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» Great Horned God of Britain. Great Horned God of Britain Connection with the Horned God

Great Horned God of Britain. Great Horned God of Britain Connection with the Horned God

Grant, O God, your protection,
And in protection force,
And understanding is in force,
And in understanding knowledge,
And knowledge is the reward,
And his love is the reward,
And in this love is the love of all living things,
And in this love of all living things
Love of God and all virtues...

Douglas Monroe "The Lost Books of Merlin"

This forest deity had many names and was known far beyond Britain. In Wales he was called Atho, the Horned God; in Windsor Forest - Ernie the Hunter; sometimes he was also called Cernunnos. However, these were aspects of the same deity and his powers. But no matter what name he bore, no matter how he was portrayed, he had one constant distinguishing feature- deer antlers on the head.

The first known image of this deity can be seen on a rock near Val Camonica (northern Italy, 4th century BC). Here Cernunnos has the most character traits: deer antlers, ring (torques) and snake. However, God is shown not in his usual “Buddhist” pose, but standing.

“...Next to Cernunnos stands a naked male figure of a much smaller size, with his genitals highlighted. The interpretation of her as a worshiper seems plausible and her phallic character is related to the nature of the "Horned One". We observe the existence of an already developed concept, which includes the cult of fertility associated with human fertility and the deer as a symbol of wealth” (Alexey Fantalov “Celtic Gods”).

Cernunno s - in Celtic culture the Horned God, God of Nature, God of the Underworld and Astral world, Great Father, "Horned Father". Since ancient times, a companion of the Moon Goddess, the horned deity always accompanies the Moon. Horned animals were generally considered sacred; horns are a symbol of abundance. He is known to the Druids as Hu Gadarn, the Horned God of Fertility. He was depicted sitting in the lotus position with horns, a beard and curly hair. He was naked with a necklace around his neck; sometimes he had a spear and shield in his hands. His symbols were the deer, ram, bull, snake - all lunar creatures.

In the Sacred Center, the Grove of all Worlds, he sits cross-legged at the base of the ancient Oak. In a state of trance, at the entrance, connecting the three worlds: Earth, Sea and Sky and the worlds beyond these worlds, God and the World Tree are One, it is huge, stretching into the deep sky and endless space. Its massive trunk, the ridge of the Middle World, is the heart of the Ancient Forest, around which all Life, revolving all the Worlds. Its boundless network of roots penetrates deep into the secrets of the earth and Underworld. The Sun, Moon and Stars perform their eternal rotation above it. Everything around him is just the gentle fall of leaves in the melodic, singing air.
Everywhere there is pulsating and shimmering Greenery, bathed in the gold of sparkling mist. Soft moss covers the black, damp, bottomless soil. At his feet is a large Cauldron, which gives birth to Five Streams of Rivers. Through the silent and motionless forest, they walk, whispering wings and gliding secretly, rustling leaves, the quiet step of the First Ancestors, the Elder Animals gather around Him: Raven, Guardian of the Gates; Stag of the Seven Horns, Guardian of Time; Ancient Owl, Crone of the Night; Eagle, Lord of the Air, Eye of the Sun; and Salmon, the Eldest of Them, the Wise of the Wise. He welcomes and blesses them, and they honor Him, Cernunnos, whose skin is the color of a hazelnut, whose curly hair shines beautifully. God, whose eyes are the reflection of the fire of the stars, his flesh is the receptacle of ancient waters, he is the keeper of the Mystery, primordial and primeval. He wears a crown of horns intertwined with ivy that kindles a green fire. IN right hand Bargaining made of gold, a symbol of nobility and sacred obligation. In his left hand is the Horned Snake - a symbol of sexual sacred power over the Goddess. Cernunnos in His Ancient Forest, in Sacred Temple, Holy Grove, Cernunnos and His Children - the dreams of the Worlds.

Cernunnos, how
The Horned God, the Lord of Animals, is depicted as a man or half-man with the head of a deer. Although he looks human, his energy and actions are not human. He is the protector of animals, the expression of the law of the hunt and the harvest. He is also the dark unconscious, natural animal instincts, Cernunnos - any tree or the entire forest, the God of vegetation in his aspect of the Green Man, Guardian of the Green World. His horns symbolize the treetops of the forest and animal nature. His wisdom is that the old must die to make way for the new - the Sacrificial Hunt. In the aspect of the Underworld, Cernunnos is the Dark Man, the God who lives in the house under the Hill. He is the one who soothes and sings songs to the dead. Cernunnos is the head of the Wild Hunt.

