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» Talismans, amulets, amulets - their meanings and differences. Powerful amulets: the most powerful amulets and talismans in the world

Talismans, amulets, amulets - their meanings and differences. Powerful amulets: the most powerful amulets and talismans in the world

Amulets serve to protect a person from troubles, misfortunes, illnesses, anger and envy, that is, to ward off any negative influence. Since their main function is to guard and protect the owner, amulets should be worn closer to the body, under clothing and so that they are not visible.

You can use any item you bought yourself or received as a gift as an amulet. Ancient people (and in our time, some tribes) used the teeth of animals they killed, horns, wood, dried plants, etc., that is, materials natural origin.

If the amulet is designed to repel and reflect negative influences, then the talisman, on the contrary, should attract good luck, prosperity, health, wealth, love to its owner - in a word, everything that makes up a person’s happiness. Like an amulet, a talisman can be bought, made with your own hands, received as a gift or by inheritance, the main thing is that you are confident in the goodwill of the person giving you the talisman, then it will be nourished positive energy.

In Ancient Egypt, the scarab beetle talisman was considered the most powerful, and even in our time, scarab talismans are perhaps the most popular tourist souvenir. Unlike an amulet, the material for a talisman is not as important as the positive energy charge.

How to handle amulets and talismans

The purpose of the amulet also determines its shape. According to magical beliefs, an amulet in the shape of a tooth or claw will protect against danger, an amulet in the shape of a key will protect against thieves and envious people, and an amulet in the shape of a heart will save you from love failures. However, the form is not too important, the main thing is that the symbolism is clear.

Some believe that the strongest and most reliable amulets are hieroglyphs and Kabbalistic signs, which have the greatest protective power, but you must know their meaning so as not to cause trouble. Religious symbols have the greatest energy: rosaries, amulet, for Christians - a cross, for Muslims - a crescent, but their effectiveness largely depends on the strength of faith.

If possible, try to keep your amulet and talisman with you at all times.. If you have broken off relations with the person who gave it, then return the gift to him, since the attitude of the donor has become negative, and this will certainly affect the effect of the magic item. If you can't return it, sell it or throw it away.

The most powerful amulets for a person are considered to be symbols associated with religion, for example, Christian crosses, amulet, and rosary. But the symbols of ancient pagan gods, for example, Svarozhich, Spiritual Swastika, Valkyrie, Solar Cross and others, will not be an exception. But which ones will be the best?

Main criteria

Many people confuse the purpose of a talisman and an amulet. The purpose of the amulet is to protect the owner from troubles, illnesses, the evil eye and theft. Talisman - attracting luck, luck and prosperity.

The main thing is not which amulet is abstractly the strongest in the world, but which one will be the strongest for you. The power of any magical thing lies in faith, because what more people invests in it, the stronger it becomes.

Talismans that were made by relatives, father or mother, children, sisters, brothers are especially powerful. Marriage is a non-family relationship, therefore protective items donated by the other half do not have great strength. The exception is married couples who live in harmony and mutual understanding.

The ideal talisman for intercession is wedding rings.

  • horoscope;
  • by date of birth;
  • according to the name;
  • by elements and so on.

It is allowed to carry magical objects either constantly, or to turn to them in difficult moments life. This will depend on the strength and purpose of the option chosen. It is for this reason that it is worth taking a particularly careful approach to the selection of stones as an assistant companion.

Versatile Protective Minerals

Magic natural stones can affect people differently, but there are some variations that affect everyone the same:

  • From deception - heliotrope, agate, turquoise.
  • From the intrigues of ill-wishers - hawk's eye, opal, sapphire.
  • Agate and carnelian will protect you from poverty.
  • Will help to avoid accidents - garnet, turquoise, jade.
  • From slander and slander - topaz, chrysoprase.
  • Protection from damage and the evil eye - jade, onyx, malachite.
  • They will protect you from magic - emerald, sapphire, garnet, carnelian.
  • From theft and loss - tiger and cat's eyes.

A diamond passed down by inheritance will be a powerful amulet stone. He can save you from dangerous situations and the evil eye.

Other options

Sometimes people are haunted by a streak of bad luck throughout their lives. It happens that a whole generation suffers, trying to get out of constant problems. In such cases they talk about damage or the evil eye. Hearing the words of the curse, people despair, thereby allowing the negative magical influence to take over. But hopeless situations never happens and failure is not a reason to give up, but, on the contrary, a signal to action.

Let's consider some prayers and rituals that can be used to protect the family from damage.

Magic items

Defenders from the evil eye must be self made, since such things have a piece of the energy of their creator. It’s better to do it yourself or ask loved one. Thanks to this simple action, you will receive a very powerful protective field.

