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» Dates for planting strawberry seeds for a year. When to plant strawberry seedlings? Greenhouse varieties of strawberries

Dates for planting strawberry seeds for a year. When to plant strawberry seedlings? Greenhouse varieties of strawberries

It just arrived New Year, the whole earth is still covered with snow, and gardeners are already wondering when to plant wild strawberries or seedlings in 2019? It is very difficult to obtain strawberry seedlings even with extensive experience in gardening. The seeds germinate poorly and are very sensitive to soil moisture and temperature. But the result is worth it. Seedlings grown from seeds do not have diseases that are transmitted through the tendrils from the mother sprout to the children.

When to plant strawberries or seedlings in 2019?

It is impossible to name a specific time for planting strawberry and wild strawberry seeds. Gardeners begin sowing from January until late autumn. It all depends mainly on the type of berry and when the harvest is expected. After all, different varieties, the time from planting the seeds in the ground until the first leaves appear can take from a month to five or more.

  1. For gardeners who want to get good seedlings by the first days of March, sowing strawberry seeds should begin in January.
  2. Prosperous days for sowing seeds in January: third, seventh, nineteenth, thirtieth, thirty-first. But it is completely undesirable to sow: the first, second, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth of January.
  3. The month of February is considered to be quite successful for planting seeds for seedlings; it has the most favorable days. Namely: first, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, thirteenth, sixteenth. And on the fourth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh of February, it is better to refuse sowing and planting. By planting certain varieties of seeds in February, they will be ready for planting in the ground in time for April, when the soil has already warmed up.
  4. Late varieties of strawberries and wild strawberries are best sown in 2019 on the second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth and thirtieth of March. The following days are considered unfavorable in this month: the fifth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, twentieth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth.

When to plant strawberries or seedlings: lunar calendar for 2019

The lunar calendar indicates good days for sowing seeds for seedlings of strawberries and wild strawberries, based on the phases of the moon and what zodiac sign it is in on such days. After all, science has proven that the moon influences many processes occurring at the cellular level. It is generally accepted that when sowing on a new or full moon, all the juices of the plant will go either to the top or to the root, so the berries will small size and not very juicy. And sowing on the days of the waxing moon, which is in fertile zodiac signs, promises a large harvest.

Good days of the lunar calendar for 2019

Sowing strawberry and wild strawberry seeds for seedlings:

  • February - from the third to the eighth;
  • March - from the fourth to the eighth;
  • April - from the first to the fourth and ninth.

For picking seedlings:

  • March - from the fourteenth to the sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-second, thirty and thirty-first;
  • April - from the third to the ninth, from the twenty-eighth to the thirtieth;
  • May - the first and from the fourth to the ninth.

Planting seedlings in the soil:

  • April - twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth;
  • May - the first, from the fourth to the ninth, the twenty-seventh and the twenty-eighth;
  • June - from the first to the seventh, twenty-fifth and thirtieth;
  • July - from the first to the fourth and from the twenty-eighth to the thirtieth;
  • August - fourth and fifth.

Mustache trimming:

  • May - twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth;
  • June - from the third to the seventh, the twenty-ninth and the thirtieth;
  • July - from the first to the fourth.

Dividing a berry bush:

  • May - from the sixth to the ninth, the twenty-seventh and the twenty-eighth.

If you adhere to the lunar calendar when sowing, you can get good harvest, the berry will be larger and retain a maximum of useful vitamins.

When to sow strawberries or strawberries for a greenhouse in 2019?

It is best to sow strawberry seeds, just like wild strawberries, for further transfer of seedlings to a greenhouse in 2019 from the end of February to mid-May. These days will be the most favorable for growing lush and strong shoots. And in just six to eight weeks it will be possible to plant the finished seedlings in the greenhouse.

That is, take the boxes with seedlings outside so that they get used to the sun and open air. Seedlings need to be hardened off gradually. On the first day, take it out for five minutes, the second for ten, the third for fifteen, and so on.

Growing this berry in a greenhouse can be done year-round. If it has good lighting and heating.

The nuances of planting seedlings in the ground:

  • Landing should be done either on a cloudy day or in the evening. If you plant seedlings in the morning, they can simply burn in the daytime sun.
  • Carefully trim off excess leaves and tendrils.

Planting dates for wild strawberries in the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia: tips for 2019

The time for sowing strawberry and wild strawberry seeds varies greatly depending on the region. When northern gardeners are just beginning to sow seeds, in the southern regions they are already harvesting their first harvest.

Time for sowing strawberry and wild strawberry seeds, planting seedlings in the ground for the Moscow region:

  • sowing - February 15;
  • planting seedlings in the soil (under film) - May 15;

And in the last days of June it is already possible to remove the film, leaving the seedlings in the open air.

Time for sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the Urals:

  • sowing - February 15;
  • planting seedlings in the soil (under film) - May 20;

The film can be opened at the end of June.

It's pretty in Siberia short summer, which means that it is better to grow strawberries and strawberries in a greenhouse. In this case, it is necessary to provide lighting and insulate the room. The most the right time for sowing seeds in this area in 2019 - February 24.

