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» Laying tiles on a wooden floor. Laying tiles on a wooden floor: technology for proper preparation of the base and specifics of the work Laying tiles on a wooden floor

Laying tiles on a wooden floor. Laying tiles on a wooden floor: technology for proper preparation of the base and specifics of the work Laying tiles on a wooden floor

In the bathroom and kitchen, it is recommended to use ceramic tiles as flooring, which are not afraid of moisture, are easy to clean and look aesthetically pleasing. But the owner of a private house often faces the question of whether it is possible to combine a wooden base with a tiled floor, and how to lay tiles on a wooden floor?

Failure to follow the rules for preparing a wooden base and installing tiles leads to dire consequences:

  • the floor covering is deformed and cracks due to movements of the wooden base;
  • The wooden floor in the bathroom or kitchen is damaged by rot and destroyed.

Wood – natural material, which is subject to deformation under the influence of humidity and temperature environment. Tile requires a base that is resistant to deformation. To remove this contradiction, certain technologies for preparing wooden structures are used, Special attention paid to the choice of materials for installing tile flooring, which must be airtight.

Laying tiles on a wooden floor is allowed in houses where the shrinkage period has completed or is nearing its end. Between the tiled cladding and the wooden base, a layer with damping properties is needed, which will absorb the movement of the base. At the same time, this layer will protect the wood from moisture penetration and prevent biological damage to the floor structures.

Preparing a wooden structure

Before laying tiles on a wooden floor, you need to tidy it up. Skirting boards and paneling door frame removed, the old floor is completely dismantled, the flooring boards are sorted out - damaged elements must be replaced with new ones, varnish, paint or the top layer of wood that has absorbed dirt is removed from the old floorboards.

To remove paint or varnish from old floorboards, the following methods are used:

  • Mechanical. The paintwork is peeled off with a wire brush or sandpaper. Power tools will speed up the work.
  • Chemical. A special remover dissolves varnish and paint, but work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, using personal protective equipment.
  • Thermal. Outer side boards are heated with a construction hairdryer, under the influence high temperatures the paint swells and is easily removed with a spatula.

The top, contaminated layer of wood is removed with a manual or electric plane. Prepared flooring boards are treated with an antiseptic and a product with water-repellent properties (or a universal composition) - this will extend the life of the wooden base of the tiled floor.

Carefully inspect the joists - the reliability of the floor depends on their condition. You should first calculate the load on the base, based on the mass of the wooden flooring, tile cladding and materials that will also be used to create a multi-layer structure. It may be necessary to increase the cross-section of the joists or reduce the step between them. The logs are also treated with an antiseptic and water repellent.

The next stage is the installation of logs and plank flooring. It is important to avoid height differences and creaking; for this purpose, the logs are secured, checking the horizontal level. To insulate the structure, the gap between the subfloor and the top flooring is filled with small or medium-sized expanded clay. This heat insulator is not afraid of moisture and helps remove it from wooden structures.

A ventilation gap of 5-6 cm should be left between the surface of the backfill and the flooring. It is also necessary to provide a gap of 3-5 cm between the wooden floor and the walls so that the flooring does not swell when the wood expands under the influence of heat and moisture.

Base installation

A vapor barrier is laid on top of the logs - a layer of kraft paper with a polymer coating. Next, the flooring is installed, for which you can use:

  • cement particle boards up to 20 mm thick;
  • processed boards.

Option 1.

The use of DSP has a number of advantages: they are characterized by durability, resistance to biological damage, and increased moisture resistance. Cement particle boards do not contain components harmful to human health. This material is suitable as a base for tiles.

DSP boards are attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. The elements are laid with a shift of half the width for structural rigidity. The joints between the slabs are filled polyurethane foam for creating waterproof base. The base should be treated with a primer (mastic) that increases the water-repellent properties of the material.

Option 2.

It is better to lay tiles on a wooden plank floor if the flooring is assembled from boards attached to the joists with self-tapping screws. A gap of 3-5 mm is left between the boards to compensate for expansion. This design is not prone to loosening and there is virtually no risk that the floor will swell over time.

If you plan to lay the tiles on a plank base, roll waterproofing material in two layers is laid on top of it. The overlaps of the strips when installing each layer must be at least 15 cm, the joints are glued with reinforced mounting tape. The second layer of waterproofing is laid offset so that the seams are not located directly on top of each other. The waterproofing material must extend onto the walls by at least 10 cm.

A reinforced screed 10 cm thick is installed on top of the waterproofing. It is recommended to use a modified composition with increased elasticity and resistance to cracking. An elastic screed compensates for movements of the wooden base. The screed is laid along the beacons in the direction from the far corner to the doorway. After the material has hardened (after 3 days), the surface is made strictly horizontal using a thin layer of self-leveling mixture.

Option 3.

If it is in good condition, a sheathing made of moisture-resistant plywood is mounted on top of the boardwalk, and all joints are filled with polyurethane foam. After removing excess hardened foam, the surface of the base is impregnated with an antiseptic and water repellent.

Then a painting mesh is attached to it using self-tapping screws and a layer is applied special solution, which consists of water, coarse sand and liquid glass (in a ratio of 1:2:2). Tiles can be laid on a dry surface. It is also possible to use special polyurethane glue as an elastic screed over a wooden base.

Note! Materials such as chipboard, gypsum fiber board and ordinary plywood are not recommended to be used to prepare the bathroom floor for cladding - they are less resistant to moisture and require high-quality waterproofing. Laying tiles on a wooden floor, the flooring of which is made of boards or fiberboard, is a more reliable option.

The kitchen floor allows the use of moisture-resistant plywood, and other materials are suitable for preparing the base for flooring in dry rooms.

Regardless of the chosen option for preparing the base, before laying the tiles, the technological gap around the perimeter of the flooring is filled with polyurethane foam.

How to lay tiles

Laying ceramic tiles on a wooden floor begins with checking the quality of the base - it must be smooth and horizontal. It is recommended to use an adhesive composition with a high elastic modulus.

