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» Collecting and drying sage - how to preserve the aroma and medicinal properties? Salvia officinalis: aromatic spice and natural doctor

Collecting and drying sage - how to preserve the aroma and medicinal properties? Salvia officinalis: aromatic spice and natural doctor

The use of medicinal herbs in medicine dates back to ancient times. Another name for medicinal sage, which was given to it by Hippocrates, is sacred herb. It is important to note that meadow sage, which grows in meadows and along roads, is not used for medicinal purposes, since it is a completely different plant.

The perennial subshrub Salvia officinalis has several names: salvia, honey, noble or royal sage, lettuce. A plant with a powerful woody root system belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The branched stem of sage, capable of reaching a height of 70 cm, is strewn with foliage. The grayish-green leaf blades are petiolate and oblong, rounded at the base with crenate-toothed edges and a covering of small bluish hairs.

At the beginning of summer, the shrub blooms with pink, brown or purple flowers, collected in rings of 4 to 8 pieces. In September, 4 nut fruits appear.

The natural habitat of the shrub is Mediterranean countries with dry loamy soil. IN natural conditions Salvia officinalis is not found; it is usually cultivated for medicinal purposes in Russia, Ukraine and other European countries. Reproduction occurs through seedlings, seeds, cuttings and division of plants. Since the bush has decorative properties and a pleasant aroma, gardeners love to plant it.

The natural habitat of Salvia officinalis is Mediterranean countries with dry loamy soil.

Places and rules for collecting sage

Its value depends on compliance with the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. It is important to collect all medicinal plants away from sources of pollution ( car roads, enterprises, cities). Otherwise, the raw materials will absorb heavy metals and harmful chemical elements.

. It is recommended to collect flowers and foliage in June from the moment of flowering. You need to harvest strong and intact leaves, as well as inflorescences.

Gallery: Salvia officinalis (25 photos)

How to collect salvia officinalis (video)

The collected grass should be spread in a thin layer on a paper or fabric base in a place protected from direct sunlight. The second method of drying: collect sage in brooms and hang in a well-ventilated area. The plant harvesting period lasts 3 weeks, until it fades.

Since young branches with panicles of inflorescences begin to grow in the fall, harvesting can be continued. Process autumn harvest occurs in the same way as summer. Difficulty is possible only when drying due to frequent rains. Then the raw materials can be placed for drying in an oven at a temperature of 40 ° C and the door slightly opened.

The maximum amount of essential oil in the herb is observed at the beginning of the summer season

Useful and medicinal properties of sage

Availability useful substances in a subshrub allows it to be successfully used in the treatment of many ailments. The leaves are rich in the following elements:

  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • organic acids;
  • resinous and tannin substances;
  • bitterness.

Sage has the following effects on the body:

  • expectorant;
  • astringent;
  • choleretic;
  • emollient;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • bactericidal.

The use of products containing sage depends on the purpose and the expected effect. The patient uses decoctions or infusions externally or internally, depending on the disease.

Medicinal preparations based on Salvia officinalis have high biological activity

Pharmaceutical forms of release of sage and their purpose

Medicinal drugs have high biological activity. Pharmaceutical campaigns based on medicinal herbs produce many medicines.

  1. Powder. Local astringent, antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral effect.
  2. Syrup. It is characterized by antitussive and bronchodilator properties.
  3. Lozenges. Use is recommended for preventive purposes and to combat pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  4. Spray. Antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Solution for topical use. Used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic.
  6. Alcohol solution. It has a tanning, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
  7. Collection. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some remedies are combined with the addition of other herbs that have a healing effect.

Healing properties of sage (video)

Sage contraindications

Due to the fact that the plant has estrogenic properties, it should not be taken by women who have been diagnosed with fibroids, endometriosis and polycystic disease. Contraindication applies to women during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Traditional recipes with sage

Indications for treatment using valuable shrubs can be very diverse. It has long been used in home therapy as a homeopathic remedy for many diseases.

Thanks to the active substances contained in the composition aromatic plant, drugs based on it help cope with gynecological ailments, respiratory diseases and infections of the genitourinary system. Flowers are usually included in stomach and chest herbal teas that provide relief from pulmonary diseases.

Sage flowers are usually included in stomach and chest herbal teas that provide relief from pulmonary diseases.

In dermatology, lotions, powders and compresses are used to help get rid of fungal infections, ulcerative sores, purulent wounds and other skin lesions. Taking baths with the addition of valuable raw materials helps treat excessive sweating, reduce pain, relieve swelling and stop bleeding from hemorrhoids.

For cosmetic purposes, a hair rinse is prepared, as well as compresses and infusions for facial skin care. Medicinal sage tea helps increase performance and improve brain activity, and also stimulates the immune system.

Traditional recipes:

  • Inflammatory processes of the tonsils, throat, gums and oral cavity are treated by rinsing a solution of 500 ml of boiled water and 1 teaspoon of sage leaves.
  • To get rid of acute bronchitis, boil 250 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of herbs in an enamel container, cool, strain, then boil again and drink at night.
  • Thanks to the content of a natural antibiotic, the tincture disinfects wounds and cleanses the blood. To prepare it, take 4 teaspoons of leaves and 2 glasses of water. The infusion can be used against hair loss. The wounds can be sprinkled with powder from crushed dry grass, and a fresh sage leaf can be applied to the site of the insect bite.
  • For gastrointestinal pathologies, the concentration of the drug should be reduced. 2 teaspoons of raw material should be boiled for 3 minutes in 500 ml of water, infused and taken for colitis every 3 hours, 1 tablespoon, and for gastritis with low acidity, a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • For sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, inhalations are made from 1 teaspoon of raw material or 2 drops of oil.
  • If you need to strengthen nervous system, you should make a remedy from the leaves: sage (5 g), dubrovnik (5 g) and boiling water (50 ml). Consume before meals.


Over the course of many thousands of years, people have learned to isolate the beneficial properties of plants and use them for themselves. This includes treatment, correction of some defects in appearance, and useful food additives.

Herbal medicine is an indispensable form of treatment for many diseases. You need to use herbs skillfully. On initial stages disease, taking herbal medicines may be the main thing, helping to reduce or even stop the development of the disease.

The healing properties of sage have been known since ancient times. Traditionally, the use of an infusion of sage leaves for rinsing with acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, acute respiratory diseases, aphthous lesions of the oral cavity, cheilitis, in the treatment of pulpitis, as well as for washing festering wounds, ulcers, burns and frostbite.

At the height of the disease, synthetic drugs are prescribed. At the same time, sage preparations serve as additional means, reducing the toxic effects of basic drugs.

During the recovery process, herbal medicines gradually replace synthetic ones, and by the end of treatment they are completely replaced.

In chronic diseases, the use of herbal medicines is determined by the patient’s condition.

At the same time, it is necessary to perceive the world as one with the body. All therapeutic and regulatory effects of herbal medicines (general tonic, restorative, etc.) are based on this principle.

The approach in each case must be strictly individual, since medicinal plants affect patients differently. This is the basis of the principle of individual treatment - when prescribing herbal remedies First of all, the patient’s living and nutritional conditions, his condition and course of the disease, the nature and working conditions are taken into account.

The approximate scheme for taking single doses of medicinal plants by age is as follows:

– from 25 to 60 years – 1 dose,

– from 15 to 25 years – 2/3 dose,

– from 7 to 15 years – 1/2 dose,

– from 4 to 7 years – 1/3 dose,

– from 3 to 4 years – 1/6 dose,

– from 2 to 3 years – 1/8-1/4 dose,

– from 1 year to 2 years – 1/12-1/8 dose.

Typically, a single dose of collection from dried plant parts is 1 tbsp. or a dessert spoon, that's 5 g.

Most diseases are chronic, which in turn requires long-term, most often continuous, long-term treatment. Gentle, non-toxic herbal remedies are best suited to this principle. The course of treatment lasts from one to several months. To avoid the body becoming accustomed to the therapeutic effect of the drugs, it is necessary to change the composition of the preparations to ones that are similar in pharmacological properties.

At the initial stages of diseases, food products with a medicinal effect (garlic, beets, honey, etc.) are prescribed. When the disease is more severe, herbal remedies are added. With further complications, potent synthetic drugs are added.

The highest therapeutic activity is achieved:

– with hormonal drugs in the morning;

– for central nervous system stimulants in daytime;

- sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs in the evening;

– with diuretics (diuretics) in the afternoon.

The medicinal plant has several types of effects, each of which has a different degree of severity. When choosing one plant, the dominant influence plays a major role. But in collections, even weakly expressed effects are enhanced, which increases the effectiveness of medicinal plants, and therefore the collection itself.

Sage leaf is included in a number of stomach and chest softening herbs, as well as in the main herbs used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis.

After a year of storage, sage loses its properties. Ancient physicians Hippocrates and Dioscorides called sage “sacred herb.”

Principles of herbal treatment

Each plant has its own characteristics of action on organs and their functions. The effect of the same plant on the body may be different and depends on the characteristics of the organism.

The effectiveness of one plant is significantly lower than that of a group connected by the direction of their action. The use of herbal collection is especially effective in the treatment of chronic diseases and in cases where there are concomitant diseases.

Medicinal plants are taken both internally and used externally. For oral administration, use a decoction of herbs, an infusion, juice squeezed from a plant, or powder from dried plants (dry the herb, grind it in a coffee grinder, take it on the tip of a knife with water). Externally, plants are used in the form of baths, enemas, lotions, compresses, and ointments. It is not advisable to use electrical appliances to obtain juices. Juices are consumed an hour before meals. After pouring boiling water into a thermos, never close the thermos immediately (you will end up with dead water, which can be used to wipe wounds, but not ingest). It is necessary to leave the thermos open for 5–10 minutes in order to remove heavy hydrogen.

It is very useful to walk in the forest. The forest air contains about 200 biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Taking a walk in the forest and breathing in the forest air is very beneficial for the body. And you can bring a bouquet from the forest home. The vapors of birch, oak, pine, fir, cedar, and juniper leaves have an excellent healing effect. Healing bouquets of branches are good not only for inhalation. They will decorate your home with their appearance.

Never use tea leaves (including those made from herbs) that have stood for more than a day. Freshly brewed tea contains substances that are beneficial to the body, while old tea contains harmful substances.

The most suitable dose for oral administration is 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped herbs per glass of hot (70 °C) water. Higher temperatures destroy not only proteins, but also light essential oils that have a healing effect. Infusion lasts from 15 minutes to one hour. To extract more persistent substances after using the first infusion, pour the same herb with the same amount of water and boil for 5 minutes.

If the mixture contains bark, roots, seeds, it is better to prepare decoctions.

In the most ancient medicine - Ayurveda - powders from dried herbs are most often used. They are prepared using a mortar or mechanical mill. Powders have a faster effect. Powders are especially effective for gastrointestinal diseases

From medicinal herbs you can prepare medicinal oil, which is used for massage and lubricating wounds. For one part of herb, take 4 parts oil and 16 parts water. The mixture is simmered over low heat until the water evaporates. Aromatic herbs are added directly to the oil and left for 24–48 hours.

There should be herbs at home for all occasions; they will protect and cure diseases, and also support the body’s defense system.

It is important to properly collect and store herbs. It is best to collect herbs in dry and clear weather. Grass and flowers are collected during flowering; roots are dug up in the fall, during the period of withering of the above-ground part of the plant, or in early spring; The seeds are collected when they are fully ripe. Exceptions to these rules are indicated in the plant descriptions.

Each plant must be collected separately, never mixing them with each other. All types of plant materials - flowers, whole plants, fruits, bark or roots - are always dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. This general principle refers not only to medicinal raw materials, but also to fruits and vegetables, which for some reason many housewives try to dry under the scorching rays of the sun. The sun, of course, is a friend of plants, but only during the growth process. Once the plants are picked, it becomes their enemy. Under the influence of sunlight, processes occur that destroy the medicinal and vitamin value of collected plants, fruits and vegetables. Each type of raw material should also be dried and then stored separately, in tightly closed tin or glass jars (no plastic!). Please note that the stronger the plant smells, the more airtight the packaging should be - after all, odors almost always contain some kind of healing component. And even more than that: both medicinal raw materials collected by yourself and purchased in pharmacies (even packaged in bags) should be stored away from other odorous substances, since herbs easily absorb foreign odors.

Dried herbs should break easily, but not crumble, and have almost their natural color. Store herbal collections or individual herbs in paper bags or glass jars and be sure to write the name of the herb and the date the herbs were collected.

If herbs are stored improperly, collected and dried medicinal plants lose their healing properties and sometimes become completely unusable.

An important rule for storing herbs is to keep each type of plant separately. The place for storing herbs should be completely dry, clean, dark. Poisonous plants are stored separately from non-poisonous ones, and odorous ones - from non-odorous ones. It is best to store herbs in cotton bags or glass jars. But bags are still preferable; dried plants breathe in them. Be sure to label each container with the name of the herb and the year it was harvested.

The duration of storage of plants is determined by the shelf life of the active substances contained in various parts and organs of medicinal plants.

It is necessary to observe the shelf life of medicinal herbs if all conditions are met:

– herbs, flowers, leaves, buds – two years,

– fruits – three years,

– roots, bark, rhizomes – up to five years.


Description of the plant

“Salvia” - “salvation”, this is exactly what the name sounds like in Latin, more familiar to our ears, like sage. Asia Minor is rightfully considered the birthplace of this beautiful plant with delicate bluish-lilac flowers. Later, sage began to be cultivated in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean, and after some time its fame reached northern Europe. Ancient Greek physicians considered sage a sacred herb. Its name comes from the ancient Greek words: sun and health, well-being.

Currently, sage is cultivated in many countries of the world, for example, in Europe, some regions of Yugoslavia and France are engaged in the cultivation of this medicinal plant; sage fields have been preserved in Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea and the Caucasus. It is not found in the wild in Russia, but is successfully grown by gardeners.

Sage is a wild perennial medicinal plant with a characteristic strong aroma. There are different types in nature: meadow, nutmeg, medicinal, Ethiopian. Their appearance and beneficial properties are largely similar, although each type has its own smell that distinguishes it from others.

There are about a hundred varieties of sage in the world that have healing properties to varying degrees. Among them there is also a hallucinogenic plant, although its homeland is located overseas, in Mexico. In our forest-steppe zone, meadow sage, which has long been used in folk medicine. But its healing properties are significantly inferior to medicinal sage, which is specially grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. This plant is unpretentious and drought-resistant, so it does not create any particular difficulties for gardeners. Only a few species have beneficial and medicinal properties: sage officinalis (pharmaceutical), clary sage, Spanish sage, Ethiopian sage.

Meadow sage (field sage) is often confused with medicinal sage, attributing to it the same medicinal properties, but this is not at all true, medicinal properties field sage is much weaker and is almost never used.

Sage is a perennial subshrub up to 75 cm high. It has dozens of varieties. Sage stems are numerous, tetrahedral, densely leafy, woody at the roots. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, silver-greenish in color, often covered with a felt-like coating. Blooms in the second year of growing season.

A special feature of sage is that the plant grown by humans accumulates the largest amount of healing substances. Sage is a subshrub, so in nature, old shoots take a significant part of the nutrients, but the healing benefits from them are not great. In the garden, sage is constantly rejuvenated, leaving only young shoots on which leaves filled with life-giving power grow, and in the summer spicate inflorescences with small blue-violet flowers appear.

Sage leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, resinous and tannin substances, natural antioxidants, and many other useful things. Sage has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, and general strengthening properties, helps to increase the secretory activity of the digestive tract, the secretion of gastric juice, and significantly reduces sweating.

Salvia officinalis is a subshrub up to 70 cm high, with gray-green wrinkled leaves, up to 8 cm long. It is grown in gardens and flower beds as a medicinal and ornamental plant. In June-July it blooms with light purple flowers collected in loose, spike-shaped apical inflorescences.

IN wildlife found in warm and temperate regions of our planet.

The plant has erect stems. They can be branched or simple. In growth, sage can reach a meter and a half. The leaves of most species are entire, but they can also be pinnately dissected. The upper side of a sage leaf is darker than its lower part.

