Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Height of railings of stairs, terraces, balconies: state standard requirements. The optimal height of handrails on the stairs in the house.

Height of railings of stairs, terraces, balconies: state standard requirements. The optimal height of handrails on the stairs in the house.

If a private house has two or more floors, the question will certainly arise about the need for stairs between these floors. Requirements to staircase design boil down to two main points: mandatory safety for all family members and external presentability and compliance with the style of the house. We'll talk about the first point - security - in the article. When going up and down stairs, you need to eliminate the possibility of injury, and main role Railings play a role in protecting against bodily harm.

They must be high enough to suit all household members, strong and reliable to withstand many years of use without failure. In this article, we will take a closer look at the issue of handrails on the stairs in a private house: we will find out what size they should be and how to correctly calculate this size.

The dimensions of railings in private houses, although they are not regulated by GOSTs, however, it does not hurt to listen to generally accepted standards: they are developed taking into account many factors that the common person is not even aware of. Let's find out what state standards say about handrails on stairs in private houses.

First, state regulations state that any staircase with more than three steps must have side rails. This rule does not affect external stairs made completely: in in this case More often they make do with a low parapet on one side, or even without it at all.

If the flight of stairs is no more than 125 cm wide, then one handrail can be installed, but only if there is a wall or a reliable permanent partition structure on the other side.

If the march has a width from 125 to 250 cm, it requires the presence of railings on both sides. If the width of the march is even more impressive, experts recommend dividing it in the middle with another additional handrail.

If the staircase is not straight, but curved, it should also have handrails on both sides. A screw design is equipped with one handrail, but only because the second edge of the steps faces the axial pillar and is attached to it.

Set the height of the railings in the house, guided by common sense, and not forgetting about GOSTs. Compliance with these established regulations guarantees safe climbing of the stairs, and eliminates your fault if an accident occurs.


Let's find out which type of railings on stairs in private homes is considered the most preferable.

Continuous fencing of the stairs is the most reliable and capital option, which ensures complete safety. However, such railings are not used in private houses: this option is intended more for stairs located in public buildings. In private construction, a solid version of the railing can be used to enclose an external staircase, and have a purely symbolic height.

Lattice railings are the most common option. Externally, they look like vertical columns - of any shape, design, and made of different materials.

In the video, the height of the railing on the stairs in a private house:

Combined railings are a combination of the two above-mentioned types. Handrails here are usually attached to posts, between which solid panels made of glass, plastic, wood or metal are installed.


Let's find out what standard sizes railings on stairs in a private house.

State standards place special emphasis on the height of the railings - as their most important indicator. If the fences are too low, it will be unsafe and inconvenient, but if they are too high, it will again be inconvenient and not very aesthetically pleasing.

Size Requirements

Minimum height this essential element stairs must be at least 90 cm. The same applies not only to internal stairs, but also to structures opening onto the attic or attic. This parameter (90 cm) was not dreamed of by the compilers of regulations and state standards: it clearly corresponds to the height of an average person (namely, the segment between the end of a freely hanging arm and the floor).

It is impossible to lower the established 90 cm height of the handrails, but it is possible to make them higher. For example, high handrails are required for those houses where people with mental disabilities live.

An external staircase in a private house should have a railing height of at least 120 cm. All railings should be at the same level: this makes it easier to move around and looks harmonious.

There must be at least 40 cm of free distance from the handrail to the wall.

If there are small children, then it is advisable to install an additional handrail for them, running parallel to the main one, but having a smaller height. This will make it much easier for children to move up the stairs and save them from possible falls and bruises. Optimal height railings for children - 65 cm.

For safe movement on stairs, not only the height, but also the angle of inclination of the railing is important. This angle should be from 20 to 45 degrees, and should not go beyond the designated limits.

Other Important Requirements

In addition to the height of the railing, it is important to take into account some other nuances, which are also very important. Let's tell you more about them.


