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» The wisest statuses are smart sayings with meaning! Beautiful statuses to the core

The wisest statuses are smart sayings with meaning! Beautiful statuses to the core

Words are like keys. With the right choice, you can open any soul and close any mouth.

God said: “Fear the tears of a person offended by you, because he will ask me for help, and I will help.”

Light disperses darkness, but it cannot disperse the stench.

How you look determines what you see.

“You got out of rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince... Don’t forget, so as not to jinx it..., princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal...” Omar Khayyam

When you fly off a bridge, you realize that all your problems can be solved. Except one. You're already flying off the bridge.

Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

He who has abandoned once will be abandoned... Even if not immediately... Perhaps much later... But the deed will be returned... He who has not forgiven will not be forgiven... He who has deceived will be deceived... The deeds will not go anywhere... He who has made a low agreement will himself receive the same sentence

In a cabbage bed, a rose is a weed.

For every moment, for every breath, and for the children that God gave me. For pain, for happiness, for luck. For the fact that I laugh and cry. For the fact that I live and love. For everything I thank life!

I don’t care what they say about me... I don’t care what others think... What matters to me is what I know about myself... Everything else is just other people’s speculation!

If you are not the one at the top, it does not mean that you are the one at the bottom. Maybe you are the one who looks at all this from the outside and thinks “what kind of idiots are lining up in a pyramid here?”

Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish!

If you set out on the path, come up with a goal and meaning for the movement, don’t stand like a tree stump in the middle of the road!

Can not be hopeless situations. There are only situations from which you are not happy with the way out.

When they don’t achieve what they want, they pretend that they wanted what they wanted.

Some mistakes wouldn't be so serious if it weren't for subsequent attempts to correct them.

If you love, love without deception... If you believe, believe to the end... If you hate, say it straight, but if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes

Winners make up the rules, and losers live by them.

While you are facing your past, you are facing your future!

To be fair, it should be noted that the bulk of injustices are committed in the name of justice...

An apology does not mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that the value of your relationship is more important than your own ego.

Life is not measured by the number of sighs, but by the moments when you take your breath away.

It’s good that there is time, distance and difficulties... Sometimes, they are the ones who make it clear who Loves, who is Friends, and who... is not so needed

What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man. Press your cheek against his and warm yourself by the fireplace together. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved. Blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - no problem. If only the soul was happy.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. And the only person you should be better than is who you are now.

One will not understand what roses smell like... Another will extract honey from bitter herbs, Give bread to one - he will remember forever... Sacrifice the life of another - he will not understand

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

A person cannot repeat the same mistake twice. The second time is no longer a mistake, but a choice.

When you see happy people, don’t envy them. You don't know how they fought for their happiness

So that all your affairs succeed, and life glows with positivity, give yourself an attitude in the morning. I am Happy, Successful and Beautiful!!!

A man runs through life.. Without sparing his feet... Home is work.. Home is work.. While serving time.. Weekends are a respite.. Vacation, like a rest stop.. Old age, pension, rest.... And where did he run???

Someone is missing one woman - and he switches to the fifth, tenth, while another does not have enough life to love one - the only one...

But in essence, we are all equal. There is no one better or worse... It’s just that someone doesn’t need us... And someone has fallen in love with us

Most good teacher in life - experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.

There is no point in saying words unless it changes the silence for the better.

If in a friendship there is not a single quarrel, not a single insult, and no suffering, then this is not friendship. (m)

Anyone can offend, but only a few can apologize, and in such a way that the cause of the offense is forgotten.

Only ignorance gives us the strength to live. And the name of this ignorance is hope.

Sometimes nostalgia began to invite me to return home.

The bear walks around the room in boots, but only finds empty walls. On the heart there is a patch from the ear. The fool is stuffed with soft cotton wool.

Leaving go. Cross out the address, burn the bridges, leave yourself no opportunity to return. Otherwise, stay.

One who throws dirt cannot have clean hands.

Why do you do this with your friends? You were friends with her, shared secrets! And she just used you! And she didn’t care about your problems!

