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» Birthday skit funny short fairy tales. Impromptu table tales based on roles for a cheerful company: for the birthday of a woman and a man

Birthday skit funny short fairy tales. Impromptu table tales based on roles for a cheerful company: for the birthday of a woman and a man

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It so happened that in the 20th century in Russia, beautiful religious holidays were removed from the lives of children: Easter, Christmas, Angel's Day. Celebrate a child's birthday in a grand way New Year was considered indecent, and often impossible. Adults turned children's birthdays into family feasts. At the same time, the little heroes of the occasion, having sorted out the gifts, were usually bored in the corner.
In the last 5-10 years, with the development of the service sector, interest in organizing children's holiday leisure has finally emerged again. Special agencies began to be created that could turn any event in a child’s life into a fairy tale: a birthday, entering first grade, or losing the first baby tooth. Now you can invite professional animators, that is, specialists in organizing entertainment programs, to any holiday. However, those holidays that are created through the efforts of the parents themselves have no less, and perhaps even greater, value.
Conventionally, children's animated, that is, entertaining, programs can be divided into character-based and fairy-tale programs. Character programs came to us from America; they are widely known from Hollywood films. Children, regardless of their age and number, are invited to an animator - a clown (clown), who entertains the assembled guests by making figures from balloons, holding fun competitions and shows tricks. In our country, instead of a clown, Snow White, Kolobok, Malvina or another bright character from well-known folk or literary fairy tales can appear.
The advantage of character programs is their cost-effectiveness, but the most significant disadvantage is that such programs are not suitable for children under 4 years old, as well as for very large companies. One animator is physically unable to pay sufficient attention to all the children and even keep track of them. Also, one animator, as a rule, has the same type of script, which does not imply a variety of events. Imagine how disappointed your child will be if it turns out that this particular clown with this particular program spent the birthday of one of his friends.
Of course, a fabulous entertainment program is best suited for children's parties. This program is a theatrical show based on fairy tales. Several animators create intrigue at the beginning of the holiday: for example, a bag of gifts is stolen or one of the goodies is bewitched. Next, children become the most important participants in the fairy-tale events being played out. It is children who need to solve a problem through games and competitions, help find a treasure or cast a spell on a princess.
Organizing a fabulous program requires some effort. If an animator based on the American system can perform without prior preparation, having a number of standard games and competitions in his arsenal, then a script is needed for a “fairytale” birthday. The script can take into account all the wishes of the guests and individual characteristics birthday boy So, you can arrange a party with Winnie the Pooh for the little ones, invite an older girl to a real princess ball, and offer a boy pirate party or space adventures.
The fairytale program will become even more interesting if you show children a puppet show as part of it. The advantage of puppet shows is that, as a rule, they are all based on fairy tales known and loved by children. It is well known that a fairy tale touches the deepest layers of the human psyche and helps children learn fundamental human values. Puppet fairy tale teaches the child to think, evaluate the actions of heroes, helps to assimilate ethical standards, develops memory and speech. The rhythmic and melodious language of fairy tales, rich in repetitions and stable phrases (“once upon a time,” “runaway bunny,” “fox-sister”) creates an atmosphere of true magic.
Many parents think that it is impossible to organize a holiday on their own; it is necessary to invite professional animators, but this is not so. Who, if not loving parents, knows best the dreams and characteristics of their child! If you have a little free time and at least two friends or relatives who are ready to try on the roles of fairy-tale characters, you have everything you need to hold a “fairytale” birthday.
How can you make your child’s birthday a truly memorable event?
First of all, you need to take into account the age of the child. The best way to celebrate the arrival of one and two years is in the family circle. Remember that the most main character of this day - the child, not the relatives. So instead of busying yourself in the kitchen, make sure your baby is in a festive mood. Don't think that your child is too young to understand anything. It is at this age that the child’s brain greedily absorbs any information, and every little thing will contribute to the intellectual development of the baby.
To celebrate the first two birthdays, you should not organize noisy entertainment, as an excess of emotions, even positive ones, will tire the baby. Don't invite an animator - kids are often afraid of strangers. It is better if the mother or grandmother acts as the host of the holiday. For the same reason, never wear a mask or use stage makeup: the child may not recognize you and be scared. Show your child a simple puppet show based on a fairy tale that he knows. It could be “Ryaba Chicken” or “Teremok”. Play "Loaf" and arrange funny competitions for relatives.
It is not necessary to invite children guests to celebrate the first two birthdays. Due to their age, such children do not yet know how to play together. If you don’t want to devote the whole evening to separating children who need the same toy, invite only your relatives’ children, and even then no more than three.
If, thanks to kindergarten and developmental courses, your child is sociable and has experience in socialization, then already for his 3rd birthday you can organize a real entertainment program. You can invite animators to your home or where you plan to celebrate a birthday, or hold a theatrical celebration in a kindergarten.
Based own experience, for children 3-4 years old, I consider a program lasting 1-1.5 hours optimal. When choosing a script for a show program for the birthday boy, keep in mind that even intellectually overdeveloped children under the age of
4 year olds are more interesting if they are mostly passive participants. They can follow the animator’s instructions clearly, but it is difficult for children to improvise and get used to the fairy tale plot, since their role-playing skills are not yet sufficiently developed. Involving children in the entertainment program is achieved by key points the animator asks them questions that need to be answered to help the hero, or encourages children to perform a strictly defined action with a minimal competitive bias.
If you invite animators from a specialized entertainment center or club, pay attention to the costumes, repertoire and even the gender of the animator. For children under 5 years old, any role, even male roles - a clown or Santa Claus - should be played by a woman. Male actors don't always find mutual language with kids, and children instantly feel the constraint and unnaturalness of an adult. It is better if you are familiarized with the holiday scenario in advance, this will help avoid unpleasant surprises.
Adults often do not know that most 3-4 year old children are afraid not only of Babu Yaga or Barmaley, but also of any clown. Put yourself in the place of a child: suddenly a loud-voiced Something in a bright suit, with a red nose and an unimaginable grimace on his face - either a mouth or a mouth - enters the room. Therefore, only kind characters familiar to children should entertain children 3-4 years old - the Good Fairy, Cinderella, Grandmother the storyteller or animals like Kotofeevich the Cat or Lisa Patrikeevna. If you still want to invite a clown, choose from the photographs the one who has a minimum of stage makeup.
Starting from 4th birthday entertainment program you can include some intrigue: you need to disenchant the Snow Maiden or help find a stolen magic chest. How older child, the brighter and more complex the plot’s intricacies should be. At the age of 4 years, a child can already draw parallels between himself and fairy-tale hero, make your own additions to the development of the storyline.
From the age of 5, children want to personally participate in events, so the entertainment program for children 5-8 years old can last longer - 1.5-2 hours, and for children 8-12 years old - 2.5 hours. The scenario, in turn, should be such that the birthday boy feels like a strong, self-confident person, a winner in difficult situations. Such fairy-tale programs form the child’s positive “I”, help him realize his capabilities and find ways to realize them.
If 5-8 children gather at the holiday, then two animators should work with them, if there are more than 8 children, a third animator is needed. The older the children, the more animators it makes sense to invite, since the theater program for children should be full of characters with a bright personality.
In a program for children over 4 years old, you can already use a negative character, but his role must be “balanced” by the role of a positive one. For example, Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Wise or Barmaley and Cinderella are present at the holiday at the same time. An animator representing a negative character (Baba Yaga) causes all sorts of troubles within the framework of the holiday script, and an animator playing the role of a positive character (Vasilisa the Wise) helps children unite and show their abilities in the fight against evil.
Children over 4 years old like it when, in addition to adult animators, a child animator also participates in the program. Many theater studios now offer programs based entirely on the participation of a child actor: the Snow Maiden with her assistant Hare, the sensible Malvina and the good-for-nothing Pinocchio, etc. By organizing an entertainment program at home, you can safely involve the birthday boy’s older sister or teenage nephew.
I note that for the program for children over 7 years old, you can choose any characters. Girls often want to see fairy-tale princesses and fairies, and boys often want to see pirates or robbers. I do not recommend organizing a party with the participation of any superheroes. Firstly, children place excessive hopes on such characters, expecting Batman to fly and Spider-Man to shoot his web. When it turns out that the animator does not know how to do this, the children are disappointed. Secondly, birthday parties with superheroes often end in general rioting, and children become almost uncontrollable by the end of the holiday.
Now regarding the choice of guests. Children 5-8 years old are most comfortable in the company of children close in age (plus or minus 2 years). Schoolchildren aged 8-10 years are often invited to a party noisy company classmates and friends in the yard. Try to limit the number of guests to 10-12, with a maximum of 15 children. As experience shows, purely “boy” birthdays are possible only if the number of children at the party together with the birthday boy does not exceed 5 people. Otherwise, any games end in finding out who is stronger or in a fight between “superheroes.”

