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» DIY wooden hanger drawings. DIY floor hanger: plywood, wood, pipes. Homemade clothes hanger for the hallway

DIY wooden hanger drawings. DIY floor hanger: plywood, wood, pipes. Homemade clothes hanger for the hallway

As you know, not only the theater begins with a hanger, but also a visit to other less pretentious institutions. Every housewife, of course, wants her house to be remembered by guests not just for its rich treats, but for its unique furniture.

More than just a decorative element

Making an interior item both beautiful and multifunctional is not easy. But with regard to a clothes hanger, these two points are fundamental, because the limited number square meters in the hallway obliges you to save not only free space, but also “working” space.

For small rooms should only be considered floor options hangers. Why?

Firstly, the things that should be in the hallway belong to the demi-season period or the cold season. Jackets, fur coats, and down jackets weigh a lot, which is why ordinary hangers rarely support their weight. And when not only parents’ coats are hung on one hanger, but also children’s jackets, guests’ raincoats, grandmothers’ umbrellas, even the most persistent “fighters” cannot withstand this load. The “correct” floor hanger allows you to place all the necessary things, and can also easily support their weight!

Secondly, winter and demi-season coats often differ radically in weight. As you know, it is impossible to put fighters of different weight categories into the ring. The same case: if a September raincoat hangs on one side of the scale, and a fox fur coat is piled on the other, the mechanism will crack. The stains from dirt stains will have to be removed from the beautiful fur of the fur coat, and the unstable hanger will need to be repaired.

Thirdly, things need space and air - without it they wither away. The lack of the necessary distance between several warm things gives rise to bad smell, infections. That is why it is important to leave some space between the fur of a fur coat and, for example, a sheepskin coat. Floor-standing ones with a strong rod allow you to correctly place almost all warm items into categories without the risk of mold, unpleasant deposits or suffocating odors.

Here she is, my only one...

Unfortunately, often already ready-made options floor hangers are designed for large apartments or private houses, and the inhabitants of modest “one-room apartments” or “two-room apartments” are allowed to be content only with wall-mounted fragile mechanisms: compact, but absolutely impractical.

In this case, you can develop the design yourself or entrust this task to a professional designer. He will take into account your wishes, the number of free meters in the hallway, the color scheme and the amount of warm clothing.

Which options to choose from?


The high ceilings of the hallway (in this part of the apartment the ceiling can reach a height of 3-3.5 meters) allow you to make a closet that reaches right up to the ceiling. This allows, in addition to the hanger itself, to fill the space inside the cabinet with various useful internals:

  • open/closed shelves;
  • retractable drawers/just drawers;
  • boxes/hooks.

Your hanger turns from an ordinary rod into a multifunctional closet in which you can hide everything: from shoes and umbrellas to a butterfly net or fishing rods.

Mirror corner

One of the varieties is angular, appearance which brings it as close as possible to a wardrobe (including in terms of multifunctionality). A large number of It makes sense to install mirrors in a closet only if the lighting in your hallway is installed correctly. If desired, you can add wall lamps or mini floor lamps, but you must take into account that such a light source is still not enough if you want, for example, to apply makeup or try on a new skirt.

If you decide to install a mirror, then you need to choose the most convenient option for you: external or internal. The external mirror will have to be washed more often, but there will be no problems with light (if other lamps are present). The interior will be in constant twilight, but the surface will always remain clean. The choice is yours.

Hook hanger

The design of the hook hanger, known to us from the old Soviet times, has now been significantly improved. We are all accustomed to the fact that hooks are usually located on a crossbar, which is attached directly to the wall. This makes the structure entirely dependent on the strength of the wall and the strength of the material from which it is made. Typically, hangers of this design are left for the bathroom or pantry: these rooms do not require much physical effort from the furniture.

Meanwhile, correct design floor hanger with a small amount of crochet, allows you to increase functionality, and will solve some problems associated with the short stature of the apartment’s inhabitants. Floor-standing usually imply the presence of an upper shelf on which they place:

  • hats;
  • scarves;
  • gloves;
  • umbrellas and other necessary items.

This is not always the right decision for families with children or for adults whose height is less than 170 cm: if, for example, a person comes to visit you who cannot reach the cherished line, this can put you in an awkward position.

