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» Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for the windowsill. The best indoor varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill. Is it possible to grow cucumbers in an apartment on a windowsill?

Self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for the windowsill. The best indoor varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill. Is it possible to grow cucumbers in an apartment on a windowsill?

You can do vegetable growing all year round(and in winter) and not only in the garden - many city apartment owners grow cucumbers directly on the windowsill. The crop is planted at the end of February or at the beginning of March; it can be done earlier if additional lighting is provided for the plantings. The main thing is to choose correctly, prepare them in accordance with the instructions, buy nutritious soil and provide your home mini-garden with proper care. For growing on a windowsill in an apartment, hybrid varieties are usually used - with a minimum ripening period, medium-sized fruits, and unpretentious care. More details below.

Features of growing homemade cucumbers that grow in the room

Cucumbers on the windowsill are practical and beautiful. In addition, you will know exactly what you fertilized the plantings with, and therefore you will be able to prepare fresh vegetable salads inexpensively and without pesticides. Basic rules for growing cucumbers on a windowsill:

  1. It will be necessary to create lighting, especially in the cold and dark winter months. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a fluorescent lamp. If you don’t want to organize a lighting system, wait to plant seedlings at least until the end of February, when there will be more sun.
  2. The room should be warm enough - around 18-22 degrees, otherwise the crop simply will not grow and form ovaries. The window itself, on the windowsill of which the vegetable greenhouse will be placed, should look southeast or south.
  3. Make sure there are no drafts in the area where the cucumbers are grown.

When growing cucumbers on a windowsill, they need additional lighting.

If you want to prepare a vegetable salad from your own cucumbers for the New Year, you need to plant the crop in early November.

It is advisable to give preference to the best parthenocarpic. The soil must be of high quality and nutritious - it is best to use a soil substrate at the rate of 5 liters per adult plant (in this case, the root system of the crop will receive the necessary nutrients). Do soil mixture you can do it yourself - from the usual garden soil, sawdust, humus, sand and ash in equal proportions. Before planting, it must be disinfected, otherwise you can plant fragile crops in contaminated soil, and all your efforts will go down the drain. Frozen, contaminated soils are also dangerous, since negative temperatures do not always have a detrimental effect on insects.

He will tell you about feeding cucumbers.

Different kinds soils

Rules for choosing good seeds

Today there is a whole range of varieties specifically for growing at home on a windowsill. Each of them has certain features that need to be taken into account when choosing. To make your home vegetable greenhouse delight you appearance and bears fruit perfectly, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Estimated sowing date.
  2. Humidity, amount of light and presence of drafts in the room.
  3. Appearance of the fruit.

Beginners are recommended to plant shade-loving varieties that are resistant to temperature changes, since they are the most unpretentious. For early sowings optimal choice are cucumbers with smooth skin, for late ones - early ripening varieties. It is imperative to follow the rules for preparing seeds, otherwise they may not sprout.

When growing cucumbers on a windowsill, you should carefully select seeds.

To grow on a windowsill, choose varieties that do not require additional pollination.

Indoor: what varieties of cucumbers can be planted on a windowsill, window or balcony in winter

Let's consider the most popular varieties cucumbers for winter growing on a windowsill:

  • Khutorok F1 is a bee-pollinated crop, but it can also be processed manually. Zelentsy are medium in size (about 10 cm) and have black spines. The taste quality is high; cucumbers of this variety can be consumed raw or used for pickling.

Cucumber variety "Khutorok F1"

  • Shchedrik is a productive early ripening hybrid, the fruit size is approximately 12 cm. The maximum ripening period is 1.5 months. On one ovary 5-8 green plants are formed, despite the fact that the size of the bush is quite small.
  • Crunch F1 - these hybrids ripen within one and a half to two months, give an excellent harvest, and are self-pollinating. An average of 5-7 greens are formed on one ovary. Please note that Crunch loves to grow - so make sure there are supports and enough space for planting.
  • Onega F1 is a self-pollinating hybrid, which is also actively used for window sills. You can collect the first fruits in the first week of the second month of leaf growth. Zelentsy are slightly smaller than average, they can be eaten fresh or pickled.

