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» Procedure for using a fire extinguisher. Some application features. What are powder fire extinguishers

Procedure for using a fire extinguisher. Some application features. What are powder fire extinguishers

The fire extinguisher is important device, helping to cope with fires, preventing the spread of fire. It must be present in all in public places. Every person simply must know how to use a fire extinguisher correctly, as this information can save lives. Today there are several fire extinguishers that are similar in principle of use.

Basic rules on how to use a regular and car fire extinguisher

Each type of device has its own application features, but several can be identified general principles uses that should definitely be taken into account:

  1. The device should be prepared for operation, for which it is necessary to break the seal and pull out the pin. To activate the fire extinguisher, all you have to do is press the lever.
  2. It is important to put out a fire by standing on the side where the wind is blowing. This is necessary to ensure that harmful substances contained in the contents of the fire extinguisher do not enter the respiratory tract.
  3. The jet should be directed at the base of the surface covered with fire, and not, as many people think, into the flame itself. If a vertical surface is burning, then extinguishing should be done moving from bottom to top.
  4. Be sure to check that the flame has gone out completely and that there are no other sources of fire.
  5. After using the fire extinguisher, be sure to send it for recharging.

How to use a foam fire extinguisher?

This type of device is intended for extinguishing solid materials and substances, as well as flammable liquids and gas liquids. However, it cannot be used if metal or substances that burn without air are burning. Since the foam in the fire extinguisher conducts electrical energy, they cannot be stewed electrical devices. A foam fire extinguisher will be able to extinguish fires in areas whose area is no more than 1 m2.

How to use a foam fire extinguisher:

  • turn the locking device handle 180 degrees;
  • turn the fire extinguisher over so that the bottom is pointing up and the tube is facing the fire;
  • press the lever until the foam starts to release.

It is necessary to invert the fire extinguisher as this is necessary for mixing acid solution with alkali, since without this foam will not form.

How to use a powder fire extinguisher?

This is the most popular type of device that can be used to extinguish solids, electrical installations, solvents, petroleum products, PLHIV and GH. Inside the fire extinguisher there are crushed mineral salts and hydrophobic additives. When using a powder fire extinguisher, there are some things to consider. First, it is important to look to see if there are any kinks in the hose. Secondly, pay attention to the label, which indicates the fire class. The best device is the “A B C E” type. Thirdly, when extinguishing electrical installations Please note that the charge should be applied in portions, observing intervals of 3-5 seconds. To use a powder fire extinguisher, you need to pull the pin, direct the jet towards the fire, and then press the lever.

How to use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher?

This type of device is suitable for all cases, with the exception of metals and substances that burn without air. The inside of the fire extinguisher is filled with liquefied carbon dioxide. Since carbon dioxide fire extinguisher creates a strong cooling effect, it is not suitable for extinguishing equipment with high temperatures. Never handle the bell with bare hands. The method of using a fire extinguisher is no different from the types discussed above. After extinguishing, be sure to ventilate the room.

Every enterprise must have one or more fire extinguishers; this is one of the most easily met requirements. fire safety. However, if an office or warehouse catches fire, having a fire extinguisher will not be enough - it alone will not save anything. We tell you what fire extinguishers are and how to use them.

How to quickly determine which fire extinguisher is in front of you

When you urgently need a fire extinguisher, you won’t have time to read even a short description or search for information on the Internet, so remember one thing: important detail: a wide funnel-shaped socket for carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, a narrow hose for powder fire extinguishers. Knowing which fire extinguisher is in front of you, use it according to the instructions.

Powder fire extinguishers

Powder fire extinguishers are used in administrative and warehouse premises, administrative centers. Such a fire extinguisher mechanically knocks down the flame and displaces oxygen from the fire site. How to properly use a powder fire extinguisher?

  • Bring the fire extinguisher to the source of the fire - as close as possible, but maintaining a safe distance.
  • Break the seal; it is located on top, on the locking and starting device.
  • Pull the pin, release the hose nozzle and aim it at the base of the flame.
  • As you extinguish, move closer to the fire.
  • If you have to extinguish electrical equipment that is energized, do not bring the hose or fire extinguisher body closer than a meter to the places where the current passes. Don't forget that the most the right option will de-energize all electrical equipment immediately upon detection of a fire.
  • If you use a powder fire extinguisher in indoors, remember that it will leave a cloud of powder, which makes breathing difficult and reduces visibility. Ventilate the room immediately after the fire has been extinguished.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

The extinguishing agent of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is completely dissolved in the air, therefore, unlike a powder extinguisher, it leaves no traces. Not suitable for extinguishing solid materials, but ideal for use when igniting electrical appliances and electrical networks. How to use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers - see the instructions below:

  • Bring the fire extinguisher to the fireplace and pull out the sealed pin.
  • Point the bell at the source of the fire and open the shut-off device - lever or valve.
  • Please note that when carbon dioxide escapes, the bell cools down to -70 degrees; you cannot hold onto it with your hands, as you can get burned. Hold the handle located at the bell.
  • After extinguishing the fire, turn the lever that shuts off the carbon dioxide supply.

