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The oldest icon. The oldest icon

Since ancient times, the icon for Russian people has been the personification of spirituality. There are many known cases in which it was the icon that helped the Russian people get rid of troubles. Healing from incurable diseases, ending wars, saving people during fires - everything is possible through miraculous icon paintings.

As you know, the first images of the faces of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and saints appeared a very long time ago. Some of them have survived to this day.

The most famous icons of Russia

To date, 30 ancient icons are known. All of them are valuable not only financially, but also in the historical.

List of the most famous icons of Russia:

The icons listed are historically important objects. All of them are saved and available for viewing. Many of them are in state museums and galleries.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

One of the most famous ancient icons is the image of Vladimir Mother of God. There is a legend that says that the author of the icon was the associate of the Apostle Paul, Luke. The date of writing is attributed to the 5th century. Unfortunately, there is no direct evidence that the image was written by the evangelist.

Presumably, the icon was brought to Russia in 1131. It was a gift to the Russian prince from Constantinople from Patriarch Luke. In Rus' Vladimir icon The Mother of God has come a long way and visited different parts of the country.

At first she received the name of the Vyshgorod Mother of God. This is due to its original location. The icon was kept in the Bogorodnichesky Monastery, which is located in Vyshgorod near Kyiv, for more than twenty years. In 1155, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky transferred the antique icon to Vladimir. In this regard, the image began to bear the name of the Vladimir Mother of God. Various civil strife and wars did not bypass the icon.

The Vladimir Mother of God was transported to Moscow in 1395. After that, it was transported several times, but eventually in 1480 it was returned to the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. There she remained until 1918. After some time it was in the State Historical Museum. Later in Tretyakov Gallery. Today the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God can be seen in the Church of St. Nicholas. The temple does not function for its intended purpose. This is museum. It is located at the State Tretyakov Gallery.

The Vladimir Mother of God is one of the most expensive icons in Russia.

List of the most valuable icons of Russia

In addition to the famous iconographic images, which are in various museums and available for public viewing, there are other ancient icons. They are exhibited at auctions and have enough high cost. Today you can purchase the following iconographic images:

  1. Icon with a lamp "St. George the Victorious", 8,600,000 rubles.
  2. Temple icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 8,400,000 rubles.
  3. Icon "Rejoices in You", 8,000,000 rubles.
  4. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, 3,200,000 rubles.
  5. Iconographic image of Dmitry Solunsky, 3,200,000 rubles.
  6. Icon of Vladimir with the Life, 3,200,000 rubles.
  7. Icon of Sergius of Radonezh, 3,100,000 rubles.
  8. Seven-shot icon, 3,100,000 rubles.
  9. Icon with 2,900,000 rubles.
  10. Four-part icon, 2,250,000 rubles.
  11. Kazan icon, 2,100,000 rubles, etc.

In fact, this list is quite large. Only some of the most expensive icons are considered here. All of them are for sale. The purchase of such images is carried out by real connoisseurs of icon painting - collectors.

It is difficult to say which icon is the most expensive in the world and how much it costs today. Thus, one of the most valuable Orthodox icons is the image of “St. George with the Life”. It is kept in the Ukrainian National Art Museum, which is located in the city of Kyiv. The approximate cost of this work of art is $2 million. Of course, “St. George with the Life” is one of the most expensive icons in the world. But perhaps there are more valuable iconographic images.

Criteria for evaluating antique images

Antiques are antique, which has a high market value. An entire team of specialists with extensive experience in this field often works to evaluate antique icons. If a person is the owner of an ancient icon painting, he simply needs to know the market value of this item. Otherwise, when selling the icon, the owner will receive a relatively smaller amount. How to determine the age of an icon? This question interests many collectors. After all, this aspect plays a decisive role in determining the cost.

Market value depends on several important factors:

  • time of writing, that is, age;
  • author of the image;
  • the presence or absence of a salary and precious stones;
  • size;
  • presence of marks on the back of the product;
  • external condition;
  • Is the product subject to restoration?

Settings were often used for icons. More valuable are the icons in a gold frame. Less often you can find images with precious stones. Icons in a silver frame also have a fairly high cost. There are cases when a precious frame is worth more than the iconographic image itself.

In addition to all the criteria described above, the cost is influenced by the plot of the image and miraculous properties.

