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» Roman curtains in oriental style in the living room interior. Oriental style curtains: how to choose for your interior Oriental style curtain fabric

Roman curtains in oriental style in the living room interior. Oriental style curtains: how to choose for your interior Oriental style curtain fabric

Curtains act as the final chord in the design of the entire room, so it is so important not to make a mistake when choosing the right design. Curtains that match the style of the rest of the room’s decoration give it a finished, thoughtful look. However, it is very easy to get lost in all the variety of styles.

Variety of directions

Today you can choose curtains in absolutely different styles– in Russian or Slavic, Fusion or Avant-garde, Ethno or Vintage, in American or Antique, it’s as easy as shelling pears, even though they are not particularly popular.

Most often these characteristic styles mixed with the more traditional ones of today. So, Rustic style pure form practically never occurs. It is often mixed with Scandinavian. The same can be said about techno or retro styles. Combining such curtains with the surrounding environment is quite difficult, so “mixing” discreet European or Mediterranean styles available harmonious design the interior as a whole.

Curtains designed in folk style are often used in rooms in Provence or Country. The Art Deco style, which is classified as classic, is not used in its pure form. Often elements this direction complement classic interiors, Rococo or Baroque.

Most popular options

Having talked about which styles are not common in today's rooms, you can start a conversation about which styles are the most popular. Here they meet not only modern styles, but also traditional ones that arose many hundreds of years ago.

Selecting a curtain design for each of these options requires a special understanding of the philosophy of the style and its distinctive features. For example, despite the fact that Baroque is considered the most elaborate of styles, silver shades cannot be used in it, but at the same time, an abundance of gold is welcome.

New trends that have arisen on the basis of old ones also dictate their own conditions that cannot be ignored. In addition, the fashion for curtains affected not only their stylistic component.

Popular curtain models are no longer very long. The optimal length at this time is floor length. Longer curtains look like a relic of the past.

All kinds of lambrequins have come into fashion, including interesting openwork bands. They can be selected to decorate any interior, from Minimalism to Baroque.

High tech

The modern high-tech direction confidently remains on the list of the most popular styles. The beauty of glossy surfaces, clear lines, pure colors is mesmerizing.

Curtains also meet all these requirements. It is not typical for High-Tech to use curtains for window decoration. Most often, designers advise getting by with the simplest possible curtains, which should be well assembled when closed. This makes them denser, allowing you to protect the room from prying prying eyes.

The use of blinds is also encouraged, and both horizontal and vertical roller shutters are appropriate. There's no need to choose wooden models, it is better to give preference modern materials: plastic, aluminum or fabric.

The most important thing is to stick to muted, understated colors and shades. As a rule, fabrics with patterns are not used to decorate windows in the high-tech style.


Minimalism is in many ways similar to High-Tech, however, it exaggerates the functional significance of the room and eliminates the presence of decorative elements.

Very often, when decorating windows in a minimalist interior, blackout curtains are chosen. Such panels with horizontal lifting mechanism allow you to darken the room by 80-90%.

Horizontal light-colored roller shutters are also often used. Vertical blinds are practically never used. A common option is classic simple sliding curtains combined with a Roman blind. In this case, the elements are made in one color.

When designing window spaces in in this case Curtains are practically not used. Tulle can only be hung in the bedroom, since the intimacy of this room is much more more important than rules, prescribed by style.


The industrial urban beauty of the Loft style requires a special approach when choosing window frames. Most often, this style prescribes leaving windows without any design elements, however, there are exceptions.

Heavy, dark-colored curtains from ceiling to floor in height should not be supplemented with lambrequins or tiebacks. Preference is given to natural, expensive materials that look good and at the same time not provocative. It is very rarely allowed to use both tulle and blackout curtains. Usually one thing is chosen.

Horizontal roller blinds are also acceptable in such interiors, but you need to be extremely careful when choosing them.

Light models made from raw material look great. None of them obviously artificial materials cannot be used here.

The same rule applies to horizontal blinds. Vertical options do not apply. Horizontal roller shutters should be dark colors(usually black ones are chosen). They are also matched to the color of the window frame.

