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» The principle of operation of the gas equipment of the car. LPG equipment for cars: description, principle of operation, registration. Gas filling device

The principle of operation of the gas equipment of the car. LPG equipment for cars: description, principle of operation, registration. Gas filling device

LPG or LPG equipment - devices that are installed on the machine and allow the use of gas as fuel. The use of gas equipment in a car allows you to reduce the cost of gasoline and increase engine life, reduce repairs, and also reduce the amount of harmful emissions. With daily movements in the region of 100 km, the installation of HBO on a car pays off within 3-4 months.


Many motorists have heard of HBO, but do not know the decoding of this abbreviated name. And everything is simple: this is the name of the system of devices that supply gas from the cylinder to the engine, that is, gas equipment. This design is mounted as an auxiliary, and its presence allows you to switch from gasoline to gas. Let's consider schematically what is included in this HBO in the car. To simplify the listing as much as possible: a cylinder, gas pipelines and devices that provide the correct gas supply. The first important device on the “cylinder-motor” line is the evaporator.

It is necessary in order to turn liquefied (liquid) propane into a gaseous state using antifreeze from the engine cooling system. Due to the temperature difference, the gas evaporates and already in this form enters the gas reducer. What role does the reducer play? The most important: it helps to supply gas in the right amount and controls pressure. The last section of the pipeline leads to a mixer or a ramp with nozzles (depending on the generation of HBO). The system provides a gas filter, because the ingress of mechanical particles into the cylinders of an internal combustion engine is unacceptable.

Pressure gauges are also connected to control the pressure in the cylinder and reducer. In injection machines, gas equipment is controlled by a separate electronic unit. From it, the “gas / gasoline” button is displayed in the salon. This means that if HBO is installed, the standard power system also remains, and you can switch to gasoline at any time.


Italy is a pioneer in LPG equipment. More than 50 years ago, small family-owned companies in northern Italy began to develop the production of components for converting petrol cars to natural gas. Italy to this day is the main supplier of gas equipment for cars and new gas technologies.

IN Lately this baton was actively picked up by such countries as Poland, especially in the field of electronics, Turkey, China and Lithuania. In addition to Italy, which today is the country with the largest distribution of gas equipment for cars, many cars with Euro LPG also appeared in Poland, Russia, Ukraine - Milano Ukraine, in countries South America, India, China and Australia. In many of these countries, automakers produce either all-gas or dual-fuel (eg petrol and gas) vehicles directly on the assembly line.

The principle of operation of HBO

Gas equipment on a car works on various forms of gas: liquefied and gaseous. Most often, liquefied gas is used for work - a propane-butane mixture. Less often - compressed natural gas(methane). There are few methane gas stations, so compressed gas cylinders are not popular. How does the HBO system work? The gas flows from the cylinder through the filter to the reducer. Since it is under pressure in the cylinder (about 16 atm), it moves by gravity through the pipe. Once in the reducer, liquefied gas is converted into steam - it evaporates. To do this, the reducer reduces its pressure and heats it up. During engine operation, heat from the engine is used to heat the liquid gas. After the reducer, gas vapors pass through another filter and enter the mixer.

In many HBO systems, the flow to the mixer occurs through nozzles. Their number corresponds to the number of cylinders - pistons. And their opening is controlled by an electronic control unit. By giving commands to the injectors, the control unit regulates the number of injections and the amount of gas that enters the combustion chamber. Starting the engine and the first 20 - 30 seconds of operation take place on gasoline. As soon as the gearbox warms up, the gas equipment control system automatically turns on the gas supply and its injection into the combustion system.

In this case, the supply of gasoline is automatically turned off. The reverse transition to gasoline occurs when the pressure in the gas pipes decreases, that is, when the gas in the cylinder runs out. In addition, the control system has the ability to manually switch between petrol and gas modes. The described principle of operation is a scheme for liquefied propane-butane fuel. For natural gas (methane), a different scheme is used. Since it is a gas, it goes directly to the gas injectors and then to the combustion chamber without a filter and a reducer.

Registration of gas equipment

Gas equipment must be documented in the relevant services. This statement is true and greatly limits the ability to install HBO with your own hands. The fact is that in order to register HBO at the Traffic Inspectorate, you need to present a special certificate and license for the right to engage in work on the installation of such gas equipment. It turns out that independent interventions in the design of the car are unacceptable.

Among motorists, the question has been raised more than once that a car with an installed but unregistered gas power system cannot pass MOT. Such cars with LPG refuse to be registered or deregistered by the traffic police. Problems will arise, but only if there are no relevant documents for the installed HBO. Documents for HBO legal grounds they can also ask at a gas station, although in practice this does not occur.

The difficulties are related to the fact that the installation of any systems, and especially from the 4th generation and above, will require a significant re-equipment of the car. For HBO-4, you need to drill holes in the intake manifold for gas injectors, you need to cut the wiring to the gasoline injectors, connect to the car's sensors, etc.

Generations of HBO

HBO is a technical system that is being developed and modernized. Therefore, today there are 6 generations of gas equipment. They differ in the principle of gas supply and the way to turn off the supply of gasoline. Note: by and large, all HBO systems can be divided into 3 main groups and intermediate hybrid types between them. The three main HBO systems are: for carburetor (mechanical) fuel injection; for injector distributed injection; for direct injection of fuel into the engine. Let's describe six generations of equipment - their action and differences. HBO-1 is a system with mechanical blocks that are installed exclusively on carburetor engines. Their reducer injects gas through nozzles at low pressure inside the mixer. Therefore, it was called "vacuum".

This system has many shortcomings and complaints, fires are not rare; HBO-2 - a system for carburetor and simple injection engines, but upgraded with an electromagnetic gearbox. This made it possible to organize the supply of gas; different values pressure in the mixer, made it easier to start the engine, possible "cold" start. The electromagnetic gearbox also made it possible to control the choice of fuel with a button from the passenger compartment; HBO-3 is a system for injection engines in which the gearbox is equipped with controllers and operates in a fully automatic mode. It reads the readings of the oxygen sensor in the exhaust gases and regulates the composition of the gas mixture according to them. Also, the gearbox has a temperature sensor that allows it to turn on only after warming up. Another improvement of HBO-3 is injector emulators. They imitate the operation of gasoline injectors so that the electronic unit does not put the engine into emergency mode. Injector emulators removed the need to build a separate petrol valve into the system. First generation gas equipment systems are considered obsolete.

Among the other three, HBO-4 received the most popularity due to the optimal combination of price and quality of its work. It is what most drivers prefer to install. HBO-4 - system for injection engines. Improvement of HBO-4 are gas nozzles. They take on the function of injecting gas into the mixer-collector. And relieve the gearbox from the need to build up pressure to inject gas into the mixer. The number of nozzles corresponds to the number of piston-cylinders. A controller is installed on each nozzle, which controls its operation - determines the amount of injected gas and the injection frequency. There are no gasoline emulators here, their function is performed by the electronic unit itself. He, the control unit, suspends the operation of gasoline injectors and starts gas ones. At the same time, the petrol block continues to operate without petrol injections. HBO of the fourth and subsequent generations are systems of periodic (cyclic, phase) supply of fuel (gas). This supply allowed to reduce the consumption of liquefied fuel.