The image of the Horned God was deliberately distorted medieval Church and turned into christian devil. Witches do not believe in or worship the devil - they leave this very concept to Christianity and its followers. The Witch God is sexual, but we consider sexuality to be sacred, not obscene or blasphemous. Our God wears horns - but these are the waxing and waning crescents of the Moon Goddess and a symbol of animal vitality. In some of His aspects He is dark, black, but not because He is terrible or evil, but because darkness and night are a time of power and part of the natural cycle of time.

And in our time, in some places in Britain, the Great Horn holiday is celebrated in the fall. Men walk the streets with deer antlers attached to their heads. This is a reminder that the ancient forest deity controls the fertility of forest animals.

Eyes slanted and radiant
Flowing green dusk
On the soft frightened mosses
Bed of sparkling sun
Hidden unknown paths
They lead through secret groves
Straight to the lost youth
With the icy cries of an eagle owl
Calls with fast winds
Enter the youth of the forest
Touch the horns with your hands
Youth of the ancient world
God of the great ageless
Above the tallest pines
The darkest spruces are more beautiful
See in green guise
Through the distances of pure youth
Grass patterns on the horns
Eyes in the green dusk
With the power of natural eternity

This forest deity had many names and was known far beyond Britain. In Wales he was called Atho, the Horned God; in Windsor Forest - Ernie the Hunter; sometimes he was also called Cernunnos. However, these were aspects of the same deity and his powers. But no matter what name he bore, no matter how he was portrayed, he had one constant distinctive feature - deer antlers on his head.
Local residents claim that Ernie the Hunter still roams the forests around Windsor Castle. In 1964, he was seen racing through the forest on a fire-breathing horse.
And in our time, in some places in Britain, the Great Horn holiday is celebrated in the fall. Men walk the streets with deer antlers attached to their heads. This is a reminder that the ancient forest deity controls the fertility of forest animals. This god opens the Gates of Life and Death, is the Great Father, the Master of all Nature. The Druids knew him as Hu Gaderna, the Horned God of fertility and fertility.


Bon Voyage

Every time you go on a journey, you need to take magical precautions. The evening before your trip, pour a mixture of dry dragon resin, incense, rosemary, and verbena into a small bag. Instead of a bag, you can make a small paper envelope. Place this protective talisman in your pocket or travel bag and let it remain there throughout your journey. If your luggage is traveling separately from you, then make several of these bags and put them in each part of your luggage.
As soon as you take your place in the carriage or bus, immediately close your eyes and imagine that you are holding a huge sparkling sword in your hands. With this sword, mentally outline the transport in which you are traveling three times clockwise. After the third time, you will see a wall of blue flames. Then mentally place the sword in the middle of your car and leave it there. Repeat the same on the way back.
During your trip, this ritual can be repeated every time you feel the need for additional protection or when you need to reinforce the power of the flame. The same precautions can be taken in a hotel room.

Home Cleansing

Sometimes your home may be visited by uninvited entities. It is often extremely difficult to get rid of them. If suddenly your whole family gets sick, your finances and plans are upset for no apparent reason, and your business is barely going, then it’s time to conduct a thorough spiritual cleansing of your home.
Think about your route around the house to end at front door. Although you can perform this ritual yourself, it is still much more convenient to send it with someone else's help, otherwise you will have to carry all the attributes on a tray from room to room yourself.

Spoon crushed frankincense or myrrh onto a saucer. Light the coals in your incense burner and add a small amount of incense Prepare some lightly salted water in a bowl. Don't forget to take a bell too.
Starting at the corner of the house furthest from the front door, walk clockwise around each room, fumigating it with incense from the censer. Make sure that the smoke penetrates into all cabinets. If necessary, add a little more incense. Then make a circle while ringing the bell. Finally, take a bowl of salt water and dip forefinger, touch the four sides of every window and door in the room. Do the same with all the mirrors.
Go to the next room and repeat the ritual. Walk through all the rooms of your house, including the basement, ending at the front door. Before sprinkling water on the door frame, open the door and send a cloud of smoke towards it. Say in a harsh voice:

Get away, you nasty and destructive entities!
You weren't invited here!

Close the doors and sprinkle water around the edges. Put your guns aside and raise your hands. Tell:

Welcome, essences of Light and happiness.
Fill this house with yours
presence and blessing.
Protect him from everything generated
Darkness, And put our (my) house in proper order.

