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» Double timber technology in the construction of country houses: features, prices and selection criteria. Rules for building a house from double timber Make double timber yourself

Double timber technology in the construction of country houses: features, prices and selection criteria. Rules for building a house from double timber Make double timber yourself

Assembly technology wooden houses from double timber borrowed from the Finns. This method is used in low-rise construction on the Russian market quite recently. This is the main reason for the great interest of developers. Many people who want to have environmentally friendly housing want to figure out how profitable it is to use such technology in private housing construction. The pros and cons of building materials, construction technology, and operation of houses made of double timber are described in detail in this article.

Anything new is always alarming. This is how things stand with modern construction technology - Finnish way assembly of houses, where as wall material double timber is used. What are the pros and cons of the material and the assembly technology itself?

Positive sides

  • Natural wood is environmentally friendly.
  • Elements for internal and external walls are factory-made from dry sanded boards 45 mm thick and are 100% ready for assembly. After drying, the boards reach a humidity of no more than 12%, which contributes to minimal shrinkage of the house. Therefore, you don’t have to wait six months to move in and celebrate your housewarming.
  • Each tongue and groove beam is equipped with a double comb lock, which creates a tight, reliable, windproof connection. Therefore, sealing of seams is not required, as in log buildings.

High strength of double timber connection

  • With a small wall thickness of 220 mm, where the wood is 90 mm and the insulation is 130 mm, high energy saving rates are ensured.
  • The total weight of the building is relatively small, which makes it possible not to lay a capital foundation. On loose and unstable soils on the site, screw piles are the ideal foundation. But, if the nature of the soil allows, then one of the options may well be a shallow strip foundation.
  • Using modern technology In wooden housing construction, it became possible to speed up construction times as much as possible.
  • Easy assembly wooden elements carried out without the use of special equipment. The work is performed by several workers, which significantly saves construction costs.

Important! You can build houses from double timber at any time of the year, the only requirement is the absence of rain or snow.

Disadvantages of double timber

  • The main disadvantage of the technology is the uneven shrinkage of the wooden structure, which occurs as a result of a large temperature difference with outside and inside the building. The difference should not be more than 2-3 mm.
  • Difficult to achieve High Quality assembly, so it is necessary to conclude an agreement with professionals, and not “shabashniks” who want to make money on what seems to be an easy job.
  • Another important disadvantage is the selection of insulation, which is used to fill the voids between the outer and inner rows. Due to the wide range of insulating materials available in construction market, difficult to do right choice and give preference to one option. Only experts know what characteristics and properties each type of insulation has.

Despite the fact that the listed disadvantages of double timber are much smaller than the advantages, the main indicator is performance characteristics building. The shortcomings of such technology may appear over several years. The most unfavorable moment is the climatic conditions, so before deciding to build, you should consult with specialists and find out in advance what disadvantages the Finnish construction technology has in a particular region of Russia.

Important! To avoid unpleasant moments associated with shrinkage of the building, you should carefully select candidates for work and order construction material from a trusted manufacturer who guarantees high-quality drying of the timber.

What are the pros and cons of double timber houses?

Assembly wooden house with the use of double beam technology it resembles “ layered cake"is a sandwich, and this design has a number of undeniable advantages.

Positive sides

  • Beautiful and neat appearance.
  • There are excellent thermal insulation characteristics and high energy efficiency of the entire structure.
  • A tight connection and the absence of gaps between the seams creates reliable sealing of the walls and protection from wind penetration.
  • The walls of the house “breathe”, so there is favorable microclimate.
  • The presence of space between the outer and inner rows timber walls allows you to hide all engineering and communication networks (water supply pipes, sewerage pipes, ventilation ducts).
  • Cost-effective housing due to inexpensive materials, no need for interior decoration walls and additional insulation. Quick payback due to low costs of hiring workers, heating, and building maintenance.

Important! Buildings made from double timber are much cheaper than houses of the same size, but only made from 150x150 laminated timber and without thermal insulation materials.

