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» Breeding lilies. Planting lilies in open ground in spring - choosing a variety, preparing bulbs and soil

Breeding lilies. Planting lilies in open ground in spring - choosing a variety, preparing bulbs and soil

Lilies are luxurious flowers; they have been cultivated since ancient times. As a result of many years of active selection, a huge number of varieties and hybrids of these flowers have appeared. Based on their origin and biological characteristics, the diverse varieties and hybrids are divided into nine groups. Asian hybrids are common in Russia: they are the most unpretentious and grow and bloom well even in northern gardens.

Choice planting material

When purchasing planting material, it is necessary to clarify which group this or that belongs to. Each group meets certain requirements for agricultural technology and cultivation techniques (planting lilies, care, flowering time, storage). If it is not possible to determine whether the planting material belongs to any group, then it is better to refuse to purchase it. Lily bulbs purchased in advance, which need to be kept for several days, should be stored in a cool and dark place and covered with damp moss, sawdust, and sand.

Preparing bulbs for planting

The success of the grower depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, the selection of lily bulbs that are planned to be planted must be carefully selected. The bulbs must be healthy, their bottoms must not be damaged. If rusty and brown spots are noticeable on the scales, they must be removed, as well as withered roots and trimmed off too long. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the bulbs with a 10% solution of karbofos (one tablespoon per ten liters of water) or a 0.2% solution of fundozol, or in a 0.1% solution. The bulbs are kept in the solution for no more than half an hour. The use of any insecticide has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant.

Boarding time

Planting lilies is possible both in spring and autumn: in any case, the plants take root. Experienced flower growers Still, early autumn is considered the most favorable period for planting work. In warm autumn, the bulbs have time to take root; during early frosts, they require shelter.

Spring planting of lilies is done early, before the young stems have stretched out. Otherwise, they may break when landing.

Choosing a place for lilies

Lilies love the sun, but constant sunlight is not necessary for them; they develop well and bloom in partial shade. The area for the flower garden is chosen to be flat and quite large. The flowers should be spacious, they should not interfere with each other. Usually they are planted once every five years, this also needs to be provided for. If flowers are replanted more often, then full, lush flowering you can't wait. For new plantings, it is better to choose a completely new area where lilies did not grow, in order to avoid diseases and pests.

Soil preparation

All varieties and hybrids of lilies are demanding on soil, but the difficulty is that some of them grow well in alkaline soils, while others need acidic ones. In accordance with this, the earth is prepared. A lily planted in unsuitable soil gets sick, withers, blooms poorly and eventually dies.

Experienced flower growers form plantings so that flowers of the same group are located nearby, this makes it easier to comply with growing conditions. For the most common Asian hybrids in our gardens, neutral or slightly acidic soils are best suited. To do this, it is recommended to add wood ash to the ground: it fertilizes, disinfects, and neutralizes the soil cover.

The entire area is dug up to a depth of at least 35 centimeters. Then organic materials are introduced and coarse river sand is added. The area must be well drained - lilies do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

The day before, before planting, the soil is watered abundantly. In wet weather, watering can be done directly into the planting grooves or holes.

Planting lilies

The distance between plants is determined by the height and power of future flowers. Low lilies are planted at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters, large ones - 25-30 centimeters from each other. River sand is poured into the bottom of each hole, an onion is placed on it, the roots are straightened, then covered with earth.

The depth to plant the bulb depends on its size and soil composition. The bulb is planted at a depth two to three times greater than its diameter. The bulb is planted deeper in light sandy soil than in heavy clay soil.

Planting lilies is completed by watering and peat, humus or sawdust are used for this.

If you decide to grow lilies in open ground, then the first question that will arise, of course, is at what time of year you need to do this. So, what is the difference between planting lilies in autumn and planting in spring, and how to determine the timing of planting lilies?

What determines the landing time?

Planting lilies in autumn or spring depends on the type of flower. All lilies are “foreign”. Only saranks are local residents, and even those are listed in the Red Book, so they cannot be brought from the forest. Traditionally, lily bulbs come to us from Holland.

But Asiatic lilies are the most popular in Russia. They tolerate winter well, so they have taken root well even in the Urals and Siberia. “Asians” are the first in a row of plants that are recommended to be planted in the ground in the fall.

The hybrids of the Oriental group are amazingly beautiful, with an intoxicating aroma. They are quite capricious and afraid of frost, so autumn planting lilies of this series are undesirable. Although, for example, in the Moscow region you can grow them by using a series of agricultural practices, including shelter from frost and excess moisture.

La hybrids in the middle zone can winter without shelter. Therefore, you can plant lilies of these varieties in the fall without fear that they will freeze.

OA hybrids are suitable for autumn planting and are also well adapted to our winter.

The next factor that determines when to plant flowers is the region. From the characteristics of the selected plant, you can understand whether it will take root better in the given area in spring or autumn.

So, the decision was made to plant lilies in the fall. And when in the fall? This again depends on the region. Plants must have time to take root, gain strength for the coming winter, but not sprout. The Moscow region, Leningrad region and the entire central part of Russia have moderately frosty winters, so mid-September - optimal time when to plant lilies in the fall. The Siberian region is characterized by harsh winters, so planting lilies here begins in August and continues until mid-September. In the Urals - a little later, from early September to early October. In the southern regions, planting is carried out until November.

The landing site should be sunny, with possible short-term shading, windless, without close proximity. groundwater.

Landing in the ground

After you have decided when and how to plant lilies in the fall, you need to deal with planting material. It is best to buy bulbs from private traders. As a rule, these bulbs were dug up recently. All damage is immediately visible on them; you can see the condition of the roots. Material purchased in a store is, as a rule, last year’s material, which arrived at the store in the spring. It is more difficult to check, since the bulb is in a bag in sawdust. If possible, you should feel it to make sure it is tight and has no dents.

If there are already lilies growing on the site, the question arises of how to replant the lilies in the fall. Flowers grow in one place for 3 to 5 years. After the lilies have bloomed, the transplant should be no earlier than 20 days later. Until then, there is no need to trim them, because the bulb receives nutrition through the stem and leaves. Using a fork, carefully remove the bulbs from the ground. Separate the babies from the main bulb. Rinse everything in water to see if there is any damage. Remove diseased scales, trim broken and too long roots.

How to properly plant lilies in the fall?

Soak the bulbs, ready for planting and transplanting, for 20-30 minutes in a pink solution of manganese or in phytosporin - in addition to protection from fungal diseases, the planting material will receive additional nutrition. We will place the children separately. They will bloom only in the third year. We cut off all existing roots from store-bought bulbs. New ones will grow in their place. Transplanting lilies in the fall and planting new material continue to be carried out in the same way.

When planting, ensure good drainage. Make the hole large, taking into account that the planting depth is 3 times the height of the bulb. In addition, you need space to fill the hole with a nutrient composition. The earth should be mixed with well-rotted humus, add complete complex fertilizer, sand. Not all lilies can tolerate ash, so if you don’t know exactly how the plant will react to it, it’s better not to sprinkle it. Place the prepared mixture at the bottom of the hole. Sprinkle sand on top.

Lilies look good if they grow in groups, so it is important how to plant lilies in the fall, and it is good when several plants grow in one hole. The distance between them is within 10-15 cm. For each bulb, you should make a slide of sand and place the bottom tightly, straightening the roots. The roots should not bend.

Pour the same mixture over the bulbs and water well; then sprinkle dry soil on top.

Caring for lilies

Selected the best varieties lilies, planting in the fall was successful. Now we need to save them until spring. In cold winters they make shelters. It can be:

  • needles;
  • dry leaves;
  • sawdust and any other materials.

During a cold, rainy autumn, you need to cover the plantings with polyethylene so that they do not get wet. In the spring, remove the shelter in time.

As soon as the soil warms up, you need to carefully loosen the plantings and fertilize them. For fertilizer, it is good to use fermented manure, diluting it in a ratio of 1 liter to 1 bucket of water. For fungal diseases, sprinkle with phytosporin. You can pour water with ash dissolved in it. In the proportion of 1 tbsp. ash per 1 bucket of water. During the summer, you can water lilies with this composition up to 5 times.

When forming buds, you need to water and spray the entire plant with ammonium nitrate. During flowering, add organic fertilizer to the soil again. The last time you need to feed your lilies during the season is after flowering. The best option- soluble phosphorus compounds. But not superphosphate, because it takes a long time to decompose and will not have time to fertilize the flowers. The easiest way is to use complex fertilizers.