If the window has an unusual and interesting design, it is better to avoid buying curtains altogether.


The Art Nouveau style, on the contrary, welcomes the simultaneous use of thick curtains and flowing veils. Usually they are selected in related shades, even if the curtains are a rich dark color.

Curtains with large drawing they look good and fit perfectly into the overall mood of the interior, but small patterns, on the contrary, are better to be completely excluded. However, when decorating the top they are quite applicable. For example, having made a beautiful rigid lambrequin with a figured bottom, you can choose a material with small ornaments for it.

Eyelets on a tubular cornice look pretty good if the emphasis in the entire design of the room is on textile solutions. In particular, photo printing can also be used. This element looks stylish and appropriate in this style.

Two-color curtains will also serve good decision, especially if canvases of the same color are selected and complemented with patterned details. For example, the outer part of the curtains can be plain, but closer to the middle it can be decorated with ornaments. Curtains with horizontal division: top part with a pattern, and the bottom one is plain.


In eco-style, preference is given to the use of natural materials. Linen and cotton fabrics will look just as advantageous as wooden slats.

However, eco-style still prescribes the use of fabrics. In particular, roller or Roman blinds made from bleached linen are very popular. Often the material is made in such a way as to resemble matting.

Panel curtains are another possible option. They absorb light and save space, which is very important for eco-style. Blackout curtains can be used to decorate a bedroom window.

When combining drapes and curtains, it is important to remember a couple of characteristic points. Firstly, curtains with a pattern are usually selected, and curtains are of a similar shade, but monochromatic. Secondly, no one has canceled the rule of naturalness. It is good to give preference to thin linen curtains that transmit light well.

If you choose plain blackout curtains, you should not add a veil. From a stylistic point of view, this would be a mistake. It is much better to “hide” fastenings for horizontal curtain panels or roller curtains under the cornice.

Shabby chic

Ruffles, lambrequins, tiebacks, puffs - it's all about this style. Often such an interior is made in light colors, so the curtains should be selected in light shades.

The deliberate naivety of the interior requires suitable choice fabrics. Chintz is an excellent choice when planning patterned curtains. Floral motifs usually predominate in Shabby Chic interiors. Having chosen the fabric in small flower, you will most likely hit the nail on the head.

Curtains made using the patchwork technique are also often chosen for this rustic interior.

Sewn from many scraps, they perfectly resonate with the basic character of the decor. It would be good if some other textile finishing details were made from the same patchwork fabric, for example, pillows or a bedspread.

Embroidery is often used when decorating tiebacks or lambrequins. Flowers made using the ribbon embroidery technique will look appropriate, allowing you to draw attention to these spectacular details.


The East is characterized by an abundance of soft, luxurious materials such as satin, velvet, and brocade. Bright unusual colors are welcomed by this style. The room should seem to be buried in fabric, therefore, curtains are usually chosen to be voluminous, with many swags and draperies.

Designers often resort to choosing Japanese curtains-panels, designing window decoration. They simultaneously save space and add an incomparable flavor to the room.

The use of rigid lambrequins with a shaped bottom edge is encouraged. This element of decoration helps to both hide the cornice and add character to the room. Soft lambrequins are used mainly when framing the space above the bed. Curtains are also complemented with tassels, gilded tiebacks, and fringe.


The style of the palace chambers of kings and queens is distinguished by pretentiousness and ostentatious luxury, but at the same time it is famous for its sophistication and sophistication. Curtains made of expensive brocade, embroidered with a gilded pattern, often complement interiors made in the Baroque style. The abundance of decorations is also a distinctive feature.

Be sure to choose voluminous models of curtains, complemented by flying curtains and all kinds of soft lambrequins. When choosing a lambrequin, pay attention to the presence of such decorative elements as molds and swags. It is also good if the edge of the lambrequin is decorated with golden fringe.

Preferably choose light colors, but you can often find deep royal scarlet and rich emerald green. Curtains are matched to match the rest of the decoration. The room should generally be a corner of the same color.

The presence of tulle is mandatory. By adding soft curtains to the curtains, you can easily add chic to the room, while at the same time dimming the bright light from the street.