Disadvantages of houses made of double timber

  • The main concerns are climatic conditions. Therefore, you need to know how the climate of the region can negatively affect a house made of double timber. What are the disadvantages of frequent freezing-thawing cycles? Sudden changes in temperature can cause uneven shrinkage, causing cracks to form in the wood. The use of high quality material reduces this risk.
  • The second significant disadvantage is the wrong choice of insulation. The best choice is ecowool, which is placed between the external and internal walls without tamping, and its blowing is carried out in several stages. Only in this way can the natural density of the insulation be achieved. The main requirement for performing such a procedure is to correctly calculate the amount of ecowool at above-zero temperatures. Insufficient filling of the gaps will lead to the absence of the necessary parameters and a decrease in the energy efficiency of the building, and excess will lead to deformation of the walls at low temperatures.
  • In houses made of double timber, the disadvantage is the complex execution repair work. But the manufacturer guarantees that with timely and high-quality treatment of wood with special antibacterial agents, such a procedure will not be required in the near future.

How can the advantages and disadvantages affect the choice of a house made of double timber?

Having considered all the positive and negative sides, you will be able to decide for yourself whether to build a house from double timber or not. The pros and cons of such construction were shared almost equally. If the number of the former is much greater, then the disadvantages prevail in importance. Therefore, before you decide to build a house from double timber, all the pros and cons need to be carefully studied and written down in a column. Possible nuances should be discussed with specialists. You should only seek help from professionals with sufficient experience.


In conclusion, we can say that today the construction of houses from double timber is gaining popularity, and every building material and construction technology has disadvantages. Therefore, you need to initially develop an action plan and strictly follow it, the main thing is to take into account all the disadvantages that are present in houses built according to Finnish technology.

With the advent of high-quality insulation materials, the industry began to actively develop frame construction. One of the solutions is the construction technology of double timber, which appeared in the mid-90s of the last century in Finland, gradually spreading throughout the countries of the Northern Hemisphere.

Construction technology

In its principle, double beam technology is similar to “sandwich” panels. A double wall is laid from it, inner space which is filled with insulation. Thanks to this, high heat conservation and sound insulation are achieved.

The building construction process is as follows:

  1. Project preparation. There are several dozen standard projects for which all calculations have been made, but you can order an individual one.
  2. Preparing the foundation. Due to the light weight of the walls, the size of the foundation can be significantly smaller than for brick house. It is allowed to use a pile or column solution.
  3. Preparing the kit. After completing the project and agreeing on all the details, a drawing of a set of walls made of double timber is sent to production. There, all the crowns, rafters and ceilings are prepared. Each element is marked and sent to the construction site. If necessary, technical holes are made for laying cable channels for electrical wiring.
  4. Walling. When the foundation is ready, the assembly of the building begins ready-made kit. It is produced according to the installation diagram and markings on the parts. The assembly and insulation process takes 1-2 weeks depending on the size.
  5. Roof installation. After the walls are assembled, the rafter system is installed and the roof is laid.

Each stage of work can be carried out in isolation from the rest, so the construction of a building from the moment the project is approved until completion construction work takes up to 1 month. Work on the construction of the foundation and the preparation of a set of timber is carried out in parallel, and the set rafter system performed during the construction of walls.

Construction using double timber grew out of the classical methods of laying a log frame, and therefore inherited the joining method. To do this, a groove with a depth of 25% is selected at the connection points on the board on both sides. When laying the crowns, the boards of the next row are inserted and fixed into these grooves. There is an overlap of half the width of the board relative to the previous row. The use of this connection allows you to quickly and efficiently build a wall in a short time.

To protect against blowing, a lock is selected on the horizontal planes of each beam. Most often it consists of a tenon on the top plane and a groove on the bottom. When installing one on top of the other, the tongue of the bottom board fits into the groove of the top one. This ensures high-quality insulation of the connection without additional sealing.

Features of the “Double Beam” technology

With great similarity with other types wood construction, double beam technology has the following features:


In addition to the significant advantages that make the technology stand out against the general background, there are several serious disadvantages.

Firstly, the requirements for wood are much higher than for construction from laminated veneer lumber. The interior and exterior of the building are in completely different temperature conditions with different humidity. Using poor quality material The shrinkage of the house occurs unevenly, cracks may occur, horizontal seams may diverge, and the geometry may change.

You can get rid of this drawback quite easily. To do this, you need to carefully select wood and trust only reputable suppliers. The moisture content of the timber should be less than 12%, then the house will practically not shrink.