Sage flowers are collected in spike-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. They are white, yellow or purple in color. Now breeders have bred flowers of other colors. The corolla consists of two parts (lips). 25–30 days after flowering, the seeds ripen and are found in the fruit, which consists of 4 nuts. Garden sage in our flower beds is an annual plant, less often it is a perennial crop. In general, sages can be divided into two groups.

The first includes salvias that cannot overwinter in open ground. This is basically herbaceous plants, which grow wild in the tropics. Although they can grow in their native climate for several years, our winter is destructive for them. Salvias from the first group have different periods from planting to flowering. Those that take more than three months to do this require a seedling method of planting in open ground; sage with a short period from planting to flowering can be planted with seeds directly into the ground.

The second group includes those sages that tolerate winter well. These plants are grown as perennials. The most famous plant of this group is Ethiopian sage.

Chemical composition

All parts of the plant contain essential oil, the amount of which in the leaves is 1.3–2.5%.

The essential oil consists of D-?-pinene, cineole, ?- and ?-thujone, D-borneol and D-camphor. Oleanolic and ursolic acids were also found in the leaves. The fruits contain 19–25% fatty oil, represented mainly by linoleic acid glycerides.

Sage leaves contain flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and resins, organic acids (oleanolic, ursolic, chlorogenic, etc.), vitamins P and PP, bitterness, phytoncides, as well as a significant amount of essential oil containing pinene, cioneol, thujone, borneol , salvain and other terpene compounds.

All these active ingredients form the basis chemical composition salvia officinalis (medicinal sage).

The healing properties of sage have been known for a long time; they are used in both scientific and traditional medicine. Sage has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent, analgesic, expectorant, diuretic, carminative, estrogenic, and antiputrefactive effects.

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of Salvia officinalis are associated with the content of tannin and flavonoid compounds in the leaves of the plant, as well as with the presence of essential oil and vitamins P and PP in the aerial part (grass) of the plant.

The antimicrobial activity of the plant is most pronounced against gram-positive strains of bacteria, and to a lesser extent, herbal preparations of sage affect gram-negative strains of microorganisms.

The anti-inflammatory effect of salvia officinalis is due to a decrease in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries under the influence of drugs, as well as the presence of hemostatic properties in the plant. The combination of these properties significantly potentiates the overall effect on the main links of the inflammatory process, including the possibility of inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microflora.

In addition, the experiment found that sage leaves increase the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of bitterness in the plant.

Galenic forms of the plant also have a slight antispasmodic and relaxing effect.

The property of Salvia officinalis leaves to inhibit sweating has long been known.

Salvia officinalis is found not only in wild form, but is also successfully grown as a medicinal plant. It is grown for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, which are the flowers, leaves and grass of sage. It is cultivated in gardens, vegetable gardens, and flower beds.

The fragrant and valuable plant has many species. There are annual varieties, as well as perennials, subshrubs and shrubs, with flowers and leaves of a wide variety of colors. In Russia there is no such diversity, but some cold-resistant species have adapted to gardens and summer cottages. They are grown in open ground in almost all regions of the country.

The most common garden plant in our country is sage. It is a subshrub that has dark green velvety leaves and blooms with blue-purple flowers. Growing this plant is not too difficult. It reproduces well using known methods - cuttings, seeds, seedlings, layering and dividing the bush. Which method to choose depends on the conditions in which the sage is supposed to be grown. You can collect seeds and then sow them late autumn or in early spring to a depth of 2–4 cm. You can dig up a bush in the fall, divide it into several parts, leaving both the roots and the above-ground part in each part. But most in a simple way is the propagation of sage by horizontal layering. IN summer time you need to select the most magnificent branch of the bush and bend it to the ground. It is not necessary to cover it with soil, the main thing is that it is well attached to the loose soil. After a couple of months, roots will form on the branch, then it can be cut off from the bush, divided into several pieces, and planted as seedlings. In the spring it is necessary to transplant the plants to a permanent place.

The main actions that sage needs are timely pruning and trimming of the bush. If you do not prune the plant, it will quickly stretch out, become bare and age. Regular pruning stimulates the formation of new shoots, and the plant bushes better, blooms more luxuriantly and looks more beautiful. When the sage has completely bloomed, remove all dried flowers, and trim the bush in the fall or early spring. You should not spare the branches, because the more you cut, the more young shoots there will be.

Also trim woody shoots, leaving only a couple of centimeters of young greenery. In winter, sage should be completely covered with compost or humus to protect it from freezing and ensure the growth of root shoots.

Beautiful and spectacular sage can also be grown as an ornamental plant. Pineapple sage, sparkling sage, elegant sage - very beautiful views sage, but are heat-loving species, so they are grown only through seedlings as annual shrubs.

You can grow Salvia officinalis on garden plot, and on the balcony, and at home on the windowsill. This plant is quite unpretentious. It is only important to provide it with good lighting and not too acidic soil.

To obtain high-quality medicinal raw materials, give sage in your apothecary garden a sunny area with loose, fertile, humus-rich soil.

To plant sage, prepare landing hole, where you need to put drainage, sand and soil with humus. When transplanted, the plant usually does not get sick and very quickly begins to please the eye, attracting attention with its appearance.

Sometime in mid-summer, sage blooms, sending out shoots of cream or purple flowers, and gradually turns into a shrub with dense foliage.

Sage is light-loving and heat-loving. It is necessary to plant seedlings, because the development of the plant before flowering lasts at least three months, and for some varieties up to six months. Not very fertile soil is suitable for it, preferably with neutral acidity. With very fertilized soil, poorer flowering is possible, but abundant foliage. Frosts below 5°C will kill sage. The flower is unpretentious, but can get sick when planted in a waterlogged area.

These plants are drought tolerant and like dry, permeable soils. Some salvias are exceptions to the above parameters. Salvia sparkling loves fertile soils, and sticky - wet.

Depending on the period of ripening of plants, they prefer the seedling method or planting seeds directly into the ground.

To propagate perennial sages, you can use the seed method, dividing the bush or cuttings.

With the seedling method, the seeds are planted in prepared boxes at the end of February. After two weeks, shoots appear. The first time you need to pick is in the third week after planting. Then, when the seedlings grow, they need to be transplanted into peat pots, which are then buried in the ground. This needs to be done in early June.

Before seedlings move into open ground, they need to be hardened off. This can be done using special hardening greenhouses, into which the seedlings are placed in April.

In open ground, the distance between sage bushes should be about 25 cm.

You need to care for sage like many other plants: regularly weed, loosen and feed with combined mineral fertilizers.

Caring for sage is simple: regular weeding, loosening the rows. Feeding is given 2 times during the summer - at the beginning of shoot growth and during budding. Use diluted slurry (1:10) or combined mineral fertilizers at the rate of 15–20 g per square meter. m.

It is advisable to cover the plant for the winter, and in the spring those stems that have taken root can be separated from the mother bush and replanted.

Sage can also be propagated by seeds, which should be sown in the fall or early spring in the soil to a depth of 3–5 cm.

The plant is easy to trim, after which the cut cuttings can also be rooted in a glass of water and then planted in the garden.

Sow sage seeds in late autumn or early spring (late April-early May). Sow to a depth of 3–5 cm, row spacing is made 50–60 cm wide. When sowing, you can add organomineral fertilizer to each hole - 0.5–1 kg of rotted manure or humus with 3–5 g of complex mineral fertilizer.

The optimal temperature for seed germination is 20–25 °C, then germination will be maximum – up to 75%. At lower temperatures, germination will be low - for example, at 5 °C only 15% of seeds will germinate. They usually germinate in 15–30 days. Crops need to be protected from the wind. Sage seeds are sown for seedlings 40–50 days before planting them in open ground.

Sage will look very beautiful planted along the edges of a flower bed with dense bushes.

Good honey plant; in favorable warm and humid weather, it produces abundantly fragrant nectar. In addition to nectar, it secretes glue, which bees collect. Honey is dark golden in color, with a pleasant aroma. Honey productivity reaches 200 kg/ha.

Sage can be grown on the balcony. Choose containers for the balcony in light colors so that they do not overheat in the sun and serve as a good background for foliage and flowers. It is advisable to purchase a box made of plastic, as this is the most durable and convenient option. Wooden boxes after some time they begin to rot, and from an aesthetic point of view they lose in many ways. The depth of the container should be at least 25–30 cm. The length can be absolutely any; the most optimal width is considered to be 20–25 cm, although this is not essential.

There must be holes in the bottom of the container to drain excess water during watering, otherwise rotting of the root system of lovingly planted flowers on the balcony cannot be avoided. If these holes do not exist, then you can make them yourself using a nail heated over a fire.

It is worth paying attention to the color of the box you have chosen for landscaping your balcony. It is recommended to choose a neutral color (light brown, white, green). Do not use black boxes, as they will attract the sun's rays and then overheat the soil, which is not very good for plants.

When choosing a pot for planting sage on the balcony, you should pay attention to the shape. Pots are available in corner, round, square and wall-mounted varieties. It all depends on where in the loggia this pot will be hung. And yet, you should not choose containers that are very large in volume: the larger the pot, the greater the likelihood that it will fall off the mount. Sage does not need a large pot; it has a small root system.

Mulch the soil in pots and boxes with peat to prevent it from drying out. Water the plants with settled water with the addition of low concentration fertilizers: alternate application mineral fertilizers and infusions organic fertilizers. If necessary, apply foliar feeding through the leaves. Spraying in the morning and evening hours refreshes the plants and air well.

Regularly prune overly long shoots. Fight diseases and pests in a timely manner using plant preparations.

We pour drainage into the bottom of the container, which can be small pebbles, crushed stone or expanded clay. The drainage layer should be about one centimeter. Next, add soil. There are also universal soils with a balanced composition of microelements. This option is suitable for sage, as it is not the most capricious. The best soils for sages are dry, lime-rich, permeable, and not too light. A variety of sage, Salvia sticky, grows better on rich and moist soils, another variety, Salvia sparkling, grows better on moderately fertile and loose soils; it blooms weakly on damp and rich soils. Salvia silvia sage rots and loses strength in heavy soils. Before planting plants, the soil must be properly moistened. If the container is suspended from outside balcony, then after planting the top layer of soil is covered with the same drainage to prevent soil erosion during rain.

After the main bloom, cut the sage back completely and the plant will bloom in late summer. The second flowering is also promoted by fertilizing. Shorten Salvia officinalis by 2/3, then the plant will be more compact. Remove the shoots.

Salvia sparkling seeds are sown in February-early March in boxes. Shoots usually appear on days 10–15. Seedlings dive twice. For getting strong seedlings the second picking is carried out in 9 cm pots. In April they are taken out to greenhouses for hardening. They are planted in a permanent place in early June, after the end of spring frosts, maintaining a distance of 20–25 cm between plants. Hardened seedlings tolerate replanting well. Perennial species Propagated by seeds, stem cuttings and dividing the bush. It is best to plant in late August - early September. Young plantings require shelter in the first winter.

Most salvias can be used for decoration as they are very beautiful. The brilliant sage is very effective in ceremonial compositions, flower beds, and flower beds. Varieties with a compact habit are good for growing on balconies, in pots, flowerpots and containers. Much less often, this species is planted in mixed borders, however, it deserves wider use in mixed compositions, as it allows you to create bright spots that are decorative for a long time. Ethiopian sage is suitable for group plantings against a background of stones: large rosettes of pubescent leaves are extremely beautiful in the first year of the growing season, and huge airy inflorescences in the second. Sages: bright red, mealy, green, whorled, sticky, meadow and oak - good in mixborders and groups. Their loose inflorescences do not produce bright spots of color, however, the variety of shades of lilac-blue, large, picturesque bushes, and excellent compatibility with other perennials allow these species to be successfully used in landscape compositions. Compact salvias look great in the foreground of mixborders; we can also recommend them for rockeries. Sage is rarely used for cutting, however, mealy sage is excellent in arrangements. Its dark blue velvety inflorescences remain decorative in water for a long time, and when dried they are an excellent material for winter bouquets. You can also use faded verticil sage and green sage in dry compositions. The tops of the shoots are dried volumetrically in sand, while the spectacular purple or bright pink color of the bracts is completely preserved.

You can also grow sage on a windowsill. This plant is quite unpretentious. It is only important to provide it with good lighting and not too acidic soil. Decorative low and compact forms of sage are recommended for growing in pots and flowerpots.

Collection and storage

The medicinal raw materials are the leaves, which are collected in the second half of summer in the first year of the growing season, and in subsequent years of plant growth, the leaves are collected 2-3 times from the beginning of flowering. For medicinal purposes, not only the leaves are used, but also the tops of the stems collected during flowering.

Sage is collected and stored during flowering, preferably in the morning. Leaves are collected 2-3 times during the summer, from the moment of flowering until autumn, but no later than September. In the first years of life, it is recommended to pick plants only lower leaves, and subsequently - all leaves and tops of shoots.

Before drying, the raw materials are inspected, the lower coarse stems and browned leaves that accidentally fall are removed. Dry the raw materials in the air, in the shade, in well-ventilated places; You can also do this in the oven or oven at a temperature of no more than 50–60 °C.

At the sage medicinal raw materials leaves or flowering tops serve. They are first collected in September in the year of sowing. In subsequent years, the leaves are collected two to three times during the growing season, starting with flowering and ending in September. Sage is also removed by mowing the above-ground mass.

Sage is harvested for seeds when the seeds turn brown in the lower calyxes. During the budding period, its leaves and tops of stems are collected, which, when dried, are used in traditional and folk medicine and cosmetics.

The raw materials are re-collected after the plants have regrown.

Harvesting in the first year can be done no earlier than September; on older plants, when the seeds begin to ripen. It is possible to collect leaves again in the fall. Leaves can be collected up to three times per season: the first collection in the spring, when the plant forms buds, the last in early autumn. Sage grass and its flowers are harvested when it begins to bloom. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated area; It is important to dry the harvested plants quickly to prevent the grass from turning black.

Store raw materials in various containers with good sealing. Shelf life 1 year.

Medicinal properties of sage

When treating with any herbs, certain rules must be followed. The best time treatment is to use the same plant for no more than 3 weeks.

Sage has extensive medicinal properties. Since it contains female phytohormones, it is especially useful for the female body. Sage has rejuvenating properties and treats frigidity. An infusion of sage leaves and juice helps with female infertility, because it strengthens the walls of the uterus and promotes successful conception.

Sage helps reduce nervousness during menopause. Sage alleviates the course of many inflammatory gynecological diseases.

In folk medicine, an infusion of dry sage leaves is widely used. This infusion is used as a good expectorant for various bronchitis, being a good diuretic, it helps with kidney diseases. Sage infusion is also used for gastritis, sore throat, gum disease, and toothache. Sage exhibits hemostatic and astringent properties. Sage is very useful for people of creative professions and directions, as it strengthens memory well and helps maintain clarity of thinking. Sage has antimicrobial properties, which helps fight fungal skin diseases and also alleviates the symptoms of psoriasis.

Sage is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, cholecystitis, colitis, mild forms of diabetes mellitus, pulmonary tuberculosis; Sage leaf is included in many stomach and chest preparations. It is believed that the use of infusions (and decoctions) of sage reduces sweating, alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, and helps with hypertension.

Sage infusion is also used in the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite, as well as neurodermatitis, hemorrhoids, and hair loss.

As a medicinal raw material, sage is used to make the drug “Salvin”, used for rinsing for inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity. You can also use an infusion of sage leaves for this. The plant antibiotic salvin contained in them is active against streptococci and staphylococci.

The antiseptic and wound-healing properties of sage are used in the treatment of purulent wounds, mild frostbite and burns, and inflammatory skin diseases. In these cases, sage infusion is used in the form of baths and lotions; if necessary, they also take general baths with herbal infusion - this method is recommended, for example, in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

The anti-inflammatory effect of plant drugs is used in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the joints and deforming osteoarthritis; baths and applications with sage infusion are used for intervertebral osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

Sage helps to cope with nervous tension, stress and depression, and get rid of feelings of fear. Even in older people, it gently stimulates the nervous system, increases mental and physical performance, eliminates depression, and balances emotions.

Improves memory, restores the body's energy, has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, tones up cardiac activity, and normalizes blood pressure if there is a tendency to hypotension.

Sage has a vasodilating effect on small vessels, relieves spasms from them, and helps normalize blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, dizziness, and helps recovery after strokes.

