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» Secrets of an ideal home: how to clean glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

Secrets of an ideal home: how to clean glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

Practical and convenient, stretch fabrics rarely require cleaning. But sooner or later the panels will have to be washed of stains and cleaned of dust. The task is complicated by the lack of a solid base - the canvas is stretched, and it will not be possible to wipe off stains or splashes. Let's figure out how and what to wash glossy stretch ceiling without streaks using store-bought and home remedies.

Common stains on suspended ceilings

When covering the base with wallpaper, gypsum plasterboard, decor, you no longer need to touch it, but installation tension structure requires high-quality tension, so after the work of the craftsmen, fingerprints remain on the panel.

Apart from these, there are other reasons for cleaning the ceiling. The most common contaminants include:

  • accumulations of dust, small particles;
  • soot, grease stains in the kitchen;
  • traces of water drops in the bathroom;
  • marks after the opening of the shaman;
  • yellowness from tobacco smoke;
  • web;
  • traces of the ball, thrown markers - in the nursery and the corridor;
  • oily stains, dirt, rust due to a leaking roof or flood;
  • rusty stains due to a burst pipe;
  • white stains on the ceiling in the bathroom are traces of salt and alkali and evaporated moisture.

Another type of stain is splash. They can appear not only from water or champagne. When opening glue, milk, or other liquids, some of the splashes settle on the floor and walls, but some may fall on the ceiling. And it is important to know how to clean a suspended ceiling from all types of dirt, and which stains are best to decorate immediately.

Ready-made products for cleaning stretch ceilings

Shops today household chemicals offer a wide range of ready-made cleaning compositions stretch fabrics from PVC film and fabric. When choosing products specially created for cleaning film and fabric surfaces, you should pay attention to compliance with the type of coating.

Cleaning products

The following store-bought products can be used as a cleaning composition:

  • spray for washing stretch ceilings: Edel Weiss, Altezza, Hart;
  • compositions for washing glass and mirrors containing alcohol - they need to be diluted with water: Mister Muscle, Help, Cinderella;
  • washing powder without aggressive cleaners or pigments should be used extremely carefully and only locally: Ushasty Nyan, Umka, Dosenka.

Important! Compositions containing acetone, caustic chemicals, or chlorine are not suitable for cleaning panels - washing suspended ceilings with such products will irreversibly damage the coating.

Home remedies for cleaning PVC stretch ceilings

There is no need to spend money if you have the most common cleaning products at home. But, figuring out what and how to wash suspended ceilings, first let’s talk about what absolutely cannot be used for cleaning:

  • dry mustard powder - streaks will remain;
  • caustic soda - will corrode the canvas;
  • solvents, acetones - will ruin the film and fabric.

None aggressive means, only mild cleaning solutions.

Homemade cleaning compounds

Professionals advise using the following available tools:

  1. Water. Regular warm pure water. You can wash a dusty ceiling with it, there will be no streaks left after cleaning.
  2. Soap solution made from laundry soap shavings. Removes fat, food debris, and wine drops.
  3. A solution of ammonia in a ratio of 1:10 (10 parts of water). Removes even complex stains.

Advice! If there is no ammonia, cleaning is carried out with a vodka solution. 1 liter solution. 1 tbsp. l. vodka washes away stubborn stains and greasy stains.

How to clean a fabric ceiling

It is better to first find out from specialists how and how to wash suspended ceilings made of woven fabric at home. Much depends on the type of fabric, but general rules standard for any canvas. You can wash it with a special spray for fabric tension panels, do not use abrasives or caustic chemical compounds.

A soap solution made from soap or dish soap is suitable as a cleaner. For special heavy pollution a composition of powder for delicate fabrics, a minimal amount of baking soda, drops is used lemon juice and water. Mix all the ingredients into a paste, apply to the stain and rinse off after a couple of minutes. But first try the composition on an inconspicuous place - the test will determine the color fastness of the composition.

Advice! For colored canvas ceilings, it is good to use powders and gels that preserve or restore color.

And now - how to wash a suspended ceiling made of fabric: washing should be smooth, without pressing or stretching the washing area. After washing, the cloth must be dried thoroughly.