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

Music from the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” plays. It turns out Man- he is dressed in felt boots and hats, and has a cardboard ax on his shoulder:

I already sent it! I've been circling through the forest for three hours, I've seen enough of these fairy tales and these storytellers. There is no such thing as a normal Christmas tree! That's bad luck. And most importantly, some fairy tales are all wrong, not the same as before. Everything seems to be the same as before, but it feels like someone somewhere has changed something! I just entered the forest, and then a story happened to me...


A young man wearing a T-shirt with a yellow smiling emoticon appears on stage. Babka follows him, limping:

The granddaughters and the girls all looked so impudent! There is only one shame, not the girls! That one has not only her ears, but her entire face covered with glands, this tattoo is like that of a hardened prisoner, or she puts something like that on herself - Slava Zaitsev crosses herself and cries quietly in the corner. Don't mess with them, grandson!


Well, bah, I need them, these girls..! I went, the guys and I agreed to meet...

The grandmother leaves, Kolobkov “hits the road” to the song “Country of Limonia.”

Zaikina jumps out from behind the scenes to meet him. This is a real glamorous blonde - eyelashes, nails, hair, pink and fur galore.

Zaikina(speaks languidly, drawing out words):

Kolobkov! Where are you going?


Zaikina, get out of the way, I’m off and on my way...


I just had a thought…


Did you even think? What a surprise!


Should I invite Kolobkov to some cafe? Tiramisu, cappuccino, I’m so beautiful... I think it’s a good idea!


Zaikina, I don’t want to upset you, but...

I am Kolobkov, Kolobkov,
Born engineers
Learned from TV,
Grandma warned...
I left my grandmother
And he left his grandfather,
I’ll leave you, Zaikina, even more so!

Just think about it - where did I get it from? a simple schoolboy does the average family have enough money to carry you and your false nails to cafes and feed you tiramisu? Adye, my furry rodent!

Kolobkov... Come with us to the cemetery today.


Volkova, damn it! Nevermind the invitation! I see you, I have a desire to cover myself with a blanket and under no circumstances hang my legs or arms off the bed - what if you’re hiding under my bed and how you’ll grab it! And you also invite me to the cemetery!


It will be fun, Kolobkov. Let's howl at the moon and celebrate a black mass. Quiet, calm, no adults...

Kolobkov(About myself):

Grandma is right, she’s right in everything... Listen, Volkova:

Sings his song, adding the line:
I’ll run away from you, Volkova, as fast as I can!

Medvedeva comes out to meet Kolobkov - a girl with a VERY heavy build, roughly speaking - plump.


Kolobkov! Come to our house for lunch today! Mom and I made dumplings, baked pies, and fried donuts. Look at my embroideries, I spent so many evenings on them...


As I understand it, the only thing missing from your plush table is Kolobkov. Medvedeva, you are my weeping willow, Vasilisa, you are my wise one, and I don’t even know what this embroidery of yours looks like!
Sings his song, adding the last line:
And I’ll leave you, Medvedeva!

Lisichkina comes out to meet Kolobkov. The girl is like a girl, only red.


Hello, Kolobkov. It's good that I met you. They say you understand computers, but something happened to mine - it won’t load. Maybe if you have a free minute, you can take a look?


Lisichkina, I'm in a hurry.
Sings his song, adding:
And I’ll leave you Lisichkina.


So I told you - when I have free time. And guess what? You help me with the computer, and I’ll help you with the essay, otherwise the last time the class cried over your epic creation. Let's do this - you give me a computer, and I'll give you an essay!