Artistic value of the icon

Do not confuse the concepts of “artistic value” and “market value”. Some people, when trying to find out the price of an icon, turn to online forums and send photographs. The fact is that no specialist can determine the authenticity and value of an image without looking at it with his own eyes. Many people turn to churches and museums for help. Employees of these organizations will also not be able to help with the assessment issue. They will talk about the possible author, the subject of the image, technique and writing style. The artistic value of an icon lies in its perception as an object of art, and not an antique object. A museum employee will determine the value of such an image as a painting. Of course, these parameters can affect the price, but only if they are of interest to the buyer.

Authenticity of the iconographic image

Before assessing the value of an icon, it is necessary to determine its authenticity. Any specialist can recognize an ordinary fake. But to determine a high-quality copy, an examination will be required. People have long learned to paint antique images using certain techniques. The most difficult thing is to determine the authenticity when an ancient icon is completed by the hand of a younger master. IN in this case carry out the examination in the laboratory using special equipment. They study the base of the icon, the soil, and possible interventions.

Features of antique paints

An important factor is the study of paints. Antique icons of the 6th century, which have survived to this day, are painted with beeswax-based paints. In Rus', masters used tempera. This is an egg yolk based paint. Such iconography can be distinguished with the naked eye. Unlike oil paintings, tempera is more strict and schematic.

Icon base

The best material Wood has long been considered for iconographic images. IN Ancient Rus' the craftsmen used linden. The boards of this tree were considered better basis. Much less often you can find bases made of alder, spruce or cypress. Boards intended for icon painting were carefully dried and fastened with glue. Knots and irregularities were removed to avoid drying out. The most expensive icons have a base processed with an axe. Their surface is uneven. Icons painted on wood are valued much higher than on any other basis.

Beginning in the 19th century, iconographic images began to be produced en masse. Factories and factories appeared. Began to use more cheap material for icon painting - thin tin sheets. Such icons had a factory mark on the back. Almost every Russian family has preserved such images. Therefore, they have a lower antique value.

Determination of authorship

In ancient times, masters in the field of iconography were called isographers. It was believed that these people received their gift from God. They are chosen and worthy of their title. Until the beginning of the 18th century, isographers did not leave their signatures on iconographic images. It was believed that they were the Lord's mediators on earth. And it is the Lord who creates unique images with their hands.

Despite this circumstance, the names of several outstanding icon painters have become known to modern humanity. These are Andrei Rublev, Theophanes the Greek, Gregory, Dionysius, Alypius, etc. The most expensive icons belong to the brushes of these icon painters. The images of these isographs are unique and inimitable. They are kept in state museums and galleries. Anyone can see them. Moreover, according to surviving chronicles, the Byzantine artist Theophanes the Greek was engaged in painting several Russian churches. There are many icons of other, unknown authors. They are no less valuable.

The creators of the most expensive icons in the world have long been known to mankind. The cost of an antique image directly depends on the fame of the icon painter.

Reasons why you should purchase an icon prayed for centuries

Today, factory-made icon paintings can be bought at almost every turn: church shops, specialty stores, various exhibitions. Moreover, in many cities you can order custom production icons. The craftsmen will take into account all the requirements: size, plot, writing technique, style, etc. But still, it is important for a believer to say a prayer in front of the ancient icon.

The Christian Church says that the icon is a conductor of human prayers. An ancient icon that has existed for many centuries is an object of prayer. Many generations of people offered their prayers to her. Many ancient icons are taken to various parts of Russia so that people can venerate them and pray for their most sacred things.

The miraculous properties of antique icons are also an important factor. Mostly such images are found in temples or museums. But there are many icons that have miraculous properties that are not known to the whole world.

These facts speak about the spiritual side of the iconographic image. But there is another side - this is artistic value. Many people seek to purchase an antique icon precisely for this reason. After all, each such image is unique. It is written in a single copy. The soul is invested in it.

How to sell an icon?

Any Christian believer, if he needs to sell an ancient icon, begins to be tormented by doubts. It will help in this matter Orthodox priest. The Church does not ban the sale of iconographic images. This action is not a sin.

If a person is deeply unbelieving, then the only question is whether there is a buyer. For a profitable sale, it is better to contact trusted ones. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a buyer on your own. Not every collector will want to deal with an unverified seller.

From all of the above we can conclude that an antique icon is a special thing. It not only carries a deep spiritual meaning, but also has a high market value. A person who owns such a work of art must decide for himself: to sell the icon or leave it at home and pass it on from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

Fortunately, in Russian Federation there are more than 30 of the most expensive icons known today.