So when you have nothing to do on the bus, look to see if you got a lucky ticket? =)

No matter what, you can always find time for your loved one.

O shadows of the past, how powerful you are over us! © Valery Bryusov

Your own joy and happiness.

Why is everything complicated, engaged, actively searching, has a friend, married, single, but why isn’t anyone needed?!).

The worst part is that after the awesome kiss you apologized.

As one smart person said, I don’t remember his name, and I’ve already forgotten what he said, but it was a good idea.)

Don't thank me, just start sculpting my statue.

It’s interesting that the Ranetki group will grow old. What will they be called later? - kampot from ranetki. XD

There's too much of you. In the spring. In the air. In thoughts. In heart. But you're not around

Man is strange - he loves, even if it hurts. Forgives even when he hates. He begins to appreciate and understand only when he loses.

Never rush anywhere. What is yours in life will wait for you, will not go anywhere, and what is not yours will not catch up with you.

I lived fourteen years without love. ©

Sometimes people say - it’s not what you thought, - damn, how do you know what I thought? Are you reading minds?

Why rush between two fires when you can choose one and know for sure that it will warm you with its warmth and love?

Loyalty is the most terrible revenge women to men.

If you fall into a puddle, don’t be sad, start splashing around, as if it was meant to be. Passers-by gasp!)

Dear graduates, it’s already been a week and last call. Farewell waltz. Girls in uniforms, boys in suits, parents and students are crying. Eh.

And even when buying a ticket to the other end, you think about her and what happened!

Next to you, I only need a moment to understand that only with you I want to spend eternity.

We ourselves open our soul, but it closes automatically.

Tears are words that the heart cannot say.

In time, what needs to happen will happen. The only thing you need to do is stop doubting.

Fake tears can hurt others, but a fake smile only hurts yourself.

Nah. The black cat not only crossed the road, but also made two circles around it. I’m sitting here and thinking - what’s the point of this?

Walk proudly, smile cheerfully and let them all wonder why you are rejoicing.

If you are able to answer an insult with a smile, then you are growing up.

The character must be strong to say and do the same thing.

I recently realized that because of my pride, I missed a lot in life.

There is something good in every person, it depends on you whether you can see it or not.

Life is a game. And while you're playing it. You can still win!

I have a sharply negative attitude towards events a la “The Golden Toilet”. the artists there are like cattle on their hind legs, trampling, clapping, dressed up to their own soundtrack. © Sergey Mazaev

If it's fate, we'll see each other again.

The train, of course, can return, but there will be completely different people at the stop.

Most The best way The answer to meaningless questions is silence.

What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, to see what you see. And understand it the way you understand it.

We have exactly as many virtues in our souls as we see in other people.

You don't need to have wings to fly. You need to have people in life who will support you and won’t let you fall.

Every person is complex. Look for one whose complexity you will enjoy.

You know, she hasn't changed. A girl with gray eyes and a bright past. Who loves to daydream and orange juice in the morning. Yours*

[just because you have wings does not mean that you are an angel. Succubus also have wings]

It happens that at some point everything changes. The attitude towards certain things, towards conversations, towards people changes. We move away from those we thought were indispensable.

The best cure for boredom and bad mood– these are warm words. Share them on VKontakte or Facebook using beautiful sayings.

Statuses for VK are soulful

A happy person is not the one who has many friends, but the one who has real ones. Therefore, first of all, you need to dedicate the posts on the wall to them.

Phrases for best friends

  1. You can't lose those you can talk to all night.
  2. I love my friend because you can start messages right away with something to do, and not with “hello.”
  3. There will never be tears in my eyes, because my friends simply won’t allow it.
  4. You can trust not those who saw you without makeup, but those with whom you were not even embarrassed to be without makeup.
  5. There are 4 types of friends: food - they are vital, but in moderation; medications - needed when you feel bad; illnesses are not needed, but they will always be there; air - invisible and, at the same time, irreplaceable.
  6. I will never give dinner to the enemy - I just don’t have time, my friend will take it.
  7. VK is a large pencil case: many pens, but only a few write.
  8. Stronger than the Great Chinese wall- only our friendship with you.
  9. Friends are irreplaceable people only if you have them. If they don’t exist yet, then you shouldn’t make friends with just anyone.
  10. Where love leaves sorrow, companionship heals with joy.
  11. Imagine, I can fly. I don't have any wings, but I have friends!
  12. If you have to clean up before your friend arrives, he is not your friend.