Layed tiles, clinker or porcelain tiles look aesthetically pleasing if you adhere to the work technology, which is carried out in several stages:

  • The layout is thought out (you can lay ceramic tiles in straight rows, staggered, diagonally), and depending on the chosen option, markings are made. With a standard layout, the first line is drawn along the central axis of the room at a right angle to the wall. The second line is perpendicular to it, also along the central axis.
  • Perform a rough layout, starting from the center. If necessary, shift the starting lines so that the tiles lie symmetrically near the bathtub or other plumbing fixtures or in order to minimize the number of trims.
  • Remove tiles from the floor. Start laying ceramic tiles on the wood floor from the intersection of the starting lines towards the far corner. Apply the adhesive composition using a medium spatula to an area of ​​the floor approximately one square meter. Then lay the tile on its back, following the marked lines, and press firmly. The first row is laid along one of the lines to the end of the area with the glue applied.
  • Use plastic crosses to ensure that the joints are of equal thickness, or install the flooring without joints if the characteristics of the tile allow it.
  • Next, the tiles are laid on the wooden floor in the direction from the center to the walls. It is important to ensure that the cladding elements are located in the same plane. If the tiles have different thicknesses, this is leveled out due to the thickness of the adhesive layer.
  • Having laid the cladding from whole tiles, they begin to fill the remaining gaps along the walls. Using a tape measure, measure each area to ensure that the tiles are precisely cut for future priming.
  • The tiles laid on the floor are covered with a primer after the adhesive layer has hardened. If the tile already has a primer layer (this is indicated by the manufacturer), no treatment is required.
  • Using a rubber spatula, the seams are filled with a solution or a special composition that does not allow moisture to pass through. Excess material must be immediately removed from the cladding surface.
  • The finished tiled floor is rubbed to a shine with a dry sponge.

In answer to the question, is it possible to wet areas In a house with a wooden floor, laying a floor covering made of tiles, clinker or porcelain stoneware, it can be argued that this is quite possible and such a covering will last a long time.

Ceramic tiles are an excellent material for flooring, especially in rooms with high humidity or with high probability spilling liquids or other substances onto the floor. Typical examples are bathroom, toilet, hallway, kitchen. They do not refuse to use tiles in residential premises if the floor is equipped with a heating system.

But what about the owners of private housing, in which all the floors originally wooden? A similar question may arise for owners of apartments in old buildings, where the plank covering is mounted on joists. Is it possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor?

You can immediately reassure those who are worried - this is a completely doable operation that does not require complete dismantling of the coating to the ground or concrete base and subsequent pouring of a thick concrete screed. True, you will have to work hard, since the success of such a modification of the coating will mainly depend on the quality and strength of the wooden base.

Taking on the task of laying tiles if there is even the slightest suspicion that the wooden base is unstable is the height of recklessness. This is explained simply:

  • Wood is a fairly flexible material, tending to return to its original configuration after deformation. But what is “forgivable” for a wooden floor (slight deflection, springing, etc.) absolutely unacceptable for ceramics. Each individual tile is very rigid and cannot be bent. If the floor “plays”, it may simply crack.
  • Another case is if, for example, the ceramic tiles are small-format. Cement-containing Tile adhesive also does not like dynamic bending loads. It will definitely develop small cracks, begin to delaminate, and the tile, even maintaining its integrity, will simply move away from the base.

We should not forget that the load on the coating will increase significantly - in addition to everything else, the ceramic tiles themselves have considerable weight, mortars, other possible design elements of the created multi-layer “pie” of the floor. Thus, the wooden base must have guaranteed static stability. This is exactly what needs to be achieved at the first stage of work.

It is clear that the first step is always a thorough visual inspection, applying efforts to the most problematic areas of the wooden floor in order to identify its possible vibrations and sources of squeaks. If there are any, then no questions should arise at all - the coating must be thoroughly rebuilt and repaired, and not only in places of instability, since strengthening the floor in one place does not guarantee that it will not appear in another. It is necessary to understand the cause and eliminate it at the root.

Sometimes after dismantling the floor a “scary” picture appears

Moreover, experienced craftsmen always advise, in all cases of laying tiles on a wooden base, to carry out a complete search of it. If you are planning a ceramic coating, then you need to think that it is for the long term, and not for a year or two. Where is the guarantee that the hidden floor wooden flooring a defect or the beginning of the process of decomposition of wood, which does not manifest itself in any way today, will not be discovered literally in a month or even a year, when the tile covering has already been completely laid? To carry out repairs, you will have to remove all the tiles, dismantle the wooden base - and all due to the fact that the proper principles were not shown during the preparation. Isn’t it better to be completely, 100% confident in the reliability and stability of the wooden floor before you start laying tiles?

Let such a prospect not be particularly frightening - compared to complete dismantling wooden floor and pouring a new concrete slab to replace it, this procedure is much simpler and requires significantly less labor and financial investment.

So, the usual layout of a wooden floor is a plank covering mounted on logs. The logs themselves can be installed on a concrete base. Another option is that they are a double wooden covering, with a rough and finished floor and the space between them, which can be filled with thermal insulation material. For any type of floor inspection, you will have to remove the boardwalk completely to expose the joists for inspection, repair and alignment.

  • If the condition of any of the joists causes even the slightest concern - there are cracks or areas with signs of wood decomposition, it must be unconditionally replaced.
  • If the distance between adjacent joists exceeds 500 mm, it will be necessary to install additional bars, otherwise even the thickest batten may give a bend in this place.
  • The logs must be leveled horizontally. If they are securely embedded, and it is not possible to change the height of the supports, this can be achieved teasing using a plane, or, conversely, by extending it with a wooden plank.
  • Of course, if there is a subfloor, it should also be given some repairs - replace dilapidated or cracked boards, eliminate possible distortions, creaks, etc. When it is ready, both it and the logs are covered with a layer of dense waterproofing film.
  • If you already have the opportunity to get to the joists and subfloor, you should take the opportunity and treat all the parts with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. You should not attribute your reluctance to carry out this procedure to the fact that similar treatment was carried out earlier, during the initial installation of the floor - the compositions are inexpensive, the process itself will not take much time, but the durability of the structure will certainly increase.
  • Literally every board of the removed flooring is checked for integrity, the presence of weak areas, cracks, hammered and bent unnecessary nails, etc. All boards with significant flaws should be disposed of and replaced with fresh ones.
  • An important action that should not be forgotten is cleaning the finished floor boards from old paint layers if subsequent laying of tiles is planned directly on them. Creating a reliable base for tiles involves working with a cleaned wood structure.

This cleaning can be done in several ways:

Thus, paint or varnish can be removed in advance by scraping or using abrasive materials - grinding and polishing machines, sandpaper or special attachments for a grinder or electric drill.

Sometimes a chemical cleaning method is used - washing off the paint with solvents. However, this is not the best option, because organic solvents are actively absorbed into the wood, disrupting its natural qualities and leaving an unpleasant, pungent odor for a long time.

The thermal method is widely used - using construction hair dryer or even blowtorch. Under the influence of high temperatures, the paintwork either burns out or melts to such a state that it can be easily removed with a regular scraper (spatula).