The charm of the East, exquisite aromas and unique charm - all this finds a place in the interiors of apartments, country houses. In order for the created illusion to be complete and concise, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to textiles, choose the right curtains in oriental style, who can turn the apartment into a real palace of Scheherizade, where every item will become a balm for the soul.

What fabrics to choose for oriental curtains?

When choosing fabric for oriental curtains, you should not limit yourself to just one type of textile. This direction involves the use of fabrics of any quality and type, as well as their combination. You just have to make a little effort, show your imagination, and the desired result will be pleasantly pleasing.

Fabric may vary. If it’s quite difficult to make a choice, then you should take a closer look at the materials that are most suitable for creating an interior in an oriental style:

  • Atlas. The tenderness and silkiness of this material allows it to take the desired shape.
  • Brocade. The luxury and chic of the fabric can make curtains a self-sufficient element of the interior, making them compositional center in room.
  • Silk. Chinese silk is a real work of art, which harmoniously combines a rich appearance and the ideal taste of the owner.
  • Organza. In the moonlight or the reflection of the stars, she has no equal. When light lights hit it, the fabric begins to shimmer enchantingly.
  • Damask. This material amazingly incorporates glossy and matte threads, effectively emphasizing the flavor of the East.
  • Oriental style curtains: what are their characteristic features?

    For most people, the East is associated with fairy tales, sweets and spicy seasonings. This is certainly true. The East is multifaceted - it has many cultures and peoples, traditions and characteristics. In order for oriental-style curtains to best meet the desired requirements, it is necessary to focus on the nuances of interior design. What are the differences between them?!

    Arabic style

    A characteristic feature of this style direction is luxury: in materials, drapery, and related accessories. No minimalism: floor-length curtains, only lush lambrequins, catchy and bright colors with the obligatory addition of gold, silver and... glass inclusions. To have a more complete understanding, it is enough to recall the “pictures” from old Arabic films and the understanding will certainly develop. Fabrics that are widely used in the Arabic style are silk, velvet, brocade. For example, oriental curtains made of damask, despite being quite expensive, will add luxury and chic to the interior.

    This direction has one significant feature: religion and strict canons do not allow drawings with human faces and animal prints. That is why the fabric is painted with intricate patterns and complemented with all sorts of decorative elements: fringe, tassels, cords; embroidered with rhinestones and mesh that resemble gems. The Arabic style focuses on the luxury of curtains and the richness of its textiles. Most often in this style direction choose for bedroom decoration.

    Chinese style

    Previously, China was considered a poor country, times have changed and today the country is a superpower, however, the love for minimalism remains. This style direction does not allow any excesses in the interior. Accessories are acceptable in minimal quantities only. To create an interior in the Chinese style, Roman blinds are ideally suited to the size of the window; bows and loops in the form of lower garters are used as drapery. Characteristic feature This style is a combination of thin forged cornices and curtains in pale shades, which gives the interior softness and creates a feeling of comfort. Chinese minimalism does not allow synthetics or cheap imitation to hang on the windows.

    Since China is the founder of silk, curtains should be made from this material. As a rule, they are luxurious, translucent, without patterns or prints.

    Japanese style

    Japanese curtains are the most laconic version of oriental style curtains. It is only at first glance that they seem simple, but it is precisely because of their simplicity that they have found wide distribution throughout the world. Japanese curtains look like vertical blinds or light screens.

    Oriental-style curtains can be made from several fabrics and be quite thick or transparent. As for the texture of the fabric, its colors and patterns, any are allowed. The curtains have a special charm due to their pattern, which is not lost in the folds of the fabric. The living room in which they are used looks incomparable. They give the room personality and a special mood.

    As a rule, window decoration in the “spirit” of Japan is preferred by people who love to dream and value comfort and serenity. Such curtains will delight their owners with a fabulous atmosphere and mystery.

    Indian style

    Indian style is in no way inferior to Arabic in luxury. It differs from it only in that the material used for sewing curtains is calmer. Drapery covers not only the decoration of the windows, but also the ceiling. The country's traditions involve the use only natural materials: cotton, linen, silk. To understand what shade fabrics and curtain ties should be, you just have to remember Indian movies: bright and cheerful, piercing and catchy. If the curtains are white, then they are truly dazzling snow-white; if they are orange, then they are brighter than the sun.