Sage relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, stimulates digestion, increases the production of bile and digestive juices. Improves appetite, normalizes stomach function, soothes stomach and intestinal colic, indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea. Improves liver function, useful for colitis.

The pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic properties of sage help improve the condition of people with respiratory diseases. It will be beneficial for laryngitis, tracheitis, sore throat, chronic bronchitis, and hoarseness. It is also useful for bronchial asthma.

Sage helps remove waste and toxins from the body, accelerates the healing of infections, restores the strength and function of organs after a long illness, and strengthens the immune system.

Sage is a storehouse of phytohormones. Therefore, it is useful for women after 35 years to carry out a course of rejuvenation - drink sage infusion every morning three times a year for a month.

The beneficial properties of sage are especially suitable for older people. Medicinal preparations prepared from this plant surprisingly gently help stimulate a person’s mental and physical performance and eliminate the depressive state of people of this age.

It has been repeatedly noted that medications containing sage significantly improve memory, are able to restore energy, have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, and effectively normalize blood pressure, especially with a tendency to hypotension.

Sage has a beneficial effect on small blood vessels, creating a lasting vasodilator effect, relieves spasms, and normalizes blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

If you have a doctor’s diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia”, atherosclerosis, frequent dizziness, it is the beneficial properties of sage that help improve your well-being. The plant is used during the recovery period after a stroke.

The sage plant has a remarkable effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. Sage-based preparations promote the production of bile and digestive juice for the efficient process of digesting food. In the absence of appetite after a serious illness, the sage plant significantly improves intestinal function, soothes stomach or intestinal colic, prevents diarrhea and indigestion. Improves liver function in case of colitis.

The pronounced bactericidal properties of sage contribute to significant relief of health in severe diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and help with hoarseness of the vocal cords. The beneficial properties of sage are effectively used for inhalation for diseases such as chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. Sage perfectly removes waste, toxins and other harmful components from the human body.

Strengthens the immune system, restores strength after a long illness.

This plant can well be called a true assistant to the female part of the population in preserving beauty and youth. After all, the sage plant is a real repository of phytohormones. Women who have reached the age of 40 should certainly undergo a course of rejuvenation three times a year by taking an infusion made from sage in the morning, drunk on an empty stomach. For internal use, you need to use a teaspoon of carefully crushed dry sage leaves, poured with a glass of boiling water. The medicine must be infused for an hour and a half, after which the resulting medicine must be strained. The healing infusion is ready. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take a tablespoon every 2 hours.

The beneficial properties of sage are in demand for bronchitis and pneumonia. In this case, it is advisable to brew sage with milk at the rate of one spoon of dry sage leaves per glass of hot milk. Next, you should boil the sage with milk for just a couple of minutes, leave for about 15 minutes. After straining the mixture, boil the milk and sage again. The medicine should be taken hot right before bedtime. Sage is an amazing medicinal plant recognized in traditional and alternative medicine. Use sage!

You should remember to use sage in moderation: allergies may occur, and large doses can lead to poisoning.

The nutritional value:

Calorie content – ​​315 kcal

Proteins – 10.63 g

Fat – 12.75 g

Carbohydrates – 20.43 g

Dietary fiber – 40.3 g

Ash – 7.95 g

Water – 7.96 g

Mono- and disaccharides – 1.71 g

Saturated fatty acid– 7.03 g


Beta-carotene – 3.485 mg

Vitamin A (VE) – 295 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.754 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.336 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 2.69 mg

Vitamin B9 (folate) – 274 mcg

Vitamin C – 32.4 mg

Vitamin E (TE) – 7.48 mg

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) – 1714.5 mcg

Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 5.72 mg

Choline – 43.6 mg


Calcium – 1652 mg

Magnesium – 428 mg

Sodium – 11 mg

Potassium – 1070 mg

Phosphorus – 91 mg


Iron – 28.12 mg

Zinc – 4.7 mg

Copper – 757 mcg

Manganese – 3.133 mg

Selenium – 3.7 mcg

Medicinal forms of sage

The healing properties of sage have led to its use for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, viral infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis, gingivitis, mumps, polyarthritis, radiculitis, neuritis, diabetes, women's and skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, boils, burns, relieving asthma attacks and others. Fresh or dried sage leaves are used to make medicinal preparations; they are also included in many complex preparations.

Salvia officinalis leaf is available in packs of 50 g. It is stored in a cool, dry place.

Fresh sage leaves are used only externally in the treatment of skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, tumors, and also in cooking as a spicy seasoning. To effectively use the healing properties of sage, it is prepared infusions, tinctures, decoctions, oils, ointments. When preparing medications at home, it is necessary to take into account that aqueous extracts of sage leaves (infusions, decoctions) are used mainly as antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, restorative, limit sweating, and improve digestion. And alcohol tinctures are more effective as antiseptics, antispasmodics, as well as for the treatment of diabetes and women's diseases.

Methods of use and dosage of medicinal herbs should be agreed with your doctor. You can drink them in the form of infusions (pour boiling water over the herbs), decoctions (boil) or macerate infusions (pour a glass of cold boiled water over the herbs for several hours). And the last way is to take powder or herbs. However, it should be remembered that the effect on the body of only 1 g of herbal powder will be equal to a glass of infusion or decoction. In powder form, those medicinal herbs are most often taken, a small overdose of which does not give any unwanted side effect.

The leaves, stems and flowers are most often brewed; boil - bark or roots. Macerates and powders are used when it is very important to preserve the vitamins present in medicinal plants. Taking herbal medicines in powder form should be done with extreme caution: they must be washed down with boiled water. room temperature, or dilute in a small amount of water.

Essential oil inhalation . Take a wide vessel with boiling water, pour 30-50 drops of sage essential oil into it, the patient needs to deeply inhale the healing vapors with an open mouth, while covering himself with a towel. Remember: if you have a strong cough, procedures with sage are contraindicated. Such inhalations work well for inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, pharynx, and tonsils.

Sage tincture It is a transparent liquid of greenish-brown color, with a characteristic aromatic odor and taste. Prepare a tincture of 1:10 in 70% alcohol.

Sage leaf infusion: 10 g (2 tablespoons) of leaves are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, heated in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered. The remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Infusion . A hot infusion is prepared from 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves and aerial parts of sage and 2 glasses of boiling water. The cooled infusion is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. spoon every 2–3 hours.

Sage wine . Sage leaves – 80 g, grape wine – 1 l. Infuse for 8 days, take 20-30 ml after meals for nervous disorders.

Alcohol tincture of sage. 3 tbsp. Infuse tablespoons of crushed leaves in 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol or vodka for 1 month, in the sun, in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach, washed down with water. Elderly people drink to stimulate the nervous system and treat atherosclerosis.

Sage oil . Oils are obtained by distillation; the resulting substance is highly volatile.

Salvia officinalis oil contains salviol and borneol; ketones (some of them toxic): thujone, camphor, cineole; terpene phellandrene. The smell is clean, herbal, sharp. The effect is anti-inflammatory, calms the parasympathetic nervous system. Helps relieve emotional and muscle tension during stressful conditions and nervous disorders. Stimulates and normalizes the menstrual cycle, liver and gall bladder function. Well compatible with essential oils of orange, ginger, bergamot, laurel, geranium, lavender, lemon balm, niuli, myrtle and rosemary. It is an analgesic (helps relieve pain).

Use of sage essential oil. For migraines, it is recommended to rub a mixture of base oil and sage, 1-2 drops of sage oil per half teaspoon of base. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to gargle with sage, add 2-3 drops of sage oil to a glass of warm water; within a few minutes streptococcus and staphylococcus die. To relieve stomach cramps, we recommend a massage using clary sage oil, 3 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil. To enrich cosmetic products (including hair care products), the dosage is 1 drop of oil per 5 g of base. For an aroma lamp, use 1-2 drops per 6-7 square meters. m of premises. For inhalation, 1–2 drops, procedure duration 3–5 minutes.

To take aroma baths, 1-2 drops of oil are enough. For oral administration, you should “enclose” a mixture of 1 drop of sage oil and 2 drops of vegetable oil in a bread capsule.

Baths. Recommended for arthritis, radiculitis, neuritis, obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis. To prepare 1 bath, take 400 g of dry leaves, pour 4 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for an hour, leave for a day and pour into the bath. The water temperature should be 36–37 °C, the procedures are repeated after 1–2 days, the course of treatment is 12–16 baths.

“Greek tea” made from sage leaves. 1 teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 15–20 minutes, and drunk half an hour before meals. It is recommended to take it for a month 3 times a day as a general strengthening and tonic, stimulating the nervous system, for the prevention of early aging and for anti-stress prevention.

Stomach tea with sage . Take 1 teaspoon each of sage leaves, blueberries, cinquefoil rhizomes, immortelle flowers (cinquefoil), caraway seeds. 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of the mixture in 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals.

Compress . Take 2 tbsp. spoons of sage leaf, 3 tablespoons of mustard seeds, pour 0.5 liters of cold water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and use for compresses and foot baths for sleep disorders.

Sage vinegar for the prevention of bedsores. Traditional healers advise preparing sage vinegar for this purpose; it prevents the formation of bedsores. A glass bottle is filled to the top with sage flowers, poured with natural wine or apple cider vinegar so that it covers the plant material, and left for 2 weeks in a warm place or in the sun.

fresh leaf for insect bites. You need to grind a fresh leaf of medicinal sage and apply the pulp to the sore spot. The product relieves pain and inflammation.

Sage and sage mixtures for the treatment of various diseases

The effect of the medicinal collection is stronger than the effect of individual herbs of the same weight or volume. For example, a composition of 3-4 herbs acting in the same direction gives a better result than the same amount of each of them separately.

Gynecological abnormalities

Pour 1 teaspoon of sage into a glass of boiling water and leave until cool. Drink slowly 30 minutes before meals. If it seems too bitter, you can add honey and lemon.

Gynecological collection: mistletoe, celandine, knotweed, chamomile, hops, clover, calendula, sage, agrimony, nettle, yarrow, chicory, oregano, mint, arnica, horsetail, marigold, acacia (flowers), knotweed. For fibroids, fibroids, cysts and inflammation of the ovaries, inflammation of the appendages, menopause, painful menstruation, bleeding, cervical erosion, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea.

Collection of herbs (general): burdock (root), comfrey (root), bergenia (root), elecampane (root), calamus (root), Chernobyl (root), sophora (fruit), mistletoe, agrimony, celandine, tartar, hemlock , calendula, marigold, speedwell, sage. Facilitates general condition. Infertility Sage strengthens the walls of the uterus and has a positive effect on fertilization. Thanks to high level contains female phytohormones, it increases libido, has a positive effect on the production of sex hormones, which is why it is considered a good helper at conception.

Sage tea reduces nervous tension during menopause.

Drink a dessert spoon of sage infusion 2 times a day in the morning on an empty stomach and at night for 11 days in a row, immediately after the cessation of menstruation. Drink for three months. If necessary, repeat the course after two months.

“Dry flower balm”: ironweed, acacia (color), marshmallow (color), thyme, loosestrife (color), sage (color), chamomile (color), chamomile (color), immortelle (color. ), hawthorn (color), rose (buds), lavender (color), St. John's wort, oregano (color), agrimony (color), blackberry, strawberry, meadowsweet (color), lemon balm, mallow (color) , iron ore (color), raspberry, linden (color), clover (color), rose hip (color), geranium, sunflower (color), calendula, thistle. Gives strength and vigor for the whole day, cleanses the body of waste, poisons, toxins, regulates water-salt metabolism and general metabolism, tasty and pleasant tea. Bronchitis 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of sage into 1 glass of milk, boil over low heat with a lid, then let it brew for about 10 minutes, strain, squeeze out the sediment, and boil again. You need to drink a hot drink before bed.

A collection of sage leaf (15), mallow root (15), coltsfoot leaf (35), dill (10), thyme herb (10) and comfrey root (15). The collection acts as an enveloping, expectorant, emollient, and anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma.

A collection consisting of elecampane root (25), sage leaf (10), mallow root (20), coltsfoot leaf (35) and dill (10). This collection is recommended for older people who require a leisurely, long-term course of treatment for chronic diseases. The product is brewed according to the calculation. 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 glass of water. A fresh decoction is prepared for each dose.

Bronchial children's: acacia (color,) black elderberry (color), linden (color), mallow (color), coltsfoot, thyme, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, horsetail, ironweed, marshmallow (color), oregano, clover (color), khama (color). Used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, flu, cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the respiratory tract. Sore throat, tonsillitis 1 tbsp. spoon of dried leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours, then strain. Rinse your mouth several times a day.

Pour 1 teaspoon of sage into a glass of boiling water and leave until cool. Drink slowly 30 minutes before meals. If it seems too bitter, you can add honey and lemon.

4 teaspoons of sage leaves, brew with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Gargle.

Gargling with sage: add 2-3 drops of sage oil to a glass of warm water; within a few minutes streptococcus and staphylococcus die.

The collection consists of plants that have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The collection includes: peppermint leaf, sage leaf, thyme herb and thyme herb in equal quantities. For external use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the collection is brewed with 1 glass of water, boiled briefly and the warm decoction is used to rinse the mouth for sore throat, inflammation of the gums, periosteum, tonsils, as well as for other purulent and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Asthma

During an asthmatic attack, several small puffs from a cigarette made from dry datura and sage leaves have a good effect. Smoking mixture: take half a small leaf of datura and one leaf of sage, roll a cigarette, puff several times with not very strong smoke. The attack passes. It does not cure asthma, but it does provide relief.

For kidney diseases

Has diuretic and disinfectant properties. The composition of the collection includes: horsetail grass (20), hernia herb (50), birch leaf (30), bearberry leaf (1 5) and lovage root (20). It is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, poor urine output (oliguria), edema, urolithiasis, with inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder. The decoction is prepared at the rate of: 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mixture per 1.5 cups of water. Boil and drink warm 3 times a day.

Gastritis Gastric collection with increased acidity: agrimony, St. John's wort, sage, prickly zopnik, thyme, mint, loosestrife. For hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis.

Gastric collection for gastritis with normal and low acidity: yarrow, chamomile, agrimony, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, mint, speedwell, immortelle. For hypoacid gastritis, indigestion, nausea. Strengthening memory, maintaining clarity of thinking

Sage oil: 2 drops per glass of tea.


The collection includes agrimony herb (10), fenugreek seed (20), plantain leaf (7), licorice root (3), St. John's wort herb (7), sage leaf (17), lovage root (3), peppermint oil (0 ,1). It has anti-inflammatory, protective, astringent properties and inhibits the development of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for digestive disorders (especially neurosis), for diseases of the bile ducts accompanied by heartburn, belching, aversion to food and poor health, for excessive fermentation in the intestinal area, as well as for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Hair loss Massage with sage oil at dosage: 1 drop of oil per 5 g of base.

Collection: nettle, hops, sophora (carp), sage. For hair loss, baldness. Gum inflammation

Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain.


Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Diseases of the genitourinary system The collection has diuretic and disinfectant properties. It contains: horsetail grass (20), hernia herb (50), birch leaf (30), bearberry leaf (1 5) and lovage root (20). It is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, for poor urine output (oliguria), edema, urolithiasis, for inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder. The decoction is prepared at the rate of: 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mixture per 1.5 cups of water. Boil and drink warm 3 times a day.

Prostate gland: hazel (leaf), eryngium, nettle, blackberry, periwinkle (herb), knotweed, mistletoe, ironweed, horsetail, knotweed, sage, tenacious bedstraw, true bedstraw, black poplar (buds), chamomile. For prostate disease, adenoma, prostatitis, hypertrophy, early stage oncology.

Bud collection: horsetail, agrimony, mistletoe, wild carrot (seeds), knotweed, blackberry, sage, weeping grass, mint, mallow, ironweed, beans (leaves), ironweed, string, fireweed (leaf). Regulates water-salt metabolism, used for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, edema, sand and urolithiasis.

