remedy"HOME".

Cervical rot
It is considered another of the most common diseases of garlic. It occurs during storage of the heads, although the infection itself occurs before harvesting the fruit during the period of lodging of the leaves. This disease appears in case of excessive soil moisture and during cool weather. Another reason for the appearance of neck rot is an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers. The first signs of occurrence of this disease softening of the tissue of the bulb in the neck area is considered. Over time, spots form on the scales gray. In order to prevent the appearance of neck rot, the owner of the land must apply nitrogen fertilizers only at the beginning of garlic growth. In addition, it should be collected only in dry weather. Before planting the plant, the soil and planting material itself must be disinfected with preparations containing copper.

When garlic is stored at too high an air temperature, the risk of such a disease as black mold. This fungal disease causes mummification of infected bulbs. Prevention of this type of garlic disease involves constant inspection of the bulbs. If they become infected, they should be thrown away to prevent the spread of fungal spores.

Garlic pests

In addition to diseases, there are also pests of garlic. There are quite a lot of them (about 100). One of the most dangerous pest It is considered to be a stem nematode. This organism is a worm 1 to 1.5 mm long. It has the ability to lay eggs in the tissues of the bottom of garlic. The nematode develops at temperatures from 10 to 14°C. This pest overwinters not only in the plant bulbs themselves, but also in the soil. The first signs of the presence of this pest are the formation of gray dots on the bulbs. They are practically invisible to the naked eye, but over time the presence of such spots leads to rot of the garlic cloves and bulb tissue. To prevent the appearance of stem nematodes on garlic, the owner of the land should disinfect the storage area with bleach, sulfur dioxide or formaldehyde. To improve the health of garlic, you can also soak the plant in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Its temperature should be approximately 50°C. In addition, 0.05% potassium permanganate can be used for soaking (for 1 day).

Root mite is also considered a rather dangerous pest. It is invisible to the naked eye. Despite this, this pest causes a lot of harm to the plant. First, he penetrates the bulb and grinds it down. After this, the root mite gets between the scales of the cloves and provokes their rotting.

Another rather dangerous pest of garlic is the onion moth. It is a small moth with a length of about 8 mm and a wingspan of 14 mm. June is considered to be the period when onion moths appear. At this time, she lays eggs on the leaves and flower shoots of the plant. A very effective remedy for combating this butterfly and its larvae is a metaphos suspension or a 0.15% nicotine solution. As preventive measures the owner of the land must observe crop rotation and add the necessary fertilizers from time to time.

The onion leaf beetle is also a fairly common pest of garlic. It is a beetle whose length is about 7 mm. This pest usually appears when the soil thaws. During the sprouting period of garlic, the onion leaf beetle gnaws its leaves. After 20 days of life of the larvae, they pupate into the ground. This is where they spend the winter. For prevention, the owner of the land plot needs to carry out spraying planting material using a 0.2% solution of phosphamide (40% e.c.). The consumption of this liquid should be approximately 500-600 l/ha.

Even though garlic is enough unpretentious plant, it requires regular maintenance and careful inspection. In order to prevent the occurrence of any diseases or pests, the gardener must carry out preventive measures. So, this plant has the following features:

  1. Garlic can be affected by diseases and pests.
  2. To prevent them from appearing, keep the garlic dry.
  3. One of the most common causes of disease is high air temperature and excess moisture.
  4. Systematic feeding mineral fertilizers prevents pests from appearing in garlic.
  5. Prevention and treatment of garlic against diseases involves the use of special solutions.
  6. If infection has already occurred, the affected garlic should be discarded immediately.
  7. For favorable growth For this plant, you need to dig up the soil in time and remove rotten bulbs.
  8. Before planting garlic, it must be carefully inspected.
  9. The owner of the land plot must strictly adhere to crop rotation.
  10. Garlic must be planted and harvested on time.

Garlic cures many diseases, but it can also cause illness.
Rust especially causes a lot of trouble for gardeners. It affects weak plants the most.