Unfortunately, lilies have their enemies. First of all, this is the lily beetle. Bright red in color, at first glance it looks like ladybug, but only without black circles. Its voracious larvae inflict great harm flowers and leaves. They can completely destroy the plantings. The most effective way to fight is with insecticides.

In damp and cold summers, plants are damaged by fungal diseases. It is important not to look at the moment when the lilies began to hurt. There are many drugs on sale that help get rid of this scourge.

When buying an onion, you may find that it has sprouted. Planting lilies with sprouts in the fall has its own characteristics. We must wait until the sprout reaches a height of 20 cm. Very carefully, rotational movements V different sides you need to “unscrew” the sprout from the base of the bulb. After that, plant in the usual way. The plant will be weakened, so it must be covered especially carefully for the winter. Next year the lily will not bloom, and if it suddenly produces buds, it is better to cut them off. There will be no full flowers. And in a year the lily will delight you with beautiful flowers.

Lilies are flowers of amazing beauty. They are worth putting in every effort to grow them.

A lily is a flower of amazing, exquisite beauty that can become a real decoration of a garden only if it is provided with the necessary conditions for growth, therefore, the beautiful lily should be planted and cared for in the open ground according to all its requirements.

How to choose a site for planting lilies in open ground?

When choosing a place to grow lilies, first of all, you need to take into account that these are bulbous perennials that can grow without replanting for up to 5 years, learn about the preferences of exquisite beauties, then the planting process will move more confidently and quickly.

Lilies will develop well in sunny places, protected from cold, sharp winds; you need to find an area in the garden that is illuminated by the sun most of the day. At the same time, oriental hybrids, martagon, two-row, calloused would prefer to grow in partial shade.

Having decided on the site, it is important to make sure that subsoil waters do not come close to its surface, otherwise you will need to ensure good drainage: flowers love moisture, but cannot tolerate its excess and stagnation of water.

It’s great if the soil on the site is loam or sandy loam, this is exactly the structure that lilies like most: in heavy, dense soil they develop poorly and feel depressed. Heavy soil is mixed with humus and sand, adding mineral fertilizers.

Features of site preparation before planting lilies

In order to successfully grow lilies in open ground, when preparing the soil for them, it is important to take into account the fact that some varieties prefer an acidic environment, others prefer an alkaline environment, and others are satisfied with a neutral pH. If you do not take this subtlety into account and plant lilies in an area that does not meet the requirements, you can simply destroy the flowers.

Slightly acidic soil is suitable for the following varieties of lilies:

  • brindle;
  • drooping;
  • Asian;
  • eastern;
  • David;
  • Wilmotta.

Soil deoxidation with lime: how much is needed and how to do it correctly?

They feel great in a slightly alkaline area:

  • Tibetan (regale);
  • umbrella;
  • bulbous;
  • white.

Knowing exactly the varieties of lilies chosen for planting, you can regulate the pH level. When preparing the composition of the soil mixture, humus is added in moderate doses; a large amount of it will promote increased growth of leaves and stems, to the detriment of the development of the bulb, this will negatively affect its susceptibility to frost.

Growing lilies in open ground is easier when the owner garden plot prepares a composition ideal for lilies, adding it to the planting holes:

  • river sand;
  • fallen needles;
  • peat;
  • turf soil - everything is taken in equal quantities.

If the soil is prepared in this way, there will be no need to fertilize the lilies during the first years of cultivation.

The soil is dug deeply, carefully selecting the roots of perennial weeds, the nutritional composition is evenly applied, the acidity is adjusted, and the bulbs begin to be planted.

How to prepare lilies for growing in open ground?

Planting lilies in open ground begins with the inspection and necessary processing of planting material in order to be able to prevent the development of diseases in advance.

Rotten, diseased specimens must be discarded, otherwise they will infect healthy planting material, which can be easily identified by the following signs:

  • cover scales are white or cream-colored, without any inclusions;
  • strong, viable roots about 5 cm long.

From bulbs suitable for planting, carefully remove the upper flower scales and place them in a solution of potassium permanganate. burgundy color, stand for up to 30 minutes. The bulbs removed from the solution are placed in the shade to dry.

If minor damage is found on the bulbs, do not throw them away; such specimens are treated with a solution of Karbofos or Fundazol, having previously removed unhealthy scales. Such bulbs should be planted separately, in a quarantine area.

To speed up the rooting process in open ground, bulbs are sometimes germinated by placing them in containers with purchased lily soil, then in the right time planted in a permanent place.

Which months are the best for planting: autumn or spring?

In fact, this is a difficult question to understand, since it is impossible to answer it clearly.

In order to accurately determine when to plant lilies in open ground, you need to clarify the species to which this variety belongs.

Of course, there are no strict deadlines; they are able to take root and begin to grow from spring to autumn, but there are preferences of some varieties for a certain time of planting.

Spring planting of bulbs

When planted in spring, the bulbs are guaranteed to be protected from freezing and getting wet. in spring root system develops actively, which is especially important for late-flowering varieties.

Planting lilies in the spring is mainly done with purchased bulbs; you need to choose healthy, large specimens; those with sprouts that have hatched are allowed. Bulbs purchased in early spring need care even before planting: they must be stored in perforated polyethylene filled with peat or sawdust and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

You should not wait for significant warming to start planting; in the spring the heat may suddenly begin, which will make it difficult to take root:

  • tubular, oriental hybrids begin to be planted after the snow melts from the plots;
  • the last decade of March is the right time for tiger, Tibetan, and other varieties that bloom in autumn;
  • Terry lily bulbs are planted in April, temporarily covering the planting sites with mulch.

Caring for lilies in open ground in the spring comes down to regular watering, keeping the area free of weeds, mulching the soil or sowing low growing plants around the peduncle to protect the roots from overheating and keep the soil from drying out.

Plantings of 2-3 years of age are fertilized in early spring with liquid complex fertilizer at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush, and fed a second time before the start of the bud-shooting period. If a lily planted this year throws out its buds, it is better to remove them without regret before opening, thus allowing the flower to get stronger for future flowering.

Growing lilies outdoors in the spring requires protecting them from pests. One of folk recipes, watering and spraying which helps to repel many encroachers on the bulbs or stems of flowers: dissolve a spoonful of soda in a liter of heated water and copper sulfate, add a spoonful of ammonia, dilute the resulting mixture with 9 liters of water.

Autumn planting of bulbs

This planting period has its advantages: the sweltering heat is over, moisture in the ground remains longer, and among the pests, only small rodents living on the site are dangerous. In this case, when planting, it is advisable to place the bulbs in thin metal mesh or special plastic baskets, protecting the planting material from damage.

Another advantage: during the autumn planting period, the bulbs are in a dormant phase; planting dates can be shifted if necessary. In a dormant state, the bulbs are not afraid of partial loss of roots during transplantation.

The planting site is prepared two to three weeks before planting so that the soil is compacted naturally, it is filled nutrients and leave until planting. White lilies (they have a very short dormant period), Caucasian species, come first, followed by North American ones.

Bulbs of oriental hybrids, Asiatic lilies lightly sprinkled with peat or sawdust to further increase the acidity of the soil, tubular hybrids, martagon, snow-white, covered with humus with the addition of wood ash, reducing acidity.

It is not difficult to care for lilies in the open ground in the fall; newly planted bulbs when dry, warm weather They are watered, helping them to take root; the flowers are gradually prepared for winter from the second year of planting.

IN autumn care involves planting bushes that have been growing in one place for more than 4-5 years; long-term cultivation of bulbs without dividing leads to thickening. But there is no need to dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering; they need time to ripen. It is better to dig with a pitchfork to preserve the roots as much as possible.

The bulb should be washed with running water, dried, separated with a sharp knife from the mother tuber and soaked for 20 minutes in a weak solution of manganese. When the bulbs are shaken, their roots are shortened to 10 cm and planted in a prepared bed.

What is included in preparing lilies for wintering?

Caring for lilies in the open ground after flowering is aimed at reducing the amount of watering and fertilizing; flowers in this phase need phosphorus and potassium, which help the ripening of the bulbs. It is necessary to remove the seed pods, but do not rush to cut the stems, they continue to feed the bulbs for some time, since the process of photosynthesis does not stop. As cold weather approaches, the stems are cut off.