Preparing strawberry and strawberry seeds for sowing

  • Strawberry and wild strawberry seeds should be placed in water (it is better to take melted snow or rainwater) for two days;
  • The swollen seeds should be placed on a paper towel or napkin and allowed to stand for a while so that the towel absorbs the remaining water;
  • Carefully collect the seeds in a plastic bag and seal it tightly, thereby creating a vacuum;
  • After some time, a sprout will emerge from the seeds. Then you need to plant each seed in a box (it’s convenient to do this with a toothpick or bamboo stick), with loose soil prepared in advance;
  • Place the box with seeds in the refrigerator for a month, preferably on the lowest shelf, and then return it to a warm room.
  • The seeds must be fresh. It is better, of course, to prepare your own seeds from strawberry grains.
  • The soil must be disinfected. This can be done by heating it in the oven. After all, on initial stage sprouts are easily affected by pathogenic viruses.
  • Keep the seeds in the cold for several days. That is, cover the soil with the seeds with snow about two centimeters. During melting, the seeds will go with the snow into the ground - just to the required height.
  • Cover the boxes with seeds with film. Moisture will be better preserved under the film and the seeds will germinate more quickly.
  • Strawberry seeds, like strawberries, germinate more quickly in good light. A fluorescent lamp can be installed above the seed boxes.
  • Do not allow the soil to dry out. Water carefully, as needed, or better yet, spray with a spray bottle.
  • Pick up the seedlings, but only when at least three pairs of leaves appear.
  • Be sure to harden off the seedlings before planting in the soil.

Benefits of growing wild strawberries and strawberries from seeds

  • The seeds have a fairly long shelf life;
  • Diseases are not transmitted through seeds;
  • Possibility to grow certain required varieties;
  • Saving. Buying seeds is cheaper than buying ready-made seedlings.

It is very important to know what time is best to sow strawberry seeds, plant seedlings, and pick, because the slightest mistake can lead not only to unnecessary costs time and money, but also to the loss of the harvest as a whole.

Planting strawberries with seeds (video)

Secrets of growing strawberries (video)

After carefully studying this article, even a novice amateur gardener will be able to grow strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds on their own.

The best germination from seeds of strawberry and strawberry crops occurs if the moon traveling through the astral houses stops to stay with Pisces or Gemini, and this does not coincide with the phases of the full moon and new moon. The lunar calendar is not as static as the regular one. The question remains open when to plant strawberries and seedlings in 2018, because as many regions as there are, so many climate features.

The best germination from seeds of strawberry and strawberry crops occurs if the moon traveling through the astral houses stops to stay with Pisces or Gemini

in 2018, the moon's visits to Gemini and Pisces are scheduled for February 8 and March 6-7. These days must be used to sow seeds in the ground. They are the most favorable. If this was not possible, you can plant berry bushes at another time.

The waning moon and the full moon do not accelerate the growth and germination of plants

The main thing is to avoid dates that are unfavorable for sowing:

  • In January - 1-2; 11-13; 27-29;
  • In February – 4; 10-12; 24-27;
  • In March – 5; 11-13; 20; 23-25; 27-28;
  • In April – 10-12; 19-21; 25-26;

It is better not to touch the soil in which the seeds or sprouts of strawberries and strawberries are located these days. They coincide with the moon's visits to zodiac houses that do not extend their favor to berry crops. Also on this list are the dates of the full moon and new moon.

The waning moon and the full moon do not help accelerate the growth and germination of plants. Plants sown and transplanted these days will be less vigorous. In addition to the full moon, there are three more days in each month when you cannot plant plants - these are the new moon and the days before and after the renewal of the lunar cycle.

When to plant wild strawberries and seedlings in 2018

Strawberries and wild strawberries are perennial crops

Strawberries and wild strawberries are perennial crops. Best Harvest bushes give 3-5 years. 5-year-old bushes are removed and replaced with new ones.

  • The best replacement for a bush would be a buried, rooted tendril in the summer - a shoot from a strong bush. But such propagation of the crop reduces the strength of the main bush for some time. The whiskers are removed so as not to reduce the yield.
  • Once every 4-5 years, the strawberry bed is completely renewed. They do the same with the strawberry plantation. More often, new bushes formed at the site where the mustache was buried are used for such renewal. If you want to replace old bushes with a new variety, you have to grow seedlings from seeds.
  • The vegetative cycle of strawberries is 20-30 days. Seeds should be sown for seedlings 2-3 weeks before planting. This is justified by the fact that the moment of flowering and fruiting is a bad time to transplant any plant.

Despite the endurance berry crops strawberries and wild strawberries, they can also die. There is an even greater risk of losing part of the harvest.

Does it make sense to plant strawberries and wild strawberries in February 2018?

Strawberries and strawberries can be called "snowdrops." As soon as the snow melts, these crops are revived, their leaves begin to break through and turn green at above-zero temperatures. Strawberries need heat to ripen the berries; these plants are not afraid of cold. This means that strawberries can be planted in the garden at any positive temperature in an area protected from the wind.

Strawberries do not sprout very quickly, but in April they can already be planted in open ground. Conclusion: February is the time to sow seeds for seedlings. Dates optimal fit seeds 1,5, 3,13,16 February.

When choosing planting material It is worth paying attention to small and medium-fruited varieties. They are sweeter, their yield is good, and they have more vitamins than hybrid ones. Selected varieties are more often used for sowing in greenhouse growing conditions and growing berries in urban conditions (on a windowsill or loggia). These include remontant varieties. Low bushes, up to 30 cm high from the ground, do better in open ground. They may not bear fruit for 5 months, but only 2, but their taste is more intense, they have a unique aroma, which large sour berries do not have. But they are also not afraid of the cold.

When transplanting strawberry seedlings, it is also necessary to exclude dates that fall on the new moon and full moon.

When to sow strawberries and strawberries for a greenhouse in 2018

If frosts on the soil can cause blackening of the leaves, which will lead to additional time for plant regeneration, then planting berry crops under a film will protect against the loss of the first June berries. Provided that the harvest is planned to be obtained in March, the seeds must be planted in the ground at the end of November, beginning of December.

In order for the berries to appear, you will need to create special lighting and heating the soil and air. True, the berries will be somewhat sour than those ripened in the sun. Sowing strawberry and strawberry seeds for greenhouse cultivation is possible at any time of the year.