Stay away from purchased planting material that arouses suspicion; it is advisable to disinfect it, bay hot water(+50° C) and keeping the teeth in it for 10-15 minutes. After such a hot “bath”, garlic with suspicious spots and spoiled cloves is rejected. The remaining slices should be sprinkled with lime or crushed chalk.

Advice from the "Household"

To prevent garlic from “picking up” diseases and viruses from the soil, do not return the plantings to the place where onions and garlic grew for at least four years.

A weak solution of formaldehyde has a very beneficial effect on planting material: 40 ml per 120 liters of water. The teeth are kept in this solution for two hours. It is advisable to spill the beds with Fitosporin-M: 15 ml per 10 liters of water. Copper oxychloride (CHOM) or 1% Bordeaux mixture can also be used for the same purposes.

If the disease does appear, the plants are treated with Acrobat or Ridomil solution. Spraying is carried out at intervals of 14 days, and only a month before harvesting the treatments are stopped.

You can use the broad antifungal drug Alirin-B to fight fungus. He gives especially good results on plants with the first signs of disease, and at the same time increases plant immunity. The drug Gamair has a very similar effect. The drugs Kuproxat, Champion, Medyan extra and other substitutes for Bordeaux mixture also help to cope with the fungus.

At the right approach You can prevent the development of the disease and preserve the beneficial properties of this valuable plant.

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Despite the fact that garlic has numerous beneficial properties, it, like other plants, is susceptible a large number dangers and threats. These could be fungal infections, infections or garlic diseases. Garlic pests cause considerable harm; in addition to damage from direct life activity, they most often carry dangerous bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi. If you want healthy garlic, you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to maintaining its health throughout the growing period.

It is difficult to grow healthy garlic, as the plant is susceptible to many diseases.

As mentioned above, garlic diseases can be of different types. The causative agents can be bacteria or fungi.

Knowledge of the causes and signs of painful lesions will help identify the threat in the early stages, and information about control measures will help you cope with the disease or prevent its occurrence.

Main diseases of garlic - photo and name


One of the most dangerous lesions of garlic is rust. Signs of the disease:

  • The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.
  • The dots gradually grow, the yellowness turns black, and new areas of the lesion turn yellow.
  • Gradually, rust covers the entire sheet.
  • Often the defeat is accompanied by the appearance of yellow convex dots on the leaves. They grow and become red.
  • Rust causes leaves to die. Such processes affect the activity of biological processes in the plant, nutrients begin to flow in small quantities, and as a result, the bulbs stop forming and growing.

Rust on garlic appears as a red coating.

Rust damage leads to a decrease in crop size and quality indicators.

Processing of seed tines by special means. The slices are filled with a 40% formaldehyde solution and kept in it for 100-140 minutes. The solution is prepared in the following ratios: 40 milliliters of substance per 120 liters of water. Garlic beds are treated with a solution of the drug “Fitosporin-M”. For 10 liters of water, up to 15 milliliters of the drug is consumed. For these purposes, you can use a 1% solution Bordeaux mixture or an inorganic fungicide (copper chloride).

The drug Hom serves as a preventive measure for many diseases.

If lesions appear on growing garlic, it is treated by spraying copper sulfate or fungicide "Hom", which contains copper oxychloride. As an effective means of control, it is recommended to mix the drug “Hom” with tar soap, which is finely rubbed before mixing. Spraying should not be carried out more than once every 12-15 days. Treatment with drugs must be stopped a month before harvesting. Otherwise, the harvested bulbs will contain high concentrations harmful substances– copper salts, which “weather” over a period of 21-28 days.

Drugs that are used to counteract peronosporosis are suitable as treatment measures.

The antifungal agent "Alirin-G" helps improve the plant's immunity. Its use is effective in the early stages of rust damage. Usage wide range fungicidal agents - “Gamair”, “Kuproksat”, “Champion”.


The most favorable environment for the development of the disease is in regions with hot summers and moderate winters. For this reason, fusarium is most common and dangerous in the south. Infection with this disease can lead to loss of up to 80% of the crop. Fusarium affects the bulbs directly in the soil. The sources of this rot can be residues in the soil or poor-quality water for irrigation.