The simplest option is a safety pin, which is attached discreetly to clothing. It's best if it touches the body. But before you put on the pin, be sure to read the words:

Be sure to monitor her condition. If it has darkened, it means that it has pulled the negative onto itself. In this case, you need to bury it in the ground and hang a new one on your clothes.


To create a protector in the form of jewelry, you will need the help of a jeweler. It is undesirable to purchase something ready-made, because nowadays everything is made automatically on machines, which means the product will not be of any use. To convey your energy, you can draw it, so the thing will not only gain individuality, but will already receive a small part of the energy.

Be sure to read above the received product protective prayers for consecration. They are read for several days in a row until the energy for protection is gained.

If there is no money for individual decoration, then the simplest and most effective option would be an ordinary red woolen thread. Tie it on your hand and say the spell:

"God's Eye" (with your own hands)

"God's eye" can be found in different cultures. It is the most powerful amulet in the world, along with the Christian cross and the Star of David.

You can create it from woolen threads and wooden sticks.

  • Take a couple of small reeds and fold them crosswise.
  • Now we wrap it with threads to fasten the sticks. First of all, we use threads of one color, then the second, and so on. Threads can be taken in any color.
  • The result should be a diamond-shaped amulet with an original design.

Prayers are read over the resulting protector. Used to protect homes and family members from evil and other negativity.


From time immemorial, prayers and amulets have been considered the best shield against all adversity. Many are confident that by turning to the Lord and the saints with words, they can protect themselves and their family from envious people and enemies. It will also help in protecting your home, which is also often exposed to negative energy.

To protect your native walls, you can put a strong amulet. But before you do this, you need to perform a cleansing ritual that will help you get rid of negative programs.

Prayers also protect us from people who wish evil at work. They create a barrier that no witchcraft can penetrate. Before leaving home for work or school, you need to go to the window and say the following prayer out loud:

This is the most strong prayer protector who will protect you from any evil action. It doesn't matter how many times you read it. The main thing is to believe that the Lord will help you cope with any difficulties and will provide protection for your loved ones from any misfortune.

Are talismans and amulets the same thing?
How do talismans differ from amulets? What is the purpose of amulets?

Many people use these words, giving them a completely same value. “An item that brings good luck, protects against the evil eye and damage” - this is exactly how most people who are not related to the world of magic think about talismans and amulets. At the same time, they often consider them synonyms, vaguely realizing that there is still some difference, but not a fundamental one.

In fact, these items differ in their purpose, although they have much in common. Talismans, amulets, amulets are magical objects designed to bring benefit to their owner. But they each solve their own specific problems. Ancient and modern magicians never confused talismans with amulets! These objects have different directions of magical actions, which, meanwhile, often intersect in practice. It is this fact that causes confusion in interpretation, which we will try to unravel.

So, general characteristics:

– attract happiness and repel troubles (illness, damage).
– attract luck, success, love, prosperity.
- protect from harm and energy attacks(evil spirits).

Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of magical items.

Amulet (from Latin Amuletum - “giving strength”) – magic item, bringing happiness and protecting its owner from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, diseases and troubles. The amulet protects its owner from negative influences from the outside, enhances intuition, and has a positive effect on the owner’s fate.

Some experts believe that the most powerful amulets are those that are inherited by a person. But a properly charged amulet of a natural form can be incredibly powerful. When using an amulet, it is very important correct setting to its owner. Amulets attune the energy of their owners with the help of special rituals and sacraments.
Read more: How to charge and “revive” amulets and talismans.
If the amulet is poorly tuned to its owner, then it can even cause harm.

What should the amulet look like? What is this item?
Amulets are any objects that carry magical powers. Here, first of all, the material from which the amulet is made plays a role. It could be a crystal, a piece of wood, a precious or semi-precious stone. In this case, often the degree of processing does not play any role. It was no accident that ancient people wore fangs and teeth of animals around their necks.

Symbols and signs play a big role. An amulet on which are engraved or written magic symbols and signs, increases its strength many times over. It can be runic formulas, pictograms, all kinds geometric figures, hieroglyphs, as well as depictions of historical scenes. It has always been recognized that amulets set in gold and silver increase their power. In some cases, platinum or copper is used.

How to choose the right amulet?

Most often, amulets are chosen taking into account the zodiac horoscope.
Each of us was born under a certain constellation, each of us has our own patron planet and zodiac stones. The influence of the patron planets on a person is significantly enhanced when wearing stones corresponding to the zodiac. After all, the stars in the sky and stones on Earth have an astral connection. Amulets chosen according to the zodiac sign can help a person throughout his life.
Read more: Stones according to zodiac signs.

