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» Standard size of profiled sheet for roofing. Corrugated sheet - dimensions and weight of standard sheets for roofs and walls. Profiled sheet - advanced material

Standard size of profiled sheet for roofing. Corrugated sheet - dimensions and weight of standard sheets for roofs and walls. Profiled sheet - advanced material

With a wide variety, corrugated roofing is very popular. Sheet sizes and price are closely related. We suggest you understand the advantages of this material, existing varieties, features of selection and calculation.

Read in the article

Application area of ​​profiled roof decking

Metal profiles for roofs are used when installing roofs on objects for various purposes. It can be seen on:

  • or, cottages;
  • temporary buildings and other buildings.

Depending on the price and size, roofing sheets are also used for installation and wall finishing.

Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated roofing

Regardless of how much a profiled sheet costs, it is in steady demand. This is explained by its undeniable advantages:

  • long service life, reaching half a century;
  • ease of implementation installation work. If necessary, the installation of corrugated roofing sheets is carried out manually;

  • optimal characteristics of the protective layer, ensuring the rolling off of dirt and snow from the roof;
  • UV resistance;
  • good anti-corrosion characteristics;
  • versatility. The price and size of corrugated roofing sheets make it possible to use it in the installation of;
  • presentable;
  • environmental friendliness. When heated, the material does not emit toxic substances;
  • light weight, facilitating installation work and delivery of material to the construction site;
  • accessibility. The low price for a sheet of corrugated roofing allows families with an average income to purchase this material.

The disadvantages include:

  • significant heating on sunny days;
  • poor sound insulation characteristics. IN rainy weather inside the house you can hear characteristic sounds from drops falling on the roof;
  • unprofessional installation can lead to a violation of the roof's tightness.

Types of corrugated roofing: popular brands

Corrugated sheets are used for roofing different types. The most popular ones include:

  • C8. Budget material, suitable exclusively for short-term roofing;
  • S21. Sheets of trapezoidal shape, mounted on a sparse sheathing;
  • C44. Profiled sheets with additional stiffeners. Can be mounted on the roof of buildings whose roofs are subject to significant operational load;
  • NS35. Can be used for roofing with lathing pitches up to 4.5 m;
  • MP20. Universal material, the rigidity of which is much higher than that of C8. Can be installed in any weather.

Corrugated sheeting varies according to the type of protective coating. It could be:

  • galvanized. The most affordable and common option, however, galvanized sheets have a short service life;
  • aluminum-zinc, consisting of aluminum, zinc and some silicon. Corrugated sheeting with aluminum-zinc coating resists mechanical stress well;
  • polyester. Available option, characterized by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It comes in matte and glossy. The latter has lower light fastness. The service life of the roof can reach 35 years;
  • plastisol(base – polyvinyl chloride). It is used quite rarely for roofing. Under influence sunlight heats up and ages quickly;
  • puralov(base – polyurethane). Withstands exposure to aggressive substances and sunlight. Perfect option for roofing;
  • PVDF. Durable, chemically neutral coating.

Standard sizes and technical characteristics of roofing corrugated sheets

When choosing roofing corrugated sheets, you should focus on its dimensions. Manufacturing companies offer material with various geometric parameters. We invite you to get acquainted with standard sizes to make it easier for you to select the sheets you need.

Dimensions of corrugated sheets for the roof: length and width are the main parameters when calculating the required quantity

For the manufacture of corrugated sheets, rolled sheets with a width of 1250 mm are used. The final dimensions of the profiled sheet for the roof, its length and width, depend on the configuration and height of the profile being formed and the requirements for the geometric parameters of the material. Thus, C8 has a useful width of 1.15 m with a total width of 1.2 m, and NS35 - 1 m and 1.06 m, respectively.

The length of finished sheets can reach 14 m. Due to increased transport costs, such material is not purchased, giving preference to sheets 2 m, 3 m or 6 m long.