Signs of the disease:

  • Rapid yellowing and drying of leaves from tips to base.
  • The stems are covered with brown streaks.
  • A pink coating appears in the leaf axils.
  • The bulbs soften.
  • Fusarium mycelia appear in the cloves. They may have a white, pinkish or yellow tint.
  • The roots rot and die.
  • The development of the disease leads to the death of the entire plant.

Fusarium of garlic may appear during storage

Prevention and countermeasures

  • Creating favorable temperature and humidity conditions in the room used for storing planting material. High temperature and humidity are a favorable environment for fusarium.
  • Fungicide treatment.
  • Competent preparation and selection seed material.
  • Maintaining the quality of the soil.

Downy mildew

Another name for the disease is false powdery mildew. A fairly common and unpleasant fungal infection of garlic.

Reason for development:

  • Regions with high humidity soils and abundant precipitation during the active season.
  • Use of contaminated seed materials.
  • Poor quality soil treatment to remove organic residues containing fungus.

Downy mildew of garlic is carried by the wind

Signs of the disease:

  • The top of the stem turns yellow.
  • Gradually the yellowed area dries out. The green color of the stems and leaves fades.
  • The blanching develops into yellowing and deformation of the stems.
  • Slows down overall growth and plant development. It visually weakens.

It can easily acquire the character of an epidemic, quickly affecting large areas of crops susceptible to the disease. Spread by spores carried by the wind.

At strong winds the fungus can “migrate” for quite a long time long distance, and become an “unexpected guest” in an area where there are no prerequisites for the development of a lesion.

Prevention and countermeasures

Peronosporosis fungus is sensitive to direct sun rays and bright light, does not tolerate dry and hot weather. The establishment of a long period of favorable weather leads to the death of the main foci of the fungus.

Before sowing, the garlic heads are heated in the sun for 1-2 days. Optimal temperature— +40 degrees. The harvested crop is dried and warmed up in the same way, but it is worth remembering that direct sunlight may reduce the shelf life of garlic.

Treatment with potassium permanganate before planting will protect the plant

Treatment with complex fungicides “Tiram”, “Fentiuram”, “Polycarbocin”, “Arcerida”. Fungicides must be applied strictly according to the instructions in the instructions. A solution of the drug "Thiram", in a small concentration (2-3%), can be used to treat garlic seed. To do this, the cloves are kept in the solution for 20-25 minutes.

Treatment of young plants with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. The buds on the arrows can be treated with the drug “Polychom”.

Garlic bacteriosis affects the plant, despite the presence of phytoncides (substances that destroy bacteria) in large quantities. The disease can cause serious harm to the qualitative and quantitative indicators of yield. Bacteria attack garlic at the growth stage, as well as when the bulbs are collected and stored.

Reason for development:

  • Insufficient saturation of the soil with nutrients and mineral elements.
  • Life activity of insects.
  • Harvesting unripe garlic, storing wet and undried harvest.
  • Severe humidity or high temperature in the storage area.

Bacterial rot will quickly destroy the entire crop

Signs of the disease:

Defeat on initial stages growing season leads to rotting of the cloves. As a result, the garlic does not sprout. Bacteriosis appears on the cloves in the form of ulcers with a brownish-yellowish tint. The ulcer gradually grows and covers the entire garlic.

A sign of the presence of bacterial rot can be the “transparency” of the lobules. “Transparency” gradually turns into mucus. Garlic acquires a characteristic pungent and unpleasant odor.

Prevention and countermeasures

A favorable environment for bacteria is organic plant residues. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly clean the soil of all kinds of residues every season. They need to be collected in piles and burned. Carefully dig up the soil, removing all last year's organic matter.