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From early times, amulets were divided according to professional affiliation - doctors, military men, and sailors had separate amulets. Bankers and financiers have always had their own amulets, which featured original, often mysterious symbols that protected the owners from deception, fraud and bankruptcy. There have also always been amulets for pregnant women and women in labor.

Absolutely all amulets protect owners from evil spells and curses, from damage and disease, from envy and all kinds of negativity.

Amulets are usually worn on the body, but not for show, but rather, hidden from prying eyes. After all, it is believed that if a person wears an amulet, it means that he feels vulnerable and is trying to protect himself from troubles. An excellent way out of this situation is jewelry and high-quality costume jewelry, selected according to the signs of the zodiac. Few people would think that an elegant pendant is a protective amulet. Only the owner of the item knows what stone the jewelry is made of and what problem the mineral solves.

It is very important that no one touches your amulets with their hands - be sure to find an excuse to prevent this. Some work colleagues or acquaintances like to touch other people's jewelry with their hands. This is something to be wary of. An ill-wisher coupled with a powerful negative energy can throw off the amulet’s settings and disrupt the vibration frequency of the stone. That is why amulets are often worn under clothing to protect it from negative outside influences. If you are in a circle of people who are friendly to you and know the technique of setting amulets, then you can wear amulets over clothes or on the body without fear of energy attacks.

Usually amulets are worn on a chain or cord under clothing. Small soft amulets are pinned to a pin under clothing.

Amulets simply need to be cleaned periodically negative energy, which accumulates over time. It is especially important to carry out the cleaning procedure after visiting places with large crowds of people.

One of the simplest and most common ways to clean amulets is over a candle or any source of fire. The object must be held over the candle from all sides for at least one minute. Then the amulet is immersed in salted water for two hours. Then it is washed under running water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for cleansing amulets at least once a month.

Talismans (from the Greek telesma - “dedication, enchantment”) are magical objects that are used to attract good luck in certain areas of life. Unlike amulets, which not only repel something from their owners, but also attract, talismans perform the function of exclusively attracting. These are objects that bring happiness and good luck to their owner, helping to open up new opportunities, activate internal resources, and attract additional energy from the outside world.

Most often, talismans are used to attract love, wealth, health, and success. For example, to attract passionate love, a talisman with a ruby ​​is chosen. If there is not enough optimism in life, they wear amber talismans. You can choose other stones for your talisman, the main thing is to activate your talisman.

Typical and most common talismans are horseshoes, crosses, amulet, icons with images of saints and martyrs, seals of spirits in the form of angels, holy names on parchment, as well as all kinds of symbols of divine power (maces, lotuses).

Talismans are directly related to the individuality of their owners, they are able to activate the strengths of the individual and level out the shortcomings. Very often, objects of natural origin are used as talismans. The talisman can be a sea shell, stones unusual shape, unprocessed pieces of minerals and even plant roots.
Interestingly, a talisman may be intended for a specific situation. For example, a talisman for winning competitions or competitions, when passing exams, etc.

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Charmed talismans - objects that have undergone a special ritual for specific situation. Talismans are charmed by magicians, shamans, sorcerers, and witches.

How else do talismans differ from amulets?

A talisman is not only an item that brings good luck, but also a symbol. Thus, ancient tribes revered certain types of animals as their patrons. For example, talismans were symbols and images of a lynx, a tiger, and a lion.
Mascots can be all kinds of characters in the form of people or fictional animals. That is, talismans can be personalized, which cannot be said about amulets. Talismans olympic games in Sochi 2014 – bunny, bear and leopard. But there are no such amulets.

Personification of a talisman is not an accident, but a way to enhance the properties of the talisman. Our ancestors knew this well, and they were the first to carve figures of gods, people and animals from stones. Therefore, if you are in search of the strongest and most powerful talisman, choose an item with a certain shape.

Talismans symbolize and attract good luck both to one person (their owner) and to entire groups. Almost all sports teams and musical groups have their own talismans. The amulet, on the contrary, is designed to protect only its owner.

Can a talisman protect you from all troubles?
It is naive to think that a talisman can solve all your problems and is guaranteed to lead you to triumphant success and “the fulfillment of all your dreams.” Your talisman will strengthen your strengths, strengthen your best character traits, and multiply the results of your work. A magical item will help create a favorable aura around you, but, of course, it will not implement your plans for you. Your belief in magical power plays a very important role! If you don’t believe that the talisman will provide you with real support and help, then you don’t have to wear it - it’s pointless.