Making the world a kinder place is the task of each of us. It’s worth remembering this yourself and reminding others with clever phrases on FB or VK.

Phrases about kindness

  1. When does the most wonderful feeling come? Then, when you realize that you have done something good and pure, which makes other people happy.
  2. Even the blind see compassion, and even the deaf hear.
  3. If there was a mountain of happiness, kindness would be its top.
  4. You know what really doesn't die? Very few people have the ability to communicate.
  5. Kindness binds both loved ones and friends, and random passers-by.
  6. The most important task is to do a small, but good deed for someone who is just nearby.
  7. Every evil person almost always does good to his own children, but not every good person is capable of strong actions for the sake of other people's children.
  8. Good qualities in a person can only be noticed by a person who is good in himself.
  9. A generous person also seeks benefits in the world around him, but in the intervals between searches he is ready to do good. This distinguishes him from a purely selfish person.
  10. Anger is a cage even for a king, kindness is boundless freedom even for a slave.
  11. Good people - smart people. Stupid people cannot overcome their anger.
  12. Positive action must come from the heart. Beneficence by command is not a benefit at all.

Each of us has moments when we want to be alone and rethink what happened. Share your bold decisions with others.

Heartfelt phrases about the eternal

  1. There is never any need to rush: neither when getting closer, nor when parting. Years later you can understand that it was something real: either love or friendship.
  2. You cannot earn respect without being able to keep your words.
  3. You are what you take from a relationship. And a relationship is half a different person.
  4. It's hard to live when someone stops loving you. But no matter what anyone says, falling out of love yourself is no less painful.
  5. Of all the gifts, beauty, feelings and even the mind can perish. However, a sense of humor, if there is one, remains with a person until the end of his days.
  6. Having thought about life, you can get down to it. In some cases, the first one can be completely missed.
  7. Knowledge is power, and wisdom is something less capacious, but more powerful.
  8. If you can leave at any time, then you already have a reason not to do so.
  9. When you get tired of people, you get tired of yourself. From people - because they disappoint, from yourself - because you allow them to disappoint you.
  10. No matter how sociable a person is, he has a small or huge inner world.
  11. Making mistakes is necessary, repeating is not.
  12. Can't start again? Get started now!

Choose best statuses for your pages on in social networks!

Status is another matter. If it talks about attitude to life, about important meanings, then this is a credo, what a person believes in most, the basis of his worldview. The status can be not only serious, but also cheerful, perky, even hooligan. He can give away the owner, or he can help hide his real opinion.

Beautiful statuses

Life is beautiful - this can be said in different ways, since the world is multifaceted and endless. This status speaks of love for life, nature, friendships and the best human manifestations.

“The world is beautiful, as always,” said Alexander Blok. Those who do not doubt this and want to show their good will will find many excellent statuses among Russian and foreign poets who glorify all the joys of life. Fiction is a favorite source of aphorisms on the Internet.

And if you approach your status creatively, then it’s not difficult to talk about it yourself. happy moment life, about joy and beauty, love and hopes:

  • Life will never leave us without pleasant surprises.
  • Not everyone knows how to appreciate every happy moment.
  • A kind smile is worth more than a million evil faces.
  • Youth is beautiful not only in memories.
  • Poetry is the best way to reflect life.
  • Nobody gives us more than nature.
  • Words of love are more valuable than any other phrases.
  • The more imagination and fantasy, the more beautiful life is.
  • A little happiness is already happiness.
  • Life is full of magic, you can see it every day.
  • Happiness can be given and shared, but cannot be received.
  • Listen: in life there are many tips on how to achieve happiness.
  • The greatest treasure in life is children.
  • Happiness happens in life no less often than in books.
  • Children are born trusting and curious - and this is the main thing.