  • Before proceeding with the reinstallation of the floorboards, it is possible to consider additional insulation of the floor. Expanded clay can be poured between the joists and mats can be laid mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. Additional thermal insulation will never hurt anyone.
  • The reverse laying of the boards onto the joists is not carried out “solidly”, but leaving a gap of 3-5 mm between them is necessary so that the wooden floor under the tiles has the opportunity to “breathe” and to compensate for possible linear vibrations of the material. Another option is to drill through holes in the boards in a random order. Be sure to leave a gap at the walls around the entire perimeter of the room, about 10 mm. Any remaining gaps can be lightly covered with adhesive tape or foam.
  • After the final installation of the floorboards on the joists using self-tapping screws, a thorough quality control of the coating is carried out again. If no shortcomings are identified, you can proceed to preparing the base for laying ceramic tiles.

Several ways to prepare the base for laying tiles

So, we have a repaired, solid plank base. What should I do next to fully adapt it to laying ceramic tiles?

1. The tiles are supposed to be laid directly on top boards

  • First, you need to create a thin but stable and reliable waterproofing layer. To do this, the wooden floor is thickly treated with hot drying oil, but this method is quite outdated and also very unsafe, so it is better to use a latex impregnating composition. It is applied thickly with a wide brush to the floorboards, which immediately after this, without waiting for the composition to dry, are covered with a fine-mesh fiberglass painting mesh.
  • When the latex composition is completely dry, the mesh should be secured to the floor surface with galvanized self-tapping screws with wide heads for reliability.
  • The result is a durable waterproofing coating, which, in addition, has certain reinforcing properties.
  • Now it’s tedious to achieve good adhesion of the tile adhesive to the resulting base. You can do it this way. Prepare a solution consisting of 2 parts large fraction sand, 2 parts silicate glue (often called “liquid glass”), and one part water. After thorough mixing, the resulting composition is evenly applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the floor.

After complete drying, you will get a rough monolithic surface, completely ready for laying ceramic tiles.

Video: example of laying tiles directly on plank flooring

2. It is planned to fill a thin screed

  • If you read the opinions of many experienced craftsmen, some of them are categorically against laying tiles directly on a plank base. Their suggestion is to pour a small light screed on top of it.
  • The initial process - impregnation of the floorboards with a waterproofing compound - does not change.
  • Next, a damper tape should be glued around the perimeter to prevent deformation and destruction of the screed near the walls.
  • A beacon system is installed, based on the screed thickness of about 30 mm. Between the beacons you can additionally lay a thin metal or fiberglass mesh.
  • For screeding, you can use a standard basic cement-sand mortar with fine seeded sand (1: 3), but it is better to use special dry construction mixtures that contain fiber fiber micro-reinforcement and plasticizers. This screed matures faster and is more durable for such conditions. In addition, nothing prevents the use of the technology of pouring a self-leveling composition.
  • After the screed has hardened and fully matured, it is treated with a primer, after which it can be considered ready for laying ceramic tiles.

3. The floorboards will be covered with plywood (chipboard, OSB)

If you do not want to stir up dirt by pouring the screed, the room does not belong to the category of high humidity, but is quite intense dynamic load, then the plank base can be covered with plywood sheets 10 mm thick. The thickness may be greater, but we should not forget that this is an extra load on the joists and floorboards. By the way, here you can save on the floorboard - it is enough to lay it at intervals of even up to 150 -200 mm.

The work is carried out in next sequence:

  • The plank base, after antiseptic impregnation, is covered with waterproofing material. In the described case, this role can be played by waxed, paraffinized or bitumen-impregnated construction paper or even ordinary polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 200 microns.
  • Sheets of plywood are laid out staggered so that there is always a compensation gap of 5 to 10 mm between them. A similar gap is left around the perimeter of the room along the walls.
  • The next step is to create a waterproofing reinforcing layer and prepare the surface for laying tiles. Here, in se exactly the same as described above for the plank floor: latex impregnation → painting mesh → treatment with silicate-sand composition.

After this, you can proceed directly to laying the tiles.

4. Wooden floor closes gypsum fiber sheets (GVL)

This method is somewhat similar to that described above (with plywood), but it also has its own characteristic features:

  • As a rule, gypsum fiber boards are equipped with a locking part for mating adjacent sheets. In these places they are connected with a special adhesive and self-tapping screws. The use of self-tapping screws along the entire perimeter of the gypsum plasterboard and in its center is not required.
  • If the strength of the wooden base of the floor allows, and the operational features of the room require special reliability of the coating, gypsum fiber boards can be laid in two layers. In this case, the second one should be oriented perpendicular to the first. Coincidence of joints is not allowed.

Approximate diagram of the resulting “pie” with two layers of gypsum fiber board

  • The GVL surface, after being treated with a primer, does not require any additional manipulations - it is ready for laying ceramic tiles.

The process of laying tiles on prepared wooden floor surface in principle, no different from conventional technology, which is discussed in detail. The only thing you should pay attention to is the brand of tile adhesive. It is best to choose a composition “for complex surfaces”, and some adhesive mixtures in the instructions for use directly indicate the possibility of using them for laying tiles on a wooden base. This installation of tiles will be more reliable.

If you are deciding whether it is possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor in a bathroom, kitchen or other home, you should take into account the properties of the materials and their compatibility. In order for the tiling to serve for a long time, it is necessary to prepare a solid base that will not deform. For this reason, a concrete floor screed is best suited for this purpose.

However, this is not a hard limitation. If desired, it is permissible to use other materials (plank structure as a base or particle boards). However, in this case, you need to follow the technology for laying tiles and porcelain stoneware.

Is it possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor?

When combining ceramics and wood, moisture-resistant plywood or other wood-containing materials, a number of problems arise, in particular:

  • various indicators of thermal conductivity are noted, for example, wood retains heat better than tiles;
  • laying tiles on a wooden floor can cause rotting of the base, which is due to the ability of wood to “breathe” (pass air), while ceramics, on the contrary, do not exhibit such properties, which means that over time the process of destruction of the wood may begin, as a result the tile covering is also deformed, since the floor will lose its static nature;
  • duration of operation wooden structure much smaller than tiles, which reduces the service life of the floor covering;
  • wood is subject to linear expansion, which is another factor contributing to the destruction of the base, since if the rough boards change in size, lose their shape, their integrity is compromised floor tiles, since this type of material is more prone to cracks under the influence of tensile force;
  • Another factor that indicates the incompatibility of ceramics and wood is the need to arrange a static rough foundation, which makes it possible to avoid all of the above consequences.

