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» Where to start a interior decoration business. How to open an apartment renovation company

Where to start a interior decoration business. How to open an apartment renovation company

The business of renovating and decorating apartments is becoming increasingly popular. Currently, an increasing number of both private entrepreneurs and large companies. However, for all its apparent simplicity and profitability, this business has many pitfalls that can be circumvented, armed with the necessary knowledge and a competent plan of action.

Renovation of premises: the essence of the idea

Apartment renovation is one of the most common areas of business activity. Ever since people moved from huts and caves to houses and apartments, there has always been a need for their repair.

In Russia, even in the most severely competitive environment, the repair team will always find orders for finishing apartments. This, firstly, is due to the fact that new apartments in multi-storey buildings are mostly delivered with significant defects and without serious repair and finishing work it is simply impossible to live in them. Almost every owner wants to refurbish their new home according to their tastes, needs and, of course, means.

Secondly, every year tens and hundreds of thousands of apartments are sold on the secondary market and most of them are in need of repair. First of all, this applies to bathrooms and toilets. And finally, thirdly, with a periodicity of five to ten years, there comes a moment when Maintenance residential or office space becomes simply necessary.

At the same time, the apartment renovation business is one of the quite complex species entrepreneurial activity both in technological and organizational aspects. And if you want your business to prosper, then just the ability to carry out high-quality repair work is not enough. You will also need a good client base and a skillfully designed action plan.

How to organize an apartment renovation business from scratch

Repair of premises is an area of ​​business that government bodies can be controlled with great difficulty. It is impossible to keep track of the many thousands of teams involved in finishing apartments that pay in cash. But in order to renovate apartments not only of your immediate neighbors, legalization of entrepreneurship is necessary.

It is much calmer and more efficient, from a financial point of view, to purchase equipment, search for and find new clients, and carry out repair work with the help of an officially registered enterprise.

When starting your apartment renovation business from scratch, you need to consider going through the following stages:

  • registration and obtaining a license;
  • personnel selection;
  • purchase of professional equipment;
  • purchase or rental of vehicles;
  • creating a client base.

How to open a company and obtain permission to carry out repairs and decoration

To legitimize entrepreneurial activity in apartment renovation, you must:

  • register the company with the tax authorities.
  • obtain a license giving the right to carry out construction work.

You can register an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). To carry out small repairs with one or two craftsmen and several assistants, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to expand your business in the future, it is better to immediately create an LLC.

You can register an apartment renovation company in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Simultaneously with registering a business, you must choose the taxation system with which you will work. Typically, for small and medium volumes, taxation systems such as the simplified taxation system (STS) or UTII (unified tax on imputed income) are chosen.

The simplified system makes it possible to work with both individuals and legal entities, but the amount of income is taken into account. With UTII, the tax is fixed, which is beneficial for high incomes and disadvantageous for low incomes. And also, when choosing this taxation system, it is difficult to work with legal entities using non-cash payments.

If you initially plan to make payments through a bank, then the simplified tax system is definitely preferable. And it is also necessary to take into account that this choice implies opening a bank account.

To work in construction areas, it was previously necessary to have a permit or license. Starting from January 1, 2010, licensing of construction activities was discontinued. Now, in order to have the legal right to carry out construction activities, organizations and individual entrepreneurs need to join self-regulatory organizations and receive certificates of permission to work there.

To register in self-regulatory organization The head of the enterprise must have a higher education in construction. And also he or his employees must be specialists in the selected types of construction.

However, if you plan to do only repair and finishing work, as well as installing plumbing in apartments, then you will not need permission from a self-regulatory organization, as well as the rather expensive and complicated registration with this organization.

But if, as a result of repairs, walls are moved or removed, floors are radically reconstructed, and dismantling and installation are also carried out gas equipment, then admission from the SRO is strictly required. For construction SROs, the entrance fee and monthly membership fee are 5 thousand rubles. In addition, you must pay insurance in the amount of 3 thousand rubles and a contribution to the Compensation Fund in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Therefore, before starting your entrepreneurial activity in the field of apartment renovation, you need to decide on the types of work, as well as the possibility of obtaining permission to carry out this work.

Selecting OKVED codes for companies and individual entrepreneurs

The main works for which there are codes according to the OKVED classification in the field of apartment renovation are the following:

  • plastering;
  • joinery or carpentry;
  • glass;
  • painting
  • electrical installations;
  • plumbing;
  • floor covering;
  • wall decoration;
  • designer renovation;
  • redevelopment of the premises.

As you can see, permission from the SRO is not required for the first eight types of work.

Where to start recruiting

Recruitment of personnel in the renovation of apartments is almost a key factor for achieving success. Without professional, hardworking and disciplined workers, high-quality and highly efficient apartment renovation is simply impossible.

The specifics of apartment renovation require multidisciplinary specialists. If we are talking about small volumes of work, then the repair team must include workers with such basic specialties as a painter, plasterer, plumber, tiler and electrician. When work is carried out at large sites or in several places at once, it is necessary to include a foreman and estimator on the staff.

