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» Why do cucumbers bloom but there are no cucumbers? What to do if cucumbers bloom but the fruits do not set. Nutrient deficiency

Why do cucumbers bloom but there are no cucumbers? What to do if cucumbers bloom but the fruits do not set. Nutrient deficiency

Before you find out how to increase the ovary on cucumbers, you need to know the main reasons for their wilting and drying of the ovaries.

The reasons for yellowing of the ovaries of cucumbers may be: characteristics of the cucumber variety, temperature changes, irregular watering, thickened planting of cucumbers, lack of nutrients, improper formation of bushes, as well as various plant diseases. All this can be monitored, prevented in advance and prevent yellowing of the ovaries on your plants.

Yellowed ovaries inevitably fall off and cannot produce a harvest; accordingly, the yield of cucumbers from your plot decreases sharply. Therefore, it is in your interests to eliminate all causes of yellowing and falling of the ovaries.

Features of the cucumber variety

Modern productive varieties cucumbers, especially those that do not require pollination, are distinguished by a large number of ovaries; they are located in each leaf axil. The plant cannot “feed” such a quantity of fruits, so it gets rid of some or all of the ovaries at once. To prevent this from happening, you should remove excess ovaries, cutting them off before the flowers bloom. On average, 25-30 fruits can form and ripen on one cucumber bush.

Provided that only part of the ovaries turn yellow and dry out, and the rest develop normally, nothing needs to be done, the plant itself knows how many fruits it can feed.

Temperature difference for cucumbers

It is not always possible to create favorable conditions for growing in a greenhouse. vegetable crops, many summer residents complain about temperature changes. So, during the day the sun heats the greenhouse, and at night it becomes cool, which leads to undesirable changes. As a rule, it is difficult to influence the temperature, so it is easier to provide the plants with good nutrition.

Improper watering and lack of moisture in cucumbers

Cucumbers love water very much, but there are nuances here. Before cucumbers bloom and during fruiting, cucumbers need to be watered often - 3 times a week, and in hot weather - every day. However, during flowering, for the formation more female flowers, it is recommended to stop watering for several days so that the soil dries and the leaves wilt slightly. After the appearance of female flowers with ovaries, watering is immediately resumed, and in larger volumes than before flowering. If the soil is too dry at this time, the cucumber ovary will fall off.

Another important point– do not water the cucumbers cold water. The temperature of water and soil should be approximately the same, around 23-25 ​​degrees (ideally). Watering cucumbers with cold water not only promotes the appearance large quantity male flowers, but also leads to yellowing and falling of the ovaries of cucumbers.

Cucumbers don't grow

Many people make this mistake and it often leads to the ovaries starting to turn yellow. Be sure to remove everything that somehow tries to “climb out” from the axils, which are located in the area of ​​the first 3-5 leaves. In addition, all those stepsons on cucumbers that will definitely grow a little taller will need to be pinched above the 2nd leaf. Many people simply don’t do this at all, thinking that if they carry out pinching, the yield will be significantly reduced. But it is still necessary to do this. It often happens that stepsons actively grow from the sinuses, which are not present on the main lashes, but from those sinuses that are located on the stepsons. It is these same shoots that are called second-order shoots. They will definitely need to be pinched after the 1st leaf.

Thickened planting of cucumbers

If cucumbers are planted too densely, the plants, during the growth process, suffer from a lack of nutritional area, which leads to the development of diseases and the fall of the ovaries. To avoid these unpleasant moments, always carefully study the information on planting frequency located on the back of the seed packages. And, following these instructions, carry out planting work.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

A very common cause is a lack of all essential nutrients in the soil. The fact is that for the formation of a fruit from the ovary, a lot of a substance such as potassium is consumed from the soil. If there is not enough of it in the ground, then the ovary cannot properly set and produce a harvest.

That is why it is necessary to constantly feed cucumber plants. During fruiting, cucumbers need potassium, and small quantities nitrogen. There is a lot of potassium in wood ash. And urea can act as a nitrogen fertilizer. However, it is best to feed cucumbers with liquid chicken or cow droppings.

Diseases and pests of cucumbers

Of the pests that bother cucumbers, the most annoying is the aphid, which affects plantings both open ground, and in greenhouses. Due to the precocity of this crop, use chemicals dangerous, so it is better to give preference to biological products such as Verticillin. You can also fight aphids with a strong stream of water or by rubbing the affected leaves with ash.