When you open the door to expel negative entities, you should feel an emptiness around you. But when you call upon positive entities, you will feel warmth and comfort in the house. Never drive away negative entities without inviting positive ones, because... they will return on their own and bring others with them. You must be sure to fill the void.

Connection with the Horned God

Celtic God Cernunnos under different names was known throughout Europe. He was called the Horned God, the God of Nature, the God of the Underworld, the Astral Level, the Great Father and the Horned Father. The Druids knew him as the Horned God of Fertility. He was depicted sitting in a half-lotus position with deer antlers on his head, a beard and curly hair. He was naked and wore a necklace around his neck; sometimes he held a spear and shield. His symbols were the deer, the ram, the bull, and the horned snake. Cernunnos is the patron of masculinity, fertility, animals, physical love, nature, forests, reincarnation, crossroads, wealth, trade, warriors.

By learning to connect with the Horned God, you will learn to connect with the forces of reincarnation and wealth, and a deeper understanding of Nature will become available to you. Subconsciously, we are all connected to its power of fertility and physical love.
For the ritual you will need small figurines of wild animals (or pictures), pine or spruce aromatic resin, a mask (for example, the Lone Hunter), a drum or tambourine. Light the incense. Spread a rug on the floor and place figurines on it. Keep the mask close to you. Sit comfortably on the mat. If you cannot sit like this, then take a stool or chair.
Wear a mask. Take a drum and start beating it slowly but rhythmically until you feel the rhythm of the drum relaxing you. Close your eyes and feel yourself immersed in the realm of the Horned God.

Horned God

Look through the mask at the animal figurines. Everything around will take on a surrealistic hue. Look at each of them in turn. Think about each of these animals, its characteristics and qualities. Let their images come to life in your imagination. Pay close attention to what is happening, because at some point the animals will begin to behave unusually. They may even talk to you.
After you have already studied each animal, close your eyes and call upon the Horned God. Perhaps you will mentally see yourself walking along a forest path. Follow it until it leads you to a grassy clearing. There, at huge tree, the Horned God is sitting and waiting for you. Sit next to him and tell him what you would like to change in your life. When the Horned God finishes his story, he will slap you on the forehead and you will feel yourself returning to your reality.
During the first few minutes you will find it difficult to tune in, so sit quietly and allow your body and mind to re-adapt to the world around you. Take the drum and start beating it slowly and rhythmically again until you feel back in your body. Thank the Horned God for your help, and remove the mask.

Looking for work

Search new job always require a lot of physical and nervous effort. However, you can facilitate and speed up this process by using astral help. Of course, first of all, you yourself must clearly know where and who you want to work with. For example, if you want to get a job in another city or state, then you need to firmly fix this attitude in your mind while performing the ritual. It is best to perform it on a new moon, but in extreme cases it can be done at any other time.

You will need an astral candle to reflect yourself, a green candle for prosperity, a black candle to remove obstacles and a brown candle for work. All candles must be placed in fireproof candlesticks. Also prepare patchouli and cinnamon oil for candles.
Light the incense. Anoint a black candle with patchouli oil and place it in the candle holder. Clean your hands of patchouli oil: you won't need it for other candles.
Anoint brown, green, astral candles completely from base to wick with cinnamon oil and place in candlesticks.
Place a black candle in the center of your ritual area, a brown one on the left, and a green candle on the right. Place the astral candle above the black one. Candles should be kept in a safe place where they can burn out completely.
Light the astral candle and say:

I ask you to give me a try; it is my right.
Open the way, let my vision become clearer.

Light a black candle and say:

Bad luck runs away. Barriers are crumbling.
The ill-wishers disappear! Heed my request!

Light a green candle and say:

My luck and my prosperity.
Help me, Great One. Come to me.

Light a brown candle and say:

I see prosperity, work and honor.
And as I want, so be it.

Leave the candles to burn out and collect the remaining wax. Every evening for a week (after the first one has completely burned out, light the second one) light a brown candle for nine minutes, meditate and calmly prepare to meet the goodness and work coming to you.
During this period, actively look for a job, listening to the voice of your intuition and following its instructions.

Festival of Lights

- Crescent -

In India, the goddess Lakshmi is one of the most revered among the people, but we do not know of a single cult associated with her. Lakshmi gave Indra a drink of soma or wise blood from her body, as a result of which he was able to become the king of the divas. The goddess was born from the foamed ocean of milk. Lakshmi - goddess of happiness, health, success, luck, female beauty, prosperity and values.
The festival of Lakshmi is called Divaliya, and the goddess herself is revered as the consort of Vishnu. Indian wives dance in their homes for their husbands during this festival. Lamps are placed everywhere and delicious food is being prepared. This is Indian New Year- a time of good luck and prosperity.

You need to have as many candles with you as you need to form a circle out of them. Play Indian music to create the appropriate atmosphere. If you have a statue of Lakshmi, then place it on the altar. Light lotus incense.
Fold your palms together in prayer, bow, touching your forehead with your fingertips, and say:

OM (lingering mantra).

Eternal Goddess, Triune Mother,
Dancing Goddess of strength and power,
Bless this ritual with your presence.
Fill me with wisdom, magic and light.

Listen to music for a few minutes to get into the rhythm. Say:

Vishnu contemplates creation with Brahma and Lakshmi

I see the dancing feet of Lakshmi, dancing for her husband.
Lakshmi, Goddess of luck, love and prosperity,
I greet you with joy and hope.
Dance, Lakshmi, dance!
Your flickering feet will bring good luck into my life.
Your dancing hands will show me prosperity. Glory to the goddess! Love to the goddess!

Remembering to have a lit candle, dance joyfully around the ritual area. The skill level of the dance does not matter. When your strength has increased sufficiently (and you will clearly feel it), return back to the altar and put your hands together again. Bow and say:

With joy and hope, I greet Goddess Lakshmi with my heart.
Enter, Lakshmi, mistress of luck and prosperity.

Kiss the goddess, and again slowly dancing around the ritual area, extinguish the candles one by one.

Dancing Goddess of Light,
Bring down a shower of happiness on your child.
Lift the veil of the oppressive night,
And bless me, dancing meek Goddess.
Treasures in the depths of the Earth,
Gems and metals,
Countless riches, prosperity,
Give them to me to satisfy the needs of the spirit
And bodies. Great Lakshmi,
Light up my future. Make my fate easier.


- Full moon -

Disirblot, the Scandinavian festival of Dis and the goddess Freya, especially revered in Sweden, was celebrated on the full moon at the beginning of the Norwegian Winter (mid-October). The festival of the goddess Freya Van Dis always took place with beer, pork, apples and barley. The Norwegians called their holidays or rituals blots; the whole community usually took part in them. Disirblot was celebrated annually as a holiday of goddesses and ancestors.
Freya was called the Great Dis, who stood at the head of all Dis - all the goddesses and ancestors. The Diss were traditionally described as nine women, dressed in black or white, carrying swords. Nine is a lunar number and was revered by the ancient Norse as the most sacred and mysterious of all numbers. The Dis were believed to bring good luck, although they were also known for their ruthlessness. Diss in Germany were called Isis, they were closely associated with the Valkyries and Norns, practiced fortune telling and administered karmic justice.
Some sources speak of Diss as living people, while others speak of them as a type of supernatural being.


Although it is very likely that both goddesses and their priestesses were called Dis. Diss facilitated childbirth, protected from evil fate and acted as intermediaries between people and gods. They helped the priestesses (volvas) with fortune telling and the magical art of seidr. Diss, with the help of runes, could both free and deprive people of freedom. The patriarchal pagans, and then the Christians, condemned Dis and their followers; persecuted and destroyed the priestesses.
"Seidr" means "charm, charm, potion." Priestesses, entering a trance, came into contact with the dead, creatures from the other world, and made astral travel. Volva knew how to call upon the al-fars, or elves, for help. When one of the volvas went into a trance, the other priestesses sang ritual songs called galdras. In reality, it was the monotonous singing of repeated verses, generated by an altered consciousness, helping to enter a state of mystical trance.
Here we can trace a clear parallel with shamanism. Despite the fact that patriarchal culture condemned the use of "seidr", legend says that the god Odin learned this art from Freya.

You can seek the help of Freya or Disa if you are not confident in your strength, for example, before an upcoming meeting or when dealing with a very tough person. If someone is deliberately and constantly harming you, and your strength is already running low, this ritual will restore it. It is best to send it during the full moon.
You will need a staff, a sword or dagger, a mask and a cloak with a hood. If you don't have a raincoat, tie a shawl or towel around your head. Do not begin this ritual unless you have all the necessary attributes. Come up with something! Light jasmine or lotus incense.
Play instrumental music that you associate with power. Personally, I prefer Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries: it gives me a sense of oneness with Freya and her Disir who rushes through the night.
Wear a mask and hood. Take a staff in one hand and a sword or dagger in the other. Stand in the center of your ritual area and hit the floor with your staff nine times. Call:

Freya! Leader Dis!
Come to my aid!
My strength is fading
And I need to strengthen it!