How to wear talismans correctly?
Talismans, like amulets, are worn both on the body and on top of clothing. Many people prefer to hide their talismans under their clothes. But this is optional. You can easily carry talismans in your purse or pocket. If talismans are hidden, they are usually wrapped in cloth (not black) so that other people cannot see them. Do not allow anyone to touch your talismans, as they may lose their magical powers.

In particularly difficult moments in life, the owner takes the talisman in his hands, holds it for a long time, and asks for support and help.

From the name alone you can guess what exactly this item is intended for.

Charms are magical objects and means that are designed to protect their owner from evil spirits and all sorts of troubles, and to help resist enemies, visible and invisible.

At first glance, it may seem that amulets and amulets are one and the same thing. But this is only at first glance. These magical items actually have general direction actions. But amulets, unlike amulets, are not always decorations in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them. The concept of “amulet” is much broader than “amulet”. For example, in ancient times, stork nests on the roof of a house were considered the strongest amulet - they should never be destroyed, otherwise great misfortune would befall the inhabitants of the house. It’s hard to call a nest an amulet, would you agree? Or the ridge of the house - also the strongest amulet in Ancient Rus', protecting the world under the roof of the house.

A striking distinctive feature of amulets is that they are often made with my own hands. Moreover, the one who makes the amulet puts his magical power into it. This is why amulets are most often purchased from practicing magicians and psychics. These can be figurines of various animals or sacred characters. An excellent example of a personalized amulet is the brownie. Brownie dolls can often be seen in living rooms or kitchens. A charming shaggy little man protects the house from evil spirits and all sorts of troubles. Residents ancient Rus' they kept in their chests and chests of drawers all kinds of rag dolls, which women made with their own hands and charmed for protection from evil spirits:

Rituals in Rus' have many covenants
And one of them is sewing amulets dolls.
According to legend, the talisman will protect the owners,
Taking on the burden of trials.

From various scraps of used clothing,
Okay, knitted knots with faith and hope.
But the only prohibition the ancestors feared was:
So that the scissors with the needle do not touch the doll.

Charms without a face, it seems invisible
They will inscrutably separate good from evil.
How much inconspicuous, quiet love has been invested
And protection for centuries from any evil.

Thus, amulets are both man-made magical objects and objects created by nature itself. Precious and semi-precious stones or even heads of garlic, which have been used since time immemorial to protect against vampires, can serve as amulets. The most popular amulets in ancient times were animal teeth and claws. But at the same time, fangs and other parts of animals have been serving as amulets for thousands of years, bringing good luck to hunters. Here the concepts of “talisman” and “amulet” intersect in the objects themselves.

Amulets are a whole range of powerful magical means of protection. A cat in the house is a talisman. It’s difficult to call a cat an amulet, even though the direction of the magical actions is the same. Lucky number– this is a talisman, but it can also serve as a talisman! Such magical intricacies!

Another important difference is that the actions of amulets are aimed at protecting against some specific negative impact. Whereas amulets are most often universal protectors from everything negative.

Popular amulets are horseshoes, crosses and other things from a person’s household. “A horseshoe over the door is a talisman for the house” (Ozhigov’s Dictionary). But horseshoes with crosses can also serve as talismans! Another intersection of semantic concepts.

I wonder what is most common wedding ring, is also a talisman. In ancient times, it was not only a symbol of marriage, but also a powerful amulet that protected the family from quarrels and external destructive attacks. Another marital amulet among the ancient Slavs is the lunnitsa. It was made of metal in the shape of a crescent. Lunnitsa is associated with the cult of fertility, bringing financial well-being to the family.

How amulets became jewelry (from history)

At the dawn of humanity, people had no time for jewelry. Everything they carried on themselves served a purely practical function. Warm skins provided warmth from the cold, amulets protected from evil forces. Actually, it was amulets and amulets that became the ancestors of the jewelry that we are used to seeing today.

And many thousands of years ago, any necklace or ring was a completely practical item, endowed with magical power. The question arises: if people wore a ring, for example, against lightning strikes, did it really help? Otherwise, why were such items needed that do not help? In those days there was no fashion, no ideas about style, etc. It was believed that the presence of amulets determined a person’s fate. If we exclude some kind of magical power, then magical objects helped their owners to emotionally adapt and be psychologically prepared for life's trials and troubles. For example, the ancient Greeks placed amulets (phylacterions) on infants, which protected them from illness and injury. We can only assume and guess how much our ancestors differed from us in their thinking and abilities.