To strengthen plant immunity and prevent diseases such as ascochyta blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew, it is worth using “Gaupsin” or “Mikosan”. It is recommended to treat cucumbers with biological preparations after germination, when planting seedlings, during flowering and, of course, when the first signs of disease appear.

Basic methods for increasing ovaries on cucumbers

Proper care of cucumber seeds before and after planting

The more developed root system, the stronger the plant. To have large, powerful roots in cucumbers, this needs to be done from the very moment of planting the seeds:

  • spread a layer of sand into the box for planting seeds at the bottom, and then a mixture of earth and humus in a 1:1 ratio. Plant the seeds without additional germination and cover the box with glass;
  • When the seeds sprout, remove the glass. After some time, there will be a noticeable increase in the growth of the shoots; they will stretch out slightly. At this point you need to add more mixture of earth and humus. As a result, the part of the stem covered with soil gradually transforms into the root part;
  • then the picking is done without traditional cutting of the roots and without freeing the earthen clod. After some time in every separate pot You will also need to add some soil - the root system will increase in size again. Thus, by the time of planting in the ground, the root system of the cucumber has already acquired sufficient power to provide you with a higher yield.

Watering cucumbers to increase ovary

In order for plants to remain healthy throughout the growing season, it is necessary that the soil around the base of the stem is always dry. This will help avoid rotting of the root system. On those days when it is dry and sunny weather, with temperatures above +25 C, the temperature in the greenhouse can be very high even with regular ventilation.

It is also important to remember that both sprinkling and proper watering cucumbers should be carried out with warm, heated water. The water temperature should be about +200C +250C, or even better, approximately the same temperature as the soil in the greenhouse. This will avoid damage to the surface root hairs and get a decent harvest from the plant.

Nutrition for cucumbers to increase the ovary

How to feed cucumbers to grow? The question is quite important, since cucumbers love well-fertilized soil, warm temperature and it is best to plant them in greenhouses or greenhouses.

  1. Feeding with bread. Experienced gardeners resort to the use of natural fertilizers. For example, ordinary bread is a high-quality food for cucumbers. To do this, simply fill a bucket with chopped pieces of black bread, add water and leave for 7 days in a warm place to infuse. You can water cucumbers with this product once a week. Ovaries of the future harvest
  2. Use of ash. Wood ash is also an excellent fertilizer for plants; in addition, it contains calcium, which is necessary for fruit growth. This fertilizer is applied several times during the period of vegetable growth, sprinkling the soil with dry ash before watering the beds.
  3. Chicken droppings. Chicken manure is an affordable and effective fertilizer for cucumbers. It contains nitrogen, zinc, copper. The droppings can be used both dry and diluted, directly during active fruiting.

Spraying for cucumber ovary

In order for cucumbers to form multiple ovaries and have less empty color, it is necessary to use special preparations that help plants in this matter. Most often, summer residents and gardeners use preparations such as Epin or Zircon.

These products must be used according to the instructions included with the package. It is categorically undesirable to deviate in one direction or the other.

In addition, a remedy such as boric acid. This one is cheap affordable drug increases crop yield, stimulates germination planting material, and also nourishes the roots of plants.

Promptly shoot vines of cucumbers to increase the ovary

Stepchildren of a cucumber are shoots that take away the plant’s strength, as a result of which it does not bear fruit. To avoid this, excess shoots must be removed. Usually considered unnecessary side shoots in the axils of the first 6 leaves. In addition, it is also recommended to get rid of ovaries in the axils of the first 4 leaves.

The pinching procedure must be carried out very carefully. It is extremely important not to damage the main shoot, as well as its flowers. To prevent this from happening, you need to slightly pull the leaves back with one hand, and carefully pinch off the excess sprout from the stem with the other. If cucumber planting is done correctly, the first cucumbers should appear by mid-July.

You can plant cucumbers when the stepsons reach a size of 4-6 cm. This way they can be seen better, but the plant has not yet spent too much effort on such stepsons. But if the stepsons reach sizes greater than 20 cm, then the loss of harvest may be 2.5 kg.