For prostatitis and adenoma, a collection that includes sage is effective. Take in equal parts a leaf of sage, stinging nettle, bearberry, great plantain, peppermint, motherwort herb pentaloba, hernia glabra, yarrow, horsetail, flowers of calendula officinalis, chamomile, rhizome of calamus. 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour and a half. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

“Urinary incontinence”: agrimony, toadflax, knotweed, St. John's wort, black sloe, lavender (color), sage, chamomile. Colitis Laxative collection: black elderberry (flower and leaves), acacia (color), oregano, horsetail, knotweed, loosestrife, mint, sow thistle, marsh fireweed, toadflax, blackberry. Used for constipation, spastic and chronic colitis.

Pour 2 teaspoons of sage into 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

Gastric collection with high acidity: agrimony, St. John's wort, sage, prickly sage, thyme, mint, loosestrife. For hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis. Cholecystitis

Liver collection: immortelle, agrimony, chicory, yarrow, arnica, horsetail, hops, knotweed, mistletoe, mint, sage, wormwood, St. John's wort, loosestrife, horehound. Use for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver enlargement and cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

Fungal diseases Sage essential oil is widely used to treat fungal diseases. Mix 1/2 cup peeled sunflower oil and twenty drops of sage essential oil and lubricate the cracks between your fingers with this product.

When treating eczema, use sage oil. To prepare this oil, you need to pour 200 g of crushed sage herb with purified vegetable (preferably almond) oil so that it completely covers the herb, and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain the oil and use it to treat eczema. Regularly lubricate the affected skin with this oil or apply a small amount of it to sterile gauze, apply to the sore spot and secure with a bandage.

It helps with eczema by taking 1 tbsp of decoction of sage, burdock, and dandelion inside. spoon of dry herbs. Pour the indicated herbs 3 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and leave. In the morning, boil the broth for another 5 minutes and drink this portion per day in 3 doses. Every day you need to make a fresh decoction.

For eczema, it is also useful to make lotions from the green shell of walnut fruits, birch leaves, oak bark, sedum herbs, lemon balm and sage. Take all components in equal parts, mix, prepare a decoction and apply to the affected areas in the form of compresses and lotions. Psoriasis General and local baths with sage leaf infusion help. Prepare a decoction at the rate of 50-100 g of leaves per 12 liters of boiling water, pour into a bath of water so that the temperature is about 37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the course of treatment is 16 baths. For psoriasis, 1 tbsp is also taken orally. spoon of leaf infusion, prepared in the usual way, 3 times a day.

To treat psoriasis, an ointment based on sage is also prepared: dry leaves are ground into powder, mixed with melted butter - 1 part powder - 9 parts oil, lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. Diabetes mellitus Anti-inflammatory infusion. To prepare, take 20 g of elderberry flowers, sage leaves, and mallow leaves and mix everything well. 20 g of the mixture should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then thin out.

Take equal parts by weight of mantle grass, galega officinalis herb, tricolor violet herb, smoke grass, sage leaf. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave until cool. Drink during the day in 3 doses.

Sage decoction reduces blood sugar levels to some extent. It can be used to treat mild forms of diabetes. As an antidiabetic agent, sage is used together with dandelion roots, caraway baskets, and hawthorn flowers in a ratio of 2:3:2:2:2. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool. Patients drink 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Radiculitis For polyarthritis, neuritis, radiculitis, sage leaves are used together with the herb of common thyme, lemon balm, peppermint, and black poplar cones. You need to take 50 g of each plant, add 5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave for 1 hour. Do warm baths 3 times a week. The course of treatment consists of 15 procedures. Such baths are indicated for post-traumatic arthritis and arthrosis, spondylitis, and osteochondrosis. At the same time, you should adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

A breast mixture consisting of sage leaves, anise fruits and pine buds (10 g each), marshmallow root and licorice root in crushed form (20 g each), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30–40 minutes and administer in three doses over day.

For excessive sweating in patients with tuberculosis, it is used folk remedy: Take sage leaf, yarrow herb and anise fruit in equal parts by weight. Prepare a decoction at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of boiling water (soak for half an hour in a water bath, leave for 10 minutes, strain). Take the decoction 1-3 glasses a day for 2-3 months. Ulcers

A popular medicinal collection that is used for female diseases - such as leucorrhoea, ulcers and abscesses in the vulva area, and for inflammatory diseases in the vaginal area, the decoction is used for daily personal hygiene. For this purpose, take 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture into 6 glasses of water, boil, filter through a cloth and use for douching, rinsing and lotions. The collection includes: knotweed grass, sage leaf, nettle leaf (17.5 each), oak bark (25), chamomile (20) and arnica flowers (2.5).

Purulent wounds

To treat festering wounds and ulcers, for minor burns and frostbite, gauze napkins moistened with sage infusion are used for therapeutic purposes, and general and local baths with the infusion are prescribed.

Hemorrhoids Collection: knotweed, nettle, blackberry, toadflax, horsetail, mint, chamomile, mistletoe, lavender, black elderberry (color), sage. For hemorrhoids, bleeding, anal fissures.

To treat hemorrhoids, do enemas with a concentrated infusion (3 tablespoons of leaves per 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes) daily, for 7 days in a row, they are done with boiled water at room temperature. In this case, it is necessary to follow a diet, take buckthorn extract at night, and completely prohibit alcohol.

Collection: Japanese sophora, mistletoe, horse chestnut, sweet clover, sage, arnica, ginkgo biloba, Caucasian dioscorea. Dissolves and removes organic and inorganic deposits of the general bloodstream, restores the walls of capillaries, veins, arteries in case of their fragility, hemorrhages, hemorrhages of blood vessels, strengthens and gives tone to the heart muscle and vascular walls. It is used for hemorrhages of the brain, heart, eyes, endarteritis obliterans, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, dystonia, atherosclerosis due to diabetes, ischemia, angina pectoris, hypertension.

It is used for a common and painful disease – hemorrhoids. The collection includes: yarrow flowers (5), caraway seeds (5), rowan fruits (15), comfrey root (15), buckthorn bark (15), horse chestnut flowers (15), fenugreek seed (20) and tricolor violet herb (5), sage (5). The collection is used against hemorrhoids in acute inflammatory conditions and in the chronic course of the disease, with cracks and ulcers in the anal area. From 1 tbsp. spoons of herbs prepare 1 glass of decoction and drink 2 times a day. Indigestion Sage tea.

Gastric collection for gastritis with normal and low acidity: yarrow, chamomile, agrimony, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, mint, speedwell, immortelle. For hypoacid gastritis, indigestion, nausea. Flatulence

Sage tea.

Nervous disorders, hysteria Drink sage infusion.

The collection consists of herbs with sedative, antispasmodic and hypnotic effects and in today's stress-rich life with its accelerated rhythm has become simply irreplaceable. The collection includes: valerian root (40), chamomile flowers (15), yarrow herb (20), peppermint leaf (10) and lemon balm herb (10), sage (5). This collection is recommended for nervous overexcitation, autonomic neuroses, insomnia, hysteria and nervous disorders of adolescence and menopause. The collection is prepared at the rate of: 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 glass of soda, bring to a boil and drink on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before bed. Headache Sage tea.

Rub in a mixture of base oil and sage, 1-2 drops of sage oil per 1/2 teaspoon of base.

Collection for hypertension, metabolic disorders in the elderly. Slows down the aging process. The collection includes: hawthorn leaves and flowers (35), rowan fruits (10), yarrow herb (5), buckthorn bark (15), mistletoe herb (50) and knotweed herb (10). The decoction is prepared at the rate of: 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 1 glass of water. Bring to a boil, boil briefly and drink 2 times a day (preferably on an empty stomach) in small portions. Colds Sage tea.

Gargling with sage, adding 2-3 drops of sage oil to a glass of warm water, streptococcus and staphylococcus die within a few minutes.

A breast mixture consisting of sage leaves, anise fruits and pine buds (10 g each), marshmallow root and licorice root in crushed form (20 g each), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30–40 minutes and administer in three doses over day.

The collection consists of antipyretic herbs and has a diaphoretic, sedative and mild diuretic effect. It is used when the temperature rises due to a cold, as well as for rheumatic muscle pain that accompanies any hypothermia. The collection includes: chamomile (5), raspberry fruits (5), poplar buds (10), birch leaf (10), linden blossom (25), willow bark (20) and meadow meadowsweet flowers (20), sage (5 ). Drink the collection 2-3 times a day, 1 glass of decoction from 1 tbsp. collection spoons. Pneumonia A chest mixture consisting of sage leaves, anise fruits and pine buds (10 g each), marshmallow root and licorice root in crushed form (20 g each), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30–40 minutes and administer in three doses per during the day.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of sage into 1 glass of milk, boil over low heat with a lid, then let it brew for about 10 minutes, strain, squeeze out the sediment, and boil again. You need to drink a hot drink before bed.

Bronchial adult: acacia (color), black elderberry (color), linden (color), mallow (color), coltsfoot, thyme, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, horsetail, ironweed, marshmallow (color), oregano, horehound , Veronica. Used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, flu, cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the respiratory tract.

Bronchial children's: acacia (color,) black elderberry (color), linden (color), mallow (color), coltsfoot, thyme, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, horsetail, ironweed, marshmallow (color), oregano, clover (color), khama (color). Used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, flu, cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the respiratory tract. Inflammation of the oral mucosa 1 tbsp. spoon of dried leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours, then strain. Rinse your mouth several times a day.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed sage leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter (for rinsing).

Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

A collection of plants with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The collection includes: peppermint leaf, sage leaf, thyme herb and thyme herb in equal quantities. For external use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the collection is brewed with 1 glass of water, boiled briefly and the warm decoction is used to rinse the mouth for sore throat, inflammation of the gums, periosteum, tonsils, as well as for other purulent and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Measles

Sage tea.

Prevention of caries

Brushing teeth with sage leaves.

Muscle pain

Poultices with sage oil.

Arthritis Pour 6 liters of water over 100 g of leaves, boil for 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled to a temperature that is tolerable to the skin, you can steam your hands or feet for 30–60 minutes. Repeat every day before bed for 1-2 months. After the procedure, you need to put on woolen socks or gloves and go to bed. Avoid exposure to cold air.

It is used for acute and chronic forms of rheumatic diseases, arthritis and sciatica. The collection includes: birch leaf (20), willow bark (20), knotweed grass (20), nettle leaf (20), meadowsweet flowers (10) and horsetail grass (5), sage (5). The mixture has warming and at the same time diuretic properties, which promotes elimination from the body. harmful substances. The collection, which is prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, boil briefly and drink 2-3 times a day warm. Rheumatism Poultices with sage oil.

It is used for acute and chronic forms of rheumatic diseases, arthritis and sciatica. The collection includes: birch leaf (20), willow bark (20), knotweed grass (20), nettle leaf (20), meadowsweet flowers (10) and horsetail grass (5), sage (5). The mixture has warming and at the same time diuretic properties, which helps remove harmful substances from the body. The collection, which is prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, boil briefly and drink 2-3 times a day warm.

Stone-dissolving collection: sunflower root, thorn (root), meadowsweet (root), rose hips (root), wheatgrass (root), agrimony (seeds), wild carrot (seeds). It is used for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, disorders of water-salt metabolism, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.


To resolve lumps on the arms and legs and relieve pain: pour 100 g of leaves into 6 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes. When your hand has cooled down as much as you can tolerate, you can steam your arms and legs for 30 minutes to an hour. Before this, pour 1 liter and keep it hot, pouring it into the basin. Do it once a day before bed for 1–2 months. After the procedure, put on woolen socks and gloves and go to bed. Avoid cold air.

Stone-dissolving collection: sunflower root, thorn (root), meadowsweet (root), rose hips (root), wheatgrass (root), agrimony (seeds), wild carrot (seeds). It is used for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, disorders of water-salt metabolism, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Ulcers in the corners of the mouth

2 cups of boiling water 2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves, wrap and leave for 1 hour, then strain. You should rinse with half a glass of warm broth 3-4 times a day.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed sage leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter (for rinsing).

Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Gingivitis 2 cups of boiling water 2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves, wrap and leave for 1 hour, then strain. You should rinse with half a glass of warm broth 3-4 times a day.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed sage leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter (for rinsing).

Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Piggy

2 cups of boiling water 2 teaspoons of dried sage leaves, wrap and leave for 1 hour, then strain. You should rinse with half a glass of warm broth 3-4 times a day.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Brew 2 teaspoons of sage leaves in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

Inflammation of the liver Liver collection: immortelle, agrimony, chicory, yarrow, arnica, horsetail, hops, knotweed, mistletoe, mint, sage, wormwood, St. John's wort, loosestrife, horehound. Use for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver enlargement and cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

Brew 2 teaspoons of sage leaves in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

For weight loss: mistletoe, linden (color), blackberry, knotweed, duckweed, loosestrife, mint, sage, acacia (color), string, knotweed, horsetail, ironweed, black elderberry, corn silk. It is used for metabolic disorders and water-salt metabolism, toxins, poisons, and fat deposits. Spleen tumor

Grind sage and nettle leaves in equal parts, then mix well. Take the powder 3 times a day on the tip of a knife.

Gastrointestinal tract Brew 2 teaspoons of sage leaves in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

The collection includes: buckthorn bark (50), wheatgrass rhizomes (20), cumin (10), peppermint (10) and black elderberry fruits (5), sage (5). It has a laxative effect, improves the digestion process, metabolism and prevents excessive fermentation in the intestinal area. This collection is taken for constipation (especially chronic), digestive disorders, obesity, flatulence, and poor metabolism. Drink it once a day, at night - 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water. The longer the broth is boiled, the stronger it is. Diarrhea

Antidiarrheal and fixative mixture. It is used for acute and chronic forms of diarrhea, flatulence, with a large amount of mucus in the stool, as well as in cases where symptoms indicate gastric neurosis. The collection includes: cinquefoil rhizomes (30), blueberry fruits (30), peppermint leaf (20), navel flowers (Roman chamomile) (10) and sage leaf (10). The decoction is prepared according to the calculation. 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water. Boil and drink warm before meals in small portions.

Stomach spasm

Massage using clary sage oil, 3 drops per 1 tbsp. spoon of base oil.

Varicose veins Sage decoction compresses on legs.

Collection: Japanese sophora, mistletoe, horse chestnut, sweet clover, sage, arnica, ginkgo biloba, Caucasian dioscorea. Dissolves and removes organic and inorganic deposits of the general bloodstream, restores the walls of capillaries, veins, arteries in case of their fragility, hemorrhages, hemorrhages of blood vessels, strengthens and gives tone to the heart muscle and vascular walls. It is used for hemorrhages of the brain, heart, eyes, endarteritis obliterans, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, dystonia, atherosclerosis due to diabetes, ischemia, angina pectoris, hypertension. For thyroid diseases

Collection: walnut (leaf), cocklebur, hawthorn (color), agrimony, mistletoe, oregano, lavender, horsetail, mint, weeping grass, sage. It is used for enlarged thyroid gland with hypothyroidism (iodine deficiency), nodes.

Oncological diseases Oncological herbal collection (general): burdock (root), comfrey (root), bergenia (root), elecampane (root), calamus (root), Chernobyl (root), sophora (fruit), mistletoe, agrimony, celandine, tartar, hemlock, calendula, veronica, veronica, sage. Oncological diseases of various etiologies and localizations, all internal tumors: benign and malignant (stages 1, 2, 3, 4), with oncology with metastases, cancer of the lungs, breast, stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, genitourinary system, gynecology, prostate adenoma, mastopathy, fibroma, myoma, treatment and prevention.

Oncological collection (general small): mistletoe, celandine, calendula, marigold, Chernobyl (root), elecampane (root), agrimony, sage, arnica, nettle, cocklebur, cap, plantain, clover (color), sow thistle (color). Mastopathy, fibroma, myoma, ovarian cyst, thyroid oncology, adenoma, oncology up to stage 2 of internal organs.

Mastopathy: mistletoe, calendula, St. John's wort, agrimony, sage, arnica, coltsfoot, celandine, walnut (leaf), loosestrife, sweet clover.

Sage in cosmetics

Sage extracts and oils are included in a wide variety of perfumery and cosmetic products: creams, lotions, tonics, shampoos, toothpastes and elixirs; they are also used as a fragrance in the manufacture of colognes and perfumes. Clary sage oil, along with amber and musk, is used as a perfume fixative.

Facial care

Masks for dry skin

Sage infusion – 1/3 cup, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 2 teaspoons, water - 1/3 cup.