  • The bacteria are carried by insects - garlic pests. Fighting them reduces the likelihood of defeat.
  • The period between sowings on one site should not occur more than once every four years. The earth must “rest.”
  • Soil treatment with Hom.
  • Timely harvesting of ripe harvest.
  • Planting garlic in areas that do not border the growing beds of late vegetables and crops.
  • High-quality soil fertilizer.
  • High-quality drying. You need to spend at least 8-12 days on this. Drying should be carried out in a ventilated and dry room at a temperature of 21-23 degrees above zero.
  • Treatment of seed material with formaldehyde.

Drying garlic: do not remove the stems immediately, let them dry completely

Compliance with humidity conditions during storage. For spring garlic, the normal rate is 60-70% at constant temperature within 16-18 degrees above zero. For winter garlic, these figures are 70% plus 1-4 degrees.

Neck rot of garlic

Most often, garlic is affected in parallel with fungal diseases. Gray neck rot actively affects the harvested bulbs in storage or during transportation. The main source of development of this rot is organic residues from last year's harvest.

Cervical rot is initially invisible under the husk

Signs of the disease:

  1. Symptoms are difficult to identify, especially in initial stages development.
  2. Appears on the stems in the form of small spots white with greenish borders. Spots appear at the base of the leaves.
  3. Gradually, the stem dries out in places where there are spots, acquiring a yellow color.
  4. The stems break off at the affected areas.
  5. Gray spots appear on the teeth, which gradually grow and multiply, covering the entire bulb.
  6. The garlic chips soften from the base areas. They gradually undergo rotting processes with a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Prevention and countermeasures

Compliance with temperature and humidity conditions during storage and transportation. Timely harvesting of ripe garlic. Treatment and disinfection of storage areas before use. Destruction of affected bulbs. Processing of seed and soil.

01 07.18

Has rust “attacked” the garlic? We'll tell you how to get rid of it.


Everyone who has a vegetable garden hopes to get good harvest. But creating is not enough good conditions for growing crops, timely watering and fertilizing. It is important to combat pests and get rid of fungal and infectious diseases.

Garlic is a crop that is more often affected by insects and diseases than others. The owner of the plot should not be upset ahead of time, since not all garlic diseases harm the harvest.

Most of them can be dealt with effectively. The complex of preventive measures should not be underestimated. This will make it possible to protect the plant from disease.

How to detect rust

Rust got its name because this is how the disease manifests itself. You can see it if you carefully examine the leaves. Pale yellow or red spots appear on them. If the disease is in advanced stages, then all the leaves appear “rusty.” The spots have a convex shape. Outwardly, they appear like orange spores covering the leaves of garlic. Over time, the leaves turn black and dry out.

Rust is considered a fungal disease. The fungus appears and develops throughout its life, choosing one plant. The disease can develop due to the fact that infection remains from previous plantings. Often, the cause of the disease is the presence of perennial onions in the neighborhood, next to the garlic.

The Central European part of Russia is the area where this disease is widespread. Is the disease dangerous? Certainly! It seriously harms the culture. Because of her negative impact the harvest will be several times less than planned.

How to remove garlic rust. Effective methods.

Because on the territory Russian Federation rust has spread widely, it is advisable to take measures to prevent the disease before planting garlic in the soil. Experienced gardeners the material for sowing is heated in the oven for 12 hours. You can warm it up in the sun, or use other methods. It is important that for warming up the air temperature is high (35 - 40 ° C).

There is also good method. Before planting the crop in open ground, garlic cloves are disinfected with formalin solution. Before sowing, peel the garlic cloves.

Place in bags. The solution should be prepared as follows: water (250 parts) and formaldehyde 40% (1 part). A bag of garlic is dipped in this solution for 10 minutes. Then the bag is placed in a tarpaulin or rubber material (the main thing is that it does not allow air to pass through) for a couple of hours. The final stage- ventilate in the shade.

A good preventive measure is to plant garlic as far as possible from perennial onions. When the harvest is harvested, all plant remains, weeds, leaves must be removed from the bed where garlic is supposed to be planted in the future.

As soon as it becomes noticeable that signs of the disease have appeared in the garden bed, all affected leaves must be removed. If the disease is detected in a timely manner, the pathogen can be eliminated. Then there is a chance to prevent the rust from spreading further.