Raise your sword and say:

Nobody has the right to humiliate me!
No one has the right to take my powers!
I am your son/daughter, powerful
Freya! Hear my request!

Turn your face to the East and raise your sword in warning:

I warn everyone in the East.
There will be no more of your power over me.

Turn to the South and raise your sword:

I'm warning everyone in the South!
I am free/free from your judgment and destructive words.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is strengthening!

Turn your face to the West and raise your sword:

I warn everyone in the West.
All the evil you wished on me will come back to you.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is strengthening!

Finally, face North and raise your sword:

I warn everyone in the North.
I am protected/protected by Freya and the powerful Disir.
Your control is weakening, but my strength is strengthening!

Tap the staff on the floor nine times. Say nine times:

Freya protects! My enemies are weakening!

Stand silently as your aura fills with bright white light. Watch how this light fills the entire room, how it goes beyond its boundaries. Feel how this light enters your body and consciousness, making them stronger and more powerful.
If you have a talisman or piece of jewelry that you love to wear, ask Freya to bless and empower it. Wear it every time before an unpleasant meeting or conversation. Remember, you are under Freya's protection. Project your powerful aura onto your enemies, and look at their confusion, they will immediately become softer or even leave you.

Frightening mother

- New Moon -

The Hindu goddess Durga was often called the Inaccessible One. Together with the goddesses Uma and Parvati, they formed one of the triads of goddesses. The goddess was depicted in the form beautiful woman with a bronze skin tone and ten hands in which she held a trident, a sword, a drum and a cup of blood. She rode a lion and used their weapons to protect the gods from demons. In the fall, sacred festivals were held in Bengal in her honor. The first phrase of the Indian national anthem praises Durga.
Durga is the personification of the warrior spirit of a mother protecting her baby. Personifying the original vitality, this goddess is the female counterpart of St. George, with calm dignity protecting the gods and her children born from people from enemies.
Durga is the goddess of comfort, help, power, education, protection, death, decay, futility, destruction.
Sometimes it seems to you that life has stopped. You are depressed because you don't see a path to perfection. Friendships and love affairs weaken. Family and/or children make you feel desperate. Plans fall apart. Your whole life is going upside down. You simply need to escape from physical reality and visit the Divine Mother with Durga.

Choose a time and a safe place where no one can disturb you. Light the sandalwood resin. If you have a figurine of Durga, then place it in front of you. Sit in comfortable armchair, and relax. Say:

Here! Divine Mother came to protect
their children. Her anger is just and terrible and it will be
turned against those who oppress me.
Trident and sword raised in my defense.
Destruction will befall those who become
persecute people who called upon the Goddess.

Let your body relax. Imagine yourself standing in front of a Hindu temple. Seven steps lead you to open door. Climb them and plunge into the twilight of the temple. Opposite the entrance stands a huge statue of Durga in rich decoration, with her arms raised.
As soon as you step on the stone floor, the statue will come to life and take a step towards you. You will feel the power emanating from Durga. The goddess, dancing, will step on the floor and hug you. She will kiss your forehead and then place you on the steps of her altar. Holding a trident in her hands and a sword sparkling in the twilight, Durga will perform a magical song of protection and patronage. Her words will turn into visible images that will leave the temple to correct the injustice towards you. You can neither follow them nor control them, you can only trust in the wisdom of Durga.
The goddess, dancing, will return to you again and, returning to the altar, will take you in her arms. You will feel like a small child in the arms of the great Divine Mother. Durga will talk to you about your problems, help restore balance of power and eliminate confusion. If you yourself are to blame, then Durga will not be slow to point this out to you.
Then she will talk about the future, allowing you to see upcoming events: possible new acquaintances, a job, a better assignment or new spiritual knowledge. If terrible changes await you in the future, then Durga will warn you or suggest ways that will make this period easier. She will not demand strict implementation of her advice. You are free in your choice.
After talking with you, Durga will put you on the floor and return to her altar, where her magical dance began. You will feel like you are returning to your physical body. When you become stronger again, sing:

Comfort me. Mother.
Reveal to me your plans for this cycle of life.
Take away grief and despair from me.
Help me to better understand your great power.
Give me faith in your virtue and greatness.

Thank Durga for her help and wisdom. Make notes of what you have been told so you can better remember the goddess's advice and prepare for what is to come.

D. J. Conway Mystery and magic of the moon.

Chapter 14

Blue Moon

Other names: Moon of the Dead, Hunting Moon, Moon of the Ancestors, Hunter's Moon.