  • bulbs of varieties that bloom in September or October, when they enter the dormant phase, are dug up and stored until spring;
  • Early flowering varieties are left in the ground, but provide them with shelter.

Overwintering of lilies in open ground will depend on the growing region and on varieties characterized by resistance to cold.

For example, Asian hybrids, Daurian lily, Pennsylvania lily, and some others can be left to overwinter even in the middle zone. Provided with shelter, candidum and royal lilies will overwinter well. But oriental hybrids, trumpet varieties or other delicate lilies are thoroughly covered, or dug up and stored until planted in the ground in late spring.

If you still have questions, the answers can be found in this video about growing lilies in open ground:

Lilies are amazing beautiful flowers with a delicate aroma, graceful form and harmony of appearance.

It may seem impossible for novice gardeners to grow such a miracle of nature in their garden on their own.

However, this is a completely wrong position! Lily is enough unpretentious plant , which is not at all difficult to plant and grow.

When to plant lilies in autumn or spring? Any gardener will definitely answer - in the fall. When to plant lilies in the fall? Depending on the type, planting is carried out from mid-August to the first days of October. During the time remaining before frost, the tuber will have time to take root well, sending out roots.

The bulb will gain strength and get stronger, acclimatize to the cold and calmly endure spring frosts after the snow melts. And flowering will begin earlier than during spring planting.

Under natural conditions, the bulbs retire after all above-ground parts die off and rest for about two to three weeks.

And they wait out the winter under cover of plant debris, slowly growing roots and gaining mass.

In spring full of strength and health bulb releases flower buds .

As a last resort, you can plant the bulb even in October-November, while covering it well.

Planting lilies in the spring is also not forbidden, especially if you have just purchased them. Don't wait until autumn - the bulbs may simply dry out over the summer.

How to grow lilies in open ground? Planting garden lilies and caring for them in the open ground in autumn includes several sub-points:

When to plant lily bulbs in the fall is determined by the time of flowering. If the lily bloomed in June, it is replanted in August, July lilies - in September. That is, from the moment of flowering before planting should take about 6-7 weeks so that the plant has time to gain strength and go into a dormant state.

At the same time, it’s okay if the June bulbs were planted in September - they will completely survive the move. The timing of planting lilies in the fall is quite reasonable.

How to plant lilies in the fall? Lilies are planted in several stages.

How to treat lily bulbs before planting? The procedure will help disinfect the bulbs and prevent their illnesses. Clean, healthy tubers are kept in a high concentration of potassium permanganate solution (it should be colored burgundy).

You can use products such as Karbofos, Fundazol.

After holding the bulbs in the solution for about 30-40 minutes, they are dried in the shade, spread out on paper or fabric. Before planting, some gardeners soak the planting material in growth stimulants such as Zircon or Epin. Succinic acid is no less popular. It is best to leave it in this solution overnight for at least 9-10 hours.

When planting lilies in open ground, it is very important to choose the right place for them, because they will grow there for a long time - from 4 to 6 years.

The degree of illumination depends on the species: tubular and eastern ones adore an abundance of sun, withstanding only weak partial shade.

Light-loving plants also include drooping, long-flowered, red, Chalcedonian, monochromatic, Asian, pleasant, dwarf and Daurian.

And the beautiful, magnificent, calloused, brindle, reddish, two-row and Japanese can live in shaded places, illuminated only in the morning or evening.

In the area reserved for planting lilies, there should not be strong humidity, especially those lying close to the surface of groundwater and stagnant water. Otherwise, the bulbs will simply rot.

In addition, a large amount of organic matter in the soil will cause increased growth of foliage and stems, which is also undesirable. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the humus content.

Lilies grow well in fertile, light soils with good breathability. If the soil on the site does not meet the requirements of plants, it is improved by adding loosening additives (sand, peat, humus) and mineral fertilizers.

The optimal soil reaction depends on the lily variety. So, regale, curly, martagon, bulbous, Tibetan, umbrella, single-color and white varieties need slightly alkaline soil. And brindle, David, Henry, drooping, oriental, Asian, Wilmott grow only in slightly acidic soil.

Do it between the bulbs distance 9-16 cm so that they can develop normally.

Between rows (lines) minimum gap - 23-26 cm.

The depth of planting depends not only on the size of the tuber, but also on its ability to form stem roots.

Tall varieties and plants that produce stem roots are buried even deeper.

Don't be afraid to plant lilies deeper than expected- this will help protect the flowers from spring frosts and winter cold, will provide normal humidity in summer. In addition, deep planting stimulates greater formation of children and roots.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly plant lilies in the ground in the fall:

  1. Purchase bulbs - buy or dig.
  2. Carry out preparatory inspection and treatment.
  3. Choose a place to drop off.
  4. Prepare the soil: dig it up, adding the necessary additives.
  5. Form holes or beds, make holes for the bulbs of the required depth.
  6. Place a protective “cushion” of wood ash mixed with sand in each hole.
  7. Place the bulbs in them with the bottom down, straighten all the existing roots.
  8. Sprinkle the plantings with soil. Many gardeners replace it with sand. This helps protect against disease and ensure a constant flow of air.
  9. The top of the soil can be mulched using sawdust or peat.

You can watch tips on growing lilies in open ground in this video:

This kind of trouble can happen in the fall, if you planted the bulbs not in a dormant state, but prepared for forcing.

This happens when purchasing from dubious non-specialized retail outlets, where dishonest sellers pass off low-quality goods as good.

If the autumn is very warm and there are periodic rains, the lily may become confused with the seasons and send out shoots. Is it possible to plant sprouted lilies in the fall?

There are several ways to plant lilies with sprouts in the fall:

  • dig up the bulbs and wait until the sprouts reach 1-2 inches in height. Then very carefully pull out the shoots from the tuber with rotational movements. Plant the bulb back and carefully cover it for the winter, because it will be very weak and may not tolerate frost;
  • more labor-intensive and troublesome. Dig up a bulb with shoots and plant it at home, growing it as indoor plant all winter;
  • dig up the onion and disassemble it into individual scales. Plant them in a greenhouse for germination. Then, instead of one large, dubious bulb, you will get many small lilies that will bloom in a couple of years;
  • just cover the sprouted tubers well, using pine spruce branches, sawdust, peat and covering material, in the hope that the sprouts will go into a dormant state and wait until spring safely.

In spring, purchased bulbs are most often planted, because at this time they appear on the shelves in a wide variety. When purchasing, it is recommended to carefully inspect the planting material for stains of rust and rot, signs of mold and disease. It is best to choose large, healthy bulbs that have slightly sprouted.

If the purchase happened in early spring, the bulbs must be kept intact until planting. To do this, they are placed in a polyethylene bag filled with sawdust, peat or sand and placed in the refrigerator. This way you can save even bulbs with small sprouts.

It happens that due to an oversight, low-quality planting material is purchased.

The bulbs may have long shoots or be almost withered.

Before planting in open ground, flower growers advise cutting off plastic bottles, drilling holes for drainage, filling them with soil for seedlings and placing problematic tubers there.

The soil becomes suitable for planting lilies in May, after it has thoroughly dried and warmed up. To protect the tubers from possible climatic troubles, they can be planted deeper; bulbs with long shoots are planted sideways, sprinkling the shoots with soil.

If there is a threat of frost on the soil, it is recommended to water the planted plants abundantly. clean water or with an ampoule of epin. This measure will weaken the creeping frosts - the wet soil will take the blow.

Landing technology not much different from autumn, plants are planted according to the same pattern at the same depth.

If mice live on the site in the summer, it is recommended to hide the bulbs in a metal mesh or special baskets for tubers.

During planting, add organic fertilizers(mullein infusion, wood ash), you can use ammonium or calcium nitrate and nitroammophoska.

The planted bulbs are watered abundantly with water.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties when planting lilies.

Any gardener can handle this procedure. The most important thing is to read and remember all the tips given in our article. Whoever owns the information owns the lilies!

Exquisite flowers with a bright, intoxicating aroma are the main advantage of lilies. It is for this reason that throughout the centuries they have been used by many peoples as a decorative, cosmetic and medicinal product. Lilies are mentioned in many legends and beliefs, and are often used in painting. Knowing how to plant lilies in the fall, you can get flowering plant already the first summer. This is the best time to decorate your site with at least a few specimens.

