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» Octopus tomato tree f1: history and agricultural technology. Tomato tree Octopus growing in a greenhouse and open ground Tomato tree Octopus f1 at home

Octopus tomato tree f1: history and agricultural technology. Tomato tree Octopus growing in a greenhouse and open ground Tomato tree Octopus f1 at home

The tomato tree fascinates with its uniqueness, size and beauty.

Almost everyone who has ever seen this plant has wanted to try growing a tomato tree in open ground.

With proper care, the tree can produce a rich harvest, which pleases its owners.

Today there are many varieties of tomato trees, for example, beet tsifomandra or tomato octopus f1.

Let's take a closer look at the description of the octopus tomato, which Lately became very popular.

This unique plant has a strong root system. The tomato tree also has a powerful tree-like trunk and lush foliage.

It is perfect for growing in open ground. It can grow to a height of more than 3 m and is practically unlimited in growth.

The plant does not bear fruit for the first 8 months. This time is intended to obtain a powerful trunk.

Outwardly, it resembles a real tree, the diameter of which reaches 6 m.

To support the branches, use a special frame, trellises or wooden stakes.

During fruiting, you can get a huge number of tomatoes. They have excellent taste. Small, deep red tomatoes.

What you need to grow a tomato tree

To grow a beautiful Octopus f1 tomato tree, you will need the following:

  1. Seed material– purchased in a store;
  2. Covering material– it may be needed to protect the plant from freezing at night. For regions with bad weather conditions it is recommended to grow trees in greenhouses;
  3. A barrel without a bottom. The peculiarity of the Japanese tree is that the seedlings are not transplanted into ordinary holes, like other plants, but into containers. Holes are made in the side of the barrel so that root system saturated with oxygen. The holes also prevent moisture stagnation after watering or rain. Instead of a barrel, you can use boxes.

The technology for growing tomato Octopus f1 contains some subtleties, and if you follow all the rules, you can grow a powerful fruit-bearing tree.

On a note! A huge tree can only be grown if it is grown in a heated greenhouse. It grows huge size with spreading branches. The tree spreads its branches across the ceiling of the greenhouse. The yield of such a plant is amazing - 1000-1500 kg!

Growing seedlings

Octopus f1 tomato seed material is purchased in specialized agricultural stores.

They differ from ordinary tomatoes; this variety is sown as seedlings much earlier.

After purchasing seeds, they must be prepared for sowing.

Seed preparation

Processing octopus tomato seeds is no different from processing conventional varieties of tomatoes:

  1. To disinfect, they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  2. Next, wash clean water.
  3. Some gardeners additionally use growth stimulants.

When all preparations are completed, it is necessary to prepare the soil for sowing.

Soil preparation

The soil is important point in growing a hybrid. It should be with the addition of sand, clay and humic acids.

Can be purchased ready material in the store or make it yourself:

  1. Take clay, sand, peat and mix. Each ingredient is taken in equal quantities.
  2. Add wood ash.
  3. Water with a solution of water, urea, superphosphate.

Such a substrate is perfect for a hybrid and will contribute to the normal growth and development of the plant.

Planting seeds

First of all, prepare containers: boxes or other containers. Fill them with purchased or prepared soil.

They are pressed a little into the soil, but only lightly, so as not to damage them.

Cover the top with a layer of up to 1 cm of earth. Cover clear glass or film, put in a warm place where the air temperature reaches 20-25 ° C.

After the first shoots appear, they must be removed to a windowsill or other place where it is warm.

Also during this period, plants need sunlight. Since they are sown early, the sprouts need additional lighting at first. If this is not done, the seedlings may stretch out.

When the plants have 2-3 true leaves, they are planted in separate containers. Water regularly.

Planting seedlings

Growing the octopus tomato tree at the seedling stage should be done in a warm and bright room.

There they will gradually increase in size, grow and become like a tree.

You can plant seedlings only after more or less established warm weather no night frosts.