Secondly, high requirements for insulation. It should not cake or sag throughout its entire service life. The internal cavity in which it is located is inaccessible after construction is completed. Because of this, replacing the insulation with a new one is impossible without partially dismantling the building.

1. Ecowool

2. Corrugation or cable duct for electrical wiring

Thirdly, there are difficulties with replacing crowns. This problem occurs with all technologies that use timber or logs - to replace a broken or rotted crown, partial dismantling of the structure is necessary. Compared to glued ones, double ones are inferior in physical characteristics and break more easily upon impact, so the need for replacement arises more often.

The need for vapor barrier

It is believed that external moisture will be easily absorbed and penetrate into the wall, contributing to the appearance of mold and mildew. The experience of operating buildings in different countries of the world shows that there is no need for vapor barrier of walls. With the correct selection of material and treatment of wood with water-repellent compounds, the wall will not absorb moisture. Precipitation simply drains without penetrating inside.

When condemning vapor barriers, they often talk about the wall losing its ability to “breathe.” Indeed, when using a vapor barrier, it loses its ability to absorb and release excess moisture. But with properly designed ventilation, a vapor barrier is not needed. A wall made of timber will cope with the removal of excess moisture on its own.

It is worth noting that high-quality water-repellent impregnations can replace vapor barriers. If you update the water-repellent layer in a timely manner using high-quality materials, then there will be no problems with excess moisture and mold. But a vapor barrier will not protect outer beam from rotting when using low-quality impregnations.

The technology of construction from double timber is time-tested; houses have been in use for more than 30 years without any complaints. Buildings using this technology can be erected in any climate zone of the country; it is important to choose a reliable contractor and not make a mistake when choosing the material.

Initially, Finnish houses in Europe were called buildings made of laminated veneer lumber - high-budget designer houses with shortened construction times. The harsh climate (25% of the country's territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle) and rising energy prices year after year prompted Finnish engineers to develop a new, less costly technology.

The first houses made of double timber appeared in Finland more than 40 years ago and immediately became the object of close attention from neighbors. Everyone was interested in questions about the features of the technology, energy efficiency of buildings and minimal capital investment. Since then, the name of the houses has become a household name; they are built not only in Russia, but also in Norway, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and the UK.

Beauty, comfort and savings come from Europe

The essence of technology

The name of the technology indicates the method of forming walls, which serves as an alternative to classical wooden houses. The wall is a structure of two wooden elements (planes) with a gap filled with insulation. Features of the technology are the following components:

    Wall material. Profiled timber that has undergone thorough drying in vacuum chambers.

    Insulation. Non-flammable and environmentally friendly fiber is used, often mineral wool.

    Sealed connection wall structures using the tongue-and-groove locking method, providing the necessary structural rigidity.

Technology is successful association best qualities log, timber and frame buildings:

    Natural materials and eco-friendly life, as in log house;

    Geometric accuracy parts and ease of assembly, as in timber;

    Warmth and significant savings energy resources, as in frame.

The assembly process is exactly like a designer's

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

Houses built using double timber technology are distinguished by high aesthetics. The details preserve the natural texture of wood, which makes this building attractive to fans of eco-style, and its walls a highlight of the interior. Professional builders They note several more advantages, thanks to which such houses are in constant demand:

    Quality. Factory-made parts made according to drawings are used, which do not require additional fasteners.

    Reliability. The strength of the structure is ensured by a rigid connection based on the log house principle, a tongue-and-groove system.

    Economical. Compared to other technologies, you can save up to 30% of your budget without shelling out money for finishing.

    Build speed. Ready-made parts with precisely adjusted dimensions allow you to build a house at high speed (from the prepared material, installation of a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 takes 6-8 days).

Structural diagram of a double timber house

    All-season. Installation can be carried out at any time of the year, since there is no “wet” work.

    Safety. Wooden surfaces are treated with a fire retardant, which retards the spread of flame, and non-flammable materials are used for insulation.

    Thermal efficiency. The three-layer construction of the walls saves heat well (the efficiency of a wall made of double timber with parameters 44x150x44, a wall made of laminated veneer lumber with a thickness of 250 mm and a wall made of rounded logs with a diameter of 270 mm are the same).