How to choose bulbs

Before planting lilies in the fall, you should decide on the variety and choose healthy planting material. All varieties comprise nine groups, depending on their characteristics and origin. If in the future it will not be possible to provide painstaking care, you need to focus on Asian or OT hybrids, which are the most unpretentious. They are also suitable for beginner gardeners.

Almost all lily bulbs are imported to us from abroad. If it is not possible to determine the grade and species, it is better to refuse such material. After all, growing each species has its own nuances, including preservation in winter. And varieties that bloom late (oriental hybrids) often do not survive until spring or even never bloom.

As for the bulbs themselves, the main thing is an intact bottom and a dense structure. In addition, there should be no stains on it. If there are roots, a healthy plant cannot have them dry or rotten. To insure against pests and diseases, it is better to immediately treat with a solution of karbofos at the rate of 5 ml per liter of water or potassium permanganate (5 grams per 10 liters).

Choosing a lily bulb is one time when size matters. Small (up to 10 cm) bulbs will produce plants that most likely will not bloom in the first season.

Bulb storage

Before planting lilies in the fall, the planting material must be stored in a dark place, in cool conditions. You can’t overdry the bulbs either. They should be kept in perlite, moss or moistened sawdust. If, after purchasing, transplanting lilies into open ground in the fall is not possible, they can be stored for quite a long time by wrapping them in a plastic bag with peat and making several holes in the film for ventilation. The optimal air temperature is from 0 to +5 degrees. The door or bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable for this.

Once the bulb is exposed to warmer conditions, it will begin to sprout. If the buds wake up, you will have to plant the lily in a pot and place it in a well-lit, warm place.

Sometimes the scales of the bulbs dry out a little, then they are wrapped in wet cloth. Severely dried specimens can be immersed in water for 3 hours. room temperature in order to revive.

How to choose a place for lilies

When determining a suitable corner in the garden for placing lilies, be sure to take into account the growth of the plant, as well as the color of the flowers and their shape, in order to create a harmonious composition. It is important to pay attention in advance to how to plant lilies in the fall, when they have already grown and given birth to offspring.

Tall varieties are usually planted in the background of flower beds or in groups on lawns. Low ones look great in rockeries and alpine slides.

For full growth and development, abundant flowering Lilies need bright light or at least partial shade. But in hot weather without watering, the plants will dry out. And drops of water falling on the leaves in the open sun will lead to burns and fungal diseases (for example, gray rot).

When to plant lilies in the fall?

The main time for planting bulbs is early autumn. Before this, you need to prepare the ground in advance. When the weather is dry, the ground is shed. If it is sufficiently moistened, the bulbs are planted in the furrow. The soil needs to be loose and nutritious, well permeable to moisture. Loamy soil is best. To lighten heavy soil, you can add sand or perlite. You cannot flavor the planting site with fresh manure, as a strong bulb will not be formed, which will reduce winter hardiness and weaken flowering.

Place a small mound of sand at the bottom of the hole or furrow to ensure good drainage. The roots are carefully spread to the sides.

Cooked bulbs are not dried; they are planted immediately, since they retain roots and do not have a protective shell.

Proper transplantation of lilies in autumn

As a rule, plants need to be replanted at the age of 4-5 years. Sometimes it can be done every two to three years if the flowers suffer from diseases or pests. In this case, it is necessary to change the planting site.

Bulbs are dug up in early August. If they are loose and depleted, they are left in the ground until the end of the month. It is optimal if about a month and a half passes from flowering to transplantation. It is best to use a fork to avoid damaging the root system.

After several years of growing in one place, almost all varieties of lilies form large tangles of bulbs different sizes. They may disintegrate on their own or require separation. Before planting lilies in the fall, you need to carefully trim the stems, leaving small stumps. If the stems have already died, they are carefully unscrewed. Then you need to shake off the soil, remove any scales covered with any stains, rinse and soak for about 20 minutes in a 10% solution of karbofos. Before planting, the roots are shortened, leaving no more than 5-10 cm.

Planting depth and distance between bulbs

For lilies, it is especially important to correctly determine how deep to deepen the plant. This depends on several factors. Typically the planting depth is 3 times the diameter of the bulb.

It should be taken into account that in heavy soil lilies are not planted as deep as in light soil. If the variety is low-growing, large bulbs are planted to a depth of about 12, and small ones - 7 cm. For medium-sized bulbs this figure is 15 and 10 cm, and for tall ones - 20 and 12, respectively.

The distance between plants is determined by how much the lily will grow and how tall it will be. Large varieties are placed every 25 cm, and low-growing varieties - every 10.

How to properly close for the winter

In some regions of our country, it is not enough just to know how to plant lilies correctly in the fall. It is much more important to preserve them until spring. For the winter, even before heavy rains begin, the bulbs are covered with peat or leaves. Such a shelter is not removed with the onset of heat, but is used as mulch and fertilizer at the same time. You can also use spruce branches for insulation, but they should be removed so that young shoots are not injured. The top of the planting is covered with a film to prevent excess moisture from entering. If the lilies are covered, the roots will grow almost the entire winter period.

Fertilizer and care

Having decided how to plant lilies in the fall, you should take care of the upcoming plant care. Plantings must be mulched so that the soil retains moisture longer. If the soil around the lilies is mulched, loosening around the bulbs is not necessary at all. This way you can prevent injury to children and superficial roots, as well as cutting off the stem due to negligence.

The roots of some varieties can go down to 2 meters, but despite this, in dry weather, watering is done at the root, avoiding water getting on the leaves. If the soil is moderately moist throughout the season, lilies will enjoy abundant flowering, and the bulbs will form strong and easily overwinter.

There are rarely situations when it is more difficult to plant lilies in the fall than in the spring. Nowadays, these flowers can be found in almost every gardener, and the variety of varieties delights even the most sophisticated connoisseur of lilies.

Lilies - regal, majestic flowers - will decorate any garden plot. It is impossible not to love lilies. No one remains indifferent when looking at these colorful, fragrant inflorescences. For all their beauty, they do not require great care. Planting lilies in spring - easy way cultivation of these perennial long-flowered crops, which, subject to simple planting and care rules, delight gardeners with flowering for up to 10 years.

When to plant lilies in open ground

The time for planting lilies in the ground is determined by the variety. In spring, it is good to plant bulbs of tiger, Tibetan, oriental, trumpet, and Asian hybrids. It is important to have time to plant bulbs with sprouts up to 10 cm. If the sprouts are larger, it is better to place them sideways when planting. As soon as the snow melts from the site, you can begin preparing the soil for the flower bed. In the southern regions, during dry, hot weather, planting lilies in the ground in the spring is not recommended.

This perennial is planted from late April to early May. To speed up flowering, you can sprout lily bulbs before planting. A container with damp moss, sawdust, or coconut substrate in a warm, sunny place is suitable for this. The main requirement is to protect it from drying out and waterlogging. When the weather is suitable, bulbs with strong sprouts can be planted in a flower bed.

Landing dates

Every gardener dreams of growing a beautiful, abundantly flowering perennial crop. Rooting, long and abundant flowering, healthy plant growth depend on several factors:

  • compliance with planting deadlines;
  • planting depth;
  • compliance with the recommended interval;
  • site selection;
  • preparing the soil for a flower bed.

Deadlines spring planting lilies differ slightly for different regions. Planting is possible when the soil warms up. This is the end of April - beginning of May (depending on the region). Tubular, oriental hybrids are planted as soon as the snow melts from the site, tiger, Tibetan lilies - in early April, terry varieties- in April. Be sure to cover the planting site with mulch. If you are simply transplanting flowers from one place to another, do it with a lump of earth.

Advantages of April landing

Planting lilies in April has a number of advantages over autumn and summer:

  • preventing bulbs from overcooling winter time;
  • the ability to protect the bulbs during autumn frosts;
  • the possibility of planting already sprouted flowers;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of the root system;
  • fast, good plant survival;
  • proper preparation soil helps the plant to actively develop;
  • preserve the bulbs in optimal conditions until planting.

How to plant lilies

Before decorating a flower garden, you should prepare the soil. When digging up the soil, clods are crushed, weed roots and stones are removed. This improves soil drainage and makes it easier to control weeds in the future. They dig to the depth of a spade bayonet, but if the soil has not been cultivated before or the area was flooded earlier, it is necessary to remove upper layer soil and dig deeper.