The earliest prayer icons that have survived to this day date back to the period no earlier than the 6th century. They were made using the encaustic technique (Greek ἐγκαυστική - burning), when paint was mixed on heated wax. It should be noted that all paints consist of paint powder (pigment) and a binding material - oil, egg emulsion or, as in this case, wax.

Encaustic was the most common painting technique ancient world. It was from the ancient Hellenistic culture that this painting came to Christianity.

Encaustic icons are characterized by a certain “realism” in the interpretation of the image. The desire to document reality. This is not just a cult object, it is a kind of “photography” - living evidence of the real existence of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels. After all, the holy fathers considered the very fact of the true incarnation of Christ to be the justification and meaning of the icon. The invisible God, who has no image, cannot be depicted.

But if Christ was truly incarnate, if His flesh was real, then it was depictable. As Rev. later wrote. John of Damascus: “In ancient times, God, incorporeal and without form, was never depicted. Now that God has appeared in the flesh and lived among men, we portray the visible God.” It is this evidence, a kind of “documentary”, that permeates the first icons. If the Gospel, in the literal sense, good news, is a kind of report about the incarnate Lord, crucified for our sins, then the icon is an illustration of this report. There is nothing surprising here, because the word icon itself - εἰκών - means “image, image, portrait.”

But the icon conveys not only and not so much the physical appearance of the person depicted. As the same reverend writes. John: “Every image is a revelation and demonstration of what is hidden.” And in the first icons, despite the “realism”, the illusory transmission of light and volume, we also see signs of the invisible world. First of all, this is a halo - a disk of light surrounding the head, symbolizing the grace and radiance of the Divine (St. Simeon of Thessaloniki). In the same way, symbolic images of disembodied spirits - angels - are depicted on the icons.

The most famous encaustic icon now can probably be called the image of Christ Pantocrator, kept in the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai (it is worth noting that the collection of icons of the Sinai monastery is completely unique, the oldest icons have been preserved there, since the monastery, having been outside the Byzantine Empire, did not suffer from iconoclasm).

The Sinai Christ is painted in the free pictorial manner inherent in Hellenistic portraiture. Hellenism is also characterized by a certain asymmetry of the face, which has already caused a lot of controversy in our time and prompted some to search for hidden meanings. This icon was most likely painted in one of the workshops of Constantinople, as evidenced by high level its execution.

Christ Pantocrator. VI century. Monastery of St. Catherine. Sinai

Most likely, the same circle also includes icons of the Apostle Peter and the Mother of God on the throne, accompanied by saints and angels.

Apostle Peter. VI century. Monastery of St. Catherine. Sinai

Theotokos with the upcoming saints Theodore and George. VI century. Monastery of St. Catherine. Sinai

The Virgin Mary is depicted as the Queen of Heaven, seated on a throne, accompanied by saints dressed in court robes and angels. The simultaneous royalty and humility of Mary are interestingly demonstrated: at first glance, she is dressed in a simple dark tunic and maforium, but its dark purple color tells us that this is purple, and purple robes in the Byzantine tradition could only be worn by the Emperor and Empress.

A similar image, but painted later in Rome, represents the Mother of God - without any hints - in full imperial vestments and crown.

Our Lady - Queen of Heaven. Early 8th century. Rome. Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastavere

The icon has a ceremonial character. It follows the style of ceremonial imperial images. At the same time, the faces of the depicted characters are filled with softness and lyricism.

Our Lady - Queen of Heaven. Angel. Fragment

The image of saints in court clothes was supposed to symbolize their glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, and to convey this height, Byzantine masters resorted to forms that were familiar to them and understandable for their time. The image of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, now kept in Kyiv in the Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Art, was executed in the same style.

St. Sergius and Bacchus. VI century. Kyiv. Museum of Art. Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko

But, in addition to the refined art of the cultural centers of the Empire, early icon painting is represented by more ascetic style, which is distinguished by greater sharpness, a violation of the proportions of the depicted characters, and an emphasized size of heads, eyes, and hands.

Christ and St. Mina. VI century. Paris. Louvre

Such icons are typical for the monastic environment of the East of the Empire - Egypt, Palestine and Syria. The harsh, sharp expressiveness of these images is explained not only by the level of provincial masters, which is undoubtedly different from the capital, but also by local ethnic traditions and the general ascetic orientation of this style.

Bishop Abraham. VI century. State Museums of Dahlem. Berlin.

Without any doubt, one can be convinced that long before the iconoclastic era and the 7th Ecumenical Council, which condemned iconoclasm, there was a rich and varied tradition of icon painting. And the encaustic icon is only part of this tradition.