To prepare sage infusion, 1/2 tbsp. Pour 1/3 cup of boiling water over spoons of leaves and flowers and let steep for 15–20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, mix with slightly warmed vegetable oil and honey until smooth and apply the mixture to your face with a cotton swab or brush. After 20–25 minutes, wash off the mask warm water and apply a nourishing cream designed for your skin type.

A mask made from egg yolk and sage infusion effectively relieves inflammation of dry skin, and also nourishes and moisturizes it. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped sage, brew 1/2 cup boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and mix it (3 tablespoons) with egg yolk. Using a cotton swab, apply a thin layer of the mask to your face. After the mask dries slightly, apply another layer. In this way, apply 3-4 layers of mask to your face. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in sage infusion.

To soften dry skin and restore its lost tone, pour 1/2 cup of boiling milk into 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped sage and let it brew for 40 minutes. It is best to brew sage with milk in a thermos. Apply warm paste to cleansed skin of the face and neck, cover with gauze folded in several layers and leave for 20 minutes. In order for the mask to have the maximum beneficial effect, use it once a week for 1.5 months, and after a month's break, resume the procedure.

You can add tone to dry skin using a mask made from vegetable oil, sage, egg yolk and full-fat cottage cheese. Heat 1/3 cup of vegetable oil over low heat, add a pinch of sage to the oil and cook for about 1 minute. Let sit for 20 minutes, then mix the butter-sage mixture with the egg yolk and 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin.

The lotion is useful for easily irritated, especially sensitive skin with dilated capillaries. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried rose petals, sage, chamomile, mint, finely chopped parsley, add a tablespoon of aloe juice, mix, place in a glass container with a ground-in lid. For the procedure, take 1 tbsp each time. spoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 2 hours, filter, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any sour berry or fruit juice. Wipe your face in the morning and evening instead of washing your face. There is no need to wipe your face. Masks for normal skin To make your skin fresh and elastic and preserve its youth for a long time, use a mask of sage infusion, cottage cheese, milk and fruit juice (apple, peach). 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of crushed sage leaves into 100 ml of boiling milk, boil for about 1 minute and let it brew for 20-25 minutes. Then mix the resulting slurry with cottage cheese mashed with a fork and 1 tbsp. spoon of fruit juice. Apply the mixture to your face and neck in an even layer, cover with gauze. After 25–30 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water, and at the end of washing, rinse your face with sage infusion.

If the skin of your face has lost its freshness and elasticity as a result of your overwork, restore it good view You can use a mask of sage infusion, oatmeal and fresh cabbage juice. Brew 1 dessert spoon of crushed sage leaves and flowers with 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes. After this, strain the infusion, heat it a little, but do not boil, and pour 2 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal. When the flakes swell, add 2 tbsp. spoon of cabbage juice and apply the mask to your face. After 20–25 minutes, rinse it off with warm water and wipe your face with an ice cube from the sage infusion.

During the cold season, the face often becomes chapped and begins to peel. A mask made of sage, honey, almond oil and chamomile will help relieve skin inflammation. 1 tbsp. Pour a small amount of boiling water over a spoonful of sage and 1 teaspoon of dried crushed chamomile flowers to make a thick paste. Lightly heat almond oil in a water bath, mix with sage and chamomile pulp and add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of honey. Apply a thin layer of the mask to cleansed facial skin for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The remains of the mask should be stored in the refrigerator, and when used, heated in a water bath.

In winter, it is advisable to use a kefir mask, lemon juice, sage oil and egg yolk: sage oil – 15–20 drops, kefir – 3 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice – 1 teaspoon, egg yolk – 1 pc. Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting homogeneous mass to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask. Required: 1 glass of beer, 1/2 small carrot, 1 small onion, 1/3 cucumber, 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped sage herb. Wash the vegetables, grate them on a coarse grater and mix with sage. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cool beer.

Acne remedy. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry crushed sage or clary leaf is poured with a liter of boiling water, infused, and used to wipe the skin of the face and other problem areas several times a day.

Steam bath for face. It is useful to do such procedures once a week for any skin type. For normal and oily skin, a sage bath is beneficial - the pores open, the skin softens. Pour boiling water into a wide enamel saucepan, add dry sage leaf (2 tablespoons per glass of water), leave for 5 minutes. You can also use herbal tea bags. Tilt your face over the steam and cover your head with a towel. The steam should not burn the skin. After the procedure, pat your face dry with a clean linen napkin and apply a light moisturizer. Masks for oily skin In order to tighten enlarged skin pores, reduce sebum secretion and relieve inflammation, you can use a mask of sage flowers, egg white and honey: 2 tbsp. Pour a small amount of boiling water over spoons of sage flowers. When the paste has cooled, mix it with egg white and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition with cool water or sage infusion.

A mask made from a decoction of sage, kefir or whey and oatmeal is also useful for oily skin: 1 tbsp. Pour a small amount of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed sage leaves and flowers. Add a little kefir or whey, 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal and, stirring, heat over low heat or a water bath until thickened. Apply the cooled mixture to your face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

A mask of 2 tbsp tones and whitens oily skin. spoons of sage leaves and flowers, 1/2 teaspoon of grated lemon zest and a pinch of elderflowers. Mix herbs and lemon zest and pour 1/3 cup boiling water, let steep for about 30 minutes. Apply the mask to your face for 15–20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water and rinse your face with chilled sage infusion.

Oily skin is prone to acne, so a mask with an anti-inflammatory effect is especially useful for it. Mix dry sage, lemon balm, nettle and St. John's wort and 2 tbsp. Pour a small amount of boiling water over spoons of the mixture to make a thick paste. Apply the warm mixture to your face and cover with a gauze mask with holes cut for the eyes and lips. After 25–30 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.

Therapeutic soap for oily problem skin. This mild cosmetic product is also suitable for skin care. combined type. To prepare it, you will need 150 g of ready-made soap based on olive oil or regular glycerin soap and 1/4 cup of concentrated sage infusion. The soap is grated, placed in an enamel bowl and dissolved in a water bath. Then add the sage infusion and mix thoroughly. Remove from heat and allow to cool, then add 10 drops of lavender essential oil. The soap mixture is poured into small pre-greased molds (cookie or ice molds can be used) and left for several hours. When the mixture hardens, remove the soap pieces from the molds with the tip of a sharp knife and wrap them in tissue paper. Store the product in a cool place; it remains soft during storage.

Hair care

After washing your hair with shampoo appropriate to your type, it is useful to rinse with infusions of medicinal herbs. Rinsing hair with sage infusion helps soften it, make it shine, and eliminate excess sebum secretion. It is especially useful to rinse oily and normal hair after washing. To prepare an infusion for rinsing hair, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped sage, brew 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15–20 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and rinse wet hair with it.

After washing, it is useful to rinse your hair with an infusion of sage, thyme, oregano and hop cones, which should be rubbed into the scalp. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions, brew 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew and strain after 20 minutes.

After washing, it is useful to apply a wrap of sage infusion, lemon juice and milk to your hair and scalp once a week: sage – 2 tbsp. spoons, water – 2 glasses, lemon juice – 1 teaspoon, milk – 1 glass. Pour boiling water over the chopped sage and let it brew for about 20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 glass of milk, mix everything, apply to your hair and rub into the scalp with light, massaging movements. Wrap your head in polyethylene or put on a hat made of it, and cover it with a terry towel on top. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with plenty of warm water without shampoo.

You can use a compress that restores shine and vitality to hair from sage, chamomile, plantain and pansy flowers. Pour a mixture of 2 parts of sage and the remaining ingredients, taken 1 part at a time, with a small amount of boiling water so that a paste-like mass is obtained. Cool slightly and apply the mixture to damp hair after washing. Put a plastic cap on your head. After 20-25 minutes, rinse your hair with cool water.

To prevent hair loss, you can wrap your hair and scalp with a mixture of sage infusion and plantain leaves, honey and egg yolk: sage infusion - 2 tbsp. spoons, plantain leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, water – 300 g, honey – 1 tbsp. spoon, egg yolk – 1 pc. Pour boiling water over chopped sage and finely chopped plantain leaves and let steep for 20–25 minutes. Then strain the infusion, add egg yolk, ground with honey. Mix everything and apply to hair and scalp. Put a plastic cap on your head. After 1 hour, wash your hair with warm water and a little shampoo.

Compress of sage, chamomile, string, coltsfoot leaves and calendula flowers. Take all the herbs in equal quantities and pour boiling water over them until you get a thick mass. Lubricate the scalp and hair with the cooled herbal paste, wrap your head in plastic and a terry towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse your hair with cool water.

You can restore shine and health to dry hair using wraps made from infusions of sage, chamomile and calendula in vegetable oil: sage – 1 spoon, chamomile – 1/2 tbsp. spoons, calendula - 1/2 tbsp. spoons, butter - 1/2 cup. Heat the vegetable oil in a water bath and pour it with a mixture of sage and crushed chamomile and calendula flowers. Pour the herb oil into glass jar or bottle, close the lid and place in a dark room for 5–7 days. After this, strain the infusion, warm it slightly and apply to your hair and scalp. After 1–1.5 hours, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

A compress of olive or vegetable oil, sage infusion and egg yolk moisturizes and nourishes dry hair. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry sage pour 1/3 cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of butter and 2 egg yolks. If you have short hair, reduce the amount of compress ingredients by half. Lubricate your hair with the resulting mixture, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a terry towel. After 2 hours, wash your hair with warm water and mild shampoo.

2 hours before washing, dry hair can be lubricated with a mixture of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe juice, egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of honey and 20–25 drops of essential sage oil.

An hour before washing dry hair, you can apply a mixture of castor oil, sage infusion, egg yolk and lemon juice. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of chopped sage with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 15–20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, mix it with castor oil and slightly heat the mixture. Grind the egg yolk with a few drops of lemon juice and add it to the mixture of sage infusion and oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair.

In order to reduce sebum secretion from the scalp and strengthen oily hair, it is useful to wrap it once a week with a mixture of whey and infusion of sage and mint: sage - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, mint - 1 tbsp. spoon, water – 1/2 cup, whey – 1/3 cup. Pour boiling water over the sage and mint and let steep for about 20 minutes. Strain the infusion, mix with whey and apply the resulting mixture to your hair. Put a plastic cap on your head. After 1–1.5 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

For oily hair, a compress made from infusion of sage, nettle, hop cones and lemon zest is useful. 2 tbsp. spoon a mixture of crushed sage leaves, nettles, hop cones and 1/2 teaspoon of grated lemon zest, pour 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew with the lid closed for about 30 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and apply it to your hair with a cotton swab. In order for the compress to have maximum effect, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it in a terry towel. After 2 hours, rinse your hair with warm water.

A decoction of 1 part sage, 1 part oak bark, 1/2 part horsetail is useful for rinsing oily hair after washing. To prepare the decoction, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of herbs and oak bark 500 ml of water and place on water bath for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth sit for about 15 minutes, strain it and rinse clean, damp hair with it.

Due to serious illnesses, nervous stress, metabolic disorders in the body, hair may begin to fall out rapidly. Pour a handful of a mixture of crushed sage leaves, plantain, St. John's wort, nettle and calendula flowers into 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for about 25 minutes. Then strain the infusion, add 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and rub the mixture into the scalp. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a terry towel. After 1.5–2 hours, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Boil 1 glass of dark beer and pour a pinch of dry sage into it. After 30 minutes, strain the infusion and mix with rye bread pulp and egg yolk until a paste forms. Apply the mixture to your hair and massage lightly into your scalp. Put on a plastic cap. After 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

After washing, it is useful to rub an infusion of sage and birch leaves into the scalp: sage - 1 tbsp. spoon, birch leaves - 1/2 tbsp. spoons, water - 1.5 cups. Pour boiling water over chopped sage and finely chopped young birch leaves. Cover the dish with a lid and let sit for 40–50 minutes. Strain the infusion and rub into the scalp after washing your hair.

A mixture of calamus rhizome decoction, sage infusion, castor oil and egg yolk effectively strengthens hair roots and prevents the formation of dandruff. 1/2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped calamus rhizome pour 1/2 cup of water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of crushed sage flowers and leaves with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes. Strain the decoction of calamus rhizome and sage infusion, mix, add 2 teaspoons of castor oil and 2 egg yolks, mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair 2 hours before washing.

To strengthen hair, rinses made from infusions of sage, burdock leaves and onion peels are useful: sage - 1 tbsp. spoon, burdock - 1/2 tbsp. spoons, onion peel - 1/2 cup, water - 500 ml. Mix crushed dry sage with chopped burdock leaves and onion peels and pour boiling water over everything, let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and rinse wet, clean hair with it and rub it into the hair roots.

Strengthens hair and returns shine to it with a mixture of sage infusion and burdock decoction. 1/2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of dry sage with 1 cup of boiling water and let steep for about 20 minutes. Finely chop the burdock (1 tablespoon), add 1 glass of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, then cool the broth and strain. Also strain the sage infusion, mix with the burdock infusion and rinse your hair with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a week.

In case of severe hair loss, it is useful to make a compress for the hair and scalp 1-2 times a week from an infusion of sage, honey and a decoction of burdock root. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over spoons of sage and let it brew for about 25 minutes. Add a handful of finely chopped burdock root to 2 cups of water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the sage infusion and burdock root decoction, mix them and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply this mixture to damp hair for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. This compress can be applied to the scalp in a steam room.

To strengthen your hair, you can prepare the following mixture: pour a small amount of boiling water over the flowers of sage, chamomile, calendula and pansies and leave for half an hour. Then strain the resulting infusion and add the rye bread crumb to it. You should get a homogeneous paste. Rub the paste into your scalp and apply to your hair. Put a plastic cap on your head. After 1.5–2 hours, rinse your hair with plenty of cool water. You can use this compress 2-3 times a week for severe hair loss.

A mixture of a decoction of ivy leaves and sage infusion stimulates hair growth, gives it shine and strengthens the roots. 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of chopped ivy leaves to 500 ml of water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Pour a pinch of chopped sage into 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for about 20 minutes, strain. Mix sage infusion and ivy decoction and apply the resulting mixture to the scalp with a cotton swab every other day for a month.

Another effective means of strengthening hair is a compress, which is prepared from an infusion of sage, aloe juice, honey and beer: sage - 1 tbsp. spoon, water – 300 ml, aloe juice – 2 tbsp. spoons, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, beer - 2 tbsp. spoons. Pour boiling water over the sage and let it brew for about 30 minutes, then strain the infusion and mix with aloe juice, honey and beer. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and put a plastic cap on your head. After 1.5–2 hours, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo suitable for your hair type.

Wraps made from onion juice and sage infusion help strengthen hair roots. Grate or finely chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Brew 2 teaspoons of chopped sage with 1 cup of boiling water, after 30 minutes, strain the infusion and mix with 1/3 cup of onion juice. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a terry towel. After an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. You need to rub the mixture into the scalp 2-3 times a week for a month. After a three-week break, you can repeat the course of procedures.

Body care

If irritation or an allergic rash appears on the skin, prepare a compress of sage, chamomile and vegetable oil. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of a mixture of crushed sage and chamomile flowers with a small amount of boiling water. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to the pulp and apply the resulting mixture to the inflamed areas of the skin, cover the top with gauze and leave for 20–30 minutes, then remove the compress with a cotton swab and rinse with warm water.

Based on sage, you can prepare a body lotion intended for skin prone to redness, peeling, and rashes: sage – 1 tbsp. spoon, celandine - 1 tbsp. spoon, aloe leaf – 1/2 tbsp. spoons, vodka – 500 ml. Pour sage, celandine, finely chopped aloe leaf into a glass jar, fill with vodka and leave to infuse for 7-9 days. Then strain the mixture, squeeze out the leaves and store the lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your body with the resulting lotion after a shower or bath.

To cleanse the skin of the body and stimulate metabolic processes in its cells, you can use sage wraps and compresses in a steam room, where the effect of these cosmetics is enhanced due to exposure to high temperature and steam.

Sage can be used to cleanse the skin of the body. 2 tbsp. spoons of sage, pour 1/4 cup of boiling water and place the pulp in a piece of linen cloth or gauze, folded several times. When showering, wipe your entire body with a piece of cloth wrapped in sage paste.