What stains on PVC ceilings cannot be washed off?

Having figured out how to clean a suspended ceiling, let’s clarify the spots that will have to be decorated:

  1. Rust and dirt after the flood. In the case of fabric panels, you can try applying a little greasy clay or a paste of soda ash (5%) with water to the stain. The composition is applied locally, then washed off after drying. If that doesn't work, the ceilings are painted over.
  2. Stains cannot be removed after drops of water, if it is very hard, soda stains form when the drops dry, so it is better to wipe the film right away.
  3. Pieces of food, drops of fat It also needs to be removed immediately; such stains cannot be removed after drying.

Uncleanable stains include stains caused by burning of the film (from sparks sparklers), ingrained tobacco smoke will color the film permanently yellow tint, and aggressive chemicals will discolor the canvas.

Tools for cleaning suspended ceilings

To remove stains without streaks, the following tools will be useful:

  • ladder;
  • vacuum cleaner with steamer for difficult stains on fabric;
  • vacuum cleaner with a soft brush for removing dust;
  • mop with foam attachment;
  • spray;
  • soft cloth (microfiber) for washing and wiping;
  • foam sponge.

The cloth can be replaced with a sponge - it makes it easier to wash the ceilings with soapy water. It is better to wipe dry with a clean soft cloth.

That's all the wisdom on how to wash a glossy or fabric stretch ceiling. The main thing is not to make stretching movements with the sponge; blot too stubborn stains or apply a soap slurry and leave until lightly dry, and then rinse. Be sure to wipe the surface of the PVC film so that there are no streaks left.

Advice! It is not always possible to do the work yourself. The manager of a company providing such services will tell you how much the ceiling washing service costs. As a rule, the price does not exceed $2-3 per 1 m2. But the ceilings will be perfectly clean and you won’t have to waste your time. The service is relevant for owners of multi-tiered structures and big houses, apartments

Matte stretch ceilings are very popular. To ensure they last a long time, they require careful care and washing. Over time, marks appear on the surface of the matte ceiling. various pollution. To get rid of them, you need to familiarize yourself with the washing rules, and also know what cleaning products you can use to wash them.

Basic Rules

Stretch matte ceilings are made of PVC film impregnated with polyurethane. Thanks to this impregnation, a special texture of the material is formed. Polyurethane is known as a dust-repellent and waterproofing agent, which prevents large amounts of dust from accumulating on it.

If you perform wet cleaning without additional detergents once every 3-5 months, you can achieve the original look.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the size and purpose of the room. The living room, hall and bedroom do not require constant care and washing of the ceilings, because difficult-to-remove contaminants do not accumulate here. Stretch ceilings installed in kitchens and dining rooms are highly susceptible to contamination ( greasy spots, soot, condensation). Therefore, such rooms need to be cleaned much more often. The same problem occurs in the bathroom, where moisture sometimes causes mold or mildew to form.

Selection of detergents and tools

For proper care For stretch ceilings with a matte texture you will need:

  • a mop made of foam rubber, its handle should be short, so you can control the force of pressing on the ceiling covering;
  • soft sponges or cloths, for example, microfiber;
  • soap solution;

Before you start cleaning the ceiling at home, you need to decide on the choice of detergent and devices that are suitable for this. After all, granular cleaning products (special powders) cannot be used for this kind of cleaning; they can ruin the entire appearance structures, even if they are separated.

It is also prohibited to use active substances for cleansing. These include acids, solvents, and alkalis. Before purchasing a cleaning product, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, which should not contain acetone. The best variation would be to use a special solution recommended by the manufacturer of the matte stretch ceiling. If there is no need to buy such a solution or it is not available in the household chemicals store, you can use a soap solution or dishwashing detergent, as well as glass and mirror cleaners that can cope with this task.

Only before using such solutions should they be checked for the presence active substances in the composition.

Dry cleaning

For this type of cleaning, clean, dry tools made of soft, lint-free material are used. The goal is to remove minor dirt such as dust, cobwebs, fresh stains and traces of condensation. If there are cobwebs, just brush them off the coating.