Wise statuses about life with meaning

Lovers of folk proverbs and sayings can easily find a thoughtful status that suits them. They will have centuries-old folk wisdom behind them.

Philosophers, writers, poets have said many wise words about the meaning of life, its beginning and end, about the main human values. And how much morality there is in fables! Aesop, La Rochefoucauld and Krylov help everyone.

But you can remake a well-known statement in your own way, develop or refute an established opinion:

  • Pessimism is a mask of youth, optimism is a mask of old age.
  • Contempt is often hidden behind a condescending smile.
  • We are responsible for our future with all our past.
  • When you're forty-five, age sometimes feels like twenty-five and sometimes feels like sixty-five.
  • The women they love achieve success in everything.
  • Growing up means not being sad, not grieving, but finally treating yourself with humor.
  • People always strive for success, although it never brings real happiness.
  • You don’t have to run for culture in a crowd; you can meet it alone.
  • A woman is interesting to a man until she falls in love with him.
  • To please everyone is to give up on yourself.
  • The truth about yourself and the truth about others are two different truths.
  • They don’t know Dostoevsky well only because they study him at school.

Mental statuses to tears

There are also such statuses: about the soul, about separation, unhappy love, loss.

People meet and go their separate ways. Sometimes they cry from insults, misunderstandings, and loneliness.

  • While we remember and hope, there is no time left for love.
  • It is easier for men to think that only others are cruel to women, and not themselves.
  • Reflecting light or emitting it are two different things, but as long as it becomes lighter.
  • Gluing the fragments together is dangerous - you can get hurt.
  • It is difficult to see the true face of a person for whom all life is a masquerade.
  • Not everyone listens to what you say, many just stare at you.
  • Intelligence, beauty and experience are never on the same level.
  • If a man wants to protect a woman, then he must know exactly from what.
  • There is no need to think about parting, but only about another, more successful meeting.
  • Crying, going for a run and swimming in the sea are three wonderful remedies; salt water heals.
  • Getting used to being young is easier than getting used to old age.
  • Tears can be a means of defense and a weapon for attack.
  • I want to cry, not when they offend me, but when they console me.
  • Great music is the reason for the best tears.
  • There can be too many pleasures, then they fall in price.
  • Big risk: not getting to know your husband well enough before falling in love.

Positive statuses

"Let's live in peace!" - perhaps this is the best positive status. It is worth giving your interlocutors other positive statuses that will set them up for communication, easy contact and a good prospect for dialogue and relationships online.

When opening a page on VKontakte, Facebook, or Odnoklassniki, a person first of all encounters his own status.

A status about life with a positive and cheerful meaning will cheer up its owner every time as soon as he enters the network.

  • You should always enjoy life, and not just create conditions for joy.
  • Don't wait for someone to make your life easier or more interesting, try it yourself!
  • Happiness can be as fragile as porcelain. But how much antique porcelain we see!
  • It's worth getting married with with open eyes and ears, and you will even have to say something at the same time.
  • You can always act like a queen - in big hall and in a closed room.
  • Taking care of the little things in life is creating a great mood!
  • It is difficult to love a person who is indifferent to himself.
  • Let happiness come where we are.
  • By giving up something, we can gain much more!
  • It's better to fall asleep and wake up with a smile.

Funny statuses

Cheering everyone who comes to the page is a good and positive goal. Life presents many surprises, not all of them are joyful. And when friends read a funny status, it lifts their spirits, and they are grateful to its creator.

Humor is a wonderful thing that brightens life.