Read about self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses.

Cucumber variety “F1 Khrustik”

  • Buyan F1 – small shrub with a maximum yield of cucumbers of 8 kg, refers to universal varieties. Ripening time is up to 50 days from planting; in winter Buyan needs additional lighting.
  • Emelya F1 is a variety with large fruits weighing no more than 150 g; the ripening period of the crop is 40-50 days from the moment of planting. one that has high cold resistance, which gives it certain advantages over other varieties. In order for it to grow well and bear fruit, it needs a lot of light. Initially, the variety was grown for eating raw, but it is also excellent for pickling.

Hybrid cucumber variety “Emelya F1”

  • Babylon F1 – the variety takes a long time to ripen, ideal for winter cultivation. Provided there are no drafts and good lighting, the fruits will appear 70 days after planting. Flowers are predominantly female - 1-3 pieces per node. The fruits are large and weighty. This hybrid is prone to the formation of bunched ovaries, the yield is good.
  • Ant F1 - at the ovary of the variety it forms 3-7 greens, which can grow up to a weight of 100 g. In general, this variety is intended for growing in the ground, but it also bears fruit well on a windowsill in winter. The ripening period is short - only 38-40 days. An important advantage of the hybrid is that there is no need for manual pollination. The bush practically does not grow in width.
  • – the variety bears fruit 40 days after planting, and it also has high resistance to diseases. During the formation of the ovary, the bushes need special care. The grouping of clusters is large, it amounts to 7 cucumbers per ovary, which is determined by the miniature size of the adult fruit. The peel is dark and lumpy, making the variety ideal for pickling.

Cucumber variety Masha F1

  • Miracle at the F1 window - the cucumbers are quite small (no more than 8 cm) and very tasty, ideal for pickling. The fruiting period is about 40 days.

Manual pollination is carried out as follows - male flowers are picked and the stamens are carried along the female pistils. It is also convenient to use a soft brush for these purposes.

The growing conditions for the listed hybrids are practically the same. You will harvest from the bushes as the fruits ripen. Of course, it’s better not to count on tens of kilograms from the windowsill, but you will always have a couple of cucumbers for lunch. Read how to store cucumbers fresh.



In this review, we looked at the features of growing indoor cucumbers (which one to grow) on a windowsill in winter and named the most popular varieties. Among them there are parthenocarpic and hybrids that require pollination - the first option is more practical and easy to care for, the second requires regular hand pollination. Please note that most varieties require additional lighting; cucumbers generally do not like drafts. At home, unlike greenhouses and open ground, crops practically do not get sick, the main thing is not to plant them in already contaminated soils.

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill and reaping a good harvest is quite possible. Caring for a plant in winter will take more time and effort than in summer - a heat-loving crop requires certain conditions. But if you correctly follow all the recommendations and tips for growing cucumbers at home, you can get ripe and juicy fruits for the dinner table.

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill at home all year round: where to start

Typically, cucumbers do not tolerate extreme heat and love water and sun. But plant care requirements may vary depending on the variety, indoor microclimate and soil composition.

Cucumber is a plant belonging to the pumpkin family.

The roots of cucumber vines are located near the surface. The soil for the windowsill should be mulched in the same way as for plants outside.

Choosing a variety of indoor cucumber

When choosing a seed variety, it is better to choose those that are intended specifically for our purpose. To grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, planting material must be seasonal, unpretentious and disease resistant. Can be used . They are resistant to weather changes and do not require much maintenance.

It is advisable to choose a medium or short ripening period. For this reason, they often take it. Preference should be given to self-pollinating or parthenocarpic - plants that do not require pollination. You can take bee-pollinated ones, but you will have to tinker with them additionally.

For growing in room conditions The cucumber seeds described in this article are suitable.