The team for repairing and tiling of apartments, as a rule, includes a plasterer, plumber, electrician, tiler and auxiliary workers

Working on several sites at once has a number of advantages. Here you can do without downtime waiting for walls, floors, ceilings to dry, cement to harden, and so on. Upon completion of work at one facility, the freed workers can go to help the crew of the existing facility or begin preparatory work on the next one. In the meantime, new orders are being sought at other construction sites.

With a good continuous flow of new orders for apartment renovations, you can recruit a lot of auxiliary workers, from whom you can “train” your own professional craftsmen.

When considering the specifics of personnel selection, one cannot help but mention the specifics of payment. Mostly when renovating apartments, piecework payment is used, depending on the volume of work performed and the degree of its complexity. At the same time, appropriate bonuses to the basic salary can be provided for specialists who train young workers.

Categories of apartment renovations and prices for main types of work

Quite roughly, three categories of apartment renovation can be distinguished:

  • finishing or cosmetic repairs;
  • repairs with small or moderate capital investments, “economy class” repairs;
  • renovation using very expensive materials and using an extraordinary (unique) design.

It should be noted that the previously very often used term “European-quality renovation” in Lately acquired an ironic meaning and its use became synonymous with bad taste.

It goes without saying that of the listed types of repairs, cosmetic repairs are the cheapest. They often resort to it to simply disguise existing defects before selling the premises: refresh the paint of the ceiling and walls, replace torn wallpaper here and there, replace cracked tiles, and the like. The cost of such renovations in 2019 is about $60–70 per sq. m. m.

The most common and economically beneficial for both the customer and the contractor is economy class repairs. This is a renovation using consumables of low or medium market value and using a commonly used design, “so that it is no worse than your neighbor’s.” The cost of repairs of this level ranges from 100 to 120 dollars per square meter.

Luxury renovations are carried out using the most expensive (exclusive) materials. This often requires the involvement of experienced, and most importantly, reputable architects and designers. Price square meter luxury renovations in 2019 range from $150 to $200 per sq. m. m.

Luxury apartment renovation is the most complex and expensive type of renovation

Of course, the prices given for apartment renovations are average. IN different regions they are different, but still, throughout the country as a whole, prices fluctuate not several times, but by 10–30 percent.

The price lists of some construction companies still mention the notorious “European-quality renovation”. The classification of types of apartment renovation may also be slightly different from the above. Thus, some companies distinguish: rough repairs, major repairs, European-quality repairs, luxury repairs and repairs in new buildings.

Here are the prices for turnkey apartment renovation categories. As for certain types of work, they also have a fairly stable price list. As an example, we can cite the average prices for apartment renovations in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Table: price list for certain types of apartment renovation work (Moscow and region)

Name of type of work Unit. price, rub.
Solid putty in one layer with sanding of the surface Sq. m. 160 and above
Alignment by beacons plaster mixture(thickness up to 3 cm) Sq. m. 350 and above
Painting walls in 2 layers (over putty) Sq. m. 150 and above
Leveling with plaster mixture partially up to 1.5 cm Sq. m. 340 and above
Painting ceilings in 2 layers Sq. m. 170 and above
Installation suspended ceiling"Armstrong" type (with frame installation) Sq. m. 340 and above
Installation door block(laminate, veneer, doors up to 10 thousand rubles) PC. 1900 and above
Door dismantling PC. 250 and above
Installation of a prefabricated arch PC. 2600 and above
Installation window fittings(no inset) PC. 180 and above
Installation of window fittings (with insert) PC. 350 and above
Installation of a window sill countertop (on a finished base) PC. 520 and above
Concrete floors ( cement-sand screed) up to 5 cm thick Sq. m. 370 and above
Filled floors with mortar up to 30 mm thick Sq. m. 230 and above
Flooring parquet board on a finished base Sq. m. 240 and above
Laying tiles on the floor Sq. m. 700 and above
Laying tiles on the wall Sq. m. 750 and above
Grouting the seam Sq. m. 100 and above
Plumbing work
Laying a water pipe Dot 2350 and above
Installing a heating radiator PC. 2100 and above
Replacing the riser PC. 4 thousand and above

Minimum required equipment and supplies to organize work

The composition of the inventory and equipment that you need to have to carry out apartment renovations depends entirely on the intended category of repairs. To carry out more complex, elite repairs, accordingly, more complex and expensive equipment is required. However, there is a certain minimum set special tool and equipment that is essential for any type of repair. In that minimum required must be included:

  • drills;
  • hammer drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammers;
  • pliers;
  • brushes;
  • levels.

Along the way, other special equipment is being purchased. For example, to perform tiling work, a professional cutter, glass cutters, a special gripper for breaking off cut strips, and so on are purchased. To install windows you will need a hammer drill with drills, a drill/screwdriver, a foam gun, and so on.

The required minimum tools for repairing and finishing apartments include: hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaw, spanners, brushes, levels, rulers

It is better to purchase all tools and equipment from one wholesaler. This way you can save money and ensure the quality of the goods you purchase.

And, of course, already at the very initial stage of the apartment renovation business, you can do without an office, but it is absolutely impossible to do without your own car. Here, first of all, we are not talking about transport for personnel, but about a small Gazelle-type truck on which you can transport equipment and materials. If you don’t even have the funds to buy a used Gazelle, you can rent a vehicle.

Marketing activities: selection of orders

In the apartment renovation business, a very important component, especially at the initial stage, is the search for clients. Later, when you have formed a client base, there will most likely be no end to orders for apartment renovations, however, at first, you need to look for clients.

True, by distributing booklets with contact details of the enterprise and listing the types of work performed to new residents who have just moved into unfinished apartments in new buildings, you can very quickly cause an avalanche of orders.

Recently, advertising on specialized sites has become a little more effective. If you have a significant amount of work, you can create your own website: full or at least one page.

And yet, the most powerful type of advertising was and remains the so-called word of mouth, in which most of your clients come based on reviews of their relatives, friends and neighbors who are satisfied with the high-quality repairs you have previously carried out.

From all that has been said, the conclusion suggests itself that marketing of an apartment business, of course, should be comprehensive and multifaceted, but the main emphasis should still be placed on execution quality repairs.

Pros and cons of a business plan for apartment renovation

Of course, the main and most painful trouble that you may encounter arises if you work illegally, without registering a business activity, or you do not have permission to carry out certain types of work. The consequences can be very sad: from being prohibited from practicing entrepreneurial activity before being brought to administrative and criminal liability.

However, this is an extreme case and this article is intended for individuals who conduct their business completely legally.

The main dangers facing entrepreneurs involved in apartment renovation are problems within the workforce and emerging disputes with clients.

What's stopping you from growing your business?

The selection of personnel must be approached with all possible care and caution. The next component successful work is labor discipline. It is necessary to immediately stop absenteeism, binge drinking, and coming to work in drunk, long smoke breaks. Violators of discipline must be promptly warned, fined and, finally, if such measures do not work, dismissed from work.

On the other hand, conscientiously working specialists must be encouraged both verbally and in writing, and with the help of cash allowances and bonuses. It is best that the reward be comprehensive, both in the form of gratitude and in monetary terms.

How to achieve good relationships with clients and develop success

The other side of the risks is related to customers. It is very important here not to succumb to provocations and always maintain a polite and correct tone. It is best to indicate in the contract a specific deadline for completing the work and the amount of the penalty for each day of delay. At first glance, such clauses in the contract seem unprofitable, but in general they are very disciplined and, in the event of delays in work due to the fault of the client, will help to avoid larger troubles.

When speaking with clients, a polite and courteous tone must be maintained under all circumstances.

And also, before starting even small-scale work, it is best to take an advance, which, in addition to the amount for the necessary materials, it is preferable to include part of the cost of labor operations. Such an advance will help avoid the consequences of force majeure, in which the client cannot or does not want to pay for the work performed. At least you won’t have to pay money for the materials used out of your own pocket.

In case of malicious non-payment, it is better to refrain from threats and use of crime, and go to court. Most often, the customer, in the event of a real threat of litigation, pays all costs himself. As a last resort, you can make some compromise between you and the client. If it was still not possible to avoid a trial, then a well-drafted contract will be of great help.

In any case, all estimates, contracts and reports of work performed at large facilities must be completed in full, which will significantly reduce the risk of leaving your team without money.

Detailed cost calculations to determine profitability

The profitability of an enterprise is determined by the payback period of the initial investment. For a home renovation business, the initial costs when opening a business range from 10 thousand dollars or 590 thousand rubles at an exchange rate of 1 dollar = 59 rubles.

The specified amount is made up of the following expense items (thousand rubles):

  • business organization (registration documents, obtaining permits, etc.) - from 50;
  • rent of office space, warehouse, garage - from 30;
  • marketing - from 40;
  • payment for initial inventory and equipment - from 150;
  • Gazelle car rental - from 350;
  • cost of materials - from 150.

If we take the cost of repairs as economy class (1 sq.m. - one hundred dollars or 5900 rubles) two-room apartment area 50 sq. m. amount of 5 thousand dollars, then the initial costs of 10 thousand dollars will be recouped as a result of the renovation of two similar apartments. Of course, in practice everything does not go as smoothly as on paper. Therefore, the average payback period for a business project for apartment renovation is considered to be one year.

Apartment renovation is a highly profitable and constantly in-demand business. For successful activity in the field of renovation and cladding of apartments, it is necessary to follow a clear schedule of a business plan thought out to the smallest detail.

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How to open an apartment renovation company: registration + 4 options for doing business + list of personnel + 4 solutions for attracting clients + financial calculations.

Capital investments in business: 330,800 rubles.
Payback period of the company: from 5 months.

How to open an apartment renovation company- The idea is good, although not new. However, to successfully enter the market, quickly gain clients and perform high-quality work, you need serious preparation.

Treat it with full responsibility!

News this type business without knowledge of the types of work, how to perform them, building materials, extremely difficult!

Most likely, you already understand something about the topic of repairs, since the thought of your own business in such a difficult direction has come into your head.

Usually, people who have worked in repair jobs, superintendents, etc. come into this business.

But you need to understand that in addition to specialized knowledge, it is necessary to have an understanding of demand, that is, to conduct a market analysis.

Apartment renovations will also be required. And, of course, as experienced owners of apartment renovation companies say: “it spins and spins again.”

This article contains all the information that will help you get off to the right start.

Apartment renovation business: is it worth starting?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this business:

Relevance and market analysis

And right away good news– the statistics are comforting! Despite times of crisis, housing is bought and built. The same statistics show that only 5% of people do repairs on their own. Others prefer to hire professionals.

Developers usually rent out apartments with bare walls or minimal finishing, which, of course, implies renovation.

And people buying a home most often include future renovations of a new home as expenses.

In addition to the renovations that are done after purchasing a home, they also carry out continuous renovations of apartments (on average once every 7-10 years). But all this is general information.

The analysis must be carried out based on the realities of the market in which you plan to work. If we're talking about O major cities With big amount population and ongoing construction is one thing.

Small district center, where there is no work - it’s completely different.

Considering that the difference in the costs of starting an apartment renovation business in a big city and in the outback is small, we advise you to immediately focus on the “advanced” market.

So, when analyzing the market, pay attention to:

  • the number of the city's population and its solvency;
  • availability of primary housing under construction;
  • statistics for last years in the field of purchase and sale (the easiest way to find such information is on the Internet resources of realtors in your region);
  • analyze competitors: their number, specialization, services provided, prices.

Detailed business plan for apartment renovation

1) Registration of an apartment renovation company

Since Soviet times, when business was banned, the habit of working “under the table” has remained. This trend is especially noticeable in the area of ​​apartment renovation.

This is also due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the tax service to monitor the provision of such services - cash simply changes hands.

The choice of organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) depends on whether you intend to carry out minor or major repairs.

To speed up the process, registering an apartment renovation company can be entrusted to intermediaries. Or do it yourself, which will save you several thousand rubles.

So the plan is:

2) Premises and equipment for running an apartment renovation business

You may need an office and warehouse for your business.

We suggest you consider these options:

  • do without them - communication with clients and signing of documents can be carried out on the customer’s premises, and construction materials can be delivered to the site directly from the market;
  • negotiate with some company (perhaps a friend of yours) and bring your clients to them for a nominal fee;
  • rent a small warehouse for tools and building materials, which will allow you to purchase them in bulk at better prices;
  • rent a room and use it as an office for organizing work, meetings with clients and a warehouse at the same time.

The situation with tools is approximately the same:

  • hire workers who have their own tools (and the payment for their work will be higher);
  • just buy it yourself Consumables: drills, crowns, etc.;
  • rent a tool (this is convenient for serious, expensive and bulky tools, such as a chipper, concrete mixer, etc.);
  • buy everything you need.

The choice depends on your financial capabilities.

You definitely need a Gazelle car in your business. If you can’t buy it, there are options for renting or carrier services.

3) Personnel to carry out repairs

First, let's talk about you. What functions can you perform?

Usually, in a business that is starting to operate, the role of foreman, estimator, architect, designer and accountant is performed by the owner personally.

If your competence is not enough, you should think about hiring, at a minimum, a foreman.

They can be either universal, that is, they can perform different types works, and specialists of a narrow profile.

Experienced businessmen advise mostly using the services of specialists. As a rule, the quality of their work is much higher and with a large number of orders it is easier to organize their work.

Hiring a staff (and this is at least 4-5 workers) and paying them a rate at first may not be profitable. Many owners of such businesses work by agreement, hiring workers for a specific facility.

While you develop a base of trusted employees, use the services of those whom your friends can recommend or read reviews.

At a minimum, the specialists for your business will need:

  • dismantlers-loaders;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • tiler;
  • plasterer.

4) Finding clients for a successful apartment renovation business

In a business like the apartment renovation business, advertising is a thankless task. The only 100% effective advertising is your satisfied customers.

The thing is that people undertaking renovations approach the choice of workers with caution and look for them based on the recommendations of friends. So word of mouth is the best advertising.

If you have already received the object, give it your all! Provide the appropriate quality of work, commit to the agreed deadlines and, of course, do not deceive or shortchange the client.

But, nevertheless, you somehow need to develop a base. Which company promotion is better to choose?

  1. If you are focused on renovating apartments in new buildings, then flyers, booklets, and advertisements placed directly at the construction site work most effectively.
  2. It is possible to reach clients through real estate sales departments, but this will require excellent convincing skills. And be prepared to pay a kickback of 5-10% of the order.
  3. As with everything, now most people use the Internet to search for various services. So it would be useful to have a website for your company.

    But it will require serious investments in promotion, since the competition for sites like yours is great.

    There you can place a detailed price list, necessary materials, services for calculating the cost and timing of apartment renovations.

  4. Consider cooperation options with housing authorities, designers, metal installation companies plastic windows, brokers, etc. Again, for “remuneration”.

5) Capital investments and payback for opening an apartment renovation company

You should renovate apartments based on the decisions you made about organizing the work.

Only based on your specific costs and market prices is it possible to draw up an estimate. We can only offer you approximate figures for a general understanding.

So, we have calculated this option for an apartment renovation business: registering an individual entrepreneur in a simplified taxation system on our own, working without an office or warehouse, purchasing basic tools (we rent especially expensive ones as needed) and a car, attracting workers to a specific site without registering for a job , creating a simple website.

6) Start-up investment in an apartment renovation business

In this type of business, all regular investments (rental of tools, purchase of building materials, wages of workers, gasoline) can be made from the client’s prepayment.

7) Profit from the apartment renovation business

Let's estimate the average prices:

The cost of cosmetic repairs is 1,500 rubles/sq.m., economy class is 2,000 rubles/sq.m., luxury class is 3,000 rubles/sq.m. On average – 2,150 rubles/sq.m.

General repairs in 2 room apartment will cost about 110,000 rubles. The number of orders per month from a regular apartment renovation company is on average 2 pieces.

And the average profitability is 30%.

Your profit is 66,000 rubles/month.

We deliberately considered not the most “rosy” option. Profits from an apartment renovation business can be much higher.

But we should not forget that without competent organization work, it is also very easy to burn out.

So, the payback period for the business is 5 months.

The success of any business depends on the number of customers. You will learn how and where to look for clients for your business from the video:

Apartment renovation business– interesting and profitable if organized correctly. Take the time to analyze, strategy, and prepare.

By the time you conclude an agreement with a client, you should already have a clear understanding of the prices for your work, construction materials, cost estimates, professional workers ready to begin the project, contacts of tool rental companies.

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Gone are the days when people did their own home renovations. Today, more than 90% of the population turn to special organizations or individual entrepreneurs for help in this matter. Therefore, despite significant competition, it is possible to find your niche in this area, but for this you will have to work hard. To put the apartment renovation business at the proper level, you need not only original idea, but also a carefully thought out plan.

Before building a business, you need to analyze the market situation, identify your competitors, evaluate their strengths and weak sides to further rely on this information.

Assessment of the competitive environment and demand

It is difficult to assess the market for apartment renovation services, since a large number of Companies that renovate apartments work according to “black” or “gray” schemes, underestimating the actual volume of revenue in official reporting. Nevertheless, market experts say that the sector of apartment finishing services is very saturated.

In order to break into the market and create sustainable demand, you will need to work on your reputation and expand your customer base. This is due to the fact that in the best possible way attracting customers is the so-called word of mouth.

Therefore, from the very first days of work, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the services offered, compliance with deadlines and agreements, polite and attentive treatment of the customer.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation is gradually becoming a thing of the past; today, more and more families are resorting to the help of professionals in this matter.

Finding a working idea and choosing a target niche

At the start of your business, you need to decide in which price segment you will work.

The premium segment implies a larger volume of investment, the need to have an attractive office to receive clients, and the company’s staff of designers, architects, landscape designers etc.

Entering the economy segment is much easier and cheaper, but income in it will be relatively low and competition will be high.

The RUSGLOBAL company provides data that about 60% of clients order cosmetic repairs costing up to 200 thousand rubles, 30% - up to 1 million rubles, and more than 1 million rubles - less than 10%.

The middle segment option can be called optimal - entry costs are acceptable, competition is moderate. At the same time, you will be able to serve clients from any price level, depending on the situation: such narrow specialists as a designer or architect can be outsourced, and meet clients on their territory, at least during the first time of work.

Middle price segment - best option target niche for a beginner businessman

How to organize the work of a company

In parallel with choosing the target segment, you should decide on the concept of work: will you perform only a specific service or will you take responsibility for providing a full list of services that may be of interest to the client. In conditions of fairly fierce competition, the second option seems more appropriate. Even if your team does not have any specialists, you can attract third-party workers on a subcontract basis. Clients will appreciate this approach.

Selection of funding sources

It's great if you have savings that you can invest in the business. Otherwise, you will have to think about a loan. Few banks will finance the creation of a new business, so you will receive the loan as an individual. The interest rate in this case starts at an average of 14–15%. Another option would be to attract investors - private or corporate. Recently, this method has become increasingly popular.

After you have decided on general concept work, target audience and financing the project, begin implementing the main business plan.

Get ready for the fact that at first you will have to finance the business from your own funds.

Detailed business plan of the company

The business plan includes a description of the following stages of work: registering a company, recruiting personnel, drawing up a range of services and a price list, organizing an advertising campaign.

Features of registering a business in the field of apartment renovation

The registration stage does not present any particular difficulties, since, unlike construction, in the field of renovation there is no need to obtain any special permits or licenses.

Your actions could be as follows:

  1. Register in the form legal entity. You can choose the form of a limited liability company (LLC) or an individual entrepreneur (IP). Last option simpler and less expensive.
  2. Select the form of taxation. Apartment renovation is a household service, so you can choose not only a simplified form of taxation (STS), but also a single tax on imputed income (UTII). However, remember that you can apply UTII only by working with individuals. If you also renovate offices and other non-residential premises, you will have to switch to the simplified tax system. According to this system, 2 rate options are defined: 6% of the total income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses. You can choose any of them.
  3. An important stage is making a seal and opening a current account.

In addition to these points, do not forget to also draw up standard contracts for the provision of services, which you can later use to work with clients, and in case of unfavorable developments, in court. You will also need a detailed price list describing the list of work performed and prices.

Registering a business will not take much time; a home renovation business does not require special licenses or permits


Personnel are the most important resource for any construction company. After all, the quality of the work performed will depend on the professionalism of your employees, their conscientiousness and commitment. Finding competent and hard-working specialists in the field of finishing work is not easy, but you need to try, as this will ultimately affect your reputation and the nature of your recommendations.

In a minimum format, you will need specialists in the following specialties:

  • tiler;
  • finisher;
  • electrician.

The functions of an accountant, foreman, and designer at the first stage of activity can be taken over or outsourced.

It is advisable that the business organizer is well versed in the topic of repairs.

As a rule, the form of remuneration for these specialists is piecework and depends on the volume of work performed.

A team of professionals is the key to the company’s success

Table: calculation of employee salary costs

Determining the range of services and drawing up a price list of orders

As noted above, it is desirable to provide clients with the fullest possible range of services provided. Services may be:

  • dismantling of coverings;
  • leveling walls and ceilings;
  • wallpapering;
  • painting walls and other surfaces;
  • laying tiles;
  • laying laminate, parquet;
  • radiator installation;
  • plumbing installation;
  • services for electrical work and other work.

Additional services: installation suspended ceilings, systems " Smart House", plastic windows, glazing and insulation of balconies on a turn-key basis, etc. For their implementation, third-party companies can be involved partially or completely.

Setting prices for these services will largely depend on the region where the activity is carried out and the prices prevailing in the local market. For a medium-sized city, the average repair bill is 1 sq. a meter of turnkey housing will average 2 - 7 thousand rubles.

It is important to provide the maximum number of services for the convenience of clients

Table: calculation of income for one construction team

Questions regarding the purchase of equipment and supplies for interior decoration

To perform repair and finishing work, you will need to purchase equipment and inventory. Minimum necessary list could be like this:

  • power tools (hammer, drill, Grinder, curtain cutter, screwdriver, etc.);
  • painting tools (rollers, brushes, spatulas);
  • plumbing supplies (wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, hacksaws);
  • plumbing equipment (keys, pipe cutters, pliers, etc.).

It is important to understand that in order to perform high-quality repairs, in addition to qualified workers, you will need professional, expensive equipment. On average, the cost of the minimum set will be about 300–400 thousand rubles. At the first stage, these costs will be enough for you to start full-time work. In the future, you can rent a warehouse for storing equipment, building materials, etc.

Buy only high-quality tools and equipment

How to promote your business and attract clients

The most effective way Referrals from past clients are considered a way to attract clients in the home renovation business, but this tool will only start working after you have built up a client base. To do this, use the following proven tools:

  • posting advertisements in the entrances of residential buildings, distributing flyers, especially in areas of new buildings;
  • placing advertisements in local newspapers. It will not require a lot of money, and the effect will bring from time to time;
  • Internet advertising. Create an Internet page, preferably in the form of a “one-pager” - indicate the types of services provided, photos with examples of work, reviews from real clients, various options to contact you. For your site to start working, place content advertising in search engines (Yandex and Google), maintaining pages in in social networks;
  • reaching agreements with employees of real estate agencies, sales departments of developers, mortgage departments of banks, interior designers. For assistance you will pay a certain percentage.

Nowadays there is high competition in the topic of repairs, so at the first stage you will have to do the work cheaper, but always with high quality, in order to make a name for yourself, and it spread through word of mouth. At first, you should splurge on expensive and high-quality tools in order to do the job better. Then it will all pay off, plus it will add significance in the eyes of clients - not a “caricature montage”.


Pros and cons of starting an apartment renovation business

All risks that are typical for the apartment renovation business can be divided into external and internal.

External ones include:

  • presence of a highly competitive environment. In a highly competitive environment, many companies reduce prices to attract more clients. However, this is not the most effective way: as a rule, only large organizations can afford to greatly reduce prices. If your turnover is low, you will not be able to compete with them. Therefore, it is best to concentrate on the quality of services provided, the professionalism of employees and an individual approach to each client;
  • decreased demand for services. Against the backdrop of the current negative economic conditions, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the demand for apartment renovation services has decreased;
  • seasonal nature of the business. Although repairs can be done at any time of the year, the demand for services in winter decreases significantly, and this must be taken into account when planning your activities.

Internal ones include:

  • risk of loss of business reputation. It may be associated with poor quality work, failure to meet deadlines and other factors. It is in your power to prevent such moments. Remember that negative publicity about a company spreads much faster and wider than positive publicity;
  • risk of non-payment for work performed. To reduce the impact of this risk, be sure to document the relationship with the client;
  • risk of downtime. To ensure a constant flow of clients, pay attention to advertising: it is important that it is not episodic, but constant.

In order for your business to prosper, carefully study the risks and think about ways to deal with them

Calculation of profitability and payback

Below is a calculation of key business performance indicators, including profit, profitability and payback period.

Revenue for the year is calculated taking into account risk factors, including the seasonality of sales (80% of the maximum amount of income, and 50% for 6 months in the off-season period).

Expenses include expenses for wages employees, payments for taxes and entrepreneurial contributions (USN and social contributions for oneself), as well as costs for maintaining equipment, advertising events, employee uniforms, and unforeseen expenses.

The initial investment includes the cost of purchasing equipment and primary marketing (website, advertising campaign, etc.).

Table: business performance indicators

The payback period for the business will be about 3 months, and the profitability will be about 40%-45%.

Video: recommendations for organizing an apartment renovation business

The apartment renovation business is a promising area of ​​activity that can generate sufficient income for its owner, and does not require large initial investments. This type of business should be undertaken by those who are well versed in the field of repair and construction work. Then you will be able to competently organize the work process, monitor the activities of employees and ensure high level quality. In the future, you can develop the business and transform the individual entrepreneur into a diversified company. Recent history knows many examples of how entrepreneurs starting their business from scratch managed to become owners of large holdings.

Start-up company it is worth registering an individual entrepreneur and select as many OKVED codes as possible. Almost every type of work has its own code.

Therefore, select almost all subsections from the following groups: 43.2 – “Production of electrical, sanitary and other construction and installation works”, 43.3 – “Construction finishing works”, 43.9 – “Other specialized construction works.”

For repairs and finishing of premises you can do without a special license.

Service list

Most advantageous views repairs– cosmetic and economy class, this segment has the most customers. Common and popular types of services:

  • Repair and finishing (laying tiles, tiles, wallpapering, plastering and painting, etc.);
  • Redevelopment;
  • Electrical network installation;
  • Sanitary works;
  • Installation of windows and doors.

It is profitable to provide the client with a full range of services and offer turnkey repairs and finishing. Special attention pay attention to deadlines: Delay may result in fines.

Therefore, when drawing up an agreement with the property owner, leave at least a couple of days in excess of the norm.

What kind of office do you need?

For meetings with customers, a small office of 20 square meters is sufficient. m in one of the central areas of the city. Separate warehouse small company not required, the office can be equipped with racks for storing tools. Renting the premises will require an investment of $200 per month.

Search for employees

The best and inexpensive option– hire workers from among emigrants. Good feedback receives the labor of Tajiks and Uzbeks. Important condition– repairmen have a work permit.

Piece payment is a percentage of the completed order. You will need to form a team of four people, and you will become the foreman.

Best Ways to Find Workers

  1. Advertisements on the Internet (sites: remontniku.rf,,,,, etc.) You can study the offers of workers and post your ad. Then all you have to do is take calls and hold meetings with candidates to assess their qualifications;
  2. Posting job advertisements. It is not practical to place them throughout the city. But near the Federal Migration Service, for example, it is quite logical.

You should look for masters of different directions. Ideally, the team should include finishers, an electrician, and a plumber. Priority is given to craftsmen who can perform several functions at once.

Advertising and customer search

Word of mouth works best; customers often choose performers based on reviews. But the customer base is built up over the years, and for this the team needs to fulfill orders efficiently and on time.

The best ways to find clients

  • Creation of a website on the Internet and its promotion, ordering paid advertising in search engines. For the site, it is important to develop a portfolio with examples of completed orders;
  • Establishing contacts with developers. For a certain percentage, they themselves will recommend your apartment to buyers. And every new apartment requires repairs and finishing. Another option for cooperation is placing banner advertising on construction site fences;
  • Partnership with private housing management companies. This way you can receive several large orders within one facility. This will eliminate the cost of transporting workers and equipment;
  • Cooperation with stores selling building materials, windows, doors. For example, they may recommend you to install purchased doors, give you a discount on materials (a bonus for your customers), or simply place your advertisement in the store;
  • For the VIP segment, an agreement with interior designers is suitable. When developing a design, they work out everything down to the smallest detail, right down to who should be entrusted with the repair and decoration of the room.

Costs and profits

The investment will be approximately 7-8 thousand dollars. This includes registering a company, renting an office for three months in advance, purchasing tools and a spacious car (Gazelle, for example), and advertising.

Repairing 2-3 turnkey apartments per month, the team will earn $6000-8000; building materials are purchased separately by the customer. After paying salaries, the company’s “net” profit will be $2000-3000.

To prosper monitor the quality of services and constantly look for new partners. Such work is most in demand in big cities with active development and real estate market. A successful company often has a schedule planned out several months in advance.

Active urban development has made the apartment renovation business a promising and profitable activity. Most new buildings are sold with minimal finishing or no finishing at all. Therefore, entrepreneurs working in this area, despite the presence of competitors, do not lack clients.

Where to start an apartment renovation business: design

Before opening an apartment renovation company, you need to go through the business registration procedure. Depending on the expected scale of activity, you can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company), and also choose a suitable taxation system (see).

If you plan to work with large customers and projects, the entrepreneur will need to obtain licenses to perform the relevant work (a separate document for each type of activity).

The licensing procedure is subject to the following types works:

  • plastering;
  • molded;
  • installation;
  • facing;
  • decorative;
  • glass

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Types of services provided

When figuring out how to organize an apartment renovation business, you need to decide on the type of services provided. There are three main categories: cosmetic, major and improved repairs.

Redecorating involves laying tiles, wallpapering, leveling and painting ceilings, replacing linoleum, dismantling or installing baseboards. Sometimes it is possible to replace plumbing fixtures. This is the most budget-friendly and simplest type of work. Prices in this segment range from 1,500 rubles. up to 2,000 rub. for 1 sq. m.

Major renovation is by far the most popular. The services provided in this segment are already more significant and expensive; they include the replacement of basic structures and outdated or broken communications. The list of works will include plastering and Painting works, dismantling and installation of doors and windows, installation of additional parts (arches, niches, columns). The cost of services starts from 3,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Improved repair means performing work using advanced technologies and modern high-quality materials. These include leveling and screeding floors, parquet work, installation of the “Warm Floor” system, three-layer painting of walls, drawing up design projects (see), installation of interior items, furniture and other services.

Recruitment of personnel for work

Employees are one of the most important aspects business for finishing and renovating apartments. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble a team of qualified and conscientious specialists. Typically, a team of workers includes a plasterer, plumber, painter, electrician and carpenter. It is advisable to have on your staff installers for stretching ceilings and flooring, specialists in installing doors and window designs, finishers and general workers.

Advice: the role of foreman, accountant and estimator can initially be taken on by the entrepreneur himself, this will help reduce operating costs by 60,000 - 100,000 rubles. When there are more clients, you can think about expanding your staff.

Purchasing tools for repair work

Having decided where to start an apartment renovation business, what services will be provided, and how many people will work in the team, you should purchase the appropriate tools. To get started you will need:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • a set of brushes;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • industrial dryer;
  • spatulas;
  • rollers;
  • ladder;
  • Consumables.

Attention! To provide apartment finishing services, it is advisable to have your own car, for example, a GAZelle, to deliver the work team to the site and transport the available tools.

Promoting an apartment renovation business

A business idea such as apartment renovation requires a carefully designed advertising campaign, since there are a lot of competitors in this niche. Undoubtedly, there is no better advertising than reviews from satisfied customers. But besides word of mouth, there are also more modern and effective types of promotion, such as online advertising, which can attract a large number of potential customers and help make money on apartment renovations.

Today, most people turn to online sources in search of information about future contractors. Therefore, it is advisable to have your own website, group on social networks or a one-page website. If it is available, you can run contextual, banner and teaser advertising. It will also be useful to place advertising posts on thematic forums and websites.

Advertising in magazines and newspapers can also help in finding clients. But, as a rule, such columns are replete with similar advertisements, so you need to try to attract attention with the help of a non-standard and original presentation of information.

You can post notices near shops, passages, bus stops and entrances. The main thing is that these are places large cluster or the passage of people. In addition, you can distribute business cards and leaflets.

How much capital is needed to open a company?

Having figured out how to start an apartment renovation business, it would be advisable to calculate how much initial capital you will need. On average, this amount is about 400,000 - 600,000 rubles. (consider also RUR). The most expensive items are the purchase of a car and necessary tools for execution repair work.

The list of main expenses is as follows:

Monthly revenue is 200,000 - 400,000 rubles, net profit is from 60,000 to 160,000 rubles. The return on investment is usually achieved fairly quickly - from 6 to 9 months. Much depends on the season of the year.

Today, some repair companies provide a full range of services, for example, a “turnkey residential building”, this allows you to earn much more. Take a look, you might also like this idea.

Read how you can organize it with a simple set construction tools.

Simultaneously with the renovation of apartments, it is possible to develop... In this case, clients in whose apartments are carried out Finishing work, you can immediately offer to update the furniture.


Apartment renovation as a business is a direction that can bring good income to its owners. The average investment is about 500,000 rubles, however, you can start this activity with less investment if, for example, you refuse to purchase a car, or if the entrepreneur already owns one. In general, by providing high-quality services and working on the recognition of the enterprise, you can receive monthly from 100,000 rubles. net profit. Read what else