  • The pursuit of perfection can make people completely unbearable.
  • The ability to rarely talk about yourself - best quality friend.
  • My husband and I are equal, we always give gifts for going out in public: he gives me diamonds, and I give him a tie.
  • It seems to men that there is a lot of emptiness in women, it attracts them.
  • Let your girlfriends have friends, not husbands: there will be fewer problems for everyone.
  • There is more feeling and sincerity in the faces of dolls than in the faces of envious friends.
  • Only people who lie from the heart have good manners.
  • Friends always know exactly the year of birth, month and day.
  • To please men, you have to become feminists.
  • For some reason, real men are already married and too busy with work.
  • Superstitious atheist.
  • I give advice, but I don’t accept it.
  • Know-it-all is my hobby.
  • A happy ending is not the only goal in life.
  • Reading what they write and understanding who writes are two different things.
  • They teach you how to choose a profession, but where to study how to choose a husband? And you will have to live with him much longer than work.

Funny and funny

It's great to joke, have fun, make you laugh. Every joke has a grain of humor and a grain of truth. A funny status can start not only chatter, but also serious communication.

How many funny and wise phrases Ilf and Petrov have them; quotes from their works are scattered across the web. But if “the matter of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves,” then you can remember not only classic jokes from books and movies, but also come up with a funny joke.

A status with a mischievous, funny, humorous or satirical meaning improves mood and raises vitality. Making a joke yourself on a topic that is funny or exciting is to make your page more interesting and fresh.

Attracting attention with a good joke is the best way to make a statement.

  • There are not many great talents in the world. It's me and Shakespeare.
  • Making mistakes is natural. Never being wrong is strange and scary.
  • Many different thoughts are attributed to me, but only the best ones are mine.
  • If you start life again, you can make the same mistakes, or even more.
  • Being beautiful all twenty-four hours is hard labor.
  • A woman's reputation among other women is always in doubt.
  • I decided to get married, now I will always decide for two.
  • There are never enough friends, let there be an infinite number of them.
  • Foresight is a difficult gift, because everyone gets annoyed by the phrase: “I told you so.”
  • It’s pleasant to communicate with two types of men – cheerful and sad.
  • One man in the house is much more important than thousands around.
  • A man is very necessary in the house - how can you move a closet without him?
  • Sometimes it helps to remember your maiden name.
  • Many electrical appliances are much more useful than a TV.
  • It is possible to understand who a person is only by looking at his will.

Short statuses

Brevity is not just the sister of talent. It saves time and effort for other important things. Sometimes a short phrase, like salt, adds taste and meaning to all the information that the author wants to convey about himself, his friends, interesting events and news.

You can briefly express your opinion on any important subjects: from work to love.

  • I love you, but not madly.
  • Some years I'm only twenty-seven.
  • Don't believe the rumors about me!
  • Simplicity is the friend of reciprocity.
  • Dialogue is a game with different rules.
  • Communication is the meaning of life.
  • Honesty is a dangerous turn.
  • Chance is the friend of happiness.
  • Secrets are the roots of any conversation.
  • Fantasy is a rest for the mind.
  • Speaking and being heard are two different things.
  • You cannot help another without his desire.
  • Don't sacrifice, don't blame, don't rush.
  • New is only today, tomorrow it will become the past.
  • Intelligence should not be demonstrated all the time.
  • Not everything can be forgiven.

Long statuses

A long status helps to formulate your position in detail. It’s not always possible to tell what you want about yourself in a short phrase or quote. Avoid misunderstandings, ambiguity, identify the most important points Your attitude towards people and life is sometimes not easy.

A status about life, with a meaning that is very important to the owner, can be quite large in volume.

Do not be afraid of a long status - if it is interesting, it deserves the reader’s attention. A saying of a philosopher or writer, poetic lines or a fable - everything goes into action.

You need to speak out in such a way that your interlocutors will appreciate and respond to your main idea that I want to convey to them.

  • There are only three things I don't like: complete loneliness, constant alarms in the morning and having to go to bed too early.
  • If you don’t want to lose friends, always be frank with them. But not so much as to bore them with all the unresolved problems of their lives.
  • In this life we ​​always don’t know how to do something: first walk, talk, write, play musical instruments. This list goes on and on. The main thing you must always be able to do is love and hope.
  • For a man whom a woman loves, she is ready to change her last name, give up work, have children, change all her habits, move to another city, limit communication with relatives and friends. Which man is capable of this?
  • Both good and bad girls keep diaries. But only mothers of good people read them secretly, being frightened by completely innocent things.
  • Women love gold more than silver. But they love to talk more than to remain silent. Maybe words are gold after all? Is silence silver?


