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» Watering orchids after. How to water orchids at home. What threatens the orchid with excessive watering

Watering orchids after. How to water orchids at home. What threatens the orchid with excessive watering

One of highlights care for orchids is their proper watering. So what is the right way to water orchids? Let's figure it out!

Orchids are watered both under the shower, and under the tap, and by immersion in a container of water, but it is possible to drink it to the full, quickly and fully only in a deep container, when the pot with the plant is almost completely immersed in water. Let's agree to call such watering soldering orchids. Proper watering of orchids involves good wetting of the bark throughout the pot. It is this wetting that is obtained with this method of irrigation.

Watering by soldering.

Agree that it is more convenient to water an orchid placed in an empty container than in a container filled with water - an orchid in dry bark always tries to swim - it leans to one side, the bark spills out of the pot and spreads over the entire container. About watering orchids in the shower or from the tap, I’ll say that such options are also possible, but not extremely economical - in order to wet the bark well, water must flow for at least 30 minutes.

So, soldering is an improvement on watering an orchid by immersion. Its difference is that the pot with the plant is placed in an empty container and spilled from above, while when watering by immersion, the pot is placed in a container filled with water.

Getting down to the correct watering of orchids.

We put the pot with the orchid in an empty container, for example, in a basin. We take a ladle with water or a watering can and pour the plant abundantly. Let the orchid pot stand in water for 15-20 minutes, while the pot is in the water at least 3/4 of the height of the pot, it is better if the water reaches the shoulders of the pot, this is about 1 cm to the edge. In this case, the bark is wetted over the entire height of the water level in the pot and its wetting is more complete. Such watering is enough for a sufficiently long time - up to 7-10 days.

When it comes to watering orchids, a lot of questions arise - what water to water an orchid, when to water and how much.

Proper watering of orchids in winter and summer.

In summer, for watering orchids, you can use water at room temperature, in winter - warm, its temperature can be about 30 degrees.

After watering, excess water is allowed to drain, the plants are placed on trays or in pots, and after some time the remaining water accumulated in the trays is poured out so as not to cause waterlogging and rotting of the roots in the lower part of the pot.

IMPORTANT! If there are sick orchids in the collection, then they need to be watered separately from the rest to avoid infection of healthy specimens.

Orchid watering frequency in summer and winter time is not the same. In winter, with a lack of light, the physiological processes in plants slow down, so we increase the intervals between watering.

We make sure that there is no moisture left in the center of the outlet after watering, remove it with a napkin, or simply tilt the plant and let it roll off the leaf.

In winter, we make sure that the temperature in the root zone does not fall below 14 degrees. If the window sills are cold, then you can put polystyrene under the orchid pots.

In spring and summer, with an increase in daylight hours, growth processes are activated, at this time the frequency of watering is increased. At insufficient watering it happens that the leaves of orchids begin to wrinkle. See how to properly water such an orchid.

Proper watering of orchids involves watering as the bark dries out in a pot. The degree of drying of the bark in the pot will depend on the condition of the plant, the size of the pot, and the degree of decomposition of the substrate. See this video for more details.

How do you know when it's time to water your orchid? As soon as it becomes clear that the condensate on the inner walls of the pot has practically disappeared, the pot has become light, the roots have become silvery, which means it's time to water the orchid.

The duration of watering will also be different - orchids with well-developed roots, planted in 2-liter pots, drink longer than miniature ones in 0.3-liter pots.

How not to flood an orchid

Having read in the accompanying memo that the orchid loves moderation in everything, I decided that this does not apply to watering the plant, since the tropical forests from which phalaenopsis comes from are characterized by high humidity. And the substrate in which the orchid grew seemed very unreliable to me. And out of the best of intentions, I generously watered and sprayed the orchid, and at the end of the month I was preparing to transplant it into a more suitable, in my opinion, soil. But I did not have time to do this, because the flower died. That's how my self-confidence let me down. Not wanting to offend my mother-in-law, I reluctantly bought the same expensive orchid and sat down on the Internet to study the rules for caring for it. After reading a lot of articles on different sites, I realized how wrong my decision was to neglect the advice of experts. The flower managed to die from waterlogging, but if it had not rotted from it, I would have killed it by transplanting it into a greasy garden soil.

conditions for orchids

What did I learn by conscientiously searching for and studying information about phalaenopsis? They don't like straight sun rays, so a flowerpot with a flower is best kept warm under diffused light.