Dates for sowing and planting strawberries and strawberries in Siberia

In order for the seedlings to become stronger by the time they are planted in open ground, it is better to sow the seeds in the first 4 days of April

The timing of planting strawberry seedlings for Siberia is from mid-May to mid-June, which is due to the shortness of the Siberian summer. It lasts about 45 days. The first ripened strawberries and wild strawberries appear only at the end of June, beginning of July. You can plant seeds in the ground at the beginning of March, before the temperature outside reaches 10°C; it is better to keep the seedlings indoors. It is more advisable to transfer it to open ground on a cloudy day in late May or early June, after watering it and leaving it outside for a couple of hours before replanting, digging the rhizomes into the ground.

In order for the seedlings to become stronger by the time they are planted in open ground, it is better to sow the seeds in the first 4 days of April or on the 9th if the harvest is planned to be harvested this summer. When planning next year's harvest, you can start planting strawberries in the ground on August 4 or 5. This is an excellent solution, because the seeds for germination will be taken from those bushes whose berries you liked the most. The health of the bush will be very clear.

Strawberry bushes are divided into male and female. There will be significantly less fruit on bushes where male rosettes predominate.

Dates for sowing and planting wild strawberries in the Urals

For the Urals, the optimal dates for sowing seeds according to the 2018 Lunar calendar are the days from March 4 to March 8 (inclusive)

For the Urals, the optimal dates for sowing seeds according to the 2018 Lunar calendar are the days from March 4 to March 8 (inclusive). It is better to plant strawberry and strawberry seedlings in the ground from June 1 to June 7 or May 27.

Growing berry bushes with seeds is not difficult, but you need certain knowledge:

  1. Seeds are planted in the ground or peat.
  2. The box is covered with plastic film, the pot can be covered with an inverted glass jar.
  3. The pot with seeds is placed in warm room away from radiators and other heat sources.
  4. Before planting the bush in the ground, the leaves are cut off, leaving 2-3 fresh leaves.

To receive big harvest, each one-year-old bush must be freed from male rosettes. They differ from female ones in that they produce a lash of mustache, rather than an ovary of berries. They must be carefully unscrewed to avoid damage. root system the whole bush. They appear again over time. The procedure for removing the useless part of the plant must be carried out several times a season.

Dates for sowing and planting wild strawberries in the Moscow region in 2018

The ideal time for planting seeds for germination in the Moscow region is January and February. in 2018, the lunar calendar recommends the dates from February 3 to February 8. Planting the bushes in the garden bed is then planned for April 28-29. To propagate a bush that you like for its fertility, from June 30 to July 4, you can root its mustache. This may slightly increase this year's berry harvest.

To propagate old strong bushes with mustaches you can use last days May 27-28 and beginning of June from 1 to 4.

How to plant strawberries correctly (video)

Although it is not difficult to grow, it is easier to grow it from a mustache or dividing large bushes into several small ones. Each female rosette not only produces a harvest, but also contributes to the growth of new rosettes on the bush. When growing a bush from a seed, you cannot plan in advance whether it will be male or female.

Beloved by gardeners, tender and tasty garden strawberries can be seen at almost every country house or garden. personal plot. This berry is often called a strawberry, although in fact, according to official science, strawberries are small wild berries. You can propagate strawberries by means of a mustache or by dividing the bush, but if you want to grow them in your garden new variety aromatic berries, you should resort to seed propagation. To do this, seeds are sown for seedlings in winter or spring. Planting dates depend on the climate of the region and when you want to harvest.

To get a harvest of berries this season, strawberry seeds should be planted in winter. You can sow until April, but spring planting there will be no harvest this year.

According to the Lunar calendar, strawberry seeds should be planted on the following days:

  • January: better days 15 and 17, but you can start sowing any day from the 7th to the 20th;
  • February: 6th and 7th most favorable days, on the 9th, 11th and 12th you can also sow;
  • March: from 7 to 20, but the best days for sowing are 8, 14, 15;
  • April: from 7 to 17;
  • May: from 6th to 17th.

At the beginning of February and March (from the 1st to the 5th), it is better not to plant, since, according to the Lunar calendar, these days are not suitable for sowing. The seedlings will be weak if you sow strawberry seeds for seedlings at the end of April after the 17th.

Growing strawberry seedlings at home

The preparation of seeds and soil for planting garden strawberries (strawberries) should be taken care of approximately two weeks before the sowing date.

Seed preparation

If the seeds are purchased in a store, they can already be processed and do not require soaking. For seeds collected on site and purchased planting material that has not been processed, the following procedures must be carried out:

  1. Soak for half an hour in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate and rinse well under running water.
  2. Wrap the seeds in several layers of damp gauze or a cloth, which must be placed in a container with small holes or a plastic bag with holes.
  3. Keep the soaked planting material warm for 2 days first, and then 14 days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Seeds must be inspected every day and, if necessary, moisten the cloth.

Attention! You should sow swollen seeds on which sprouts have not yet appeared. Otherwise, the sprouts may break off when planted and nothing will grow from the seeds!

Planting material can be stratified in another way:

  1. Sow the warmly swollen seeds into dry soil placed in a seedling container.
  2. Cover the crops with snow 2 cm thick.
  3. Cover the container with film or a lid.
  4. Place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the snow will slowly melt, and moisten the planting material.
  5. After 14 days, place the container with the crops on the windowsill.

If the planting material is not pre-soaked and stratified, the seeds will take a very long time to germinate. Shoots may appear only 30-40 days after sowing.