The ground for the flowerbed must be prepared, because... A lily bed requires loose, fertile soil, without nearby groundwater. When digging a site, add per 1 sq.m:

  • peat – 1 bucket;
  • wood ash – 100 g;
  • humus – 8 kg;
  • superphosphate - according to instructions.

Before planting, each hole should be moistened, but not flooded. Planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. The hole should be 2-3 times the height of the bulb. On the lungs sandy soils the planting depth is 3 times the length of the bulb (the height of the sprout is not taken into account); on heavy clay soils, the planting depth is 2 times the length of the bulb.

The distance between holes depends on the variety. Tall ones are planted after 20–30 cm. Low-growing ones are planted after 10–15 cm. River sand is poured in a heap at the bottom of the hole in order to protect the bulb from excess moisture. Cover with soil. Cover the top of the planting with mulch. If the height of the sprout exceeds 10–15 cm, the bulbs are laid sideways and sprinkled with sand and soil with care, because the sprouts are fragile. If the sprouts are large and it is too early to plant in open ground, use peat pots. As the weather warms up, plant flowers directly in the flowerbed.

It is possible to grow at home on a windowsill, balcony, winter garden subject to the timing of planting lilies. You can use soil purchased in a store. Suitable soil is composed in the following proportions:

  • turf soil - 3 parts;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

The third part of the selected container for the lily should be filled with a layer of drainage. Small pebbles, shards or large expanded clay are suitable for this. Some gardeners use crushed eggshells.

The pot for planting the bulb should not be large. In large tubs or flowerpots you can plant tall, large bushes, for example the Regale variety, or several short and medium-sized varieties. Pour drainage into about one-third of the bottom of the pot. Then a little prepared soil, on top of a layer of 3 cm of calcined sand. Plant a lily on the sand and cover 2/3 with soil. In this case, the pot should not be filled to the brim. It should be taken into account that in the future, as the stem grows, the bulb will need to be filled up to the neck.

Selection and storage of planting material

When purchasing in a store, carefully inspect the planting material. The main thing is that the onion is not flaccid, but dense, elastic, and fleshy. Choose large, healthy bulbs with a hard neck, without damaged tissue, cracks, or dry scales. Do not buy dry, wrinkled, light, soft, porous onions. The sprout, if there is one, should be short, powerful, thick, but no more than 10 cm.

Carefully inspect the bulbs, remove dry or rotten scales. Then disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Dry and place in vermiculite. In order to avoid deformation of the shoot, the packaging must be loose. Planting material should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf in paper bags or plastic bags with holes.

What soil is suitable for lilies

New plantings are carried out in an area where lilies have not been grown before. For a lily bed, choose a dry, sunny area. The soil must be loose, nutritious, permeable, without stagnant water - the roots rot from dampness, and the flowers grow poorly and may die. Lilies normally tolerate a little shade, but in dense shade they grow poorly and produce few buds. A good neighborhood in a flower garden with roses - they have a beneficial effect on each other.

If the designated area has heavy clay soil, you need to add peat, sand, and compost 20 days before planting. Different varieties lilies are preferred different types soil. Most varieties prefer neutral soils. Daurian and Tiger lilies are good suitable soil with slight acidity. Single-colored, white, bulbous and curly varieties love slightly alkaline soil.

Fertilizer application

After planting, the entire period of growth, development, and flowering, the lily needs feeding. For this, complex fertilizers designed for bulbous flowers are best suited. Fertilizing should be done according to the instructions, taking into account that during the growth period the flower needs nitrogen, and during the flowering period – phosphorus and potassium. During the entire growing season, lilies need three main feedings:

  • when shoots appear - with urea and complex fertilizers;
  • when setting buds - potassium sulfate and superphosphate;
  • during the flowering period - with a solution of mullein and nitroammophoska.


Fertilizers applied to the soil improve its composition. They provide the plant with nutrients for full growth and development. Mineral fertilizers contain many microelements that organic fertilizers cannot provide to flowers. Fertilizer rates for specific purposes:

  • for abundant long flowering, development of the root system, strengthening the immune system, add to the soil when digging per 10 sq.m: 200 g of urea, 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate, 1 kg of superphosphate;
  • for general strengthening of plants, 1.5 kg of azofoska is added to the soil per 10 sq.m;
  • during active flowering, a solution of nitroammophoska 50 g per 1 bucket of water is poured under the roots to feed;
  • to activate plant growth and set buds, add it to the soil ammonium nitrate 1 tbsp. l. per 1 sq.m;
  • To protect against fungal infections, add 1 tbsp of ammonium nitrate to the soil. l. per 1 sq.m. once in the spring for the whole season.


When digging, adding rotted humus makes the soil looser, facilitates access of air and moisture to the roots, and saturates nutrients, promotes the reproduction of worms. 8 kg of humus is added per 1 m². For heavy soils, add 1.5 buckets of peat and sand. Wood ash protects plants from mold and disease. During the summer, fertilization with ash can be carried out 5-7 times at the rate of 100 g per 1 sq.m. The best fertilizer for active growth and flowering, use diluted slurry at a rate of 1:10. It should be applied with the onset of warm spring days once a month.

Watering mode

The need for water is the most important for plants - they die from a lack of moisture and from its excess. Poor, irregular watering leads to improper formation of flowers, deformation, and death of the plant. Overmoistening leads to fungal and bacterial diseases, rotting of the bulb and roots. Surface watering is harmful to plants because... the roots begin to stretch upward towards the moisture and dry out on the surface of the soil. Follow the watering recommendations:

  1. A newly planted and blooming lily should be watered generously. The rest of the time, watering should be regular but moderate.
  2. Watering should be done in the evening.
  3. Water should not get on the leaves of plants, as this will cause burns.
  4. The most suitable watering for lilies is drip irrigation.

Protection from pests and diseases

To grow and propagate lilies, care must be taken to disinfect planting material and soil. Fungal and viral diseases They affect the trunks and leaves of lilies, deteriorate the appearance of flowers and destroy the flower completely. Promotes the spread of rot high humidity and abundant watering. To grow healthy and beautiful flowers, the following treatment of the bulbs is carried out before planting to protect against infections:

  1. rinse well;
  2. place in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. (5-10 g per 1 bucket of water);
  3. soak in a fungicide solution for 30 minutes;
  4. remove damaged scales;
  5. rinse in several waters;
  6. treat with 1 tbsp karbofos solution. l. for 1 bucket of water.

Protection will improve if the plantings are insulated for a while. For this purpose, mini-greenhouses are used, plastic bottles, covering material. If planting material is not sufficiently processed during flowering, flowers can be susceptible to a number of diseases. To prevent diseases, soil is shed in May Bordeaux mixture. In July, treatment is carried out 2 times. The plant is sprayed several times during the season. If the treatment does not help and the plant does not get better, it is dug up and destroyed so that others do not get sick.

Types of diseases

External manifestations

Fighting methods

wet rot

Yellow spots on leaves, peduncles

reduce watering, use nitrogen fertilizers

root rot

the top of the shoot turns yellow

the plant is destroyed, the soil is disinfected

gray mold

brown spots on the plant

reduce watering, treat with copper-containing preparations


Brown rust spots on the leaves

treat with Bordeaux mixture or fungicides

How to protect lilies from insects

Delicious juicy onions and foliage love small ones garden pests. Squeak beetles, aphids, spider mites, click beetles, beetles, thrips, lily beetles. These insects harm the bulbous plants and lead to their death. The most labor-intensive, but no less effective, is the manual method - this is a safe way to get rid of pests without the use of insecticides and pesticides. You can get rid of aphids, lily beetles, and squeak beetles by picking them up with your hands and destroying them. If you cannot cope with insect pests manually, you will have to resort to treating the plants.

When planting lilies in the spring, you can avoid the use of toxic chemicals and try organic pest control. To combat aphids, spider mites, thrips, use a soap solution or an aqueous solution vegetable oils(clove, rosemary). Oils are not used for processing at air temperatures above 32 and below 4 degrees. The treatment is carried out on a cloudy day with low air humidity.

To combat aphids, mites, thrips, infusions are used:

  • potato or tomato tops - 4 kg per 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, add 30 g of soap;
  • horse sorrel roots - 300 g per 10 liters of water, infuse for 3 hours;
  • dandelion leaves - 400 g per 10 liters of water, leave for 3 hours;
  • leaves and flowers of chamomile - 3 kg per 10 liters of water, leave for 12 hours and dilute with water 1:3;
  • garlic - crushed cloves 200 g, pour 10 liters of water, use immediately.