The room temperature must be at least 18 ºC. The optimum temperature for this orchid is 22-24 ºC throughout the year, except for the autumn months, when the flower is laid flower buds for winter flowering, so in autumn the flower pot is moved to a shaded cool room (optionally on the floor on the balcony), where the temperature does not rise above 16 ºC and does not fall below 14 ºC.

Secrets of watering orchids

Watering orchids should be moderate and resemble rain in tropical forests. How to put it into practice? Buy a glass vessel small aquarium or a large glass vase, decorate its bottom with beautiful pebbles, and place a flowerpot with an orchid in the center. Pour water not into a flowerpot, but into a glass vessel - approximately 1 cm from the bottom. The roots of the orchid through the holes in the flowerpot will absorb water in the amount in which they need it.

How not to water orchids

Never pour water on the growing point or flowers, otherwise the plant will become sick or rot. In a constantly wet substrate, fungal infections easily take root, from which the orchid can die. Aerial roots take moisture from the air, so in the room where the phalaenopsis is located at home, you need to maintain high humidity. This can be achieved by daily spraying in warm time of the year. Just keep in mind that you need to spray water through a finely dispersed sprayer so that moisture does not flow in jets and does not drip, but forms a foggy cloud. You do not need to spray the plant itself, it is better to moisten the air around it.

When to limit watering orchids

If you want your orchid to bloom in February or May, place it in the shade, lower the temperature to 16 ºC and limit watering.

Water quality for watering orchids

For irrigation use only soft settled water. To do this, tap water is defended for a day or passed through a filter. Do not forget that the water temperature for watering plants should be the same as the air temperature in the room, or one to two degrees warmer.

How to water an orchid at home? Few people think about it. The vast majority believe that the more - the better. And this is fundamentally wrong. After all, proper watering is in second place after lighting. And it depends on him whether your Tropicanka will delight you with a long chic flowering or whether it will only grow foliage.

General rules

You can not just take and pour water from above. Remember the composition of the substrate for your beauty. Solid bark or ground coconut shell. What happens if you water such soil from above? Right. The liquid will quickly drain down.

Now we carefully look at the pot in which your orchid grows. What do we see? Holes. Lots of holes. And through them the water will pour out. What's left of the roots in the pot? Dry bark. That's how they watered the flower, from the heart, as they say. Sometimes it happens.

Some hosts do the opposite. The orchid is planted in oily soil, the pot is opaque, with one hole at the bottom. And they fill the poor thing every day and from the heart. Waiting for flowers, naive. And one “beautiful” day, the Tropican woman waves a leaf to such owners and calmly departs to another world.

Now, in order not to make trouble, we will properly water the orchid. The most common and convenient method is designed to saturate the bark in the substrate with moisture, and not the plant itself. And this will allow the orchid to directly take as much liquid as it needs at the moment. This eliminates the decay of the root system, and hence the development of fungal diseases.

What water is needed for an orchid

Certainly not tap water. And not a well. Both options have too high rigidity. This negatively affects growth and subsequent flowering.

Under natural conditions, the orchid receives right amount moisture from rain. But chemical composition water there does not contain half of the periodic table, like rain in a metropolis. By the way, even in a small town it may well pass such a good acid rain or snowball. Therefore, we also reject this option. Where to get water for orchids?

From the tap. Just be sure to prepare it:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan or bucket. The larger your collection, the more liquid you need.
  2. Leave for a day at room temperature, during which time mix well twice. This will help the free chlorine evaporate faster.
  3. Bring to a boil and cool. It's annoying, but what can you do.
  4. We drain from the sediment. Everything, the water is ready.

Now, directly for irrigation, it must be heated to a temperature of + 35-44 ° C. Room temperature will be chilly.

Advice. If you do not want to boil, you can freeze the water outside or in the freezer. After thawing, it must also be drained from the sediment.