In order to soften the skin and make it more elastic, in the steam room you can apply a pre-prepared mixture of sage infusion, honey and corn flour to the skin of the body. Brew a handful of chopped sage with 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 25 minutes, then strain. Add 2 tbsp to the sage infusion. spoons of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of corn flour, mix everything thoroughly and heat for 1-2 minutes in a water bath. The mixture is applied to the skin for 15–20 minutes and washed off with warm water. In the steam room, the healing substances included in this mixture penetrate the skin faster and deeper.

Rough skin on elbows, knees and feet can be softened with a mixture of sage, vegetable oil and lemon juice: sage - 1 tbsp. spoon, vegetable oil - 1/2 cup, lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour the chopped sage with vegetable oil and heat in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Add lemon juice or diluted citric acid to the mixture. In a steam room, apply the mixture to rough skin for 10 minutes. A compress of sage, vegetable oil and lemon juice can also be used at room temperature, only then you need to increase the duration of the procedure to 25–30 minutes. Rinse off the compress with warm water and scrub the skin with a stiff washcloth or brush. After this, rinse your skin with cool water, rub with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Sage essential oil is used to care for the skin of the body. Many women, after sudden weight loss and breastfeeding, are faced with the problem of restoring the shape of their breasts and the good condition of their skin. During this period, gymnastic exercises and massage can be combined with the use of a compress that improves the condition of the breast skin. Heat 1/2 cup of vegetable oil in a water bath, add 25-30 drops of sage oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the warm mixture to your chest, cover it with plastic on top and tie it around your chest. warm scarf or a scarf. After an hour, rinse the compress with warm water.

Sage infusion can be used to soften hard calluses on the feet and hands. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped sage and 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for about 20 minutes. Pour the infusion into a basin, add 1/2 liter of hot water and dip your foot or hand with a callus into it. The duration of the bath is 15–20 minutes. Do the procedure daily until you get a good result.

Sage oil is used to prepare a cream that helps stimulate cell turnover in the skin and rejuvenate it. This cream is suitable for aging body skin. Fresh leaves and flowers of sage, nettle, calendula, parsley, taken in equal quantities, pass through a meat grinder. 2 tbsp. keep the spoons on fire in a water bath for 1-2 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed herb mixture and heat for about 1 minute. After a bath or steam room, when the pores on the skin are enlarged, apply the cream in an even layer to the skin of the body, especially carefully rubbing it into the neck area. After 20–25 minutes, remove the cream with a sponge soaked in warm water. You need to use the cream 2-3 times a week.

For dry, aging skin, wraps made from sage infusion, vegetable oil, honey, camphor alcohol, egg yolks and beeswax are useful. 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped sage pour 500 ml of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes. Melt vegetable oil and beeswax in an enamel bowl in a water bath, add sage infusion and remove from heat. Add 2 tbsp to the hot mixture. spoons of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of camphor alcohol and 2 egg yolks. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the body for 1.5–2 hours, then take a bath or shower.

In winter from exposure cold temperature the skin of the hands often becomes red, rough, and begins to peel. You can soften it with a compress of sage and starch infusion. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of dry sage with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and dilute it with 2 tbsp. spoons of potato starch. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring continuously, until thickened. Cool the mixture slightly and apply to your hands. Wear plastic gloves. After half an hour, wash your hands with warm water without soap. This procedure must be carried out daily.

Sage infusion can be used to prepare a cream for body skin prone to inflammation and allergic rashes. Pour a pinch of sage into 1/2 cup of boiling water and let steep for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion, mix with 5 tbsp. spoons of Vaseline, slightly warming it in a water bath. This cream should be used after a shower or bath and stored in the refrigerator.

Rubbing with infusions of sage mixed with other ingredients helps get rid of goose bumps. medicinal plants. Take 2 parts chopped sage, 1 part mint, 1/2 part peony petals, 1 part arnica and mix. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 25 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and wipe your skin with it after taking a bath or shower (with a cotton swab).

If there are many small cracks, wounds or inflamed areas on the skin of your body, wipe it daily with a mixture of sage infusion and decoction of chamomile, nettle, plantain, and celandine. Pour 1 tbsp into boiling water (250 ml). spoon of a mixture of chamomile, nettle, celandine and plantain and simmer over low heat for about 1 minute, then let it brew for 20 minutes. Brew a pinch of sage with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Mix the sage infusion with the herbal infusion and store the mixture in the refrigerator. Wipe your body skin with a cotton swab soaked in the mixture twice a day.

When an allergic rash appears on the body, it is useful to use the following mixture: sage – 1/2 tbsp. spoons, alcohol – 150 ml, mint infusion – 1/2 cup. 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sage, pour 150 ml of alcohol and let it brew for about 3 days. Brew a pinch of fresh mint leaves with 1/2 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 30 minutes. Strain the sage infusion, add mint infusion to it and apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the body with a cotton swab 2 times a day.

If the skin of your body begins to peel off and becomes covered with reddish spots, mix crushed sage with finely chopped marshmallow root and brew the mixture (sage - 2 teaspoons, marshmallow root - 3 teaspoons, water - 500 ml) with boiling water. Let it brew for about 3 hours, then strain and apply the infusion to the skin with a cotton swab.

You can relieve inflammation of the skin of the body using an infusion of sage and flaxseed. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of a mixture of sage and flaxseed with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. Strain the infusion and wipe the inflamed skin with it 2-3 times a day.

In the spring, when due to a lack of vitamins, the skin of the body often becomes dry and dehydrated, it is useful to lubricate it with this mixture: 1/2 tbsp. Brew spoons of dry sage with 1 cup of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon carrot juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and apply with a cotton swab to the skin of the body for 1-2 hours.

For enlarged pores on the skin of the body, as well as if it is prone to redness, wraps made from infusion of sage, whey, egg and orange or lemon zest are useful: sage - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, lemon zest, water - 1.5 cups, whey - 1 cup, eggs - 1 pc. Mix crushed dry sage with grated zest and brew with boiling water, let it brew for about 25 minutes. Combine the whey with the egg, add the strained infusion of sage and zest and mix everything. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the body after a bath or shower.

A bath with sage infusion has a pain-relieving effect for joint diseases; it is recommended after limb fractures and other injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Such baths are also beneficial for the skin: they tighten pores and eliminate excessive sweating. The bath is prepared at the rate of 8-10 liters of sage infusion per 200 liters of water at a temperature of 35–37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. 18 baths are enough for one course of treatment.

For tired, aging skin, using a mixture of sage infusion and lemon juice is beneficial. Brew a pinch of sage with 1 cup of boiling water, after half an hour, strain the infusion and mix with 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Wipe your skin with the resulting mixture every evening.

An infusion of sage, St. John's wort, coltsfoot leaves, plantain and nettle will help make your body skin silky and elastic. Take all herbs in equal quantities and 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. After 20–25 minutes, strain the infusion and apply to the skin with a cotton swab. With regular use of this product you will achieve the desired result.

Foot bath. This procedure relieves fatigue after physical activity and sports; It will be especially useful if you have a standing job. In addition, the antiseptic properties of sage help cope with fungal diseases of the feet or serve as a prophylactic against these unpleasant phenomena. Prepare an infusion of sage and rosemary, for which you take 25 g of dry leaf of each plant. Pour the infusion into 3.5 liters of hot water, add 1 small onion, 1 clove of garlic, a piece of fresh ginger root size 1 sq. cm (all this is pre-crushed) and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove the composition from the heat and let it brew for 10 minutes, filter, cool to a temperature of about 37 °C and add 20 drops of essential oil. tea tree. Pour the mixture into a bowl. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Sage in cooking

Sage helps the body digest fatty foods. It is seasoned with soups, salads, stewed vegetables, fish, poultry, and fatty meat dishes.

A pinch of sage will add a more pleasant, subtle taste to sauces and omelettes with cheese and herbs, grilled meats, especially pork and game, minced meats, kidneys and ham. Meat seasoned with sage becomes more tasty and tender and is easier to digest. Chicken liver cooked with sage is considered a delicacy with a very subtle, spicy taste. It is used to improve the taste and aroma of boiled fish.

Since it does not lose its aromatic and taste qualities during heat treatment, it is added to first and second courses 10 minutes before readiness. Dried sage leaf powder can be sprinkled on many meat dishes. Sage powder gives fish a special aroma.

As a separate spice, this plant is used to make salads and vegetable dishes.

When dried, this plant is used to add additional flavor to some beers and wines.

The leaves are used in the alcoholic beverage, fish, canning and food concentrate industries. They have a strong pungent odor and a spicy bitter taste. It goes well with rosemary. It is used to season salads, soups, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and sweet dishes. Sage adds a piquant aroma to grated cheeses and pie fillings.


Eggplant with nuts

Compound: eggplants - two pieces, walnuts - 150 g, garlic - 1 clove, mayonnaise - to taste, salt - to taste, vegetable oil - for frying, sage - 3 g.

Peel the eggplants, cut them into circles, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. Then wash the eggplants under running water. Peel the garlic and put it through a garlic press. Grind the walnut kernels into crumbs, combine with mayonnaise, garlic mass, and mix well until smooth. Fry the eggplants in hot vegetable oil until golden. Then remove from heat, place on a plate and cool. Pour the prepared nut sauce over the eggplants and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Sprinkle with sage leaf powder before serving.

Prefabricated salad

Compound: mayonnaise – 250 g, White cabbage– 200 g, chicken fillet – 150 g, garlic – 3 cloves, tomato – 1 pc., cucumber – 1 pc., sweet pepper – 1 pc., sage – 3 g, carrots – 1 pc., egg – 1 pc. , 1/2 lemon (juice), soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons, 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper.

Finely chop the cucumber, tomato, cabbage, sweet pepper, and grate the carrots. Make an omelette from the egg, chop it finely. Cut the chicken fillet into strips, fry with spices and salt. All ingredients are placed in separate piles on a dish, with the chicken in the center.

Preparing the sauce: combine garlic, passed through a press with mayonnaise, ground black pepper, sage, soy sauce and lemon juice, mix. Pour the sauce over the salad right on the table (so that the vegetables remain crispy), then mix.

Green pea and iceberg lettuce salad

Compound: green peas – 300 g, green onions – 3 pcs., iceberg lettuce – 0.5 pcs., sage powder – 2 g, butter – 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon - 1 pc., salt, pepper to taste.

Cut green onions into thin rings. Place in a saucepan with the peas and water and simmer over low heat, stirring, until the peas are cooked, 4-5 minutes. Add butter. Chop the salad, but not very thinly. Add to the saucepan with the peas and onions and, stirring, simmer for a minute. The salad should partially soften and partially remain crisp. If you cook with Chinese cabbage, then all the vegetables, from the beginning, are laid at the same time. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper, add sage powder and sprinkle with fresh lemon juice, let cool slightly and serve.

Compound: hard cheese – 200 g, large cucumbers – 2 pcs., garlic – 2 cloves, bell pepper – 1 pc., mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons, parsley, powdered sage and dill.

Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into almost transparent, very thin strips. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add the garlic passed through a press and finely chopped herbs. Finely chop the pepper, add to the cheese, season the filling with mayonnaise, mix. Place the filling on each cucumber strip and roll it up. Place the appetizer on a dish; you can stick a candle into each roll.

Rice and vegetable salad

Compound: boiled rice - 300 g, apples - 100 g, tomatoes - 100 g, fresh cucumbers - 150 g, sour cream - 100 g, sage powder - 2 g, parsley, sugar, salt - to taste.

Place the washed and dried rice into the boiling oil, stirring constantly. Avoiding a significant change in the color of the rice under the influence of hot oil, add boiling water to the rice, cover the dish with a lid and leave in this state for 15 minutes to swell and bring to readiness. Mix with sour cream, finely chopped parsley, sage, sugar and salt, place in a heap in a salad bowl. Cut apples, tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices and place on top of the rice.

Salad "Bouquet"

Compound: shrimp (boiled) – 150 g, crab sticks – 100 g, carrots (boiled) – 2 pcs., egg (boiled) – 2 pcs., pineapple (canned, washers) – 4 pcs., honey mushrooms (pickled) – 100 g, garlic – 2 cloves, sage – 2 g, salt (to taste), herbs (for decoration), sweet red pepper (for decoration), mayonnaise, cheese (for toast, in plates) – 3 pcs.

Remove the shell from boiled shrimp. Cut in small pieces. Cut crab sticks into cubes. Peel and chop the eggs. Also cut the pineapple into cubes. Chop the mushrooms and sprinkle with sage. Combine all ingredients, add salt, add pressed garlic, season with mayonnaise. Place the salad on a flat plate. Peel the boiled carrots and grate. Spread on top of the salad in an even layer. Cut each slice of cheese into 4 pieces. Roll the resulting squares into a ball - these are “calla lilies”. We decorate the salad with calla lilies and make pistils from peppers. Decorate with greens.

Chicken salad with mushrooms

Compound: chicken breast – 400 g, champignons – 300 g, prunes – 200 g, cheese – 200 g, sage powder – 3 g, potatoes – 3 pcs., egg – 3 pcs., cucumber, mayonnaise for dressing.

Pre-boil chicken breast, eggs and potatoes with sage until tender. Pour boiling water over prunes for 15 minutes. Fry the champignons in vegetable oil. Place in a springform pan in layers, first cutting the prunes into medium pieces. Then boiled chicken breast, cut into pieces. Layer of mayonnaise. Then potatoes, cut into cubes. Layer of mayonnaise. Then a layer of fried mushrooms. Do not add mayonnaise after mushrooms. Then a layer of grated eggs on a fine grater goes into the salad. Layer of mayonnaise. The next layer is cheese, grated on a coarse grater. Grate the cucumber on a medium grater or cut into thin rings on top of the salad. Decorate the salad at your discretion.

Salmon Pie with Cream Cheese

Compound: cream cheese cheese – 250 g, chopped parsley, chopped chives, powdered sage – 5 g, smoked salmon in slices – 800 g, whipped cream, salmon caviar for decoration, for the sauce: mayonnaise – 0.5 cups, egg whites – 2 pcs., capers – 50 g.

Salmon pie with cream cheese is a delicious cold appetizer. Beat the cheese until soft, add chopped parsley and chives and mix thoroughly. You can easily prepare cream cheese cheese yourself: put 300 g of 20% sour cream in gauze folded in 4 layers, tie the gauze in a knot and hang it for a day to drain the whey. Use the cheese that remains in the gauze to prepare the dish.

Line a 20cm diameter cake tin with a removable bottom with baking paper, place a layer of salmon slices on it, brush with the cheese mixture and repeat layers until the tin is full. Then cover the pan with baking paper and place in the freezer.

Before serving, place the cake out of the mold on a smooth surface, remove the paper, cut into small pieces with a very sharp knife and place in the refrigerator to defrost.

Prepare the sauce: beat mayonnaise with egg whites and dried capers in a blender until smooth. Place a portion of the pie on a plate, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with chives and decorate with whipped cream and salmon caviar. You can decorate with cheese flakes and shrimp.

Pickled herring

Compound : salted herring – 2 pcs., water – 1 glass, onion- 1 PC., Bay leaf, black peppercorns, granulated sugar, 3% vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon, carrots – 1 pc., greens, sage powder – 5 g.

Cut clean herring fillets. IN boiled water add onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, sage, vinegar and granulated sugar and let it boil. When the marinade has cooled, add half-boiled carrots to it. Place the herring fillet in a non-oxidizing container, pour over the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for a day.

When serving, roll the fillet into a roll and skewer it, pour over the marinade, garnish with onions and herbs.

Salad for the winter

Compound: tomatoes (green or brown) - 2 kg, carrots - 500 g, onions - 500 g, sweet peppers - 1 kg, parsley (root) - 200 g, parsley (greens) - 30 g, vinegar (table) - 200 ml , vegetable oil – 500 ml, salt – 100 g, allspice and black pepper – 10 peas each, sage – 1 leaf per jar, cloves – 10 pcs. bay leaves – 7–10 pcs.