The decision to put things on the lower shelves also poses some difficulties, since many apartments have pets: your beret may not be happy.

Hanger panel - for classic style

In this case, the only the right decision There will be either a closed wardrobe or special hooks for small items. Of course, the entire hanger cannot consist of such hooks. But they will be an excellent addition to those elements that are already in the design.

Actually, a wardrobe

A sliding wardrobe is now one of the most common, most expensive and, unfortunately, most impractical options. What's the catch here?

  • A standard wardrobe takes up too much space. This is a great option for a bedroom or living room, but there is too much free space in the hallway. Most wardrobes are designed according to the same principle: two doors + several shelves + several pencil cases + several hooks. Any additions are considered unnecessary, since this model has gone through fire and water.
  • The assembly of sliding wardrobes makes them very fragile for such a conflict zone as the hallway. Agree, on this small area space, anything can happen: a soccer ball will break the outer glass of the cabinet, a cat will jump into the bottom pencil case and the door will slam, a neighbor who comes in to buy salt will accidentally hit the door with his shoulder, and she will jump out of the rut. Movable structures are always not The best decision for rooms in which there is active movement.

Open hanger bench

This is one of the most conservative and most acceptable solutions for small apartments. A hanger-bench usually consists of the following modules:

  • several upper cabinets (options with open shelves or mezzanine models are possible);
  • several lower pencil cases for shoes (open shelves or retractable shelf boxes are also possible);
  • base with attached various models hooks and crossbar (sometimes a mirror is added);
  • shop.

These are rarely metal or plastic. The design of this somewhat old-fashioned, but very practical unit is carried out exclusively by people who know a lot about organizing space. Products are usually made of wood; hooks, base and crossbars in this case should be metal or also wooden.

In addition to strength, it is good for apartments where elderly or disabled people live. A stool next to the wardrobe takes up an unacceptable amount of space. The bench hanger is more compact. The option that, between you and me, you can think about...

Hanger bar

“Minimalism is our everything,” this phrase has practically become the motto of postmodern interior design. Small apartment With small rooms And small-sized furniture Needs a small hanger.

The hanger-bar can fit everything that a couple needs in a cozy “one-room apartment”:

  • several warm coats;
  • several down jackets;
  • demi-season raincoats;
  • sport jacket;
  • vest;
  • handkerchief;
  • several hats.

The stand below can accommodate several (6-8) pairs of shoes (for one season). True, shoes will have to be removed from time to time (alternating summer and winter seasons), but the same problem arises in the case of a wardrobe.

Remember a simple truth: the more space you have for things, the more large quantity things are trying to fill this space.


When purchasing a crossbar, pay attention to the material from which the crossbar is made, the holders and the fastenings themselves. The rod must withstand the weight of coats and jackets, and also all the hangers that you will attach to this crossbar.

Below there may be an additional shelf for shoes, made of a material that will not be too easily soiled (pay attention to the color).

Have you chosen a type, but are still confused about the material from which it will be made? Both the appearance and its strength depend on the material.

What to choose from?

Plastic, wood, metal: which is more practical?


Hangers made of plastic are the most impractical of all that are offered to us furniture market. Weak strength, inability to attach heavy and strong fasteners, fragility. Things made of plastic are now becoming less and less common in rooms where a child may be.

Plastic furniture offers a wealth of design solutions:

  • color mixing;
  • the ability to melt and create original shapes;
  • matte and glossy.

This is especially true for manufacturers of sliding wardrobes: what more beautiful furniture, the faster the owner will be found. Meanwhile, after just a few months, the same owner is forced to take the warranty card out of the box, since a cabinet or shelf made of plastic will show its true face after just a few weeks of use: a screw will fly off and get scratched glossy surface, or even worse: the door will fall off...

A sad prospect, isn't it?


Good strength, but not too much practicality - that's what metal cabinets are all about. Metal structures can withstand outerwear giant, and a dozen heavy sheepskin coats, and many pairs of boots... However, the obsessive shine and too sharp reaction to temperature changes may not be very pleasant as floor covering, and wall cladding.

Often, due to too sharp a temperature change (condensation has formed on the hanger), excess moisture begins to have a decomposing effect on the space of the wall near the hanger: wallpaper peels off, plaster “flows,” and unpleasant streaks appear on the paint. Sometimes parquet or linoleum may become deformed. Moreover, the deformation is caused not so much by condensation as by the large weight of the hanger: metal constructions weigh up to several tens of kilograms.