Thickness of corrugated roofing: main dimensions

Manufacturers offer corrugated roofing sheeting in various thicknesses. For production, metal sheets with a thickness of 0.45 - 1.2 mm are used.

Attention! The greater the thickness, the longer the corrugated sheet will last and the more reliable it will be in operation.

When deciding what thickness to choose a corrugated sheet for a roof, you should take into account that thicker material has more high cost and weight. In the first case, the cost of finishing the roof increases, and in the second, the load on the supporting structures increases.

Attention! You should not purchase corrugated sheets for roofing that are thicker than specified in project documentation: This may negatively affect the performance of the rafter system.

Shape and wave height of galvanized roofing sheeting

The configuration of corrugated sheeting offered by manufacturers depends on its type. The height of the corrugation is usually 35 – 44 mm. Compared to wall sheeting, galvanized corrugated roof sheeting has a higher profile to ensure timely installation.

Types and characteristics of additional elements

In addition to the profiled roof sheet itself, it is necessary to purchase a number of additional elements, the price and size of which do not depend on the parameters of the sheet. To work you will need:

  • ridge strips. Manufacturers offer products of various configurations to protect and beautiful design ridge structure;
  • additions for valleys, consisting of an upper and lower element. With their help, concave corners are sealed and the roof is protected from precipitation;
  • abutment strips, including the top and bottom. Allows you to connect the roof to the wall. Also used when decorating a roof with a complex configuration;
  • end strips, helping to protect the end surfaces from negative external influences;
  • cornice strips. With their help, it is possible to prevent the roofing layers from getting wet and dusty;
  • corners. Can be internal and external. Cover and hold the end sections of the corrugated board in the appropriate corners;
  • drips. Allows timely removal atmospheric water into the drainage system;
  • snow guards. If you have them, you don’t have to worry about a big collapse snow mass to the surrounding area.

To do right choice, you need to clearly understand why and what kind of corrugated roofing you should choose. When purchasing, you should pay attention to:

  • appearance material. The sheets must not be chipped. Protective covering must be solid, without chips, peeling or other defects;
  • geometric parameters. Dimensional deviations must be within the standard values ​​for profiled sheets;
  • geometric characteristics of the wave. The sheets must fit well together;
  • edge quality. A metal profile for a roof with a straight cutting line will begin much later;
  • strength characteristics. After minor mechanical impact, the sheet should return to its original state;
  • availability of accompanying documents confirming the quality of the material;
  • the presence of packaging to prevent damage to the corrugated sheets during transportation.

When choosing a suitable brand, you should also take into account the opinions of real consumers:

Review of corrugated sheet Metalloprofile S-8

More details on Otzovik:

corrugated sheet Metal profile S-8

Review of C21 corrugated sheeting

More details on Review:

corrugated sheet C21

How many sheets are needed for roofing: calculation procedure

Before starting installation work, you should purchase a sufficient amount of roofing material. To do this, we first calculate the required number of sheets in the following sequence:

  • determine the total area of ​​the roof slopes. If the roof has a rectangular configuration, it is enough to multiply the width and length of the slope and round the resulting value up. For complex surfaces the calculation may become more complex;
  • select a suitable brand of corrugated sheeting and find usable area sheet specified by the manufacturer. It will be somewhat less than geometric, since the calculations take into account the amount of horizontal and vertical overlap;
  • divide the total area of ​​the slopes by the square footage of one sheet. The resulting value is rounded to a large integer.

One of the most popular building materials is a professional sheet. It is quite practical, inexpensive, and climate resistant. It is used both individually and in industrial construction. In order to profile a steel sheet, it is subjected to the cold deformation method. There are different brands of it, which are mainly designated depending on its geometric dimensions.

Characteristics and appearance

It is a roofing material that must be galvanized using the cold pressing method. The initially smooth sheet takes on a wavy shape due to the impact of the press on it. As a result, stiffening ribs appear on it, which help to increase the mechanical strength and rigidity of this material. To protect the metal profile from corrosion, apply special paint or polymer coatings.