Cut medium-sized meaty tomatoes into 4 slices. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into pieces. Peel the carrots and parsley roots and cut into strips or cubes. Peel the onion and cut into rings no more than 5 mm thick. Wash the parsley and chop finely. Bring vegetable oil to a boil, boil for 7 minutes and cool to 70 °C. Heat the jars, pour hot oil into them and add spices. Mix the prepared vegetables, adding salt and vinegar to taste, and place tightly in jars with vegetable oil. Sterilize in boiling water.

First meal

Beef soup with dried apricots

Compound : beef – 500 g, creamy margarine – 2 tbsp. spoons, onions – 1–2 pcs., tomato puree – 2 tbsp. spoons, potatoes - 4 pcs., dried apricots - 200 g, pepper, sage - 3 g, greens.

Boil meat broth. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in creamy margarine, add tomato puree and do not remove from heat until the tomato thickens and the fat turns red. Place prepared onion, diced potatoes, washed dried apricots, salt, pepper into the strained broth and cook until tender. When serving, add boiled meat to the soup and sprinkle with sage and herbs.

Beef soup with meat pudding

Compound : broth – 1 l, carrots – 1 pc., parsley – 1 root, boiled beef – 200 g, celery – 1 root, onion – 1 pc., salted lard – 30 g, butter – 50 g, eggs – 2 pcs. ., city roll or white bread – 4 slices, a little ground crackers, milk for soaking the roll, parsley, sage – 5 g, salt, bay leaf – 1 piece, black pepper – 1-2 peas.

Boil the broth with spices, strain, add diced roots, salt and cook until the roots are soft. Remove from heat, add parsley and sage. Serve pudding as a dressing.

Preparing the pudding. Cut the lard into small pieces, fry finely chopped onion and beef on it, cut into small cubes, grind the butter with the yolks. Soak the loaf in milk and knead. Beat the whites and mix with the meat, bun, yolks, adding a little ground crackers. Form a ball, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven over low heat. Cool, cut into small cubes, place in plates and pour over soup.

Meat soup with vegetables

Compound : beef (or lean pork) – 300 g, butter – 50 g, onion – 1 pc., carrots – 1 pc., parsley and celery – 0.5 roots each, cabbage – 0.25 heads, potatoes – 2 pcs. ., tomatoes – 3 pcs. or tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon, sage - 3 g, parsley.

Cut the meat into small cubes, chop the onion, finely chop the remaining vegetables. Save the onion in oil, add the meat and fry. Add a little water and simmer until almost done. Then add all the vegetables, add water and cook until done. Remove from heat and add parsley.

Lentil and prune soup

Compound : beef – 400 g, lentils – 100 g, potatoes – 300 g, walnuts – 0.5 cups, onions – 1–2 pcs., prunes – 100 g, rendered lard – 2 tbsp. spoons, sage powder - 5 g, wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, pepper and dill.

Place selected, washed, soaked lentils into the boiling meat broth and cook until they become soft, then add diced potatoes, sautéed onions, sage and wheat flour, prunes, fried grated nuts and cook until tender. When serving, add boiled beef to the soup and sprinkle with dill and ground black pepper.

Pearl barley soup with lamb

Compound : lamb – 100 g, pearl barley – 100 g, carrots – 40 g, parsley (root) – 10 g, onions – 40 g, fat – 10 g, sage – 3 leaves, herbs, salt, spices, broth or water – 800 g.

Cut the roots and onions into small cubes and preserve. Place prepared pearl barley into boiling broth or water and cook at low boil for 40 minutes (the soup should be relatively clear). 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add sautéed vegetables, salt, sage, and spices. When serving, add a piece of lamb and greens.

When preparing soup with mushroom broth, cut the boiled mushrooms into strips and add them to the soup at the same time as the sautéed vegetables.

Noodles soup

Compound : lamb – 110 g, peas – 40 g, lamb fat – 30 g, onions – 40 g, wine vinegar – 20 g, beans – 40 g, homemade noodles, sage – 3 g, herbs, pepper, bay leaf, broth – 800 g.

Cut the lamb with the bone into 2-3 pieces per serving and cook along with the peas. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add onions sautéed in lamb fat, sage, bay leaf, pepper, beans, and 10 minutes after that, add homemade noodles, cut into diamonds or triangles. Season the finished soup with vinegar and sprinkle with herbs.

Thick lamb soup

Compound : lamb - 400 g, garlic - 4-5 cloves, potatoes - 300 g, marjoram - 2 pinches, sage - 5 g, black pepper - 1-2 peas, flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt.

Boil meat broth. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add potatoes cut into small cubes, salt, crushed garlic, marjoram, and sage. Then stir the flour in a glass of water and pour into the soup, bring to a boil again and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat and mash potatoes.

Southern vegetable soup

Compound : ham – 150 g, onion – 2 pcs. or young green onions - 2 stalks, garlic - 1 clove, white cabbage or other vegetables (spinach, green peas, etc.) - 500 g, tomatoes - 200 g, salt, pepper, sage - 3 g, black stale bread – 4 slices, margarine or vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in vegetable oil, add tomatoes, sage and simmer lightly. Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and pepper and boil in a small amount of water. Cut the ham into cubes, lightly fry and add to the vegetables. Lightly brown the slices of bread over the fire and pour the soup over them.

Potato soup with stew

Compound : water or broth – 1.5 l, potatoes – 400 g, lard – 80 g, flour – 40 g (about 2 tablespoons), onion – 1 pc., garlic – 2 cloves, stewed canned beef – 200 g , salt, cumin, sage - 3 g, ground black pepper, sweet ground bell pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.

Saute finely chopped onion with 40 g of lard, add salt, pepper, cumin and paprika, diced peeled potatoes. Lightly fry everything, add water or broth and cook for 10–15 minutes. Fry the flour in the remaining lard until brownish, dilute it with a small amount of water and pour into the broth, add the beef along with the juice contained in the jar, garlic, sage, bring to a boil, cook for another 10 minutes and remove from heat.

Tripe soup

Compound : tripe – 1 kg, water or meat broth – 2 l, onion – 1 pc., paprika (ground bell red pepper) – 1 teaspoon, butter – 50 g, flour – 1 tbsp. spoon, sage - 5 g, a pinch of marjoram, garlic - 4-5 cloves, carrots - 1 pc., celery - 0.5 roots.

Place tripe in water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the water, add 2 liters of cold water again and cook until soft. Then remove the tripe, rinse well under running water, and cut into strips. Grate carrots and celery on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into cubes, preserve in oil, add flour, stir and fry until golden brown along with marjoram, crushed garlic, paprika, carrots and celery. Pour broth over everything, bring to a boil, add tripe and cook for 10 minutes.

Soup kharcho

Compound : rice cereal – 70 g, onions – 80 g, table margarine – 40 g, tomato paste – 30 g, sauce – 30 g, garlic – 6 g, khmeli-suneli (dried herbs) – 1 g, spices (black and red pepper, bay leaf, sage), boiled beef or lamb (brisket) - 150 g, water - 1 l, capsicum, salt.

Chop beef or lamb brisket into 30 g pieces, cook at low boil until half cooked, periodically skimming off the foam. Then strain the broth. Store the tomato paste with onions and fat skimmed from the broth. Finely chop the capsicum. Pre-soak the rice grains. Place pieces of meat, prepared rice cereal, and sautéed onions into the boiling broth and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, add sauteed tomato, pepper, sauce, herbs, salt, crushed garlic.

The meat can be boiled in broth until cooked and added to the soup when serving along with parsley or cilantro.

Cream soup with croutons

Compound : potatoes – 500 g, lentils – 200 g, onions – 100 g, sage – 3 g, garlic – 1 clove, celery (root) – 60 g, butter – 40 g, water – 2 l, peppercorns, salt , greenery.

Chop the peeled potatoes, add lentils, onions, garlic, parsley, celery root, add water and cook for 2-3 hours. Strain through a sieve and wipe. Add broth to the resulting puree to make a puree soup, salt, pepper and butter. Serve hot with croutons.

Carrot puree soup

Compound : carrots – 320 g, sage – 3 g, flour for white sauce – 20 g, butter – 20 g, milk – 150 g, egg – 0.25 pcs., broth – 700 g, rice cereal – 20 g, croutons – 40 g.

Reserve the prepared carrots in a frying pan, then simmer in broth until tender and puree. Combine grated carrots with white meat or fish sauce, dilute with broth, add salt to taste, and bring to a boil. Season with egg-milk mixture and butter.

When serving, you can add crumbly rice to the finished soup.

Small croutons are served separately.

Second courses

Roast from the back

Compound : back part of lamb carcass – 2 kg, salt, butter or fat – 2 tbsp. spoons, red pepper, chopped garlic - 0.75 teaspoons, mustard, rosemary or marjoram, sage - 5 g, potato starch, side dish, sauce.

Remove film and excess fat from two pieces of lamb (back part), 1 kg each, along with ribs approximately 10 cm long. Clean the bones 4 cm from the meat and wrap the stripped ends in foil. Rub the meat with spices (if necessary, bandage so that the piece of meat is even), place in a hot frying pan, pour over heated oil and fry in a preheated oven at 175 °C, adding a little liquid from time to time and pouring juice over the meat. When the roast is ready, pour hot water into the pan, add mixed with cold water potato starch, mix, heat and strain. Serve the sauce for the roast separately.

Transfer the roast to a preheated dish in whole pieces, with the bones crossed up, and place a sharp knife next to it. On the same dish, put various side dishes, boiled beans or Brussels sprouts, whole small onions, fried along with the roast.

Serve the whole baked potatoes separately.

Solyanka in Georgian

Compound : beef – 500 g, onion – 100 g, pickles – 150 g, tomato – 50 g, wine – 0.25 cups, butter – 120 g, herbs – 10 g, sage – 5 g, garlic, salt, pepper, bouillon.

Trim beef (tenderloin, thin edge) from tendons, rinse and cut into pieces, add finely chopped onions and fry in a well-heated frying pan with butter. Then transfer to a saucepan, add sauteed tomato, peeled and sliced ​​pickles, a clove of garlic, sage, salt and pepper, pour in grape wine, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of broth and, covering with a lid, simmer for 40 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.

Compound : lamb – 500 g, flour – 25 g, wine – 0.25 l, tomato paste – 10 g, vegetable oil – 20 g, carrots – 70 g, celery, garlic – 1 clove, sage – 3 g, bay leaf , rosemary leaf, salt, pepper, garnish.

Cut the cleaned lamb meat into large pieces, add salt and pepper. Add vegetables, bay leaf and rosemary leaves. Fry all this in a frying pan, then sprinkle with flour, add tomato paste, simmer lightly and add 0.25 liters of water and wine. Then simmer the meat until cooked and serve with boiled rice.

Pork stew

Compound : meat (breast, legs, heart and liver) – 600 g, smoked brisket – 100 g, onions – 1 pc., leeks – 1 pc., carrots – 3 pcs., turnips – 1 pc. or rutabaga - 0.5 pcs., parsley root, fat - 1 tbsp. spoon, tomato puree - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt, pepper, bay leaf, sage - 5 g, flour - 0.5 tbsp. spoons, sour cream - 0.5 cups, herbs, water or bone broth - 2 cups.

It's time to beat the fried pork with bones and place it in a saucepan. Add the onion, fried with oil, sprinkle the meat with vinegar, pepper, add tomato sauce and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Cut the pulp into cubes, fry together with chopped smoked brisket and roots in a casserole dish, add liquid and simmer under a lid over low heat until fully cooked. Heat tomato puree and flour in fat. Mix the resulting mixture with meat and vegetables and cook for another 8-10 minutes. Then add sour cream, seasonings and herbs. Serve boiled potatoes, rice or pasta, and raw vegetable salad as a side dish.

Baked pork roll with prunes

Compound : pork loin – 1 kg, prunes – 100 g, salt, mustard, water or broth, onion – 1 pc., parsley, sage – 3 g, flour – 2 teaspoons, sour cream.

Remove the ribs from the meat and rub it with salt and mustard. Remove the pits from pre-soaked prunes and cover a piece of meat with it, roll the meat into a roll and tie with thread. Bake on a baking sheet at 160–170 °C, pouring water or broth over the meat from time to time, for approximately 2 hours. An hour after the start of baking, add onion and parsley cut into rings. The roll is served cold or hot. Prepare a sauce for the hot roll from the liquid remaining on the baking sheet, add flour and sour cream to it and cook for 5-6 minutes. Fried or baked potatoes, fried or stewed vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

Chicken with carrots

Compound : chicken – 1.1 kg, butter – 150 g, onion – 50 g, carrots – 1 kg, granulated sugar – 30 g, aromatic herbs (sage), chicken broth, salt.

Salt the prepared pieces of fillet and chicken legs, fry in oil, reserve and add finely chopped onion and pour in chicken broth so that all the pieces are covered with it. Add aromatic herbs, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until soft.

As a side dish, prepare carrots cut into slices, boiled or stewed with sugar and butter.

Pilaf with herbs

Compound : rice – 250 g, broth – 500 g, butter – 150 g, cheese – 150 g, salt, sage, saffron.

Sort and rinse the rice thoroughly, pour it into a saucepan, and pour in a small amount of broth. Cook, stirring with a spoon and gradually pouring in the broth. Add salt and some herbs (saffron, sage) to the cooked rice. Next add butter and grated cheese. Mix everything thoroughly and serve.

Roast rabbit

Compound : rabbit meat – 1 kg, garlic – 1 clove, parsley – 1 bunch, olive oil – 80 g, bacon – 120 g, sage – 5 g, small onions – 10 pcs., white wine – 150 g, hot water– 250 g, tomato puree – 20 g, champignons – 200 g, greens, garnish.

Finely chop parsley, garlic, small onions. Pour the dissolved butter into the prepared pan, add sliced ​​lard and processed pieces of rabbit. Then add whole onions and a mixture of finely chopped onions and herbs. Stir, pour in a little wine and water and simmer on the fire for about one hour, then add the tomato, sage and chopped champignons and continue to simmer until tender.

When serving, pour the meat over the juice in which it was stewed. Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, beans, and vegetables are preferred as a side dish.

Eggs fried with mushrooms

Compound : large porcini mushrooms – 5–6 pcs., oil – 4 tbsp. spoons, eggs - 7-8 pcs., salt to taste, sage, black pepper, parsley.

Finely chop the peeled and washed mushrooms, add salt and fry in oil until soft. Salt the beaten eggs, sprinkle with black pepper, sage and finely chopped parsley, pour over the mushrooms and fry. Serve hot, with various salads.

Scrambled eggs with sausage and onions

Compound : butter – 20 g, eggs – 4 pcs., cheese – 20 g, sausage – 60 g, onions – 25 g, sage, butter, parsley.

Fry the onions in oil, then the sausage, cut into strips, heat everything together and pour in the eggs. When the scrambled eggs begin to harden, sprinkle them with grated cheese, green onions, and herbs. It is better to serve scrambled eggs in the same container in which they were prepared.

Omelette with meat

Compound : meat – 175 g, green onions – 50 g, sage – 3 g, eggs – 2 pcs., flour – 6 g, butter – 20 g, milk – 60 g, salt, garnish – 200 g.

Pass the meat twice through a meat grinder with a fine grid, beat the eggs, add finely chopped green onions, salt, flour, milk. Then mix everything and pour into a hot frying pan with oil. When the resulting mass thickens, put it in the oven and bring it to readiness. As a side dish you can prepare fluffy rice and french fries. Decorate the omelette with herbs.

Chicken omelette

Compound : chicken – 200 g, tomato – 1 pc., butter – 30 g, lemon – 0.5 pcs., eggs – 4 pcs., water – 100 g, onions – 50 g, sage, greens.

Lightly fry the boiled chicken sirloin in a frying pan, sauté the onions, add lemon juice. Pour the prepared omelette into the frying pan and, as soon as it begins to harden, place chicken meat, tomato slices, fried onions, herbs on it, fold the omelette in half so that the minced meat is in the middle, and bake in the oven.

Spicy chicken rolls

Compound: zucchini – 2 pcs., olive oil – 50 g, chicken fillet – 300 g, sage – 5 g, cheese – 50 g, garlic – 2 cloves, pepper, salt to taste.

Wash the zucchini and cut into strips of about 0.5 cm. Line a baking tray with baking paper, arrange the zucchini, grease a little olive oil, sprinkle with sage and salt. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 7 minutes so that the zucchini becomes softer and curls better. Cut the chicken fillet into thin longitudinal strips, beat a little, add salt and pepper. Add garlic, stir and leave to marinate a little.