For dry cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a foam attachment. The distance from the vacuum cleaner to the ceiling must be at least 3 cm; you cannot touch the surface. This method is not suitable for stubborn dirt. Dry cleaning does not require much effort, so it is mainly performed for preventive purposes.

Combined cleaning

This type cleaning includes several types of cleaning. There is a sequential application of dry and wet methods. Combined cleaning consists of the following steps:

  • Dry wipe. Clean the ceiling surface with a soft, dry cloth or sponge.
  • Hydration. Warm clean water is applied to the tension covering using a spray bottle or a vessel with a spray bottle. This method is required if there are hard-to-remove dried contaminants.
  • Impregnation of the canvas with chemical solutions. If the first two cleaning variations are not enough to remove contaminants, use detergents. They are applied to fabric or dirt. Then remove the stubborn stain with gentle movements.
  • Removing soap solutions. By using warm water The ceiling surface is rinsed.
  • Drying. The matte canvas is wiped dry with a dry cloth, you can also use a hairdryer. This procedure is necessary to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

In this way, the most difficult contaminants are eliminated, which cannot be removed separately by dry or wet cleaning.

Thanks to this combination, the ceiling surface remains in a perfectly clean condition for quite a long time.

Prohibited actions

Caring for matte surfaces requires careful and careful handling. There are prohibited products and working tools that can damage the matte surface.

  1. Standard abrasives. Their use is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of cracks. Such compositions emit harsh unpleasant odors that can lead to allergic reactions.
  2. Liquids containing acetone. They have a negative effect on the canvas, discoloring it and forming stains on the coating.
  3. Stiff fabrics and tools with pointed ends(mop without foam). Such materials can lead to deformation of the canvas (cracks, scratches, tears), up to the need to replace the structure.
  4. Possible use stain remover, but only if such a remedy is tested on a small hidden area of ​​the ceiling covering.
  5. Water temperature To clean the ceiling it should not be more than 40 degrees.

How to wash without streaks?

The matte ceiling fabric is textured; it is for this reason that it is recommended to use silk fabrics when cleaning such a coating. If you use a simple rag, lint may remain on the canvas.

Matte ceilings have an advantage over other types of stretch ceilings. It lies in the fact that after washing there are no streaks left.

To properly clean the ceiling from dirt, perform the following procedures:

  • If there are cobwebs in the corners, remove them using a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.
  • When using a cleaning spray, apply it to small areas of the surface and immediately wipe gently with a soft cloth.
  • If a detergent was chosen for cleaning, it must be diluted in warm liquid until foam forms and applied to a soft cloth. Washing the fabric is done with plastic movements from left to right from one corner to another. Under no circumstances should you rub in circles, otherwise streaks may appear. To clean the matte surface, you can use alcohol-based glass cleaners.
  • If there is stubborn dirt on the coating, it must first be soaked and then carefully wiped with a wrung out cloth until it is completely removed. When using a large amount of detergents, rinse the surface with warm water. clean water to rid her of the remains chemicals.
  • After all dirt has been removed from the matte canvas, dry cleaning is performed.

To wash matte ceiling without streaks at home, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical ammonia. It must be diluted in water in a ratio of 50 ml per 1 liter.

Pollution prevention

In order not to resort to frequent cleaning of matte stretch ceilings, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the appearance of contamination.

  • In the bathroom, you need to use the shower carefully so that drops of water fall on the surface less often. Experts recommend purchasing a special curtain that prevents drops of water from hitting the ceiling.
  • It is necessary to install a powerful hood in the kitchen, which will prevent the accumulation of soot and greasy stains. You also need to carefully open carbonated drinks and food containers so that food particles and splashes do not fall on the ceiling.
  • Constant ventilation of rooms with matte stretch ceilings will help avoid the accumulation of condensation.
  • It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in a house or apartment more often to prevent dust and soot from settling.

Ceiling design today is one of the most high-tech trends in apartment renovation. In addition to the fact that the technologies used have stepped far forward, the requirements for the quality of ceiling surfaces are constantly growing. This is especially true in matters related to tension systems- designs that are currently becoming more and more popular.