HBO of subsequent generations, the 5th and 6th, do not operate on gaseous methane, since they use exclusively liquefied gas. In their design, liquefied fuel enters the combustion chamber in liquid form, bypassing the vaporization phase. HBO-5 - gas is injected in the form of a liquid, which is called "liquid injection". It is fed into the chamber by fuel pumps built into the cylinder (similar to the gasoline supply system). To supply liquid fuel, the pump pumps pressure up to 5 atm. A pressure reducer works to continuously pressurize the system. A slight increase in pressure prevents the liquid gas from evaporating when heated by a running engine. This system starts easily without gasoline, without having to warm up the engine on gasoline. They also feature reduced gas consumption and increased power. There is no reducer-evaporator in HBO-5; HBO-6 put on engines with direct injection. Uses liquefied gas. The HBO-6 system consists of a tank that is connected to the gasoline fuel supply line. HBO-5 and 6 are the most expensive options for installing gas equipment on a car.

Installation Features

What to consider when installing gas equipment on a car? Reducer - a device that will take place under the hood. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the optimal location for it. It must be available for maintenance - periodic replacement of filters. It is necessary to mount the gearbox on the car frame, it cannot be mounted on the engine, due to vibrations. Hoses for supplying antifreeze should not be bent or kinked. Antifreeze hoses are connected to the system in parallel.

Then the antifreeze will be supplied to the reducer and radiator of the stove in equal quantities. There should not be a hot muffler near the gas cylinder and there should not be any vibrating body parts. The gas injectors are located as close as possible to the petrol injectors. The mixture should be as close as possible to the candle - this ensures the stability of its combustion. However, the installation of LPG requires professional knowledge, so this section is more of an aid to control the installation of LPG equipment on your car.


The word "gas" in itself carries a certain danger, therefore, manufacturers of gas systems pay great attention to the safety of their systems.

The fittings of the gas cylinder are equipped with fire, emergency and electromagnetic valves, as well as a valve that shuts off the gas flow in case of a break in the gas line. Under the hood of the car, gas-cylinder electronics instantly cut off the gas supply, in case of using gasoline or stopping the engine of the car.

All HBO components undergo mandatory certification and numerous tests confirming their safety. The safety standards for gas-balloon equipment on cars installed in the secondary market are absolutely identical to the standards of gas cars produced by automakers. By installing HBO on a car, you can be sure that you are protected in the same way as the owner of a gas car with gas equipment installed directly on the conveyor.

There are some opinions about the dangers of using gas equipment in a car. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth.

Benefits of HBO

Gas equipment for cars is more economical than the operation of a gasoline or diesel engine. It reduces fuel consumption and extends engine life. Here is a description of the main advantages of cars "on gas": A car with LPG can run on both gas and gasoline. Fuel costs are reduced. The ride quality of the car is improved: it moves softer, without jerks, starts and accelerates faster. The amount of harmful emissions is reduced. This is due to more complete combustion of fuel. The mixture of propane and butane has a high octane number (up to 108), due to which it burns out almost completely, leaving no exhaust gases or other emissions. Note: according to studies, the percentage of reduction of harmful emissions for a carbureted engine is 2/3 or 70%. For diesel - half or 52%. Also, the advantages of HBO include: an increase in the service life of the engine, due to the careful attitude to the engine, more complete combustion of fuel, less carbon deposits on the cylinders; increase in car mileage without refueling; instead of one gas tank in the car - two tanks with two types of fuel. The advantages listed above are inherent in HBO systems installed in licensed proven workshops, using high-quality certified equipment. It is also important after installing HBO to do maintenance and change filters in a timely manner. Namely - every 10 - 15 thousand km. Note: the first inspection after the installation of HBO must be completed earlier - already after 1.5 thousand km.

Disadvantages of HBO

Significant cash costs for the installation of gas equipment on a car. Its cost is several tens of thousands. In addition, you need to install additional equipment in the traffic police, which will also require the cost of money and time. Decrease in quantity free space- relevant for cars with a small trunk. However, this drawback can be made irrelevant if you use a remote gas cylinder model, which is mounted outside the body and does not take up space inside the trunk or passenger compartment. Increasing the number of technical inspections and payment for their implementation. Increased safety requirements - gas is more dangerous than gasoline. Installing new equipment will void the manufacturer's warranty. Therefore, it is not always appropriate for a new car with a factory warranty.


At present, in addition to traditional and injection gas-balloon equipment, new directions of development have appeared on cars. These are diesel gas systems, the so-called gas diesels. In other words, the use of gas on diesel cars.

In such HBO systems, gas is supplied to the engine simultaneously with the supply of the main fuel - diesel. The use of gas-diesel equipment can significantly reduce fuel costs, this is especially true for use on mainline tractors.

Second modern direction is the use of LPG on petrol vehicles with direct petrol injection. On these modern cars, gasoline injectors are installed directly into the combustion chamber of the engine. LPG for direct injection, which can be installed on these machines, also uses the simultaneous supply of gas and gasoline.

Another modern trend is deepening the links between gas and automotive control systems. Modern LPG equipment can communicate with regular car controllers through data transmission systems using certain protocols, which allows you to inform the driver, for example, through an on-board computer, about problems or malfunctions in the operation of LPG equipment.

Many car enthusiasts, especially in the face of ever-rising fuel prices, are making the decision to switch their car from petrol to gas. The installation of LPG equipment can significantly save money for those drivers who actively operate their car and have solid mileage. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using HBO in a separate article, but now let's look at the classification of such solutions and the principle of operation of such equipment.

Read in this article

Gas system device

Main components of gas systems:

  • Reducer-evaporator. This device realizes the heating of the propane-butane mixture, is responsible for evaporation and reduces the pressure to a value close to atmospheric. The gas reducer is great for cars with a small displacement, as it compact solution not difficult to place in the engine compartment. The control of the device can be either vacuum or electronic using a separate unit.
  • Solenoid gas valve. It shuts off the gas line, which is necessary during downtime or after switching the engine to gasoline. It also has a filter that cleans the fuel mixture.
  • Electromagnetic petrol valve. In vehicles with carburetor stops the supply of gasoline when the engine is running on gas. In a car with injection injection, this function is performed by injector emulator.
  • Switch between fuel types. The device is located in the car. Switches can have different designs, some of them get backlight and a scale indicating the remaining gas in the cylinder.
  • Multivalve. This solution is mounted on the neck of the cylinder. The device consists of a filling valve and a flow valve. There is also a gas level meter and a sampling tube. Structurally, the device includes another valve (high-speed), which is able to prevent gas leakage in the event of an emergency breakdown of the gas line.
  • Ventilation box. The solution is also installed on the neck of the cylinder. The multivalve mentioned above is placed inside the box. The main task of the ventilation box is to remove gas vapors to the outside in case of leakage from the cylinder in the luggage compartment.
  • Capacity for liquefied gas (gas cylinder). Cylinders can be cylindrical and torroidal. The latter allow installation in a niche for a spare wheel. Cylinders are filled with no more than 80% of the maximum volume, which is done in accordance with safety requirements during their operation.

Principle of operation

It is worth noting that gas supply and the implementation of the entire early generation HBO system are noticeably simpler than the installation of a gasoline fuel supply system. For clarity, once again we draw your attention to a relatively small list of basic elements.

The transfer of the car to the gas supply system and the corresponding re-equipment is as follows. At the very beginning, a gas storage tank (gas cylinder) is installed in the trunk, cargo compartment, on the frame or under the bottom of the vehicle. An evaporator reducer and devices responsible for supplying gas to the engine are placed in the engine compartment. In addition, solutions are installed that allow the regulation of the mixture.

The gas in the cylinder is propane-butane, which is liquefied petroleum gas. If the pressure is at atmospheric level, then the substance is in a gaseous state, but with a relatively small increase in pressure, it easily passes into a liquefied state. The resulting liquid is prone to evaporation at ambient temperatures. For this reason, the gas is placed in sealed containers (cylinders) under a pressure of 2-16 atm, where it is stored as a liquid.