The varieties most suitable for planting in winter are:

  • "F1 Ekaterina"– smooth, long cucumbers that ripen in about 45 days. The flowers do not require pollination and tolerate heat and low light;

Cucumber variety “F1 Ekaterina”

  • "F1 Faust"– fruits middle length with a pronounced characteristic taste and thin skin. The plant begins to bear fruit in 50-55 days, does not require pollination, is resistant to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus;
  • "F1 Khrustik"– parthenocarpic, early ripening, generous in yield and resistant to common diseases. Cucumbers are short and medium, tasty and crispy;

Cucumber variety “F1 Khrustik”

  • "F1 Gift of the East"– the plant does not require pollination, is not affected by powdery mildew, has little climbing habit and bears fruit for a long time. From planting to the appearance of the first cucumbers, 50-53 days pass. The fruits are small, suitable for pickling and fresh consumption.

If you cannot make a choice yourself, consult a salesperson in a specialized store. Note that you need a variety suitable for growing on a windowsill during the cold season.

Landing dates

There are no specific dates for planting cucumbers on the windowsill. From November to February, the plant will in any case require additional lighting; growing the crop is not dependent on the weather or daylength.

Be guided in this matter only by your own needs and desires. If you want to serve fresh homemade cucumbers on the New Year's table, you need to sow the seeds in the last days of October. If you plan to harvest the crop in early spring, you need to start cultivating the plant from January 1-5.

The time for planting cucumbers depends on your needs and desires.

Selecting a location

The room in which you plan to place pots of cucumbers should be warm and bright. No drafts or significant temperature changes. It will be better if the room's windows face south. It is ideal to place plants on a windowsill in the kitchen or next to the bathroom. The humidity there is higher, the air is not overdried by heating devices.

When growing cucumbers in an apartment, you need to select a place with high humidity and not dry air.

To protect seedlings from winter cold, place foam or wooden blocks under the pots.

How to properly grow at home on a window: planting features

To plant each plant, you will need a 5-liter container with holes for water. The same goes for . It is filled with moist soil, depressions of about 1.5 cm are made in the ground and seeds are placed there - pre-sprouted or not. Before germination, it is better to cover the pot with film and place it in a room where the temperature does not drop below 25°. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the covering material is removed and the container is moved to the windowsill.

To begin with, the seeds can also be sown in small pots or cups and then replanted. But in this case, you will have to wait until the seedlings take root and hope that none of them die.

Initially, you can grow cucumbers in small cups, but later the plant will need to be replanted

Soil preparation

The easiest way to plant cucumbers is to buy ready-made soil - universal or designed specifically for pumpkin soil. If there is none, the soil is prepared as follows:

  1. Humus and forest or garden fertile turf are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. After that, add a handful of sand, ash, and rotted black sawdust to 5 liters of the mixture. The resulting loose soil needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers - a matchbox for 5 liters of soil. These could be additives designed for growing cucumbers or all pumpkin crops, or nitrophoska.
  2. Take 2 parts of garden soil, mix in 1 part of rotted sawdust, sand, humus and ready-made soil for growing seedlings. The mixture is disinfected, and then supplemented with ash, manure, crushed eggshell and chalk at the rate of a glass per 5 liters of soil and chicken droppings– 0.5 cups for the same volume.

Different types of soils

Read more about fertilizers and feeding cucumbers.

Homemade soil must be disinfected so that the seedlings do not get sick and are not eaten by flies. To do this, the soil is warmed up high temperatures- in the oven or on the stove.

Before planting seeds, pour 2-3 centimeters of drainage from coarse sand, small pebbles or broken bricks, and soil is laid on top. The day before sowing, the soil needs to be watered.

Read how to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers in greenhouse conditions.

Seed preparation

You should buy seeds for growing cucumbers on the windowsill at least a month before planting. Then they are placed in a warm, dry place so that they dry out within 30 days. Afterwards, the planting material is sorted out, darkened or damaged seeds are discarded, and good ones are disinfected. This is done using a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate: the grains are wrapped in gauze and soaked in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. You can also put the seeds overnight in an ash solution, aloe juice, or in growth stimulants according to the instructions.