We are well aware of what it looks like to install ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride film or polyurethane, but we have little idea about how to care for a stretch ceiling. Especially when we have a sparkling glossy surface in front of us. The difficulty lies in the fact that gloss is a delicate texture that requires careful handling. Let’s look in detail at the questions of how to clean glossy stretch ceilings and what are the specifics of caring for them.

Operating conditions for glossy tensioned systems

When the apartment has glossy stretch ceilings, such a design can no longer be called simple. By its mere presence, such a ceiling system elevates the room to the rank of status objects. The accents in the interior will shift immediately to top part rooms. The glossy surface in combination with a chic chandelier or chiseled lamps becomes the dominant feature of the apartment interior.

This effect will last quite a long time, under one condition - that you have created ideal operating conditions for a tension system of this type and know how to care for a glossy fabric. IN in this case Literally every little detail is important, starting with how often you should clean and ending with what you need to clean and wash your tensioner glossy ceiling.

The question remains relevant, despite the fact that modern models and the materials used in this type of design are practical and durable. They do not require special care, but this does not mean that from the moment the repair is completely completed, the glossy ceiling does not need to be touched. The material used to make the canvas is PVC film, a structure that does not require special attention. Impregnated at the manufacturing stage with special compounds, the film repels dirt, dust and liquid components from the surface. According to the certificates, it is clear that under normal use, such a ceiling can last 15 years, without losing its main characteristics and qualities.

The only requirements that apply to the operating conditions of the tensioned fabric are that the optimal temperature regime. The temperature in the premises should not fall below 5 0 C. Otherwise, the fabric will begin to transform and cracks will appear on the surface.

On a note: it should be said that similar climatic conditions negatively affects many finishing materials, however, in the case of glossy ceilings, everything looks much more catastrophic. The stretched fabric is big money and if it is severely damaged, it is impossible to simply repair or replace the damaged area. It is not recommended to install suspended ceilings in country houses, where there is no constant temperature and there is a high probability of freezing in the premises.

As for the remaining operating conditions, here similar look ceiling design is clearly in the lead. PVC film or polyurethane fabric is completely resistant to moisture and perfectly resists the formation of fungus and mold.

For reference: V wooden houses, in frame or prefabricated structures, it is not recommended to install suspended ceilings before the shrinkage of the house is completed. Otherwise, the ceiling part will be deformed and the fabric may burst.

The technologically glossy canvas is very convenient for design works at the top of the premises. The material is pliable and easy to work with. Combined ceiling systems with complex curved shapes and curved structures at several levels are very popular. The only disadvantage of such surfaces is the difficulty in maintaining them. The presence of blind corners and a large number of levels does not allow you to quickly wash the tension surface, which naturally complicates the process of cleaning ceilings.

How often should glossy ceilings be cleaned and washed?

There is nothing difficult about maintaining suspended ceilings in good condition. It is enough to simply follow normal operating conditions and not resort to extraordinary, radical cleaning methods. Excessive effort, coupled with the desire to improve the quality of gloss, can have the opposite effect. Gloss requires careful and careful handling.

Frequently clean and treat sparkling ceiling surface not necessary. It is enough to go over the ceilings once or twice a month with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a soft brush. No effort or pressure on the fabric. Everything is done simply and quickly. Wet cleaning is done once or twice a year. The frequency of cleaning depends on the room in which the tension system is used. If this is a kitchen, then it is better to do wet cleaning more often. If this is a children's room or living room, it is enough to walk along the ceilings once a year with a damp sponge soaked in a soapy solution.

Before you start cleaning the upper part of the room, determine the degree of contamination of the canvas. As soon as the glossy surface of the ceilings begins to fade and lose its shine, then it’s time to start cleaning. Do not be afraid that your actions will harm the quality of the surface. If the fabric is stretched correctly, the ceiling surface is even and smooth. Special effort not required during cleaning. Armed with soft sponges and microfiber cloths, wipe the fabric with gentle movements.

Areas of the ceiling where dirt and stains are most noticeable should be treated more thoroughly. Most often, the gloss fades in the kitchen or bathroom, where condensation and layers of soot and grease accumulate.