If for some reason only wood is considered as a material for flooring and tiles for cladding, such a combination can be used. However, in this case it is necessary to ensure suitable conditions to avoid the appearance of defects and pay special attention to the strength of the base.

So, when choosing a material (wood or particle boards), its quality is checked. There should be no rot or knots on the boards. Only beams of equal size are selected. As a result, tile distortion can be avoided. At correct installation the foundation should be provided with a sufficient level of staticity.

In addition, it is possible to reduce the intensity of the negative manifestation of the difference in the linear expansion of materials. The desired result is achieved by using an adhesive composition that has suitable properties.

If you lay the tiles correctly, using adhesive containing polymer additives, you can do without a screed.

In a private home, ventilation is important, allowing air flow to circulate without delay. Violation of this process entails the appearance of dampness. If the waterproofing is not done well enough, the tree will soon be destroyed due to the developing process of rotting. High-quality moisture protection will help reduce the risk of this phenomenon. If all these recommendations are taken into account, the cladding will last a long time.

Preparing the base

A wooden floor in a private house is characterized by complex design. Considering the difficulties described above that arise when installing the cladding, it is necessary to more carefully prepare the base. Before making a screed or taking on the final flooring, it is necessary to assess the condition of the boards and joists.

An external inspection will not provide the required result, since major defects (cracks, mold, rot, etc.) may be hidden inside the structure.

Checking the condition of the coating

It is recommended to remove the boards covering the base. This measure will provide the desired result, provided that you plan to lay tiles on an old wooden floor. If the base is new, and the cladding is installed immediately after completing the work on the rough structure, there is no need to additionally check the condition of the boards.

It is a mistake to believe that the absence of extraneous sounds when walking (creaks, etc.), as well as the strong fastening of the boards, is a sign of the reliability of the base. Some problems can only be identified after opening the upper floorboards, for example: the presence of mold, non-compliance with the technology for laying joists (increasing the distance between the beams). When the logs are installed in violation of the standards (there should be 50 cm between them), the entire structure is shifted. This rule should be followed, since the surface of the finished floor should be smooth.

Antiseptic treatment

Preparing a wooden floor involves the need to process the material. For this purpose, special compounds are used to prevent rotting and destruction of wood, for example, antiseptics and fire retardants. It is advisable to assemble the base for the tiles from pre-treated lumber. At the same time, a special composition penetrates into any cracks, covers the boards on all sides, reducing the risk of damage to the wood due to developing mold.

Leveling the surface

To lay tiles, you need to make sure that the design meets the requirements. For example, when installing joists, as well as during the process of laying a finished floor (plank flooring), it is recommended to constantly check the position of the boards using a building level.

The slightest distortion will lead to a reduction in the service life of the cladding.

Moreover, during the installation of the logs, it is permissible to place wedges to level the structure, since in this case significant shortcomings of the subfloor, which is the soil cover or concrete screed, may arise. And the boardwalk is leveled after fixing it on the joists. In this case, improvement of the surface quality of the finished floor is carried out by grinding. Special tool cut off areas that protrude above the surface of the boards (knots, waves).

Sealing cracks and joints

If the general condition of the tree is normal, but there are several defects (cracks, crevices), you can avoid additional costs and eliminate leaks. This solution is used only when the design flaws are minor. This is done to prevent the gap from growing. Significant defects are eliminated by replacing a separate (deformed) beam/board. Other shortcomings of the subfloor are hidden in different ways:

  • application of sealant in in this case not only a cosmetic effect is provided, but also a waterproofing effect, since this composition reduces the likelihood of moisture penetrating through joints or between the wall and the base;
  • construction foam, sometimes foam fractions are added to the gap, but this measure is effective only in cases where the defect is large, then the first step is to fill the leak with foam, the next step is sealing with foam;
  • Helps remove minor blemishes paint material on oil based, it is first mixed with fine-grained wood shavings, resulting in a composition with a dense consistency that can not only fill cracks, but also provides reliable protection from moisture;
  • slats and wedges are used to eliminate large defects; this measure allows to reduce consumption related materials, strengthen the structure without the need to replace its element, and this method can be used in combination with others (putty, sealant), with the help of wedges a significant part of the leak is filled, any suitable composition(usually putty);
  • using cord or tow: this method does not provide protection from moisture and does not increase the strength of the structure, however, it can be used to seal the board covering (cord is more often used to fill joints);
  • wood putty: it is permissible to use only a special composition that matches the properties of wood, otherwise adhesion will be low and the material will not show waterproofing properties.

Replacing the coating

The old boardwalk is removed. On at this stage check the position of the joists; if there are irregularities, they are eliminated using wedges and additional boards with smaller dimensions. The new flooring is laid only after the gaps between the joists are filled with expanded clay. This measure helps strengthen the structure. In addition, expanded clay fractions intensively retain heat in the room.

Between bulk material and plank flooring leave a gap of at least 5 cm thick.

Paul in wooden house It is mounted with leaks, due to which air circulation inside the structure is normalized. However, in cases where it is planned to lay tiles, the gaps between the boards can be minimal.

Leveling the surface

If the methods discussed above (grinding, replacing boards or beams) are impractical to use for some reason (there is no special equipment for removing a layer of wood, there is no possibility of installing new boards), you can consider other options based on the use of sheets of moisture-resistant gypsum fiber board (plasterboard), particle boards (plywood, chipboard). You can also fill the screed with your own hands. This is the most suitable method, as it ensures static, reliable coverage.

Plywood or chipboard

This option allows you to level and strengthen the surface of the subfloor. However, porcelain tiles or porcelain tiles are not laid over untreated plywood sheets. It should be protected from moisture contained in the adhesive. It is also impossible to lay ceramic tiles on fiberboard/chipboard without a special coating.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing wood-based material before installing the cladding:

  1. Latex is applied to the impregnated sheet (but only on one side).
  2. Without waiting for the composition to dry, lay the painting mesh.
  3. When the latex is completely dry, the mesh along with a sheet of plywood/fibreboard/chipboard is fixed to the subfloor using self-tapping screws.
  4. A mixture of several components is prepared: liquid glass, sand, water (ratio 2:2:1).
  5. The resulting composition is applied over the mesh, after which the installation of the tiles can begin.

CSP board (cement-bonded particle board) withstands exposure to water better than others. This option is advisable to use when arranging a bathroom floor in a wooden house. It is suitable for the toilet, kitchen and other rooms where the air humidity level is often increased.

Before laying drywall over wooden joists, it must rest in the room for at least 24 hours before starting work.