But it’s true, it’s almost the end of the year, and I have something indecent about literature. Well, let her write, and it’s not difficult for me to see what’s on her computer... Let’s go, Lisichkina, let’s take a look. Do you have any kind of firewood?

Talking, they leave.

It turns out Man:

Have you seen it? I'll be damned if that Fox didn't eat him! And everything seems to be according to the plot, but doubts torment me. Or here’s another thing - I move on, go out to the edge...

Crane and Heron

A young man, Zhuravlev, comes out from behind the scenes:

All the guys in the class have girls. And some manage to date several people at once. What's worse about me? The heron looked at me like that yesterday, she probably likes me. Maybe call her, ask how things are going with her on the personal front, and if not, then approach her gently?

Dials the number. Tsaplina comes out from another wing. Her phone rings, she picks it up:

Hello, I'm listening...

Hello, Tsaplina. What are you doing?

Ah, Zhuravlev, hello. I don’t do anything, I’m on VKontakte.

But tell me, Tsaplina, honestly, don’t you need a strong, handsome, courageous young man, 16 years old in full bloom? If you need it, here I am!

Zhuravlev, did you fall from the oak tree? Who is the strong one here? Who couldn’t pass the push-up standard for two weeks? And who is beautiful among us? Yes, even the Lyagushkin sisters shy away from you in all directions, and it would seem that there are three of them, and not a single one has a boyfriend, they could have fallen for it. Your masculinity is a big question; they say that when you watch melodramas, you cry like crazy! Well, why do I need such a treasure?

Well, Tsaplina! You're just kind of mean! (to himself) This is a bummer.

He hangs up and goes backstage.


Come on, just think! He's trying to be a guy with me... He's handsome, ha-ha-ha... (thinks). Well, actually... his eyes really are wonderful. And then he messed up his push-ups because of a cold, but he runs faster than anyone else and plays basketball great. As for melodramas, it’s still unknown whether he’s watching it or it’s some kind of joke. And in principle, let him look, I love them myself... I shouldn’t have offended the guy. I need to call him back.

Dials Zhuravlev's number. He comes out of the wings and picks up the phone:

Yes. Well, what else do you want, Tsaplina? Didn't you say everything?

You know, Gray, I think I got carried away. If you haven’t changed your mind, then I’m ready to accept your offer to date!

What? Offer? Yes, I was joking, Tsaplina! How could it even occur to you that I would want to date you? Do you think there aren’t any other cute birds in our swamp? Yes, the same Mashka Lyagushkina - her legs are longer, her waist is thinner, and everything else is also in place!

You are a pig, Zhuravlev! I definitely won’t forgive you for comparing you to Lyagushkina!

He hangs up. Goes backstage.


It seems to me that I really am a pig. Well, I like her, to be honest. She’s not only pretty, but also smart, she’ll help if you have anything with your studies... I’m calling... I hope she won’t send me to the swamp!

Tsaplina comes out and answers the call:

Zhuravlev, if you’re calling me to tell me something else about the delights of the other Lyagushkin sisters, then you shouldn’t bother. They are proverbial beauties!

No, Tsaplina. I want to apologize, but still think about my proposal to meet...

Zhuravlev, Christmas trees! No! Go kiss Masha, what if she turns into a princess!

Both go backstage.
It turns out Man:

They still haven't reached an agreement. They call a friend. But maybe I’m confusing something, but in the fairy tale they went to each other, weren’t there telephones in the fairy tale? And what kind of phones are in the swamp? But it was the last story that finally finished me off:


A table and two chairs are brought onto the stage. A guy and a girl come out. The guy is wearing a tracksuit and a cap, the girl is wearing a miniskirt and heels, but also wearing a sports windbreaker. They behave cheekily. They sit on chairs and crack seeds.


Hey, Maha, do you think Ryabov gave us a report on history?

Young woman:

Why, do you think he dares not to roll?

They laugh stupidly. A young man, Ryabov, appears to be a typical “nerd”:

Young woman:

And go for a walk, come on.


But we agreed that the three of us would do the report! What should I do now, write a new one for myself?


Well, like, if you don’t want to, don’t write. You’ll get a couple... And don’t blather there, otherwise... (shows fist)

The bell rings. The girl opens the door:

Oh, Myshkin... Hello!

Myshkin enters - a healthy guy, about two meters tall.

Well, what do you have here? Ryabov? Why are you here?


Yes, he, like, asked for a visit. He says show him some tricks, like self-defense. He's leaving now.


They say we have a history report coming up, but I can’t sleep.

The guy and the girl look at each other in fear. Ryabov clears his throat, adjusts his glasses, takes a step forward, clearly wants to say something.


Ryabov, get out of here, whoever you told! Then all the tricks!


Why is this on your table? Paper? Is there anything printed on it?

He takes it and reads it from the warehouses:

- “Gold of the Scythians.” Oops! History report! This is where I entered successfully! Who dashed off?


They dashed off! Not only are they good at tricks, they are also real scholars!


So, I’ll take this, and you, if you’re so smart, will write for yourself! Fuck me, let's go!


Ryabov.., a “bad” person, so what have you done? Now I’ll really show you a couple of tricks, but you probably won’t like it.

Young woman:

Now I'm a couple of years old on the history of the house!


Yeah, why didn’t you stop Myshkin?


Yes, he will put me down with one left hand.


Okay, don’t cry grandpa, don’t cry grandma... I’ll write you another report, but let’s do it for three. How do you like the topic: “Gold Rush” in the Wild West - the reasons for its occurrence?”

Young woman:

Ryabov, dear, sit down and write quickly...

They go backstage.

It turns out Man, this time dragging a Christmas tree (artificial) behind him.

Phew, now we can go home. I'm tired of these incomprehensible things. Look, what are they kicking out! The main thing is not to meet anyone else at the exit from the forest, otherwise I will completely go crazy.

Runs him out Wife:

Oh, Lord, there you are! And I already searched all over the forest for you! I’ll ask Kolobok, then I’ll ask the Heron. A mouse ran by, waved its tail in your direction, and that’s how I came to you. What, you fool, have you been walking around all day?