The main standardization document for the material in question is GOST 24045–2010.

Let's consider what kind of corrugated sheeting there is.

Depending on the performance characteristics and areas of use distinguish it into the following categories:

In addition, corrugated sheeting is divided according to its coating into the following types:

All manufacturers take into account certain geometric parameters of the corrugated sheet during the production process.

The standard size of the profiled sheet is: height - up to 2 m, length - 2/3/6 m.

Material marking

She reflects geometric dimensions of this material, as well as its type. Currently, manufacturers produce the following types: H, C, HC, MP.

The first three designations show the classification unit of the profile according to the first classification criterion: N - load-bearing, C - wall, NS - universal. MP is a metal polymer that serves as a roofing material over the attic.

The first number following the letter shows the height of the sheet (mm), the next - the thickness of the steel that serves as the basis for stamping the sheet (mm), the next - the width of the sheet (mm), the last - the maximum length (mm).

On profiled sheets with an aluminum-zinc coating, the letter designation AC is added to the marking.

There is also a profiled sheet produced by cold deformation using a radial machine. In this case, the letter “P” is present in its brand.

The most common is P20 grade corrugated sheet. It has a working width of 1150 mm, a metal thickness of 0.4 to 0.8 mm, and a profile width of 67.5 mm. It is characterized by high anti-corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength and light weight.

The material has the following characteristics:

Types of coverage

Advantages of the material

Roofing corrugated sheets produced by Grand Line has the following advantages and features:


The service life of the material is 50 years. The production uses steel with a zinc content from 140 g/m2 to 275 g/m2.

Durability and reliability

The material is resistant to mechanical stress. Does not deform under weight, withstands significant snow loads. The high profile height provides the roof with an additional margin of safety (models GL (HC) - 35R, GL (H) - 60R, GL (H) - 75R).

Resistant to negative impact environment

Corrugated roofing sheets are resistant to corrosion, sudden temperature changes, and ultraviolet radiation (does not fade).

Attractive appearance

The material is available in a wide palette of colors (more than 50 shades) and various coatings (Quarzit, (Quarzit Lite, Quarzit Matt, Velur, Safari, Colority Print, Atlas, Drap, Satin, GreenCoat Pural, GreenCoat Pural Matt). Suitable for buildings / structures, designed in classic and modern architectural styles.


High-quality installation of corrugated roofing sheets guarantees tightness of joints. The owner of such a roof does not have to worry that it will leak.

Simple and quick installation

No expensive equipment will be required during the installation process. After installation is completed, such a roof does not require special Maintenance. Installation can be done independently or by hired craftsmen.

Scope of application

Profiled flooring is used in buildings and structures for various purposes:

  • buildings with special environmental requirements;
  • industrial and warehouse facilities;
  • garages, workshops, outbuildings;
  • gazebos, verandas;
  • dachas, cottages.

Installation by qualified specialists is a guarantee of the durability of your roof.

Advantages of ordering from Grand Line

  • Delivery of the material is carried out in Moscow and other regions of Russia by transport and courier services.
  • Providing a guarantee for the safety of appearance and technical characteristics corrugated sheets
  • Wide range of products. Availability in stock, production to order.
  • Profiled roof sheets are made from raw materials that have been tested in the Grand Line quality laboratory.
  • Professional advice, assistance in choosing material for any roof configuration and area.


Corrugated sheets are called corrugated (profiled) sheets of galvanized steel. This material very widely used in construction. It is excellent for wall cladding, roofing, construction of panel fences and frame structures. And this is only a small part of the work where corrugated sheeting can be used - the dimensions of the material allow you to choose the optimal value for any conditions.