If you plan to use the planting material immediately, it needs to be dried again for 1-2 hours. But it is best to germinate the seeds in advance for winter cultivation. To do this, they are placed on a cotton pad or napkin soaked in water and left in a warm place for 2-3 days, moisturizing as necessary. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the cucumbers are planted.

Seeds must be germinated before planting

Seeds in a shell do not require germination or disinfection. Keep in mind that they germinate a little later than usual. If you want to grow cucumbers for a specific event, sow them a week earlier.


A plant on a windowsill in the cold season is deprived sunlight, moisture and temperatures that contribute to the development and formation of cucumbers in the garden. Caring for home seedlings involves recreating these same conditions.


Like garden varieties, cucumbers on the windowsill love water. Immediately after planting, the seeds are watered approximately every two days. This is done as necessary - the soil should be slightly moist, not dry and not too flooded.

Already developed plants are watered more often. If lamps are installed above the seedlings, the soil is gradually moistened twice a day. If there is no additional light, once a day is enough. Water is used for irrigation room temperature, preferably filtered or at least settled.

Depending on the variety, cucumbers are watered from 2 times a day to 4 times a week.

To make it easier to care for cucumber lashes, stretch ropes over the container every 7-12 centimeters. So climbing plant will receive more light, and the fruits and ovaries will not be damaged.


The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers on a windowsill is above 18° and below 26°. It needs to be maintained at approximately the same level. To do this, the windows are insulated as much as possible and all cracks are closed - a winter draft can deprive the harvest or postpone fruiting to a later date, even in a warm room.


In order for the plant to develop properly, it requires 10 hours of daylight. In winter, the window sill will have to be equipped with additional lamps - special phyto- or fluorescent. They are placed above the containers at a distance of 15-20 centimeters with the ability to raise them a little higher when the lashes stretch out.

When growing cucumbers at home, they need additional lighting with fluorescent lamps

You can also attach foil to the plants on the side of the room. It will reflect light and increase the illuminated area.


Too much watering can cause blackleg disease. To prevent this from happening, it is better to add water a little at a time and maintain high humidity around the plant. The optimal level is 85-90%. Can be used to humidify the air special devices or sprayers, in the old fashioned way, place a saucer of water next to the cucumbers or place a wet towel on the radiator under the windowsill.

How to properly water cucumbers is described.

Top dressing

Cucumber seedlings on the windowsill are fertilized twice. The first fertilizing is carried out approximately 2 weeks after seed germination. Ready-made ingredients are used as additives. mineral fertilizers for cucumbers or mix it yourself from superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and magnesium sulfate. Take 5 grams of each ingredient and dissolve in 5 liters of water. The liquid is watered over the roots of the plant. 1 glass should be divided into 5 seedlings.

To obtain a large yield, add mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil

The second feeding of homemade cucumbers is carried out 7-10 days after the first. For watering, use the same mixture, distributing a glass of fertilizer over 2 plants. If you do not want to use mineral fertilizers, you can use organic matter for the second feeding. To do this, take the peels of 5 bananas, add a liter of water and leave for a week. The resulting concentrate is diluted with another 2 liters of water and used for root watering.

Try not to “hoard” the harvest. Remove the cucumbers as soon as they reach 8-10 centimeters. The more often you pick, the longer and more abundantly the plant will bear fruit.

Disease Prevention

To prevent cucumbers from getting sick, it is important to follow care recommendations, disinfect the soil and seeds, and use bactericidal solutions against pests.

Tobacco decoction helps against aphids and whiteflies. 30 grams of tobacco are poured into a liter of water and boiled for 8-10 minutes. The cooled liquid is diluted with another liter of water and the plant is sprayed with it. The most common cucumber aphid is found on cucumbers in greenhouses, and read how to fight it.