Pollination of cucumbers to increase the ovary

The pollination problem can be solved in the following ways. If you plan to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then it is better to take seeds of self-pollinating varieties. In open ground, you can use any variety - in this case, pollinating insects will come to the rescue. But even if you initially made a mistake with the variety for the greenhouse or the insects hid in cold summer conditions, you need to take pollination into your own hands. The greenhouse must be opened in daytime days. This will allow insects to fly in, and will also reduce the too high temperature in the heat of the day. You can also use mechanically, i.e. independently transfer pollen from male flowers to female flowers. It is easy to distinguish them: the flower on the ovary is female, the barren flower is male. You need to touch the male flower with a soft brush, and then carefully, trying not to shake off the pollen, touch the female one. Repeat the procedure until all the flowers are pollinated.

Very often, gardeners ask: “Why are there a lot of barren flowers on cucumbers? Why do plants continuously bloom with only empty flowers? And who will need these barren flowers?”

Of course, the quality of the seeds plays a significant role in the colossal delay in the formation of female flowers and late fruiting. If you do not listen to numerous recommendations and sow fresh seeds, then plants will grow from them. But which ones? First, (barren flowers) are formed, and only then female flowers appear. A completely different picture can be obtained if you sow seeds two or three years ago. In this case female flowers will be formed simultaneously with men's.

Nobody likes growing barren cucumbers. What to do about this phenomenon? First, we will find out what to do if the seeds are fresh and their age is unknown. It is quite simple to clarify the situation. The seeds need to be heated. Plants grown from such seeds will give a female color much earlier than expected. Hardening the seeds with either variable or negative temperatures before sowing.

And why do barren flowers appear on cucumbers? The second reason for cucumber “infertility” is a violation of a balanced diet. Very often this is facilitated by the presence of a large amount nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. It is this nuance that causes the frantic growth of lashes, barren flowers and leaves. In this case, the plants are fertilized with useful fertilizer. As a rule, these are fast-acting, for example, superphosphate extract or an infusion of ordinary wood ash. Superphosphate extract is prepared from ten liters hot water and two tablespoons of fertilizer.

Oh, these barren cucumbers! What to do if they appear? Looking for reasons is what you need to do! After all, the third reason for the delayed appearance of female color is watering plants with cold water. Its temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees. You cannot use water that is colder than the soil.

The next reason for the appearance of barren flowers is the excess amount of moisture in the ground. Cucumber beds should not be watered for several days. The soil will dry out and the leaves on the plants will wilt. And then an abundance of female flowers will instantly appear. But you need to remember - you can’t overdry the soil either.

If barren cucumbers appear, not everyone knows what to do. But here is another reason for this phenomenon. The appearance of barren flowers is seriously influenced by hot air, strong compaction of plants in the greenhouse, and so on.

Well, what if barren cucumbers still grow? What to do with them? Some gardeners remove most barren flowers. They mistakenly hope that this will speed up the development of female color. Gardeners will not gain any benefit from removing them. They will only worsen the conditions for pollination of inflorescences. In fact, barren cucumber flowers themselves quickly turn yellow and fall off.

Gardeners often complain - there are no cucumbers, only barren flowers. What to do in this case? What is the reason for the continuous flowering of plants with only barren flowers? And are they even necessary, these empty flowers?

First of all, the significant delay in the appearance of female flowers and late fruiting lies in the quality of the seeds. If you did not listen to numerous recommendations and sowed fresh seeds, then the plants that grow from them first form male flowers - barren flowers, and then - female ones. The picture is completely different if you sowed seeds 2-3 years ago. In this case, female flowers are formed simultaneously with male ones or earlier than male ones.

But what if your seeds are fresh, or you don’t know the expiration date of the purchased seeds? This is easy to do - they need to be warmed up, and plants from such seeds will produce female flowers much earlier than usual. Pre-sowing hardening of seeds with negative or variable temperatures will also speed up the appearance of female flowers.

Another reason for the infertility of cucumbers is an imbalance of nutrition, most often the abundance of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, which causes rapid growth of vines, leaves and barren flowers. In this case, plants are very useful in fertilizing with fast-acting phosphorus fertilizers, for example, superphosphate extract (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of hot water) or an infusion of ordinary wood ash.

The third reason for the delay in the appearance of female flowers is watering the plants with cold water. The water temperature must be at least 25°C. The water should not be allowed to be colder than the soil.