It is interesting that in ancient times, blacksmiths of all nations were fully functioning magicians. Metal craftsmen controlled the elements and had a connection with the other world. In the Slavic epic Magic force the blacksmith is also repeatedly confirmed. Gogol’s blacksmith Vakula flew on the devil, and in the famous fairy tale “About the Gray Wolf and the Seven Little Kids,” only blacksmiths were able to reforge the voices of negative characters.

Blacksmiths had great influence and were highly revered in all ancient cultures, without exception, because they could work with metals and create weapons, jewelry and magical objects, without which ancient people could not imagine their lives.

After the Stone Age and with the advent of the Iron Age, wooden and herbal amulets faded into the background, their place was taken by metal fetishes. Also in ancient times, clay amulets were popular - all kinds of clay figurines that served as a tool of protection against evil forces.

It is in vain that some consider talismans and amulets to be relics of the past. Magic items have not lost their relevance today. Where does a person get the craving for natural stones and decorations? Perhaps the connection between jewelry and talismans has not been lost and is still preserved? Millions of women adore pearls, but the ancient Romans initially considered them a talisman! And only then the wonderful mineral became a decoration. In fact, amulets or talismans can be any objects that are very dear to their owner. Therefore, it is perhaps premature to talk about amulets in the past tense.

Amulets, like any magical things and objects, have power (energy) and can be stronger or weaker in terms of energy potential. The most powerful amulets and talismans are, first of all, religious symbols, such as Christian crosses, Muslim crescents, incense, rosary or symbols of ancient pagan gods, Hammer of Thor, Ax of Perun, Svarozhich, Spiritual Swastika, Rodovik. Solar Cross, Valkyrie and many others.

However, the strength of such amulets, including the Faith in them, the stronger the Faith, the more they work. Therefore, the most powerful amulets and talismans are those made for you by blood relatives, mother, father, brother, sister or your children. Marriage is not considered a blood relationship, but if the marriage is harmonious and love and mutual understanding reign between the spouses, then the amulet created by one spouse for the other spouse will also be a very strong amulet. And here you don’t even need to invent anything, because strong amulets are almost always with spouses - these are their wedding rings. But it should be remembered that wedding rings must be smooth, that is, not have stones. Unlike other amulets, to which precious and semi-precious stones give the main strength, wedding rings with stones on them only lose energy. Rings should be worn at all times and not removed. Since a wedding ring removed by one of the spouses can weaken the protection of both spouses at once.

  • The most powerful amulets and amulets, as mentioned above, are associated with ancient symbolism: Aryans, Slavs, etc. Several examples of such amulets and amulets.

This amulet is a symbol of the Light Power of the Progenitor Family, through which the Ancient Many-Wise Ancestors support and protect the Slavic peoples Great Rus'. First of all, it is suitable for those people who serve and work for the benefit of their Family. Such a talisman is used to protect a person directly at his workplace (in the office, office, workshop and other places).

Such a talisman is a symbol of the inextricable relationship between heavenly Fire and Earthly Waters. This connection gives birth to new Pure Souls in the world of Reveal (on Earth). Such an amulet helps to conceive and then raise a child healthy in body and soul.

This powerful amulet is not only a symbol of the essence of being, it is also the fundamental principle symbolizing other magical signs. The “Star of Rus'” contains all the brightest and noblest of all principles. The image of a rhombus on the amulet symbolizes a field, and a rhombus with internal inclusions is a symbol of fertility or a sown field. This is how the Guardian of the Family, the Mother of Cheese Earth, is usually depicted. Our ancestors called the “Star of Rus'” Lada-Virgin Mary or the Star of the Goddess Lada.

  • Of course, not only things or objects with various ancient symbols or specially enchanted ones, made by close relatives or handed down by inheritance can be powerful amulets, talismans and amulets. You can make a powerful impenetrable amulet yourself. Such a talisman can have very strong energy, which is almost impossible to interrupt. Even if someone with magical power tries to do this, he will receive a powerful blowback. To do this, you need to take the selected item in left hand thing that will always be with you, and then read the following plot nine times in a row:

“Oberezhny-Oberezhny, as you are with me, in the sky the sun and the moon are always with me. As I said, everything will be fulfilled and the darkness will be filled with clear light. The amulet will be eternal, it will protect me from dashing people, evil sorcerers, illnesses and adversities, in the house and on the road, wherever my feet take me. Amen! (3 times)".

The effect of the amulet will be stronger if it is made of silver or gold. Place this object in the center of the palm of your left hand, and then read the spell, first quietly, and then louder and louder. The ritual should be performed on the full moon after midnight. It’s even better if the item you choose, a magician you trust, speaks. After all, such specialists have much stronger energy.