There are several main areas of use of corrugated sheets:

  • fence/wall;
  • carrier;
  • roofing

Wall corrugated sheeting has dimensions such that it can be easily installed on a wall or on supports to create a fence. The wave height of the corrugated sheet is small, and the steel base is also the smallest compared to other types of material. In view of this, wall corrugated sheeting is used where the load on the surface will be small - in barriers, wall partitions, suspended ceilings. In construction industrial facilities wall corrugated sheeting is used for finishing vertical surfaces and walls. Due to its low height, the material is highly economical. It is very important that the metal profile can be used several times.

The group of wall profiled sheets includes the following brands:

  • MP40.

Roofing corrugated sheets are distinguished by a higher profile sheet height - 20 mm or more. The dimensions of corrugated roofing may vary depending on the needs of a particular construction. Due to the presence of additional stiffening ribs, this type of material has greater strength. Roofing corrugated sheeting is used for arranging roofs, structures, hangars, fences, pavilions and stationary fences. This type includes brands C44 and NS35.

The greatest strength is inherent in the load-bearing profiled sheet. It is made from steel sheet of the greatest thickness. The profile height (corrugation) starts from 44 mm. Thanks to these factors, the load-bearing profiled sheet can withstand heavy loads. Therefore, it is used for arranging permanent formwork and floors. This group includes brands H60, H75, H114.

Corrugated roofing sheeting - dimensions

Profiled sheet C8

Profiled sheet C8 has following parameters:

  • total width - 1.25 m;
  • usable width – 1.15 m;
  • profile height (corrugations) - 8 mm;
  • base sheet thickness - 0.5 or 0.6 mm.

This type of material is one of the most economical. Its popularity is explained at an affordable price and excellent performance characteristics (more details: " "). The advantages of C8 grade profiled sheet include reliability, durability and ease of installation.

TO distinctive features The brand can be attributed to the low profile height and incredibly convenient sheet width. C8 is used for the construction of temporary structures and installation of fences. This type of corrugated sheeting is also used for wall cladding and suspended ceilings.

Due to its low weight, the profiled sheet can be used for mounting structures on top of light frames (more details: " "). This contributes to an overall reduction in installation costs. The low profile height helps to minimize space loss, which becomes especially important when interior decoration walls and surfaces. Well, these sheets are not particularly difficult.

But it should be understood that C8 corrugated sheeting cannot be used to cover the roof (read also: ""). Low rigidity will not allow this material to effectively withstand loads. Only temporary roof covering is allowed during repair work. And yet, the main area of ​​use of C8 corrugated sheets is the creation of fences.

Profiled sheet C21

The profile of sheet C21 has a trapezoidal shape. Standard parameters The lengths for this brand of corrugated sheeting are considered to be 2, 3 and 6 meters, which is what it is designed for.

Corrugated roofing dimensions:

  • total width - 1.05 m;
  • usable width - 1 m;
  • corrugation height - 21 mm;
  • sheet thickness - from 0.4 to 0.7 mm.

Profiled sheets of this brand are used in the following areas:

Profiled sheet C44

Roofing corrugated sheeting has the following parameters:

  • total width - 1.47 m;
  • usable width - 1 m;
  • profile height - 44 mm;
  • base thickness - from 0.5 to 0.8 mm;

This one has additional stiffening ribs. If we also take into account the fact that the thickness of corrugated roofing C44 is much greater than other types of roofing, then it becomes immediately clear that this brand is intended for creating structures that must withstand significant static and mechanical loads.

Most often, C44 corrugated sheeting is used for:

Profiled sheet NS35

This corrugated sheet has the following dimensions:

  • usable width - 1 m;
  • total width - 1.06 m;
  • sheet thickness - from 0.5 to 0.8 mm;
  • profile height - 35 mm.

Roofing corrugated sheets have occupied the leading positions in the building materials market for many years. Unique properties and practicality allow it to be used in the most different conditions, and the price pleases with its availability.

That's just how to choose a suitable profiled sheet for a roof with a certain angle of inclination and operational features? What should the height of the corrugation be, are special grooves needed and what coating should be preferred? We will now answer these questions for you.