Before using pesticides, make sure they are classified as mild or moderately hazardous. Preparations approved for use in Russia are listed in the “State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Permitted for Use,” which is posted on the Internet. Continuous use of the same pesticide is not recommended because... Pests develop immunity. If you decide to use synthetic drugs, you need to alternate them.

Types of pests

Damage caused

Fighting methods

Aphids can be of different colors: green, pink, brown, black, gray

large colonies spoil flower buds, damage young shoots, weaken the plant, and can destroy

proximity to marigolds, nasturtium, peppermint, garlic, etc. herbs;

spraying tobacco dust or pyrethrum powder over the affected plants;

spraying with karbofos solution;

treatment with synthetic pesticides based on alpha-cipalermethrin, imidacloprid

Thrips are small, oblong black bugs that leave behind silvery spots on the leaves.

feed on plant juices

buds do not bloom, leaves take on an unattractive appearance

biological products "Fitoverm", "Akarin",

imidacloprid-based pesticides

Spider mite red, the larva lives in the ground for 5 years

feeds on the sap of the plant, weakens and depresses the flower, without treatment leads to death, the leaves curl, the plant dries out;

You can see white eggs and the mite on the leaves

spraying with plain water (for excessive dryness);

spraying with karbofos;

spraying with "Acaricide"

The squeak beetle (lily beetle, bulbous rattle) is a red beetle that makes a high-pitched sound in anticipation of danger

lays larvae covered with mucus on the underside of the leaf;

in a few days the plant is completely deprived of leaves;

spraying with karbofos

The lily fly starts in an unopened bud

damages the pistil and stamens of the flower

spraying with karbofos


spoils bulbs and sprouts, digs tunnels

adding Medvetox 3 g per 1 m2 to the soil, mole cricket traps

Khrushchev (chafer beetle larva)

damages bulbs and roots

collected by hand when digging

Wireworm, the larva of a click beetle, is worm-like, thin, long, orange or yellow-brown, with three pairs of legs

damages the bulb from the inside, gradually wears away the entire bulb

treat the bulbs with potassium permanganate, traps from buried potato halves, adding ammonium nitrate to the soil

Juicy, nutritious bulbs and young shoots are loved by garden rodents. Buried metal mesh with small cells will help protect plantings from mice. They also don't like the smell of daffodils. By planting daffodil bushes around your lily bed, you will be doing your lilies a favor. Some insect pests also cannot tolerate the smell of daffodils. By observing the timing of planting lilies and the rules of care, selecting specimens by color and height, you will get a flower garden that is fragrant from early spring to autumn.


End of August - beginning of September - best time for planting lilies. They need to be divided and replanted every three to four years, otherwise the bulbous nests will grow greatly and bloom worse. The only exception is lilies of the Martagon variety, which are grown in one place for up to 15 years. Planting and caring for this group of lilies differs from caring for Asiatic lilies, LA and LO hybrids.

Choosing a landing site:

Lilies will grow and bloom well both in sunny flower beds and in partial shade, where flowering will last a little

When choosing a landing site lilies in the garden One condition common to all species must be taken into account - they do not tolerate stagnant moisture! That is why they cannot be planted in flooded areas. This is the main thing to pay attention to.

Soil for planting:

Lilies need to be planted in fertile, humus-rich soil. It would be good if it was deciduous soil from the forest.

Since the ancestors of almost all lilies, with the exception of trumpet lilies, lilies of the Martagon variety grew in coniferous forests, in
When planting, it is good to add old pine needles or pine humus to the soil.

The soil for all lilies must be permeable. River sand will help with this.

Oriental and Asiatic lilies prefer slightly acidic soil.
Tubular hybrids, martagon lilies and White Lily They love slightly alkaline soil, therefore, when preparing the site for planting, add lime and bone meal. It is advisable to apply complex fertilizer and ash.

Fresh manure should not be added to areas where lilies will be planted.

Selection and preparation of bulbs:

Dug or purchased lily bulbs rinse in running water, dry it a little and inspect it well.

The bulb should be hard and dense, without mold or rot. The roots are alive and not rotten.

I would like to draw your attention once again, especially to novice lily lovers, - there must be roots!!! They, unlike the roots of other bulbs (tulips, daffodils, etc.), cannot be cut off.

If you bought a slightly dried onion, you need to soak it for two hours in clean water or growth stimulant.

Try not to buy an onion that doesn't have roots. Of course, it can be grown and brought to flowering, but it is better not to complicate your life.

Before planting, lily bulbs must be kept for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then dried. If you want to save a certain variety of lily that is sick, has mold, rot, etc., be sure to plant it separately from the rest in order to protect the main plantings. Before planting, rinse the bulbs especially thoroughly with running water, dry and disinfect in potassium permanganate or a 0.1% solution of foundationazole.

How to plant:

Asian hybrid bulbs are planted to a depth three times greater than the diameter of the bulb itself. This is approximately 15-20 cm.

The white lily is not buried; there should be a maximum of three centimeters from the top of the soil to the top of the bulb itself. But for the winter it must be covered with spruce branches, leaves or some other covering material to prevent freezing.

Pour river sand into a heap at the bottom of the hole, carefully straightening the roots, place the onion, and sprinkle sand on top. The bulb looks like it’s in a sand cushion. Then the hole is filled to the top with garden soil.

Plantings are shed with water, preferably in two or three stages, so as not to immediately flood the plant. Mulch with sawdust or pine needles.

Advice: Plant lilies according to variety and color. In flower beds, planted with such clumps, they will look especially beautiful and majestic. One lily will most likely get lost in the flowering of other plants.

​Similar articles​

Choosing a suitable place to plant lilies

​Natasha, you plant lilies in the spring, and then where do you store them?​

Most lilies have strong stems that do not require support. But for some tall varieties, a garter will not hurt at the time of abundant flowering, especially during periods of heavy rains and winds. But by placing a peg next to an adult plant, we risk touching and damaging the bulb. If you think your lilies may need support, provide it when planting. Regarding the planting depth, you can find a variety of recommendations - from 5-7 to 15-20 cm. For myself, using the traditional trial and error method, I came up with the following rules:​

​To avoid damaging the roots, experienced gardeners It is recommended to pour coarse sand into the bottom of the hole, then spread the bulbs on it, straighten the roots and cover them with sand, and then cover the bulbs with soil.​ ​Since the lily grows in one place for quite a long time (3-5 years), then, depending on the quality of the soil, 5-10 kg of well-rotted manure is applied to square meter, and also add 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate.​

Lily bulbs are stored in a trench during the thaw. To stabilize temperature changes, place plastic bags filled with water in the trench. Using them you can also check the condition of the bulbs: if the water has not frozen, then the bulbs have not frozen either.​

If there is no room in the refrigerator for planting material, try using a basement or cellar for storage. But these options are quite risky, because the temperature conditions in the cellar and basement are not stable.​

What kind of soil do lilies need?

​the temperature should be optimal - not low (the bulbs will freeze) and not high (the bulbs will begin to grow early);​

​how to plant lilies correctly

  • Tall varieties with large flowering stems (Wilmott, Henry, curly) are planted deeper than indicated above, and even greater depth is required for lilies with stem roots. Planting lily bulbs with a rosette of ground leaves (terracotta, snow-white, Catesby) is done to a depth of two centimeters, with the expectation that the tops of the scales are located near the surface.
  • Planting lilies requires thorough preparation of the soil in advance, since in one place the lily will grow without replanting for three to five years:
  • ​For such delicate and sophisticated flowers as lilies, planting and care have great importance. This is especially true for the most beautiful exotic varieties. It is necessary not only to determine correct timing planting, but also choose a good place for a flower bed with lilies, plant them according to one of the schemes, maintaining the required distance between plants and the optimal depth in accordance with the characteristics of the type of lily.
  • ​Zina, I don’t dig up lilies for the winter. I don’t know, maybe there are varieties that need to be dug up. Everything winters well for me. But if I buy new varieties (in bulbs), then I plant them in the spring. And if the grandmothers have bushes at the market, then of course I plant them during the summer... there are no losses

​the larger the bulb and the taller the plant, the deeper it needs to be planted; in tall lilies, if planted shallowly, the stem may break off at the base during flowering;

How to plant lilies correctly: at what depth, and according to what pattern

​In the first year after planting, when the plants are still weakened and not strong enough, experts advise partially or completely removing the buds so that the lilies can prepare for full flowering the next year. During flowering, if necessary, tall stems can be tied to a support. Faded flowers should be removed from the peduncles, and the peduncles themselves should be trimmed at the end of the season.​

​Some varieties of lilies are not liked acidic soils, others, on the contrary, prefer slightly acidic soil. Martagon hybrids can grow on any soil, Candidum hybrids and Tubular hybrids grow well on soils with alkaline reaction, for them, wood ash, chalk or limestone are included in the pre-planting soil treatment at the rate of 200-400 g per 1 m2. American hybrids, on the contrary, prefer slightly acidic soils.​

​Ventilate lily bulbs purchased or dug from a flower garden a little so that you can easily shake off the soil from them. You should not dry lilies for a long time - this will not improve storage; on the contrary, it can cause harm, because for spring planting you will need succulent scales and healthy roots (which in no case should be cut off).