Soil preparation

Garden strawberries require not very fertile, loose and light soil. Store-bought substrates are suitable for Violets, Begonias and Universal. Cook it yourself soil mixture can be made from the following components:

  • sand – 2 parts;
  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part.

The following composition is also suitable for strawberries:

  • coarse sand – 1 part;
  • non-acidic peat – 3 parts;
  • vermicompost – 1 part.

Store-bought soil can be used immediately, but soil prepared independently should be disinfected. To do this, you can use one of the described methods:

  • heat in the oven at +150 degrees for 30 minutes;
  • Burn in the microwave for 5 minutes;
  • hold over a water bath;
  • water dark solution potassium permanganate.

After the disinfection procedure, the soil is placed in a bag and placed in a warm place for two weeks, where during this time bacteria beneficial to plants will form and develop in it.

Preparing seedling containers

For growing strawberry seedlings it is recommended to use plastic containers or other similar, not very deep containers. They are treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, after which drainage holes are made in the containers, the bottom is covered with drainage and the containers are filled with soil.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings

Compacted wet soil You should carefully loosen it with a toothpick and distribute the seeds over its surface. The distance between them should be at least 3-4 cm. The crops are carefully sprayed with a gentle stream of water from a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene. Planting material should germinate in a bright and warm place with an air temperature within +25 degrees. East and west windows, where there is light and no direct lines, are best suited for this. sun rays.

Until the seedlings appear, the crops should be ventilated every day and the soil moisture should be checked. Under no circumstances should it dry out. As soon as upper layer the soil begins to dry out, it is sprayed with a spray bottle warm water.

Caring for strawberries at home

The swollen seeds will hatch in about 14-20 days, after which the seedlings will need to be placed in a well-lit but cool place. To prevent seedlings from stretching out, they need an air temperature of about +18...+20 degrees. There is no need to remove the film from the container immediately. Seedlings are ventilated daily and, if necessary, moisten the soil. The ventilation time is increased little by little every day, thus accustoming the seedlings to home growing conditions. When the first true leaves appear on the sprouts, the film will need to be removed completely.

Strawberry pick

Densely sown seedlings are thinned out, and when 2-4 true leaves appear on them, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. Optimal sizes containers for picking strawberries - about 10 cm deep and 8-10 cm in diameter. Cups with drainage holes are filled with drainage and soil, after which a strawberry seedling is transferred into them along with a lump of earth. Seedlings should be removed from the old container carefully so as not to damage the roots. If the roots of the plants are tangled, you will have to remove all the bushes, place them in warm water, and when the roots are free from the ground, carefully separate the seedlings from each other. Before planting in a pot, the central root of the seedlings should be pinched.

When planting strawberries, remember that the root collar of the plant should always remain at ground level!

The transplanted seedlings are watered, and for their better survival, you can drop a little Kornevin or another stimulating solution into the soil.

After picking, strawberry seedlings are grown at temperatures from +18 to +25 degrees.

Watering strawberries

The death of seedlings can be caused by both a lack of moisture and waterlogging of the soil, so watering seedlings should be taken with full responsibility.

While the seedlings are under the film, they are watered rarely or not at all, since moisture is retained in the “greenhouse”. Condensation is removed from the film every day while airing the seedlings so that the tender seedlings do not get sick with blackleg and die. This is a very dangerous disease for seedlings, which affects plants due to excessive waterlogging.

Watering should be regular but moderate. It is necessary to moisten the soil with settled or melt water. To prevent the soil from being washed away, the soil under the bushes is moistened with a spray bottle. This must be done so that water does not get on the leaves.

Additional lighting for strawberry seedlings

Plants planted in February or March will need additional lighting so that the seedlings receive lighting for 13-14 hours. However, when the seedlings just begin to appear, additional lighting should work around the clock for the first three days.

Simple incandescent lamps are not suitable for this, since they emit the wrong rays and emit unnecessary radiation to plants. warm air. For illumination, you can use fluorescent or LED lights or phytolamps. They are installed so that there is a distance of 20-25 cm between them and the seedlings.

Fertilizing strawberry seedlings

Strawberries should be fed after 4 true leaves appear on the plants. To do this, use fertilizers that contain phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Such fertilizers are:

  • Mortar;
  • Aquarin;
  • Kemira luxury.

They should not be used according to the instructions, but the solution should be made at half the concentration. Fertilizers are introduced once every 10-14 days, alternating fertilizers.

Strawberry pests

At home, when indoor air is dry and there is a lack of moisture, spider mites can settle on plants. They feed on leaf sap, causing the foliage to turn yellow and the seedlings to weaken. Pests must be destroyed immediately, since they are also carriers of viral diseases. Spider mites can be detected by thin webs on plants or small dots on back side leaves. They are destroyed by spraying with special preparations: Aktara, Aktellik, Karbofos, Fitoverm.

Diseases and treatment of strawberry seedlings

What can cause seedlings to get sick and how to cure them?


First of all, you should be wary of the “black leg” disease, the causes of which we wrote above. Grown at high humidity plants can be affected by fungi, as a result of which their stems become soft, which soon begins to turn black. After a few days, the bushes die as the stems break. Such seedlings can no longer be saved, and plants that have not yet been affected should be transplanted into new ground and water them with a solution of fungicide.

The seedlings are rotting

Stagnation of water in the roots can lead to their rotting. After some time, the plant itself will begin to turn yellow, blacken and rot. This can happen not only due to frequent, abundant watering, but also if the drainage hole becomes clogged. In this case, excess water will not be able to pour out of containers or pots and will stagnate in the roots, which will begin to rot.

To save strawberries, the bushes should be removed, their roots should be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin and the plants should be planted in new soil.