There is a gardener and gardener in every person. With the arrival of the first warmth of spring, everyone is drawn to the dacha, to the village, to the garden. It’s nice to dig into fresh soil, breathe in its aroma and throw the first seeds into the garden bed. But not everyone is lucky enough to welcome spring on their own piece of land. Many city dwellers do not have time to go to the garden or have their own garden bed. This can be fixed. If it is not possible to go to the garden, then you can build it at home on the balcony or. In small homemade beds you can grow, green onions, tomatoes cucumbers. The last vegetable requires special attention and worries. To get a rich harvest, you need to know what to do on the windowsill and balcony and not harm the plant. Due to inexperience, its tender sprouts can be destroyed within a few hours. But if you choose the right soil mixture, container, variety, stick to temperature regime, then the green vine will thank you with tender, crispy cucumbers.

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill

If you choose the right varieties of cucumbers, then on your windowsill you can get a harvest that is much richer than what your neighbor will grow in his dacha. Fans of home gardening should pay attention to the F1 group hybrids:

  • Natasha F1;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Masha F1;
  • Fontana F1.

The last variety can safely be called a cucumber masterpiece of Moldavian breeders. For several decades, it has successfully pleased its owners with generous fruiting and resistance to diseases.

From the usual varieties for indoor growing cucumbers are suitable:

  • Thumb Boy;
  • Mazay;
  • Stella.

They are photophilous and require cross-pollination, but have high yields and resistance to diseases in closed spaces.

Parthenocarpic hybrids are the best varieties of cucumbers for planting on a windowsill, as they set fruit regardless of weather, temperature fluctuations, sun rays, have big amount female self-pollinating inflorescences are not required special conditions content.

The main rules for healthy cucumber seedlings

The key to a rich harvest. In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, you must follow several important rules:

  • The soil for sowing should always be sterilized. You should not trust store-bought mixtures: they can be contaminated with bacteria and pests. The soil should have good air permeability and absorb moisture. It is good if the soil does not contain many microelements. On at this stage the plant does not need them in large quantities. River sand is also best suited for sowing cucumbers.
  • Freshly harvested cucumber seeds should not be planted. In such plants, male flowers predominate and do not set fruit. Five-year-old seeds give the most a large number of female inflorescences.
  • Seeds, covered with a special multi-colored shell, germinate much later and require constant moisture. If the soil is too dry or underwatered, the plant may die while still in the soil.
  • It is better to grow seedlings in small ones, and after the appearance of the third true leaf, transplant them into a larger container.
  • The optimal temperature for germination is 22 degrees at high humidity air. To achieve a similar effect, you need to spray the room three times a day, or keep a damp cloth under the cups with seedlings.
  • After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to slightly lower the room temperature, humidity, and increase the amount of sunlight.
  • To prevent young shoots from stretching, a fluorescent lamp is needed. The help of lamps is also necessary before planting buds on cloudy days (hybrids can do without lighting).
  • Watering with warm, settled water will help the plant absorb moisture faster.

After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings can be fed with liquid. It is important to ensure that water and liquid with microelements do not get on the sheet in daytime. A drop of moisture may cause a burn.

Dishes for planting cucumbers

To grow cucumbers on a windowsill, you need to choose the right container. Then the plant will feel comfortable all season. Cucumber roots are located shallow from the soil surface and love to be warmed by the sun and irrigated by warm rain. A five-liter plastic bucket or pot will be enough for one plant. It is good if its width prevails over its height.