However, in addition to amulets that protect its owner personally, as well as his home, family, workplace, there are also amulets that can protect the entire Family. Or, for example, a nation, a people. That is, there is a large amulet with enormous energy and broad functionality for protecting an entire association of people. One such amulet was mentioned above - this is the famous Slavic amulet called "Star of Rus'".

Another great talisman of the ancient Slavs is the Heavenly Cross. He personifies the Forces of Ancestral Unity and Heavenly Spiritual Forces. It can be used as a body amulet, it protects not only the one who wears it, but the entire Human Family, thanks to which all the ancestors of the Family and the Heavenly Family begin to help him. Only the head of the family, the head of the clan, can wear such a talisman.

However, among the powerful, strong, and very strong amulets, you should also pay attention to a simple amulet that does not have ancient roots, is not a family heirloom, is not made of gold, silver and precious stones. This can be a completely ordinary thing in everyday life, and if it is charged with positive energy, it will also turn into an effective amulet.

For example, if you charge your watch in this way, it will develop your practicality and help you in business. If a tie or belt is chosen as a talisman, then they will create beneficial situations for you in those matters that do not require special skills or initiative. A pin, hairpin, hairpin endows its owners with attentiveness and care.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the best amulet for you will be the one to which your heart lies; such amulets never let their owner down.

You can order the most powerful amulet at the Elena Svetlaya Success Center; they will make it for you individually, using effective spells and prayers, and also apply magical symbols to it for a stronger implementation of the magical effect.

To order a talisman, write to email Elena Svetlaya -, indicating in the subject of the letter “Ordering a strong amulet.”

Contact our Center, we work to make your life

became brighter and more joyful!

Heavenly mediators for your protection!

Talismans, amulets and amulets in different traditions.

Talisman, amulet, amulet- a magical item whose function is to protect its owner or increase the effectiveness of his magical effects.

BODY CROSS- (in Rus' it is called “telnik”) is entrusted to us in the Sacrament of Baptism in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Whoever wants to come after Me, turn away from yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34) . A pectoral cross helps to endure illness and adversity, strengthens the spirit, protects from evil people and in difficult circumstances. “The cross is always a great power for believers, delivering from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies,” writes the righteous saint John of Kronstadt. When consecrating the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers, in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross and that this cross will protect not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why many pectoral crosses have the inscription “Save and Preserve!”

LANDANKA- a Christian amulet originating in pagan traditions (analogous to the “Witch’s bag”). A handbag, a small bag, a bottle, a pendant in the form of a box with the relics of a saint, the text of a prayer (spell or amulet), incense, oil of oil or some other fillers, which is worn on the chest with a cord or chain. Incense is “tied” to the energy of the church (if it is done in the Christian tradition) and to the energy of the person for whom it is made. In magic it is used to create amulets wide range actions, from protection, treatment, attracting money and good luck - to causing damage.

CRESCENT- throughout the civilized world it is generally accepted that the crescent is a symbol of Islam. However, this symbol, despite its religious connotation, is not such in origin, because it is not in the sacred scriptures - for example, in the Koran. “Of His signs are day and night, the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate (tasjud) before the sun and the moon, but prostrate (wasjud) before the One who created them, if you honor Him!” (Quran, translation 41 :37). Therefore, we will call this symbol vital, i.e. arose in life itself, in the midst of the masses. The signifier in the structure of the concept of “crescent” will be the statement - “light in the night”, signified for the idea of ​​“Islam” - “divine light for people in darkness”; for the meaning “the crescent is a new phase of the moon” corresponds to the signified “Islam is an eternally young, constantly renewed teaching”; for the meaning “the crescent of the luminaries during the migration (Hijra) of Muslims from Mecca” corresponds to the signified “from this moment the Muslim chronology is carried out - from the century of the Hijra”, etc... Protects from the evil eye, the machinations of enemies, gives strength in the study of the Koran.

Muslim PANEGYRIC- an amulet that represents “Praise to the Almighty”... Since the functions of a talisman can be performed by a prayer addressed to God, then objects necessary for performing a ritual - prayer, can also have such functions, and the “Panegyric to the Lord” is a praise addressed to the earthly “projection” heavenly ruler. Saving the praiser from disasters sent by fate, the “Panegyric Talisman” is an amulet that is designed to protect its owner from the machinations of fate and give strength to resist its machinations.