The external strength is very attractive for a floor hanger. But is this characteristic worth it? cosmetic repairs hallway?


Last but not least, material.

1 First, quality. Wood furniture (made from real wood, not recycled sawdust) is known for its durability.

2 Secondly, good interaction with external environment. Wood does not give in to internal deformation, and does not spoil the floor, walls, or ceiling. “Sweat”, “condensation” - these are words that are not known to wooden furniture. When you buy a hanger made from durable wood, know that it will not spoil the color of your walls, will not deform the parquet and will not paint the ceiling.

3 Thirdly, wood is a “healthy” material. The trend towards improving the environment is most fully manifested in the furniture industry: interior items began to be made from environmentally friendly materials. This is not the most cheap option. But, on the other hand, what could be safer for your health and the health of your child than wooden furniture. Natural material promises the absence of an unpleasant odor - a fairly important criterion for hangers closed type. Winter things that should be stored in this makeshift pantry during the long spring, autumn and summer months (even if they are packed in covers) absorb the unpleasant odors that the furniture produces. For environmentally friendly wood, this problem does not exist: you can forget about mothballs. The clothes will retain their presentation and “sales smell”.

4 Fourthly, wooden hangers look very advantageous, for example, with stands for keys or wooden baskets for umbrellas. It is very difficult to select appropriate color scheme and the design of little things for furniture made of plastic or, especially, metal. You have to buy them either as a set or make them individual elements to order after you have decided on the main accent (in the case of a small hallway, this accent will almost always be a hanger). Wood goes well not only with other wooden products, but also with furniture made of plastic and metal.

Today I want to tell you about how you can make homemade hangers for your home wardrobe at home. I have been practicing this technology for a long time. I hope that this option will be interesting to someone.

I usually make hangers in batches of 15-20 pieces. In this case, they can be manufactured step by step, which greatly simplifies the entire process.

Materials and tools

To make it you will need:
  • A piece of plywood or fiberboard for making a template;
  • Cutting boards 15-20 mm thick without cracks;
  • Wire 4 mm thick;
  • Nut M4;
  • A cap from a felt-tip pen or a soft plastic tube.
  • Tools and hands.

DIY making

First, I made a template from a sheet of fiberboard by cutting it out with a jigsaw. I took the template size from a standard plastic hanger.

Then I transferred this template onto the boards with a pencil in such a way as to avoid getting into the cracks, and the existing knots were inside. They can then be cut out.

I drilled two holes from the inside using a Forstner drill with a diameter of 22 mm.

I cut out the contour of my future hanger with a jigsaw and cleaned it with a sander.

I marked the future hole for the hook and drilled it with a drill with a diameter of 5 mm. To drill the hole evenly, I used a vice when drilling.

From the inside drilled hole I used a rasp to make a groove into which the nut that will hold the hook will be placed. This is necessary so that the hook does not cling to clothing.

He clamped it in a vice and sawed off a 20 cm long wire with a hacksaw, rounded one end with a file, and chamfered the other. I used sandpaper to remove the rust from the wire.

From the side of the removed chamfer, I cut an M4 thread with a die, approximately 5 mm long.

To bend the hook, I made a special mandrel from a birch block. I drilled a hole in it with a diameter of 6 mm, clamped the mandrel in a vice, and then inserted the end of the wire into the hole and bent the hook.

To prevent the hook in the hanger from falling through, I made a stopper from a cap from an old dry felt-tip pen. I sawed off the top part of the cap and inserted the cap into the hook.

I then inserted the hook into the hanger and secured it with an M4 nut.

That's the whole structure.

Production video

You can see more details about the manufacturing process of this hanger in my video:

The corridor is an important part of any apartment or house. This is the place through which guests pass, and the coat rack is one of the main components of the hallway. Just like without a sofa, it is difficult to imagine a living room; there is no corridor without a hanger. It's like a butler greeting guests. It can bring some kind of magic into the atmosphere or, conversely, ruin everything.

Modern options for hallway hangers come in several types.

It is difficult to describe how huge the variety of hangers is today. There is no end or edge to this, which is good news. But if you don’t understand them, then a rich assortment will not work to your advantage, but will only ruin everything, and the client can simply leave without buying anything, or he will buy any product he comes across, tired of choosing and beating around the bush.