Rules of care

Even inexperienced gardeners can follow the rules for caring for cucumbers on the windowsill. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and not rely on “maybe”:

  • Cucumbers love indirect sunlight. On the southern window, their leaves will burn from the heat, and on the western window, the stems will stretch out, most of the fruits will have a characteristic, pear-shaped shape.
  • It is better to water the plants after sunset or in cloudy weather at the root, along the edges of the pot.
  • The soil for adult plants can be similar to that used for sowing seeds, with the addition of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizers, . When landing on permanent place, drainage should be constructed. If you don’t have expanded clay on hand, you can use regular pebbles or break regular foam into small pieces.
  • After the fifth leaf appears, the plant needs support. You can stretch a special mesh along the window or lash with ropes. The trellis net on the windowsill looks aesthetically pleasing and is a good support during fruiting.
  • In the summer itself big problem When growing cucumbers on a windowsill, there is heat: the percentage of humidity indoors and outdoors decreases, the earthen mixture dries out quickly even with frequent watering. Mulching the soil in pots will help protect the root system from overheating and retain water. Chopped bark, straw, sphagnum moss, sawdust, and fresh grass are suitable for mulch.
  • When growing non-hybrid varieties, it is recommended to pinch off the top of the plant after 7–8 leaves. This technique will give impetus to the growth of side shoots, which contain a larger percentage of female flowers.
  • Proper care and cultivation of cucumbers is not only timely watering and fertilizers, but also regular harvesting. In order for the plant to bear fruit at full strength, it is necessary to collect greens every day. Then he will have the strength to abundant flowering and setting new fruits.

Problems during cultivation

It seems that the plants in the room are protected from all diseases and pests, but often gardeners are faced with problems against which even the best ones are powerless. effective drugs. In most cases, this is a violation of the rules of agricultural technology or a lack of microelements.

The most common question for many beginning gardeners is: why do the leaves of cucumbers on the windowsill turn yellow?
There are several reasons, but if there are no signs of powdery mildew infection, then it may be untimely watering, stagnation of moisture in the soil (appears bad smell black flies from the pot and shallows) or lack of nitrogen.

When you do everything correctly and follow the advice of experienced colleagues, it is difficult to understand why cucumbers start growing but don’t grow. Similar situation observed when the temperature drops below +16 or in extreme heat. Then the plant drops the fruits or slows down their growth in order to conserve strength.

Anyone can grow cucumbers on a windowsill. The main thing: do not be afraid to make mistakes and love the work you do. And the reward for your efforts will be new knowledge and crispy cucumbers for lunch.

It should be:

  • Short-fruited, with a length of greens from 6 cm to 25 cm.
  • Shade-tolerant, not afraid of temperature changes.
  • Early or mid-season, with a fruiting period of 4 to 6 months.
  • Fruitful.

Preference is given to parthenocarpic hybrids F1. These self-pollinating plants have only female flowers. For growing cucumbers at home, the most popular are early and ultra-early:

  • April;
  • Benefit;
  • Zozulya;
  • Carmen;
  • Goosebumps;
  • Sail;
  • Regina;
  • Shchedrik;
  • Crunch.

Of the mid-early cucumber varieties for growing at home, the following are preferred:

  • Athlete;
  • Full house;
  • Showcase;
  • Bianca;
  • Berendey;
  • Urban;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Claudia;
  • Courage;
  • Marinade;
  • Masha;
  • Manul;
  • Romance;
  • Solar.

IMPORTANT! Late ripening cucumber hybrids for home grown unsuitable.

Bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids, when grown indoors or in greenhouses, require hand pollination.

The process requires certain skills and additional time.

But despite this, vegetable growers grow at home bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids:

  • Gribovsky 2;
  • Zarya;
  • Manul;
  • Surprise;
  • Khutorok;
  • Relay race.

Grow and bee-pollinated cucumber varieties:

  • Room Rytov;
  • Marfinsky.

Advice! Hand pollination of cucumbers is carried out in the morning. Using a cotton swab or soft brush, transfer pollen from the male barren flower to flowers with an ovary (female). You can touch a male flower with torn petals to the pistil of a female one.

Female single flowers grow separately. The males form groups in the leaf axils.

Pollination of cucumbers continues throughout the flowering period, right up to the appearance of the first ovaries. To increase the yield of cucumbers experienced lovers advise pollinating female flowers with pollen different varieties .