Let's find out what elements the railings are made of. This information will make it easier to cope with home finishing work and provide the staircase with reliable and strong protection elements. So, standard railings consist of:

  • balusters (or - racks);
  • handrails, which are also accompanied by additional handrails;
  • underbalance strips;
  • and, of course, the fasteners that connect all the above elements.


When choosing a material for railings, think first not about style and external effect, but about the safety of those living in the house. Therefore, if the question is - beauty or reliable protection, it’s better to still choose last option. And ideally, combine them. Let’s find out what materials stair railings and railings can be made of.

First of all, it must be said that according to the requirements fire safety, the staircase railings should not be easily flammable: after all, the stairs are one of the main escape routes. To, say, wooden railings received this property, they are treated with special compounds that ensure non-flammability.

Usually, for the manufacture of railings for the stairs of a private house, they are used the following types materials:

It should be noted that wooden railings have enjoyed deserved popularity for many centuries, and still do not lose their relevance. If the style of the house is classic or currently fashionable ecological style, wooden railings will fit into the interior in the best possible way.

The metal produces openwork forged railings suitable for exquisite interiors. Very often, metal railings are attached to spiral staircases. Metal protective elements forged in a fancy pattern create the impression of weightlessness and lightness and expand the space.

The selected metal should not rust, so the most preferred option is stainless steel: it is both durable and corrosion-free.

Glass fencing is best suited for those homes where there are no small children. Transparent material unsafe for children, who, having played too much, may not notice the fence at all. But if there are no small children living in the house, you can install stylish fencing made of tempered, reinforced or laminated glass, which has increased strength.

Plastic fencing is especially relevant in ultra-modern interiors designed in high-tech, loft, etc. styles.

If the fences are made of concrete, then for the strength of the structure there must be metal reinforcement inside the concrete elements.

A few additional tips for a more competent approach to arranging a staircase in a private home.

It is very important to maintain the correct distance between the posts (balusters) of the railing: it should not be more than 1-1.2 m. Compliance with this rule prevents children from falling down the stairs, and generally increases general security designs.

All handrails that family members and guests will hold onto must be well polished: free from roughness, protruding pieces of material, and other dangerous defects.

Vertical posts should be attached to the steps as rigidly as possible. This will ensure the reliability of the entire structure and the safety of people’s movement.

We looked at the design features of the railings on the stairs in a private house. As you can see, these important protective elements have certain requirements that are best observed to ensure the safety of your household. Using our advice, you can accurately set the required railing height that suits your home.

The height of the handrails on the stairs is subject to strict regulation. This is due to the fact that guardrails are primarily designed to protect people walking along steps from falling. Despite the wild imagination of designers and the huge options for decorating railings, craftsmen must comply with the requirements regarding their height, material of manufacture, type of fastening and level of strength.

Height of railings and fences: GOST and SNiP requirements

The main dimensions and parameters of stair railings are indicated in administrative documents such as GOST and SNiP. In accordance with their points, every structure containing more than three steps must be equipped with railings. Their height and type depend on the location of the staircase, its width and frequency of use. Fences can only be installed on one side if the width of the structure does not exceed 125 cm and the other side is adjacent to a wall or permanent structure. Larger objects require railings on both sides. A feature of very wide stairs, which reach 250 cm, is the need to build fences not only on the sides, but also in the center.

But that is not all. The standard height of railings along the stairs of private houses differs from the parameters of fences erected in buildings public purpose or in educational institutions. Based on the fact that the latter are designed for more intensive traffic, greater attention is paid to the safety of people.

Fencing in residential buildings

The height of the railings enclosing stairs above six meters must be at least one meter. For lower structures, it is necessary to erect railings, the dimensions of which are not less than 90 cm. If the room is equipped with ramps, they must also be accompanied by fences. For different categories of users, handrails are installed at 70 and 90 cm. This design allows us to meet the needs of people with limited mobility who travel on foot or in a wheelchair.