On a note: if to yours new ceiling If you accidentally get aggressive substances, immediately remove any traces of them by blotting the area with a damp cloth and removing any remaining residue. It is important to prevent potentially hazardous substances from drying on the ceiling. Everything needs to be cleaned promptly and immediately.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling at home, correctly and without streaks

Ceiling design is a beautiful thing, especially when you have glossy, sparkling ceilings at the top of the room. If the installation and installation of tension systems is most often carried out by specialists, then subsequent cleaning, cleaning and washing of suspended structures falls on your shoulders.

What tool should you work with?

Before you start using detergents, you should choose a working tool. When dry cleaning, rely on suede fabrics and foam sponges. It is better not to use brushes with bristles, as they can scratch the glossy surface.

It is best to treat such a surface with a vacuum cleaner from a distance. To remove dust from the canvas, just walk along the ceilings with a hose with a nozzle at a distance of 5-10 cm. Increase the power of the vacuum cleaner and then all the dust accumulated in the upper part of the room will be collected.

Wet cleaning starts with having something on hand Consumables having a soft and uniform surface. Microfiber or cotton fabrics. It is enough to moisten such a cloth in a soap solution made from ordinary detergent. kitchen tool. Alternatively, you can use homemade solution made from laundry soap. To give the ceilings their former shine, you can add them to the soap solution. ammonia(ammonia), at the rate of 10 drops per 1 liter of solution.

After wet cleaning finished, you need to go over the entire surface with a dry cloth to avoid streaks and dried drops.

If you don't have it at hand necessary materials, an ordinary rag made from bed linen or an old T-shirt will help out. The strength of the canvas is sufficient to withstand this method of cleaning. In general, it is better not to use this option for glossy ceilings.

On a note: When the fabric is torn into pieces, you may not notice the button or the material will have a very hard rib. These objects and places can scratch the glossy surface.

Selection of detergents

In this regard, suspended tension systems are very demanding. Despite the fact that PVC film and canvas are not afraid of moisture, exposure to certain substances containing aggressive components can adversely affect the gloss. We wash suspended ceilings only with products that are produced specifically for these purposes, or we use traditional solutions made on the basis natural ingredients.

On a note: those substances that do not have harmful influence on the skin of our hands are suitable for washing ceiling surfaces.

Before purchasing the product, you should remember what material your ceiling is made of. Each film and canvas has its own technological features and properties. The reason for this discrepancy is that some film materials have different chemical composition. Accordingly, there are different reactions to interaction with the components included in detergents.

In some cases, the detergent may cause mechanical damage and cause active chemical reaction. On glossy ceilings, cloudiness and stains can very easily appear, which then simply cannot be removed.

Experts recommend first testing their effect on a small area of ​​a glossy surface before extensive use of new detergents. To do this, select the section of the ceiling that is farthest from view. Such tests are a common occurrence when working with new household chemicals. Within 10 minutes you will understand how the new product affects the gloss and whether it is worth continuing to work with it. The calm reaction of the fabric to interaction with the detergent will allow you to use similar products without fear in the future.

It is important here to take your time and not experiment. On all products that are produced well-known companies, there must be a marking or icon indicating the scope of application of the product. The second point that will be useful to you during the subsequent operation of suspended ceilings is that it is not always worth paying a lot of money for a super product. Most of the cleaning products and detergents are soap-based, with some addition of additives and additives to provide the surface with the desired shine and brightness. Wash ceilings with soapy water. No chemistry.

Important! When cleaning and cleaning glossy stretch ceilings, exclude from your arsenal detergents containing acids and alkalis. Do not use products containing abrasive components to clean smooth and shiny surfaces.

To give your ceiling its former shine, use glass cleaner. This substance contains ammonia and fragrances, which give the smooth surface the required shade. After finishing wet cleaning, you can rub the ceiling surface with a special composition that will update the color shade and return the gloss to its original appearance.


After reading all the material, you now know how to care for stretch ceilings that have a glossy fabric. As can be seen from the text, there should not be any particular difficulties, especially if you adhere to the rules for operating suspended tension systems and know how to handle glossy surfaces. Let us summarize and focus on the following aspects:

1. Follow the rules for operating tension systems

2. The glossy surface requires careful handling during cleaning.

3. Washing and cleaning is carried out regularly:

  • dry cleaning once or twice a month;
  • wet cleaning is carried out at least once a year.