A hanger is very often used when it is impossible to place a closet for storing clothes and shoes in the hallway.

For these reasons, it’s worth figuring out in advance what they are, and which one will suit your hallway.

First of all, a hanger is a must because of the functions it performs. At making the right choice it can become the “highlight” of your hallway and make a pleasant impression on your guests.

All of them are designed for one purpose - to create order in the hallway and keep your outerwear on.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION! You shouldn’t overestimate your hallway and buy the first hanger you like, because it may turn out to be too bulky for such a room. If space does not allow, then do not forget about practicality and space saving.

You can only place a floor hanger in a spacious hallway, because it takes up a lot of space.

Where to start looking for the “ideal” hanger for the hallway?

There are several factors that you should rely on first.

  • Size of the room (it should complement, but not overwhelm the room).
  • Room design. If the hallway is designed in a minimalist style, and you like a bright hanger with remarkable patterns, you should think about this option several times before making a decision.
  • Having children. This factor is relevant when choosing any furniture. If the hanger is of original shape with sharp corners and can fall at the slightest push, you should abandon this idea. After all, children are very curious and want to touch everything in the house.

Choosing a wooden hanger will require the designer to have a good sense of style and experience.


If we talk about the materials from which hangers are made, then there is plenty to choose from - from artificial to natural materials. The most popular are wood, laminated chipboard and metal. And this is not surprising, because they are distinguished by their practicality and versatility. They can fit perfectly into any interior and complement it perfectly. These materials are often mixed.

Metal hangers for storing clothes in the hallway can simply fit perfectly into almost any interior.

Wooden hangers are usually chosen for the hallway if other furniture is also made from natural materials. But this is rather a rule, with exceptions.

Wooden hangers will fit perfectly into the interior of your hallway.

NOTE! Don't forget about the humidity in the room when purchasing a wooden model.

If we compare wood with metal, then in the second case the choice will be somewhat larger. The most popular types are wall and floor. They are quite practical and fit well. Wall-mounted ones are more convenient in terms of space saving. Despite this, they are very roomy. And in addition to hooks, such hangers often have additional shelves.

They can be presented in any color and style.

As for other materials, hangers are also made from glass, tree branches, and animal horns. Forged hangers are popular. Plastic models are economical option, but besides this they amaze with their colorfulness and diversity. As for glass, this is also an excellent solution for the minimalist style.

A hanger can also be non-standard and incredibly interesting.

Types of hangers

Hangers differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in design, method of fastening, etc. If we talk exclusively about design, they come in the following types.

Vertical or wall. They are made from wood or chipboard and given different shapes(round, straight, curved). Mirrors can be attached to the sides. Sometimes they even add leather inserts for originality.

A hallway hanger is exactly the piece of furniture that will help you properly organize the space and put things in order.

Sellers offer a wide variety of products. There are even forged models. They look very original and stylish.

Their whimsical and original forms will certainly not leave without the enthusiastic attention of either their owners or guests.

IMPORTANT! It is worth noting that you will have to pay a lot for them.

The hanger does not have to be nailed to the wall. There are types of vertical hangers that don't even need to be installed. They are practical and very comfortable. But most value them precisely for their appearance. They look very aristocratic. They often have extra space for umbrellas.

The more successfully the design of the hanger is combined with the style of the hallway, the more comfortable, harmonious and modern it will look.

Such open hangers are often made specifically for corridors.

A regular crossbar with hangers on wheels is also very popular. It is very practical and convenient option and will suit almost everyone.

Many designers believe that it is the hanger that becomes the basis around which the entire interior of the hallway is created.

A hanger can perform several functions - serve for storing shoes and be a soft pouf.

For many buyers another important criterion is to have an ottoman or chair so you can sit down and put on your shoes in peace.

Horizontal ones are much simpler and more compact. They are made from the most different materials. The cost depends on this.

Despite the use of the same material, wooden hangers can be fundamentally different from each other in their construction and design.

In addition to hooks, there are only additional shelves for hats.

If you search, you can find interesting, designer horizontal hangers for the hallway.

Hanging cabinets are also popular. They perform both functions at once and are very convenient to use, because they have several drawers or shelves where you can not only hang clothes, but also put shoes and other accessories.