Gas vapors create pressure, due to which they enter the gas line from the cylinder, which is called the high pressure line. The gas from the cylinder is consumed due to its passage through the multivalve. As mentioned above, gas filling is also carried out through this valve. For refueling use an additional remote device.

Gas in a liquid state moves along the line and enters a gas valve equipped with a filter. The filter is designed for effective gas purification from impurities and resinous deposits. The device is additionally responsible for shutting off the gas supply at the moment the ignition is turned off, as well as when choosing the engine operation mode on gasoline.

After the filter, the purified liquefied gas moves through the gas pipeline and ends up in the evaporator reducer. In this device, its pressure is reduced to a value approximately equal to 1 atm. The decrease in pressure leads to the fact that the liquid gas begins to evaporate. In this case, active cooling of the gearbox takes place. For this reason, the gearbox is attached to the engine cooling system. The heated coolant that circulates in the system prevents freezing of the gearbox, as well as the membranes in the device. The main recommendation in the cold season is to pre-start and warm up the engine on gasoline, and then the engine is switched to gas. This requirement implies that the internal combustion engine reaches operating temperature with the necessary coolant heating.

From the reducer, the gas, which already has a vapor state, enters the engine cylinders. Dosing devices are responsible for its supply. It is noteworthy that the device gas installation there is no element that is similar in function to a gasoline pump. The gas is already in the cylinder under pressure and enters the reducer on its own, and not forcibly. This greatly simplifies the HBO system. The ability of a gas to change from a liquid phase to a vapor phase when changing pressure and temperature further reduces the number structural elements in the chain.

The mixer in HBO is a device of complex shape, which is installed in front of the throttle valve. The main task of this solution is the preparation of a working mixture of gas and air. The dispenser is an adjustment device. A special solenoid valve is installed in front of the gearbox, which turns off the gas supply.

The interior petrol or gas selector switch has three positions: gas, petrol and neutral. Mode selection closes one or both valves. When the ignition is turned off, then all valves are in the closed state. LPG can also have the function of shutting off the gas supply in the event that there is no ignition spark in the internal combustion engine.

  • balloon (1)
  • multivalve (2)
  • high pressure gas line (3)
  • remote filling device (4)
  • gas valve (5)
  • reducer-evaporator (6)
  • dispenser (7)
  • air and gas mixer (8)
  • petrol valve (9)
  • fuel selector (10)

According to the principle of gas supply to the engine, HBO is conditionally divided into generations. As an illustrative example, let's take early systems and follow the algorithm of their work. Petroleum gas (propane-butane), which is in a liquefied state and under pressure, comes from a cylinder (1). The gas flows through the high pressure line (3). The multivalve (2) is responsible for controlling the gas flow. By means of the same valve, filling is carried out using an external filling device (4). In the liquid phase, the gas enters the gas filter valve (5) through the pipeline. There it is cleaned of suspensions and tarry deposits, and the filter shuts off the gas supply at the moment the ignition is turned off or when the operation mode is selected on gasoline.

The gas purified in the filter goes through the pipeline and ends up in the evaporator reducer (6). The pressure of the gas is reduced there to the atmospheric level. Intensive evaporation of the gas begins. A vacuum in the intake manifold of a running internal combustion engine allows gas from the gearbox to pass through the hose low pressure. Then the gas enters the dispenser (7) and ends up in the mixer (8). The mixer is installed between the air filter and the throttle valve. On carburetor cars, instead of a mixer, gas fittings can be inserted directly into the carburetor.

The operating modes of the internal combustion engine on gasoline or gas are selected using the fuel type switch (10), which is placed on the dashboard. When gas mode is selected, the switch initiates the opening of the gas solenoid valve (5) and the petrol solenoid valve (9) is deactivated. If there is a changeover from gas to petrol, then the switch closes the gas valve and allows the petrol valve to open. The backlight on the switch allows you to determine which type of fuel is used at any given moment.

In the process of evolution, a well-established practice of dividing installations into generations has developed. In the CIS, certain difficulties arose with the classification of HBO. The fact is that the third generation, after its appearance on the market, did not become widespread and then disappeared, and for this reason the first and second were mistakenly called the second and third.

Even more confusion is made by numerous installers, who in some cases mistakenly assign fifth-generation status to LPG systems with OBD-correction, as well as BRC Sequent Direct Injection systems for engines with direct fuel injection. For maximum clarity, the system should be divided according to the method of supplying gas to the internal combustion engine:

  • equipment of the ejector type, which includes HBO of the first generations. The solution is an analogue of gasoline carburetor and early examples of injector injection;
  • distributed gas injection, belonging to the fourth generation of systems;
  • liquid injection, which is the fifth generation HBO;
  • direct injection of liquid gas, which is the sixth generation of gas equipment;

Generations of HBO and design features

1st generation

This generation includes mechanical systems, which have been partially described above in the form of a schematic example. The solutions received vacuum control and are also equipped with a mechanical gas dispenser. Such systems are installed on gasoline units that have a carburetor or a simple injector. HBO of the first generation also received a gas mixer.

The gas supply to the mixer for such systems is controlled manually. For this, a dispenser is used. The dispenser is a pipe that allows you to change the flow area by screwing in the adjusting screw, which is inserted into the pipe. By adjusting the dispenser, we understand the position of the screw, which allows the motor to operate stably on gas in various modes. The position of the screw during the operation of the car may occasionally require correction, especially when the air filter is clogged. The fuel selection switch in such LPG may additionally have a gas level indicator in the cylinder. The function is implemented if there is a fuel level sensor in the multivalve design.

The first generation of LPG for cars with an injector is structurally different in that the gasoline valve for stopping the supply of gasoline has been replaced with a device called an injector emulator. In the process of gas supply, the element imitates the operation of regular gasoline injectors so that it does not go into emergency operation. A similar solution in the form of a lambda probe emulator made it possible to solve the problem regarding injection engine ECU errors.

II generation

The mechanical system was supplemented by an electronic dosing device, the operation of which was based on feedback from a lambda probe (oxygen sensor). This solution is installed on injection engines with a catalyst. Second-generation HBO got rid of the manual dispenser. Its place was taken by an electronic dispenser, which regulates the gas supply using a stepper-type electric motor.

The dispenser is controlled by an electronic unit, which relies on the signals of a regular lambda probe. This makes it possible to maintain optimal composition gas-air working mixture. The electronic unit additionally receives signals from the throttle position sensor and the engine speed sensor, which is necessary to optimize the mixture in transient operating modes of the power unit. This type of HBO is configured using a PC.

Such systems were installed on cars with electronic carburetors or injectors, which are equipped with a lambda probe and a catalyst, and have a throttle position sensor in their design. These generations of HBO are transitional systems. Today, such solutions are practically not used.

The reason was that the early generations of HBO do not meet the current requirements on the issue of toxicity, being at the level of EURO-1 standards. With these requirements in mind, manufacturers have created systems of the third and fourth generations, which are much more common.

III generation

Such systems are able to provide distributed synchronous gas injection. Structurally, they have a dispenser-distributor controlled by an electronic unit. The gas supply to the intake manifold is realized by means of mechanical nozzles. The nozzles open due to excess pressure in the high pressure gas line. An electronic-mechanical step-type dispenser is located between the gearbox, which supplies overpressure, and fittings-valves that are installed in the intake manifold of the engine. The element is responsible for the optimal dosage of the gas flow into the inlet. Switching modes and creating an optimal gas-air working mixture is entrusted to the electronic control unit, which receives signals from standard engine sensors (MAP sensor, lambda probe, TPS, etc.).

It is worth noting that the 3rd generation HBO does not use the car's ECU and does not rely on fuel cards that are wired into the standard internal combustion engine control unit. Gas supply systems operate in parallel and have their own fuel cards. The adjustment of the composition of the mixture in such HBO is not of the highest quality, which directly depends on the speed of the step-by-step dispenser-distributor. After the introduction of EURO-3 standards, as well as the emergence of OBD II and EOBD (second generation on-board diagnostics), 3rd generation gas systems have lost popularity. The release of HBO systems of the 4th generation ousted the previous 3rd from the market completely.

IV generation

HBO of this generation is called distributed gas injection (the definition of phased distributed gas injection is also found). The generation of distributed sequential gas injection systems with electromagnetic injectors is controlled by a more advanced electronic unit. Like 3rd generation systems, gas injectors are mounted on the intake manifold. The installation implies the close proximity of the injector nozzle and the intake valve of each individual cylinder. This generation of HBO uses the power of the ECU and which are included in the regular program of the car controller. In the 4th generation, only the necessary corrections are made in order to adapt the gas system to the fuel map in the petrol ECU.

In this generation of systems, the gas from the reducer-evaporator passes through a fine gas filter. Then it enters a special gas injector rail. These injectors are installed on the intake manifold, and the space around the regular gasoline injectors becomes their place of installation. Gas nozzles are based on calibrated jets, through which gas is supplied to the area where the inlet valve of the power unit is located.

The gas injectors are controlled by a separate control unit. The block uses those signals that come from the regular on-board computer in the car and are intended for gasoline injectors. gas block converts these signals and sends them to the gas injectors. Petrol injectors at this moment are turned off by the same block.

The required amount of gas, which is distributed through the intake manifold, is calculated on the basis of the injection time, which is determined by the standard ECU. The gas injector control unit corrects this time for the gas, as its pressure and temperature must be taken into account. The result is that the gas enters each cylinder of the internal combustion engine in a timely manner and in exactly the right amount.

The 4th generation HBO is configured using a personal computer and appropriate programs. The software must be compatible with the HBO generation. A separate advantage of such systems is the function of switching automatically from gasoline to gas when the engine warms up. If the gas in the cylinder is over, then there will also be an automatic transition to gasoline. Opportunity manual selection fuel using the switch in the cabin remained unchanged. Today, the 4th generation HBO is the most popular and optimal equipment for injection cars.

HBO IV and direct injection

Separately, it is worth noting the 4th generation HBO for such vehicles in which the fuel supply system is arranged according to the principle of direct fuel injection. Some HBO installation companies attribute this type of system to the fifth generation, but a detailed study of the issue reveals the fallacy of such a definition. In fact, the system remains 4th generation equipment, which has been refined and adapted to a specific type of internal combustion engine.

Not so long ago, the installation of HBO on cars with direct fuel injection into the cylinders was simply impossible. These cars include Mitsubishi with a line of GDI engines, VW, Skoda and Audi with FSI units, separate models of Toyota, Nissan, etc. The main problem was that gasoline injectors in such engines do not inject fuel into the intake manifold, but supply fuel directly to the combustion chamber. It was not possible to install gas nozzles for direct gas supply to the combustion chamber. The usual 4th generation HBO with gas injectors on the intake manifold was also not suitable, since the gasoline power system of these internal combustion engines suffered greatly and short term was out of order.

The LPi (Liquid Propane Injection) system is an injection of liquefied gas. Such a system was the brainchild of the Dutch company Vialle. Brand specialists developed and were the first to introduce gas injection systems, which are in a liquid state, back in 1995. The main difference of this system from other LPG systems with distributed injection is that the gas is injected into the intake manifold of the internal combustion engine not in the vaporized phase, but in liquid form. This generation of the gas system also has a number of differences in its constituent components. Most of the elements of the LPi system differ from the usual solutions that are used in the design of the usual previous LPG systems.

The gas cylinder contains a gas pump. This pump allows you to supply gas in the liquid state. In this form, the gas enters the gas nozzles. The need to evaporate gas in the intake manifold has disappeared, which automatically excludes the reducer-evaporator from the system. Instead of this element, there is a pressure regulator. The task of the device is to maintain a constant working pressure in the gas supply system. The indicator is at such a point that the outlet pressure is at least 5 bar higher than the pressure in the gas cylinder. Such pressure does not allow the gas to go into the vapor phase in the tubes due to the heating of the running engine. The need to heat the HBO elements under the hood by integrating them into the internal combustion engine cooling system for circulating the heated coolant has now lost its relevance. The pressure regulator is enclosed in a special unit, which has a safety solenoid valve. This valve is open when the internal combustion engine is running on gas, the device closes when the engine is switched to gasoline.

The remaining unused gas from the injectors flows through the pressure regulator back into the cylinder, which is reminiscent of the “return” principle in gasoline units. The fuel line has also changed. In the early generations of HBO, there was a tube, the material of which, in most cases, was refined copper. The tube was used to supply gas from the cylinder to the evaporator reducer. In the 5th generation system, it was replaced with single lines, the material for which was reinforced plastic.

If you carefully examine the LPi system, then it is quite obvious that there is a significant similarity with the gasoline injection power supply system for internal combustion engines. Liquid injection allows you to completely replace the gasoline power system. South Korean automakers have appreciated this opportunity by setting up the production of mono-fuel gas cars for their domestic market.

The main advantage of HBO 5 is high accuracy injection, lack of connection to the internal combustion engine cooling system, independence from the level of gas pressure in the cylinder, etc. Moreover, due to the effect of cooling during the evaporation of gas, the motor, when operating in some modes, produces a slightly higher power.

Starting an internal combustion engine at low temperatures becomes easier, since in cold weather in LPi liquefied gas has a better evaporation characteristic compared to gasoline, which allows you to not fill candles. The disadvantages of the system include the high final cost and little experience in servicing these solutions by specialists in the territory of the CIS countries.

If the system is not properly cared for, then the service life without breakdowns of the 5th generation HBO is reduced significantly. For example, an old-style gas pump required periodic lubrication for its trouble-free operation. Not all experts were aware of this need. Hence, myths arose about the rapid failure of gas pumps, which were attributed to the low quality of gas in the CIS, design flaws in the system, etc.

Proper maintenance, even taking into account the realities and mediocre quality of gas, is able to provide a minimum life of Vialle LPi even with an old type pump of about 200-300 thousand km. In modern systems, an even more advanced turbine-type pump is used, which completely eliminates the need for additional lubrication and other manipulations to care for the system.

VI generation

The Liquid Propane Direct Injection System is a liquid gas direct injection solution. In parallel with the LPi system, the Dutch company Vialle created the LPdi system. This solution is designed for engines with direct fuel injection into the cylinders.

This system occupies the conditional status of the sixth generation of HBO, repeating the situation with the 4th generation and the Sequent Direct Injection (SDI) system. The solution has a similar design with the 5th generation HBO. The main difference is that liquid gas is supplied through standard gasoline injectors of the power unit. The system uses the same cylinder with a high pressure gas pump. This pump delivers liquefied gas to a special device called a fuel selector. It is in this device that the switch between the supply of gasoline or gas occurs.

It is quite obvious that the specified fuel selector is the basis of this HBO system. This device is a patented valve block. During the operation of the unit, the gasoline in front of the high pressure fuel pump is replaced by liquid gas. Remaining in a liquefied state, the gas is supplied to. Specified
raises the pressure to 100 bar and above, supplying gas to the fuel injectors.

The use of such a HBO system allows you to fully preserve all the advantages of using internal combustion engines with direct fuel injection. The most accurate fuel dosing is provided, the engine runs confidently on a lean working mixture, there are no problems in transient conditions. Not only that, but the use of liquefied gas can further reduce exhaust toxicity.

Another positive moment From the use of the 6th generation HBO is the opportunity not only to maintain the engine power that the engineers put into it at the factory, but also to exceed this figure. The manufacturer gives an example that after installing such a HBO system on a Volkswagen Passat 1.8 TSI, whose nameplate power on gasoline is 160 hp, the power characteristic on gas increased to 169 hp. With. It is possible to install the Vialle LPdi system only on certain car models with the corresponding type of power unit.

For many years, those who want to save on fuel have been switching their car from gasoline to gas. Gas equipment is subject to improvement in terms of safety and environmental friendliness. Now the latest model is the 5th generation gas cylinder equipment. But, the most common is the 4th generation. In today's article, we will consider what the 4th generation HBO is, how to install it.

What is HBO?

HBO is gas-balloon equipment, it is also gas bottle equipment, it is also gas equipment for a car. It was created in order to be able to supply gaseous fuel to an internal combustion engine (ICE).

HBO is a special equipment that stores gas fuel and supplies it to the internal combustion engine system.

Due to the cheap price of gas, it has been widely used. LPG equipment is installed both on commercial vehicles and on private cars.

There are two types of gaseous fuel for LPG engines:

  • Compressed, that is, compressed natural gas (CNG). This includes methane gas (CH4).
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). This includes gas BUTANE (С4Н6), PROPANE (С3Н8), their mixture.

Methane is a very dangerous gas. Contact with a small amount of it on a person leads to loss of vision or death. Therefore, there are many cases - loss or deterioration of vision in people who drank fake alcoholic beverages diluted with methyl alcohol (CH3OH). Therefore, propane, butane cylinders are used.

The principle of operation of HBO 4 generations

LPG automotive equipment has become popular due to the fact that it is able to pump fuel combined, that is, gas + gasoline. Also, at the request of the driver, he can switch from the combined method to only gas supply or, only to gasoline supply to the internal combustion engine system. Also, switching modes can occur automatically. The control panel of the fourth HBO is small. She's backlit LED indicator an indicator of the amount of gas in the cylinder and on which there is a switch for fuel supply modes.

Basically, the gas equipment control panel is installed on the left side under the steering column, next to the headlight adjustment buttons.

Fuel indicators

There are 5 LED information indicators on the HBO 4 control panel: 4 green and 1 red. They are located in one row.

  1. If 1 green LED signal is on, it means that there are 10 liters of gaseous fuel left in the cylinder. 10 liters of gas is enough to travel a distance of up to 200 km.
  2. If the red LED light turns on, it means that there is a minimum amount of fuel left. The emergency amount of gas is enough to drive from 50 to 80 km. When the red indicator turns on, you need to go to a gas station.

Gas equipment control panel

There is also a red indicator on the remote, in the top corner. It works in flashing mode. When blinking, it means that the engine is currently running on gasoline, but will soon switch to gas. The red light on the remote control flashes whenever the car has just started. After the engine reaches operating temperature, the HBO system will switch to gas.

What do you know about the brand of fuel EKTO? What is better, we examined, deduced the pros and cons of using this fuel, developed by LUKOIL.

The ability of the HBO system to operate in a combined mode increases the reliability of the stable operation of the internal combustion engine of the machine. Also, one gas station allows you to drive greater distance. Especially, it is convenient in sparsely populated areas, where the distances to gas stations are large or if the fuel is not of high quality. In addition to the above advantages, you can easily make the car not stolen. To turn on the car's anti-theft, it is enough to remove the switch, without which neither gasoline nor gas fuel will enter the internal combustion engine injection system.

If the car has an engine with an expensive fuel injection system with a catalyst that purifies exhaust gases, then the installed 4th generation HBO system will reduce fuel consumption and extend the life of the catalyst itself.

Such equipment is assigned to engines that meet the requirements of environmental standards for harmful substances EURO 3 and above. This equipment has a pulsed fuel-air mixture injection, which executes the commands of the controller of a separate control unit with a microprocessor. The control unit (CU) reads and generates data from the microprocessor and gives control signals that open the electromagnetic gas fuel injection nozzles and that block the gasoline supply nozzles.

The data by which the system creates the desired concentration for supply to the engine system:

  1. Gas pressure.
  2. Reducer temperature.
  3. Gas temperature.

If a case arises when the pressure of the incoming gas decreases and becomes lower than the maximum allowable, the HBO 4 system turns off the gas injectors and turns on the petrol injectors. Thus, the operation of the internal combustion engine is transferred from gas to gasoline.

The device and scheme of operation of HBO 4

HBO device:

  1. Cylinder for gaseous fuel.
  2. Multivalve.
  3. A unit that prepares, distributes and injects gas fuel into the internal combustion engine system of a car.

The multivalve device is mounted on the neck of the gas cylinder. It serves for the possibility of refueling the cylinder, for the normalized economical consumption of gas when the engine is running and consuming gas.

Multivalve device:

  • Inlet or filling valve.
  • Exhaust or outlet valve.
  • Emergency or speed valve.
  • Balloon filling arrow.
  • Fuel intake pipe.

An emergency or high-speed valve is installed to timely shut off the flow channel in the event that the gas flow rate has increased sharply, for example, if the tube from the cylinder to the internal combustion engine is damaged.

The device of the gas preparation and distribution system:

  1. single-stage, if the cylinder is propane. The gearbox is two-stage, if there is methane in the cylinder. The function of the gearbox is that it converts the fuel from a liquid state to a gaseous state. A two-stage reducer (when there is methane in the cylinder) can still lower the pressure.
  2. Nozzle ramp with jets.
  3. Filters for gas purification.

Attention! It is recommended to start the car engine on gasoline. It is possible to start immediately with gas supply, but this is the case when the gasoline fuel system is faulty. Starting gas is abnormal.

If you start the engine immediately on gas, then the service life of the gearbox quickly expires, since the diaphragm of the gearbox experiences large pressure loads. When starting with petrol, when the engine warms up, the system automatically switches to gas. And when the gas pressure drops, the system automatically switches the engine to petrol mode. When switching from gas to petrol, an audible signal sounds to let you know that the gas has run out.

During operation, the 4th generation gas cylinder equipment system prevents popping in the inlet channel, which can be in equipment with poorly synchronized mechanical supply systems. Due to this, the fourth generation HBO can be safely installed on engines with plastic manifolds and adjustable gas-air mixture supply geometry.

After installing gas equipment in the car, you need to adjust the ignition timing. The ignition is corrected because the combustion time of gas is longer than that of gasoline and the octane number is higher. The gas system requires early ignition, that is, the advance angle must be greater.

To improve the operation of internal combustion engines on gas, spark plugs are specially made. But conventional spark plugs also provide good smooth operation car engine. The ignition is adjusted by means of an electronic variator.

As in the case of an internal combustion engine without LPG, a motor with 4th generation gas-balloon equipment can be tuned, that is, an internal combustion engine chip tuning can be performed. As a result, the nominal specifications the motor and the temperature will change, upon reaching which the automatic switching of the fuel supply mode will occur.

Recommendation of HBO installers: install additional filters to protect the injectors and gearbox from dust particles, thereby extending their working life and increasing the reliable operation of the car engine. Where does the garbage in the balloon come from, you ask? It often happens when cylinders are filled from old containers or from new ones, but the residues are sucked out, particles of dirt get into the cylinder.

Advantages of HBO 4th generation

If we compare automobile gas equipment of the 4th generation and previous modifications, then the following advantages will be revealed:

  • Due to the fact that the gas-air mixture is very precisely formed, of the required concentration, in the required proportion, the maximum power of the internal combustion engine of the machine is achieved.
  • The power unit works quite softly, without jerks and triplets. The pops that were installed with HBO 3 and earlier generations are completely absent.
  • Due to the fact that the mixture is created in the desired proportion, it burns qualitatively and completely, resulting in increased environmental friendliness of the engine. The engine with LPG 4 complies with the EURO 3/4 environmental standard. In this case, the motor power is only lost up to 2%.
  • Due to the fact that it is possible to combine software and hardware EOBD diagnostic systems, 4th generation gas cylinder equipment can be installed on all modern cars.
  • The connectors of the blocks are unique, they cannot be confused, so there are no errors during the installation of HBO due to the ignorance of the masters, and the installation itself is simplified.
  • Due to the use of the most modern equipment in the manufacture of HBO at the plant, fourth-generation equipment is reliable and relatively inexpensive.

Causes of failure of HBO 4th generation

During operation of a vehicle with such equipment installed, the performance of the internal combustion engine may decrease. Such problems occur for the following reasons:

  1. The gearbox has failed.
  2. Reducer or dispenser set incorrectly.
  3. The filter is clogged due to which the gas supply in the required volume is not ensured.
  4. The temperature of the gas-air mixture is low. This is often the case in winter.
  5. Due to the low temperature of the reducer, the mixture is too enriched.

If a car with HBO 4 does not start well:

  1. Gearbox diaphragm failed. This happens if you often start the engine immediately on gas.
  2. Reducer set incorrectly.
  3. The flow solenoid valve is not working properly. The valve may “fail” due to mechanical sticking of the armature or if a short circuit (short circuit) of the turns has occurred.
  4. The electronic control unit refuses to give a signal to start the gas supply or gives an incorrect signal that does not correspond to the required amount of fuel.
  5. The car battery is low, which is why the solenoid valves do not work at startup. The battery charge may decrease due to a malfunction of the starter, generator. Should also be checked.
  6. Reduced compression in the engine cylinders. This may be due to wear of the smooth surfaces of the parts of the cylinder-piston group or damage to the rings and engine valves.
  7. In the case of using a vacuum reducer, the engine may not start due to the fact that a small vacuum is created in the intake manifold, which is insufficient for gas intake. In this case, a separate electromagnetic pump helps out, which forcibly supplies fuel.

Maintenance of HBO fourth generation

To increase the service life of the equipment and the quality of the internal combustion engine of the car as a whole, it is advisable to perform the following tasks weekly:

  1. Conduct a visual inspection of the system for leaks to prevent the possibility of gas leakage. If there is a suspicion of a gas leak, you can check it with a soapy solution, which must be diluted and soap suds applied to the pipes, hoses, fittings, and at the places where the clamps are installed. Also, in the event of a gas leak, a characteristic ODORANT odor will appear.
  2. Also, once a week it is necessary to drain the liquid that accumulates in the gearbox. For this, there is a special plug in the gearbox at the bottom. If the fluid from the gearbox is not drained at all or drained very rarely, then the drain hole may coke and clog the hole, after which the normal operation of the evaporator gearbox occurs.

Also, there are recommendations for maintenance of HBO 4, which should be done once a month:

  • Clean or change the filter. To do this, disconnect the inlet pipe and remove the filter. Depending on the degree of contamination, clean or replace the filter element. If the filter was cleaned, then there is a magnet in the filter element small size to be replaced after the filter has been cleaned.
  • Disassemble and clean gearbox. This work requires extra care not to dent or tear the membrane. After the gearbox has been cleaned and assembled, it must be checked for leaks.


This video shows and talks about the types of gas equipment for cars. A useful video, it even shows an excerpt of how a full gas cylinder is thrown from the 9th floor and it did not explode.

In this video, the car Suzuki Grand Vitara with HBO 4 generations. Since the fuel consumption of the Suzuki Grand Vitara is very high, it is advantageous to transfer it to gas equipment.

This video shows the aftermath of a gas car explosion.

In this video, gas cylinders are tested for strength. For those who are thinking whether or not to install HBO in a car.

In this article, you will learn the nuances of how to install 2nd generation HBO on an injector. In particular, what difficulties are expected during installation. As you know, the second generation of gas equipment is designed to work with carburetor engines.

It does not monitor engine parameters using a variety of sensors. When installed on an injection motor, it will be necessary to adapt the HBO to the internal combustion engine control system. In other words, you need to use the elements that are present in the 4th generation HBO. And now it's time to find out what you need for such an upgrade.

Basic information about gas-balloon equipment of a car

As you know, the installation of gas equipment occurs on a car in which the main power system is gasoline or diesel. In other words, after installation, you get a dual-fuel engine. For injection engines, the use of fourth and third generation systems is relevant. The fifth generation is also ideal, but it is very expensive. Its cost is about two thousand dollars.

And the price of the gas pump, which is the main element of the system, is about half of the cost of the entire HBO set. The second-generation HBO turns out to be the cheapest; it can, if desired, be adapted for operation on an injection engine. True, it will be necessary to install an additional control unit, to adapt it to a standard ECU.

The main components of gas equipment

And now let's look at what the standard set that is installed on cars consists of. Gas-cylinder equipment cannot work without a special fitting, with which fuel is refueled. As a rule, it is installed in the rear of the car or next to the gas tank filler neck. A special cylinder is installed in the luggage compartment, which has a cylindrical or toroidal shape, depending on which 2nd generation LPG kit you purchase.

The latter fit perfectly in the spare wheel well. Also, for the normal functioning of the gas-cylinder equipment system, it is necessary to install a key in which the indicator of the balance in the gas cylinder is mounted. It also has a built-in fuel switch (gas-petrol). To inject gas into the intake manifold, special electromagnetic nozzles are needed. They are supplied under a certain pressure gas-air mixture. Through special hoses, it enters the intake manifold. But before that, it is necessary to clean the gas mixture, for which you need to use a special filter.

To regulate the pressure of the gas supplied to the nozzles, an evaporator reducer should be used. This is a device that allows you to reduce the pressure in the gas cylinder to the value necessary for the operation of electromagnetic nozzles.

The principle of operation of gas equipment

To control an engine that runs on a gas mixture, you need to use special devices. It is based on a microcontroller, which receives signals from all sensors used in an internal combustion engine. You can also use (in the case of a second generation ECU upgrade) electronic engine management systems that can work with two firmware. If you have a microcontroller of the "January" 5.1 family installed on your car, you can easily install the 2nd generation HBO kit on the injection motor.

All the necessary sensors are already on the engine, you only need to change the firmware of the electronic control system. In order to improve the economy of your entire system, as well as comply with environmental regulations, it is necessary to adapt the control unit to the lambda probe. The gas, when it passes through the fuel line, is cleaned by the filter element, then enters the gearbox. It is connected to the cooling system of the internal combustion engine and acts as a gas fuel evaporator.

In addition, it regulates the fuel pressure. After the gas reduces its pressure, it enters the nozzles. It is worth noting that the 2nd generation HBO on the carburetor has almost identical elements with those that are placed on the injector. True, there is one difference. Gas balloon systems of the second generation do not have such a perfect electronic filling.

Processes running in the system

Consider further what processes occur in the HBO system. The antifreeze, which is in the gearbox, gives off heat. This heats up the gas. It begins to change from liquid to gaseous form. Please note that you are filling liquid fuel into a gas cylinder, as it is under enormous pressure. Between the gearbox and in which the nozzles are mounted, there is a filter element for fine cleaning. And now a little about what is happening in the electronic filling.

The microcontroller receives all the information from the engine sensors installed on the vehicle. In addition, it analyzes information from sensors directly from the LPG equipment system. Having produced full analysis, it makes fuel management as perfect as possible. The electronic control unit contains a special fuel card adapted for gas operation. HBO 2nd generation on the carburetor does not have electronic filling, for this reason it has a much higher gas consumption and less reliability. If you add artificial intelligence to the system, then it becomes more efficient.

HBO and ignition system

Next, you need to control the ignition moment. As you know, liquefied gas has a very high octane rating, much higher than any other brand of gasoline. Just imagine, the octane number of gas is in the range of 105-110. Let's say there is an engine that only works on the AI-80. If you fill it with 98th gasoline without making any adjustments to the ignition timing, then the engine will fail quite quickly.

Exhaust valves burn out first. Consequently, the power of the motor drops several times. We can say that it is precisely because of this that many are afraid to use 2nd generation HBO, the price of which on the market is only 7-10 thousand rubles. And here is the reason. The fact is that the 98th gasoline burns much more than the 80th. Therefore, it will burn for some more time in the exhaust manifold. Exactly the same story will happen if you operate a car on gas fuel, while not making adjustments to the ignition angle.

In addition, on injection engines, this will necessarily lead to a breakdown of the catalytic converter, since the exhaust gases will have a very high temperature. From all of the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to compensate for the long time of gas combustion by igniting it earlier. To do this, you need to increase the lead angle. If everything is done as it should be, then the gas-air mixture will burn only in the engine cylinder, only burnt fuel will begin to go into the catalyst and exhaust manifold. From here there will be an increase in the efficiency of the motor, a decrease in gas consumption, and an increase in useful power.

Mass air flow sensor

It is worth starting a discussion of what elements should be used in the 2nd generation HBO system at a VAZ from the most expensive element - the air sensor passing through the filter element to the throttle valve. The internal combustion engine control unit uses the readings from this sensor to control the operation of the injection system. Based on the data received from the DMRV, the electronic control system calculates the amount of fuel that must be supplied for proper mixture formation.

The most optimal ignition timing is also calculated. Installation is carried out only after the filter element. More precisely, it is located between the filter and the throttle. This is where the stream goes clean air which is consumed by the engine. It is worth noting that this is one of the most expensive elements of the electronic engine control system and HBO of the 2nd generation, the price of the DMRV is about two thousand rubles.

DMRV device

The internal device of the sensor is a fine mesh, in the middle of which a platinum thread is stretched. The latter warms up to a temperature of about 700 degrees in a short time. When air passes through it, there is a slight cooling of the thread. By how many degrees the temperature of the thread has fallen in comparison with the reference value, the amount of air that has passed near it is measured. At the output, the value changes in the range from 0 to 5 Volts. If there is no air flow, the engine is turned off, then the output of the DMRV will have a voltage of exactly 1 Volt. If you start the engine, air will begin to flow through the MAF. The higher its consumption, the greater the voltage will be at the output of the sensor.

Intake manifold pressure sensor

But installing 2nd generation HBO on injection engines is impossible without connecting a variety of control devices. Pressure sensors, for example in the intake manifold, are required for correct operation engine at different speeds. This is the basic element that is used in the control system of any gasoline-powered engine. It will definitely need to be adapted with the electronic control unit of gas equipment. It allows you to calculate the air density, determine its consumption, therefore, the process of mixture formation and engine fuel supply is optimized. This pressure sensor can be a great alternative for an air flow meter. In addition, there are ECU designs in which pressure sensors are used in conjunction with flow meters. Without them, gas equipment will not work properly.


This is one of the elements that must be connected to the gas equipment control system. This is a variable resistance that allows you to provide a voltage change in a certain interval. The sensor is mounted directly on the throttle valve axis, rigidly connected to it. In other words, it acts on a variable resistance, changes the output voltage depending on how much effort the driver applies to the gas pedal.

Of course, 2 generations will be required before operation, the injector must work on a completely different fuel map than on gasoline. When the throttle is fully closed, the sensor resistance is at its maximum. But the output voltage has a minimum value. When the driver depresses the gas pedal, a gradual opening of the damper begins. There is an increase in voltage and a decrease in the resistance of the sensor. When the damper is fully open, the maximum value of 5 volts is supplied to the electronic control unit.

Please note that some vehicles may use TPS, in which the voltage is minimal when the damper is opened to the maximum. And when fully closed, it is 5 volts. The electronic control unit analyzes the damper opening speed and the angle of its rotation. Immediately there is an adjustment of the ignition timing, as well as an increase in the amount of air-fuel mixture entering the ramp. In other words, the 2nd generation HBO scheme turns out to be difficult. An injector adapted to it further exacerbates the situation.

crankshaft position sensor

This device is necessary in order to synchronize the injection and ignition controls. Some call the DPKV a timing sensor. Someone even calls it a reference point sensor. All three names can be used, they are correct. Without it, it is impossible to install HBO 2nd generation on the injector. The output signals from this device control the engine ECU. The data obtained is used to set the required amount of fuel that is fed into the combustion chamber. The moment of injection is also determined. In gasoline engines, the ignition timing is set.

In the event that adjustment of the valve timing is necessary, the DPKV controls the angle of rotation of the camshafts. If there is an adsorber and it works, then the time of its inclusion is adjusted. The most popular today are the DPKV of the inductive type. Devices based on As you understand, it will not be difficult to mount HBO 2 generations on a VAZ, you only need to purchase a control unit, most sensors are already on the engine.

Temperature sensors

The system will need to use two temperature sensors. The first is installed in the internal combustion engine block. It controls the temperature of the antifreeze. The second must be mounted on the body of the reducer-evaporator. Moreover, the principle of operation of the temperature sensors of the reducer and antifreeze is completely the same. All information that comes from them is mandatory used electronic system management. With its help, the main parameters of the operation of the 2nd generation HBO system are adjusted, depending on the temperature installed on the injector.

Lambda probe

This is nothing but It measures the amount of oxygen in the car's exhaust system. With its help, the economy and environmental friendliness of your motor is ensured. It also adjusts the content of air and fuel in the mixture that enters the combustion chamber. Moreover, the adjustment takes place in various modes of engine operation. Of course, without it, you can mount HBO 2 generations on the injector if you install a special emulator. True, the Green Party will not be delighted with your actions. You will also lose a significant part of the engine power, reduce its efficiency, increase fuel consumption.

Gas fuel equipment or LPG equipment can be installed on any model of cars equipped with carburetor engines or engines with a fuel injection system and electronic control. If their design allows you to place a cylindrical or toroidal gas cylinder for gas equipment.

The device of LPG equipment on a car, components and parts, installation locations, principle of operation.

The design solutions of the gas-cylinder components are different great variety depending on the types of engines for which they are intended, and on the manufacturers that produce them. The gas equipment of the car is placed in three places: in the engine compartment, passenger compartment and luggage compartment. Installed in the engine compartment of the car:

– Gas reducer-evaporator.
- Mixer.
– Solenoid gas valve.
– Electromagnetic petrol valve.

Installed in the car interior on the dashboard.

– Switch of types of fuel "Gas - Petrol" with the block of indication of the modes "Gas - Petrol" and amount of fuel in a gas cylinder.
- Fuse.

Installed in the luggage compartment of the car.

– Gas cylinder with shut-off and safety fittings.
- Portable filling device.

On some models of LPG equipment, a metering device is installed that is designed to supply a certain amount of gas corresponding to the engine operating mode, except for idling, as well as a tee plug with an adjusting screw or screws.

This is a steel tank designed to store liquefied petroleum gas at a temperature of minus 40 to plus 45 degrees. On a passenger car, it is mounted in a compartment or in a niche for a spare wheel, and on light vehicles - on. The gas cylinder has a cylindrical or toroidal shape. various volumes and geometric dimensions allow you to choose the best option for placing the cylinder in the trunk of a car.