4. Use soft sponges and microfiber cloths for cleaning

5. Detergents should not contain abrasive components or chemically active substances

Stretch ceilings made from PVC films, also called glossy or varnished, have become especially popular due to their practicality and decorative functions. The gloss has a good reflective effect, due to which it visually enlarges small rooms. This type of ceiling has other useful characteristics: fungus does not appear on them and dust does not settle, which makes it possible to use ceilings with PVC film in the kitchen and bathroom. It is these places that are considered the dirtiest in the apartment, and the ceilings there need to be regularly washed to remove drops of grease, smoke and shine.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

Typical mistakes when washing a glossy ceiling

The design of ceilings and the materials used in them are being improved, but cleaning methods remain the same, errors are transmitted by word of mouth from one housewife to another. In pursuit of cleanliness you can spoil PVC film, which gives gloss to the ceiling.

Cleaning supplies

The Internet and hardware stores are full of offers about various cleaning products for suspended ceilings, you can also find folk recipes, which captivate with their budget. In order to wash dirt from the ceiling, it is suitable washing powder or floor cleaner, the main thing is that it does not contain aggressive chemical substances. Since the powder is an abrasive substance, it must be completely dissolved in a basin of water so that no particles remain that can scratch the ceiling.

After using the powder or as a stand-alone cleaning product, you should give preference to alcohol-containing sprays. Glass cleaner is perfect for this purpose.

You can wash the ceiling using a mop, which has soft bristles instead of bristles, as well as microfiber cloths. Focus on a size of 30x40 cm or 50x60 cm to make it convenient to wash the surface. You will need at least 2 rags: one for dry cleaning and the other for wet cleaning.

Microfiber cloth - great option for glossy stretch ceiling

Most Popular folk remedy is vinegar. It must be diluted with water at room temperature in the following ratio: 1 part vinegar to 9 parts water. Please note that it will take several hours for the vinegar smell to disappear from the room where you washed the ceiling. If you suffer from allergies or have small children in the house, then it is better to choose environmental products because they are hypoallergenic. You won't find ceiling detergent there, but glass liquid and washing powder will definitely be there.

It is best if you purchase separate rags, a mop and the necessary cleaning products that you will use only for the ceilings. If you have a glossy ceiling in the kitchen, then it is better to purchase separate rags for it and keep it on hand, since it needs to be washed more often.

Special detergents

Unlike all other types of suspended ceilings, it is necessary not only to remove dirt from glossy ceilings, but also to give it shine so that it reflects light as much as possible. Detergents for glossy ceilings are usually divided into two categories: gentle, which are more likely to remove dust, add shine, and those aimed at combating more serious pollution. Both of them must contain alcohol in their composition.

The principle of operation of products from both categories is simple: you apply the product to the area of ​​contamination, then gently wipe it (no need to rub hard), and then additionally go over it with a dry cloth. The advantage of such products is that they do not need to be washed off with water, which significantly saves cleaning time. The downside is that they can cause allergic reactions.

Instructions. How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling

Step 1. Assess the condition of the ceiling. Carefully inspect the surface to see if there are cobwebs or accumulations of dust in the corners, dirty spots, damage, traces of burning or soap stains; perhaps the ceiling has simply lost its luster. Ideally, a glossy ceiling does not need to be washed more than once every few months.

Step 2. Prepare yourself. After you have assessed the scale of the work, prepare necessary funds, mop and rags, and also select the right attachment for the vacuum cleaner. The most convenient way to wipe the ceiling is while standing on a stepladder. Don't forget about simple rules safety: the stepladder must stand firmly on the floor, and all necessary equipment must be within arm's reach.

Preparing to wash the ceiling: 1. Prepare everything you need. 2. Install a stepladder. 3. Ventilate (after work). 4. Take care protective equipment. 5. Place an old hat over your hair. 6. Remove jewelry. 7. Cover the furniture protective film. 8. Make repairs (if necessary).