We water the orchid. Step-by-step instruction

We carefully read the instructions. We do not make mistakes, it is detrimental to flowers. The meaning of the method proper watering is to soak the plant pot in water. The method is described in many sources, but the main trick is not written there. After all, it is customary to water the orchid when the substrate dries. Diving the pot is fraught with what? The bark with roots is dry, everything floats, the plant collapses on its side. Torment, not watering.

Now we will learn how to do it correctly and without hassle. We will need:

  • warm water, plenty
  • a small grill, a stand with holes, at worst an inverted glass with a flat bottom
  • transparent container, with a diameter slightly larger than an orchid pot (plastic bucket)
  • plant pot
  • a small ladle, a watering can for indoor flowers or a regular mug
  • thick old towel

Let's get started. Carefully place the orchid pot in an empty (!) container. We begin to pour water from above, directly into the pot. Very carefully, we make sure that water does not get on the leaves, in the sinuses and the growing point. Fluid will flow out of the bottom holes and overflow into a larger container. We stop when its level reaches about a third of the height of the orchid pot itself. The substrate will rise, but not much. Leave exactly 5 minutes.

Pour water again, as described above. When its level in a large container rises to about two-thirds of a flower pot, we stop again. We wait exactly 6 minutes.

After this period, add water from above. We stop when about 1 cm remains to the edge of the pot with the plant. We wait 9 minutes.

While the bark or coconut shell is saturated with water, you can water other pots. Get a conveyor. Total, root system Orchids were in the water for exactly 20 minutes. This is enough for the substrate to absorb the liquid.

Now we need to carefully remove the pot from the container. Wait until most of the water has drained. On a thick towel we already have a lattice or an inverted glass. We put a pot on it and forget for 20 minutes. During this time, all excess moisture will flow out.

That's it, we watered the orchid correctly, you can return it to its usual habitat.

We have given the soaking time of the substrate for a pot of approximately 2 liters. A smaller pot will take less time. The average calculation is a full 1 minute per 100 ml pot volume. That is, a vessel with a volume of 0.6 liters will get wet for 6 minutes (2 minutes each period).

Advice. How much time the pot spent in the water, how much time should be allowed to drain off the excess. Be sure to pinch. Move the orchid to its place ahead of time- Excess moisture will destroy the roots.

When is it time to water

It is argued that in winter and summer watering should differ in terms. It's clear. That's just how to calculate these terms - nowhere is it told. Approximate times are given everywhere. But it's not right! Each house has its own microclimate, how can you recommend the number of days there, if everything is individual?

We reveal the secret.

For transparent pots. Periodically we get accustomed to the walls from the outside. Condensation is present, and the roots are dark beige or brownish. So it's too early to water. The walls are dry from the inside, and the roots have become closer to silver-white in color. Now is the time, you can water the orchid.

For opaque pots. We stick wooden stick about the middle of the pot. We take out. Dry? Time to water. Wet? Check again in 2-3 days.

No wand. No problem. Carefully rake the substrate at the edge of the pot and look at the color of the roots and the presence of moisture. The description is just above.

In such a simple way, you can determine absolutely at any time of the year whether the orchid needs watering now, or if it is worth waiting for it for now.

  1. In order not to freeze the root system of the orchid in winter, place foam plates or pieces of woolen fabric under the pots. Cork coasters for hot dishes will also work.
  2. In extreme heat or when the air in the room is too dry, humidify the air around the orchid more often. She loves it. Just try not to spray the flower itself, otherwise there will be ugly spots on the leaves. And if just a few drops get into the sinuses or growth point, the tropikanka can generally start to hurt.
  3. Instead of spraying, you can put additional bowls of water nearby. At free space it is better to place a wide pallet or a tray with expanded clay, peat or moss nearby. Pour more water into it. Evaporating, it will create the required level of humidity and microclimate around the orchid bush.
  4. Do not water the orchid more often than the substrate requires. Under natural conditions, it also does not float on the lake and does not grow directly in a puddle. The root system suffers from an excess of liquid in a pot, and this is the most important feeding organ of any plant. Rot will begin, which will take a long time to heal. Is this achieved by dipping pots in water too often?
  5. If you postpone the next watering for about a week later, then this can provoke the orchid to start flowering. Just do not abuse the method, it is too stressful for the plant. Do not be afraid, the orchid will not die in a week without water.