​Photo of a lily bulb​ It is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of the storage area so that the bulbs are not exposed to various diseases and do not become moldy.

​. First of all, dig holes with a scoop according to the chosen pattern to the desired depth. Prepare protective cushions in each hole from a mixture of washed river sand with ash. Plant the bulbs on sandy cushions, carefully straightening their roots and slightly pressing the bulbs into the sand. Fill the hole with soil on top, water and mulch with peat. This completes the planting of lilies.

  • The depth of planting of lilies also depends on the characteristics of the soil: it is better to plant the bulbs deeper in sandy light soil than in heavy soil. In general, deeper planting provides the bulbs with sufficient moisture in the summer, optimal temperature in winter, protection from frost in spring. More baby bulbs and stem roots are formed on the long underground part.
  • Add humus, peat and sand to heavy soil, just don’t overdo it organic fertilizers, otherwise the above-ground part of the lilies will quickly grow to the detriment of the formation of bulbs, the plants will be less resistant to diseases and less winter-hardy;
  • ​Lovingly selecting the most beautiful varieties lilies for your flower garden, and after waiting for the right time to plant lilies, you suddenly realize that you have no idea at all what pattern to plant the plants in, and at what depth the lilies should be planted. If you plant flowers too deep, they will bloom late, and if you plant them too shallow, the plants may become infected with diseases.​

​But I don’t buy new ones from the East, I’m afraid they’ll freeze…​ ​in the spring, bulbs can be planted not as deep as in the fall (especially those varieties that are supposed to be dug up for the winter);​ This amazing - truly royal - flower is very popular among gardeners. Most often, lily bulbs are planted in the ground in the fall. Now, in May, their sprouts have already appeared in the flower beds, the leaves are unfurling. But our changeable climate and winter frosts are destructive for some species. Such sissies include, in particular, common oriental hybrids - exquisite flowers with a rich exotic aroma. It is better to plant them in the spring, taking into account the whims and whims of these outlandish beauties when planting.

Storing lily bulbs in winter: preparing for storage and choosing a suitable place

Bulbs purchased in a store must be treated to disinfect them from diseases and protect them from pests. The bulbs themselves must be dense, hard, without rotten scales and signs of mold, with living roots at least 5 cm long.

​Pour into a bag or wooden box peat, place the bulbs in it, then add more peat and lay out the next row of bulbs. The container with planting material can be stored in the refrigerator, basement, loggia, etc. During the winter, you will need to check the bulbs several times: if you find dried roots and scales, spray the plants with water. If mold appears on the bulbs, disinfect them with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

​Loggia, balcony, garage​

​Video about storing bulbs in winter​

  • ​Did you manage to buy bulbs of that variety of lilies that you have long dreamed of in the middle of winter? Or, after transplanting lilies in the autumn, you still have bulbs that have nowhere to be placed? Whatever the reason why you do not yet have the opportunity to plant the bulbs in the ground, you have to urgently decide how to store lilies in the winter?
  • ​Video about growing and planting lilies​
  • Add 8 kg of humus per 1 m2 to podzolic poor soils;

​I just love lilies - they are my very, very favorite flowers. Thank you, Marisha, for sharing your secrets, using a metal mesh is a cool idea, otherwise rodents always bother me. ​

Where can you store lily bulbs?

​The optimal planting depth is 2-3 times the height of the bulb.​

​The ideal place for planting oriental lilies in the conditions of central Russia is a container. True, this may not be very convenient for tall varieties, reaching 1.5 m in height, but for compact ones (up to 60-70 cm), you probably can’t think of anything better. In winter, the container with the bulb is stored in a cool place (for example, a cellar). At the same time, it is very important that the soil in the container does not freeze, otherwise all our efforts become meaningless. When planting in the ground, we choose a sunny corner for oriental lilies: these flowers are lovers of warmth and light. But the base of the plants must be shaded - for example, by planting low annuals next to the lily. I have come across recommendations in the literature to plant oriental hybrid lilies in partial shade, but own experience prompts: the sun is still preferable. In a warm, sunny area, sheltered from the winds, they even overwintered in the ground, under a light cover of spruce branches and snow cover.​

​Nests of bulbs dug for transplantation are cleaned of remaining stems and dry scales and carefully inspected. Dead parts must be removed, and the bulbs themselves are washed under running water. ​Video about planting and replanting lilies​​You can consider storing lilies in winter in cardboard containers, heat chambers or containers with good thermal insulation on a balcony, loggia, covered parking lot or garage. The thickness of the thermal insulation must be such that the planting material can easily survive both prolonged cold and very coldy at -30 degrees. Also consider where the containers with the bulbs will be placed - whether they will receive heat from the floor or a wall adjacent to the house. On sunny days in glassed rooms the temperature can rise so high that the lilies begin to germinate.​

​Refrigerator, cellar, basement

Experienced flower growers know various ways to store lily bulbs in winter: you can keep the planting material in the refrigerator, in a bag of peat, or in open ground under deep snowdrifts until spring. Choose the method of storing bulbs that seems most convenient to you.​

The lily planting scheme is presented in three options:

​in leached chernozem soils per 1 m2 - 4 kg of humus;​

​When planning how to plant lilies so that they look harmonious in the flowerbed, be sure to take into account the size, height, shape and color of the flowers. For example, tall varieties of lilies are best planted in small groups or placed in the background of flower beds. A low-growing varieties lilies with small flowers will go well in a flowerbed with peonies, phlox and daylilies.​

​I’m glad, Tanyusha, that I found it in the article for you useful idea)) Rodents are just a nuisance! I dream that the cats will keep them away from the garden

​In spring, you can plant not only oriental lilies - bulbs of various varieties are available for sale at this time. True, the quality of planting material is sometimes disappointing: in the heat, with a lack of light, the sprouts quickly stretch, and the bulbs dry out, the scales lose their elasticity, and can be affected by rot. If you don’t have the strength to resist buying until the fall, we try to at least choose the strongest and healthiest bulbs with short sprouts. And we understand that they will bloom later than those planted in the fall. The article Lily - the Virgin Queen of the Garden explains in detail how to take care of plants during the season. When do you plant lilies?

​You cannot plant lilies in wet areas - from excess water in the soil, the roots begin to rot and diseases develop.​

To protect against diseases, lily bulbs are pickled for 20 minutes in a 0.2% solution of foundationazole or karbofos solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). You can also soak the bulbs for 30 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water). The bulbs treated in this way are dried in a shaded, well-ventilated place. They are ready for planting, but if the area has not yet been prepared, then store the bulbs in a cool, shaded place, covered with burlap or moss so that they do not dry out.​

Preparing lily bulbs for storage

Another option is to transplant the bulbs from the ground into peat pots and move them to a frost-free basement. Two weeks before planting, the peat pots can be taken out of the basement and started watering until the sprout emerges, then the plants can be planted in open ground directly in the pots.​

​Open air​ ​Many gardeners store lily bulbs in the refrigerator, placing the planting material in plastic bags with wet peat. The advantage of the refrigerator is that the temperature in it is constantly at the same level, due to which the bulbs are at rest. It is very important to choose the right temperature (from 0 to +5 degrees) so that plant development slows down, but the bulbs do not freeze. They usually sell onions on the market that have already been thawed; they should not be re-frozen due to increased sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature.​

​single-line tape with a distance of 5-15 cm between lily bulbs in a row and 50 cm between lines;

Lily bulbs. Processing and planting.