Preparing the site

Fertile soil will contribute to the active growth and development of the hybrid.

The best option– loamy soil without stagnant water.

Note! The composition of the soil plays a huge role. The rate of development of the tomato tree depends on it. Remember that the soil must have humic acids.

Soil preparation

If the land does not meet everything necessary for normal development criteria, it is recommended to add compost to the soil.

For this purpose, they also purchase a special substrate suitable for growing tomatoes.

During planting, a small handful of wood ash and azophosphate is added to each hole.

Until warm weather sets in outside, it is better to cover the seedlings at night with special material or film.


By the time the seedlings need to be planted permanent place, it should reach a height of 15 to 30 cm, and have 5-7 true leaves.

Planting pattern: make a distance of at least 150 cm between the holes.

This distance is necessary, as the tree will grow to impressive sizes.

Each plant should not interfere with the other and should not block sunlight.

Before planting, you need to treat the roots with an iodine solution.

1 bottle is dissolved in a bucket of water and the roots are placed there.

When planting, the plant is buried 20 cm. For active root growth, some gardeners advise trimming them a little.

The easiest way to grow a hybrid is on a trellis. Wooden stakes or a special frame are also suitable for this.

The devices must be at least 2 m high and installed immediately after planting the seedlings.

Features of care

Octopus f1 requires care, which consists of watering and fertilizing.

In addition, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent diseases and control insect pests.

This is especially necessary, since a common disease or pests that have already appeared are much more difficult to eliminate.

Working with soil

Caring for a tomato tree in open ground must necessarily include loosening the soil. This should be done approximately 2-4 times per season.

A crust sometimes forms on the surface of the earth, which prevents the rapid penetration of moisture and oxygen into the soil.

It often appears after rains and watering. Loosening helps remove this crust.

The first time the procedure is carried out 10 days after the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Feeding and watering

It is impossible to grow a tomato tree and get a good and high-quality harvest without regular watering and timely fertilizing.

Use mineral and organic fertilizers.

For the development of a hybrid, the following microelements are necessary:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

The first application of fertilizers is the beginning of summer. Plants are also fertilized with mullein, ammonium nitrate.

The regularity of watering is from 2 to 4 times a week. At least 1 bucket of water is poured onto each plant.

During rainy summers, watering is reduced. During particularly hot and dry summers, you need to navigate by the condition of the soil. If it is too dry, it needs to be watered every day.


The tomato tree Octopus f1 does not need this procedure. Although some gardeners argue that pinching is necessary.

However, without it, the hybrid is able to produce a better harvest. In addition, pinching leads to a decrease in yield.


Treatment is required to enhance the development of the plant. Sometimes it happens that it begins to grow more slowly, and the ripening of fruits slows down.

Will help special spray solution. You can prepare it yourself:

  1. Pine shoots are placed in the freezer for several weeks.
  2. If necessary, take it out and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Keep in a hot rein for about 30 minutes.
  4. Strain everything carefully.
  5. For spraying you need to dilute it in a ratio of 1:3.

The solution is used during the formation of buds on the plant. In addition, so that the hybrid is no more than 3-4 m, its top is shortened.

It is necessary to get rid of dry and damaged leaves in a timely manner. To prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

Problems you may encounter

To get a rich and tasty harvest, sowing seeds alone is not enough.

Throughout the growth of a tomato tree, it requires care. Sometimes the plant can be affected by diseases or insect pests.


The octopus tree most often suffers from caterpillars. They attack it and eat the leaves. But this is not the only harm from them.

Caterpillars can carry various diseases or viruses. It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant and remove pests manually.

Aphids can also attack tomatoes. Get rid of it with soapy water and pepper. More often 2-3 procedures are performed.

Insecticides are used if the soap solution does not help get rid of the pests.

Rotting plants

The Octopus tomato variety can often be affected by fungal diseases. It is not difficult to determine whether a plant is rotting.

Promotes the spread of rotting rainy weather, excess moisture and high humidity air.