Rules governing the construction of stair railings in public buildings

Handrails and railings installed in rooms in which daily visitors reside a large number of people are subjected to much greater loads than the elements. For this reason, their production and installation is given increased attention. The minimum height of handrails on stairs in a public building is set at 90 cm. Schools and others educational organizations become exceptions. Here fences should be erected no lower than 120 cm. If we're talking about about institutions that teach children with slow development rates, the mandatory height of the railing increases to 180 cm. At the same time, the distance between the balusters cannot exceed 10 cm. This is due to the fact that with wider gaps there is a risk of injury to children stuck in the fence . The required strength for railings is the same as for residential premises. They must withstand a load of at least 30 kg/cm 3 .

Other types of fencing

GOST contains requirements for equipment. If it is possible for people to go onto the roof of a building, fences should be placed along its edge. The minimum height of railings on the roofs of buildings with a height of more than 10 m is 60 cm. Only steel is used for their manufacture. When equipping buildings up to 30 m, railings one meter high are placed on the roof. For taller houses, the size of the fence increases to 120 cm. If there is a low parapet on the roof, the dimensions of the railings mounted on this base may be smaller than those installed. However, the total height of the fence must comply with the standard. If the architecture of the room contains an internal podium or elevation for another purpose, it must be fenced. The height of the railing according to GOST is 90 cm.

Non-standard fencing and their features

Curvilinear (spiral) staircase structures must be equipped with railings on both sides. This is not necessary during construction. After all, they are located around support pillar. If necessary, a person can use the railing to maintain balance. Designers and craftsmen must strictly fulfill these requirements, since curved structures are more dangerous than traditional straight or rotary ones.

Types of fencing structures

The type of railing is chosen based on the design and configuration of the staircase. When designing this element, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Materials used in the construction of stairs.
  • Purpose and height of fences.
  • Rules and regulations regarding specific type fencing.

The most common are metal railings. It can be used in combination with other materials (concrete, wood, glass, stone, gypsum). When building residential buildings, many owners prefer wooden structures. You can install, paint and repair them yourself.

Glass and concrete fencing

For stairs whose railings are made of glass, the requirements for strength and safety of the material are considered one of the most important. There are special rules and standards for such fencing structures. They involve the use of laminated, reinforced or tempered glass.

Based on popularity and fencing, standards have also been developed for them. Concrete balusters must contain metal reinforcement. True, this still does not put them on a par with the full GOST, which indicates the level of minimum horizontal load that the railings must withstand: 30 kg/cm 3 . Concrete balusters that are unstable in shape or cast from poor quality material may not meet this standard. To increase the safety of such a staircase, craftsmen resort to placing strong vertical pillars along the edges of its flights. Their size can be larger than the height of the railing, and the material is either metal or concrete. Finished fencing structures must be checked. They control all the main parameters: height, strength, reliability of fastening. Identification of discrepancies may result in the application of penalties.

Are there rules governing standard height stair railing? We purchased a house and it seems to us that the railings are a little low. And we are thinking of renovating the staircase along with renovating the house.

In residential premises, the height of the railings should be 90 cm. The height of the railings is landing should also be 90 cm.

The diameter of the handrail must be 50 mm, and the handrail must be at least 40 cm from the wall. The handrail must protrude at least 40 cm at the beginning and end of the stairs. They are made of a material that does not conduct heat and does not cause allergies; in private homes, they are usually made of wood.

The railings should be at a height of at least 90 cm, and for children additional railings are often made at a height of about 65 cm.

Stair railing height

Railings and railings are an element of every staircase structure. In addition to the height of railings and fences, SNiP and GOST establish other standards. It is also important to take them into account when designing, otherwise the staircase will not fit generally accepted standards.

The proportions of the staircase and the necessary elements are designed to ensure both the convenience of moving people between floors and their safety. GOST standards provide for the installation of a fence on a flight consisting of at least three steps. In this case, the railings, according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 clause 3.11, must withstand minimum load at 30 kgf/m. A product that does not comply with this requirement is not allowed to be used.

Fire station - designed to evacuate people during a fire. in cases where the main staircases are blocked by fire or heavily smoked. Stairs in school and preschool institutions– is carried out with more stringent restrictions, as it must have increased security.