How to water an orchid at home? Actually, it's not very difficult. At first, the whole process may seem long and inconvenient. But after performing the procedure once, you will understand all the convenience and benefits. And the orchid will definitely appreciate your efforts and thank you with beautiful flowering.

Video: how to water orchids

Orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis genus, are popular among flower growers. To make the plant happy abundant flowering all year round you need to take good care of him. It is especially important to properly water the orchid, regardless of the type and variety.

Competent and timely watering will ensure the health of the plant, its development and flowering. The stage of its development affects the timing and volume of watering an orchid growing in a pot: at the stage of flowering, active leaf growth and reproduction, the plant's water needs are different.

Principles of proper irrigation

Often, those who grow an orchid at home are sure that it needs abundant watering and irrigation. Although this plant is native to the tropics, excessive moisture is detrimental to it. The frequency and method of watering, the stage of development of the plant and the quality of the water matter.

What water to water an orchid

The water temperature should not be lower than +18°С, the optimum is +30…35°С. In idle tap water contains impurities harmful to domestic plants: residual chlorine and mineral salts. To make it suitable for watering orchids, it is defended for 3-4 days.

For additional softening, tap water can be mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 if tap water is of medium hardness. Pure distillate is not suitable for irrigation.

It is even better to use softened, boiled, rain, purified or melted water.

But rainwater is suitable for irrigation only if it was collected outside the metropolis, because, passing through the air, it adsorbs poisonous gases, heavy metals and others. harmful substances. collected outside the city rain water stored in a cool dark place (cellar, refrigerator) so that microorganisms do not develop in it.

Boiling softens tap water. This is the simplest and affordable way preparation of water for irrigation.

If an additional fine filter is installed in the house, which frees tap water from microorganisms, salts, chlorine and other impurities, it can not be boiled or defended before use.


To improve the quality of water, substances such as garlic juice, potassium permanganate, succinic acid.

  1. Watering orchids garlic water carried out to stimulate flowering. In addition, garlic, due to its antiseptic properties, disinfects the soil. To prepare the product, 6 medium cloves of garlic are squeezed out in 0.5 liters of settled water, the container is tightly closed and left to infuse for a day. The finished infusion is filtered and diluted in a bucket of warm, settled water, into which the flower will be immersed. The infusion can be applied 2-3 times a month, except for periods of rest and flowering. 2 weeks after stimulation, a new peduncle should appear.
  2. Watering orchids with succinic acid is carried out in order to accelerate the rooting of shoots, stimulate flowering, increase the resistance and adaptogenicity of the plant to changes in conditions. environment. A solution of succinic acid is used for resuscitation of plants affected by temperature changes or other stressful situations. It is best to use the product during a period of intensive growth (spring and summer), but not in winter, when the plant is at rest.
  3. Succinic acid can also be added to the garlic solution. To prepare the remedy, it is easiest to buy succinic acid in a pharmacy in tablets. In 1 l hot water dilute 1 tablet of acid. Ready solution can be stored for no more than 3 days. Use it like a garlic solution.
  4. Weakly pink solution of potassium permanganate is washed with roots during transplantation or during plant disease for disinfection. The tool is in some way a source of potassium.

Before watering, it is important to enrich the water with oxygen. To do this, it is poured from container to container.

How often to water

It is impossible to determine exactly how many times a week you need to irrigate orchids. Watering this plant strictly according to the calendar is fundamentally wrong. The frequency with which orchids are watered is affected by the state of the plant, the stage of its development and the state of the substrate and roots for a given period of time.

The flower cannot be in the conditions high humidity constantly. This leads to root rot and other diseases. To determine that it is time to water the orchid, you need to take into account the following signs:

  1. The substrate is dry. The easiest way to assess its condition is in a transparent pot. If there are no drops of condensate on its walls, and the substrate light color, the plant can be watered. In order for the bark particles, which are often used as filler for orchids, to be moistened, it is best to use the immersion of the flower pot in a container of settled or boiled water.
  2. The roots became light and acquired a silvery hue. Well hydrated roots are bright green in color. As they dry, they lighten up. When all the roots become silvery, the flower can be watered.
  3. If the pot is opaque, you can take into account its weight. After drying, the pot with the substrate becomes significantly lighter. You can make sure that the flower needs to be moistened by sticking a wooden stick into the pot. If it stays dry, it's time to water the plant.