First, let's answer the question why corrugated sheeting is so popular among others roofing materials. All because of such valuable qualities:

  • Durability.
  • Price.
  • Light weight.
  • Versatility of use - both as a roofing covering and as a basis for insulating a flat roof.
  • Easy installation.
  • Rigid and fixed joint with roof sheathing.
  • Resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influence.
  • Rich color range.

Modern profiled sheets cover both industrial and industrial buildings huge area, and residential buildings with the most different types roofs - flat, semicircular, stepped and complex shapes.

And the profiled sheet is made of steel, with or without coating. For additional strength, profiled sheets are cold bent to form a specific profile. And depending on how the ribs were made, what height, frequency and shape they are, it depends on whether this or that type of corrugated sheet is suitable.

Choice of corrugation stiffness and height

So which corrugated sheet is more suitable for roofing? We suggest you look into this issue in more detail, because... experienced builders, for example, we are sure that even the most ordinary profiled sheet correct installation will serve faithfully for a long time. But you want durability and ease of maintenance, right?

Wave height and leakage

It is a well-known fact that the higher the wave, the stronger the sheet, and the less likely it is for water to overflow over the wave. What does this give? The fact is that such “waves on rocks,” when water flows into another bend, significantly enhance water pressure on the screw holes. Naturally, the risk of leaks in this case is much greater.

Rib stiffness and loads

Sheets with a small profile height are least suitable for roofing as they are not rigid enough. To withstand the load of snow in winter and the weight of human feet during the repair process, the corrugated sheet for the roof must have an edge of at least 20 mm. Of course, if you are building a house in southern country, where there is almost no snow, almost any type of corrugated sheeting is suitable for you. Therefore, do not trust spectacular photographs of houses with almost flat corrugated sheets - there is no snow in such regions, otherwise it would bend the roof in the first snowfall. And this is not for Russian latitudes in any case.

So, the higher the ribs of the profiled sheet and the greater their number per meter, the stiffer the profile, and the more additional load it can take on. The most reliable in this regard are corrugated sheets of the N-60, N-75, N-114 brands and Europrofiles N-153, N-158.

Types of roof profiles

Let's first look at the markings of modern profiled sheets:

  • N – load-bearing profiled sheet, which is used for its intended purpose for arranging flat roofs and floors.
  • C – wall. This is the thinnest and most fragile profiled sheet that can only be used to decorate walls and fences
  • NS – universal profile, which can be used to cover both pitched and flat roofs.
  • MP is a profile developed specifically for roofs by the Metal Profile company.

So, what types of corrugated sheeting are suitable for the roof? Let's list them all:

  • S20K with a thickness of 0.4-0.7 mm.
  • NS35 with a thickness of 0.55-0.8 mm.
  • NS44 with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm.
  • H57 with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm.
  • H60 with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm.
  • H75 with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm.
  • H114 with a thickness of 0.7-0.9 mm.
  • Any profiled sheet marked MP.

And now about each in more detail.

Profile S-20: budget solution

The C20 profiled sheet has trapezoidal corrugations along its entire length, which provide additional rigidity and strength. This roof covering does not require special cleaning or maintenance - any dirt is easily washed off with regular rain. And C20 corrugated sheets are sold with almost any coating - from pural to granite, and almost any fashionable shade.

Easy to cut, easy to install on the roof and can even be reused. The minimum pitch of sheathing on the roof for such a covering is 0.4 m.

Due to the large margin of safety, such a roofing covering can withstand quite strong deforming effects. This profiled sheet is so durable that in some conditions it is even used as a load-bearing sheet.

The main advantage is, of course, the price.

Profiled sheet C21: outbuildings and garage

Profiled sheet C21 is an even more durable material than its previous analogue. This type of corrugated sheeting is considered universal: suitable for roofing, walls, and fences.

An excellent subtype is the C20K corrugated sheet, which has an additional groove for water drainage.