What to do before using a fire extinguisher

Immediately upon discovering a fire, stop work and turn off all electrical equipment. Call the fire department immediately and, if possible, take measures to evacuate people. Even adults can start to panic, try to track the movements of your colleagues. Do not forget that the responsibility to get firefighters to the fire site as quickly as possible falls on the one who called them.

Rules for effective fire extinguishing

  • If there is air movement at the fire site, protect yourself when extinguishing the fire - start from the windward side.
  • Do not try to immediately extinguish the fire - start extinguishing the fire near you, gradually moving towards the center. It's more effective and much safer.
  • Extinguish burning liquids from above, gradually moving downwards.
  • If the fire has spread to the wall, start extinguishing them from the bottom, rising as the fire moves.
  • When a gas torch forms, spray fire extinguishing agent at the base of the torch, as if cutting off the fire.
  • Try to turn off power to all electrical equipment in the fire area. If you have to extinguish live equipment, do not bring the body, hose or socket closer to electrical appliances at a distance of less than a meter.
  • Use all fire extinguishers that are nearby, combining the efforts of several people if possible.
  • Make sure that the fire is completely extinguished and that there will be no re-ignition.

fire extinguisher OHP-10 you need:

1. Raise the handle up and throw it all the way, then shake it

fire extinguisher several times and direct the resulting stream of foam

directly onto the burning part of the surface.

2. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

the bottom of the burning surface.

3. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

fire extinguisher upside down and direct the resulting stream of foam towards

top part burning surface.

4. If available on vertical surface burning electrical

wires, first of all extinguish them as the main source of combustion.

After extinguishing burning clothing on a victim, you must:

1. Lubricate the burn surface with whale, badger, bear

fat or sprinkle with starch, soda, flour, then close the burn

surface with a dry sterile sheet, give the victim 2-3

analgin tablets and offer plenty of fluids.

2. Try to remove remnants of clothing and dirt, open burn wounds

bubbles, wash the burn surface with a weak solution

potassium permanganate, cover the damaged surface with a clean cloth

and until the ambulance arrives, provide the victim with peace.

3. Cover the burn surface with a dry, sterile sheet or

diaper, fill with snow, ice or cold water polyethylene

packages, plastic bottles and apply them to the burn surface

over a dry sheet or diaper, give to the victim

painkillers, provide the victim with complete rest until

When the ambulance arrives, offer plenty of fluids.

Aviation events are divided into:




ground incidents


An aircraft accident is:


Aviation failure is:

1. an aviation accident that did not result in the death of members

crew and passengers, but leading to complete destruction or

severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which

restoring it is technically and economically impossible


2. an aircraft accident that resulted in the death of members

crew or passengers in case of destruction, damage or loss

aircraft, as well as the death of people from injuries received,

occurring within 30 days from the date of the incident.

3. an aircraft accident that was not followed by the death of members

crew and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft,

repair of which is possible and economically feasible.

An aviation incident is:

1. an event in which the health of at least one of the persons in

on board, damage caused or the circumstances of the incident

indicate that an accident almost occurred.

2. an event related to the flight operation of an aircraft,

which could create or created a threat to his integrity and/or life

persons on board, but did not end in aviation


3. events not related to aviation, but related to operation


When a fire occurs, a fire extinguisher is often used. The device helps you fight the fire yourself if the fire is small. At the same time, there are several types of devices that differ in the rules of use. How to use a fire extinguisher is described in the article.


In Art. 43 Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ states that portable and mobile devices are the primary fire extinguishing means. They are used to eliminate a small fire or localize it before the arrival of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Public and industrial establishments must have fire extinguishers. Management is responsible for compliance with safety regulations. How to use a fire extinguisher? The instructions will help you learn how to do this.


There are several types of fire extinguishers:

  • Powder.
  • Foam - air-foam and air-emulsion.
  • Gas - carbon dioxide, freon.
  • Aquatic.


Which fire extinguisher to choose depends on the following nuances:

  1. Categories and area of ​​premises.
  2. Fire load indicator.
  3. Physico-chemical and fire hazardous properties.

Each room has its own devices. They must not be used for other purposes.

Fire extinguisher passport

Each device located in the premises must have a personal number. A passport is also issued, in which you can find the following information:

  1. Number.
  2. Date of start of operation.
  3. Installation location.
  4. Type and brand.
  5. Factory name.
  6. Factory number.
  7. Date of manufacture.
  8. Brand and charge concentration.