TALISMAN KHAMSA- In Islam, the hamsa is also called the “Hand of Fatima”, named after the only daughter of the prophet Muhammad. In Judaism, the hamsa is also known as “YAD HA-HAMESH” (“Hand of Five”) or “Hand of Miriam”, named after the sister of Moses and Aaron. This is a palm-shaped protective amulet used by both Jews and Muslims. The word "hamsa" has Semitic roots and means "five". As a rule, anchovy is symmetrical, with thumbs on both sides, and does not copy the anatomical shape of the palm. Although it is widely used by both Jews and Muslims, it existed before the emergence of these religions and was associated with the goddess Tanit, the lunar goddess of the Phoenicians, the patroness of Carthage. Protects from the evil eye and damage, helps women during difficult childbirth.

STAR OF DAVID(in Hebrew - Magen David, “Shield of David”) - an emblem in the shape of a six-pointed star (hexagram). The Star of David is depicted on the flag of the State of Israel and is one of its main symbols. Hexagram symbol is very ancient origin. Researchers discovered this sign in India, where it appears to have been in use long before it appeared in the Middle East and Europe. Initially, the hexagram was not a specifically Jewish symbol and had nothing to do with Judaism. In the Middle and Near East, she was a symbol of the cult of the goddess Astarte.

MENORAH(literally “lamp” in Hebrew) is one of the most ancient symbols of Judaism, a metal candlestick with seven clay or glass lamps. For example, the Jewish philosopher Philo believed that the menorah symbolizes the seven planets, which are the highest objects accessible to human perception. He argued that the gold from which the menorah is made and its light symbolize the Divine light, or logos. In practical Kabbalah, the menorah serves as a weapon against demons. If the branches of the menorah are bent, it will look like a Star of David from above. Hasidim compare the menorah to a six-winged seraphim, whose name comes from the Hebrew word for fire.

Chinese FENG SHUI HAPPINESS COIN- An ancient payment coin. Distinctive sign noble origin, outstanding services to the country and society. It means recognition, receiving privileges and improving life. Widely used in the practice of FEN SHUI.

STAR ELDERS FENG SHUI are Chinese deities who bestow wealth, health and longevity. The star elders Fu-hsin, Lu-hsin and Shou-hsin are symbolic deities, not cult gods. Images of star elders are used in FEN SHUI one at a time or all three together. Fu-xing is the deity of happiness, Lu-xing is the god of wealth and Shou-xing is the god of longevity.

YIN YANG(Chinese "Taiji") - a symbol of the Great Limit in Chinese philosophy. This is one of the oldest philosophical symbols. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe, existing through the balancing of the two opposing elements Yin and Yang. Yang - white - male sign; active; day; symbol of the sky; the power of creation; dominant. Yin - black - female sign; contemplative; night; the emergence of life; mystery. A magical amulet against evil spirits, a means of achieving harmony.

BENCHKA or "Fenka", "Fenya"(presumably from the English thing - “thing, piece”) - a handmade bracelet made of beads, threads or leather. Initially, the bauble was borrowed by American hippies from the Indians, and was used as a symbol of friendship - after exchanging baubles, the hippies were considered sworn brothers. When giving a bauble, it is tied into three knots, and a wish is made on the third knot to the one to whom it is given. This bauble is worn without taking off until it falls off or breaks.

HORSESHOE- one of the most famous symbols of well-being. Finding a horseshoe on the road is a sign of imminent happiness and prosperity. The horseshoes found were hung on the doors. An open upward horseshoe catches and stores happiness, but an open downward one cannot hold it and misses it. This amulet can be placed at home on front door or in a corner that you would like to enhance. The belief in finding good luck and happiness associated with the horseshoe exists among different nations- in all countries where horses are shoed. In a dream, a horseshoe represents a gift or purchase of a horse.

PENTAGRAM(pentalpha, pentageron) - was widely known as a sign that protects from all evil; the belief in its protective properties was so deep that in Ancient Babylon it was depicted on the doors of shops and warehouses to protect goods from damage and theft. It was also a powerful sign of power for the initiates. The pentagram can represent good and bad, good and evil, everything will depend on where you direct its top. The Pentagram is an image of the Microcosm Man, doing Good and Evil, according to his Will. For the Pythagoreans, a pentagram inscribed in a circle meant the silence of the initiate. The five ends of the pentagram symbolized the five years of silence and study that preceded initiation.

OM- An ancient Indian and Tibetan sign associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. This is a visual form of a mantra - a magical sound that opens a state of insight, bringing purification of the mind and peace. Associated with knowledge and comprehension of the highest truths, with the highest Spirituality (in Buddhism - the achievement of Liberation and Enlightenment).

EGYPTIAN CROSS OF LIFE ANCH- a symbol and attribute of all eternally living deities. The combination of a circle and a cross is a symbol of initiation, second birth. In the letter ANKH is a hieroglyph meaning life. In symbolism and beliefs ancient egypt gives longevity, eternal health, and thereby long and happy life. It is the key to opening the gates of heaven in the other worlds and to unity with God. Gives energy balance, eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.