DIY stair railings

Staircase elements can be made from the most different materials: metal#8230 This is why it is very important that the height stair railings was optimal, and the fence itself had correct design. When starting to design a staircase, you need to take into account not only issues of convenience and design, but also the current regulations.

The height of stair railings is one of the key parameters. Advice! If there are children in the house, then an additional handrail should be installed on the railing just below the main one. What height will be optimal here depends primarily on the age of the child. The areas between the flights should be designed not narrower than the stairs adjacent to them. And yet it’s not enough just to know standard sizes each element of the staircase.

Metal railings features great durability and reliability. That's why railings made of glass panels do not surprise anyone today. In addition, stair railings can act as handrails and help when ascending or descending steps.

In order to properly assemble a staircase, you need to know well all the elements that are necessary for construction. When selecting materials for construction, one must not forget about main function railing – protective. Special attention should be given to the fences on the balcony, because their instability may well cost lives. Falling from several steps is one thing, but from a height of at least the 2nd floor is completely different.

For wider steps, it is better to place railings on both sides, this way you can provide passage up and down at the same time. Another option is to install an additional handrail along the center of the stairs to separate the flow of traffic. Do not forget that any staircase that is not equipped with railings is dangerous to use. However, in some cases you can do without them. Thus, length is very important, and handrails are usually neglected when building short stairs (less than 5 steps).

Of course, different decorative features in a porch project or original design railings can make adjustments to their height. According to GOST 25772-83, the presence of handrails on stairs public buildings and residential buildings is prerequisite.

The railings must also be fire-resistant, for this you should use stainless steel or glass. When building a house, the aesthetic side of the staircase is not in last place. In this regard, many seek to give handrails unusual look or make beautiful steps.

We will be grateful if you share personal experience making stair railings or how you yourself tried to calculate their height! Carrying a piano down stairs is one of the most difficult parts of moving a piano. Well-designed railings that meet standards ensure comfortable and safe movement both up and down stairs.

The rules, for the most part, are dictated not by the design concept and the interior, but by regulatory documents - GOST and SNiP. To better understand their meaning, you need to understand the design features of fences. Their main elements are: Support post Baluster Railing Internal filling.

Requirements for fencing special stairs

First of all, this concerns SNiP fire safety requirements. Guardrails must not be flammable. Railings for stairs can be made from the following materials: Wood Metal Plastic Combined (including with glass).

The standard height of the staircase railing is 90 cm. This indicator is not accidental - it is calculated based on average statistical data on human height. So, we talked about how important it is to install strong railings for stairs, terraces, and balconies and how to calculate their height.

What should the height of the railing be?

When designing a staircase for a public space, apartment building or individual house, you should be guided not only by your taste preferences, but also by the requirements various GOSTs And building regulations and normal. First of all, this is necessary for reasons of your own safety. In addition, compliance with certain criteria is necessary for the object to be accepted by representatives of fire, sanitary and hygiene and other services. Regardless of the purpose of the building, the height of fences and railings is set based on our biomechanics data.

Recommendations for the height of fences for objects of various purposes

Fencing and, in particular, the height of the railings for apartment buildings Several sections of SNiP 31-01-2003 are devoted. Since flights of stairs represent potential danger, they must be equipped with railings at least 1.2 meters high. The balusters supporting them must be continuous - for this they are fixed together with horizontal connecting elements.

Any open areas are also equipped with railings. This applies to sports fields, exploited roofs, external transition balconies and other areas. The height of the fences in this case is at least 0.9 meters. If access to them is open to children - at least 1.2 meters.

Special requirements are put forward for the height of handrails in children's institutions - at least 1.18 meters. The distance from the bottom point of the step plane is taken as the value. It is also recommended to install double railings with a height of 0.6 meters.

When choosing a staircase for a private house, you should follow the recommendations of SNiP 31-02. The height of the railing in this case should not be less than 0.9 meters. In addition, the fencing design should not have openings narrower than 100 millimeters. This requirement is based on the need to lay a fire hose between flights in case of an emergency.