Dmitry Marchenko

Since ancient times, icon painting centers existed in Rus', along with which there were large, medium and small artels, icon painters-Itinerants and even individual self-taught peasant artists worked. Naturally, each of them had not just a special handwriting and style, but also a level of painting, skill in using a brush, and the ability to create a special mood in the viewer, in the praying person. And it is precisely this level of painting that is appreciated today by those who want to buy an icon with special artistic overtones!

At the same time, icons from recognized icon-painting centers such as Mstera, Palekh, Nevyansk are especially revered by true collectors; ancient antique icons of Stroganov’s letters and icons of the Russian North are especially valued. The most expensive icons will undoubtedly belong to them - famous icon-painting centers, but even among them, icons whose origin is confirmed by additional data will especially stand out, namely, signed copies that have a specific author.

Selling antique icons from famous icon painting centers is a responsible matter for us, which we approach with trepidation and respect.

And of course, the icons of Palekh, Mstera, Nevyansk or Stroganov icons will cost much more than, for example, Kholui, since the icons of the Vladimir villages were designed for the mass consumer, and all the rest were initially expensive, exclusive, intended for wealthy owners.

This is one of the criteria by which only selected images can be characterized as very rare antique icons.

Another criterion is iconographic subjects. Thus, rare icons of the Mother of God will cost more than images produced in millions of copies. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, for example, will be found on the antique market much more often than the icon of the Mother of God Worthy to Eat, or the Mother of God “Helper of Loaves”!

The interest of a true collector looking for rarities will always extend beyond common subjects. And the further he manages to go in his quest to find unique, rarely circulated subjects, the more interesting his collection will be, and the more expensive each copy will be!

The third sign is ideal condition icons that have survived to this day through the centuries. Only in good condition are they considered truly rare.

The most expensive antique icons of Russia are those for which all three criteria (belonging to a well-known icon painting school (availability of information about a specific master), rarity of the subject and collectible condition) coincide at the same time and will meet the modern requirements of a serious collecting trend.

According to these criteria, the price of antique icons is determined. This was the case in the past, is now and will be in the future on the market of any antiques!

Rare antique icons are exclusive, which you cannot buy in another antique salon. Such antiquities that have survived to this day are not only true works of art, but also a reliable investment tool, because the law of antiques is simple: the price of antique rare items can only grow over time, and it grows very quickly, many times over!

Antique icons in the Heritage of Ancestors salon

On our website you can find real antique icons with attribution documents. The authenticity, cultural and collectible value and age of the ancient icons presented in our antique salon are confirmed by the opinion of an art expert - a specialist in the assessment of cultural values ​​and intangible assets, a non-state forensic expert. Here we have collected for you the best examples of Russian Orthodox religious art, which will decorate exclusive home collections and icon cases, creating in your home an atmosphere of extraordinary benevolence, kindness, the atmosphere of patriarchal and religious Russia of past centuries!

You can buy antique icons in any way convenient for you, but first you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with each ancient icon by looking at high-quality photographs and reading detailed description. It is very important for us full information about every icon that can safely be called a masterpiece!

An icon is a picturesque image of God himself, the Mother of God, saints or scenes from the Holy Scriptures. The image of the icon is sprinkled with holy water, and then special prayers are read. Only after the rite of consecration does the icon acquire grace-filled energy and spiritual recognition.

The icon is a conductor between God and man. Any prayer will be heard by the Lord, just thanks to the icon it will ascend to him much faster.

“Savior Almighty” occupies the dominant image in Orthodox icon painting, therefore it is always placed in the central dome of every Orthodox church - in the most honorable place. The icon depicts the Son of God Jesus Christ in the image of a judge and the Heavenly King, therefore the icon is also called “Pantocrator”, which is translated from Greek as “ruler of all”. The chief healer of souls and bodies, who knows about everything. It is to the Almighty that our prayers should first of all be addressed. Sometimes despondency and despair penetrate into the very heart, but the Savior always gives a helping hand, and faith and hope come to life again.

In Rus', the icon appeared around the 12th century and served as a prayer icon for Russian princes. Icons of the “Savior Almighty” often streamed myrrh and healed many diseases.