Strawberry seedlings dry out

If you water the plants rarely or often, but little by little, only the top layer of the substrate will be wetted. As a result, the soil in the root area will be dry almost all the time, and the strawberry bushes will begin to dry out.

In this case, containers with seedlings are placed in a basin of water so that the soil is saturated with water through the drainage holes. After a few minutes, the plantings are placed in their place and subsequently watered not too often, but abundantly.

If the color of the leaves has changed

Leaves on seedlings can change their color for several reasons:

  • marble color appears due to a lack of magnesium in the soil;
  • chlorotic spots - due to iron deficiency;
  • the tips of the leaves turn yellow and curl if there is not enough potassium;
  • the underside of the foliage turns purple due to lack of phosphorus;
  • pale green, small and thinned leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen;
  • Leaves can change color even if there is an excess of fertilizers, so when feeding seedlings, solutions with a lower concentration are used than for adult plants.

Strawberry seedlings stretch out

To prevent seedlings from stretching, they are provided with sufficient lighting and grown in a room where it is not hot. Seedlings planted in winter and early spring definitely need additional lighting and an air temperature within +20 degrees.

Oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen can also lead to stretching of seedlings. In this case, watering is reduced, fertilizing is stopped completely, and the plants are placed in a well-lit place with a lower temperature.

If the seedlings are dense, they need to be thinned out. Otherwise, the bushes will begin to shade each other and stretch out.

When to plant strawberries in the ground?

The timing of planting strawberry seedlings in beds depends on climatic conditions region. In any case, the soil on the site should warm up to +12 degrees. Once installed warm weather and even at night there will be no sub-zero temperatures, it’s time to plant strawberries in open ground.

About 10 days before this, the seedlings should begin to harden. It is taken out onto the plot or balcony and left for several hours. fresh air. By the planting date, the plants should have fully adapted and be outside for 24 hours.

Site preparation

The soil should be sandy loam or loamy, well fertilized and neutral. If the soil in the place chosen for strawberries is acidic, then a year before planting the crop it should be neutralized.

The bed should be prepared for planting strawberries in the fall. To do this, they dig it up and fertilize every square meter:

  • humus or compost – 3 kg;
  • double superphosphate – 30 g;
  • potassium sulfate or potassium chloride – 20 g.

In the spring, the soil in the garden bed is loosened and the same amount of humus or compost is added. Loosening is done using a hoe to a depth of ten centimeters.

Planting strawberries

It is recommended to plant plants in open ground in cloudy weather or in the evening. Depending on the variety of strawberries, holes should be made in the area prepared for planting the berries with a distance between rows of 40 to 70 cm. The distance between strawberry bushes should be from 20 to 40 cm.

A nutrient soil mixture should be poured into each hole, after adding a couple of glasses of wood ash. A seedling is placed on a hill of soil and its roots are straightened, which must be covered with soil. To prevent air from remaining between the roots, the soil is poured in parts and watered immediately.

The bushes should be buried so that the heart is flush with the ground. Correct landing You can see the strawberries in the photo. If the heart is too high above the soil, the roots will become bare and begin to dry out, and if it is immersed in the ground, the apical buds will dry out and die.

Planted plants must be watered and the soil around them must be sprinkled with mulch in the form of peat. A 3-5 cm layer of mulch will prevent moisture from quickly evaporating and the soil will not become crusty.

Sowing strawberry seeds according to the Lunar calendar, proper care for seedlings and competently planted in open ground - these are the most necessary conditions for the growth and development of strawberries at the initial stage of growing a crop, which early sowing will produce a harvest this year. You can find out how and when to plant correctly if you follow the highlighted links.

Garden strawberries, which we usually call strawberries is one of the most popular berries, which is not only eaten fresh, but also made into jams, jams, drinks and even liqueurs. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in when to sow strawberry seeds in order to get a small harvest of berries this year. We will tell you when to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings in 2019, how to grow strawberry seedlings at home, as well as when and how to plant strawberry seedlings in open ground.

When to sow strawberries for seedlings in 2019

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings in 2019 can be done on the following days:

  • in January try to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings on the 15th or 17th, although the entire range from the 7th to the 20th is suitable. January 2 and 31 are unfavorable for sowing;
  • February: the best days for sowing strawberries are the 6th and 7th, but sowing is also possible on the 9th, 11th, 12th, and it is better not to sow strawberry seeds on February 15, 16, 17;
  • March: The most favorable days for sowing will be March 8, 14 and 15. Unfavorable days for sowing strawberries are March 2, 16, 17, 18, and 31.

Soil for strawberry seedlings

The soil for growing strawberry seedlings needs light, loose, not very fertile, for example, a mixture of garden soil with sand or ready-made soils Universal, Begonia or For violets. Well-proven soils for strawberries have the following composition:

  • vermicompost, non-acidic peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 1:3:1;
  • peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Before sowing, the soil mixture must be disinfected using any of the following methods:

  • spill with a strong solution of potassium permanganate;
  • steam in a water bath;
  • heat for 5 minutes in the microwave;
  • fry for half an hour in the oven at 150 ºC.

After treatment, the soil is placed in a warm place for 2-3 weeks.

Preparing strawberry seeds for sowing

Growing strawberry seedlings must begin with preparation seed material. If you bought seeds, carefully read the instructions - some manufacturers sell material that is ready for sowing. Personally collected seeds should be placed for 30 minutes in a half percent solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed in clean water. Then the seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, covered with another damp cloth, rolled into a roll, placed in a perforated plastic bag or in a box with holes for air exchange in the lid and kept warm for two days, and then stratified in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for two weeks. Check the condition of the seeds from time to time and moisten the wipes.

As soon as the seeds swell, they are ready for sowing, but do not miss the moment: you must not allow small sprouts to appear on the seeds - they easily break off, and nothing will grow from such seeds.