Place strips on prepared zucchini chicken meat, sprinkle with grated hard cheese, (you can use a little ready-made sauce) and spices to taste. Roll the rolls, pin them with skewers and bake at 180°C for 25 minutes.

Dietary cabbage

Compound: cabbage – 1–1.2 kg, egg – 2 pcs., water – 1 l, salt – 10 g, sage, pepper, dill to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the loose head of young cabbage and cut it into segments along with the stalk, into about 12 pieces. Place the cabbage pieces in boiling salted water and boil for literally 3 minutes. Carefully remove with a slotted spoon into a colander to allow the water to drain and the cabbage to cool slightly. Beat eggs in a bowl, adding water (30–40 ml), salt and herbs. Dip the cabbage segments into the mixture (on both sides) and fry until golden brown.

Stuffed squids

Compound: 4 squid carcasses, pre-peeled, 6 medium eggs, 300 g champignons, a small bunch of dill, 2 sage leaves, 150 g semi-hard cheese, salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into slices, finely chop the dill, and grate the cheese. In a frying pan over medium heat, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. Add mushrooms and sage and cook, stirring, until soft, about 5 minutes. Break the eggs into the pan with the mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Cook, stirring the eggs with a spatula, until the mixture is set, about 3 minutes. Add chopped herbs and cheese, mix. Stuff the squid carcasses with the egg-mushroom mixture. We pin it with toothpicks. Grease the squid with vegetable oil, place in a mold and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. Bake for about 20 minutes. Serve hot or cool, cut into slices and serve as an appetizer.

Spicy croutons with cheese

Compound: loaf (sliced), processed cheese - 1 piece, sausage (boiled) - 150 g, milk - 100 ml, butter (piece), spices (dill, parsley, sage) to taste.

Cut the loaf into thin (1–2 cm) pieces. Dip one side into milk. Three cheese and sausage on a fine grater. Add a piece of butter and a mixture of herbs. Microwave for 30 seconds to melt the butter. Mix everything thoroughly to form a cheese and sausage paste. We smear each piece on the side that was dipped in milk. Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. It's ready in 10 minutes. Ruddy, crispy and fragrant croutons are ready for your table.

Chicken casserole

Compound: broiler chicken – 1 pc., canned artichokes – 170 g, canned chickpeas – 400 g, tomatoes – 400 g, carrots – 3 pcs., chicken broth – 0.5 cups, white wine – 0.25 cups, chopped mint – 1 Art. spoon, chopped garlic - 1 teaspoon, sage - 3 g, couscous - 1 glass, lemon zest (grated) - 1 tbsp. spoon, starch - 1 tbsp. spoon, cold water - 4 tbsp. spoons, chopped parsley - 0.5 cups, cucumbers - to taste, salt, pepper - to taste.

Chop the broiler chicken into pieces. You can fillet it or cut it straight with the bones. Take a large baking dish and add artichokes, chickpeas, diced tomatoes, coarsely grated carrots, couscous and lemon zest. If using dry chickpeas, soak them and boil until half cooked. You can take canned peas or beans. Pour chicken broth, white wine into the mixture, add heavily chopped mint, sage and garlic. Separately, dilute the starch in cold water, add it to the vegetable mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Place chicken pieces on top. Bake the dish in a closed form at +170–180 °C for 45 minutes. Then remove the lid and cook for another 15 minutes - a golden brown crust should form. Garnish the finished casserole with finely chopped parsley and fresh cucumbers.

Potato casserole

Compound: potatoes - 3 pcs., egg - 2 pcs., onion - 1 onion, sage powder - 3 g, breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Peel hot boiled potatoes in their jackets, grate them, cool slightly and mix with raw eggs, if desired, you can add sautéed onions. Place the resulting potato mass on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs in a 4 cm layer, brush the surface with egg, or egg with sour cream, or sour cream alone and bake.

The casserole can be prepared with minced meat: mushroom, meat, vegetable. In this case, the minced meat is placed between layers of potato mass.

Chicken fillet in potato crust

Compound: vegetable oil for frying, natural yogurt - 150 ml, potatoes - 3-4 pieces, chicken fillet - 3 pieces, chicken egg - 2 pieces, sage powder - 5 g, pepper, salt.

The chicken fillet must be thoroughly washed, carefully separated into small fillets, and thoroughly cleaned of films and fat. Lightly beat and marinate in natural yoghurt along with salt, sage and pepper and leave for one and a half to two hours. Gently break the eggs into a bowl and beat a little with a fork. Peel and cut the potatoes into strips, add a little salt and lightly mash them with your hands. Heat the frying pan with the oil until lightly smoking. Carefully remove the fillet from the yogurt, dip it thoroughly in the beaten egg and roll on all sides in potato strips. Place the fillet on a hot frying pan and press it slightly onto the surface of the frying pan with a spatula. Chicken fillet fries quite quickly, so you have to be careful. So that it doesn't burn. Place the fried fillet in a fireproof dish and place in a preheated oven at 190°C for 15 minutes. You can serve this chicken fillet with fried cauliflower and sour cream sauce.

Baked potatoes in sauce

Compound: potatoes – 2 kg, cream – 250 ml, sour cream (27%) – 200 ml, mushroom cube – 3 pcs., granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon, salt, black pepper, turmeric – pinch, hard cheese – 300 g, cumin, sage.

Cut the potatoes into rounds and place them in a mound in a row in a deep baking tray. Sprinkle the potatoes with sugar, salt, black pepper, turmeric, and sage and set aside to soak a little. In a separate bowl, dilute 20% cream, sour cream, dilute mushroom broth cubes and pour into the cream, add salt and ground pepper, and mix it all well. The potatoes have steeped, now pour the sauce with cream evenly over the potatoes and sprinkle fresh cumin on top and put in the oven at 240 °C, after half an hour, cover with foil and bake for another half an hour, then remove the foil, sprinkle with hard cheese and bake for another 20 minutes.

Fried eggplants with cheese and tomatoes

Compound: medium eggplant – 1 pc., olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons, tomatoes – 6 pcs., soft cheese (mozzarella) – 150 g, chopped parsley or basil 4 tbsp. spoons, sage powder – 5 g, lemon – 1 pc., salt, ground black pepper to taste, basil leaves for decoration to taste.

Thinly slice the eggplant. Fry on both sides in a small amount of olive oil until golden brown. Also thinly slice the tomatoes and cheese. Tomatoes can be peeled. Whisk the remaining olive oil, herbs, finely grated lemon zest, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, salt, pepper. Big flat shape place prepared eggplants, tomatoes, cheese. Pour in the prepared sauce and place in a very hot oven. In a few minutes, as soon as the cheese begins to melt, the dish is ready. Serve the fried eggplants immediately, sprinkle lightly with salt, pepper, and sage.

Don't forget to garnish the fried eggplant with cheese with fresh basil or parsley leaves.

Pancake rolls with ham

Compound: milk – 100 ml, flour – 50 g, boiled ham – 2 slices, lettuce – 1 head, egg – 1 pc., sage – 3 leaves, green onions – 50 g, white wine vinegar – 3 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, grated Gouda cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons, ghee - 1 teaspoon, sugar, pepper, salt.

Combine flour and 1 pinch of salt, add eggs and milk, knead the dough, leave it for 20 minutes. Combine vinegar with salt and pepper, add 1 pinch of sugar, while whisking, pour in olive oil. Cut green onions into rings. Place melted butter in a frying pan (non-stick), heat it up, prepare 2 thin pancakes from the dough, place 1 slice of ham on each, roll the pancakes into rolls. Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out the pancakes, sprinkle them with cheese, and bake on the grill.

Place lettuce leaves on plates, pour dressing prepared with olive oil over them, sprinkle with onions, cut pancake rolls with ham into slices, place them on plates.


Sage tea

Compound: dried sage leaves - 1 teaspoon, or fresh sage leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, water – 300 ml, sugar – 1 teaspoon, honey – 1 tbsp. spoon, lime or lemon - 1 slice each.

Whether dried or fresh sage leaves are used, the process for preparing the tea is the same. Heat a cup of water. Place 1 teaspoon of dried sage in a mug, or 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped fresh leaves. Pour boiling water over it. It is better to cover the mug and let the drink sit for 4 minutes, then strain the tea.

You can add a teaspoon of honey or a wedge of lime for taste.

Drink made from curdled milk with sage and honey

Compound: curdled milk - 4 cups, water - 1 cup, honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, dry sage - 0.5 teaspoons.

Pour boiling water over sage and leave for 40–50 minutes. Strain the infusion, add yogurt and honey. Whisk the mixture and pour into glasses.

Sage wine with lemon

Compound: water – 15 l, fresh infusion of red or table sage – 5 l, juice of 6 lemons, sugar – 2.5 kg, ale yeast – 250 g.

Dissolve sugar in water and boil. As the foam appears, skim it off, and when it cooks well, pour it into a clean vat. The vat should contain 100 g of sage leaves, separated from the stems. Let stand until almost cold, then add the juice of 6 lemons, whisking it with part of the ale yeast, mix everything well, cover very tightly so that no air gets in, let stand for a full 48 hours and when fermented, seal very tightly and leave rest for three weeks or a month, then bottle. Put a little head sugar in each bottle before drinking this wine; it is better to age it for a quarter of a year or longer.

Sage wine with egg whites

Compound: water – 40 l, egg whites – 16 pcs., clary sage flowers – 0.5 kg, sugar – 5.5 kg, ale yeast – 0.5 kg.

Mix water, sugar and egg whites well. Boil over low heat for one hour and carefully remove the foam. Then pour into a vat, wait until it becomes almost cold. Take clary sage flowers from small leaves and stems, place them in a barrel with ale yeast, then pour in the liquid and stir twice a day until it ferments. Place a piece of sugar in each bottle.

Sage Ale

Compound: malt extract – 1 kg 200 g, brown sugar – 800 g, fresh table sage – 60 g, licorice root – 60 g, water – 18 l, yeast – 250 g.

Bring water to a boil, add half the sage and licorice root, simmer over low heat for one hour. When cooled to 80°C, strain into fermentation tank over malt extract and sugar, stir until sugar and malt are dissolved. Cool to 40°C. Add yeast. Add remaining sage. Allow to ferment completely (six to seven days). At this stage, only a few isolated small areas of foam should be visible on the surface of the fermenting beer. Place half a teaspoon of sugar in each bottle, pour in the beer and seal with a cork. You will be able to drink it in 10–14 days.

Ale with clary sage

Compound: malt extract – 1 kg 200 g, brown sugar – 800 g, fresh clary sage – 120 g, water – 20 l, yeast – 100 g.

Bring water to a boil, add half the sage, simmer for one hour over low heat. When cooled to 80°C, strain over a fermentation tank containing the malt extract and sugar, stirring until the sugar and extract are completely dissolved. Cool to 40°C. Add yeast. Add remaining sage. Allow to ferment completely (6-7 days). At this stage, only a few isolated small areas of foam should be visible on the surface of the fermenting beer. Place half a teaspoon of sugar in each bottle, pour in the beer, and cap tightly. You will be able to drink it in 10–14 days.

Old Sage Ale

Compound: 5 buckets of water, 250 g of hops, 250 g of rye cereal, 500 g of molasses, 1 handful of fresh sage, 250 g of yeast.

To five buckets of water, add 250 g of hops and one large handful of sage. Add 250 g of rye cereal and let it simmer together for three hours. Strain through a sieve while the liquid is scalding hot over the molasses. You should get approximately four buckets of liquid at the end of cooking; if the volume is less, add a little water. When warm, add 250g good yeast; then pour into a keg and let it ferment. In two days or less it will be ready to be bottled.

Fruit drink with sage

Compound: fresh sage – 5 g, lime – 25 g, fruit juice – 100 ml, sparkling water – 50 ml, crushed ice.

Place a quarter of a lime, cut into slices, and sage leaves into a glass. Put a couple of spoons crushed ice and mash with a muddler. Add ice to the rim of the glass. Pour in juice and sparkling water. Stir and serve.

© Konstantinov Yu., 2012

© Artistic design, ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2012

© ZAO Publishing House Tsentrpoligraf, 2012

They belong to the category of heat-loving shrubs. The plant has an elongated shape and an average height of up to 70 cm. The leaves of sage are oblong, pointed, have a rich green tint, and the flowers, collected in inflorescences, are colored light purple. A large number of essential oils are concentrated in the flowering tops, so they are worth collecting and preparing for medicinal purposes.

sage bush

The intensity of the aroma, the content of essential oils, as well as the concentration of beneficial substances of sage varies depending on the season of the year. That is why there are certain periods for collecting plants in summer and autumn. You can find lawns with sage growing in the wild in Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and other countries southeastern Europe. In Russia and the CIS countries, wild sage is rare. It is mainly grown in private gardens and summer cottages.

The most favorable period for collecting leaves and flowers is considered to be the beginning of summer. It is then that the largest amount of essential oils is concentrated in it. You can start collecting immediately after the inflorescences bloom. To prepare the medicinal base, we select dark green leaves and lilac inflorescences. For ease of drying, we cut off the branches where the lower flowers have already bloomed and the upper ones are collected in buds. Summer harvest time20 days after the inflorescences bloom.

Young sage

Next, the sage fades and the secondary stage of ripening begins. Self-seeding occurs, new seeds are formed in the pericarp, which soon fall to the ground or are carried by the wind, and after the first rain they germinate, filling the area with young sage bushes. During this period, the plant is not harvested, its leaves and stems become coarser, and the concentration of nutrients decreases several times.

Try to collect most of the sage in your garden unless you want this plant to fill almost the entire space of your garden when it blooms again. Many gardeners specifically devote large areas to sage, because, in addition to the medicinal use of dry leaves and inflorescences, you can also use its stems as green fertilizer for compost. Re-collection begins at the end of September. By this time, both young and old shrubs have time to fully form, on which green leaves and lilac inflorescences reappear. In terms of the range of useful substances, autumn sowing is not inferior to summer sowing.

The collection process itself takes place in two ways. In the first case, you can pick leaves and inflorescences from a growing shoot, and in the second, trim the above-ground part of the sage with garden shears and dry it in a way convenient for you. It is recommended to remove not all leaves and inflorescences from the bush, but somewhere around 50-70% of the total. This will give you the opportunity not to plant new crops next year, but to get young shrubs from sprouted seeds. Choose dry and sunny days for collection, waiting until the morning dew has completely evaporated. Before harvesting, we recommend washing the bushes from dust with a hose and letting them dry thoroughly. During collection, pay attention to the quality of the raw materials, excluding diseased and spoiled leaves and inflorescences.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow sage on summer cottage, you can do this at home by creating special conditions. To do this, you need to have a cool room with plenty of light, such as a loggia or balcony, where you could keep constant temperature within the range from 0 to +5 °C.

Sage has a pleasant aroma that persists even after drying. But if the raw materials are prepared incorrectly, they will have a musty smell. Therefore, start drying the plant immediately after collecting it. We wash the leaves and inflorescences under water at room temperature, not hot, otherwise the sage will lose half of its medicinal properties, and then lay everything out in an even layer on parchment paper or newspaper. Drying is carried out in a ventilated, dry room or under a canopy in the open air, not forgetting to turn the leaves over.

Drying herbs

You can also not remove the leaves and flowers from the cut shoots, but collect them in a bunch and hang them upside down to dry.

You can use a dryer. This process must be carried out when minimum temperature no higher than 35-40 °C to prevent the loss of essential oils and aroma of sage. Dry raw materials should be free of twigs, thick stems and other foreign impurities. A simple test will help determine the readiness of the raw materials. If the leaves break easily, they are well dried, and if they bend, we continue to dry the sage. At the end, you should get 25-30% of the medicinal preparation from the initial volume of fresh sage. Natural tea made from such raw materials has an astringent and bitter taste.

Store the leaves and inflorescences whole, as essential oils evaporate from the crushed crop much faster. We recommend using breathable materials as storage containers: cardboard boxes, paper or canvas bags, dry jars with nylon lids. The room where dry sage will be stored should also be constantly ventilated. If all these rules are followed, the shelf life of the raw materials is 2 years.