At this time, the leaves of the tomato tree show brown spots.

Note! Improper watering may cause the spread of fungal disease. It is necessary to water the tree constantly and abundantly, but not too often. Excess moisture in the soil is detrimental to the hybrid.

Inspect the leaves and stems of the plant regularly. For prevention it is recommended to use various means.

Fungicide treatment is carried out in early summer. Now you can buy hybrids that are resistant to rot.

One of them is a specially bred variety Sprut Slivka.


When growing a tomato tree, gardeners often encounter not only rot and various insect pests. There are also other diseases that affect the tomato tree. The following diseases cause the most trouble to the plant:

Harvesting octopus tomatoes

When the tomatoes begin to turn red, begin harvesting. They do this until the fall.

After harvesting, the fruits are placed on the windowsill where they ripen. Leave them for about 10-14 days.

Particularly difficult care and special growing conditions tomato tree not required.

It is important to remember that in open ground the hybrid will look more like a large and powerful tall bush.

When grown in a greenhouse, the tree grows to impressive sizes. Its height is practically unlimited, its width reaches several meters.

However, even in open ground the hybrid produces a rich harvest.

We recommend you find out:

Experienced gardeners or beginners in this business will probably be interested in learning about the unusual, but very prolific tomato tree (octopus), which also produces very good harvests. Most of us are used to being expected to have a more bushy form, but this tree-shaped plant is a reality these days. In this article we will talk in detail about this “phenomenon”, and also pay attention to the issues of growing it at home.

What is this?

IN natural conditions different kinds tamarillo (another name for a tomato tree) are tree-like bushes or entire trees, often reaching a height of 5 m. Their crown in diameter is about 50 m², and on one brush there are 5-6 tomatoes, the weight of which often reaches 150 g. Leaves the plants have an oval shape, and when flowering, white and pink flowers are noticeable on the branches.
As for the fruits, they can have different colors: from orange to deep red. The pulp is very juicy and slightly sweet in taste. According to rough estimates, such a plant can bear fruit for about 15 years, and fruiting begins already in the second year after planting.

The harvest from the tomato tree is great for preparing dressings, sauces, as well as preparing vegetable cocktails or all sorts of things. That is, no matter how you use tomatoes, by growing this variety at home, you will provide yourself with an excellent source of vitamins.

If you have previously had to grow nightshade crops (, others), then you will cope with this task adequately and will not have any difficulty for you. The only thing you need to maximize bountiful harvest- a sufficient amount of space for the tree to grow and proper care for it, which we will talk about later.

Did you know? A lot of time has passed since tomatoes appeared on European tables (they were brought to Europe in the 16th century), but not everyone knows that these fruits have not been used in cooking for a long time. On initial stages acquaintance with the culture, gardeners considered it poisonous plant and were grown only as a “curiosity” brought from overseas countries. The recipe for the first European dish with tomatoes dates back to 1692.

Growing conditions

Considering the unusual nature of the tomato tree and its size, it is easy to assume that such a plant will need a fairly spacious greenhouse and relatively specific planting conditions and further care. Let's look at this issue more carefully.

Greenhouse dimensions

Octopus cultivation is carried out in absolutely any form.(although you can plant it in open ground), but the main condition is that they must always be in a heated room and illuminated. Of course, given the maximum possible size of a tomato tree, it should not be less than 50 m² in diameter, and to accommodate such a giant plant you will also need a fairly spacious container: from 1 to 2 m² (for example, an old bathroom).

Also, do not forget to prepare a lid of the appropriate size, which in the future will be able to protect the nutritional components in summer time.
As additional equipment, it would not be superfluous to have another small bath, which will serve as a cooking place. nutrient solutions for wood.

Of course, in the absence required area this plant can also be grown in ordinary greenhouses, but in this case we can only talk about seasonal production of fruits from a tall bush (the yield is in the range of 10 kg per bush). For comparison, from a tomato tree with unlimited growth, you can harvest up to 1500 kg, however, it will take up to 1.5 years to grow it.