Step 3. Remove any major dirt and vacuum the ceiling. You can get rid of cobwebs on the ceiling by simply brushing them off with a rag. However, it is better to vacuum the entire surface of the ceiling. After you have selected the desired attachment, set the vacuum cleaner to minimum power and use gentle, slow movements to vacuum the surface. If you feel that even at minimum power the vacuum cleaner still draws in air strongly, then it is better to remove the nozzle and keep the handle of the vacuum cleaner 15 cm from the ceiling so that all the dust and cobwebs fly away from the air stream.

Step 4. Spot remove heavy dirt. If you wash the ceiling in the kitchen, bathroom or loggia, then there will probably be dirty spots there. You can use a special product or washing powder, the main thing is that they completely dissolve in water. It is best if its temperature is in the range of 30 to 40 degrees, then the dirt is easiest to remove. Gently, without pressing, rub the stains until they disappear completely. Once all contaminated areas have been treated, fill a clean bowl of water to rinse the cleaning solution from the ceiling. Wipe the washed areas dry with a microfiber cloth so that no streaks remain.

Step 5. Wipe the entire surface of the ceiling. Once the main contaminants have been removed, you can begin washing the remaining surface. Use an alcohol spray and a rag to gently wipe down the surface of the ceiling. Make sure each area is wiped dry. This is the main condition for giving a glossy effect.

Cleaning ceiling contaminants by zone

All dirt on the ceiling is specific; it is different for each specific room. This allows you to choose cleaning methods that work most effectively.

Table. Features of cleaning ceilings depending on the purpose of the room.

RoomCleaning requirements

The ceiling in the kitchen gets dirty much faster and more severely than in other places in the apartment. This is due to the fact that often the fat from the frying pan scatters everywhere, even ending up on the ceiling. The most contaminated place will be above the stove, where all the fumes collect. There is only one way out: while cooking, cover pans and pots with lids, use a hood to prevent fat from getting onto the ceiling. You will have to wash it in the kitchen more often than in other places. Use professional products cleaning products that effectively remove grease stains. If the ceiling is heavily soiled, it will have to be washed several times.

The pollution of this room directly depends on you. If the plumbing is in poor condition, and splashes from the shower fall on the ceiling, then you will have to wash it more often than required. Make sure that the faucet and shower are working properly, and that you direct the water jets towards you and not to the side. After water procedures, leave the door open for a while to allow the remaining moisture to evaporate. It is recommended to wipe the ceiling with glass cleaner once every 1-2 months.

IN warm time years, when the windows are constantly open, street dust accumulates on the ceiling, and insects also land there, leaving dirty marks. In summer, it is advisable to wash the ceiling more often, using water with washing powder, and only then polish the ceiling using alcohol-containing products.

Cleaning companies come to the aid of those who are little familiar with cleaning glossy ceilings. If the services of the service itself do not interest you, then you can use the recommendations they give.

Firstly, do not under any circumstances use products that contain acetone to wash a glossy ceiling. In this case, the texture of the film will deteriorate, and the pleasant shine of the ceiling will turn into dullness.

Secondly, use professional detergents for glossy ceilings. Give preference to brands that have proven themselves in the market.

Third, test your chosen detergent on an inconspicuous part of the ceiling, such as above a cabinet. If the surface is swollen, the color has changed, or spots and stains have appeared, it means that you chose the wrong detergent.

Fourth, for severe stains it is better to use ammonia. Mix it with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:10.

Fifthly, when washing the ceiling, do not use maximum force, it is better to rinse the surface in a circular motion without pressure, so as not to deform the ceiling.

At sixth, resort to using a vacuum cleaner only if you are sure that the builders have done a high-quality installation job. Otherwise, even if you did the cleaning correctly, the surface may be damaged.

Do you need to repair a cut on a stretch ceiling?

Read our article on how to do it! You will also probably be interested in material about!

Thus, cleaning the glossy ceiling is a standard part spring cleaning which must be followed according to the rules. In order not to deform the shiny surface of the ceiling, it is preferable to use special detergents or alcohol-containing sprays. Wash the ceiling in a circular motion without pressing, choose microfiber cloths. Cleanliness actually decorates the house, but in the case of a suspended ceiling you shouldn’t be too zealous, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. Follow all the instructions to ensure that the glossy ceiling becomes the best interior detail.