Yes, you won’t believe it, maybe I ate something wrong, but your Kolobok and Mouse are no longer the same. Have you noticed anything strange?


You understand a lot. What time is it now? Such are the times, such are the tales. Moreover, you probably forgot the saying: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” Let's go, poor fellow, he's frozen...

They hug and leave. The final music from the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” plays.

Scenarios of fairy tales based on roles new way for entertainment events At school, kindergarten, at a corporate party, other holiday.

We bring to your attention funny dramatizations of Russian fairy tales for children and comic scenarios of fairy tales for adults in a new style, with comic roles.

On this page you will find:

1.) children's fairy tales in a new way for the New Year;
2.) reworking fairy tales with roles for adults ( drunk company).

Our kind and funny tales relevant at any time of the year! We recommend bookmarking this page, it will come in handy!

New Year's fairy tale scenarios for children

Fairy tales-remakes for a drunk company according to roles

In this collection, we have collected funny scenarios of New Year's-themed fairy tales for drunken adults, which can be role-played.

And these cool, converted fairy tales can be used for birthdays and anniversaries, New Year’s corporate parties, because... they are written in a new way, they have roles for guests or the hero of the occasion.

An example of a fairy tale for adults based on roles in a modern way: “Ryaba Hen”

The presenter asks 4 people to go on stage. They will play the roles of: Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Rotten Hens and Mice.

An approximate plot of a fairy tale game:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. In the evenings, my grandfather watched football, and my grandmother loved Dom-2, because of this they constantly quarreled.
They had their own small business- home poultry farm. True, there was only enough money for 1 chicken - and it was a speckled one.
The chicken obediently performed its duties job description, exactly at 6.00 in the morning she laid one testicle at a time.
Grandfather and grandmother led healthy image life, did exercises, ate only healthy food, without GMOs, for example, fresh eggs. And they drank hawthorn tincture.
Also in their apartment lived a guest worker tenant, an illegal immigrant, who was secretly hiding in their kitchen, in the closet. It was a mouse.
At night the mouse went to work and looked for food. Usually she was fed cheese, which was placed in a mousetrap.
One day, grandfather and grandmother forgot to put cheese in the mousetrap, and the mouse had nothing to eat.
The mouse climbed onto the table, drank the hawthorn from the mug and wanted to snack on the egg.
But she got sick of alcohol and dropped the egg on the floor. Frightened, she hid in the closet.
In the morning, grandfather went into the kitchen to eat an egg, but it was broken on the floor.
The grandfather called the grandmother, they sat on the floor and began to cry.
A chicken came running, asked not to be upset, and promised to use nanotechnology to produce new eggs. Namely - made of pure gold.
Grandfather and grandmother were happy that they would get rich. And they celebrated it with hawthorn.
The chicken began to lay golden eggs, and the grandfather and grandmother took them to the pawnshop.

The fairy tale is over!
Well done, Ryaba!

Modern scenarios in the form of small fairy tales will delight viewers at any holiday!

Corporate culture - important factor environment in any company. If the organization has correctly formed principles corporate culture, people work with full dedication, and the company achieves its goals faster. - another way to strengthen the friendly atmosphere and establish warm relationships in the team.

There are many reasons for such events: calendar celebrations, company anniversaries, completion of important projects, employee birthdays. Professional hosts, pop artists, singers, and dance groups are invited to host the celebrations.

A more soulful version of the holiday is guaranteed if you come up with a program yourself and, moreover, directly participate in it. And you don’t have to find much time to prepare the celebration, because it is not necessary to have a carefully rehearsed script. Fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party will help create a good mood for everyone.

Such performances do not require serious preparation; on the contrary, impromptu, improvisation is the most valuable thing in such productions. Costumes and scenery are selected in a stylized manner. Roles can be distributed according to the nature of the characters, but it can also be done by drawing lots. No rehearsals are needed. Success largely depends on the leader. Reading a fairy tale, arranging pauses and accents, he helps the artists.

There are several types of such fairy tales - shapeshifters. A fairy tale based on pantomime does not involve memorizing texts. Each actor, getting used to his role (often an inanimate character), tries to illustrate the presenter’s story with gestures and body movements. Costumes and decorations are optional. Scenarios for fairy tales in a new way for corporate events can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with them yourself.

Pantomime fairy tale for a corporate party

  • Characters:
  • Leading;
  • King and Queen;
  • Prince and Princess;
  • two Horses;
  • Oak and Puddle;
  • Breeze and Crow;
  • two Frogs;
  • Snake robber.

Act one

Presenter (V.): The curtain opens!

(Curtain runs across the stage, imitating the opening of curtains).

V.: In front of us is a snow-covered clearing, and on it is a mighty, spreading and slightly brooding Oak tree.

(Oak appears, swinging its mighty branch arms).

V.: A young, imposing and slightly pensive Crow sat comfortably on its strong branches.

(The Crow appears and, cawing, “sits” on the Oak).

V.: At the roots of a mighty oak tree there is a wide, deep, ice-covered Puddle.

(If conditions do not allow Puddle to lie down, you can put a chair for her).

V.: in Puddle, two cheerful green Frogs croaked freely.

(Two Frogs jump out and, croaking, sit down with different sides from a puddle; The Crow continues to croak, and the Oak continues to sway).

V: You can hear thunder in the distance.

(Thunder appears, making loud sounds, shouting: “Fuck-cracker!”).

V: The curtain is closing!

(The curtain walks across the stage with arms raised, simulating curtains closing.)

Act two

V.: The curtain opens! (The curtain returns to its place, repeating its movements only backwards).

V.: In a snowy clearing, on the branches of a mighty spreading Oak tree, a pretty Crow sits, cawing at the top of her lungs. At the foot of the oak tree a full-flowing Puddle spread out, on which two croaking frogs perched.

(Participants repeat their movements, synchronously accompanying the text).

V.: A fresh breeze blew, tickled the crow’s feathers, refreshed the wet paws of the frogs.

(The breeze lifts the hair on the Crow's head and waves his hands at the Frogs).

V.: A beautiful Princess appears. She carefreely jumps around the clearing and catches snowflakes.