A multilayer structure will allow you to strengthen the structure and provide a static base. When installing the second layer, you need to take into account the need to bandage the seams. This means that there should not be less than 20 cm between the edges of the sheets of the first and second layer. In order to lay the floor tiles, 3 layers of plasterboard are laid. They are attached with glue. Additionally, the sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws of sufficient length. After puttying, the tiles are laid on the DSP.

Dry screed

This method has the advantage of no contact of wood with moisture, which negatively affects the properties of such a material. In this case, ready-made plasterboard blocks (GVL) are used. They are made in the form of a multilayer structure. Moreover, such blocks take into account the dressing of seams.

The principle of laying products of this type is similar to how plywood is laid on a wooden floor, but there is no need to seal the joints.

Wet screed

Instructions for performing the screed:

  1. The condition of the logs and planks is assessed, and it is important to leave a gap of at least 1 cm between the base beams and the wall, which compensates for the linear expansion of the wood under the influence of moisture.
  2. The distance between the flooring boards is 1 cm, the thickness of the lumber is 4 cm, it is pre-treated with an antiseptic.
  3. The CBPB is laid, the distance between the slabs is up to 3 mm, and self-tapping screws are used to fix them.
  4. Waterproofing material is laid on top.
  5. A damper tape is laid around the perimeter of the room.
  6. Concrete is being poured.
  7. At the last stage you can lay the tiles.


If you plan to install the cladding in a bathhouse or other room with high humidity, it is prohibited to use coloring compounds. Under the influence of moisture and temperature changes, the paint will crack and lose its properties. Available and effective options:

  • A mixture of liquid glass, sand and water. However, this option is used when laying tiles on chipboard/fibreboard or plywood (the method was described above).
  • Deep penetration impregnation. Due to its properties, this composition provides reliable protection from a humid environment, but the cost of implementing this method is the highest. The advantage is the ability to immediately proceed to the installation of tiles.
  • Rolled insulating materials. Thick polyethylene, bitumen paper. These are short-lived options. Over time, the integrity of the coatings is compromised and they lose their properties.
  • Sheet materials. Materials used to level the floor are also used as waterproofing: moisture-resistant plasterboard, concrete mortar. However, it is still necessary to lay dense polyethylene under the screed, which reduces reliability this method: due to regular linear expansion, the film is deformed, and moisture penetrates through the leaks that appear.

Choosing the right adhesive

To lay porcelain stoneware or tiles on the floor, consider mixtures suitable for installing these materials. When choosing, it is important to consider the ability of the mixture to withstand the expansion of the boards. If you miss this moment, cracks will soon appear in the cladding.

To compensate for the linear expansion of wood, special tile adhesive is used. It must contain polymer additives. A high elasticity index is the second most important criterion after compliance with the type of decorative coating. You can stick tiles onto a concrete floor (screed over a wooden structure) using a cement-based compound.

  • and others.

Preparation of tools and materials

To carry out work on wood, with cement (if it is planned to fill the wooden structure with concrete), preparation is carried out with waterproofing. You will need:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • stationery knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws of the required length and in sufficient quantity (calculation is carried out taking into account the pitch when the fasteners are located at least 20 cm);
  • notched spatula;
  • crosses (limiters);
  • electric drill;
  • sealant is used to protect the joints;
  • roll, coating or impregnation waterproofing (the choice is made taking into account the type of material to be coated);
  • wood in sufficient quantities;
  • antiseptic composition;
  • if required, damper tape (when screeding is planned);
  • ingredients for preparing concrete: cement, sand;
  • rule;
  • adhesive composition;
  • grout for seams.

Laying technology

Assess the premises for availability free zones, where the cladding is best visible. It is recommended to start work from one of these areas, since here you will not have to cut the tiles. After preliminary installation of the cladding, the room is divided into zones; for clarity, they are separated from each other by a coated cord. This will make your work easier. The adhesive composition is prepared immediately before laying the tiles.

The glue is applied either to the floor or to the back of the porcelain tiles/tiles. Then the tiles are laid in accordance with the previously drawn up sketch. Cross-shaped stops are installed between adjacent products. During the process, the position of the products is regularly checked using a level. When the glue dries, it is recommended to grout the seams.

Installation of heated floors in a wooden house under tiles

Electric cables and water heating systems are installed in several various schemes. A warm electric floor is installed according to the following instructions:

  1. The subfloor is being installed.
  2. Waterproofing is being laid.
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid between the joists.
  4. Fix the reinforcing mesh.
  5. The cable is laid out on top and secured with clamps.
  6. After this, the finished floor is installed, for which particle boards can be used. In this case, it is better to glue the tiles to the plywood using heat-resistant glue.
  7. After this you can lay out the tiles.

Water systems are connected to centralized heating, which is associated with a number of difficulties, so this option is used less frequently. Installation features:

  • use a special type of gypsum fiber board or gypsum board (with protrusions);
  • lay polymer flexible pipes, forming coils;
  • Tiles are installed on top of the heated floor.
  • You can extend the service life of the coating if you proceed to laying tiles after the sealant, screed and other materials used in flooring have completely dried;
  • if roll waterproofing is used, its edge is fixed with construction tape;

The quality and service life of the floor covering largely depend on proper preparation grounds. According to the standard, the basis for ceramic tiles can only be a perfectly flat surface that can support not only its stable position, but also the weight of the ceramics.

For quite a long time it was perceived as a meaningless procedure. The fact is that wood is not inherently constant - under the influence of changes in temperature and moisture, it can contract or expand, change its size. And floor ceramics, in turn, are extremely sensitive to linear changes, so they will quickly become unusable. Chips and cracks will appear on its surface, the seams will begin to crumble, and the tile itself will gradually lag behind the base. But there are special schemes in construction with the help of which these materials can be “reconciled”.

Laying ceramics on a wooden base is considered inappropriate for a number of reasons.

  1. A wooden floor, as noted above, is not static, and staticity is one of the main conditions for laying tiles.
  2. Durable when expanding linearly ceramic elements will inject easily.
  3. The service life of tiles significantly exceeds that of boards and timber.
  4. If you lay moisture-repellent floor ceramics (and this is exactly what is used in the bathhouse), then the wood underneath will not “breathe”, which is why the process of rotting will subsequently begin.
  5. Finally, tile is a “cold” material, and wood is “warm”, and there is no particular point in combining them.

In addition, in terms of aesthetic indicators, wood may be inferior to tiles, although this point is not so important, since ceramics are used primarily not for the beauty of the patterns, but for sanitary and hygienic purposes. Laying tiles is advisable only in rooms with high levels of humidity to protect floors from the harmful effects of moisture (for example, in a shower, wooden bathhouse).