The cylinder is equipped with a ventilation box with a hermetically sealed lid. Under the cover are filling and expendable valves, a scale with an arrow showing the level of gas in the cylinder, a filling cup.

In some designs of gas-cylinder equipment for refueling a gas cylinder, it is necessary:

– Open the cover of the ventilation box.
– Close the flow valve.
– Screw the adapter into the filling cup.
– Connect a filling nozzle to the adapter.
– Open the filling valve on the gas bottle.
– Open the valve of the filling nozzle.

After the cylinder is 80-85% filled with gas (the shut-off valve in the cylinder is activated, and a characteristic click is heard), these operations are performed in the reverse order. In the future, if the car is stored outdoors (outdoor storage), the flow valve can be left open.

Installed on a unified flange of a gas cylinder using a gasket that ensures the tightness of the connection. It is a receiving device when filling the cylinder with liquefied petroleum gas and ensures the supply of the latter to the gas pipeline. The unit includes an inlet fitting and a filling valve with a check valve, a flow fitting and flow valves for the liquid and vapor phases, and a cylinder filling level limiting mechanism (multivalve).

The unit is closed with a hermetic casing, which reliably separates its contents from the internal volume of the car. Ventilation of the inner space of the casing is carried out through a drainage tube led outside the car body. The cylinder is filled with liquefied gas through the filling valve (3). The gas enters the cylinder, overcoming the forces of the ball (2), which is under the action of the spring.

The balloon is filled with gas and the float (11) rises. The automatic valve (9) cuts off the flow of gas into the cylinder. The ball (2) blocks the return flow of gas from the cylinder. From the cylinder, gas enters the line through the gas intake pipe (10), squeezing the ball of the high-speed valve (4) through the flow valve (13).

Under normal operating conditions, the flow and fill valves are in the open position. They are closed when the car is parked for a long time, in the event of a gas leak, as well as in case of malfunctions, maintenance and repair of gas equipment. If the cylinder is heated above 45 degrees, the safety valve (1) opens to reduce the gas pressure.

The control arrow (7) on the scale (8) indicates the amount of gas in the cylinder. The fuel gauge can be displayed on the fuel type switch in the car interior. The pointer is actuated by a magnet built into the multivalve (9). It, together with the scale, is protected by a transparent cover (6). The maximum allowable amount of gas to be charged is pre-set with screws (12).

Designed for filling a gas cylinder, it is mounted on a bracket (7) with a nut (8) under the rear bumper of a car. It is connected to the filling line via a fitting (10). The filling nozzle of the gas column is attached to the body (3) with a sealing rubber gasket (2). The pressurized gas opens the valve (6) and fills the gas cylinder. After filling is complete, the valve closes hermetically.

Pass the gas pipeline under the floor of the car away from the exhaust pipes. It is protected from contact with parts by PVC or rubber tubes. Pipelines are fixed on the car body with special brackets using self-tapping screws with an interval of no more than 800 mm. The high-pressure gas pipeline throughout the entire length from the cylinder to the gas solenoid valve and from it to the evaporator reducer is made of copper or of stainless steel with factory flare.

If the gas pipeline is made of steel, then its connection to the equipment units is carried out using a stop cap nut. Such a connection allows for multiple disassembly, but when tightening, excessive force must be avoided to avoid tearing off the bottom of the union nut. Compensation rings are provided at the ends of the pipeline. The tube is bent to form a ring with a diameter of 50–80 mm, which protects the pipeline from breakage due to vibration.

The tightness of the high-pressure gas pipeline is ensured by a nipple connection of the cone coupling type. Such a connection includes a pipeline (3), a cone coupling (1), a thrust nut (2) and an attached part (nipple). Tightness is achieved by means of a conical coupling (1) made of brass. Such a connection allows multiple disassembly with the replacement of the cone coupling with a new one. The coupling should fit snugly on the tube at a distance of 2-3 mm from its end.

In low pressure pipelines for connection gas reducer with a mixer, rubber hoses made of gasoline-resistant rubber are used. Hose connections on fittings are fastened with screw clamps.

They are set for the purpose of executing commands that control the supply of gasoline or gas in the power systems of vehicles equipped with equipment. In some cases, valves are structurally combined with filters that clean the fuel entering the system.

Solenoid gas valve.

Serves to open the gas supply channel to the reducer and shut it off when running on gasoline. It is controlled remotely from the passenger compartment by means of the "Gas" - "Petrol" switch. Filters do not require regular maintenance: washing or replacement is enough. In some designs, it should be cleaned every 30,000 kilometers of the car. When the ignition is on and the switch is set to the “Gas” position, the valve opens and the gas enters the evaporator reducer through the high pressure pipeline. When the ignition is on, the valve is in the "Closed" position.

Electromagnetic petrol valve.

Serves for opening (closing) the channel for supplying gasoline to the carburetor, at the same time the gas supply is shut off. A screw (tap) is provided at the bottom of the valve for mechanical (manual) opening of the valve. In the event of failure of the electronic control unit for gas equipment, this screw should be screwed into the valve (or turn the tap) so that you can continue driving.

The valves in the gas line differ from the valves installed in the gas pipeline only in the design of the inlet and outlet fittings intended for connecting metal gas supply pipes.

Solenoid valve for interrupting or resuming the supply of gas or gasoline.

The solenoid valve for interrupting or resuming the gas supply or has increased reliability, consumes little current (no more than 0.7 A) and operates at low voltage, the power of the electromagnet coil is 4 watts. The valve filter does not require regular maintenance, flushing or replacement. The gas filter can be permanent magnet installed at the inlet to the electromagnetic gas valve.

Gas solenoid valves with filter are controlled by a fuel type switch. They are designed to shut off the gas supply when the engine is running on gasoline, shut off the gas supply when the ignition is off, and to filter the gas. The petrol solenoid valve shuts off the petrol supply when the engine is running on gas.

The solenoid petrol valve should be installed in such a place that the length of the petrol pipeline between it and the petrol pump is as short as possible. The fact is that when working on gasoline in this area, a constant level of gasoline is maintained, maintained by the gasoline pump. Gasoline can become very hot, causing an undesirable increase in pressure in the hose. And the shorter it is, the more secure it is.

For the same reason, special attention must be paid to the reliable sealing of the connections between the gasoline pump and the gasoline solenoid valve. The valve is always closed. It serves for remote control of fuel supply. The valve body has manual drive in the form of a handle or valve. Manual control is used during pumping gasoline with a gasoline pump in the cold season, after a long parking of the car and in the event of an electromagnet failure.

In this case, the handle or valve is transferred to the "Open" position. After pumping gasoline, the handle or valve is set to the “Closed” position - this is their permanent position, and the fuel type switch in the cabin to the “Gasoline” position. If this is not done, then the engine will simultaneously run on both gasoline and gas. In this case, even turning off the remote fuel switch will not help, and this is unacceptable.

Gas reducer-evaporator for LPG equipment on a car.

Designed to convert the liquid phase of gas into steam and supply the vapor phase to the mixer. Every 1500–2000 kilometers (on a hot engine), unscrew the plug (screw) located at the bottom of the gearbox and drain the condensate (oily sediment). Reducers-evaporators play an important role in the operation of gas equipment, so they should be given special attention.

Gas reducers installed on cars have the same purpose. They serve to automatically reduce the gas pressure in the supply system to a predetermined level with a constantly changing gas pressure, depending on its quantity and ambient temperature.

The gas reducer must provide at the outlet the required characteristics of the state of the gas in wide range temperatures during the transition from one mode of engine operation to another. It should automatically shut off the gas supply when the engine is off.

Based on the book "Automotive gas fuel systems".
Vladimir Zolotnitsky.