(The princess duplicates the text with appropriate movements).

V.: Suddenly, somewhere nearby, Horse No. 1 neighed. Prince Charming rode out into the clearing, riding a young stallion.

(The first Horse appears with the exclamation “I-go-go!” and Prince Charming is riding on it).

V.: The prince and princess met their eyes and were dumbfounded. They immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.

(The Prince and Princess first freeze, stare intently, then bow.)

V.: The curls of the young couple were gently ruffled by a fresh breeze. Having played enough with the lovers, a fresh breeze sat under the Crow’s wing.

(The breeze repeats the movements according to the text).

V.: Suddenly thunder was heard, and the Oak tree began to tremble with its entire mighty body. The crow flies away in panic, croaking, to the south, and the fresh Breeze follows. The frightened Frogs croaked.

(All listed characters portray and voice their roles).

V.: The Terrible Robber galloped up on his horse No. 2. He takes the Princess with him.

(The Robber on Horse hugs the Princess and drags her along).

V.: Everything is quiet. The prince sobs and tries to drown himself in a puddle out of grief.

(The Prince puts his head on Luzha’s lap and sobs loudly.)

V.: Curtain!

(The curtain runs backwards across the stage.)

Act three

V.: The curtain opens! (The curtain passes across the stage again, simulating the opening of curtains.)

V.: Within the walls of the castle, the King and Queen are crying, mourning their missing daughter. Everyone is crying, including Oak and Puddle.

(The King and Queen appear arm in arm, with loud sobs. Everyone greets them with bitter exclamations).

V.: The Prince asks for blessings from the King and Queen and rushes off to find the Princess.

(The Prince kneels on one knee in front of the Queen and she makes the cross over him.)

V.: Thunder roars again and the Robber appears on his Horse. The Prince and the Robber fight.

(Scene of the battle between the Prince and the Robber on Horses).

V.: The robber is defeated! A crow and a fresh breeze are returning from the south. A fresh breeze brings the young princess.

(The robber runs away, Veterok appears with the Princess in his arms).

Presenter: The king and queen saw the prince and princess and rushed to kiss everyone.

(The King and Queen kiss all the fairy tale heroes present).

V.: Then they heard the chimes. After all, they completely forgot that today is New Year, but they realized it in time and started drinking champagne.

Such a tale can be adapted to any time of year and any holiday.

A slightly more complicated version of the fairy tale in a new way for a corporate party - based on roles with text. The lines are very small and are repeated constantly throughout the production, after each mention of the character by the presenter, creating a special charm for the actors.

“Turnip” - a fairy tale with voiced roles

For a fairy tale - improvisation, you need to prepare some props:

  • curtain (held by two participants);
  • beard for grandfather;
  • apron for grandmother;
  • cap with tail for turnip;
  • costume elements of a dog, mouse and cat.
  1. Characters:
  2. Leading;
  3. A turnip with the remark “Oba-na, that’s what I am...”;
  4. Grandfather - “I would kill him, damn it”
  5. Grandma - “Where are my 17 years old?”;
  6. Granddaughter - “I’m not ready”;
  7. Dog Bug - “Well, damn it, it’s a dog’s job”;
  8. Cat - “Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I can’t work without valerian!
  9. Mouse - It’s okay, will a mosquito gore you?”

It’s not bad if the role of the mouse that solves the whole problem goes to the manager or the hero of the occasion.

Presenter (V.): In Japan there is a theater where all roles - male and female - are played only by men. Today you have on tour such a theater of 7 actors (invites those interested) with a fairy tale in a new way for the Turnip corporate party. .

A small curtain is erected and the actors hide behind it.

V.: Dear viewers! Would you like to see a fairy tale in a new way? Familiar to the point of surprise, but with some additions... in one, well, very rural area, very far from fame, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: and grandfather planted a turnip.

(Turnip emerges)

Turnip: Oh-ba-na! That's what I am!

V.: Our turnip has grown big and big!

(Turnip emerges from behind the curtain)

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.

Grandfather: (leaning out from behind the curtain) I would kill him, damn it!

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: Grandfather called Grandfather.

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

Grandma (emerging above the curtain): Where are my 17 years?!

V.: grandma came...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Host: Grandma for grandpa...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather for the turnip...

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

Presenter: They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out. Grandma is calling...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Presenter: Granddaughter!

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

Q: Didn’t you put on lipstick? Granddaughter came...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

V.: took on Grandma...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma for Grandfather...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather for the turnip...

Turnip: both of us, that’s what I am!

V.: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter is calling...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready!

Presenter: Bug!

Zhuchka: Damn it, it's a piece of work!

Presenter: Bug came running...

Zhuchka: Well, damn it, it's a piece of work...

Presenter: I took on my Granddaughter...

V.: I’m not ready...

Host: Granddaughter for Grandmother...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma for Grandfather...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

Presenter: Grandfather for Turnip...

Repka: Oba, that’s what I am!

V.: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... she took the Bug...

Zhuchka: damn it, it's a piece of work!

V.: A cat!

Cat: Remove the dog from the area! I'm allergic to her fur! I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: the cat came running and how it grabbed onto the Bug...

V.: The bug squealed...

Bug: (squealing) Well, damn it, it's a dog's job!

V.: took on my granddaughter..

Granddaughter: I’m not ready...

V.: granddaughter - for Grandma...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

Presenter: Grandma - for Dedka...

Grandfather: I would kill him, damn it!

V.: Grandfather - for the turnip...

Repka: Both-on!

V.: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out. Suddenly, a Mouse appears from the barn with wide strides...

V.Y: Out of necessity, she went out and did it for the Cat.

Cat: Take the dog away. I’m allergic to wool, I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: How the mouse will scream with indignation...

Mouse: It's okay, will a mosquito gore you?

V.: grabbed the Cat, Cat...

Cat: Take the dog away, I’m allergic to his fur, I can’t work without valerian!

Presenter: the cat grabbed onto the Bug again...

Zhuchka: Well, damn it, it's a piece of work!

Host: The bug grabbed hold of her granddaughter...

Granddaughter: I’m not ready...

V.: The granddaughter is flying towards her grandmother...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?