    Vapor permeability. A cottage made of double timber maintains a favorable microclimate by regulating the level of humidity in the premises.

    Environmental friendliness. Structural elements are made from natural solid wood (pine, aspen and maple, less commonly larch, oak and cedar), without the use of technical glue.

Housing made from double timber maintains a favorable microclimate

Like any object of the real (and therefore imperfect) world, houses made of double timber also have their drawbacks:

    Risk of insulation shrinkage. Possible with poor-quality installation using slab mineral wool. When using ecowool (bulk insulation), this possibility is minimized.

    Cracks. They occur if unevenly or incompletely dried wood was used in the manufacture of the house kit.

    Risk of uneven shrinkage of the wooden structure. Uneven shrinkage (with deformation of the wall surface and the appearance of cracks) is possible in a newly built house when severe frost. Preventive measure- use of quality materials.

    Difficulty of repair. You can replace a structural part (damaged crown) using jacks, which is very problematic. Communications are laid through castle cuts and hidden under the casing. If it is necessary to replace them, only the covering materials are removed.

Ecowool - modern way home insulation

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of double timber from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Question about the need for vapor barrier

The walls of a house built using double timber technology are vapor permeable, that is, they are able to absorb excess water vapor from the air and return it back, restoring natural humidity in room.

The technology does not provide for the use of vapor barrier film in the walls. Placed between layers of timber, it will not extend the life of the house, but will disrupt natural circulation air and will lead to condensation. Depending on where it is located (before or after the insulation layer), moisture will collect on the wooden surface or be absorbed by the insulation. Both will lead to damage and destruction of the wall. The only place where it is recommended to install a vapor barrier is on the floors.

Video description

About the stages of building a house from double timber in the following video:

What are the savings of using double timber technology?

The tight-fisted Finns did their best, creating a technology that allows you to save money both during the construction of a house and during its subsequent operation. You can feel its advantages by learning about some features:

    In the construction budget no expense item for insulation.

    Thanks to the lightness building structures(the weight of a house kit of 100 m2 is approximately 20 tons, the weight of ordinary timber is 2 times more) you can save on the foundation. In most cases, the strip foundation is replaced with a shallow strip or pile foundation.

Foundation organization diagram

    No need to allocate funds for special equipment.

    Finishing can begin without waiting for shrinkage(it is minimal, 5-6 times less than the shrinkage of a timber house and rarely reaches 1 mm).

    No need to waste money and time on caulking walls.

    Walls produced using high-precision equipment no need for leveling or sanding.

    You can move into the house immediately after installation is completed.(the timber will stand for 1 year).

    You will not overpay for heating your home; You can limit yourself to an economical heating system. Thermal insulation of walls made of double timber with a thickness of 190-220 mm corresponds to the thermal insulation of a wall made of profiled timber with a thickness of 440 mm (made of brick or foam concrete - 1000 mm).

The house made of double timber is warm in any weather

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from double timber. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Features of construction technology

Although a double timber house is built in a week (you can watch it grow before your eyes), the overall construction cycle (with an area of ​​up to 100 m2) takes about 2.5-3 months, which is also not bad. You need to understand that in this case some “pitfalls” may appear:

    Preparation of the material may take from 2 to 4 weeks. This includes drying and cutting the material, and the duration of the process depends to a large extent on the initial moisture content of the wood. It is not recommended to shorten the drying time; this will increase the likelihood of wall deformation.

    Many companies do not sell double beam house kits without installation. Self-assembly, without a doubt, a fascinating and valuable experience, but it is also, as you know, “the son of difficult mistakes.” Qualified workers will save you from making your own mistakes, save money and, what’s nice, spend the minimum possible time on it.

The critical stage is preparing the house kit

    Exist different variants insulation. Ecowool is used (treated natural material), mineral wool(artificial insulation containing glue) and synthetic polymers - polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam chips. In any case, it is important to calculate the required amount of insulation; its deficiency will make the walls cold. Experts do not recommend using sawdust due to their high hygroscopicity and attractiveness to mice.

    The tree needs additional processing antiseptic and fire retardant. Some manufacturers do it themselves, during the preparation of the house kit, others supply a clean board with a natural texture. In the latter case, you will have to take care of protecting the walls yourself.