Proper watering of the Phalaenopsis orchid also depends on the condition of the plant. At rest, it rarely needs to be moistened - 1 time in 2-3 weeks, during the period of active growth of green mass and flowering - more often, 1-2 times a week. In the hot season, the flower is watered more often, as the substrate dries out faster.

After shopping in the store

First of all, after buying, you need to make sure that there are enough drainage holes in the pot. If this is not the case, they can be made with a hot nail. For the first time, the flower is watered only 7-10 days after settling in a new place.

Since the phalaenopsis orchid tolerates drying out more easily than waterlogging, such exposure allows both the substrate and the roots of the plant to dry well. The humidity in the room should be within 75%.

In the store, flowers are watered with water softened and disinfected with special means, so a simple tap orchid may react negatively.

During the flowering period

Irrigation of orchids at home during flowering should be done more often. Although the condition of the roots and substrate is still important, the plant will need to be watered 2-3 times a week, as during this period it prefers moist soil.

In summer, in a room with a humidity of 75-80% and a sufficient amount of light, you need to water the phalaenopsis orchid every 5-7 days, in winter, when there is not enough light, every 7-12 days.

At the same time, excessive watering can lead to the death of the buds. Therefore, despite the increase in the frequency of watering, you should not use the immersion method every time. If the substrate is still wet, simply moisten it a little from above. Once a week, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation.

in winter

In winter, like most indoor plants, orchids enter a dormant state. Metabolic processes in cells slow down, needs are reduced, so watering the flower more often than once every 2 weeks is not required.

It should be understood: an orchid needs to be watered if it needs water. How to do it in winter - here they use the same methods as described above. But due to the fact that the roots of the plant absorb moisture more slowly in winter, it is better to use the immersion method during this period. It is important to let the water drain well from the roots before returning the flower to the windowsill. In winter, this place is always colder, so the plant should be protected from temperature shock due to temperature changes.

Watering the plant with a shower in winter is best in the evening. The flower should be left in the bath all night to allow the water to drain well. This will help prevent rotting and mold development in the pot.

In the spring, the plant wakes up, the metabolism in the cells accelerates, and the need for moisture increases. Therefore, with the onset of heat, watering is more frequent.

After transplant

In the process of transplanting, the roots of the plant are washed in a light solution of potassium permanganate. Since this whole process is stressful for the plant, it will need a few days of rest. It is not worth watering the orchid abundantly immediately after transplantation. It is enough to put the pot in water for 20-30 minutes.

The first full watering is best postponed for 14 days. If the substrate is too dry, it is enough to irrigate it with a spray bottle. The first watering after transplanting is best done using a pallet or individual pots.

Top dressing of orchids after transplantation is carried out during the first moistening of the soil; it will be possible to repeat the application of fertilizers only after 21 days.

How to water an orchid at home 4 main ways

Consider the most popular and effective ways glaze indoor orchids photo step by step.

Sprinkling showers

It is convenient to water the phalaenopsis orchid at home with the help of simple soul. The water temperature can be quite high: up to +40°C. For irrigation, the temperature is checked at the elbow bend - the water must be tolerable.

Watering warm water from the shower imitates tropical rain, which orchids cannot but like. With its help, the leaves are cleaned of dust, and the roots - from possible pests. After a shower, the flowers are left in the bathroom so that they are steamed under conditions high humidity and temperature, and glass excess liquid. The growth point of the leaf axils should be dried with a dry cloth.

Once a month during the warm season, it is recommended to arrange a hot shower for orchids. This procedure helps to bring the plant out of stressful situation, is a good stimulation for the formation of new roots and peduncles, prevents the appearance spider mite. The water temperature should not be higher than +52°C.

As a result of such bathing, there is a large absorption of moisture by the leaves and roots of the flower, which stimulates the formation of new cells and the metabolism in plant tissues. The procedure is carried out as follows: water the flower with warm water, leave for 30 minutes, and then completely irrigate for 30 seconds hot water. Hot showers are used only to stimulate healthy plants, because. patients from such a procedure may die.