V.: Grandma broke into Dedka...

Grandfather: I would have killed him!

V.: here the mouse got angry, pushed the people away, grabbed the tops tightly and took out the root vegetable! Yes, apparently, by all accounts, this is not an ordinary mouse!

Mouse: It's okay, will a mosquito gore you?

Repka: Oba, that’s what I’m like...

(Turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, Turnip hits the floor with his hat.)

All the artists come out to bow. The tour of the Japanese theater ended with thunderous applause. Have you decided to try a more serious production? You can put the fairy tale in verse in a new way for a corporate party; the video offers a more complicated and no less interesting version of the fairy tale “Turnip”. We suggest you read it.

new Year party- an important part of corporate culture. Fun team events allow employees to quickly and easily form friendships, temporarily put problems on the back burner, truly relax, and ultimately work more productively. Typically, pre-holiday celebrations include: important elements, such as: a buffet reception, solemn congratulations from management, presentation of awards and gifts, a disco and, of course, competitions with jokes and other entertainment. And in last years the most popular among them is an adult fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. The most best videos and we have collected scenarios for roles in today’s article. Read and choose!

A fairy tale with jokes for a corporate party for the New Year of the Dog 2018

A generally accepted and very erroneous opinion is that fairy tales should be exclusively the way we remember them from the sweet stories of mothers and grandmothers. But time passes, and progress does not stand still. The generation of the 21st century is very different from the people of that period when everyone’s favorite stories about Little Red Riding Hood, Peter and the Singing Guitars, the Nutcracker and the 12 Months were written. Today, young people, gathering at cheerful New Year's corporate parties, compose and play out old fairy tales in a funny way in a new way. For example: “Chicken Ryaba” with a progressive grandmother and a walking grandfather, “Turnip” with a full set of colorful characters, “ New Year's story"with Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga and Leshiy. Besides traditional options You can use modern fairy tales that combine the most incongruous griefs. Usually their plot is composed of elements of several works and is filled with jokes, funny remarks, gestures, etc.

What funny fairy tales can be told at a New Year's corporate party?

Adult fairy tale with jokes for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Dogs are represented on entertainment Internet sites by dozens and even hundreds interesting options. Experienced presenters will always be able to quickly find and play out the most suitable scenario. But you can refuse the services of a professional and try to unite the work team before the holiday. Invite employees to take part in drawing up the plot and text of the New Year's fairy tale, as well as their subsequent participation in it. By turning on your vivid imagination, you can all think about:

  1. The name of the future fairy tale;
  2. Storyline;
  3. Place of action;
  4. A sufficient number of active characters;
  5. Jokes and gags for everyone;
  6. Positive ending;

Meanwhile, a fairy tale can be written in prose or poetic form, with little or big amount characters, with or without music. To create a script in a new way, you will have to fill the text with youth expressions, words from the professional jargon of the team, quotes from new fashionable films or cartoons. Using these techniques, every potential author will be able to give the plot modern look even with classic character selection.

Fairy tale "Kolobok" for a corporate party for the New Year by roles

The well-known fairy tale in a new way “Kolobok” with roles - perfect option for a corporate party for the New Year. The presenter can always go on stage and read out a funny adaptation with a cool plot and an unexpected ending. But sitting and listening is not what young work teams are used to doing during holiday parties. Therefore, it recommends distributing roles among employees in advance, thoroughly rehearsing a funny theatrical production and showing it in roles in New Year's Eve. Of course, management and other colleagues should not advertise the future surprise; let it become a pleasant surprise for the audience in the hall.

We have placed the text of the fairy tale “Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year by role for you in the next section.

Text of the adult fairy tale “Kolobok” based on roles for the New Year’s corporate party

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. We slept next to each other - for order. Grandfather had long ago forgotten how much he loved his grandmother. Their relationship actually developed platonically. Well, that’s not what the fairy tale is about—it’s about how a miracle happened to them last summer. However, I won’t run ahead. I'll tell you everything in order - I wrote it down in a notebook.

They lived modestly - without income. We ate radishes and drank kvass. Here’s a simple dinner every day: every time. It is on this sad note that I will begin my story.

Once it “found” the old man: “There was definitely unaccounted for flour somewhere in the house.” He looks sternly at the grandmother, who quietly looks away.
- Yes, there is a little flour. Yes, it’s not about your honor. You couldn’t touch her with your unwashed face. I was going to bake pies for my name day.

- What kind of vile snake have I warmed up in my house? Or don't you know me? Well, quickly come here so that there will be food on the table within half an hour. Maybe you don't understand? I'm going to kill someone now! I’ll explain in English: veri hangri – you want to eat.
“I’ll do everything this very hour.” Drink the kvass while you're at it. I’ll bake a kolobok for such a fool. There are no teeth anyway - at least you can lick this ball.
- That's okay, that's wonderful. So at once. What are those difficult? Is it difficult for you to understand me? Do you think it’s okay for me to threaten with brute force? Just know this, my darling. In my priorities, you are right behind the stomach. Even if you hit the wall with your forehead, do you understand who is in charge?
The grandmother sighed sadly, waved her hand at him, placing the other on the crook of his hand. It turned out to be a bad gesture. She kneaded the dough in silence and heated it in the oven. And having rolled that dough into a ball, right into its ardor and heat, she brought it to the handle and closed the oven with the damper. That's how things are.
The old man was glad to see the bun, opening both nostrils and inhaling the aroma.
- Did you, old woman, follow every point in the recipe? Don't I want to get poisoned by consuming a baked goods product alone?
- Eat, killer whale, dear. If anything happens, potassium permanganate is at hand. Don't worry - we'll pump it out. Do not have time? Let's bury it! Why has your face changed? Vasya, you should pray.
- Okay, stop listening to nonsense - time is up, it's time to eat.
The grandfather takes the fork with his hand and starts poking the ball, which screams in horror:
- Help, guard. My grandfather pierced my side with a fork. What kind of mother is this? You have broken the seal - I will leak in the rain.
The grandfather sank slightly to the floor, such a shock that his voice dropped. He asked him, hoarsely:
- Whose are you... Whose are you, child?
- Yours, my dears. Yours on the outside, yours on the inside. After all, I was molded from your dough. I know everything.
- A miracle, a miracle happened. The child was born without love. Last year's torment gave us a son. Grandma, urgently flush all the leftovers into the toilet, without looking back. Enough to create poverty - we already have a hard time living. The baker's son jumped right out of the oven. I will live with you: I am your son - I ask you to love me. One is enough for us - even though the ball is not rolling.
- I apologize, interrupting your moments of joy, I want to tell you firmly: I will file for alimony. I foresee complications, since I just started life and received such rudeness.
-Are you a round brother? And roll. Get out of here. Forget about us completely. Here is my father’s order: “Get out of here, this very hour.” It's a pity for the bread, there is no word. But I'm not a cannibal. I can’t lift a fork on my birthmark. Even if you cut me from the sides, I cannot eat my sons. But if you can’t see it, go away. Roll around the world.