You need to know not only how to use a fire extinguisher, but also where to place it. It must be protected from:

  1. Sun rays.
  2. Mechanical impact.
  3. Radiation from heating devices.
  4. Vibrations.
  5. Moisture.
  6. Aggressive environmental factors.

The devices must be located in accessible places, near passage and exit routes. It is important that the devices do not interfere with evacuation. For installation of fire extinguishing equipment in warehouses and production premises equip special shields.

Every person needs to know how to use a fire extinguisher. The instructions for use will allow you to do this correctly. It is also important to consider the rules for extinguishing fires:

  1. Efficiency is important in this matter. The task of a fire extinguisher is not to extinguish a fire, but to protect it from its outbreak. Therefore, it is necessary to use the device after a fire occurs.
  2. Devices must be placed so that they are accessible.
  3. The device must be mounted in such a way that it can be easily taken.
  4. It is important to remember that the main danger is smoke. Thanks to high temperature and toxic components, it quickly worsens a person’s condition. At this time, it is better to wear a self-rescuer or an insulating gas mask. If this is not the case, then you need to move around the bottom of the room and put on a cotton-gauze bandage.
  5. In case of fire, you should not panic. It is important to assess the situation and risks.

Terms of use

How to use a fire extinguisher correctly? You must read the instructions that come with the device. Typically the usage is as follows:

  1. In case of fire, it is necessary to move the device to the source of the fire at a close distance (no more than 20 m - for public organizations, 30-40 m - for production. It must be taken into account that the length of the jet is about 3 meters.
  2. Then you need to remove the seal, pull out the pin, turn the hose nozzle in the direction of the fire, and press the lever.

The device is activated after 3-5 seconds, and then the flame retardant component is sprayed. The jet must be directed from the leeward side. A fire located in a niche must be extinguished from top to bottom. What fire extinguishers are allowed to be used in case of fire are described below.

Powder devices

It's important to know how to use a dry powder fire extinguisher because it's done a little differently. The devices use powder as a charge. Such a device is considered one of the universal ones in terms of temperature and area of ​​use. These devices cannot be used to extinguish electrical equipment with voltages exceeding 1000 W. Fire extinguishers of this type should not be used in areas where the powder could render some equipment unusable.

The operation of this device leads to heavy dust in the air, which impairs visibility in the area of ​​the fire. This may interfere with evacuation. Flame extinguishing powder causes respiratory irritation, so it should not be used in rooms with small volumes (up to 40 cubic meters). If it is used within a small facility, then ventilation is required.

Types of powder products

Devices are divided into the following classes:

  1. ABSE - elimination of areas with increased explosion and fire hazard.
  2. EVERYTHING - getting rid of explosion and fire hazards.
  3. D - suppression of explosion and fire hazards.

How to use a powder fire extinguisher? The procedure is carried out according to the above instructions. When using such a device, it is necessary to cool the heated parts building structures and equipment. Must be adhered to correct mode storage of the device and check it regularly performance characteristics, humidity and uniformity of powder charge.

Gas appliances

How to use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher? The instructions will allow you to perform this procedure correctly. Devices of this type should not be used to neutralize fires of electrical equipment under voltage from 10 kV.

Carbon dioxide devices with a flame extinguishing component jet length of less than 3 m should not be used to extinguish equipment with voltages over 1000 V. A device with a metal socket should not be used to extinguish live electrical equipment.

Halon fire extinguishers save electrical equipment due to the extinguishing agent, which is non-damaging and has an excellent cooling effect. They are needed for radio-electronic devices, computer technology, rare museum exhibits, archival materials.

The disadvantage of the devices is the toxicity of their charge. Therefore, they can be used in enclosed small spaces through ventilation and doorways. After this, ventilation is necessary.

Water devices

How to use a water type fire extinguisher? They are used according to standard instructions, but only to extinguish class A and B fires. To neutralize a class B fire, it is necessary that the charge contains a fluorine-containing surfactant component. Water appliances should not be used to extinguish fires involving electrical equipment, melted or heated components.

Foam fire extinguishers

How to use foam fire extinguishers is described above. The devices are ideal for extinguishing class A and B fires. Air-foam devices should not be used to extinguish fires of highly heated or molten substances, as well as with extinguishing live equipment.

Thus, extinguishing a fire using a fire extinguisher is effective for small fires. You just need to remember the rules for using the device in order to quickly deal with the problem.

In the event of a fire.

Knowledge of basic different types fire extinguishers will allow you to cope with small fires.

Procedure for using fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are in the form of a cylinder, painted red. From its nozzle comes a stream of filler intended for extinguishing fire - water or a certain chemical substance.

Devices are classified depending on the method of action on the source of fire. Each type has its own characteristics.