Watering orchids by immersion allows not only to qualitatively moisten the substrate. This best method for feeding the plant and treating its roots with various stimulants and antiseptics.

Humidification by immersion is carried out as follows: a flower in a pot is placed in a container where warm prepared water is poured. It is important that the neck of the plant remains above water. The orchid can be left in this position for 15 minutes or more.

If you overexpose the plants in water, edema forms on the leaves; affected leaf blades will have to be removed. After the set time has elapsed, the plants are removed from the container, allowed to drain completely excess water and then placed in the usual place.

For watering by immersion, you can use any container, including a planter - an orchid pot without holes with a concave bottom. The cache-pot should be bigger flower pot. For watering, the pots are completely filled with water, after the allotted time it is drained. The high bottom allows excess moisture to drain off.

Watering with a watering can

Orchids do not tolerate watering from above. This is due to the ingress of moisture into the rosette and leaf axils, which, in turn, leads to decay. Therefore, for top watering, you need to use a watering can with a long narrow spout, which allows you to evenly moisten the substrate under the leaves.

Slowly water the soil and do this until water appears in the pan. Her remains can be left in it. Moisture that has fallen into the axils of the leaves and the growth point is removed with napkins or a cotton pad. This method is not suitable if a large number of the roots are in a free state - due to insufficient moisture, they will dry out.


Spray orchids from a spray bottle with distilled water. It does not leave streaks on the leaves. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to enter the flowers and buds, stagnation in the axils of the leaves and in the outlet. When spraying, the jet is directed either from the bottom up or perpendicular to the trunk.

A wet plant needs to be shaded - drops of water will serve as lenses, which will lead to sunburn on the leaves.

In winter, irrigation is carried out in rooms where, due to the operation of the heating system, the air is dry and the temperature rises to +25°C. If the room is cool, it is better to refuse spraying.

The procedure is carried out in the morning, so that by the evening the leaves are already dry. In summer, if necessary, irrigation can be carried out twice a day.

Watering with fertilizer

In order for orchids to always bloom, they need to be regularly and properly fertilized. Top dressing is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering; in winter, the plant does not need it. Sick and weakened flowers should not be fertilized.

In early spring, when the flower grows green mass, it especially needs nitrogen, and when budding and flowering, it needs potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing is always combined with watering the plant so as not to burn dry roots.

Root fertilizer is applied as follows. First, the flower is watered by immersion - to evenly moisten the roots. Then, according to the instructions, the fertilizer is diluted in clean prepared water and the orchid is placed in it for 20 minutes. It is important to allow excess solution to drain completely from the pot.

For foliar feeding use special means in the form of a spray. In cloudy weather or in the evening in a room without drafts and at a temperature not lower than room fertilizer spray on leaves from both sides and visible roots. Fertilizer should not accumulate in the sinuses and outlet, fall on the peduncle.

Watering errors

Main possible mistakes when watering orchids:

  1. Overflow. The substrate and roots of the plant should have time to dry completely between waterings.
  2. The accumulation of moisture in the axils of the leaves and the rosette of the flower, which leads to its decay and death.

Looking for information on how to properly water home orchid, it is worth understanding that there are general irrigation rules and its features that are relevant only during the flowering of this plant. To go to the question of watering blooming orchid, you must first familiarize yourself with the basic rules of care, since without them the issue will not be fully disclosed.

The dependence of the volume of water on the temperature of the room

One rule never loses its relevance: the warmer the room where the plant is located, the more abundant and more often it needs to be watered. However, the pot must have a hole that will allow any excess water to flow out of it. Otherwise, there will be excessive accumulation of liquid in the middle of the container. This is the direct cause of the decay of the rhizome of the plant and its further death.

For those who are interested in how to water an orchid during flowering, this rule is also relevant.

What threatens the orchid with excessive watering?