In every person’s life, sometimes there comes a not-so-fun period - and you want your friends to support, understand, and sympathize. Achieving understanding is not at all easy, but communicating your sadness is possible, and sometimes even necessary. When friends or online interlocutors are not very ready to communicate, it is difficult to guess their true motives. What if it’s resentment or fatigue? Or boredom, arrogance?

If a person sincerely admitted his sadness, then one can understand the reason for his alienation. How to react: support with advice or show delicacy and not ask about anything? This will be clear from further communication.

Sad status is an SOS signal sent to all or one person.

But he deserves special attention.

  • It’s easy to be frank on the Internet, but difficult with loved ones.
  • When hope is lost, we begin to die.
  • Remembering the past too often means leaving no strength and feelings for living today.
  • It is impossible to teach others to be kind, but you can do a good deed yourself.
  • The things that surround us in old houses know more about us than new friends.
  • Losing what you never found is the main paradox of unhappy love.
  • When you look at the back of someone leaving, you know for sure whether he will return to you or not.
  • You can regret unfulfilled love for a long time, almost your entire life. But then this fact itself begins to simply surprise.
  • An incorrectly marked day on the calendar indicates that we are still living in the past.
  • You can meet those you want to see in a dream. So even better.
  • Everyone is sad, but I'm a little more than everyone else.
  • Comfort, peace, silence - how little is needed for happiness.
  • You shouldn’t be afraid of unhappy love; it’s worse to be indifferent to everything.
  • When you don’t have the strength to love and believe, you need to hope that these forces will return.
  • Forgiveness is easy, forgetting is difficult.
  • Women in love talk about only one topic.
  • They sacrifice what is most precious and do not think about what is unnecessary.

About life and love

How many wise reflections about love and life readers find fiction! Especially the classics. “Whom to love, who to trust...” - A.S. Pushkin cannot be replaced on Facebook either. A favorite quote from a good book will always help to aphoristically and accurately formulate your status.

Statuses about life with a meaning that has already been revealed in a unique work speak of literary tastes. Sometimes the thoughts of your favorite writer are so dear that they become part of your own ideas about life.

But you also want to add something on your own, convey a thought you like in your own way, in a different way, or argue with an imaginary interlocutor. Such creativity is not forbidden on the social network.

Discussing real life and real emotions is no less interesting than poems and novels.

  • Those who are most loved are kept in the dark the longest.
  • Children who have never been loved will not learn to love themselves when they grow up.
  • Marriage without marriage contract- an agreement whose terms can be revised every day.
  • It's good to be faithful; infidelity leads to frequent password changes.
  • Guilt is a bad motive for attention and love.
  • Feminism doesn't help women, it helps men.
  • Love is talked about too much by those who do not know what it is.
  • If a person is too unpleasant, then you should think about his affairs.
  • Smiles are more erotic than waists and hips.
  • Beauty is not such a great virtue as humility and compliance.
  • Love without reciprocity is difficult, even if they love you.
  • They fall in love with those who are waiting for it.

About life and death

Life begins. Life ends. Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the need to comprehend these most important milestones in human destiny. All topics are discussed online, from the funniest to the saddest. Even the loss of loved ones becomes known to many.

Reflections on the beginning and end of life await their response in the souls of friends and acquaintances. The one who wrote in the status about life and death invites you to dialogue.

The topic is not simple, although it affects everyone.

  • When you think that a hundred years have passed and we are no longer there, nothing terrible should come to mind. Let everything be fine without us.
  • If there are explosions somewhere far away, then the tragedy is still common.
  • When a person dies, he does not abandon you or cheat on you.
  • We arrive when the performance is in full swing and don’t wait for the curtain.
  • Confidence in life after death helps to believe in life before it.
  • The hardest thing about death is that nothing can be changed.
  • Love is a reliable ally in the fight against death.
  • It is impossible to pray for immortality.
  • You can only plan life.
  • You need to live in order not to die.
  • Good health is the truest happiness.
  • Being the hero of a bestseller is not too sweet, they are often killed.