Selecting a location

It is better to grow cucumbers in an apartment on warm, bright balconies, loggias, verandas, windows oriented to the south, east, west.

The north side is not suitable for growing. There should be no drafts in the room.

What to grow in?

There are many options: hanging baskets, buckets, containers, boxes, flower pots, tubs. The main thing is that the volume of the container is at least 5 liters. Drainage is laid out at the bottom - small pebbles, pieces of expanded clay, large sawdust. Make holes to remove excess water.

Advice! To save money, cut off large plastic bottles and use double cellophane garbage bags.

How to grow cucumbers in an apartment: step-by-step instructions

Landing dates

Deadlines depend on the selected cucumber variety, growing conditions. They take into account the area of ​​the room, the ability to provide optimal temperature and light conditions, air humidity, and climate zone.

TO New Year's table The cucumbers planted at the end of October will ripen. Plantings in January begin to be harvested in March. The average time for fruiting to begin from the appearance of the first shoots is 40-50 days. TO May holidays February seedlings are ripening.

Soil preparation

They buy in the store universal soil or mixture for growing pumpkin crops.

Prepare yourself according to proven recipes:

  1. Equal shares of peat, humus. A glass of wood ash in a bucket of mixture.
  2. 1/3 part of turf, garden soil, compost with additive small quantity calcined river sand, ash, rotted sawdust.

The earth is disinfected in one of the following ways:

  • Steamed.
  • Spill hot (+ 90°C) solution of dark pink potassium permanganate.
  • Warm up in the oven.
  • Processed special industrial preparations.
  • Add nitrophoska or complete complex fertilizer. Pour into containers, pour generously, and leave for a day to compact.


  1. Cucumber seeds pickled for 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Rinse. Dry it. Leave for 2-3 days to swell in a saucer with warm water, wrapped in damp gauze and placed on cotton pads. Read more about before.
  2. Hatched cucumber seeds sow to a depth of about a centimeter. Plant 1-2 seeds per volume of one liter at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. .
  3. Place in a bright place. Maintain temperature + 22-25°C during the day, + 16-18°C at night.
  4. To maintain the required humidity covered with film, glass.
  5. When cucumber shoots appear, the cover is removed. Remove the weak sprout. Additional illumination begins.

Advice! To eliminate the danger of overcooling the root system of cucumbers, place a sheet of foam plastic, drywall, or thick plywood under the containers with plantings.


It is impossible to grow cucumbers at home in winter without lighting.. Daylight hours should last 12-14 hours. from December to February, additional illumination is carried out from 16 to 20 hours.

Lighting devices for additional illumination (energy-saving, fluorescent, LED) are mounted at a distance of 30-40 cm.

To enhance the effect, install sheets of foil and mirrors that reflect light.


Until the plants form lashes, the temperature is maintained not higher than +16°С. After the formation of lashes, the temperature on sunny days is maintained at + 24-26 ° C, in cloudy weather and at night + 18-20 ° C.


Watered in sunny weather daily, on cloudy days - every other day. The water must be settled and brought to room temperature. Water several times a season with a weak pinkish solution of potassium permanganate.

It is useful to spray the plants twice a day, but the leaves should dry out by night. Watering cucumbers is carried out at the root or water is poured into trays.

Advice! To increase the humidity in the room, cover heating batteries wet towels. Place a bowl of water next to the cucumber bushes. Humidifiers are turned on.


Home-grown lashes reach a height of up to two meters and require a garter. The garter is made using a sliding loop. Use twine or nylon cord.

Bush formation

After the fifth true leaf appears, pinch the top to form a bush with two stems. When the next five leaves grow, the procedure is repeated.

Pinching of the side lashes is carried out in the lower lateral nodes above the 1-2-3 leaf.

Top dressing

The first is carried out after two true leaves appear. Feed with a solution of 3-4 g of nitrophoska per liter of water. The consumption rate per plant is a glass.

Can be used a solution of one teaspoon of urea in 5 liters of water. Feed once every 2 weeks.