But there is general rules use of fire extinguishers, which are applicable to any of them:

  1. having broken the seal and pulled out the pin, bring the device into working position;
  2. for protection against fire and harmful substances take a position on the windy side, at a distance of at least 3 m from the fire site;
  3. direct the stream from the fire extinguisher not at the flame, but at the base of the fire;
  4. if a fire occurs in a niche, the jet should be directed from top to bottom;
  5. if there are several fire extinguishers, you need to mobilize those around you and use all the devices at the same time;
  6. After eliminating the source, you should make sure that there are no more traces of flame.

The procedure for using fire extinguishers requires that after extinguishing the fire, they must be recharged, for which there are special services that have the appropriate license.

Foam fire extinguisher

A foam fire extinguisher is used to extinguish solid materials or flammable liquids; the purpose and rules of use indicate the impossibility of their use when extinguishing wires going to the electrical supply or installations connected to high voltage, since foam formed from aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis has conductive properties.

The device must also not be used to extinguish objects containing alkali or alkaline earth metals. They react with water, releasing hydrogen, which will only intensify the flame. They are also ineffective when extinguishing alcohol - it dissolves in water and the foam is destroyed.

Air foam devices

The filler of air-foam fire extinguishers has the following composition:

  • air – about 90%;
  • water – 9.8%;
  • foaming agent – ​​0.2%.

The rules for using an air-foam fire extinguisher recommend:

  1. Having removed the seal, turn the device handle 180 degrees;
  2. start the foaming mechanism by turning the device upside down;
  3. point at the flame and remove the tube;
  4. press the lever and release the stream onto the fire.

Their minor disadvantage is the small range of application temperatures - from 5 to 45 degrees.

Powder filled devices

Powder fire extinguishers (OP) are the most accessible and versatile in use. They can be used to extinguish almost all classes of fires (from A to C), including those under voltage of 1000 V.

The exception is materials that can burn without access to air. The cylinder is filled with powdered mineral salts, which slow down combustion processes.

The composition of the powder complies with established environmental safety standards, therefore the rules for using a powder fire extinguisher allow you to:

  • start using them at the moment of fire, without waiting for people to evacuate from the premises;
  • don't use by special means protection during operation.

In those areas where there is a high risk of fire, for example, in elevators, garbage bins, self-activating powder devices are installed.

They are automatically activated when the temperature rises to a certain level. When localizing a fire in electrical installations, the charge is supplied in separate portions every 3-4 seconds.

The rules for using a powder type fire extinguisher indicate that its service life can reach 10 years if the maintenance rules are followed:

  1. recharging it every 5 years;
  2. stored in an upright position at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 50 degrees;
  3. its regular serviceability.

Carbon dioxide devices

Carbon dioxide in liquefied form is used as a filler for carbon dioxide fire extinguishers; the purpose and rules of use are determined by the properties carbon dioxide and application features. Fire extinguishing is achieved through the action of carbon dioxide on the flammable environment and cooling the fire area.

When the device is activated, carbon dioxide transforms into a gaseous state, the pressure of which reaches 5.7 MPa. The volume of dioxide increases 400-500 times with simultaneous cooling to -72 degrees.

Therefore, the rules for using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher require careful handling:

  • when extinguishing a fire, the socket of the device must be located no further than 1 m from the fire site;
  • inhaling carbon dioxide can cause dizziness, so it is necessary to ventilate the room;
  • Do not touch metal parts with bare hands to avoid frostbite;
  • It is also prohibited to use carbon dioxide to extinguish burning clothing on a victim to prevent frostbite;
  • After operation, the device is sent for refueling.

Precautionary measures

Fire extinguishers are safe if used correctly. However, their violation can lead to unpleasant consequences or even accidents.

Therefore, it is necessary to first read the instructions for using fire extinguishers so that at the right time you can use them quickly and effectively.

It is prohibited to use devices:

  1. with cracks and dents on the body or signs of corrosion;
  2. strike the body;
  3. test the device without providing reliable protection;
  4. use a fire extinguisher without using individual funds protection;
  5. direct the body sleeve while working towards the people around you;
  6. dump into environment foam concentrate residues.

The procedure for using a fire extinguisher requires taking into account the specific application different types devices to ensure operational safety, for example:

  • when extinguishing a fire with a carbon dioxide device - the likelihood of a decrease in oxygen concentration in the room;
  • in the case of foam machines - the possibility of damage by acid or alkali;
  • when using powder ones, visibility in the area is reduced due to high dust levels.


Not only the safety of property, but also the lives of people largely depend on the ability to react correctly and quickly in the event of a fire danger. Therefore, the presence of a fire extinguisher must be accompanied by the ability to use it.

Video: How to use a fire extinguisher