But whatever the reasons, there is a need for laying tiles on a wooden floor. In this case, it remains to find out how this can be done, as well as select the most suitable technology.

Important information! It is highly undesirable to lay ceramics on new wooden floor, because you need to wait until intensive shrinkage is completed. As a rule, this takes at least two to three years.

Stage one. Preparation of materials and equipment

First you need to purchase tiles. This issue has already been discussed in detail in the article on that, so today only the basic requirements will be briefly discussed. You should focus on the geometry and markings of the material.

  1. Moisture absorption of tiles used for bathhouse floors should be minimal, since the material will be in permanent contact with water. The higher the porosity of the material, the more moisture it will absorb.

  2. Wear resistance can be determined by the markings; the seller can help with this.

  3. The quality of a tile is not difficult to determine - this can be done even by its external characteristics. This includes the plane, the geometry of the elements, as well as the alignment of the angles. Laying uneven ceramics is a difficult and time-consuming procedure, which is why it is so important to determine the quality of the material in advance. To do this, it is enough to take two products and place them “face to face” with each other: if they fit tightly, and all the angles coincide, then this means it’s really good tiles and it can be used for arranging the flooring in the bathhouse.

  4. The design of the ceramics is also important. The concept of design includes color, pattern, texture and shape.
  5. Finally, do not forget about the purpose of the tiles. Floor tiles are significantly different from tiles intended for walls. Floor material more durable and resistant to mechanical loads, has a rough surface, in addition, it has a low moisture absorption rate.

The selection of tile adhesive also plays an important role.

The range of adhesive compositions is huge, but they are all conventionally divided into two categories - dry and ready-made mixtures. Ready-made formulations are more expensive, but when diluting a dry mixture there is a risk of making a mistake with the proportions. When purchasing glue of a particular brand, you should pay attention to the presence of the following properties:

  • resistance to aggressive substances and temperature changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance (if the bathhouse will be used irregularly and the temperature there may drop below 0°C).

All of the above requirements are met by two-component adhesive compositions made on the basis epoxy resin or polyurethane.

Important information! Such compositions are elastic only for 1 hour after dilution, and therefore it is recommended to dilute them in small portions.

The waterproof composition “Diola D-307”, intended for laying massive ceramic tiles, is excellent for baths.

Glue “Diola D-307”

It is important that the chosen adhesive is highly elastic. The fact is that the operating conditions in the bathhouse are not easy: heating and, as a consequence, expansion of materials alternates with cooling. And the higher the elasticity of the glue, the greater the differences the floor covering can withstand.

If you plan to lay porcelain tiles, then the selected adhesive composition must have high adhesion - at least 28 kg/cm². This is explained by the significant weight of porcelain stoneware and almost zero hygroscopicity. If we talk about specific brands, then for laying tiles – both porcelain stoneware and ceramic – the composition “Ceresit SM 17” is often used.

Ceresit SM 11 is somewhat less popular, but if the SS-83 elasticizer is not added to this glue, then the adhesion will be significantly less than that of Ceresit SM 17.

Table. Tile adhesive consumption

Important information! Some builders refuse to use tile adhesive, preferring to use a homemade composition: sand + cement (proportions - 3:1) + PVA glue.

In addition, the work will require the following equipment:

  • tile cutter;
  • mounting level;
  • plastic crosses (to create the required gap of 2-4 mm between the tiles);
  • electric drill with mixer attachment;
  • notched spatula (tooth height should be approximately 8 mm).

Now you can proceed directly to the workflow.

Stage two. Preparing the base

A wooden floor is a multi-layer structure made entirely or partially from wood. These are not only boards, but also a system of beams and joists laid under the plank covering, so before starting work, all elements must be carefully inspected and checked. Often the preparation of the base for installation is carried out:

  • along the logs that remain after removing damaged or worn boards;
  • on flooring made of moisture-resistant plywood and installed on joists;
  • on the plank floor, if it is still usable.

The condition of the floor can only affect the number of repair operations, but not the choice of one or another arrangement scheme.

Schemes of wooden bases with tiled coating

The fact is that ceramic tiles are attached to any surface according to a standard scheme, while the differences may lie solely in preparatory activities. However, the result should be a flat and smooth surface that can support the weight of the floor ceramics. There are several leveling methods suitable for plank floors in a bathhouse.

Method No. 1. Dry leveling

The most popular method of leveling plank floors is to create a static sub-layer consisting of plywood or any other moisture-resistant material produced in sheets. There are several methods of dry leveling, let's get acquainted with them.

The final stage of dry leveling should be the installation of sheets of plywood or particle boards.

Of course, pressed products wood waste or dowels are also subject to linear movement, but not as much as natural wood.

Ceramic tiles will be fixed on top of the leveling sheets not with ordinary tile adhesive, but with a special polyurethane-based compound.

Important information! Before laying ceramics, the plywood covering should be sanded along the seams. After this, the joints between the slabs must be filled with sealant (as an option, you can use the glue that was purchased to attach the tiles) and the surface must be treated with a primer compatible with the selected sealing material.

Among the advantages of this alignment method it is worth highlighting:

  • the possibility of increasing thermal insulation qualities by laying insulating material between the joists - mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay, etc.;
  • high installation speed;
  • minimizing the load on the floor, which does not have the strength that reinforced concrete analogues have.

As for the disadvantages, there is only one: leveling will take a certain proportion of the height of the room. And there will be a difference between the finished area and the rest of the floor, from which you will subsequently have to make a step or threshold.

It is worth noting that, according to building codes, the flooring in hygienic rooms, which are the washing room and the steam room, must be lowered by at least 2-3 cm, otherwise in case of leaks, water will flood the adjacent rooms. With dry leveling technology (plus the thickness of the ceramic tiles), the surface will noticeably rise above the rest of the floor, so it is not advisable to use it (the technology) in a bathhouse.

Prices for plywood sheets

plywood sheet

Video – Adjustable floor

Method No. 2. Wet screed

This is a kind of simplified way of traditional floor leveling. The screed is poured in a “light” form due to the fact that bearing capacity The plank floor is clearly not enough for a full leveling layer.

Important information! There is another feature of this method - when pouring the solution, it is cut off from the walls and underlying foundation. In other words, it should be a kind of variation of a floating floor with a mandatory deformation gap along the entire perimeter.

With this scheme, the wooden elements of the structure will move under the influence of temperature changes, while the screed itself with the ceramics laid on top of it will remain motionless.

The thickness of the leveling layer should be 30 mm. It is undesirable to increase this thickness, since the weight will also increase along with it. Only minor deviations in one direction or another (a few millimeters) are allowed.