Growing strawberry seedlings from seeds

As a container for growing strawberry seedlings, it is better to use not very deep transparent containers, for example, plastic boxes from products that require drainage holes.

Treat the container with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, put a layer in it drainage material, then damp soil, compact it, place the seeds on the surface of the soil using a damp toothpick at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, cover the container with a transparent lid or plastic wrap and place in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sun. The window sills of western and eastern windows are most suitable for germinating strawberry seeds.

There is a way in which strawberry seedlings are planted simultaneously with stratification seeding material: heat-swollen seeds are not placed in the refrigerator, but are laid out in the manner already described on the surface of dry soil. A layer of snow about 2 cm thick is placed on top of them, the container is covered with a lid or film and kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The snow will gradually melt and draw seeds into the soil with it - this is exactly what happens in natural conditions. After two weeks, the lidded container is moved to the windowsill.

Planting strawberry seedlings in peat tablets

Strawberry seedlings from seeds develop well in peat tablets.

  • Firstly, The tablets contain all the macro- and microelements necessary for seedlings.
  • Secondly, you don’t have to bother with preparing the soil and sterilizing it.
  • Third, Growing seedlings in tablets allows you to avoid the picking procedure, which is traumatic to the roots of seedlings - if necessary, they are transplanted directly into peat pots with the tablets.

Tablets are made from a pressed peat mixture and enclosed in a mesh shell impregnated with a fungicide that protects seedlings from blackleg and other fungal infections. The diameter of the tablets can be different - from 24 to 44 cm. For strawberry seedlings, tablets with a diameter of 24 or 33 cm are suitable. The tablets are placed in a container with high walls and filled with warm water. When the tablets are saturated with moisture and increase in size, excess water drained.

Strawberry seeds using a damp toothpick laid out in holes located on the surface of each tablet, after which the container is covered with a transparent lid with holes for air exchange and placed in a warm, bright place where direct sunlight does not reach. If there is no lid, cover the container with plastic wrap, but in this case you will have to ventilate the crops daily and remove condensation from the film.

Strawberry seedlings in a greenhouse

Strawberries are also grown indoors, but it is not the seeds that are planted in the greenhouse, but seedlings that are grown at home or purchased from nurseries.

How to grow frigo strawberry seedlings

Frigo strawberry seedlings are becoming increasingly popular. Countries such as Holland and Great Britain have almost completely switched to growing strawberries using this method. What are frigo seedlings, what are their pros and cons?

In late autumn, developed rosettes of the first and second order are dug up in the garden and stored until planting in open ground or in a greenhouse in comfortable conditions– at air humidity of 85-90% and temperature 0-1 ºC.

The advantage of this method of storing seedlings is that during the winter the rosettes are not exposed to adverse factors, and therefore subsequently produce a high and high-quality harvest. In addition, planting frigo in the ground in different terms allows you to obtain berries almost continuously throughout the season. Frigo seedlings tolerate transportation well and quickly take root, and all the nutrients that the rosette has accumulated over the past season are not spent on the development of the bush, but are used to form more berries.

  • class A - these are rosettes with a diameter of 12-15 cm, which form no more than two flower arrows;
  • class A+ - rosettes with a diameter of more than 15 cm with a shortened shoot, forming 2-3 flower arrows;
  • class A+ extra - the diameter of the rosettes of this category is more than 20 cm, they have lateral horns and at least 5 peduncles are formed.

However, it is difficult for amateur gardeners to use the frigo method, since it is difficult to determine exactly when it is necessary to dig out sockets, and even to create the necessary conditions storing seedlings is also not easy - the temperature in the storage must be constant, since the slightest deviation can lead to either premature germination of buds or freezing of the roots. In addition, expensive equipment is required to process seedlings before storing them. Therefore, it is better not to grow frigo seedlings, but to buy them.

Is it worth it to buy strawberry seedlings?

The seed method is used to grow mainly seedlings of remontant strawberries, as well as hybrid varieties that do not form runners. Personally collected seeds of hybrid or remontant varieties are not suitable for propagation, because the seedlings grown from them rarely retain the characteristics of the variety. It is in such cases that you have to purchase strawberry seedlings.

Where to buy strawberry seedlings? When buying seedlings on the market, you will not receive any guarantees other than the assurances of the seller, so it is better to purchase seedlings in nurseries, in garden pavilions or at fairs where seedlings are exported by producers. Because the garden strawberries susceptible to diseases and pests, it is very important to be able to choose healthy and high-quality seedlings.

How to determine the quality of seedlings? Pay attention to these signs:

  • if seedlings have spots on the leaves, this may be a symptom of fungal spots;
  • seedlings with faded leaves should alert you, since pallor may be a sign of incurable fusarium necrosis of the horns;
  • wrinkling of young leaves may mean that the seedlings are affected by strawberry mites, and it is better not to buy such seedlings;
  • healthy seedlings should have shiny, pubescent or leathery leaves of a rich green color;
  • the length of the roots of seedlings with an open root system must be at least 7 cm, and the thickness of the horns must be at least 7 mm;
  • if the seedlings are sold in pots, make sure that the roots have taken up the entire volume of the container.

Caring for strawberry seedlings at home

Conditions for growing strawberry seedlings

Before the first shoots appear, which may appear in 2-3 weeks, the strawberry crops are kept at a temperature of about 25 ºC, and as soon as the first greens appear, the container is moved to the brightest place, and the temperature is lowered to 18-20 ºC. The covering from the crops has not yet been removed, but continue to ventilate the seedlings daily and, if necessary, remove condensation from the film.

As soon as the seedlings begin to develop their first true leaves, you need to increase the duration of daily ventilation, accustoming the seedlings to the conditions of your home.