Fertility of the grown plant in in this case depends entirely on optimal temperatures and lighting, not only when sowing seeds, but also during fruit formation. To comply with this requirement, they are equipped with artificial light sources (fluorescent lamps) so that at all stages of tomato development their daylight hours are at least 12 hours.
It should be noted that no less an important condition There is also an optimal temperature regime, which in summer should be within +24...+25 °C, and with the arrival of winter it should drop no lower than +19°C.

Soil preparation

The ideal substrate for a tomato tree requires the presence of the same components that are used when growing ordinary tomatoes, and the main condition in this case is the high nutritional value and breathability of the soil for the octopus, and it does not matter whether it is grown in open ground or in a greenhouse environment. In addition, be sure to use special liquid fertilizers and do not forget to periodically loosen the soil with a rake. For soil after planting a tree, it is better to use expanded clay.


Planting an octopus can be divided into several stages: first, the seeds are sown and cared for, and then the grown seedlings are planted in or in another place prepared for them.

Tomato tree seeds can be planted at any time of the year, but most experienced gardeners It is advised to do this at the end of winter or in the first days of spring. To begin with, all planting material placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and after this time is distributed in a container prepared for seedlings ( good option will wooden box, height about 15-20 cm).

Each seed must be buried in loosened soil to a depth of at least 1.5 cm, after which the seedlings are watered and covered with film. As soon as the octopus tomatoes sprout, they must be planted in separate pots, in which they will grow until they go to their permanent “place of residence.”

Seedling care

Caring for seedlings includes correct execution and regular fertilization. young plants as the soil dries (about twice every 7 days), and this should only be done through a tray.

As for fertilizing, as in the case of watering, their frequency should not be less than several times a week, always using complex formulations. When growing seedlings in winter time, the application of liquid is reduced to once a week, and it is better to stop feeding altogether.
Of course, at this time you should not forget about the temperature in the room with the seedlings (not lower than +20...+25°C) and its sufficient lighting, which is provided daily with fluorescent lamps for 12-15 hours.

Did you know? The weight of the fruits of most tomato varieties does not exceed 1 kg, but a resident of Minnesota (USA) was able to get into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to the tomato he grew, which weighed 3800 g.

Planting tomatoes

If sowing seeds for seedlings was carried out in January or early February, then by about mid-April your seedlings will be ready for transplanting into. Usually at this time the temperature in such a room is stably kept at +20...+25°C, which is quite enough for further growth and development of the tomato tree. It is better to raise the land for planting 0.5 m above the ground and border it sand-lime brick, thanks to which they can warm up well.
From the harvested seedlings, only the strongest seedlings are selected, since they are the ones with high level vitality. Planting is carried out in pre-prepared holes, 10-15 cm deep, and to form an additional number of root shoots, break off the two lower rows of leaves and bury the seedling in the remaining leaf plates.

When preparing the holes, it is necessary to add a handful of ash and a small part of Azofoska to each such hole, and it is also good if the tomato tree was added to the location in the fall (laid at a level of 20-25 cm deep). Until the temperature in the greenhouse stabilizes (until serious fluctuations between daytime and nighttime values ​​disappear), it is better to cover the transplanted seedlings, fixed to them.

Care and cultivation of adult bushes

A tomato tree, like other varieties of this crop, is not difficult to grow at home, the main thing is to provide the plant proper care. Transplanting the future giant into a greenhouse is only half the battle, and the second half consists of knowing some of the nuances of its watering, further and other agrotechnical measures.

So, compositions are also ideal as fertilizers, and the latter must contain boric acid, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, ammonium nitrate and simple. This fertilizer should be applied to the soil at least once a week. As a preventive measure for various tomato diseases, a special solution containing 1 bottle should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Once a week you can fertilize with an aqueous solution of herbal infusion.
Do not forget that in the first year after planting, your tomato tree should not bear fruit, otherwise in the future you will not be able to get a properly formed plant. Also, you should not shoot the tree, leaving the shoots intact and unharmed.