The Incas celebrated the Festival of the Dead, Ayamarca, this month.
From October 28th to November 2nd: Isiah, six days Egyptian holiday Isis; the search and resurrection of Osiris was celebrated.
October 29th: Iroquoian Festival of the Dead, a day of honoring the dead.
October 30th: In Mexico - Angelitos, commemoration of the souls of deceased children.
October 31st: Celtic Festival of the Dead. Holiday of Sekhmet and Bast in Egypt. Autumn holiday Dashera in India, celebrated in memory of the battle of Rama and Kali with the demon Ravana.
November 1st: The Power of the Crone Cailllig, or the Festival of the Dead in the Celtic states. Branchies Day in Ireland. The holiday of Hel in the Scandinavian countries. Feast of the Dead - in Mexico. Fifth Day of Isiah, Discovery of Osiris - in Egypt.

Since this lunar month has not been preserved in the modern solar calendar, it does not have a corresponding name. However, all cultures that used lunar calendar, called this thirteenth month the Blue Moon. For some it lasted only a few days, while for others it lasted a full 29 days. Some cultures gave it a name, while others considered it too holy and terrible to name.
For convenience, I decided to make this month unnaturally short. Its spiritual influence and impact on the collective unconscious of people is extremely great. The modern All Hallows' Eve is actually a relic of the ancient festival of the dead. All over the world, people feel a deep subconscious need to show their respect to death and the gods of the Underworld, using symbolic costumes, jewelry, and certain foods.
This time of year, sometimes called the Interregnum, allows us to see the never-ending cycle of life both in Nature and in ourselves. This is a time for deep reflection on where we have come from and where it may take us. spiritual path.
The first of November is a day of remembrance of the dead in many countries and different cultures. In Mexico, the Feast of the Dead is not at all like a mourning ceremony. Everywhere you can see cookies and candies in the shape of skulls and skeletons. People dress in bright clothes and organize processions in the streets. There is an atmosphere of fun all around, despite the fact that picnics sometimes take place right in cemeteries.
In some Christian countries, such as England, this day is called All Saints' Day. Our carnival disguises during All Hallow's Eve are derived from the English custom of going from door to door on that day asking for cake for the soul, a custom which is itself a relic even more ancient rite leaving food for dead people.
The Norse goddess Hel was known to the Germans as Holda or Bertha. According to legend, she rode horseback with Odin across the sky on his Wild Hunt, and was the patroness of lakes and streams. When it snows, the Germans say that Holda fluffs up her downy bed. She is considered the patron goddess of the hearth, spinning and growing flax.
Hindus celebrated the festival of Dashera, which commemorated the battle of Rama and Kali with the demon Ravana. At the same time, they also paid homage to Samana the Equalizer, or Lord of Death.

Month attributes

Nature Spirits: benshi and other creatures who are messengers between Worlds.
Herbs: ginger, hops, wormwood, hyssop, patchouli, magwort, nutmeg, anise.
Colors: black, white, purple.
Flowers: white lily, dahlia, chrysanthemums.
Fragrances: dragon's blood, lilac, pine, wisteria.
Stones: obsidian, onyx.
Trees: pine, cypress, yew, elderberry.
Animals: bat, wolf, pig, snake.
Birds: owl, raven, falcon.
Deities: Cybele, Circe, Hel, Cerridwen, Horned God, Cailllig, Freya, Holda.
Energy flow: liberation, memory, connection with the dead. Prophecies. Release from old negative memories and emotions.

An ancient pagan holiday. This forest deity, responsible for the fertility and fertility of plants and animals, had many names and was known far beyond the borders of Britain.

In Wales he was called Atho, the Horned God; in Windsor Forest - Ernie the Hunter; sometimes he was also called Cernunnos. However, these were aspects of the same deity and his powers. But no matter what name he bore, no matter how he was portrayed, he had one constant distinctive feature - deer antlers on his head, and, according to legend, he was the steward of nature.

Local residents claim that Ernie the Hunter still roams the forests around Windsor Castle. In 1964, he was seen racing through the forest on a fire-breathing horse.

And in our time, in some places in Britain, the Great Horn holiday is celebrated in the fall. Men walk the streets with deer antlers attached to their heads. This is a reminder that the ancient forest deity controls the fertility of forest animals and plants.

This god opens the Gates of Life and Death, is the Great Father, the Master of all Nature. The Druids knew him as Hu Gaderna, the Horned God of fertility and fertility.

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