Prices for edge tape

edge tape

Video - How to level a wooden floor

The algorithm for pouring cement screed is given below.

Step 1. The floor is dismantled down to the timber in order to inspect all elements. If there is any doubt about the reliability of any element, it must be dismantled and replaced with a new one. If the distance between the logs exceeds 50 cm, then the system is strengthened by installing another beam. There should still be a slight gap (about 10 mm) between the ends of the joists and the walls. Upon completion of the check and repair work All wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic, then the floor is put back together.

Step 2. A flooring is constructed under the future screed. For this, you can use old boards (provided that they are still suitable for use) with a thickness of 40 mm. When fastening, a ventilation gap of 10 mm remains between the boards. A similar gap also remains when using unedged boards to replace defective floorboards. After all, if the boards are laid end to end, you will have to drill holes in them for ventilation.

Step 3. On top of the boards - perpendicular to their direction - quartered moisture-resistant plywood from 1.2 cm in thickness is attached (other boards made from pressed waste from the woodworking industry are also suitable). The material is attached in a similar way to brickwork using glue and galvanized self-tapping screws (the latter are screwed in increments of 20 cm). There remains a slight gap between the plates (about 3 mm); there should be no cross-shaped joints. Do not forget about the drain hole (if it is planned), which is often installed in the center of the room.

Step 4. Plywood flooring covers waterproofing material. For this, it is advisable to use glassine, paraffin or bitumen paper, although thick plastic film will also work. Roll insulation is laid overlapping (5-10 cm) and secured with tape to create a monolithic “carpet”.

Along the entire perimeter, the material should extend onto the walls by at least 10 cm; for convenience, it is also secured there with tape.

SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulating and finishing coatings. File for download

Step 5. A damper tape 100 mm wide and approximately 8-10 mm thick is laid along the walls.

Step 6. A screed made from a ready-made leveling compound or a home-made leveling mixture is poured over the reinforcing mesh. To prepare the latter, sifted coarse sand is mixed with liquid glass in a 1:1 ratio. Water (1:4) is added to the dry mixture without any impurities or additives.

Before pouring, the drain hole is fenced with a small formwork. If the work is carried out in a washing room or steam room, then special guide rails can be installed to obtain the required slope in the direction of the drain. When the solution has completely hardened, you can proceed directly to laying the tiles.

Method No. 3. Express alignment

This method involves attaching sheets of moisture-resistant drywall (GKVL) to the boardwalk using a two-component polyurethane-based adhesive. Due to its elasticity, the structure of the composition will not be disturbed even if the wood is deformed. Traditionally, before starting work, the structure is inspected and repaired.

Important information! It is advisable to lay drywall in two layers, and the seams of the first layer should not coincide with the seams of the second. This simple procedure will increase the hardness of the floor covering.

The plasterboard base is installed in the same way as in previous methods (using floating floor technology), so a technological gap should be left around the entire perimeter. The joints between the sheets are filled with sealant, after which the entire surface is primed with a universal primer. After laying the ceramic tiles, the gap is filled with the same sealant and covered with baseboards - this way moisture will not seep in and spoil the building material.

Video - Laying tiles on a plank floor

Each of the above methods of preparing the base may have to be adjusted taking into account the specifics of the room. In reality, there are many more methods, but they all have the same principle: the substrate should not interfere wooden base“breathe”, and this, in turn, should not destroy the rigid base with the tiles laid on top of it.

Stage three. Laying tiles in a bathhouse

The procedure is not much different from creating a tiled floor in other rooms, the only difference is the grout used and glue mixture. In addition, a slope towards the drain hole is necessary, but this is rather a feature of the floor itself; however, this should also be kept in mind during finishing work. If the surface is not prepared, then to obtain a slope you will have to significantly increase the consumption of the adhesive composition. In the case of a dressing room, everything is much simpler: no slope is needed, the main thing is to maintain the horizontal and align the tiles relative to each other.

First you need to do a “try-on” to determine how best to lay the tiles. Trimming will have to be done in any case, although it is advisable to place the cut elements along the periphery of the room. The number of tiles that will be cut is determined in advance. If it is insignificant, then it is quite possible to use a tile cutter for cutting; It is more convenient to perform multiple cuttings with a grinder.

The algorithm for further actions is the same as in the case traditional technology styling

Step 1. In room correct form Laying should begin from the most visible corner. In case of incorrect geometry, you need to determine the middle by crossing the diagonals and start from there. To do this, the room is divided into 4 identical segments. And if we are talking about a steam room or a sink, then it is better to start installation from the drain hole - this will make it more convenient to maintain the slope.

Important information! Often, a building level is used to check the horizontality of the tiles, but for the steam room and sink, as noted above, the slope is important. There are two options here: either pull the rope, which will serve as a guide, or deliberately press down the required edge. Sometimes a special block is made for this purpose, having the desired slope. The block is placed on the tile, and on top of it is a building level.

Video - Laying tiles with a slope under the drain

Step 2. After this, glue is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The composition hardens quickly, so you need to dilute it in small portions - about 1 m² each.

Important information! For a bath, it is better to use special cement glue rather than mastic. It is advisable to replace the usual grout with an elastic silicone compound that has a suitable color.

Step 3. Using a spatula, the diluted solution is applied to the surface.

Step 4. Tiles are laid on the floor treated with glue, and special plastic crosses are inserted into the joints (the latter, in extreme cases, can be replaced with ordinary matches). Levelness is periodically checked.

Important information! If a plinth is made from tiles, then it goes beyond the line of the lining (the latter seems to be superimposed on it). This way, moisture from the walls will not flow behind the baseboard.

Step 5. Adjustments and alignment can be done before the glue hardens. Longitudinal/transverse directions are corrected by slight shifts. “Missing” elements are removed and added required quantity mixtures, after which they are placed back. Use a damp rag to remove adhesive from the tile surface. After hardening, you can begin grouting.

Video - Laying tiles

Stage four. Grouting joints

After one or two days you can start grouting. To do this, you will need a special anti-fungal grout and an appropriate tool, i.e. a rubber spatula.

The service life of the tile depends on how well the tile installation work is carried out. Tiles and tiles are usually laid on a concrete base. But sometimes it is not possible to install a concrete screed. Therefore, many are interested: is it possible to lay tiles on a plank floor?

Ceramic tiles in the kitchen in a wooden house are a housewife's dream

Preparing a wooden floor for tile installation

To lay tiles on a wooden floor, the first step is to prepare it. At this stage, defects in the plank base are corrected, given strength and protected from moisture.