These standards are advisory in nature. However, you should not neglect them for the sake of staircase design or for other reasons. By following all the instructions, you will protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible from possible injuries. Moreover, compliance with the described rules will in no way increase the cost of the design. The cost of a high-quality and safe staircase is comparable to the price of a glass partition in the middle segment.


Regardless of the area of ​​application and destination, the staircase structure must provide the maximum level of safety in height. To do this, it needs to comply with approved building codes and regulations (SNiP) and interstate standards in the CIS (GOST). The easiest way to achieve this is to initially set the ladder required proportions and use for its installation a set of elements with suitable technical characteristics, which will ensure convenient and safe operation.

3D modeling – The best way appreciate the beauty of a fence at the correct height

Fencing elements

  • metal, stainless steel, cast iron and various alloys;
  • solid wood;
  • strained glass;
  • natural stone;
  • gypsum, concrete, plastic;
  • combinations of different materials.

The main parts of stair railings are:

  1. Balusters - represent vertical racks of various shapes to which railings and handrails are attached. Most often, wood and metal are used to create protective staircase structures due to their ease of processing and durability. The use of forged railings almost always complies with the requirements of SNiP and GOST in terms of ensuring sufficient strength of structures of any size.
  2. Railings are vertical protection elements located between the balusters (posts), often made of materials similar to the posts. The main task of ensuring human safety is assigned to the railings. In accordance with GOST 25772-83, their size should be 90-120 cm, depending on the place of application. The railings are attached directly to the steps or to the end of the stairs using fasteners.
  3. Handrails – which provide support for the hand and allow you to maintain balance when ascending (descending). They should have an even texture and a small width so that they can be grasped with your fingers. The main materials for handrails are wood, plastic, and stainless steel.

Steel and tinted glass are among the most beautiful materials for fencing

Requirements for stair railings

Steel fencing is one of the most durable

Depending on the functional purpose, location and requirements of SNiP and GOST for the height of fences, all interfloor structures can be divided into stairs general purpose and ladders for special purposes.

Multi-storey residential buildings

For such buildings, SNiP 31-01-2003 indicates the height of stair railings to be at least 120 cm. The railings must be solid. This means that there must be horizontal jumpers between the vertical posts. In this case, the staircase structure must withstand a load of 300 kg per 1 linear meter. Handrails are required.

In accordance with GOST safety fence must be present in a structure consisting of three steps or more.

Administrative and public buildings

Here the requirements are somewhat reduced, and the dimensions of the railings recommended by SNiP 05/31/2003 can be 90 cm, including for balconies and loggias. At the same time, the requirements for the presence of handrails and a withstand load of 300 kg per 1 linear meter remain the same. SNiP 06/31/2009 regulates the installation of fences of at least 90 cm in size if there is a horizontal difference of 100 cm or more around the perimeter of the room. If there is a possibility that children will visit the stairs, the height of the fence should be increased to 110 cm. Steel as the main material of the fence is prescribed in GOST 25772.

Preschool educational institutions

Requirements for handrails flights of stairs in preschool institutions they are quite strict: fences should rise above the steps by 118-120 cm. At the level of 50-70 cm, additional handrails must be installed. Continuous protective protection is made without horizontal jumpers so that a child cannot climb on it. The distance between the vertical elements should not exceed 10 cm. In institutions for children with developmental disabilities, the height of the staircase structure should be increased to 180 cm.

Private houses

If the width of the stairs is more than 250 cm, additional railings must be installed in the center of the flight. SNiP 31-02 and GOST 25772-83 contain detailed information regarding all parameters of interfloor structures, including the height of fences - at least 90 cm - and the presence of handrails.

General requirements for stair railings

  • if the flight width is more than 110 cm, it is necessary to install railings of at least 90 cm in height on both sides. If there are children in the house, the vertical posts of the railings should be increased to 120 cm;
  • a handrail 5-10 cm wide should not be located closer than 5 cm to the wall, and it should not protrude beyond the step by more than 30 cm;
  • stairs with a steepness of more than 40 degrees must be equipped with durable railings 120 cm high;
  • SNiP 2-01-07-85 determines the mandatory use of fire-resistant materials to protect staircase structures.