    Oriental style curtains are quite common due to their calming and relaxing properties. When choosing curtains for an interior decorated in the style of the enchanting East, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will add mystery and enigma to the room. Fill the room with calm and serenity.

The Eastern style is chosen by people who want to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle and routine, who are accustomed to peace and tranquility, and who are capable of unity with their inner “I”. It includes 3 directions: Arabic, Chinese and Japanese, each of which has its own distinctive features.

This is the beauty of the oriental style; many will find elements close to them in it, will be able to realize their potential, and realize their plans in their apartment. It doesn’t matter what you like: restraint and conciseness, luxury and pomp, or something in between. In this direction you will find everything you were looking for.

All followers of the East and everything connected with it, including textiles, have 3 options for designing curtains. Each direction has its own characteristics due to established traditions and customs.

Curtains are divided into: Japanese, Chinese, Arabic

Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are laconic and restrained. They do not have the usual elements that classic drapes or curtains have. They fit well into minimalist and a number of other modern interiors. They are canvases made of fabric (cotton, linen, etc.), made in the form of lamellas of different widths: from 20 cm to 2 meters, which are fixed on a special cornice with the ability to move along it in different directions.

Control is carried out using a cord manually or from the remote control. The sliding/sliding principle is similar to that used in blinds, pleated curtains, roller blinds and Roman blinds. All of them are mounted on a cornice, along which they slide down and up/right and left.

Available in classic version and mixed, when in the production of one unit of product a fabric is used that differs in density, texture, shade, pattern and other parameters. Designers use this type of window decoration not only to decorate the window and prevent the penetration of light into the room, but also to divide the space of rooms into functional zones.

Drawing of Japanese curtains– these are most often hieroglyphs, birds, dragons, flowers, images of samurai, but there are also any others that the enterprise decides to apply or the customer chooses. In most cases, curtains are created with a print, as they look more attractive in the interior, and it does not always echo the pattern on the decorative elements. Pay more attention color combination details.

Fabric for Japanese curtains – from transparent to completely opaque (blackout). These are mainly: cotton, linen, polyester, viscose, voile, polyvinyl chloride, mixed fabrics. There are models made of bamboo, jute, and straw. They make the interior more refined and richer, awakening a feeling of unity with nature. In general, Japanese curtains involve the use of fabric of natural origin.

Rooms for Japanese curtains- any, even the bathroom. Important detail– the room must correspond to the chosen style. Japanese paintings are:

  • Minimum number of parts;
  • Lightness and airiness;
  • Spaciousness and abundance of light.

Accordingly, the room should be like this. These are spacious apartments, wide windows, often floor-length (panoramic), a minimum of bulky furniture that overloads the interior, completeness of every detail, low beds, sofas, cabinets, tables.

Kitchen. Curtains in this room should hang at a distance of at least 30 cm from the stove. Fabrics chosen here are those that have undergone fire retardant treatment, resistant to stains, since the likelihood of their occurrence here is greater, with the presence of artificial fibers in the composition, which prevent rapid wear of the material.

The length of the slats is any, even to the floor, even to the window sill: they take into account the specifics of the room, the arrangement of furniture, the presence balcony door etc. To give a window opening original look, the panels are made in different heights and are even combined with curtains, drapes or component elements, one of which is lambrequins.

Living room. The windows in this room are wider, giving more opportunities for decorating the window opening. Common options:

  1. Light thin Japanese curtains/dark thick curtains;
  2. Dark thick Japanese curtains/curtains;
  3. Canvases with different patterns;
  4. Canvases different heights: the longest on one edge and each subsequent one towards the eaves - shorter;
  5. The canvases are straight or tapered at the bottom at different angles;
  6. All canvases different colors, similar in saturation or lightness.

To give the lamellas different original positions, multi-row cornices are used, the number of tracks in which is from 1 to 5.

Bathroom. If the bathroom has windows, then curtains of this type can be hung there too. Or divide the space into certain zones with them.

Bedroom. For this room, choose thicker curtains that let in a minimum of light in order to create a comfortable atmosphere before going to bed and reliably protect yourself from the views of curious passers-by or neighbors in the houses opposite. A combination of curtains with curtains or drapes is also appropriate here.

Children's room. Children love to play with the control mechanism of Japanese curtains and will happily open and close them. And when the euphoria from the installation wears off, they will enjoy them appearance and drawings applied to the canvas. For the bedroom, curtains with a variety of prints are selected, which are applied to all the slats or only part of them. In most cases these are light transparent/translucent panels.

Arabic curtains

Arabic curtains are the complete opposite of Japanese ones. They have all the decorative elements: symmetrical/asymmetrical lambrequins and their elements - swags, dejabo, molds, decorative lacing, fringe, rhinestones, tiebacks. They can all be used in one composition, you just need to distribute and arrange them correctly. Curtains will be an excellent addition to the interiors of large living rooms and bedrooms. Most often they are hung so that they completely hide the cornice behind them.

Fabrics for Arabic curtains: silk satin, moiré, voile, organza, calico, damask, cotton. In addition to them, polyester, polypropylene, polyester, pleated fabric are often found on sale . Drawing of canvases– floral ornament, monogram, jacquard, spiral.

Apply in several ways:

  1. Printed;
  2. Embroidery;
  3. Paint;
  4. Bead embroidery.

Arabic curtains are created using sewing and knitting. Knitted products are more expensive, and their self-production it takes a lot of time. But the result leaves no one indifferent. They will make any windows exquisite, unique and original. You need to take care of such curtains carefully, taking into account the knitting method and the composition of the threads.

Cotton curtains knitted or hooked can be washed in cool water without a machine. Products made using the fillet knitting method can be machine washed. Less problems with fabrics containing artificial fibers. After washing, ironing, and other influences, they retain for a long time visual appeal. Some curtains need to be cleaned with a steam generator.

Arabian curtains in any room emphasize the wealth, luxury, and refined taste of the owners, are a catchy element of the interior, and attract attention. Wherever they are used - kitchen, living room, bedroom, the main thing is to decorate the fabric beautifully, thinking through everything to the smallest detail in advance. Use garters, clips, hairpins and freely available photographs for this.

The mystery of the East, subtlety, charm and aromas - many romantic people really want to embody all this in their apartments. Textiles play a practical role here main role– oriental curtains with their diversity will make the style a copy of the original.

  1. Arabic motifs.
  2. Japanese style.
  3. India.
  4. China.
  5. Asia.

Conventionally, they are divided into two options - Muslim and Buddhist. This is not entirely true, since many countries professing the same religion use different fabrics and have their own traditions in decorating curtains own homes. If our housewives are meticulous, then, of course, it’s worth understanding all the nuances. To create unique contours, basic knowledge is enough.

Characteristics of some styles

In order for curtains in an oriental style to meet the task in as much detail as possible, it is important to consider the nuances of the desired interior. How does one differ from the other? So:

Its main feature is luxury. In fabric, drapery and accessories. He does not welcome minimalism - floor-length canvases, lush lambrequins, bright colors - blue, dark red, with the addition of gold, silver and even glass are required. One has only to remember the plots from the films, and the picture will come together. Arabic style fabrics include silk, velvet, brocade. Taffeta, tulle and others that are called rich. Ready-made curtains made from damask, a natural fabric, are not cheap, but they are worth it.

Chinese or Buddhist style

Previously, before the greatness of China, the country was considered poor. This, of course, did not apply to the palaces of the mandarins with their numerous rooms. But even now, when part of the world is considered a superpower, the traditions of minimalism remain - the style does not welcome excesses in the interior and textiles, respectively. Oriental accessories are unacceptable in large quantities. By the way, this disciplines.

To create a similar vision of the East, simple Roman curtains in the Oriental style, the size of the window, draped with loops and bows, in the form of lower garters, are good. Forged cornices, thin, in combination with pale shades - another feature of the Chinese style - look soft and cozy.

The minimalism of the style does not at all imply that synthetics or cheap imitation are hung on the windows. After all, China is the founder of silk. That’s why the curtains are luxurious, with a sparkle. Most often translucent, without prints or designs. Dragons and hieroglyphs decorate the interior of Chinatown cafes. You won't find them in everyday life.


Regions belonging to the territory of Russia and professing Islam and Buddhism are also rich in their own traditions. They appear in national costumes and home decorations. For the most part, the window openings of the houses of the local residents represent a niche - since the times of the nomads, architecture replicating the yurt has remained. A niche for curtains in an oriental style is draped with thin woven carpets. It’s not just rich - it’s luxurious if you know how much it costs to make one canvas. However, not all windows and doors are covered with such textiles - most often, carpets traditionally lie on the floor or decorate the walls. The windows remain uncovered, decorated with stained glass or the structure of the glass itself.

In the bedrooms of Asian peoples, the canopy is very popular - boiling white, embroidered with gold thread. Kitchens “flaunt” the frame with various decorations - tassels, fringe. The living rooms are empty, but there are plenty of textiles in the interior. The predominant colors are blue, white, gold - the favorite palette of the Prophet Muhammad.

In conclusion, it is worth saying - the East is so subtle and multifaceted that, without sufficient knowledge, it is very easy to cross the border of what is permitted. This rule should be taken into account if you want to decorate curtains in an oriental style with your own hands. own interior. But it’s still worth the risk - in terms of beauty and originality, it has no equal.

An oriental-style interior will create a unique and mysterious atmosphere of the East in the room. Carpets, pillows, ornaments, carvings and, of course, curtains, which are a bright element that fits perfectly into the interior, will help in creating such a design. If you decide to purchase curtains in an oriental style: you will learn how to choose for your interior from this material.


Main directions in oriental style:

  • Arabic is characterized by colorful lushness, combining contrasting tones and intricate patterns;
  • Buddhist, on the contrary, is distinguished by the use pastel colors and calm flowers.


Luxury is here main feature Arabic style. In the manufacture of curtains the following materials are used:

  • Damascus;
  • silk;
  • velvet;
  • calico;
  • or brocade.

To create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation, curtains are made multi-layered and voluminous, and the colors most often predominate in shades:

  • blue;
  • gold;
  • or dark red.

The fabric can be used in a single color or with various patterns. This is due to the fact that religion prohibits the depiction of people and animals, so ornate, complex patterns are most often found, as can be seen in the photo. As additional elements commonly used:

  • fringe;
  • cords;
  • brushes;
  • rhinestones;
  • or gold trim.

Arabian-style curtains are the best way to create a sophisticated and even slightly intimate atmosphere, which makes them quite popular for decorating a living room or bedroom.


The main thing that distinguishes curtains in chinese style from other eastern directions - absence of unnecessary details. Most often, such curtains are a piece of fabric, cut exactly to the size of the window and decorated with garters or braid necessary for fixation, as can be seen in the photo.

Despite all their simplicity, such curtains look quite stylish and will become wonderful decoration any interior.

The material for them can be of any color and with any pattern, but most often it is chosen from expensive options. Often, Chinese-style curtains are made from translucent fabric without any decorations. Unless garters, braid or accessories such as fringe or glass beads can decorate such curtains. Often such curtains involve making several panels tied at different heights.

These curtains go perfectly with different styles interior, so they will be a wonderful window decoration:

  • children's;
  • bedrooms;
  • and even kitchens.


Curtains in Japanese style are the most laconic option, as they look like smooth canvases, as shown in the photo. To create them, solid pieces of fabric are stretched over two parallel slats and they resemble vertical blinds. Thanks to its simplicity, this type of curtain is one of the most popular in the world today.

There are a few possible options There are several possible options for such curtains. They can be either transparent or quite dense, as well as different textures and colors.

It is very important to pay attention to the choice of pattern, since incorrect choice can lead to it simply getting lost in the folds, as can be seen in the photo. Such curtains are ideal for decorating spacious rooms decorated in a minimalist style.

Let's sum it up

Oriental style curtains have already become quite common due to their unique relaxing and soothing properties. When choosing such curtains for your interior, be prepared for the fact that they will give the room a fabulous feel and some mystery.