Video description

About the review of a house made of double timber in the following video:

Final touches: finishing a house made of double timber

Another advantage of the double timber technology is that it is not necessarily finished. Wooden surface attractive in itself and will fit into any interior. In any case, when deciding on finishing there are two ways:

    Do not use finishing materials at all(especially if the scrap parts were processed by the manufacturer).

    If desired, you can change the shade of the wood By standard recipe: the surface is primed, painted or just tinted, and then covered with a protective varnish. In this case, it is recommended to choose natural, close to natural, shades of the color palette.

Wall tinting completed

If you decide to use decorative impregnations, choose formulations from trusted companies. The famous environmental friendliness of a house made of double timber can easily be negated if you use uncertified products from unscrupulous manufacturers. Such varnishes and dyes are often toxic and cause allergies.

Minimum cost of turnkey double timber housing

It is impossible to answer unequivocally how much a double timber project costs, because there is no single, standard form of house kit on the market. The price per 1 m2 depends on the set of elements offered by the construction company. You can choose from several assembly options:

    Partial kit self-installation (if there is a foundation on the site). It has a minimal cost and includes ready-made numbered elements manufactured according to assembly drawings. They will build load-bearing walls, internal partitions and ceilings, and install a rafter system; and for further work we will have to find other performers. The house can be inexpensive if there are communications on the site. The price starts from 8-9.5 thousand rubles/m2.

A practical option for a small area

    Basic kit. The company carries out some construction and installation work: zero cycle with arrangement screw foundation, construction load-bearing walls and internal partitions, installation plastic windows, roof assembly with the selected roofing material. A house made of double timber, the price of which starts from 15.5-16.5 thousand rubles/m2, is an attractive option for a significant part of buyers.

    Turnkey kit. The basic kit is complemented by external and internal finishing works, and laying communications (usually the installation of electrical wiring and heating systems, as well as water supply/sewage systems). The project will cost 16-19 thousand rubles/m2.

House with double light

    Individual project. It will cost more than any standard one, but it will fully correspond to the customer’s ideas about a wonderful home of his own. Such projects are interesting with details - a terrace, panoramic glazing, spacious living room with fireplace, steam room, second entrance. A popular solution is a house with double light, when the space between the first and second floors is combined. This solution expands the internal space, fills it with light and freedom, unavailable in normal room. Prices start from 25-30 thousand rubles/m2; if materials are ordered in Finland - 3-4 times more expensive.

Video description

About the double timber chalet project in the following video:

How to choose the right project

Extreme opinions about the prices of double-timber house projects are erroneous in equally. It is wrong to think that such houses are cheaper than apartments; Those who think that nothing worthwhile cannot be built for less than 4-5 million are completely wrong. A country house can be comfortable and profitable in any segment, from economy to premium; The main thing is that the project is well thought out and the materials are of high quality. The choice may be equally influenced by the following factors:

    Financial opportunities. It is expected that before entering the office construction company, the customer has decided on the budget he is willing to allocate for construction. Specialists in the field can be of great help. Having many years of experience, they will help you navigate the technological intricacies and make the best choice.

    Peculiarities land plot . They can affect the final cost of the project. The architect will definitely take an interest in the location and topography of the site, the presence of access roads and the possibility of connecting to a centralized gas and water supply.

Classic building with a mini-terrace at the entrance

    Customer requirements. Whatever they are, the architect can help correct them and thereby avoid strategic mistakes. So, cottage with a spacious terrace or veranda on small area will narrow the possibilities for landscaping the territory; It is better to choose a two-story project. It is also important to decide on the style of the future cottage. Despite some limited possibilities, wooden house projects are carried out in a variety of architectural styles. Only a few people like eco-style, chalets or rustic. Much more often, customers pay attention to projects completed in modern style with Scandinavian or minimalist elements.

    Cottage functionality. It is necessary to determine not only the area necessary for comfortable living of the family, but also additional parameters. The customer must understand whether he needs a garage, a large hall, storage rooms and a study; how many bedrooms and bathrooms will be needed. For big house It may be necessary to allocate space for a kitchen-dining room, home theater, gym, sauna and relaxation room. In luxury buildings, at the request of the customer, there is a spa complex with a swimming pool and sauna, a wine library, a spacious terrace with panoramic glazing, and a billiard room.