The main disadvantage of this hanger is that it takes up more space than a simple wall hanger.

The presence of a mirror in the hallway is mandatory, as are hangers. Combine them - great idea. And the market today provides such an option.

Also, many models have wheels, which greatly facilitates their use.

IMPORTANT! Floor hangers require a lot of space and are not recommended for small spaces.

But there are several more categories of hangers based on the type of hook fastening.

  • Fastening with screws (is the most popular and reliable option).
  • Glued hooks. Not suitable for hallways due to heavy load. The fastening will be too weak, and if the hanger still holds out in spring and summer, then in winter breakage is inevitable.
  • Attached using suction cups (the same as attaching with glue) and magnets - a reliable, but too complicated method. It requires installation of a metal surface in the hallway. Few people want to bother like that, so the first method is the most convenient and practical.

Many models of floor hangers are mini-hallways that are attached to the wall.

Original hangers for the hallway

IN Lately Hangers with folding hooks are becoming increasingly popular. This is perhaps the most convenient and practical option. The material can be either metal or wood.

Metal, in addition to its strength and reliability, also fits perfectly into various interiors.

It is difficult to describe all the most unusual, beautiful, modern, designer hangers recent years, because there are a huge number of them and creating categories from them is quite a difficult task.

Forged hangers look great. As a rule, they are painted matte black.

In short, designers love to make hangers in distinctive shapes and colors (maze, thorn, graphic, snowflake, water pipes, chairs, hands, owls, etc.)

If the corridor is made in modern style, finding a suitable hanger will not be difficult.


Everything in the house should fit together. It is this factor that creates comfort and homely atmosphere. Don't lump different colors, styles and materials together. Everything in the house should be in harmony. This is especially true for the hallway.

Hangers are made from various materials, natural and artificial, but wood and metal still remain in the lead.

Coming home after a long day of work, a beautiful, stylish environment will allow you to leave everything unnecessary behind you and plunge into home comfort and warmth. And a successful hanger can contribute a lot to this.

Wooden and metal hangers are practical and versatile; they will suit almost any interior.

VIDEO: DIY floor hanger.

When we come home, the first thing we do is take off our outerwear and hang it in the closet or on a hanger. Last option has some significant advantages: it takes up little space, provides fast access to things, easy to install, suitable for corridors of various shapes and sizes.

Thanks to the simplicity of the design, it’s not at all difficult to build a hanger in the hallway with your own hands.

Advantages of self-production:

  • N low cost of the product;
  • IN opportunity to achieve the best combination with interior;
  • AND individuality of the hanger: your friends and acquaintances will not have one like this;
  • R academic work is highly valued.

Original wall hangers in the hallway are an important and integral element of the interior.

Before starting production, you need to analyze the shape of the corridor. If it is quite elongated, it is better to give preference to a long hanger with compact shelves or without them at all. For large rooms, you can choose any model.

It is also worth considering the features of the interior: style, details, predominant colors.

The simplest type of coat rack is a wooden board with hooks attached to the wall. It is allowed to have a shelf for hats, sides located above or below it. The basis of the design can be taken as a homogeneous large wooden plank, and several smaller ones, fastened together.

IN traditional version execution of a wall hanger is a bar on which hooks and pins are located.

If you want to show your creative potential, a custom model can be made. For example, you can make an excellent hanger for a nursery if you create a blank in the shape of a cloud, tree or twig. For the corridor, it would be better to cut out something else: antlers, a fence or an inscription.

Wall hangers in the hallway and coat hooks are selected according to the interior style of the room.

Materials and tools

Now in almost every hardware store the buyer is provided with such a rich assortment that he can purchase everything necessary to create a wooden hanger with his own hands in as soon as possible, will not be difficult.

DIY wall hanger for the hallway - simple work happy with the result.

To do this, you should buy or prepare the appropriate tools:

  • Jigsaw
  • Hacksaw;
  • Blowtorch;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Screwdriver or hammer;
  • Awl;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette.

Tools that will come in handy at work.

Materials you will need:

  • A piece of wooden board;
  • Screws;
  • Hooks.

Materials for future hangers.

For decoration:

  • Primer;
  • Paint brush or roller;
  • Varnish or other coating;
  • Blanks for decoupage, scissors, glue, textured sponge.