Icon “Holy Trinity” (Old Testament)

The icon of the Holy Trinity is valued as one of the most important images that must be present in every Orthodox Church. The Trinity is the greatest and most mysterious icon of humanity. The picturesque image was painted according to all the canons of icon painting in a workshop at the temple. He talks about the unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The “Trinity” icon was created so that every believer could visually imagine the trisolar light of Orthodoxy. The Lord is one in three persons - this is difficult to comprehend and understand, but one must sincerely believe in this, taking it for granted. For Rus', the image of the Trinity is confessional, and before it one repents for the forgiveness of sins committed.

One of the most key shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church is the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The Lord, through this image, sends help to all believers in strengthening faith, in healing mental and physical suffering, in softening evil hearts, in liberation from enemy invasions, in reconciling those at war and preserving the unity of Russia.

According to pious tradition, this image was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God. The shrine was brought to Rus' from Byzantium as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky. The icon has been glorified more than once for its miracles. For example, while in Kyiv, she more than once left her place in church and found herself hanging in the air. She healed and even resurrected more than once. Generals and warriors turned to her for help before important battles. And she did not leave them, appearing seemingly in the most hopeless situations your miracles. Once, after a won battle against Bulgaria, when a thanksgiving prayer service was served to the Mother of God, a light shone from her icon, illuminating the entire amazed regiment. Another wonderful story with this icon happened immediately after it was brought to Moscow to protect the city from the invasion of Tamerlane. It was on the day when the icon was delivered to the city that Tamerlane unexpectedly ordered his army to retreat.

This miraculous icon of the Mother of God appeared after a fire in Kazan in the 16th century in a rather mysterious way. The Mother of God appeared to the nine-year-old girl Matrona in a dream, telling her to find her icon in the ashes. This dream was repeated again and again, until the girl decided to go with her mother in search of the icon. And indeed, the shrine was found there.

This image of the Mother of God is the most revered and beloved; it is the “Great Intercessor of Russia.” The icon more than once helped the people in the most difficult times. With her appearance she symbolizes victory over Time of Troubles. It is she who is thanked for delivering Moscow from the invasion of the Poles. Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great and his army prayed to the image of the Kazan Mother of God. The icon was the main patron of the Romanov dynasty. During the Great Patriotic War, this icon was the spiritual guide of the Russian people.

Starting from Baptism, all the most significant events in life take place with her. She gives a blessing to marriage, helps in work, in everyday problems.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Pleasant)

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, or otherwise Nicholas the Pleasant, as they began to call him in baptized Rus', in Orthodoxy is perhaps the most revered saint after the Mother of God. The fate of this saint was not easy; perhaps it was thanks to life’s trials and difficulties that he chose the religious path. While still a child, he was already keen on reading the Divine Scriptures, and as he grew up, he became an archbishop. Then Nicholas began to be called the Wonderworker. Throughout his life, many miracles and deeds were attributed to him. According to one legend, he resurrected a sailor who fell from the mast; according to another, he saved three young girls whose beauty was “sold” by their own father as the only way to pay off numerous debts. And there are countless such stories. Nicholas has always been the personification of justice and nobility.

They pray in front of the icon of St. Nicholas for any seemingly insoluble problems. He helps wanderers, sailors, women in labor, and even students. The icon is capable of healing from any ailments, protecting from unfavorable events and ill-wishers, protecting from temptations and performing real miracles. Turning to Nikolai with sincerity and faith, people noticed more than once that in their lives everything happened exactly as they asked.

The “seven-arrow” icon is the most powerful protector of the house and its inhabitants. The Virgin Mary, depicted in this icon, is pierced with seven swords, symbolizing the heartache that the Saint experienced during her life. The seven swords are the main mortal human sins that bring mental suffering to the Mother of God.

The icon first appeared in the 17th century. One day, a peasant, sick with lameness and longing for recovery from this disease, was told in a dream by a Divine voice to find a miraculous image in a nearby monastery and to pray with faith in front of this image. It turned out that wooden plank with the face of the Virgin Mary served as a step in the staircase leading to the bell tower. After the image was washed and restored, a prayer service was served for her, after which the peasant was completely healed.
The Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Seven Arrows is in the life of every believer great importance. In front of this strong icon they pray for protection of their home, from ill-wishers, from quarrels within the family, and to soften the heart. The icon is usually placed opposite front door, so that Semistrelnaya could see the eyes of those entering. Before placing the icon, you need to read a prayer. If one of your loved ones or acquaintances stopped visiting you, then we can conclude that his thoughts were not pure in relation to the living members of this house. Yes, Holy One Mother of God The seven-shot gives birth to mercy and kindness in the souls of believers.