Thieves' jargon didn't even get around best samples domestic film comedy. If you want to quote “Gentlemen of Fortune” or other wonderful films, then there are no obstacles. Sometimes, for the sake of laughter, they remember criminal sayings - everything has its place.

The main thing is not to overdo it - connoisseurs of “feni” may not understand the “thieves” status of ordinary citizens.

  • Strike first.
  • Keep everything you have to yourself.
  • Have you returned from there yet?
  • The king is on his name day.
  • I don’t break any outrages.
  • Don't worry.
  • The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a spatula.
  • Have fun, bros!
  • Without a sucker, life is bad.
  • In reality - a friend in the prosecutor's office.


The original and paradoxical thoughts of Oscar Wilde and Lewis Carroll are often used on social networks by their fans. On personal Facebook pages you can find quotes from Eastern philosophy, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

A status about life with a meaning reflecting philosophical wisdom may turn out to be a quote from a fable, parable, or religious instructions.

However, philosophical reflections are not alien to Internet users themselves. Many people are interested in thinking about their place in the world, in nature and society. Expressing your thoughts is a good reason to communicate with people.

After all, these judgments may also seem curious to them.

  • The sun sometimes seems no bigger than a coin, but it is not so.
  • It is difficult to tell the truth, because first you need to know it.
  • Talking about a task sometimes seems more important than its outcome.
  • When you live in a big city, it’s easy to find yourself at someone else’s holiday.
  • You can fight against anything - even war.
  • The most pleasant thing in life is to remain yourself.
  • Mirror - no best source information.
  • Rich people sometimes only have money - and nothing else.
  • Myth and truth are often equal options for presenting events.
  • The answers you get online depend on the questions you ask.
  • Many people think that foreign words- evidence of intelligence.
  • It’s not scary when we don’t know something, there is always a chance to find out.
  • Wishes can come true - this is good and bad.
  • Nature loves man no more than herself.
  • Truth must be earned.
  • Infinity was invented by man.
  • We must distinguish between reason and reason.

It is worth attracting your interlocutor to the dialogue, getting interested in thoughts and events with the help of short and long aphorisms, statements whose meaning is closest. Virtual communication begins with status.

Created the article: Vladimir the Great

Video about statuses

Life statuses:

Feelings are of great importance in a person's life. Thanks to them, people evaluate what is happening. Emotions are a reflection of the quality of life in general. Mental statuses in this sense help to express those very emotions, to express painful things. In addition, they simply help to create a mood for others.

Mental statuses with meaning

Every event finds a response in the human soul. Even one conversation can change your life. That's why mental states- this is a simple way to express experiences that affect the life and personality of a person himself.

  • “A person consists of the books he has read. Of the “thank you” that he has heard addressed to him. Of the music that sounds in his soul. And of the smiles with which he is greeted.”
  • “We feel important when we are important to others.”
  • "People will quickly forget your appearance or financial situation. But they will forever remember the feeling of happiness next to you."
  • "A person shares what he has in abundance. Only those who are unhappy cause pain."
  • “Sometimes it’s better to remain silent than to tell a person something that doesn’t matter to him.”
  • “You can understand loyalty only by going through betrayal.”
  • “Sometimes after hundreds of steps we have taken, we despair and retreat. But there was only one step left to the goal...”

Mental statuses about life

  • “Loneliness is felt more strongly when there is no one to open an umbrella in the rain. When there is no one to make tea when you are sick. When there is no sympathy in your family’s eyes.”
  • “Time heals those who know how to endure and wait.”
  • “More often those who are silent are not those who have nothing to say, but precisely those who could tell a lot.”
  • "Life will become easier when you realize the truth of your own conclusions, not those of others. beautiful phrases. When you combine faith in others with faith in yourself. When you understand that the matter is burning in the hands of someone who has a burning soul."
  • "Happiness is not always great, global. Look for it in the little things: in the awakening of nature in the morning, in delicious coffee in the morning and interesting book In the evening".
  • "There is no such thing as an ideal life. Strive for the ideality of your soul."
  • "Doubt is a betrayal of dreams."
  • “The opinions of strangers will not change your own life.”
  • “Striving for loneliness is not as scary as starting to get used to it.”
  • "Life rewards everyone to it."