With the appearance of greens, the plant is fed every week, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. 20% solutions are used as organic additives chicken manure or superphosphate. For minerals, dissolve 30-40 g of nitrophoska in a bucket of water, add a teaspoon of Agrolife or 2 caps of the drug Rost along with watering.

Alternatively, after a week feeding cucumbers with vermicomposts. Spray the bushes twice with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice! An excellent organic solution is a solution of fermented crushed banana peels and rye bread.


Cucumbers grown in apartments also suffer from whiteflies. Spraying with a soap solution helps; using insecticides in an apartment is dangerous.


Zelentsy collected every day, preventing them from overgrowing. This promotes the formation of new ovaries, eases the load on the vines, prevents depletion of the plant and deterioration in the taste of cucumbers.

Growing in a private home

The agricultural technology is no different from growing cucumbers in an apartment. However, villagers and cottage owners have more opportunities for successful cultivation cucumbers in heated greenhouses all year round.

Features of greenhouse agricultural technology

  • Stop choosing greenhouse varieties cucumbers
  • When planting, be sure to add at least a bucket of well-rotted compost or manure into the hole, with the addition of 10 g of phosphorus, 5 g of nitrogen, 15 g of potassium per 1 m².
  • Upon landing cucumber seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other, leaving a meter between the rows. Water generously.
  • Equip trellises and supports.
  • The cucumber bush is formed as if grown at home.
  • Remove yellowed and deformed leaves.
  • First feeding after 4 weeks. For each plant, 1-2 liters of 0.3% aqueous phosphorus-potassium solution is consumed. During the fruiting period, fertilizing is carried out every week.
  • At optimal temperature Air watering is carried out at the rate of 2-3 liters of water per bush.

Prevention and control of diseases

  • Should change the soil annually. Develop beneficial microflora. Apply preparations such as Fitosporin M, rotted manure, and nettle infusion.
  • Observe ventilation mode.
  • For whiteflies, the soil is disinfected. Once every 5 days the bushes are sprayed with karbofos.
  • Dill, mustard, coriander, garlic, basil, tobacco are planted between rows.. They repel cucumber pests.
  • Aphids and whiteflies are washed off with a stream cold water. Wipe the cucumber leaves with soapy water.

Can I grow it in the basement?

In an equipped basement, up to 200 kg of cucumbers are harvested from 1 m².

The main costs are to ensure optimal light and thermal regime.

Requirements for a basement room for growing cucumbers

  • Temperature should not fall to minus levels throughout the year.
  • No rodents, mold, mildew.
  • Tightness, protection from drafts and groundwater penetration.

Basement equipment

  • Insulate floors and walls insulating materials.
  • Heaters are being installed, thermal and lighting. The most suitable lamps are mercury arc lamps or incandescent lamps. For convenience, a time relay is used.
  • Organize a ventilation system.
  • Choose a growing medium: hydroponics or soil.
  • The soil requirements are the same as for growing cucumbers at home and in greenhouses.

Hydroponics is more effective for basement gardening. Use quartz, granite granules with a diameter of 50-20 mm and a nutrient solution with a high content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. You can purchase a nutrient solution at the store or prepare it yourself.

Features of cultivation

  • Cultivate seedlings.
  • Cucumber seedlings planted at any time of the year.
  • Comply General requirements agricultural technology of cucumbers.
  • To combat insects and rodents, dust, smoke bombs, traps with poisoned bait, and special paints with insecticides are used.
  • From fungal, mold, moss prime the walls with compounds containing antifungal additives.

Advantages and disadvantages of basement growing

The undoubted advantages include high yield, obtaining cucumbers regardless of the season, weather conditions . Reduced period from the emergence of cucumber shoots to harvest. Already two months after planting the seedlings, the first greens ripen.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of cucumbers.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers at home in winter? If you wish, you can grow cucumbers all year round. Enthusiasts get 35-40 cucumbers from a bush grown at home.

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