It has already been said above about the danger of abundant irrigation of orchids. To understand the specific reason for this phenomenon, it is worth studying the characteristics of the plant and the metabolic processes in it. For an orchid great importance has its root system. In fact, this is a basic element of life support. As soon as diseases or problems begin in the ear of an orchid, negative changes are displayed throughout the plant. Through the root part, the process of water absorption takes place, without which its further transportation is impossible. If the absorption processes are disturbed, the leaves and flowers slowly wither. As a result, the plant slowly dies. Therefore, despite the fact that the most beautiful part of an orchid is its flowers, in care it is necessary to pay the most attention to the root.

The consistency of the orchid substrate as the main indicator of its condition

The substrate in which the orchid grows must be completely dry at the time of watering. IN this case do not focus on any specific number of days, because here everything is individual. No authoritative source will give a universal answer to the question of how much to water an orchid. The owner of the flower should himself keep the state of the substrate under control.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the orchid, being a very “capricious” plant in terms of care, this week can dry out its breed in 6 days, and the next - in three. When cloudy days begin, it is likely that this period of time will even drag on to twenty. Moreover, this trend is completely independent of the flowering of the described representative of the flora. Thus, how much to water an orchid, you will understand for yourself.

The total weight of the pot is an indicator of the presence of water in it

People who already have excess experience share one curious observation: dry upper layer the substrate in which it grows cannot be considered an indicator that the plant needs another watering. It often happens that the top of the rock has dried up, but the lower layers contain a sufficient amount of moisture. This is worth considering when looking for an answer to the question of during flowering.

It is necessary that watering occurs already when the entire substrate has dried out. Its drying is influenced by factors such as:

  • the general air temperature in the room where the orchid is located;
  • the illumination of the place where the flower pot stands;
  • humidity in the room.

To determine whether it is time to water the orchid, you should pick up a pot. If it turns out to be light, the plant requires watering. If not, then the dry upper layer of the substrate still does not say anything, there is a sufficient amount of water in its lower layers. Remember: the orchid is watered only when, when all its substance has dried up.

In the case when it is difficult to figure out how many times to water an orchid, there is an even easier way to determine the moisture content of the earth than observing weight. Lightly scratch the soil in which this representative of the flora grows from the side with your finger to understand the degree of its moisture content. However, do this carefully so as not to damage the plant itself.

How to water during flowering?

First of all, speaking about watering this type of orchid, like Phalaenopsis, you should know how it should not be handled in any case. Never spray a flower so that water penetrates into the core between the leaves. This will provoke the processes of decay in the plant. As for the conditions of abundant lighting, then watering the flowers and leaves under them can lead to a burn of the plant. It is associated with fast

When answering the question of how to water an orchid during flowering, it is worth mentioning the opinion that flowers should not be wetted, since such actions destroy them. When the plant does not bloom, a hot shower with a temperature of up to fifty-two degrees is recommended for it. Such measures mimic natural conditions, and therefore they are optimally suited for orchids.

However, the reader may wonder how this statement relates to the one mentioned above regarding that it is not recommended to allow water to enter the core. Everything is simple here. After a “hot shower”, those who insist on its usefulness advise removing accumulations of water formed between the leaves in the axils with a handkerchief or napkin.

How to water an orchid during flowering: general rules

Speaking about how to water an orchid during flowering, it is necessary to take into account the place where it grows. General rules are:

  • if the orchid grows in a pot, water its substrate abundantly, allowing all the water to drain out after that. The necessary amount of life-giving liquid will remain, and the excess will go away along with various unnecessary substances of the earth: salts, etc.;

  • for orchids growing on a block (piece of bark or twigs), use the soaking technique. Immerse the plant completely in water so that the flowers remain on the surface. This allows you to enrich the rhizome with water, but protect yourself from rotting the entire orchid due to the ingress of liquid into the core. The block should be in the water for fifteen minutes;
  • as for the hanging orchid, we remove it and dip the roots into a container filled with warm water. It is very important to remember that cobs should be immersed in water carefully. They are naturally quite dry, and therefore, in case of careless handling, they can break. It takes fifteen minutes for the rhizome of the plant to absorb moisture. Then we take it out of the water, gently shake it off and hang it in its usual place.

Proper care is the key to orchid health

When thinking about how to water an orchid during flowering, remember that this plant is quite whimsical. Therefore, do not overdo it with water in the substrate, and also protect the flowers from direct moisture.