Beautiful statuses about the soul

  • “A person is alive as long as his soul is alive. As long as he knows how to feel and believe, no matter what.”
  • "Touch another person's soul with clean hands."
  • "The beauty of the soul can influence appearance. The beauty of the body has little to do with the soul."
  • "The emptiness of the soul is visible in indifferent eyes."
  • “The soul allows us to be close to those who are physically far away.”
  • “Interests, activities, appearance are important for communication. But without kinship of souls, they do not keep people together for long.”
  • “The pinnacle of mental development is to act decently even where no one sees or judges.”
  • "Heartache and joy can be seen. These feelings are shown with tears."
  • “The cry of the soul is your own inner voice. It speaks so loudly that it drowns out other thoughts. It is inaudible to others. But, in the end, it can make you deaf to life.”
  • “The greatest courage is to turn your soul inside out in front of people.”
  • "Wherever the body tries to escape, it takes the soul with it."
  • “Most of our soul lives away from us - with our loved ones. That is why we feel empty inside when we don’t see them for a long time.”
  • "When my soul sings, I sing a duet with her. When she yearns, I buy her good book and I leave you to rest."
  • "Corrects physical defects Fresh air, gym, cosmetics or plastic surgeon. The ugliness of the soul cannot be changed."
  • “The light of the soul is a guide for the people we need who are lost in the dark world.”

Touching statuses about love

The most heartfelt statuses are those that talk about love. No other feeling combines many shades of mood and experience. Joy, euphoria, pain, sadness, peace - all this diversity is felt by a person in love. Mental statuses will help express this.

  • “A person’s soul does not die from unrequited love. It dries up when it doesn’t love at all.”
  • "Love changes a person. As long as he is able to change, he lives."
  • “We clearly remember not how we were loved, but how we were loved.”
  • "Women are like books. If you can't read, there's no point in blaming the book."
  • "When love leaves, hope remains. When hope leaves, pain comes."
  • "The most severe physical pain is toothache. The most severe mental pain is disappointment."
  • “Loyalty, care and kindness are a sign of strength, not weakness of the soul.”
  • "We want to leave, to be returned. To disappear - to be looked for. To hate - to be loved as much as we are."

Heartfelt sayings about friendship

Mental statuses often describe friendship. Like the relationship itself, the words about it are touching and filled with personal meaning.

  • “Take care of people to whom you can say: “Do you remember?..”.”
  • "A friend doesn't complain to you or pass problems on to you. He trusts you."
  • “They don’t look for friends. They are not a new bag for shoes. They feel friends with their hearts. In a crowd, at a distance, in trouble.”
  • “Having friends directly depends on our ability to be a friend.”
  • "Take care of your friends, not your material possessions. If you have friends, you will always have a place to stay and something to eat."
  • “There are two commandments for a true friend: to be there in trouble and not to envy in joy.”
  • “Friendship and health are two things that you value little while you have them.”
  • “They worry about their friends as they worry about themselves.”

Tender sayings about relatives

  • “It won’t be warmer anywhere than in your mother’s arms.”
  • “Everyone who cares usually lives the furthest away from everyone else.”
  • “Life is given to us in order to please our loved ones.”
  • “The rhythm of life, long roads, fatigue - they prevent us from giving love to loved ones. And they also make us feel more acutely the need for a native shoulder.”
  • "How dearer person, the more sensitive his soul is to all our words and actions.”
  • “Family people are pillars that you can grab onto when you have lost your bearings in life.”

Beautiful mental states can have a certain therapeutic effect. With their help, you can release pent-up emotions, feel relief and get the opportunity to be heard.