Profiled sheet C35: for central regions

This profiled sheet is classified as a roofing sheet. All because of its special strength, which has high level thanks to trapezoidal ribs with a height of 35 mm. And the fact that the sheet is also load-bearing is indicated by the letter H in the marking. The polymer coating can also be of any kind.

NS 35 profiled sheet is produced using the cold profiling method. The uniqueness of this type of corrugated sheet is its efficiency, which is combined with excellent performance. Excellent resistance to weather conditions, mechanical strength and at the same time relatively low weight. And what is most valuable, such a profiled sheet is best suited for regions where there is little snow, but there are strong winds. Thanks to little specific gravity tearing off such a roof is no longer easy - the windage is not the same.

It is also easy to cut and easy to install, and its strength allows it to be used on fairly flat roofs in regions with little snow. Under normal (not extreme) conditions, it does not deform or sag. Main scope of application: pitched, flat and semicircular roofs.

Looking for something durable, but at the same time flexible for cutting and mounting? Then this is the most suitable professional sheet.

Profiled sheet NS 44: protection against hail

This brand of corrugated sheeting is similar in all its parameters to NS35, only stronger. Excellent protection against hail, frost and extreme heat. Like NS 35, it can be used where strong winds, but not much snow.

Is the weather in your area unpredictable? Then this brand is right for you.

Profiled sheet NS 57: for snowy areas

This is a high-strength profiled sheet designed for significant loads. The pitch of the rafters can be made quite wide and not worry about anything.

Today, the NS57 brand is more in demand for the roofing of hangars and warehouses, as well as roofs in fairly snowy regions. The special strength of such corrugated sheeting allows it to withstand severe wind loads. In addition, this profiled sheet is used for roofs with spans of up to 3 meters!

Is it just a stone's throw from Siberia? Then cover the roof with corrugated sheets, and you will be calm.

Profile N-60: high quality

Profile N-60 is actively used for pitched roofing. Sheet thickness is from 0.5 to 0.9 mm, and weight is in the range of 5-12 kg per square meter.

Profiled sheet H60 is made from steel sufficiently High Quality, and covered with a protective layer from weather conditions. It is so durable that it can serve as a roofing covering for 50 years. And it can be used in regions with strong wind loads. It also has a special groove to enhance strength and drain water.

Profile N-75: for flat roofs with load

Profile N-75 is intended for arranging load-bearing structures, floors, pitched and flat roofs. It is already thicker - 0.7-1.0 mm, and its weight ranges from 9.25 to 12.9 kg per 1 m 2.

Thanks to specially curved ribs, H75 corrugated sheet is capable of withstanding enormous loads, and therefore is most in demand in the construction of industrial facilities. This is a purely load-bearing corrugated sheet, which is also actively used for floors.

Profile N-107: maximum strength for a pitched roof

Profile N-107 is the strongest among traditional load-bearing corrugated sheets and is 100% suitable for arranging a simple pitched roof. The profile of this brand is high and trapezoidal. The sheet thickness ranges from 0.7 to 1.0 mm, which is already quite a lot, and the weight ranges from 10.2 to 14.5 kg per 1 m 2.

Are you planning to build a house that will last forever so that your grandchildren can enjoy it too? Then cover the roof with this profile - nothing is scary for him!

Profile N-135: for inversion roofs

The N-135 profile has great rigidity and is used for arranging flat inversion roofs- the kind on which they build summer cafe and even parking. Those., we're talking about about serious loads!

Are you going to flat roof Make a sports ground at home or in a bathhouse? Open gazebo with a barbecue? Then you need this profile - it is designed for just such loads.

Profile N-158: for extreme conditions

The most durable corrugated sheeting is grade N-158. It has the highest corrugation, and it can be used to cover the roof even with a support spacing of 9 meters! Usually such a roof is done if the maximum possible load bearing capacity, but the weight of the entire structure should not be large.