Video - How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks with your own hands

Stretch ceilings are often used to decorate premises. They do not collect dust, do not crack, do not turn yellow, and do not lose their original characteristics. Therefore, the question of what can be used to wash a glossy stretch ceiling does not often arise. Caring for the surface is quite simple: the gloss can be washed with water and wiped with a cloth. But there are nuances.

Harmless means

Caring for a stretch glossy coating is complicated by the appearance of streaks. Sometimes glossy stretch ceilings exhibit unexpected reactions to exposure to chemicals. They begin to soften and wrinkles appear. Color may change or disappear. This means that ceilings are maintained using strong chemicals.

To avoid such a problem, you should check the surface’s reaction to the product in advance. The substance should be applied to small area ceiling, wait 10-15 minutes. If there are no streaks on the surface and the color does not change, then you can use gloss cleaning products. The surface can be washed with soapy water. The main thing is that it does not leave traces.


  • Surface care begins with correct selection material. If you use hard sponges, scratches will remain on the gloss. Therefore, it is worth purchasing soft ones in advance. You can also use a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Maintenance of the tension covering with a mop is carried out only in rooms with high ceilings.
  • The matte stretch ceiling can be cleaned with a regular dry brush or with a vacuum cleaner. A separate requirement is that surface care must be carried out with a lint-free brush. The ceiling can be cleaned at the minimum power of the device.

Mechanical influences

  • Can't be washed glossy surfaces products with abrasive properties. They cause the surface to deteriorate and scratches to appear.
  • Care must be carried out liquid means. The use of any creams, powders containing solid particles and soda is not allowed. It is better to use sprays that have virtually no mechanical effect on the material.
  • The ideal option is glass cleaning products in the kitchen. They do not leave streaks on the surface.


Dry mixtures are suitable for cleaning, but they must be used with caution. The surface should be washed as follows:

  • Before cleaning, remove all jewelry. Otherwise, you can ruin not only the surface of the stretch ceiling, but also valuable things.
  • Apply powder to the area of ​​contamination.
  • The surface should be washed in a circular motion in the direction of the welds.
  • You can use a dry cloth to remove any remaining solution.
  • Do not rub matte or glossy material too hard. This may cause defects to appear on the surface.
  • You can only care for the entire floor. If the tension material is damaged, the defect must first be repaired.

Regular powder can be used to clean off dirt and dust from repairs. The product needs to be stirred a small amount water until all components are completely dissolved and only then begin to wash the material.


In fact, the need to clean the tension covering in special conditions does not need. Cleaning can be done at any room temperature.

Seamless matte materials do not change their properties even at a temperature of +80 C. The level of humidity in the room does not matter. The material does not absorb moisture and does not condense evaporation.

  • You can only clean the coating with a vacuum cleaner if the installers have secured the film well. In general, you can remove cobwebs with a rag or broom.
  • A gloss cleaner can be prepared at home by mixing ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:9. Aerosols and polishes are also suitable.
  • It is better to remove minor stains with a dry cloth. For fabric surfaces, use a brush with long but soft bristles.
  • You can wash a ceiling that has glue residue on it using Fairy. If the stains do not come off, then you will have to contact a construction and installation company.

  • To prevent matte material from losing its color, use special means. Cleaning the ceiling is not difficult. It is necessary to apply the product to paper napkin or soft suede cloth and wash the surface in a circular motion.
  • You can care for glossy ceilings using a 10% ammonia solution. It restores the shine of the coating.

It is especially difficult to clean the glossy ceiling in the kitchen. The room area is small. Care is difficult due to wall cabinets on the wall. It is better to wash kitchen ceilings with products containing antistatic additives. They have long proven their effectiveness, but they must be used strictly according to the instructions.


A glossy finish is usually installed in the kitchen and other areas of the apartment. The film is pre-treated with an antistatic agent. She does not need frequent care. But the tension ceiling needs to be vacuumed at least once a month and cleaned with soapy water every six months. But areas of particular contamination, where condensation and grease stains constantly accumulate, can be cleaned more often. Professional floors are protected from sagging and can withstand minor mechanical influences.

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