Laying tiles on wood is possible

The key to a reliable ceramic tile floor is the base, so you should start by checking the condition of the old wooden floor:

  • Remove the old floorboards to get to the joist system.
  • If the logs are outdated or rotten, then replace them, and treat those suitable for further use with antiseptic agents.
  • Check levelness.
  • We put old floorboards on top of the joists, those that have not been deformed. Replace warped floorboards with new ones.
  • Do not forget that there must be a damping gap between the subfloor and the wall.
  • To protect the floorboards from rotting, treat them with an antiseptic.
  • The boards must be screwed to the joists using self-tapping screws, sparing no fasteners. A secure fit of the boards will protect the tiles from damage.

Attention! Moisture-resistant plywood 12 mm thick is placed on the logs, which will provide a reliable and durable base.

Leveling the surface

Laying tiles directly on planks will not work. Floorboards may begin to play over time, so it is necessary to use a leveling layer. Various materials can serve as this layer.

"Dry" leveling

For wooden floors in an effective way To level the surface, use moisture-resistant plywood or other similar material.

Cover the old plank floor with sheets of moisture-resistant plywood

Sheets wood materials allow you to distribute the load across several floorboards of the subfloor at once. This protects against failures of old plank structures.

To provide a reliable base under tiles or tiles, various dry-based leveling methods are used:

  • complete adjustable floors with screw regulators made of plastic. With the help of such structures, laying tiles and preparing a flat and durable surface is made many times easier.
  • duplicating plywood layer on the existing flooring made of moisture-resistant plywood;
  • OSB sheet, etc.

Using a plywood base for installing tiles is convenient and beneficial in financially. Wood derivatives based on shavings are not so susceptible to changes in size under the influence of moisture, so laying tiles on them is a possible option.

It is worth noting that tiles on top of plywood sheets must be laid with a special two-component polyurethane adhesive, and not with regular tile adhesive. Polyurethane adhesives have the proper elasticity to maintain a secure fit of the tiles on an unstable base.

After the plank floor is covered with plywood sheets, their joints must be sanded and filled with a special sealant or glue. After which the seams are primed.

The advantages of using the “dry” surface leveling method are that:

  • it allows you to make additional soundproofing and thermal insulation layer under a plank floor made of mineral wool and other types of insulation;
  • distribute the load on individual floorboards over the surface;
  • fast installation times that do not require technical interruptions.

But this does not mean that this method does not have disadvantages. Leveling the plank surface will require the use of additional room heights, which will require decoration and joining various coatings using thresholds.

Given this fact, it is necessary to ensure that the floors in the bathroom should be a couple of centimeters lower than the level of other rooms. In the event of a water leak, it should not be distributed throughout the corridor and other rooms, but remain in the bathroom. That's why plywood base plus the thickness of the ceramic with glue can seriously elevate the overlap above others. In this case, using the “dry” method is not a desirable solution.

"Wet" screed

“Wet” leveling methods can also be used over plank floors. We are talking about sparing amounts of screed use, which will ensure flat surface with light loads on the wooden base.

Laying tiles on a concrete screed is easier

The floor screed for ceramic tiles in a wooden house must be cut off from the plank base, including from the walls. It turns out that it is necessary to do it in a “floating” way with damper gaps around the perimeter. A similar method is necessary so that wooden floors can change sizes without harm. tile covering, and the leveling layer retained a strong, unchangeable structure.

Attention! According to experts, it is not advisable to cover a wooden floor with a screed with a thickness of more than 3 cm, because this can cause deformation due to increased weight. But you can’t do less so that the screed does not lose reliability. It turns out, optimal thickness 3 cm with slight deviations.

The procedure for preparing the base for a screed on a wooden floor is as follows:

  • The old plank floor is dismantled and the joist system is inspected. If there are bars whose strength is in doubt, they must be replaced.
  • the distance between the lags should not exceed 50 cm. With a large step, reinforce the floor with additional bars.
  • we must not forget about the damper gap between the ends of the logs and the wall 1 cm thick;
  • held antiseptic treatment wooden blocks;
  • A plank floor is laid on top of the reinforced joist system. You can use old boards 4 cm thick. Those that are deformed and have lost strength should be replaced with new ones.
  • boards are laid with a ventilation gap of one and a half centimeters between them;
  • on top of the boardwalk, make a layer of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 12 mm. Other boards made from pressed wood chips will also work. The sheets should be overlapped and secured with self-tapping screws in increments of no more than 20 cm.
  • Gaps of 3-4 mm are left between the sheets;
  • then lay a layer of waterproofing. Paraffin or bitumen paper or glassine can be used as a moisture-insulating material. Is it possible to use thick polyethylene? The answer to this question is yes.
  • waterproofing must be a monolithic structure. To do this, the rolls are laid on top of each other with an overlap of 15-20 cm and secured together with tape. Waterproofing must extend to walls at least 10 cm high.
  • stick a damper tape 8-10 mm thick and 10 cm wide around the perimeter of the wall.

After the preparation work for pouring the solution is completed, they begin pouring the leveling mixture. There is no need to level the self-leveling floor, because it levels itself over the surface; it is necessary to direct the mixture in the desired direction and maintain the required thickness.

You can use another leveling mixture. To prepare this composition, you will need:

  • 2 parts coarse sand;
  • 2 parts liquid glass;
  • 1 part water.

After the solution is ready, it is poured, leveled and left until completely dry. Only after complete hardening can tiles be laid on the floor.

Express option

There is another option for leveling the surface of a plank floor - using moisture-resistant plasterboard, which is fixed to the surface of wooden floorboards with a two-component polyurethane glue.

Laying drywall will make it even easier to stick tiles than on a plywood base.

Carrying out a coverage audit and updating the necessary lags was described in other alignment methods, so there is no need to dwell on it again.

To make the coating made of plasterboard sheets more reliable, they can be laid in two layers. Moreover, the seams of the top layer should not coincide with the seams of the bottom layer, so the layers are laid overlapping.

Attention! Flooring placed on a non-moisture resistant plasterboard base may become deformed. You can recognize moisture-resistant floor plasterboard in a store by the blue color of the slabs.

A damper gap is left around the perimeter of the room, so leveling with plasterboard has common features with a “floating” floor system. The joints between the sheets are filled with sealant. Whole area plasterboard surface must be primed to ensure a secure fit ceramic tiles.

Tile on a wooden floor will look the same as on concrete base

It is possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor, but take into account the wood's ability to change dimensions due to changes in humidity and insufficient strength.

For tile laying to be successful, it is worth looking at this short video How to properly glue ceramics to a plank base: