Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Calculation of nails for a frame house. Estimate for a frame house with wooden frame walls and siding, a columnar prefabricated foundation, a wood-beam floor, and a metal tile roof. Houses made of SIP panels

Calculation of nails for a frame house. Estimate for a frame house with wooden frame walls and siding, a columnar prefabricated foundation, a wood-beam floor, and a metal tile roof. Houses made of SIP panels

According to data obtained as a result of a sociological survey, the majority of residents of almost all regions of our country dream of building their own own home, while a significant portion of respondents plan to do this in the near future and live in a new home permanently. Besides this option, several answers concern construction small houses outside the city, which will be allocated for a dacha. And only a small part of respondents are satisfied with their current living in a city apartment. But despite plans, not everyone achieves their goals within a short time. In most cases, this is due to a lack of financial resources and time. That is why, before starting this event, it is necessary to calculate the materials and, of course, their prices for construction frame house.

Before you start building a frame structure, you need to calculate all the materials.

Materials required for the construction of a frame building

In most cases, frame houses do not differ too much large sizes, accordingly, it will be quite easy to build them. And this will significantly affect the amount of materials. Yes, unlike large quantity houses built using other technologies do not cost as much money. On average, in order to build a dwelling of 100 square meters. m, you will need to spend no more than half a million rubles on building materials. So, what exactly is included in the set of materials needed for this type of construction? This list consists of the following materials on frame house:

Timber is the main material from which they are made frame buildings. Timber intended for construction must be treated with septic tanks and water-repellent compounds.

  • edged board for lining walls;
  • wooden beam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • staples;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing.

The main thing in the process of selecting and calculating materials is the structure itself. Therefore, all calculations will be based on the dimensions of the future home. They are usually specified in the construction documents. In order for the calculation to be most accurate, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the house frame, in particular the cross-section of materials and the spacing of their arrangement.

In addition, it would not hurt to draw up a plan that will reflect all the components of a particular structure and take into account almost everything necessary.

Doing accurate calculations To buy materials, you still need to buy everything with a reserve so that you definitely have enough.

But you still can’t be 100% sure that it’s correct, so even if you’re fully confident that you’ve calculated everything correctly, you still need to purchase a little more materials. This will allow you not to worry that something is missing, or that this or that material will not fit in size. Otherwise, the construction process will have to be interrupted, which will lead to a delay in the delivery of the project. In addition, it is possible that the sizes you need will no longer be in stock. Then you will also have to wait until the sawmill produces the lumber of the sizes you need.

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Calculation of the cross-section of materials for a frame house

For an ordinary house, the length of boards and bars is on average 3-5 m.

The frame of this type of house consists exclusively of lumber. In this case, all elements must be cleared of bark and possible plaque, sawn into boards, bars or slats. For standard house The length of the bars and boards is on average 3-5 m, but special-sized material can also be ordered at the sawmill. So, here you can make one and a half meter and six meter materials for a frame house. You shouldn't save money here, even if you are offered a discount. Correct sizes will guarantee that your home will last much longer and more efficiently. If you purchase shorter materials, the rafters, posts and beams will have to be assembled from several small parts. As a result load bearing capacity the structure will be significantly reduced. In order to avoid this, you will have to build a frame with overlapping boards and bars on top of each other. As a result, there will be no savings, and instead of saving money, you will have to buy additional lumber once again. Depending on which particular frame element you need to calculate, its individual indicators will differ from others.

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Calculation of material sizes for the lower and upper framing of the frame

The main elements that you should pay special attention to include length, cross-section and materials necessary for fastening. The cross-section depends on what kind of insulation you intend to use during the construction of the house. If, for example, you use insulation with a thickness of at least 15 cm, then the section will have a width of 15 cm, while the height of the section should be at least 10 cm. The best option, of course, is a solid block of the dimensions indicated above, but if This is not feasible, then you can knock together one block from two smaller ones. The length of this part depends on the dimensions of the foundation. Accordingly, by measuring its length, you will get total length bars necessary for tying the lower part of the house frame.

To attach this element to the foundation, it is best to use anchor bolts. Their diameter should be approximately 30-32 mm. Or these fasteners can be replaced with studs, which are inserted into the foundation before it hardens. Their thread should also be the same as the size of the above bolts. They, in turn, can also be attached to the foundation in advance or after it has strengthened. The studs must be selected in such a way that they are concrete surface they were at a height of approximately 15 cm, so the minimum length of the pin used in the tying process will be 30-35 cm. Despite the fact that in construction stores this product presented in more impressive sizes (at least 1 m), you will need to purchase a maximum of 3 studs to strap the lower part of the frame of a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.

In order to fasten the harness, it is necessary to connect the bars together. Nails or pins are used for these purposes. Moreover, for each corner you will need one nail with a length of at least 15 cm, and a thickness (diameter) of approximately 0.5 cm. Dimensions and quantities of materials for top harness coincides with the specified number for the lower trim. The only thing that is not required here is the use of fasteners to connect to the foundation.

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Calculation of material for racks of a frame house

In the process of installing and assembling the frame, racks play a significant role. They are constructed from timber, boards and bars. In this case, the dimensions of the block are 5*10 cm or 10*20 cm. The boards should also be different. Thin ones do not exceed 2.5 cm in cut, and thick ones - 5 cm. The width of both options should be 2 times the thickness of the board. Thus, if you use boards 3 cm thick to build a house, then its width should be at least 6 cm. The dimensions of the timber can be adjusted depending on, again, what kind of insulation you will use for the walls, floor and ceiling . Quite often, self-taught builders, in order to save money, resort to splicing several boards instead of replacing a block or even timber with them.

So, the thickness of the racks will depend on the insulation. For example, if you take insulation with a thickness of at least 15 cm, then the stand should also have a cross-sectional thickness of 15 cm. If the insulation is thinner, then a stand with a cross section of 10*10 cm is sufficient. At least important factor in the process of selecting material is how many floors will be built in the house. If this is a one-story structure, then the cross-section of the racks for the frame will be equal to 15 * 5 cm, and it is not necessary to use timber, even boards with these dimensions are sufficient. To build a two-story frame house, it is impossible to do without timber. Here you will definitely need to use a beam with a cross-section of 15*10 cm. Racks intended for placement in the corners of the structure must be even stronger and more powerful. So, for example, if you use boards measuring 15*5 cm for the main racks, then you will need to use bars with a cross-section of 15*15 cm for the corner posts. Accordingly, when using racks made of 10*5 cm bars, you will need bars with a section of 10* 10 cm, in order to install racks on the corners of the house frame.

The length of the racks depends on such an indicator as the height of the structure. Usually standard height It is generally accepted that the location of ceilings from the floor is within 2.5 m. At the same time, in certain rooms (toilet, bathroom) this height can be slightly reduced (but not more than 0.5 m). Thus, when determining the length of the racks, it is necessary to take into account at what distance from the floor the ceiling will be located, add the height of the floor itself to this value (this includes the floor covering and floor joists), and do not forget to also calculate the thickness facing material ceiling. Thus, you cannot simply take racks of the height that is expected indoors, otherwise the final version will turn out to be significantly lower than what you expect. Therefore, you will need to add at least another 20-30 cm to the expected height of the room.

When installing these parts, do not forget that they should be located at a certain distance from each other. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that this distance is calculated not between the outer edges of the racks, but between their axes, the center of the racks. When deciding on the step size between the posts, you need to know the exact dimensions OSB sheets and insulation, which will be attached to the walls of the frame house. In most cases, you still have to cut out one or the other, since it is almost impossible to determine the pitch between the posts as accurately as possible. In this process, you should not forget that in those places where you plan to install doors or windows, the location of the racks should be slightly different.

Frame house calculator

A frame house calculator is needed to calculate required quantity materials for construction. Exist online calculators, in which it is necessary to enter the pitch of the racks, their cross-section, height frame walls, the dimensions of the openings and which indicate the volumes of the required boards. There are more convenient and accurate methods that count every last piece in a 3D model of a frame house made in SketchUp.

As an example, let's count the materials in the frame wall, which was used for the example with the drawings of the frame house. First we need to select all the components that we need to count.

Option 1. Built-in frame house calculator function

In the Pro version, in the File drop-down list, select Generate Report...This function allows you to generate a detailed report with technical parameters all components and groups that you need to count. It could be a frame wall consisting of a dozen components, or it could be a frame house with several hundred components.

Having selected this task from the list, you will see a selection window that asks what exactly to count: the entire model or only the selected components? In our case, in the selection area there is a frame wall. Select Current selection attributes, and then you can choose to upload to HTML or CVS files. For example, let's choose HTML, which can be opened by any Internet browser.

Material costing looks like the figure below. All components and groups with technical parameters: material, dimensions, etc. The main problem is that dimensions are calculated only in inches. To convert to normal mm, you need to use the usual formulas in Excel. Big advantage This option is that you can count groups, not just components.

Option 2. Frame house calculator CutList plugin

The CutList plugin is not included as a standard feature in SketchUp. But it can be downloaded and installed for free not only for the Pro version, but also for the regular free version of SketchUp. The plugin does not count groups, only components. But it gives the dimension in the usual metric system.

Select the frame wall and select Extensions > CutList from the top menu. A window appears prompting you to make cutting by Layout parts and/or calculation of Cutlist frame wall elements. IN in this case select only Cutlist.

Construction of a frame house is a complex, complex process; it cannot be started without a clear design and calculations necessary materials.

Any construction involves calculations building materials. You cannot start purchasing them without accurately calculating the required volume. Calculating “by eye” may lead to additional costs for the delivery of materials to the construction site, or the remaining materials will “end up in your pocket” in the form of trash, for which you will have to look for a storage location or a method of distribution. Of course, the construction of a frame house is no exception. And if you consider how many different materials are needed for continuous construction, then the correct calculation of a frame house without the involvement of specialists seems to be an unattainable goal.

Today we will try to refute this opinion and teach you how to calculate the necessary materials for a frame house. Most of these buildings in Russia are built according to Finnish technology using mineral insulation. It is precisely the calculation of such a design that we will be engaged in.

Where to start calculating a frame house?

Calculation of the necessary materials is needed not only for self-construction frame house. Unscrupulous contractors often use “additions” to estimates in hopes of relying on an illiterate customer. As a result, according to the estimate, you pay not only for your house, but also for material for some other object. Therefore, it is important to be able to check calculations construction company so as not to be deceived. It is not necessary to check the entire estimate. You can count only some of its elements.

If the developer is trying to deceive you, then this will be implied even in the most insignificant consumable materials. In addition to the correct calculation of building materials, it is necessary to estimate the cost of the work included in the estimate. You can find out the prices for them by calling other construction companies or teams that deal only with certain types of work.

Completely different tasks arise when building a frame house with your own hands: it is important to calculate and purchase the strictly required amount of building materials. You need to start your calculations by drawing up a project for your future housing.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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When building a large residential building you cannot do without detailed plan with drawings of all walls and elements of the building. You can buy/download it on the Internet or order it from design organization.

Such projects are provided with detailed drawings of all components of the house and specifications of the necessary materials. This greatly simplifies the calculation of materials. You can also order a detailed estimate of the required materials from the same design organization. Of course, all these services will cost you money.

If you are planning to build a small residential building or a house for a summer stay, then you can get by with a building design with a layout and drawings of the walls, with dimensions and indication of all openings, and a drawing of the roof. It is with the preparation of such drawings that it is necessary to begin the calculation.

Before starting calculations, you need to have an accurate understanding of the construction of houses using frame technology: understand the rules for installing the frame, learn about the properties of the materials necessary for insulation. It is also necessary to carry out a soil survey, because the calculation of the very first element of construction – the foundation – depends on this.

Foundation calculation

First of all, you need to decide on the type of foundation. For a frame house, a columnar, strip or foundation on screw piles is used. A foundation based on monolithic slab, but this option is too rare. If it is necessary to use it (floating soils), it is highly doubtful to build a house without the involvement of professionals.

For calculation strip foundation you can find many calculators on the Internet. All you need to know is the total length of the tape; its depth, width and height. You need to enter this data into the table, and at the end you will receive an accurate calculation of the required reinforcement, sand and concrete mortar.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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The key issue for calculation columnar foundation or screw piles is the bearing capacity of soils and approximate weight finished structure.

To calculate the required number of piles for the area of ​​your house, you can also use online calculators. Often, a free calculation of screw piles is offered by their manufacturer, especially if you order installation of these piles from them.

So, the first part of the estimate is ready - the foundation has been calculated.

Calculation of the piping and floor of the first floor

If you are familiar with frame structures, then you know that erecting the walls of such a house is impossible without installing the floor. That is why the next stage in the calculations will be the floor of the first floor. Keep a separate table with calculations of lumber needed for the entire house. Here we will enter the lumber for each of the elements to create a final table. The same tables must be compiled for insulation, related materials and even fasteners.

  • Waterproofing. Based on the total surface area of ​​the foundation or the perimeter of the tape, we calculate the required amount of waterproofing (roofing felt or glassine).
  • Strapping beam. A beam with a cross-section of 100x150, 100x200 mm or a larger section is used as a strapping. We hope you have a foundation plan, and it will not be difficult for you to calculate the total length of the harness. The length of the beam is usually 6 meters, so we round the calculation up to whole beams - that is, even with the resulting 26 meters of strapping beam, we write 30 meters in the estimate).
  • Floor joists for the first floor. Depending on the pitch and span length, timber 50x150 or 50x200 mm is used. First, let's calculate the number of lags. To do this, divide the width of the house by the lag step + 1 outer lag. We select the step based on the size of the insulation. Most mineral insulation materials have a slab size of 600 mm. Therefore, the step between the logs will be equal to 600 mm at the centers of the logs. After calculating the number of joists, it remains to multiply them by the length of 1 joist to get the total molding.

Example. Let's consider the calculation of the strapping and log for a house 8x8 m with one load-bearing wall in the middle of the house.

Strapping beam with a section of 150x150 mm. 8x4 = 32 linear m for the perimeter of the house + 8 for the wall = 40 meters. We round up to whole 6-meter beams - 7 pcs.

Lags. Section 50x150 mm, pitch 580 mm. 8000/6000+1= 15pcs. * 8 m= 120 linear meters or 20 pcs. 6 meters each.

  • Insulation, films and membranes. To insulate the floor of the first floor, you will need to install a subfloor. To calculate it, the calculation of floor joists is very useful. We multiply the total length of the lag by 2, we get the total length of the cranial beam.

In the case of our example, 240 linear meters. Usually a block with a cross section of 40x50 or 50x50 mm is used.

Rough flooring: total number of joists -1 * per step between joists = total area flooring We divide this area by the width of the board used for flooring and then divide it by the length of one board.

Our example. 15 logs – 1= 14 * 0.6 m = 8.4 sq. m. For rough floors we will use a 25x100 mm board, 3 meters long. 8.4/0.1/3 = 28 boards.

Calculating the amount of insulation is even easier. We know the floor area and the thickness of the insulation; all that remains is to multiply these two quantities and get the total cubic mass of the required insulation.

Our example. Insulation 150 mm. 64 sq.m * 0.15 = 9.6 cubic meters m of insulation.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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For insulation, you will also need a vapor-permeable membrane and a vapor barrier circuit. To do this, multiply the floor area by 110% (the overlap of the films should be at least 10 cm).

Flooring calculation

For floor coverings can be used massive board floors or sheet materials. For an accurate calculation, it is necessary to divide the floor area by the area of ​​one board or the area of ​​one sheet of the material used. We recommend adding 10% reserve to the resulting figure (cutting losses, defective material).

Wall calculation

Like the floor of the first floor, the walls consist of several materials, and each of them is calculated separately.

  • Frame calculation. It's good if you have detailed drawing walls, indicating each frame element and each opening. Then it won’t be difficult for you to simply count each of the beams and multiply by their length. In the absence of such a drawing, you can use the rules for calculating floor joists (the racks are installed with the same spacing, and in the corners we get double supports). You should not subtract openings from the calculations, because double racks are also installed there. All you need to do is calculate the headers. To do this, you need to add up the perimeter of all window and doorways and multiply the resulting number by 2.

Our example. For the racks we use timber with a section of 50x150 mm. The height of the walls is 2.5 meters, along the height we have one horizontal cross section (??? Where are the section parameters?). On the walls there are 4 windows 1.5 meters wide and 2 doorways 1.1 meters wide.

Calculation of racks of 1 wall. 8/0.6 (post pitch) + 1 = 15 pcs.*2.5 = 37.5 linear. m + 8 meters = 1 lintel. We have 5 identical walls 45.5*5 = 227.5 meters. /6 = 38 pcs.

Header beam 110x150mm: (1.5*4 + 1.1*2)*2 = 16.4 / 6 = 3 beams of 6 meters each.

  • Calculation cladding materials. Frame walls can be covered with special boards - lining, imitation timber, blockhouse, plank or floor board; or sheet materials– OSB, plywood, plasterboard, chipboard. The calculation is no different from the calculation of finishing floor coverings. We recommend not to subtract the area of ​​the openings, since a small margin is also required for cladding materials.
  • Insulation. For the walls of a frame house, insulated mineral insulation, a vapor-permeable membrane and vapor barrier are also required, except for partitions. Therefore, we take into account only the area load-bearing walls, increased by 10%. We also calculate insulation only for load-bearing walls. In the case of installing insulated partitions, multiply their area by 2 and increase by 10% - we obtain the required amount of vapor barrier. We also calculate the insulation for partitions separately (usually the thickness of the insulation of partitions is thinner than the insulation of load-bearing walls).

Our example. Insulation of load-bearing walls 150 mm, insulation of partitions 50 mm.

8*4*2.5 = 80 sq. m – total area of ​​load-bearing walls.

80*1.1 = 88 sq. m of membrane and vapor barrier.

80*0.15 = 12 cubic meters m of insulation for load-bearing walls.

8*2.5 = 20 sq. m – partition area * 2 * 1.1 = 44 sq. meters of vapor barrier.

20 * 0.05 = 1 cu. m of insulation.

TOTAL for walls:

Vapor barrier: 88+44 = 132 sq. m.

Membrane: 88 sq. m.

Insulation: 13 cu. m.

Calculation of the top trim and ceiling

Ceiling calculation or interfloor ceilings is almost identical to the calculation of the floor of the first floor: strapping, joists, sheathing on both sides, a membrane and a vapor barrier in the case of a cold attic, or two layers of vapor barrier in the case of an interfloor ceiling between two warm floors.

Our example. Cottage with a cold attic, insulation 150 mm. In our case, there is not even a need for calculations. All figures can be taken from the calculation of floor insulation.

Roof calculation

The necessary lumber for the rafter system cannot be purchased without a detailed drawing. Roofing is one of the most important and difficult stages of construction. Here we can give you only one piece of advice: correctly calculate the load on rafter system, draw up a detailed drawing of the roof with the specification of the required lumber.

Calculation roofing material Any manufacturer will be happy to make such a detailed drawing for you free of charge.

We can say that we have finished calculating the materials for placing the frame house under the roof. All that remains is to bring all the calculations to a “single denominator”: combine the data for each of the materials, evaluate the prices of various suppliers in order to calculate the cost.

Do not forget that all wood used for the frame is treated with antiseptics. You have the total volume of lumber and know the consumption of antiseptic, so making the calculation will not be difficult.

Finishing materials and communications

Calculation of each type of communications is not work that can be performed or installed without the appropriate knowledge. Contact the relevant organizations to draw up a plan and calculate the necessary materials.

It is only important to carry out the necessary preparatory work during the construction process, which will be difficult to do in an already finished building.


As you can see, calculating a frame house is a very logical procedure that does not even require deep knowledge of mathematics. It is much more important to have knowledge in the field of frame house construction or to obtain a detailed drawing of the house being built, made by professionals.

Many people dream of owning a nice home. The best option Such a structure is a frame house, the construction of which does not require significant funds and allows you to independently perform all the calculations necessary for construction.

Features of using a frame house

Such a structure has its own operating rules, which are determined by the technologies used in its construction.

Fire protection.

This is a real threat that must be taken into account when building a frame house. All wooden structures needs to be soaked by special means, which will make the tree more resistant to fire. Wherever possible, it is advisable to use material for a frame house, which is much less susceptible to fire than wood. It can be cement bonded particle boards and plasterboard slabs. For insulation, mineral wool should be used, which is a non-flammable item.

To eliminate the possibility of fire, install chimneys and heating systems in strict accordance with the rules. Special attention should be paid to the installation of electrical networks and installation of electrical appliances.

Ecological condition and protection of the material for the frame house from rodents.

Wood is environmentally friendly pure material. Some doubts may be raised by laminated timber and OSB boards, which in Russia are made mainly from aspen. However, their environmental safety is ensured by the use of harmless resins and other adhesive materials in the manufacturing process. It is also advisable to use environmentally friendly mineral wool for insulation instead of polystyrene.

The material on a frame house made of wood makes it comfortable to live in, since wood “breathes” much better than any other building material.

Prevention of rodent control for a frame house is no different from rodent control in other types of buildings. You can make a reinforced concrete monolithic foundation, install it in underground vents and other places where rodents can enter metal mesh. Good protection against rodents is used as a material for a frame house. OSB boards. This is facilitated by the internal structure of the slabs, which is a physical obstacle for rodents and the adhesive compositions used in the process of their manufacture, which are lethal to them.

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Service life of a frame house

Based on data from specialized literature, the structure will last for at least 30-50 years. However, practice shows that frame houses, which were built more than a century ago, have survived to this day. And this despite the fact that such means for protecting the material on a frame house, which are currently available, simply did not exist before. Therefore, it can be assumed that such structures are preserved for a long time because people constantly lived in them and monitored their condition.

The duration of operation of a frame house will depend on the quality of the material, wood, its reliable treatment with antiseptics and substances that prevent its fire (fire retardants), correct installation all systems in the building and its insulation.

The maintainability of such a structure is much higher than that of any structure built from a material different from the material for a frame house.

Mistakenly, many believe that buildings built using frame technology are only suitable for summer cottages. Many people assume that frame houses are akin to the well-known “Finnish” houses, which in fact cannot be lived in at any other time of the year, except in the summer at the dacha. In fact, residents of countries with harsh climates such as Canada, Sweden, Norway, and Finland feel very good in modern frame houses.

Such designs are not only convenient for living, but they have good properties on thermal energy saving. To do this, it is necessary to select the appropriate properties and calculate the material for the frame house. In this way, an insulated building cools down much longer than an ordinary brick house.

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Frame house foundation

There is an option for a shallow strip foundation for a building measuring 6x10 m (see Image 1) with a calculated amount of material required to make the foundation. The data is summarized in table 1.

Table 1

Note. All suitable formwork boards must then be used for the frame posts

Shallow foundations are currently widely used, since they are practically not pushed out of the ground during the freezing process of the soil. winter time. In addition, this type retains heat in the room better than a column or stilt foundation. The depth is 40 cm, the elevation above the surface is 50 cm.

A separate type of such structures is a frame-panel house. It is a structure based on a durable frame covered with panels. The thickness of the walls is usually at least 30 cm. Wind loads, the weight of the building and everything in it, and the weight of snow in winter are taken by wooden supports from timber or boards fastened together, which create the necessary strength and rigidity for the frame. The panel-wall of such a structure also creates stability for it, since the wall, like a monolith in the form of a multilayer sandwich, also resists deformation.

When the problem arises of how to calculate a frame house, this is usually understood not as a force calculation, but as a calculation of the amount of material for a frame house. For this, there are standard calculation methods, knowledge of which will help you correctly navigate your financial capabilities.

Frame houses are a fairly new type of construction work, but popular, allowing you to save a significant amount of time and money. By studying the relevant reference literature and having certain construction skills, you can build a full-fledged house three times cheaper than the cost of the same building made of stone. How to correctly calculate a frame house and choose materials? What needs to be taken into account during future construction?

Calculating materials for building a frame house is an important step. You can determine the approximate amount of costs, calculate financial losses and possible risks. The calculation of materials for a frame house may be more than it was calculated to invest in construction. Therefore, you can reduce the area or number of floors of the building, and choose more economical options for building materials.

DIY foundation

Calculating the cost of a frame house must begin with the foundation. There are three main types of foundation for frame houses- strip, columnar and pile-grillage.

Types of foundation.

The calculation of the foundation of a frame house should take into account not only the selected material, but also the size of the construction work, the future load of the structure, the degree of swampiness of the soil, the level groundwater, windy changes and weather for a given area.

It is recommended to install a columnar foundation for low-story construction small area, For example . Pile-grillage - for multi-storey buildings and during construction on problematic terrain in terms of soils and temperatures. Calculating the cost of a frame house in this case will take into account the number and length of piles or pillars to increase the strength of the structure.

The cost of the strip will depend on the depth, the chosen reinforcement option and the material for the formwork. When installing formwork and pouring cement yourself, you can save up to 30% of the cost of the foundation. On average, depending on the size of the building, construction works Installation of the foundation will cost from 22,000 rubles.

Scheme for calculating a foundation on piles.

When calculating the construction of a frame house, it will be necessary to include the cost of a sand embankment for leveling the terrain, reinforcement and formwork - made independently or purchased as well. Also included in the calculations frame construction includes the cost of concrete - purchased independently or ordered from a construction company along with concrete mixers and a team of builders.