Modern project with a large glazing area

Projects and prices of houses made of double timber

Wood Vacation home made of double timber, built in compliance with technology, will be reliable and comfortable regardless of price category. Construction organizations that care about their reputation approach any project equally responsibly. Customers are offered standard lines of houses with a thoughtful layout, which are customized individually.

Houses made of double timber, projects and prices of which are distributed in wide range, increasingly look like a smart investment. In the Moscow region, prices for such projects are presented as follows:

    Houses with area up to 100 m2: 900 - 1,300 thousand rubles.

    Area from 100 to 200 m2: 1,300 - 2,200 thousand rubles.

    From 200 to 300 m2: 2,400 - 3,500 thousand rubles.

House with a large circular terrace

Video description

A few more projects of houses made of double timber in the following video:


Private houses made of double timber, a novelty for many Russian homeowners, have been built in Europe for decades; this can serve as indirect evidence of the reliability of the technology. When choosing a construction method, it is important to correctly set your personal priorities in order to understand what result you want to get. And, perhaps, a house in whose walls expensive wood is replaced by effective and durable insulation will seem worthy of your attention.

Houses made of double timber compare favorably with their qualities over others wooden buildings. The construction technology meets the requirements of sound absorption and thermal insulation, which gives the structure strength and comfort. Double timber is made only from solid wood coniferous species trees.

Cobblestone house - a structure made of natural wood, does not contain industrial resins, glue or hazardous chemical compounds. This is an environmentally friendly building material. The way they connect the two walls resembles a log house. Insulation is placed in the space between the walls.

Timber - hewn boards 70 mm thick. They are connected to each other using the technology of inserting a ridge into a groove. This allows you to assemble walls without gaps, and heat is not blown out through them.

Timber houses - best option own home. Among the typical projects offered:

  • country cottages and one-story houses For permanent residence, equipped with all engineering communications;
  • country houses for seasonal living;
  • suburban buildings for permanent residence.

In addition to residential buildings, the following are constructed from timber:

  • baths and saunas;
  • parking spaces;
  • barbecue areas with covered gazebos;
  • children's play corners and sandboxes;
  • awnings;
  • furniture.

The construction of houses is represented by many technologies, ranging from simple to extremely complex.

Benefits of technology

The construction of houses from double timber has its own characteristics:

  • wall complexes are erected within 15 days;
  • timber installation is completed in 2 weeks;
  • there are no cracks or other defects;
  • not used adhesive compositions, seals;
  • no special equipment required;
  • communication lines are laid in the wall;
  • all components are treated with antiseptics, in additional protection timber is not needed.

Disadvantages of double timber

Experts also note the disadvantages of houses made of double timber:

  • Uneven shrinkage of a wooden structure. This happens due to the difference in temperatures inside the house and outside.
  • Replacement of sections of walls damaged during operation. They are discovered both at the construction stage and during the operation of the home.
  • Only qualified specialists achieve high quality assembly, and they do not value their work cheaply.

These are the disadvantages of construction.

Stages of building a house

Building a house using double timber technology consists of several stages:

  • a project (sketch) is developed, a construction and architectural plan is selected;
  • a working version of the project is created taking into account the wishes of the customer;
  • preparation of parts for the timber kit;
  • construction of the structure.

Double log houses do not require the use of glue or nails. Connections and nodes are clearly adjusted. This ensures durability and high strength of the structure.

Build timber house It’s easy to do it yourself, but you need experience in constructing this kind of buildings.

Laying the foundation

The foundation is laid for a timber house after a thorough examination of the soil, the depth of soil freezing and its moisture level. The thickness of the base depends on the area of ​​the future structure.

The foundation formwork also needs to be installed correctly. Its quality depends on this. Several steps are expected to be completed:

  • spreads evenly thermal insulation material(glassine);
  • fittings with a diameter of 12 mm or more are attached;
  • asbestos-cement pipes are laid, acting as ventilation passages;
  • the frame is strengthened with knitting wire;
  • Concrete is being poured.