To speed up the adaptation process, make several holes in the film.

If the seedlings in the container have sprouted too densely, it is better to thin them out.

Grown and strengthened seedlings growing in a common container are planted in pots, and those seedlings that were immediately sown in separate containers are transplanted into containers bigger size, as soon as their rosettes grow to 5 cm in diameter. after transplantation, the plants are kept at a temperature of 18 to 25 ºC.

Watering strawberry seedlings

Strawberry seedlings at home can survive for a long time without watering - as long as condensation appears on the surface, there is no need to moisten the soil with the seedlings. Then, as the top layer dries, the substrate is watered with melted water or, in extreme cases, water at room temperature that has stood for 24 hours.

Excessive moisture creates a risk of seedlings becoming infected with blackleg. Lack of moisture can also lead to the death of seedlings.

When watering, do not allow water to get on the leaves - this will cause stains on them.

Do not water the seedlings from a watering can; it is better to use a fine spray or syringe to moisten the seedlings at the root.

Fertilizing strawberry seedlings

At an early age, strawberry seedlings are not fed because they have enough nutrients, located in the substrate, but when the seedlings have formed four true leaves, they begin to apply fertilizing, which should contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. To fertilize strawberry seedlings, it is better to alternate every 10-12 days. different compositions– Kemiru Lux, Aquarin and Mortar, for example, to which it is good to add a two percent solution essential microelements. When preparing the nutrient solution, keep in mind that for seedlings, the dosage indicated in the instructions should be halved.

Illumination of strawberry seedlings

If you sowed strawberry seeds in winter or in early spring, you will have to organize a source of additional lighting for the seedlings in the form of a phytolamp, LED or fluorescent lamp. This is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch.

Do not try to get out of the situation with a regular incandescent lamp - it emits the wrong rays that plants need, and also heats the air.

The lamp is installed above the seedlings at a distance of 20-25 cm. For the first 2-3 days, when the mass emergence of seedlings begins, the lamps are operated around the clock, and then artificial lighting should work 13-14 hours a day. For convenience, we recommend purchasing a timer socket that turns on and off lighting automatically.

Picking strawberry seedlings

At the stage of formation, the seedlings have 2-4 true leaves; seedlings growing in a common container are planted in separate cups. Before the procedure, the substrate in which the seedlings grow is abundantly moistened, the plants are removed from the soil by the cotyledon leaves, the central root of each seedling is pinched and transplanted into a pot with soil, in which a deep hole must first be made. The seedling is placed so that the root does not curl up when planting. They deepen the seedlings to the same level at which they grew before picking, and then add enough substrate to the pot so that the seedling is immersed in it up to the cotyledon leaves. After picking, the soil around the seedlings is pressed and watered.

Diseases of strawberry seedlings and their treatment

Perhaps the only disease of strawberry seedlings that you really need to be wary of is blackleg. This fungal disease, affecting plants during the seedling period. The blackleg progresses against the background of high humidity - literally in a few days the base of the affected plant turns black, becomes soft, the stem breaks and lies down. The earlier you detect the disease, the more seedlings you can save from death. Transplant healthy seedlings into a sterile substrate and place in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight. As soon as the seedlings take root, you need to lower the temperature slightly and add a fungicide to the water for irrigation in accordance with the instructions. Sick plants cannot be cured - they are destroyed.

In addition to black leg, seedlings have other problems that worry our readers.

Strawberry seedlings dry out

It happens that with frequent, but insufficient watering the bottom layer of the substrate dries out, and the roots of the seedlings begin to suffocate. Water the seedlings not so often, but abundantly, to saturate the soil to its full depth with moisture.

Strawberry seedlings are rotting

Sometimes seedlings suffocate from excess water and therefore lack of oxygen, so check that the drainage holes are not clogged. Stagnant moisture in plant roots provokes the development of root rot. To avoid such a development of events, transplant the seedlings as soon as possible into a fresh substrate, after first washing their roots in a solution of Fitosporin or potassium permanganate.

Strawberry seedlings stretch out

Since strawberry seeds are sown for seedlings in winter or early spring, the seedlings may lack light, and as a result they become elongated, wither and weaken.

  • This also happens when indoors too heat, therefore, after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the room for several days and provide the seedlings with round-the-clock additional lighting.
  • The reason for the stretching of seedlings can be sowing too thick– seedlings shade each other, and they have to literally reach for the light.
  • Seedlings can stretch from oversaturation of the substrate with nitrogen. In this case, you also need to lower the air temperature, stop fertilizing and reduce watering.

Strawberry seedlings have changed leaf color

Most often, the leaves of seedlings change their color due to an excess or, conversely, a deficiency of one or another element in the soil. For example, plants can simply be poisoned by concentrated fertilizers. To wash excess fertilizer from the substrate, you need to spill it big amount water, arranging the container with the crops so that the water flows freely from it. Or just change the substrate.

The leaves of strawberry seedlings can also change color due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil - the stems of the seedlings become thinner, the leaves become smaller and become pale green. Due to the lack of phosphorus in the soil, the leaves on the lower side become purple shade, and if plants do not receive enough potassium, they lower leaves The tips turn yellow and curl. Strawberry seedlings react to iron deficiency by the appearance of chlorotic spots on the leaves; due to a lack of magnesium, the leaves acquire a marbled color, and boron deficiency is expressed in the death of the growing point.

Spots on the leaves of seedlings may also appear due to the fact that sea sand containing salt was included in the soil. It is necessary to transplant the seedlings into a more suitable substrate, rinsing their roots from salt.

An interesting fact is that when grown in peat tablets, seedlings usually do not get sick.