The next reason for “barren abundance” is a large excess of moisture in the soil. Dry the soil in the cucumber bed for several days. As soon as the leaves on the plants wilt slightly, an abundance of female flowers will immediately appear. But at the same time, do not dry out the soil.

ABOUT proper care- in the article Caring for cucumber plantings.

The “barren flower abundance” is also seriously affected by high ambient temperatures, strong density of plants in the greenhouse, etc.

And if all this does not help, then pinch the top of the main stem of the plants. It will stop the growth of plants in length, cause the growth of side shoots and female flowers.

What about barren flowers? Some gardeners remove most of the empty flowers in the mistaken hope that this will cause female flowers to grow. There is no benefit from their removal, and the conditions for pollination of female flowers can actually worsen. Barren flowers on the plant will quickly turn yellow and fall off.

In recent years, the most popular bunch varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, especially the female type of flowering, which are characterized by high productivity and generally good pickling qualities. They form from 3 to 7 ovaries in a node. But not every gardener manages to get fruits from these ovaries.

This is a fairly common occurrence, especially in hot weather and in film greenhouses. In this case, some of the ovaries do not grow and gradually begin to turn yellow, and then quickly dry out and fall off. What's the matter? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

    The air temperature in the greenhouse is too high (over 35°C).

    very high relative humidity (over 90%).

    in varieties and hybrids of a purely female type of flowering, there is a lack of pollinating insects due to prolonged cool weather or the absence of male flowers (barren flowers). They must be sowed with up to 10% of cucumbers of any pollinating variety.

    very rare collection of cucumbers. They must be collected daily or, in extreme cases, every other day. Overgrown fruits inhibit the growth of new ovaries.

    significant lack of nutrition in the soil. Modern hybrids with bunch fruiting require a significantly higher and more uniform nutrient content in the soil. There is simply not enough nutrition for the growth of all the ovaries in the bunch. In this case, 1-2 fruits grow, and the rest dry out and fall off. Therefore, if there are a lot of ovaries on the plants, they need to be fed every week with small doses of mullein infusion with the addition of urea.

And in order to improve the filling of the ovaries, especially in cool weather, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding of plants with Zircon or Epin preparations, which increase the resistance of plants to stressful situations.

Summer residents often face such a problem as abundant flowering cucumbers, but no harvest. What is the reason for the appearance of barren flowers, why cucumbers do not grow and what to do? Why are there many flowers, but no harvest? Why do only barren flowers appear without an ovary? What to do to make them appear? Gardeners have many questions, and we will try to answer them.

So, if there is no ovary for cucumbers, you should check and, if present, eliminate the negative factors affecting this process. And these could be temperatures above thirty-five degrees, relative air humidity above ninety percent, lack of pollination, lack of nutrition in the soil.

Many people wonder whether it is worth removing barren flowers. Yes, indeed, by removing them, you can improve pollination. But they themselves quickly turn yellow and fall off, although they grow quite quickly. Therefore, it is up to the gardener to decide whether to do this or not.

Some hybrid varieties, where female flowers predominate, may lack pollination due to a lack of male flowers. To fix this, you need to sow another variety of cucumbers for pollination.

Lack of pollination is also possible due to prolonged cool weather, as a result of which pollinating insects simply do not fly and do not cope with their task. Then the tops grow, but there are no fruits.

But this can be corrected by hand pollinating the flowers when they bloom. To do this, take the male flowers, tear off the petals and carefully place them in the female flowers. You can also pollinate the stigma of a female flower with a brush.


Why is proper planting of seedlings very important for the appearance of ovaries on cucumbers? Because if the cucumbers are too thick, they will not bear fruit. But this can be corrected by weeding the plants.

It is necessary to ensure timely harvesting. Overripe fruits interfere with the formation of a new ovary. There are some varieties that are recommended to be collected every other day or even every day, as they grow quite quickly.

Violation of growing conditions

To obtain the ovary and, as a consequence, good harvest There are a number of conditions, observing which you can grow a certain crop.

One of the conditions proper cultivation cucumbers are well watered. Seedlings should not be watered with water colder than twenty-five degrees, but in any case the water should not be colder than the soil.

But an excess of moisture is just as bad as insufficient soil moisture. The main thing here is to strike the right balance. If the soil is waterlogged, it needs to be dried for several days. After the leaves dry out and slightly wilt, many female flowers will appear, which will lead to the appearance of cucumber ovaries. But again, do not overdry the soil, this can lead to the death of the plant.