Kolobok, with a long sigh, said quietly:
- It doesn’t matter. If you really think about it, how can I continue to live with you? My browned side will become across my throat. And one day in the spring, due to my edible essence, I risk ending up in the form of croutons on the table. Don't be bored without me. I won't come back - just know that.
The bun rolled to the floor, quietly muttering obscenities. His soft sides were slightly mangled. Accelerating across the floor, he jumped and adju. Behind the fence, where there is grass, his words were heard:
- The greed of the fraer will destroy him. I left - fate will judge.

Cool fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018: script

We bring to your attention another cool fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” in a new way with a script for the New Year’s corporate party 2018. And also, a few recommendations for its preparation and implementation:

  • First of all, participants are assigned to the roles: Grandmother, Grandfather, Mouse, Wolf;
  • The presenter prints out the text of the fairy tale for himself in advance, and key phrases for each participant:

Grandma : Eggs give back their strength!
Grandfather: Well, just think, I can do no good without eggs.
Mouse: Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!
Wolf: Oh, what passions are here, this seems to be my happiness.

  • The actors for the fairy tale are dressed up in costumes, individual elements costumes, paper masks or simple signs with the name of the character;
  • The presenter prepares the equipment in a timely manner: a plate with eggs (foam), a chair, a bottle;
  • I read the scene with special expressiveness and emotional intensity, the actors, in turn, pronounce catchphrases and play along according to the script. It’s better to read your roles from a piece of paper so that in the heat of excitement you don’t confuse the words;
  • All participants are awarded small funny prizes.

Scenario of a funny fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” for adults for the New Year

In one village, by the river. Once upon a time there lived old people.
Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily, they lived well and did not grieve.

Sometimes guests visited them. And one day they gave
The chicken is neither this nor that, the grandfather called it “Pockmarked”.

But Ryaba was young, she laid a pot of eggs.
The grandmother takes them in her hands and quickly calls the grandfather into the house.

He puts in a quarter of the moonshine. Village surge,
And he says in his grandfather’s ear:

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather Vasily became emboldened, flushed, and brave.

Well, think about it, I’m good without eggs.

Lo and behold, there are no snacks on the table, Grandfather got smart here,
She started talking about strength, but forgot about the snack.
Grandma pulled up her sock and ran to the cellar.
And all the while he repeats:

Eggs return strength.

And then there was a knock on the door, and Grandfather was overcome with fear.
Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother, came to take away the eggs!

Well, just think, things are going on. I’d be nowhere without eggs!

Then the neighbor's Mouse came in and was known as a Twisty Tail.
She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

He sees that there is only one grandfather in the house. Somewhere you can see there is no grandmother!
He thinks grandfather is so-so...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

One, or better yet three. And she started wagging her tail,
To seduce Grandpa Kolya.

Well, come to think of it... I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Either he will sit on his grandfather’s lap, or he will stroke his bald head,
He gently strokes your back...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Grandfather was led into temptation. He groans with pleasure!

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse twirled its tail. There was a roar throughout the house.
She did something really bad, she broke Rowan's eggs
And she rushed around the hut!

Oh man, I wish I could do it better!

Grandfather runs here and there


Then Grandma Martha returned, At first she was surprised,
Where the hell are the eggs, they are on the floor.
As soon as he screams, he will wail.

Grandma: Eggs give back their strength!

Ved.: He sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Well, come to think of it, I’d be no good without eggs.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse’s hair, and the grandfather shouted: “Oh, women, be quiet!”
And as best he can, he separates, Yes, the Mouse protects more!


Grandma uses her legs.

Eggs give back their strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy.

What a story Stop! Everyone freezes at once!
At this time, on the same day, the Wolf walked past on his way.
For what? I want to give you a hint here: I went to look for a Bride.

Hearing the sound of a struggle, He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what passions are here, This seems to be my happiness.

He immediately saw the mouse, understood what was causing the scandal,
Slowly, little by little, Bab separated the fighting!

Oh, what passions there are here...

Grandma hobbles towards the chair...

Eggs give back their strength!

The grandfather hurries to his grandmother and at the same time says:

Well, just think, things are going well, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse shows itself! “Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that"
And he strokes the wolf on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Oh, what passions are here, This seems to be my happiness!

Grandmother and grandfather made peace, Mouse and Wolf got married
And now everyone lives together, What else is needed in life.
And everyone began to live without worries Day after day, year after year!
Celebrating the holidays all together, What else is needed in life?

Funny fairy tale improvisation for the New Year for a corporate party with music

Another improvisational fairy tale with music will certainly brighten up the New Year’s corporate party with positive emotions, lively laughter and the natural enthusiasm of random actors. The characters in it are quite simple and familiar to everyone, so even amateurs can cope with their roles. We recommend not warning guests about an impromptu performance, so that the audience will be pleasantly surprised, and potential artists will not have time to come up with “excuses” for refusing to participate.

So, print out the script in advance, distribute roles to the participants, give them pieces of paper with text and gestures that need to be repeated at the right moment:

  • New Year 2018 - Come on! (Shakes his head in surprise)
  • Snow Maiden - Both-on! (Spreads his hands)
  • Santa Claus - Why don't you drink? (Wobbles)
  • Leshy - Um, good luck! (squats)
  • Waitress - Where are the empty plates? (Looks around)
  • Old ladies - Well, never mind (Clap their hands)
  • Guests - Happy New Year! (Jumps up and actively waves his arms)

For the role of the Snow Maiden you need to choose a young sexy girl. New Year - boss or director. Santa Claus is the deputy director. Leshy is a respectable uncle. The waitress is the most arrogant in the team. Old ladies - 3 aunts. Guests - the remaining room.