Pests of strawberry seedlings

If seedlings experience a chronic lack of moisture, they can be occupied by spider mites. They make punctures in the leaves and feed on cell sap, causing the seedlings to gradually weaken and turn yellow. But this is not the only trouble caused by mites: these pests are carriers of incurable viral diseases, so you need to destroy mites as soon as you find punctures or the finest cobwebs on the leaves of seedlings. In the fight against spider mites Acaricides such as Fitoverm bindweed, wheatgrass and the like have proven themselves well. In the fall, six months before the strawberry seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the garden bed in the spring, you need to add 3-4 kg of compost or humus to the soil for digging for each m² of plot (when cultivating poor soils, the amount of organic matter is doubled), 15-20 g potassium chloride or sulfate and 30-40 g of double superphosphate. In the spring, humus or compost is scattered around the site at the same rate - 3-4 kg per m², then the soil is loosened with a hoe to a depth of 10-12 cm, while at the same time incorporating organic fertilizers into the soil.

Two weeks before planting seedlings in the garden Strawberries are subjected to hardening procedures: The seedlings are taken out into the open air every day, first for a short time, then the duration of the procedure is gradually increased until the seedlings can spend 24 hours in the yard. Try to gradually accustom them to direct rays of the sun, but make sure that the seedlings do not stand in a draft.

Strawberry seedlings are planted in open ground when the return ones are left behind. spring frosts and the soil will warm up to 12 ºC, that is, from mid-May to mid-June. Planting is carried out after 17:00 or on a cloudy day. On a leveled bed, deep and wide holes are made at a distance of 20 to 40 cm in a row - depending on what variety of garden strawberries you are planting. The row spacing is left from 40 to 70 cm wide. The soil, which is removed from each hole, is mixed with two glasses of wood ash, this mixture is poured into the hole in a heap and a strawberry seedling is placed on the heap.

The roots of the seedling are straightened, the soil mixture is gradually added to the hole, while adding in small portions water so that there is no air left in the roots of the seedlings. The seedlings are buried so that the heart eventually ends up at the level of the surface of the plot. If the heart is underground, the plant's apical buds will dry out, and if the planting is too shallow, there is a risk of exposing the roots, which can lead to their drying out. After planting, the surface of the area is mulched with a layer of peat 3-5 cm thick. Mulch will prevent the formation of soil crust and make it difficult for moisture to evaporate.

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After this article they usually read

Many adults and children enjoy eating strawberries - delicious and very healthy berries. Its advantage is that the bush can grow even on small area land. Today a farmer can grow in a garden various varieties strawberries, which differ in terms of fruiting, berry size, and taste. To achieve success in growing berries, we recommend that you learn.

Find out when to plant strawberries for seedlings in 2019 lunar calendar

When to plant strawberry seeds for seedlings in 2019?

Farmers and summer residents prefer to plant plants on favorable days, choosing suitable dates according to the lunar calendar. It is recommended to plant strawberries for seedlings in 2019 in the first ten days of March. 10 days before the end of February, you should put the seeds on a damp rag, wrap them and place them on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator. For 10 days it will be kept in a cool place and the seeds will be regularly moistened.

Strawberries love light and warmth. Mid-March is the ideal time for planting. According to the lunar calendar optimal time falls on the dates from March 7 to March 20. In order to sow strawberries, you need to collect the seeds and this must be done using berries from your garden. Then there will be 100% confidence in the origin of the planting material. When choosing seeds in a store, it is important to consider that simple varieties They produce small berries, are easy to care for and tolerate unfavorable conditions well. This cannot be said about large-fruited strawberries of elite varieties, which are very delicate and require special care.

It is important to plant strawberry seeds in warm soil pre-mixed with sand.

Viable plants should be planted in open ground. It is better to plant strawberry seeds in small plastic containers; ordinary soil will do, only warm and pre-mixed with sand. The mixture should be crumbly and uniform, without lumps. The soil is placed in containers and not compacted, sprayed with a spray bottle and the seeds are distributed on top without sprinkling. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm.

The soil must be moistened before germination. Some people use a syringe for this, dropping a few drops of water near the seed. The first shoots will appear in 15-20 days, sometimes later. To create a microclimate, it is recommended to cover the container with seeds with a transparent film with several holes so that there is no obstacle to air getting to them. The film can be completely removed when small leaves appear.

Proper sowing strawberry seeds, timely care and planting seedlings in open ground on favorable days will help to obtain strong bushes and bountiful harvest

Favorable days for planting strawberries

When a plant has 2 leaves, each bush is planted in different containers. When they grow up, plant them in open ground along with this soil. Favorable days for planting seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2019 are from May 6 to May 18. However, do not forget that the phases of the moon are not a substitute for proper care and watering for the plant.

  • loosen to a depth of about 10 cm;
  • make grooves up to 5 cm deep;
  • moisten the soil.

Strawberries love light, warmth and timely watering.

Each strawberry bush is carefully taken out of the pot and transferred to a new place, sprinkled with earth, and lightly compacted. Further watering should be carried out only by spraying. The ground next to the planted bushes should be covered with a thin layer of humus. In extreme heat, strawberries should be covered with straw or hay.

It is recommended to replace bushes that have not taken root with new ones, planting them in place of the missing ones. During care, it is not recommended to cover the heart of the plant. According to farmers, such plants do not develop well. Weeds are removed in a timely manner, and the soil is carefully loosened and moistened.

We invite you to watch a video about when to plant strawberries for seedlings:

Now is the best time to get information about, when to plant strawberries for seedlings in 2019 according to the lunar calendarand how to do it. Proper sowing of seeds, timely care and planting seedlings in open ground on favorable days will help you get strong bushes and a generous strawberry harvest next season.