The image of the Iveron Mother of God is also considered one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. and its appearance is completely shrouded in mysticism.

In the 19th century, when the persecution of orthodox icons, one pious widow secretly kept the icon of the Mother of God. But one day soldiers burst into her house and one of them, seeing the image of the Mother of God, pierced it with a spear. But then, in front of the eyes of frightened eyewitnesses, blood poured from the cheek of the Mother of God. Mad with fear, the soldiers fell to their knees and began to pray for forgiveness for their sin, and then, saving the shrine, they set it adrift on the waves. And then a miracle happened again. The icon stood up and floated. After some time, guests of the Iveron Monastery noticed a luminous pillar above the sea. Approaching it, they discovered the holy image of the Virgin Mary floating on the water and emitting a glow. It was decided to place the icon in the chapel, but in the morning it was found above the monastery gates. Attempts to take her to her previous place were in vain each time, until one day in a dream Elder Gabriel saw Holy Virgin, who said that she does not want to be protected, she herself must be the Guardian. So, the icon was placed over the gates of the monastery for many years, and they began to call it the Goalkeeper. Many times she miraculously saved the monks from fires, enemies and hunger.

Most Holy Theotokos of Iveron and before today shows people his miracles. In front of her icon they pray for repentance of sins, for healing from illnesses, for deliverance from sorrows and sorrows. The Mother of God of Iverskaya guards the family hearth, patronizes all women and is an intercessor before the Almighty. With the help of this icon, the “crown of celibacy” is also removed.

Holy Blessed Matrona is the most revered Moscow saint. Matronushka, as many affectionately call her, lived a hard life full of hardships. She was born into a poor peasant family and was completely blind from birth. Already at the age of eight, she began to predict and heal all those who suffered, and with the onset of 18 years, she lost the ability to walk. During the revolutionary years, she had to wander around Moscow a lot, without a roof over her head.

All her life she helped everyone in need. It was she who predicted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and said that the Russian people would win. She predicted her death three days in advance, but continued to receive people. Matronushka still helps all believers who turn to her with prayer in healing from illnesses, in financial matters, in preserving the family, in the well-being of children and much more.

The whole life of this strong woman became an example of a great spiritual feat of love, patience, and self-denial.

Xenia of Petersburg is one of the most beloved Russian saints. An icon with her image is not uncommon in an Orthodox home. The gift of foresight and healing came to her after the death of her husband. Having become a widow at an early age, Ksenia fell into deep despair. She distributed all her property to the poor, gave a house to her friend, put on the clothes of her late husband and began to call herself by his name. These oddities are in no way connected with loss of reason, Ksenia simply decided to completely devote herself to serving God, protecting herself from earthly joys and blessings. Years of wandering began. She spent most of her time near Churches. She spent the night under open air in fervent prayers addressed to God, she deliberately did not wear warm clothes, forcing her body to suffer from the cold. At first, people laughed at Ksenia, but soon they began to notice that after communicating with her, even fleetingly, their lives began to change for the better. Local merchants tried to treat her to food, and then all the goods quickly sold out. If the Blessed One kissed children, then they grew up healthy. For her righteousness, Ksenia acquired the gift of foresight. She predicted the death of Elizabeth I the day before her death. She once sent her friend to the cemetery, saying that there she would find a child. She, frightened, ran to the indicated place and on the way saw how a pregnant woman was hit by a horse. The woman in labor died, but managed to give birth to a baby, who was adopted by Ksenia’s friend. And there were a great many such cases of foresight. Even after her death, she appeared in visions to people who were in difficult life circumstances, warning them of danger. A prayer addressed to her always finds a response and helps even in the most difficult matter.

"Angel" with Greek language translated as messenger, messenger." Serving as a guide between man and the Lord, the Guardian Angel is called upon to express unconditional love God to people through his care. Church ministers assure that a person receives his Angel only after the sacrament of Baptism. This is how a person gets his own protector, who is always nearby. The more faith a person has, the closer the Guardian Angel is to him.

Each element of the icon depicting an Angel has its own symbolism. The slightly tilted head of the Saint means readiness to help his ward at any moment, a green chiton and a pink shirt - serving people in the name of good, a sword and cross - the ability to see and warn of danger, wings - the ability to move from the real world to the divine.

The miraculous rescue of people who survived catastrophes, intuitive insights or prophetic dreams - this is how Angels invisibly take part in people’s lives, protecting each one of their wards.