On New Year's Eve
The people have a TRADITION to celebrate
The people care about the crisis and adversity
The happy ones shout loudly: Happy New Year!

But the New Year sits before us
It's like he was just born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
and wonders out loud….. Well, there you go!

And uncles and aunts dressed fashionably
To celebrate, they shout loudly: Happy New Year!
He rushed to congratulate (he sticks his nose everywhere)
Santa Claus, tired of morning performances
He speaks barely coherently... Why don’t you drink?
In response to New Year: Well, you give!
And what’s outside the window, there are the whims of nature,
But everyone still shouts: Happy New Year!

Then the Snow Maiden stood up, highly moral,
although her appearance is far from sexy.
Apparently she won’t go home alone,
Having warmed up from the road, he repeats: Both-on!

And the grandfather is already sniffling……..: Why don’t you drink?
In response, New Year…….. Well, you give!
And people again, without hesitation and immediately
They shout louder and louder: Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,
He savors it while admiring himself……. Both on!
Frost keeps groaning……..: Why don’t you drink?
New Year is coming... Well, you give it to me!

Two playful grannies, two Baba Yagas, as if they got off on the right foot
They coo over a drink without harming themselves,
And they are indignant out loud... ..... Well, nevermind!

The Snow Maiden is full of passion, full of desire,
He repeats seductively and languidly... Both on!
Frost is screaming...... : Why don't you drink?
And then the New Year……. Well, you give it!

Everything is going its way, going its own way,

And the guests again all shout: Happy New Year!

A separate fragment
but the Waitress made her contribution brightly and briefly.
She threw arrows over the food,

Yaguski, forgetting about everything in his own mind,
They sit and are indignant...... Well, nevermind!
The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughs, whispering with delight..... Both-on!

And the grandfather is already screaming... Why don’t you drink?
Next comes the New Year......Well, come on!
And the guests felt freedom of thought
They chant together again: Happy New Year!

Here Leshy, almost crying with joy,
He gets up with the words... .... Well, good luck!
The waitress, taking a sip of the burners,
She asked......Where are the empty plates?

Grandmothers, having one more sausage
a couple of people are shouting...... Well, nevermind!
The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed out loud...... Both-on!

And Santa Claus drinks, screaming at the top of his lungs...
Why don't you drink?
And drinks New Year...... Well, you give it to me!

And the glasses seem to be filled with honey
And they all drink to the bottom and shout: Happy New Year!
And Leshy, he’s been jumping around with a glass for a long time
Called with inspiration...... Well, good luck!

How to perform an improvisational fairy tale with music at an adult New Year's corporate party

In order to not only have fun at a collective celebration, but also honor the patron saint of 2018, we recommend holding a funny improvisation fairy tale for the New Year for a corporate party with music. To stage it, you will need 12 volunteers who want to plunge headlong into the world of acting, and 1 skilled presenter with a great sense of humor. It won't be amiss musical accompaniment: quiet winter melodies will only enhance the atmosphere and strengthen the fabulous effect. It is also worth taking care of masks for each participant in advance. Considering that acting characters- animals, it won’t be difficult to find them. Any toy shop or souvenir shop provides customers with a huge selection of similar products. Especially on the eve of the winter holidays.

Before the start of the performance, all participants are given their texts, printed on pieces of paper:

  • Mouse - “You can’t fool around with me!”
  • Dragon - “My words are law!”
  • Goat - “Everything, of course, is in favor!”
  • Dog - “Oh, there’s going to be a fight soon”
  • Snake - “Oh, guys, of course it’s me!”
  • Rooster - “Wow! I’m screaming at the top of my lungs!”
  • Pig - “Just a little bit - and here I am again!”
  • Horse - “The fight will be hot!”
  • Tiger - “Let's no games!”
  • Bull - “I’m warning you, I’m a jock!”
  • Monkey - “I am, of course, without blemish”
  • Rabbit - “I’m not an alcoholic!”
  • The audience shouts in unison “Congratulations!”

    There is a Japanese belief
    A fairy tale, simply put:
    One day the animals gathered
    Choose your own king
    The Mouse came running...
    The Dragon has arrived...
    The Goat also appeared...
    The Dog came rushing...
    The snake crawled...
    The Rooster came running...
    The Pig has arrived...
    The Horse galloped...
    Tiger jumped...
    The Bull came along...
    The Rabbit galloped...
    The Monkey has arrived...
    Gathered for the New Year
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people were screaming

    They began to howl, meow, bark
    Argument and shouting until dawn:
    Everyone wants to rule each other
    Everyone wants to become king.
    Mouse reported...
    The Rabbit screamed hysterically...
    The Monkey was indignant...
    The Snake stated...
    The Dog warned everyone...
    Bull got angry...
    The Dragon shouted to everyone...
    The Rooster crowed...
    The Goat bent its horns...
    The Tiger roared menacingly...
    The Pig got scared...
    The Horse bucked.
    We got into a fight on New Year's Eve
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people shouted.

    But from heaven it is strictly
    Watched Japanese God
    And he said: “It’s time, by God,
    Stop the commotion!
    Get into a friendly round dance,
    Let each one reign for one year!”

    The Goat jumped up...
    Dragon approved...
    Pig suggested...
    Tiger also confirmed...
    The Rooster was happy...
    Bull warned everyone...
    The Mouse said languidly...
    The Snake boasted to everyone...
    In response to her is the Monkey...
    The Dog sniffed...
    The Horse frowned...
    Only the Rabbit squealed...
    It was on New Year's Eve
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people shouted.

Funny fairy tales for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 are a great opportunity for adults to plunge into childhood and have a little fun. Let it be short-lived, but very real. Choose scenarios based on roles, watch videos with jokes, rehearse the most original fairy tale adaptation. And if there is no time for rehearsal, ask the presenter to prepare an interesting New Year’s impromptu.