Wooden railings look stylish in any interior


A person falling down steps can be seriously injured. To protect yourself and your loved ones, handrails and handrails for stairs

Railings are barriers along the edges of the stairs that are installed for safe movement along them. The height of the staircase railings is very important indicator, and it must be taken into account when designing. Such structures can be used not only to protect steps, but also in the construction of balconies, terraces, etc.

In addition, stair railings can act as handrails and help when ascending or descending steps. Their length should be commensurate with the length of the steps.

What are the railings made of?

In order to properly assemble a staircase, you need to know well all the elements that are necessary for construction. In addition to the steps, there are many more components. Railings, for example, consist of:

  • racks (in other words - balusters);
  • handrails;
  • handhold;
  • underbalance strips;
  • fastenings.

When selecting materials for the structure, one must not forget about the main function of the railing – protective. This means that they must be High Quality. Particular attention should be paid to the fences on the balcony, because their instability may well cost lives. Falling from several steps is one thing, but from a height of at least the 2nd floor is completely different. Therefore, maximum measures must be taken.

How many fencing do you need?

For narrow stairs, the width of which is no more than 125 cm, railings are usually installed on only one side. For wider steps, it is better to place railings on both sides, this way you can provide passage up and down at the same time.

Another option is to install an additional handrail along the center of the stairs to separate the flow of traffic. This method will be functional on stairs with high traffic.

Which stairs require guardrails?

Do not forget that any staircase that is not equipped with railings is dangerous to use. However, in some cases you can do without them. Thus, length is very important, and handrails are usually neglected when building short stairs (less than 5 steps).

For fencing higher structures, it is recommended to make stable supports that will prevent them from falling from the structure. In addition, it is very important to calculate their height.

Railing height

In any residential premises, the height of the railing should be at least 90 cm. At the same time, the length of the distance from the wall to the railing should be no less than 40 cm. On the landing, the height of the railing should also be 90 cm.


It is no coincidence that such parameters exist, because this size is ideal for the height of the average person.

What about children? For them, additional railings about 65 cm high are often installed.

Supports on the terrace

Of course, various decorative features in the porch project or the original design of the railings can make adjustments to their height. However, it is highly undesirable to violate the values ​​​​recommended by the builders.

The main reasons why you should take into account the advice of experts:

  1. If the railing is lower than recommended, it will be difficult to use and dangerous.
  2. If the railings are higher than recommended, they will be less comfortable, but safer.

Compliance with State Standard

According to GOST 25772-83, the presence of handrails on the stairs of public buildings and residential buildings is a prerequisite. The height is also specified, and to comply with the standard, it must be equal to or greater than 900 mm.

Balcony railings are regulated by GOST as follows:

  • In preschool institutions they must be at least 1200 mm.
  • On smoke-free staircases– not less than 1200 mm.
  • In buildings whose height is up to 30 m - 1000 mm.
  • In buildings with a height of more than 30 m - 1100 mm.

Among other requirements of the standard, you can find that sharp protrusions must not be used on fencing elements. The railings must also be fire-resistant; for this purpose, stainless steel or glass should be used. The length of the step is built taking into account many parameters.


When building a house, the aesthetic side of the staircase is not in last place. In this regard, many people strive to give the handrails an unusual look or create beautiful steps. There are different forms of balusters and pillars different designs and from different materials.

But quality and sustainability should still remain the basis when choosing building materials.

All handrails must be smooth, that is, without burrs. And the joints must be well adjusted. The posts should be installed with the greatest possible rigidity, because the reliability of the fence depends on this.

So, we talked about how important it is to install strong railings for stairs, terraces, and balconies and how to calculate their height. Did you learn anything new from our article? What advice was most helpful? We will be grateful if you share your personal experience in making stair railings or how you yourself tried to calculate their height!