Of course, for the normal growth and development of such a giant, it requires a fairly large amount of water, which means that starting from the month of May, watering should be quite plentiful, and in sunny weather- daily.

Important! It is better to add liquid to the soil in the morning, since at this time the skin of the ripening fruit expands, and by the evening it narrows again. If you water twice a day (morning and evening), the tomatoes will simply crack, as the incoming water will tear the skin from the inside.

Having created the most favorable conditions for the plant for its growth and development, the first fruits can be expected already in mid-June, which is much earlier than the ripening of all the others. Moreover, the tree will continue to bear fruit until autumn (and late), when all other varieties have been harvested a long time ago.

Can it be grown in open ground?

Many gardeners believe that tomato trees at home should only be grown in greenhouses specially prepared for this, but in practice this possibility has been proven more than once in the open ground of a summer cottage.
You just need to create a plant suitable conditions following certain recommendations:

  • sowing of seeds should be carried out much earlier than in the case of other varieties of tomatoes, and in the autumn-winter period, octopus seedlings need additional artificial lighting;
  • to activate the growth of new roots, be sure to pinch the main root;
  • planting of seedlings should be carried out according to the pattern 40x60x140 cm, since a bush-shaped tomato tree in adulthood can reach a diameter of 3-4 m (when grown in greenhouses, this value is larger);
  • as in greenhouse conditions, pinching a plant in open ground is not required;
  • It is always worth remembering about fertilizing, which is carried out using the root method (the same components as for a greenhouse plant are perfect for the role of fertilizers);
  • Regular prevention of the plant from and, which are frequent “guests” on it, is also mandatory;
  • to increase the yield of the crop, it is imperative to remove yellowed, old leaves located at the bottom of the trunk (this process begins at the stage of fruit ripening on the first flower cluster);
  • The octopus loves the warmth of the sun very much, so it is recommended to plant it in a well-lit area (low illumination of the plant is one of the main reasons for poor formation of the ovaries of future fruits).

Many summer residents would probably like to grow a tomato tree on their property. After all, photographs of this miracle, available in large quantities on social networks and on thematic portals, can impress even a seasoned gardener. From just one such “tree”, grown in strict compliance with the required technology, you can harvest up to 1000 kg of tomatoes. And even this is far from the limit.

Basic techniques

A tomato tree, the cultivation of which in open ground is the most in a simple way, will give a rich harvest when using the so-called EM technology. In this case, the plant is planted in a barrel, and the harvest is harvested from the end of June to October.

The second method involves growing it in a greenhouse for one and a half years. Using this technique, a real tomato tree grows, with a crown occupying a huge area.

Growing in open ground

In order to receive good harvest in this case, EM technology is usually used. This is the name for a method of growing plants based on a special biofertilizer containing a huge amount of beneficial aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In this case, the bush itself is planted not in a garden bed or in a hole, but in a barrel. The latter can be replaced with a large polypropylene bag.

Selecting seeds

A real huge tomato tree is usually grown in a greenhouse using the Sprut F1 variety. In open ground, small “trees” can be grown from other varieties of tomatoes. The main thing is that they are tall. For example, the same Bull's Heart, De Barao, etc. would work very well.


Tomato seeds for growing “trees” should be sown in boxes as early as possible. For middle zone Russia best time It will be February. Some summer residents plant seedlings for a barrel even at the end of January.

Seeds are prepared in the usual way. That is, they are disinfected and soaked. Picking of grown seedlings is carried out in fairly large containers. In this case, it is important that the root system of the plants develops as best as possible. Plants are transplanted into open ground after stable warm weather has established outside.

Barrel preparation

Of course, it is impossible to grow a large tomato tree on ordinary soil. Therefore, a barrel or any other sufficiently large container is filled with a special mixture. First of all, the bottom of the selected “bed” should be removed. This is necessary so that excess water can easily come out of the barrel.

The barrel should be installed in the sunniest place on the site. A layer of urgasy is poured into its lowest part. This is the name of a special fertilizer prepared using EM technology. We'll look at how to do it in detail below.

The thickness of the urgasy layer should be about 10 cm. Next, another ten-meter layer is laid, consisting of EM compost, ordinary and turf soil in the proportion 1x1x1. At the next stage, one tomato is planted in the barrel.

How to make urgasu

By using this type of fertilizer you can end up with a fairly large tomato tree. Growing in open ground will not take too much effort.

Urgasa is prepared throughout the year. You can do this right in your city apartment. Under the urgasu, take an old plastic bucket and place a grate on its bottom so that it is located at a low height. Next, the walls of the container are lined with a plastic bag with holes in the bottom.

All kitchen waste is not placed in a garbage can, but in one prepared for disposal. Excess liquid will flow down and can be used, for example, as fertilizer for indoor plants(solution with water in proportion 1x1000).

After each addition, the mixture should be sprinkled with the preparation with bacteria “Baikal EM1”, sprinkled with Urgasy starter and pressed down with some weight, carefully wrapping it in a bag. The bucket must be tightly closed with a lid.

Sourdough is made from kitchen waste twisted into minced meat and dried on paper. For 1 kilogram of them add 5 tablespoons of “Baikal EM1”. The resulting mixture is placed in a plastic bag and a weight is placed on top. After a week, the mixture is kneaded and dried.

How to make EM compost

A tomato tree in open ground using such a soil additive will develop very quickly. So you should definitely use it. Moreover, making this fertilizer will be completely easy. EM compost is prepared in almost the same way as regular compost. The only thing is that all components should be crushed. The mass should be quite porous. For every 100 kg of mixture, add 10 kg of earth or sawdust. Next, everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and poured in layers with a solution of the EM-1 preparation (100 ml per 10 liters of water) and 100 ml of non-acidic jam without berries. The humidity of the compost should not fall below 60%. In two months it will be ready.

Planting a tomato

Next, let's look at how you can actually get a fairly large and productive tomato tree. Growing in open ground, as already mentioned, is done using a fairly large container.

The strongest and tallest plant is chosen for the barrel. It is buried about 5 cm. The top of the barrel is covered with plastic wrap. After the tomato grows by about 10 cm, the lower leaves are torn off and the prepared soil mixture is poured into the barrel to the same height.

This must be done until the barrel is filled almost to the top.

Tomato tree care

A tomato tree, reviews of its productivity, by the way, are very good, like any other plant, it requires careful care. First of all, you need to remember that a planted tomato should not be pinched. Next to the barrel you need to install a small trellis to support the lashes.

The humidity of the soil mixture in the container should not fall below 60%. Fertilizing begins in mid-July. To do this, use a mash made from EM compost. You can fertilize the plants once a week, but 2-3 times is better.

The chatterbox is made by pouring a mixture of EM compost and 1x1 soil into a container to a third of the height and filling everything to the top with water. Infuse the solution for 24 hours.

If desired, using the technology described above, you can grow a small tomato tree at home. Residents of Russia who do not have summer cottages use this method quite often. Of course, in this case, it is not a barrel that is used, but not an overly large bag (for example, a flour bag). It is placed on a loggia or balcony. The harvest in this case can be very good.

Real tomato tree

Growing a huge “octopus” with a crown diameter of a couple of tens of meters is very difficult and quite expensive. However, if you wish, you can try this method. But, of course, only when there is a sufficiently spacious heated greenhouse on the site. The cultivation technology in this case includes the following steps:

  • Prepare a container with a height of at least 50 cm and an area of ​​1.5 meters (usually an old bathtub is used).
  • A special hydroponic solution is mixed.
  • Glass wool cubes for seedlings are prepared, as well as a large cube for transplanting.
  • Purchase a powerful aquarium compressor and lamps daylight(with a spectrum suitable for plants).