Leave the choice of foundation type to a specialist. One-story buildings are often erected on a strip foundation. It has its advantages:

  • withstands construction
    from timber;
  • installation costs are saved;
  • Ecowool, which does not shrink, is used as insulation;
  • the boards are connected with tenons that fit into grooves, which ensures the rigidity of the structure;
  • insulation is placed in the gaps;
  • the inner side is covered with a vapor barrier film.

One-story houses made of this material are favorably energy efficient. Heating requires little fuel, since the walls retain and save heat well. Their thermal conductivity is equal to the thickness of brick walls.

Final touches

Having built a log house with your own hands, you need to perform surface treatment protective equipment, remove visible damage, start sanding.

The technology for grinding timber is simple. Important condition- do not put pressure on grinding machine and don’t linger in one place.

The device should be held at a slight angle to the surface. Horizontal and vertical movements must be constantly alternated. In places where the material is laid unevenly, sanding the timber house is performed repeatedly.

During the work, the surface is leveled, the slightest differences in the crowns and partitions of the walls are eliminated. Also, by grinding the surface, the lint that appears after treating the walls with antiseptic preparations is removed.

Warming up of the building is carried out slowly; temperature changes should not be allowed, otherwise cracks will appear. When installing heating, specialists take into account the characteristics of natural wood and the options for its possible deformation.

The specific operation of houses built from double timber requires a lightweight rafter system and roofing so that the load on the walls does not become excessive. For roofing material It is advisable to choose flexible and lightweight tiles.

One-story country houses made of double timber - profitable investment funds. When constructing a building, building material is saved. And you can enjoy its beauty and comfort for many years.

Every builder knows that log houses have several significant disadvantages, among which the shrinkage properties due to wood shrinkage and thin walls are especially important. That's why we invented today special techniques to avoid deformation of the structure. They help insulate buildings. Double beam technology copes well with this problem. This method of construction began to be used in Russia quite recently, but has already attracted great interest from developers.


Houses made of double timber have a number of advantages over other wooden structures. As a result of this, their popularity among construction organizations very high. This construction principle meets all standards of heat and sound insulation. It makes the room cozy and reliable.

Structures made from double timber have double walls, between which insulation materials are installed. Hewn boards 7 cm thick are interlocked using the tongue-and-groove method, which avoids the appearance of gaps in the wall through which heat is blown out. Today, boards are produced that have grooves at the ends, due to which the necessary rigidity of the entire structure is achieved. However, any design has its positive and negative sides.


According to reviews from home owners who built using this technology, there are several advantages.

  • Minimal shrinkage due to the use of chamber-dried wood. Therefore, immediately after completing all installation work, you can live in the house. Shrinkage ranges from 1 to 2%.
  • Houses made of double timber provide an optimal indoor microclimate. IN winter period They are warm and cool in summer.
  • They are characterized by low cost compared to similar buildings made from other wooden materials.
  • The use of natural wood ensures environmental friendliness. The material does not contain adhesives, harmful chemical components and industrial resin-asphaltene substances.

  • These buildings are distinguished by a high energy-saving level, since double beams with insulation do not release heat. The insulation material is selected in accordance with the standards specified in the heating engineering requirements.
  • The structure can be easily installed, which reduces the period of wall construction.
  • There is no need for additional wall insulation, since the insulation is already installed between the double walls.
  • The structure is characterized by low weight, which allows it to avoid laying a capital foundation.
  • The house highlights aesthetic appearance, since due to the presence of special cavities (cuts, boxes) in houses made of double timber, wires and pipes can be hidden. Moreover, all communications can be dismantled at any time for replacement and repair.

Such buildings have a long service life. The design service life of the structure is approximately 115 years.


Structures using double beam technology also have disadvantages. Russian manufacturers identify several problems.

  • Over time, the insulating material between the walls can become denser and shrink.
  • It is almost impossible to build the structure yourself without the help of specialists, since the necessary processing and preparation of the beams is a very labor-intensive process.
  • There is a risk of cracks due to uneven drying wooden planks.
  • There is difficulty in achieving high quality assembly. Therefore, it is important to conclude an agreement with experienced specialists.
  • The difficulty of selecting insulation is noted as a result of the wide range of insulating materials on the construction market. But professionals have sufficient knowledge to help you choose the most correct insulation.