Materials for decorating hangers.

The process of making a hanger

A classic hanger made by yourself for the hallway does not require significant effort. Manufacturing takes minimal time. Initially, you need to think through the design in detail; it is recommended to make a drawing on graph paper and calculate the consumption of materials.

You need to transfer the drawing using a pencil or marker.

Then you should take out a wooden sheet (or board) and place it on stable supports so that there are a few centimeters between it and the surface of the floor or table. Armed with a jigsaw, cut out the blanks of the required shape, following the contour. If you want to make the edges embossed, you need to go over them with the same tool.

It is necessary to handle roughness, sand the cut areas and sand them.

Next step - giving the desired appearance. To burn boards, you will need a blowtorch, which can be successfully replaced with a gas burner. On at this stage Care must be taken not to injure your fingers or damage the material. Then you need to get paint or varnish and cover all the sawn parts.

After drying, the product is assembled using screws.

The hinged method involves mounting small round metal strips called “ears”. Holes are drilled in them for fastening into dowels with screws. Moreover, reliability is determined by their length.

A DIY wall hanger can be attached in several ways.

Another, no less popular method is making through holes. After they are created and processed, screws or nails with a long stem are passed through and the hanger is attached to the wall.

For fastening, as a rule, screws or small nails are used.

To complete the work you need to attach metal hangers. They can be arranged randomly, in one or several rows.

Fixation is possible with the following devices:

  • "Suckers";
  • Adhesive strip;
  • Magnets.

Such methods do not cause difficulties and take little time. In this case, the fastening is not very reliable and is only suitable for hats.

Any bold design options will favorably emphasize the relevance and originality of the interior.

Making a hanger from longitudinal and transverse boards

This design resembles a lattice and involves making a base attached to the wall from horizontally and vertically arranged elongated boards. In this case, two layers can be roughly distinguished: the first- with transverse arrangement, second- with longitudinal.

Drawing of a wall hanger with dimensions.

To create a wall hanger with your own hands, you will need to stock up on several long boards. It is better to give preference to lumber 10-20 cm wide and 1 m long. Having decided on the size, you should obtain the required number of blanks.

How to assemble a hanger.

After which it is necessary to process them so that there are no bulges, chips or roughness left, paying particular attention Special attention edges. Then you need to first lay out the first layer, maintaining parallelism and the same distance between the planks. If everything is satisfactory, it's time to move on to the second level. Armed with a screwdriver (or, if you don’t have one, a hammer), fix their position at the intersection points.

A simple hanger option for making yourself.

The hooks need to be attached to the top boards. If they have a vertical position, then it is better to place the hooks in the upper part in one row. For a hanger, the outer side of which is formed by vertical planks, you can create several levels by attaching hooks to each of them.

Dimensions of hanger with shelf.


You can complete the production by giving the product an original appearance. The most interesting surface will be if:

Before you begin applying the coating, you should clean the wood from traces of dust, dirt and grease.

DIY materials for decoupage hangers.

We need to prime ours wooden hanger white acrylic paint.

Glizal is a transparent paint that, with some effort, forms a textured surface. Before starting work, you should dilute the glisal with water according to the instructions. Then the mixture is applied to the prepared workpiece and a pattern is created using a textured sponge. You must act quickly, otherwise the coating will harden in half an hour. To artificially age wood, a type of varnish called craquelure is used.

It is applied to a pre-painted surface, which as a result becomes covered with small cracks.

Decoupage allows you to create wooden crafts, suitable for any interior. Most often they resort to it when they want to get furniture with an antique effect and complex patterns. To decorate such a hanger, you will have to arm yourself with scissors and blanks with a pattern.

Having cut out paper patterns, it is better to lay them on the surface and evaluate how they will look.

If everything suits you- Spread the wrong side with glue, apply it to the wood and level it so that bubbles do not form later, then cover it with furniture varnish and leave until completely dry.

Which finishing varnish you choose is up to you. After the varnish has dried, screw the handles into place.

If you have artistic skills, you can apply a drawing acrylic paints. Initially, the background and large elements are created, then the details are drawn. It is better to complete the work by applying varnish and craquelure.

VIDEO: Stylish hangers for the hallway.