Seeds are planted in cubes at the end of August or even a little later. This required condition. At autumn planting the tomato tree (a photo of a large tomato “octopus” can be seen below) develops much better. Glass wool is impregnated with a hydroponic solution. After this, the seeds are placed in specially cut recesses. The cubes need to be moistened several times a day with the same solution. After two months, the strongest plant is transferred to a large cube prepared in the same way. Tubes leading from the aerator are placed in it, after which it is placed in the bath. The latter must be covered with a foam cover. A hole is made in the top of the lid for plant growth.

During the entire cold period, tomatoes need to be illuminated using lamps (with the formation of a 12-hour daylight hours). Emerging flower shoots should be broken off during this period. Fruiting of the plant should begin no earlier than May. In February, the lighting stops. To support the tree, a trellis net is installed above it.

How to prepare a hydroponic solution

Growing a tomato tree large sizes This is only possible when using a composition of this particular type to wet glass wool. To prepare a hydroponic masterbatch, take:

  • iron citrate 0.009 g,
  • ammonium nitrate 0.2 kg,
  • superphosphate 0.55 kg,
  • magnesium 0.3 kg,
  • potassium 0.5 kg,
  • boric acid 0.003 kg,
  • manganese sulfate 0.002 kg.

The mixed ingredients are diluted in 10 liters of water. To prepare the working solution, the stock solution is diluted in a ratio of 1/100 liters. Air is supplied to the roots periodically (once a day or twice). Glass wool should not be allowed to dry out. Moisten it with the same solution.

This is how a large tomato tree is grown. You can see photos of such plants on the page. Growing this miracle is quite labor-intensive. It is unlikely that too many summer residents will want to get huge tree from the variety Sprut F1. If only because of the lack of professional greenhouses on the sites. However, it is certainly worth trying to grow small trees in a barrel or bag during the warm season. If you follow all the recommendations, the harvest with this method of cultivation will probably turn out to be very good.

The annual yield of such tomatoes is a fantastic figure - about fourteen thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which reaches one and a half tons - 20 photos

A tomato tree or tomato-tree called Octopus F1, which was bred several years ago as a hybrid variety of raceme tomatoes, delighting farmers, gardening and dacha lovers who cannot live without the appearance of some new items and wonders. Amazing plant is indeterminate, which means that it has no limits in growth and has an excellent ability to vigorously form shoots.

Its height can be four meters or even greater, and its crown area is about forty to fifty square meters. The annual yield of such tomatoes is a fantastic figure - about fourteen thousand tomatoes, the total weight of which reaches one and a half tons.

The wonderful tomato got its name for a reason, since this tree, like an octopus, envelops with its weaves the entire length of the greenhouse built for it. The main features of this tomato variety include: high growth activity, strength, good yield and resistance to diseases of various types.

At the genetic level, it has a strong root system and well-developing leaf apparatus.

A hybrid tomato brush is placed on top of 2-3 leaves. Each cluster bears five to six fruits, which are approximately 150 grams. The shape of the tomatoes is rounded, they are characterized by meatiness and juiciness, and the taste is at the highest level.

The growth process of a tomato tree lasts on average 1-1.5 years, so climatic conditions In Russia, productive cultivation is possible only in year-round heated and illuminated greenhouses. The first 7-8 months need to focus on the formation of the tree, not allowing it to bear fruit. There is no need to carry out pinching in the crown - all shoots should bloom and produce a harvest. Further, when the crown has already formed, a period of fruit formation and active fruiting begins.

Tomatoes of the Sprut F1 variety can be planted in both professional and amateur greenhouses. When grown in a regular greenhouse in three summer months, a novice gardener can get a fairly tall plant that will produce about 10 kg of fruit per season. But intensive mineral nutrition in addition to the maximum favorable conditions(enough heat and light) will allow you to grow a huge tree with good yield.