Despite the significant disadvantages of double timber, the main indicator of quality is the operational characteristics of the structure. The disadvantages of this technology will appear over time. The most unfavorable condition is the climate. Therefore, before construction, it is important to find out the opinion of experts and study all the shortcomings of Finnish technology.

Construction using double beam technology is not difficult, but without taking into account all the nuances, you can’t count on a good result. There is no need for a huge team of workers or the use of special equipment for the work. The main factor when working with double timber is the profiled timber. But using wooden boards has certain advantages: convenience and light weight.


The design and installation of structures made from double timber are carried out by companies that specialize in this type of construction. To save money you can buy standard project, which is suitable for a particular area, after which it is easy to make some changes. Individual sketches are developed after researching everything summer cottage, but the price will be much more expensive.

Construction companies that offer turnkey services to owners provide the following services:

  • drawing up a sketch;
  • design of working scheme;
  • production of complete sets of parts;
  • installation.

The first stage of construction work includes:

  • development of an architectural plan;
  • designing a house plan;
  • designation of the main types of work.

The most important and responsible process is the production of the installation kit with which it is planned to build the structure. This process is the longest, it takes about a month. Compound individual elements constructions are carried out according to the castle principle. The construction process is similar to the installation of formwork, but the internal and external walls are laid out in the same way.

The installation diagram is as follows:

  • pouring the foundation;
  • walling;
  • strengthening and waterproofing;
  • Finishing work.

During this work, insulation material is laid. It is important to do this in clear weather. The construction of houses from wooden beams does not allow the process to be carried out during precipitation, since the material will absorb moisture and lose its properties. beneficial features. Double timber technology is incomparable to laminated timber technology, where the insulation is located between two thin walls.

Here the insulation is supported on beams measuring 150x150 mm. The most commonly used subtype of this technology (“double mini-timber”), in which the walls are much thinner, but the construction process is similar. The standard list of services includes the construction of load-bearing structures, internal partitions, installation of floors and rafter systems. Sometimes the price of the package may include installation of a screw foundation, as well as installation of plastic windows and roofing work.

More expensive orders include laying all communications. Moreover, the quality of work will be at top level. Any owner can choose the most suitable service package. There is still ongoing debate about the advisability of laying a vapor barrier, during which some professionals argue about its importance, while others are sure that vapor barrier membrane will disrupt the natural circulation of air flow, resulting in an increased risk of mold and mildew.

There is also a technology in which vapor barriers are installed only in the ceilings, and the rest of the structure is insulated at the request of the owners. To save money, sometimes basalt material is used instead of ecowool, which has the same performance characteristics, but needs protection to avoid condensation accumulation.

If the process is not stopped in time, the entire wooden structure will rot and collapse. There is also the option of filling the gap between the double timber with a solution of straw and clay. Some experts do not lay thermal insulation material at all, believing that an air cushion between the walls copes with this task perfectly.

Work technology

Production wooden beams for the construction of structures differs in many respects from the manufacture of profile analogues. The process is carried out on special devices - automated cup-cutting lines.

The production of the material is carried out in several stages, these are:

  • preparation of blanks;
  • making holes to connect boards;
  • cup cutting process;
  • grooving;
  • cutting the workpiece;
  • removing unnecessary parts;
  • labeling process;
  • insulation;
  • factory packaging.

Construction of a house begins with the selection of a foundation. Most builders choose tape version, which is laid along the entire perimeter of the structure. Its depth is 70-80 cm. This foundation will be strong enough and will withstand the double beam construction using Finnish technology, and will also help save on building materials.

Before the construction of walls begins, it is necessary to seal the foundation. To do this, planks are laid horizontally. They lay on them construction boards according to the criss-cross principle. After laying one row, it is necessary to eliminate the gaps using polyurethane foam. When the foam dries, proceed to laying the insulation. Ecowool is most often used as an insulation material, which meets all the requirements of fire resistance and environmental friendliness.

The boards are connected to each other with tenons that fit into grooves at the ends of the beams. Insulation is installed between the two beams, and the inside is covered with a vapor barrier film. Additional strength is given to the structure by floor beams if they have been embedded into the walls. Usually dry lumber is used, on which the strength of the structure as a whole depends. This is explained by the fact that when drying timber, up to 13% of moisture is lost, which leads to the destruction of molecular bonds.