Proximity groundwater can also have a detrimental effect on plant growth and yield. This is due to the fact that cucumbers have a fairly well-developed root system, and such conditions can simply destroy it.

Ambient temperature is also a key factor for obtaining a good cucumber harvest. Heat can lead to the death of the plant, in fact, frosts also have a detrimental effect on the fruiting process.

Bad Seeds

Often the reason for the appearance of barren flowers and the lack of fruiting lies in the quality of the seeds. If fresh seeds are sown, most likely only male flowers (barren flowers) will grow, if two or three years ago, on the contrary, first female flowers will grow, then only male ones. If the age of the seeds cannot be determined, but you need to plant them, warming the seeds before planting, then female flowers will appear much earlier, along with male barren flowers.

For good seed germination, you need to monitor the level of phosphorus in the soil. Potassium fertilizers are also important.

There are varieties of cucumbers in which female flowers are formed later. These are late cucumbers. In such conditions, you need to wait a little longer for fruiting than usual.

Favorable conditions will be the hardening of swollen seeds. To do this, the swollen seeds are placed in the refrigerator for several days, then they are dried and sown. Such hardened seeds germinate earlier. They can germinate even at lower temperatures than usually required.

Optimal temperature for seed germination: twelve to thirteen degrees. Hardened seeds can germinate at temperatures of ten degrees Celsius.

Nutrient imbalance

An imbalance of nutrients is also a significant reason for the lack of ovary on cucumbers, when one microelement predominates in the soil and the other is absent. Disturbances in this balance can be caused by an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. Because of such an excess, all the strength of the plant goes into the lush growth of leaves and barren flowers.

For good fruiting of cucumbers, an even content of nutrients in the soil is required. In order to normalize the soil, fertilizing with phosphate fertilizers or wood ash infusion is suitable. An extract from superphosphates is also suitable for these purposes. This extract is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of the mixture per ten liters of hot water.

If nutrients in the soil are disturbed, many ovaries can form, but due to lack of strength they may fall off. Therefore, if enough flowers have formed on the plant, they need to be fed with an infusion of mullein and urea once every seven days. You can also find many recipes and tips on the Internet.

To ensure optimal content of organic matter in the soil, you need to place manure, humus or compost under the plants at the rate of one bucket per square meter soil.

On sandy soils Cucumbers need magnesium, so it is good to add Kalimag to such soil.

If all the negative factors that prevent the plant from bearing fruit normally are removed, but nothing helps, the cucumbers bloom, but the ovaries do not grow, as an option, you can pinch the top of the foliage. This will stop the growth of the stem in length, cause the growth of lateral branches and, as a result, the growth of female flowers.

To increase the plant's resistance to stressful situations, you need to foliar fertilize cucumbers.

The formation of barren flowers on cucumbers is an annoying nuisance for gardeners. Failure to take timely measures and mistakes in caring for plantings nullify long-term efforts. To successfully combat this problem, you need to know what doesn’t produce fruit. We will learn more about what to do to form the ovary, what are the reasons for low yields, and how to restore the fruiting process.

In order for the ovary to form, female flowers are pollinated by male flowers. However, often more male flowers grow and they bloom much earlier than female ones. These are barren flowers - they bloom en masse, but the fruits are not set. To correct the situation, you need to understand the mistakes made when caring for the plant and find out why the cucumbers do not set.

Errors when storing seed

From what quality characteristics seeds possess, the percentage of germination and immunity of cucumbers depends on the entire growing season. The most common mistake novice vegetable growers make is sowing last year's seeds. It has been verified that last year's seeds produce late shoots with a lot of barren flowers. If the seed material was stored in a cold room and did not have time to ripen, then this only aggravates the situation.

To avoid the absence of an ovary, use seeds for seedlings that were collected two or three years ago. According to agronomists, such planting material is the most productive.

You should not collect seeds of hybrid varieties, since the secondary harvest will lack varietal characteristics.

If you collected them yourself or bought them on the market, then be sure to pre-process them. Remember about hardening, warming and soaking them. If you do not have time to prepare planting material, then it is better to purchase ready-made granulated seeds in the store. Choose a variety that is adapted to climatic conditions growing region.