You must have the Icon of the Guardian Angel in your home; you must pray in front of it in a secluded place with sincerity in your heart. People turn to this image when they need spiritual strength to overcome difficult periods in life. A prayer appeal to the Guardian Angel should always be done when you leave your home, so that God’s Messenger will protect you from unexpected misfortune and the evil intentions of people.

An icon is a very important part of Christianity. Translated from Greek, this word means “image.” Usually the icons depict various saints, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, or actions that took place in ancient times and are described in the Holy Scriptures.

The face depicted on the icon is not the Lord God. It is believed that it is intended only to remind the praying person of the Divine. That’s why they write on the icon not the face, but the face. Very important in him are the eyes, which reflect the depth of the soul. No less significant are the hands, whose gestures carry a certain meaning.

The rest of the figure is very airy, as it is designed to show inner strength. This is exactly what the emphasis is on.

At a certain period of time, a religious theme became popular among artists. And it seems that there is a painting and an icon on the same topic; the same saint is depicted on it, for example. But on the first canvas there is spirituality, but on the second there is none. Therefore, when painting icons, they demand that canons that were written long ago be observed, which exclude random details. Each fragment carries a certain semantic and spiritual meaning.

An icon from a historical perspective

The appearance of icons dates back to the 1st century AD. It is believed that the first of them was created by Luke, who wrote one of the parts of the Gospel. According to the second version, the oldest image is the imprint of the face of Jesus Christ when he kissed a towel while washing himself.

One way or another, the oldest images found were dated to the 6th century. They were made in the Byzantine Empire, which had a great influence on the painting of icons. In it, but much later, canons for painting images were written.

The history of icons has different periods. There were persecutions, flourishing, and changes in writing style. Each of the images reflects its time, each is unique. There are a lot of icons that exuded myrrh, tears, blood, healed the sick in hard times. They are revered as the greatest shrines.

How icons are created

An icon is an important symbol for a believer, so the process of its creation is reflected in long-described canons that are still preserved. Creating an image is not a quick task; it takes at least three months.

Creating an icon has some stages that are strictly followed:

  • Selecting wood and making the board that will serve as the base.
  • Then the surface is prepared. This is necessary so that the image is preserved for a long time without changes. To do this, several steps are taken. First, the notches are made, then liquid glue is applied, followed by a primer (gesso). The latter should be applied several times and allowed to dry well, then sanded. Often, pavolok or serpyanka (special fabric) is glued in front of the gesso layer.
  • The next stage is drawing. This is not the final image - just an outline. It should then be squeezed out with something sharp so that it does not get lost among other layers.
  • If the icon will have gilding, then it should be applied right now, at this stage.
  • Now you need to prepare the paints. To paint icons, you need to take natural ones.
  • The first paints are applied in one color, on the background and background elements.
  • Then comes the painting. The first to process the personal elements (landscape, clothing), after which the personal details (arms, legs, face) are painted. They also sign the icon (who is depicted on it).
  • The final touch is treatment with drying oil or varnish.

Then the icon must be consecrated.

The importance and meaning of icons in the temple

All the icons in the temple have their own meaning and are in their place. When entering the church, the iconostasis is immediately visible. This wooden wall, which is located in front of the altar of the temple. On it are images of the life of Christ, a description of his suffering.

You should know that each icon hangs in its place for a reason. In the center there is always the so-called Deesis row, in which there are numerous saints and martyrs. In its center is the icon of Christ Pantocrator. At the top are festive images, including scenes from the New Testament.

In the center of the iconostasis are Royal Doors, behind which is the altar. On the sides are images with the faces of Christ and the Mother of God. There is also a lower tier, which is filled with icons of saints, as well as images of holidays, which are more revered here.

Speaking about what icons mean in the church, we can note their importance in various rituals, in reminding believers of the Lord. Some have a special status as healers of ailments and fulfillment of worldly desires. They are also approached with gratitude for their help.

It is therefore believed that icons in the church are intermediaries. Believers know that by making a sincere request to the saints depicted on them, they can expect help.

The most ancient and ancient icons

In Christianity, there are especially revered images that have come to us since ancient times. They are the link between the time when the events described in the Bible took place and ours. These original ancient icons are mainly kept in museums, but they were often copied for other churches.

For example, the Kiev Museum of Western and Eastern Art contains the most ancient icon John the Baptist, which dates back to the 6th century. It was made using the technique of those times - encaustic. It was used for painting ancient icons in Byzantium.