​Before plowing, along with organic fertilizers, it is also advisable to add phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.​

Preparing the soil for planting lilies

​Video about planting lilies​

​But the mesh won't hurt either...​

​Thank you Marina for your informative article. Lilies are one of my favorite flowers. I love them... low maintenance. I also always plant bulbs in the spring... but here’s the paradox... I read that lilies grow poorly in heavy soils, but mine feel great. The only thing is, after 9 years of sitting in one place, the flowers are not as huge as before, of course a transplant is required, but the place is good for them, last year I planted several bulbs in a new place, so the flowers were simply huge))​

Treatment of lily bulbs before planting

Oriental lilies do not like heavy, dense clay soils; Calcareous soils are also not suitable for them. If the soil on the site is exactly like this, it is better to plant the bulbs in a container or completely replace the soil at the planting site with a specially prepared mixture (recommended composition: sand, turf soil, peat and pine litter in equal parts; you can also use ready-made soil for flowers). Having decided to replace the soil, we dig a hole for planting about 30 cm deep, pour sand on the bottom (it will act as drainage) and add soil mixture. Lilies will grow better, more magnificently and bloom longer on fertile soil. If necessary, before planting, add humus or compost (at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m of planting area), wood ash (200 g per 1 sq.m), potassium fertilizers (20-30 g), superphosphate (30-40 g) . I’m not a fan of mineral fertilizers, and I don’t specifically fertilize the soil for planting lilies, but I try to plant them in well-cultivated areas with nutritious soil.​

The planting depth of lily bulbs depends not only on the size of the bulbs and the composition of the soil, which is the main criterion for all other bulbous plants. Different varieties of lilies require different planting depths.​

​When favorable conditions storage, all planting material will remain healthy and quickly begin to grow after planting. Thus, knowing where and how to store lily bulbs in the winter, you can easily grow the most beautiful specimens of this elegant flower on your site.​

How to plant lily bulbs?

​One more interesting option how to store lilies - storage in open ground. This method will only be successful if you provide excellent drainage, dry thermal insulation and a waterproof coating for the planting material. You need to choose a place where there are large snowdrifts in winter, and in spring the snow melts last. The area on the north side of the house is best suited for this.​

​Storing lily bulbs in the refrigerator is complicated by the fact that fruits are stored in the vegetable compartment, which emit

​Basic conditions proper storage bulbs:​

​double-line ribbon (for medium-sized lilies) with a distance between bulbs of 15-25 cm, 25 between lines, and 70 cm between ribbons;

​Keep in mind that different types of lilies require different soil acidity. Most varieties of lilies grow well in neutral soil, but umbrella, curly, bulbous, white, Tibetan, single-color lilies, as well as Regale and Martagon lilies prefer soil with a slightly alkaline reaction. Lilies can grow on acidified soils: Daurian, tiger, drooping, David, Wilmott, Maksimovich.​

Features of spring planting lilies

​A good option would be to combine roses and lilies in one bed - planting these flowers together will greatly ease your troubles with covering plants for the winter.​

Choosing a landing site

​Marina, I didn’t know about the nets either. And if some bulbs go missing (a very rare occurrence), I blame the moles for digging their tunnels; the bulbs are falling through, but now I think maybe I’m wrong, I have a lot of types of lilies. Once upon a time there were Asian ones, I got them in every way; then LA and LO hybrids; then I tried the eastern ones, they grow without additional shelter, then LOO and others. Now I’m interested in tall ones big amount flowers; Yesterday I bought it (now almost near the house they have made a site for imported markets and fairs, to my misfortune), so now I’ll plant it with a net, but if I use a nylon net?.. Will they really chew it through? From time to time you need to dig up lilies for planting, or give them to someone, and you can get hurt on a metal one. What if you use nylon in 2.3 layers? I’ll try the lilies, I’ll have to plant them, then I’ll share.​
​Natasha, I think it depends on the type of lilies and on the specific characteristics of the soil. I spoke more about the eastern ones - they are still capricious. Asians are much less demanding - since last year I myself had several bulbs planted very unsuccessfully, as they say, against the rules, and nothing - they bloomed, overwintered, now I see from the young shoots that they have also multiplied

Soil and fertilizers

Rodents love to feast on lily bulbs. I already told you once how these voracious animals left me without planting material. If mice are frequent guests in your garden, you shouldn’t count on them having plenty of food in the summer. In spring, as in autumn, when planting lilies, it is advisable to use bulb baskets or a metal mesh.​

Bulb protection

Low-growing varieties are usually buried 10-12 cm, the distance between the bulbs is 20 cm. Tall - bulbs are planted to a depth of 15-20 cm, at a distance of 30 cm. Small baby bulbs are planted at a shallower depth (about 2/3 of the depth of an adult bulb).
​Lilies, like everyone else bulbous plants, require proper handling of the bulb when planting, as well as careful pre-treatment of the soil on the site.​

Landing nuances

​In the fall, dig a shallow trench in the chosen location, reinforce its walls with boards and provide a lid. Calculate the size of the trench so that the packages of bulbs fit into it. Place a film under the trench cover, otherwise the cover will freeze when winter comes. Cardboard boxes covered with dry peat can be used as thermal insulation. Do not forget to provide good drainage so that in the spring there is no melt water standing in the chosen place.​
  • ​ethylene​
  • The storage place should not be too dry so that the bulbs do not lose moisture and wrinkle;
  • Three-line ribbon (for low-growing lilies) with a distance between the bulbs of 10-15 cm, maintaining the same amount between ribbons and lines as with a two-line planting.

​So, the place for planting lilies has been chosen, the soil has been prepared, now you need to decide at what depth to plant the lilies. Here you need to take into account not only the type of lily, but also the size of the bulb and the plant’s ability to form stem roots. Basically, bulbs are planted in the ground to a depth three times their diameter.

Natasha, Russia

​Choosing appropriate place for planting lilies, keep in mind that these flowers need nutritional loose soil, weed-free and water-permeable. Most Asiatic lilies and trumpet hybrids like open areas, but you can grow them in light shade, just not near trees - there is strong shade and dry soil. Success in growing drooping lilies, orange lilies, daurian lilies, pleasant lilies, plain lilies, long-flowered lilies, dwarf lilies and Chalcedon lilies can be achieved by planting them in a sunny location. But Japanese, golden, Carniolian, curly, two-row, calloused, beautiful, magnificent and reddish lilies prefer partial shade. Knowing how to plant lilies correctly and which area is best to choose for growing, you will definitely achieve excellent results!​

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​Tatiana, I think that nylon can be used - it is used to protect seedlings from rodents. This means that “synthetics” are not to their taste)) And with the “disappearance” of the bulbs I have here interesting story came out... The fall before last, a friend shared her lilies - there were a lot of bulbs, including small ones. I planted it hastily, the place had to be prepared “for a quick fix“, time is running out - the cold is on the doorstep, but there is a lot to do. And last summer I simply didn’t see a significant part of what was planted. I decided that either I planted it poorly (there was not enough depth, it was damaged by frost), or the mice ate it... Well, there was no time to grieve - I covered the “bald patches” with yarrows and veronica and calmed down. And this year I see that all my “lost things” have come out of the ground! The flowerbed “bristled” with sprouts - those larger onions had already given birth to offspring, and then the “younger sisters” showed up... So much for the loss :)) They disappeared - they found themselves, anything can happen)) And I’m in the East At one time I ruined several bulbs due to inexperience, until I realized that they, in fact, require a different attitude. Although among them, as I understand, there are more fastidious varieties, and there are quite hardy ones. As for the soil, heavy soils can have problems with air permeability (they compact quickly) and with stagnation of water (especially if clay predominates). In fact, it is these two factors that are detrimental to the bulbs. If there is no risk that they will get wet, and if the soil is regularly loosened, then the lilies do not complain

Zinaida Fedorova, Moscow

To protect the bulbs from diseases, it is recommended to powder the soil at the planting site with foundationazole. I usually use wood ash as a preventive measure.​

Natasha, Russia

​If it is known that the variety produces many children, the nests grow quickly, then the distance between plants is increased.​

Zinaida Fedorova, Moscow

Before planting, the soil is dug up to a depth of 35-40 cm, no less. I add 1 bucket of peat per square meter, and add 1 bucket of sand per meter to heavy clay soil.


Marina, Nekrasovskoe

- this gas makes it difficult for lily bulbs to breathe. Excessive moisture can cause the bulbs to become moldy and hatch at the wrong time;