Temperature violation

The second common cause is temperature changes. This factor is equally decisive for greenhouse and ground cucumbers.

pay attention to temperature regime, if cucumbers do not set in the greenhouse. Temperatures above +35°C are unacceptable for normal development plants. If at the same time there is a sharp cooling at night in combination with the daytime heat, then the expectation of an abundant ovary will be in vain. Hot days at the same time high humidity are a favorable basis for the development of fungal diseases, which lead to barren flowers and the fall of the ovary.

During the day, during periods of solar activity, try to provide ventilation to the bushes and thereby reduce the possibility of overheating. If the cucumbers are blooming and the nights are still cold, provide heating inside the greenhouse.

Long cold days are more dangerous for ground cucumbers. If the cold continues for more than two weeks, the process of root nutrition is disrupted. In such cases will come to the rescue foliar feeding plant that will prevent shortage useful substances at the flowering stage. To protect from frost, cover the beds with covering material. On hot days, you need to regularly water the seedlings, but at the same time protect the soil from excessive moisture.

Nutrient deficiencies

The role of timely feeding is difficult to overestimate. Balanced diet mineral fertilizers and organic matter minimizes the likelihood of barren flowers. However, these statements are valid when the timing of fertilizer application and their proportions are strictly observed.

Insufficient or excess amounts of nutrients, as well as delayed feeding, lead to the formation of an insufficient amount of ovary. More often, the key influence is the excess nitrogen content in the soil. Neutralize negative impact necessary by entering mineral fertilizer containing phosphorus. Such measures will help restore the process of ovary formation naturally.

Density of cucumber plantings

It is possible to allow plantings in the garden to become dense only due to inexperience. Novice gardeners trying to fit in small area as many vegetable crops as possible simply destroy the future harvest. Cucumbers, like other vegetables, do not tolerate limited space. The consequences of thickening are as follows:

  • the plant is weakened by lack of sunlight;
  • slow growth of seedlings due to lack of moisture and nutrients;
  • barren flower formation;
  • poor ventilation of the root system and, as a consequence, the development of fungal diseases;
  • mass pest infestation.

You can avoid crowding in cucumber beds by strictly following the recommended planting pattern. Plant seedlings in rows at a distance of 20 cm, leaving row spacing of 50-70 cm.

If thickening is detected after sowing the seeds, then it is necessary to thin out the seedlings. As a result, there should be up to five bushes per 1 m2 in the garden bed. Carefully study the instructions for growing a particular variety, since the distance for planting seeds may vary.

Improper watering

Greenhouse and ground cucumbers do not tolerate disruption of the watering regime. Not only excess or lack of water has a negative impact, but also its temperature. Cold water, cools the warm soil, which creates unfavorable conditions for the root system. In addition, there is shedding of flowers and ovaries and stunting of bush growth.

For watering cucumbers, the optimal water temperature is +25°C.

Water with water that was previously collected in a large container and warmed up in the sun during the day. Try not to pour water on the plant, getting it on the stem and leaves. Pour water slowly so as not to wash away the root soil.

Frequent watering is beneficial for growing cucumbers only if it is done in moderation. Overwatering provokes a slowdown in the formation of female flowers. If the beds are accidentally flooded, dry the soil for several days. In the future, watering should be resumed with caution.

What to do if they don’t tie

Creation favorable conditions for healthy growth of cucumbers consists of the following mandatory measures aimed at preventing barren flowers:

  • select healthy seeds collected more than two years ago;
  • create an optimal temperature regime in the greenhouse and take measures to maintain it for ground cucumbers;
  • maintain a regular but moderate watering system;
  • use complex fertilizers, adhering to the established proportions;
  • Observe the recommended distances when planting.

When fulfilling all the conditions does not help to eliminate empty flowers, the cucumbers do not set well, use pinching the tops. This will cause active growth of lateral shoots containing female flowers. To ensure that newly formed flowers are pollinated, attract bees by planting honey plants near cucumber bushes. Remove obstacles in the way of insects in the greenhouse - leave the door or window open. You can also pollinate cucumbers by hand.

During this time, remove ripe fruits so that new ones can form. Control the ripeness of the cucumber according to the varietal characteristics. For example, for bunch cucumbers, a significant hindrance will be the fruit hanging on the vine for an extra couple of days. It is advisable to pick ripe fruits daily.