When growing a tomato tree in a professional greenhouse, you should abandon soil and soil - potential breeding grounds and reservoirs of pests and diseases. Despite the good disease resistance of Octopus F1, it is advisable to exclude unfavorable factors that can harm the plant. For this indeterminate tomato, the hydroponic method is best suited, i.e. method of growing without soil on an artificial nutrient medium. It will provide good air permeability to the roots of the plant, which will prevent the entry of too much large quantity moisture and drying out.

The tree will receive nutrition and moisture in doses. Glass wool cubes can be used as a substratum (solid soil substitute). For the full development of Octopus F1 Special attention should be given fertilizing with mineral salts.

It is also permissible to grow a tomato tree in open ground, but in this case the height and yield of the plant will be much more modest.

Although it will not lose its elegant appearance. Do you agree that it looks very unusual?

The tomato tree Octopus f1 is a hybrid crop, characteristic feature which is considered unlimited growth and immunity to various ailments. This tomato variety belongs to the group perennial plants for growing in open ground. As the plant grows, it begins to turn into a tree, the height of which reaches 5 m. In addition, the tree is considered quite fertile; 1.5 tons of fruit can be collected from one bush. But getting such a result is not so easy. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a clear action plan.

Characteristics and how to grow Octopus tomato in open ground

The process of planting the presented crop variety is not difficult, but it is worth adhering to a clear action plan. They don’t imply anything special, but you still have to put your maximum effort into them.

Standard varieties are listed.

Planting seeds

Planting of material occurs only if the seeds were purchased in a store. For this purpose, first generation hybrids are used. The planting process takes place in January and February. In warm climates, it can be planted directly into the soil.

During germination you need to perform heating and lighting. A positive result can only be achieved if temperature regime 20-25 degrees. The last step is picking the seedlings.

List low-growing varieties you will find.


You can plant seedlings in an open area or greenhouse at the beginning of summer. The height of the crop can reach 15-30 cm, and the number of leaves is 5-7. Landing should take place at a distance of 1.5 m.

For planting, it is necessary to use loamy, waterproof soil that is saturated with humic acids. If such soil is not available, then it is necessary to fertilize it with humus compost. You can also use a ready-made substrate. It is not advisable to plant the plant in an area where there is shade. It is also worth making sure that the place is protected from the wind.

Large varieties are presented.

The air temperature should be above 25 degrees. If this condition is not met, then it will be impossible to achieve high yields.

To plant the crop in question, you must adhere to the following technology:

  1. Make a recess to a level of 20 cm.
  2. Plant the plant 2 cm lower than in the pot. Lower leaves must be located above the ground.
  3. Pluck the main root to stimulate branching.

After this, it is worth observing certain care. In order to prepare a hydroponic solution, you must follow this recipe:

  • water – 10 l;
  • ammonium nitrate 0.2 kg
  • potassium 0.5 kg
  • iron citrate 0.009 kg
  • superphosphate 0.55 kg
  • boric acid 0.003
  • magnesium 0.3 kg
  • manganese sulfate 0.002 kg

Take 1 liter of solution and 100 liters of water, mix everything. In order for the tree to be tall and strong, it is worth growing the crop in the fall. Send the seeds into the ground in August. Cubes measuring 20x20 cm are cut out of glass wool. Make a hole in the middle for the seeds.

Which ones to plant? the best varieties will tell.

Treat each piece with a nutrient composition and place it in a container for growth. Moisten the surface of the cube 2 times a day. After 60 days after germination, place the plants in a large glass wool cube. Place tubes into it to supply air. Place in container. Cover the top of the bath with the prepared lid.

Artificial illumination is performed throughout the entire period. Thus, the culture should be illuminated for 12 hours. It is during this period that flower shoots form. They need to be broken off. This way you can form a beautiful and dense crown. You should not expect fruits before 8 months of age.

To support growth you will need to use a trellis. At a level of 2.5 m it is worth stretching the mesh. Place the branches of a tomato tree on it.


The tree of the tomato variety Sprut F1 will be fully formed in 2 years. After this time, the fruits can be harvested every year.

The best Cherry varieties are listed.