On a note

The installed foundation must be dried for a sufficient period - from several weeks to a whole month. A strip or pile-grillage foundation is usually covered with film and left for the winter, but in the hot season, a few weeks are enough to dry.

Calculation of building walls

The main factor when calculating the walls of a frame house will be their area, number of floors, as well as the total load on the building. Multi-storey construction requires the installation of thick walls, ceilings and load-bearing structures.

On a note

Racks are the basis of a frame house; their construction requires not only boards, but timber.

The boards have several standards, height 50 or 100 mm, width - 100 or 200 mm. The calculation of a frame house will depend on the degree of moisture content of the wood, the quality and type of the wood itself. The number of racks also depends on the chosen cladding and insulation option. average cost technical board for 1 m3 - from 7000-8000 rubles.

We calculate the cost of the frame racks.

The height of the racks depends on the number of floors of the building and the height of the ceilings, but in general it ranges from 2.5 m; in technical rooms - bathrooms and storage rooms - it can be about 2 m. Using a calculator to calculate a frame house, we set the pitch between the racks, which depends on the selected width insulation and mounted wall panels.

When building a frame house covered with OSB panels, the calculation of lumber will depend on the thickness:

  • OSB-3 plate 6 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 500 rubles.
  • OSB-3 plate 8 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 600 rubles.
  • OSB-3 plate 12 mm 1250-2500 mm - from 800 rubles.

For independent installation of racks and panels, you will need additional devices and equipment, which must be taken into account when calculating the materials of a frame house using a construction calculator - special screws, galvanized angles, drills and hacksaws for wood, nails, a hammer. Despite these costs, self-installation walls will reduce by a third online payments construction of a frame house.

We calculate the cost of insulation

Installation of insulation is required already during the process of laying the floor, then during the installation of walls, ceilings and roofs. In the case of multi-storey construction, it is necessary to lay additional insulation of inter-storey floors.

Table with insulation calculations.

Online calculation of a frame house will vary, from low prices for polystyrene foam, to impressive amounts for ecowool. If you are aiming for long-term living, then you should not skimp on its insulation.

Pay attention to the treatment against rodents and pests, and the environmental friendliness of the insulation material. In average price category mineral wool or glass wool is used, which is often used to insulate frame houses. Bulk insulation materials Recommended for roof or flat roof insulation.

Insulation procedure

  1. Estimate and installation of the selected vapor barrier material to prevent getting wet;
  2. Installation of intermediate sheets of plywood for internal cladding;
  3. The thickness of the insulation, which will depend on the thickness of the racks, is on average chosen from 100 to 250 mm;
  4. When choosing insulation - stone or mineral wool, include wind and waterproof film and its installation into the calculation of a frame house;
  5. Take care of the ventilation gap to prevent moisture from accumulating inside the walls.

Insulation in the frame.

After sufficient insulation of the house, interior lining walls and decoration.

Calculation of the cost of a frame house

The roof is the second element on which you should not skimp when calculating a frame house with your own hands. Only in this way can it reliably prevent the building from leaking.

On a note

The cost of the roof will depend on its shape - single-pitch, gable or complex. It is also worth considering insulation of the roof and residential attic.

Roofing materials.

Materials for roof installation

  • Board for rafters with a section of 150*50 mm;
  • Boards for installing sheathing - purchased based on the parameters of the future roof;
  • Materials for installing fasteners - corners, nails, screws;
  • Foam or stone wool for insulation;
  • Materials for steam and waterproofing;
  • Foam for processing joints;
  • Flooring - roofing felt, slate, tiles or other material for final finishing.

Windows and doors in a building

You can use a program to calculate a frame house, where the parameters of windows and doors will be specified. The calculation will depend not only on the selected material, but also on the number of chambers in the double-glazed windows.

Counting windows and doors.

Window double glazed windows made of plastic cost on average from 4000-5000 rubles, the cost depends on the number of cameras, sashes and size, and the price of door windows will be 15-20% more. Doors - metal or plastic - will cost from 5-6 thousand, also depending on the thickness of the material, locking system, handles.

Preparing the finish

When calculating the material for a frame house with a calculator, you need to include external and interior decoration. The desired amount of costs for a frame house will depend on your taste. The outside of the building can be finished with either cheap siding or wood and stone panels, inside from suspended ceilings and expensive plaster, up to wood finishing and painting work.

If there are difficulties when calculating a frame house project, you can turn to specialists for help or purchase ready set from the factory.