A hanger rack, hooks on the wall, hangers in closets are convenient and very optimal attributes in the house. To save space in the hallway, it is advisable to install these interior items instead of shelving. There are many original ideas, with which you can create them yourself. Applying personal preferences in colors, from any material, on any topic (which is close to you and like, for example, Live nature) and, accordingly, any shape. Quality and characteristic properties at the same time, they will not be inferior to the option purchased in a store, if you approach manual work wisely. An undoubted advantage will be that a hanger in the hallway with your own hands will be distinguished by individuality, uniqueness, and will cost minimal material costs. It is also important that it will be possible to make options that are most suitable for the design of the entire room, which will be in harmony with it. Creating comfort in your home with your own hands is a truly exciting activity.

The main functions that this multifunctional interior item performs:

If there are built-in shelves, you can store items in them; there are also options with shelves for shoes and hats.

In addition, there are models that are used as a decorative element, to decorate and give a certain charm to the interior. They are not used for their intended purpose and are made from fragile, impractical materials.

Materials and tools

The choice of material depends on your imagination and desire. It can be:

You can also use glass, chipboard or cardboard. Each modification has its own advantages and features. A combination of metal with wood and silicone coating are allowed to avoid slipping.

Since there is different types fabrics, it is advisable to maintain their neat appearance by making them yourself or purchasing hangers from different materials. It is important to take into account the sizes (for children they have smaller parameters).

Tools sufficient for manufacturing: tape measure, hooks (from various raw materials), blowtorch ( heating device), jigsaw, needle with handle, sanding paper, hand saw, screws, screwdriver, pencil, fitting, screwdriver, measuring instruments, drill, drills, stain, screws. In some designs, it is not at all necessary to use all of the listed tools.

Types of design and construction

There are 2 types of structures: designed for storing wardrobe items inside the closet and outside it. The first type is the so-called “standard model,” that is, hangers with a hook. They fit in the closet, the hook is placed on the crossbar, and things hang on hangers. In this model, a crossbar is made between the sides so that trousers (skirts) can be hung over it, which makes it more multifunctional. Some are made with notches so that you can hook clothes with eyelets and straps onto them.

The second type includes those on which coats, jackets, raincoats, and fur coats are usually left:

Wooden hangers

Wall design

A wooden structure will fit well into almost any interior. In order to get started, you need to decide what size and height of the hanger you need. Based on this, saw off a suitable fragment of the board. Using a jigsaw, cut out the rounded edges with smooth lines, after which they need to be sanded with sandpaper, first coarse, and finally fine-grained. The board needs to be processed blowtorch or over a gas burner. Attach the resulting blank to the wall; there are 2 methods for this:

  • Attach metal ears to the back side. For fixation with long screws in fastener drill holes;
  • Fasten the workpiece directly to the wall by drilling through holes.

The final step is to secure the hooks with screws.

If you want to make your wall hanger more spacious and fit more things, then you should choose triple hooks. Antique-made ones will look unusual and beautiful.

Floor design

Thanks to the stain, the natural pattern present on the wood will acquire clearer contours. Glue rubber to the bottom part, made by yourself, so that it does not slip and scratch the parquet.

From copper pipe

Copper products are always relevant and have decent looking. To do the work yourself you will need: copper pipes: 60 cm – 4 pcs.; 150 cm – 2 pcs.; 90 cm – 1 piece; copper tees – 2 pcs.; epoxy adhesive; copper corners – 2 pcs.

To make the base you need to connect 2 copper pipes (60 cm) epoxy glue using a tee. Do the same for 2 other pipes of the same size.

Attach 2 corners to the pipe (90 cm) (later it will serve as a crossbar on which you need to hang clothes). The next step is to insert 2 pipes (150 cm) into the tees and top part connect the pipes with the corners.

After the glue has dried, the product can be used for its intended purpose. It is also possible to add a wooden stand, attach the legs to it and use it to store shoes.

From leather belts

A belt can serve not only as a stylish accessory, but also as an interior item. To make a hanger from an old leather belt, you need to cut off its fasteners, giving the ends an oval shape. Then combine the 2 ends of the belt and use an awl to make a hole at a distance of approximately 3-5 cm from the edge. Make a wooden peg with a diameter less than the width of the belt. Fold the belt in half to form a loop and secure it to the wall with a self-tapping screw or a regular nail. Using reliable glue, glue the peg to the base of the loop (where the nail is located).