This profile is, of course, the apogee of strength and endurance. Why not take one right away, even if you have the simplest one? pitched roof? But the price! This is simply an unjustified investment. And, instead of overpaying for excess strength and durability, invest these funds in purchasing a more suitable profile, but with a good, high-quality coating, which will protect it from any hail.

Selection by coverage

Modern corrugated roofing is made from galvanized sheet, which is more budget-friendly, or from metal with polymer coating, which is more expensive, but more durable and reliable.

The coating of the corrugated sheet is also of great importance, especially when it comes to roofing. Indeed, in addition to the zinc layer, for roofing sheet It is desirable to apply additional coloring, which also directly affects the individual qualities of the coating. Here is the classification:

  • Matte and glossy polyester, which gives the coating even greater strength and reliability, resistance to fading and cracking. This is a glossy polyester paint, with a wide choice of colors and relative cheapness.
  • Polyurethane that will protect metal coating from frost.
  • Polyvinylidene fluoride.
  • Plastisol is a polyvinyl chloride with plasticizers that are resistant to almost any mechanical, temperature and chemical influences, and also perfectly imitate the texture of wood and leather.
  • Zinc is cheap and cheerful, but not durable at all.
  • Aluzinc is a coating that contains 1.6% silicon and 55% aluminum. Result - excellent protection from scratches and darkening of paint over time.
  • Matte polyester is a combination of polyester and Teflon, which creates a more wear-resistant coating method.
  • Pural is a polyurethane-polyamide paint with a pleasant matte-silky texture, which gives corrugated sheeting a lifespan of up to 50 years without fading or loss of other qualities.
  • PVDF is a polyvinyl difluoride acrylic paint that provides excellent protection against chemical and ultraviolet exposure, which is important for regions with serious environmental pollution.

Special markings will help you understand what exactly the sheet is covered with. For example:

  • The profiled sheet marked “A” is coated with aluminum.
  • Steel sheets marked “AK” are coated with aluminum-silicon coating.
  • Sheets marked “AC” have a less durable aluminum-zinc coating, which contains only 4% aluminum.
  • The marking “EOTSP” means that the sheet was hot-coated on both sides.

If for ordinary corrugated sheeting there is no significant difference with what it is covered with, then for roofing it is a key indicator, because such corrugated sheeting is constantly exposed to external environment. Therefore, choose a roofing covering based on what protective layer was used.

Choice by quality

And now about how not to purchase a profile 5 mm thick and get 3.5 mm, which will corrode in the first year. What is the problem? In fakes!

When choosing a quality profile, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Sheet thickness. The finest items are clearly of dubious origin. Note that it is difficult to visually determine handicraft production, and even with a micrometer it will be possible to measure the thickness of the sheet together with the coating. So, for the roof, it is desirable that the thickness should be 1.15 mm, zinc should be from 140 grams per square meter. What to do? Contact only trusted dealers or directly to the manufacturer.
  2. The quality of the raw materials used. For example, Russian manufacturer Metalprofile produces profiles from metal of different origins - Cherepovsky, Novolipovsky, Korusovsky and others. All this raw material has - varying degrees galvanizing, but within the limits of GOST. And you can require a quality certificate. And what the nameless profile with which the market is flooded is made from is a difficult question.
  3. Inner side of the sheet. There should be no streaks on it - only a uniform, pure color throughout the entire mass of the sheet. Coverage is very important! You don’t want the first hail to completely ruin the appearance of your roof, do you?
  4. Package. If the sheets are simply folded on regular block and hand-wrapped with film - this is not quality. When you bring (or will be delivered to you) such building material, you will find serious scratches due to improper protection, and you will end up rejecting at least one sheet from each package.
  5. Meeting the required criteria. We have already told you how to choose a specific profile to suit your needs - follow this. And under no circumstances trust unscrupulous sellers who will try to convince you to take a worse profile (after all, your neighbors supposedly bought the same one, and nothing happened). Incorrect choice– this is also a bad profile!

Good luck with your purchase and successful installation!