Also one of the oldest surviving images is the painting of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The date of its creation is the 11th century. Now it is kept in the Novgorod Museum. It is not completely preserved: the hands, faces and feet do not retain the original paint. However, during the restoration the contours were updated.

The existing icon of St. George, which is kept in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, is believed to date back to the end of the 11th - beginning of XII century. This relic is in good condition.

Ancient icons are an important heritage of Christianity. Each of them has its own special history and writing technique. The study of icons shows what materials were used to create them. Unfortunately, very few of those first images have survived, as there were periods of their mass destruction.

It should also be noted that the author was rarely indicated at that time. This indicated that the image was still important in icon painting.

Personalized icons

This is a separate category of images in Christianity. Usually personalized icons acquired at baptism, then they must be kept throughout life. It will be even better if you hang such an image over your child’s crib so that it protects him from harm.

You should know that personalized icons are those that depict the saint in whose honor the person was baptized. Usually this image is chosen based on the child’s name. If there is not one among the saints, then you should take the one that is most suitable. Thus, the child has a heavenly patron.

In ancient times, such icons were ordered specifically for the birth or baptism of a child. They were called measured and were made to fit the height of a baby.

Personalized icons are not the only ones that are used for special occasions. There are also:

  • wedding icons - used during the ceremony in the church;
  • family - they can depict saints whose names correspond to family members, usually they are passed down from generation to generation;
  • those that should be on the home iconostasis;
  • icons of saints revered by the family.

The most famous icons of the Mother of God

Icon painting has a special attitude towards the female image, namely the Mother of God. Her icons are very revered by believers and often have miraculous powers. Each of them has its own meaning. Any such icons (photos are in the article) are very original.

There are also other images of the Mother of God that are prayed to. Each icon is a special protection and help of this female image in Christianity.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a no less revered saint in Christendom. People turn to him on various issues - from physical illnesses to stopping quarrels and hostilities. He lived in the 3rd-4th centuries and during his lifetime became famous for his great deeds. There are numerous icons of him, photos of which illustrate his spirituality.

The oldest image of the saint dates back to the 11th century and is located on Mount Sinai, in the monastery of St. Catherine.

Today, in many monasteries and temples there are his images that have miraculous properties.

Icons of the Son of God Jesus Christ

One of the first images of Jesus Christ was his imprint on a towel, which miraculously appeared there. IN modern world it was called the Savior Not Made by Hands.

If we talk about icons of Jesus Christ, there are a lot of them. There are also several forms of writing his images.

  • The Savior is a stern face; its writing does not depart from the canon.
  • Savior Almighty - it is believed that this is his main image, which also corresponds to his preaching age.
  • Savior Not Made by Hands. Presented in two types - “Spas on the ubrus” and “Spas on the skull”.

The image of the Son of God now has some required elements. This is a halo, a book, outerwear, clav, chiton. An inscription is also required.

His icons and their meaning have a special status in Christianity.

Icons of Sergius of Radonezh

Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most revered saints. During his life he performed many deeds in the name of Christ. His words reconciled and pacified.

On the icon, Sergius of Radonezh is depicted stern, with his right hand raised in blessing. In his left he holds a scroll as a symbol of knowledge. His icons and their meaning are very important for Christians. They pray to this saint for protection from enemies for the country. It also helps in studying, before an exam, or simply during times of difficulty in understanding something.

Myrrh-streaming and miracles of icons

A myrrh-streaming icon is a miracle that does not happen very often. This is considered to be a warning about something. This phenomenon can also be the result of sincere and long prayer.

It is believed that the liquid released by the icon at this moment is healing. If you anoint a sick person, his illness may go away.

The flow of myrrh is also the appearance of the Lord to people who believe. This is his message to them.

Prices for icons

You can buy icons in every church shop. Their prices may vary. The most expensive, of course, are the ancient images that have survived to this day. Many of them are kept in museums or temples. Such icons are usually not sold, only appraised. For example, the images of the Apostles Peter, Paul, John, and Mark date back to the 16th century. They are valued at 150 thousand euros.

Also, the cost of the icon will depend on its design. After all, even images painted in our time, but decorated with expensive materials (gold, silver, gems), will not sell cheap. Their price range can start from 2500 rubles. The cost will depend on the materials.

If you need inexpensive icons, then there are icons that are completely simple in design. They can be purchased in shops near the church. Similar images can be purchased at prices ranging from 100 rubles and above.

Rare icons can be purchased in an antique shop or during the sale of a private collection. It is difficult to overestimate such icons and their significance, since for a believer they are truly priceless.