You can also make 2 such loops at a symmetrical distance from each other and thread the crossbar through the loops. Clothes can be hung either on the loops themselves or on pegs or a crossbar. This hanger looks very stylish and can be improved different ways by adding bright appliqués, decorations, additional elements etc.

From branches and cuts

The simplest and most financially profitable model is made from wood branches and trunks. Such a hanger will bring an element of wildlife into the design and give it a country atmosphere. cozy home, the work will not take much time and effort. Materials can be found in a park or forest. Using pruning shears, it is enough to trim off the excess branches; the remaining ones will act as hooks. A solid piece of wood is suitable as a support for a floor hanger. The bark can be peeled, painted any color, or left unchanged. A trunk with branches can be cut into sections. Next, you should hang them on the wall on a board or frame. The result is a multifunctional, convenient interior element. The trunk can also be hung near a window or under the ceiling as a support and a kind of crossbar for hangers.

From pallets

The main subject for such an idea is wooden pallet. Before you start manufacturing, you need to remove all unnecessary elements (bottom, side wall) using a saw. You will need a part consisting of 4 long planks, fastened on the sides. The pallet must be thoroughly cleaned of odors and all irregularities must be eliminated. sandpaper. After the surface is smooth, the product must be painted with wood paint and varnished on top. Use a marker to mark the places where the hooks will be attached. The pallet hanger is quite massive, and you need to choose a reliable fastening. Attach the hooks to the pallet, then use self-tapping screws and a drill to hang the pallet on the wall. Additionally, you can nail the shelves and holders.

From longitudinal and transverse boards

This roomy model will fit shoes, hats, and jackets. To begin, fix 2 longitudinal planks on the wall: bottom and top. The length is determined depending on how wide the shelves you plan to make. Using self-tapping screws, attach transverse bars to the longitudinal boards. The interval should be sufficient to store clothes, the quantity can be any - choose at your discretion. In order to make even fastening of the elements, use a level. To construct the support, use bars (in the future this will be a shelf for shoes). Use metal corners to secure the connections. Also, with their help, secure a shelf on top (for hats, hats, gloves) perpendicular to the longitudinal boards. The final stage will be attaching the hooks and decorating.

The process of making a hanger

Cut out a template from a sheet of plywood and transfer it to the timber with a marker. Drill 2 holes in the inner part and use a jigsaw to cut out the outlined template. Mark the hole for the hook and then drill it (diameter 5 mm). Cut a notch in the inner part of the drilled hole (using a file with a large notch), place the nut in it. The notch is needed in the future to prevent the formation of snags during operation. Saw off narrow hand saw 20 centimeters of wire, round off one end with a file, chamfer the other and cut the thread with a metal-cutting die (length about 5 mm). Drill a hole for the hook, which needs to be bent, then insert and secure firmly with a nut.


Unusual design solutions can transform any, even unsightly, hallway. To maintain a classic style, the hanger can be covered with leather (leather substitute) or preserve the natural beauty of wood, if that is what was used. Paint the hooks with bronze or gold paint. Upholster the hangers with velvet and satin fabric. For country music, use additional accessories in the form of horns; they can be cut from wood. For a retro style, the color can be artificially aged; the decoupage technique is used for Provence. Glue or draw flowers, images of birds, landscapes as prints. IN modern interior experiments are allowed, unusual shapes, original accessories, silhouettes, complex intricate patterns. You can decorate and add originality with rhinestones, sequins, decor self made, drawings, bows. Apply images of your favorite cartoon characters, TV series, books.

  • To avoid cracks in the wood, it is recommended to drill holes with a drill before screwing in the screws.
  • The diameter of the screw must be larger than that of the drill. Fill the holes with glue in advance, and then screw in the self-tapping screw - this way the product will be able to carry a lot of clothing weight and will be more wear-resistant and strong.
  • For metal hanger use paints and coatings that resist corrosive processes.
  • At the planning stage, it is definitely important to take into account the dimensions of the wall, think about exactly how you will secure the workpieces, taking into account the material from which the wall is made (concrete, wood, plastic).
  • All wood pieces must be processed grinder or sandpaper, at least 2 times: first with coarse grain, and then with fine grain.

Video: DIY hallway hanger

Photo gallery: DIY hallway hanger

White hanger in the hallway.