SWASTIKA(from Sanskrit svasti, greeting, wish for good luck) - a cross with curved ends (“rotating”), directed either clockwise or counterclockwise. The swastika is one of the most ancient and widespread graphic symbols. The swastika as a symbol has many meanings; for most peoples they were positive (before the era of the overthrow of Nazism). For most ancient peoples, the swastika was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light, and prosperity.

ABRACADABRA- magical Gnostic formula (c. 1st century AD). It originates in the tradition of “Alikwot” - the chanting of sounds that, with their vibrations, draw into sublime states of spirit (trances) and purify. Abracadabra, written and pronounced “in the system of disappearance” - from the full name to one letter - removes illness, evil fate, poverty and all evil energies. When wearing an amulet, this is facilitated by the shape of the pendulum and the engraving on it.

TALISMAN IN THE FORM OF A SCARAB BEETLE was considered the best way for women to become pregnant. An amulet in the form of a scarab can calm a raging person. The amulet also helps the human soul pass tests in the afterlife. Amulets in the form of a scarab beetle, presented to the living and the dead, were supposed to protect against the forces of evil. A scarab figurine made of stone or other material helps overcome difficulties and brings good luck.

SIGN OF THE ATLANTS- an amulet discovered by the French Egyptologist Pierre d'Agrain during excavations in the Valley of the Kings ca. 1860 Gives very strong defense, immunity in the face of aggression and evil. Protects against damage, the evil eye, accidents and theft. Eliminates illness and pain, restores psychophysical balance. Enhances intuition, telepathy and foresight.

PROGNOSTICON- ancient Greek magic circle (Pergamon, c. 3rd century AD). Helps in exchanging information with parallel worlds and predicting the future, serves the development of intuition. Answers many questions and can be used to identify the insincerity of other people.

NAZAR BONJUK- a special talisman is very popular among the Turks: a small round disk on which a certain ornament is applied in blue, yellow and white colors and which is very similar to an eye. Such a talisman can be found everywhere: in shops, homes and even cars. The Turks call it “nazar” - “evil eye”. The Nazar Bonjuk talisman comes from the old superstition of the “evil eye,” where it was believed that a person with one eye color could cast a curse on a person with a different color. To prevent this, the artisans of Anatolia created blue glass "eyes" that "look" behind you and seem to say "I see what you are doing!"

DREAM CATCHER- Indian talisman, protects the sleeper from evil spirits. Bad dreams get caught in the web, and good dreams slip through the hole in the middle. It is a web of harsh threads and deer sinews, stretched over a circle of willow branches; Several feathers are also woven onto the thread. Hang over the head of the sleeping person.

RUNIC TALISMAN. The combination of runic symbols drawn or engraved on the talisman represents an energetic pattern formed at the subjective level of your "inner" Universe. Its energy is directed outward, so the impact is felt at the “external” level of the objective world. One of the options for using runes in magic, in addition to prediction, is the compilation and production of rune talismans based on the designs of runes in a single or double design.

CROSS WITH ROSE. The emblem of the Rosicrucians, members of a religious sect created in 1484 by the German scientist Christian Rosencrucian (this surname translates as “cross of the rose”). The Rosicrucians chose the rose and cross as their emblem as a symbol of the Resurrection and Atonement of Christ. This sign is also interpreted as the divine light of the Universe (rose) and the earthly world of suffering (cross), like the Virgin Mary and Christ, the feminine and masculine, material and spiritual, spiritual and sensual love. The rose growing on the cross of the Tree of Life is a symbol of rebirth and resurrection.

EYE OF HORUS- a talisman against the “black eye”, slander, magic, diseases of unknown origin. It should be stored under the pillow, at the head of the head. Wadget is an eye-shaped amulet that brings invincible protection to its owner, a wonderful amulet from evil people, from any negative impacts, including from the evil eye. He will not only protect, but also give a lot of development opportunities, since he loves to powerfully demonstrate his qualities as a warrior - the conqueror of evil. He eliminates the most nightmare situations for peaceful people. But at his own discretion, he fully admits the possibility of taking just as terrible revenge on their offenders.

MJOLNIR- was considered a symbol of the God Thor. Copies of the hammer were popular in Scandinavia, people wore them around their necks as amulets, and they were also used in sacred ceremonies - weddings were consecrated with them. They were placed under the bed of newlyweds so that they would have many children. For a long time after the adoption of Christianity, people wore both a cross and an amulet - a copy of Mjollnir. Serves to break obstacles, barriers and obstacles that stand in the way.
